Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 01, 1860, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO• TERMS.—Sorois Sunscuurrox The DAILY Tian:M.lPß is served to subscribers In the t;orough at BM. cents per week. Yearly subscriber a is be charged $4.00. WEIRLY AND SHMI-WEIKLY TYLEGRAYS. Istatikern is also published twice a week during ee session of the Legislature and weekly during the re er of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the "i•ilowing rates, VIZ : Siugle Subooribers per year Seven Ten 1111 LAW OP NYWRPAPIERS if subscribers order the discontinuance of their news• par era, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. it subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newsPa• vers from the office to which ,they are directed, they are responsible until they hav^ settled the hdis and ordered them discontinued ' 11Pbifa•. 1)R. JOHNSON, LOCK HOSPITAL at; discovered the moss pertain', iipeedy. .thtl effeetualteniedy i/1 the warldtor ".• • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE eiLINF IN SIX TO TWNLY3 110112 E No Mercury or Nextous .Drugs.. .114 r h CORY WARB6DI7II), OR WO CRAWS, IR FROM OMNI* Two DAYS .irtilli Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, - Pains the Loins, Alrections of thS.Kidneys and. Bladder, Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of tho Physical Pilw era, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion or MOM palpitation of the Heart, Tremblings, Dimness ci light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Note or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth those dreadful anddestructi re practices which produce constitutional debility render marriage impOssdble, and destroy both body and mind, ' ' / YOUNG al N. Young men especially who bade become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive liabitrrliicb annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent nud - brilliatit - intellete, - *ho mig ht otherwise have entranced fisteningStniates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked toupstacythelivhsg lyre, may call with full confidence.. ' . MARRIAIIE Married pllrsons, or thesontintemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult and be restored to perfecthealth. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Immediately Cured andfull Vigor .Ileetored tie who places himself under the care of mar religiously confide in his honor asAgeotleente, and ienil dently rely upon his skill as a Plysiciaa. . ire Oflke No. .7 South Fiederickstreet,lßalthoatire, on the left hand side golpg irom Baltimore speety7 is from the conic& : lifitheckihyDbe uatxe and number, or you will Mistake the place.. Be i gemticu*, for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false iannes, orPo•ft Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputation of 114, Johnston, lurk near. • All letters must contain a Postage itamp, to use militia eply. • L.... DR. JOHNSTON Da. JOHNSTON member of the Royal College of surgeon London, graduate from one of thotneet eminent,Collegel 1.1 the L. States, and the greater part of whose lire hashe s spout in the Hospitals of London, parts, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing curds that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing lathe ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfniness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediateiy - TAKE. PARTIOULCH NOTICE iii. addrokaps* ail those' woo' baying - indbrenthem selves by prifatti - and improper Indulgences, that Beare and solitary habit which ruins- both body and akin , nn fitting them for either business or society. These are some of the sad and melancholy ellectsime. 4c:red by early habits of tenth, viz : Weakness of the• hack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Leas 01 Muscular Power, Palpitation of tho HeartDyspep- Nervous Irritability, Derangement of' the Digestive Feactimn. General Debility, Symptoms of Oonsir- Men. kr = Ault/ally, liou tearful effects On the mind are much to be dreaded ;Loss of Memory . , Confusion of Ideas, Dupree- Moo of Bpiritil, FOrobOdufgo, Aversion to Soototh Self distrust, Lave o) Solitude , Timidity .ato. are soma of the evil TI ous/was of persons of all ages, can now jadge.whatit the ,aano of their declining health, losing their vigor, be cum.og,rwoake µPA, einaelated„hiveraninga. ler appearance 'about the eyes, cougicand eymptemin of consumption' YOUNG MNN . who iniv o injured_ themselves: by'a cektain practice, in dotted to when alone—a habit frequently, learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, oven when asleep, and if not cured, renders . marriage impossible, and destrays both' mind and body h unlit apply immediately. e What a pity that a young man, the holm of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched front all. prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequmgces el deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a c Michela secret habit. Such persons must, herein con m plating MARRIAGE. effect that a sound Minh and body ere the Moat nece vary requisites Lo promote dounutilal hapPiness. Indeed' without these, thejourney through-life liecomes a-weari pilgrimage; the prospect hourly. . darkens- to the view; the mind bccoines shadowed with despair, ill:W. 1 .0116d with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another brumes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC) WEAKNESS ny this great and important remedy, Wealmess of the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved.. _ Al Impediments. to arsine; Pityalcal Mental,gdsqualfil, cation Nervous - I rembllig; - Mthitit Weakneas or etton the most fearful kind, speedily oared. • ir.:. ~;. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous iniportant•Surgfen Operations performed by Dr. .1., witnessed by the' ire porters of the papers and many other persons, notices 'at* which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his Mending as 4 gentleman of character and re sponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DISF,VE OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and-, Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, tt "too often IMppens that an ill-timed annelid shame or dread Of disdhiery. from applying to those who, from education and ie. apeetability can alone befriend mm, delaying till the. eonstiutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting .the head, 'Arent, ".:stoseljskia, progressing on with frigbtful rapidity, 411. death punt • period r hie dreadful stiffening by sendingaiii to Ihfutt. bourne from whence no traveller returns." is a =aim choly feet that thousands fall victims -to this/terrible dia. ease, owing to the unskilfulness of 'Vienna pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mbreury ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable 7'o Strangers —The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his oiline. sr Letters must contain a Stamp to nt on the sr Remedies sent . Oy Ban. gha- No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore: aprilt&w.l^ BUEHLER HOUSE, m ARICET SQUARE:„ HARRISBURG., PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. C A IL D The ab ye well known and long Asiafished Httel is now undergoing a then:igh renovation, andt-bein . glu a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gsoaoa J. BOLTON, who lies been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and . is well linewfi to its guests. Thankful .for the liberal patronage which it bus en_ toyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to Ihe.public fe. or. jjeB daWtfl . . WILLIAM BIJEMM. L V PLAI! ED WA RI E HAII,VE;Y• FILLEY, N 0.1222 Market street; PIIILADELPERAt Manufacturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILi/BELPLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, - -,TRAANLE,. - ITENTTLES, WALTERS, , StILEEPLESU ICI PILGRIM, CAKE .LIK.E._ .001411 RION rillitami o l e t u d With a general am° tnien comp ^int __die NI quality, made of the bettynaterids and hcard/y 402 Z attuning them a _ e • Serviceable and durable article , Foe Ronne, STRAMBOATS AND. 111.1V01 SW Old Ware re-plated In the best manner. feb2o•devily DR. C. WEICHEL; SURGEON AND °OCULIST, EESEDENOE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREfri. war 214.1.. , O .A. :or , JOB, BAIA BY JAMES M. WrFPREER (e4B•dtt DENTISTRY . THE undorsigried,'Doo9lo.l l . l?pNTAL. SURGERY, bee returned aria:Xeliumeeoll3wtreeree ha i.t State greet opposite Um Ill:mix ) , pus , will be Plißee444,4oteatto. gil inbo may zA deithre D ser. ---•• —"--"--- .....--- . ..... - . _ . .. _____ ___—__---.. . ___,__________........„__._ ___ , —_ ,• ' • ' • : I_.'• 11.! :- . ? : 1 ' i ..; .0 ~ .:4 i e r ' .• i . ,i i ; - • . ..-- - . <-. „ • i / _ . •_.. • • • . . • • V\iii ! y , ,-• . . • • .- ' 4 - -. 11 7.1 - ' e illib l °/ .., . . : :,! ;.! •• •., ~ .••...,.-:...' :,' ::. . . ~,‘ , IOIW / /..- . . . . '''.•.:V.' *'ll ' . e'' '' ~ r ..t ? • 1 :,, .';' ; - i . , 1 -." - ' - ;-‘''' -' lo 4. C . . ''' '' . 1 ..'..------..,._. . .I .' r- - `: -; '=. •'. r.. - j. s. .1 ' ‘. .. .. \I'll : . ' 7 ..': -''." •• • 1 -.) . (Le t,. „,.,, : : :: ::.,.. a ..: , : ,,•.. i ...,...;-.... . - , •1' . : - . ' 0 1 .,... , ~ "17. , •_. _,... , , ~e." ' .17,- '.....1 a ' -,-,. 4 .1'. It : v _.. . .• . . . . ' 1 ~1,.' .. .. ,;' ; A . AI : -trc.i , .i Fl'..F i:i . '• ', . : ''., . . • --- . _ . ' . . 3 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL XIII .qu .4:',Tr at f tit "-ir ankons. ;. HE. • D GT-NUINIE-P-R-EPAR.iTIONI oivinsours MMITI.Tior the:Bladder.. ATEEITHOLIYEHSLICHIM thilifldfiefs..., !: HEEHBOLD'S the Cr,arel. •• . . •ITELIfBOLDS-431JOH.U:toritieLle OW,. • • .11amBorays:BUCHU Tor Ner!vousness. . . HELMBOLD'S BLICHU for Loss of Memory. lIfiLEI3OII .BtfC1111:for DiaanisselNi , ••• • REIBLD'S BUCUU for Difficult l'•„f , • HEL raits)trulail u for erilVvg.4. HVI. tiro BUCHU Tor General t7ebility Hu.L.MBOLD'S RUCLlUMr_UnireisaLlassitfide. HD:DUBOW:OS 'MUCLlerOr'lletor 'of Eige lIELSIBOLD'S BUCHU for. Eight Sweats. - HELMBOLD'S BUGS U for Wakefulness. HEILSIBOLASSJI_UCHUfor ryniesupti" LIELMBOLDIS‘BUCHUTor EruPtioile. • • IiELMBOLD'S BUCHU fur Paiu in the Buck. ' LEI:MI3OLD'd 1311COU for Efedeibess of.the Temporary Suffusion al d LO3B of Sight: HELMBuLD'S BUCHIV'Mr-'4ll6bility and Restlessness, with Want...or Attention and Horror Society. 'FIEHiIIIOLD'S .- BUolltrfor'ObitientiOne. ' " "IIELMBOLIPS BUCHU for lixessies 'arising freak Indmi cretkon, and all diseases of • • - • FEVALFE, FEMALES;' : FEMALES, ' • • I'EM.AI4•FEMALES%F.E.MAIES; TAIL NO MORE 'FILLS; • TAKENO MORE .e.I.t.LS; . . . A likar-NO • THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. Use HELMBOLD'S - RXTRAC,Tpuenu for ail 'complaints iticrdent tialtisex. : . • ' - , • Piro Matiolly, Sheitld Me ;Without ilt4 TAKE AO LORE B 27 I SAbY or IV 'does anfl Unpleasant, Medicine tiri,Diaigereini Diseases. • ' TECHBOLDIS ExTß'Acr BUCHU 'for Exaeisos arising frorn'liabitS indulged in • By Young . And far discasesarinfrAfromAabitsprplopipAttlon 4 It rd. sadfq irSiVoWidisaFtUgm* r gwill.moithe pa. tieirt In • Einorrude tries:Etta - dr altif itnit Use tiEbliltol.lAS EXTRACT MIMIC . for Diseases and. Affections of the moat Distressing Character. ".:t U4SIIIILVADMS - ExTtiter roialfilffikTamt and disclaim' of the Whether extsung in .:,111ftle or Vernale, from whatever cense originating, and no matter of HoistLe r aiStnittlling. All of the above diseases and symptoms admit of !he same treatment, toad , may , origininate front,:"Ahajnime Cause. ,nl4ip fr atEAD: 11 . READ !.1 READ ! iIIIDINCPABOED'S BUCHII - i 'safe, and - Preaslint in taste andlodor; but i edlato ia Ihreetion. _ , Peisbnally up • eared= befor e ' A an' Mini:llan - et' the City of Phgadelpkia,,tl. 'f.,lfelmbold,.Ctignalst, who bd log sivokii,tams, sayolikOhle Prepsentiwit contains no Narcotic, ileFenry, or ,injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable.Z .11.1T. , 13.EL1180D, . Sole Alanafacturer. .Sworn and subserilied -before Ineftliiii 21Itt day alio v en.ber, 1854. WM. P. iIIBBARD . , alderean. Price SI per bottle, or six for/SS, delivered to any-ltd. • A t 1.101 Costs litif abollttiTry and be convinced of its eilleticy.o And iv is: accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates Ire= Professois • of Deitical - cokges,Klergymen and others. Tay _ 138.111101.0,, • . Cheinist, 101 Email Tenth Street;.belotit Chestnut, - • .Philadelph ia. NECESSARY &Auld unprincipled Dealers try to palm off another,artiele, ;which ,paytra betterproflt and is worthless. • 4 ASK I . l:tR linlll3olm.'l3. VATRACf 80131111. ' . • 2 CURES GUARANTEED. , Sold by -D..W.!tioas . .li Ca., and all Druggists every where. Cut this outsetiii. - or call for it, avoid .exPesnre aull-daw3tit PROF. ADOLPH. P: - TEUPSER; a LW OADdr. pa p P-0 tthnirdnethendblic P tlarte-it continue to g ive instructions ori the '. PIANO .' FORTE; ME LODEON, VIOLIN and alsoiescience of MIOEOUG-11 EMS. He will w4th WalCup o n pup ils at their homes at any hour' .deali,o44) or .leirthns 'trill be g iven at his resideneti,Tin-Third itreet,' feW doors below the 13q0INriterv/MPA gfrix* decls-dtr AUGUSTINE L CHAYNE.' CARPENTER ..AND BUILDER. • Hialulitice 2Vo.- 27. North BecOnd &red. AIIENDED TO. • LARdll '' CASTINGS ALL kinds of Iron Castings made to or• der, of the very lidat stock, and Ctiit_ e. t ttn e g i3 s es pi t ekl an e d d to remove the sand and scale. W side of Mom extensive assortment of Pulley patterns this Phil adelphia. Apply at the EAGLE WORKS, Petina. R. lload,'Faiove - State stieet. Har SD.era. Atirirt9:lB.s9 W W. HAYS, 4 1 1ITOB, Office Walnut between Second and ThiS, . 4 ar4p demi " T J.:MILES SURGEON: DENTIST, (). FFE:RS his serilces to -the citizens of Harrittnirg and 11CvicinitY. Be solicitaa 'share of the public patronage, and gives assuraileeflitt his hest endeavors-shall begiven;to render satlsfaelhin`in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentifklie; feels safe in inviting-the public generally to call ow him , assuring them that they - will not dissatisfied with his services Office Igo. 1281dItiatec'etreeti-in the house formerly,ix copied by Thooti:lt. 4 .fibyAiefir: the United' Slates 'Hotel; 4grrisbu.rgi ?a- ALDERMAN HENRI". PEFFER, OFFICE—TIPRD #F,EtT, (SHELL'S 'ROW,) NEAR.iMARKET. Residence_ phestiut Street near Fourth. GECTir — FISHER, :--, (~ A ~ L-. 0 ATTOR - .75t . AT LAW. . IA ggElots his wr i ofessionalyitexvi 4 ceso fdl "i'lkjAnkrbOile hanifig. blendinettotte tkauiouterflu Ole several Courts of Dauphin vAittuty, the land Department of this Stat4'orlietore'the'Boarct'of Property. Having 'been'empeisietiAgniVractlOß7oftnelawmnb.bloitith. l eF,4olll.l4.4llsfikqt, fokftromuses ,oilligetn; and, careful aVilittluittirakitefOsloiialtiutatieSS7 - entrukted to teem °god Goble-of Seeft'd did' LiSeirAfetr4eis, 'Opposite to OA . L. ' .. ' :. (Mae -iitirrP3b.ur I: .It ). .a , 26 % \ ..,, ,Touiiii osszir. , .. : c.,„ . - . :, ...MEW, W. BleCOlte GABBY - - Sz - BROWN A YS , T-Tpitmiro AT-LAViT : ...mkit ii.lifittur , ll:4 ~' AT i4.14‘.' A' .'-. ' jr4L ...,,viNG,,spaqgittited . together .in the . ', practice or the7* - ,' - iOll attend faithfully and V - fe,ty ' ll:l 41 profeas*ial'tiastatia entrusted to' their „ .0441 ii Third= street threedOoriit from Market N. IL EtagtattatO , - iti kagliell'itad-rierieite:" BAN: vaitt,,disT,'‘oolDEE, EBY & tuo 'tolizak SECOND ANDI'WALXV2 548., HARsR-LS l'aftitrief - Faitcy Sottie s '"fIi3,DRIArSTOR i g; and myB Market street, below Fifth, Harriet:kid-4:Pa . . ~ . .r .14g; BIBLES 1 The undersipted MS opened a branlh of his "1-firgtia and EXBEANGE STABLE," in the buildings' dately. van, ft itg I;; . . , (4gs v t:lssicht. ThiEgg',llsTllE ied tq A. Vlfrßamiii Fourth streoLoppositatlie Bethel;; _ 61,414:11/-phoest' triSlia:Bi: -25-6:l;aldidlarseti oh, here .. e ia . ptey .. a_red to am mrabdatartßet public; in all the different etilz; landing, ror 'Taal= ; ~1. .i9YE!.F.,'11ni! . , , ,Eij . :5, at *lll-tines, or . imamrthiet+bs _-...pER9 , - ,CPUBAR BMW- amok is largo and 'varied, Etna will to SR 7 :, 004.1115e11. "4, ~ 1 ~- , , • ..: '-' -. p MariM , ed. if ', 4. - .4.4 1 ,7 r .. g 5 9 f 4 1/2. a i ROW.: 1 I .4Rair-gi N.: ,„ . E 7 , .7. ~,,J t • ^ , "IN] P'EN'DENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." • I{4RRISBURG, PA.. ;TIL : III{SiDtA . Y. AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1, 18.60. trtlß • PORTIIIIII " i = Doudus—Oh I I shall f4l tires*, my ixeoki Tl,canjt make these two horses keep Mtep. ".Get. up, P,0p.180v...-rgcyfatster,'.i Merriman[BELL], yeu,ride - anoludflie-xiiig on9tei„,., 'I TEE ; - CLow - N—" No sir-ree, bo orser fly 11-12-4 1 intiy be • a .fonl=its_. 1 'b' •`` F ' 'bel :t my business to be a fool but rt- su a o try: ride such a pair of horses ai, - .thie liafrhitalbettei-Ifideti4nt,a, time, and even then, :either .oneltiPein - Weilfd i thriiirl6l l ;*: 3 o3 7 other man.»3 • . L `., :; %) .., Dyspepsia Remo... T. dir .....,.,-, ~, .IF. ~::!:: • DR DARIUS.ff-AIII'S i_, AROMATIC ItiVIOWIATIRG SPIRIT' . This Medicine has been used by the intilic;for six .yr Oak increlktfaikatm-ewoormastanss - ara. Dispepsia„, ermotanes ,s 11 art.-Burn, (bile Thins, Wind isi! e •Stontaoh, or In nsiwthe Bowe , Headache, Dr owsiness,. eridney , Com-- . - ' Pleints,• Lose Spirits D tristm;. • Tremens; Intenspera.we - .1111131. AM, EXIIIIARATES. V 4. .1 Ausse.rt, WILL . NOT INIOXICATIS ea *III iti• ..I. ,•.::: J. , A S A MEDICINE it is quick - . nd effecpa: ia_ al, curing Hie most aggravating casosYd, - DYSpiiieffis - , , . Kidney Complaints, and all other 'dettirige; 'Ml . tt. s 4 l 7 . the Stomach' and BowelS, l iis,a speedy manger; •, %; - '•'• ''-, -..1 It will instantly: revive the most ilielen i:,lie',;an. , drooping spiiitsi;linttreidore the weak, nerstous relive, f 2, ly to healthistrengtiihfid vigor. ' -: s '''''.`''.'," Persona who, froin. the injudicious use of liquorChavii become dejected, and their nervous systems - shattered, ,constitlitions broken dOWn,.and subject to that horrihlt• curse to humanity, the DEummeiliFairie; ittillrit4est immediately, feel the happy and healthy, inilgopalbie i efficacy of Dr.llanfs•nlytgoratini SOU: • • •,"" '`•-•- I . WHAT :IT WILL D 0... . - Doss.—one wine glass full as often as necessary - One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. ' " ' One doge will sure Boast-burn. Threo - doscs'willddi, Indigestion. One dose will gllie you a Good Appetite. ' • ' One dose will stop the distressing paing of Dyspepsia. ; One dose Will. remove the distressing andAtiiiagreetible effects of Wind or. Flatulence, and as sord'as the'stothich receives the Inv Igeratihg Spirit, the distrggitingldict and all painfulfeelhigsVill be removed. • ' ' One dose will remove ; the most di9 treating paling of Colic either in the steinacher: bowels. • A few doses willretliove all obstrubtionsinthe'Eldney; • Bladder or ITrinitry • Orgins. Persons wile aro - beriously afflicted with anyllldnet Complaints • are*Sured speedy relief by 'a dbsCoe,two., and a radicaPturefbktlio use of one or two bliitlesr'i 1. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION"....i.. Persons velio;friin 'diseibatingtoomuchovernight,ono. feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, Imvielaat schde v _Slolmetsat - stomach, wea k ness, gitfflfflugs,•, - will fitttt remove all bad teellUgg:* ' Ladies of wfflik - alidilibklY constitotionershouldtedielttee Invigoiating Spirit three limes a day; silage - them strong, 'Maltby. and happy, remove al,l obstirtathised irregularities licadttie menstrual organs; atid'regibi the. bloom ofhealth and beauty to the carbworn face.. • -I; During pregnancy it will be found° eine to remove disagreeable sensatfonki All the proprietor. WEB is a trial andlo'hitinetiftfflid,.he has put up the 'lnvigorating Spirit in. pinP,bnithib.','irebe , cents, quarts El. - - • - GenerarDePot, 98 Water street,44,:r. ' ' - - 'Philadelphia, Ir. Y017,,..Ft 141 and, for sale in Hirrritiorily C. A. Bannvart;lLlPlAreest Co. agd l D:ll:,.,Kliller , slid by all Druggists everyWhbr, ' , • • I , Q • FAMILY: . DRUG STAR - pitE •• tINDtRSIGNED HAS_ OP ED. a Wholesale and , Retail Drug and Prescriptkuill In the Iron Front ' , Braining, No. 128 Market street,' lately occupied by liir;EbniVehre can be found .tillantlidriew stock of FrashandiPure Dregs, Perlumcry,,'S, 014 COAL. , OIBILAMPS, Burning Fbild, Alc:rhnlirstiot I Meaicines, SteAlaterAl Fanny Articles, - Araivind.: We have tbelagtettcyles the sale of Kline% ,Clelebrated Xrtlf" finial Teeth, ut whioll , we would invite ,the-dittentlon., of Dentists. i v By strict , attention:ld business; and z. desireto? we respectfully ask-Atthare of Public' , Jouhipm, : , N. 11.--Prliziellstrana Elegant and Tobansoitsunititißly On hand. U aprB4.lly ' - (Stscomoor to Wm. Part l;•) L Eitr it:EXCHAFaiSTABiI T IirSTREET BELOW lIILTUREI L • • •: 1 1 - ;ING-Intr chased the interest ofiI.:• -.l4:tum In- tile establishment, and made, .\ 1: 1 addi Mu; the , stoc k.', the undersigned is"Prollirea -16 tecomm to the, pu b lic with Simeon Howes for.saddie or carriage ilipostocand with every varietylifirEHßlLlß3 of the theist d most approved styles;-ori ( 'itielicemble PLEASURE P , will he accommodated wit ..„ , ' liOnon buses at slibititoficli.'_ OARRIADM AND OMNIBUSES FOR"FUNEEA SIONS win' lie itiiMlshed, accompanied 4b r airett 9 and obliging drivers. • • • ' He invites ant lig:diction of his Stack, eatlidied that ft - ls fully equal to that'of any other estalithoinhentertidekind in town. FRANK , A.-.HURRAY. BRkpivil STABLE MIME ..,~leDicat~ , . FRA. - Nat , A. Iv7.l7ll.lWrii Mil MM=ffiffir JFatscritalleDlitraus.„ 1 811E1 WM= tialte l arPiVßODE arlO t naNkr i:" 7 .. .) Jll. i pilitliik,:gsiirotiits . , ; -s. Ort, ittrritit y ' Ort)kter " ... to Lil;IT.5 en te,i; y. -..1,i() luit , r: '.. . 34,eb;b... °" 1,11 9:.3 VFl ‘ . • . iC, 1 . r..... tau1..71 , 1 ,11 'l 1 ../... • it ; _, .- ... sr . T GI- M Off, V.M.. 417-- t: v. 1 , -,:, - tar - -,:i ~ . ..,o1L;I ..,„_,, -- _r -- _' A superb t smelt of flue ./rench•pgilth and Ameyidani eLOTHS „ , . LttEtslikfiglia, , A ,-, t i A ~, ,' A A * . ! , A and yz,sTmk§% 'Poi City and Cdtii i try b ade, with aniiimpproabluible as- I PAYmpute tor 44: DT: •1449.1 1 erwThoG:' at th 0 E49 , 0 44 ' ienali ' ,Il prices , le. t ''• J tlitilltMit 0:1113:1110,itialeie* end:A . p grr of Intrinsic' worth and 'use ptes9nted with eackernek lad: , , A ilAritatkebranelotionittadltl)6P Clitbse. Or department, - and garments made andseni tb order to anyaddreis. .4 i In iimMuiratingi„ttdszewrsystenitef: doing , himmess, GRANVILLK.STOKES would Miners on the minds or ',We path:nit:to thislietablielbnentithat; the ceet.otthe gift is deducted from, and Nor added. to the price of the aril.; A deTsold'-1 His ltilltatinktbry:ltterettaingi sales enabling Min to act thus lib erally, and at the same time to realize a ; qintniterathr 'irony 1". i 1., Ira i ' , • All'articlep guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. G44IIITILLRETOKE3I. . . , ON E' P RI OE dLIITIVI*G , EhiII 0 R 111 M. , , . ... 6,0 T AtHEESTI4II`.BTIiEkT. • octl9-6md '` COAL OIL.! COAL OIL! 1 - COAL 'OIL! 1 COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL; ! COAL.OIL 11 CO:4L OI,LL COAL OIL;,!, COAL ; OIL!!! COAL coAL .. biLui 1. etekr„ COAL OIL . ; • ;;COAL, OAIL LIAORS2:: kellt4,l4 H.ZiktraWk/ COAT, OIL LAMPS! COAL. Q 1 LAMPS! !. . ~ I_coADrOLAILAMPSVCOAL:OIL I..gMRSib aftdir Vitt laxicke4 i Hanging : and Sidn •411kle , I I Hand amid, Bradet, Hanging Ord Side' Limpeil Aagd, Side] LanilA Itand, Stand, 11,ractet, tinl Side Lainps49 LT - ) 14.t.401f91:4 1 .41_WY,Miel l Stml Aeantiful acid Tely cheppik t q36l.titifiiViiiiejtMety - eletiti4 La , • m.p4 c)rengeditOvrA,goakoih I tigt49„wpaan4 - .14.4ps Bold by us are warranted to give e n ire stuieltuai Oblet L.P.iteEE4l4 ad.kitseegion.;•• =.lit D.W. GROSSA CO ; '.• Wkrtbrealeuird:lterailihluoli4u/P 1 4 1 0 1 . 4 0 , Stri sep2.44mdWor. 4 f:W I Or 0 lER t il ir ti Vi l S it s : l :Pler t ffiditt i ) 10C4 i riltit ' 41iive.ato.1:fat lied/ tasioitnie,nt '44110131 , 1,1/ING and.WICONB,MOURNINGIi • !, • , . `i3(06.13,8, • 1.1 • ; • Li ' -MI;LARS, , - • :•.:SLE,EVES,. • • . -- h.:4ll l .olf i EßCktliFf - ". 1 • •:- • , *CqP deal s a tt' Fau g l Zatt e !r a r*. , . Bi 2, f, pifft . 1 .94 1 /o,l l tErbOUFg 494!5.i BALA K, 4.1M4 E 7BANKING,-.. 1 : iST(rdiK r _KIEL! D y • CM , r2iFAMION 0/ingNl , , .Noi.l-909(gouth),SeekiiiStii,Harrighttrgi. F Olt AT*. lifi-4;066 1 - 1 • 7 XiXBbates ofXacrisburivANge PAPpanY, ;70 " 'Gas .at-. w 1 , ~ . I:. , PWTIO,Fg.„. 14 1:8 1: !-EQ1404 110 .„ 1 4 3 .• -_, I V VABLE 1152.L.DING:LCATt . ioI4,,SALE . :`" *) PlllllrklainikiteE .12kre'131tagu , I IC . , ii/Nl3l+,lod3,,pekkipie, g ike.liptyuk , 1161 *e and .; Work 1 Woes of 'the genus.. ttadrowt Company, will bw eidd 1 tor„edidt Cle'reteedebbitriee:.` ' AWAY ta. ;:: A ' . • ' 1 ,auf o 3o em , . . JoHN W.HALL: ' ' '- '1 ° A . 1047) / • . ' ' ' 4 l;ixtci V4UNTIARED fAt . - , a4Arffiree iti3Yll red4W. Ai ita . 1 e7PNX!. 1 P , ..:4,9 0 :. ,; iRAfT Pa Silirrfk.k - D.1.• 441 I. , Yor,tiale)ol ,14xit21,]:tr 1 FROM vas cruoAOCi /(IL'I3PLITTER' lion-. ANDREW G. CURTIN, • Republicait arma-nor elect of Pennsylvania. DEMNNEN IN FANKOM a4ut, BOSTON• NEWS ON - BATltHartitY EVENING OCTOBER, 27, 1.60, Mn. PRESIDENT FLOW CITIZENS.-Rs- PUBLICANS OP . M.A.I39ACHUSIOre—.I certainly am ,not insensible to the cordiality and warmth of • Your , welectita; hut l , thank -you from my heart 'for _the last compliment you paid : the. great CoMmanwealtli of Pennsylvania. "(Applause.) I did ;hot come ttilTititlkaiglarid, fellow citizens, to make political speeches. - A longand led 'and labeitious political canvass had sow n Me' physically; that =I fonnd it neeessary• tci re tteat, from the excitement which I would neces sarily precede the Presidential 'electibh t)iy own. State, ;and come: to .New Enailaud.lottileis pre.and rest. -But I find there isno rest iin Nast , Eitgland fait, (ApPlalisb.) Surely; ,mbereafteri; ;if tanyilenniyhmnia'_itin should, win, honors, he must come- with his labrel,rind Mialaaehdditd if he desires &hearty itelcomo.f. (Cheem,,:ancf.'orles of "That's st).") “Fellow - citizens; a - - disinterested" Mari who oitolli&tkostl , Abe. newsPertera printed:ire onecsec tion of the Union, ...and the speeches , of their Matting; - arid' the newspaperic '‘,l - ottlAse who BY,MPathike. with them in ; tlds,sect lop of the, ;Union, would come, -to_ the -deliberate teenelusiori'iliat 'thislteciple,' Wawa ..,oppeingem l the.,-..eyejokthe : „ a fresi= dent for four years,wereon Ole eve of discord; , Vidiaikeil treed and . 14(1., J 1 it 3. 'Aida tha(of the four ; titstinguished gentlemen 4114 IfOr'llitif high offtad,Aiut one of thin:el . :ail be. elected !i9, - thP vPl'3',P l 'l , be.,P9 o l4 . The frfei its orthe other three assert that,. White they must.. 'Tallith 616'6M:tell. darididlite'bk tha by carrying I,lm . election ; I nk ; the; 495 . 41 a President. of, Uwe choice may, by some kind; , of-'4llticanery, legerdemain; known to politicia ns , be selected,lmd,the !Won saved. (Dbrisirelaughter.) - : It irPleastinV to the tin this': place -and, la& the. presence of , this people; to think of the history _nod traditions that surround this venerable Half, arid' to re- Ilect that tbeigreat Prinaiplesothiiman liberty, were cradled here, which our:fathers . have wo .ven, ,lis of rgold,, through •the warp, and ,woof of bur ~govarnment, '(applause and, CrietiOl"gOod"); and that the whole structure trtats u pon the great., principle, now become fac p , that man is:capahle; of ; •ttellzevepiment, earried - ont," bY 'the expressed will of tTie tnajdri 'ty ati the ballot biixt ; (obeers,) , fathars .prov,ideri,thatftveryfonr ,ypars; we, yckg, ehotild, 'ehet President ; and noir fed 'are told that if,- gob t filkre ...tot;'eleat w Presiderit, yaw will ittive. confusion, war, blood , ; and a clissoluti?n of this fabrii; of human `goieritmerit. Can it With , - m - yordhlog, that ,our theory of governor lir Waif conceived in vain l'.-Liiluitlirlibeatitifttl , and sitdmhtriCal-fabric tsi matia of r such r Slight Ma-.) terials,and so - badly jointed togeth,er,..that, the! expressed the'peeple, in th'Oibe of rplers, will 'tear; it; te:p*ett; r:and !scatter,. the , : fragments to the four corner's of the nation r— rf it is ix), that the peoPle; iefectirrga Klik.SPlv.kYo Union, let it . Ofttne not 0.1 (Prolonged, cheering.) [A person In the audience. here cried Out, "S'l SO' we aailll 's," Which. called forth shouts ughter.l When : out fathers conceived i th a'ea that these colonies should; be free:,' theid:eiectitld - their hay Purpose, - and made ; thto,,lkett. If fanaticism-and folly. run so rang and,wild as,tq have conceived sane netion4hat , if the-people :of , -this•cbuntry elect. tvPresident, they ; will clissolterthe let us ft : LAM strength now. (Applause.) We hate 'no right*to:transmit 'Mehl/1)1414 of blood , to our children. • (Loud cheers,,) , or a niau who kends upon a politidd i platform and'diff6rs with -Ms irCprineiplel *pot suaha man for.his.topittion, while re. grad his, error..igut the man who expects to frighten you VTcries: tit dissointion; front 'the exercipt3.of your duty ss.a .; . eltizen, , sinke : dawn your pity ; if nod, your contempt. (A.pplause ii bf -"IGO:XL") . : . • EMII EIS MINI -r .1 ME Mr ri Inke„.the ;four, candidates for the Presideney' --albivelljniciim Men; let thetriliindiokether, - ; kittlittiali 0 entrishittees;''theitifriends i 'drid[their parties, anus declare, id day; that .they,Avonid' di'sholVe tide libion=their 'itraini - ii4fild fill'Pow reilesstr.theiraille:ini such: an Yin . olrlstili.,-- (Cheers and cries of..."Apcd..!) „Putt yet we are; 'told' thlit_'if 'dire of . gentleman` • " named ' 4" ;elected : by the peop ~ •, at -ftiiilliAlisiabird the Union. l)dilatiletspiov (it,, - ., -that 'l4 should debt ii . ' • President every;fi ; ‘, aft;" nrility - yyrutyliariii` • vie have determine. We will tu t themf perira Ott. - ' (Lou w. -'kg); "Now, 'my "fallotit'cilliens •oP MASS . '.eats, : .RfpAsyliania; as your: disita , . gnisbed qoVernot,..and President has said; it prorierljr Calltig. Keystone . ofithe"Tideral. arch. Pennsvgania has been ever loYaluto,thn Union ssid..,olo,thn.laws.. (Applaniin)` We are, a . people eminent conservative, not giviritwsuctilen- spt*erY doges of public : opielork. Pennev,lvilitt. stood long and i pat loot it'Airidle her interests werelarquiShing, and •-rekkleeted bilha•:•121-entral; Gs4eturnent.! . -They flaunted. in - the facinf Pennsylmapia, all.-. sum the'r,'lle•threat that if She d4reir_io vete for - ;thii_i curly candidate .foEtthe% ,Presidency , twho could-- be elected by- the .. people,. they would 'diss lye - thallium; and Penney,. vanes looked. ;:thermlruthod st ace; and'hy ,Yerdict.attlitileallot-. hex, ,not to,he : raistaitsp,, , l deciated that; Peng.; 614aiii - & - ,' lejal - PdrinkylVehiu:was fiee; "'Penn -1-okwillda.YN rlsovereigoi: . *lftennsylvanittivould I do just es shepleased , (Oreatapplanan and: -r; •_. EW 9 10.0 ' fre ad oin ;, ns &math as TrinCcanf. We ! have vast interests, in . Pennsylvania l . • Onr I 1 'iiiinntliinii are with' hidden' SA.4alth, our, 1111itik.aktPAinik, coiii . ,: pC 0 P 1 ± 1 ate;;311C1118fri0118:: We urged the claims of Peuegyi vi ipi a last-win ligi4e l Washibitorr, anti iie'lisked'Oi r tiher'Gener- 1 at ;6 overntnentinichtadqinke;iro thh„:„!reVemin laws as would,SiyajUs .8# te 9 .. protectlon to our 1 Tabor:` - The' wotpukof •,- . deekaiiires , iiiiiied, a ., lAA l yeti •auttoidlit 0 1 11 - ninUrivitvg; and_ - Were - tett, • night I 'thank . Massachusetts . that every 'Re-: iiribliiiircinte ior-tliiBttite ripcirO:the i fioneof the -,,Rouse_viaalcasti-fpr 'ths - gorrillahkifillill,iaitiat bill was carped ; to, the Sedate. The ..Senate i:pies . ..))e . in' &ratio. • L Penn4lvitiii';inedked at;!,tfeSeßate..9llalather. ::SizeTsent ber cominittetn to the political ,parties,..and -i - ki 1 iiiiiiiea;ia ttait,L•ii oaiita , iadi- dtii - ' . as -- ii. -(it i cinneArnin'thiligtinVal *doting that :A. was all she needed lo sustain het interests': to give her qaboiliititeetion, 4 ;t4- develop' ' get- lila teriti I re ..80141,,,i egd— t ti3e glory 9f.:!:40.74. 1 1 1 t0Z Eind: con, 'dike to the happiness of the people.. : T•be,-Sen - Mt: relebted::: (Air prayers- with contempt; and: ,condemned x. thp hill; • and if•;..-tbe ; ieaders, -.Jr ilin'tieirineratfc parties desire to see the vei;'. ifiCttlliSf IPeriii3ylVania;,-; let , tlienii 2 red`' lL' -thk", :,=Sterna in ' . -o Onini a n4 ll 'A e heY.'xtriiii'lfinA 'it' NO. 49. SPEECH OE TIM khast 'gating fart. Having procured Steam Power Pressee, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every deecriptlon, cheaper that it can be done at any other tablishirt. itin the country. fienllB - 4.4 AuVr..ltrlBt4G. ega-Four lines orless constitute °mullet" re tig Ikea or Inure than four constitute a square Rail Square, one day one week....... . ....... one month, .. ~1111•••.[I, ...... three months six mouths..... . one ..... • ' • One Square one day it ,one Week 2 00 IS one month 3 00 " three months.. " . 500 BLIE mouths • .......... 800 one year 10 00 sgrltusiness notices inserted in the Local column or before Marriages andliaths, yivr, CPR . ] PER JAE for each insertion. grig-Mairiages and Deaths to be charged as retnlar advertisements. there. (Laughter and applause.) We en rolled ourselves in the national organization in which you are enrolled.. Tbeltepnblican House was faithful to us. We are with you. We have testified our approbation of that brother hood. Do you look at our returns and call us brothers ? (Loud applause and cries of "Good.") We will go to Abraham Lindoln when he is President, and again. ask the Congress of the United States to do something for our suffering interests. We have helped you, people of Mas sachusetts, will your Representatives help us? (The audience responded with a universal shout of "yes," "yes.") •That is not all we want.— (Cheers.) flat is the way to get the Keystone State—by kindness. It is thns that you reach the hearts of the people of Pennsylvania. You were faithful to Pennsylvania. when we needed fidelity ;. the Deniocrate turned their backs uptn .us; and you know the result. (Laughter and applause.) Now, my fellow citizens, of the'gentlemen of Massachusetts who stood by. the interests of Pennsylvania at the kit' session, ate man serv ed us with more zeal and fidelity than the Rep resentative of -, the Fifth Congressional District. (Enthusiiistleapplause, and three cheers for Burlingame.) Fellowcitizens; What an honor it is to represent-in Conginstathe district in which Fanenil Hall stands 1 We know. your Repre sentative well. He'served+us In the late can -. Tess -in Pennsylvaciarletithfulty.': ..::Whatever work he r did was well done. His eloquent citti . and in our aralliirt ;.and wberoverymarßpEropentative went he was cordially recieved by..tne people, and left hiremark. ' We till like shiin hi , Penn sylvania. We know that iwhen ,an indignity was offered to you, in the person of a Represen !tailtrei of -yettr tiovereigtitye , he - went npon: the ileor takthe Hon and - spoke „the ; words of truth andd - minhOod at' the risk of *his life.— l(Cheets.) ;Pennttylvarda hopete , Pennsylvania : wishes, Pennsylvania s you to-elect Anson Htirlingeree. - (Applause, and cries of "We will Now - fellow citizens I like a- constituency that corltinues to, reward aleithfulpublie ser vent ;laud toirely,in this district- iti which Itbe bpilding stands,,,in,Boston, ; within sight of Ran ker if. ill, they do not represent theconsitteence t.itlicitteroble and grow weak-knead before- he cries of a dissolution of the. Union. [Applause, and cries of " Never. "1 'The Union is not to ber. disiolved; 4.f.' No !' 1" No r] • - Abraham :Lincoln; the coming Presidentof , the United States,' (cheers,)..will so administer the fune- Aionsiof his great office, , that before his term expixes,lthe cry of dissolution,. even in the ex tremest South, istill.cease, and cease for ever. I(Applause ,„and cries of: "Good.") T Fellow eiti zene„reedom. Was.meant to rule the destinies of-thie great country, in its :growth, develop ment,: progretis and . civilization, and when :thiater who,thiek otherwise learns its strength, when asserted; . wa. shall bear. no anore cries zsfvis diesolution; of.,the Union:, (Applause.) - to rigiat.kils•J to, be taken , away;, - by. any 11 *,4 1 thtituzzair ' fit en'o _ed contional, prrva ege: tirill.stiove On as lbefore,:save and except, that Inowand forever after, .the. people oil, this cOue trythave asserted that. freedom :in the general principle, and-all other .prine_ples lying at the foundatioraof one government are subordinate and special. (cheers, and cries of "that's so ;") but that those who enjoy specialities, shall con tinue . to enjoy,them,and that those who enjoy "freedom:shall hive their freedom to the largest 'and broadest extent. (Applause.) There is, the doctrine of. Pennsylvania, asserted_ai the last eleation: There is the.doctrine o Maisachu settscof New-Kugland, of. , ,New , York,' and of ihe West. It is found away off.,here at the birthplace of Hamlin, and away down there at the grave of Broderick. (Cheers.) , It prevails here on the Atlantic coast, and it goes with the efirdittettler who first turns the soil of the W. st to the,liviug light of the sun---vindicated'new aridffirever. (Loud applause.) ' 14w; fellow citizens, it is-not for me to dic- • tate toAllte,People of Boston S rvhattheyahall do as tO•literr local Pkolilias, or in ,t lie election of their local representatives. I ocuilehere, how ever, from a.Statemhich.has-repently declared at the ballot box for freedom and~ protection N IL her labor. •We•expeet tiosynitrithise With Mas:"N''' .saehusetts in the next House l *ln Our foul tla 'diatriCt;_l Underitand, you have re-nominated !your lfpreisent `sitepresentative, a: distinguAlied VI merchant ot - ,yourcity 7 poexeeptieus.'bleja a 1 'Me - Peel's to - that large etas; of the people of Boston. We know him well. Weiyttepathise with him. When he desires the support of 'Pennsylvania - he QUI,' havp, it for - anythmg he Wilifees: .:(Cheer)‘ - T.,ke Care that, yob elect, 'lliln, ant do dot send - there a inan who has no syinpattly with the majority in the neyr, - 9,m —g-rest;' of 'tlnMaitecl• States. It, is no tin e_ for Aoi'.tglitilees - Ortrairots now. (Lind cheers.) -_- I itris a, timp for the - men of Principle fit4:cour -1 age. ,Tlll.c7ll9ublican party is . a - neurind vig orottepal4rsirlt _pervades the Will - and, the West, - tired has a large numberWactive-sym ,_, . s i V?tuoi3Ots:OVen in tne'South. Let Boston be re presented,' as of old; by men of Whig antece dents - nrid Whig plincip!en. (Cnteriirr.4 at; gachuiitts - be trtie to her ancienefalthAii Attilir *ill find Pennsylvania fn active Sympat y.,.. yo . . , you in all your-interesNap the, next goyern' ..... - went of the nation. --- interest , • Now, fellow citizens, I' have done. (Loud - calls of'` goon, im:") N 6, I will not "go on." .4„,„wi1l not detain you-from other_ gentle men. •K - y; voice,, you . notice, is too indch_bro ken-to admit of= my spenkirig iv so large a'hall, anct.l hAre _said_ more-trap I,,designed .6 sty when I entered the "Ball;, I r rhank yowitgain for-thri•comPitnent to 'Pentisylfa•nia. I must thank you for the compliment "*kp. pay to me by the warmth of your reception.. - I have said nothing deiigned to be offensive, if I have said nothing , - of . remembrance - ;-ind I 'pray you, :fellow-eitizens , of Boston, forget the,poli ' ticiali anottbe candidateoind receive my tibart ftilt.thanke -for your- kindness-to-the' stranger. (Hearty:applauSe; followed by -three cheers for i5c,...,.. ithes.tatmaker.) • -- -' - ' • Arf44- 11 44 . ;41.45r, .TA7 l!Frk )2BAR' OF • • HE. i .deyel gued,,e'orrenenced the iptt livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS BLES r leeatedits - aßdieTWlttrrltrLe and varied stock of HORSES„,,C&ItRIAGg,i.aud OSINIEWSE-' 4 iwilich be will - SIVARIZ. .15)4P 8..- ar412.14'.8 1300 T *SHOE. STORE, CORNER SECOND-AND trAtNlsi-S - 1 : 6., •l• r.., ..ilarlOsbpro, • .. 7.: A X'W,:,,_Al7___.o.o4i4l44"r.gP 44sortment of . 173,;,...8U0WER-OgEt.; OAI,TErt;:\ &e. t .a the-irry. best Chti'diens , :lcear - ,Pficei4•lo'ilatelti.Riine4, -An' kinds of NIEIC MADE TO SPla-WilelbAatisiyielmsurterior.lw - orkmen • AlRTAirOo . ne at OW noqp:L., - ‘''octlitAtt - auxin; isbuorg. 00 )..1 4 6 00