Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 16, 1860, Image 3

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Tuesday Afternoon, October 16,1860. .
Tun beet assortment of oval and square gilt
frames to be found at W. Lloare's, Market
street. t.
Annavron, WrovAwanna special Meet
ing of the club will be held at Exchange Hall
to•mOrrow evening. full attendance; le ear:
stoutly dedrisd. Turn out, one and all.
TUB LOOK-Up.—There was the usual number
of lodgers in this institution last night—all
"voluntaries"—who, upon a bearing before the
Mayor this morning, were discharged.
GSADDICI or Rum Roan.--The stria
committees of the fifth and sixth wards solicit
proposals for the grading of Ridge Road, as
will be seen by reference to an advertisement
in our columns.
APPLES A Lttxusx.—The fruit dealers in our
city ask two Bed three cents each fotthe best
quality of eating; . In .the northern
counties this fruit is a drug in tie market at
three shillings per bushel. Heretofore apples•
have been styled the "poorman's fruit," owing
to their profusion and cheapness; but this Benson
they are a luxury beyond the indulgence of per
sons of limited means
Beenterr Stripea.—A supper will be served up '
at the "
.Dauphin County House" on the even
ing of the first of November, the•proceeds,to 'be
applied to the purchase of fpniiture for the
new and handeome'parsonage - recently erected
by the congregation of Bt. „tatriek'e Cithelio
church. No doubt the ladies: who have, the
management of this affair will meet with
encouraging succeis'in the sale of tickets:
Mairmsa AT CoLn &min.—A Linea 14! and
Hamlin meeting will come off at Cold Springon
Friday. =This is the' banner township of Lelia
non county, in which Curtin and the whole
county ticket received 4 unanimous. vote,tall
the voter* in the township being Republicant
and equipped Wide-A:welkin. • We e x pect the
gallant 41 twenty-six." to participate. In4ha pa
radchere on Saturday evening, and a heart
warm welcome awaits them.
Loos Your Doons.—Our city, again swarms
with foreign beggar*, recently impoitedd nt
. fre
the pauper houses of Europe. The ineoleice of
these lersaroni is intolerable, and they should
be booted away from every door they approach.
Yesterday one of thorn entered the 'hall-of an
up4town dwelling and was detected in the's*
of stealing a gentleman's !shawl. • Nine out of
tan of 4this class are professional thieves, and
will steal whenever and wherever opporturdty
offers. Lock your doors against them.
New EQUIPIIVITS. —The Wide-Awakes, at their
mestiug last night, determined to procure new •
equipments, to consist of red caps similar to
these now worn by the officers of the company.
and red or blue capes. Members of the club'
who , are willing to purchase their own equip
mei*, should at once make the fact known to
some one of the following committee Valen
tine'llummel, Jr., Charles Suydam, Charles
Stoner, James R. Black, Wm. Parkhill. The
committee will report
. progress at a !special_
meeting to-morrow evening. •
Yesterday a brick-layer employed at the round
house, - named Louis Iti'Lean, said to have a
family living in Lancaster, eloped with is ion*
girl, of this city. The parties were pursued by
officer Fleck and some of the girl's relatives,
overtaken and captured at.the junction House
on Druaean'e Island, and taken to Doneanon to
await the arrival of the train for Harrisburg.
While there, M'Lean managed to give officer,
Fleck - the . slip, and effected his escape. The
girl was brought back to this city. If common
?Amor be true M'Lean is not only a "gay de
ceiver," but an accomplished scoundrel, and it
is to be hoped he will be recaptured,
brrarrerasrio.—The editor of that Ders;scraiic"
P/aftreo, published at Calhoun, Georgia, gm
into Wades over a sentiment recently offered
on'a public occasion, by a gentleman of &VOA
all, Just hear him :
A Gomm sue.—Write it upon pages of
adamant, that the corroding tooth of time may
never obliterate its legibility, in golden letters,
that its purity may never be effaced norobscur
ed by the fire of fanaticism and ignoritnce—
hint it upon the canvass of the blu e . vault of
aven—." with a pencil of sunbeem, - dipped in
the colors of the rainbow"—forever proclaim it
in the tones of loudest thunder—the never
dying truth contained in thesentiment express
ed by Mayor Arnold, of Savanah, at the late
annual parade of the Fire Department of that
city: "The element of Southern prosperity: .
African muscle, directed'by Caucasian brains."
A Waal OF SPECIAL PRAYER.-It hiss been
proposed to observe the week commencing with
the first Tuesday in January next, as a season
of special prayer for the conversion of the
world,' A similar season was qhite extepaivelt
observed last. January, at the instance of the
American .mimionaries in Loeiana, India.
he request of the same brethren, the'evan-,
gelical alliance has undertaken to bring the
subject, .as far as possible, before the mi n d s of
Christians throught the world, and hwite them
to unite in'this universal concert of prayer to
Almighty God for those great blessings• which
the world so much needs. The committee and
officers of the British alliance have issued a cir
cular on the subject, which proposes that. " ` the
eight days from Sunday January 6th - to Tes
day January 18th, inclusive, be observed as a
mama •of special supplication. ~This would
leave the first .few days of the, Year free for
other engagements, to which in-many cases,
especially on the continent, they have long
ben* devs4o,; and the commencement on the
Lord's day would afford pastors and teachers
an opportunity of urging the privileges of rad.
tal prayer." The address has been fil e d .. f or
publication in the TinsonLen, and will appear
ha a future issue.
lithium' Fuming made to orderat the abortee
notice and , tbe most reasonable prices, at W,
bf.tuile More, 84 Market stmt. t
'' "'" ..-' ''''''''',"'""''' . ` 113titttifigiidniti 7 - 7111/4it#:' C:iteijkitiol); ''' . l7# - OZt 0 . TAfttilicitrit; ectobtt . 7ter '.. .- 1060.
DID NOTCOMB OIL —That wheeling operation
did not come off on Front attest yesterday, the
gallant. Curtin man' not insisting upon the
ydung lady's fulfillment of the contract.
A SPICIAL hlinermo of the Citisen Fire Coin
party will be held this (Tuesday).etrening at 7
o'clock, for - the transaction"of important busi
ness. Members are requested to be prompt in
attendance. By'order.
A STATED MiIETIND the Boar 4. of Directors
of the Hope Fire Compatiy will , be held at their
hell, this (Tuesday) evening, at the usual hour.
Punctual attendance of ell the mexabeis - of the
Board is earnestly desired:
SUED TEITHEL —That champagne lathe source
of many real pains.
That gin sLbags.havO "dewed" more than
the slings of old. •
That widsky punch is the cause of many un
friendly punches.
Tim CONING Tairosteim P.saani.—At• the
Wide-Awake meeting list night a committee
was appointed to niake arrangements for the.
parade next Saturday evening; -- and resniution
was adopted requesting our Republican citizens
to illuminate their private dwellings and places
of business. We hope the imggestidu will be
generally acted upon, and that all will take an
Interest in making the display as attractive as
possible. Invitations have been extended to
the Wide-Awake clubs of the various neighbor
ing t:t:nvris to participate in the tottrade, and we
expect to see the Capital City thronged with
gaily"equipped Republican forch-bearers on
Saturday evening. It Is probable that the
Governor elect, Bon. Andrew G. Cumnr, will
honor our city with his presence on that gala
occasion and receiue the congratulations of the
gallant Wde-Awakes whose zealous and patri
otic efforts contributed so largely to his success.
Wolf= As Voris:l.—Whether women oaght
to vote in politics, is perhaps tolle inferred from,
how ; they vote in church matters.
.On this
-point the Bceton Congregationalist recently made
the following statement
We inow of only one Congregational church
In New Engrand'which allows its fernale.mem
leritle vote, which has not ha 4 trenble—re
salting in a council and a .disdalon—in.cOnse
quence, and we are not sore about that one.
This has a bad loOk—for: the influence of
women in church matters.' to every instan c
where their vote was alldWed among the Con
gregationiliste, iionfusion and division followed."
How is, this to be,,aplained I, Was 'there too
much 'Tani? Before the questi, is decided
against the, ladies, let ue hear somethitig on the
other side. Here it is. ,The Presbyterian Herald
copies, the above paragraph and responds as
Inasmuch as all the Presbyterian churches, of
Which we know anything, 'allow their female
members to vote, and We hive never beard of
any trouble arising therefrom, to any one of
them, it follows that the difficulty complained
of by the Congregationalist lies in the Congrega
tional Ann of Aovernment.„and notin,tlr:e.wo,
men., That in to sity,:tbat,..pitiat`be so, or the
Congregational women are not as good as the
Presbyterian women, which we, ould not dare
to insinuate. Her women are the strength and
glory of the Presbyterian church, and not its
This is : decidedly favorable to:the , ladies. In
the Society of ; Wien& the women` are also al
lowed an equal say ia.lis affairs, and there is
not a more peaceable'or better coraincMd church
in existence. The same may be said of the
temperance order, of Good Templars, in which
the ladies not only vote but hold office.
,Joureed meeting of the City . Council wits held
laat , eveniog. The bids for the constrnction of
:the Bondi aiid,Nkle streets sewers were opened
and read: Fotthe Nagie street . sewer Medea.
Trace & (line, and Wm.:ll. Bell, were the.only
bidders'. For the Bon& street sewer Messrs.
Trace & Cline,. Crhas. Carson and Jas. Lewis,
were bidders. - , •
Mr. Baoolca snoyed,that theropening,of the
propesale for the grading/of Ridge Bond :be,
poitponed until the next - meeting of Council
Which wee agreed to.
Mr. Comorm moved that the contract for the .
construction of the Nagle street sewer—be_
awarded to Mesita:. Tin* Bt4Olbie; which was
Mr. 7ictunciut moved that the bids for the
construction of the South street sewer -bel're
ferred to the Street Committee of: the &pond
district, with power to enterinto aContract. with
the lowest bidder, whiclirwat
On motion of Dr. fismalr, the Rxesident of
Council was authorized to settle the,bilis of Y.
W. Jenkins and W: C. SeOtt, for, erecting the
engine the water house. , _
Dr. BAIL; from the Water Committee, made
the following report
HAREaßinni, Oat. 15th, 186(1.-
26 the amnion (lowa :—The Water Commit
tee having bad the Buperibdon of the *mistier!
of the condensing engine, : purchased by , the
late Council, of Mr. Worthington, IT. T.;vrerild
state - that - said engine has been .deliveredand,
put into successful operation, mnd so; ar as the :
Committee,.judge, will, when the stank
raised andthe draft increased; answer the pur
pose intended. And the Committee 'would re
commend his account to be settled as early as
Gmosoz - Huray.
T A Heim
Wm. Cowan, Jr.
Mr Viernixa moved that the' electioi of an
Englneer at the Water House be postponed un-
tn'thf wag
agived id—yeiui E T, nitys - '6. -
Mr. Vmasimi inc'ored that Third street be
graded from North stre e t to HaTimarYs
was itzreed`io; Dr: sscar moved
that the Water denaittie
be atithorlisd to retain the services of Hi. Scott
at the. Water Bonne until the next meeting of
.Cmincil,' which vritiagreed t o ,
moicild that the QM Commit.
tee be Authorized to erect a gas lamp at'the core
mer of Eiatoiid 'street and - Pinker lane, whf c h
• _
was agreed to.. „ •
Mr. 'tirminisms moved that the Gas : Committee
be authorizedto erect a gas lamp. if the corner
of High and Short' streets; and 'bun lit the cor 7
ner of Third
and,Tine streets whibk*tisigree4
• -
On motion foie Ijl of HCougoi was" irec e
to adTerthoo.forls for grading Bilge
road, after which the Co=ol aqJourawl. =
Swsms.—Somebody says that "the swells of
the ocean soon subside." There are a good
many "swells" upon the land that subside
about as soon.
MX Vanua mr Coax.—lt is:said , that a single
year's crop of corn is worth More than all tht
gold of California:.ln: addition to its other,
uses, It is now found that it prodhces a Clear
fluid, that hurnswithOutodor, without smoke,
and id inexpensive, affording a goodlight hian
ordinary . kerosene lamP for half a cent an hour.,
The corn oil is as clear and Colorless as , water.
cal writer asserts that an undue proportion of.
lime in the system is the cause of preniature gray
hair, `arid advises to, avoid hard water, either
for drinking pure or when converted , intoxteapr
coffee=. .or. soup,••because hard water is always
strongly imPreguated With . - fitird water
may be softened by
_boiling it -, let it become
cold, and. then` it as a beverage. It is also
Stated that a liquid that will color .the humph
hair black, and not stain the'akin, may be made
by Wring one part of bay rum, three parts Of
Olive oil;•and one 'part of good brandy, by
measure, the hair must be washed with the
Mistime every 'Morning, and in a.. short 'Vine
the use of it will make the hair, , a beattlful
blach, without injuring it in theleast. The
articles must be of the best quality, mi2ted‘..# l
a bottle, and shaken well before being applfed.
, ,
CAPTURE AEU REEOUR.—A' fast young Ula3i
one of the "blood?' of the 'city—last night
exhibited himself on the, street in a drunken
condition andindulged in very diiiordeili and
rowdy-like conduct. He was captured by oftk
cer Lewis, who undertook to' , convey ,hint to
prison;:but some of his`'‘."clinnis" went tho
rescue and took him ontiof the• Officer's hands.
It is but a few weeks since the individual-141ln
ded to was'fined - jv one our 'Aldermen for
drunken and disorderly conduct and assaulting
a police officer ; hut be - does not ieem . to have
profited' by the lesson. For months past he
hasbeen perrnitted to play the rowdy with im
purdty,. owing to the high social aid Official
position held by his father. The police officers
hbie borne with his arrogance,,impudeb4 and
ditihken 'abuse until forbearance has ceased' to
be vir'tue ; and if he wakes up itomernorning
"to find himself in the look-upand hisAant . ,in
our police report, he will have his own folly to
blame fcir it. "A hint to the wise," &c.
Gov:_ PACICRII `VS. Tas ' Wms MY'AICJI*.-X-ThiS
Ttlegraph of Saturday "attempted to convey:the
impression abroad that Gov. Tacker intends
" to prevent" the inauguration of Mr. 'Curtin
13). the "Wide Awakes." 'This is simply'Alien
lous, and we,know such idea;ever en
tered into Gov. P.'s mind or any one else's,
ssie - „lkerhaps noddle of soule4gititte
Wide Awake...,--:64eot and Union: • -
i •••' t•
©it ': neighbor " elighttally" -mistaken.'
GoVernor Packer, while in our sanctum a few
days ego, distinctly and emphatically asserted
that if the Wide-Awakes pendated in inaugara
ting Colonel Curtin,-HE wounu,cer.r, OUT Tlfil
MILITARY, OP THE STA:111! . "Simply ridiculeus" . ,
as the "
.idea" is, it not . only " entered the
Governor's mind," but was expressed by him
in unmistakable language, in presence of two
geptlemen,in this office. So far as the inaugu
ration parade is concerned, Governor Packer
has nothing to do . with it, the mOvement'being
a_volnatary one , on the part of the people; and.
the Republican Wide-Awakes fii.up,a pro
gratinme to en t '. th'emselves
..~'~4p;:.. i~
~~:;'~~~._. ~Y.
PRETTY' EXPERTMENT.t.ProIetiqr Rogers has
solved the:problem of ~ ,, seeing through a mill
atone." In a paper read'before Seletktiiic
Association; at Newport, he says :
Take sheet of foolsoaP or, letter paper,.
roll it up so that the Opening at-one end shall
be large enough to take in the iftill - eize, of the
eye, and at the other end , lei' the opening be
not half so large. Take it in the right hand,
holding it between the thumb- and the• fore
fluor ; piece the : large end to the right ,eye and
looklhrOugh it with both, !me,. '4O to the
light. You will us-a hole through your hand. If
you take it in Yortr left; hand,audf- .bold it to
vourieft eye, the:same:
bothrosses be astonished to - see that you lave a•
holt in .jrclyr,haki. The 141181Q11. most
*h." . , „
Fro* thitrand other Oniericeente the Pref
femme condides the:t inkpreision .madie,On
the retlnfifiteither eye!*not of itself detennine on which retina it lereceived,
and - that the , wail peivotion belenga to the
part of the'optical, apparatus - near or within the
brain which belongs is oonimion, bOth 'eyes.
_ .
Tun SUPPOEIHK.Roarrr Swum Etornanum---
The re*nt.Plyster l ol clisall4Tance of a mar-'
vied Man.from Kennett Square, Chester county,
eotioni4nanecitiely with' the uneaPlained absence
of a yoong lady front, the same neighborhood,
which c:aused no little excitement. at the‘time,
has taken_ a new turn. , Ptitiliali.4 in - the
TELEGRAPH the - generally received conclusion
inferred from the foals tlien, and in justice to the
parties implicated we now give the new phase
renaer4 - byzt_hegAqi 3 4lel/4tr!!al- - f.
3 , - .742 B !,fe'w
days ago suddenly "turned_ it in Kennett,
SqUare'fiieet Mitlira 'tight: X correspondent
of the Lanuaster i Datly ,Express furnphßeg.', ex
planation: filil'whiohitineins that l'iha - young
lady, in the case is a peram of more tha n ordi
t • '•
nanopromise--combininglaghly gifted mind
with a, handsome person,litif that her father
will`not:: allow the sphere shamus
evidently. allotted to fill by ='nature —having
kept, her at menial drudgery and refining her
all:advantageif of education. 9.'
' with her, deter Mined, With Aii - girr a cOnsent,
that she' should he fitted for her natural sphere
ia life„ and- accordingly aeut her, hesaysi- ton
good Seminary ,or, in other Words, furnished
her the c maans-of
. going herself, He will not
tell any one where she has _gone, because, - he
alleges; her father would frustrate the projecC
The gentle:nail; ha'iedesigns ted
the initial-9., most solemnly avows that all the
connection he hal had with this'singuiai affair,
has been . prompted by the highest conelderagon
for the girl's welfarei . and :that she is entirely
lanocent..of all the aspersions insinuated '
her by tumor." Such is the' explatiation;:m4
we give it, leaving the public to place their
own construction the facts. _ Mr. C.-, it may
be - added;ltin:it 'for - hiiiiiiifiraiiil - 40flyle:Meat
'him in=Philadelphia,. twos days before his return
to Kenaettkquare,and tt. taluiderstood'satildied
hii:lwife of hittiwoir—
. . ,
THE Fran ALARM, this afternoon, which
brought out the "masbeens," was caused by
the burning of a chimney of Herr's hotel.
Nelms Trus.—All the late daily and weekly
papers, Magtulnes, cheap publications and new
books, are for sale at Bergner's Cheap Book
store. No. , 81 Market street
F`lilol AND AGUE having made ite appearance
we mivise all afflicted to get BANNVAHVi. Ann
muiroma, w4lch is a positive cure. Sold only BY
C: A. BANNVART who will also send it post paid,
to avraddress on receipt of letter stamps.
Exotrasunr.—The members of the Philadel
phia Board of Trade passed though here yester
day afternoon over the Pennsylvania Railroad,
en route for Pittsburg. The-weather is delight
ful and The exemsionista haves pleasant time.
Iduswer..-, 7 Neiv Music from all:the leading
publishing houses always received immediately
after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
"Accordeons, ito.; all sorts of: strings always
fresh on band, at Wm. Licata's Music store,
-Market street.
Nzir Goons ! Nsw Goons I—Having returned'
from New York, I have received now a large
lot of goods, all ofwitipk I bought at auction.
100 peices of beautiful set flowered delaines, at
20 cen to ; 50 pieces unbleached muslin, the
beet in town, at 10 :cents ; 150 plebes of easel
netts, 13athietts and Casirners, from 26 cents up
t0:1 . 25 cents ; 25 pieces of white flannell cotton
mixed, at 15 cents ; 26 dozen of• white Merino
"Stockingi, it-16 cents:; 56 dozen of gentlemen's
wool Socks, at 20 cents a pair ; 10 dozen gen
tlemen's all linen Pocket Handkerchiefs with
colored borders, 31 cents ; good Herino Under
shirts alia Drawers, at '65 and 75 cents. Best
dalIC?, TO cents; and a ..greatmany other bar
gains, and "11 large - astiortment of Traireling
Baskets. 'Please call at Dory's, old, stand of
John Rhoads, Esq., deceased.
APPLINI watt Comm ran Cerret.-41r. John
li'Qireen; of Bradford county, haajust arrived
the-Gaielle canal boat, baying on board a'
full cargo of sound.picked apples, principally
Rhode Island Greetings in( Ramboi, with a
-few' barrels of cider, for-Sale.- boat lies at
Bose . & .Foster's. warehouse,- foot of State
,Prec from an Minaret ,Pettont.—ln oases of ..orofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days„every vestige of these loathsome eases
by, their purifying effects on z ihe blood, Billions Fevers,
.Fever and Ague, llyspeilta, Dropsy, Piles, and in short,
most ail &eases Soon,yield to Uteir,curataytt properties. ,
No family b:e ;without them, an by 'their timely
use mush suffering and enema may boaave.d.
- Piepaied IIY.wat'..D.NOFFAT, M, D., Now. York, and
for sale by all Druggiets noe9-wly
of Inflammation of the- throat Is very prevalent finring,
the Oring and
.Fall of.. the year. . Titousands.of, persons
have immediate recourse to these medicines on the first .
symPtoms of attack, and thus not May. save time _but
even dispense with the advice Or attendance of a physi. ,
clan. Oolds producedby the rapid and frequent chimpsof theMuoepbara . dneing
by the pills. These, remedies .foitifithe body,Against
• the inclemenolee of the winter. -
Bald by all druggists, at. 25c., 62c. and Eli per box•Or
P. K.
. .
To Paws DAVIS & 4
Son.:—Denr. Sir fool
happy to add one mere testimonial orthe value tryone
Pain Killer to tho thousands sent you from nearly ell
parts. f the worid. tin the lith ofthis month fell from
a second story doorwaY to •-the- pavements - , striking on
my feet, andtruisina thedn severely; alio straining the
ligaments ol the ankles... When carried home my feet
were black-and ' 'swollen, and - the pain so intense as to
canoe fablioig. I immediately applied year Pain Killer,
and continued to do so atlntervala of about ten minutes.
The second day the apimarance was a greenish yellow,
with littker no pain, snit to-day I can walk with ease to
my store. . : Yours Rewer.4l9lly2
Providencel: Sll(lQlTl`~l33gh'si ree
May 12112, 1857, L
Solt by all druggists, grocery and 'Medicine dealers
throlighout.bettnited Statotand %madam
The stain on linen from. the use of the PainlClll —
by washing In alcohol. . sl4-1m
• Erspinigai, ,SALT Rams, EnirszesLes. —lt' is
now generally admitted that all Waco/sea depend
upon some_lnternal or constitutional cause, and that to
we washes or ointments tvpasa is a sure way to Whim
the system, and only to drive to, not to ours the disease.
RHEUM MIAs are Arnie Specific fur all soch diseases.
They cure Salt Eberim, - Parlier's - Itch, Ilryslpelie,
Pies on the Face - Ringworm; and Nettle Rash, by oaring
the cause upon Face,
they.. depend,,and by , restoring
toe akiirto-41iii - dire bf health and pritity Thad, not
only, is the disease cured, but the.sefteess and heantypt
the 'eempliaton.restored. • ' ' '
Price 25 cents per boa,leitkldirectiotts. Six boxes $l.
t.' N. 13.--A fbil set of 4 Rumpbreve Homeopathic Sped
floe," with Book of Directions, and twenty different rem
dies, In large tale, moroomease, Il6 ; • ditto, , ln plain Casa,
case of fifteen boxes, and Book, Single boxes 25,
These :Remedies by theeingle box dr case, are sentby
or express, fee of charge, to any, ad dreek on re-',
reip t'of the ,Address •
DR:T. & 00.
No. 502 Broadway, New York
Wholesale audHetaff agent ter Harrisburg and vicinity,
C. MlColler. Also sold -by Theodore 'F. Whetrer t an d
Druggists and stores amorally. - sepilittdawlui
. ,
kt, X MI"3IC 3111 , N
- SALT -lU3:E)* AND 5b11.0k1,.A.,
This,Ohatanentbean 1101 resemblance .to'. ;AT 4:o her ins,
toned reinedy,stpreeent-beforelhe - The niedie
Its operatieri Is peculiar; , -
' It , penetrates J 0.411014,4 of the dieeese—gdet to its
very clime --and cures. it from the Huh beneath to the
. .
Other, outwarltapp*sations for.. Scrofula; Salt "Rheum,.
Sic. ; sperute.deumward, thinr drivingthedisordaiii
and Otten;csmasioning terribicinternal ,fflatscu e s; •
lleaTou'a Ottrnourr, oaths contrary, tbioits tifeloisior
of the disease .trard, and every- - istruellt of istirdtar, I
Musthe.oures it effectahr complete.; Net-twilftirOlie
sores healed-4ho..arramthrii removeithelWelilligir re
duced—but the disease:are - expelleit from the
flesh'; consequently they° can be no relapse.
Victim& of nlcerousand eruptive complaints, who have
tried every professional mode of treatmontand everytd
vertised curative without relief, here '
is a certain, sate ind expeditions remedy : or the evils you endure;
Ingle box .willsatisfy you.otthe truth, of 'all that is here
• aims ila Dist Introduction,. the properties of the ' Oinfr'
talent have been tested in the most obstinate oeseeaamW
hat utterly , defied the tandmedicaLaktil In the nonntm
and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pea
dined no sited . -and in every instance with every,ane.
Sold in Large Jdotdes--.Priee BOA:brat.
GERRIT-NORTON, Chemist, PrOprietor,4Neirr, York
intoratatTA-DITOT AT
- Wholesale. Druggists; lb Beekmangst., N. Y.
field-byfiso.Basagas, Harrisburg, Pa. - -
. .
Dn.- 'JAB.. • 1100rinstook'S , Pncrrorrich ForllllP
. ,
asbnallia meat lunirwinit F., oagn, relieves the nppreseed
tuege, 4id*jtitLed threat„ loosens and brings .away by
pabiloWeapeatorattonllia mandr whicli.cloge_tbe wind
pipe said. bronchial tunes, regulates , the excited pulse,
writis rest, and removes - awry,symptom cf constintp,
iou. • Price 0100. ' Bald Gra. inn
~.-, •
Optrial Notice.
WIGS !-WIGS 1 1-WIGS 11.1
are elegant, light, easy and durable. •
Fitting to a charm—me turning - up hebittd—wi shrink- ,
ug oW the head • tetrad, this is the only Establishment
where these things are properly understood and made
n Bond street, New deify
ire y3,ur lungs weak P Does ,a long breath give you WO
Have you a hacking cough? Do yoU expectorate hard,
ough matter? Are you -Wasted with 100 a-sweats and ,
want ig sleep? It so, laud drotns REILEIVC,, will on
gusitiOnably save you: Price 5100 . Sold' by Glottal
.ItAIR, 'DYE has no
equalainstitntaneous In effect,4-Beautifel Black or
&tura! Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the
flair—remedies the absurd and Melted of Bad Dyes, and
Invigorates ibe'rlair for lite. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor Bold everywhere.
MA& BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
81Barclay Etriet, New York.
_ .
marl 2, dairly
- The , O riginal and Beat In the Welds/
.3AlLothers are mere imitations , and
should be avoided on wish to wraps ridicule.
GRAY,- RED or • HAIR DYAD- Instantly to a.
beandfuland Natural Brown or Bask, withoutinfory to'
the Bair or RM.
ed to Wit. A. Battemon since" 1889, and over 80,000 ap,
pitcatione have been made to the itatr'of the Patrons of
his famous dye. - '••
mars -
WH. A. secnaLonis• DY E
y produces a color
not to be distintiednid front 'nature, end la wimunnos
not to injure la the least, however long it may be con
andia, and the' ill-effects of Bat Dyes :remedied; : the
Hair Invigorated fOr Life:by this Sphindid Dye.
Sold, in all citios,nad towns of dhe UniteAlatatee, by,
Drugglds and Fancy Goods
wiroThe - Genuine has the name and addresa. upon a
'steel plate engrailni four sidte of- each Box, of Wit.
Lux A. XUCRIMOR. Addro99, '
caesium VietensLon, psialusToß, •
marl2-darwly 81Barcaystreet, New York.
How To Pnwiliwn Blearrr.--NOthing is more
becoming to a man or woman than a luxuriant head . of
hair, and a. woman's beauty ig certathly incomplete with
out a fair complexion, and she or he Who neglects these
grest and important adornments of nature must expeCt
to suffer die mortification of premature baldness, and a ,
_wrinkled face and s. sallow akin. Nothing is necessary
to pieserin these essential attractions but the use of
Trot Wood's.Resnriative.—Zoiliss' We Ames..
PNCiI?. Wo'oloB HAIR Itis g onws.—We have had oc
casion te use thls famous preneration of Prof. Wood's
and after thoroughly testing its qualities, we find that
whore the hair is thin It wilt thicken it Ifgray it will re-.
store to Its originaTenlor likewise , it gives a glossy
appoarande, as:well as keeps the hair from filling off.—,
This Invaluable Ingredient is for limiest "Chlnaman's Tea.
Store," south-east corner Predoricitand Baltimore Ste.,
by Mr. J. C. Given.;--Bartimori Clipper.
Sold by all good . Druggists. ' sl2-1m
.M.O3MICRS, 43fo llowing 1 an
'Rain ' 'Th . 11
extinct from a letter written by the pa stor of a:Baptist
church to •Ilie - "Journal: and Messenger, " Cincinnati,
Ohio, anesproidts_vOlumes favor of 14 wOrld;re
-I:Owned Inellaine-Mrs. Whislovios Soothing Syrup for
Children Teithing : • - .
"We see an - advertisement in your columnof Mrs.
Whielow's Soothing Syrup Now we navel . slate. ward
in favor of a patent medicine befordin our life, hia we
feel compelled to say to tin keidersothitifilit iwno
tiug—wi , AaiwWied and bnowit Li re at* clahne- It
is, probably, one of the most successful medioines of
day; bewttow. it is one Cr the bait: -111"d : thongs - IA your
-readers who bave..-bat f...!" l !„k a fb.. e LOW_ than, to
alt22 ley
, supply. '
From Freak Leslie's IllustratedNewepapei, New .. fork
' July
/. PASSING Nona.
Tmtv , Homottriatm's SALOUM'S
Pasraturn 01.1a::=Thiii admirable addition to our Stand
ard household economies will bellieldtby all good house.
wives as a boon long wished for.but hitherto,unattained:
Spalding's Prepared Glut is perfectly; adapted forltiosii
timely repairs to household wares, fitnituref, crockery
and - Ter rasey=worle,Abat, itt,almost daily _demanded by
ernerlenoe of every housekeeper. It is chemically
held in solution, will withstatathe.eption of elimaie and
• time, retai nv its runt strenetn.strislik.p.9,l.
-ceuricu tent - bottle;-with a Drunk, tor , twenty-ure
dents. Oo being applied; the. ohesidcals readily
rate and,, the , glue ;bosoms .ttrin quickly, and adheres
.with , theleiieltybf the best cabinet-makeee glue. For
wood, leather, or -other articlee.where glue is ever used,
it is just the thing. 'WO have tried it, and speak by the
card. In the country it will , brtituralttable, end nobody
in the eityirlll think o[llol4 — Withoutlt, :If Mr. Spalding
d esires to become a candidate for the•Pibiddency, and
his friends stick likulls
,glue l lte will te sills or art eleo
ostlAtlatattantlon of our re to an
article advertised in „another column, celled Moon 'Poop
It is an entirely new diedoirery; and' must not be °Wound
ed with any of the numerous patent - inedininestnt the
day. It is food for the blood, alreadyPieWell for ab
sorption; pleasant to the taste ant; natural in action, and
what one gains ne retains. Let all thole; then, who are
Suffering ham poverty, Impurity deficiency of blood,
and consequently with some Chronic agents° or ailment,
to. eof this Boon FOOD 4014 ket,, restored to health. We
notice that our DrirgsliMp have reciived a supply of this
and also of!be yritirld,renowiltd Dr. Ham's IN.
DANAID COP,DWi which every mother should have. It
is said AM contain', in.paregoric or opiate of any kind
ivhateier,. and ofeeursemnutt beluvaluablefoc all Mint
tile 6nipsaints. It is alsosaid that it will allay, all.4atity
and the gams in process of teetlihtg, and aiti. the.
June tired regulate the bowels: Let all inothers and,
n urges, who bays mutual mations.: days and sleepless
nights, and he at one-relieved. •. 7.•
ggirdee aftertisemosit. anZtfeb6
For solkby, 0. A. Atipiowt,,oole avolt, liarilabOrg, Pa
Prepared from a Pres crtifott qf Sir J. Clarke, N.
: PhiripiajiAllagriwrailitzri to the (Weal.-
Tins itivalnablemedkdno IS unfailing In the cure of all
thosa palutal Ad dangerous diSsases to which he f ' I $
Constitution in subject. It modesates all--excess and-re
moves all obstructions, sod' a speedy dare: miy , be
relied on.
it is "peculiorly suited. _lt will, in tkahort time; bring on
the monthly period, with regulaity..
‘i Each bottle, price. One Dollar, bears the Government
tamp are igat Britian; to:in:went counterfeits.
These PiUrilwuid nvt bc tiara by "frinaka daring the
FIRST TSB= INONTHSqf Pregnawy, as they tweeters
to bring on Itisearriagi; hut at • any • otheitinie they, are
In all cases of flarvous.and Spinal Affections, Pala. in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alightikirtlen, Palpita
tion of the Heart, I:lyel.erioS and WNW'', these Pills will
effect a otwo when all, olltermeans liwre failed ; and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel,
eitilMonn kor thini hurOultu thnnOtnitlintinal-.
. .
Full directions: in the piuntoblet around each;package,
Which should be 'daretbily preserved.
N. B.—Sib/and 6 postage damps enclosedto any au
thorind Agenti - Will insure a bottle; •oontaining 60 Pills,
by retursurutilr _ . • -
For salelteCiZlLlidmi.l3r.
IMPORTANT TO, V74;1,141' a ta. ...... , .
DR. CHEESk:A.k 7 ;S: P.i:4:f-I§ .
Prepared by Corneliiist. Cheeme.4lol.. 1.1...
. I
HI A M YORK . CIPY.. -. . --
aLIHI combination, . of iiigrotlientleintheie
FUN are tiurieenh et ateeir nitd 4 niteindre Pinctiti•
iwllrOinaldlititielr oiperationeatiaceerien Inc:meeting
ailineentuition f eandal Menettttatione, removing all oly.-
earmtionlyiebether from aid riir - otherwise; henaache,
the aide, palpitation or the heart, whiten, all 'rier.
ma - im . '
yeas int yhyti
. teriet4 fatigue.. pain in the back and
limbs, he., dieWrhed Bleep, which oriel tromunerrtanion
' TO' MAW:IIW 7.i.6....W -- -- .
/rra, .
Di. cheest;maraliliii are Invaluable; as 'they' will tiring'
on the monthly period 'With regidarity. radieewho have
been'disappointedin'iliii nhe or' tither Pillirqui 'Atka 'tha
utmost eonildelinlYin Dr. Cheeseanal P . ilin doing au tear
they represent to do,
There Weise (Mention of Eltifeinale eijefent in iekiehr the
Kilo cannot :be taker-fist/Low ,Oroducing a REVULLIR
RiattLZ 1. Ski cadet= referral to PREGNAZVOr—
the *auk JIMOARATAGA Bock the"vTe si stele
tendency of 'Uoimedocine to risiore *e ~function( to a
Wand onditimi Pm_ 41 201. the, .rfkrieArgive.,A o o 4 r
'Wake dintosThiriiiit it.
WatllajtoittinitY • Oirifaketinda.tiei. Om. esdradng
lejarylex, directions , which should be rea li W t .
connpanyeacla box. *lrby manna en
111 tb Da. g ggagrpea L. Gezummazt; Buz : I , 6 alvi E:cotxxlicih:
sold by one fiingsbilin ovary:tannin tieunnea 814,11.
, . •
Ganerni Agent for.thattnltedlltatag;ii
- 1 14 nroad-w4;lteenabot„ , -.
1b tams eitesifibe address*.
sold btßaertsburg by 0. A. ItAziavAirt.
dgrls• „ _ .
IT is compounded entirely from Gums,
1.. and has become eu ' establlshid Mot, a Standard Med
"eine, known and approved „e - by all that have used tt,
'and Is new' resorted to Ixt with einatidence in all the
diseases for which It Is 0 eennnendea.
It has cored thousands E t within th e jet two years
who had given up all hopes A of teller, as the numerouS
unsolicited certificates in my peafteaden show,
The dose must be adapt. trt ed to the temperament et
the Individual taking %sad g used in such vuudtlea sr
to sot gently on the bowel.
Let the dictates of your judgment guide yon In the
use of the win DTVIGIO. I ' 4 . BATOR, and it will cure
LIM Co/man% BROM Pi Arrsors,prspreetemanas
co Inausnoss, Smarm Cox- tit macs, DTSANTARIL DROP.
111! SOUR STOILAM, Ha ss- VAL Coenvinesse 'ea" ,
.TALINDIOIe, PEIrAM. NI/sm. Moe, and may be used
successfully as an ORSMS. X itY FAMILY MILDICIWIL It
will eureSICILECEADA um (as thousands can testily)
WON at cOmnieneeinent attack.
Air, Wso anti m GLY 14 an their testimony In lie
laver •
airlift Water In t e month with libelist*
irigOrator,and swallow both together.
rums own muss rex semi.
C PILL Is a gentle bn
proprietor has used in his
ing demand from those who
and the satisfaction which
their use, has Induced me
reach of all.
thelditlbrent Cathartics act
TIC PILL has, with due re
lished fact, been compoun.
purest Vegetable Extracts,
part of the alimentary m
all cases where a =-
Derangements of Menue7t,
Back and Loins, (Wanness
body,Ratteerness, Headache
hiliammmory Disease s,
talls, likeumatirm, a great
many diseases to ulna
to mention In this a Ivor.
. tat
active Cathartic which the
practicea mere than twenty
The'constantly. increas
have long used the BUS
all express in regard to
to place them within the
The Profession well know
on dillerent portions of th ~,,,
ferenoe to this well estab• H
ded from a variety of the f ii
which act alike on every,,,,,
nid, and are good and cafe IN
titanic is needed, suoh VS di
fflegirsen, Pains in rbsi "I
Penn and Soreness over Aral
or weight in the head, alt ~.
Wormy in . . Children or. Ad- CI
?solder of tho Blood, and if
flesh is heir. too numerous "'s
tteement. Pena Ito S.
10 Plus are retailed by Druggiete generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade In all tho large
Manufacturer and Proprietor,
je2o4awykl 885 Broadway, New York.
feet In length by 4% feet in diameter, with 24 inch
tines, manufactured by the late James Denning, deo'd.
These boilers are entirely new, made of the best char
coal Iron, (warranted,) and Will be sold oa reasonable
terms. Apply to J. T. 'MARNITZ,
sepl.7-dlm . No 109 Market Street, Harrisburg.
PRACTICAL Tinier and Repairer of
Pianos, Melodeons, &c., will receive orders lo
future at-Wkr. KNOOMVS Music Store, 92 Market streei.
All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler
Boone, Vilrlifeet - with 'proing attenthin -
Firsteless PIAMOS for sale
e f t
t littes ,w
, m
----- 0 s
4.4 'n Dy VO G
To the Citizens of New Jorge''' . and
Apothecaries, Druggists', Graces's and
Private Families.
Wolfe , a.Pure Cognac Brandy.
Wolfe's Puce laadecia i Skorry and-Peri
Wolfe'a Pore Jamaica and St. Croix. Rum
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whiszr
I beg leatt to caltthe attention of the citizens of the
United States to the aboveWINN and LIQUORS, invited
by tidolphe Wolfe, of New York, whore name is fami
liar in everyliart of this county for the Perk* of bit
celebrated -Seem SCHNAPPS: Mr. Wolfe, in his latter
to me, epeaking of the purity
. .cf hie Wutes sad LIQUOR%
says : "I will stake my reputation as a man, my stand
ing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the Qty
of New pork, that all the 111411qDT and Wness which. I
bottle are pure as imported, and of the bestinality, stud
ran'be relied upon by ever:) , purchaser." tery bottle
-has the proprietor's name on the was, 'and's Ike Bindle
ofhis signature on the certificate. The nubile axe
apeCtibilY Wilted to call and examine fbeNtamierCes.—
. For sate at'Retail by Apathecaris,a, arid, Goceis in
PhiladelPhia. "GEORGE M.' ASHTON,
No. 882 Matkit at
' ' ' Sole agent . for Philadelphia.
Read the following fromthe r` , ew York Gm ler
EsunisMilli Brimless FOR Osz Nsw - Rata atatenarr.—
We are happy to inform our fel ow-eittsens tbat there is
one place in our city where the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant,cau go and purchase pure Wines
and Llipions k as , pure as imported, and of tho beat quality,
We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this
merchant's extensive bneitteeta-Woullii it wi ll Well-re
pay any - stranger or eitizei - tOnMiliFidolpho Wolfeis ex—
tensive Warehouse, Nos 1i 11@an#12:41 4 Heaver street,
and Nos. 17,19. and 21, .14arliettleldistreeti t His- stock of
Schnapps on baud reatitilev sllVninciMMitaid not have
been less than thirty thiliteaitdl i i the Brindy, some
tmairhotimand cases—Vi n tage so titlBsB toza ten
Uhumuid cases of Madeira," 24 and Port Wine,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jeinatpielol St. crax'Rnm,
some very old,and equal to any hi HIM ddunaff , He also
had three large cellars, &led with Bisnd4LW3Ftic,Stsi, in
casks, under, Custom House key, ready . Mr.
Wolfe's sales ottlehnapps bat Yew' done
hundred-and eighty thousand dozen, warfare, s
than two years he may be eenally successful with life
Brrndles and Wines. -
His business merits ihepatronage of every lover of-hie
s wim private families Who wish pore
i.iquora ibr medical use Should send their ordere d
to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land. Make
up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff front their
shelves, arid: replace it with Wolfeia pure Wilms and
Lamont- . ,
Igetmderstand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of
small dealers in the country, puts up- assorted eases of
Wineennd FAquors. Such a Matioind such a merchant,
should' be sustained against his tens of thousands of op
ponentrlathe, United States, who sell nothing but imita
tionzt, ruinous atike to health and human happiness.
- sepftdawtinat
C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this city,
, :.:jylPdawly
Foi 'Diseases of , the *lider a ISldppy.;
Dropsy } , - & d - &o. -
HELMBOLDlExtraekßeclan ; for Secret . n d LielleaT•
BELMiliaLin Extract of line.hti for .Nerviins'ai De
bilitated suberers.
' NELktBOLD'S Extiacter4Chndiir;Less Sr Memory,
Less or. Sower, Diennesit'. cW.A;,,
Weak Nerves and , Yersaitude oLtho• ninsechu.,_
system., 7, •
HELMBOLD?S Extract-of Buohu tor.s.n..tintrressigugt!
meats-rObstractions; Irregularities, Nxcesg ht„-Mturr t t
life, in , early huliscrellons, and all . disisisess*,
ser.oarergans, whether existing : 40,18U Or ; Femalg, from .
whatever cause they - may - haveroriginatedrand no 'coat, -
ter of bow long standing. ; ,
HELmeouPs EXTRACT Ettntris pleasant
taste and ildWjNi kilMtlediaterjmits,action.:, Price in per
bottle or six ror.sB. Delivered Co mar address, accom
panied by iegableiertifitiates. Sold by all_ i.w . Ndstr.
'lreforitif Tali a. P.huads -oat-
; igrOyamiaiq or
lttaiitaine ARTICLEC
BRA B.*kir Begars-=---Nonnand4
swami; Fobrinao, La - Lengillet, La 'Onion, Cari
b ittrikror ,- Pnroliquortrfor - Medeificq`,.rortiotto. — Xine :
:Tormented Wine, watrontedlheptioednieekorthe
Grupe--only needs a trim toredly. wmplinenck:l—.: 4 7, ,
..ttioertpttododeravOlndedittli'greiiimireAt_ ,
ItHILY4 EilkiPlW - STORit r , `
S. T. W. SANFOPJ), M. D.,