and attempt to create sensations against Ep , pgra#ll . IRepublican men and measures. ir re the arguments used to defeat Abraham Lincoln. Against the cause of freedom and free labor, the dough-face press of the Patriot ilk urge the threats of disunion of the South. Not a word is ever uttered in regard to the great resour ces of Pennsylvania. Not a syllable is printed in favor of protecting our iron and coal resources. Not an article is pub lished to preserve in force and in their influence the blessings of free institutions. All these" are sacrificed by this same dough-face press, while the northern me chanic and laboring men are cooly in formed that if they dare to vote for Abra ham Lincoln and elect him President, the South will prevent his inauguration by an armed force. If Pennsylvania dare to presume on having her interests and re-' sources protected, the South will prostrate the intention by, disunion. Are the free 'white men of this Commonwealth pre. pared to accept such threats and intimi dations as arguments in a great crisis ? We believe they are not, because Abra ham Lincoln is certain to be made Presi dent by the vote of the Keystone State. BARRISBURG, PA. Tuesday Afternoon, October 30. 800. FOR PRESIDENT : AB 11 ARAM LINCOLN OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT : HANNIBAL HA MLIN, EOM= OF MAINE " IP 1 ELECTORS: JAMES POLLOCK, THOMAS M. HOWE, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, ROBERT P. KING, HENRY BUMM, ROBERT M. FOUST, NATHAN HILLES, JOHN M. BROOMALL, JAMES W. FULLER, DAM R STOUT, FRANCIS W. CHRIST, DAVID MUMMA, JR., DAVID TAGGART, THOMAS R. BULL, - FRANCIS B. PENNIMAN, ULYSSES MERCUR, GEORGE BRESSLER, A. BRADY SHARPE, DANIEL 0. GEBR, SAMUEL CALVIN, EDGAR. COWAN, WILLIAM McKENNAN. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, JAMES KERR, RICHARD P. ROBERTS, HENRY SOUTHER, JOHN GREER." FM Look out for sensations. \, The Patriot men yesterday morning, gave the public a specimen of the sensa , tion appeals they intend to make'to- the -- people between now and the election in November. In one -column' tinder the. , ‘..Tc/e9raph head" they parade three lines • containing the:dreadful information that litaiert tI TooMbs a nullifier and' avowed disunioilist; hitely,madea speech counSel ling "resistance 'to the death to the election of Lincoln." In another column under the editorial head, the wiseacres of the i'atrioiindulge in a lachrarnose recital of the fist that because stocks have fallen in , ;:-New York ) the impression is-rooted among business men that the Union is to be These are the delectable argu ments daily issued to intimidate the free white men in the North.. The threats of an irresponsible yet prominent southern disunionist, constitute the only language `'in *high the northern Breckinridge dough-face press are able to urge their inn sensation editorials in the hope that a scheme of speculation in New York city, gotten up by men of the hatte V 'Fowler type, and the decline of .8(.906 in a fancy. gambling operation, to force honest men from an honest posi . lion, while the independent voters of the North are to be deterred from support ling Abraham Lincoln because, forsooth, a slave driver and a nigger breeder coon sl is to the death." To this, and , only this degraded and humiliating condition, are the Democracy of Pennsyl vania forced by the appeals of their north ern organs. The laboring men and me chanics of the North, struggling to pre- i serve the purity of government and se - cule its prosperity . by protecting their labor, are gravely told by such journals as the Patriot, that, if they persist in their determination to elevate themselves, the . South will pull down the Union.—' ;'if the mechanics of the North steadily :ztirsue their own interests, they are to be ; , tresiseed, unto the death," by the advice of Bob Toombs and the endorsing encou ragement. of the Patriot and thricm., the I s Minsylvania ()roan of the southern skim ,driver and nigger breeder. We allude to this attempt at sensation the,:part of the puritanical Patriot 51 , oCtlitit; We fear its influence or dread -the effect of the threats of disunion. Our object'is to draw the attention of the in ,dependent voters of Pennsylvania to the fact that the Democratic organs:of.the North are in the same Conspiracy with Uullifiers and.disunionista of the South; to preVent the establishment of - a' 4014 in which the rights of freedom 1p vouchsafed to every man, and the 4 prct6qtion of labor be made the essential -Celentent of a - tree government. The in , t.'elligent, and independent voter of the North, radically right in his convictions ,And judgment, and about to act in a ecourse promising to benefit not only him sol,'but the whole country, the slave driver includedi - is to be deterred in his actions, because, an, avowed disunionist counsels resistance to the death. And this resistance is made the staple ergo 'meta of Democratic newspapers to defeat - . :Abraham Lincoln. Because Northern iftleeitien are determined to arrest the -spread of slavery, and elevate free labor 'On f all the territory of the country, Dein- I ocratic Organs:int Pennsylvania' endorse' the resistance CiCath of the 'BOWL; he STOCKS are generally depressed by the certainty of electing Abraham Lin .coln, what influence was it that collapsed the Hollidaysburg Bank? There was a President in that instance also, who had a controlling influence in the direction of that stock, and perhaps one of the editors of, the Patriot anti Union can explain the going down of that Stock more satisfacto "rili than they have been able to explain the operations of- a few gamblers of Bos ton, New York and Philadelphia, in de pressing the stock markets of those cities. We are anxious to have -this Hollidays burg Bank business and depreciation of stock accounted for by the Union as far more interesting to the people of Penn sylvania than the falling of 'gamy stock" in any of the markets of our larger cities. indeed, if the Union had not this last _string to play on, the music of at least one organ. in. Harrisburg would be silenced. But as desperate diseases re quire desperate remedies, we are willing to grant our neighbors any license of speech or action between this date and the 6th of November, after which time we trust that the light of truth emitted by sound Re publican dectrines, , will change its fears P g p olitician down to the stoc edlin (Firm banks — Until then, welturvise . our readers to beware of the sensations of the Patriot. Vote the Republican Ticket. Freemen of Pennsylvania! if you want to bring back the government to its an cient :purity, VOTE THE REPUBLI- CAN TICKET ! If you are determined to rebuke the extravagance and corruption of Demo cratic misrule, VOTE THE REPUBLI CAN TICKET ! If you know that the crisis is at hand, and believe Freedom must win instead of Slavery, VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET ! Do you know that as goes Pennsylva nia, so goes the Union ? then VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET ! Do you know that a vote for Douglas is a vote thrown away t THEN VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET I Do you intend that the reign of the whole tribe of pilferers, blood-suckers, and fusionists shall come to an end ? then VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET! Do you intend that there shall be a Republican House of Representatives to sustain a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT? then VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET ! Do you intend that Freedom shall be the rule and Slavery the exception—that wrong shall be put down, and the right put up ? then VOTE THE REPUBLI CAN TICKET ! ! A NiYrDF.S.INITION OF FIISION.---JaS. T. Brady, Esq., in a speech - recently de livered at Binghampton, New York, said that the Breckinridge party " had not made any compact with the friends of Douglas, Or the Committee of Fifteen, which had recommknded a Union ticket," but that they (the Breckinridge party,) had concluded to support the Union ticket at the ensuing election, "because its success could not help Douglas, might defeat Lin coln, and- would surely assist Breckin ridge ;" that the Breckinridge State tick et is to keep the field at all hazards, and form the nucleus of a National Democrat- is party, which is to be the only one, ac cording to IVir. Brady, that can survive . the contest of 1860. In other words, Mr. Brady,defines the end and aim of Fusion to be to swamp Douglas and keep the 13reckinridge faction's head above water until after the election. Come up, Doug. P ennsylv ania Mattp aelegrapl), autsbau "'Afternoon, October 30,. 1660. las men, Bell men, all ye Fusionists;)Mr. Brady tells you what you are voting for ! Pleasant spoken man, this Mr. Breokin ridge Brady ! The following statement of the position of the several States on the Presidential question, we find in the Detroit Adverei T ser . . Maine ...... '.l ... , 8: Pennsylvania i.• • • i. 27 i New Hampshire ... 5 Ohio 2 New York , .. 86. Judiana . . ..... ... ,13 New Jersey 7I Illinois - 11' Massachusetts. . . 18.1,Michigary Rhode Island 4 Wisconsin ..... 6 Connecticut 6 lowa 4 Vermont - - 6 Minnesota. 4 Oregon Virgina Alabama.. Mississippi. Louisiana : Arkansas . Tennessee.. Delaware Missouri Certain for Lincoln Certain for Breckinridge... Certain for Bell Probably for Lincoln.... Probably for Breekinrldge Giving Lincoln a majority over all— counting the doubtful against hitn—of 46; counting the two doubtful States for him, he will have a majority over all of 63. Either is enough. Mr. Douglas will not get a singleelec _ toral vote in a single State, North or South. What a refreibing'prospect in view for theiDouglas rnen of Illinois. FROM THE FEDERAL CAPITAL. [Correspondence of the Telegraph.] E - 3 2 4 WAktibierroN, - 06tober 29, 1860 In a week from to-morrow the people of this , country. will be palled-on 2 to select a ,man as President of the United States, `to take the place . cifJaM6A BuChinon, whose Coristitutiortal term of office Rill expire on the. 4th of March, 1861. , Already are the notes preparatory- to a change heard in the prophetic fOrebodingS of those who will "go_Out,"..- as in' the' inccess of; either candidate now before the nation, a cer tain bunfbar of subordinate officials would be compelled to leave, in order to make room for, a like number of hungry, expectant, and (in common political parlance) deserving office-hunt ers. Beyond the Insinas of preparinkto "go out," and above the din and noise of- the pm _motion attendant on the approaching session self in .er Aumrinstration is.busying it- and intimidate what is jocosely termed the conservative dough-face sentiment of the. North. The last canard is to the effect that in the event of any disturbance on the 4th of March, before the inauguration OAS election being admitted)" of Abraham Lincoln, Mr: Buchanan'has con . eluded to surrender the army and navy to the keeping of the Senate, and theDenuieratic pro slavery majority 'of which body are to use these departments "in quelling the inauguration of Lincoln, as a mob Assembled in Washington city to usurp the laws and destroy the Constitu- Ulm of the United States." However ridiculous such a story may appear when: printed in a re spectable Northern paper, it isneyertheless true that the rumor is rife here, and that it has been I put in circulation by the authority of both committees representing what is facetiously, called the national Democratic party. The idea of -the President having authority to tAtnsfer the army and navy to the control and direction of the legislative branch of the government, is very ridiculous. His- authority does - not "Do out" in that direction, nor hasho any more con trol of the army and navy, unlestfoi•iPecific purposes, than he has over the peoPlOof the '" country. And yet these areithe stollen! p tit in circulation by the heads of the two national De mocratic committees. Haying exhausted all their spleen on each other, and- aying satiated the public mind with the terrible-temations prefetfeu by one against: theother,•they turn their attention mutually to the palijimigation of the most .extrawint stories in relation to the election of Abraham Lincoln. To contradict such stories is to dignifithernwith an attention they are not deserving. But. I cannot refrain from writing what, is generally nenepted as:re liable in the best informed circles in this eity, which is that James Buchanan anticipates the , election of Abraham Lincoln as•the realization of his fondest hopes for the utter• annihilation of the Democratia party. His fund of amuse meat is composed of his own detection of the errors of both national committees, the chair men of both of. which he holds he supreme ,con tempt: Thus, instead of Mr. Buchanan really desiring to _throw any obstacle in 'the' way of the inauguration of a Republican Presideitti.:l have no hesitation in declaring that' he will hail such an inauguration with 'delight The fact, that he predicts such an election, is sufficient to' prove his desire for its realization: in any event, the story inielation to an armed inter vention in the inangUration -is mostridiculeui and unauthorized. Already have-Lseen-Sonth era Repnblicans'who talk of Lincoln's auccisniion as the moat auspicious event that' could sever happen for the institution of slavery, because it would have a tendenci to settle :the policy of the government on that subjectfOr_zoa n to come, if not 'until the_inatitution had been abolished in'the Stevie where'it is now clung to most tenaciously:: Mr: Buchanan ismorally too . much of a coward , to attempt , kripyveinent that would involve him in personal danger 7 never yet has met a foe face to face,smil reality shrinks from anything;like'revolition, except it is a revolution offriendehip i in Which long years of devoted service area sacrifkied to The Presidential Contest. FOR LINCOLN notrarrim—Probably for Lincoln. 3 I California. 4 FOR BRROKiNRIDOR. 15 I North Carolina ....10 9 I South Carolina .... 8 7_ I Georgia 10 6 Florida 4 Texas.. FOR BELL. - ..12 ['Kentucky ' 12 Dountrut.—Probably for Breckinridge. 3 1 Maryland ...... 8 RECAPITULATION WWI satisfy his own revenge, cupidity and malice. Of ail the accounts you get of Southern revolu tion and resistance, I confidently tell you there is nothing in them but a Bombastut; Furioso display of courage that is to be practised in Pryor sequels that will never arrive. The elect ion of a Republican President, now a solemn certainty, will be as solemnly acquiesced in by the people of the South. - They cannot do better, and would not do worse if they could. Among the masses of the South such an election is an ticipated as the inauguration of a new era for labor, and the worst disappointed men in this Country in case 'Lincoln should be defeated would really,. be •the .white laboring.-men,..and mechanics of the Southern States. The best informed often know the least.— Those who pretend,to designate who will be in the Calitaet>of the next administration; trornewhat in this plight—but they will not be less disappointed when the Cabinet of Abe Lin coln is formed than will those be who will be called on to ECUVO their country in the capacity of Cabinet officers. So far as lam personally concerned, and I am confident so far as Penn sylvania is concerned, there is one man in this Union who could be offered and accept such a position with a perfect assurance of being en dorsed by the people of the whole country. 1 now allude to Simon Cameron, of Pennsylva nia. Here in Washington, among all who talk of cenducting the business of government suc cessfully, the name of the Pennsylvania Senator is associated with the position of Postmaster General, and I know of no man among all the' distinguished gentlemen named for places in the Cabinet who would bring More yaried quantum ' Hens for the successful discharge of the multi farious duties and business of the deparrnent for which he has„been named, than Simon Cameron. We all understand his promptness here in Washington. We all know Unit he has no equal in the ,knowledge of the details of government, and we know, too, that it is to such men as Simon Cameron that the business of the nation in its official relations depends for , aucceis. As Postmaster General, such a man would be of incalculable benefit to his country and his, the first bereinie he would faithfully watch its interests, and to the latter 'Weans° he would allow; no cringing or craven opponent to remain in office to compromise both the country , and a isorind Republican ad. . mmietiati INQUDITIL. tiV''','.4.5t:...;.,bi . .:''..Cti...,g:00,1- SPECIAL DISPATCHES DAILY'? E L E GIt'AP H Wrenk ol a Fishing Schooner. , BOSTON, Oct. 8001 -It-is reported here that a fishing schooner of Gloucester, was recently run down by a steam er near Cape Carus, after . iloating.twA days, net wreck being water logged and seven ofctivraw' washed overboard., The Audiv4.3 nine 4 'in number took to their bat, winch capsized • two Of the unfortunate men were devoured by sharks. The remaining seven recovered the heat • ' • avo o a mari ug b uese vessel, and carried to St. Domin g o. 4.11 M. ► C mns First Congressional District.---A. Demo cratic Return Judge Convicted of Forgery. PHILADELPHIA, oat. 30. The jury in the case of Wm. Birely, return judge, charged with forging the election returns of the First Congressional District, thus defeat ing Mr. Lehman, the Democratic candidate, to- day brought in a verdict' of guilty. Birely's counsel will probably carry the case to the Supreme Court. No Fever in Mobile. MOBILE Ala Oct. 30. The Board of Health reports that there is-no fever in the city. Death of a Naval Officer. PiCIIIISBURG, Va., Oct. 80. Jno. J. Barrand, of the United States Navy, died very suddenly on Sunday night. :111) b . On Saturday, October 27th, a., a A., infant daughter of Dr. John H. and Mary H. lager, aged two years, "Lay • her gintly lathe dust Gri 'along teak I but 0, ye must - _ Hear the sentence, earth to earth,. - Spirit to immortal birth. • Youthfel, gentle, andeilled, Angels nurture now the child." ' ' • Nem '2Urnertistments. TO OUND TRIP' TICKETS at REDUCED JA I %ins will be isinalb3t itinNORTHERN CENTRAL WatFANY to the MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIR and the MARYLANDSTA.TE AGRICULTURAL FAIR to. be held at BALTIMORE, (Mob& 30, November Is, 2d and 3d. Tiokete good until November the 4th inclusive. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, Cot. 31, 20 IitAVANA ORANGES! I . • - - • -A prime lotjust received by Nite;DOC*2.lt4.4% = - CHOICE ALARGE LOT OF CHOICE APPLES, of different varieties, carefully selected, just arrived by canal, are for sale at fair prices, by, the bushel or barrel. Apply at the canal boat BISHOP,'! at Kunkel's Warehouse. - oet27lf - DITLK WINDOWS - AND DOORS FOR SALE.—Two second hand bulk windows. Also four Doors and Frames,for sale cheap. Enquire at oct27-3t; HARDWARE STORE. , - lIRICH COWPERTRIVAIT . & RITAIL - 31114192 R 12 .4 11r21 13 ; V•,!": Corker' of 'FrOrit' cind - Market Wtreets, - LA:RRIS,EVRG, T,A D. oalce. ... , T. 8., CTITiTERTBSTAIT. AMBROTYPE COEIES OF FINE. ENGRAVINGS: B DING COPIES from- the besteengravings of Illslorical, Classical, ...itriptural and a great va riety of miscellineous subjects. They are exact in miniature, with all the beauty and meths of the-hirger-and more expensiveengravioge, and at e'much less cesty anti being meetly, and, substantially framed, nothhig m o re 'beattiful handsomer Could be dosceleeti,lbr•ornamentettapictujeS. the quality and tone of these copies have reiMitly:lieen 'greatly improved; and mellow placed before the public Witlia'conlldetice that their merit and beauty will insure heart,v reception for theba: For. sale at lIERGNEit'a`CELRAP-BCOICSTORA • Vcts " 61 Market Street, •Rairiiatimg. Call and tee them—no charge for exhibiting good 3 -TQ T WEI Nfto '2billertisentento GREAT ATTRACTION AT. THE NEW = CITY STORE ! TJRICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FROM I' ARK ET STS ANN:Ol3=k" to the ci izene of Harris burg ai d the land': generally, that they have just returned from? the eastern cities with a large and well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell it the ve Ty lowest prices. DOMB3rIC GOOD 3 of every kind. ' Bleached and Unblcachedlfuslins, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels RED-FLANNELS OF EVERY• DESORIPTIONC A large assortment of Welsh Flannels for Skirting An assortment Domestic Dinah ams, . 4 Manchester Ginghams, a Batioetta and Cas.simeres t . " Black Clotha at all prices, ,Cloths for 11.11les' Chesterfields, ti Bayer Cloths far the Arab Cloaks A FINE ASTORTMENT OF BLANKETS. k taro assortment of Cassimer es, especially adapted to Boy's wear. An assortment of Merino Drawers and Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets Irom 12% cts a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCT AS, VELVET POPLIN'S, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, ;RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Broche and Blanket Shawls, with a,tull stock of the latest novelties, An assortment of Plain and Figured-Cashmeres. LINENS. OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first elms Hosiery and Em broidoesis, &0., &0., Ao.' An astdrtnient orEngeni e wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of F.hroading and Flannel3'. MUCH& COWPERTHWAIL Corner of Front and Market'StreetslEsirrbburg. Formerly occupied byiJ. 1,, finder. . oet26-ly N 0 TI 0 E .—The undersigned having, opened an Realist' and Classical School for Boys in" the lecture room .of..what eras. formerly called the "United Brethren Church," on Front, between Walent and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and in ertia them in the branches nips* taught in schOola of .that character. The nuMber of Pupils is limited to twenty-Bre. Forinformation with regard to terres,;63.oapply to Rev: Mr". Robinson and Rev. Mr. Cattail,. or personanyjo: oct26.dtf . /AMES B. ICING. VAN INgriN Alc SNYDER, Designers and; - Engrg;:vers, on Wood, COll. FIFTH'S: CHESTNUT STS., . EXECUTE all kinds of MOM. Engraving with beauty, correctness And dispatch: Original` oegigns furnished for line .Book .111ustru tions. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype. can: have. views .or,Goileges, Churckes, Store Fronts, Machines, Ftoves,.Patents, sm, engraved asw. 1 on per sonal applicatien. Fancy EnvelOpes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved-. in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. • For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illustrated works of.J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. EL Butler &Co. 0M25 lyd Vw'TORK SEEDLESS PLUMS For sale at, WM. DOCK JR. & CO.'S Mal H. L. GODBOLD * C)RACTIC.IL Tuner and Repairer . of . :ration Melodeons, hc. he., will receive orders iu future at Whf. KNOCHE'S dusk Store, 92 Market street All orders left at theabove named .rdaoe, or al the Buehler `House, Will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly • Dropsy, &c., &c. RELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu for Secret and Delicate Diseases. - - BELMBOLD'S Extract of Iluclitt for Nervous and De bilitated Suberers. . , , . HBLIIBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for Less of Memory, Loss of Power, Dimness of VisiOn,DifilcultY of Breathing, Weak 'Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muschlar system. :11ELMBOLD'S Extract of Duchu for all distressiugail ments--Ohstructions, Irregularities, Excess in married life, or early indiscretions, &c., and all diseases of the sexual, organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no mat, ter of bow long standing. • DEUDICLEE 'EXTRACT BIICRII. is ..pleasant incite taste and odor, and immediate in its action. Price $l per bottle, or six for SA. Delivered' to an.v address, accom panied by reliable certificates.' Sold by all Druggleta • ,au2l.-3m Depot, 104 South Tenth St. Philadelphia. SANFORD'S * • ATOR . NEVER DEBILITATES. • IT is compounded entirely from Owns, and has become an established tact, a Standard Medi cine, known and approved by all that have Owed it, and is now 'resorted tot with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re - IQ commended. It has cured thousands k within the last two years' who bad given up all hopes la of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in "i Imy possession show. • The dose must be adapt- o f ed to the temperament of. the individual takineikan'd ~, used in such quantities . to act gently on the b wdels. 1 Let the dictates of. your Judgment guide you in the use of the IIVER INVIGO- BATOR, and it will cure LIVER COMPLAINII4 BUBO.: RTLAOKS, DraPRPALOWARON IODIARSHORA, SUMMER COS- PLAINTS, DrHIPTXRri 'DROP SY SOUR STOMACH, HARM- UAL 001MVININS, OROLIO, CHOLERA MORRIS, CHOLERA INFANIUM, FLA TITLING; JAUNDICE, FEMALE WEAK- Emmy and may, be used successfully as an ORBINA- . sr FAMILY IfErscom. will careSIOKREADA (as tho EDF rrENTrlitimpfig, 15 TIN ORTURnI tg Sof pAn TARNS OVCOMMOINTeMetti 0 attack: • Am. woo CaltrY ARE GIV uto their testimony in Its favor re. W 701: Water In tL vlgorator, and mann , MCI On DOLL SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC .PILLO' comPouNDEii -1,) , PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND2llri UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, A/IP WILL KRRP IN ANY CLIMATE:, The FAMILY CATELAII &Wye Cathartic which the , practice rnorethan twenty The constantly incises- • have loopuseil the PILLS*. all express in regard to l• to place them within the gr, The Profession well know On different portions of th The FAMILY CATHARAJ ference to this well - estab- ded.from a variety of th which- act alike on every s y -nal, and are good'and safe rY thartic is needed, such Awaits ; , -Paint is r fbri :Pain and Soreneu over ire: or weight. in the head, all Worms Children or Ad- Cs Purifier of•the Blood, and flesh is heir: tico numerous tisemont.. WO,i l. to a. 0 v _PRICE 80' CENTS. . . , Tawlevaa. INSIGOMATOR MTh FAlifirteArßAß- D 3 Puis,are retailed by Druggist; gerkerally,aad sold whelesale by the Trade In all the large towns. sharigii - D , da,n_nfantnrer and Promfeta; J ,777' w Yki "LBreadwaY, New York. - D R . L and Damp P44,0_ ,Vw octlB soe by , WA „Melt JR. & CO. 1861- - -•• • MANCA'S TER (E:nglian and German). - .ALMAN A C'S kotisce For` Wife BERIINER'a CHrIPn BOM6tE, Fl Market tarot, Roadti W EBSTER'S UNABRIDGED /111IIS DICTIONARY is acknowledged to be the standard wherever the English ianguage spoken. It is a work of extraordinary merit and value, and no scholar should be withontit, as it is the bit de fining dictionary ofthe English Language, and a necesFity to every educated man. The NSW EDITION has many Improvements over the old, containing in addition to all preview editions, NINE THOUSAND NEW WORDS, ONETHOUSAND FIVE HUN DRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS,EIMIT THOUS AN D BIttORAPHICAL NAMES, TWO THOUSAND 'THREE HUNDRED WORDS SYNONYMISED, and oilier tures contained in no otheedlctionary published. inalzw.: It decidedly the most complete and the Lest in every ies Opne ec volume finest°, bound in SHEEP, RUFF LEATHER, ARAHAMIE, RUSSIA and iturxreMOROCCO BIND INGS, including all the styles manufactured. dilating re ceived a large invoize direct from the publiseig, I am enabled to oiler them FOR Salle W.UOLIVAAT, AND 711EIR PRIOL9, - Rt . :BERGNER'S- CHEAT BOOKSTORE, oct23 51 Market Street. GUNNERS OR TRAPPERS AKE NOTICE, that from and after this T date all persons are warned not to trap orahoot Key game whatever ou tte farm of the subscriber in Susque hanna township, Dauphin county, or they will be dealt with according to law. CiIIARUS CAItSO i. of t52-2td3w FAIL AND WINTER CLOTHING• PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKER' ONE PRICE GIFT C LOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. A superb stock or line French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIMF.Rrsi and VESTINGP, ,For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of RIADY MADE CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices Aar But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT okintrinsic worth and nee presented with each article Eold. . Parthatlar attention paid to the Customer deportment, and garments made andsent to order to any address in inaugurating this new system of doing business, OKANVILL E STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift is deducted from, and NOT added to the price of the arti cle eold. His immensely increasing Wee enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realise a remunerative profit. 1 ,all articles guaranteed to giveensLictien. GRANIT IT.III STOKES' ONE PRICEbLoTitiNG EMPORIUM M.I S LOYMENT —sso A MONTH AND AIL ExpENsms, PAD).-f—Alf agent is wanted in every town and county in that:Tinted States, to engage iu a respectable and easy business, by which the above profits 'thy certainly be realized. .For particulars address Dr. uraqty WABNEtt,.S4 Bast Twelfth street, corner of Broadway, New York City, inelosing one pos tage stktnp, octl64mdaw TOYS, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS . J O.H.N DOLL, No. 120 North Second, Street, above Arch; ' PHILADELPHIA - JUST RECEIVED at his NEW BTOI a very large assortment of TOTS of every descrip tion._,Also, FANCY BASKETS. WORK- noxs . , Tobacco Boxes Siig a r Caves, Pipps, Canes and Fancy,Arlkilea of a large variety. Alt, being imported direct _,from . the mattofactufers enables me to sell at very low. firicei. Please call and examine my stock. staiLhn HU . .o r - - Utr2l. - 1/ , can be supplied by the CAR LOAD direct from these GirtnnltATlD Mines, with LUMP, BROKEN, EGG, STOVE and NUT, at reduced rates. Families laying in their winter supplies will do well by calling on octlB 2 lind • ' ; GEO. GARPERICII, 8. R. S. R. R. Office. COAL ! COAL I I COAL ! I 'FHB - SIII3SCRIBER is prepared at all 11 times to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg, the different kinds and sizes of I:YREN'S VALLEY, rINh GROVE and WYLTLESBABRE CO4L, weighed on the city .yreigh . cart at the consumers door, and fun weight guar anteed. Prices as low as at any regular yard in the city. Piders left at his office, corner 4th and. M arket streets, or. dropped In the Pest Office, will be promptly attended DA.VED anlo.d3m • COAL ! COAL ! COAL !! ! . NOW IS YOUR TIME TO-GET CLEAN COAL , Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! riIICAIsTRFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS for their liberal patronage, I would now inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice to supply them with all kinds of SITPEILIOR • COAL OF ALL SIZES f@f-FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING. WILL AFFORD. Although my coal is not weighed in ants-WISCHTSG Mums HEFT IS WEIGHED ON SCALES ACZEIRAIIITY TSSTSD By THE SEALER OF WEIGHTS AHD REAECRES, and consumers may rest assured 'that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with - I sell nothing bat the very best article, and no mixing, ALSO•HICFORY, OAK anti PINE WOOD, always on GEO. P. WIESTLING. se.p.t.R-d3m NOT THE FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, Lii'HEN 8 VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2, 0 50 per ton. Also constantly on han d, V 3. 0 LYKEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, EGO, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAt. L COAL, WILKESBARFtE BROICEN, .;. • = AS NUT. Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and Broad Top. Am.', Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood. , K. itYb:ES. pld No. 102 Chestnut street. mouth With thelin both together, . no PILL et zentk, he. proprietor hisruted-in‘his years. - Oen:mad from those who and the satisfaction which their nse, has induced me reach of all. that different Cathartics act. bowels. no-PILL has, with due re lished fact, been compoun Purest Vegetable Extracts,, Part or the 'alimentary Ca in all cases- where a ca. Derangements of &muck , Back and D*l; Cbatteenat body,Beraaancas, Beadacke litflawmatory DiteaseQ. Qs, Bketentatimay. a-gred many diseases to stbioh to 'mention hi 'Mb, "Slier-. UP TOWN! PATENT WEIGH CARTS , F OR the convenience of my numerous up town customers; I have establiahed, in connection with nly 014. yard, a BRANCH COAL YARD, OPPOSITE NORTH STREET, on line with the Pennsylvania Canal, 'having the office formerly occupied by Wm. It. Harris, where consumers of coal in that vicinity and ca VERBEBlE DWASall,feroptlheir. ,ecial by , the 4 PATRNT tfißTHlVinniffirEWirCiranot 4 ffirftatinnirif. any quantity_Hr?y , mat desire ; as lo! as n be purchased anywhere . • 5,000` TONS COAL ON Ram , _ dy , -- - ZYKENS , VALLEY' 2efED-- BARRE, OF ALI 81Z.% • . jarW/ILING TO MALTTAIN FAIR FARMS, but xrx. WILLING vo, UNDRItgOLD RV any Palmas. Aar All coal iforked up and - delivered 7c'ean, and free from all impurities, and the.beat article Mined: Orders received at both yards will be promptly filled and all coal delivered by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS.. , COAL cold tons, and by the by b busheoat, L car load, single, half or .third of Harrisbur JAMES If: g Oct. 13, 1880. , VENETIAN BLINDS & FITRNITLIRE sal REPAIR''D,Mgaat style, at short notice, andelow on re:mumble terms, by A. R.MALRIC, Second Street Chestnut. octl6-Sm . . -A. GREAT VARIETY OF Pt X S, AND DAT,LY POCK E T JOURNALS FOR 1861. For ditlO kt /0 cents and dpWard itOrice at 00t3 lERMUWK OUKAP BOOKSTORE, - 51 Market Street. 1861 Ncw f2thvertistnients. "GET THE BEST." DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. , . 1301 quorum STRAI.T okagiAmd **- Taal I coat ! (goal !IT COAL I LORBERRY COMA I linil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers