Pails Eilegrap4. HARRISBURG• Saturday Afternoon, November 3, 1360. WIDE AWAKES 1 ATTENTION ! _ _ THE LAST GRAND RALLY ! TORCH-LIGHT PARADE ON MON- DAY NIGHT I. The members of the KEYSTONE WIDE AWAKE CLUB will meet at Exchange Hall at half-past six o'clock on MONDAY EVENING, fully equipped for parade. The members of the STATE CAPITAL GUARD, the PAXTON LINCOLN RANGERS and the JUNIOR WIDE AWAKES are Invited to participate in the parade. It is desired that all the companies named make a full turnout.' FOR BRIDGEPORT. —The Wide-Awakes intend visiting Bridgeport this evening, b participate in a Republican mass meeting. The company will leave Exchange Hall at six o'clock. Cussmurs were plenty in market this morn ing, and sold readily for a shilling per quart. Our country friends inform as that there is an unusually large crop of these favorite nuts I===l A WIDE-AWAKE PARADE comes off in Middle town to-night—the last that will take place prior to the election. The boys have made preparations for a large turn-out and grand display on the occasion. POISONED CANDY.—The other day a little boy in Easton eat candy that had been colored with posionous stuff, and becam; so sick in conse quence that his life was endangered. Let the juvenile candy-eaters of our city take warning. A BRIM Ssamox.—The following sermon is brief and to the point, comprising in five lines a great deal of truth : Our ingress in life 1.3 naked end bare, Our progress through life is trouble and care, Our egress out of it we know not where. But doing well here, we shall do well there ; I could not tell more by preaching a year. PIRBIMONS have made their appearance in market, and sell for four cents a quart. One country lad disposed of at least half a bushel this morning. When fully ripe, they are not hard to take "smothered in cream. - They are sometimes served up in this way on the tables of our principal hotels, and make a dainty dish fit to set before the most fastidious epicure. Pax You Fturrs.—Those who are in the habit of hunting squirrels, should pick their flints and get their traps in order, es the game little animals sic ad to aboimd in the country roundabout. Some of our "country cousins" aro said to have bad splendid luck, bagging as many as twenty, thirty and forty in a day. Of course we wouldn't wish anybody to leave five or six fine fat ones at this office. Oh no ! MILITARY.-A large number of the Wide- Awake clubs throughout the country are form ing themselves into military companies. We hear some talk of forming one in this city, and there is public spirit enough among the young mon to effect it. In Chicago the Wide- Awakes intend to form themselves into a regi ment of Zonaves, consisting of eight companies; Col. Ellsworth, the Captain of the original com pany of Zouaves, to be commander of the whole. ALMOSiI A MM.—We are sorry—in fact we ,are very sorry—to learn that two gentlemen \who occupy large places in the Democratic ranks, came very near having a fight last eve ming. The danger of a serious muss at one time was imminent; but the Quaker-like disposition of the biggest of the two taught him to submit with humility t 3 that which one less peaceably minded would have resented—and thus no blood was spilled. We repeat, we are sorry to hear of such things, and would advise our De mocratic friends, in this their .day of ..tribula tion, in pugilistic phrase, to "take their gruel kindly." Don't get excited, gentlemen LAY Your/ Etymaram.—We are frequently importuned by correspondents, and others, in regard to the laying of pavements alongvacant and other lots. This neglect is becoming so in tolerable that we call upon the City Council to pass an ordinance requiring the laying of pave ments along all our graded etreets. If owners of property will not do it, let Council do the work for them, and charge twenty or.twenty five per cent, additional for the delay and trouble. Some of our thoroughfares are im passible in bad weather, owing to this fact; and the people demand it as a right that every one should be COMPELLED TO PAVE. It is an evil which, we trust, will be remedied wherever practicable, before the winter sets in, so that , qe whose business requires them to go out ' incommoded or annoyed by a stub may not born resistance to the wants of the community. • WUM THAT " BLACK. xura- FRAVD."—The german Conrad Miller, L .receztly prosecuted for illegal voting in the first warai,v.t.are reliably informed has always been a Demom4., , ;, an , d . , usually votes the greater portion ofthat At the last Spring election he supported the Democratic constable who is now 'his pro tor. If, as the Union says, it wasssowprrbett, that Mr. Miller had no legal right to vote, why did not Wickert Proceed against him at once? We venture to assert that had Miller support ed Foster instead of Curtin, nothing would have been said about the illegality of his vote, by the Demociatic constable.. So long as adopted citizens vote the Democratic ticket, it matters little to the leaders of that party whether they have a legal right to do so or not. It is only when they support Republican nominees, that illegal voting is denounced by our Locofoco friends as a wrong and outrage, and a howl set up by' these " ballot-box stuf fere" about the purity of the elective franciiiie 13ennnlvania flail Celegrapl), lietturbett) afternoon, November 3, 186t1. CITIZEN, ATTRITION !-A stated meeting of tho Citizen Fire Engine and Hose Company will be held at their hail, on Monday evening next.— Punctual attendance is requested. MILS. PAILTINOTON says she has noticed that whether flour was dear or cheap, she had in variably to pay the same money for half a dol lar's worth. Poor old lady ! THE JUNIOR WIDE-AWAKES will meet in the Court room this evening, to make arrangements for participating in the torch-light parade on Monday night. I=l=l Donne oft QUIT3.—"I'll flog you for an hour you little villain." "Father," instantly ie plied the incorrigible young scamp, as be lxil anced a penny on his finger, "I will toss you to puke it two hours or nothing " ---e-- Tim LOST BO! FOUND.—The son of Mr. David Buchanan, of Newport, who was enticed from his home several weeks since, by a straggiug yankee, was found in Clearfield county, a few days ago, by his father. The Yankee had been giving some theatrical performances in that county, assisted by the boy, and finally picked a man's pocket, when he fled for parts unknown, leaving the boy behind. &l.r. Bu chanan having ascertained the direction they had taken, started in pursuit, finally found his son as above, and brought him home, perhaps a wiser and better boy. I=l=l Tux FIRE-EATERS don't appreciate the efforts which their Northern Mends are making.— The Charleston Mercury asks : "Aro the moneyed men of Gotham given to panics, that they should bleed themselves so freely, and in so hopeless a task, as diverting, by gold and gabble, the people of a great free State from the vindication of their political convictions? Are the people of New York so timid and so profligate in political sentiment, that an attempt so uncomplimentary t . ) their integrity and intelligence should be gravely at tempted ? In fact, we are astonished at the audacity, not to speak of the immorality, of the attempt. The city is not the State, and the people of the interior of New York are too ma ny, if not too honest, to be bought, nor can they be frightened by southern thunder." KinsArPrso.—An attrocious act of kidnap ping was committed in Cumberland Valley, about six miles south of Bedford, recently.— Two little girls, about six years old, children of George Love, a respectable colored man, were playing almost within sight of the house, *hen a man rushed out of the woods, snatched up one of the children and ran away with it. The other child hastened home and gave the alarm, but there were, unfortunately - , no men about the house at the time, and the kidnapper thus got a fair start with his victim. It is evident that the villain, whoever he is, was well ac quainted with the premises, and the habits of its occupants. It is believed that the child was carried to Maryland and sold into slavery. =I SPIESTIILLIBT DOCTORS. —There is a class of men and women now practising in Philadelphia and New York as physicians and clairvoyants, pretending that they can control spirits, who prescribe the treatment to be given to disease. In some cases these : people obtsin large fees, and very often draw money from persons who can ill afford it. They, by the secret applica tion of cantharides, cause letters to appear on the arms and Other-parts of the bodies of pa tients, and declare that such inscriptions are caused by spirits who thus demonstrate their presence. In some'cases, by a trick, very much like three-card monte, they affect to•read what is written upon the unopened billets of paper. There may be much truth and philosophy mixed up in the system of these traders of spirit ualism, but neither the truth or the philosophy are so patent as their Ampudent assumptions. -.: ONE Moan Fran.--Republicam °Cold •Dau phin Friends of :Lincoln and Hamlin, of Freedom and Protection! Ist us now address' ourselves to the discharge - 6f the remaining duty in this campaign. Let us poll our utmost strength on Tuesday nerd, for Lincoln and Ham lin. Let the American people pronounce their decision in the sublime exercise of their sover eign prerogative. Let the world know that the puny threats of traitors—the combined force of warring factions—the corrupt fusions of unprincipled Politicians—the profuse expen ditures of money, by various devices abstracted froin the pUblic treasury—cannot avail to per vert the decisions of ths ballot-box, or to turn aside the invincible expression of the popular will. One more charge along the whole line, and the victory of the peOple is gloriously won ! "Once more our glorious banner,-out • Upon the breeze we throw. Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the'toe." Tge *wog South Ward High School having been - brought before - tie Directors of that district, at a meeting held re cently, after a careful, examination of all the particulars of the affair, the Board unanimously passed the following : "Resolved, That this_: Board, from the exami nation they have made in reference to the complaint:of -an, alleged excessive punishment inflicted by R. T. - Worley, teacher of the South Ward High 'School, upon Wm. Reber, are of opinion that the punishment inflicted was not shown tole a cause for dismissal." keiie have teretoforci -rallied; our 'voice against the infliction of corporeal punishment in our public schopls, we must tell the Boards of Directna everYwhere that ibis inhuman sys tem should be abolished. As long, however, as it is the niln of tbe school; and the Directors, make those rules, they are responsible, and net , the executor of them. snit' be instituted at any time it should be.against their: We must : :-.ave a reform. The _rod is a, relic of barbaric ag i s ;! t rind if the wise man, Solomon, did speak out 2,•ts possibly t _belilf, he lived in a q., it mig ht,different era, e have been necessary in 'hie day. One• thing in addition we would 0 4—th a t lf Parents wish their children to keep ,clear. of . correction at, school; , let themrr forprop i e t vrlye would them at home, And, our ord , hear of very few cases of ficigging. It must : il ls an unpleasant duty for a teacher to perferin, unless such an one be unworthy of the position he occupies; and parents should have their eyes open as to their children's faults, and not lull themselvei with the fond , dream,,thit - their children "can do no Wrong." Nto.Oan point : to t many'suCh who poised the greater ; portion ofe their young House of Refuge. Ma-monist Szavices.—Rev. ft W. Jones, of Louisville, Kentucky, will preach in the Vine street church to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, and in the Nest Harrisburg chapel at quarter before three o'clock in the ifternoon. Rev. Dr. Miles will preach in the ruse street churck in the evening at seven o'clock. ' Woos Cors.—The shovers of bogus coin were "aroutld" in market this morning, and victim ized some of our "country. cousins." One of the skillful operators "shoved" a counterfeit gold dollar upon a young girl; and two women wera sold" to the amount of a half dollar each. There is a considerable quantity of bOgua coin afloat in this vicinity, and the opinion vary generally prevails that it is manufactured here. CLOSING TER OAMPAIGN.The Wide-Awakes of this city will close the campaign on Monday night with a grand torch-light rarade, in which the Keystone Club, the State Capital Guard, the Paxton Lincoln Bangers, and the Junior Wide-Awakes, are expected to participate.— Should the, weather prove favorable, a hand some display may be anticipated. I=l Tali MAINTENANCE ON WOLN.—Some three months since Mr. George Bergner, one of the Dauphin County Prison Inspectors, petitione the Court of this county to award a rule on the Commissioners of Cumberland county, to show cause why Martin Wolf, now confined in the jail of this county, should not be transferred to, the county of Cumberland, or maintained here at the , expense of that county, Wolf having been a resident of said county.. After a thor ough investigation of the case, and examination of affidavits taken before a magistrate at Car lisle, Judge Psansos has made the following decree as regards the expenses incurred in main taining Wolf in this county : "It is therefore adjudged and decreed that the Directors of the Poor of Cumberland county shall re-imburse the.county of Dauphin for all lawful expenses heretofore incurred in the trial and detention of said Martin Wolf in the pris on of Dauphin county aforesaid ; and for all the costs and expenses which shall hereafter be in curred by Dauphin county in the detention and safe keeping of said Martin Wolf, until be shall be discharged by due course of law. The costs of trial, and all arrears of expenses of mainte nance, to be paid forthwith, and the expense of further maintenance to be paid monthly." =I . Ex-GovEssoa Potwar. arrived in this city yesterday afternoon, and stopped at the United States Hotel, where he remained until' nine o'clock last night, when he took the Northern Central train en route for home. During - his brief stay here the distinguished ex-Governor was called upon by a number of our Republi can citizens. Tho Lancaster Express of yester day contains the following notice of Governor Pollock's visit to that city ' - "Last evening the Wide. Awakes got up an enthusiastic impromptu demonstration. Daring a meeting of the Club at the Wigwam, word was brought that ex-Gov. Pollock had. arrived in the evening train, and was stopping at the residence of Mr. Burnganlner, corner - of Duke. - and Walnut streets. It was - at once - determined to get up a serenade in his honor, and after equipping themselves, they march td sap to Mr. Bumgardner's, preceded by the Fencibles' Band.' Arriving at theirdestination, -a crowd of seve— ral huftdred persons had collected, and in_ re sponse- to' their call, Gov. Pollock addressed them for about twenty minutes in his usually pleas;ng and eloquent style. He said he had just been through New York and New Jersey, and assured his hearers that both these States were safe for the Republican nominees on Tues day next, and that the majority in. New York would exceed the expectations of even the Re publicans themselves." A POLITICAL SaLL.—We likna goad joke, al though it may be at the expense of our side of the house, and not a bad one recently °enured at a rural village in York county . ; ;rithina few miles of this city. A Republican mass' meet ing had been called, and the story got around that a company of Wide-Awakes from-a neigh boring town were to be on hand: The people —men, women and children—had their _curl , : (witty aroused, assembled in large numbers from the surrounding country to "see the sights " Night came, the lords of creation as-. aembled to hear the speeches, and the women and 4tildren kept a sharp look out for the Wide-Awakes, but they came not. About eight o'clock, Young America took it into their heads hi get up a demonstration, and going to an adjoining field; they got some thirty pump kins, gutted them, cut all manner of hyrogly phics in the shell, put candles in them, and with an old drum beating in front, raised them on their shoulders and marched into town. As they approached, the word that the Wide Awakes were coming, spread like wild-Are, reaching the Meeting and acting with such elets trical effect, that the eloquence of the speaker could not, prevent-a --general stampede., After threading several streets, however, the "sell" was discovered, some went back to the meet ing, and others wended their way to their homes—some laughing over the joktitind ,t uthers Muttering anything but blessings on tllwireads of the,nerforniers,.... ' ..• . %raw 4PPLIEI. —Th is is a disk-which, Visual; fieqdeatlyAried, we would - recornmerAltrall houslieepersmost einnhatically,to those hav trig families of children. AsWeet ipple, - sound and fair; has a deal of sugar or saccharine in its . composition. It is, therefore, nutritious.; for sweet apples, raw, will fatten „ cattle, homes, pigs, sheep, Pohltry. Cooked sweet apples will fatten Children; and make grown persons, fleshy .-"fat" not being, usually, a politp'wprd as applied, to grown persons. Children being. more bf the animal than "grown folkii, ' w 0 not -so .fastidious in their classification. every good fanner's house, who has an : baked Sweet'appys are aninstitutiorilnAlieir• meson:. Everybody from the toddling' baby holding up by its father's knees ; --(ehildren are decidedly.altousehold commodity)-swayback to our reverend grandinother in her rocking chair, loves them. ; No sweetmeat smothered in sugar is half so good ; no aroma of dissoled confectionary is half so simple as thasoft pulpy flesh of a well baked apple of the right kind.— It is good in milk with bread. It is good on' your plate with breakfast, dinner, or supper. (we don't "take tea" at our house) It is good every way—"vehernearently good;" `as an 67: thrislastic friend of- ours said of tbmatees. ?Is) cheap, nutritious, palatable, heatlii r foodithire is nothing 'to'companirwith baked apples. RECREILICAN ELECTORAL TICKETS Can be had - at ,this office. Let our friends Fee that all the wards are fully supplied in time. I=l Bernal , Szavions.—Rev. James Robertson will preach in the Baptist Church to-morrow morning and ,evening, at the naual hours. I=l Si. STEPHEN'S CoNaracerrox (Episcopal) are now holding their services at St. Paul's Mis sion church. Thehours of service are 10i A. M. and si P. M. ANOTHER WARNING.—Oue of our exchanges contains a notice of the death of a store clerk named Belliager, caused by . Sucking his ' pen. A slight wound on his lip being open, the ink produced erysipelas and death. Saai&o ON MI RIZONNATION.—Tne 81st of October being ,the aniversary of the Reforma tion, Rev. Dr: C. A Hay will (according nonucement on last Sabbath) preach his annual sermon on that subject, t--morrow morning in the First English Lutheran church. levrreu.—The Meehanicsburg arid New Cum berland Wide- Awakes have been invited to par tLpate in the grand torch-light parade to take Nice in this city on'Monday night. We learn that both clubs have expressed a desire to visit Harrisburg ou. thatoccasion, so that it is likely the invitations will, be accepted. From pre• sent indications the closing pageant of the campaign will bean unusually attractive one. • Puma or Vorrsa.--The elections in the dif ferent Wards, in the City of Harrisburg, and in the adjoining townships, will be held at the following placed First Ward—At the corner of Maly's alley and Front street. 'Second - Ward—At the Western window of Herr's Hotel; Market street: Third, Ward—At the School House, iu .Wal nut street, between Second and Front. Fouith Ward—At the public School House, in State street, between Second and Third. Fifth Ward—At the house of John Foster, corner of Ridge Road and East Avenue. . Birth Ward—At the School House, in West Harrisburg. Susquehtitana tap.— At . (now Nisley's) School Howe." , Swataia twp.—At the Locust Grove Iwo. THAT Sruura.—Atthe request of the Mold_ dere lately employed by the Harrisburg Car Company, we publish the following communi cation in reply to an item which appeared in the Patriot and Union this morning, relative-to the difficulty between them and the Superin tendent of the establishment : - MESSRS. Fumes :—An article appeared in the Patriot and. Union this morning, under the cap tion of . 13 A Strike," which did great injustice to the men Who were employed in the foundry Of the Harrisburg Car Factory. I will state the facts, briefly, as follows : The employers de sired to diminish the time, during the awinte r months, from ten to nine hours, at the same time expectiriglhe,ernployees to do the imOunt of work in nine hours that was formerly done in ten ; and also to reduce the wages in pro portion to the hours. The hands did not feel disPoied to submit .to this inconsistency, and hence the strike. No person goes to work at five o'clock in the morning, nor does any one complete his day's work by three in the-after upon, except a few inoulden by the piece. The moulders did not object• at alt to the, employers speeifying the time for going to and quittin or but they, did object to.ful filling the same •tas nine hours that was previously done in ten, and for lees wages. I am at a loss to know who imparted the facts upon which the Local of the Union based his ar ticle. Suffice it to say, he has been wrongly informed, and I hope, in general with my fel low-workmen, that IL will make the necessary correction in .the next issue. Those who struck yesterday, myself among the number, will not go to work until our arrangements are acceded to by the gentleman who 'has charge of the mechanical department of :the establishment. This you can rely on. I do not wish to - enter into a newspaper controversy, and I trust that the. Union reporter:,will state the facts, as above. in HondayPs paper. By so doing he will have the thanks ormany Moulders. ' ORE OF TR' STRIKIRS. "A. Black itppublioan Fraud,7 Mu. Enron:—The - virtuous and patriotic Pa triot and Union is eery indignant at a certain German, said to have voted, at the late elec. tion,- without-having his, naturalization papers. This was wrong—very wrong. No good citizen • will kanceidn fraud, no matter by whom perpe trated ;' ,but We doubt very much whether that paper would; have one word to say in condemna tion- of the.oftender if he had voted the Ds _ =claim ticket. If the editors of the Buchan an organ are sincere in their denunciation of fraud, permit mato call.their attention to an instance which happened at Alm Fourth Ward Polls. The-law-abiding, order-loving leaders of the democracy brought a man there, and af ter having smuggled hh; vote into the ballot box, it was ascertained that the fellow actually COUNTI! l What have the edi- tore to saj to ibis Besides, it, seems to come with a bad grace from a paper *lick sanctioned the frauds which placed its master in power,, and Which'liirea prosperity, if notits - yety existence, to those fraudOti)ipeatlif the„ptutrrE of the elective f rane gi s j.i. 2- , 1- i3 2. Who flooded Berke county at the last Presi dential election with for g e t r 4 t p l ogig4g° ll pa pers, and,. got thousatidi j of lxigitinen to vote upon tbern t The leaders of, the Democratic Party Who connived at, ,pay i 4,Ser)ipas9A gte. un 011'itsges! fwvka committed by Locofoco Border Buffiaie, in _Kansas? The ,spotless leaders .9f the . emocratic party I Who petkicyatuCtlie f i - Alaring. frauds which 41aPrivedk-tot• to 02,9,-M11;1- B. itanO, of ,Phila delphia, of the office to-which tthe, people had legally elected liinlond ktt,the lase time de feated the nominees of_ the Be9ple's party on the State ticket f Why, Itinjiiitf,#miAlypo critical fraud-detesting leading of .tjr Democra cy? But for the numerinii fiends Committed by Democratic leaders, none of the official organs of th - , 4010=4 . wow now fatten on United B ,tatlikYrery pap. slimy of hem would have StielA =sit. _ e gbeist# .or grown so. lean •as to frightek:lionest rcOptiii_4heir hideolumess.- 7 Until the Organ of the disunionist has cleared up ttik Cid scores c l 4oll:mahmAttai.A.Viaiulale leaders of the Afriaopcmocs subject of election frauds. ,(441.4 STATE CAPITAL GITARD.--A special meeting of this new Wide-Awake Club will be held in the Exchange this (Saturday) evening for the trans action of important business, and to mako ar rangements for the parade on Monday evening. Every member is requested to be present. PROFESSTON ViilBllB Parionen."—Well, George,"' - - asked a friend of a yoUng lawyer, " how do you like your profession ?" " Alas ! sir, my pro fession is better than my practice." Such is the experience of a great many "young law yers," these ,days, who have entirely mistaken their calling , in aspiring to professions for which they are unfitted. Many a booby who now sits all day long in his office, sighing for . cliests whom he has not the ability to defend, without realizing enough to pay his board, might make a respectable firing bad he chosen an occupation for which he is_ better fitted by nature and education. Thera are some such in this city: " • FRVIBR can AGUE baying made its appearance we advisa.all afflicted to get-Banatrear's .Awn- PBRIODIC, whlch is a iositive'cure. Sold only by C. A. BANNVART who will also send it post paid to ax y address on receipt of 17 letter stamps. Musioar..—New music from all the leading publishing houses always received immediately after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always fresh on hand, at Wu. KNOCHE'S Music store, 92 Market street. Nagy Goons FROM NEW YOE% AUCTION.- 15 d.zen Linen Shirt Breasts, 20, 25, 31 cents ; 25 dozen of those good Ribbed Stockings ; 12 pieces of beautiful Black. Alapacka rich Silk Lustre. A new lot of Gents' Undershirts and Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents; 30 dozen of heavy Wool Soxs, 20 cents; 10 dozen of best Steel Skirts, 75, $1 00, $1 37 ; 20 pieces of Black and White De Litines, very cheap. A lot of Cloaks, and a'great many other cheap goods. If you wish to buy goods at low prices, call at LzWs'it. DR. MCCLINTOCK'S COLD &ND COUGH MIXTURES, the established and standard, remedy for Cough, Cold, Influenza, Hoarseness, and all irtitillons of the mucous me nibrarie of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by phyaletans, and who have used it, as a preparaticn that has no rival in the field. I'rico 2b cents. Sold by George Bergner. .iY2O From the American Baptist, New York, August 2, 1858. A lilimsalrax wooden" pagoda which we brought from Burmab, having been broken while on shipboard, we were very anxious to have it repaired, and tried several sorts of glue...hut without success, till our attention was called to Spalding's Prepared Glue, sold at n Platt Street. This we found to answer the purpose. The pagoda appears now to be- strongly cemented, and can no seen by calling at the office of the American BapV. From the Freeman's Journal, New York ; August 6,1859. Spalding's Prepared Glue is such a simple and .cheap prop.Aration that it's a pity any house should be without It. • 0ct2.1.11n MESSRS. PERRY DAVIS. & SON :—Dear Sirs— Haring used yeur Pain Killer for two years, 1 find it to be the beat medicine for what tt is recommended for that I hava ever used. L feel , thankful for the benefit I have received from' it have been troubled with dyspapsia for ten years, and tried * * *• * to no benefit. But as soon as f got to using your-Pain Killer I found relief, and by the use of it I am entirely cured. For chills and fever cr congestive chills, it is the best medicine I have ever used. I have used it for a-great many different com plaints, and it has never yet failed in giving immediate relief. _CHAS. L. IGANOIL Sold by all druggists, grocers an i medicine dealers throughout he United States and Canadas. The stain on linen-from the use of the Paha Killer Is easily removed by washing In alcohol. 0113-lm ALMOST EwffißTßomr bee heard of "Wood's Mir Restorative." That the Worst "Restorative" in this case, is no misnomer, we have the testimony of individn ale whose elevated position in the country, as 'VCR - us their acltnowledged and honorable character as gentle men, render whatever they publicly Insert in the rat de gree reliable. Several of these have tested, personally, the hair preparation we are cow speaking of, and cer tify to its amazing efficacy in the most public manner possible. Their certificates can be seen at tbe proprie tor's Depot, 312 Broadway, New Turk, and once seen and properly appreciated, we have no hesitation in saying they wi'llmoresr conviction on the most skeptical mind. Wood's Hair Restorative is, doubtless, the Bur article of 'its kind ever yet produced. For the Daily Telegraph It does rot dye, but gives lifeihealth and beauty in the deo yin?, falling and dead, restoring, as If by magic, that which was supposed to irrecoverably lost. Heads nearly bald, and others nearly white, are daily being changed to their pristine beauty, and faces covered with pimples are rendered as smooth as an infant's, and blushing as a rose, all by the use of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. For sale at 114 Market street, and by all Druggists.—Chicago Times. octl9.lnt Sold by all Druggists. DR. CH RESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared bi Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., MILE combination of ingredients in these Pi*lire the result of a long and extensive practice. m They. areild tu their operation, and certain ihcorrecting all irregularities, Painful blenatruationa, removing all oh • atructions, whether from cold or otherwise, , headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the-heart, whites, all nen. voutt.alfechona, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the back and limbs, hr., disturbed sleep, whicharise from interruption of nature. • - • TJ MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman , s Pills are invaluable. as they will bring on the monthly.peried with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Chectsemates Pills doing all that they represent to do. There is one condition of Die female system. in 'which the Pia' cannot be taken mahout yeoduessag a PECULIAR RESULT. Thi 'condition referred to is PREGNANCY— ' the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the Irresistible tendency of the Medwine to restore he sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Bxpliolt directions,- which should be read, ac eOltitialiy eacirbox. Price SL Sent by mitll on enclosing B 1 Id Di. . Cossst tra L. CiisMimmr;Box 4,531, Past Mae; New York City. „ , Sold by one Druggitit in. every town — lbe U nited States B. B. EIDTCHLNGS, General Agent•for tbe United States, • ..• . 14 Broadway, New York, an 'Wholesale orders should be addr.esid. Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. Bassmum , • - 0v29-dawly . • BRYAN'S TASTELESS -VERINIFIIGE. To quiet The riot ci,eworzas--11143 vile scourges • - *- -The Vermlfiage give, ••• •••• And, as eurearyeu 17:ter1 get their discharges. What: is !Bata's VBRICIITCM? till3PlYra ipareand tastelosi , Vegetable Cumtkiro. - 'lib child can be har med ' byAt s DO Worm Ca4.:Falrvvet if, no mother should be without lt, no sford.a .: cap. express:He value. Price 26 oeiia saPA Ibutrasa. jy.2o STORE- FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared, to fur nigh the.publie with every variety of BUILDING. CURB, and CROSSING STORK. Also a good-artiole of HICKORY AND OAK WOOD, at moderate prietai. Apply to J. 8. - COLR, ecreer of Broad and Third streets, in sae sixth ward. • - • • • iiietll,tar J OTTICE .--The undersigned having. _AA opened an English and Classical S chool for Boys sn tne, lecture room -or what was formerly called the "Unitedßrelbren Church," on. Front between Walnut and Locust streets, is prepared to receive.pupils and in struct them in the branchea usually _taught to schools or that, character. The, number of pnpila is limited tw twat:l44We.-- . . Forhiformation with regard' toderms,-asc; „apply: to gia*..Mr. Robinson and Rev. Mr. Oattell, or personally to oet2e.dtt lAMB B. KING. 1=1:=1 ...-.-.5111,...- Opezial Nntices. P. K. bin/a Cum; Mo., July 3d, 1857 IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. 'NEW YORK CITY. NOTICE iDrp pobs, &c. BARGAINS FOR THE SEASON, JONES' STORE, Just received 'and receiving from Philadelphia and New York, BARGAINS In Silks of all kind, for cash. BARGAINS in Shawls, of an kinds, for cash: • . BARGAINS in Cloaks and Talmas of all kinds, for 'cash. BARGAINS in Plaid Dress Goods, et all kinds; for cash: BARGAINS in every variety of Seasonable Dregs Goods, for cash. BARGAINS In Blankets, of all kinds, for cat-h„ BARGAINS in all kinds of Flannels, for cash. • 1 BARGAINS iw Carpetnre of Oil Cloths, ike., for cash: - And BARGAINS in all kinds of Dry oods usually kept in Stares; and a choice from a very large, well selected stock, for cash, at JONES' :TORE, octl6 Market Street, liarrisburg, FALL GOODS! THOMAS W. EVANS & - C0.,. HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR FALL ASSORTMENT OF Rich Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Bonrnous, French and Irish Poplins,i • - Mouslines, Chintzes, Embnalcieries,-; Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hoisery, MOURNING GOODS OF ALL MINDS WI= A FULL STOOK OP ALL TUB LATEST NOVELTIES IMPORTED THIS - SEASON: Possessing superior facilities for buying, both in and the European markets, T. W. E. & Co.'s stock'wilt be &mud to compare favorably with any other, both in price and arsertment. Nos. 818 and 820, CheEtnut, Philadelphia, oatl7-dlm 2 doors below Continentalllotel. PHILADELPHIA - SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE MANUFACTURERS. or • • SHIRT BOSOMS White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel ' . UNDER AND OVERSKIRTS, Overalls, Drawers and Gentlemens' Furnishing' Goods. BEN NE' & RUCH, octl7-d3m 217 Church Alley. • Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clpthing. FALL OF -1860.. SECOND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER -- = -- DEL M . gar 0 orll ! wE have just received a kr& and.raried& assortment of DRY GOODS, of every description, to which we invite Um attention of purcbaserts r ." Opened this morning, at CATHCART & BROTHERS. No. 14 Market...F.4min), Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT In making selections among the large and handstome stock of _ SQUARE BROCA SHAWLS, LONG DUNE LAIN Baoo4 SHAWLS, NEW STYLI SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS, SUPERB LONG DO DO REAL SCOTCH PLAID DO DUSSELDORF DO ALL KINDS OF MOW . FA SUiN74. DRESS GOODS Delaioes Poplins; Valenedas, Paramettas, Flan Merinos, Plaids, Velour peps, • Casbmeres, Silks, Traveling Goods, Oblates, Eandsome Fig'd Cashmeres, Solterino, tilridei Of Mello°, Lavelias, Emeline Clothe, libhaire, Superb Figured Merinos, - Famine Cloths, Lustres, Madonnaa, Everything new, deeirable and good, wo eau ougp - y at the lowest rates. CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to Harrisburg Bat k. DOMESTIC GOODS: The cheapest and best in the city had at - . CATHCART & BROTHERS. Muslin, Cassimeres, Ginghams, Flannels, Cloths, Drillings, Tickings, Vestings, Table Cloths, Calicos, Satinetts, Counter'liaises, Hickory, Checks, Canton Flannels Good 61- Mnslins and Calicos. - _ 131461 us A CALL, AT 011 No. 14 MARKET SQUARE ax\ValtiVae Walirefer 1/O.fiIL4TIC 4 4 , we prS sOA \ V3 I Z, A SUPERLATIVE - TON IC, D UR ETIC, hir - o' o6 DYSP _ - INYEIMAT A k CORDIAL To the - Citizen of New Jersev :Pennsylvania: Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and . Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac tsrandy. ... - Wolfe's Pure Mader's', Sherry and. Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. CrOlx Rum Wolfe's Pure &iota". and Irish Whisk's-. ALL lii Borrues I beg leave to - call the attention of the citizens of the United States to tha above Wises and LIQUORS, imp( I t d by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fami liar in every part of this country for the purity of. his celebrated Seeman Sapporo. Mr. Wolfe, in hiS intier to me, speaking of the purity of his WINES and Lipeose, says : "I will stake my reputation as a man t my stand ing as a merchant of thirty years' residencein the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and Wnixerwhich I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and-a facSimile of his signature on the certiticae. The publis aro. 10- speetfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grcicera- in Philadelphia. GEORGE ASHTON, No. 832 Market ct . Philadelphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia.- Read the following from the few York COorl‘-: Irtoknoun finsuctss Ina ONE limy YORK 6.91R0KAN7.- We are happy to inform our tel ow.citizeirstbatraere in our city where the physician, apothecary, amtmountry merchant, can go and purchase parkolirines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the bestquality.: We do not intend to give an elaborate description or this merchant's extensive business, although it witl welt rol • pay any stranger or citizen to visit Ildolpho Wolfels er tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 30 and fa Beaver-sheet, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Mart: etfield street. 818 stock of Schnapps on baud ready for shipment could Isibt have been less than thirty thousand rases; the Brandy,..some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1830 to 1656 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Pert 'Wine, Scotch and Irish Whistry, — Jamiticii . and Bt. anti" RUM; 'some very.ohll and equal to any in this country: He also bad three large cellars, 113 fed. with Brandt-, Wide, 110., in casks, under Custom liousAte*, ready for bottling. 1(r. Wolfe's_nalep of Schnapps last year amounted to-0;w hundi,olaiut eighty thousand dozen, and we lopeittlesk., than OM years he may be equallY tE 110 9: 0 1041. ,wjt~t pis Brrnfilisinhd - rines.. . „I 1,1 His businessmerits the patronage of every.hYorqf hia species. Private families who wish pare 'AViher-and t.iquers for medical use should send their oritersMirect to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make . up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff item their shelves, ant replace it with. Wolfe's pure Mass and . We underatand.Mr. Wolfe, for the acconmiodatiottef small dealers: in the country, pats up assorted caseeof Wines and Liquors. Bach a man, and such a merchant,- - T should be sustainedagainst Lis tens of thousands of cp. ponente In the United t3tstes, who sell nothing but imita tions, ruinous elate. to health and human happiness. . - sep64lex6nd . • iot-X, Heller, 911tfarket street, tole ageotfor thtnelt... and DRIED PEACHES, ; • oct,lB For sale tip , WM. DOCK .1 . 13. At. XTEW. YORK B EEDLEES PLUMB t Far lode at o t 24 WM. DOCK JR. & CO.'S Merinos