Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 08, 1860, Image 3

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    Pailg Ettegrapb.
Thursday Afternoon, November 8, 1860.
SEE advertisement of "The World" in an
other column.
this evening, when it is probable that an engi
neer for the Water House, to Flipply the vacancy
caused by the death of Fackler, will be elected.
Tim RETURN JUDGES of the various election
districts in Dauphin county will meet in this
city to-morrow. The next Esue of the TELE
GRAPH, therefore, will contain the full official
vote of the county.
Soca Kama AND APPLE Burr art.—This is the
season for these two Pennsylvania "institu
tions" to be made up for winter. They are as
oil as the Commonwealth, and more popular
than any of our modern politicians.
ANCYMER BALL —The annual ball of the
Friendship Fire Company No. 1, will come off in
Brunt's Hall on New Year's Eve. From pre
sent indications the coming season will be an
unusually gay one in the way of terpsichorean
TT.—John Trego has been appointed Post Mas
ter at Mount Bock, vice George Miller, resign
ed. Emanuel Holler has been appointed Poi
Master at Boiling Spring, in place of JoBIA.
Kauffman, removed.
Tau Peooszos.—The Friendship Fire Com
pany realized eighty-two dollars and fifty cents,
clear of all expenses, by tbeir late ball. The
proceeds go to the steam engine fund, which
is gradually acoumulating. We learn that the
"steam squirt" will probably be ordered be
fore the close of the present year.
THA.NKSGIVDIG BALL—The members- of the
Good Will Fire Company have issued the tick
ets for their ball, to come off in Brant's Hall
on Thanksgiving Eve. The object is to raise
money to aid in liquidating the debt incurred
by the purchase of a hose carriage, and we trust
they will sell tickets enough for that purpose.
FREIGHT CARS WRECKED. —A few days ago a
freight train on the Pennsylvania Railroad ran
off the track at Sumerville station. The as
oldent was caused by the switch being 'wrong.
The fireman was badly hurt, and the engineer
slightly. A complete wreck of the cars was
the result of the accident.
INAUGURATION Betts.—ln a recent issue we
announced that the annual ball of the Hope
Fire Company would come off on the evening
proceeding the inauguration of Governor Cur
tin. We now lent' that the Citizen boys have
determined to hold their annual bill on the
evening of Inauguration day. Our citizens,
and strangers who may visit the Capital to
witness the inauguration ceremonies, will not
therefore be at a loss for social amusement 'on
that gala occasion.
OFFICE Hurrrnio.—lf the course of true love
is rough, so is the turnpike to political "pap."
All men who seek office cannot find it. They
ask for appointments, but receive them not.—
Whereupon they become disgusted with the oc
cupations of party politics, and feel like "taking
the rail." It is a pity that there are not more
loaves and fishes for the multitude who are ever
so hungry. A miracle only would feed them to
fullness. Governor Curtin, we learn, is already
overrun with applicants for office, and the doors
of President Lincoln will soon be besieged with
political pilgrims from all sections of the coun
try. We have already heard the names of seve
ral gentlemen mentioned who are aspiring to
fill the position of Postmaster in this city.—
Pitch in, gentlemen, "the longest pole knocks
the persimons."
Pl3llll ENGLISIL-By a too ready adoption of
foreign words into the currency of the English
language, we are in danger of losing much of
its radical strength and historical significance.
Marsh has compared the parable of the man
who built his house upon the sand, as given by
Mathew and Luke. Mathew uses the plain
'Saxon English. The learned Evangelist, Luke,
employed a Latinized dictionary. "Now," he
says, "compare the two passages and say which
to every English ear, is the most impressive :"
"And the rain descended, and the floods
came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that
bailee, and it fell, and great was the fall o: it."
"Against which the stream did .beat vehe
mently, and immediately it fell ; and the ruin
of that house was great. " Luke.
There can scarcely be a difference of opinion
as to the relative force and beauty of the two
versions, and consequently we find, that while
that of Mathew has become proverbial, the
.narrative of seldom or never quoted.
&xenon PLAcm.—The Patriot and Union of this
.morning alleges that Mr. Benford applied to
the Commissioners to compensate him for the
gas consumed on the night of the October elec
tion, and was willing to leave the amount to be
fixed by Judge Pearson. This is a willful false
hood. He presented a bill of one hundred dol
lars for the October election, and this the Com
missioners refused to pay, deeming it entirely
too extravagent. We know that the Commis-
Sioners were willing to. allow $25. We have
nothing to do with Mr. Benford's business, nor
do we know whether he keeps a good or bad
Rotel—that is between him and his -customers
—but we shall not permit him, or his hired
scribbler, to place in a false position the Com
missioners who are to take care of the public
interests. The people and election officers of
the second ward must have a place to hold their
elections, and we shall not be quiet in their de
fence, when they are threatened to be driven
from a public house. If Mr. Benford is anxious
to have this matter agitated before the public,
we shall give him ample opportunity to do so.
Let it be done over his own signature, and we
shall lay such facts before the public as will
satisfy him and the community that we are not
trying to "put him down," as the Union says;
simply "because he dares to . maintain his
rights." Enough for to-day.
IN THE Lear-Up.—A weary traveler, en route
for Carlisle, without friends or money, last
evening appii,d to the Mayor for lodging, and
was provided with quarters in the lock-up,
where he pissed the night, and this moining
resumed his journey.
THE RI - mt.—The water in the Susquehanna
river. lately swollen to a considerable extent by
the head• rains. i; now receding. A numb.-r
of lumber and timber rafts passed clown last
week from the upper branches. and were pur
chased by dealers in Marietta and Columbia
A HINT FOR WASICING DAY.—It is said that
a little pipe clay dissolved in the water em
ployed in washing will clean the dirtiest clothes
thoroughly, with about one half the labor, and
full one half less soap Besides, the clothes
will be much improved in color.
CHEAP As EVER.—Notwithstanding the Rue
cess of the great Republican Party, the lives of
our next President and Vice President of THESE
UNTIED STATES, a 12 mo. volume containing
216 pages, and a portrait of each of the success
ful cludidates—"Lincoln and Hamlin"—is
still offered at the extremely luw price of ten
cents a copy, liberal dhcounts to canvassers, at
Bergner's Cheap Book.tore, 61 Market street.
HON. TrimAs H. BURROWS, State Superinten
dent of Common Schools, recently addressed a
meeting at Erie, upon the subject of popular
education. He dwelt particularly upon paren
tal authority and ministeri-il interests and ac
tivity in connection with our Common Schools,
and exhibited the duty in each case in a lucid
and forcible style. His address is alluded to
in terms of high commendation by the press
of Erie city.
PURE Ara.—lt is now universally admitted
that fresh air plays a more important part in
sustaining life than was formerly supposed. The
necessity of skillful ventilation, therefore, of
living as much as possible out of doors ; of pre
serving the air of cities pure by drainage and
sanitary provisions, by avoiding miasmatic ex
halations, and generally of securing a constant
supply of fresh air, are conceded points. A
medical writer recently affirmed that no disease
can be thoroughly_ cured where there is a want
of ventilation.
BAKED QUINCES. —A friend informs us that a
new sensation is in store for - those who have
never eaten quinces baked like apples, and eaten
with sugar and cream. The plan is to take
fair, ripe quinces, bake them rather quicker
than apples, cut them open and remove the
core, which will come out, if the fruit is proper
ly cooked, like a nut from the shell.' Sprinkle
on white sugar, and eat them before they are
quite cooled, adding milk or cream. Our in
formant says the fruit cooked and eaten in this
manner has a 'delicious 'flavor which would
scarcely be imagined.
TRANSPLANTING Tans.—This is the best Bea
son of the year for transplanting fruit or shade
trees of all kinds. Any time in the Fall before
the ground freezes deeply, will do. Persons
having unoccupied eland,yards, lanes, itc.,
should plant them with trees. The result will
amply pay the cost of labor and yield a thou
sand per cent is satisfaction, comfort and
beauty. Our farmers' fields are too bare of
fruit trees. There shonld be sufficient to fur
nish cattle with a shade during the heat of the
day under a summer sun. There island enough
that might be well occupied for this purpose.
GAMBLING Housts.--Theser pests of all cities
and popular towns—these resorts of so many
of our young men, and old men too, where,
under the fascinating influence of the dice or
cards, so many characters are ruined and for
tunes lost—these dens of worse then infamy—
are maintained in this, as in every city, some
times in fashionable hotels, under the very
eyes of the officers of justice, and in the face of
all legislative enactments. The proprietors of
these places pursue their business unchecked,
and their practices are exposed to the public
gaze only when some victim is ""bled" to so
great an extent that they complain to the
magistrates. It may be said that those who
are made the victims of these places are deser
vedly punished by the loss of their money, and
are entitled to no sympathy. Were they alone
the sufferers, this application might be just.
But the families of these men, or their rela
tives and friends, suffer by their acts, and often
families are wholly ruined and destroyed by .
the false step which has made their protectors
the victims of this exciting and ensnaring pas
sion. The first visit to these dens is too often
connected with the fruits of some peculation or
defalcation, as we have sufficient evidence in
the disclosures which have been made upon the
trial - - of swindlers and extensive defaulters.
These visit the gambling table for the purpose'
of winning, and with that hope they play night
after night, continually striving to make up
their losses by additional hazards. So skillful
have expert gamblers become that that which
was originally a game of chance, has become,
by means of deceptive cards and well arranged
machinery, a certain game, and one by which
the player can win or loose as the proprietor or
leader desires. The victim may be led on at
first by being allowed to win once or twice, bu
care is taken that he does not leave the table
without losing a large proportion of his funds.
Care is taken to excite his mind, and, by well
arranged plans, he is constantly in the baps of
improving his luck with i each throw of the dice.
It is not every frequenter of the gambling sa
loon that is able to cope with such odds as
packed cards and loaded dice, and hence the
proprietors of these dens enrich themselves
by the systematic robbery of their patrons un
der the semblance of playing a fair game.
Moral warnings have, time after time, been ut
tered against this vice, but they have no effect.
There are laws sufficient, in a great measure,
to put an entire ckeck upon the vice in this
city, if the authorities will but act promptly
and with firmness. The police are not igno
rant of the whereabouts of these dens, nor are
particular pains taken by the proprietors to
conceal the evidence which may be sufficient
to procure their conviction. Semi-occasional
descents upon these dens will not-answer the
purpose. &systematic prosecution should be
commenced, and continued until the evil is en
tirely rooted out.
Viennopluania IlDatip Zetegrapb, atittrobau afternoon, November 8,186 U.
A SPECIAL MEETING of the State Capital Guard
will be held in the Exchange this evening, at
seven o'clock. Punctual attendance is desired.
A F.usts LOT of winter and dried apples and
potatoes is offered for sale at reasonable prices,
on boat "Richard J. Rehrer," lying on the ca
nal at Boas & Foster's wharf, foot of State St.
Emmaarre. —The. East Pennsylvania Eldership
of the Church of God met at Bainbridge, Lan
caster county, to-day. The opening sermon
will be preached this evening, by Rev, William
McFadden of Harrisburg.
zines, late public. diens, all the new books, as
fast as published, together with the largest as
sortment of books in ALL departments of litera
ture, will be found for sale at the lowest prices
at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore, 51 iriarket street.
ELECTION OF Or lens.--At a late meeting of
the Good Will Fire Company, the following
gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing
term, viz : president—G. B. Cole. Vice Presi
dent—A. H. Brinks. Secretary—George B.
Egle. Assistaht Secretary—A. C. Dunkle.—
Treasurer—Jacob Barnhart. Standing Commit
tee—George Bingaman, S. Gallaher, S. S. Cole.
Chief Engineer—Wm. G. Walters. Assistant
Engineer—A. Rohrer. iJaptain of Hose—R. D.
Greer. Directors—J. F. Kelley, A. Shatzer, D.
Rhoads, M. Rohrer, S. Kohler, J Kohler, A.
Rite, J. Gibson.
kinalutau. Comomsscs.-There is reason to
suspect that the "shoving" of counterfeit coin
is not confined to out-door operators. We are
informed that no less than three persons re
ceived bogus quarters in change, within two
days, at a certain shop in this city:- This sin
gular coincidence has given rise to suspicions
calculated to damage the character and .business
of the shop-keeper alluded to. He is either a
very poor judge, or a regular
"shover" of bogus coin. In all charity we are
disposed to regard him in the former light, and
caution him to be more careful hereafter, as to
the kind of change he deals out to customers.
TIM METHODIST Came. —The Dauphin Tourna l
has the following notice of the concert recent
ly given in that place by the Methodist Choir
of our city :
Comm.—The sacred concert given by the
M. E. Choir, of Harrisburg, in this borough, on
last Thursday evening, was well attended, and
gave entire satisfaction. All we have heard
express their opinions of the singing speak in
the highest terms of it. The choir has been
under the instruction of one of the very best
teachers, Mr. Tarbutton, under whose masterly
hand they have acquired a proficiency in vocal
music reached by few choirs in the State. The
proceeds of the conceit amounted to some fifty
dollars, which—deducting the expeuses—will
be applied to the liquidation of the debt on
the church.
PROFEEROR Or MIISIO.-Mr. WM. k Tarbutton,
Leader of the Methodist Choir, and teacher of
music in the north ward public schools of this
city, has been elected Professor cf Music in
Irving College, at Mechanicsburg. We con
gratulate the officers of that institution upon
their good fortune in securing the Services of a
gentlemrso well qualified tor the position.—
He will devote one afternoon of each week to
the instruction of the studenti in the "art di
vine." Mr. Tarbutton is a gentleman of fine
social qualities, and one of the most accom
plished musicians in the country. We predict
that be will discharge his duties in the new
position to which he has been called, in such a
way es to win the esteem of all connected
with it.
A DEAD HEAD —This morning a distressed
looking specimen of humanity called upon the
Mayor and solicited funds to pay his railroad
fare to Pittsburg. He stated that he had ser,
ved two years in the Maryland penitentiary,
and was turned out a few days ago in a ragged
condition and without money. Failing to ob
tain work in Baltimore he bad walked to this
city, and was unable to proceed further OR foot.
He was anxious to reach Pittsburg, where he
had friends who would provide for him. The
man was given some money to buy , bread, and
furnished with a note to the. Superintendent of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, who aent him to
Pittsburg free of charge. A good many "diad
heads" of the same kind pass over this road
in the course of a year.
BENEFIT CONCEHT.—The Minstrel Troup under
the management of the famous John. Landis,
will give one of their inimitable entertain
ments in Brant's Hall on Friday petting, for
the benefit, of the Citizen Fire Compapy, the
proceeds to be applied to the payment of the
last note of about four hundred dollars, on the
Button Engine, now nearly due. The object of
the concert being a - highly commendable one,
we hope to see a crowded house on the occa
sion. The Citizen boys are among our most ac.
tive and efficient firemen, and property hold.
ers especially should take an interest in aiding
them to liquidate the balance ot debt due on
their Engine, which' is one of the beat 'hand
machines of the kind now in use. =Let all pitr
chase tickets whether they attend-the concert
or not. Encourage-the firemen.
PUTTINO ON Ants.—The story of the airs put
on by a shy youog lady, because her father, a
worthy. blacksmith in the western part, of.this.
State, had " struck ile," suggests an article in
one of our exchanges on the way people "show
off" when they get rich. We clip a paragraph :
When a man has " struck ile" himself, by
his own perseverence and industry, we like to
see him use it well, and if necessary, even for
his own enjoyment. But we want to see him
bring up his children as he was brought up
himself, to work. • Let them be taught to use
thar own perseverence and industry and "strike
lie" for themselves. It will be of more use to
their characters and future destiny than if
" Dad" had struck it for them. Every one
who treads God's earth, and breathes God's
air, should feel it to be a duty to work—to
make the world better for baiting lived in it—
to be of some use in his day and generation.
Lit every one labor with his mind, if he does
not with his hands It is a sin and a shame
for stalwart men and women to fold np their
hands anilsit idle, merely because " Dad 'has
struck ile."
Music .—New music fro& all the leading
publishing houses always received - immediately
after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always
fresh on haad, at Wiat..Kwoome Music stoke . ,.
92 Marketi street.
APPLICANTSFOR °MOB under the new Admin
14rations, should make a genteel appearance
when they visit the President and Governor
elect; and in order that they may do so, we ad
vise them to call at the "Administration Tailor
Shop" and leave orders for new and elegant
snits, made up in the inimitable style for which
lilArrums is so justly celebrated, and who has
the best stock of dress good,: in the city The
disappointed, wk.) soil their garments in the
"wild hunt for office," can obtain new ones at
the same place, by paying in advance.
15 dozen Linen Shirt Breasts, 20, 25. 81 cents ;
25 dozen of those good Ribbed Stockings ; 12
pieces of beautiful Black Alnpacka rich Silk
Lustre. A new lot of Gents' Undershirts and
Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents; 30 dozen of heavy
Wool Sexs, 20 cents; l 0 dozen of best Steel
Skills, 75, $1 00, $1 37 ; 20 pieces of Black
and White De Ltines, very cheap. A lot
of Cloaks, and a great many other cheap goods.
If you wish to buy goods at low prices, call at
Special Arrtticts.
Wm , the most barrassing cough, relieves tho oppressed
ltlitg , irnd Irritated throat, loosens and brings sway by
painless expertorationthe matter which clogs the wind.
pipe st.d 1 t onrl ial tubes, regulates the excited pulse,
nvitas rest, mi removes every symptom of cousump.
for. Price 00. Sold by Cso. BERGEEIL jy2o
thy established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold.
Influenza, Gnarsenem, and all irritations of the mneoue
membrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by
physirians, and all who have used it, as a preparation
that has no rival In the field. Price 25 cents. Sold by
George Bergner. jr2o
To quiet
The riot
Of . worms—the vile scourges
The Verrnitage give,
And, as sure as you live,
They'll get their discharges.
What! is " BRYAN'S VE , IIIIII3GR ? Simply's! pure and
tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed
by it, no worm can survive it, no mother shou:d be
without it, no words can express its value. Price 26
seats. Sold by taco. BERG:VER. jy2O
ora tho American Baptist,'Neer York, August-2, 1869
A Pdtzorwrons wooden pigoda which we
brought from, Curmab, having been broken while on
shipboard, we were very anxious to have it repaired,
and tried several sorts or glue. but without success, Lli
our attention was called to Spalding's Prepared Glue, sold
at 30 Hatt Strret. This we found to answer the purpose.
The pigoda appears sow to be, strongly cemented, and
can be aeon by calling at - the office of the American
Bap id.
From the Freeman's Journal, New York, Anglia 6,1859.
Spalding's Prepared Glue Is such a simple and cheap
preparation that it Is a pity any house should be without
Morriss, READ Tam.—The following is an
extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist
church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati,
Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world re,
Downed medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
Children Teething :
"We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs.
Wioslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a won:
in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum
bug—we hare tried /1,. and know it to be cilia claims. It
is, probably, one of the most success:sr' medicines of the
day, because it is one of the best. And those of your
readers who have babies can't do better than to lay
a supply. au22
"The— Original and Best in the
A LL others are mere imitations,
should be avoided, if you wish to escape rididule.
GRAY, RED or RUSTY HAIR DYED instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, witbootiojury to
the Hair or Skin. „
ed to Wm. A: BATCHSLOIL since 1839, and over 80,000 ap
plications have beel made to tile Hair of the Patrons of
his famous dye.
Wit. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is WARRAMEAD
net , to injure in the least, however long it may be con
tinued, end the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the
Hair invigorated for Life by this splendid Dye.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
Sir The Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of WIL
LIAM A. Beanskon. Address,
marl2-d&wly 81 Barclay street, New York.
Prepared by Corneliue L. Cbeeseman, M. D.,
THE combination of ingredients in these
_l2 Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob •
structions, whether from &ad' or otherwise, headache,
pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner
vous atections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and
limbs, Ain., diaturbed sleep, which arise frommterruption
of nature.
Dr. CheeSeman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
on the monthly period with regularity . Ladles who have
been disappointed In the use or other Pills can place the
*utmost confidence ip Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing ail that
they represent to 40
Vare is one condition of the female system in which the
Pals canned be taken =sawed psodupny a PECULIAR
RESULz. the eondition referreci to es PREGNANCY—
the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the' irresistible
tendency of the mcdvine n restore he sexual functions to a
normal condition, .hat seen the refiroductive power of
nature cannot raid 12,
Warranted - purely vegetable, and free from anything
injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, as
company each box. Price 51. Sent by mall on enclosing
31 Coskstins L. °HUMAN, Box 4,531, Post Office,
New York City:
field One Druggistin every town in the United Staten
. . R. it. HULGHINGG '
, - General Agent for the United States,
14 Broadway, New York,
lb whom all W7tol cede orders ihotdd biaddrri.
Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. Baraivaar.
ev29-dawlar, •
This Ointment bears no resemblance to , ay eL ner Mr
ternal remedy at present before the world. - The mode o
its operation is pecraiar.
It penetrates to, the basis of the disease—goes to Its
very source—and cures it front the flesh beneath to the
skin on the surface.
Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
opercite downward, thus driving the disorder inwards,
and often occasioning terrible internal maladies.
Norton% Onrrmaffs, on the contrary, throws the poison
of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis
charged throe the pores.
Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only am the
sores healed—the eruptions: removed-the swellings re
duced—bat the seeds of the diaease,are expelled from the
flesh ; consequently there Minim no relapse.
Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who haVe
tried every protessientil modetif treatment and every ad
vertised curative-without "relief, here is a certain, safe,
and expeditious. remedy for the evils you endure.
/VOX ittlLuatisfAr you of the truth of all that is here
Since its first introduction, the properties of the Oint
mein have been tested in the most obstinate cases—cases
het utterly defied the best medical slab In the country,
and upon which the most celebrated healing springs-pro
duced:no effect--and itievery instance with every.enc
Bold in Zarge.Brottles—Priee 60 Cents
GERRIT ..NORTON,-Chemist, Proprietor; New York
• :::' , Wholesale Druggists, lb,, N.Y.:
SoKbir Getoalkiszuuti Harrisburg, Pa. .
are ylor lutleß weak? Dues .a Nog breath give you pain?
Have you a hacking cough? Do You expectorate bard,
anti matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and
want of steel)? II so, HERE IS YOUR ARMED'S. It will an
questionably save you. Price $1 00. SO.: by GRORDI
BERGNER. marl-daw4m
equal—instantaneous io effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural Brown—co staining the skirt _or injuring the
Hair— remedies the absurd and ill effect or Bad Dyes, and
invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere.
CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
marl 2 dawly 81 Barclay Street, New York.
TIIDSoN'S MOUNTAIN Hsan Pmts.—HOW strange
and wonderful it often seems to us that a medicine com
p. ed of simple Mountain herbs and roots, should so
certainly search out and cure disease. Now surprising
that the Indians should know and preserve so long and
well a secret that hss escaped the search of the greatest
physicians the world has ever seen. True. the ancient
inhabitants of Mexico were a strange race, found by the
Spaniards, living in large cities, and, allowing for their
strange customs and religion, as well civilized as their
conquerors. 15 the words of a writer of some celebrity,
"ahoy have perished from the earth, their cities are gi
gantic piles of ruins, their Kings and Princes so mighty
in their lire, are forgotten; their ruins and their medicine
alOne are left." The united testimony of all intelligent
psrsons is, that JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HUB PILLS are
the most str:cessfril medicine in Lthe world in curing
Sold by all medicine deale-a. octle-lm
AWE call the attentionet - our readers to an
article advertised in arother column, called BLOOD Foon
it is an entirely new discovery, end must not be cotfound
ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the
day. It is feed for the blood, already prepared for ab
sorption; plemnut to the taste and natural in action, ane
what one gales i e retains. Let all those, then, who are
suffering horn poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood,
and consequently with some Chronic disease or ailment,
take of this BLOoD FOOD and be restored to health. We
notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this
article, w d also of the world-renowned Dr. Earox's
rexrits CORDIAL, which cc ery mother should have. It
is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any Mad
whatever, and of course mast beinvaluable for all infan
tile complaipts. It is also said that it will allay all pain,
snit soften the gems in procs of teething, and at the
same thee regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
m ' urses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless
n ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved.
_ -
vr.see ativertisetneut. al:a-trete
For sale by C. A. P.anevart, sole agent, Itairtsburg, Pa
P. K.
I.3uucm CREEK, 110., July 3d, 1857
Having used your Edo Killer for two years, l find it to be
the best medie:ne for what tt is recommended for that I
have ever used. I feel thatkful for the benefit I have
received from it. I have been troubled with dyspepsia
for ten years, and tried *. * * *to no benefit. But as
soon as I got to using your Pain Killer I found rehet, and
by the use of it I am entirely cured. For chills and fever
or congestive chills, it is the best medicine I have ever
used. I have used it fur a great many different com
plaints, and it has never yet failed in giving immediate
relief. CHAS. L. ,GANGH.
Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers
throughout he United 6tatos and Canadas.
The stain on linen from the nee of the Pain Killer is
easily removed by washins in alcohol.
ALMOST EVERYBODY has heard of "Wood's
Hair Restorative." That the word “Restorative" in this
case, is no misnom r, we have the testimony.or individu•
als whose elevated position in the country, as well as
their acknowledged and honorable character as gentle
men, reader whatever they pebliclymsert in the - fast de
gree reliable. Several of these have tested; personally,
the hair preparation we are now at e - iklug of, and cer
tify to its amazing efficacy in the most public manner
possible. Their certificates tan be seen at the prom ie
tor's Depot, 312 Broadway, New York, and once seen and
properly appreciated, we have no hesitation in saying
they will impresr conviction on the most skeptical mind.
woad's Hair Restorative is, doubtless, the BEST article of
its kind ever yet produced.
It does t-ot dye, but gives life, health and beauty
in the deo ying, falling and eead, restoring, as if by
that which was supposed to be irrecoverably lost.
iicada nearly bald, and others nearly white, are daily
being changod to their pristine beauty, and faces covered
with pimples are rendered as smooth as an infant's, and
blu-hing as a rose, all by the use of Prof. Wood's Bair
ttmter.tive. For sale at 114 Slar'set street, and by all
Druggist...—Chicago Mmes. octl9-1m
' 4 f 01' by all Druggists. -
ej ecl from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, N. .11.,
Physician Siletraordinar so to the Queen.
ibis invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re•
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE hiONTHSof .Preynauy, as they are sure
to bring:on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are
In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al•
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or any thing hut trai to the constitution.
Full directions in the ramplilet around each package,
hich should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au•
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mail.
For ealc by C. A. BANNVART. Jy9 d&Wly
For Hot and Cold Dishes of all Binds.
pis most delicioue and
Wising Sauce, invented by th
towited "Sovan,' for the Lon
a Reform Club, is, since his
•ease, manufactured by the
il-known house of CROSSE &
ierwau, London, from the
Pnal recipe. It is the favorite
ice in England, and, on the
itinent, with n high and grow.
mutat en among American
icures, and is much approved
as a Stimulant to the appetite
aid to digestion.
"We recommend. our correspondent to try Moms. Soy
se's new Sauce, entitled the 'Sultana's Sauce It is
made after the Turkish recipe j its flavor is excellent,
and it affords considerable aid. in cases of slow and weak
digestion. "—The Lancet.
"Savory, Piquant, and iSpicy, Worthy the genius of
"A most "minable adjunct to Fish, Flesh, and Fowl,
and should have a place on every table."—Afias.
Sole Agents for the United - States.
GARDNER G. YUILIN, 217 Fulton st.. N. Y.
and BRAY & RATES, 34 Cornhill, Boston.
For sale by Grocers and Fruit Dealers everywhere.
Designers and Engravers on Wood
EXECUTE ail kinds of Wood Engraving
with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original
designs furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons
wishing outs, by sending a Photogrlph or Daguerreotype,
can have views of Colleges, Cherokee, Store Fronts,
Machines, gloves, Patents, &c., engraved as will on per
sonal aplidication.
Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills,
vi s i t i n g, Buaiuess and other Cards, engraved In the
highest style of art, and at Vie lowest prices. •
For specimens or fine engraving, see the Ellutrated
works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butter & Co.
oct2s lyd
PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of
Pianos. Melodeons, kc., ko., will receive orders in
future at WAI. KNOCHE'S Music filer°, 92 Market street
All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler
House, will meet with prompt attention.
First class PIANOS for sale sopa -dly
LARGE assortment cf ALBUMS, of 'all
rfriceti, .whEh, will make a witatqp. cmusvirm
, 941" forlo3F lady fiierida, wil• be.rocilul - •
61 Markot"-
IT is compounded entirely from Gums,
and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi
cine, known and approved by all that have used it,
and is now resorted t 0 4 14 with confidence in all the
diseases for which it is re 0, commended.
It has cured thousands Ey within the last two years
who hadgiven up all hopesof relief, as the numerous
unsolicited certificates in ' „„.4 4
my possession show.
The dose must be adapt- r 4 ed to the temperament of
the individual taking it,and O used in such quantities
to act gently on the bowels.
Let the dictates of your IV judgment guide ple m lb
use of the IiVER RATOR, and it will cure
SY Sons STOMACH, HAIHT- p i UAL CO4OI VRiX>l% CUtii;e ,
JAMEDICB, FEMALE Wass- EMESI, sod may be e.,eu
successfbily as an °soma- pd es FAMILY Maumee.
cureSICK HEADACHE , 'M (as thousands can teeth
ranee at commencement oflllo attack.
ALL 117/0 MEET AILS err IMP their testimony. in ,t.
favor 7.1
sarßlbt Water in the month with the I, -
ingorator, and Swallow both together.
active Cathartic which the an
practice more than twenty A
The constantly !unreal,-
have long used the PILLS ill
all express in regard to Iml
to place them within the ft,
The Profession well know '-'
on different portions of the
Terence to this well estab- M
dad from a variety of th Ed
which act alike on every ,y
nal, and are good and cafe M 4
thartic is needed, such le di
Sletrineu, Pains in /11l -.
Pats and Soreness over tteo
or weight in the head, all ~.
Worms in Cfradren or dd. rs
Pun:fier of the Blood, and A t
test is heir, too numerous -41
usement. Doe; Ito 3. 0
PRICE 80 ' own,
_ -
-10 rum are retailedbv Druggists generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade in- all the large
S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D.,
Manufacturer and Proprietcr,
je2o-dawyr] 335 Broadway, New York.
For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel,
Dropsy, .40.. &e.
RELMBOLD'S Extract Buchn for Secret and Delicate
EIELMBOLD'S Extract of Bache for Nereoes and De
bilitated suherers.
fib'LI4BOLD•S Extract of Dacha for Loss of Memory,
Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of BrWathing,
Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of Um muscular
.ystem. •
HELMEOLD'S Extract of Machu for all distressing ail
ments—Obstructions, Irregularities, in married
Me, or early indiscretions, Etc., and all die. macs of the
lexual organs, whether eat:ging in I a'eor Firnatr, from
qhatever, cause they may have origaiated,And to mat
ter of how long standing.
BELMEOLD'S EXTRACT Etionu is pleasant in its
.ate and odor, and immediate in its action. Price $1 per
bo'r'e ,or six for $5. Delivered to any' address, accom
panied by reliable certificates. Fold by all luragghts.
ausi4m Depot 104 South Tenth St Philadelphia
ssatvaa wet,.
so\\wk TOrs
N ri oysvcs 6l6
To the Citizens of New Jersey and
Apothecaries, Druggists, Om:leers and
Private Families.
Wolfe's Pure Cognac Urandy,
Wolfe's Pure litaderta, Sherry and Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croti Rum
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
- -
I beg laava to - call the attention of the citizens of th,
United States to the above Warm; and LIQUORS, importel
by Lidolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is faint.
liar in every part of this country for the purity of hi i
celebrated SCHIRDAN SCHNAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, In his tette:
to me, speaking of the purity of his WINES and Liquor's,
says : "I will stake my reputation as a =molly stand
ing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City
of New York, that all the BRANDY and WINES which 1
bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and
can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle
nos the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac simi e
of his signature on the ct nide ,te. The public are 3e
spectfutly invited to call and examine for themselves.—
For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in
Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASHTON,
No. 832 Market at . Philadelohi e.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York Courier
Egozarous Bustmess sea Osz Raw YORK AIIIRCHANT.
We are happy to inform our fel ow.citizons that mare is
one place in our city where the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and purchase pure WILL'S
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality.
We do not intend to give an elaborate desert ;Lion of th a
Merchant's extensive tinniness, although it will well re
pay any stranger or citizen-to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex
tensive Warehouse, Nos: 16. '3O and 22 Beaver street,
and Nos. 17. 19 and 21, Mai: etfirld street. His stock at
Schnapps en hand ready for shipment could not have
been less than thirty thousand caves; the Brandy, some
ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1886 to 1836 ; and ten
thousand cases of Madeira, Shcrry and Port Wine,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and IL Croix Rum,
some very old and equal to auy In thus country. He also
had three large cellars, fitted with Brandy, Wine, &c., in
casks, under Custom House key, ready bar bottling. Mr.
Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one
hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope In 1 vs
than two years he may be equally isucceseful, with his
Brrndies and Wines.
His business merits the patronage of every loser of his
species. Private families who nish pure Wines and
Liquors for medical use should send their Ord-rs direct
to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land mate
up their minds to discard the piaisonocs stud' Irons their
shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wueae and
We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accanmodation of
sm al l dealers in the country, pats up e.sorted cams of
Wines and Liquors. Such a man, ace such a me:chant,
should be Eustalned against his tens of thoiyands of op•
portents in the United States, who 6.41 nothing but imita
tions, ruinous alike to health and human hapdinoss.
saps-saw qmi
C. H. Seller, 91 Market street, tole a gent for th's
T HE UNDERSIGNED isVreparticlio
nish the public with every variety of BUILDING,
CURB, and CROSANG STONE, Also' a good article of
HICKORY AND OAK WOJD, at moderate prices. Apply
to J. B. COLE, corner of Broad and Third streets, in Me
Sittth ward. • . • . coal-0U
OTICE .—The undersigned having
opened an English and Chosical School for Boys i n
the lecture room of what was gortnerly called tho
"United Brethren. Church," on Front, between Walnut
and Locust streets, is prepared to' rectiva pup/ s an I in
struct than in the branches n ually taught in gellols of
that character. The numoer of pupils is linnet to
twenty fire.. _
For information with regani to terms, 80., apply to
Bev. Mr. Robinson and ger. Mr; Cattell, or personadv to
oct2d.dtf JAMES- B. Kum
SH. 0 P-1 3 '.1 Ner DAG- S .
At all price for zee at
TIC PILL iB s gentle b I
proprietor bias used in tue
Ins demand from those who
and the satisfaction which
their use, has induced me
reach of all.
I that different Catbartes act
TIC PILL has, with due re
fished fact, been compoun
fairest Vegetable k...7ttracts,
part of the alimentary Ca
in all cases where a ca-
Derangements of Stomach,
Back and Loins, Castmenest
Jody,liettlessnats, Headache
Intiamma ory Diseases,
Rheumatism, a great
rang diseases to c 'inch
to mention in this s