Einto of Zrarri Oiransportatiob PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA.' The Bridge it Conevugo buying' bren re-built, the leagenger Trains of the Polo yfve, !..Haltrind ComfmnY will resume their former route. CI) end after MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1850, siry will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows ELSST A 1 D s Tnnoucat ESPREOO TRAIN leivea Harrisburg at 1.15 a. m. and arrives at -West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m..• VAST LINE leaves 'Harrisburg at 015 a. in., every day except Monday, arrives at West Philaaelphia at 10.00 a. m. MAIL' TRAIN leaves rrisburg I.oo' p. arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. ni These trains make close connection at Philadelphia, with l a New York lines. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, losves itt 0.50 a. in., Mt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at 8.60 with Lancister Train, arriving at Wes.t Philadelphia at 12.10 p. HARIMEIRJRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at 3.50 p. m., Columbia at 5.15, and arrives at, est Phila. delphia at 9.0611, m.. MT. JoY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves at 4.00 p.m., Mt. Joy at 5.11, connects with Harrisburg Accommodation Train, East, at Dillerville at SAO, ant. viag at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.46 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 2.55 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. In., ar rt vas atHarrisburg at 12.50 p. In, FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia. at 11.50 a. in., arrives at Harrisburg stol.oo - p. .. . MT' JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Lancaster on arrival of Mail Train. West, ,at 11.04 a. m., le .ves Mt. Joy at 11.42, and arrives at Hanisburg at 1.00 p m. HARRISRCEH CoMIODATION , TRAIN , leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., Columbia 6.10,. and - arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 ps in. • MT. JOY ACCOMMODA 110 N TRAIN, No. 2, leaves inneaster, on the arrival of La.s.easter 'frain West, at 7.54 p. my Mt. Joy at'S.Bo, mat arrives at Harrisburg at 9. 42p. m. Passengers having PhDad Iphia at 4 CO p. m., on Lan caster Traits, ccnnent . a. Lancastei wills Mt.. Joy. laudation Train No. 2, at. 7,54, and arrive al.:Hartisburg at 9.24 p. m SAMUEL' D. YOING, Stspt. Poinstavaniat RaGroad. octThitt , . . NEW Allt ird ROUTE TO NEW YORK! affeffligr SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN TBE TWO CITIES OF NEAV YORK, .N • .13,A.12,12,153E31T1?_ , 0- 1 VIA. READING - -LLLENTOWN AND EASTON. ORNING 1.X1•14..55, 'll est, lea . , ec New Yolk at 6 A M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.46 noon, only 634 hours between the two cities. MALL LINE leaves Eew York at 12.00 neon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 I'. 41. HORNING MAIL LINE East, Leaves. Harrisburg at 8.00 A. IL, arriving ai New York at 4.30 P. al. AFTERNOON EXPItEr..B LINE, East, leaves, Ilan's- Lurg at lib M., arriving at New Yolk at 9.00 P. M. OomteCtlons are made et ilarrisbinzat LOOT: 61: With tie Pasnnger Trains in rash Oration on ilitifedrisylva- Lis, Cumberland Valley aLit ein there central Railroad. entrains connect at Itelidii.g with train, for Pottsville and Philadelihia, , auri at ellentoun for Mauch chunk, aston, &O. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between NeW York and Harrisburg, by the 0.00 A Li. Line from New York or the 1.15 P. N. rom Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, suit speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducementS.to tips traveling public. Fare between Now fork and Harrisburg FIVE DOL., Lela Per tickets an,. other information sp.illy4o --- inn J. J. CLYlR,,....(leamArgient, Harrisburg. - 1860. 1860. Northern CentraL4Ovay I CHANGE' OF '.:SOILEDULE. IN - AND AFTER 4SIJISFAt' MAY nth .140, the Passenger Trains onAlfe::;ilorihern tAmtial .11Aljw;4 will leave Harrishergliirfolfiiive O.IN-6 Sti EXPRESS 111 .- A.IN will leave, . ..1:40 A. 111 A.CLVIWRODATION TRAIN #llllegive - at..780j A. II MAlLTiWNwillleave'it ; i 100 Di GOING NORTH.. MAIL "IllAlNivill leave' at " 1 20P. 11 MYREN% I RAIN. *111:1000 0,3;3 1.. tie only Trains leaving Hairishurg Orl $l.ll/114 will be MIME& TEAM at IL; going South, and the '93EBSTRAIN,at 9.32 P. M., going North: • - • For farther information apply at the Otlice, IMPetin'a ailroad Depot. Harrisburg, May 26, 1860 j 126Z ' B 411; : 4 P ll* . ; HILAAPELk I I-11A READING RAIL It OA D. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER 'MAT 28th - 1860. 1.-40 kAmENGER. TRAINS LEAVE ISAREISHIJEG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. Al., and 1.15 P. 11. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. and h,15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8:00'A. M., and 2.30 P. DI arriving at Harrisbvrg at 12.45 noon and 5.130 P.l[. . .., . . FARES :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25 ; No. 2 (In carne train,) 12.70. FARES i•—To Reading, $ 1.60 and $l.BO. t Reading, eminent with trains for Pottsville, Miners 'Ml% 'Tamaqua, Catawissa, &c. • FOUR TRAINS LEAPS: READING FOR PHILADEI, FULA DAILY, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A 81., 12.80 noon and “.43 4 M. • UAW. PHILADRUBIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., 1,00 P, L, 3.60 P. M., twit 6.00 P. M. FARM :---Readinzto Philadelphia, $1.75 suiclßl.4s. WE MOANING TRAIN FP.OII HARRISBURG CON GRUB AT READING With up train for Wilkesbarre Oitagon and Scranton. ; For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE,. General :Agog mx26-dtt PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD "RFDUCTION OF PASSENGER =FARES; . au and after NONDAt, APRIL 2d, 1860 COMMUTATION TICKETS "(NITS26 Coupons, will heissued. be tween any points desired, good for theholderor any member of his family, in any Passenger train, , and ag any.tamer-at 25 per tent. below the namm.ta. FARM. -parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on business or pleasure, will lind the above arrangement, eonvenient and .economical; es your Passenger trains tun , dallynach. way .between Reading and Philadeiphia, bird_ Two Trains daily . between Reading, Pottsville and rrinbarg. On Sundays, only one morning train down, t h d , one afternoon train up, runs between Pottsville'anci iladelpllia; and no * - Faasenger Wu - op-ure7r4bancaL _ R ainy Branch Rafiroad. „ , For the above' liiikeis;•or ,, any information relating'. therito•apply-to' S. Itialord, Esq., Vreasufer; Philadel IPWC€ II KS I Tiffirmicßir,Trcitct , 74 - ginpf - cin ,the or,to, tic A; Niacq,l4- • oxpllti uenq.qupt AND ptnitsvltianict,. Elattp &It two, 0 1; d 4 -0, 40 Aftsruop.q, Noutinber ,3„ 1801:1. Mistellaitrouo BOERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND RWIRIX'I7OII BTSP DISEASE THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, W EAKNESS OF ANY, KIND, FIEVER:4IIIO.4kguE; , , And the various affections 'chi:devout hpon a disordered STOMA:CA OR LITER, Such as Indigestiony Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Ifearthurns, Loss of Appetite; Despondency, Cos tiveness, Blind, and Bleeding Piles. in all Nerrots, 'Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Aftections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and inbthers effected a decided cure. This is 'a 'purely vegetable compound, Prepared on strictly Scintilla principles, after the manner of the cele brated Bolland. Professor, Boethave Its reputation at home produced its introduction here, the &mat deem- menciug with those of the Fatherland sttattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tiaaition of its value. It is now drered lo,the American public; knotting That its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknoidedged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have peen impaired by the congruous 11E0 of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect; it finds its way directly to the seat of life, • thrilling and qnickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, In fact, infusing now health and 'Vigor in the sy stem. . hoever expects to find this a beverage will be disap; ointed; but to the .sick,:weak 'and low spirited It will prove a grateful arOmatic cordial, pOssessed of of singular remedial propertie,. READ CAREFULLY I.' The Genuine highly concentrated Dcerlntie'S Holland Bitters is pet up in half-pint Lottles onlyo.l3d 'retailed at Oss DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for lervE Dom.s.ss.— The great demand for this truly celebrated Medic* has induced many Imitations,"which the pubnolliould guard against purchasing. . Jr3-Beware of Imposition., fee that our name Is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. • • • • :.3 SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., VAN lIFACIPURING Pharmaceutists, and Chemists. PITTSBURG, PA. For sale in the city of Ilarrisburg by D. W. GROSS &. Co. septl•dawly DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY S. E. Corner of Third and Walnut Strum, MILADELPIIIA. INCORPORATED 1835 MARINE' 'INSURANCES on -Vesselk Cargo audFreight to all„paGs of the World. 114. LAND INSURANCES on Goods by Rivers, Canals Lakes and Land Carriages to all garts of the Union. • tRE IhrSURANCES on klerohan4iize generally, and on Stores, Dwelling Houses,' dcc. , ASSETS .OF .• THE COMPANY;.•November Ist, 1858 $698,804 10. November 10, 1858. The Board of Directors have this'clay dechired . a diaa. dend of SIX PER CENT. in Cash; on the Capital Stock and SIX PER CENT, on the Scrip of the Company, pay able on and after let the proximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend ofTIVENTY FIVE PER CENT. on the Original Stock, and on the Earnest Premiums for the year ending October 31 1858, Certificates. for which will he issued to"theparties en titled to the same, on and after the first of December. igir Preamble and Resolution adopted by the Board. WasitgaS, the increased means of the Company arisinE Creel Profile, and which will be derived from the In creased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the further continuance 01 the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore be it— Resolved, . That the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, and the Notes representing the mune be delivered up to the makers thereof; as soouas.the Risks taken dintsllU. toted embraced in said Notes slikUltan-40,erlitriired,. , . /-Rl - 61. o Aa . . William Martin, -- Jaznei O. /laid; Will aiawyre,Jr.' Jeeeph - H. Ea e a s i - , Theo. Paulding, James Tennant, Edmund A. Bauder, Dr. R. M. Huston, J:lLlNTarland, John 0. Davis, . Hugh Craig, Wm. 0. Ludwig, Robert Burton, S. Thomas O. Hand, John R. Penrose, Marie s Kelley, Joshua r. Eyre, GeorgeG.Leiper, SanittelE. Stokes, Jedob Jones, Edward Darlington, Henry Sloan, ' J.T.Logan,Pittl H. Jones Brooke, James !Impair, Morgan, . I. F. Penistori, B. Semple, • , WILLIAM MARTIN, President. , THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. , HENRY LYLBURN. eiretary. The undersigned, as agent for the above Company,t prepared to makiinsniattees on all deSerlptione of pro perty on the most liberal terms. " janlB•dkrly BtEIEL'ER, Harrisbiwg, re. NEW FIRM. NEW ,GOODS NEW PRICEST.- . . THE SUBSCRIBERS. having succeeded ro.the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY BOK 'NESS of , Messrs. GROSS tit KUNKEL,' 'at WALNUT,' STREET WHARF, would' respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared to offer for sale a large:and-complete assortment of Groceries; Provisiorige,r2T Fish, Salt, Grain, Flour, . . Ropes', m great v ar iety,- Queensmare, .; : Paints, Oils,. Glass, - Cement,- ;,- • &c:, Oke , Our Large SPRING STOCtf;- purchased in Philadelphia' a nd , New York, and now arriVing;''htiehben iieleated Iwittrinlitlecarbritdid - wittlfresenrgrent — inducementesto• close buyers. , We intend act:keit) PIRST-CLAS 60D - DW, and WILL NOT BE . UNDERSOLD, and hope byhonorable dialing,te merit and receife , a'share 'oflitionige.• ' r .nutr24-dtf " ' AiItOBINSDif arCO FIEIB A . SCHOOL BOOK.-:'OUR 'GOVERN . VENT."—An explanatory statement of the. eye• tem-oftbe - government of the- country, By M. Ando., ney. :With: proper historical..ndtices.— Thai worlygiteil the construction of ;the Constitution of the 'United Stales. and those of the .several States, as determined „byTudi cial authority or derived troni standal•dAvriters, accord: log to references. noted. • It: is designed :tor Colleges, Academies and !Schools, and bes..been.. so. used to a considerable extent. It is .recommeridea -for this. pur pose by Jurists, Presidents and Professor s of Colleges. For gajo, 5441 00, by , IiP.I4IILNNEY, at Harrisburg, Pe. • : Ea= itTioullaiteous. THE ORIGINAL ..4.ND G.44IIJINE DBE. IPWRSENVI COM VOUND 4X.TAACT: S AR SA PA RILLA, The Or/ at I`c:l;(ve.for of THE - -13.-E-00")., THE SOVEHE!GIN EIYY FOR F_ UPT.I.O.NS' OF "1 Zr;li N ULCERATED bat - Li S, AND 'ALL FORili b OF CLJEOU6` ' IDCSEASEE'.. - These complaints can he speedilv . aute effectually cured hy the use of this WORLD -RENOWNED: -S- AT S A P A-11,1 L Thousands. have experienced .its dalufiry. cella:11;mM: tens of thousands have witnessed It, until it nes ceased to . be a (location among the intelligent pnitiOn' dr' the coin mutiny.. • , ; . When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either froni the eireets of Spring t weather, chatige,:eft Climate went of exercise, the use of_ ahnithim saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will tom= the Binon;:barry offAtie putrid huinors,-cemeiais the srofneterr,, , . , t„, . REGULAIE 40. jV EI I S • And impart .a Tone ,of. Vigor- to ;the Whole Body; TO: THE. PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that the•hreatidlon tensively knownue Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound ;En !tract of Sarsaparilla', is row manufetufed under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe•obtaieed from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and.d,certify that it is octave; ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT Mlt CURY; and ale that thetugre'disuis aro•judiclously ,come minded, Bikes do ohtalu,frony, them their, gratcst medicinal effect; • -• • •• • • • • •••' • • .JAMES It. CHILTON:M. R; Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COISPOUND EXTRACT or Senna rittlLLA, has a reputation among all diVilized untionli as the best prepexation•ihr, • ' • Renoliating' and Purifyingitho , BLOOD which science has ever offered to iLtinn.'„lnitlits 'resides its RECISIAR EXCEL.IXACE and to this is due ita world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles Which Pxperi once has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM. from. DISEASE, extracted and.combined with tttnitighesitskill which the refinements of ; niddern cheiiiistry enable as_ to Whatever may be said by milltifled competitors or i splenetic physician% the. rant 144 this Modicinels EVERY WIIERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mend, 'abeam conclingively that it poisessis :medicinal merits of the first order - CA U . . To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that • . „ DR. JAMES A G .CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of;pr. S,P Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each betfle: BE VERY GABEFUL TB USE': NO - OTHEFI:' Proprietor'iotdce, No:41 Fulton striet,l4, Y. And far sale by ever39)ll4EElg in Ibis titTi • !' 4:30.415taw ~C~FFBT~Si LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. r HESE 'IV,IEDICINEWhaiTe now been be-. j, fore the 'public fir' a period of THIRTVIViks; and during , that limo haiintinaintaint d a high character in al most.every part of the Globe, for their natritortlinary and immediate power of ihaalth to per ' eons ' Suffering under nearly every kind: of disease which the:Miniamframe is liable; .'; • , t' The fellowing streaming the d i stressing , ariety of bu man diseases in which the.. , EGETA BL FE , MEDICINES Are well.anown to beinfallible: t.).i at'' DYSPEPSIA, by thoronghly cleanslngtneErst and second stomailte, and creating a flow of pure :healthy bile, 'instead of the' stale and acrid' kind ; LEROY,- Loss of 'Appetite, Horaibitte, tiehakchni Rest , lessnoss, 111-TemperpAnalety;lallkuor and Melancholy; which are the , generaLsymptems of Dyspepsia, will Tad ish, as " hatnralhonieqeduce cure. COsTlVENESSi'l;yeleinaliti tho'weore 'length of theLntestines with a solvent' procees,hnd: Without vio lence; all_ iolent purges.leavU the bowels costive within two days. Favklas of all kinds, by restoring the blooda regular Ciinulation, through the pineesA of respiration such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal struetion in others. . The LIFE MEDICINES have been linown., to cure permanently In - ;U:red . weakelrld GOUT in half that thrie, , hy removing ions.' hifinfithation from the.inusales and ligaineut,s.of the joints.. - • DROPS/ES of all kinds, by freeing_gpst-streuttien, tug the kidnefa anphitidtr3W.op.eraie" Meet delight ...fulki•emilllrta'''fr'nportitilt eigans; Mid' hence - haVe "ever been found a certain remedy for: the'. :worst crises: op GE.&V•, ••v•f- ':f • 1 , Also WORMS, disladging from, the timings ; ut the bowels the reifay - Platter "vrtilq4 these "CiCalltres adhere. • .• ••••' • - • ' • • • • •S'IDIURN"I",. ULCERS,; and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect,purity which thesaJNEPLIFA)I.- CIN/Yilye'tO Die;Stied; arid all the SCORDUTIDEICUPTIONS'andiEItiIMiiiPOE lONS, by their &Iterate effect upilnl thiS" thilds'ithat Sed the skin, awl A the , morbid state off wylohnoconsioneall eruptive complaints, soll!ny,,9louq,vp.'othe:rg!,Bl,..grscp : able complexions. Tliehise ortheite , Pilh for- fr it'lvery short time will effect an entire cure of SALT 1111EUfft, and a striking im provement in the .clearness of the skin. CORDON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one deserar,by e two,lu jhemorst.cases. l t.-. ol tliese"ine"dicineit, was cured of Piles, of 35 y car? standpglqthonse of the LYRE MEDICINES alone.' ieilUE.—Eor this , scourge, Western country, these Medicines will,be found a safe, speedy; and certain remedy: Other Medicines hitve'itte system subject to a return oftbe disease+ssarejey these Medicines is permanent—TßSC THEM, EM SATISFIED, AND BE CURED.. - . 5.7 +, BILIOUS yFEVERS., AND ~LIVAR,CIDAI? Doss and It BUSES. OF.. FElaeurs,,the >Medicines haveuticenbuied with the most beneficial results in cas.es of,this descrig*, tion lilts' rider fdritigYtelditt to the mild Yet Pelverfel'acge.nOt th*elltluer}tabreAslgt Night filweais;Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaint:T.4f the'Marry'Diiiitere Colic, ase,speedily cured, 'MERCURIAL ' DISAASESPerrions Whose' ompgluilosis have become lintpaired, by the: inicidielown use of Mercury, .tvillAnd these Medicines a porfect caro,. as they never fail teedreificate , fratit the'Sysirim;4ll' the' effects or" Mercury, bitinitelys,opuerAtutti theLpiestpower-1 ,flu preparation's of ssisiparilli. - Prep - tared and sold,by: 11E. iW.IBAIIKOEVAT, 1 1 . c . - 835 Pro,eowitY,PleWilterk..,„i Yorsale by ill - Druggists:' ' - • -020-datily T A KZ' That we have recently, ad d e d ttc! eyr.t9adi:NPPßAck ‘ ..1 , 5 4 , LA I~UORbIA~IS, ititY4A - 51 , 1110 .1 72,.. 11 ` ki i nzwis . • ifivtiivegmei;.col, FOR THE HANDRFKOITIE.,-,„!, , - C i• 7 • • AAA 3.1:311 L ESSthCEI36QTF . ET) • .11..1 Fox EAU LUSTRALE, , • veRISTALPZEEr PIIIMATU11; I.leff RNA PANii IFIDERT I PIinah'UIf L d 'FOR ViIIVOAPLESCIOI4".'ai 3-r"- tALC, I TX - L I ROSE c IMAP I T I OWDEV,' NEW MON'Pg Diff , P6WDER IO :. III. 4"-. l ' BLANC-3)E , PERLES... , A 1. . 1 ,obridies W4f:iglitiii,VhArAtriction e 4.4 1)045 .c., l lSioMelosk Jt0f , .1.1 eis. l ;?, u F i / * I A i I Tl9Plar:su *Ai jggeti;;l,l , ; .. ; .‘ri iimorly:(7 . :New-Mowmilay°l , , I ' ' 40k - or • Havingktbe:largest'stoek and VesVassortinentof abilot articles, wt3,lqp.oyittlat;w,e beltea aaltlAhap car ficom 'onbpidte t6llet stett - arilily ; Orice B 4 1 111 .0tctleei; , :iall ii-lb oat to ealt) 1,111 Mu'. Always on baud a FRESH stocitof Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &e:, , .dokakelait'ai oaf = ieceivine'alinisViltiili additions thereto. —• 21^ 5 V11. 44 / 4,8 ltxti,El4 - DRug ADID CY 8 11 I ...4 , :stra wit if° 9/16firktitattae t, Eep6 Two Wars East of Fourth lit., South Side. )11 J.`/0 Intbital. LO :1) FOOD. The attention of Inirailds, Physicians, Clergymen., Sci entific. men, and' the 'philiclgenerallr, is' respectfully ;elicited to the merits of this chemical preparsh. n, con taining Iron,Sullibut and Phogphoiug; and whisk is identical .a its composite]] crittr - thcrifemaiis Mande, or red blood. In all disea,ed accuMpAhted with Debility , . pale cuunten..ii en and 'nervous del atit Lii.ent, analysis of ~the blood ziotfl a deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy complexion and it rosy tint of the Skill, is always indica thre,of health whilew a like skin end counte nance,—which evinces a deficiency of the red globules,— accompanieen diseased organism: Preparations of Iron have been given lor the purpose of supplying the red .globules, but we ciintend this Iron* alone, Sniti+ur alOne,ior Yhosphoius alone,,will not meet the deft diency.m every case, but that ajudiciou combination of +Au these elements - Is necessary to restore the blood tolta normal standard. Thit point, jiiever befo - e attained, has been reached in the Blood Food, 4 /td. Its discovery Lafta, ottani the moot scientific and important of the Ago.. eltefAs in 0011814110.011.! : : ..ere.to soften the cough,. Pince the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase thopnysical and nientalnilergyi enrich the bleed by re storing the lacking rod globules, : ixicrease the appetite,, "restore thou ceder, end 'clothe the skeleton frame' with nests: aSheiDoodi Foot ',will- he found.a specific in.all Chi °nit; Diseases of thelfirnielk. or Plangs r such as Asthma, Bronchitis, - Cliughe, - Sie. speakers and iingers will find it of great. (utility- in clearing and strengthening the v,c ds. In Dyspepsia,,Liner • Ctitripfaints, Dropty,Epikpiy, Paralysis, .!crblida; Gmvel, St. Vitis' Liarice, ' , ever and f,yue, , its efficacy is marked and Instantaneous. In no duos of distase,.how ever," are' thel)enetleial effects of this remedy so con spicuous as in those harrassing Female Complaints to which:the , gentler: sea, are liable, and whichteud to wards, Consumption,, such as suppiess• d or oitlicult "Wenatittation; - Green - Sickness, Whites, tce , espetially when these complaints are accompanied with priteniss, a'rfaigy hue or pallor ci the skin, impression of spirits, dChility,laipitation t i Want of appe tile, and nervous prciS nation have the utmost confidence in recomureud, lug thditicioil rand to all who May be conscious of it . lees ~ or. vitality - or energy, and id those whose mental or bodily, powers are prostrated through over-use,.either or thd mind or body, and we deein itbur duty. to :ay 'Mut iu all,casesof Weakness and Emaciation, and, in all dls• ease's of the Kidneys Bladder, this preparation lilts a claim upon the attar:Mon of sufferers widen cannot be over es timated. A faithful trial wiltbe found the mostuouvinc -tug proof iu regard to itsufficady that could beaSked for. With, the Shama remarks,' and .with the numerous testi monials, we' have in .its-favor, we. °ger the Allood F4od" to the, cobsideration ofthaaftlicted,lmOwilig that it will thl'aFlinqiiledged 'as pre-ehiineut over all other "proparatteire, patent Mr.oillcialvin point of usefulnels..i- - iircularsliving the., Theory, upon which this remedy is .founded, also .certificates rt. roma:rash:fa cures, sent,' fire ,wten We forward th e 'BI ood ' Food to aid part'OrilieTtnited States 'or Oanadas upon receipt oC Priee-41 per. bulls, $9 for six bottles.: Be careful in all cases ,to !lay° none ,but . t,list.,,hariog our fac simile ,signiture upon the wrapper. Toms other is geiiiiine; , Prepared only by CIIUKCI4I. & - DU.PutNlp; - • • No. 409 Broadway, New-Yoik. And .by all respectable Druggists. throughout the country. For sale 'by C. A. Boatman, So e agebt, Harrisburg Pa. feb43.dewly-rd aplO-rdau2 THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST.OF 1 1 . EARS, AHD GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY . Anil testimonials, new, and almost without number, might'infigiven from ladies 'and gentlemen. in all grades :di society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative resforia the bald and gray, and preserve thelair ef theyeuth to old ago, MAD its youthful beauty. . . ; BATTLE. CREEK, Mich.; Dee. 21, 18501 . pair. Wean : Thee wilt please accept a line to inform theathitt ' the hair on my head all fell allover twenty years ago, caused by a. complicated chronic disease, at- : tended- wit#, an eruption on the. head.. A continual course Miffeting through life having.educed me to a state of dependence, Itaidng. not been 'able to obtlin•stuff for caps, neither.' have I been able to GOVICEO up, in,conse quence.cd which my,head hti'S syMd•-• d eitromaiy. from cold., This I educed me. to joy Briggs& Hodges almost the last tent I had on earth" for a to u &Var bottle of thy Halt Restorative about the first of A eguA Last. I- have faithfully followed the directions and toe bald spot isnot , covered with hair thick and black, awash short; it is al• so coming in all over my head.. Feeling cOnlldellt , that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per.- intinently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and-be: ing destitgte of, means, le purchase more, I: would.ask• then if; thee wouldst not be.willing to, send me au order . on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thy Self the scripture declaration— , .'the reward is to those that are kiiitlM the Widow tnid,retherlem.tt— •- - ' it irlend .. SUSANNAH HIRSY. LIGONIER, Noble, Co., Indiana Feb. sth, 1859. 1 PROF. 0. J. Wow): Dear Sic :--In the latter part of the year 1852, while attendliag"the State and National Law School-MA . lle Ruttii ot NeW Yoirk,my, hair, ,cram ,a came unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of 'six months, the whole upper part ; fmy scalp was almost entirely bersilof its cover ing; ilifd inneh of the remaining : portion upon the; side and back partici( my head shortl after became gray,.so. that you will not be surprised when I tell yam that upon my return' to the State of Indiana, niy mole'easual ac quaintanceswerei not so -much , at a loss to. discover the cause of the change in.my appearance, as my more mate a"oquaititances were-to reccignize me at all. -• • • lat once,made applicatiom to the most, skillful physi clans in - the Country, tint, receiving no isierance from thenalhatmly bah-could again be restored, lwas,forced to become,reconciled to-my fate, until, fortunately, in the lifter Vert or'llin'year'lgs7; yboor 'Restorative was re commended to me by aLifr,uggist, as being the Most re liable Hair Restorktive, in use. I tried one bottle, and. l f)ulid l tO my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect .- 'Skive that time, I have used seven dol lain''worth id' your Restorative,. and as a result; bays`. 'rich' coat cf "very soft black , holy, which no money can .aatimark °frog gintitude far yeti labneithli f skili• hi • the, .produatiOn• • of soawonderfut an- article, 1.•-have •commendedlts use to many of my, friends and aegualot 4nsids,-wlio, Inin,liaPpy teitilliimayou; are uaing-it like effect. ; ..• yery ; respectiully, yours, .... • • A. ID - LATTA, • ' Attorney and Counielloebh :,13.eglot,,44.4iBroadway, and soidby, all dealers through oiat'tb.e world? • Losf,Resteratiyeis •litutep in bottles ottbree sizes, viz: large, medium and small ; the small holds y s ' a pint, and: refailteliF tai P iter - bottle '-;- the oniedinin hold , leasttmentrger:cent.more in proportion than thenmal4 aria" retails TorWo'dollain per bottle ; OM' Mike holds` q4O per cent. more topropoiliuni : aniLretails fOr'9B . • ; FPO CO„ yroprtetors, ,444Ilrosnytity r /flrr, Yailkeand - ilt Iditkekstreet,l3t. - • ' • ' Alligi.xd r..oryggisks Funny Ooods -Dealers se2o7dAwarci )':1111 p ct . et • .. . . • ..., t i? „ , l . 0 ECONOMY ` !` , • • t•v? • 11, ' • • t,• -t, f' " .• .4'14 Stielicheceo " a'.: ` ~ ECM ... 4 CAtOler l 4o ,l l o ;oo ,2 l";eetnin:toell-regraalealfastities• Nis very desirable to liaire'some cheap and convenient way forrepairinkFurniture, Toys, Crockery, &c. • Oi'ILpIIi•G'R•iIiEPARED.I6IIIfE r. , meets all Stich emergencies, and no - householA-pap fdfo.O . ',tiihe'zivith'dlit WI Ills always 1 1 6,0 find 'np'to Ole gliele: log pipt,,,khge,4B no longer a nsceshllx,for 'hoping chairs, sPlintet ad' veneers, beadles toys and hrogen n orndles. dtSlEb.just the a rticle -fOr corimiabelllandvth"44 . aki oynr a,tit rnen m lal FV ? r,poyalar of,rflhp 1 1 1 3nt . (pis adniiNnblepreparatloaiis espy held in solution, and possessing all the 'pati o s of tholieeteallinill•inakeife,-Glue; iii-thei` Ql I ffeaTrAnollage, being.vaally,moreAdhpsixt., ' ami' toust. , Y" • I . Noitn.—vi tins` ltaeollskpanieslealtlibettlei-4ice.2stlSYY, Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedarskeet New York, Bparky, cospktpiwek,Do4ll.,o . • , Box. No. 3 600 New York • =" •„, ••• , up ituDealer" s 4n caseatontainingTour,Eigbtand Tyyetr., Dozen--a bwitiftl LitbogrttilifF,A49vi.orl . eaCh l Okekage: " —•• )101 . 74 PW.gbit bingo of eI'ALDIWS iPREBABED GLUE. sill saxdtenAitocs its coat annuapy to every hQ4ehold.F bold by rirdminent , 'all 4,o F uTtl-j u e e rl a n e tVcZ e l i cl d -TA Y r PREPAIIAD GLur.).:wlien pp *lll- 134.9?,4 ±AIY ... • • ... gebl7. --. • . . BOORS F ALL IM-4:0-16T.A.13.14 KZES3,44UPASi pTYLE:AN,D Rl:taut/Es on hand,and truppract.tir, akiaGNII.4IB4:4WAVR*44I fitebicat j CHILDFtEI\ MPS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physicom, preseuts to the attention of mothers h r SOOTHING SfRUP, For Children .T= ething. . which greatly facilitates. tbe limes• of teething, by soft ening the.gum s, reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasm:olo action, and is - • _ SURE TO -REGULATE. THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers it wilt give rest to yourselves AND. RELIEF AND 'HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten' years, and CAN say, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH; what We have never been able to say' or any other medicine— NEVER HAS •IT FAILED; IN-A:SLVOLThINSTANCE TO EFFECS A CURE, when timely used. _Never .did, we, know ihatinceuf dissatisfaellOn any' bun who heed' It. Cm the: contrary, all are delighted with its !Opera' lions, add speak in terms of highest, commendation of its magifial effects and Medical virtue:3,We sPeak this; matter . I, wner wi DO ICTOW, • MIST tenycfars'.expe rience, AND MMUS OUR REPUTATION FOR TEI FULFILMENT OF WHAT WN MINN MICIAIIN.,III almost every Instance where the-infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will he found In fifteen or twenty - minutes after the' syrup is administered. . • This Valuable preparation is the prescripton of one, :Ai the -- most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England,. an ,d has been used with NITER FAILING, EILICCNie is_ . THOUSANDS OF CASFS It not , only relieves the child from pain, but invig orates' the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. it Rill al - instantly relieve ' GRIPING IN Tung BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and 'overCome convulsions, which .if not speedily remit-. • Med, end, in death. We believe it the sass and MUST iteinsiv..ncvni 'loath, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARItIiCiA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from, , teething or grow any other cause. We would, 84 to every MPtlier who has a'cbild stifferlug from any of the' foregoing. tifimplaMM—r:rio. , :ttoT tar. COOK NUMPICI:fI, Item 'rue reivx picas on. °MIMS, Mind. betwden you•atid your sollerine child and the relief that Wifflie SURE--yoes.,.Aß syLuTr.t.y. 3uitE 7 4lo - roucpw the use 'of this Medicine, 71 . 1 UT, still d.ret Woos for ineing wdraccompanyt. earl, boll, Nee ..geiraille colors the fameimilo oil CL`I II , s, Nov % rk,ia suilic outside vermmor., soli; r hts throughout th'e werla riucioti (Alive No: 13 Cedar St.; New York. • Price only 25 Cents -per'Botile... . oir:F. or Sale •Ilaciisberg by ts. & CO., No 19 Burke. street, 3. - .lietriin Luta, No. 22 Miirketxdteet,C. K. KelieF, No. 331. ;latlcakittvet, below Fourth. Rocha., W. 111 iles, 126 Market street. .- oieWly " " ' SCHWERIN'S ANNIHILATING - • POWDER; ..• 'Ts THE ONLY - - - „LIENOWS and - best I.We :to eaterthinate Bosch-. -es Bea Bugs , mita Moths T. - Flute ,gai den W antis, Vino Bugs, &c. , -Ir CON _ _ 'TAINS Nu COLSON. SCHWERIN'S PILLS are sure -death .t RATS iii / / ' and .4110 E: Mr. SCHWERIN received Certificates from President of Girard College, iirectors of House of , Refuge, Pennsyl. vania,Hospital, and, other prominent Public institutions n -of and, S. Jail, Washingtim; 11..0., and Charity Bospitali New Orleans, Ea. • The original certificates can be seen at the .Wholeiale and - Retail Depot, 124 North Second' street,-Pniladelphia, and for sale in llarriabnrg..by,Cbarles sA. Bannvart, D. W. Gross .1z Co., W. Riley .and C. K. Keller, and by all - DritggistentiarGrocere everywhere:. . . Beware of Spurious Ind ations.„ remember to ask for `SCHWERIN'S Annihilating • ' - None Genuine unless signed- - - myl7-dfint . K SCEPIVF.RIN., 'I-I -Ai M: S: /..t- .H A.. M.-8,1 .LI NEWBOLD'S CELEBRATED : XTRA SUGAR, CURED (covered.),, , • . IXTR'A SUGARtURED (uncovered.) ' ' eLAIX • HAMS.:. - ' EXTRA SUGAR LURED SMOULDER'S. EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED BEEF. EXTRA 4, 44 4, 44 (covered..) Jiist received a large invoice' of the above, whiebwe offend unusually low prices. . • • Will. DOCE..JR., & CO., DRUGS AND CHEMICIT,S. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Patent Medicines. , " Family Medicines. Patent Medicines:. Fa mily' Medicines. Patent Medicines. =Family Medicines. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder *seeks Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brace r s. Tiusies; Supporters, Sluitilher PEBFUEIRRY. ' ; PFRFITHERY. I , PEAFITMERy. PAIVeY AND TOILET ARTICLEs. FANCY AND , NOTLETARLICLES. FANCY' AND TOILET ARTICLES. _ _ _ PRIME.. HAVANA CIGABBi.;TORACQO; , . PRIME -HAVANA •CIGARS; TOBACCO. , PRIMA HAVANA,TOBSCP,O I We ta - SaY the very best ` or every` Thing kraut. lincaiandagMayi have a good • assortmOn6l9) store frona we customers may eboose. And sellin(k fairprices vie do command a-fair shire of idrosige:-' , • ! K. RELLEE'S.DRUG STORE, 119. 91 Market 'Area. SOUND POLITICAL PRINDIPLES.—The , _. ConstifiltiOnal Provisions, firlPrinciples of (levers— , naenbiio reference to theipolitical topics oflbo Ittnes.lare stated and Rif:deiced, from„ authorallas aqg correct sources, inilliiiniey's “LiCIR 'GOVERNMENT' or COM.: EMOTIONAL MANUAL. For sale at $1.00: by Mad'.. KINNEY, it Harrisburg, Pa. • 5029 ponswillyiprl, OF THE - UNITO. fglic a to be read audhnder• stead the peopro: Acknowledge of civil institu bona,. the only ground or true patriotism, is , essential to the:r prereriratiori and proper - residts; An explanation of the proybkions Of the. Constitution, and of our system Of Government, as founded on Judicialiuttiority arid de. rived front standard authers,4s.given, iA a form adapted' to common luse..„lo,Gie :work- entitled "OUR, GOVERN MENT, and CoNSTITITITONAL MANUAL," by. M. K'. Kinney. For sale, .09Aly,bira, at Harrisburg, and at the bookstbies genegaily„:l 8029 NEW - INA,lttifsil: ii4o. now OPen, - e.laigO;'aiiiiriinent of ifOtftbilild arid BECOND MOURNING - • • r • • SHAWLS, , " • • cauhius; , ' • BEBE rEs r• • ' .thitzfrOE:gßerlimP t s' • Allgitheligoads desh l able for i Fall and Virinteioireiv • • rJz,; ; „ :, J:Noul.4 Marketogiuttre; l asiZ . 144ixiiibirrEalah AgEtIMG , -- 'ol4'r "AT: COAT - 'TO CLOSE, THE 'BVSINESA SING" tlesiroas~to' the : ' WALL hitaliiessCin which Lam : now partially geeetl erjl all the slept I have ourpettll 4tk,celin , vaT Papa. wfWito IlitellTbi.e4 ll !hk gee/la-4,1 1,13 , jev113,.._„, .GEp. .521..,Idarltet, street , -at W 144 ;IL. -AIME% i E NITE R JOEB B forivdiva, Aim 'now zzeinagra 4 ; Aionp, at allort kj notice:fa getiefityld! aid On iiilioOnibialii4Aki" ! th- JITSO S I II liRODIVED6 LA'N/0 T INa IrSO T OF imulas:gi ' EXTRA' PINE GOLD . • O NEWTON'S tormerfy isagleY kfiinannfaciuro, ivariaute 461541114 , 1)4v lif.niat ow, pmst, .poplted, most dpra.Ke fan& as cheap n 'sago, , with a. • varinty- or dold'anit Silver- Caseaof ': V al:/ " B S ize k itud .briaaaott , fs Lan A E O4.PWI SC A? BCK triN . SetlOßEle, P 451_7711741. • li*Prr 'BRANDY! . Wela PRMERVINO,a very - Fiiiperior ar- Litowthilikiekvardesitiolov6bi,,; v d yep ,Ar110.991.5..1.4,APquat Aim - rellanfous Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUSHAM'S AROMATIC - INVIGORATING SPIRIT. i'hirreakine has - lief sett bit l itadit for sin' years. with. increaristp-faror. It is recommended to Oise porgAre,'F.,4ss, .11 urt-Bui*, Cbtic f'ains, Wind in SeStomach, or lii ha in the Bowe Headache; Drowsiness, _Kidney amt plaints, Low Spirits . D brittle' Siemens, fritiotperi..se • ILIIILAIIO, XXBRARLIRO, ••• WILL ROI IntOxiumn OR ~tt AS A. MEDICINE it is quick rid - eliectu -0., curing themost aggravatingcase o bysfaTehii idney Complaints, and. all other derail; h . mit in the Stomach and Elaisets, in a speedy manner It will instantly revive -' the 'idtlitit u.ela c iy au drooping spiritsend restore him steak., Le: vous d si.- c ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from tile injnelioieus use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous, eysteiy shattered, constitutions hroken down,And 'au hjeet to' that horrible curse to humanity, the DEURIL'7III TRIM. as, will, almost immediately, feel the saki) , 'and healthy invigorating `efficacy of hr. Ram's Invigorating Spirit. ' - - WHAT IT. WILL DO. ' l'oSs.—One wine glassTuil ai often as necessary One ilose willi'emot e all-Bid Spirits. -,- - , One ilose yip-sure .Heart-burm _. • ' 'flirt 6 - Wo'4s Will - eh - re ilidigostien.: : • One dose will give you a Good Appetite. - • tine -dose will stop the distressing pains of 1.. s spet sta. -,..- One - dtme•will remdre the distressingend ill ogreeabie effeew:r3l.Wittd of. FlatulenCe; and as soon as the stoautsub 'receives the Ins igorating Spirit, the. distressing load and all painful feelings willhe removed, - - - - Oust dose whirs:novo the most distrtmsiug Latins 0: i 011.-,, ..iiither in ihifstemach or bowels'. - ' ' A few doses Wilt remove all obstructions in the rii.iuey, Bbsditer.or urinary Organs. ..... - .. Persons who are seriously af fl icted with :shy Kidney Complaints are assured speedy:relief by-a dose o two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. r c .NYGETLY DISSIPATION,. to _ • t.'... 1, - . .. • . .. . Pinions who, from dissipating too nisch overnight. and fuel the evil-effects el poisonous liquers;:iti violem h , •ea aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ate., will_tied one dose-Wilt remove all had leelings. - Ladies of weds:laid sickly consul:aborts, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day lit will. make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all ibsti evtiei s :out 'inept tarilies trolls the menstrual organs, and ri, tv•re the 'bloom of e:fhbald beady to the cutest ore f ‘,..- , ;Dunes pregttootty :t a ill be leund au mvaloaid. niedi - chic to remove . disagreekbh • telisations e i the ~:ouittch. ' A il ilia propri etor asks is a trill, and to ludo' 0 this, he has pot up the:lnvigorating Spirit in lint t:.itle,, at 5o bentsi;luarts 11 ' ' • GAtioral Depot, hihWatet Street, li.'Y 7 • • iCholesale Agent, i'liiitidelhhia .0. 'MIT. .5.: CM iota 'for , sili la Harrisburg by C. A. inalinvart, li. W. grins ai CO. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere.. . jell-dawly FAIL AM) WINTER CLOTHING PHIT,ADELPHIi4. FASHION : GRANVILLE STOKES' , ONE :PRICE GIFT CEDTITING-g - mPonium No. 607 CHWATUZSTREET. A superb stock of firm French, English sand American CLOTHS, .. •CASSIMs, and VESTINGS, For City and Ceittitry- trade, With antulappioachable as aotttnent of READY ELADE - elCriniNG at the lowest cash ARP-But ONE PRICE is asked, an ,a OIFT.of intrimdc worth and use presented each article sold. Partkular attention paid to the Customer department, and 'garments inadelinitienete order to an'y address.' , In .Inaugurating this neW *stem nf doing business, 'GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift is deducted from, and-xer added to the price of the arti cle sold. His immensely increasing salei enabling him to actlthuiliberally, and at-thernemodiime to reelise a remunerative profit.. i all articles guaranteed to give entireO tkM. 13 - RmiI s IVITZESTO - ICES' r O.N E.P RIG-E M 607 CHES . TYO STRE.T. octl9 6md COAL OILI COAL OIL!! COAL OIL! !I COAL OIL I COAL OIL I! COAL OIL ! COAL OILI -COAL OIL! I COAL OIL! ! ! COAL_OILI.COALIOILI I COAL OIL I 1 ! , `COAL-OIL LAMPSII CO.AL , OIL LAMPS ! COAL L OILLAMPS:. 'COAL OIL L.:4MPS;i COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL:LAMPS!! COAL OIL L.A.arrs?ctaz, OIL LAMPS! ! Slater, BrOcket,ilßiligitig`aid Side Lardpil I I I Band,:iStand, Bracket, flanging ard, Eide ' , Letups I I I Rand, Stand, Bracket, Banging and Side Lamps I I I Band, Stank Bracket,‘ Banging and Side Lampe I I . .Beautiful and Very Cheitpl .Beautiful: and _Very Cheap!_ Beautiful and Very Cheap ! Beautiful and, Very Cheap ! . lamps changed to him Coat oil,' All the Coal Oil and I;amps: told by us are warranted to give -entire satisfac tion., ,Please eall and see them. - • ' D. 'W. CROSS & CO , Wlkolesaltrand Retail Draggle.* 19 Market Str• et sep2s.2mda2tw N . • VAMILY., DRUG STORE. pRE UNDERSIGNED .IRS OPENED . a Wkolevel, and Retail I:rugnnd Prescription fdoro, la the Iron Front Belleing; ltdi Market 'street, lately Seculded.byAir. Eby, %value :can be found an. enti renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drags, Perfumery, S 01.4't0AL ' on; LAMPS, Burning Add,. Ale a hot: Patent Iffenkfwes, • Stationery,. Fancy, Articles, Ste..; dm. , We have the agency for ,the sale of Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth; to 'Ada sta . ti 'would invite the attention of Dentists.. `By attentiOti busihess, 'and desire to 'please, we resPectrialx ask:a:R.hare 01 FON) Patronag e. __ G. W. .10L ES. wiravana-Segars. and Tobacco conitantly FRANZ T - TitoMrtralEt.A.Y. it • • • . uccessor tn. t 2 , LIVE114:11;EX - CH'Oliti ) tABLE I stiA:Ritlrt HAirnsiGi'piiralaased the interest ''` of J. 44.4Delds eatablikkzeart, and. inade large achlitionato:the steelc,, the .oxideraiped is prepared to accommodate theenblld with Surinam Roane for Paddle or carriagellerposet,and with trrery variety, of VEXIICLES of the latest and ttost, approved. styles, on. rotuw?natile at PARTIES will Abe sect:on:iodated with Otohl buseS atihort notice . ' CARRIAGFS AND ORNIBUSffiSSOR FUNERAL OCCA SIONS will be foraishelorcepkoanied by , careful and invileelawinspeetioir of his.Steekoellefieal that it Is fully coual to that of any other establishment ef, the kind iti town: r h; ' TIVAITVA.• 141:11tRAY. LE , ! . 04: STAE - tuaersi nd a kwaseh-ot l "LIVERY andlfnifife,-e his - • EnffiIiNGSATAW.B,, , , , in the lanildhms lately oceu led by A. 1% Barr, street Opposite the Bethel, blt.ieftiEilaiptepared 16 - actotrtm - ollate the Public with ollM and 1 4.111CU50.1-ollairoce, On raw-matte terms • ~ :stook 4a-largewne- varied,. and will re "fottoneull itself fa-dtf-rd flal 'CAANIDAZ. URSA V f(C: N BANKING, (1 STOOK;-L* , BlEili AND -- J• COLLEO'DION•OFFIOE, 0 0A th . 8 01 6 444, Xri r riOns BORG , AND , STOOK& lOW .:3N ori,oooilii,crak ir kuid s ' 30 Shikretta Harriginfit lkidge•Company. 70 it ;" 40 sep4 " • " Bank. - El DRIED PARED- i'IACOS,. trNkARED ) 'APPLES - BLACKBERRIES; 4 Just Received.byd . • 0024, WAL )1 1. 84 ' C° tRA: - S G C-tf REO2II A MS s i+ • ;•-• • • For Ale by' •-• • • • I "644 Ir• 13901C.m. & co. IMENI