tilirs of &anti & raiisportatioil PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD: FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• The Bridge at Conewago having been re-built, the Passenger 'I rains of the Penn.ylvania Railroad Company will resume their former route. On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1860, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia es follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. FAST LINE leave Harrisburg at 615 a. In., every day . except Mpnday, arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. 'lhese trains make close connection at Philadelphia with , !e New York Lines. NT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves at 6.50 a. m , Mt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at 810 with Lancaster Train, ari wing at West Philadelphia at 12,10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at 3.50 p. m. Columbia at 5.15, and arrives at West Phila delphia ae9.05 p. m. MT. joY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves at 4,00 p.m., Mt. Joy at 5.14 connects with Martisburg ACCOMME LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE . 'POINTER GOLD. PENS . NEWTON'S (forpprbi Bagley:o "manufacture, warranted to be the best in materl4 the finest - :pointed, most durable • and .as cheap 'as: any n ruattet,..for, * sale, with a variety of:Gold and Silver .11" sizes etk /Rgnali BOOKSTORE, • Marketetreet. . . WHITE. BRANDY!. FOR -PRESERVING a very superior ar ._tiole on hEdid :and for sale,LOW,Lby ; on: . - WY., D.OOK JIIPDTCtd ~~ C H I IJ~~ MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced e Nurse and F r h e Physi cr cian, presents to the attention mot hers f SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the goms,reducing all 'lnflammation—will allay AIL PAIN, and spasmodic action. and is SURE TO REGULATE '.11.10: BOWELS Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves .AND, RELIEF AND ELEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over tell years, and CAN SAY, LY COMM:NCI AND TRITTII, what we have never been able tosay of any other medicine-- NEVEk HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE To EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did know an instanceef dissatisfaction by any one who used it. tin the contrary, all are de - ighted with its opera Lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation et its ‘nagical effects and medical virtues. We epeas this matter "WKAT WS no KNOW, alter ten years' e 3 p 4 .• rience, AND elleutis OUR EFITTATIOS YOU tea FULNLAI KN. Or aims Rt TIERS DRCLARX. In almost every in.,deteee where the infant is suffering from pain and exhanstieu, re— lief will be found io fifteen or twenty latillUtee. afire :he syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the preecriptee =d dee 01 the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL Fa f:Siu New England, and has been used with riTC•Ch.I. amuse in THOUSANDS OF CASa' IL not only relieves the child from pain, az orates the stomach and bowels, corrects uei•lit. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It .nt it al. most Instantly relieve GRIPING IN THIS BOWELS, AND WIND and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily reme died, end in death. Pre believe it the own .met semarr /EMMY IN TER WORLD, ID all Cases or DYSENT/..RY \ DIARRHCEA iN CItILDREN, whether tt n.ee i,llll teething or from any other cause. We weme every mother who has a child suffering from .a dot foregoing complaints—no NOT um roux VFLIMPICL. , .. NOR Tar. exurnoicss OP OTHERS, stand between you and your outliving child and the relief that will be SIUPP--yes. A lit- SOLUTELY SIIRE—to follow the use of this medicine, if thnely used. fell directions tor using win no•oingaily each bottle. None genuine unless the 1 ,, e- ornate of CURTIS k. PISR IiINS,New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Dr uggists throughout the ViiiriS riecipal Wise, No. 13 Cedar rt.; New York. Price only 25 Cents per Donk- ./gar-t'or Salem Harrisburg by D. W. Gm, , No 19 Market etrect, .1 Martin Lutz, No. 22 Market H. &eller, No. 91., Market street, below fourth, and G W. 128 Market street. aug22 dawly • . 1.1 ,ti r ep 0:47-;:j.s. im , s , ---, • 6,,, ? \ \ i t l, • 7,c, : -$F - ‘4 1,.. cl`iii ~S) ECONOMY! % 1 41 1 .00 . rt d 6 ' Men:natal 8 ...- - 0 a ' :I i •-•• --- - Save the Pieces ! 9-. ds accidents will hay pen, eten in well, rtstiluted families NIS very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Zee. SIPAIDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be'without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity fur limping chairs, splintered veneers, headics toys and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell anti other ornrmental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing all the qualities of the best cabinet.makers , Glue. Jimmy be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. g.slll, IN - E;VEICe HOUSE." IMMI'/KftmrsrTrmimtittavvmm, Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar street, New. York. Address - HENRY C. BPALDIEG S CG., Box No. 8,600, New York Put up fur Dealers in cases containing Four, Right and Twelie Dozen—a beautiftil lithographic Show card ac companying each package. /JarA single bottle of SPALDLNG'S PREPARED GL: t.. will' ave ten times its cost annually to every household Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Elardwitee and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. Country merchants. should meke -lie or SPALDIEG'i PREPARED GLUE, when maids op their list It wil stand any climate. tehl7 dawly rMUIIn . NMIiM7% - r7r=MV - OR PAIN' .DESTROYER, IS one of the few 'domestic remedies which have come into general use and favor, without puffing. It is the product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled. For BURNS, - GUTS, BRUISES, SORENESS, LAMENEM, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM; BOILS, ULCERS, OLD SOREi and WOUNDS, it has not an equal. It is also : used, with great success, for TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE , NEURAL GIA, SORE THROAT, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, HOARSE NESS, and other similar troublesome and painkul affec tions; while it promptly arrests all HEMMORRHAGES.— Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their practice, and give it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, -and-by F. HUMPHREYS & CO., 662 Broadway, Sole.Propriotore and Manuraotarers Sold by G. K. Keller, Wholesale and Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity, and Druggists and stores gene rally. - . apl7-dawly SCHWERIN'S ANNIHILATING POWDER, TS THE ONLY j_KNOWN and best arti cle to exterminate Roach es, Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths, s- Flies, Fleas,gat den Worms, 'Vine Bugs, &h. IC _ TAINS NO POISON.. • • - SCInVERIN'S PILLS re—sere death to RATS and NIB& Mr—SCHWERLN received - Certificates .from. Preiddent of Giraid College; Directors of Hate of Refuge, Pennsyl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Philadelphia. H. S., Jail, Washington, D. C., and Charity - Hospital, New Orleans, The original 'certificates can be seen At the Wholesale and Retail Repoto24 North Second street, Philadelphia, and for sale in Harrisburg by Charles Bannvart, D. W. Gross it Co., G. W. Riley and C. R. Roller, and by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. • Beware of Spurious kat ations. . Remember to ask for SCHWERIN'S 'Annihilating Powder- None Genuine unless signed mYI7-dfltn HAMS!! RAM'S!!! NE WBOLIY S . CELEBRATED EXTRA SUGAR CURED (covered.) • EXTRA SUGAR CURED (uncovered.) PLAIN HAMS EXTRA SUGAR CURED SHOULDERS. EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED BEEP. EXTRA • . 4, 4 . a ' (covered.); Just received a large.involce of the above, which we offer : it unusually low prices ,BOPR DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. - - - - -• Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. Family ,Medicines. Patent - Medicines. Family Medicines. Trusses, Supportere, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. - PERFUMERY. PFRFUMERY. PERFUMERY. FANCY AND TOILET.. ARTICLES. FANCY AND TOILET ARLICLES. ROOMY AND 'TOILET Arturirchttg. PRIME 'HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, '"TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. We endeaver to boy and sell the very hest of every thing in"our line, and always have a good assortment in store from which customers may choose. And selling at fair viees we do command a fair share of patronage. C. E. SELLER'S-DRUG STORK, No. Si-Market str.et. BLANK BOOKS /IF ALL IMAGINABLE SIZES, PRICES, , STUB AND QUALITIES on hand and manufactur ei to orditr at the cheapest rates, at tBRBGNMR'S OBEAP BOOKSTORE. M SCHWERIN WM. DOCK JR. & CO