THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (sr3.-Dxss rXCETITB,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS —SiNoue StrEsciurnont Die PALLY TRIEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the ti , wough at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers Will be charged $4.00, IiZICLY AND SMII-WREKLY TiasaßAPa The TIIRORAPII is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislatere, a nd weekly during the re ,. Ji oder of the year, sod furnisltd to subscribers at the ow rates, viz : single Subscribers per year Seven =I 1 subscribers order the tliscoettnus nee of Melt' news -I.lll.ere, the publisher may continue to send them until .1, arrearages are paid. 1 subscribers neglect or Wade to take their new Sp a, ers from the office to which they are directed, they are esponsible until they has , - settled the rills and ordered them discontinued itteDiLat R . JOHNSON, 13.13.1-aTI - JW/CIO.ISLM LOCK HOSPITAL. Has discovered the most certain; speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. MITI , IN SIX XO TWILVI SOURS No Mercury orlVeeious Drugs. sr A CORR WARRANISD, OR NO CRAMS, IN AMR ONI TO Two DAYS 'Elk Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in. the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physisal Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness d Ught or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head Throat Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddestructive practices which produce Constitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and destroy both body and mind. . YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary ince, that drea Uhl and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, wig, might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to costae"' the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, being aware Of physical weakness, should Immediately consult 0r..1., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. immediateiy Oared andfull Vigor Restored he who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honer as a geAtleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a physician. or Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, d., .on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 d .111 'from the corner. Bo particular in observing the na no and number, or you will mistake the place. Be particular, for Ignorant, friding Quacks, with false names, or Rehr) tH - stntbug Certificates, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage gtamp, to use on the ePIY• DR. JOHNSTON DR, JOHNSTON member of the Royal College of hareem Loadou, graduate from one of the most eminent Collegetol the 1./. Elates v end the greater part of whose life hue beta spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were oared immediately TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE lir. J. addresses all those VFW having injuredthem selves by private and improper Indulgences, that score and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz :- Weakness of the Dank and Limbs, Pains to the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep hla, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions Helmet Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, Sic.. . MENTALLY Stunts/4, to fearful effects on the mind sire numb to be dreaded ;—Loss of Memory, Con%Won of Ideas, Copses- WWI of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Aversion to Society, Self distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dic., are soma of tb e evikolteMs. Thousands:of persons of all &gni, can novrJudge whatit the mouse of their declining health, losing . their vigor, be coming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a Maga. Jar appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of consumution. YOUNG MEN who tiara injured themselves by a-certain practice, in diudgest in when alone--a habit fratmently learned from oval companions, or at school, the effects of which' are ,Zthtly felt, oven when asleep, and if not cured, renders a a r i . 4 age impossible and destroys both mind and body h cold immediately. Wh a t a " p .:v that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling .•sis parents, should be snatched from ail prospects and enjo - wen" of life by the consequences ci deviating from the 1.... of nature, and Indulging in a 0 certain secret habit. persons must, before contem plating . . • MARRIAGE. effect that a sound mind and bra:v are the Meet 'wee vary requisites to promote coat:this) eaPPineee. indeed Without these, the journey through life : 4 eeeleen a weary. pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and: 4llled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another , becomes bliatted with our own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RPM, ny Fog ORGANIC WEAKNESS by this great and important remedy, Weakness of the 'Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been Immediately sslieved. Al -Impediments to arriage, Physical or. Mental Dimmalttl 'cation Nervous rembllng, Weakness or Nrhaustlen el Pthe most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS Toe many taonsamts cured at this Institution within the deal twelve years, and the numerous important Burglea Operations performes by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notiese of which have appeared again and again before the publiii, sfreoides his standing as a gentleman of character and re spsnsibility, is a 'sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DISEANE OF IMPRUDENCE—When the misguided and tuiprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens thetas IL-timed sense at shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone befriend tom, delaying till the oonstintiehal symptoms of this horrid disease make their '-uearesee, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, dm., .slog on with frightfulrapidity, till death puts a v r 'g rL- '‘ dreadful eulthringa by sending him to "that Pe ri "d "-- no traveller ' returns." It is a miles bourn° from fall victims to this terrible dis chef}, feet that thous . - -cumess of ignorant pretenders, ease, owing to the 111113k6- .sispelsess, Mercury ruin the Who, by the use of that dea, ija miserable constitution and make the residim... • 4%4 la Ns office. 20 Strangers —The Doctor's Diplomas . tho re ply. Lettere mist contain a Stamp to us o._ se- Remedies sent by Nail. &V- No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore epos-ism -I SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222 Market Strew., Y814D811 . 1111, Manufacturer of flue NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of EOKKS. SPOONS, LADLI BUTTER CAST../RS TEA SKIS, DBES, JfkOTLES, WAIJEKS, BUTLER LISHeS, ICE CAKE BASKETS, COMM U NION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, &0., With a general assortment, comprising none bett;The bee qua iity, made of the best materia/s and heaviiy plated, con; athuting them a Serviceable and durable article .Foe mans, STEAMBOATS AND PRIVATE FAMILEI2. Old Ware re-plated in the best manner, fob2o4lewly DR. C. WBICHEL, SURGEON AND °OCULIST, RESIDENQE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET niar2l-daw CO 41. "X" 151 , FOR BALE Et JAMES M. WHEEIM 1028•dtt DEN-TISTRY. THE undersigneil,DOCTOß OF DENTAL SURGERY, ban returned and resumed his &oblige n State letrea opposite the "Br tay House," ernere be wilt be pleased tr attend to all wt.o may ,d,tire life om elets. [sam.7) B. M. GILDEALD. D. S. BUEHLER HOUSE, MAK KET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. C A II D Mho ab , io well known said long established lintel is MOW undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a ,great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship .of Mr. GEOHOS J. BOLTON, who.bas been an Inmate of the .house ter the last Wee yeard, and is well .nova to Its guests. L , Thankful for the libcral patronage, which it has era. ,43yed , I cheerfully cetem&Lh Idr; Bcifton to the public DlB dawtfl 'WILLIAM BlataLEß. • , . \; I / s. \- APl''/' • iliMfriZ,::--,---'._.,.....,-.7- C 111.111.1 .. t leg ----:- ~.. .......„........,\.•..„,„....••_•,_______. ._•_. . 111 _ ,• .--- - - '' -- 4 r 41.(ts- •-'. ___ i•...:. • -'.\ • ~. te . •-• 4 1 '0 , ', '.... z - , -- ;e" . .;_A ,„, •1 , ---...4,1", , ,....- -. - .^-',..-._.., k:: ---:: . ; ~, - • ' --"--*---' 1- ' $.-- . -; - - - - ,- '.:t ---- - . -r-- • - . X . .. • - - -' ,i - T • • - '-' ' - • _ . . ~.,.._ . .. • • ...—, , '''''''', • ...,-: : ".,- 'T . ••• S 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL XIII ebital HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Bladder. BEI MBOLI BUCHU tor the Kidneys. lEr LMBOLD'S BUCHB 'or the Gravel. • EIELMBOI D'S BUCHU tor the Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Nervousness. HELMBOLD'S BUGHTT for I ote of Memory. amusi BOLD'S BUCHU for Dimness of Vi HELMBOLD'S SUCH() for Difficult Brea g. HELMBOLD'S BUCRU for Weak Nerves. HEI,hIRoLD'S BUCHU fur General bebillty Haf.MßOi D'S BUC'HU for Unirei sal lassitude. HELM BOLD'S dUCHU for Borer oflisese, HFLxsor.lys BUCHU for Night Sweats. HEILMEOLD'S BUCHIT for Wakefulness. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Dryness of the Skin HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Eruptions HELAIBOLD'S BUCHU for Pain in the Back. LIBLMBOLD'S BULB U for HenvineSs of the Eyelids, with `Temporary Suffusion ai d I.bis of Sight. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Mobility and Restlessness, with Want of Attention and Horror of Society. FIBIAIcOLIPS BUCHU Tor Obstructions. EIELSIBOLD'S BUCHU for bacesses arising l'rom Indlts erption,and all diseases of FEIFIALPS, FEMALES, FEMALES, - FEMALES', FEMALES, FEAIAI.B.S, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, SAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY. ARE OP NO AVAIL. THEY ARE OF Ni A VAIL. Use HELM IIf , LD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all complaints Incident to the sex. No Family Should Eo Without It! TARE NO MORE 6 4.ESAM or D i M rions and Unpleasant Medicine Mr Unpreitairif inicf Dtibglirititii, Diseases. Use HELMPOLDI9 EXTRACT BUCHU for Excesses arising tram habits tudolgedin By Young and Old. And ler diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation. It re. moves all improper discharges, and will restore the pa lent in a short time to a state of Health and Purity. Use tIELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for Diseasesand Affections of the most Distressing Character. Use fiEI.MtiLD'S EXTRACT RUCH° . for all Affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs , Whether exhaling in Male or Female, from whatever came originating, aid no matter of How Loki &analog. All of the above discerns and sYmptotne admit of the same treatment, aid - may origininate from the wee VMS% . READ ! READ ! READ I READ I ILELIittuLD'S BUCHU is safe, and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate In its action. Personalty appeared before me, en Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, LI: Helmbold, Cttemist, who be ing duly awbrn; aces - say, that his preparation contains no Nan:title, Mercury, or injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable. H. T. HICL4IBO.III, 'dole fi Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d lanafacturer. day of No yen ber, 1854. WM. P. HIBBABD, alderman. Pike $1 per bottle, or six for 22, delivered to'any ad dress. . A t vial Costs but a. Dollar—Try It, and be =trained of its efficacy.- And it is accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared by T 1:1111.0OLD; Prot/Ic.l and Analytical Chemist, 101 South Teeth Street, below Chestnut, . , Philadelphia Itrorsasity C.Arnorr.—/houlil tin prlnCipled Dealers try to palm offanother article, which pays a better profit and /s worthless. • ASK FOR BELMBOUPS PatitAOr -Bp O lact. - TARE. NO -OTHER. CIUM GIIARANTSED. Sold by D. W. Gross & Co.; and all Prof/gists every where Cut this cut—send - or call - for it, and avoid exposure and imposition. aull-dawam PROF; ADOLPH P. TEUPSERs , WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the .puDlic. generally, that ha Will COIII.IOUO to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in - the science of THOROUGH BASS. He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at thob homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given al his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the German 80.rmed Church. . decls-dti AU 1.4 USTI.NE L. CHAVN E. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 !forth Second Sired. N. B—JOBBING ATIENDED TO. I)::.eatt . IRON CASTINGS A LL kinds of Iron Castings made Co' or- La. der, of the very best stock, and all Castings pickled to remove the:nand EMU - scale." fo'have the 'best and most extensive assortment of Pulley patterns this side of Philadelphia. Apply at the ' EAGLE WORKS,' Penna. R. Road, above State etreeL Flarriub rir, foril 82, .1859 W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-AT--LAW: ©ice Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p dirwt DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON. DENTIST • OFFERS his services to the citizens of Harrisburg and ifs vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage t and gives assurance that his *best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried demist, be feels safe in inviting the public, generally to call :on him, assuring them teat they win be dissatistled'wliti hi, services °Moe Bp. Market street, in the house formerly oc copied, by Jacob tt. ghy, pear We nano States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.' - ' AIDERMAN ... k :74n_ Y.,PEFFER, ATREET t (6fIELL'S ROW,) OFFIOZ7-THllli, -44..111ET NEAR AL ' Residence, Chestnut Scree: near Fourth:. CITY OP 11.A.1111.113.131JRG, PENN'.i. myl2-dtf ' _ . .., , ' .. GEORGE FISHER, ATTORNEY Ar 'LAW. grIFFERS his professional services to. all persona having business to be transacted in the: several Courts of Dauphin , cuunty, the Land Department of this State, or before the Board of Property. Having been associatcu in the practice of the Law, with his lath er, MAIN A. blelaElt, , he promises., diligent and careful at ention to all professional business entrusted to tt.em Office corner of second and Locust streets, (opposite to the PetUisylvertia House Harrisburg. ap26. JOSEPH CASEY: ' JOHN W. ENOWN• • CASEY & BROWN, ATT ORNEYS:AT-LAW .HARRISBURG,' PEN'N'A. 11AVIls.iG associated together in the practice of theLaw ' will attend faithfully and promptly to all professional bustiresi entrusted to their %We, °Mee In Third street three doors from Market N. 8.. Co7nitntionB in English and Gorman. bTATE CAIITAL BANK. CPIERON, COLDER, EBY AL CO. CORNER SECOND AND WALNU2 HARRIS BURG,_ FENN. -rtai6l:l4iTOCK Of—Vanillm Beaus, Becitere'..Fartua„ Perfumery ao Fancy 'Soaps, at IBILBSYBBI.I . O sTuRE, S Mari:et street, below Fifth, Harrisburg, Pa FAMILY BIBL.ES 1 11HE 'LARGE'S I! AS6O.ItTISIHN'I' IN THE CITY, at all prices from $L 25 to $25 dollars each, m all the different styles of eluding, for sale at BERGNER'S. CHEAP BOOK-.SORE,. sue 61 Market Street. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL - ,TIINGS --- NEITTR - A - L - IN NONE HARRISBURG, PA.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON`. NOVEMBER 8, 1860 Mountain:- r Herb Pills.' rIIfIE inventor and inattutacturer of • 'Jud i_ son's Mountain Herb Pills," has sputa the greater part of his life in travelling, having visited nearly every country in the world He spent over six years 1 4 11012 the Rocky Mountains and of ilexico, and it was thus that the u SlousraiN HERB Pitts" were discovered. A Very interesting account of his adventures there, -you *Wiled in our Almanac and Pamphlet. - - ft is an established fact that all diseases arise &um IMP liE BLO6DT Tho blood is the tile 1 and when any forclgu ur uL healthy matter gets mixed with it, It is once distrbuted 'to every organ of the body. kvory nerve foals the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain: 'The sterner will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceaties to secrete a sullicieucy of bile. The action .of the heart Is weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. The:lungs, 1?e come clogged with the milsonous matter • heutfe _a cough h • —and all from a slight Impurity of the •l ? ounta-ea , ,or life—the Bloat I As If you had thrown some earth, for instance, in a pure spring from which ran a tiny riVal,bl. In a • few minutes the whdle course nf the iitreatu'lm, comes disturbed and discolored. Asquickly does Impure blood fly to every part, and leave Its sting behind. All the passages become obstructed, and ueless,tboobstrOc tion is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out.- ' • These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerataall the secretions or the body, they are, therefore, auriVidled RS A. CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES; Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Sm. This -Auti4lilion Medicine expels (rum She - blood the hidden seeds or dis ease, and renders all tile fluids and secretion, pure and tluent,cleariug and resuscitating tbe vital organs. I . Pleanant, indeed, is It to us, that we are able to place. within your reach, a medicine like the t•ldousvao. Han' PILLs," that will passdirectty to the afflicted parts,— rough the blood and fluids of the body, and :mist, the ~..ffltifrer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health,. j ( Judson's Pelts ace the Best' Remedy- ui extst. . ence for the followin C omplaints: . . 'Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward.Weaknesi, Coughs, Ferefand 'ague; Livei 'COMplaintS voids, Female CemplelitS,LOWitentiOrSpliits, Chest Diseases, Headaches, - Piles, Costiveness, Indigestion, . Stone and Grate! Dyspepsia,• 'Miscasts,. . Beenndary Syirtp- Inarritcea, inflanannolun toms. Dropsy, • - * * • • • . . Females who value - Wealth; shduld never be, without these Pills. They purify the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the Pale cheek: soar The Plants alai Herbs-of-which these Pdls:are made, were discovered in a very-surprising.way among the Ter-scans, a tribe of Aborigines-4n Mexico.- Ger the Almanac or our Agent, and you will - read wlth delight, the very interesting account it contains or the ..Gaiter likoiciars" of the Aztecs. Observe.—The Meutain Herb hits are put spin a Beastilul Wrapper. Each box contains 40 . pills, sell &- tail at 26 cents per boz. Ali genuine, have the signature of B. L.JUI)SON &CO., on each box. • : - • B. L. J UDSON 4 1,04 Sole Ploori , etors No. 60 Leorkilrd &mei. NEW YORK.- 1- Agents wasted always—Address as knave, COAL I COAL! I ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS GOAL BY Tlik PATENT WEIGH-CARTS ! .Now Is THE .TISIE FOR every family to get in their supply of Coal tor the winter—weighed at their door by tile Patent Weigh-Carts. the accuracy of them CartiCted: one dispu es, and they Lever get out Of order, as is fre qw-utly the case with the platform scales. Besides the consumer has the sattsiacticio of proving the Weight of his coal, at his own house. Lave a large • supply of Coal on hand, congaing of S. _ I.X.raS VALLEY COAL , all sties, 1 YKENS A.-ALLEY , . ' WILKESBARRE -6, BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP All 4.nal of the. Ilrst qaaldy mined and delivered free from all imparlttes,.at the lowest rates, hy:th:e boat ct ear bad, stable, laclf or third of tons, and by .the bushel. JAMES M, WHEZ1:111. llarrleburg, Sept. ,2u,1E80. ooB'. . 11 : B. 0: 1 1 1- E L! TIE UNDERSIGNED baying leasfid this Well .knotvn antVilopullr - hotelTin themity of Harrisburg, is now rvfidil g - and - funiishing Iti t e !sante with IN zw Fukaarum in-the•very - , best modern style. It is located in tuo most.centr d part.ofahe city, within a short, distance of-the pole of ur ittereiir'railroad and .also near the State Capitol buildings.- The honEe is largo and the ,sleeping, apartments are 1, ell - ventilated. - • - The TABLE is well provided .with all. seasonable arti cles This city is well known throughout the State as having:ileiliest Market outsfilefor:the Atlantic eitierA,Ane consequently no romplailits made bn that score.' . BAR hasalso uneergene - chenges;and.wilL he lc:pi stocked with the best and purest Llquhrs in the country No exertion will•be.spared I.o . lnialle the. traveler ; and sojourner comfortable m every respect.. A ppotinualee of the patronage of the old customers, together witll additiods is respectfully aoLited. • • • Harrisburg, August 23,tf • . , • NOTICE TO SPECULATOII,B'.• VALUA.BLE-13U1LIAING LOTS FOR SAL'E. NUMB.ER..O.IAA'RGErIZ ED BUILD ING LOTS apjpitting the Roind idoune and Wok LtLops of the Primal baCroad Company, wilt lie . said -low and on reasonable term'. Apply to,._, - augt3o Gm N4Lt. caEssmvN Checker Boards, Burnham, Checkers, Dice andpice Boxed The largest assortment ittahecitt, for aliricas BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, my 2 4. : -!5:1 Market street, BarrisburcANt. °ORE DRUGS-AID CHEMIDALSI . p.. E...„Rpu mElf t FANCY ARTIC LE S. cimEq3RANl)S&Se 9 xkr,N° l7 i an ul , --- "IDlon Orri cpGeri Rani, 6obritas, La Leneilet, s..•ba dl, &c. Pare liatwre for'Medicine; Purfases.` - fermented Wine, warranted the pureJulce of the Catawba. Grape—only needs a trial to fully recommend itne!F t .7-7 Prescriptions .compounded with great cure, st ' -. . . - REILY'S DRUG KORB; '' ' . .' at:el-dim . No. 6 Mars et equarm BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, . . 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE °MAPES VELAcE IN THE CITY • To 6SP SCHOOL .BOOKS • • END ;SCHOOL STATIONE RY,, • Comprising ell the.varioue . .R.E4D,INO , AND SPELLING ; AIGERRAS, ErniaLoorms, piCrioNA:tergs - HISTO.I4IIE, ' PIIILOSOPILIES mild all the SCHOOL BOOBS used-in the:Varloui Palilic and, Private :Schools of the City together with - COPY, AND COMPOSILIONDOORS, LETI E E, CAP and 1 4 10.7 E PAPER, ... I:CLANK:BOOKS, SLA - TES, LEAD'A fD SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND SOLDERS, INK INESTAWDS, RITLERg t;nd the most complete assortment of- OfiuGhIenTIUNIEJLY constantly on hand ane for sale at THE LOWEST PaGES 00 ANT .rteea in the city at . _ . BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. 51 Market Streit. aa-Liberal discounts made td teachers and dealers. Any article not on hant.l prornp „ tly furniaked without extra Orikge• - • ' '• - - . 724 it utßamona JUDSON'S GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! NEWLY, REFITTED ! J. H. BENFORD k CO URGE' :48PORTAI1 NT OP iDrp Eboobs, GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE 'NEW - CITY STORE URICH &"(OWPgRTFTWAIT ' _ CORNEti PTO r & 6.11,K STS': ' A NNVUNCN to the ciiaeiis of: Harris Mirg at d this.publia generally, that they have just returned-from the eastern clans With a: large and well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which, they wilt sell at the vo iy loirest:nrices.' • . . . DOMESTIC GOOD§orevery kind. • ' Bleached .ind Unbleached .. Dlesohedhud Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED:FLANNELS - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largeasSoitmentvf Welsh Fisimels for Skirting. An assortment Domintic - Manchester, Ghighame, i{ Satinetti and Ca slineres; • . B I ROL ,ClO-ha atalli.cices, • ' Cio fin. Ladles •Cheaterfields,. Beaver,Clotbslorthe Arab Cloaks. A FINN ASFO BTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large asSortment. Casalmais, especially adapted to Boy's weir. An'aisurtmene Morino Drawers and Un dersbirts. An asbonlment of Carnets irotn.l2): cm a yard to..SLOQ per:Yard; "; ALSO LATEST STYLES PLAID VALkNOIAS;: i : YEL POPLINS, STItIPED AND PLAID vpg PLAIN AND FIGURED 0 i AIDS PLATN'AND•FIGIIIIV.D OSLAINES, ,HIACII:SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A largo assortmelit oZRivpbe,aild Matitiet '9bn:win, with stock of tbe? latest novelties. " An issortment,V;Plain and' kignrett Cashmereni' . LINLNS OF ALL KINDS; . , . ... . . p ai d . . ... . ... Particular attentuni ' to fi rst alms niniery and Em brcdderies., no 0tc.,.4. ' ' - ' - An air- irtment-othlugeol. e wove Ilia spring skirt init. Tern extension. i :,.i. i r • . Ana losiyMnent of. ithrondJng and piansek _, .. r , '' . ...RICH &.COWPERTHWAIT,' ;Corner oriPront 'and Market Streets' 'Harrisburg. Yorderly occupied by J 'I .: - Biltier. ..; L0ck2.41-ly BARGAINS' FOR TIE. SEASON EN IMI JONES' STORE: tacelved mnd , reCeIvITIS • from PhiladelPhla and' ----New York, BARGAINS In Silks dt.all IGOR, for cash.. • ir BARGAR4G.M.Snawls,.citall,kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in elSakiiiiidtidiaas of all !dada, for cash. SARGArN4itpithild , priilys;cfrAdoi of all-kinds, for cash. BARGAINS In every variety or ßeasonable preEs Moods, for MiShi , BARGAINS in Blankets, 'Asti kinds, for.eash. • BARGAINS id allkinds Of Flannels; for cash:. _ • .a*RGAINS in Carpetu-e-of Oil Cloths, Am.'plor cash. ‘And•SIA RG AIN& in. all kindsof Dry Goedansually kept in Stares; amt a choice from a very large, Nell selected atpck, for ciati, at JONSS' L . - TORE •mat kc1..367:ct, arriFAtir 1. .. A - L . .. ... • . YSI THOMAS- W.- EVANS `& 'CO . mr.ORIP.I . 7'8618: ; .FALL•4BBOII,TMENT- OF Shawls., .01QA4R,. Bournous,. F.rebPll encl.kish Poplins; :.‘ gotislibms, ,c Chintzes, Embroideries, " I fibindkeitiabfe, Gloves, Hoispry, *BURMA* GOODS OF ALL KINDS. u f 'WITH A PULL WOO{ .08 ALL THE . 'LATEST NOVELTIES IMPORTED THIS:SEASON. issaessing superionfacilities for buying,-both in this and the -Europese & Co.'s stock will be robed to compare lavorahly with any other, both. in price andasSiitinent: ' • ' • Hoe: 518 and 620,•Chettnut, PhiladeloWa, ostl7-dlm . Tdoora below. Continental Hotel. 2 , 1 PHIL A DELPHIA.. SHIRT AND DOLLAR , HOUSE,!, MAIMAOTURERS of SllrrßT BOSOMS White, Fancy, ane . ck, • •Elickory; Derain and Flannel UNDER AND OVERSHIRTS, ..... Gyerpll6,,.D,pswers duct • , • . . cr44,lctneris' Furnishing Goods. 'BrANETT & RUCH, ' 217 Church Alley.' Agenta for the Beverly indict- Rubber Clothing. RAI, 'lB6O E 0,0 N. 13 OPENING OF, FALL, AND WINTEF . . . .7Zt_ EL "LV-,, CIF 3:1 SEA F.rhave just received a large and varied V t.of irItIINCION.4, of every 'deseription, tjl erhieh S. p inyile ttokatteutrou, of.purehaSere, Oteizierl Nile ;Morning, at - „ . • .4.OHCA ET & 1311.0.SEIERS, No. Td Market Square, ; ' Next : .dotr to the Harrisburg Bank. - ANOTHER EXCITEMENT: In , niikint aslectiontimaOurthe large; and . landlaotoe atoak of Sovaas!Baoog.Bnors.a. • .. • • • Loam CRama Lane B BOCA SHAWLS, NIIWTSTTLI , Swats BLANKar Bma.l.diau, Do ' DO ' IljAaa PiAip DO • • -Boaeumbear .: • Do . or, Buns' SHAWLS. DitgS $ .- :0 - 001a8-t ' . . Pelidnee, Merinos, ": • ' ' • , :' , Poplinsi.:Valenolgs, Paramettes, ' • Plain Iderlnos,,llaids,,Velour Reps, • , . Cashmeres, Silks -Traoelitg Goods, Chintzes, d•U • HandsemiiSig'ttheaeres, .ohe no, Sh de of Mexico, ' - I.:itoallia, ••: Etnehne : Cloths, :Mobans , , Ofiperb . figured :Merino; • :!. ~ ; Pim* .Cloths, 4stres, , • • • . .Ma di lin a:s,, .. bow,'desirable and good,we can stMply at • llvernhing .. the lowest rates.' • -•- OATIICART &. 'Next door lo:liarrbseurg .13,03/k.: DOMESTIC GOODS. The cheap beet in the city can be had at OATHOLET &BROTHERS; rCatidmermy . 7'. Clinthatoei; ,}744,140,. Cloths;- Drliikngs, TA6I6 Cloths, 'GaliCoss; Batirietto, equntOipaines, , 14140ry, .Cbecks, ; Canton Flannels Good 6 3inslins vs A 04144' pli; • .No. 14 MARKET SQUARE. FAMILY THQROUaIi.LY - '66mPlete'stoOk of all ilses styles, for sale ag , • • • 'Bk.R6IiEW.TCI.IFAP BOOBSIORE, FINE ASSQATSfOT. OF . currg 'BRUSHm for sole Itt low prlces'at ' • • • • anGspwal lrAP.BooKmfcs, • ••• L •- • • L." , •si: 314" eVEtreet. ou4. . Sank 12Ipplications A PPLICATION will made to the next A Leglsiature for an Increase of $400,000 to the capi tal s oek.of the Iron City Sauk, of Pittsburg, Pa. iefc7-wthtul JOHN Ms GiIIFFIN, Cashier. NOTICE in hereby given, that applies tion wit be made by the Mechanics' Bank of Pitts ourg, to the Legislature at its neat meeting for an increast of $500.000 to its capital stock, making $1.000,000. laid, dm w* GEO. 1), M'GMKII7, Ca-pier. AITPLICATION. will be made to the next Legisiatore for the incorporation of a new. Bank with right to Issue notes ;to be located In the city oi Harrisburg, with the name o the Stile - Capital Bank, and A capitol of One Hundred Thou: and roll rs, with the iirivilege to bzereege the eatee,tolhree Hundred Tt otti.auct Dotlars. Je27 a ern ALLEGHENY FMK, NOT !OE it hereny given that application wLlhi.e made to the neat legislature at Harrisburg ler au lucre Fe ef.ssCo,ooo: le 'the _capita/ rtoek of thu aill gheuy Lank, of Pittsburg. By order of the .Board. 300 Gm . J. W. COOK, Cashier. NOTICE I 6 HEREBY GI% EN that application will mace to ihe ueatLeFislature of the State of Penn ay lcatda, or ""en act to incorporate a Savings Bank, to be called tbeLackawanna Bach go Bank, to bo located at :,!cranton, Litzerne 4:1:11111Q., with a myna]. of Twain% Thout.and Dollars, auu the'right to increase the same to One Hundred Tbousan.l dollars, to be "a bank of bepo-it, for Savings NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Peunsylvaula at its 2. ext„ses sion fur the charter of a Bank, to be I 'can. d to NignintoWli, is the county of Jul:eat:4 to be called ' , The Bunk of Juoiata V all ey,' with a capital of Fifty 1 housand Dollars, with the pi iv lege ol Ineressaur the same to Two Hundred Thousand Loiters, with the usual banking prt vilegeg al is , ue. dircount, depbsit, . jr2B Gm • Extension of Bank Charter, • . voncE IS BEREBY GIVEN that "The AA Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank of &sten," a Bank in Discount and Deposit, located in the borough of Easton, Northampton county, Penusyliania, having a capital oi Four Hundred Thoussnd Dollars, will apply to the-next- Legislature Om PennsylvaniA for a renewal of its charter fur, fifteen years, from the expiration of its present char ter, With its present capital Stock, Pciweis and privileges and without .ny alteration in, or increase of - the same. P. 'MICELLE% President, M. E. Tensor, Cashier. . Je2B- NOTICE, Ailcusatt anEO, Juno 19,1860. NOTICE : is hereby giien that an appli cation Will' be made to the Legislature of Pennsyl vania at its nest meeting, for the incorporation of a genit or- lseue -, .with discori;nt aad deposit privileges, to he lo cated in ;he borough of Mechanicsburg, in the county of Cum berland, Penna., and,ta called the Mechanica harp tank, with a capital of One lluudredThousand Dollars with the,right to increase the same to Two ;Hun.. drud Thousand „Dollars. N DRANDT JOON : ..NlSrloY, LEVI MAR , EL: JOEIN JACOB MersiarA, 1 an P. 14318 M.; WN It. GONG.I3, .I.S.a.MCYL EBERLY ? JACOB EBERLY, - SOLOMON - V. GOROAS. June 'l7--,6m w* NOTICE, . - _ N`YrICE is hereby given that the under • signed have - formed siaassociation, and prepared a certificate for - the purpose of establishing a Fans of Is sue, .Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of an act entitled P*ll Att,tirestablish a system ofFree Bankifig in - Pennsylvania and to secure the public against loss trom in;-olvent Banks," approved the list day of Atfrch, „A. D. 1500 . The ,sold 13ank to be called "I„HE BANK OF REST' rEIfLADELPHIA,” to be located In the city and county :of Philadelphia, to consist of a capital stock of One gun deed and Filly Thousand Dollars, "ashore; 'of Fifty ;Dol lars. each with thextvilegp ;if increasing the same to; any 'aamountiiot exceeding in alPOnii-idilfilin of Dollars. . ...DAVID 13, PAUL, : I DIE RAFSEYDEE, ' JOSEPH L. . D, SIADDI lit 'CLOS xtv, klaxav MALEY. Elsowisit, W. GRAHAM HOOFED, " &DUEL SIAEDLEY, je*2o-.lsmw DAVID W. BRADLEY. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the 'Honorabli:s Joas J. Passau; President of the Cohrt :of Common Pleas iu the Twetfth Judicial 1 layilt,.consitting of the counties of Lebanon andDauptiln, and the Ron. A. 0, Ilie6ter and Ron. 'Felix Maples., Associate: 3 aegee in bauphin county, having issued their precept, lleariug dale th.,,,lpth day. ot Octoli;r MO, to me directed,,ilir holding a Court of 0} er and T. riniukr. and , General ; Tan Delivery and Quarter Sesaions'of the Peace, at HARRISBURG, tor the county of Daqpnin,end to CO/Uurnce oa, the Sd Monday of Nove!nber, being the 19th' day 41 November, 1800, and to continue two • Ncitice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and Comfables of the said - county ot Daudhin; that theY be then anti there in their proper per sens-,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inqui , l.lons, examinations and their own names. •brarves,, to do those things which to their office, tipper. tains to be Jose, and those abs are bound in recoeni 24neee to.prdsecute against the prisoners Ululate shall be in the Jail of Liatiphin • cotuty, be then and !lure - to prosecute avlutt them s 811.01 he just. Given under ply timid at I.o.rrlsburg, the 15th dat- of OOtober, in the year' of .our lord 1860,,and iu the,eighty third year of the In iependence or the United staies. 6BERIFIed OFF.lOft., J . St. EYSTER, liirrisburg,OMberls,lB6o. f Sh eriff. • 66115 diwtd '• AMBROTYPE COPIES OF FINE -ENGRAVINGS_ Tip LINO COPIES.from the best engr4vinge - .Up, of Ilistorkal, Passion!, zteriptura4 and a great:va rlet3r of mhoeihmeous subjects. • - . They are exact in mini wire, with all the beauty and meri it of the larger and more expentiveengravings, t a much less cegt, ami beteg neatly and substantially framed nothing more beautiful and handsomer could be t.onceived for ornaments us momres. The quality and tune of these copies have ricently greatly improved, and are sow placed be:ore ihevuolic with a cot idence ihat their merit and beauty will insure a iteaty reception fer them. For fate at • EFfiGNEW.i CHEAT' BOOKSTO3E, Cotfk - Market Street, Harridiurg. /WINE and see them—no charge,* exhibiting toads EMPLOYMENT. -$50 A MONTH: AND ALL FXPEN,SES. agent Is wanted in every iowp and conuty States, to engage la a,respectablo,and easy business, by wbich the,above profits , nt,y certainly. be realized. For full particular, address Dr. lIENRY f 4 past Twelfth street, center of Broad Way, New:York ,City, ecloetagone pea tap stamp. , . . , octilkihnd /kw RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT SALE VI V VALUABLE HOTEL PROPER ' T'Y In the City , of Harrisburg , rill] AT well-hi:town and valuable hotel P weity knomvite the (.SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE," . . , mow in the oecupaney.of Wm. Eocherman, situate on the east end ofllarttet street, and burnelliately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, willba offered at PRIVATE BALE until the 4th ot -, and , f not sold be fore that time, will be pUt up at public auct:on on that day. This ti the most desirable property in the city of Bar risburg for hotel buSiness. prbaimity to the Penn. eylvania Railroad Depot, and the Depot of all the rail roads centering at Harrisburg,teakes it more convenient and accessible to the traveliug public than any other inotel in the city. _ • Further inrormation in regard to this property and as to theforma 'gamic., may iike had by applying to. rya[ ,H. North cor. Market Square, (Wyedes Building,) second tort' front,'; ;11 , 4/.4460 . ; kttant 'Stinting f - ffiti. Having procured Steam Power Presscp. we are Prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRIMING ct every I, tcrinqinn, cheaper that it can be done at any other e. tablishmentin the conet,r. _ .. ltar-Four 'Wee or Oss consdtute one halt pre k g • En, or more than four constitute a square Rail Square. one day one week.... . . ._. . 00 One month .... .....• • • . K three months -" - .• 0,1 PI air months..... ..,.. . 4 0 one year.... ....... , ..... .. n 00 One Fquare one oay to 4. . one week . 2 60 0 One month.... - " Ou et three mouths 500 . six months._ . ......... ..... 800 .. - one ear . 10 00 Ma-Bsinessges and , uterteo .0 tile Lcca/ co/tono, or before Death s, Marriae FIVE CENIS PEE LINE for each Insertion. /SW-Marriages and Deaths to be charged es reg , l:tr Idverttseineete. NO. 55 Do my dear young friends ever think how almost allthat is good comes to us? Did you ever see a. farmer planting and 60V Down in the moist earth goes the ,seed and yellow corn, grain by grain, little by little. God sees the farmer at his work, and knows full well thathe has done what he could, so he kindly sends the gentle rain, drop by drop, and not one of these little drops ever forgets its errand upon the plea which the good God sent it to the earth. "I have found you out," said the rain drop to the tiny grain of wheat, —though you are dead, and in your grave. God has sent me to raise you up." Weil, there is nothing impossible with withlaim; so when the rain drop has done its errand, a spark of life shoots out from the very heart of the tiny grain, which is dead and buried , . and little by halo it makes ire way out of the tomb, and stands a single blade, in the warm sunlight. That is nobly done; and if the great God pleased He could make that little blade strong and fruitful in a singte moment. Does He do this? No. Little by little does the, stalk wax strong-,; and its leaves grow slowly, leaf by leaf. Is it not so with every thing that is good ? Should we like another way better ? wpa term° would. It was only a few days ago that I heard a little girl say: "I am tired, tired, tired! Hero is a whole stocking to knit, stick by stich !" It will never be done." "But was not this one knit stitch by stitch?" I asked, taking, a long one from her basket, and holding it up. "Yes." "Well, that is done.' The little girl was counting, instead of knitting her stiches. No wonder that she was tired. Did - you ever see a mason building a house of bricks? Poorman," Impatience would say: "What an undertaking—to stat t from the earth,and go on so far towards the sky,brick by brick!" Who ever saw a patient, per severing_ et son' try j, and net subceed at last?' '9i:4 - then, step by step, which is God's way; must be the hest way. Let - us see that we do every day what we can. Any little boy or - girl who, in looking back-upon a day gone by, can say, "I have done one thing well," may Le happy with the thought that-he has taken one step in the way of wisdom and virtue. But remem ber one thing, dear little friends, the bu ried grain of wheat . would never start into life if God 'did not send it help; and it is by the same help that it increases day by day. As the little rain-drop—God's beautiful messenger---'cleticends into its 'thumb, so in the • darkness and death of sin, the Holy Spirit comes to us. If . he breath upon our hearts, we live to do good ; Without him, we do nothing good. Let us obey - this Spirit, and all good will be ours at last, though we gain :it' little by little. THE SURVINTEG HERO OF THE BATTLE OF Bus run Hmr,-lialf Farnham, dhe last survivor of the battle orßunkeraill, who has been on a visit to Beaton, has returned to his home in Acion, Me. He has published a letter, giving an 'account of his homeward journey, from which it appears he was received by enthusi astic crowds at all thelowns along the route, and liberal - contributions of money were spun taneou,sly made to support him in his old age. From his letter we quote-the following: "Though I am in my 105 h year I am not -past all usefulness I split my own kindling wood, and build my own fires. lam the ti One up in the morning, and the first one in bed at night. • I never sletp or lay down in thr dajtime, tut rise at five and retire at seven -- and ;this I continue summer and winter. I have always been temperate, and for over thirty years past .. I. have not tasted a drop of spirituous liquors, or even cider. I was never sick in my lite so as to requite the attendance of a pbyeician. About twenty-five yeats ago I broke my thigh ty falling on the ice, and had a doctor to set it, but this is the only time a doctor ever attended me. I live on plain fat m. er's diet—drink tea and coffee, and eat a very light slipper, never .eating eat at supper. I have' no - doubt p that it Is owing to these au:derni ous and regular habits, and the avoidaece, of medicine at ail little ailments, that my lie has beau so prolonged. - I voted for Gen. Washing ton tor President,- 'have voted at every presi dential _election since, and hope to vote at the next election. This is the duty of every Chile. flan-freeman."' . FNEDING THE t NgGRO WHITE.—The influ ence of diet - upon' race- is subject which has considerable speculative iutereE:t, and this interest has been -increased, by 'recent inquire ths into e - cause of the variation of Qaatrefages recently deliver ed a course of lectures at the Museum of Nat ural klietory at Paris, on the Unity of the Human Species and the Human Races in. General, in which the question of variation amongst vegetable and animal feetlers were-, it is said, especially considered Meanwhile the • 'COinstis" recites a letter from M.-Abba die:to M: gliatrelego's,in-which he signalises an anthropological fact, of which we leave. with him the responsibility of announce-. merit.- He, remarks:on the influence of an exclusively animal diet on the color of the. Negro. In the-south of Nubia, he observes, the inhabitafis wto feed - upon animal food have by far clearer complexions -than those who _feed Upon - . Vegetable 'diet. In the kabyle the Neg - roei,'Wh& are all'butcherb, ive on the debka of' the animals which they in„ Their life is passed amidst bloOd', fresh 'meat, and the - exhalitions -of butchers Meat. They have.a blear; fresh !tint,' aid - tough preserv ing the crisp, Wooly , hair. This is consider ed. the more Significant bee - all:se thPy_always intermarry one.Withthe other. • - I Oil I • 4i .! . . 41:1 P D L 3 1 2p4 c 447 Foi%Walpb an ,y VFW: LOCK. JR ,& co, c2ll RATES ur .I,Y 'JUNG Little by Little.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers