Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 30, 1860, Image 4
tints of grave & atanoportatiou PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM 'PHILADE LPHIA- The Bridge at Conewago haviog been re-built, the Passenger 'trains of the Penn.ylvania Railroad Company will resume their former route. On and after MONDAY, .00TOBER 16th, 1860, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as Mows :EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPIUI22 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. tn. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in. FAST LINE leaves 'Harrisburg ,at 8.15 a. m., every day except Monday, arrives at West Philaaelphia at MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. to., arrives at West Phllado?phia,at 5.00 p. in. Thesatrains make close connection at Philadelphia with the Haw York Lines. - MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves at 0.50 a. in, Mt. Joy a 48.02, and , connects at Lancaster at 8.50 with Lancaster Train, an lying at WeEt Philadelphia at 1240 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at ia.;:Crilumbia at 5.15, and arrives at West Phila. delphia at ,9,05 p.„ 11T. Jot ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2. leaves at 4.00 p.m., Alit-. :Joy. at 5.11, connects with Harrisburg Accommodation _Train, East, at Dillerville at 5.40, sari virig it West Philadelphle, at 9 ; 05 p. m. . WE-STWARD. ' THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45p' arrives at Harrisburg at 2.55 a. pa. , MELBAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. in., ar rives atilairahnig at 12.50 P. m. :VAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.50 a, in., arrives at Harribbarg at,400.p: m.., MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves' Lancaster on arrival , Or Mall Train West, at 11.04 a. m., leaves Mt. Joy at 01.42; and arrives at Harrisburg at 'LW p• m. HARRISBURG ACC-OMMODATION , TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2,06' p. m., Columbia 6.10,, and arrives at Harrisburg aldf.B6 l p. m. • • 1 ' MT. JOY AcdobrovenciN YRAIN, No. 2, leaves Lancaster, cia. the airlral, of Lancaster Train West, at 7.54 p. M. 5 444.40rai18.80_, and arrives at Harrisburg at - Pasaingera leaving Philad. Iphia at 4 00 P. m., on Lan caster Trtlin4eenteet :at 'Lancaster with. Mt. Joy. Aecom modalioneTrata No. 2, at 7,0, and arrive at:Harrisburg at 9.24 p i M.t wawa, D. - I[I:IUNG, , . • 1. Elipi—East Sharks 'Phinsidednia Railroad ostladtf TO NEW YORK • SHORTEST IN- DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK ' 'N :1) • HARRISBURG- VIA BEADING ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. WINING 1.1P.R.M,•1y est, 'eel es how York at 6 A M., arriving at Harrisburg 'at 12.46 noon, only 6% hours between the two cities. NAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar riven at Harrisburg at 8.80 P.H. , . itORNURG.!MAIL LINE' Rant, leaven Harrisburg at 8,00 A. M.ouviving at New York at 4.80 P.M. AFTEHNOON .10ERES LINE, EttM,, leivei Rivas burg* L 154 M.; arriving atNeW YOrle a 11.00 P. 51 000110alinna are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with the Pasidlpger . Trains in each direction on the PeunaliTa• Ma, Chleberiand 'Valley and Not therd Central Ittutroad. ed triads connect at beading.witlihrainttbr PottErille and Philsilelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, EttliP4ioge• No change of Passenger Chrs or . Baggage between Now York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A hi. Line from Now Rink Or the 1.15 P. M. lrom Harrieburi. ' . 'For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfortanitaccom• modation, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling'publio. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. Fer tickets an a other informationapply to 40/ J.' CLYIIM, qeneral ..ifienN.lfarriabarg, 1860. 1860. _ • • . Northern Central Railway] NOTICE. - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE: 0N- AFTER SUNDAY, MAY , 27th, 1860, the Passenger Trains on the Northern 124 0.1 Railiar.wlll leave Harrisburg: as'followsi, - - GQING SOUTH. .171pRESS TRAIN will leave at....... ..1.40 N. Apt.pitgtODATlON TRAIN will leave TRAIN will leave at ;441,0.!1'. MAIL .. .1.20 P. DI. XPRERS TRAIN iiffileave OAS P. 81; ` t he only Trains leaving Harrishurg on Sunday will be e =PRESS TRAIN at L4O A. M going South, and the 1 ,',/tESS TRAIN at 0.82 icing North. 1 ur further information apply at the Office, in Penn'. allromrDepot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, May 26, 1860.—ma26.dtf HILADELPHIA AND RMING RAIL ROAD. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. O 1 AND . AFTER NAY 28/4,1860: TWO PASSENGBE TRAMS LEAVE HARRLSBUEO DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. 11., and 1.15 P. it. 'ter Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. M., and ILA P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE VE .' ILADELPHLA at 8.00 A. M. and 8.80 r, arriving at Harrisbyrg at 12.48 noon and z. Li rnaladelphia, No. 1 Qin, 38.25 ; No. 2 (in ealrain,) $2.10. • • FARES Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. It Raadpg, 005309$ with trains for. Pott.aeille, Einem, Yllle r Tainaalue,Egitatilaan; 'ago. FOUR . TRALN3 LEAVE READING FOR I.I3ILADEL PILIA DAI/X,, at 0 A. IN 10.40 A id., 12,30'n00n and 8.43 F.. M. . LEANN PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., LBO P t .IL v B.3OP._M., and 6.00 P. M. FARES iltemling to Philadelphia, 111.75 and $1.45. IHE MORNING TRAIN' FROM HARRISBURG CON -6-dtIIAGINt att4 up train for :wittcattpura, For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLIDX., °antral Agent. m1,92-dU PHILADELPHIA READING RAILRO AD,'.. .• RFDUCTION OF PASSENGER - FARES. goilDATi - Aigniu2<d; 180 9. COMMUTATION 'TICKETS W 26 Coupons, will . be issued : be- Arip been tiny points desired, good for the holder or any member of his' family, in any Passenger train, and at say times-:at 26 per cent, below the neetilas FARM Parties , lutvhig occasion to nee the Road frequently- On. ,iwydneeeor pleasure, will land the above arrangement land; economical; AS Four . Passenger, trains each way :b etween ending and Philadelphia, and -Two nalug bepteen Pottsvi ll e an liarrisburgt SandaYs; only one morning train dosett, Redness afternoon train up, rims between Pottssrale and . • 'philittehOble, aid no Passenger train 011 bin - Lebanon Bigitcat'Anilread• Yoe the aliotria; Tickets, or any information. relating thireto, apply to'S.. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer Pailadel respective' Ticket Agents -on the- line, or to ..PriJj.ll7h.V. - 'FAR Pennspluania Pi $7l 4 J t 0 :r illistetlantons. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR SAPARILLA, 18 The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR RR UPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULOBBATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES: These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of this WORLD"RENOWNED SAR-SAPARILLA. Thousand's have experienced 'its salutary clients, and tens of thciusands haVe Witnessed it; until it nas ceased to be a:question among thii intelligent portion of the coot When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, thenaiyof a unifOrm saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will swum the BLOOD, carry* off-the putrid humors, memo REGULATE THE BOWELS, And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that the preparation exii tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend , s compound E; treat of Sarsaparilla, is now matinfactared under my dv rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained, from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that it is compos„ ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT MRI.CURY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously re cor minded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect; JAMS R. CEOLTON. M. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S CONFOUND Brattier OF &Mk. VARILIA, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for Renovating' and Purifyingithe BLOOD which science has ever offered to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due ha world wide renown.. . It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has, proved useful In clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE; extracted and combined with the highest Neill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to Whatever-rimy be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this Medicine Is INERT. WHERE USED, and that ils use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively ;that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order C'AUTION. To avoid imposition it will-be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. 'OHiLTON'S CERTIFICATE aa: well . as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. p Town.send, la on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL. TO USE NO' OTUER. Proprietor's once, No. a Fulton street, N. Y And }Jr sale by:every Druggist in this tity. ap3o-413taw • "TAE NOT ICE That we have recently added to our already full stock OF SEGARS, LA NORNATIS R , HAI SARI ' EL isomo, , LA BANANA. PE.RYIIMERY • FOR THE HANDEEROBIEF. TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOQUET. kon TEILILAIR. EAII LUSTRALE, CRYSTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE. AND VIOLET POMATUM. FOR THE COMPLEXION., TAWDP 'VENICE, ROSE LRATI - POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY I.PO.WDER - , --- BLANC DE PERLES. 0. SOAPS, DRAZINWPINESZ MOSS Rose, - en.`aut, IftipeT Ten, kiole_ . New-MOwaHay: .. -. ..-.lobkey.; Club. Having the largest stook and best essortmentof toilet articles, we lancy. that we are-better able than o ur . cam• petitors - 6%toger.up a complete tellet!titt aiity price de. sired • "N T . Toirmzres tockDrugs Medicines, ays on ban— a „.....-- of, Ohtani, consequent of our receiving almost daily oditiloo the'tdt".)'',ibio•FANCY STORM, • • li[EbLMWEI DRUG 91• Market Street, Two Doors East of Fourth i S t i.„ B o uthside. • • • 1860. MAST.- FALL OPENING. OF , • 4 ..1:0 Xt. Ir" EZ:03:0 'VETE HAVE NOW READY'ASARGE V and HANDSOME assortnient of all kinds 'of GOODS in our line. • ' • • - - New Styles Dress 'Goods, ' Superior makes of Silks, large assortment of Calicos, Extra: quality' ldrielins, all prices, Beit,makes of Flannels, do A large Stock of &mils, Plain and Barred Sack Flannels. Purchasers are invited to examine our stock, as we ere confident we can show them!them the beet styles at the lowest prices, In connection' With the largest dock of DOMESTIC GOODS: •" • • • • latinetts and Cassimeres, • • Bleached and Ditbleashed Muslims, Detainee, Calicoes and Gingbams Drillings, Meetings and Cheeks, Pant BUMS; Hickory:rod Tiokinga, Best makes of Calltoll. Flannels. • splendid Callcmi for six cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents.' - R&M and Figured Delaines, 12% cents, Leavy Unbleached Muslims, six cents With BARGAIESM all•Qoods of this kind, weonly ask an examines kin of our stock, as we are confident that in pr ices and goods we cannot fail to please. • CATHCART & BROTHER, • • No. 14 Market Square, se6 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. I• I ..IMI SSIII mAcURF.J.,, (Nos. 1, 2 and 8) SALMON, (very superior,) SHAD, (Mess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH. sktoRTI) HERRING, (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HERRING. SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. Of the above we have Mackerel in whole, half, quar ter and eighth bbls. Herring in whole and half bbls. _ The entire, lot 11 (14 - :AMOIFT FILM 21 n , FIEIBZEMES and will a ell them at the lowest market rates. seP/3 WM. DOCK JR. is CO. PARTIO ATTENTION • TILAR OF all persons figairini Blank Books of any Size or klnit , from the smallest Pass Book !to die largest Blank Bak manufactured, Is respec. trolly so, Bolted to my.sery large assortment, which rat . ..?BBIE AND QUALITY cannot bequeLdel,„'' . . . . . • Printed and Ruled Blank Books, sad every CanCialsOla. odd sized Blank Books made to order at shoit notice."' Books and pamphlets 'or all 'kinds bound any:elired , r... sytlas Or binding, at BEBGN.BIII3 CIREA.P BOOKSTORE, tayss Market'st,reet. - - ALL THE ~ N EW Bpoicts, AS FAST as published , will be found for sale at BERGNER'S Ougair. BOOKSTORE. /Molts, that are wanted and' hof on band will be pro. cured at publi t hers The largest assortment of STANDARD, RELISIOUS, maonouicAL;soußsuric, RISTORMAL and ALISGEL UNMAN!: BOOKS is the city, many of which. Will be sold much'. BSLOW I PFELFSELENiiI PRIO/fi r will be found for aidelit.” BERGNER'S CHEAP BekESTORS, al Market St. - 41 " 4411 stOoki ray 29 .r.)71/ • IfiebitfxL HUM PH REY'S ' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES • • FOR, THE' PEOrLE. ' HEAR WHAT. TgE' - PEOPLE SA_ The undersigned-hay ing used iPrcfeltoglialllitygitEVS SPECIFIC HOWEPATHIC REMEDIES is our families with the most satisfactory resultS,'end having fill confidence in their genuineness, purity .and effiCacy, cheerfully re commend them them to all .persons who :wish to have safe, reilable, and efficacious remedies athand tor private Or domestic use. . The Rev: Wm. Roamer, editor of "The Northern lode: pendent,” Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev: E. H. Cressy, D. D., Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn. N. Y.; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev.. Spencer M. Rice, Rector,'NeWßedfOrd, M .ss. ; the Rev. Allen- Steele, New York Conference ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, East Genesee Conference, N. Y. the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt.; the'ReF. John E. Roble, Buffalo; A. C. Hart, Esq., Utica, N. Y.:,.the Fon. Neal Dow, Portland, 'Me.; the . Hon. Schuyler Colfax; South' Bend,'lndi;: the BM. George Humphreys, N. lf.; Henry D. Cook; Esq., editor of the Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio; the Bon. R. H. Graham, Moline, ill.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla:; the Hon, Joseph Benedict, Utita • N. Y. ; Wm. Bristol, Esq., Utica, N. Y;; A. S. , Pond, Esq .; Utica, N. Y.; Jahaee Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. ' LIST OR SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. I.—For Fever, Congeetion, emittotiammatket.. Ne. 2.—For Worm ;Fever , Worm Collo Wetting the Bed. B.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness crintants. so.4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints..• .No. 6.—For Colic, Cripings t Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. 6.—For Cholera, Cholera Illortus;Vomlting. No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds; Influenza and Sore Throat. No. B.—For. Toothache, Face ache andlieuralgia. No.. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Rent and Fullness 4)1 the Head. No. 10.—Dyspepsia Pilla—lrorWeak and DentinOd Sto mach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. , No. 11.—ForFemale.Irregularities, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12.—For Lencorrhoa, Prethise' Mensesiand Bearthg Down ofileetnajes.. • . _ No. 18.—for Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing., No. 14.—5a16 Rkienm.Pills-For Erysipelas, Eruptions,. Pimples on thnTa9e.. - ' No. 1f..--Rheinriatie - Pills:—For Pain Liumniess 'or , Serenesi in tlie.Clinito3acit. tAns, or . A.—For fey,er Old itißmariageil Akeek — '"' ' ' EL-For Piles, Blind or Blhedilab tnte.l l lolPr O.—For ;Sore, Weak and lipamed Eve and Eielida ; falling,;Weak,•or Blurred Sight:. r .) ; ;C.—For Catarrh, of long stbudfricarriteea toli)theawith abstrizotion or propilie discharge. • W. C.--For .WhiMping Cough, abitink its vieleneosind' shortening its course., - .. In all acute : diseases ; each keveig; Infisumnatioia,: Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such amp.. live diseases as ScarieLFaver,ldeasles, and BiyaVelas; the advantage of giving the proper remediea.premptly is obvious, and in all such cases - the' speeillcs act "hke a charm. The entire disease is ofts.n. arrested at once, and in all Gales the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease shortened; and 'rendered lass dangerous. • ; Coughs and Colds, which-are of.suoh.frequent occur rence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis'. and ConstimptiotOlMy all'be at 'once ..tred by theßever and Cough-Fills.! • • In all chronic • Dyspepsia, Weak Ste--' Math, Constipations Lived Complain, ,ts Tiles, Female De. bility, and Irregularitlia, old; Ileallaches; Sore or Meek Byes, Catarrh Salt Rh , and other:old:eruptions, the case-has specifics whose proper .=application will afford a cure in almost every histance.• i Often :the Ore of adagio chronic difficulty ; such as 'Dyspepsia; Piles: or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weakness; has more than paid for the case tea times-over.- ' . PRICE. - Case of 20 vials complete, inmorocco, and Book" ' $5 Case of 20 vials, ant Booktplain • ' 4 Case of 16 num bered bow, and Book ........ 2 Oise of 6 boleti, niskilierelirstild Book 1 Single numbered boxes,witkidirectieks....,......26 ;cents Single lettere d )dozes, erilli,directicks gi cents Large case Of 2 vials; Ilde7.planteka and physicians : :$l5 . .. , ••• ALSO SPECIFICS. - • Fox sweat► oa Piniusic.—Oppreesed, Difficult; Labor ed Breathing, attended: with cough 'aod!.Expectoration Price,. 50 cents per tiot. • " Fos Eea .Discandas axe Drilistest:—.Dinbaren :from the Err, the ree:Mot Scarlet Feror,Deasi es: or " Mercuri al& ,For riolaes in the Head; Beninese - . cif Heart* and Ringing in the Ears, and _Ear-ache. Price '.641 cents per box. Foe ScooruLt.—Thilarged Glands,Aularged and Indura.' led Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, Scroinkkis Cachatcy of Children.. Price, 60 cents per box, ' Fon Glow& 'inotturr:—PhysicaT br Nervous , Weak - nets. Either the resrilt of Sichuan!, Siceisive.illeillita• tion, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 60 octal)* box. Fox Daorsv.—Fiuid Accuninia ebbs, Tumid Swellings, With Scanty Secrotioni. - ",ilee;10 cents per box. FOR Siii-Sicasesti.-4Deathly Eiriniesi; ;Vertigo; Nausea; Vomiting. Sickness, from riding motion. Prfae,. 50, Fon UNDICRY DICIAIMV.—For dravel , Banal &acid] BM •FOR SJOHNAL ExingioNs.—lnvolantary Dischargiwand, Consequent Prostration and:Debility, Bad Besutic Pf Habits... The most successful and eZelent remedy known; and maybe rellectupon as a cure. Prlii,'With full direc• tions, Sl.mer box. : . . Persons who wish to place themselves under the pro. fessional care, or to seek advice of Prof.:HUMPHREYS, can do so,.at his office 582 Broadway, daily from 8 A. M. ki 8 P.M., or. by letter:::. : .• OURRIBIEDIES BY MAIL. ;oak over the list'; makeup Ft 0/1116 of what kind' you choose andincleee the' amount In si Current note or stamps by mail to outsiddrx3s, at No', 562 BroildWay, New,York, in and the'efficine will be duly returned by mailer ex press; free of charge. AGENTS' WANTED.—We desire' an active, efficient agent for theuale'of our-Remedles In every town or com T munltyln the United States. , Address .23,Dr.'F. HUMPHREYS & 00, aprlB•dawly No. 552 BacAmu.; Nxw fax. Wholexale and Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity 0. IC: Heller.. 'Also -sold by lbeodora F Saeger, and Druggists and Stores generalia. • 1. THE ONLY PREPARATION. THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST - OE IWO; AND GROWS MORE AND 'MORE-POPULAR: And testimonials, E n V e E ty, it fut Y d. D alm Alr ost i without, nufnber, might be given from ladles, and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony nOniconldresieq - unit Prof. Wood's Hair Rietoratlid will ratore the bald and. gray, and preserve the `hair of the youth to old age, in all, its youthfulheauty.- Skit BATTLE Dec. 21,1880, - Pita. WOOD Thee wilt PleaSe aecept alinetto inform thee that • the hair on , my heed all fell off oVertwenty years ago, , caused by a complicated chronic disease, at. • tended:with an eruption on•the had. 'it continual course of suffering through life •having to a state of dependence, I having , not'.been able td stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do thein in-cone. quence loi• which my head has suffered: estramely from cold. -[ This i'nduced Me to pay Briggs 8t - Hefted...almost the last cent! had on earth for a two dollar battle of thy Rah. Restorative About the •first of , August lasta I-have faithfully fohowed•the directione and tbebald'spot Ls now Mined with hair thick and blacki though short; It is al. so eoming in% all over bay bead. - • Feeling confident that another large bottle would radon it entirely and-poe manently,• I feel anziouslo Persevere. in its use,• and be ing destitgte of means ••to purchase mcfre, I would ask thee If thee wonldat not be wll,lllfir'to send rile an'order on thine agentslor , a batie, and ireceitwtaithyself the scripture declaration=mtheireward.ll to those that-are kind to the widow and fatherless) , • % ,'• Thyfriend; a StISANNAR , KIRBY. • Innuara, Noble; Co., Indiane - F.eb ; so, 1859. PROF. O. J. WooD: Dear Sir :,•;-111 the lattar.part of the, year 1852, while attendW,Die 2tate `Natibetal La* Seim' of the State of Yew. teric my, hair, :rem cause connneiniachilling, off i'l9 iittlidlY, sit liiiiiiiiikeithpitita6e of lax L mblithartNa WhOlff per[* part of fir scalp.wasfahnoet:entirely.badt of its cover. Ipg, andounsh.of the rerealninirtion upon , the side and. balk park itfinY.lfead slitirti after bectulagiay, so Yee.W 2 lltekbe :surprised w 1 1 1 all You . 0 10 1 11 )0 D my return to the . State of Indiana, Ammer° casual de ; quandary:to were, not sq much at a ksts to discover the cause of the change in my appearance,its nik more inn t mate acquaintances were to recognize me tit all. .t at once made application to the most*Diful clans in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could agaia be' restored, I was fol i oed to become reconciled to my fate, nub!, fortunately, In tbd • latter part of the year-1857; youFildisterative was re: commended to me , by a druggist, us ; being the most re liable Hair Rester,ative in use. I tried one both?, and' , found to my great atisfaotion thalt WtorproduCing the desired effect.' 41incethad time, Phase' deed seven dell - lea' worth of Your,ltodtefetive, gal aka result* bares j rich coat of very soft,b,lec.4tair k which no money can bWr. ) s 2 AS a mark of my gratitude;for _ 9l44.laberaud fir ' Prolnction `of s%wonclerful ,an.ettichs, L have ris.•• commended its use y' of TO' frfendk . tdictadtin tf, „aucesorho, lam happy to inforns"you are using It wish like effect. Very respectfully, yours , N. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and-sold by all dealeis tfircnikh.. out the tvorld. 11 . , The Restorative is , put up in bottles of three sinus, viz ; large, medluak and small the small holds 34 a Pint, and retails for one dollar-per bilge ; the' , inechune holds at least twenty per cept..l more tu proxortion OAF the anklin, and retails for two dollars pet`bptile larg i lsolds a' quart, 40 per cent. more proportibn, and a tor g.,3 0.C0.,W00D & CO. , Proprletore ) .44.4-Broadwifridfielw York, and 114 Narita street; Su _ And , soidiOnlellgoodf , Drugglidst andSiran , Vbejlti Dealers; • V," 7V" 0 - 1 , 4 I MU filebicat DR. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE P ILLS - OF IRON. A* aperient'and Stoniachic preparation Oi IRON purl.- fled of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, ooth in Europe and tbs United elates. ai d prescribed in their practice. The experionce of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of ,vital energy, pale and other wise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in almost every. Conceivable case. - Innoxious in all maladies Lit which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curs, tire; each of the following co mplaints,'viz : Debility, Nervous Affections, Emanelpie, Slott, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption; S. worn lotus 'Tuber cultists, Salt heum, Illisuartistruatton, WhiCes,thlore ß sis, Liver CompiatitisAltro. Decades:hes, Dimutts attsm, lutes mittent Fevers, Pimples on the Fusee, die. In case of General -Debility, Whether' the result of acute disease or of the continued diminution of ner vetus,and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial Or this restorative has proved successful to an ex tent which no description nor written. attestation would render credible, lovgids so long. bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in'tbelr odvu oilgbborboods haire sud denly;re-appeared in the busy world as- if just returned from prutractin travel in a dissent land. Some very signal insiances of tins kind are. attested or female suf ferers, emaciated v appal ent , inardsmus, eous'eahaustiou,'euStiOn, 'u-itteal'clialiges; and teat complica tion of 'neivous anti.dyipeptie aversion. to air and exer vise for which the physician has no name, lis Nervous Affections 01 alt kinds, 'and ' for rea sons familiar to medical men, the operation of this pre paration of- iith must.mecessanly be salutary, fdritudilie the ,old oxides, it le vigorously touie, without being ex oitingand overlieiting, and - gently, regtilarly aperient; even in Abe:moat obstinate cases of costiveness,. without ever being ragastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable It is this latter property, among others, which makes .lion remarkably effectual an d . p c nnalieut a remedy fbr -.Piles; untie which it:also anpearS to!exert a distinct and specific action, by dispetsing the ! local tendency which kirffik tient; " ' • ' da.,lPyipepsla, imumnierable as are inicanses,a single ,box of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the -Mat habithal cases, inchiding Ithel•attendatit airtime err.„unchecked- Dla.xxhoest, even when advanced. in • DYaentery, *Cotiferinnii, emaciatiug, and anfiaretitly -lignaiit; the effects hive: been ; equally decisive and as- Washing. . .. , . In the local pains,"-loss: of 'get% end strength; debili tating cough, and remittenrhectib, which generally indi -- eats Incipient 'Consumption,- this remedy has al layed the h alarni of friends and physicians p in several Very gritirkideitid hiteireatiitOristances. - '' ; In ,Serlefitlouk,T4beFAailltsie. this niedicated lop has bad far more than tae good of the most cautiously balaneedqweparaffienaof iodine;!iivittiont any of their well known . , . - the ittentlith ot• Misled 'Cannot 'he tint cOnfidently Ici idled to tide/remedy and restorative,:in the onset' liectiliar. ly affecting them- . - - • ! ift Illhitaistritteiti, both c;tiroiiic and. infliiiiimatory ;Pltthe!.lo4olh9Wever2 id mere deolde ll 4—it has Veen in variably well reported, both as alieating pain and re ditititiigithirshrellingatuid atiffatzts of the joined rankles.- , : In In termittent - Fevers it must necessartly. be a - grat remedy Sod' ileigette restorative ' ,and its progieis .tathci new:settlement of: the , wwit, Will probably he one ,of high renown and !usefulness. No reineily tivii-lieen dile/wired; in the whole his tory of medicine, wl4ckeserts such prompt ! happy and fully restorative effects. aood appetite, complete diger,- lion, rapid acquisition'of tridingtb, with an unusual dis _position tor: active .and cheerful exercise, intinecUately to#ow use,. Put 'up 'ln melt fat metal boxes containing !ffltiorbQ cents per box; for sale bi..pfulfalgtla and dealers: swilltie Bent free to any address OD receipt of the priCe.— .Alrlettirej orders, etc., shoUlffibe addressed' to '; .B.LOCKS cll., General. Agentiy, "apt-dtt 239 EniadWaY, Now York.' : 0 S •t: It most be Obvious not only to you, but to every atten tive and Intelligent person, that the Brat ; diseases ot, I fanta ariso chiefly from a disordered condition of 'their hoirebioind connection' we presenttoyOur*notleo for the alleviation and cure of these diseases; a eases, remedy EATOr'S 1-11. F A N T.l L t 0 ,R.D.I, AL I Pripared from a formula luhedl - -„br _ --- auverst years, practice, we know it to be 'a most reliable an'clefamsclons remedy - for inlantiM cpmpleints, and one trial ,alone,will convince you of its superiority over every other,weparatlon of the kind. It is pullet - 1181 - 1y recommended For Children Teething And at this period "of infantile life, wnen your =dons. :hearts are bailed by witnessing the sufferings of your little ones, it w;11 be found invaluable in Softening the Gums; Deduct/1y inflantaiation, and Belfeermg ald , Pain. For illnesses ettending, Tee/Mom such as Diarrhea, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowen, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Colic, and Coolin'theHeadtwa-con- Adeptly offer this as a certain relief and cure in every case when , It will inv,ariably‘regulate the stomach andbowels, and its importance in .this respect CAD hard]y be estimated: Colivtdsiblis • • from abloh more infants arl said' to die than from any other disease,,the little sufferer is relieved as insteintrine : ouslY, es if by . maito; and in talsdreid cOniplakit itsintrinsio valuate such that it has.been recommended from one family to another,,untd.the name of Dr. Eat on's Infantile COrdtat has become ' ,, ramiliar as houseaolitword.'l aWe now ask your attention to sub j ect of vital Interest to yourself, as well as to your suffer. Sig (Midi Dr. Baton's Infanti le Cordial' contains ' • NO ltiorphine or Op.i.a . te of any trend, or of whatever nature, far afact which. we • are . fully warranted in stating cannot be said of anyether !preparation . for infantile diseases, at this time Wore: the public:lE4 We find that throughout the country,Hoth:. era are becoming convinced of this truth r and 'ot i the sad . and blighting consequences, which Are AeriAlil; to: result 'fronithe the olltarcotina disguised'in thii forM of (inlet- Jfig .remedies ; fbalr continued ladminiffration* being in -variably followed by .ttopelaction, and constipation Of • the %Ail - mole, ending ottentionee in -coiliulslotitu • ~ H erein ,Da. „Helper's iIifA.NVIS Conni.y, differs from,avery other remedy.' . Does-Not Consta.pate 1 • the bowele, neither does it act - by deadening the sensi bilities of your thildren, but naturally, tbroughita rare medicinal qualities, by removing all pith; and cause of disease.- We 'earnestly recommend - yeti; therefore', ;to lose no.time in procuringubottle,.that you ntaylutve at handa' remedy which will never fall to. relieve your. child In time of need. , Ills ierfeeillsrhartidets, and cannot *lmre. the most deli4e.iafattt. - • Take hone but DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, This yowecen,rel y ewe es.: Price 25.centa:per bottle-' • • Prepared only, by CHU MMI ti DUPONT, • . —• '. `NO. 409 - 13ibitdwitY,:NeW-Vertc. ' And sold by them, andl)9. all respectable Druggists. - aule•tfehd eats . NEW AND FINE ABBOR'ESIENT . or LADIES' TRAVELLING ,S O.P P' IN GrbS . At aliprickeifor sale ai ./ 4 ~. ..' ;BNRGNSWS CHILP , BOOKSTORE, ' ' ' • ' ; 61,Ma_rkgt Street SELLING: s'..'oElej.: `AT `,'C' 81` — ' 'TO " LOSE THE.IArsINE'ss dErkial esirous,:to BIAIPtiIIiOPENI§. 7, l :ii,ch lan, noWtEitt.4iVlY: sell elf the .steeic band at 0082 PleiCEl4." Allll..string L l / 2 - Walfrakr wilT do* wain.); altuli .r.09/ 8 . :it GE . 0..33ER . GNES,;bIi Market street' VirhlL STAPES CARP.ENTEit AisTDJ-0:13B.E14 E. caglißit .11 1 117.0W1T2 MERETS. OBBINtir 4)1 4 411( kindiriio>ieT at -'short Lao ti ce. in•good kyle, sna oirreistatable Wiwi.' • . I ,IIOSE- i lesirin g th,ol" hotwee - ' wait and a well , ssee acted atqa OJ "WALCPARER:fc; COS,2' PRIM? 'at • ' • ~.t BEItdig.trt'CI(EtOBOOKSTORt"; ~ 14 .1 totttQW:a4ititatt . f_Ptiiral, 1 . . milat, gwritA, FINE, .IUNTO,. - -, a n d: , flue soaliti:of material ; tbrOtielyNt s ,Al . 4 . 4 . 1 ~.F4 : CE- , below usual prices of otber,iwua,dacturars,, at 'BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTGRE, --- - ,-- 4:1-- 51 Market atreet. ~Call and 43, tbem , No elyargetfor 4, , , .. nry24i • • v:.WHITE BRANDY! ; VOW PRESERVING; river y'' 13uperior ar aupteloßmgia. WIT9r ,[I 4ABOWeb9.- • , - • ,taus[ MRS. WINSLOW, An exPereniNuTt:a:ericiu' presents leatotin of mothers SOOTHING SYRUP, • For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the proce3s of teething, by soft ening the gummeducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO BEGERTATE-THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, meteors; it will give rest to yourselves AND, RELIFY AND HEALTH TO, YOUR ENFANTS. We have put - tip and sold this article for over ten ;years, and CAN sag, IN OONVIDNNOI AND TRVTR, What We , have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER aws Fr :FLAILED; IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE, when: timely, used. Never did we know' in Instance& disitatisfaelion by any one who used it., On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera. Lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of Its magical effects • anti medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WV DO KNOW, attar ten years' expe rience, AND PLVDflit OUR RIPOTATION YOB Ina FULFIIIIRNT OP WHAT WI NINE DROLARR; ID 11111206 t every instance where the Infant Is suffering Irom pain and exhaustion, re lief will be ,found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. . This, valuable preparation Is the .prescripton of one of the most EXPhIIIENCRO suid SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and hits been used with mita name sin THOUSANDS OF 'CASES It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invig orates the stomach and bowele; corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the Whole system: It will al post instantly relieve GRIPING LI "THE 'BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if nut speedily reme died, end in death. We !relieve it the inn and WREST &Samar IN THS 'NOMA' in all cases of DYSENTERY AND 41aRRUCEA CHILDREN,; whether 4 nrisea from Meshing or from any other cause, We . would say ° to every 'mother who has'a child sabring fromfany ottlur foregoing complaints.---no nor isr:rourt PRZAJDNIZI3, NOR TUE PRXJI , Magi 0.11 eland between you and your sidleritig child and thereltetharwlll be SURE—yes, AB SOLUTELY SUltrie4o Ibllow She 'use, of this medicine, it timely used. Full _directions for using . ,wtli accompany each•buttle. ' Non getrirtfie 'manse the fac-simile of CURTIS a Neff EIN.%New York, is OR *touts* wmper. Sold by Dr uggists, throughout the woad. 1 rinclpul 0111 .o;'No:l&Cedar &Mew ;York.. - Price only 25-Cente ler Bottle. 4/3 - Yor Bale w Harrielniig by D. ,Vie Grose Co,, No 19 Mania stAecJ:lifilititi Lnit; Nd: 22Market etroet,O. Keller. No. ell.!Naeketoltreet, Vela* Fourth, IlLarket.Oreet., ; • ang22 deitly '• • ••• , • • - ' Z*4 $. A r l eP ._ d%_1,7 - ; -- VIIIIIG - " - N, 000. "L a SY , N .O.- '-"". -- N V A., ,, , , Zit - i . . 4 9 ECONOMY! ` Y ssl - t kt t l e Iliispadel 2 , - ' ' . Save the Pieces! 't As &cadent: WU beljniajerin•iti vifi-rejedateslfaudies tills very desirable to have some cheap and! convenient wayferlppalrisg Furniture, Toys,. Crockery, "FUMING'S rßicraßri Gum meets all such eniergenbles, nci household can afford to be,withont-lh , It Isnlways.ready and on to the stick toint::!There ie no'longer-a neees S ity fir' limping chairs, 'splintered veneers, beadles toys and 'broken cradles. • 11.1 s. just the-. article for , cone_ shell and other ornrmental work, so_ popular_ with ladies of refinement and taste. . Thisadmirable preparatienbi tilled cold, tieing chemi cally held in solution, and possessing all the qualities of the best cabinet-maims' Gide. It may be used in the placeit Ordinary , mucilage, being iastly.more adhesive. ,"1:120 1 131. IN EVERY ROPER.'P 2.=1 Bleb accompanies each bottle. Price 26 Ms. WUfatale Depot, No. 46 Cedar etreet f _New York. 'Address HENRY C. SPALDING - at CO., • Boa No. 3,600, New York, - ruotiv - iur Dealers in vases cimummg Four, Eight and Twelve Dozen-a beantiMl Lithogi,aphic, Show-card an coinnsaying each 'Pacliiige: ' • jetir.v single tottlei of SPALDING'S .P.ItEPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every lhonsiiiold. . Sold by all prominent Statisners„Dryiggiets, Hardware and garniture Dealexs,,Grebera and FaizseyOteres.— ' diuntry iierchinti should ma. k 1 bite or SPAISDICGRI pp. EPA RED:GIME; *rhea r 'Mikis , ' thekt list • 'lt , Neil stand any climate. • febl7 diwly POND'S EXTRA9T OF, HAMAIq.ELIS OR PAIN ,DRSTROYER, - rs, one. of the few domestio remedies which have come into general use and favor, .wiihout puffing. It is the product of a simple ahrub, bartolese in all cases, and as a domestic . remedy unequalled. - For BURNS CUTS., BRUISES, SOP.VIRSS, LARENM, SPRAINS,.RHEUMATISII,MOiLiIikERS, OLD: sous and.WOUNDS, it has not. an equ al.,- It la also.useMiiih greatineceas,for 'TOOtHACELE; HEADACHE, NE L OU; SOB& T.449,5-T;COLIC DIARRHOEA, HOARSE NESS, and other, similar troublesome and painful affec tions; while it proMptly 'errata all HEMMORRHAERffit.— 17uudreda.of physicians .use it daily in - their practice, end give . it 'their unqualified . recommendation. Sold by: ear agents arid dealers ; end by . • - F. HUMPHREYS & CO. 562 Broadway , • Sole Proprietors and 'Manufacturers. Sold ty G. K. Keller, Wholesale and Retail agent :for Harrisburg and vicinity, and Druggists and stores gene rally:— • ' apl7-dliwik SCHWERTN'S azotztatA.Tora . POWDER , I s ' nIE; ONLY .. KNOWN and best art () cie to exterminate Roach , \- F.-... . ay Bed Rugs, Ants , Mo th s, Flies, Fleas,garden Warms, 4 __... . 'Vineßugs; • & c. n CON ---:—. __ -- - ...__ TAINS NO OISON. . ------ :- . -.--...;,,, - --7-, SCHWERIN'S 'PILLS • .. - N a,,i,„: - ' ~ f-are Binh death to RATS .. -. 41wa. , 7-7.77,,, . - ;../.,/wz . z- - z i and WOE. : • —Mr. SCHWERIN !received, Certificates from President of Girard College, hireetors of Rouse of Refuge, Pennsyl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Philadelphia. R. Jail, Wani*gtim, and - Charity Hospital, Now' Orleans, La. ' • The origfnal certificates can-be Been at the Wholesale and Retail Depot, 124 North Second street, Philadelphia, And. for , sale:in , Barrithurg by - Charles • A'. Rannvast, D. W. Gross at Co., GI W. Riley and. C. E.-Reller, ; end, by all Druggists' and Grocers everywhere. .11 Beware or. Spurious imtatlons. Remember to ask for ECEINVERIN , S Aunitalatingyowdor. • •Ttonb Gem:ll6o nnlesitsigned •Jur: l 7-46m . . A .S: ! . .1-1. A • S I . NEWBOLD'S CELEBRATED • EXTRA SUGAR CURED (covered.) : . ' EXTRA SUGAR CORED (uncovered.) '" -PLAIN MAUS . EXTRA SUGAR CURED mouLDERs. EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED BEEF • EXTRA !‘ (covered.); Jost. received a lege invelte of* above, which we offer at Unusually low prices. ' • ' • sepß *m. DOCK. JR. & CO. • DRUGS AND , CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. - DRUGS AND OMEWCA-1-8. _ Medicines. Patent Medicines. gamily night Medicines. Family Medlites. Patent - Medicines . 't,s. . Trusses, SupporteinySltotildirErace ' Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder • Braces: Trusses, Supporters, - PERFUMERY. PFRFIIMERY. PERHUMERY. ;.FANCY ANlk9rtailig,T i ARTICLES,' FANCY, AND,'I))IILET ARYICX‘ES• FANCY 'IAD T O TeltilOVECO. PRIME lt.tvWfvi.,•ciodifot"rQßAcco. PAN BAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. P. 4„). HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. enaeryer tsibuy and. sell taie very beat Or -every thing In lino, and alway s have a' Ood assortment in store from which customers may 'choceeo , And soiling at fair prices we do command a rairshere a patronage? • C. K.'d DRUG STORE, , • " ' Tit• rkettinet. BILANIE BOOKS AL,SINAGOBPAJST7Ff3,Iwas, ato: A ultif i t UA r i ZtaZ l Z l A llllll 213 !"P lir anglare iO4O/116ti MENS' FURNISHING GOODS AND GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK FOB THE 3F II .LLIAX.. TR-832PM, Of the latest and most desirable styles, Imported and manufactured expressly for the approaching season's sale. . C. B. HATCH & CO., gr4o3 BROADWAY,.fiI (One door Above the cor. of Walker Gt.,) NEW YORK. Give notice to the Merchants in all sections of the Union that their stack of MINS' run:memo Goons AND GOLDEN HILL Swain is now ready fbr exhibition, comnri-ing a .full assortment of Undershirts and Drawers, Fa and Winter Gloves, Plain and Fancy Skirts, Tits, Saarts :locks, Suspenders, Half Bose, Linen- Cellars, Robes de Clambre Traveling Shawls. Railway Rugs, Chrdigan Jackets, Moffiers, dc. Including many new and desirable articles i atht, lire rot to be found in any similar establishment in tt•is e* , ..11 Shirts made at the GOLDEN PHIL .WANIF FACERKY, bear on the back of oh e Yoke lb. follnwing stomp "Wbich is our trade mark for this article. and Which carries with it our guarantee as to their PftBFECTiON in every particular. The=e Sbirtz, combining 6TY.I it, DURABILITY; ard PENFECTION OF FIT, we Wit rantequal in every reapec t to any made to order Parties not intenting to visit hew York this Fill may transmit their orders by mail, antsoatt rely upou h. ring them - 11110d as faithfully and promptly as thooak pro out to ra It ct themselves. C. is HATCH h 3v27 dam *los Broudw WAL;TER G. 'WHITEMAN, FINE GROCERIES N. W. CORNER 17th AND ARCH GROCERIES ; N. CROSS & BLACKWELL'S -EWAN PICKELS AND SAUCES. - Particular attention paid to selecting ` FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, FOR. FAXLIAR.S. 'T =ME SUGA.II3 always at. Refiners' prices. Choke WINK LIQUORS and SZGAIhz. of the best brands 'always hand; • my7-Iyd PENNSYLVANIA DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. OFFICE, NO. 104 MARKET STREET, DODGE RESPECTFULLY inform the: Ladiei .and Gentlemen of Harrisburg, and the public generally, that they , have all - tnemachinery necessary forDYEING CLBANSING and FINISHING; in a nidst impeder atyla. and warranted to give satlataction, every descriPtion- ,f Ladies' and Gentlemen's apparel, Ladies Drentes,ffina . ke, 'Effilwls,liandiferehiefS, cart's BOnneta, Ribbons, htr... Dyed and uhtished to look like new. _DILK AND. RIM DRaffilffi WATERED to rocklike the imported art:tele.— Gentlemen'i 'COATS, PANTALOCNS and VESTS.:Dyed, Cleaned-and 'Finished in a most superior style. NO RIP— PING RD:II:GREG, CARPETS injury to without to she fabric, removing and stains, and improioing colors. Herta°, Cashmere and other Shawls cleaned and pressed: - CRAPE SHAWLS bleached and finished - in a style that- cannot, be surpassed.- Coonterpanee, - ffittrikets and Ticks, cleaned in best manner, and at short notice. ' WOOLEN and curios GOODS abed in any quantities, at low prices, and warranted fast colors.— Leghorn, Straw Hats and Bonnets Dyed in a few Imre. Merchants and Milliners having unsaleable colors on any of , their goods, can have them dyed . and finished, by leaving them for a few days at the office. '—Alt goods dyed at the. above establishment arc warranted not to swot. . DODGE ik W. 1y3.5 daw3nf " - FOI WARDSNG COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE enbeerihers have leased the exten sive Warehouses and Railroad track formerly occu pied by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company me a freighting department, No. 248 North Broad street, and will transact a GENERAL STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, to cannection with the Ford go and Domestic. Shipping and Produce at 128 Wal nut street. They are prepared to receive, ship and forward In land or by water, all merchandise and produce which may be oared. storage capacity 25,00 G barrels, With every convenience for receiving and discharging. Warehouse receipts will be given for all property on storage, with bills of landing for shipment. Consignments of znerclutadim and produce to our ad dress will receive prompt attention. and 24 AlB CO, - Walnut and. 248 If North ßß. Broad street. Fkgads , hicr., 4prie 234 1860.-efimd. - NEW' FIRM:- NE W- . GOODS NEW PRICES I . /FEE SUBSCRIBERS' haNiing Succeeded to the WHOLESALE AND RET.ALII: OROCERY NEES of Messrs. GROSS & KUNKBL, at WALNUT STREET WHARF, would respectfully announce. o the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared to offer Ibr sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, •• -- Fish, Salt ; - Grain, • •-lilour, •Repes, , in great r var iety, afue enswar e :Paints, Oils rnroi .. Glass,. Nails .. Cement, &c., Our Large SPRING STOCK;:purehased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected With much care, and will present gmit inducements to close buyers: • . ' We. Intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE, and hOpe by honorable dealing to 'merit receive a share •of patronage. ' • .friairEaldtf • • ;: A. ROBINSON & M. WI:MEW . LIBE S RTY TOVE W Olt X AL . D • goulowmAßE FOUNDRY, ABBOTT Bc . NOBLE , aIANtItietURERS bf the most diprz itylei of STOVE 3 of every description.. Bollards:rand:Silo Roma.— Water Street, NM Nerk. sir 410 Brown Street, Philadelphia. 1 /..B.—.Send•for-Catalogne. • - jy27.d I LS I TRAWBERIIIE . S HE ' akSEIsIT - WEATHER is highly . faiviable ibr planting , Strawbeirries, and If done soon ai fair coop of frog, sufficient, WI cover the cost of Oblate' aid planting, may be "panted .next: F. 011.5011..— Uilwards - 9r • • . • • ' 100 VARIETIES, Native and Foreign, have been ttuterthy theaubscriber, and, a ft er having releateditianY, hots able to furnish all that. are really destratideorratit quantity and at fair ' 4IjViCE" , aslts chore of,viarieties; Mieparittion: 'of - sea and after ermine, If dotdred, he lards - tor s ressoesbje coeval:o. PLANT BEDS, " • warranting good crops of the best fruit. For the accommodation of the public he will have plants tUr sale in the . • _ LOWER MARKET HOUSE; on Tuesday and Friday evenings luld Wednesday and Saturday mornings. - EL A- MI SR. , • Magmas Nusesity,. B,,MLEW, LOT: OF Lipugs' S j i . ORPING & .TRAVELING BAGS Toiripfislitg number of new stylet.ENTS , and LA. .DIES', .honey,: Parses and Wallets. AAlne assortment rebelyedand mr sale at. insutorixi,§ - 'blMar t ' 7 llcitt Wig iflisallantons AT WHOLESALE =I PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER OF HARRISBURG STORAGE,