Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 10, 1860, Image 3

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    pail )) (tizarapb.
Saturday Afternoon, November 10. MOO.
SEIB advertisement of " The World" in an
other column.
Philadelphia, will preach in the 0:d School
Presbyterian church on to morrow morning
at the usual hour. Also in the hcture room of
thechurch on this evening at seven o'clock.
goon s, an aged citizen of York, died suddenly
a few nights ego in an oyster saloon, in that
place. The deceased was a member of a com
pany that marched from Yoik county to the
defence of Baltimore, in the war of 1814
DAILY, WLERLY AND titamyr papers, maga
zines, late publications, all the new books, as
last as published, together with the largest as
sortment of books in ALL departments of 'item
ture, will be found for sale at the lowest prices
at Bergner's Cheap Bookstot e, 61 Welke t street.
POSTPONED.—Ths conceit for the benefit of
the Citizen "Fire Company, announced to como
off last evening, was postponed on account of
the weather. It will take place this evening,
and we advise all lovers or fun and good music
to be on hand.
Horrrsas ix Loom —Thrt e gentlemen of York,
lllessers. Alexander Swat), Samuel Warring and
Edward Miller, returned home recently from a
bunting tour in Clinton county. They were
out about one week, and killed eight deer, one
of which weighed over two hundred pounds.
Bay. ROBERT J. CARSON, who has been in
Philadelphia for two weeks past, under medical
treatment for an affection of the eyes, returned
home yesterday. He will preach, as usual, in
the. Vine Street Church to-morrow morning and
evening, and in the West Harrisburg chapel at
quarter past three in the afternoon.
Dena PLUM—The gunners in the Northern
counties have killed a large number of deer
the present season, the mountains abounding
in this species of "game." The other morning
Mr. Miles, of Snowshoe, Centre county, shot a
large buck, which had jumped into the yard
while the family were at breakfast. Venison
sells in that region for ten cents a pound.
A Flamm Vaaaartr.--Yesterday a girl aged
about sevetdeen years, named Mary Dough
erty, was arrested to this city, at the instance
of her father, for vagrancy. It appears that.
she left her home in York county in May last,
and has since been traveling on canal boats and
living a life of prostitution. The girl refused
to return home with her father, preferring to
go to prison, to which institution she was com
mitted by Alderman Kline for thirty days.
ing of the Keystone Club and State Capital
Cluatd will be held at Exchange Hall- this
evening at seven o'clock, to make arrange
ments for a grand trivia:phial parade and illu
mination in honor of the victory achieved last
Tuesday by the election of LINCOLN AND Hem .
LIN to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of
the United States. Let there be a full turn-out.
the sons of Mr. Joshua Moffatt, of Conewago
township, in this county, celebrated the twen
ty-first anniversary of their birth-day, on Tues
day last, by attending the election together,
and depositing their first votes for Lincoln and
Hamlin. They were twenty-one years of age
at twelve o'clock on that day. Several other
young men in the same township, who exer
cised the elective franchise for the first time on
that day, all voted the Republican ticket.
AROUND ,it.aknr.—The shovers of bogus coin
were around in market this morning, as usual,
and victimized a number of country people.—
The quarter and half dollar pieces are so well
executed that even good judges of money are
liable to be Imposed upon. That this bogus
coin Is manufactured in our city there can be no
doubt ; and the exercise of ordinary tact and
vigilance by the constables mighklead to the
discovery of the "mint" and the detection and
arrest of the manufacturers.
wash a pint of white wheat,boil it four hours,
put in salt the same as for rice ; refill with boil
ing water, if more is needed ; stir often the
last half hour, being careful not to let it burn ;
cook it dry. Fometiii es it looks starchy when
dished, but that soon disappears. Serve hot or
cold, with sweet cream. This we think an ex
cellent dessert, and very fine for invalids. An
other very rich dish for dessert can be made of
wheat, cooked like the above; then boil a
quart of sweet milk, one cop of sugar, one cup
of raisins, currants, or any fruit, (raisins are
preferable,) two beaten eggs; cook slowly, and
stir until it boils ; servo cold or hot, without
sauce. Or, after the wheat is vitiated, soak it
in warm water over night, keep It wet till time
for use, then simmer the water all out of it;
then add the milk and other ingredients, and
use as above.
WOMAN KNOCKED DowN.—About ten o'clock
last night a colored woman, while paining along
Third street between Locust and Pine, was as
saulted by some unknown ruffian and knocked
down. After committing the cowardly act, the
fellow fled across Capitol Hill. This is the
second outrage of the kind that has occurred
within two or three weeks. The public safety
demands the appointment of efficient police of
ficers, and our "City Dads" are censurable for
not acting in the matter. While other cities of
the same size have effective police organiza
tions, the sixteen thousand inhabitants of Har
risburg are dependent upon a solitary police of
ficer to protect their lives and property 1 We
would suggest the propriety of an amendment to
the city charter, by the next Legislature, re
quiring Council to organise a' regular polies
force, to be under the direction of the Mayor
or his Chief. The people demand protection,
and will have it from some quarter.
RUNNING OFT &AVM—Jacob F. Forney was
arrest d hear Carlisle, on Tuesday night, in
company with three slaves from Maryland
They were all lodged in jail at Carlisle.
BAYARD TAYLOR, Fol., will lecture before the
"Irvington Society" of Irving Female College,
kinchauicsburg, on Tuesday evening of next
week. The lecture will be delivered in the
Lutheran church of that place.
Trumbaner, for many years pastor of the Lu
theran churches constituting the Leacock charge,
recently died at his residence in 'Mechanicsburg,
Lancaster county. The deceased was admitted
as a member of the Synod forty-three years ago
Thrum:emu Paocaserort.—The Wide-Awakes of
tbi cityintend salebrating their recent brilliant
victory by a gig.: triumphal procession some
night next week; They meet this evening to
make the necessary arrangements. Invitations
are to be extended to the Paxton Rangers. the
Middletown, Hummelstown, New Cumberland
and Mechanicsburg Wide-Awake clubs; and we
have no doubt all will accept.
CAUSE can EFFECT.— John McConnell, son of
the Postmaster at Newry, Blair county, who
was arrested for abetracting letters from the
Western mail, at that point, was taken to Pitts
burg on Thursday last, by Deputy 11. B. Mar
shal Dougherty and lodged in prison to await
his trial. The cause of his dishonesty was the
usual one—leading a fast life and not baying
the means to keep it up. He is a young man,
not over twenty years of age, and is very re
spectably connected.
Ta Wax or Psayin.—The address of the
Calcutta Missionary Conference, inviting Chris
tians throughout the world to "join in a special
service of prayer and supplication with thanks
giving, at the commencement of the year
1861," will be found in full on our first page.
The time was originally fixed for the that
week in January, but has since been changed
to the week extending from the eighth to the
fourteenth of that month inclusive. We
commend the subject to the consideration of
our Chrtstian friends in this city.
Ho nore' ix Gams Courrirr.—A distressing
homicide occurred in Mt. Morris, Greene coun
ty, a few days ago, the particular' of which are
these : Henry Barrackman, a hitherto quiet,
sober man, came home drunk and commenced
abusing his wife. She called James Bear to
quiet him, when Barrackmau turned upon him
and run him off with a poker or shovel. In run
ning, Mr. Bear turned and threw a stone, vhich
struck Barrackman in the breast and killed him
almost instantly. Bear surrendered himself
immediately and was acquitted of all blame by
the Justice who tried him. It is said that he is
nearly distracted with grief on account of this
unfortunate affair.
good deal of truth in the following paragraph,
as our readers will detect and acknowledge :
"An umbrella, it is said, can be taken as a
test of character. The man who takes an um
brella out with him is a cautious fellow, who
shuns all speculation, and is pretty sure to die
rich. The man who is always leaving his um
brella behind him, is one who generally makes
no provision for the morrow. He is reckless,
thoughtless, always late for the train, leaves
the street door open when he goes home late at
night, and is absent to such a degree as to
speak ill of a baby in the presence of its moth
er. The man who Is always losing his umbrel
la Is an unlucky dog, whose bills are always pro
tested, whose bolds split, whose gloves crack,
whose buttons are always coming off, whose
change is sure to have some bad money in it.
Be careful how you lend a hundred dollars to
such a man. The man who Is perpetually-ex
pressing a nervous anxiety about his umbrella,
and wondering if it is safe, is fall of uneasiness
and low suspicion. Let him be ever so rich,
give him not your daughter."
How To ma GOOD COAL.—A writer gives the
following instructions to consumers of coal in
making their purchases : "Almost all coal has
'bone' in it. That is, it has hard lumps that
cannot be burned, heap them in the stove long
as you may ; and in bad coal the proportion of
'bone' is very large. Here is a great waste
that some body has to bear the expense of.—
How shall consumers avoid it ? Attention to
the following reel will in a great measure en
sure a good article of coal—and the best is al
ways the cheapest. In proportion as coal has
broad flat pieces of a dull, coal•duat look, it is
'bony' and worthless. If the lumps are smooth
and of a shiny black color, and of a shape ap
proaching a square, that coal is the sort to buy
even if it does cost a little more. We will add
in addition that if burning a good article of
coal the fire should happen to go out, If the
lamps are taken out and washed they will burn
much more readily from this treatment. With
the hard 'bony' coal spoken of above, however,
this treatment will not avail:; it cannot be
made burn again. Examine the coal you buy."
Lmuv 'Woorr.—The Carlisle Herald indulges
in soma remarks on the subject of light weight,
which are equally applicable to this locality,
where similar impositions are practised :
"People are generally careful that the laws for
the protection of purchaaers and the regulation.
of the market, should be rigidly enforced. Con
sequently we have a county "sealer of weights
and measures," and a "clerk of the market"
whose business ;it is to , test the weight, f but
ter ; and our butchers are even prohibited from
using the "patent balance," for fear the meat
they sell may not be full weight. But there is
another article of food, of equal importance,
which seems to have escaped observation. We
me= "baker's bread." Now we never "bank.
ered" much after this kind of bread—it is gen
erally about as tasteless as a piece of sponge,
and quite as light. In fact; the complaint is,
that it is rather too light for the price paid for
it—but if the people will eat it, they ought to
know how much they pay for the flour, and how
much for the water. A five cent loaf weighs a
scant pound and a Half, and five penny rolls
weigh exactly& pound. At this rate, if it be true
that a baker calculates to make two hundred
pounds of bread out of one hundred pounds of
flour, people who use it areiaiying from ten to
twelve dollars a barrel, when flour is selling for
seven at the warehouse& Welhink it qnite as
important that the weight of - breiketiould be
rogalated, as'that of meat and butter."
Pennopluanta Malty iCelegralt, Satitrban 'Afternoon, Notientber 10, 1660.
'Lib`rip and Union, now and forever, one and in
separable !"—WEasun.
Aza—.Star Fpnogled Banner."
May God ease the Union God grant ft may st not,
The pi lde of our people,—the boast of our land
Still, still, mid the storm may our banner float free,
Ifurent and uneven o'er earth and o'er sta.
May God save the ljuion I We trust In its might, I
In the time of the temrest, In fear and in
We'll fall not, we'll taint not, Vann In the ,ky
We can see all the stars in the azure fields fly I
May God save the Union !—The red, white and blue,
Keep our States still united the dreary day through.
Let the Ears tell the tale of the glorious past,
And Lind us in Union, forever to last.
May God save the Union Still, still, may it stand,
Upheld by the prayers of the patriot band !
To cement it, out fathers ensanguined the sod—
To keep it, we kneel tea met dial God.
TUB lawmen this morning was not very
largely attended, owinglo the heavy rain which
continued without intermission throughout the
night. The supplies, however, were equal to
the demand, and prices ruled about as usual.
Mn. Joss C. REZNAlelit Itsorwrros FBSTIVAL
Will take place in this city at Brant's Hall next
Thursday evening. He will be assisted by Mr.
Aaron Jones of , London, Ned Price of Boston,
and Mons. Gregoire of Parik Advertisement
on Monday.
"SOMEBODY Ml7B the prettiest trimming for a
woman's bonnet is a good humored face." This
sentence should be inscribedwith letters qf gold
in every household. Seldom is so much-truth
comprised in as few words. The uglial trim
mings in the world look well in a bonnet upon
"a good humored face." Ladies, mark and
remember this fact.
Awakes of Albany, New York, have by resolu
tion declared themselves a permanent political
organization, for service in future campaigns,
and call npon their brethren everywhere
throughout the Union to take similar action.
We commend the proposition to the considera
tion of our Wide Awakes, and hope they will
act upon it at their meeting this evening.
OLITOOT.—This morning a malt named James
Stipa, of Middletown, was found dead on the
public highway, a short distance below High
spire. When discovered he was lying with his
face to the ground, in which position he had
apparently remained during the night. An
empty whisky bottle was found beside him.—
The Coronor summoned a jury, who rendered a
verdict of death from the effects of intoxicating
liquor and exposure.
Gitlin ARRIVAL of new and cheap goods;
splendid and large assortment just opened.—
Beautiful styles of new De Lobes ; 100 pieces
of new Colicos splendid colors 10 cents ; 60
pieces Canton Flannel 10 and 11 cents; large
lot of black and brown Muslin ; 1000 yards of
pant stuff for men and boys ware ; 80 dozen
Undershirts and Drawers 65 and 76 cents; 60
dozen Wool Socks 20 cents; Black Alaplicka
Shawls, Cloaks, Cambric Bands, Flanels,/Dry
Goods of all descriptions ; 10 pieces black Cloth
for Cloaks. Please call and examine our large
assortment, S. Laver, at John Road's old stand.
Free Domius BZWAIRD.—On Friday night
two pair of oxen, two of them red and two
white* backed, about five years old ; one fino
brindle heifer ; and one roan steer with a spike
horn, strayed away from the premises of Alex
ander Koser, in this city. The above re
ward will be paid to any person who will re
turn them or give such information as will lead
to their recovery. - tit
A Bona KRA= Limon will be served up by
Mr. Frisch, at his "international , House," on
Monday morning next, from nine to twelve
o'clock. A euperior article of new-made winter
Lager will be tapped on Monday morning. a
Ml3l3lOAL.—New music from all the leading
publishing houses always received immediately
after publication. "Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always
fresh on hand, at Wm. Knorms's Music store,
92 Market street.
A Csuroante RomeNcE.—The St. Louis pa
pen tell a strange story of one John Hard
wick, a Pittsburg mechanic. In 1853 be went
to Oslifornia, leaving a wife and two children
behind. Beaching the - land of gold, he dug a
pile, which his partner stole, from him. Then
he fell sick, and recovered only to find himself
quite impoverished, feeble, discouraged. He
wrote frequently to his wife ; she did not re
ceive his letters, nor did any from her reach
him. He concluded that she was glad to get
rid of him, so hezbegan to dig again. In the
meantime, the wife mourned for him as for
one dead, then naturally married again and re.
moved to St. Louis. Her lint children died,
and she bore two more to the ,second husband,
who after a time died also. Within a month
Hardwick, the California adventurer, having
accumulated a fortune, came toWards the East,
travelling by the over land route. Stopping
in St. Louis, he walked about the city, looking
at the town. - While so engaged he met his
wife. " Mutual aiplanations' followed. The
dead children received the tribute of paternal
tears, and the new tines were welcomed with
affection. Thettn;nleirgytnan - united the pair
for the second time, and all parties soon left
St. Louis: ,
A Sumas. Idointram.—The excitement con
cerning khp neriyAisonivered divermines, says
the Oregon City Argus, on the head waters of
Molalle, seems to be getting intense. Parties
are continually arriving in town, making their
outfit end departing for the silver regions. A
party from town went out this week and re
turned after each one had taken out a claim of
one hundred feet front, running to the top of
the mountain. The amount of silver supposed
to be there is almost fabulous. D. P. Ttinnp
son, Esq.,
one of the returned party, ; thinks
the mountain is a Maga of silver tire; contain
ing probably hundreds of millions of the miner
al—or at any rata, double as much as there is
in the Santiam mines, which were stated by us
to amount to 100,000,000 of tons, which, at
$6,383 to the ton—estimated—would give
$633,800;000,000. Supposing the Molalls sil
ver mines to contain 200,000,000 of tons, and
to be equally as rich as the, bantiata ore. there
is no question but that they are worth $1,066,-
there was a proposition to amend the - Constitu
tion so as to give negroes the right to vote.
Tills proposition was voted upon at iVie..elec.
Lion on Tuesday, ward was defeated• bf.alarge
Opttial Nntwte.
calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed
lung., and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by
painless expectoration the matter which clogs the visa
pipe sad bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse,
nvit es rest, and removes every symptom of consump
ion. Price $1 00. S,old by Gao. BERGICIII. Jy2o
the established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold,
Influenza, Ilaarsevesa, and all irrit *liars of the mucous
membrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endor•ed by
phyk ideas, and all who have used it, as u preparation
that has no rival In the field. Price 25 cents. Sold by
George Bergner. Jrzo
- -
To quiet
The riot
Kworms—the vile scourges
The Verlaine give,
And, as sprees you live,
They'll get their discharges.
What; to 'BMW'S VZFytrnaEt Simplyrarmirerantl
tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed
by 11, no worm can survive it, no mother should be
without it, no words can express its value. Price 25
oents. Bold by Geo. SIIMONSII. 3y20
From the American Baptist, New York, August 2, 1859
A MINIA.TIIRS wooden Flgoda which we
brought from Eurmab, having been broken while on
shipboard, we wore very anxious to have IL repaired,
and tried several sorts of glue, but without succern, tai
our attention was called toSpalding's Prepared Glue, sold
at 30 Platt Street. This we found to answer the rename.
Ihe pigoda appears now to be strongly cemented, and
can oe seen by calling at the office of the American
From the Freeman's Journal, Now York, Augnat 6,1859.
Spalding's Prepared Glue Is such a simple and cheap
preparation that kis a pity any house should be witbont
it. 0e124-1m
Mourns, READ Teas.—The following is an
extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist
church to the "Journal and Messenger,' , ancinnati,
Ohio, and apolke volumes in favor of that world-re
nowoed medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
Children Teething:
"We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing syrup Now we never said a war.'
In Lava of a pateut medicine before in uutMife,lnst we
feel cudgelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum
bug—we Jute tried U, aud know it to be all it claims. It
Is, probably, on of the most successful medicines of tbe
day, because It is one of the best. And th ose of your
readers who have babies can't do better than to lay
a supply. au22
The Original and Best In the World!
A LL others are mere imitations, and
should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR DYED instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, egthoutinjury to
the Hair or Skin.
ed to Wx. A. BATCHELOR since 1839, and over 80,000 ap
plications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of
his famous dye.
IYII. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is wmutarrun
not to injure in the least, however long it may be con
tinued, and the ill-effects or Bad Dyes remedied ; the
Hair, invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
The Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wri.-
marl2-dkwly Sillaielay street, New York.
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cbeesemart, M. D.,
THE combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache,
pain in the aide, palpdtation of the bMirt, whites, all net , -
vows affections , fatigue, pale in the back and
limbs, &c., disturbed stoop, which arise from mterruption
of nature.
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
on the monthly portal with , regularity. Ladles who have
been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the
utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that
they represent to do.
?here is one condition or the furaa/e system in which the
Pale carmen betaken walkout proitanng a PECULIAR
ILKSIJL7. The condition referred to is PIERONAIVOY—
the result, AtISCA RALlalt. Such is the irresistible
tendency the meduine to restore he usual functions to a
normal am:Wiens, that even //16 reproductive power of
nature cannot naafi.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
injurious. .14xplicit directions, which should be read, ac
company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing
$1 lb De. Commits L. 0111103111CLN, Box 4,531, Post Otlice,
New York City. .
Bold by one Druggistin every town lathe United States
General Agent for the United States,
14 Broadway, New York,
1b whom all Wholesale orders should be addr-. , 44.
Sold In Harrisburg by 0. A. BA.vrrrartr.
This Ointment bears no resemblance to i ay of nor ex
ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o
its operation is peculiar. - *
penetrate to the basis of the disease—goes to its
very seenve—nnet cures it from the flesh beneath to the
skin on the surface.
Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
M., operate desemeant, thus driving the disorder inwards,
and often occasioning terrible internal maladies.
NOETOWS Ourraszer, on the contrary, throws the poison
of the diseaseupward, and every particle of it is dis
dained three Worcs.
Thus the cures it erects is complete. Not only are the
sores healed—the eruptions removed=the swellings re
duced—but the seeds of the disease are expelled from the
flesh ; consequently there can be no relapse.
Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have
tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad
vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe,
and expeditions remedy for the evils you endure. A
Mille box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here
Since its first Introduction, the properties of the Oint
ment have been tribal in the most Obstinate Asses—cases
'hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country,
and upon which the moat celebrated healing springs pro
duced no effect—and in every instance with every eue-
,SoM in Lane BoiaeiPriee 60 aids.
GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York
4 WilmotLis DEPOT AT
Wheleitale Ilroggiats, 16 Beckman et., N. Y.
Sold by B4CISXI4 Harriebkrg, Pa.
Tan Anvirimsrat, having been restored to
health in a few weeks by, a 'very simple remedy, after
having sufferecrseveral-years:with a severe lung affect
ion, and that dread dimase, Consnmition—is anxious to
make known to his iehow•idiffere re the means of cure.
'To all who _desire - it,•he Muth' a copy of the pre
trription Instill (free of charge), with the directions for
preparbg and lasing the same;'which they wid find a
sure cure fbr Coueaminton, Asthma, Bronchitis, be. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription benelit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to , bet nvalsabh3, and he hopes every suf
ferer will try his retnedy, is it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. ' -
Part-es wishing the prescription will please address
. •SS Ndhamsburgh,
Rings county, New York
MOFFAT'S Luz Thaterix BMus.—
Fro from all Missetal Poisons--In cases of Scrofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of she Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their parlfroteffects on the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and le short,
niostail disealses soon yield to their curative properties.
No family should be without them. as by theli timely
use mush suffering.Snd expense may be saved.
' Prepared by. WM. B..I(OFFAT, M., D., New York, and
for sale by all Druggists - ribvif-wly
-A....arge'elteektatithe Lewitt Prim, at
oeU6 • - • N 0.14 Market equare.
Opetial Notilts.
Dn. Jae, MoCrawrocx's Pzeroner., SynuP.
Are your lungs weak? Does a leng breath give you pain?
Have you a hacking cough? Do you expectorate hard,
ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and
want of sleep? If so, am; 18 rein REMEDY. It will un
gueStionably save you. Price $1 00. Sold by GEORGE
BERGNER. 1DRY74141W4111
equal--instantancous In effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural Brown—no staining the Skill or injuring the
Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and
Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere.
CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
ma rl2 dawly 81 Barclay Street, New York.
IllotniTAlN BABB 1'11.14.-1:tow strange
and wonderful it often seems to us that a medicine com
posed of simple mountain herbs and roots, should so
certainly search out and cure disease. Mow surprising
that the Wiens s hould know and preserve eo long ann
well a secret that has escaped the search of the greatest
physicians the world has ever seen. True, the ancient
inhabitants of Mexico were a strange race, found by the
Spaniards, living in large cities, and, allowing for their
strange customs and religion, as well civilized as their
conquerors. In the words of a writer of some celebrity,
"they have perished from the earth, their cities are gi
gantic plies at ruins, their Kings and Princes so mighty
in their life, are forgotten; their ruins and their medicine
alone era left." The united testimony of all intelligent
petsons is; that JUDSON'S MOUNTAIKMBHD PILLS are
the most EUZCOSBnIi medicine iatthe world in curing
Sold by ell medicine deale-a.
IFWE call the attentionof our readers to an
article advertised in another coluinn, called Ilkcion roan
It is an entirely new discovery, and mustnotbe emfound
ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the
day. It is food for Vie blood, already prepared for ab.
sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural to action, and
what one galas Le retains. Let all those t then,
who are
suffering hom poverty, impurity or deflotencyof blood,
and consequently w,th some chronic disease or ailment,
take of this Ilkoon Foot and be restored to health. We
notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this
article, atm' Also of the world-renowned Dr. Ltros's In.
taxrun CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It
is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind
whatever, and of course must be invaluattle for all Mem
tile complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain,
mall soften the gums la process of teething, and at the
same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless
n ghls, procure a supply and bo at once relieved.
Sgg-riee advertisement. au2-tfeb6
For sale by C. A. Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg,Pa
P. K.
/NOLAN CREEK, Ito., July 3d,1857,
MESSES. PALEY Dials & SON :—Dear Sirs—
Having used your Pain Killer for two years, I And it to be
the best medicine for what tt is recommended for that I
have ever used. I feel thankful for the benefit I have
received from it. I have been troubled with dyspepsia
for ten years, and tried • • • S to no benefit. But as
soon as to using your Pain Killer I found rplier, and
by the use of it I am entirely cured. For chills and fever
or congestive chills, it Is the best medicine I have ever
used. I have used it for a great many different com.
plaints, and it has never yet failed in giving immediate
relief. ' CrfaS. L. IGANGII..
Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers
thrbughout .he United States and Canada's. •
The stain on linen from the use of the Pain Killer is
easily removed by weablev in alcohol. 018-lm
ALMOST EVERYBODY bas beard of "Wood's
Hair Restorative." That the word ..Restorative" In this
case, is no misnomer, we have the testimony of Individu
als whose elevated rosition in the country, as well as
their acknowledged and honorable character as gentle
men, render whatever they publicly mason in the last de.
gree reliable. Several of these have tested, personally,
the hair preparation we are now syeaktug or and cer
tify to its amazing efficacy in the most public manner
possible. Their certificates can be teen at the proprie
tor's Darniti al2 Broadway, New York, and once seen and
properly appreciated, we have no hesitation In saying
they will impresr conviction on the most skeptical mind.
Wooe'e Hair Restorative is, doubtless, the Stir article of
its kind ever yet produced.
It does not dye, but Was life, health and beauty
In the dee Moe, tailing and eead, restoring, as if by
magic, that which was supposed to be irrecoverably lost.
Heads nearly bald, and others nearly white, are daily
being changed to their pristine beauty, and faces covered
with pimples are rends. ed as smooth as an infant's, and
blushing as a rose, all by the use of Pref. Wood's Hair
gestor.etleo. for sale at 114 Market street, and by all
Druggists.—Chteape Tones. octl9.lm
Sold by all Druggists.
Prerared from a Pre! criAi?n of Sit: J. Clarke, N. D.,
Physician Rtdxatirdinto; to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine Is welling in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution Is subject. IL moderates all eXteas and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
relied on.
it is peculiarly anted. It will, in a short timo, bring on
the Monthly period with regularity.
Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent °ornate/lens.
These Pills shade not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE NONTHSof Pregnancy, as they are sure
to brir.y . on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are
safe. .
in all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimlSky, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefullypreserved.
, N. 8.—Et..00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an•
thoriaed Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mail.
For tali by C. A. BANtivana. jy9 dawly
For Hol and Cold Dishes of all Kinds.
)st delicious and
Sauce, invented by th
"Sam,' for the Lon
= Club, Is, since his
lanufactured by the
house of Causes &
, London,
from the
sloe. Itia the Laverne
England, and on the
with& high and grow
, en among American
led la much approved
Umlaut to the appetite
"We recommend our correspondent balry'llegs.
ER's now Sauce, emitted the 'Sultana's Sauce; It is
made after the Turkish recipe ; iti Savor is excellent,
and it affords considerable aid in cases of slow and weak
digestion. "—Vie Lanced.
"Savory Piquant, and ',Spicy, worthy the genius of
"A most valuable adjunct to Fish, Flesh, and Fowl,
and should have a'Place on every table."—Atiaa.
Sole Agents for the United Slates.
GARDNER G. YUELRI, 217 Fulton st-. N. Y.
an BRAY & IIAYR. 84 Cornhill, Boston.
For sale by Grocers and Fruit Diallers everywhere.
Designers and Engravers on Wood
.TIXECUTE..aII kinds of Wood Engraving
_12 4 1 with beauty, correctness and dispatch.. Original
designs furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons
wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype,
CM have views of Colleges Churches, Store Fronts,
Machines, Roves, Patents, engraved as WE 11 on per
sonal application. .
Fancy Envelopes, Labels, 818 Readings, Show Bills,
Visiting, Maness and. other Cards, engraved in the
highest style of art, and at toe lowest prices.
For specimens of fine engraving. see the Illustrated
works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E.H. Butler &
oct2s lyd
PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of
Pianos, Melodeons, &c.,.&0., will receive orders in
future at. WIE. KNOCHE'S Music Store, .92 Jklarketstreei
All orderalett at We above named place, or at the Buehler
House, will meet with.prompt attention. • •
Firatoble PIANCISJor sale,
. _
A LARGE assortment of ALBUMS, of all
-Mims, whop will make szitakie 1113:11,ISTMAS
ff J9 /31br year lady Meads, - will be rowid .- .
bl Markel •
IT is compounded entirely from Gums,
and hex become an established lan, a Standard Idea:-
eine, known and approvedia by all that have need it,
and is now resorted to'llf with confidence iu all the
diseases for which it is re-iv commended.
It has cured thousands El within the last two yens
whod i r c a i d te lve c n er u t p in a ca ll t h es op i e: o 4 of relief, a
my ttnbsehnoreroes
uns The dose must be adapt- re, ed to the temperament of
the individual taking It,and 0 used in snob quantities ar
to act gesitly on the bowels. .k
Let the dictates of your vZot lodgment guide you in th e
use of the LIVER DTVIOO- RMOP., and it will curd
Lmart Commatmrs, Bono p• Arrange, Dvergesta,Cuttos-
ar Sous SVomsas, Halm oat Cosmrsratas, CHODC,
may be eked
successfully as an OPHINA• 1:14 RY Fumy MEDICINE. it
willoure SICK EiRADACHIF (as thousands can testily )
wag at commencement oi pw attack.
Ats. Wso naafi ARE DIY ING their testimony In it,
—kith Water in tee minutia with the in.
vigorator, and swallow both together. -
. R.,
active Cathartic which the in
practice more than twenty 1 .4
The constantly Mamas.
have long used the PILLS lel
all express In regard to H to place them within the gk.
The Profession well know ''''
on different portions of the ...
ference to this well estab- Pi
dad from a variety of the E. 4
which act alike on Wiry
nal, and snood and cafe Me
Marna is needed, snob vi m s
Sktrinesr, Pains in eta! ""
Pam and Boren= our its pi
or weight in the head, all ~,.
Worms in Children or Ad- VI
Purifier of The Blood, and wil
flesh is heir. too numerous :7
basement. Does, Ito 8. Q
IO Prus are retailed by Druggists generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large
S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D.,
Manufacturer and Proprietor
je2o-dkwyl] 835 Broad Way, New York.
For Diseases of the Bbtdder, Kidney, Gravel,
Dropsy, Do.. km
BE.LMBOLIYS Extract Buobu for Secret and Delicate
BELVBOLD'S Extract of Buche for Nervous and De
bilitated sufferers.
DEL !MOLD'S Extract of Duchy for Leaa of Memory,
Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muscular
HELMBOLW Extract or Buchu for all distressing ail
ments—Obstructions, Irregularities, Exoesit In married
Die, or early indlecretions, &c., and all dls•ases of the
sexual organs, whether existing ln Weldor Ftmalr, from
whatever cause they may have , orlginated, and ho mat
ter of bow long standing.
HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BliClll3 is pleasant In Its
smite and odor, and immediate In Its action. Brice $1 per
bouts, or six for $O. Delivered to any address, accom
panied by reliable certificates. Sold by all tirnggtets.
autl-3m Depot 104 South Tenth St Philadelphia
ottitim woo.,
p M im ele
A °.
DY - PEV I V °
- 3 -
To the Citizens of New Jersey and
Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and
Private Families.
Wolfe , si Pure Cognac iSrandy.
Woitem Pure Idaderia t Sberry and Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Ruin
Worries Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
ALL IN norrhigis.
I beg Lavoie call the attention of the colleens of thi
United States to the above WINES and LIQUORS, importel
by tidolobo Wolfe, of New York, whose name Is fami
liar in every part of this country for the parity of id
celebrated SCHIEDA M SCHNAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, in its Mar
to me, speaking of the purity of his Warts atd la s:row
says : "I will stake my reputation ass man, my Bora:l
-ma as a merchant of thirty years' restiense In the aty
of New York, that all the Bassani and Wiens which I
bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and
can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle
has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac simlic
of bis signature on the cr rridc:te. Tire public are re
spectfully invited to call and examine tbr themselves.—
For male at Retail by all Apothecaries ant Grocers in
Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASHTON,
No. 832 irlaritct tt . Striladdribi v.
Solo Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York Cornier
We are happy to inform our fel ow-citizens that Mare Is
one place in our city whore the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and purchase Imre Wines
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality.
We do not intend to give an elaborate desert, tion of this
merchant's_extensive bosluess, although it will well re
pay any stranger or citizelf. v *it lidolpho Welfe* ex
tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and 12 Beaver street,
and Nos. 11. 19 anal', Mar , °Weld Street His stook of
Schnapps on band ready for shii.ment could not have
been less than thirty thousand cams; the Brandy, some
ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten
thousand cases of Efadeira,i Sherry and Part Wine,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica anti St. Croix Bum,
some very old and equal to any in this country. He also
bad throe large cellars, tilled with Brands, Witte, So., in
casks, under Custom Rouse kOy, ready for bottling. Mr.
Wolfe's sales of Picheapps last year amounted ,to one
koundri.d and eighty thousand dozen, and we hopein
than two years he may be equally ouccessful with his
Brrndies and Wines.
His business merits the patronage of every lover of his
species. Private families who wish - pure Wines tand
.Liquors for medical use should send their ord-rs direct
to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land mace
up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their
abelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wins and
We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the
. achirmtnolation of
small dealers in the country, putinu tpmertedeases of
Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant,
should be unstained against his tuts pf .thmeands or op
ponents in the" United Staies, - whdliell - nothing but imita
tions, ruinous alike to health and, human happiness.
C. K. Keller. 91 Market - stria: rile agmi for the cit.
13111 E UNDERSIGNED lqp . repared to fur
l. "eisb the public with every irartety of BillLl)ING,
CURB, 'araIIOROSANO :STONE,. Also a good article of
HICKORY AND OAK WO .D, at moderato prices. Apply
to J. B. COLE, ccraer of Broad and Third streets, in the
sixth wart • i pottl-dif
0T C .--Theifaving
opened an Rosh 36. and ClaSidaall Sabcfou6r Boys in
me lecture room of what was formerly; oalle.d, the
. '"linited Brethren Church," on Front, between: Walnut
and LOCtlit streets, is prepiresi to:receiss . puts s and in
struct th,ro in the branche3 u:ntilly . tattight in *chmis of
, that character. The number , of t paidts is F 1 wed to
' twenty five. • t• •
For information -with regard:to terms, &0., apply to
Bev. Mr. Robinson and Rev. Mr. (Istte/i, or.personails to
oct26 dtf • JASIBMB.
S CY P . P'l N BAGS. ,
Atallolioes,firedale at ,
6111arket /Street
TIC PILL la a gentle ba
proprietor has used In Ina
big demand from those who
and the satisfaction which
their use, has Induced me
, reach of all.
I that afferent Cathartics act
TIC PILL has, with due to
talled fact, been cm:option
purest Vegetable Extracts,
art of the alimentary ca
in all oases where a ca-
Derangements of Stomach,
Back and loins, Casman
„Roalcuriew, Hea h the
f .ory Diseases,
•dts, Elienstatkist, a great
zany diseases to vbich
to mention In this • (var.