Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 03, 1860, Image 2
Pailg Cettgrao). HARRISBURG, PA. Saturday Afternoon, .November 3, 1860. FOR PRESIDENT : ABRAHAM LINCOLN OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT : HANNIBAL HAMLIN, OF MAINE ELECTORS: JAMES POLLOCK, THOMAS M. BOWE, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, ROBERT P. KING, HENRY ROBERT M. FOUST, NATHAN MLLES, JOHN M. BROOMALL, JAMES W. FULLER, DAVID E. STOUT, FRANCIS W. CHRIST, DAVID MUMMA, JR., DAVID TAGGART, THOMAS R. HULL, FRANCIS B. PENNIMAN, ULYSSES MERCUR, GEORGE BRESSLER, A. BRADY SHARPE, DANIEL 0. GEBR, SAMUEL CALVIN, EDGAR COWAN, WILLIAM McKENNAN. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, JAMES KERR, RICHARD P. ROBERTS, HENRY SOUTHER, JOHN GREER. Printers Beware of Swindlers. R. B. Locke & Co., of New. York, and Dr. F. Humphreys, of the same city, have , induced us to publiA their advertisements for the past six months under a solemn promise to pay us semi-annually for the same; but having called upon them by letter and through the Bank, and both having refused to accept drafts drawn on them for the amounts due us, we hereby warn our editorial brethren not to trust them. If they desire their pay they had better get it in advance. We have taken the advertisements from our paper and shall not insert the same again unless we receive payment in advance. THE LAST CARD OF THE GAME STERS. Perversion:and Falsehood Summon ed to Sustain Disorganisation and Disunion. e_efforts _of_theleaders of the I)feu.o. era is party seem to be airmen entire y, towards insulting the good - sense and in. telligence of the masses of the North.— Convinced that they cannot succeed before the people of the country, and impressed with the shame of their utter desertion of principle, the leaders of the l3reekinridge faction are now devoting the money which they forced from the poor employees of the government, in publishing the, vilest falsehoods against the men and* the mea sures of the Republican party. These publications are neither confined to locali ties or to individuals. They flood the North and the South with the same vile and vituperative trash, and evince their zeal as much in misquoting honest men as they do in proclaiming dishonest men as the patriots who are to sever the bonds of this Union should Abraham Lincoln be elected President of the United States by the free and untrammelled suffrages of the American people. The last card which has been played by these political gamesters and trick sters, is in the shape of a pamphlet with the title of "The Great Issue - to be De cided in November Next! Shall the Con stitution Stand or Fall ? Shall Section alism Triumph," This pamphlet was circulated of last evening through Harris burg, in, the hope that it would influence some incredulous voter against Abrahapi Lincoln, but we have more, faith in the intelligence of the people than to belieye' that a single man will be misled by such a bar, mean, unholy and damnable tissue of falsehoods, perversions and misrepre sentations. The pamphlet is one - of the last and the meanest inventions of the &thodratio party to impose on honest men. It is a low and cowardly attempt to defraud the freemen of the . North, in order to subierve the slave power of the South. , ,is an invention to prostrate the 'free labor of the North, in order to pander to the sloth and desperation of the South, against' which we *aril"every' hOnest man in Harrisburg to beware. It is a fraud which should - not only be On.; sured, but the perpetrators and abettors should be held up to public and contempt. What say the editors of tho Patriot:and Union in regard to this base swindle r Do they approve it; or will they,deny all knowledge of the circu lation of this infamous pamphlet in the city of Harrisburg 2 • , TAAIO Mix 1 vote early next 'rues day for LineOln and . Hamlin.` Pennop,thattia Mak) eltgrapt), Zaturbag 'Afternoon, November 3, 1860. Democratic Electors The Fusion Electoral ticket for this State, which was formed at Reading, con. sists of seventeen Douglas, aLd ten Bieck inridge men. We publish it for the ben efit of our Democratic friends who are anxious to know how much "slave code" Democracy, or how much of the "squat ter" article they are voting. The follow ing are the names of the eleotors with their Presidential preferences: George M. Kelm Breckinridge. Richard Vaux Douglas. 1. Frederick.A. Server Breckinridge. 2. Wm. C. Patterson... ....Breckinridge. 3. Joseph Crockett Douglas. 4. John G. Brenner Breckinridge. 5. George W. Jacoby Douglas. 6. Charles Kelley Breckinridge. 7. Oliver P. James Breckinridge. 8. David Scholl Breckinridge. 9. Joel L. Lightner Breckinridge. 10. Samuel S. Barber Douglas. 11. Thomas H. Walker Douglas. 12. Stephen S. Winchester ....Douglas. 13. Joseph Laubach Douglas. 14. Isaac Reckhow Douglas. 15. George D. Jackson Douglas. 16. John A. Ahl Breckinridge 17. Joel B. Danner Douglas,. 18. Jesse R. Crawford Douglas. 19. Horatio N. Lee Breckinridge 20. Joshua B. Howell Douglas. 21. Nathaniel P. Fetterman...Douglas. 22. Samuel Marshall Douglas.. 23. William Book Douglas. 24. Byron D. Hamlin ...Douglas. 25. Gaylord Church Douglas. Douglas' 17 Breckinridge 10 The following is the. Straight Douglas ticket, which is urged on the Douglas men for their support, by the Philadelphia Press, and the other organs of that divi sion of the Democratic party 4 RICHARD fAITX. JOHN CESSNA. 1. JOHN ALEXANDER. ' 2. FREDERICK STOMA. 3. GODFRETAKEIZGAR. • 4. EDWARD "WARTMAN. 5. G. W. JACOBY. 6. JOSEPH DOWDALL. 7. ISAIAH JAMES. 8. GEORGE G. STITZEL. 9. JOHN BLACK. 10. GEORGE GROSS. 11. WILLIAM L. DEWART. 12. S. S. WINCHESTER. 13. JOSEPH LLUBACH; 14. ISAAC RECKHOW. 15. GEORGE D. JACKSON. 16. WILLIAM L. GORGAS. 17. JOEL B. DANNER. 18. J. R. CRAWFORD. 19. FRANCIS LAIRD: 20. J. B. HOWELL. 21. JOHN CALOHAN. 22. SAMUEL MARSHALL. 23. WILLIAM BOOK. 24. JAMES S. LEONARD. 25. GAYLORD CHURCH. By What we are Animated. The Republican party of Pennsylvania go into the present fight animated by the following glorious principles : = slave States; but opposition to its exten sion into Territories now free. 2. To procure a more efficient law for the suppression of the slave trade. 3. Ihe admission of Kansas'under her present Constitution. 4, A revenue law, discriminating in favor of home industry, for the support of the government. 5. A reform in the abuses and a reduc tion in the expenditures of the General Government. ' 6. A liberal homestead law for actual setters on the public lands. 7. The improvement of rivers and hoer hors of national interest. .77te speedy construction, by aid of the General Government, of a railroad to the lacific. With such principles to animate us, what Republican will fail to do his duty ? Surely not one who has, at heart the wel fare and glory of the old Keystone State, or who regards the prosperity of every section of this Union as essential to the permanency of the Union. Let our friends ponder these principles well, and they will understand, the feelings which should prompt them in thii crisis. Pennsylvania for Lincoln by a large majority insures protection 'for Pennsylvania beyond all question. To Election Officers. It is very important that in counting the electoral vote,t he entire ticket's should be read, so as accurately to, ascertain the strength of the different factions now op posing the -Republican party in Pennsyl vania, and show, also, the full strength of the electors on the Republican ticket.— _ The custom of reading the first or second and third names on a ticket, and the pas sing and counting , it as for a certain party is not orilynn act of great'negligence, but flagrantly wrong and highly censurable. We 4 urge it on the election officers, there fore, to read and count each name on every tieliredeilositedin the liiikes:Of their .va riens election districts. BY such a count,` we will be able to 'ascertain the real strength' 'cif — parties 'id Pentisilvitnia, as well as prove more _effectually the, utter con-fulkori and disorganization of the fac• tions opposing the Republican party. We urge this subject , on the attention of the election office 4. as ' highr9 important, • both as a full discharge. of their sworn duty, and as the only way of fairly exhibiting the real strength of parties in Pennsylve . .. ' ' Fraudulent Naturalization Papers. The fraudulent naturalization papers, issued by the Locofocos in 1856, may be readily distinguished from the genuine, by observing that on the seal of the FRAUDULENT are the words "SEAL. PROTHONOTARY'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY." On the genuine, you will always find he name of tho Court issuing them, viz : "DISTRICT COURT OF TRU CITY OF PIIILABA." 'COURT OP COMMON PLEAS OF THE‘CITY AND COUN TY OF PHILADELPHIA." Whenever a man attempts to vote on one of the fraudulent papers, he should be promptly arrested, and!liindedove:r: : to the District Attorney. LINCOLN I*.ZARYLAND.--EX-GOV er nor Francis ThOMits, whom the Democracy have often honored, takes bold ground against the Southern fanatios. So far from the election: of Lincoln giving the South causes for dissolution, Gov. Thomas, though a slaveholderi, - argues to the con trary. In a speech aatagerstown, a few days since, he said : We have nothing to fear frowtheelection of Mr. Lincoln. All formerly stood upon his platform. None ever:doubted - the right of Congress to legislate for the Territories. He cared not what a man's man's abstract opinions were ;we had many free-soilers in,the Pt-esidential chair.— Jefferson was a rank free-oiler.' Madison and Mon roe were bothlree soilers. Hglrnew Mr. Fillmore well ; audit better President we never had. Mr. Fillmore would have responded, Yea, to every queston put to Mr. Lboollif ',Mr. Clay was an out and out free-sciler. "so-help me God," said Mr. Clay, "so help me Gclor : :l will never vote for the admission of slavery:into any Territory where it does not now exist?' THE - CESNIIR OF THE. NORTHWEST.- , The census returns are now so nearly completed that we can approximate closely to the population of the- Northwest. It will stand about as follows : Ohio .. ‘,.. Indiana.. Illinois ... Wisconsin. Michigan . lowa Minnesota We have over eight millions of people in the seven Northwestern States, a'num ber equal to the white population of the fifteen Slave States. , More than one quar ter of the population of the United States is now in the Northwest. fts population * is nearly equal to New 'fork, Pennsylva nia and New England combfned. .11Vuglgs men of Ohio are main- S taining their consistent adherence to what they consider rightibyloponlyproolatiling• themselves for Lincoln :'and silamlin. In Greene county, in that State, - the promi nent me t a of theiD;ougliis,diVision :are; not only . active, but aeslotp,ior,the,trinmplkof the'Repnblican ticket. I frouitir Es-q a very prottiment Douglas man,' and a candidate of the Greene County Democr acy, for County Clerk, 'recen ly 'made a speech, a report of which appears in the Xenia Torchlight,. froin which we extract the following paragraph In conclusion, Mr. TE. I said : By the current of recent events, it has been demonstrated be yond a doubt that Mr. Douglas cannot he elect ed. By voting for him we can accomplish nothing but the poisible electicin.of , this miser able pet puppy, Jo Lane, and thereby throw the Administration into the hafidi of a set of con temptible Southern disunionist& And I hold that, as good citizens, we sliCula yote in inch a manner as to keep the eleCtion out of the House.. I have often said that if Douglas could not be ,elected, and Thad tiiii - thousared'idesl I would cast them•all for Abe Linioln, and 'I intend to vote for Lincoln if I, till. the day of the election. (great applause) ; Hundreds of honest 'Douglas men in Pennsylvania will quietly follow. the ex 7 ample and advice here , made and given.; They are unwilhng to go doWn in a "sink= ing ship" freiglifed as it iii ',With fraud and corruption. LOVERS . OF LIBERTY 1 Advocates of Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men; and Homesteads for the Homeless ! See to it that every. Republican yoter in ii your knowledge is",brought'AhelOile on the, sixth. Ltd November. Lincoln, Hamlin: and,victory is the :.word. JunSoN's MOUNTAIN Malt Tithts.-,=How strange and wonderful it often • seems titsuipthaths Medicine com posed of simple mountain lints ant "Toots, certainly search out and cure disease. How , etirprising that the Indians should know and preserve so long and well a secret that has escaped=the search of the greatest, physicians the .world has ever seen. True, the, ancient inhabittu . tie es Oft** l4 344/c;f 4 2 .4geX4 6 eStatibid , bythti SpaMaidPirliingiqril large oitiestAnOaltinfinVlcketheir strange customs and ,religion r as wsllsitlized as their conquerors. In the words of a writer of some celebrity, "Thek'hay.e:Pefishedlromk ll6 l o, 4 ll Nifikglgisjainli. saute piles orrilins, 'their 'Zino and Princespo s tnighty in their ilfe,.are forgotten;• their fitnirainitheir alone arc _. The: united 'testimony of alliiitehige,: persona le, that iIIID,SOWILMOUNTAIN IIERB.PILLB a the most successful. medicine Inithorsworld: in 'curing Sold by all medicine dealaii.. , , octl6-lin— e call the tAterttlon of iormaphlrit . tqan article ailvbrtieeddlthmotifircofiunnyeafedliftonn Poor; It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confound ed with any of the numerotur.pabint medicines of the day,lt. ie • food for, the `.bitadi already Prelated fur ad sorption; Pleasant to the taste-talc , 11 143AVIII:soligli and what one gains he 'rdtenns :Let g l those,j then, who Are suffering fieni pnverty,imMirity, or deliciency of, blood, •• and consequently with some chronic 4414130 9/",;ailment, take of this Blom Foon and he restored tq health. We notice that our Druggistsbarb reedit:la supply of ,thls, article, and also of the-world-renowned Dr. Eaton's in. warm CORDIAL, which every mother should hare. Id is said to - contain no paregori c or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course moat beitmduable for all Wan. tile complaints. It is also rai that it will allay all pain, and soften the gpmnia" procees.',:of teething, and at the, same time regulate the bowels-- Let all-mothers and' Nurses, who have endured anxious Alga: and eleeplesd n ghtii,prdedre a wapply,and.:bifiat.nAceplikvsci.i Alikrdeeadieitlientent. ' • " außtfebil.„; `For sale by C. A. Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg;Pl) Yatest Ettegrap,lj. SPECIAL -DISPATCHES TO THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. Wreck of a California Steamer. NEW Yofts, Nov. 3 The steamer Granda, hence for San. Francis co, ran ashore in a fog at the mouth of the San Francisco harbor on the 15th ult. It was a total loss. The vessel was in charge of a Pilot at the time of going ashdre. Destructive Fire at Danbury, Conn. •DANBUBY, Coun., Nov. 8 Ten buildings were burnt last night at New Milford, including the Bank Housatonic and six stores. Republican Parade in Philadelphia. PHILADILPHIA, November 3. The torch-light parade in this city last night, participated by from ten to-fifteen thousand men equiPped in the handsome uniforms of the various clubs, was one of the most magnificent displays witnessed hero this season. The pro cession passed over the entire route without molestation. Destructive Fire at St. Joseph, Mo. A destnictive fire is raging on Main street, between •Jules and Felix streets. The whole block will be swept away. Efforts are being made to confine it to-that Ipcality, which may succeed if the weather continues favorable. — HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.—To 'IrOTHERS.—ThOug• ands of lovely females, in the Spring timenf womanhood, have been rescued from an untimely grave by the agen cy of these meelcincs. When the sprightliness of the ii;mp is changed to apathy and internalsoffering, and the gloir of health to the eallow'hue of cankering disease, it is a crisis which requires the maternal attention and solici tude, and for which the pills will be found an efficient remedy. • They are equally efficacious in the autumn of of life—the most critical period of woman's existence. Si)111 by all druggists, at 25c., 62c. and Al, per box or pot octl9 MOTHERS, Rain Tun .—The following is au extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Journal anth Messenger ' " Cincinnati, 01110, and speaks volumes Iri faVor of that world-re nowned medicum—Nrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething :- "We see an adirertiseMent in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicicat before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum. ling—we have tried It, and know it to be an it claims. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. Add those of your readers who have babies can't-do better than to lay a supply: au22 2,600,000. 1,400,000 1,600,000 900,000 750,000 700,000 180,000 HAIR.VTR! DYE ! • 1 . . *IA. A. BATCEELOWS HAIR DYE! The Original and Best In Inc WOrldi A LL others are were imitations, and should-be avoided, if you wish to edcape ridicule. GRAY,, RED, or ,HUSTI . .DAIB. DYED instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to the Hair or Skin. • • . - FIFTEEN lIEDALS AND, DIPLOTIAS have been award ed to - Wit. A. BATCHELOR since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plication,sthaveheen wade to the Hair of the Patrons of his famous dye. WE. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produced a color not to be distinguished.from nature, and is WARRANTED not to injure in the least, - hlinrelier long it' may be con . tinued, 'and the TlketTects, of. Bad Dyes remedied ; the 'Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye. Sold in alleities and' tOvini of the United States, by . Diuggists and Palley Goods Dealers. • • tut ig _ c hts r. lle r and dr es up tz i tt . "LIAM BACHELOR. . . Address, . • CHARLES BATCHELOR; Puniainron, marn-dalvriy: . el Barclay strcet.'New York. 8,030,000 • WANTED ! •G 0 0.1) C;0•0 K , ALL lt* A. K. FATINESTOCK FOR, H HE LADLES! A LARGE LOT OF TINT QUALITY , TORUN'S 4,111- GLOVES' Slight* damaged with araterPriee 50 and 75 eta.— GREAT BARt4AINS. A tine assortment of same quality; perfeet—Bitmlf, White and Colored, at CATIICART , S, , „ . No. 14 Efarhet Square. 11 4 A N OYER SUCK SKIN GLOVES A Large Stock at the Lowett Price, at . vatls AffititOTYPE 4 oF FlelVT , Do , e RAVltNers. :RRE Tit giitite-EardSngia*inge , onflonoti, cradiaa, - .%tritural and alreal ~ , riety of misosHairollpplbkleil,zi They ire ekact fir rainiatda,,yri th . the beauty and merits or the larger an*More expensieenvavings, and atkn much des3vestoand;liel4 degas, and substantially framed, 1 1.9thillIrindrebeautlitilland handsemer=could b e . conceived for erpaments ee'pictures. _ 1t , 4 &Ropy and tone (dame copies have rmeatly been improyea,,and ar,nogr. placed ;torero tbe,pubito with a coefidence that the e ir merit mad beauty wißinsure a hearty rtlOrPthlti ftir theM,..i. For. sale at - - - - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE; 'octa 0 81 Alt strWErtniabliss• ?air calkand. See tnem—nocharge,O.i.exhitiltiitizgoods FOR 'Superior and ,Oheap-erablevur salia4aiNte44:oo.' -11:11LLIR'8 STORX ST. Jo§Eru, Ito., Nov. 3 Nitu .ablirrtizemtnts CATHOAMVP. , ., N 0.14 Market Egon° New 2thrertisenunts. NEW GOODS FROM AUCTION ! WE received this morning, a new lot of goods from a large auction sale. Black Marina at 75 cents. Black Woolen Delain, Double Width, 75 c. Silk Robes at a great bargain. Black Cloaks, good quality, from $6 to $2O. Arabian with Slaves. FURS 1 FURS! 1 Of all kinds 4 .V ' AT VERY LOW PRICES! ' M WILER & CO., io nov2 No. 4 Market Square. PUBLIC SALE. WILL . be sold at public out-cry, at the EUROPEAN HOTEL, in the city of Harrisburg, on THURSDAY EVENING the 15th day ef November, at half-past six o'clock, the following described property, late the residence of Mrs. Harriet Bard, decd, to wit A two story BRICK HOUSE with back buildings, and LOT OF GROUND, situate on Third street between Pine and Locust In the said city. Any person desiring to ex amine the property can call upon Thomas J. Jordan...- Terms will ba made known on theE. evening of sale by O. JORDAN, L. 0. JORDAN, novl-dtd Executors of Harriet Burd, dec'd. WANTED. A GOOD COOK w no can waeh and iron. Enquire of octal -3td 3153. TIIOS. J. JORDAN. WANTED. 5 POUNDS of OLD COPPER, .000 for which we will pay the very high e,t market price in cad', at the cet.:l.lmd EMILE WORKS. JUST FROM THE a jt‘ll..aeLDM SECEILIAMIS ri WE SUBSCRIBER has just received f em the New York and Philadelphia. Trade *ilea . A LANDS AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STANDARD' WORKS I IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. ALSO, SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY OF ALL WINDS • To which - the attention of the Public, Conimittoes of Libraries, Teachers, Country Dierchanis and purchasers generally,-is invited. As all have been purchased far below the regular prices, they can and will be sold at but a email advance on the cost, insuring to purchasers a saving of If to 25 er cent. on trade prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, oct3l 51 Market Street GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE ! URICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRONT .& MARKET STS. ANNOUNCE to the citizens of Harris burg at ,d the publis generally, that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se laded stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell st the ye ry lowest prices. DOMESTIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - A !ergo assortment of Welsh Flaunels for Skirting. as-tertmensmomemm-61gn sinv;— ,' Manchester Ginghanui, Sattnetts and Cassimeres , c Black Cloths at all prices, Cloths for Ladies' Chesterfields, If Beaver Clothe for the Arab Cloaks. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large assortment of Casatmeros, nspecially, adapted. to Boy's wear. -An assortment of 'Merino Drawers and-Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets from 12% els a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID . RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOLDELAINES; BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS, A large assortment oflitr&lie and Blanket Shawls, with a lull stock of the latest novelties. An assortment of Plidn and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first elais.Hoidery and Em broideries, Atc., &0., Le. • An astortmenturßugenl o wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. . . An assortment of Ehronding and Flannels. SHIM& COWEERTHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly occupied . by4. L. }inner. . . 'oet2fely SA.TFORLYS LIVER- INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. TT is compounded entirely from Gums, j_ andjhut beeeme an established fact, a Standard Medi cine,titan known oi/nwrd approvedcrt dl'fitl`3%ottd.bacennuirtt diseases for which it is re- up commended. It has cured thousands E 4 within the last two years who bad given up all hopes ..." of relief ; es the numerous' unsolicited certificates.' in "4 my possession show. The dose must be adapt- Q. ed to the temperament of - the individual taking it,and 0 used in such quantities ar to act gently on the bowels. ,„1„ I Let•the dictates of - your iz, judgment guide yon in the use of the LIVER INVIGO- H BATOR, and it will cure Lives Commantris, Bum p• AvrAcKsDISPEPELI,CHRON DIDLurszoies, Somas Mir- k ......, IhrEaDmittY, DROP SY SOUR mimics, Hum , DAL Coismoossm, Ca, CHOLIDLA Monne, CHOLERA *--* ISTAIMTN, Fta re L Kir Ca, JAONDICOL Fauns Wises- imams, and may be used =Successfully as an OREM- Ed RE Farm usomols. Ii will cure SICIIIIKADACId ", (as thousands can testify) no EDEELE *MEDI, is ED DETRE= TEASPOONFEEHARII TAKEN at commencement oattack., Au wee mart au car 1;•I urci their testimony in its favor . Al mg-Mix Water-An the mouth with tjtellria vigorator, arid inialloir boh Italian - sr. mot owe must rim mama. ; l' • . —.ALSO+ • • SA.NEbidYO FAMILY. CATHARTIC PILLS . . . COMPOUNDED, FROM PURE VEIIETABLE KETILIGTS, AND PI A UP IN GLASS . CASED, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL, KEEP' IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY CATHAR- • TIP PILL is ! gentle ha satifii;c4timrlie'whieh the ID proprietor . has"u p ped Ind ` practice more than twenty years: The constantly.increas- big dautrisidirom thole Who have, long used the PILLS la. and, the satisfiustioo which all express 'in 'regard to H' itMense, has 'bailee:l: up plaCe them within the is. reach of all. ,The Professlon - well know •-• thatdifferent Ilatitereal on different portions of the bowels. The FAMILY camas. 0 TIo Pll.Lhas,inith • ference to this - well eatatt- 14 Mated feet; been compoun ded from a variety of the E 4 purest Vegetablo!xtracts, which act alike on every part. of .the alimentary ca, pal, anditiregoist i dle PC in Cafes where% ea lhartio is needed, such as Dersmgsmentt of...Stinsck,. Stieptiiis, Pains in ; Back ensuing; Miasma' Pant and,Sorsness over its pi WS,/ .iodiessnms, P."4=4. or weight in the held, all . friflatarrunory Dt seas t :i Worms in Children or.old- tiffs, Visusacom, a v Purifier of the Blood, and A i Many diseases- to sr sash is heir. too numerons to W S le this a war, tenement. Pst . e, I to 0 PRICE 80 CENTS. - LIVIM INVM MAT°4 AND PA214.1 OaraUl* IO Pau are retalledby-Dreggistegonerally,and sold w4olesalic 'the Track)* elflike Lug-. towns. •. • W.,, , , moinfactn rer and propAektt 886 Tmedway. New York. Yew bvErtistinents "GET THE BEST." W EBSTBR'S lINAI3RIDGED DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. \ lII'S DICTIONARY is acknowledged to be the standard wherever the English 1.41141 4 . e spoken. It is a work or extraordinary merit and vat tie, and no scholar should be without it, as It is the best 'k ilning dictionary of the English Language, and a nee.,itc to every educated man. The NEW EDITION has many improvements iter the old, containing in addition to an pr,tviou3 editions, NINE THOUSAND NEW WOIIIM, ONETHOUSAND FIVE HUN DRED PICTORIAL ILI USTRATioNS,IIGFIT TH4 iI;;3ANI, BIOGRAPHICAL NAMES, TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED scoare . :ANONYMISEO, and other new fel tures contained in ne other dictionary published, ruali•ii.; it decidedly the roost complete and the best iu every respect. one vertu:lse quarto, bound in SHEEP, BUFF LSAT ARA BASQUE, RUSSIA and TURKEY 110ROCt 0 BIND. INGS, including all the styleemanufacturel. Hal one ie ceived a large invoke direct trom the publiseis, I sin enabled to oiler them FOR FAIN lIVEOLWALS AND RETAIL Sr 'WEIR PIUCOS. at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, oct23 GUNNERS OR TRAPPERS frAKE.NOTICE,' that from and after this date all persons erewarned not to trap or sheet any game whatever on the farm of the subscribPr in Su-itue halloo township, Dauphin county, or they will be dealt with accoroing to law. CHARLES CARSON. oct22-2td3w EMPLOYMENT. -$50 A MONTH AND ALL EXPENSES PAP.).—An agent is wanted in every town and county in the United States, to engage is a respectable and easy business, by which the above profits limy certainly be realized. For full particulars address Dr. HENRY WARNER, 54 East Vs ellth street, corner of Broadway, New York City, inelosing one pos tage stamp. octl&fimdsw VENETIAN BLINDS & FURNITURE dIADE and ItEPATIO : D, in good style, at Aunt notice, and on reasonable terms, by A. B. SHARP, Second street Blow Chestnut. octri 3m A GREAT VARIETY OF 30.1CALMILIMIS, AND DAILY POCKET JOURNALS FOR 1861. For sale at 10 cents and upward In:price at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOORST.'RE, oct3 51 Market Str. et. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood, N. E. COR. FIFTH & CHESTNITI P STS, Philadelphia. EXECDTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original aesigns furnished for Fine Book Mastro hens. Persons wishing cute, by sending a Photographer Dna• rrcotype, can have views of Colleges , Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Roves, Patents, engraved as w II on per 'Banal appication.. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Fishing, Business and other Cards, engraved in thu highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of flue engraving. see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., B. IL Sutler &Co. oct9s lyd EL L. GODBOLD, 11010RACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos. Melodeons, &c., &a., will receive orders in future at WM. KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92thirket street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. First ohms PIANOS for sale sepll3-dly 1861. 1861 LANCASTER (English and German) ALMANACS Fm 1861. For sale wholesale . _ and retail at BERGNER'S CHEAP 13 , ./OKST;.:ES„ , t2O-dt.i H. Margret Elrod.. TOYS, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS OH N DOLL, No. 120 North Second Street, above Arch. PIIILA.DELPHIA. JVST RECEIVED at hie NEW STORE a very large aEsortment of TOYS of every descrip tion. Also, FANCY BASKETS, WORK. BOXES, Tobacco Boxes, Serar Oases, Pipes, Canes and Fancy Articles of a large variety. All being imported direct from the .manufacturers enitbies me to sell at very low prices. Aar-Please call and examine my stock. s3otd3m !foal! (goat-! (goal !! ! COAL LORBER.RY COAL! I THOSE who want GOOD CLEAN COAL, can be supplied by the ,CAR LOAD direct from these•llmnirterrm MmEs, wuli LUMP, BROKEN. EGG, STOVE and NUT, at reduced rates. Familiea laying in their winter supplies will do well by calling on octlB-Imd GEO. GARVERICH, S. Zs S. R. R. Office. COAL COAL ! ! COAL ! I THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared at all times to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg, the different kinds , and sizes of LUKER'S VALLEY, URI GROVE and WILKEBBARRE COAL„weighed on the city weigh cart at the consumers door, and full weight guar anteed. Prices as low as at any regular yard in the, city, Orders left at his Mace ' corner 4th. and Market streets, or dropped In the Post Ince, will be prompuv attended to. ' DAVID M'CORMICK, aulo.d3m COAL -1 1 COAL! ! COAL !! ! , NOW IS YOUR TIME . TO .GET Cl E AN COA LI Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! VHANEFUL TO .MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS for their hberal patronage, I would now inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on abort notice to supply them With all kinds of SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. (FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DRALING WILL AFFORD. Although my coal is not weighed in seLF-WRZIGHLVG Gams BUT I 8 WEIGHEDoN ,SCALES ACCIIRATBLY. TESTSD „gp SUL=, Or:WitaGlf7l3 kn riserarnsa f fald 'consumers' May rest assured that they will be fairlyand honestly dealt with I*.l nothing 'but the very best acrid", and, mixing. V. ALSO HIMONT, OAK and PINE WOOD, always on hand. ' GEO: P. WiaITLING. septB-dSm NOT' THE FIRST .ARRITIfa, miT AIRMEN IN DUE TIME TO BE. BOLD AT 'ItETN.E.D.' 3 LYKEN S VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,60 per ton,. • N . 6 ' $ .Also constantfron hand_, UT 2:00 " - LYKEN'S VALLEY ' BROKEN is, • EGG,, ~ CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILKESBARRE BROKEN, " • NO. 3:=Lii •::` NUT.- ' • •-• • - Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and Broad Top. Alen, Hickory, Oak and Pine Airoxkl.; • BYERS. pl 4 • No. 102 Chestnut st greet . , . ... .. UP :TOWN! • - TATEfiT. :WEIGR - - -CARTS •' I til , the . :_o on vttilienoe of my Tfuni4rclue up I town custdmers, I have. e stabliahed,_ .in.conneet+ m „ with my old yark a -BRARtEr COAL .I"..ARD,.OPYr .wrie NORM. SMELT, on ti Elie with the'PreneiTtyant - ,t,i,i" having the office forMerly eccufded- bl vi m - - 1 . ' • R Harris, where consumers of coal in that vici ar - • • ' - d VEP BEK E TOWN can receive -their ;colii, 4l t:.„th a e il l2. - - • CARTS wrreorf krriltf-Ctriitim vutr,„,w` : A TE" v i EICH - q uanifit y'th'epinay;dcitive, ha' heig ... - 4 3 9 1 dN'4. and purchased 5,000 anywhe're. , . , ,Is can be pure TONS bctAi, ON Hap, OF LrICENS VALLEY" AND FAKES aa rWiul, - 71 .4 ERE,.OF ALL SIZES. ga 'via kiiirraia FAIR Palms, but tiNwILIINO - To as UNDERSOLD BY /2111, Pre: : = All coal 'forked up and delivered eau), and free from all and the bean article mined. Orders received at 'hi:4h yarda will be prompt:3 , filled, isuntalt coal delivered b,Vsai!i PATENT IivIIOR y.IARTS. , COAL. gold by boat, car „laid; single,ltalf or third of tans, and by- the.bositel. - ' - ' I -'' *' ' • i '''"" JAM Harrbiben, Oct. 13,1860.11,,,--thimswinorwcsee ----,