Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 17, 1860, Image 1
Ml= MM THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXOSPYED,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TERNS.—lbwma EM=mxozi. The Duvr latauaara It served w eubocribere In the Borough at 6X Gents per week. Yearly subscriber, will be charged - - WINIELY AND SZNI-WINKLY TIKEZOBAPH The Timenksidi is also published twice a week during ‘tie session of the Legislatare, old weekly during the re mainder of the year, and fort/Wide to aubsertbera at the following rates viz : gle Suloorlbers per year even (I Ten rOl LAW OF NIWBFAPItEtS 12 subscribers order the dlscontinuanciuf their news papers,arrarag the pu es are blisher map continue to send them until all paid. • If subleribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa, viers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they ber'settilla the bills and ordered them discontinued • - UtD cal. D.R . . JOHNSON, 38.A.1-sTINICOMZI7 LOCK HOSPITAL, fias discovered the most certain, speedy sod elfootnalreinedy in the world for DISEASES OF 1111PRIIDENOE lIMISTY IN SET TO TWITINII ROUYN No Mercury atiVeriout Drugs. _ Coax Wane emp , ON NO QUEUE, IN neat ETifa TO Two DAYS liEfik Weakness of the Back or Limbs,. Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and; Bladderi - Organlik Weakness, Herta= liability, Decayof the PhysleaPPOw-' era, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confnsion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings;Dimness 01 Eght or Giddineray Disease of the Stomach Affections oi the Head, Throat, Lode or . Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddestructive practices which produce aCtistitntloual debility, render marriage, Impossible, and destroy both body and mind, - YOUNG MEN Young mon especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful. and destructive- habit which annually Morena 0 an untimely grave thousands oilcans: men of the most claiteditalent andinilliarit intellect, why might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or wakedto ecstasy thelivlng lyre, may call with full confidence. IdARRIAGE ' marrieallersons, or thosecontemplatingmarriage,belny• aware" of:physical.Weakness, Sheuld'innnediatedy stanza Dr. and be perfect • '-- ORGAVIC WEAIEN,IISS, Immediately Cured andfuS Viper Anima Be who places himself under the care of Dr..). may religiously confide in his honor as a geatleMan, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a physician: agr Office No 7 South Prederickstreet; Baltintore, • 0.; on the left hand aide going from Baltimore street, 7 d re from the corner. Be particular in observing the na e and number or you will mistake the place. Be particular, for knmrunt: Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Petal Humbug CM...Orates, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage stamp, to use on the ep ly. DR. JOHNSTON Da. JOHNBTOK member of the Royal College of Surgeon Londtuaraduate from one of the moat eminent colleges° tne L. Statea, and the greater part of whose life his been qem. in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and ektewhere, has effected some of the moat astmdahing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with rlngmg In the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured Immediately TARR PARTICULAR - NOTICE - " Dr. J. addresses all those who having iniareathem selves by private and Improper indulgences, that seers and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind; un fitting them for either business or society. These ire some of the sad and melancholy - effects pre dated by,early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of lbw Hack anti Limbs, Pains In the Hesd, Dimness of Sight, Less of Motivator Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep tax, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive faucticas General De bility; Symptoms of Con sump ton, he. MENTAIyI.4. Mentalip p .thelearfaellitta.oulhimind are mactAer. be dreaded ;—Losa of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Myrm idon of Splrite, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self distrust, Love of t3olitode, Timidity, ace., are some arta cc Thooslinde of persons of all ages, can nowiudge %shells, the cause Ot Weir declining health, losing their vigon t be Oenung,'Weak, pate, nervous and emaciated, have a Bingo. lar ammasance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of COnsumntion. • . • YGONG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in &aged in when alone—a habit frequently learned troth evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when'asleep, and if not cured; renders Marriage impossible and destroys both mind and tedy h onid apply immediately.. , • What a pity that a young roan, the hdpe of his Country ' , the darling of , his parents, should be snatched:front ad prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in • certain 110111431, habit. Such peracms must, before oontem plating MARRIAGE,. _ effect that a sound mind and bedy are the most , nuca', airy requisites to promote connubial happiness: Indeed without these(' thejourney thrmfgh fife becomesa weary, pilgrimage the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind btaames shadowed with despair, and tined with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own.: ' • DR. JORNSTOIPS INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS.: • • . By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured, and fun vigor redered. Thousands or the most nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Al Impedimenta to . arriage, Physical or Mental Disqualill cation Nervous "'rambling, Weakness or Eshauetton of the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS . . , The many thousands cured at this Institution Within the' last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgica Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, nbtices which have appeared again and again - before theinsbite,' besides kis standing as a gentleman of character and fti.- sponsibility, is a suffidentkuarantee to the afflicted DIELLIE OF IMPRUDENCE.--When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ihdimed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him Trom applying .10 those, who, from eilutatleif Spectabilityr clans siblitiLbefriend aim,- delaying- tliFthi constiutimuil symptoms of this horrid disease make that; appearsace, allbcting the head, throat,' nose, side, Ike.; progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period r r his dreadful sufferings by sending him to 6 %41 bourne from whence no traveller returns." It is a maim. oholy fast that thousands fall viotima to this terrible dis• ease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders, Who, by the sae of that deadlypoison, mercury' ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable To strangest —The Deafen Diplomas hang in his office. air Letters mind contain a Stamp to us on the reply. Ifir Remedies sent by Mail. eer No. 7 south Frederick street, Itsithitore aprlnd&w-1... .-ramivrir FAMILY DRUG STORE. NEE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED. a Wholesale end Retail Drug end Proscription Btdre, e Irth Frout No. 128 Market street, lately °scolded by Mr. thy, veins can be found amentirt nes Moak of, Fresh and Pure brass, Perfumery, tiva • Olin. OIL, COAL 'OIL LAMPd, Buouiug Fluid , Alo obol Patent M0.3011/114; Stationery, Fancy articles, &0., arn. We have the agen, y for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti skim Tooth, W 44ott;.3se would invite the attention of Dentists. -, By strict attention to business, and deelre to Please, we respectfully ask a share of Pnbtio Patronage. G. A'. MILES, N. B.—Prime Havana Bogart and Tobsoco cussmu y on hand. - • Lt) apre-diy rtui.N.K. A. haIURRALY, . . Vuccasor to Wm. Parialo . -.: , .• .., LIVERY & EXCHANGE STAKE"' . THIRD STREET BELOW mmuott.i,e.:. 4 A VIN G. purchased the intereeti4 qd Q Arms in the establishment, tuulliiiiiiditlkate'. att cons to the stook the undersigned is' " 3' escommodate the public with Summit ROMS tors or carriage purpoaes,and with every variety cif VEHICLE or the latest and most approved styles, on reasonable tend& PLEIASUREPARTM will be accommodated with Omni- tonged at short notiee CARRIAGES AND ONNIECSRS3 FOR FOZHERAH =A MPS will be furnished, .aosompanied by oarefulaad Obliging drivers. He invites an inspection of his Stock, satisfied thatit Is rally equal to that of any other establishment sf the kiwi la town. 'HANK A. stURRAT. •.. , - BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a brooch of ,his . A‘EIVARIt SIutBE:CIiAIreE,STAME," in the bilildings. Weir °Wa led by A. R. Barr, hi Fourth street awaits thoyfiethat, , : hero he - is prepared to accommodate the public - with ORM and VEHICLES, at all thaws, on reasonable, terms, I 9 Nook is large and_varled, and will re commend knit 8411-rdseit/2 SUNK A. MURRATJ ------- _ t 1 11 / i... - ' . ',-; • ''' _ \ \ A- i t 4 ' 7 /1,1116.1 ... 1 611rJ..• ' ' f ', 4 17 ;;; , , • 1 .-;• ii , a , .. ,\,„,, _ ,i.,,,,.........____ ~.,, t _ n , ....„,„„,,.‘ ,„,, „L..... ‘ . •,,,..._,.,..„, . .____.... . 4 1 . . . , ... • S 2.00 12.00 10.00 VOL. &XIII: liisullaneanL' ITELMBOLD'S GENIFINE‘PREPARA•TION HEIMERHXOIB , BriCHTY for the Bladder. HELMESOLDtS BUCHU tor the Kidneyit.. H IN.BOLD'S BO for 'the Gravel. ' HELHBOLD SMUCHU Mr the Dropsy. HELM BOLD'S Etucau . for 14 ervonsisem. ' BELMItuLD'S SCrettl7 for' lees aide mu 7. • HRUIROLD's BUCHU for Dininein ut Viuo IiEt.II4BuLTY3 .BUCHU tor buult Bitataing. • RELEIBOLLAI.BUCEW for Wealr Nerves.' HELDS.BoLD , S 1311cHU for General Debility RaLMBOLD'd BUCHU for Universal I.amitude. EIELMSOLLOS ntieliU for Horror off Ise H.F.L.I4SOLD'S BUCHU for Night. Sweats. HELMESOLD'S HEIChU fur Wakeluiness. HELHBOLD'S BUCHU mr*Drynesser the Sidi. IiELMBULD'S BUCHU for Eruptions. HELIUM/LH BUCHU for Pain • ; 11111212011/ 4 SI3I:7CLIU for Heaviness Mahe Dyads, with _ Temporary Suffusion d of Sight. BELidBuLD'S, BUCHU'; ton Mobilitk- and Reitlessness, With 'WPM, ofAttention and Horror of Society. EELM.eOLIPS Want for Obstructions. }tELMBOI;Ii'B' BUCHU for ircesses , arising fram India ' eretion, and all diseases of - -FAtiaILYS, FEMALES, .i'ENALES. FIENAI,ES, FILAMLka,..FECIIALAE, T.4.1f8 O Ato.RE PILL,V7' ; TAKE. NO AMORE PILLS, 2REY ARA' OF NO AVAIL. " 211EY ,OF .1110 AVAIL. r Use ERrallri.444 3 Fk//tSCTL;UP4I3 IbraUco,4ll-tkite *lout ;7* No'Acearliii3K, Sheath/tile. Wiltbontiti TARE NO MORE AI LSAM.orritjuriowl and Unpleasant Medicine lor Unpleasaut and Dangerous Diseases. Use IiELIitiONUIS RETRACT BUCHU for Excesses arising irum habits indeigect in Iranian and Old. • And ler dleeaset arising faun Habits of Dissipation. It re. =urea all'uniirolier diselistrges, and will restore the pa. . dent In a 'Wert time . to a state or Health and Turley. • Uri HEWS BIND'S' EXUACT BUDEW for Di 6131101 and .Affectiot s or the most Distressing charscter. Use DE1,1411, LD'SEXTRACT BUCHU for all Agitations Viand ciseases of the Urinirk flrigaika, Whetlieeaziatbait Male or Female from whatever came originating, and no matter of How Long Standing. _ All of the above dloOtecellid of the same treatment, and inay : orlgininato o READ 1 READ I , READ I BEAD 1 uzialise LuT 11,Lau , Is safe," and pleasant taste and odor, but Immediate in Its action. , Personally appeareo. before me, en Alderman of the - City of Plidadelthle, If. T. Ilelmbuld, Cnemist, who be ing dory metro, dues say, uat his preparation contains no Narmllei Mercury, or itjurious orug, but Is purCl y :Vegetable. . H. T.-8.111-MeOD, tole.Manatacturer.. ..::‘,§teorn and subscribed befbreme,' U its 21d day of No li:ember, 1854. WM. P. .111.13BA1..1?, alderman. T'ric;e $1 per bottle, or six for tb, dellvured to any ad- ot rial Coate but a Dolltant-rpry 41344 be convinced of its ("fleecy. And it is accompanied by?rellable and tespenaldle certitudes irom Probation of !digital Colleges, Llergy men and others. Prepared by H. T Practicid and Analytical Chemist, 104 south Tenth kitrect, thlew Chumplb w __ -- Mr. - -4b - ctiWt unprincipled Dealers 111 to palm offabotber article, which payea better pro& anu tie werthleut - ASS FOR BRUIBOLD'S FitRAOrRUCRIT. MMEI Sold . by D. W. Gross k and all .Droggisjs every. wince. ' ' • • Cut tbls oub.nend or call 'fox; it; and 'atiolevipositie end imposition. = aull.dawism 214LC-A.FINIALWASI TIRE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. ►r..HESE MEDICINES have now been be 1. fore the public I*.r period of THIRIY YEAM, and dor ing - lhertluic have maintain. d aligh character in al. moat every part of the:Globe, for their extraordinary' and 'inoculate power of-restoring perfect hit:v.lo'W per sone' aufferibg under nearly every ; kind, -of Octane to , •which the human frame le liable; The following nzeanxong tip warming wicty or hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well be Infallible: DYnPIsIPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of, pure, healthy, hlle ' ; Instead •C the stale and acrid kine L PLATIC bEIIII3I, Lose of Appetite, Heratbarti, headache, Best 'haleness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Which are the general symptoms of ,Dyspipsitt, will van ish, ds a'naturtil Cmniequenco of its cure. tcOb , MIITEMESS, by cleansing tne'whole length' of the intestines with a solvent process, and without VW :lei:tee' all ilolett purges leave the bowels costive within two days. 1 1 111VMRS of all kinds, by restorinuthe blood to a regular oirchation, throukh the process of respirabon In such;cases and the thorough solution of all iniestlual Ob struction in otters. the LIFE MEDICINES have ,beetti known to Sure RIELEIIIIIATLiAI. permanently in three weeks and . GUM P; in half that Mink by fettering ictalinflaiximatlo4 from tbe muscles and ligameas of the joints: • DitoPetibls of alt kinds, by treeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate moat delight. 'Cully on these linportttat organs, and bence have ever "liar! , found a nertaiM. remedy 10T . the 'worst CMOs Of GRAVEL . , Also WOBniS, by dislodging from the tun/imp 01 the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures SCURVY," and INVETERATE SOitus, by the perfect levity which these LIFE MEDI. Cll4.lki give to the blood. and all the humors..__.. SC I OIIBUTIC ERVV.IIOIII6 and,BaDp2kIPLEX lOY.S, by their alteiale effete upon the littids:that teed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive"complaints„ sallow; Oloodyj-and °thin:, disagree able ConMlexiena. ikAhe use of these Pills for .iierylshort time will e an entire cure or SALM. Rkski,Ulkt, and 'a etrikingiro provement in the Cleirotteref the gkin. 'COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA van always be cured by one dose, or. by, two mills woratosses. original proprietor of these. medicines, was cured - of Pilea;.ot _ 3s.yearsstanding hy the use of the . . 'N'lnVidlt AND ADVIBFor, this scourge or we Western Octutry, those hiediclaes will 'Gei •fouud a tale; sperray, and oerudn remedy. • Other Medicines Imue the. system sobJect to a return urine cliseasti—s. dare by,theat Moines • Is' pa manent..TßY THEM, BE BATMFLED, . AND BE CUB ED: BILIUTJ FEVERS AND LIVER . • COM FLSIIIITS.-4nantrAL DITSCLIIT, Lona us Artivrin, and la iuisios Ls Flita/...—the liteuicLues hairizi. been used with , thO 'host behsilcial reaultSin citsni of ails &Scrip ; Hun is-fillip Evil and its worst forins,yields tO, them ad yet p ow er f ul acilon'of these remarkable Ikea does: Night • Sweats, Norio= bobility, Nervous Coro. plaints of all lawn', Palp.tation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are ipeeittlyoured. , , - • .1311 EASIES-Persons whose coustitu loom have become impaired by the injudicious maa of mercury, will Bud thise'wedismea a perfect one, as they /lever fsil to , eraukate lrom the system, all the etfol a of tsercury,lnnattoly, wooer - Haan the timospower ftd erosrstionts etBmrsaliurllla - `Prep tared and . 6014 - br - r - W.`, Di MOFFAT, • • • ass /ay; New York. 19:114i0 by, all Drug g i s t s , , jylO.dawly bi 3 O 'ME Flan ARRIVAL , BUT ALREIVR IN DI3E LIME To BE ',.`8014D At REDUCED PRICES LYBEN YAL E7r 89 OVg C?A•ty $ 2 , 4 0 Per ton. • . . NUT SPS.O I IO . Also constantly on hand; LEKEN'ai VALLBE • NIUMERB, EGG, ' • CUPOLA AND STEADinuAT COAL, Willt/iSEIABBE Shush N s - , • .• - N0..8 and 4, - Blacksmith, CoaL-Allealterty - and Broad Toll. Aldo Dickory, oak' &wiring Wood: E. BytELS. 4 • •`*- 4 • ' P . ; Cher rrr MA01:11.1i1EILY. EVERY', of Iron orVbbii htacidiani in £he hest manna at the B,4t4LE. WORKS, Penna. R. Road, oho, e State street. Ratidsbord aprtl.22 3869,—.11„y. "..INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRIMURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 17;118601 iiyspepsia)tiemedy , DR: DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORA.TING sprarr. This Medicine ha, been used by the pahlic for six:years, mitts - increasing favor. it is recommended to Cure Dyspoinia,. twvseeu,S artßurn, adicPeeins,-. Wind in he atomic*, or Ed*: in the .Sowe . Rem:lade, Ihmosineu, paints,. Lew Sprits iirtUrn; Treocens, Intemakrance. • JabIIATLITHtg, laV - GURATHH, BUT 1,„ . WILL SOT IngOXIC.ATH OH il i a A. MEDICINE it is quickt; . nd effects= al, curing inn most aggravating ease' o :14spepala, , (oy Onniplaints, and all Ether derange ent of the' Stomach and Bowels, in a sgeed_Y-3Wqinvr,. It' will instantly revive th most nipanc i ly and drooping spirita;and radoie the Weak;afervoiis si d sick ly to health, strength and vigor. PersonS +mho, front titelidudieious use of liquors, have, become dejected, and their nervous Osten:is; rihatteredit conatitettioirs brOken dew% and ,anhJpct to thatherrlble, curie to humanity; the Ihuutima lltiat:is, almeat , lintnediately, fel') the happy and healthy inviginitting enleacy of Lr. IT I WILL DO: r r;, n wine glass u as often as necessary One cloak will-ream% e all Sid Spirits: One dose will sure.Hearr.burn.,., , • .. Thrt 'doneii .' One dose will give.youi a Good APPrilite. • - One dime will stup.the distressing:mains of Dyspepsia. One dmie remove.the eistressisganci cli.agreeable effects of Wind'ili'Fiatutence, - and as sobn alt the stoiriaCti reckvert the In, igorating Spirit, the distressing load and .811 *rani feelings willho removed. • - One dose will remove the mosedistresisingpalite efeadic; either in the stomach or bowels. AI few doses wW remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Orgatii. YOIBOLIB who are, seriously afflicted :.with; any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, .and .a radical cure by the use of one or two boytles.. , NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, Iron: diteipating too much over night, and . feeltthe evtleffectii of poisonous ilquors,in violent head;, ` ach i ts,ittniftpiett stomadb, weakness ,.. giddiness' ; &Or* wil fatd onOlotte Will ieniciio j , I stiles df Wetilfatid shouliltake the Inv orating Spirit three limes a da); it will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructionannd. irregularities Irons the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of bealth evil beauty Abe cafewortrfabe: During pregnancy It wilt be found an invalyablemedi, cineMo remove disagreeable - sentatiOns at the stomach. AS-the proprietor asks is a trial, and'to induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint , bottles; at 50 cent., gnarls El. lieneral Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelobia, 1). YOTT, & CO. and. fortle in C. A. I3annvart, D: W. Grose & Co. dC. K. Keller, and by all Druggints everywbere.' NEW M 0.0 RN IN G GOGDS . . CATEICAAT & -BROT-11.E.k, zrave now Open a large or MOURNING ano EROuND WIURNIN G D126a8 GOODS; S23.4IELS 4OLLAIZS, , - SUEVES, „ lIANDKEROIII.II7I9,: zeg, s,. T o Aii L atier g oods desirable f9r.n . ll.'aildWintetfivtar. . 1 .. . ~ - . ho. l4.brartitt ekityxo,-. 312 ~: I : . NAzi t io.theliatriabufg Bsuik. . o'. 0, TIM MERMAN I BAPKING, STOCK, .. - BILL = AND COLLECTION OFFICA No; 28 South Second St., Hanisburg. BONDS AND :STOCK'S FOR SALE Bor 4,000 Illarrietrurg•Bonds. • 80, Shares of garriiburg:-Briqgl Company, • 70 " . • _ Jaaa • - • 40 - 4i . sePt ' . JII D Mountain - Herb-lls. rraE,invwator apaln*Vattaitet of "Jud- Son'a - Mountain Herb Pills,'? hati anent the greater part of his ire:Veiling, having visited nearly every. country He omit over six years 'anon the ROcky.lifountains-and of - Mexico, and it waktims that the "Mouterent them. gr4s". were diswvered. A yery interesting account , of-hixiadventures there, - yodisdll find In anti Almanac. and Pamphlet.. • - s t a - • •It La an estahlished factithat all !distattais.. - arise from; . • • .1 ILDIPtittE BCOUlit The blood is the lire I and when ahy -, forelgu or un healthy matter gets raged with it, it. titmice distrpnted to every orgairof the body. lilvelyiierve feels , the pobrani and all thh vital organs quickly complain.- The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile.. The action of thetheartis weakened, and swthe circulation is feeble. 'The lungs be _come ',clogged with, the.eole@nolis Pat-tinlF;Thence" ecough -aod all a "slight imparity_of the , fountain-head of Ble—the Blood I As if you had 'thrown' shme earth, for Instance, in a pure spring,. from whicUrin a tiny riirulet in. a 'Um minutes the whole course orthe stream te, , comes disturbed sad discolored. .as effilikly does linpure blood' fly to every .part; atd leave its ating- behind. All the passages.become obstructed, and unless the obstruc ;Bowie remoyed, the lamp oi life soon dies out. "These pillff not only purify.the blood, hut regenerate sil the secretions of the body, they are:therefore, unrivalled as Liver, Complaint, Sick Headache, ate. , Thhi expels from the blood Atte bidden seeds et die. eate, and render§ all the guide and aecretion.s pure and fleent;el64int and 'resuscitating tbe Pleasustklufted,.ia.k Ui us, that we-are-able.... to place your.reach, methelne like.the , f , l4ormrata Bann &lap that *willmumdireeny to ace afeicteaWris,...rdugh 1110 blood Wad fluids of the body, and cause the . b uireter to brighten *lathe ail or beauty and'health. • judion's .Pl/ Is ate the Best - Baited rn exist enee forth"f l low?. g Cc mplaz Bowel Complidnts, Inward lirealuiesii, • Coughs ' ', - • Fever and.ilgue, Liver 'COMPlakitos Female Cumplaivts,LowneasotDplrlts, Chest Diseases, Headaches, Piles, ..lostiveness, - Indigesuonp!hogs sad Graved, :Dyspepsia, iultuenits 'l 4 cuitktarr A/YIN? . Diarrhtes, InfLuiunatlen, - toms. Dropsy, . " L 'lst' • . . , remelts whn vales- health, shimid. never be without these Pills. They tardy the blood: - r4m(We'o4airlicLioasi of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all Prinillee and Olotch , M,. and bring the rich-color of health to, the pale cheek: - Mr' Theirlints and Herbs of „min.& 'these ...Ms are "madei were discovered in a very surprising way among the Temecula, a tribe of Aborigines la Mexico. Get the Almanac of oar Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the "Galax ifmnicetr , of the Aztecs. ObaeirXe..: - -Tfilltoutala Herb-Inns. Are, ppat;upda a Beautiful' Wrakter kaoli boxxoatabia 1 40 As; and Ito , tail at 25 seats per box. Ali genuine, have the alviaturo of B. L.JODSON & 04 on each bo*i. S.L. JUDSON SL CO:,, Sole Proprietors No. 50 Leonard Street NEW YORK. War' &Rots a wanted lways rebtaiemtaw od 7 ,reas as above. lilt NOIIUE TO se.ECULATCYRS; r4l.osor q s , .73 uzADINGe LoniTIKBALtA astamßEß OF LAktG.M.: 1 1ZED BUILD -ING LOTS adjoining the Round Rouse and Work ntoopa of the Penna. Railroad Company, will be mold 10* and on reasonable terma4tApply anaig 6m JOIN W. UM. ' .filizteltautous. CURE FOR BiLIOXIS DISEASES, iIWAT FEV4IX Mudtautens DELAWARE MUTUAL SAES nowLawcz 00.31PAN7 . . ~ • S. E. Corner of - Third:and Walnut Streets .. , . :PATILADPIPIIIA. , INCORPORATED INSURANCES MARINE OD' . Vessels 11/31.„Cargei and Freight to all parts of the World: INLAND INSDRANCES •on ..Goods, the Gutals: . Lakes ihd Lind Carriages . to all parts of the Union. 1;13E INSURANCES on Merchandise generally, and on Storm, Dwelling Houses, am. ' ' • -- ' AII..4ETS OF TEM . COMPANY, ,, November ad, AIMS_ . 5088,5047 p : .. . . - - - -- - • :, f-• , - - - NoVember 10; ISIS.. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi. = dead of SIX PER CENT. in. Cash, on the Capital Stock , enidElX PER GENT. on the Scrip of-the Company, pay.: ableot 'and after let the proximo. ' Tliey!hato ad , : declared &Scrip. Dividend otrwnly, yIVE PER CENT. on the Original Stock, and on tt the Earrteat.Premimns for the: year:ending October Si, 1858, iDerttfleafes for which will be issued to the,parties en• titloilsof the elaile, oft:ind after the' first on. Decemifer. • : „ sirl — Ptvantbre my/ Resolution adopted by the Board. WH.110481 the means of Alia Company arhang - fron-Drollts, and which will be derived from the In crosOmi Capital Stock 'linden the; late amendments to the Act ,of Incorporation, render the further, continuance of. the Gtorintee Gspital - onneeeseary; therefore ' be It- - ' ' Basolard, That the Guarantee 'Capital be discontinued, and tho Natal . - representing. the. same be delivered up to • the Makers thereofois soon as ,the Risks taken during ,the o eriod embraced in said Notes . sball have deterndned. ' ....i DIRECITONS. William Malin, J.aines o.ditutd, s iWilllsmayii,Jr. : Joseph U. Seal, . Theo.A*l4om, _ ' amm Tennant; ,: Edsqusd'A. Semler; De. B. M. Huston, J. B.llPPerland, . 001E6 o.'DilVilii , - ' High Ors*, W 101.13. L 126916 4.3 SAMS IltirWili.! S. AVidvilnj , ' elnasa Hand; oini R. Penrose ,:, -.., harleeKelley,- . Joshris - P, , Eyre, - George Gaielfier,; , likunnelib. Stokes, Jacob P.. Jones Sdwarillarlington, Remy Moan, J.T.Logan,Pitt's H. Tones Brooke, . James Tragtudr, 'D. T. Morgan, J: F. Pm:Listen, .! . - : ' -,i I._. .. . ,•J. B. Semple,- ' - ~ . -, _›WILLIAM MARTEN, president:- - '4" - i - ' THOMAS D. HAND, Vice President. v HINDI' LYlBURN:,Secretery. The ruidersignixi,AS :gentler the above ComPany,la 4itaparod to make insurances on all descriptions 'Of pre 'pety bn the moat liberal terms. • ietil&dosily.' ' ' ' .:WILLIAM imEnLEE, ~ ::. , •.. . llarrisburg, Pa. ..121 CE, .A E' S H-OLLAND. ITTERS. THE CfIFLOCATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR , . DYSPEPSIA DISEASE , OF:: !rli.E. KIDNEYS pO.I4.IpLAI:NT, - . WEAKNESS:-OF ; ANY • KIND - • :FE-VER' AND AGUE, And 'the various, affections consequent upon a disordered S I T °MAC O)Et „LIVER, - • finch as Indigestion, Acidity of the. Stomach, Colicky t , euralgic•Atiectioui, it has In numerOus instances ritovi,d highly beneficial, end in lithe/13 effected a dechied cure.. ' ' ' a_ purely, vegetable, compound, prepared on - atrictlyselentille princiPles, 'after the manner of the (tele, 'brated, ,klollend Profesior; -.Beet have • Its reputiatitm at: home produced its introductidn here; the dtratu d corn mennipg with those otthe F:athei latid smattered Otii3Pibp face of Ibis' intihty country, many of whbm biought with them audaaanded.dowtt the ,xrat.itiol . of its value_ t.jt , poto t,l4.4liiitf ; the : Anti/icon knotting that itS hal woralegnletedOlubbsirlues mint laracknotofedued.:::": • : It is particularly reemareentid to those persons whose :constitutions-may - hate ; peen. mpair:d:by, he cent:mous `the of ardent spirits, or other forms of. ditjOpetion...Gen. erally instantaneerostrreffect:lenddwits'wey ditectly to the beatot wife, thrilling and .quickentng . raleing thri'droiiping spirit, and, In fact, infonng new in.khenistem. - . . . • biI);TICE:--whoever extents to find tills a beverage will .be disappointed; but to:the Mott, weak and low spirited It will prove a grateful arematle pe,ssessed of of singoatrremeefai piopatiei. ,!1.)71 3{,EAD.CABERITLLY! The Geputne.,ltlghly concentrated Bcerhave's Holland . Bittere r -le pai'uti lit ball-pint' bottles on valid retailed at •Ona Dom aaderbottini or SIX bottles for FITZ .IJOLLARS..,.: The great for thiCtrulY celebrated Medicine bee inducedjnany,,lulttationa, which the public eheald guard againbe pureirdsorn - .' 4 Afirßew f areAllppotqlort..-, ! * that our name he on the label of every battle you buy. Sold by Drugsdsts t genehilly. mit :b e forwarded by Express le mosrpoinfs. 1 " • . , VDTs "PARiaBRILEIi o'n s ••• • BENITANINPAGE, & CO" • mANtrtiottfitiiii ' • , Pharmaceutists` '. tilid''Ohoibists. PITTSBURG, PA.. For' sale ilk the city of Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS' & Co. ; • t,•• GIN AS .11 - REILEDIAL: AVERT. 2HIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical`Profession awl the Fienttly, having super- Booed' the so-called "nrnmsse," "Cordial," " Medicated." "Schnapps," etc., is bow endorsed by ull of the prominent physicians, chemists and connoisseurs, 5,S posses.singsill :of those intihnic medic nal qualities (,tout° NHL Ofiretio) which belong to an.= and PORN 'Gin.. Put up in quart hot. les cal sold by - all druggista, grocers, eta. . . A. If 81N12413E8' & Cu. - (Established in 1778.) • PolOProprieters. . . No. 18 Broad Street, Ni Y. For sale by W. W. & H. ench,. Richards & Co.; and all of the prominent IV holenale Druggi-ts in Philadelphia. ' . sen27..dawdm AE•01:lOOL BOOK.--"01J1 - 3. GOVERN YENT."—an explanatory Etatement . or the sys tem:or the gover n ment' of tbo country. By M. Milo icy,. With proper historical noticni. The work gives the, corstruebon of the Constitution of the Unit Ittttes, and those of the.several Sates, as determined 4.y . Judi cial authority or derived' tront•sutneai.' writers. accord log to rererenees noted. .It is destined tor Colleges, Academia and Echools; and has been so used .to a conaidmitbte extent. It is recommended lor .this per peee by Jurists, Presidents and Protease's of Colleges. F . & bale, at SI. 00, by ~ /d. Id.',IELNNJSY, at Harrisburg, Pa. ' sep29 SOUND: POLITICAL PRINCIPLES.—The • Constbutional Provisions, and Principles of Govern— ment. in referenm to,ate political topics of the times are -stated' and eiphdoed i from, awboriutra and correct sources, to li'lilatuers «yUB GOVERNIIIBNV or CON. QTruirloNAL MANUAL.. For sale, at $1 00. by M. SP. KiNN kY. at EI rraburr, "Pa. 5029 - - ON bT IT DTION OF THE UNITED STATES.--It ctesign•-&-tcr.beread and under ;Aced by the people. ALitqatele!ge 04 , our (evil inseen -tiOns, the only groped of true patrled*, b essential to the pyythrymyin , end ,proper _reader-,expl.inat.on 'of the,provisipes of the Constitutio ,attd , of our : system of . Gov.ernmerk e assoextded,en ~tedisdaTautherty and de rived from standard authois,ii given, in a form adapted to common. use. tbe work cradled "OUR GOVERN MENT, and GoNSTITIITIONAL MANUAL," by 31. kV- Mulkey. For sale, at 51 00, by him, at Harrisburg, and at the booluitorea watarally. seto Haiel Makes Bargaaru3. the follorring•Toodle-ish rigmarble; by Mrs. Cieorge Washington Wyllie, " Life Illustrat cd,", is, a 7ery i good. imitation of Doriglas Jer rold's Caudle Lectures : _ • , . . . There 7 ,-I've .blistered the soles of my feet,. lieSideg ,, wearing a:hole- right through these gaiters. Somebody hap etoleo my parasol. too, .Or. else I've laid it down somewhere and forgot ten it. If Mr.:Hazel apprecta' red alithe trouble I take to-save a cent, or, two for , him it - would be some comfOrt. What's the else, of being economical in this'world? Is that you in- the 414 Hazel?. Do come inhere and !ea what a :bargain Iye got to-day. Twenty yards of me 'fine at fifty cents a yard, and only this 'little hole inthe middle of. ,every fold.- I' .. got, it cheap, you se,' because it's damaged. What do I want of-merino this hot summer Weather? . Well, I suppose winter's coming. some day; isOltit? and it "will he the very thing then. - You :wish I wouldn't spend . my litho running about after things , that are cheap, when there's so much to' do at • home? 'Now, if I didn't know how unresionableyou are Hazel, I should take offense At that, very unkind ;speech, of yours. However, I've got somethinghere that will .please even you. Didn't you say some tiiing. about warping a new straw hat, last Right? Here's the very thing-and only a dol lar. Whets the.matter with the brim, did you ask ? Now,, Hazel, don't give it such a twitch only raveled out a little, or I should nev 'er have got' it at that -price: • You: aren't wear such a scarecrow? Of ,pourse not. That's .right—break your poor - wife's heart when 'she tries so, hard, to - economise for you. You'd a gieat deal rather I'd mend your coat for you? Haiel, you - don't mean to tell me that You've wornithrotigh that coat already—that beautiful cloth that I got so cheap? : . You guess it was one °tiny cheap -bargains I Hazel, l'vialmost -a mind to deelare,that I never will try to save money for you again. Well, Bridget, what's the nevi's in the kit chen ? The baby has crawled against the bars of the range and burned himselt. Mercy. upon us I Blidget,' how can yon be so ctireless?— The cat has knocked the tray down; with ill theJ:lest china upon it, and some beggar • hap contrived to get in and steal two of *the • silVer spoons I Mr. listel's new Marseilles vest scorched to a cinder in ironing—the preserves mould4d, so that Son had to tin ow them away,. the pies and cakes;orgotten is the oven—the refr gerator out of order—there. Bridget, don't tell meanythinginure, unless you want to have me_go crazy at once. .Witat are you smiling for, Hegel? I don't see anything-4o .laugh at.:-You:would, have liked to know - hew much'l :have saved in my bargains tri-daY I- Well.' let : the see—twenty yards.merino-r--wet '. Seven del • 1 -at least--and I hp. on, a re ty good day's, work 4. on t you certain ly:yen ao—oply since the damage io the ktteh ene ark be leis'than forty altar's, and I for'ty is greater thati,seven "Uy,,juSt thirtytthree, "you •Ahiuk 1 would find it more economical 14-the It long run to stay ar Owe;rind mind your own business. :Oki-Hazel, Hazel I 'that's just .the view a man takes of things—as though I were io.f.tlame for all these - accidents. - Well, I sup; 'poi's it is the duty:of : us poor _women to suffer and be silent, But I must say it is sharper thin any serpent's tooth I ever saw' to have a thankless husband. From the N. Y. Commereml Advertiser. The Weex aiad Tear of Political Life. As regularly as the forests Shed their leaves, alresh-crop- of politicians' are dui flown and conkigned to the quiet of the farm-yard or the weriotop. Multitudes who, after, yenta, of arduous labor and considerable expense, were at last able to rise as-high as-town-constable or ward clerk, perhaps even city alderman or meta - her of asseinbly, tow - find the ladder of promotion, suddenly, kicked frOni. under their feet; and themeelves tossed prone on the the relentless earth. A few have .worked - them selves, it may be, into higher offices—have represented districts in Congresii; have sat upon the judicial bench; have presided over the des tlies of States for a term,- or have occupied responsible situations undeithe general govern ment. Three months. agri .they.f.vrere full of confidence, tugging and jerking with all their might to influeuce that half-inerttiass known as the popular mind favor'. It did move at length; but, seven , out, of, every eight aspirants were thrown on the ground and trampled under the feet of more 'successful ri val's—themselves in. turn to .be hopeful, labori ous, disappointed -and. ridden - overby - others who will probably. fare no better. Last Spring five and. twenty prominent poll iicians were more or Isis'confident of being nominated for the Presidericythey had done so Much for their party or, their,country; they were so well qualified and-so favorably , knoivrt; they could control , such andsnch influences at the convention;' had hithertO been so sue tesSinl, and their star was still- in the ascen dant. Twenty-one of those. were -allowed .to stay at home, and" three of the four who re ceived nominations will' be . obliged to follow, all the worse for allowing •thereselies to be dragged, towards such an elevation.. It is probable mOt fiiveer than one hundred persona were working for the Vice-Fresidency, of whom ninety nine Will fail, to reach it, - We - refer to this Merely a@ an The same. expectations -:were formed, the same plans laid, and the same mortification experi enced in piirsuit of- exit,' dlieti within the gift of the, people. The first., defeats befell-them at the primary meetings and party oonven.tient; somethe nextfoccarred in some States on Tl;tesdaY, last; but the.great occasion.will bmon the sixth of November next.. How many persons will have reason to - complain of headache on the day following ! • : That quadruped known by the name of "Pcpulus," is indeed exceedingly difficult to break or -ride. When fairly started ; with a favoriteon his-back; he:willontstriplhe wind b u t n ine casein ontof ten he iaaptcto toss his - riders on their heads; or else balt on thecourse, though - the rowels should-be-plunged ever so deeply into : his flanks- ...Alexander :the Great' tamed the,alciOnsoßucephalits 'And- iode bim afterwarils; , ltarey,id our Dian da.y,l has rendered the worldgoolinervice, overcoming:the natural tr acquired: depravity of a thousandreourser , ; but no Alexander...or Rarey has appekrect who.. has been able to teach others the'great-Secret- of rendering. Papules alvrays,trae;table;•and cer• ' lain to react thegoallo.r.trWice the length•of4bis own hotly.: General:'liitructionsi-havepla.:l4 true, been given aufficitintircflil , :thellqukh-01 Despond; but thfte dd not apply totexiereinili-• vidual case, and what is worse, they areseddont carefully perused, much lees followed, most or -those who mount preferring to sit and whip and spur in'their own way. f r ,tf a x _ ‘ 4 1t14441 . Having , ; procured .Eleam Power Pr Prepred to execute JOB and BOOK PBBUN deecr a lption, cheaper that it can be done at any other tablishmentin the coolltrY• ' . . . "RATES OF - AINEETTELNG. gfirloor lines or test bOnstitute crie half Square. Slight .liked or more than boar constitute a &gum • - Half Square, one day . . ... . .... ........ .. one week .. 1 00 one month.. 2 00 . • " three months • - ..3 sir m unite oo ......... • • • . one year.... • One Square one 41 oay .. . ........... ....... 00 - ' ono week .... ........ . ....... 2 pp one month.. . ................. 300 threemonths ...... 5 00 I" six mouths ..... . 800 ones ear . . ... OO • Eap•Bushtess notices inverted in the Local alum,, m before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENIS PER thr each msertion. sir marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. NQ. 36. Still the crowd of applicants - forta race press forward as eager and txpt ctant as ever. No sooner is the tact announced than' a- dozen are clamorous to take a ride. If they ,have ever been thrown or have fallen behind on a former occ:asion, l their Misfortune does not' deter their `from making a f e3tt a.ternpr. The animalls buppored to be lebs vicious, or they are better vktiledits to the methods of managing In their dictionary there is no such word: es tail, you know., Haven't ,they read the stcuy of Robert" Bruce and the spider? "Does it not encourage try again, even seven if necessary ? The man endowed with abilities of the Mgt; est kind will, like the horse-tamers referred to; study Closely the nature 'and habits :orthe quadmped, withthe cause which have ren&r. , ed it vicious or easily frightened. He ,will de vise new methods for approaching it, for win ning and retliningits affections. He will know when to ceresa and to what extent, when to apply the reins, and 'alken to crack the whip.— He will succeed, simply because he is endowed with the genius of an Alexander or a Barry.— But your mediocrity man should depend less upon shining abilities than patient efforts, end less upon these than .troth, incorruptible, in tegrity and honor. In intelleatual power or culture it may be impossible for him to take the fronttrank; but in honesty, of purpose he can be as strong as 5a13713011. The love oftruth, the desire to promote the welfare of his cOun trymen and of his species may glow as brightly within him as in the hosom of genius. Here is the source of his true strength. It Mai be• that he wilt be longer in getting into the sad dle; but once there his danger is infinitely less than that of the man who has got possession earlier, but without that moral purpose which is necessary to retain public confidence. And berewe would take occasion to remark that it may justly be regarded as a sign of sound health in the body politic, to see a large number of candidates ready to miter the public set vice,when it is not too liberally remunera. fed, or when enrigtiteous means are not made use of to obtain it. Office-seeking is only con temptible, when persons neglect mere -useful pursiiits to gonfter empty titles, or When-un worthy means are made use of to same situa, of honor and trust, or when the duties appertainfrig to them are likelY"to be neglect ed. When the motives are good and the sub atquent conduct would be faithful, the• more applidatione the better. 11l the decay of Stool it has been often:found that individrials Worthy of trust could nut be °Veined tu lid the ifiltdia offices: The uumber of seekers is not to he reeretted so much as the means resorted tout order to secure success,rernalicable that our English Ovoid idiot is cleaved front a Greek term signifying a pseson, who took no part in nubile affairs, and hence presumed to be defect ive in-intellect. ' . • ne - officemscirer: By-dint of ty,. shrewd/leis, but which is often rather Contempti ,ble trititery, hti;iney succeed in &braining-5 no] ination and even an., eh. ction. „Withont, however, possessing a itrone: moral piirpOses. or else extraordinary lie cannot ,sncceed in retaining his hold upon the public. Believe the coutttraty as he may, the people soon , see through those who are elevated,by them, divl. ning,tbeir motives and criticising their conduct. No veil. Worn by a scOttodtel can long conceal his features; on the other hand, the man of worth will also soon be discovered.. Even if he should for alime fail in his laudable efforts to win the confidence ot his fellow-citizens, he may still have the satisfaction of realizing the truth of the lines: • . wile honest heart that's free from all Intended fraud or guile, ...However Fortune kink the ball, tuts aye some cause to inute." How a Lady PreserVed Webster'a ply to Rayne• The Taunton . (Massachusetts) Gazette ,Incor porates thefollowing interestiog reminiscence in a notice of the aiticie on:'"The Ntai.17702 in telligencer and its Editors," in the last Atlantte "It will, he seen. from this interesting-Parra• tive that there:Feria a time When - dosepli Gales stood :alone. among Qongreseiorial 'reporters; and to still further illustrate his position in.that line we call to mind what we once heard an in,. timate friand Mr.'.Webster airy .443 . owed to him and his, wife.withregard to the,eolebrated' reply to Mr. Hayne. Meeting the Martiachu setts senator as he was - going to the Capitol 'en that morning, Mr. Gales inquired of him how - long he intended to 'speak. 'About inalf an ; hour, was the reply.; The editor's dutigiat that time were pressing.; but he ventured to take so much tirne'from - them. Mr. Webster, howe.v. er, directly after Mgt Judge Story, who said that he though the time had come to givete - the country' his views on the 'Constitution. ' , this proposition' he- assented. Mr. Gala's took up his pencil unaware of this new arrangement, and and alike unconscious of the lapse' of' time ini• der tire eneliaiiireent of the orator ; and come- • quently he -Wrote on _until : the .close of the aPeecli. Some days 'Paseing 'away and the 'proof of the speech:not 'appealiOg, Mr-Wets, later called on the reporter and made I have the note's; said' Mr. Gales; and they are, our service, as I shalt neverLfind time to 2° z y at e, them out., This led to some remonstrance an d . Peniliagon; but theover.tatkid edit& 'Steed fiini. _Then Mrs.; Gales came to his-rescue by myin i g that she thought she, coulddecipher,her . husband's short hand, as she had bo; - credonally done so. -Mr. (;tales doubted; seeing • that it Was fi4ean years- ai.nete. she, had 4 1 -ad -But Shaliad heard thO spAech, • and as the = l e ss sweep' of its argument and the gorgeous 'and massive magnificence of its imagery were yet vivid -In her Mind, shZ Persisted del-taking% the ,difficUlt- weft. : In due -time theresfier the fair manuscript carpe .to Mr; ',Webster'ir hands for final 'corrbetibre. Searee' ly - a :Word needed;, to be esepanged; and soonA fleet of diamonds; costing, a . thoOsend (lOWA seeempanied-tbe doh -thanks of the 'eloquent • stateeman.. -Thus was saved to literature the - Most memorable. oration of the Atikerieoi Henn Ilatauto OH IttluOiptc : =l3clloon, ahnald, fa" . fitt-ilee tie Firdfeasor Ytl all the lelatiOns of life: Whatever he _ . does, die should do itthe betttt 'for being a,Qhrldttati., should make , ..ineCaibetteratud&rat, better iiivartt; abetter better-rieseat,•_a-lbetter,iitii, a ImittOtt respects . The . plotta bat .eceentt ElcklaidHilf reciarked; "Tbat he *eat not 'give a farthing., :fotijiat; mau a n 4 1 ,4 Vag! 'cat ittid dug were cot thp better for it. AT Bergner's Cheap Bookstore 61 Market street; you can get Life of Lincoln for 10 vents, anal discount to 'anymore and dualism