Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 29, 1860, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS,--SINoL■ SUMCBTPTION The DAILY TXLIGRAPH is served to subscribers in the Vorough at 6M cents per week. Yearly subscribers sill be charged $4.00. iViXKLY AND SRNI-WHYRLY TILLMGRA The Tatzoitspo is also pulolisbed twice a week during ins session of the Legislatare t nod weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnisired to subscribers at the 'ollowing rates, viz Single Sulbeeribers per year 5 2.00 Seven • 12.00 Ten " 15.00 =1 if subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to seud them until all arrearagos are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hay- settled the bids and ordered them discontinued latbical. DR . JOHNSON, MIASLIATIItICOTI.3II LOCK HOSPITAL. . . yaraB disemiered the m o st-certain, speedy ILL Nod offectualremedy in the world for DISEASIst 01 IMMIDENCE ITITTOF EN OM TO TWE49I No Mercury or Nortoeti Drugs. ZOr A CORN WARRANTZD, OR NO. CHARON, IN FROK 0111 Two DAye.9ol. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic' Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor, Low spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Tremblings, Dimness el light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Threat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddestructive practices which produce constitutional debility, render Marriage Impossible, and destroy both body and mind. • =I Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vico, that dreadful laud destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, Whc might otherwise have entranced listening Senates With the thunders of eloquence, or wafted to eustacy thelivinc lyre, may call With full conlidence. MARRIAGE . _ , Karr , ld persons, or 11106 contetriplatlng marriage, bein aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. .1., and be restored to perfecthealtb. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. immediately Cured andfaU Vigor Reslored iie who places himself under the care of Dr.., may religiously confide in his honor as a geatleman, and dently rely upon his skill as a physician. "a- Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, d., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 d rs from tho corner. Be particular in observing the na t.e and number, or you will mistake the place. Be particular, for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names. or Pahri Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. AU letters must contain a Postage it tamp, to use on the rely- DR. JOHNSTON &lamas member of the Royal Cottage of Surgeon Lundcu, graduate from oue of the meet eminentCollegesc. I the b. States and the greater part of whose life has bee spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the mastnalonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the cars and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immodintoty TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE m. J. addresses all those who baying inJureameni solves by private nod improper Indulgences, that mere Rod solitary Habit wit's . "' ruins both body and mind, un Ming them for either business or society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. dimed by early habits of youth, :.Weakness of the Sack and Limbs, Pains the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Sfussular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep sia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Foochow; 'ashore! Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, he. _ . . MENTALLY Mentally, the tearful &texts on the mind are much to be dreaded ;—Loss of 3lemory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil leorebocUngs, Aversion to Society, Self distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are soma or th o evil eireets. Thousands of persons of all ages, can noiyJudge whatit the cause of their declining. health, losing theirylgor, ba coming, weak, pale, nervosa dint otnaelated, bairoaalugu , Jar appearance abont the eyes, cough, and symptoms of 0013RUW WOO. YOUNG MEN itie mote injured themselves by a certain practice, in Bulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if nut cured, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body h ould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of hie country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path' of nature, atid hidulglng in a certain secret habit. Such persons must before contain plating MARRIAGE. effect that u sound mind and bully are the most neee alto , requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these thejourney through No becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the' view; the mind becomes shadoWed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS .4 this great and important remedy, Weakness - of the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. ihousanda of the most nervous and debilitated who bad lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Al Impediments to arriage, Physical or Mental Disqualltt cation Nervous I rombling, Weakness or Erbaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily Cured. TO STRANGMI The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgica Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and re fponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DISPA ye' OP IIdFRUDENCE.—When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds ho has imbibed the seeds of this paiefutdisease, it too often happena that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from educition and, re spectability can. Cent, befriend bun, delaying till the coastilitional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, allOcting the head, throat,. nose, skin, &c., progressing on with frightful rapidity, tja death puts a period t J his dreadful sufferings by sending hiin to "that bourne from whence no travelier,returne.” it is a melan choly fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the unakiffulness of Ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadlypoisoN, mercury ruin the consolation and make the residue of life miserable To Strangers —The Doctor's Dtplonme hang' in his office.' ,gig- Letters must contalut a Stamp to us on the reply. r Remedies sent by Mali. 44- No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. anrlSlerwd'• FAMILY DRUG STORE. ,1111 E UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED JL a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Defining, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wenre can be found an enti renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Periutnery, Su CO& OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, burning Fluid, Ala iltol Patent dleuitnnes, Stationery, Fancy Articles, acc., &C.. We have the agency for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which wo would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. ROM S. N. B.—Prime Havana Sagan and Tobacco CI mstantly cn hand. apr6•dly FRANK A. MURRAT, (Successor to :Wm. Parkzll,) LIVERY Si. EXCHANGE .STABLE, THIRD STREET BELOW MARKEL IiAVINU purchased the interestof J. Q. ADAM in the establishment, and made large aattineus to the stock, the undersigned Is prepared to accommodate the public with SUMRIOR HORSES for saddle or carriage porposesAnd with every variety of VEHICLES of the latest and most approved styles, on reasonable terms. YLVASURE PARTIES will be accommodated with Omni buses at short notice • . • . . . CARILIAOII3 AND OMNIBUSES FOR . ieUNENAL occe sfoNs will he furnished, accompanie-d by care:Dilate:l obliging drivers. No invites an inspection of his Stook; 'satisfied that it is fully equal to that of any ether establishment of the kind In town. DIANN. A. littiltliAY. BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a braticit of his ."LIVERI and _MERANO; STABLE," In the buildings itttely own tee Ly A. IN: Burr, itrkearth btreei ti'pposito the Bethel, here he la pregared to - nonondor4ate the public with LSIBEL , and V EItICLES, at ell IMO; oe.l chewable terms, kVA is large utill ea#94l.. and will re eeetehetei. itself. S..dtr-rd!!1411 tBANK • I . • - . . . ... - ... _ - _ --- • - ~ : •-..-.\\ ‘AI 1 7 • ~ ..........,/:41 J 1/9 4 --_, ; ,,,,,,,-- cimtb., . _.. -. .. • . .;f• ..--/.., ) --_.• ~• • • ~ :.' • - ''':: 7--= - 7 - ',, ) t , : :.; :1 4,(‘,. ) --4 114p - ,7 3----- ) 7 . -. r':, . ~ . .., . :.- ':- . a, ....:.:.,.... ...,......_:,..,....:.„,„,..„,,..f...„,,,:.:,/,‘7,:,;.,......;......„.,:.<_.,:_.. ... •. . . . . . VOL. XIII: laliatilancous. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Bladder. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for tho Kidneys. HLLMBOLD'S BUCHU For the Gravel. HBLIABOLD'S BUCHU for the Dropsy. • HELMBOLD'S BLICBQ for Nervousness. HELMBOLD'S BLICHIJ for Loss of IttemCry. HNLIIBOLD'S BUCHU for DiMIICB3 of Vision. HELMBOLIYB BUCHU for Difficult Bromniog. HELMBOLD'3 BUCHU for Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD'S BODIED for General Debility . , HtI2dBOLD'S BUCIIU for Universal Lassitude. LIELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Horror of Liao so.• HffLIBBOLD'S BUCHU for Night - Sweats., HELMBOLD'S BUCDU for, Wukelnlness. EIGLIIBOLD'S BUCHU toy Dryness of the akin. HELMBOLD'S Buotiullor Eruptions. HIILmBOLDB BLICII.O for Pain in the Back. BBLIABOLIAB fourfeavibess of the Nyelids,-vrith Temporary Suffusion al d Lois of Bight. HELDIBuLD'SfBUCHU for (Mobility dud Bostlossness, with Want of•Attontion and Horror of Society. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU: for Obstructions. DELNIBOLD'S BUCHU for iseesses arising from Indis cretion, and ail•disesses of FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, TAILE NO MORE PILLS, fillEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. 111EY ARE - OF Nel A VAIL. Use RELMBOLD'S .EXTRACT BUCHU for all complaints incident to the sex. No Fanilly.Should Be Without ILI TARE I; O MORE it 41L.SAM or Injurious and Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant au d Dangerons Diseases. Use DELMUOLDIS ExTRAct DUCIDT for Excesses arising Irani habits indiiined in • By Yining and Old. And for diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation. It re. moves all improper discharges, and will restore the pa tient in a short time to a state of Ilealth and Purity. Use DELNEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIII for Diseases and Affections of the most-Distressing Character. Use lIELNituLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all 'Affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, Whether existing in Stale or Female, - from whatever cause originating, and no matter oc' How Long Standing. All of tbe.abose: diseases - msa symptoms admit Of the, same treatment, Mni. may origininute from the same Cause. RRA 7) ! READ.! READ ! READ ! _ _ _ - --- • lIIILDIBuLD'S BUCTIU is safe, and pleasant in ,taste and odor, but immediate in its action. • - • - . Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, II T. Helmbold, Chemist, who be ing duly sworn, does say, that biz preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable. H. T, BELIIIIOD, ...Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before m.? . , this 23d day of No veu•ber, 1854. 'WM. I'. lIIBBARD, alderman. • nice IA per bottle, or six forls, delivered to any ad dress. A l vial Costs but a Dollar.—Try and be convinced of its efficacy. and it Is accompanied ; by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors in ;Medical Colleges, Clergy Men and others. • ;; Prepared by H. Tc HEMBODD, - • 'Practical and analytical Dnerriist,- • 10 i:Soutli TeLth Street, below Chestnut , PhiladelPhia. NECESSARY CAUTION.-Should unprincipled Dealers try; to palm offanotner article which pays a better profit and , is WOSNIIOBI3. — "SSICTOIFEELMIWYS =RAC? ElJentl. TAKE NO OMER. - - CURES GUARAITTEED. . . Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., and all Druggists every whore. Cut this out—send or call for it, and avoid exposure and Imposition. • • aull-dawant IVI.‹)..F"FiLT I7 .% LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS: riHESE MEDICINES have now been be, j_ fore the public far aperiod of THIRTY Tp..lllS,aini during that timnhsve maintaitud a high character in al, most every part of the-Globe, fur their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frathe is liable• The following at eamong the diStressing variety of but man diseases iu which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Ere well known to be Infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansingthe first and second stomachs, and creating a How of pure, healthy bile instead of the stale and acrid kind .; .FLATU r LldfllC'k, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Hest lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van lob, as a natural consequence of its cure. Ct./sr/WE/MSS, by'cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circu.ation, through:the procese of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The LOT 31EDICINE$ .have been known to cure RIIEUIIIATIsIIII. permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROP.M.ES of all kinds; by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on these Important ,organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst oases of GRAVEL. • Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings ol the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI CINES give to the blood, and all the humors. scatutunc ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alteraie, abet, upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. - The use of these Pills for alvery Short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and'a striking ini provemeut in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two lathe worst cases. PALES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 85 years standing by the use of the- LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER. AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western cout.try, these Medicines will be found a safe,. speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the' system subject to a return uf the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent...TßY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CUBED. BILLOIIN FEVERS AND. LIVER COX. PLAINTS.--Gramitsr. DEBILITY, Leas or Anwrrrs, and; Ds mums OF Founts—the Medicines have been 'used with themoat beneficial results in cases of this deserip-: lion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, In its worst forms,yields to the mild yet powerful notion of these remarkable Medi.' eines. Night Owens, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palittation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. DISEASES.-Persons whose eonstitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find -those Medicines a perfect cure, as they never tail to eradicate 'rem the system, all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the mostpower ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, New York. Female by all Druggists. ' jy2o-dawly COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL 11 COAL OIL 1 1 I COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL 1! COAL OIL 1 1 1 COAL OIL! COAL OIL! 1 COAL OIL! 1 ! COAL OIL 1 COAL MI 1 COAL OIL ! ! ! COAL OIL LAMPS ! COAL OIL LAMPS ! COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL LAMPS! !- COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL LAMPS 1 ! COAL OIL LAW'S: COAL OIL LAMPS! I Hand, Stand, Bracket, Banging and Side Lamps l 1 1 Rand, Stand, Bracket, Banging aed tide Lamps 1 11 Hand, Stand, Bracket, }lapsing and Side Lamps I 1 hand, Stand, Bracket, Ranging .and Side lamps I I I Beautiful and Very 'Cheap C Ch he ea a p P i l Beautiful and Very Cheap I Beautiful ßeautitul andaTe and Very--Cheap!. Lamps changed to burn Coal OD. All the Coal Oil and Lamps sold by as are 'Warranted to give entire satisitto lion. Please sail and see them. • • D. W. GROSS & CO , Wholesale and . •Retedl Druggists 19 Market atr• et. sep96.2mdtr2tw "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL, IN NONE*." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY - AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 29, 1860 Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. , This Nedicine has been used by the public for six years, with increasing favor. it is recommended to Ours ! Dyspepsia,lVervousness, Et art-Buc:n, CIAW Pains, . Wind in the ' Stomach, or ra Vain the Bowe . ' Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Com- plaints, Low Spirits D.hrium, . . Tremens ; Intemperance. , ' ETDIVIATES; .111XliltAILATIO, I. V GORATISS, 'BUT i, WILL No's INTOX.MeIa ofc STII10:7 7 . : . . 1 . ,g A AnDIOLVE it is quick and effectu al, curing- Me most aggravating cases o Dyspepsia,- Aaln. i ey Complaints, and at other derange- eat of the ii Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner It will blatantly revive the most melanc i ly an i ii diet/ping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous a. d sic l ly to health, strength and Vigor. l Persons wile, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejimted, and their vie vows systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Din.uums 'Dein, Ns, willVainfOet immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Or. Ham's invigorating Spirit. . WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—One wine glass full as often as necessary . One dose will remol.e all Bad Spirits. One dose will sure Reart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. . - One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and diottgrecable effects of Wind orb latulence, and as soon as Lbestomacb receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load and all painful feelings will bo removed... • . • . One dose will remove the most distressing pains of.Colle, either In thentoreactt or -tinwita. -; A few dOses will remove all obstructions the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. ' ?arsons who are serionsiy afflicted with any.Kiduey Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dOse dr two, and a radical cure-by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dttsipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in•vielent head aches, sickness • atntomach, ' weakness, giddiness, 'Am., Will lind one dose will remove-all bad feelings. - Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take - the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will-make than strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and Irregularities trona thimnenstrual mgans,..and, restore the bloom of health and beauty to the Forewarn face. /hiring pregnancy - it vvill be found Eittintaluable meal ohm to remove disagreeable sensations at the stoma ch: All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, ha has put up the hriagorating Spirit ,in pint bottles, at 50 Cents, quarts $l. _ . ~ • General -Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia D. YOTT, & CO. and for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co. and C. IL Keller, and by all Druggists. everywhere. ' jel4—dAwly Mountain Herb Pills. ritHE inventor and manufacturer of A. - ion's Mountain Herb Pills," has spent the greater', part of hts life in travelling, having visited nearly every! country In the world Be spent over isb4 Years anion; the Rocky Mountains and of Mexico,lind it was thus that the "Movirrenriilsan 'Pius" were discevereil. A very : interesting account of his adventures therecyou in our Almanac and Pamphlet, BLOOD t.- Thb blood is the life t and when any ferelgu- or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, it is once distrbuted to every organ of the body. Every nerve feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain. -The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. - ffho liver ceases to, secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart is ; weakened, and so the circulation is 'feeble. of flings be , come clogged with the poisonous matter ; hence a cough —and all from a slight impurity: of the fountain-head of lite—the 13lod I As ityoutad -thrown :some earth, for; instance, in a pure spring, from which ran a tiny rivulet in a few t minutes the whole course of-the e stream be, comes distuibed and (hi - WOW. ,Asqtilkli_ly does impure blood fly to every part, and leave its sting hehind. All the passages become obstructed, and 'unless the obstric-: .lion is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out. , Thos pills not only purify. the blood, but regenerate the secretions of the body, they arc, therefore, unrivalled Liver Cornphthit, Sick Beadeche, &c. This Anti-Bilioe Medicine expels from the bleed' tho hidden seeds of die: ease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent,clearlug and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that' we- are able topiace vrithin your reach, a:medicine like the "Montreux ERREI Prus,'? that will pans directly to the affliciedparts r istnigh the blood and fluids of the bOdy, and cause , the sn,fferer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. iudson's P 2149 ,nle the :Best Remedy in exist= ence for the' following •Coinfilaints: Bowel Complaints, Debility, , , Inward Weakness, Coughs; Fever and iglu:i t Liver Complaints, Colds, Female Complaints,Lowness or Spirits, Chest Diseases, Headaches, Pints, • Costiveness, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel, .Dyspepsia, Influenza, S4cundary _Synsp- Diarrhcea Inflammation, totes. - Dropsy; * * * * * Females vane r health, Shoidd neyer 'he without thdge PilisC,'Tliey'parlfifthe tdrioiliremovfi.olistructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich cohri of health to the pale cheek. r lEr The Plants and Herbs or which these Pills,ark made, were diaeovered in aiFery surprising way qiniOng.; the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our and'you with delight,: the very interesting account it contains of the "Gases, Mumma" of .the Aztebs. '•• , _ 1 Observe.—The Mental''. Herb 'Pills are put up in a Beautiful. Wrapper. Each box contains 40 pills, and R(i-' tail at 26 cents per box. Ali genuine, hive the signature of B..L.JiJASON & CO., on each box. Sole Proorie.tors No. 50 Leonard Street, Mr Agents wanted always—Address as above. VI feblo4eadBw • NEW - MO UR N I,N G - . GOODS k OATEWART & BItOVIER, Have now open a flute l 'aiseriment -of.MOURNING and'RECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SILKS, COLLARS, .SLEEVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS, and &Nether goods desirable for Fall and Winter wear. N 0.14 Market Square, Next to the Harrisburg? Bank. ' . O. 0, ZIMMERMAN 1 BANKING, STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTION OFFICE ; No. 28 South Second St., Harrisburg. BONDS" AND STOOKS FOR. SALE. 3or 4,000 Harrisburg Bonds. 30 Shares of Harrisburg Bridge Compani. 70 " " Gas " 40 " " Bank. Ses NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR BALL. A. NUMBER OF LARGE F.IZED BUILD: A LCTS adjoining the Round Rouse and Work shops or the Penna. 'Railroad Company, will be sokt lOtr ant on reasonable terintad,pply to - Rua° ° m .W. ELAT,L. • - • • " ~itis.ceiiaixeaus.. JUDSON'S CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! B.• L. JUDSON_ 46. CO. ;NEW YORE Stistelldrceom ~.DELAWARE MUTUAL WRIT , INSURANCE , pqmPAiry 8. R. Corner of Third and Walnut Stre'da, PELII ADEL:PBIA. INCORPORATED 1:83'5 4ARINE , -INSURANCES .on Vestiela Cargo and Freigbt to all parts of tbe World. • ' I LAND-INBUBANCFS on (Mobs •by p vors,.oanals :Laltotancl Land Carriages Wall parts cit!tbe Union. - ÜBE INSURANOES'on lifereliantiliO"deilerillymad on Stor*, Dwelling Houses, &c. • AWETS OF THE COMPANY; November let, 1855 $898,804 70. , . . . , . November 10, 1858, The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi 'dead of 81. X. _PER CENT. in Cash, on the Capital Stock and six I'ITILCENT. Berin 'of the Company, pay able on and after Ist the proximo. They have also declared a Bcrin,.. Dividend of TW Mk:TY ms.:Riga CENT. on the Original Stock, and on the Earnest i'remiatesSor the . year ending ,Octobor 31, 1858, Cerhdeates fur which will be issued to the parties en - titledrto the s ten, on and after the first of .Becember.. * - 4—'l.rcant and Resolution adopted by the _Board. WEISRICAS, %credited - means of the Company arisin g from Profits; and which will, be derived from the In creased Capital Stock-under :the late amendments to the Act. of Incorporation, render the _further continuance of the Guarantee Capital mmewseary, therefore be it— /resolved, That the Guarantee Capital he discontinued, and4iallotes representing the ,seme be delivered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Risks taken during the •eiled erobraeed in sild.Not;s'shall Intvesdetermined. . DIRECTORS. William Martin, - James O. Hand,: l'iVilliamEyre,Jr. Joseph it. Seal, Theo. Paulding, ;James Torment, Edmund A. Bonder, Dr. It. M. Hustond.B.M'Earland, Jbluro. Davis,- • Hugh Craig, Win. C. Ludwig, Hobert Durton;' lit.'brllvain, Thomas C. Hand, Jain E. Penrose, Marie Kelley, Joshua P, Eyre, Georgell:Leiper SeannelE. Stokes, Jacob P. Jones, EdwikrdDarlington, Henry Sloan, J.T,Logan,Pittl H. jonee &poke, James Traquair, D. T. MOrgan, J. F. PeniSton, • • J. B. Semple, WILLIAM ..MARTIN, resident. THOMAS 0 MAD Vice President. . Bksit,* tY11311JIIN„ 13eox!tary. 'Tkg, iiiiitusignisi t ne agent for the above Company,ts Pr,aPared to'make insurances on all descriptions of pro Peril , thi the .most liberal terms. " , lerds•ctlinlY ~, • ... :• " . 7Traii.A.M /a ß r U ri k sb llL urg Eß , p , a. . , . , . . . . B CERHAVE'S HALAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA,' DEBASE OF: THE WMNEYS, ' 'LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANk" KIND, ; . r4vE . xt .a.rtp• AqtrE, rvacious affections consequent uxnAt dlaordered ggranAVll. 08. R, Bach Se, Indliesti c n„ Acidity of the Stomieh, Colicky Pains,_llCartpuexiS, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Cos iiveness, - - Blind 'and. Bleeding Piles, in all Nervous, -Rhoutnatio, and Neuralgic. Affections, Mims in numerous - - s• -b _ beneficial and In others effected 110. is a' purely vegetable ccratiiound - pie - pare on, scientific principles, tiftertthe mannar ofthe celo lusted Holland. Professor, Boethave. Its'repatation .hoine produced its !introduction here, the demand Com-, mencing with tho S e -of the Fatherland siatterdd over the face: of this mighty 'coinitry, many at Whom brought with them and handed down `the tradition of its-value. .It WI now of f ered to Ike American public, knowing that its truly! monderful medicinal cirtne,s must be ackno,w/mifieci, , - ! It is particularly recommended td these personh Whose: constitutions may liaVe beenlimpaired' by the coribriuous! -use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen-' erally instantaneous in effeqt, lt finds its way, directly to' I the seat of life, thrilling and quickening muty nerve,; raising up the drdoping Obit; and; in fact; hifnablig near! health and vigott in'ihe sy stem, t ICQIICE.--W heaver expects to find this a beverage NOG! be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited,. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of 4rsin g ular remedial propertlea. , I . • READ CAREFULLY The Genuine highly concentrated Bterhave , s Holland Bitters Is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Osa DDLIAR per Louie, or six bottles for Film Dom_ ass.-- ; The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine had induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing: - int-Beware of Imposition.. Bee that our name is on the label of every•bottle 3 ou buy: ' Seidl:lg . -Druggists generally. It can he forwarded by - ExpresS to most Points. SOLE PROPRIET-6115., BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & .MAXII.F.AOT,IIRING • Pharmaceutists and Chemists; PITTSBURG, PA,' For sale in the city of by D. W. GROSS t Co. septl-dawly A l A. e .H T. O „— OL 800/K "OUR GOVERN- xplaidtory statement of the sys tem of ' e government of the country. Ily 31: APRin.: neY. ith proper historical notices. ' The work gives the c strection of the Constitution of the:United Etsten, and the of the several S tates, as determined by Judi. Mal au ority or!derived from standar" writers. accord Mg to reerences noted. It 33 designed .for Celle*, Made es: anti: Schools, and has :been' 'so' need to a censid able extent. It is recommender for this pur pose b' Jurists, Presidents and. Professco s. of. Colleges. For • le, at $1 00, by M. ISITINNEY, at Harrisburg,. Pa: Q.O II D POLITICAL PRINOIPLES.—L'rhe ky.c. stituttonal Provisions, and Princip;ps of Govern-' merit, . reference to the political topics of the times :are stated .nd explained, from sulhoeativa, and correct Bourn-- in Wilinney's "uUlt GOVERNMENT" or CON: STITU NAL MANUAL:. For sale, at $1 00. by M. BV KINNE , at Harrisburg , Pa. se29 . C o, . . ~. . , „ ~. STITUTION OF THE UNITED S . ES.—lt was designed to he read and Under stood b the people: A. kLowle•ige of our civil fnititu-' Lions, . only ground of true patriotism, is - essential to their p servatton and proper results. An explanat.on of the , ovisiona of the Constitution, and of OUr SySeern, of Gov: nment x as founded,on.Judlcial anti:finny and. de rived f m standard Imam's, IS given, in a form adapted: to cont n.n 1130jill, ale',WOrke elltitled"oo3 bOViRN- MEET, 'a CONSTITUTIONAL MANUAL," by 'M,11. , ;• - Kinney, 'For sale,* $1 00, tiy him, tit; ktaTTOPilrg,. and 121 E. atilio Innorea genern4y. - se29 1 . I, ' , ' `P.: •••., ; - 1. - ...:' ' . . - OUR PORTRAIT GALLERY.--No. 2. DOUGLAS.-" I don't care whether:slavery is voted up:or down:; but if I can pull the wire so as to give Slavery a hoist, I think I can secure her vote for the Presidency." Douglas said to Senators, and said it with a 1 " My principle" I will give up, will treat it frown, with derision, I do not care if Slavery is voted up or I And with her fight with all my might, for the down : "Dred Scott Decision." The North I love, but with the South, I My every act shall show to her, I vow by have more sympathy,f Little Rhody, To get her vote for President, I'll go for I'll be the humblest of her slaves, her at • Slavery. I ject little toady. TUE LITTLE, BOY THAT DIED The late . Dr. Chalmers is said to have been the author of tbe follfwing beautiful lines, written on the occasion or the death of a.young son whom be greatly loved I am all alone In my chamber now, - And the midnight hour is near, Anti the faggot's crack, and the clock's dull tick, Are tho ouly sounds I hear ; Anilover my scums itsselitntie____ BitieetlSelings ofaideseglide ; Un.'..t-and_iny_eyes are full when I think Ofthelitile boy that died. . I weut cue night,to my father's house., - Wont Mime to the dear dribs all, " And softly I opened the garden gate, • And softy-the-doer of theihail. • My mother came out to meet her son—. -• • iihe kissed me Mid' th'eri stio sighed, • rAm.4l3er head fell on my neck, and she wept l'or' the little boy that died. I shall-Taiss , him when the flowers como In where he played;, I 'shall more by the fireside When the flowers are all decayed ; - Y,liall See.hisi.oys and hiS empty chair, ad the horse he used to ride, And they Avill SPealc -with a silent speech (Jr the littl: boy that died. We shall go home to our Father's house— To our Father's house in the skies, Where the hope of souls shall•have no blight, Our love no broken ties; We shall roam on the bauke of the river Of role°, - And bathe in its blissful tide; And one of the joys of life shall .be 'The little by thitt died. Correspondenee or the Boston Traveler. Syria-Teedhlg and Clothing a Desti- tate Nation. Manz, Sept. 23.—The rainy season has now commenced with great severity. The Catholic ladies of Beirut have organized a society for the relief of the widows and orphans and meet 'three or four times a week and spend half the day=in making, up garments for the needy.— These ladies have nifyie au.appeal to the ladies of France foi help in the clothing line. This appeal has been taketinp in , Engiand and sent to all the , British ladies of.vrealth and distinc tion. The.elergynien are addressing their con .giegations upen the subject, and much good lvill;douhtlpss result from this enterprise. , The "American " and English — ladieS 'havu been in .working operathin: for several weeks as an auxiliary society to the Anglo-American corm mitres: • The Anglc-Ainerican committee, re taans its -original name, , has now among its inetriberi leading men from the Greek; the RO !nithalCatholic; and the: Jewish persuasibn; and (relief, is extended to tnen, of every ,creed lr 'respective of any peculiarity of faith. The conduct of the'American missionaries is exciting the admiration of all who, sea their great devotion and indefatigable labors in this Work of philanthropy. .I speak advisedly when I say that the American elements in this com mittee' is the practical working which gives direction and*the whole movement. Nearly twenty thousand persons are now fed by the committee, and tbenumber is still upon the increase. Rev. H, H. Jessup of the. Tripoli station, who had been spending several mouths . in Beirut, is occupied from 9A. 11. till long after sunset distributing alms to the starving thousands which surround him, and most nobly bas he devoted himself-to - this department of . . _ Rev. • Dr.- Thomson has charge of the clothing department, and the mission school rooms which have been devoted to this purpose !Are threnged with ladies, who, under his super view°, are measuring-out,' cutting and folding the garments for diatrihntion among the poor. Dr. Van Dyck has, taken charge of the hospi tal, and with the surgical aid of Dr. Barclay, relieves the sick, and "ministers to the mind diseased" while he applies the healing art.— The soup likeheri for nursing mothers is also connected with the hospital buildings, and is very useful in preserving tho little children from starvation. - • Rev. J. E. Ford, of Sidon„ has now in, charge the three thousand refugees of Hasbeiya and Ayum ; which Were brought fiom the in teklor, by h • Tnrkish battalion .under. Colonel o'Reilly to save them from the Druses fu that wild region. Iffonts, of -Tripoli, has his:;dopart ropot also in the great work of relieving the fugitives from:Lebanon.- - - " - 4, Dr. Adler the Chief Itabbi of the Jwoo,,whe tins printing ifirwt„ Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOR PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other cr.. tablishmentin the country; - !RATES ut• AuVERIISEVO. lEitc-Foux line,y or less constitute one half square- Eig hr.ea or morq than four constitute a square. Mac Square, one day one week.. ~,,, . one month ... • • three months . Li EU months ..... - , One year.... . . - • • One Square one day ,one week. • 2CO cc n Otte tn enth . . .... - -- three .. .. 0 00 " Ms months_ , ............. 00 one year 10 00 fa-Business notices inserted in the Local column, or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENIE PER LINE for each insertion. AtarMarriages and Dimes to be charged as regular advertisements. NO. 46. resides in London; has issued an address to the Jews throughout Europe, calling upon them for liberal contributions for the poor in Syria, and the Rothschilds and other eminent and wealthy Israelites are feeling much interest in the subject. . The British Syrian Relief Society bas some of the noblest spirits in England upon its com mittees, .and Sir James Ferguson and Sir Cull ing Eardly are its able secretaries. - _ Family Intercourse at the Table: To meet at tliebreakfast-table, father, mother, children, all well, ought to be ; a happiness to any, heart; it Lshould be a source of bur:Mite gratitude, and should wake op the waimest ; feelings of our nature. Shame on the con temptible and low-bred cur, whether parent or child, that can never come to the breakfast table, where all. the family have met in health, only to frown and whine, and growl, and het! It is prima facie evidence of a meau, and gro veling, and selfish, and degraded nature, whencesoever the churl may have sprung.— Nor is it less reprehensible to make such ex hibitions at:the tea-table; for before the morn ing comes, some of the little circle may be stricken with some deadly disease, to gather around that table not again forever. Children in good health, if left to themselves at the table, become, after a few mouthfuls, garrulous and noisy, but. if within at all reason able or bearable bounds, it is better to let them akine; they eat less, because they do not eat so rapidly as if compelled to keep Silent, while the very exhilaration of spirits quickens the circulation of the vital fluids, and energises digestion and assimilation. ; The, extremes of society curiously meet in 'this regard. The tables of the rich and the tables of England are models of mirth, wit : and bonhommm; it takes hours to get through a repast, and they live long. If anybody will look in upon the negroes of a well-to-do family in Kentucky, while at their meals, they cannot 'but be im pressed with the perfect _aattmls4 _of jabber, cachinationead mirth; it seems as.if they, could eat all day, and they live long. It follovis, then, that at the- fanidy table ad should meet, and do it habitually, to make a common inter change of high bred Courtesies, of warm affec tions of cheering mirdifullness, and that gen erosity of nature which lifts ns above the brutes which p.eriiii, promotive, as these 'things are, of good digestion, high health, and adong life. —Halti's Journal of llealth. ' A MORAL QUESTION FOR LEGISLATORS.-It Igo into a grocer's shop and steal two or three pieces of sugar, lam a thief. But if the grocer sells me a pound of sugar, and there are one or two ounces short, he inereiY sells things, by false weight. lam imprisoned. The grocer is fined a few shillings, and escapes. lam guilty of but one theft. The. Weer, it ' ino.y he,, is guilty of a thousand, for he robs every pers , a to whom he sells • goods with those false weights. By what strangeanomaly of the law is the greater thief allowed to get off so much more cheaply than the lesser? • MOSCLE MOVEMENT.--The Springfield Ilepullf cen-sms that in that 'city the "muscle move ment" among the school boys has lately. taken a new turn. Before and afkr, school, tue of the Court sticet &afoul - inea arid exhibit their agility by running') around. t , Court vqnare to the time of from forty to fifty.uecoltufs, The amusement is becoming gegeral, and'not only `the boys, but the sage occupants of thenounty property enjoy the sport hugely., How SAM .10LOOST01 , 7 WAS MALM ELIGIELS.—A Tennessee paper in announcing the de ,th Whiteside, the ; age -of 90 'yams, , extfis when Satu,Houston was a, candidate for Gover nor of Tennessee, and not being a -freeholder was constitutionally inellgihie, he (Whiteside) gave to the now illustrioua hero a tract of land, which qualified him: 10 - receive , the office :to which-he was.eleetcd,. , • ALWAYS do as the sun does—look at the bright of everything. - For while it is just as cheap, it is three tithes as good for tltgeetion. . . NATURE teaches that we are dendent— that we are like;cog-wheels pushiug.eachlother filling up mutual voicia,,, r , FRON THE CHICAGO RAIL SPLITTER 5.t,; , OD 3 0 5 OD