Eines of &awl & aransportatin PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAV FIVE TRAINS.DAILY: T.O AND . FROM PHILADELPHIAL , The. idgo at Conewage haying been rebuilt, the 1; ere} f er grains of the Pete Mg! Stallreadi Company o ili resume their former route. - en and after' MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th 1860 will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg -and Ldrdelphia as follows E A S T 1111OUGH EFPRESI 7141 N 144:qek....Flaitisbk7pL14.15 a, m, ;:ti arrives at Weal- Pliiradelpbta. Ede - Atl6 LINE leaves liarriskurg at 6 15 every day exempt Monday, arrives at West 1)1,11aoelphla at, 10.00 a. tn. ' " TRAIN leaves Ildtrtsborg at 1.00 p. arrives at WdsiPlallatilelpltiVat • 'I bese trains make doge connection at Philadtlphia with the 1 ":" 44 York Lines. i MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN,'No. 1, leaves at 6.00 a. ni , Alt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at, 810 laneaster.Tridn, ar: wing at Weft Philadelphia At 10 ItAIIRISAGEG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at _ 2.50 p . in.,'Cekinbia at p. 15, sad arrives at West Phila. tle:pnia at 905 _ . - . Jot 'AcCommODATiog TRAIN, 2:letive3 at 4.00 0. no., bit. 'Jay at 5.11, connects with Harrisburg Arc:morn , ' dation .Train, Fakt, at billervilie at 5.40, arri ving at.lVezt Philadelphia at 9.06 p: m. WESTWARD. 111ROUG11 F.XPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 30.95 p m ,riorlies at Harrisburg at /55 a. in. MAU kit.lN leaves' Philadelphia at 7.50 a. m., ar rice: ntfarrisburg at 12.60p. m.. . . AN! 11N8: leaves PhillidelEltla at 11.50 ajiru:, arrives at thirrisburg at 4.00 p. ta. MT -JOY 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; No. 1, leaVes Lancaster on .arrival of Mail Train: West, at 11.04 a.m., Leaves Sit. ' --Joy ' ' at 11.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at 11 AITRISIITIEG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves l'lnindelphia at 2.00 p. m., Columbia-0.10, and arrives 8t Harrisburg at 7.85 p. tn. • Mr. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2 leaves i,reNslor, on the arrival of Lancaster Train -' West, at 7.54 9. m , bu. Joy at 8.80, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9. 4a p. Passengers leaving philati ]phis at 4 CO p. rn. , , on Lan caster Train, connect at Lancaster with Mt. Joy Accom nwelation 'train Pio. 2, at 7,54, and. arrive at Harrisburg SAMUEL:D.:I7OUNG, tug. .rait Divirio Poinsolvania Railroad. oon.fdt( . TO.. NEW CORK • " • Sl - 1 E ST. IN, DISTANCE .6.14 D - QUICE .1E; T .IN' • TIME' BETWEEN' THE TWO 'CITIES . • F • • • . NEW "YORK. • ND• : • 1-1-ISandP;IBM3T.T.I2,G -VIA READING' - ATLENTOWIi AND ••iEASTOT4L ,-- • New lt., arriVing at Barna-bur"caPNn . B' only 6% Zings hetwecti the two cities.. J.: Alb . .lol.leaves New York atite.9o'nc;ciifiand ar • rives at Harrisburg at S t ad r. bl• • ;ONE • ka.st., - .jealtd. 8.00 at NOW York aIotEENCION EX.llt.gcS L'lN.E',Ea§t, leaves liarils burg at 1.15 P. hi., arrivic!at'HeVr-York at 9..tifq..th Couttaficingtaialoida. - .t.darabuiVa4llol%ll.,*ith Lae Fugaitier . TrainAut cuillberland 'Valley and Northern Cet4.tal All thin*. cotinect at Beading with. trainclni end FlOsaelfihi4 and AllentoWU;.for Maach : Chunk, baston,f4kc, . No .I:lunge of l i aieengerrarliti*.gofil)et lieau Now York gf IFirriSburg; bg die ;tom New York • ...610.15•1". roar Fot°ttlatifliflleinery;unti speed, condb;t accohi tnuitation,T this route presents;supei*c,,indiiCentents to the' trilleting •"'" Mare between New 'York and Harrishurg FIVE DOL LARS. Yer tickets an., other informtdivlvil.Pply. null J. J. CLYDE, Geueral . Agetdi Harrisburg. 1860 • -"-1860: 1N °Ahern Central Railway NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. - AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 2.7lh'i 1860, the Yarseenger Trains on the Northern Central ltaaway,:will leave Harrisburg as toilette GOI.N lir SOUTH. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave A. RI ACWSIMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 7.30 A. DI TUAIN'tviLl leave at .. ....... P. /II GOING NORTH. lIAIL TRAIN will leave at... PRESI TRAIN willleave at he only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be I M.XPRIESS TRAIN at 1.40 A.M., going South, and the bIiESnIIt.AIN at 9.32 P. M., going North. • )or father information apply at the Office, In Penn's aitrOad Depot. JOHN W. BALL S Agent, i±arrisbnrg, May 26, 1860.—ma26-dtf - HILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. OA AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 IWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays exceptedj at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. Id for. Philadelphia, arriving there at 125 P. 51., and 6.15 P. M. IikTUENING, LEAVE PIIIILADELPEIA at 8.00 A, M. and 3.30 Y. M., nrriying at Ilarriobrrg at 12.45 noon an. B,Z°' Y. YAREM Philadelphia, No. 1 Cara, $3.25 ; No. 2 (In 6:+rue train,) $2.70. 1' ATMS To Reading,. $1.60 and $l.BO. AA I Reading, connectywah mina for Pottsville, Miners-, mile, Tamaqua, Catawisaa, 6ro. lutift MAINS LS.:AVT4 READING FOR PHILADEL: FIIIA DAILY, al 6A. M., 10.45 A $l., 12.30 noon and 6.43 Y. M. I.b.:AVE FRILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., LOU P, M., 8.80 Y. M., and 0.00 YARNS :—heading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and 51.45. •thr, MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON NUNS AT' READING with up train for Wilkesbarre alaton and gilt/lE5n. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Off4rai Agent. in223-dtt PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD . RFOUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES. On and alter MONDAY, APRIL 2d, 1880. COMMUTATION TICKETS WITR 26 Coupons, will he issued be tween any points desired, good for the holder or any member of his family, in any Passenger train , and at any time—at 25 per cent, below the REGULAR. wain. Parties-having-oeoasion to use the Road trequently on budpipsor 'pleasure, will and the above arrangement convenient and economical ; as Four Passenger trains run daily each way between Reading anti Philadelphia and 'lwo Trams daily between Reading Pottaville and Elarrisb.--ins Sup:Ma - pl., 'only one morning train down, and one afternoon train up, runs between Pottsville and IPhilatielphia, and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Valley. Branch jtailroad. hor ;the abOietTlekets,.or any Information ;relating thereto, apply to S. Bradford, Esg.„Treamer ' phis, to.kno lesysetive Ticket Agents sin ;the line, or td CuLLS, ; ; NI Gehl Supt. illiacellantotto. BOERHAVE'S ROLLA.ND BITTERS. ONIMBRATIID HOLLAND RiStEDY SON . DISEASE OF - TIM KIDNEYS, LivE.R - QPNIPA4.OINT, _ W LAxTESS' OF. 4i KIND, FEVIER , ANDACUE, - . And the *ilrlous a disordered STOMAC,II O'R - LIVER Such as Indigestion, 4i . cidity, Of the , Stomach, Colicky neartburni, Loss _Of Despendency; Cos tiveness, Blind' and'Bleeding Piles: In. all Berfeas; Blurnmatic,,and , Nenralgic , Affections, it has in nureerotis Instances prevekhighly beneficial, andin Others effected &debided cure . This is a purply vegetable. compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cele brated Holland_l?refessor„Romtuwe... Its reputation at home produced its Anti oduption here, the demised com mencing with thesWof 'the Fattier lien d SOrittered Tiv er the face of this mighty country; many of whom brought with them and. banded down the tradition of its value. It is nor, /fired lo the .Americais larioilingithal its trury weirderful Medictizat virtues-mast be" acknowledged.: It is particularly recommended to those personi whose constitutioiluk May have ueen impaired by the continuous use of ardentspirits,or other forms of dissipation. Gen: erally iristanianeous in effect, it finds its way directly -to the seat of, life, thrilling and quickening awry nerve, raising up the driMping spirit, and, In fact, Minsk% new health and vigor in the . sy stem. OTICE.—tt hoever expects to find this abeverige will be disappointed; but to the sick; weak and low spirited It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial propertier‘. READ CAREFULLY The Dentine highly concentrated Bcerhave's Holland Bitters Wig . iiii•inhalf-pint bottles only, and retailed at ORE DOil AR per bottle, or BIE bottles for FIVE DOLLARS.— The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced moat - imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. ;03-Beware of Imposition. fee that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It Gan be forwarded by Ispress to most points. • . • • ..• .SOLE PHOPRIETRHD,.. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. &, CO., Pharmaceutists' and Chemists, ..PITTSBIT.R.G,. PA:. - For salqiii the bity_of ,Har4sburg by D. W. GRoas & Co.septl-d.kwly DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY S. E. Corner of 27aird and Walnut ~,streetz, INCORPORATED 1835 MARINE - INSURANCES on "Possela Cargo andFreightloall.parts of the World. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods by ?dyers, Canals Lakes and Land Carriages to all parts of the Un ion RE INSURANCES on Merchandise generally, and 013 Stores, Dwelling Houses, /Cc. . ASSETS OF . THE COMMIY, November Ist, 1855 November 10; 1858. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of SIX PEE CENT. in Cash, on the`Capital Steel and SIX PEE CENT. on theSirip of the Company, pay able on and afterast the proximo.. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend ofTVirENTif• FIVE PER CENT.' on the Original* Stock, and on the Earnest. Premiums for the year ending October 310.808, Certificates for which will he, issued to the parties en titled to the same, on and ifteFteTirstof December. . . . . Jpgr Preamble and Resolution , adiptOd•by the Beard. Wermses, the increased means of. the Company arising from Profits, and which will be:-derived fromthe In. creased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the Dirther continuance el the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore:be 4-- Bondved, That the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, and the Notes representing the same be delivered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Risks taken during the eriod embraced in said Notes shall have.determined. William Martin, James Cl. Hand, , WilliamEyre,Jr. Joseph H. Seal, Theo. , Paulding, , . James.Tennant, Edmund A. Solider, M.-Huston, J. B.M'Farland," John 0. Davis, Hugh Craig, Wm. C. Ludwig, Robert Burton, tL'APllvaitrr Thomas O. Hand, John R. Penrose; -- Oharlealleßen Joshua GeorgeCl.Leiper, SamuelE. Stokes, Jacob P. Jones, Edward Darlington, Henri Sloan, J.T:Ldlah,Pitt'g Jones BrODso, James Traquaix, D. I'. organ, J. F. Perdston, J. B. Semple, WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLMIRN. Ea rotary.. , - . The undersigned, as agent for the above Conipaniya prepared to make insurances on all "description of pro party on the most liberal terms. jan.lB-iihrwly 13IIEBIER, Harrisburg, Pa.. . . IMO P. 111 .9.32 i P. M NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES I. THE SUBSCRIBERS haiing succeeded to the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY BUST-, NESS of Messrs. GROSS et KUNKEL * , at •WALNUT STREET IVHARF, would respectfully tt/21104i2c eto the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that•they are pre pared to offer for 'sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Fish, - Salt, Grain, Flour, • Ropes, in great - Vaa.. • Queenaware, -PE4 l 4s, Glass 7 - Wails, •••' Cement; && Our Large SPRING STOCK,: purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with much care, and will present great inducements to close buyers. We intend to keep FIRST-CIS GOODS, end,-*ITI NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing-to merit and receive a share of patronage. inar24-dtf • , A. ROBINSON kgo A SCHOOL BOOK.—"OUR GO' De N. MENT."— , rin explanatory statement of - the sys tbm of the goverumeut of the country. By bpm a , ney. With proper historical notices. The Work gives the .construction of the Constitutioo of tile United and,those of the several :States, as' deteiniined by Judi cial authority or derived from stantaro'prriters, accord ing to references noted. It is designed for Colleges, Aeadeades and Moab, and bus been so used to .a considerable'extent: It reerigriPendua Ih*pur i Poee Jurists', Presidents and `ProfeisMs'of Colleges. For sale,`at 0/ 00, by M. biliniNlertitilarrishurg O a. `- 1160P29 Ptimspthanict'Wier; ,ft *4. Uanttriio Noiertiibtr — hi kr4Boot3i NA N IIY£O7 GI VIN PNILADELPIIIA iffhatilant;tt,4 : THE ORIGINAL r AtTIP G.IIITINE; TOWNSENWS [fl EXTItioT BAR SAP AI: la The Or , at Ye':cvatrod . , of TH.E.....:: - B,L•00'31) - '; - THE. SOYEREIGNiiisEMEDY FOit ER UPTION 8 OF' '1 - II E • ; ULCERATED' . taaB" AND Aril' FORMS OF CLITAisVEOUS • •' DIBBASE°. These.complaints eau be'speedily. and:etlectualp :cured by the use of this. , , • WORLD RENO I W . ND, • S1:13 SAB SAP-AWI - LLA. , Thousands halve experieneed'•its --salutary '• - effeet4 and. tens of thobsands, have. tvitn. sed it, until it nau Fee§rl.49. be a queatiCh among the intellig6nt irtirtibn the' cdru' When the-Blood becomes lifeless and, stagnant, either front ttie "eficti •of Spritd:-weather; change' of 'climate want of exercise r the use ofa tinifet,msaline diet,. or any ether cause ; this compound Eitract of 'Saritinatilla, RENNW the Btoen, carry the•putrid Manors, =AMY: thesmatsee, REGOI4II , And impart • a Tone ~ of. Vigor , to the Whole oily: TO TEEE- PUBLIC. The nubile are hereby' net thati the'preparitimi ez tensively knoWn;asiDi. S.iP4 Tetntetta'n 0 0 .10 0111 4: 13 4; tract of Sarimparillads now manufactarid under my di rection supervision , froth' tlie-oriffna retiVe'obtalued: from Dr. S. P. Townsend; andl, certify, Pat It is,poragps: ed of Ingreilients'PDßELY' V . .EGATSDL.k, 'end ITHOUT Mitt. CURIE; and' also that the ingredients are judicionsdp co mounded, so as, to, obtain from them, their _ Medicinal effect: • • i • •• . • • -J•km-M,8.• PHWl'Q3 4 4llo...chf.mis. Dr. S. P. TOTf.hISEND.II componta PlalE,tk, CT .Or has. arepitatfon the best prebaratiorifor •!-• ,1 • Raimitiatinkl'Oier whielt seieni3elis ever Offeleilio' thirrj•"- c rafditi its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, amtto thiS lift° its .world wide renown. t . ; • It contains all , the vegetable principles which expuri ence bas oroxed useful hi - elearitak thent,TEit frorb. DlSEASE, , extractedariii corabiiiedrivlth the hlgheiitistiill whichthe refinements of modern chemilitrreitableins to ePPl°Y.,i • : : ' Whatevermat be Said by, morlitiedconwelitiiradii splenetic phOieituis;the fad thaethiiiiiiidibihe WHERE 1 0 BEEitaiiir thai ittir-Ohe mend, show conclusively: that itf possesses merits of the first order T i q CA lj 4 t1 , 0N To avoid imposition it will be: necessary. terie&that :i • DR.•'..TAVI4S'it, CHILTON; h' CERTIFICATE as .ifie'dereilißie 'of 'Dr: S.P. Townsend, is on the outside - wrariper of each bottle. BE VERY 'CAREFUL' trUSE OTHEK'" No4l - fultOVllfrolier-A: Y.- And.far sale . bLamy Druggist In this , ap3o:d3taiu , ' zkac ~, 3ffiwiAsueriPss. 3 ME PILLS AND PRONNMEITTERS: rrHESE-,llEDlPlN4ihayeAow j begn fore Ur, apiriod YEARS, and daring-that time-Mtvosnatritalititi a high ehardeterhial: mostievery part,,,pp the gilobs, for„their exraordinary, and` imikediiitii potrer of reitosiktieiVoi" health to pa , • sons sdifering utiderfr , ettrY kind Jet - disetisotto which the humaxtrame Is liable; The fonoviing aressildigltiedti3lresAni yariely of bit; man diseases in whieli:the _ : VEGETABLE - LIFE :MEDICINES' Are well known„to be infallible.; *. c.;) DT SPEPSiA7 by thoroughly eleansingthe Hist and second stemacluvandfcreatitigi'.ficilv-of =Ore; itifialthii bile, instead of the,steleiand.,l44l,„2ring,;,FLAWU lLEDlCV; Loss of Atilietiteilhirktliirnifiteaditafei lase legginess, Anatety,Lenguesland , Medigneholy,i; which, are the general symptoms of ilyspepsia, will van lab as a natural consequence of its-care. , le°lengllh or the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leav the bowels castive WWl' two days: t f ) 411 4 !q ui , FAVERS.icifsailskindsony reef g the bl iN regular circulation, through the pibeesa of respiration in such cases, and the - thorough sobilloit of all intestinal otiz strootion in Otbors:V____''lfir 1 1" r!!: The LIFE - mr,Dlcumo ave been known to cure BREUDIATINDI permailently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by reaortiogjosalioptmotation from the !missies andiligameatalotlheltants4 _A DROPALES of airkinds . ,"by freeing anitntrengtileti ing the. kidney s and-bladder; -they_ operate-most delight fully on , these impgariusk opm, spa...hippo haye e of been found fdr.ttkiaikolgeAsimiofi GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by diallidigig - fikon,the turnings-of the bowelle adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, . and INVETERATE SORES; by=thii-PerfectiPurity which these LIFE MEDD COES giveleithe,blcodgmt4 lakhpsyrs. , ,f,l 4. SCORTSVTI.E.U.T, itl$COmFLE.x lONE, by their alterate 'Ogee! ' "'the llitidizabilefeeit theDdkin,,, and:the' morbid-state br)vlhicMobdisiblWalf eruptive complaint/34,0110w cloudy,. Imitative disagree= ; : able e,omPlertions..,..,. h L Thtrusff these 'Pills for te:ve.rtslioit tide we effect an entire eine OPSAJEAP:ißlLEUM.lltindW_Strtitfgini proverlieut. in:the •'.cleat'aesi.tifithe , hkin:l CODIRION. aItYPPIPP.Fu.ted)bY one, doer er the-Worst citses. „ • PifiES`)=The thi,olirietheottlieheliedieht , ie; was_ctireit of Mae, tiPSS hiarsiriaddillE6Yßie use of the LIFE. MEDICINA_ S :u FEVER ,AND, ~TFpr, this scourge 44:Abe Weitern country, the r ia - Mellibiries fotind a safe,. speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to .a return of the dideas cure by Ridge Medicines is permanent...TEX THEM, BE: SaNLIFIEDp AND BE C I 1 BILICUS - IFEVEIIN'A I ..N.II7,I.7. IC' -cpit. PLAlNTS.—Grarsam, Diumwr,sikas or; Ergs ? and sissiskob. 'Fitistass4thwildedioinelf,baverbeen used. . the most benalicig. respite incases p4this,desprip t , llon Evll'S.MlEcrprupt, in its , worat forms,yields to the mild yet pinikribil t actioii bf these idnatitabls Medi- cines. Night sweats, Nerireid Cote.; plaints 0f,,a1l Palpitation tiLitte,lieart, Painters'. Colic, are speedily cured. f "f . - MERCURIAL DISEA SEM ;.-PerseSs - *hobo' conetitu ions have become impaired , oy the - injudicious. use ofhtercuryi willitlndithead hiediellarb Perfect:carol' as they; ever , ttut;topreetwte [from lke.:eysteni, all the effects of ; Mercury, infinitely socfkurfl4 the ettelepower-. ful preParuitOus,of , • - Prep tared anitsehtlit • - . , . Skatioactimp;Neww. Fereule by. - # ll ??niggist.s. • ;, -iy2o.-44wly T A That we - have reeentlyiadedelo:otir :'already! fall'atoelW •o CU'Alt ~ LANORMATIS, - El*Tu - - '- • • ;1 ;L. ; mioNey.l , i • • • b_77 1.31:214131kNA1f1Az , •;] . . - . • F ES4 II I7IIrE vs - TURKISH El.-. 5 150 4,1 ODOR' LUBIN'S . 'EBS.ENCE ••' . • MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATTOC, PDC-Tllll COMPLEXION.- •- - T.ALC:OFYKNICE •• - 1 1 90g-,T;E:A PX:Q.ANSPERS NVIW BLAND ,DE I.PERLES. 14.0V,X,114,T., rowDEA: ; -.."„ S •• • ..-•• t. 1 ,1 114 , P• ; • 1,7 ; • • MOBS • - y .`, 11 0 4.) . lllpier Men; _ : • ; Violel+2 , 4. 0 ew,momirm , nah 'Jookey . Chib. Eat.g th 4 articles, we tai!ey . ;ttiai ,. . petiturs, to get mp...a co mplete toilet egui- at ani;plictikw, sired. Call andsee.f... .1 f •Always on Band s:gibt4A ; f Ohesiicabi; consequentconsellaentot our rdellViinealatest Cfairt I.4dltfom:thereuvl Z. _... '; -•-•URTIMV,IIO.3.II,OIAKRAY,LN,CY2B.TDRE sStreg,,b-,zu Market,il, 6 EeP5 Two Doors Hest of Fourth St., fOlitilide. gLebicaL BLOOD Ftt D. 'The attention of InTalltitit•PhYqlclanst Clergymen, ski entitle men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this - chemical Prepared , n,-con, I tattling Iron,Sulphur arta Phosphom us and which I is identical in its composthon yvith_thoilemolis giobuie, i or ,red Wed. An ill'hiseaies i aecom'Onleit with • • - 'l' D'iibilify ''''• • . -'.: ~..- : I . • . - pele'countenahce and herybus dei angenient, analysis of the blooth-how a`deticiebey , cif the red globules. Ruddy - - complerlou and a rosy that of, the skin, is always indict:l, h ' nye of health •'.,` while a Pal-, - w.tx•like skin and sparkle ininge,, , ,which evimies a deficiency of the red globules,,-. i eettempardes a diseased organim.. Preparations or Is - on have Reit - given 'far the 'pthittose'or- supplying the red :globules, but we contend that iron alone, .Smtivigu. alone, or Phosphorus alone,4rill not meet the deli ctency„ fin Jtvery ease, , but that a jut:lc...on ,conibleation Of "Au theeeeltinientels liecessury•itt restore the blood torts norlstithad.;i - Thispoinf,:never -before attained, hes mia -Wee* t rtaated in the 13tood. ; Food, and its , discovery ranks? cinditrilid rriintteldritifle . and important of the 4p 4 1.- rts-effet is-in,- - ' . • ~- - 1 .!I •-i ~Consumption ~ Eire tilloften Age caugls, braCe the nerves, strengthen the syxtem, allay the prostralmg f night sweats, increase the pllyticar add' Mental eriergy,'enriCh the blood by re etorinobetAackingt red; globules, increase the -appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh._ The Blood' 4 FOOd'vitir &flat:did , d specific Wall chjkiticDltseases or the 3 broat or Lungs,such as Asthma, BrOvehilis, Coughs, 4 . 1 c,.... reline speakers and singere will Ilind 'it of ; -great Utility- in clearing' and strengthening .the 'sii. e+l organs..•.• lu Dyslosut, Liner. . ;Ctmpiaintx, DKopty,Apikiisy, rarulgsis.kcrofula, Gravel,Sl. , retie . Ilititeselevei' 'and ' .;•4 64 e, Sic , its ' efficiPy is . .. rrfarketaid. irtsteekAneoul f ln no class et disease, how ever;; the henetiatal effeeis - of this remedy so con , spicuous asiiiittlresci harrassing - _ i : . , - '''''FOn' ale• Complain U- to•WiitCli tie . gentle'r Mix die liable;•inid WhiSll tend to • ,wards7,Conerustpttop,:' such _as ~it oppress , . or : , ttitnotalt :Afenstruatian, 'Green Sickness, Whites, ..ke , especially ;when these complaints tire•accomianiedWith paleisiss, a,dlngy hue or pallor 01 the - skin; -depression of spirits, debility„palpitation,,symtkoframtite, and n ervous pros ,thatiiin, WeliiiVethe tamest confidence in' reeozabiend- - Bigithelßtood:Woodi to allichomiaftheiconschms.of a loss .of„vitality.or energy:, and to those whose mental or bodily Powers the prostrated through dier'-use, either or „the nsiod.:;:pr.body; and,wp dpem it our, duty,to .ay,: that in all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and hi al.r.dia- Miseii lit ex; Nian6aznader; this preparathm hat a: plaint aroll,thßattexiioniorauffertyrrwhich cannot be ov,er- es, ,timated. ' A raitlitia trialwill - he grand the most hip predf ihrregard; to its isfficacy.that &Odd be asked for. 'With the,abovp remarks, and with the numerous testi ,lrionialeiVe` hare in' 'IBC - favor .e ' offer 'the "Blood likiod.Th„to its'eicerisideration Mi sv lo ',afflicted, knowing that p. will be acknowledged as pre-clamed over all other pieparations, patent or Metal, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theorympoirwhlch this remedy Is Wendel, also certiticates , of. remarkable cures, will be. ihent free when deitiOd. Weloi - Wardltie BliiodrFociti ,to any; ett ofdfie , United. &villa orrOinada.a.dpoii receipt of Price-111 per Urine, SO for sikbottics .., Be careful in, 111 cases' Icilave•nline ' but 'that liaidog our• fac sinsild signature. upon tne,tyrepper., None other is genuine. Prefaced only. by CLLURCII •3; DUPONT . . :No. 409 'Broadway, NewA"ork. ',', And isriall.,res,sectahle ' Druggists. ' 1 throughout the ciailitiy.. ' - ' For. lode .byteadr; Bii3inv4r4nemo agent, Darrisburg, Pa. ~ . • ~ r-, . , , felp6 7 d&T'olo aplO•rdau2 :THE ONLY PREPARATION Effi Si IJI 5 ; : STOOD:ABE 11"Ebik OFI:II,ARs, , . . AND' GROWS MORE -AND' MORE POPULAR i '- ', '' ' -',' - i' ; ihvgßY - riAY:r i And leistinlotii‘lo,' ifew, and talmestk without -ntmber, iniglic,bogiven•-from .ladies and gentlemen in all grades lot SOcietY, whaie united testimony none ceeldr elan, that ,p,rot..Wood'al Mir ',ll3otorativn Ns:UN:store the bald. and gray,,and preserve the heir of the youth to olclage, Ulan its youthful heilitY: - ' '-'" ' ' -••- '• •-' ••• i ••,. i' , .- •-' • ; 7 ,•• , Ilitrii,a,Puiffs,•blich-„ Dec. 4.,, 1860., '- Pim , . Witmer: Thee wilt please accept a line to inforni thee that the hair on my heaiLall'ldD off over-twenty years ago, caused by a complicated- chronic disease, at tended with an eruption on the Beall. A continual course , ofeufferbag.througtillie havineredUced me to &State:or `depisiatiehce, I having notbeen. -able r to.obtain . ..stuff for neither - nave,eapy 1 been able to Go them up, in conie , ultibme, of . Vihich -my head; hes - seffer.id •ex tremely frem • .'Cold. This i nducea me to ray „Briggs & Hodges almesf; theest cantiffait on earth' Fir a two dollar bottle of thy Hai f Reetorative About the:first ii Augurit ;last. I have fait ,followed the difteCtiona and the Mil epoilseow "covered: With heir:thick and. black.; though shertf it is al.. -so eoming in all over my bead. ,'Feeling confident that 'booth& large liettlil;Would restore - - it 'entirely and per-; , • manently,,l,Teel mntleasto persevere Ally; use, and 11° , 1 log ReStitgill of means to - purchase - more, I would "ask thoN:ifithe ne.a e - lwouldiVilbObtifilling•telsond ;Mein order on thigeeta for,aubettie,.and l te receive, to thyself sorraidriOdeclttialasi="the iieveirdthoSelbat a fi re e re kind to the widowAindifatimiless.9 , :; ' : .• • :_iii.;.. . ,• . ..- „... ; Thy 4icP4, • , , ,113; 11 ,4MT.44 glitPlt• - ' '-'' " iiabNiiii;'NOtiiii;:CO:, Indiana Feb: be, ii. 64.. 1 'PROF. 0. J. WOOD: Dear Sir :—ln the latter. part of the' , `pear 1812, while attending the ~ftate. and National Law School of the . State ot New York, my hair, from a cause uniiiiiSiviile theicOminencsdlelling off very rapidly; so iliatin thosportsp,ace.efir six,•mouthsr, the k :whole: upper • narrormy scalp was almost 'neleffetlts cover-. ineimttinuch , or , tbeiremainlitliartion.nfiod the sidek, and,back par,i of my head shortly after became_ gray, so tlia;tl - dn'idlYrtteini intnifsediihniei tell'yOu that upon . i MY. re.tarAt ul..llle.S.teut ef Altlitthe p :MY . more, casual. ac- quaintances were not to much at a loss to discover the , cause offthe dinfignin , Mylittiethitlibeoiiiin3i'iii6hi , Ind- mate acquaintances were to ; recognize me at all, . - •. , ii r_ifinide Midi itppliatibir to - the Most skillful - nliyal:' iciaMskin.thaonatryittnt,lreeelving.mi assurance. from .11164 that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to Iocothe recorfaikid - to niyfate, , unfit; icirtianatelyr in the• latter part of, the year 1.8 ,57,,,y0ur,. Restorative was re, • commended to me iijr a eiruggist, as - being the - Meer& ,)table Hair: Restorative- in use.. I teled!one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the = desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven dot; lets' worth of your Restorative - rand-as a result, have a .rich coat of yeryikoft black ,;4tir, which no money can bwy As* _ ; JiigratAtide Igry9w:laboralift)Boll.*: :41 3 3. -- r n osso wonderful an article, I have ye a?: s use intinny ciriii,friends . and aftiantiAL, 4 3 3 1 *W/414' aniPAPPYf to iIOrPFY9F, F.e, ',',1.n.5 itl • with like effect . ; 'Vety re s pectfully; yeurs,. ' • - " ' i •••.) Depot , 44413rOadWity,'indmoldbr all dealeni tErtiugh. . _ . The llestoratlve Is put up in bottles of .tbree sizes, viz large, Medirittrarid Small ; the Sinai' holds:3i a -Pint mill:: retail for one A dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at, least twenty per cent. more in propOrtion than the small, and'-retails for IwO dollars per-bottle ; the.largeholde uttart„4o per cent. more in proportion, ,and retails for .$3 . • O. ' WOOD'S:ooD.,'Proptietos, -- 44 , 48r midway, New York, andall Market greet, Brieulll, to. r. and acdd. by . allagood Druggista and Fancy Goods 4s , l ‘ r.t. • If 0 ECONOMY!. 19- ce • 0 f e% ionnipatelial co - •Save:t e t• 1 4 .551 41 %vu- epp,,,hFerioguy*T.thqiqs vMy xlimirab oto sve some cheap and convenient Faros repairiliggSrPitikre, .T.4913,..cr0c4er4.40. FeR.ELDING' T S RE.PAR:ED GLIM . z ICI " peels all such emergencies, and no household can anord , to boarithogliit:A.lt is alwaysleady and.! up to,thestiek, ing point. „There ,is no longer .a necessity for limping chide' 'Atiltotered. Veneers; beadles toys= end broken ~01,.fit4a just pier article for ; cone.; shell and other, ornrmen *ork; so popular with ladies rethiensint andtast, • This admiraideloreparatien biased cold,Lbelpg chemi ear held' in sollition;and all the dualities of Aliabest cabinet-makers!. Glue. ~..Itmay he used in the place of, ordinary macilage,, being vastly more adhesive. - • -,6 I3SEIFEfi; 151 - Evh`roi• 41005 E." - Brush acconArg9ile A jurkbottle. Price 25 cts. w h o l eide Depot, wo. eidaritibeglie7 YwY Addren EF144 11 . 1.4. P . titEL:l;el49l9c.Ar I ' 4 athumfukkeplereli.tr cesea:ecultaittiqg Four,*pligilt and lye Deaen—s beautiful Lithographic Show-Gard me comilaitylne7 etteli patkiige. 't r r r , , air 4 single yattIeM:SPALDWOI3, PREPARED GLW teill to - every miiisetofd:' P. Sold', by all proMinent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware: :and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Eauey Storm. Country merchants shbeld-rosiee . - rte of SPALDING'S '"Ii.R.A*P I6 4 I U;IdiPh I 9`I4I; o .P..hetr ' , a - It lb ,eitarid airy Oliirtatig • fisl7 di isrly BLANK g AGIN 90413.• 0 7 4- 1 4 1 - B AND on hand and nratatactar‘ : te order at the cheapest rates, at L BERarriave =AP sointraoal. jfie~iicat. CHOREA - 1 LIEETHINC —,s MRS. WINSLOW, An experience() Norte and FemalePhystctan, presents to tbo attention of mothers h'r • SOOTHING weir 'Children T-ething . , which greatly the primes of teething, by soft ening the gume,reducing all inflammation-INN! allay 41 7 1 e PAIN, and spasmodic action. and Is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend'Upon it, uititbeis;iftwill rescui jeisteetvel AND,,,REIREF.AND HEALTH. TO YOUR ;INFANTS. We Mira hat pp 'and sold this' article "Tdr "alrei' tap, years, and .N Bev, an. tionwonion iarar , zerrea,.what have never been able to say of any, other medicine— NEVER HAS 'IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE`TO WELT A CURE,, when timely used:, Never did know an instance of dissalisfactien by any one who used it. On the contrary; all are delighted with its , Opera. , tions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of its magical; effects and medical virtues. Me speak in this matter t'wtut we no lbw*, &Oar ten years' expo.: nonce, AND mimes ona..:ItIfrUUMMX.EOR THE IMMINENT. Olt water VI Haas DSCLARS. la almost every instance where the infinfis suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adMinistered. This valtiable prebaration is the pprescripton of one 'el the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLF UL . NURSES id New England, and has been used wit h Morse TWIN/O . success in THOUSANDS, OE CASES. It not only relievis the child 'trent pain, but Invig orates the stomach and bowelsiiesorreets acidity, and gives tone end energy to the , whole system. It will 84: most itietantly-relieVe• - - ' " ' • • Cllttr,lisiG. IN ;TELE BOWELS I AND.WIND COLIC, . and .overcome &living*, Which ff nerapeedity 'rem& died, end t A e, believe if thb iser, and: !MENEM; Eglisny IN Tun woad), in all cases of DYSENTERY AND"' iN CHILDREN; whether it Artie!. froim i teething orl remit any . hiller, ,catkes../, We would. say. to every mother Who has a child:suffering from any of the foregoing Complaint-T.O NOT :ea vault PnaMtlibilar NOR TOE PR/f.rCDams OP OTHERSi stand between you and your sulteringChild 'and there'd that will he SURE—Yea, AB SOLUTELY SURE—to follow 'the`bse, of this medicine, it timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fec-simile of CURTIS P BEEINS,,NaW York, is en tke.onteide wrapper. Sold by fir tig gists throughout the weed. Trineptl Offhle,lbo. l3'Cedar SE, New..Yilik. Pried oilly;'2sCaints : per Bottles arirFor 89.1e -llarriabwrg . 1 ?y Dr I V. NrP l5B al CO., No 19 Market street, - J. Martin Ltitz,-No: W. Market street, C. K. Keller, NO. 511, Mariletstritat, 'Qom- Fourth; and G. W. fillies, igs Market *rest. .aug22 ' ' ' SCHWERIN' - S ANNIHILATING POWDER, TS- --THE ONLY XKNOWN and best ord.. - cle to exterininatelteach ea, Bed Bugs,.ents, Motba - Flies, Fieoexo,,,deo Worms, Nine 'llOgs, '&o'. IC cow zoom Nu poisoN • - SgHWERIN'S PILLS are sure death.to TS /wh y and MICE.' Mr. SCHWERLN received certfitgatee from President. of Girard College, f irectors of Hcaise of Befige,,Peiirisy:l; vania Hospital, and other prominent Public InstltutioliS: of Philadelphia. T.J. S. Jail, Washbigton,, D,..0., and Charity Hospital, New Orleans;La. • The original certificates can be.ieen. at, the and Retail Depot, 124 North ~...ecqnd street, Philadelphia, and for sale in Harrisburg by Charles A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross Tic Co., .G. W. Riley and, C.a.'Keller,: and by. all Druggists and Orocereeverywhere„ Beware'cif ) SpOridufFlisil ationit. '' Remem b er toitslefor SCHWElRlNfS,Annifitlatiog Powder None Geneine unless signed ';.. ' M H '41 7 . M St! A MSIII • NEW:Bo LD'S CELEBRATRD - • EXTRA SUGA.R. CURED ( covered.) Oncpveret . i.) ; , i/WAIN • • " " • ' ;EXTRA SITUAR CURED SBOULDERms : ). ' EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED EiF.R?: EXTRA- aVero447 , Jost received a large invoice . or the , above, which, we Carer at unusually low prices'. ' ' " ' • serot.. :7; ; •:, POCK 38--4 k DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. • :1 DRUGS' AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ; gatent itedieines. ,Family. Medley., patent " Medicines : 'Fanilly - 'tag . Patent Medicines.' Keine • t Trusses, Supportiffs7giblifder Braces. = Trusses, Bupporteis; . • Trusses, .s34ppurters,, Rhoulder ißrAceS•t .1 BERFITIKERY. . • - PFEKILERY,. I PERBILTMERY. • - PANOY-AND. TOILET ARTICLES; ImikNO,Y AND TOILEr. Anracti - VA. FANCY-AND Tommy, ARUM:MS..I' PRIME- If.AVANA; CIGARS, TOBACCO. . PRIME HAVANA ; . CIGARS,_TQBAC,CO. ?RIME cia-lat t S,,TtitrAdgkr; Welatatierti; and ' the lierrtielar br every=' Ihing.in our blue -and always..bare a gociayeasertmearmi store from which customers nay choose. And aelling at Dar pridds w 3 / 4 (lidioaiinaatriatarZataireTer imam:Lags. • - • . COL KE I 4oRWAARUG Pon, No. In Ma ler street. , ' cAND . POLITICAL PRIINCIPLES -The 1,3 - Co4tiaiiiaraiirovisioris and Principles ot Gthrerri-% ment, is reference td the political topics .ortheAltites ~are. , elated and ,explaincd, from autboretiva and ,correct sources; in lifllintiey's "OUR GOVERNMENT" or -STITKTIQN,ALIiIAhIJA,L, Per Mile, at $1 00. by M. fd!, ip - mmy, at, Harrisburg; Pa. 5029 • • - - e - lONSTIT,IITION OF THE .UNITED.,.. ETATE9...It was desigued .to be read, and Under st.c4by., the people.' j'atknowledge or: our ttiviliinstitu ileum yie only ground of trueliatrietimm .essential to 'ibex pthcervition- aid proper results. An'explanation et ; the previa ions'of the Oonstitutios,.and of 4 em. sYstbm :of coverument, as founded on JudicialauthoritY and de- Vive 9 from standard authors, is given; in a form-adapted -to common use, In the work. entitled “01 - 11 l 'GOWAN., MENT, and CON6TITUTIONAL MANUAL," by For sale, at M. 00, by-him, at Harrisburg, and at the bookstores generally. , - . 9...., . . . N NEW , MiINA R GOODS CATEWART '& BROTHER, Have( no r w open a large :assortment of MOURNING and SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, 5K41.11 7 .L5, S SILKS,' ' • COLLARS,. : : SLESVIS - RANDK_SROKESKS, — REiLS, and' Alliotheeigood*lealiable foe Fall arid Winter wear N 0.14 Market Square - Next-to the lianisbiirg•Bftk.`i S ELIARd ._.,.did 4 ~. Cst TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS. : 1 7.p3s'ING desirous to close the WALL . a p PXPER linsinoca ill' which I em now liarhialtir in-: - aged,' rwill sell all,the stack ilama on hand nt 'COSI P2116'5.,...a1l dcs,lring bargains in WWI Paper will do , ivoll`bk callin g - n oo n fl myld - .:- 3 ..1GEO; BERGNEN . O:7M233ket litlVi;3,,, - CARPENTER` AND - COithEA - WAL/V 7 MAJC7b/720Nr,illasy s . "OBBING of , dortO,; at `short !tunotio4,l- in goo d B9'4*i an 41., • • - RE,QEIy.P A IDi' ki l / 4 1b E LOT OF THOSE ': 1, EXTRA FINE,T6INTED ' . GOLD ,PENS— O.NtINSTON',.B (formerly Bagley4 I;utaufacture, warranted to be the best in mate theihielit - poitttell;most'duiable 'and aerobium - as any' marir.et,Ter Sabo with a; variety , of• Gold. Arwl., Silver ChtScS,Ot various sizes and prices, at _ '.I3:ERGNER'SCHEAP 130011STO—Ril,, , , , 51, rket street. 'F' , REESERTING irnryf stve_rior ar „nolo on band and for BaleLOW, by 4 wm. DOCK ,yea : ) Dyspepila Remedy DE. DARIUS HAM'S ABOMATIC 1NV100134-11WYPT R This .Medfcfoze.hae-leseshsteed, by , the- esslelic,far--slz Ycars. thertatiST l 7j411.0i k 9r s3;' 16 Lure Dyspepsia, .Nervousness, H art-Hurn,Chlie twins, Wind in the Stomach, or Pa twin the Box. Headache, Drowsiness, plaints, Low Spirits _ b.rilsas Tremens, DdeiliNirit ,. . 1111374.7:3, Ulm anaysik * v FILL. scot irtOIICASS, AiS A MEDICINE it is quick lit/ cliceasi.. al, curia T oot. aggravating case 5.3.EPC1V.461, comp) nd all other the Stomach and-Wf, in a speedy misuser " It will iustaatly f the F most tm c .0 iirooping spirits; MAI ;46..o.'therteak, nu ve.us ti iy to health, strength and vigor. `yeee,segos ~rim thetinjadlciens b: Nt . . 1. see ajb4 theft ' 'levees :system - . t' ..114 I_llLi.t constitutions brae : N - 4 7 ml= =Wee. b 'curse to humanity , the Ili toki ;Timm: lk.s, so t innsiedtately, feel the happy and healthy inviger..tms eilleacy of Dr. Ham's lurigorattog WHAT IT WILt DO. • SYRUP, I-Arr.—One Wine glass full as of ten as never-vat -611 c -dos e -will remove Rll Bad - Dgirits.. • tine dose Rill cure Ileart-burn. Three doses will eure•lndlgestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. tine dire Will stop the distressing pilot' of 1.3 ; One dose will remove the diStresidng Ann i vtrv..Sic efteets of Wind or Flatulence, utiles. soon as :..tonich receitei the Invigorating Spirit, the distrvi•Stut4unit and All painlYll feclings will be removed. • • One nese will remove themost distressing ; one', either in tblibtamach or bowels; , - y*few•doses*wiil•removeallobstructionsla theeunuey, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Perilous tithe; ate Seriously afilipted :with Ai..3 'Coniplaints are assnegfi speedy relief.by a ileac or,two, And 'a radicalcure by - the Mee of one or two bottles. • • , J`TIG , -71.. 1 4 r DISSIPATION finsitialing too much-aver' night• and feel the Oil elects of poisonous liquors,- ill vial; ad Aches, slcipteßs id stomach,. weakness, ghldineo, will flnd s oriti ihre will remove all bad leelibis.- ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, shouid thy Invigorating Spirit throo times a day; it w alike them strong, healthy and happy, remove, all obstructions and irregularities from-the menstrual organs, and vevtorelhn bloom-of:health and beauty to the cal eworu I cc. Outing pregnancy It will be found an invaluable ittedt , eine taidemov.vtj idieagroeable sensations at the ..iiilCUMatt. - All the proprietor asks Is a trial, and to Mow zi this, he ' has put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint botilwi at - 50 cents, quarts SI General ;Dapot,i 48 ;Water street; N. Y. 'Wholesale, Agent„-Philadelnbia, I). YOTI, and for silabiliarrisburg by t: A. Dann - tart,. P. w. Gross & Co. and G..K. Keller,and by all Druggists evir - 3 win re. TALL AND WINTER CLOTHING cwT.H - INagUp,ow,kim, • V -7777. .a 'A superb stock of tine sten* larkitan:ana Araerteiiit i , 2 '6ASSIMEUES, „ - ..-and-VIESI IN GS, Fpt Cltyauuteoulitly tnide, withamunapprOachable as sortment .5111? nips 1.14D8 ..01.97/MiG al the lowest cash gfirliint. ONE ;ERICH is asked, Gino'. intrinsic .worth and unkireseuted wth each aytiele ford. Partkiilar-ittetitlon paid-tb.thel Camaro& imp rtrnent, and garminta, muttlemidpent istArdAr i to .any address, In litattguniting OAS' few 'Whelp of 'doing liusinets, GRANVILLE STOKES would Impress on Ilia minds of 014 patrons of his establisho , oulpthat—the east a=lbs gift tad educte 4 ; fro , and..Nor,added to.the,..pria,e Qt be aril clesbid.., Hite . diut4l# int.r6Mtlig driilihig him to aotltholt lattropk,jold: at ilur same k tidie.„to realise; a remunerative,proth All'aitlides guaranteed MOM entirisati sheiks): "GRANVILIMIS'IIaKES,' O TiE PRICE CLO THINGIEM F0 . R4 , 13" 6orcilmttur STREhT. datllklEad ,CORII OIL 1 COAL• ()ILIA: COAIIOI-1;1 4 4 I fiOL 011i-1 COAL OIL II; COAL OIL! 1.1 ,COAL OIL! COAL OILI 1 COAL , OILI I I CO&L OIL I•;COAL OIL! 1 COAL,QII.I.! I -IcOefLrOIL t COAL OIL :LA ille.yl; CVAL oIL LAN.p,SJ o,qtl„ OIL AAArs: ,;, tilL:LAArri - ! COAL OIL LAMP,94-6 , 02iL OIL LA4ip.N „ l Itan . d-Etandi 'Bracket, fllariging. ana..Side-.l64Aps t I 'Bite,diStrad, Brivket,flhuming ar,d, Lampe .111 Irpna, BUink BraCket,"Hangu,r and Bide 1 t trite I I ! Batia, , RazdiZlitacket, Ilattging and %sick - La:ma I II . r. Beautiful and Verk - Ch - eapl , Lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. All. tbc Coat nil and Lampe' sold by nelme viarranteif to gins entire raosiac• lion. - fleasc.call and uranium. _ • D. W. GROSS & , WRolesaie'and Retell= D. Diaiket Eta et tiep?s,..2moa2tar .Dam . . . FAMILY DRUG STORE. '4 l -IHE UNDERSIGNED HAS OI'EIsI.ED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Builning - , -- Ito: 128 Market street, lately occuplecilby Mr. tEtry,Atretwelean bo fotaid- an: euti E., new stock of Fresh, and Pere Drugs, Tpriumery,, OM; COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluld r Alc i I intent :Medicines, StatiOnery, -Fancy Articles, We Articles, the e,gendy for the sale of Kline% Celebrate. Arti- ScjalifeWlf,' tts -which we would 'lnvite the: atteutiOn of By etridtitttentitin to business, and' desire to we ranpectfttllyeak a shartt-of Public Patronage. G. W. MLLES. B.—Prline Marana Segarir Crud: Tobacco 'cialtstantly en hand. aprtl-dly" FRANK A. MURRAY, • (stsceesso. 1 1- 0. A . "..24A) . . LIVERY 4.-EXCHANGE STA BLE , THIRD STREET BELOW,MARKF.T - HAYING purchased the 'interest of J. Q. `Ammo in the establishment, and made , large additions to the stock the undersigned is, 'required to iscominodate the pea° with atTPRRIOR Hansa for Saddle or carriage purposes,andwithevery-roriety of VEHICLES of •the latest and most approired atylei, on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIED will beaccommodated with Omni_ bases atsbort notice. -.- CARET:AGEE AND OMINDRISE3 FOR PUNERIL OCCA SIONS be furnished, accoinpanied by mirepeland obliging drivers,- . , • • Ho invites tininspeetien or his Stock; - sattelleirtlaktit is rultr &ilia) id that of any other establishment.h.O. , :thet kind in towp. FRANK A.. HURRAY. - UR&NCH - ST*li' LE Tbp ;undersigned bas opened a tranch of his , I.tiltitY and M.CIEVIOESTARLE," the buildings lately occo• • ied ...Batr y ln Fourth street crept.site the Bethel, here iii'prePlired to accommodate the f üblic with ORSES and S'Eli g3LFS t at alltimes, on reasouable terms • stoat is large and varied, and will re mismeus 7 8.31114101. WTI ' RANI( AV C. 0, Z I fttikEß PA:A N BANKING, STOCK, : _BILL AND . COLLECTION OFFICE, No. ge.-Bouth Second St. Harrisburg. BOAT i:AND STOOO Ron SALE. Harrisburg - Bonds. 7 0 ,• of liarrisbmg Bridge Company. _ tt •41 G" 40 . j " - '" Bank. Imer DRIED TARED PEACHES, (g ITYPARED • APPLj ‘: BIACKRER,RIEE, , - Just Received by •oct22. -_ WM. DOCK JR. & CO ,E XI 4k $U GAR.c 11 A 111 S :For sale by ~ ,1 " tixt22 WK. .DOCK. JR. & CO. Slistell(mtai4l. HiTIADELITEa FASHIONS GRA NITIL.PE. 13TOKEW ONE PRICE' GIFT' aVo 6 CIMISTNETT SlEras7, .; . Beautiful and Very Chekkl AeautifpLand Very Cheap t Beautiful and Very Cheap;! MEMO
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