iinto of gravel tlransportalaii, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, 0 1 :Ei l i C a,Veo3 T ,egta A s T en U ge R r r .?rt Y ns' B oll E ljega l ll f D " Fyl yao la Railroad will depart from and arrive at telphia and Harrisburg as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPREES TRAIN leaves at 1.15 Harrisburg a. m. and arrives at Went plilladVphia at 6.20 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning except Monday, at 616 a. m., arrives at West Philaeelphia at 10.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m. There trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New Writ Lines . HARRISRURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Kir debars at 3.501'. m., arrives at Philadelphiaat 9.05 p.m. • FVESTWARD.' . TEIROUGVLSPRESS TRAIN a l ... eaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p m , *lves at Harrisbutlial Stl6 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., ar rives at Harrisburg at 1210 p. m. FART LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11 3 41iS army at Harrisburg as 4.10 p. m. - WIRRIEBORG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN- laavei Philadelphia at p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 7.86 pat. aralL 'Litiirtao wa-ner tuoTAFAIBrA. ihners fo; Monet Joy and Elizabethtown on the llaridiburg A; Lancaster and Mt. Joy Railroad, can lewd Harrisburg by Mail, Fast Lineand Harrisburg Accommo dathia and connect at Lancaster with the Elizabethtown AeCenituodatlon train, leaving Lancaster for Elizabeth town at 11.61 a, mootd 7.14, p.m. • t3LISCIEI 4 p. Y,OUNO, ooplldit Supt. Rail Dioirion'Pealuolvania Railroad NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST INI'IME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK A 'N D .1-1/3...RR151ERT12,0- I VIA BEADING ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. otaoNa iEVERSN, War, leases New York at 6 A M., arriving it gurrlaburg at 12 96 noon, only 0% hours between the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar t tvus at Harrisburg at 8.20 P.M. HORNING MAIL LING East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 A. M., arriving at New York at 4.80 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harrie tte to at 1.15 P. 11., arriving at, New York at 9.00 P. M. Genacolluna are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with the Pa.longer Vida t each dirtetion on the Pennsylvt• t.umberland Palley and Northern Central Railroad. All trains connect at Reading with trains for Pottsville and Pbtiouielphia, ash at Allentown for Manch Chink, yattou, 40. No change of Passenger Cars or BaggarVetween New York and Harrisburg, by the 13.00 A. hi.*St Iron New York or the LIS P. 111. rem Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comforkand acrinca tuudatton, this route presents superior indAcements to she traveling public. Pero between New York coil Harrisburg FIVE DOL. LABS. Fertickets an other Information apply to ranl J. J. Ci.Yi E, General Afoot, Harrisburg, 1860. 1860. orthern Central Railway l NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. k.N AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 110 , 2lth, 1800, the Passenger Trains on the Northern Central twita ay will leave Harrisburg as follows :- qoiNti so U AIMLESS TRAIN will leave at, ... ....1.40 A. IR. AMOMMOVATION MAIN will leave at.. 7:30 A. 31. MAIL. TRAIN will leave at.. ....... ...LOU P. ?lc GO.ING.NORTJEI. IiAIL TRAIN will leave at 1 ato P. 141. Xllll6l TRAIN wtlileuve at............P.14 bo only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be eitIPHESS Tp MN at 1.40 A. N., going South, and the r:ithfWiltelN at 9.32 P. N. going ;forth. 1 or Mawr Intormicuou apply, at the Wine, in Peun'a atlroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, May 20, 1800,-10a30.dtf 1-iI.LAI)-ELPHIA 40D READIN G RAIL ROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. WV AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860. 'lllO reabENOKit TRAMS LhAVE ILAIWIDBUDO DAILY. (Sundays excepted,) at 6.00 A. IL, and 1.16 P. 111., lerPhiladelphia, arrtvuig there at 1 25 P. id., an 6.10 P. It. RETEENING, LEAVE PRILADELPHLt at 8.00 A. M. and 8.30 P. arriving at Harrlabvrg 12 . 48 noon and 8.80 P. M. FARES :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Oars, $3.25 ; No. % (in moo trainj $2.10. MAW :—To Reading, $1.60 and $l.BO. A t Reading, muumot with trains for Pottsville, Itinem, MI, Tamaqua Catatvissa, FoUR TktAINS LEAYII READLNO FOR PHELADEL PULA DAILY, at OA. M., 10.45 A M., 12.80 noon And 8.43 P. M. I,RAVIC PHILADR.LPRIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P, M., 8.80 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. ..FARAS :—Reading, to Philadelphia, $1.76 and $.1.45. 16t NAMING TRAIN FRAM HARRISBURG CON, el hi-TS AT READING with up train for Wilkesbaire, tiMauni and Scranton. Tor through tickets and other Information apply to J. J. GLYttlt General Agent. =2B-dl PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROA.I.) 1 REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES. Oa wad after MONDAY, APRIL MOO COMMUTATION TICKETS ITE 26 Coupons,, will be issued be lt", tweak any points desred, good for the holder or any member of his family, in any Passenger train, and at any time.—at 26 per cent. below the RIGIM.aa reuse. • Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently oa buivlnteia or pleasure, will and the above arrangement akerenient and economical; as Four Passenger trains • rut daily each way between Reading and Philadelphia, and Two Trains daily between Reading Pottsville and Banishers. On Sundays, nay one morning train down, and One afternoon trait, up, runs between Pottsvtlieiand IMilelphla, and no Passenger train on the Leonean Fahey Branch Railroad. for the above Tieketa, or any Information relating phies,o &PeArY s g p o e & ct iv ß a T d i l c a k d t aut T o a n t u he e ' i P e h , a or to G. A. NlOoLls, Genet aunt. ar2ll4tf ANOME NEW LOT --OF - -14DrW4-4M116 Alor Marty Bagkyto CIELZEDATI. , GOLD PUS, warranted to IA th e Gawk fa qualm and WA, of antmananciured. Aiwt.ll two assortweat of GOLD M..D =NM CAM , • . Jag roe:wired and br sale at DIDIGNEWIIORICAP BOQIEDIDILI, 411ManketA 1 filisullautol l 9 THE OBIGINAL AND G.NUINt DR: TEWNSENDIS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR SAPARILLA, The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. lig: 0 1 11=-W1 ; 51 mrlDi i Di ay al ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, • ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF . CUTANEOUS DISEASES. These complaints ran beapeedlle and effectually cured by the use of tale WORLD RENOWNED SAB SAP„A,RILL A. Thousands hams experienced its =salutary elects, and tens of %/Methods have iiiitused-ff„vintil it has-ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the cont Inanity. When tbe Slood.becomes Ilfbless and stagnant, eithe from the effects of Spring weather, change of enmity want of exero4se, the use Of a unifol m saline diet, or anti other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, win PINKW the BLOOD, carry MT the putrid humors, CLEARS the e Mao.. 'km-- ram- - 43,5*-wigras-- Ana - -' impert a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body TO THE PUBLIC. The public are , hereby notified that the preparation ex' tensively known as Dr. B. P. Townsend's Compound Ell tree t or Sarsaparilla is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that it is compel ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT ME i CURT; and also that the ingredients are judiciously come minded, so as to obtain . from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R...OIULTON. M. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSIEND'S..Conronam Ernes= OF &UM . ?ANIMA, has a reputation among all civilized nations tut the best preparation for • Renovating and. Puriffingitlie BLOOD which actlence has ever offered to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this Is due its world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable ns to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic phvicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE ,USW, and that its use creates an increased de mand, libowe conclusive/3 , that it possesses medicinal merit...of the first order AUTIO N. To avoid iroposttion It Will b 0 necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'B CERTIFICATE as well as the FIR/NATURE of Dr. E. P Townsend, is on_i!..loAo . l4,,Tn_ipey of each bottle. - BE VERY CtREFUL JO USE NO OTHER: Prolirielbfioitce; 165; 41 Fultoillitrect;ll. Y And far. saleby , every Druggist in tbis city. apBC‘dBtaw 7 TAKE NOTICE That we have recently added to our already full stock OF SEGARS LA NOBSIAT/S, BAB I KARL EL MONO, LA • BANANA. OF PERFUMERY FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF ,MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOQUET. FOR THE „HAIR. EAU LUSTRALE, CRYSTALIZFD POMATUM, MYRTLE AND 'VIOLET POMATIIM., FOR THE 0011FLEXION. TALC OF VENICE, ROBB 'LE A.P - TtrPirDßß; - NZVir MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLES. OF SOAPS. 134ZUPSIZINEST. Moss Rose, Benjoin, Dpper Ten, Violet, New-Mown Hay, Jockey Club, Maytag the largest Stock and beet I.ssortruent oi cact ankles, we ninny that we are better able than our coin. 'minors, toilet up a complete toilet sett at any prlia oe aired. Call ,vd tea. Always on hand a FRESH stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &a., conacquent ot our receivingalmost daily additions thereto. - KELLER% DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, tap* Two Doors East of Fourth W., South Side, 1860. 1860. FIRST FALL OPENING OF 3:1 1 IL 1r c 00I> IS E HAVE NOW READY A. LARGE and HANDSOME assortment, of all kinds of GOODS in our MO. New Styles Dress Goods, Superior mares of Silks, A large assortment of Calms, Extra quality Muslin, all prices, Bestmakes of Flannels, do A large Stock ofShawls, Plain and Barred Sack Flannels. Purchasers are hivi.ed to ex...mine our stock, as we ore confident we can show them item the best styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Satinetts and Cosalmeres, - Bleached and Dub leached Mulles, Widnes, Calicoes and Ginghama, Drillings, Shootings and t hens, PALL Stuns, Hickory and Ticking., Best makes Of Canton Flannels. Splendid Woos for elk cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents.) Plain and Figured Helaine. 12% cents, Heavy Lubleached Missile, six cents With BABGAINSin all Goods of this kind, we only ask an nominal ion of our stock, as we arc confident that in pr ices and goods we cannot foil to pleaso. CATHCART & BROTHER, N0..14 Market Square, .seB Next door to the Harrisburg Monk. F 1191133 2 $ .1F 1 128.113 !I ! MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 8.) SALMON, (very superior,) SHAD, (Mess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH. • SMOKED HERRING, (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HERRING. SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. Of the above we have Mackerel in whole, half, quar ter and eighth bbla. Herring in whole and half Me. The entire lot ntw:--ramer nom zsa mamma, and will sell them at the loweettnarket raies. aepl3 Wit. DUCK JR. & CO. PARTICI/LAIR ATTENTION OF all persons desiring Blank Books of any size or kind, iron the smallest PROS Book to the largest Blank Book Manufactured, is respectfully so. licked to my very large assortment, which FOR MICE AND DUALITY =mot beckoned. Printed and Ruled Blink Books, and every conceivable odd sized Blank Books made to order at short notice.— Books and pamphlets or all kinds bound in any desired eytles of binding at BLBGNSR'B OREAP Boonaoßr, my 2.6 61 Market etre. ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS FAST as published will be found for sale at BERONEWS CHM? BOOKSTORE. nooks, that are wanted and not on hand CD be pro nand at publishers usual prises. The largest mmertment of STANDARD, RELIGIOUS, TabOLOOIiGAL, SCIENkIYLC, ILISTORLDAL and itiscEL. LA/IEOUB ROOKS is theclip, many of which will be sold much SRLOW Po/11.1.'1'1E0 . s Farms, will be found for sale at 13.11WiNKWit OIINAP-8008STORE, 61 iktitet St. *Vera, gad gasalq• tin ptooit. .itty29 Pennopluania Math) (IciclAtaptkOaturbag . "Afternoon, (o.ctobtr., 6, 1960. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FuE THE PEOPLE. HEA 11 W H AI"IHE PEOPLE SAY. The undersigned h dig used fesor HUMPHREY'S 'SPECIFIC LItMAEn'ATIIIC SI cbIES in our families with the most satisfactory results, and having I ill confidence in their genuineness, purity one efficacy, cheerfully re commend them them to all persons who wish to have safe, reliable, and edleacious remedies at handler private or domestic use. The Rev. Wm. Homier, editor of "The Northern Inde: pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. E. H. Creasy, D. D., Rector of St Peter's Chir. h, Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New Bedford, M. as.;. the Rev. Allen Steele, Now York Conference ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, East Genesee Conference, N. Y.; the Rev. P. Pratt, Dorset., Vt.; the liar. John li. Roble, Bailie; A. C. Hart, Esq., Utica, - N. Y., the Pon. Neal lortland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South Bend, Ind.; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. Y.; Henry D. Cook, Esq., editor of the Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio; the Hon. R. H. Graham, Moline, Ill.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla.; the Ron. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y.; I Wm. Bristol, Esq., Uric N. Y.; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. Y.; James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. I.—For Fever, Cot pinion, and inflammation. No. 2.—yor Worm ,Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. Mt. S.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants. . - No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Somme" : Complaints • n.--.sair Co li c, Gripings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. `Fo. o.—r or - comer a„.o...taraidortna,Vomittog. No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds, Influenza ' and Sore Throat. No. B.—For Toothache, Face-ache and NOuraiglit. No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the Head. No.lo Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged SW mach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. 11.—For Female Irregularities, Scanty, Paltdt*Or Suppressed Periods, No. 12.—For Leucorrhoa, Profuse Menses, and BeaHng DoWn'of Females. No. 13.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Hui Breathing. No. 14.—Salt Rheum Pills—For ErFaipelas, Eruption; Pimples on the Face. No. lb.—Rheumatic Figs.—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back thins, or Limbs. A.—For Fever and Ague;() till Fever, Dumb Agin, Old Mismanaged Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or, Eleeding, Internal or Extermtd3 o.—For Weak . add In fl amed Eyes arid - R3relids ; Ming, Weak, orßlarred . Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recant, either with obstruction or profuse discharge, . , W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and Shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammation!, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatlsm , and such crop - • live diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and in all such cases the specifics act hke a charm. The entire disease is Ono arrested at once, and 111 all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease shortened, and rendered less dangerous. • Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occur rence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased • 'MCA bronchitis and consumPUen, may 111 be at once rred by the Fever and Cough bi all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, _Weak Sta. Mach, Constipation , Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Do bility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case liar specifics whose River application will aflbrd a cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles Or Catarrb i He adachebr Female Weakness, has more than paid for the case kid times over. Ll£utc ~+ HUM P H REY'S SPECIFIC PRICE Case of 20 vials complete, In morocco, and Book Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book .... 2 Qum of 6 boxes, numbered, and 800k.... 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions......... .25 oents Single lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents Large case of 2 oz. vials, fOr planters andphysiolanS..6ls ALSO SPECIFICS. Fos ASTHMA os Pirrusam.—Oprovesed, Difficult, Labor ed Brotthlug, attended with Cough and hYpectoration Price, 60 ceats per box. FOR EAR DISCUARObIi A.WD DRAmes.—Dischargee from the Dar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles or Reread. als. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing in the 811113, sod Nex-ache. Price, 60 cents per box. Foe ficaorm.a.—Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indura ted Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 60 cents per box. NOR Orskast. limuurr.—Physlcal or Nervous Weak nese. Fillies thereeult.of Sickness, Excessive Medina-, Hoe, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 50 onats pm *IX:" FO5 DROPalr.—Fluid Accumulations; Tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. -Price, be cents per Mks. Foe Saa•SicaNwas.—Dcatblk.,lsickness, WerSES , Amities, Vothßlng. -- Sickness from luting or MhtioniaPrice, - 64 cents per bqx. Pon UarnanzDustasxs.--For Gravel, Renal Calculi,Dl6ll- wit, painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 60 cents per box. Fos lismsat. EMlSSM24.—lnvolantary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility. Bad Results of EV IL Habits. The most suoceettul and efficient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a OMB. Paine, with full direc. Lions, Si per box. - - Persons who wish to place themselves under the pro. fession‘i care, or to seek advice of Prof. Ituunialirs, can do so, at bi aloe 662 Broadway, daily from 6 A. M. to 6 P. K., or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over tue make up a case of what kind you choose, anu Inclose the a mount to a current note or stamps by mail lo our address, at No. 662 Broadway, New York, and the medicine a be duly returned by mailer ex- Free or charge... ANBOAS WA.B.TND.—We desire an active, efficient !gent for tbe sale of our' Remedies in every town oreem enmity in the United States. Address Dr. F. EUIIIIIREYB & Co., aprlB-dawly No. 662 BROADWAY, Naw loan. Wholesale and Retail agent for Harrisburg and *bay 0., K. Beller. Also sole by Theodore 1!. Beheffer, arid Druggists and stores generally. ' • TEE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OP TZARS, AND GROWS mop AND MORE POPULAR _ EVERY DAY And testimonials, mew ) and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Bair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, In all ua youthful beauty. Rama ems, Mich., Dec.2l, lade. PROF. WIXID : Thee wilt phose accept a line to Whom thee that the hair on my bead all fell ill over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at tended with - an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through lite having reduced me to a state of dependence, I having nut been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in conse quence of which my head has sufferrd extremely from cold. This I educe:, me to fay Briggs & Hodges almost the last centl bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Usti Restorative about the first of August last. I have taithfully followed the directions and the bald spot Is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it is al• ao eoming in all over MY head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per. manently, I feel snaking to persevere in its use, and be ing destltgte of means to purchase more, I would ask thee if thee wouldet not be willing to send we an order on thine agents for a bottie, and.. receive to thyself the scripture declaration—'the reward la to those that are kind to the widow and fatherless." Thy Maud, Licoman, Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. sth, 1859. PROF. 0..5. Wow*: Dear Sir :—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and hanonal Law School of the State ol New York, my haw, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so thst in the short space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not he surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual ac quaintanties were not so much at a less to discover the cause of the change in my aypeerance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize - me at all, I at once made application to the most skillful•phyll clans in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, 1 was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until , fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1855, your Restorative was re commended to me by a druggist, as being the most re liable Bair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven dol. lareFworth of your Restorative, and as a result, tare a rich coat et very soft black hair, which no money can buy. es a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have re commended its Use to many of my friends and acquaint ances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LAM, Attorney and Counsellor at law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative Is put np in bottles of three sizes, viz large, medium and small ; the small holds x &pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the Medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, and retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more hi proportion, and retails for $5 0. J WOOD & CO., Proprietors 444 Broadway, New York, and 114'Market *reek St. Louis, Mo. • And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods D*lers , se2o-dawan DR. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS O.F.IRON. AN aperient and Stomachic preparation ct IRON puri fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in drogen. Sanctioned by tbe highest Medical Authorities, ooth in Burope and the United :Antes. w d prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compered with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other wise sickly complexions its necessity in almost every conceivable ,C 11.64.: Inflexions in all maladies in which it has been to It has proved absolutely cura tive in each of the ibliowhig complaints, : Debility, Nervous Affection; Ihrneunelpa limy Constipation, Diarrhoea. DyaenterY, Incipient Consumption, SerofinJous Tuber. redcoats, Salt re heum, hillautenst relation, Whit ea, Chi °rends r Consul al II es, Chro nic Destlachea,-Itli•.0 nio man, inter mittent Fevers, Pimples oat.tae lace 43. c. In case of Carnormil the result of acute inseam or of the continued diminction of ner vous and muscular energy from chronic con. &lota, one trial tit this restorativehts proved sucectuftd to an ex tent which uo description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhorids, have sud denly re-appeared imam bopy_world as If just returned from protracted travel lea distant land. Some very signal instant:ma of this tinti are attested of female suf ferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sem guineous exhaustion ' critical changes, and that complica tion of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exer cise for which the physician has no name, Is Nerve.... .affections of all kinds; and for res sone familiar t medical. men, the operation "of this pre paration of iron must necessarily be salutary, for unlike the bid Oxides; it Id Vigeirottldr tonic, without-hinter-. citing and overheating,-god gently, -, regularly aperteol even In the most obstinate cases in costiveness, without ever being a gastriopurgithm, or hillictinga disagreeable sensation. It is this latter Rawly, ,amoog..other.s, which mattes , it remarkablyelfectuiPlutni "petthaneet n remedy ler . upon which it deo appeaff to exert a distinct and' speollic action, by dispersing the local tondencY . which. Dysisepala, Innumerable mare its cams, atingle, box of these Ckelybeate Pips' his 'often' anti:teed' for thet moat habitual cases, inelddbig the attendant it;ioltUnst3mi In unchecked Diarrhoea, even , when advanoedlo DYsentery, confirmed, emaCiatiug, and apparently 'ma- . lignant, the effeetS,baYe beep, equally decisive MI as-. tenishlng. Intim local pains, loss! of flesh and strength, debili tating cough, and remluentheCtle, which generally Mi nute Incipient Corfitimitorlota, this remedy has al layed the alarm of Mende-and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting itattanom , In Scrofulous TubsercUlosts, this medicated iron has had far more than the good of the most cautiously balanced ; preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attendee of Ronal* cannot be too confidently tn. lilted to this remedy and restorative, In the crises peculiar ly affecting theta. Ia It.hcankstlam, both chronic and Inflammatory— In the latter, however., more decidedly--It has been in variably well reported, both as allevlathog patit and re ducing the swellings and stiffness of thejoined muscles. In Intermittent reifielte It must necessarily be a great remedy and energetterestorative, and Its progress in the new settleMent of, the, wog, pill prohably he one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been disiovered, In the whole his tory of medicine ' which exerts such prompt, happy and fully restorative effects, Gdod appetite, complete diges tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis position lor, active and cheerfUl exercise, Immediately follow its use. Put rip In neat net metal boxes containing 60 pills, price 60 cents per box; for sale by Druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt or the price.— All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to • B. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. apt-dtf SU Broadway, New York. &oat be °belong not only to you, but to . every etten• lice and Intelligent person, that the first diseases of in fants arise chiefly from a disordered condition of their bowels, and In this connection, we presentto your notice for the alleviation and cure of these diseases, a remedy known as NY A tan- E CORDIALt Prepared from a ferMnla used by Dr. Eaton With re markable Success during several year's practice, we know it to be a most reliable and edlcacious remedy for Infantile complaints, and one trial alone wlil convince you of Its superiority over every other preparation of the kind. It is particularly recommended For Children Teething. And at this period or mfan:iie life, wuen year anxious 'hearts are pained by whamming the sufferings of your little ones, it will be found invaluable in Softening the Ounu, &dump infkumnation, and Relieving aU Pain. For Diaeaues attending Teething, such as Diarrhes, Dysentery,. Griping in the Booth, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, colic, and Coid in the Hedd, we eon, tidently over tuts as m certain rebel and cure hievery case when giteu lu time It will loyal iably regulate tbo , stomach and bowels, and its lainotiance in this respect can hardly be estimated. In Convulsions, from which more infanta are said to Moth= from any other disease, the little sufferer is relieved as forteutatie gusty, as if by magic; and in Otis dread oomplaint &lona, Its intrinsic value is such that It has been recommended from one family to another, Mad the name of Dr. Eat on's Infantile Collate!t has become “lantillar as a houset Old Wold." We now ask your attends:ln to s sub ject of vital Interest to yourself, as well as to your suffer- Ing child. 'Dr. Eaton's Infantile Oordial contains No Morphine or Opiate, van kind, or of Widener nature, liar afact which we are fully warranted in stating carne be said of any other prep?, dims for infantite diseases, at (Ms time before the publte.—figt We find that throughout the country, Kolb era ere becoming convinced of this truth, and of the sad and blighting corsequences which are certain to result (rani the use of narcotics disguised id the fbret of gaiet ies remedies ; their continued administration being in. variably followed by etupelacUon, and constipation of the bowels, ending oltenUmes in CODITAIDAODB. /WOW DR. DAWN'S laraarrna Comar differs from every other remedy. It Does Not Constipate the bowels, nt Iltivr does It act by deadening the sensi bilities of your children, but naturally, through its rare medicinal qualities, by removing a ll pain and carise of disease. We earnest ly recommend -you, therefore. to lose no time in procuring a bottle, that you may have at hand a remedy which will never hill to relieve your child in time of need. It is perfectly ktradest, a .ad cannot injure the meat delicate infant. . !lake none but DR, BATON'S IN - FAMES CORDIAL. This you. can rdy wan. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH. & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And sold by them, end by all respectable Druggists. aulo4.febl3 cow • SELLING OFF AT COST TO CLOSE THE , BUSINESS. BEING desirous to dose. the WALL PAPER business in which I am now partially en gaged, I will sell all the stock I base on hand at COB 7 PIUCES. All &airing bargains in Wall Paper will do well by calling soon. mylti GEO. BERGNER, Si Market street SUSANNAH KIRBY GLEANINGS FROM TRE , . • • HARVEST-EMT:DS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART 1 AMelange of Excerpts Curious, Humor• oes and lnatruetive. Collated by 0.0. SOMBAUGII, A. M. 11. D. The above Interesting Work has just been received at BEIIGNBR's CHEAP BOOKSTORE. STORE PRICE $145 A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT Pr . LADIES' TRAVELLING exn SHOPPING BA'GS. At all prices, for sale at Eiltf6Mß'S CHEAP BooKsToas, 61 Market Street CARPENTER AND JORBEB I COSHES WALNUT AND 1 2Z0Nf6.2811.8211. JOBBING of all kinds done at short notice. in good style. and on remottsble ternia. F 0 R the Genuine English Mustard, go to KELLER'S DRUG STORE. rri HOBE desiring to paper - their houses j will find a won-selected Mak of 'WALL mom folr tate at COST PRICES, at az4_, iffigaGnall CEOI4PIXXWMORN fltbhal HERS DR. ELTON'S Will. Z. STEMS, liltbita _~-- ~~ ~'~,` TEETHING MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced the attenti m e and Female mothers' Pbygican, prevents to on of SOOTHING S' WP. For Children T-ething. which greatly facilitates the recoil of teething, by eon ening the gums,reducing all Ingammation—win alley All PAIN, and spasmodic action, and la SURE TO REGULATE .- THE BOWELS. Depend npcin it, mothers, it waters rest to yourselves AND, RE4zel AND Dual Stl TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up hall sold this article tbr over teas years, and cart say, m commune rats mane, whet we have never been able ,to say of any other medicine— :MYNA HAS 11' FARED, Pr A MGM TRWPAITOTT TXt EFFECT` & MS*, When timely met. Never did we know an iustarkimerdissallActletihy any one iitho tied IL On the contrary, all are de lighted with its. Opera , tons, end speak In terms of highest txrmmendation of Its magical effects and medical virtues. Wespest M this matter "WRNS WI tetoit; alter ten years' expe rience, Ann rums one assoneou roloves.rumntuer or Wan We seam .nervosa. In almost every Instance Wheto theillhusthisalbringtrouipalteand exhume:lll4 - ra , Weill be Rued in Altos& or twenty etiolates .gber bite syrup is administered. This valuable preparation ht the preuriptoo et one et the most KSPE,gIENCED and san.urui NURI333In New Elegised, and' bas been used *llls vane tame - . THOUSANDS OF OASIS. It cot only relieves the child from pain, but brig orates the stomach and bowels, wrecks acidity, and gives tone and energy. to. am...whole system. It Wi ll al most husiansly relieve (DUPING' IN THZ BOW AND AND" WIND , COLIC, ankoveritopto collvtdslonl4, EMI% if 11, 3 0 11 7 rem? died, end death. We believe It swir sad 80211 ft tff nth 'WORIO, in mess of DIfIDRIMY AND MAMORU IN DEULDRIEG,Twhether .it Arises from teething Or fro% ailY'Ottiet We" iiiriddluiy td every anothor.*o hu a and inlabchlig tkoiti shy of 150 coregoing copp*ts—oo soy um TOUR lIIINIXOS, Nos -nntilturtnese'Cir CiTURS, stand9belluen you and your IM eland and the rtilit4 Dud wilt be SEIRI—ys% SOLIM Lit zirntro tbllbyr 'Cho' WI of Wm e, trtudly used. dliestßimrtheasingwill iccompany each hotly. titate genuine. Anlesa tthe.,Oto-sindle ,of wimp r WiitlNS,'Stwiratichlitlietratidde wrapper. Sold Lp 14. uttp,tsts tbrcnryboutilte weld. edocipid Oro.lo,ya. Iltledar . Trice 01:45r , 2 5 . *oft paritnotae- Aarl or Ba t le on. Harrisburg bi D. W. °TOP d i C t!'3 No 1 Mirka street, J. Martha Lull; No. 22 lliiareLOttest.(l IC..ErollerviVq,AlifiqxqsoPoti 4 10 %FimPlk lum; POW; Miles OS ]lariat stmt. POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIB OR PAIN DESTROYER, IS one of, " thefew. damestio remedies which have come into eneraintse and favor. Without puffing. It is the pradactFtlfa efmpie shrub, harmless in all casegyand.aa, .11. demote remedy unequalled. For BUMS con, BRUISES, SORRRES..'q, SPRADIN - RHBUIAATISM, BOILS, FACETS, OLD- ROM and WO } 21.' bas oce—an c a l aal. n.A . B it is also used, with great success, fsr VOOTHA riRA pAcirE,. NEURAL. (lA.' SORB -THROAT, 4WD,. 111101SA;,HOARSIS NWS,- and other ,similar troublesome and painful affec lions, while it pYotaptly' arrests all Mtn NORKEIAOII3.- Hultdreds of pbSalciana use4t4ailYia theiripractice, and give it their, unqualified. recommendation. Sold by our agents anddealers and by rI • '„ F. 13,131211135YS &CO., 6013readway, Seta Propriet ors and lianufacturers. Sold by C. K. ire Aler,. Wholesale .and =Retail agent far Harrisburg and yicinity r apd.Druggists and stores gene rally.• aptl-dawly ~•, .. y t e k , i , *" ‘ $ Ptl. ~. ( 46% . 1 .1T32 '.S .4 6 bP Nr — "AO" 1 ' :24r .c.:' b 'e l --74, ' 0 ECONOMY! , V r oll V. 14 . 0 if.rappgataa 2 5 , , 0 tco - 1 -,:-', . save' the 'ices . ?l accul eats Ina }lnnen; even in seareirsakdeafnmiliet it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, do. • ~ • SPAIIIIIIOI3 PritißED. GNI meets all malt 'emergeindeft, and no`honnehold Can valiant to be.without It Is always ready end elt , te•thehtlek• Mg paint. There Is no longer a necessity fiw limping chairs, splintered 'veneers, iteadlee toys And broken cradles. It in Jul,sthe ,artlele,for„-oe.:„Aell else other ornrmental wort; 80 popular with Wies.or refinement and taste:` This admirable preparation la used cold, being.chend cally bold in solution, and fasseeidug all the etbillGet or the best cabinetmakers': Glue. It may be - usedin place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly' moreadhesive. IN EMY , IIO=" - • 1 1 ; X—d Brush legetulteelea eecti bottle. ; Price 26 Ms. Wholesale .Depot, No. 4S Cedar street New York. Address :IMINY C. GPAi.DING & CO, - Bombro: 8,600, New York. ht Put up Dr Dealers cues con ng L Four , Ipg and Twelve Dozen- = a beautlght hognphlo Shcrar.oard ao companying each package. Jura single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten Umei its oast annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists,Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and -Fancy Stores. ' Country merchants should yoke-v."O crepA DING'S PRSPARED GLUE, when melds op their bit It will stand" any climate. dimly COAL I . COAL I I COAL LI I , NOW la YOUR TIME. .T . O GET :LEAN COAL! .Full Niteiglit, Shit of It! rpHANKFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND 11 CUOTO3IEII3 for their. hberal patronage, I . would now inform them and the public generally, that I am fully preparedoton short notice-to supply them with all kinds of , . SUPERIOR, COAL OF ALL - SIZES. [y" FREEFROM' SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AS LOW A FIGURE AS . FAIE coal Is .WILL; AFFORD. . Although my twat is not weighed In sot.;-wistiiinto cures mar is WIOOOZD' . ON• Mitt& - ADOURAYNIX =MD EY MX MUER OF WZ10E178,1410-113A1OBRI, and COVOLIANYEI may Mt assured thatrthey will be fairly and _honestly dealt with I seh nothing but the very beet area* and no mixing. ` ALSO HICKORY, OAK • and PINE WOOD, always on band. , OEO. P. WDOSTLINO. SCHWERIN'S. ANNERILJITINO POWDER, TS: THE ONLY KNOWN and best mil . • ) me to exterminate Roach _ -f-. „ It 8; Boil Buga,'Ants, Rothe, - .. Fliegs Fl ooo 4Pß,S l tat Warms, Vine Bugs, doe. - IT CON - TAINS No PORION. _ --,—,th- SCHWERLICS PILLS ..... , are sure death to RATE ~./// ; , and MRS. './., Mr. SONNY ERLN received Certificates from President of Girard College, irectors of. House of Refuge, Pennsyl. vanta Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Phliadelphla. U. 11. Jail, Washington, D. 0., and . Charity Hospital, New Orleans, La. The origfnal certificates tan be seen el the Wholtsale and Retail Depot, 124 North Second street, Philadelphiiy and for sale in Harrisburg by Charles A. Batmvart, D. W. Gross & Co., G. W. Riley and G. K. Keller, and by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. • Beware of Spurious Imt athms. Remeinber to tisk kw sokrumaws .omi:dimming Powder. None Genuine unless signed myl7.dlim • X SOIWKRIN. H AM - S'll HAMS!!! NE WBOLD:S CELEBRATED EXTRA SUGAR CURED (covered_ ) EXTRA SUGAR CURED (aaeovbred.) PLAIN RAMS EXTRA SUGAR CURED EROITLDERS. ' EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED FEES. EXTRA " " le " (qoverea.)l - 3est received a large Invoke of the above, will& we •o few unusually low prices. sepg EOM Ja. & co. - Zgai2l4 . I POAB3 Aitniukutitla 4zial:ritpos , • srm aft mantis handiud manollutur :so order's% tbetabispest - • matWainvkt *WO% • filisrellancou MENS' FURNISHING uot A N D GOLDEN HILL AT WHOLESALE LARGE AND EXTENSIVE Slot E 1,, FALL 11111 ..A.1) ", Of the West and most de , lrable r seanufactared expressly f-e the seprm c !,,,,.. salt. C. B. HATCH & )., Ir4oB BROA.ID AY ,„)) (One door above the cor. of Walker rt NEW YORK. Give notice to the Merchants In ell section,. that their stock of Mims' t eassonso Gorot, Bin Man a now ready for exhibition, • rail assortment rf Underskirts and Drawers, Ftsti aed 'Vint., (;', • mid 2bsacy.l9/44 e, Zee. Akorfs Be e f Zia, Limn Osilars Rohrs 11. Traveling Wends. Railway Rog:. Jackets, lhdfiert, Including wavy new and tl&lroble artic:ci It •‘, to be found In any similar cstablishmret •rt t All Satins made at the GOLDIIN lilt I. FACCOILX,bkoz on the tams of _the Yok , stamp t - r • • CEN, -‘``lMVMCria' Widish *our trade Mark for this article, oarriekwith it ow guarantee as to their ?KIWI.rt every particolar. These Sittrta, °wobbling EVILS:, PERFECTION 02 FIT, we warrant equal icier% c r, to any made to order. Parties not intonditot to vert hew York this F . l - IMMO% Weir orders by mail tn t can rt , l2, ulot, theterfined asliltbAtlly sod plumply toi rho to seat* ttpunselves. C. ti Ii icit ,t 1. Jy27.d3m 1401 r trwiit y WALTER G. WRITE.MAN: e MAIM Ts IND GROCER IE S, N. W, ,CORNES , L , 17th AND ARCH Sr.. P 1171" ADEL PHIA, IMPORTER OE CROSSA BLACKWELL'S lINGIaIt oasts AND SAUCES ig:Wulo.attattion paid to selettitg FINE TEAS AND COFFEES , FOR FAMILIES SIIGABS alwa at Refiners' prices. Cbotee vr IMUCUitfkblut ; tdr the beet brands alai: STORAGE, POJEZO - W - 11:1ING .dinitillßSlON BUSINESS . , E 'ibeeriberi have leased the ex '.2 formerlySive Warehouses and Railroad track piT A by thePhiladelphis anditeading Railroad cw. as strdibtlng_dipartment, No. 248 Nona Broad :tr , AND will transact a GENBRAL STORAGE, FORW3 Id , cx3MitehotOltekersett, In connection a itn Imago and Dontostio Shipping and Produce et I.' v , nut street. They are prepared lc twelve, ship and fora tr.:, land or by water, all merchandise and product may be offered. storage capaenty 2600 G barrelm, every convenience for receiving and discharging. Warehouse reeelpts will be gtvrn for all proper:, storage, with Ms of landing for shipment. Consignments of merchandise and produce to our dread Wlll receive prompt at catkin. FOWLE, HARRIS IS CO. 128Walnutand 248 North Bresd Ple , Pl e .• • Apra 21, 1860 —Brod. tirT LIT A m rA DIETXG' ESTABLISHMENT. orFic.E, NO. 104 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG • DODGE & CO. RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies a:;: • - Gentleman of Garrlabnrg, and the public gr nerd that they have all toe matibinery noceseery , forl.Vd.. , CL and F INISIA N G , in a most a, per,. r and wArranted to give satisfaction. every deecrlpt Luther and Gentlemen% apparel, Ladies Drepo , s, *WWI% Hahilkerokkills, scarfs, Bonnets, Ribbon., Dyed and rinithod to look like now. Sli K AN], 'MINE= WATAIRED to itiek Ircs•the Imported time ~. ,Gentletatin's C01:18, PANTA.LOt'IIi mid p Chteded arid Plniatied In most superior style. NO R PING t11.14011111D.. CillitPLlV CLEANED, wawa le:z ; toi.the,fabric,remcreipLell oil and stains, lib— .111pri. Ir isliewlf.' Weir ins, tßaidere and other Ebaerls cleu eel C.. firtOtWd• CRAPE SA/AWLS bleached and Ilmete4 is style that casinotAkftprpassed. Counterpane', Q 1: .t. Blankets akar ticlig - aslismed in belt manner, and at St,c , notice. WOCOLIN and COTTON GOODS dyed in quantities prig, , at low pri, and warranted fan o tern - LegheritAtrewltatn sad Bonnets Dyed to a few I Merchants asidlllllllners having unsaleable colors et - their goixis, - , itan have them dyed and riot-h. .1 loaringthemtbrA taw days at the data. 4-All goads dyed et the above estabilshineci warranted not to smut. DODGE Ursa li#Fazik LIBERTY STOVE WORKS N D HOLLOW-WA.RE FOUNDRY PHILADELPHIA. ABBOT-7.& NOBLE,. dANIINA(TURUS of the most approved styles of :• I. ' • of Ovary deuripnon. ample and Bale ROo CD B , —• Ag1i . 248 Water Wee!, Now York. gw-410 Brown Street, Philadelphia. N. B.—&rui for Catakque- 1) STRAWBERRIES ! ?WE PRESENT VirEATIIER is 11 toortbis fel" plentltg krawberrice, ex..l soon a fair crop of fruit. suillrieut to cover the o , • plaids and Wanting, may be expeotc.l next tc , l , Upward' W.'. 100 VARIETIES, Native and Foreign, have been tested by the subccr te. and, after baying rejected many, be Is able co furs that are really desirable, In any euanuty Ewa at prices. ADVICE GIVEN, is to choice of varktlea, preparation of sod and culture. If desired, he Will, for a reasonable LW, PLANT BEDS, warranting good crops of the beat fruit. for ino accommodation of the pubite tie a plants for sale In the LOWER MARKET HOUSE, on Tuesday and Friday eveniugs and Wed,,s !,, ` SatFrday mornings. U. A. .1!. - . Kunio-vs NuunneT, Harrisburg, August 20,1660. 1 _ NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES ! THE'to th tiCEBSCRIBERS having buice''''' e WROLESALR AND RETAIL ROO Er N) of Rears. GROSS & KUNKEL, at " A " STREET W ,HARF would respectfully antenna t calm* of Elsrvisburg . and viOnity, that they L . piped to Geer for sale a large and complete aiaortr.: , L . Groceries, Provisions, Fah, Galt" Flour, It=innu in great variety , • e, Paints, Oils, Fund., Glass, Cement,ttre ., Our large SPRING STOCK, purchased in P Sad New York, and now arriving, has beet! with much care, and will present great Induormer ,- adage buyers. c%•• ' We Intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOOLt 4 , an d NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable des"'''' merit and receive • share of powwow. natebt-Ati A ttaarwtov J3l: LOT OF LADIES' ~.ssoPETETG & TRAVELING Coiwidoirithltiolliii of ntw styles SOFT'S' Rua --• RIBS' Ifoueyw .41,218 line & L S: put rotatir /ag rot "It • • 1/114:Thirit'S CMAP 110089 100, 611041.0001,