sang Ceitgrapt, HARRISBURG, PA, Tuesday. Afternoon,„Oetabei 16, 1860: FOR: 'PRESIDENT : ABRAHAM LINCOLN OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT HeNNNIBAL — HAMWN; OF ..MAIN What has Been - Aolifeired by the Oc tober Victory. The result of ,tlie October election ,htu3 established the precedence. of Republican= principles in Pennsylvania for -tt;eiexf, sixteen years; ; but this is not 'the meat, gtatifjing achievement of the Republican party in,. that, struggle. That which_ claims our attention most,-and now Most deservei eur!gratitude, is the vindication of `the labor which has so long been. ne A 4 4 .14, the politicians of oppOsing far:. ties. The 'laboring men and mechanics of ;Pennsylvania never, declared• a holder preference for principles, because iirinci ple'Was never more fairly presented- and diseussed. From the Gubernatorial'ain: didate, whose manly &Aerations ; of the truth, of _Republicanism challenged the admiration and support of hundreds -and thousands of men who were formerly at tacked to one:or the other of the Deme crttiic. factions, to :the candidates: for Congress, the discussion_ of, the, Republi eanprineiplea was - -as •• much a matter of pride inlthemselves as of: justice' to, the pgiiiihOse support therSolicitid.. The' qnestion of _protection was inscribed on all our Canners. Protection for-the, labor that produced _the real. wealth of , the country, was a sentiment-iwthe last cam pagifiliat animated every man whOetrug gledite a , candidate or battled as an id. herent„.;of the Republican party.- :The result .has . 'demonstrated -the .necessity of protection; while the principles -inducing men lb the-declaration 'of this devotion, will hdeafter be recognized as, the only safe and - reliable securities on whishA, With*this vindication{ of the'aecessit protection,` the right of' free 'labor' to an uridisputed possession of thc territory, of the !lenntry has also . beep established:— Without this right, the hope of progress and prosperity would:be vain and imprac ticable—because only 'as' free 'labor is elevated; as its productibus are protected and its interests reeognizetl,,can and will the territory of this country be developed and enriched by the bleisings of 'civiliza tion. To further this deVelopment, to increase these riches, to . maintain every blesgthgyouchsafed to us by tbe provi sions ' of the Constitution, the Republican partvaehieved , •their late' - triumph in Pennsylvanian Protection tofree labor, the eitabliehinent of the iffoineStead2aw, and the, confining of slavery to..its present defined , : limits, -were the principles: on', which . ' the late -contest was decided. TheiC three' great' issues were fairly discussed Tfii4,4ercbOldly presented tolhe people, Oth,result has proven that the same. people have fairly decided , in favor of their establishment. In the approaching contest thU same issues are as , deeply involved as they were in the. contest that has just ended. Protection to - labor, the HoMestead law' and the' freedom of the territories,:' the 13 dividing the Republican organ - zation 001 p• the factions of the opposition. On :these issues 'the Republican candidates , are *fairly committed by ,a recordOf 'the most 'disinterested deiotion. On 'the side_ of opposition ,, that record , is, against the oppo sition. Every leader _of the,fac-, tions -into which the Democracy , are ,di vided,• is opposed to protection, bectifise such a system would curtail the power' ..c : : of slavery--is, opposed to 'llbkrieiktea4; beep.* it would restrict- the spreAd of, that, institution, .and opposed to free . territbry, because every Statelornied from: such ; free domain Would a~riiiriial' the infinfinet; of the slavery oligarchy in - the Seukte9f the United &Soo t We ask our readers r, to,, ponder : these truths as they conUaratqcianvasa for President. , They are the truths that were established by the *tit victory, the issues-that were then reoOktyrSd, "and the 'Principles: that noW' entiOutO the present canvass. Let every vote; remember that he is, struggling , for thaliwtootionol labor, •the , vindication of fratlatia sand -the establishment of the HotnifittittrlaW . 4 When 'remembers' that are the issues , 'that "these iird the principlesinsoribed-on-the Republican barth ' et i - ''4e 4ilrAaave no fears: fore. e. ,s,; 4 t success of Lincoln and`: gq.k oveuiiialming majority.. .., FROM CENTRE COUNTY Correspondence of the Telegraph. ,:PLEASAIIT GAP, October 15, 1860. I have lien here in as quiet and secluded a. nook ati_eaWbe'fiititidintlimOonitOinweitlth. of Pennsylvania, tind'Aropeckwken ',got 0;00V:tai l woubi • :bEfrelrevettLat feiv days, from hearing or `paying word on thsubject Of politics. But IVvas too sanguine bitauch a hope. Among these hills, where one would tiopmeAte*.voi*pftcoritendlitgliartiekledniti never penetrate,' there seems to be as much ex citement as is so earnestly cultivated in `the Capitai..and cities of ..the_old:Heystone • State,— Here that excitement is composed of a senti ment instead 'a display, as is mostly the ease • among the rural districts of !ivy_ commAn 7 ,, wealth. la a Owns ad -cties;3lie - people 'ire governed veriorien diy.i.4heiii4mpulses in 'deciding a'preference . fortreandidate Mining arc adhetence`-ito rural . districts, mon . have more timeit& think, are!leas corrupted by.nsaociation; and -Cling 10 a indaiiiiikciL initin•Miti.ilinier motive and , a :nobler devotion:. A FrOneli'itatetinanoneede:: elated • that is . he:rebble ot:parisr - wer&chetked; , the..inciteii.oLthe.government•Mati--iecnie;.and . every t;dountri.reriiiirdhen34ll6- fact it - 3varc Tariandi: 4noh-Viat Loins Philip .: .and.placed,on the throne .8 Much greater man tandilifieility a Sterner qyrariL 1 1appily for this government this centralisation of faberhnd mob•violence' has' been ef fected or recogniied• iri nnyof' our larger cities. -A tiotin .. Philadalphia'o4 . nbt f .affect:the price of 'stocWor "strike terror.intothe hearts of the 'the actual influence and . . sentiment -of this goVermiient ,is confined to that class o f people who are either the inhabit ! •_ anti' Of northern mountains abuthemaavannaha, .or:westafrk - prAirtea: - and this is tito : iseeret PolVer thativill forever pre serve ,- the - strength apd'force Of the -American .Hrtion , ..- This ientitnentnf-tkiirotion4o:princi ple among tbobraitei of th` . e.Corintil, eo faith- . 11111i:displayed at !the iate.election, iti . 7tvhat. , _ . gives ' security to government, , - prosperity to ,trade; glory to. thetOuntry, Thesentiment I that predontinates;initteli a locality is pride in what tliki ao politically, not an anxiety forpolitical preferment nr . profit >ln this . . as sertiora am justified by' the sentiment which.l have heard expreoed in relation - tii the result. Men eeem ,. torhe Satisfied., Even those, here who oPpoittlAndiew q. Ottrtiti; willinglindinit that; theirppposition was on a principle= of ilistin& tive party dentinckand• for:for no reason of ,per- lanai or social ;Ohjection. They admit-that a : ohange watt,..;nkesattry, and since success has .ttriawnft. 7 thiy . fffptta..And principlet of.Republi eintim„they.are, milling. to acquiesce in the, result,. and Tether: rejoice that the preference was for a man whom the, People of this coun ty h . ay e so long and so highly respect ed..... There is -no mistaking this sentiment among thebenest.yeonianry of Centre county: . However : 4l.inch CoL Curtin was opposed and T owevermrs4VaLlitia,cledffeeen ,and vi o latedptruth 13y:thfte the people .native county havb 'n'apty' - austained him and the'catise he' las always:so 'ally advocated. :In this secluded staitiluive had in two days. •ps good opportunity;; to judge' of the current feeling" of men fn r principles which. produced ~secit: a great l'change in the politics of Fennsylvania in sol4holt time.—'. This fea,grent.miriatal andfaitioplturai. 'region: Here Men .feel the lack of legislation ; and the Want of "the fostering care of the„ overnment, and for theft reasons t& people are teeing their confideneeiri the l)ernecriitic - party. To prove ,this I will-allude , to the inetthat Gen. Fleming, the defeated-candidate feiVorpgress in this . ,tridt,'asj am reliably informed, made the milt radical - speeches' in 'favor of protection,. `but:. the people in these iron and coal regions Woula . not believe hint Sincere, because they had been decelyeA by iyery Democrat had--herefo, fore secured 'their confidence by such - proles; ,sions, ancl,they indignintlrretised' him 'their surikett.,Cl•hat eke _doet tvi-11r64-6bat the fact that -the Democratic. party has lost Pits Tower and influence over the -masses of the people, and that•the laboring man and niechelf ic will no longer alloy themselies s to be deluded ,by Democratic prefessii:MS Of 'fostering care and` protection proves too, that is gone, '6f triumph 'has' ended, that its' prestige` is and that in its stead some other system of po litical legerdemain or jugglery mustim invent ed to deceive the masses. It must be invented, at least to.deceive: the people_ of such localities . as are embraced in the mineral regions of old ,Centre. The•rpereproixiiniding of 'such clues ..tiona as ! StephenA. Douglas asked •at Harris- , .burgwhen'te inquired why have no tariff, proves to the -people ttur4eOaflity of having such legislation,'ind peilitno such demagogues ae,wholave deprived Pennsylvinlia - of Tar"A".' t ilkirCafteijt will require other proof than mere , profession to command the support. of the working man -and When men come be fore the People as Henry D. Foster came, with his lips_tuneillo the:Most "ervile rofession and his whore, record teeming with.acte - "Of ag ,gTesslon op the rights and interests of the la be-Aug-men, like:Diessrm.FOstet and they will beifidignantlYPrejected:', ' " I would endeavor to give you a 'destUiption of ids county, had., you mot already had it de- . scribed by a eorrespondentlorAhe l I BLEGRAPH. !i'he,vallies are the most fertile an d productive • .., portions of this State.: jLargpir.nnd better crops of grain cannot be - Treat:iced anywhere not . even in that bciastedialfOf gen:4.'41101%1'05.V The4crops this seasoulhaS6 beertparticalarlY abundant ` and the_corn that ii*Yet6 be her-; . . vested is,all of •.the•very best dericription. Yours - W. F. BRYAZES TASTELESS vv - EamEnrGE. To quiet The riot Of worms—the vile scourgoi The Vermifage Mid, as sure as you live, They'll get their.dtschargea. Whatj is 'BRYAN'S, VIIRAUSIIO3? Simply a 'pere'and tasteloss ;Vegetable CuritiVei' child can be harmed by. it, no worm can survive it, no mother should .be withottric - Mi Words can 'Mt** , its wino .,,, Price 26 cents. tiy Basesint, DR. MCC ,IXO AND UGH MISWURE, the establiiheit and standard remedy for Cough, Cold, Inflainencjimeeama, and•oll , 4rrhatione•nf-tho mucous ;membrane of the throaty palate and. gbaelfa 'endpited by sadidi who hafeniedlt, tur trprepatation hat bneno AVM to the field . Price ,cepta. 'Sold :by Georgeßorguor • , 4,,,03774.0 PE Pennsylvania Oak) *telegraM), tutoban afternoon, October- 46;-1860. X),ttst ~4,,:fe4.04•#.4ii.. SPECIAL thSPATCHES 1,0 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH FOREIGN NEWS BY THE ARABIA. `' : HAFeX''Qt'-'l6. The steamship Arabia has : arrived. .The principal features of her advius are embraced in the dispatch from Cape Race, published this morning. The -latest dispatches, from the, seat of 'Far,- I Say that the PiedmOriterie•lancerEi 'taloned Olose• to the gates of ,friome, in their,. wasn't. of the PentificaTifeititie - InkdifiCratti'SiibietitrY of Gen. Garibaldi, the ,Olcillan dictator, denies the statement that had giirennrders forcibly to oppose the - entry - of lhel'idlirnentese troops into the". Neapolitan territory. •He also nays that nelther, he, nor Garibaldi,cimselled 1111.11 p. mediate" occupation Of lioirre, at the risk of a' conflict with France. • • SYRlA.—Letters from Syria 'say that many additional, arrests ,of , distinguished =chiefs had produced a panic among. 'the Dretescitneerned, in the Massacre of the Christians:, Extensive Coal 011 Works Burned. PiniAnsipoit, Oct. 16. The extensive coal oil worksof Messrs. Mame & Co., on Bridgewater street. near Race, in the 24th Ward, were totally destroyed-by fire last night, ,:eogether' with about 2,500 gallons of oil, tanks ; stills.. machinery, &c.; estimated to be worth from $BO,OOO to $40009, ufil•rt Which there was' no insurance... The 'combustible na ture of thelmilding and. its contents, prevented' any• of the property being savcd. The firemen' Were out in 'greet nand:rem, bit the want of water at this point' prevented: their. services from being of much avail. - Another Brutal Prize Fight. NEW Yeas, OcL A prim fight occurred on Sunday near Ball's Ferry, between Dunkirk and..tfalloy, two Now York .:bruisers. Thirty seven rounds were fought in fifty-five'-minutes, . when Dunkirk striking a foul blow, ,the fight was decided favOr of who'yWas the worst punished. A.match'.for one-thousimdAollars betwaen Aaron ,Jonestancl George:King has heed ariang- . . id •to take place in.four irionths.' V! . Southern view of the Late:plections. Vaa Oct.'l6th., . ' to Ais 'late elections as showing that Lincoln. will carry the North over all opposition, while the South will unite,oriAlr. Breckinridge as the candidate of the Democracy . , hilt fears-it - is nowetoo late to prevent ' Linpolies 'electlpn. The article dosekby urging the South to hlirrriOnious'• act _ion on in' the Coming contest.' The West Point. Ootl-16 The Prince was received here . yesterday with a sahitirof seventeen guns; witnessed a review of the Cadets, attended a "hop," and started for Albany this morning. It is stated that the Prince' will visit America again next winter, so si to visit, the Southern States. Atother, Fatal Railroad Accident. The engine of the Express train, bound east, %on Cie-,Central Ohio Railroad, yesterday, 'flew the track near Cambridge, killing James Free the . engineer, and Chas. Rush the fireman. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin at Boston. BosToN, Oct. The Hon. Hannibal Handln arrived here last night; and was escorted from the, depot by the Wide-Airakes to: their headquarters. One hun dred Wide-Awakes accompanied him from.Ban eor to take part in the'grand torch light pa rade to=night. - . _ Tho Late Commodore-Skinner: Oct. 16 The remains of the late CommodOrn Skinner were laid in state at the capital - last iiight, 'the first regiment acting as the gnard:of honor.-- fhe regiment also escorted the remains to the Norfolk train this morning. - • of a pl.iithinatl-Forgen, - - q1.10120A.73; Ohio, Oct. 13. Henry Eiden, liquor inerehant; in Main above Ninth , street, , forged the nanorof his father-in law for the amount of idx. tkotwan4dollark and abseeridea-iesterday: Tho Royal ligupdript at PA/gland. i'CiiunD, Oct.3th. The Revd Sqlleclroti morning anctiOred iti , TRICE ONLY- 10- CENTS. EVERY REPUBLICAN BROVLBELIBIJI Barrett' <. Of thoikres of ‘• ABRAHAM LTA' 04,1 i; . and HANNIBAL HAM tll' (Or IkLAINE:) • ' ' The REP ttil_ I.4.)AI:II'...CANSIDATIO for the Preiddenpiend Vice Presldiney of tee Unite d IWes sor4 v. 5,„5t. - ' Spend In , one vol. 12mo. 216 , Ingein-i • • -, = 10.::CENTS] , o Ni, Y 10 , .CEN TS. A IgrAbeial from the above antes -made to- Ike trade and eanituketn, :BERGNERVI CHEAP. BOMEHTORE,' 00t.2479(Adtf: 5l Vernet t.reet.:: A GREAT :VARIETY OF: I', AL 1 2 1:.- - ‘i. dg, 4ND DAILY ,P 0 d FOB 1861: - For itle'at 10denitindunteirdInprfee RONEWS, carAp-BOOKSTOliii— beta - f 5l Merket Street. 1:F110110N- OF , 40111 :114.111.14; Is requested to the NEW and EUPERIOR , Make'd • "SKELETOrihairtfie' 1111041trinTRai 04614; :40 1;rtiolel which there, can ; be, poobjeetjen, made. „ALL 'SIVA rurintug in 1; 19, ps, 40, 45 sale ONLY - at - • • •• 9 4 4E1.04ET - SO No. 14 Market Squire, • next door to the... Harrisburg Bank. BIBLES Bri3LEC -A and thoroughly complete stock "of BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY ,VARIBIY4- From the &nallest Pocket to the largest shed , dud fld ' FAMILY' BIBLES, Has Just . been purchased -aroll recieieed-from- the*A Trade Sales. 'Having purchased thesbat ' EXTAEBIELY LOW. RATES,. , they will be sold aka very small advance. • Mau - call tiltdeksardne the stook . , , SikktlEitiB..quaß , Booicizoitzp., •Bl _ . R the Uennine Znglistr-Mtletard,A RUIER9r lißtra" Ntm '2lDzertistmcnto. =! FIREMENS' AN D CITIZENS' GRAND DRESS S B ALL, 808 TEE BIENOOOT :FRIENDSHIP - FIRE CRY'S, NO 1, STEWED; TO BB GIVEN IT 'BRANT'S CITY HALL ON. THE EVENINGHEOCTOEER 26 LB6O . . G.Atitreest, S. S. Clin'. Schlayer, .Wm. Haohfilet, 'C. - F. mauoy, H. MeG001111; D. E. Rudy, ._ L. Weaver, W. Weaver, Geo. Cori; Herrin., ' 3. Burkhart, J. Green, C. MacDowell Leseure, ' ' FLOOR YAIIA - ORE 741'1 J. P. Pager, Firemen are requested to attend the ball in equipments. TICKET: , $l.OO, to be had of the Managers, and at the , PriPo4 l . o, tr wl ßl • : C " STABL BLACKBERRY 'MLLE*, IN THEL Balk' OF ' . . .4 HOTEL: ' - • pHE -undersigned- hap re-commenced the 'n his' NSW Mad SPACIOUS STA= SUS, lodated as`above; inthg latiiiiiirvaried stook of 711ORSEB, OARRld:GEd'and Cfllfilit/SES,,whiolf be will hire at moderate ratea: -- SWARTZ. 5ep28.0.7 .• • . PROPOSALS'' FOR GRADING RIDGE ROAD — . BALED PROPOSALS will be. received S at the *Mae of the City. COuncil In Harrisburg, until ,y,d.reTß RAZ:, the 3d day nt November .11ext. forgrading 'Ridge Road, according to the profile exhibited in said-oi. 'Seg o the ground to be deposited at such places as the committee may diem expedient. All payments to be =ride to the contractors in bonds of the „city of 'Harris. burg. By order of the Street Committees of the Nit h and Sixth lards. . QM JOHN B. SMITH'S, _ . BOOT & SHOE STORE. : • CORNER, SECOND AND WALNUT STS.,' • - Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERB, am., of the very, best * soalities for ladies, gentlemen, and chlldrens' wear.. Prices to snit the times. " All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER bathe best style hYsuplirior wOrktnen. REPAIRING done at short, notice. ' octilLdtf 'JOHN, B. Ingrni,"Harrisburg: ' PROCLAMATION. . . • r[I.EtEREAS, the ',Honorable JOHN J. v. V PINIALSON, President of tlitiCourt of Common Pleas In the Twelfth Judicial District, consistingof theoonntles of Lebanon and Dauphineand the Hon. A. o.Hiester and Son. Felix Nissley, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, Jutting loaned their precept, bearing date the 16th day of October 1860, to me directed; for holding a.Court of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Bessionstof the Peace, at t ßatioutrito, ibr the county' or Dauphin, and to commence on the 3d Aforulay or Niventbe; being the 191 k day of November, 1860, and to nontinial two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and Constables •of the sat I courty' of Dauphin, that they be then and.there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions exathin,ationstmdtbair,own remem brances, to dottiosethimM4lllchtct'ttieff MEOW upper= tales to be done, and those who are bound In recogni stances to prosecute against the prisoners that are orshall be In the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and thkre to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg; the 15th day 01 0• • • • rof our LOrd HMO trod in the eighty:. Eusam's Oirsaca, J. • M. :EIMER, Harrisburg, October 23,1860. f - • % odd 0ct7.6.4'144 BARGAINS FOR: THE SEASON, JONE'S 87 ORE, Just recel TA, I :er i n i r g o tZM . X.,V4 4 .0. /11C.Ind BARBARaIn bilks of sB kind; 14 cog; BARGEMIS'in Shawls, onall 'chide; for .4./sh. , BARGAINS In .Cloaks and Talmas of all kinds, for, cash. BARGAINS in Plata Drase.Cloods, or all kande, fol. Cab.' BARGAINS•ht ;every: yaritty or, Searnmple Dreaa Goode : for cash. - • BARGAINS trqßankets; of all khide„, for. cult..., BARGAlNBin.altkindir of Flenrielsjoicish: . BARGAINS In Carpettre of 011•Clotbs, &0., for , cash. And BARGAINS In all-klntla of Dry Gods usually _ kept In Melia; and a cholae keen a very large, well selected stock, for cash, at • JONES' - STORE, °ctn. ,„ • Mint et street,Barrlaborg. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY ._AT PRIVATE .SALE... /TIRE UNDERSIGNED% cifferw at private Twp Lowoit 03,01INItesituate,in.Oheetact streetenearSeeondNidjonneeDr. Johillfehteljr•upon the one side, and J BOO= Doy t. upon the.ether, upon each of width is erected a TWOJWORY PILAMILD'W.BLLINS - HOl7BEi =trio% zateaudat is widtrafeet;Atod depth 100-feet; , 3foe - teettvii:lttc; - applpto'Sleorge qtutk le; mei chant ttnot. , - ,- • 043t15 tiP ELLEWS. MCWILLIAMS. - . UP TOWN' ' PATENT - -WEIGH - , , ;CARTS! VORthio Cvenience of my numeronemp je.',town• customers, I hart , establethekle . connetitien With my old a .BRANCH cOAL'TABD, OPPOSITE NORTHSTREET,ton 'a line with.the Pennsylvania Canal, having the office formerly occupied by . Wm. It. Harris; where consumers of coal In that vicinity and . VBBSSNE. TOWN• can receive their. coal by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS WITHOUT Nivea. Casson roe Hamoro. and hi any quantity they may desirs, as low as can be purchased 6,000 TONS - 00AL ON HAND OF -LIKENS • VALLEY AND .„ J3Al2llg . OF ALL.Sig.45.' , . iarwunga • TO.Mtrartts Ems: Plum, but UNWILLING . To MI UNDERSOLD HY ANY PARTIN. jar All coal IbrkedMp and .:delbiered Clean, and free from all impwities, and the best article mined , Orders receiYed - st both yards will be promptly filled, and ail coal delivered by the PATENT WEIGH cum. _- COAL' JAI' by .. .boat - v eer load, single, half or . Third of tom, and by the bushel. • . • .. , . _ • JAMESmwmar.ami Harrisburg, Oct. 18, 1800. - _ LVENETIAN BLINDS & FURNITURE MADEI .- 'nna RtPAIRED , ikiod short; notion, and on r , asonable•termn, by A.;R:SHARK, Elecond'atreet .bilowSlestpt. , flan 8m 'Gilt,' lan) 'ENTERTATNACENT AT ILiSORIC:- . • , rLiLL:` _ OLD JAKE HAMILTON,. formerly `_of Harrisburg, THE CHAMPION BANJO PLAYER and. Jlu DANCES, will .. giv.e an entertainment at Masonic 'Hall Crallee4s434l.ooon TUESDAY Avglitivri Ciao' bar lath The,entertainmentselll close with a COTTLiLION the- music to be iernialtedtl-Prof. G. Vt Swees. • Tickets to be had at the door.. 0rA16.412t* FOR -THE DIES! A:LARGE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY . , , TOWIN'S KID GLOVES, . . slight's' damaged with water—Price so and 76 ota..— MREST; BARGAINS._ Aline assortment of game quality, perieoßlaelc,3 l 7hits and Colored, at. • ; CAnICANTig, •4' . No. 14 Market diriare. HANOV ER BEVIL. SKIN GLOVES klerge'Stotili at theLo wen Price, at CATHCART'S, No.l4Market Square. octls A FINE ASSORTMENT OF HAIR AND ,OLOTH BRUSHES. foraola at. low prices:at "1.1 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE- IEI AV-11 rtIBLVA AsTHOR^UGHLT fAc k y sopip e :8 OC 0 • all size4„aty (*tor - •URGNSIVE MEW Boossron, 7ic.AIIITABLE•• B ATE IN THE Car OF gadliqfWigif.:v " - UNION HOUSE" Now kept hy ileijiantC In the city of Hares- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 18e0, All that valuable real estate, belo u ging to the heirs of LOUIS BROWN, deceased, 'bounded anddescribed as fol- tows, viz : • Fronting on Market street on the ; north 52 feet 6 in ches; by lot No. 158 on the east; by Blackberry alley on the south, and by lot Re, 166 on the westextendlnglNUl MarkNt itleekikitaid artglatliteitizereibilelf.'2lo feet, as per deed of Christian 101nkelYa executors, to said Louis Brown, deed. Said lot heing'dunibereAl in the general plan or said town. no v city, with the number 167. The aftialeit thil'has erected. uponlt EttWa'll*ifY ' • •••• - • • e • •ARIC IC Ay - Rim = HMise en& ttree-story beak with a large new frame stable in be rear of the lot opening on the said alley. And also • J. Long, TWO WOODEN OR FRAME..RUILDDRA, Adjoining that portion or the lot cceupled by the hotel - -'-the one fronting oul.hoketstreet, and,* other on the The said property will be Sold 'as one.prepeity, or In two parts es may be deemed advisable by Abe heirs, • in case it should bp offered for saletn two. parts,, tke property will be divided,thus . No. 1. —The_HoteL -and Stable:in the rear, Will be sold as 'one property; dividing the lat bya line t o be ran from the west- mad of. the brick: building, at a right angle with.MarkeLatreet to Blackberry alley-,'and reserving the right to use a three feet alley, now 'con- with the hotel In common; between- the-„,pur chasers., . . No. 2.-413. it lbalance of-the lot, on which-are -erected the frame or wooden buildings before referred, to; extending from Market street to Blackberry alley, With a right to the use of the aforeilitt three feet allay. Five per cetit: of the purchase money :Lobe paid cash tieat tap.: of the sale; and the:balance of the purchase growl' a ill be divided into three equal payments.; Os'a THIRD to be , paid on Or before theist day of April, A. D. Mel' ;when - a 4ieclof conveyance of the property will be' e - oat indisawassalon delivered to ;the pnr cheer. • -' kat. THILYD In one year .thereafter, with interest; and the remaining third to be sednied lit the Prilperty daring thelifeihne of the midow-offthe.said Louis Brown, de. ceased, tbe. interest of which to be paid tolterateni-sui=" , . J: b. MARTIN, J. R,BROORR, eqmouttee. The unpaid purchase be secured on the pro-` party by bonds andlnortgage,, bearing Interest, and pay able. as alloye stet t ed. ; . , . . Apur,Ank: touchiug :he above described: property 7Vtlf be given on apßlleation toihe undersigned.. edifcd - Attorney forthe elra. PENNSYLVMDA.RAIL- ROAD I- FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND • • PROM' PHILADELPHIA. • • The Bridge at ConeirAgo having been re-built, the Paeeenger`,Train"s`oflhe re!kiiiVeobt R a tlroad.ooupany will resume their former route. ' On mid itit4 " MONDAY ; ' OCTOBER 15th, 1880, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg • and Haft delph* aa rolloynt i" EASTWARD. THROUGH EIItRIDDISTRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10, a . : m. FAST DNB leaves. Harrisburg at 6.15, every da ea Mqdity, , i:stiviiielt West PnilarailPhiii yat . • . MAE..., THAW leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., arrives West Philadelphia at 5.00 m: Ile S India Make °lota connection t r im New 34prip Lime, • ; , - MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 1, leaves at 6.60 ' Mt.Joy,at and iio . *eetk j aulspeisster at 8.50 with tester arrivi ng at West Ph ila delphia at 12.10 r. * - • '* , TßAll4--leavverat 3.60 p. in., Veit Phila delphia el, shass t 14: " . • frE'l6li 4.00$ m. , 61t. Joy at 5.11, connects with - Harrisburg Accommodation: Train, , Bastiat Dillerville as 640, sari .viols at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p. • • WESTWARD THROUGH =PRIES TRAIN lealetC PhiladelphlAitt , 10.46 pm , arrives at Harrisburg 2,.56 e. ItfAHA halves PhlladelPhis? at 4 ,9.10 S. rives at Harrisburg at 12.60 Ir.* FAST LINE lealihePhilddej.pMa at 11:50 a M.,:a1414 1 111 -at HalTlitmigiti .4 .o . o s4m . _ • . =I m. JOY ACCOMMODATION 1143. M; , Lancaster on arsiial 0 . 1011 , ISnititWest, at p. 04: loaies Itt:Joy at 11.42, and , Harrisbarg at AP:RAMIRO ACC 0101011.010 N TRAIN /saves Philadelphia at . 2.00 p. m., Columbia 41.19,a1td,pr: psis at Harrlddbor gat7B6,n ` MI% JOY. ACOMKODATION TRAIN, No. ;Agaves Lancaster, on the agly,tl Palcairtar:l l *lo4t) ay 764 p' i ni." Att."JoY at 6:615 . arrtioi , ibittlidiurg at . • Passengers Iptidog?htlidelphit 4 6 : 3 1):*,,Pt.44; caster Trp o . liiii3pt at Laiciater wit/ if t.'joy . • ACciaat =Wien Train-No.: 2 ; at 7;44, and arrive [t ifildtbdiurg at 9.2441.'in.' ' - . - • , BA UM 8s . teat 'Peineurbxutla-Assingt4 undersigned ip".: ,ER . ry, *bated an andifor by the Court of Common Pleas of Dinittin county; htthe matter of the itiotaint of,JOHN A. fiTHOLEY, assignee of Peter Sheet; of4lerry, town- , ship tos I.t coettly, which together with foe, excejo4o6o therekOiliti,yas 'referred* as andiger. t :yotice hefebrittken th ell peri anis 'interested tifirein;thit. wilfattegollo the duties'or his b.ppotqtmeliCA 4ce iti the city of Hairlibur6 r on -MONDAY; the X2th day of Novpnber, A. D.,:18.00; at 10 o'clock A. If. of said day, . • • • . JOHN H. DAMNS ) /*it*. • lITHEREAP . , the undeteighed was 4)- *anted anA, uditor of the Otphana 'Court of ilauphin conntY, On the exceptiOns Illedlo the account- of George Landis, Christian Landis and Johmatlsbatuiih,. executors of the ef Christian L=1141116 Derry ,. township; in; sida . odurktyi'dithiaticr: Notice is'fierehy giyektuAll persons litterested - thilieln ; that he will attend:to the dtt . - ties ofr biii aka/merit, at Lis Oftica, in tfakci;3% orairrio: burg, ilat'hu k rsday, - the Fat day or November, A. 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. L , on said der-, . JO& . . oetlB46eerm-w-s-m-w Auditor. :COAL:'! COAL , o n-y, E 47 ,1 4 , 41, 12 1 7,- 2103 riv: . 277A2' .P.g.tiViii 4 B. - • GOAL BY T11:1q:1 .„. PATENT -WEIG-H-CARTS-1 , • -Now Its THE '13111,V. supply „,12 of Coal for the wintev 7 meigbed, st tlleir door by . Ate Pateheitelet:Carbli. - 'the acontoy of these ,Carla iw one dielmaloapd they. 2..evor ; get out of order, as Is tre quentlYiihe.easeVnitlf :plaiforra'soalei. Besides 'the -000sumer,has,lls satisfaction of proving the weight of his cpitVatibili own I have a large supply of Coal on hand, consisting of B. It: ,00:%.:1142811ENS VAL,LEY COAL, au LYICHNSMALLItr CC la wrureseAßßE BrITIIINOU'S BROAD TOP_ , All Coal of the first quality tidied aid delivered free from all impurities, at tlit t iolveinaiittAti:brittlit Agin oe car load, single, half or third ott9^_,llll4tifftttithmliel. : J ANK4 Ad. W/1111Lelt. Harrisburg, kept. 24,1860: 7 -; sep26 „ ' Obit / 4 1 . 'A,NEG,O4tet. BotralgueND _BOLO 141 - :air* wawa. ta f4e 1 W 4 %.4 1, 4 12,4 A 0 e11e/AVVa" FR4FtI, FigAt!KS 1214 4-,1V 11 4.4 4 9'l New %hertisenunto. PUBLIC SALE ESE El WIU bur eilosed to public sale at the Dirt, at 7, o'clock, KM., on TERMS OF-,SALE. AUDITOR'S NOTWE. AUDITOR'S NOTICE:: Ntw tAbtiertistmatto. STONE FOR SALE. HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to fur nish the oaths with every variety of BUILDING, R, and CHO&IN0 STONE. Also a good article of HICKORY AND OAK WOOD, at moderate prices. Apply to J. B. COLE, corner of Broad and Third Woo. in the Sixth ward. 00triAti FALL OF 1860. SECOND OPENING '- - OF FALL AND WINTER Clk- C) 3:0 set. xprE have just received a large and varied T v ' idiaertrgent Of DRY GOODS, of every description, to which we Ynvtte the attention of purobasom, Opened this morning, at cArECaler & BROTHERS, • -- - 'No 14 WaThet .%aare;- Next door.tyth9 Harrisburg Bank. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT Tn making selections among the large and handsome Sam as! 8110041 SHAWLS, LOGO!, QOM Lae BROCA SHAWD4 NzW STYLI fli:Kraas Bass= BEMS, !mama LONG • DO DO • BLS Soirrod'Plato DO Dussamarnt Do Au Kum OP MIME? SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS Delaines, Merinos, Poplins; Valenclas, Pammettas, Plain Merinos, Plaids, Velour kelps, Cashmeres, Mks, Traveling Goods, Chintzes, Handsome Flg'd Cashmeres, Solrerino, Shade of Mexico, Lamellas, %benne Cloths, Hohaire, Superb Figured Merinos, 'Famise Cloths, Lnstres, Madonnas, Everything new, desiirableand good, we can supply at the lowest rates. CATHCARVdr BROTHER, Neat door to Harrisburg Bank. DOMESTIC GOODS. The cheapest and best in the city can be had at CATHCART & BROTHERS. !gasling, Cassimeres, Ginghams, . Mantlels, Cloths, Drillings, TickiOgs i Yestings, Table Cloths, Calicos; Satinetta, Counterpaines, Hickory, Checks, Canton Flannels Goodlillinalhis and Calicos. Gin! use CALL, AT . • 01l .No. 14 MARKET' SQUARE. CRANBERRIS! I A &arrow Lor Rote Alaimo, oat& By WM. DOCK JR. & CO COAL - 1 COAL! 1 COAL 1 - 1 1 THE, SUBSCRIBER is prepared at all tlmee to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg, the different kinds and sizes of LUKEN'S VALLEY, PINE GROVE and WILEESBARRE COAL, weighed on the city weigh cart at the consumers door, and full weight guar anteed. Prices as low as at any regular yard in the city. Orders left at his office, corner 4th and Starke& streets, or dropped ht the Post Office, will be prompt', attended to. DAVID WOORlaltlE. an/O.dBm • . - - • ,COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL ! t I COAL OIL!. COAL OIL II COAL OIL I I COAL OIL! =COAL OIL! I COAL OIL! 1 1 COAL OIL.!-.COAL OIL! I COAL OIL ! 1 COAL OIL .LAMPS ! COAL OIL LAMPS 1 ! COAL OIL LAMPS! FOAL OIL LAMPS: ! COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL OIL LAMPS ! I Hand, Aland, Bracket, Iltgeilez,buld Side Lamps I I 1 Hand, Stand, Bracket, Hanging a .d :ide Lamps I I I Hand, Stand, Bracket, Hanging a:+11 Side Lams II ! Hazi‘Stand, Bracket, Hanging and Side Lamps I 1 I Beautiful and Very Cheap ! Beautifisl and Very Cheap! Beautiful and Very Cheap! Beautiful and Very Cheap 1 Lantpn,chnuged to burn Coal Oil. All the Coal Ott and ragre p utsiA t ippiEVAl to eirLeetny&ealletke " W. W. GROSS k 00 Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 19 Market Street. leP2balidfi.tq. V.1: 1 1114 t KIM :51f0e l'a *it o , ' , 0 A,' SALE _,- A VALtIABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In. the City of Harrisburg THAT "well-known and valuable hotel pr °petty IFnown as'the ="SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE," now in the ocoupancy of Wm. Moohermau, situate on the 'east end of Maraet street, and_ immediately opposite the PeonSyleania Railroad Depot, will be offered at PRIVATR SALE until the 4th of December next, and °f not sold be take tbat tline, will be put:up at public aecLon on that This is the most desirable property in the city of liar debate for hotel busbiess. Its proximity to the Penn aylvania,Rearoad Depot, and din Depot or cli the rail. roods' centering at Barrisburg,makes it more convenient arad,accosible to the traveling public than any other Hotekin'the City. yurtheeintermation in regard to this property and as ,to °teals, may be had by applying to '• Wit H. MILLER, NoittCcor:lfaatet ;quake, (Wyelkt i . ° Bull Y dit,) :e'coad story front. ottl-dikw ga kr4 prE3 Him awl filvaraol • • LINES VCiWbrinis the N. L. DAILY HERALD, A.A., TRIBUNE, TIMES and SUN, to Harrisburg, at QM o'clook P. 11.,mul are distributed noustusrmy afterward by prompt' carriers. Subscribers will be regularly aervedWith Mem. by leaving their address at BERGNER'S CHEAP. BOOKSTORE, Harketstreet. EMI .BERGITERIS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 11ARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY Eli] SCHOOL BOOKS _ - SCHOOL STATIONERY', Cishipr!sing all,the various BEADING AND SPELLING BOOKS, '4III7IIrB..".rDIC:CATT- -‘po-"NattOA2ERIES,R2!AM2I;assaII2TRIES: . 4 I 'all the ORICIOL MOBS aced In the carious - Public and Private Schools of tne City, together with DOPY INN 'COMPOSITION BOOKS, -LETTER, CAP and NOTE PAPER" -BLANK BOOKS, SLATES _ • ' • LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, - PENS. AND HOLDERS, INE - TANDS, RULERS and Mo'l3:tad colnplete assortment or 'SCHOOL ,STATIONERY constantly on Maid and for sale* THE LOWEST PRIM lirrlsatni in'tbe city' at BERGNJiR'S OHEAP BOOKSTORE. - ' 61 Market Street. made to teachers and dealers: Any article ti bt'on band promptly furnished without ic .extr cflaraci. sep24 S. 'S suLTANANi's Vor r gr Dislies of all, Shads. . . most delicious and :Using Sauce, invented by th tviged "Sorsa," for the Len- Reform Club, Is, Mae -NB ease; manufactured bp. the i-known home of Camas & tottinea, - London, - from the al recipe.' It inthe favorite .ice in England, and on the Joe Oontinent,with a high and grow : lug reputaron among ;American_ Epicures aad is. much approved '4‘. of as a stimulant to the appetite and aid to digestion. OPINIONS OF THE LONDON muss. nireremonntend our correspondent to try moss. SIT WS, nevr.-Sance, entitled the,: 4 Sultana'a Sauce.' It, ts made after the Turkish recipe ; its flavor is excellent, audit affords Oonsiderable aid r.l cases of slow-and weak digestion:N=2lle Lancet. • "Savory, Piquant, and Rich worthy the genius of tioyer."— t' , Observer. 44 . a t most' valuable adjanctto : 'h, Flesh; and Por, Amdahl:mu)** a Place on every ,able." es. - liktielginits for the United SUMS.' -OIASDNER G: TIJELIN, 217 Fulton at., N. Y. anillisAy & HAY-, 34 Cornbill, Swim. Tot We by. Groaera out FraltDealesa eraywharc • ' italli4l/4111Vai . • • '. . ______/ see I" V I