Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 06, 1860, Image 3

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    pailp Ettegraph.
baturd ur Atternoon, October 0. 1560
The last grand rally for the State campaign,
of the friends of Lincoln and Curtin, will take
when it is hoped the opponents of the present cor
rupt National and State Administrations will turn
out in the mejesty of their strength, preparato
ry to the great preliminary battle to be fought
on Tuesday. The W.I.IraIitAKES will be out
in fall force, with music torbanners, torches
and transparenciee, and make a grand (Ripley.
COI= leads the oolueml ' Is there eue
That will not Jar semeor dew,
Add charge amid the betties na?
Mum lards I tire 1 rreesseietio
The meeting ',title addressed by SEURAT"
will be announced hereafter.
The City Wide-Awake Club will meet at Ex
change Hall THIS EVENING at qdarter past
,s o'clock, fully equipped, to proceed to Mid
dletown. A FULL TURN 01JT is earnestly de
sired, arrangements basing been made to send
the entire club.
Sex advertisement Life ofLipooln
LOST. —A BSILASIPIN, COUtAining A likeness of
Dr. Andrew Porter, doo'd. The finder will be
suitably rewarded by leaving It at die "Pimp
lvania House." _ it*
enzsraurs were plenty in market this morn
ing and sold for a shilling and 'fourteen cents a
quart, according to quality. They are bought
up in large quantities by hucksters for ship
ment to other markets.
CiolNo TO CARLIBLII.—The terrified DOlllOOlllCy.
of this city intend sending a large delegation to
the Carlisle meeting this evening. The - Bortinel
intimates that the. exeurdoniste will "have a
high old time." We do not doubt it. L special
train leaves here at baff+put,. five o'clock,
and will return about midnight.
Fox Mtnruarowx.--.The eacersidet--4flit. for
Middletown will , leave .bere Ode evadai 4
half•put six o'clock, and Handebarr should
send a large delegation. Hon. Anson Berlin
game, of Massachusetts, Hon. John W. Killing
er, and Samuel C. Beeves, Bag., of Philadelphia,
are announced positively to address the meet
log. The last named gentleman, who was one
of the original Fillmore men in 1850, is said to
be a capital stump speaker.
- =
CiIIGUT nt m ACT.—Last evening a small
boy was detected in the act of stealing some ap
ples from one of the hucksters in market. The
owner of the fruit, after regaining posession of
it, severely reprimanded the lad, and permitted
him to depart. Large numbers of Jnveniles
make a practice of frequenting the market
place on Tuesday and Friday evenings ; and
those of them who are dishonestly inclined
cannot resist the temptation to purloin fruit.
The lads who congregate there not only annoy
ladies and gentlemen who visit the market to
make purchases, but they form bad associations,
and contract immoral habit, which may exert
an evil influence upon their whole future liyee.
Home is the place for little boys after dark,
and parents are censurable for not keeping
them thete.
QUALIFICATIONS OF V0T1VA....-The law requires
a person who claims the right to vote, to have
been a citizen of this Commonwealth " at least
one year, and in the Election District at least
kit days Immediately preceding such election,
and within two years to have paid State or Coun
ty Tax, which shall have been assessed at lease
ten days before the election. But a citizen of
the United States, who has previously been a
qualified voter of the State and removed there
from and returned, and who shall have resided
in the Election District, and paid taxes as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after resi
ding in this State six months. But citizens of
the United States, between the ages of twenty
one and twenty-two years, who have resided in
the Election District ten days as aforesaid,
shell be entitled to vote, although they shall
not have paid taxes."
TU.II lifmoll4lNMSßlllto MAN 11111711 G, last
night, was one of the largest political gather
ings held in this section of the State since the
opening of the campaign, almost equaling in
numbers the late great demonstration at the
Capital of the State. Six companies of Wide
Awakes were in attendance, numbering nearly
four hundred equipped men, and the display
was a magnificent one. As the promotion
moved through the town, the Republican lidks
who thronged the sidewalks, doors and win
dows, greeted the gallant Wide Awakes with
encouraging smiles, Waving kerchiefs, and a
continuous shower of fragrant boquets. The
Harrisburg Wide Awakes made a fine display,
as mil, and were generally admired for their
handsome appearance, correct marching, and
gentlemanly deportment. Theimmense crowd
of people present were addressed by Hon. Joseph
Casey of this city ; Dr. Leito,.editor of the Bit
noii Rai/ Splitter; Messrs. Henderson and Todd
of Carlisle, and others. ilhespembes-were ex
cellent, and the enthuslatm nntfounded. The
Republicans of old Cumberland. are "wide
awake" in this campalgn,"and' if the other
counties in that Congressional district do what
is right, Mr. Junkie's re-election to Congress
may be regarded as certain.
.i.••••••ammaiw an,
Pennovivanta Elaitv Qtetegrapli, ectturbav 'Afternoon, October 6, 1860.
10 CENTS, 10 cents, only 10 cents a copy for
Life of Lincoln, 1 T01..12 mo. 216 pages.
A REPUBLICAN MASS Masrma was held at Ma
rietta last evening, and the Wide Awakes made
a brilliant display. Maj. David Mumma, of
tills city, was one of the speakers, and deliver
ed a lengthy and argumentative address.
RAILROAD Acormarr.—On Thursday evening
the train of cars which left Baltimore fur this
city was thrown from the track when leaving
the former . city, and the fireman, and a small
boy, were seriously injured. The latter's leg
was badly smashed.
TIM Loost-Ur.—Jenny Brown, Henry Hel•
ler and Wm., Nutrough, were confined in the
lock-Up last night for drunkenness and disor
derly conduct. Upon a hearing before the
Mayor this morning, the two former were com
mitted to prison, and the latter discharged upon
payment of his fine.
Mumma Ssavxma—ln the Vine street
chdrcit Rev. C. U. Young, of Louisville, Ky.,
willpheach iu the morning, and Rev. Robert J.
Canon in the evening. In the West Harris.
burgVhapek/ko. Robert J. Casson will preach
at quarter past three, and Rev. J. C. Young in
the evening. The protracted meeting wil4 t he
continued next week.
Irzozeta* art ORDINANCOL-A freight-oar con
ductor, named Hugh Auld, made Information
before the Mayor last night, against Jno. Brant,
of Middletown, and John Hans and Christian
Fay, of Harrisburg, for violating an ordinance
In ranning their cars through Mulberry street,
without having flag-men stationed at Front and
Second streets. A hearing of the case will take
place at seven o'clock next Friday evening.
MIX= Trovers.—Every Republican voter
should examine his-tioket carefully before de
positing it in the ballot box. See that all the
names are upon it, from Governor down to An,
ditor. Mixed tickets are in circulation having
the names of some of the Democratic aud;inde.
pendent candidates upon therd, in Place of
those of theßepublican nominees. We repeat
the caution, examine your ticketel
A Vito= or Text tieroor.—ln further reply
to the slang of the local reporter of the Fairies
and Union, lately hurled at our devoted head,
we point to a perambulating specimen of
decency and decorum that is haunting the her
rooms and beer-shops and adorning the gutters
of this city, to-day. We ask no further ":vinaica- .
tion than this beastly exhibition of filth, false
hood and fumigated intoxication.
sarp.—The sturdy yeomanry of old Susquehanna
were out in full force at Whitley's school house
last night, and made a glorious demonstration.
The Paxton Lincoln Rangers paraded on the
occasion, adding largely to the interest of thp
meeting. ,Addresses were delivered 'by R
Faulklin Etter, Esq., and Col. A. C. Smith, and
both gentlemen made a good impression. Al
is right in Suiquehanna, and the whole ticket
will receive an =divided party vote.
Moaner NIGHT.—The city will he in an up
roar on Monday night. Both political parties
intend to do their prettiest on the occasion,
and there will be two imposing demonstrations.
The Itepublicane will have a torch-light parade,
and a mass meeting either at Braun; Ball or
in Market Square. The Democrats are making
preparations for a mass meeting in front of the
Buehler House, and will display a large num
ber of brilliant transparencies. • We may there
fore look for a lively time on Monday night,
should the weather be favorable. It is the in
tention of the Mayor to appoint a special police
force to preserve order.
tor of the Philadelphia Bulletin has been shown
a private letter from a reliable gentleman of
Johnstown, dated October 4th, in which he
states that Col. George Fritz, of the great Iron
Works in Johnstown, is the Captain of a. Club
of Wide Awake Lincoln Rangers, comprising
over three hundred members. On Friday even
ing Col. A. G. Curtin made a spirited address to
the people of that region, and was subsequently
escorted by the Wide Awakes to the 11.40 train
on the Pennsylvania Bailroad., On the 'route
one of the Wide Awakes leftlheline, and was
attacked In :a terribly brutal manner by a party
of half a dozen or more Douglasites. After
beating the unfortunate man fearfully, one of
them struck him with a atone. His injuries
provedlaisi on Sunday evening. Six of the
assailants have been arrested, and are now in
jail for the crime, at Miamisburg. The occur
rence has cast a gloom over the whole , town.
ItIEPOBISOAN Harem A 2 Heorrsents.—A large
and enthusiastic Republican meeting Was held
in Highspira last evening. A fall delegation of
the illddletown Wide Awakes, together with a
large number of other Republican citizens
from that borough, were present, accompanied
by a band of martial music. There was also a
delegation of the Paxton Lincoln Hangers pres
ent, under command of Capt. E. C. Jordon.
The people of. Inglapire and the idjoining
townships were out in theirstrength, and Mani
fested the same enthusiasm and 'determination
to be successful, that chatiicterised them in the
Harrison and Clay campaigns. Isaac Mamma,
Esq., presided, assisted by a number of Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. Addresses were de
livered by H. C. Aileman, Esq., Ca. John Wal
lower and Capt. D. J. Boynton. At the con
clusion of Col. Wallower's speech, a magnifl
cent wreath was presented to him by brue
&Ismail, of Highspire, a lady whose whole
heart is in the Republican cause. The gallant
Colonel acknowledged the .compliutent in a
brief and appropriate address, and retired
amidst enthusiastic applause. Col. Boynton
proclaimed himself a Bell man, but disgusted
with the attempt of the mercenary leaders of
that party to sell the rank and Me to Foster,
he had made up his mind to vote for Andrew
Curtin, and he knew scores of other Bell men
who would vote the same way. The remarks
of Capt. Boynton excited the meet intense en-
Ittibusiasm, the cheering continuing for some
Wants. after ho leit the stand. The Aneeting,
lti thelagreet and best ever held in lower
awatsra township.
LIFE OF Lin:CAN.—Puke 10 cents, really worth
60 cents, for sale at Bergners, 51 market street.
BASSIST SERVICE& —Rev. Wm. 8. Wood will
preach in the Babtist church, corner Pine and
Bacond streets, tc-mDrrow morning and evening.
EPISCOPAL ServercEs will Le held in the Hall
of the House cf Representatives to morrow
morning and afternoon, at the usual Lours.
Davis, of Dauphin, will preack in the colored
Presbyterian church to-morrow morning at ten
o'clock. Rev. C. W. Gardner, the pastor, will
preach the funeral sermon of Wm. H. Nixon,
lately deceased, at 7 o'clock in, the evening.
A WESTERN EDITOR, commentinB upon- the
present condition of the double-headed Demo
cracy, thus paraphrases Watts :
' , Lot on a narrow neck of land,
Between two rival chiefs they stand,
And cast a wistfuleye.”
FUNERAL SERMON ra Baa s Hau—By re
quest of the husband and °Waren. of the de
.eased, the funeral sermon of Freeze,
(died August 16th, 1860,) wife of Jacob Freeze,
of this city`,7 - 411u preaned - 14 : Rev &X.
Bteertutirer, in Biant's Hall, to morrow roura
ltratahorw:Volock, Dieftsetwk e will be hack
is the evening the samoilltee. ',"
Taa Rartarta car . Moo Day Numr.—The - Wide
Awakes of this citp and the Paxton Lincoln
Rangers, should turn but in full force on Mon
day night, and fill all the equipments. It is
probable that the Wide Awakes of New Cam
berbuld, Hornmelstdwii and lifiddietown, will
participate in the demonstration. We hope
to see every member of the aarriibnrg club on
duty. Turn out, otte'end . all
No Boarrats.—Mayor Kepner authorizes us
to INT. that no bonfires will be allowed within
the cifr Radix- on ; llitediknight, or at any
other timer. The ardinaace.on this subject will
be - africilrenforced, and all offenders promptly
arrested and punished. The juveniles who are
nightli.cpuployed in gathering materials for
bOnfires, Will please take
• Doerntountato AREIVLIB. —Among the dis
tinguished strangers in this city to-day is Lady
Franklin, of England, who arrived in the noon
train and took quarters at the ! Tones House,
where she will remain until Monday nest.
Hon. Anson Burlingame and Hon. John W.
Hillinger also arrived here this afternoon, on
their way to Middletown', where they are an
nounced to address a mass meeting to-night.
. A Wins Rona
residing in the sixth ward, a me fiber of the
Wide-Awake club, , while on his way home last
night libout tweave-o'aiiik , aftei• the.return of
the dub from Mechanicsburg, Wiiiii - attacked
some iftfoco rowdies in the upper section of
the cit3tobeat and abused - -him, inflicting a
severe, *And o;44'head With a stone. The
authors of this dastardly outrage would not,
scruple to assassinate . a political opponent If
they could do so without fear of deieotion.
Mrcuasstma, Oct. 5, 1860
Enrroa Tarsoaarn :—The cheering indica
tions we have from the various districts in the
upper end, of a signal and triumphant endorse•
went of every man upon the People's ticket,
has induced me to communicate with you.—
Large numbers of staid, reliable men, who
have become disgusted with the present profli
gate, corrupt Buchanan: administration, have
boldly thrown off the shackles, and now mani
fest a yearning desire for the chastisement of
the party that bas sacrificed manhood, honor
and common decency by pandering to the South
in its unholy efforts to extend the blighting
curse of slavery in territory that long singe
should have been given to the poor homeless while
men of the North. It must be remembered,
too, that where slavery exists the white
mechanic and:laborer have at all times hereto
fore been treated with a vast deal less respect
and civility than the negro. The Locofoco
party has always been earnest in its endeavors
to elevate to power the very men whose every
aim is to sustain this grievous inequality ; and
yet, forsooth, we are gravely styled negro
worshippers I Shame on the cowardly dough
faces !
Then again, examine the record, and point to
a Angle Southern locofoco representative in
Congress, since Mr. Clay's time, who has in the
least aided in securing to Pennsylvania a fair
and jadioions tariff. Not one of them is on re
cord. And yet they have the audacity to de
mand unqualiftedprotedion for their interests in the
mere. If the negro is to be fostered as property,
why shall not our stupendous ore banks, coal
fields and furnaces, (from which the poor white
man derives a livelihood,) share the same pro
tection ? This is a subjeCt that requires but
little reflection when you come to seek the
remedy. It resolve* itself into a nut-shell.
The people of the South, through their repre
sentatives, have fastened upon you the pauper
labor of 'Europe. Will you then, In return,
dog-like "lick the hand that smites you? '
I have confidence in the integrity of the
masses. I cannot believe that the yoke sits so
heavily upon their necks, as to cause them to
yield serf-like, all manhood and State pride, to
gether with the dearest interests of our common
Reliable information from all port One of the
county indicate the election of the who to coun
ty ticket . It is true, a very great effivrt has
been made to seduce the suffrages of the people
from our candidate for Sheriff, but so far the
effort has amounted to idle wind. The peo'ple
here will remember Mr. Bon' appeal made to
them previous to the nomination. It was, that
by all means Hoffman should be nominated, in
order to strengthen the ticket. Boas was then a
candidate for nomination for another office, and
used that argument here where he knew Hoff
man was exceedingly popular. Out upon such
double-faced hypocrisy I Then, again, the De
mocrats are baited with Boas' promise to do all
he can for the Democratic candidate for Gover
nor. Are they aware that he once betrayed the
Democracy of Lehigh county into his support as
an independent candidate for the Senate ? This
is a act ; and ha has since often grinned and
talked over the manner in which he bamboozled
the Lehigh DemocraCy.
Mark the prediction I Hoffman will have
over twelve hundred majority. Scores of De
mocrats will satitiort him because of his obliging
disposition sod high-toned integrity.
H. Mew.
Nr.w Go,•ns Maw Goons !—lLiving returned
from New York, I have received now a large
lot of goods, all of which I bought at auction:
100 peices of beautiful set flowered delaines, at
20 cents ; 60 pieces unbleached muslin, the
best in town, at 10 cents ; 150 pieces of cast&
netts, Sstinetts and Casi ruffs, from 25 cents up
to 125 cents ; 25 pieces of white flannel! cotton
mixed, at 15 cants ;25 dozen of white Merino
Stockings, at 15 cents ; 50 dozen td gentlemen's
wool Socks, at 20 cents a pair ; 10 dovto gen
tlemen's all linen. Pocket Handkerchiefs with
colored borders, 81 cents; good Merino Under
shirts and Drawers, at 66 and 76 cents. Best
Calico, I 0 cents ; and a great many other bar
gains, and a largo assortment of Traveling
Baskets. Please call=at Lewy's, old stand of
John Rhoada, Esq., deer ased.
ing of the 'personal Wends of Col. Wallower,
in the-first ward, it wacireialked that a hand
some banner would be presented to the ward or
township that would giirehim •the largest -ma
jority, according to tlit number of votes polled.
A, Kona,
liaa , .. Du
' Vine ailt. ,
2911914131 IP ART, tih o will also send it poeWicl
to my isil*ess on receipt Of 17 letter strt 2
, ..,„;! ,5 • , .--.4.....
lira Itfeents for life sketches of
wnitii 60 Cents at least, at Bergner's lOhea
3 vsketere. - • .
*Ng rile its •
to get Es
Lips of MaxdA , ffit'Bergner's Cheap Bookatorei
yaw iftlegra4
Ten Itioninutil Dolbiro to Bet on antn.
• WASH:MIMI?, Oct. 6. ,
Col. Siigocej a responsible gentleman, offers
to wager 519,000 on the emcees of Col.'.otittin.
Reading all Right for Curtin.
RIIADING, October a
lhe repthrts circulated by the Democrats that.
this city will give a majority, for Poster,is in- -
tended only la. greet. The iodicatiOns are that
every MO oftinefise-Wards, will give hondsome
majorities for Curtin, and that his majority in
town can hi no event be less than fonr hun
dred. It may be much greater.
[PlayitTli IMPATCH.]
Giving up v tie Contest.
RseDno,OCT.Oar 6.
• Maj. Geo. M. Unman returned from Phila.
delphig, yesterday where he , had spent several
ihtys in diligent communication with leading
politicians of both parties. Westunderstand
the s e he considers the election of Curtin a
• oiinClias AdViltell'his 'friends t 6
.be en},into any bets on Foster.
- law •
A despatch to the State Department men
ions the death, at Florence, of H. D. Johnson,
ately appointed 73. S. Consul to Constantinople.
A Fatal Railroad Accident.
WILIIIIMON, N. C., Oct. 6.
At six o'clock last evening a freight train on
the Wilmington and Beldon Railroad run into
the passenger train at Everettsville. The bag
gage -master was killed, and the Conductor,
Laspeyres, had his leg broken, and ta not
expected to live.
The Prince's Departure from Washington.
Wesnuarox, Oct. 6.
This morning the Royal party took farewell
of the President, and were accompanied to the
revenue cutter Harriet Lane, by the members
of the Cabinet, and Messrs. Henry and Buchan
an. Secretaries F7oyd and Thompson, and At
torney General Black, proceeded with the Ba-.
ron and smite down the Potomac to Aquicrck,
the point for taking the Richmond cars. Dur
ing the stay here of the Baron the diplomatic
corps made no personal calls but left their
cards according to etiquette.
The Attempted dale of the Bell lien in
Mr. Bell's true friends, who are opposed to
being sold by the "City Executive Committe,"
have called a meeting in Independence square
to night to repudiate the resolution trans
ferring theni wholesale to Mr. Foster.—
Intelligence from the country states that the
Bell men, upon receiving this information,
generally declared for Col. Curtin, to empha
size their reprobation of the treachery and cor
ruption. This movement for Mr. Foster has
made a serious schism in the Bell rauke, which
will finally leave the politicians alone to be
purchased, who are hardly worth buying.—
The rank and file are daily deserting.
William B. Reed is the chief negotiator for
the purchase of the Bell organization, with an
understanding that he is to be rewarded by the
Administration incase of success. Hewes con
cerned in the conspiracy of 1856, by which this
State was carried for Mr. Buchanan.
Mr. Foster's organ, The Evening Journal, which
is professedly for Messrs. Bell and Everett, but
hired by the Democrats, has been compelled to
publish cards fromthe very witnesses it named,
pronouncing as "base slanders" the libel
ous calumnies it uttered against Col. Curtin.
Mr. M'Clnre, chairman of the State Commit
tee of the People's party, made a speech at the
Wigwam last night, in which he distinctly
charged that the Bell organ, She Evening Jour
nal, had been offered to him for sale at a stated
price, and the purchase frequently urged: He
refused to buy because the merchandise was
considered worthless. Tbis is the sheet which
has been abusing Republicans, pratingprinciple,
and saving the Union.
All the leading friends of Mr. Foster give up
the State, and will not wager a dollar, even
with large majorities offered as inducemehts.
feet in length by 4% feet in diameter, with 24 Mob
Iles ." manufactured by the late James DenoMg, den'd.
Thew toilers are entirely new, made of the best char
coal Von, (warranted,) and will be sold on reasonable
terms APO) . to J. T. BabNITZ,
null- 41m No 109 Market Street, Harrisburg.
-DRACTIO.s.L Tuner and Repairer of
pi anos .
_Melodeons, tea , ate., will receive orders in
f ume a t WM. „tr.goCalPS Music More, 92 Market 'treed.
Au o r d ers wt, a t , ;be above named phos, or at the Buehler
male ; will meet prompt *Beam
Fin dale PIANW for sale sepia -my
CLAIIET WINES of different brands and
q uanuojest reesiosd and [or sale by
i 57113 Kona,t It ZIEGLER, ii Martell a
equal—instantaneous in effect —Peautifill Black of
Natural Brown--no staining the skin or toning the
Flair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and
Invigorates the Hair for life. No e are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " :old everywhere.
CHAS. BATCHELOR. Proprietor.
S 1 Barclay Street, New York.
_ _
Free from all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of Scrottila
Ulcers, ecurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short,
most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties.
No family should be without them, as by their timely
use much suffering and, examen may be saved.
Prepared by WM. B:MOFFAT, New. York, and
for .ale by all Druggists .
The Original and Beat In the World:,
Art La . • others. are mere imitations, and
should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule*
4/ AY, dIED, or RUSTY HAUL WED instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Bark without rimy tti
tli ll AND liadaadONliereheen award
,to Wm. A. Barisonoa since 1034 antL , -2 , , ~ fp.
.plicatione have beep , ruder their ortne - .- ---• ,
ibis batons dye. - - - - .
WM., A ‘ 2lLicagrtlitlr 1140061DIrgeodneen a oder
not to Ink , - • nia bed from natanc and Is wanness/
not to Arm kreberhourt, ho • , beg Bloat
- . =doted tbs. . 7 ..gatllra'reuse.ft IN
~ t' .by thisekdeadidilya._ - -
• gold in all dike and towns- of the .Unitod Arra, kg
' , engirt :4s and Fancy Goods Dreier& .
J as-The Genuine has the 'lmps , rnad *Mimes npna a
reel plate engraving on roar armor -rah Dm, of Wu:
tumuli. Banamort.
__ Addrites •
.4martiNdhsill .• i 41 Basihrieres t. New York.
Tag BLOOD IS . 0 more shall the
anifer•pkor m r.mueir eonstitutiona
ell 114 , ' end difterouseredmedicinee; they
tome to thn Want twain loiradM eimpieherbe
dr roots from nature's storehouse. The MOONTAIN
BUB PILLS, of innocent mountain pladtacolopmed,
'wUlx th eir dances, and came the blood,;
be carry through the body the de
minus of beakh• blinding upp the broken constitution, and
carrying life en • re Molar thetwareold bare
been the wreak of hope—the feeble moan of sullering,ed
'last ended by the add band of death. , Do not let prop*.
dice overcome your better reason;do not look upon these
Pills as °elflike Ohm* ; donut let your *pair, aft&
trying:everything prevent you from trying these.—
The blond most be pure, and then slekommhe impossible-
What a great arild ampl e Mu* is tide; it appeals to
the common sense °Lill; lithe ;neat kart of tile
heeling art. JI7OBOIIIIOIINTIM mats PILLS will
purify Autt cleave ttas eprd , es We ann will rlsoso.mor
' Higd by inialaictriombie • 1014 m
Tn . EtaAT a - EttilatlOVEDY
Ptata= a s= ti i‘, Matt fßeiska
terns Qasen...t.
Thin iewainable medicine LturdellAng t in the owe K ally
those painfelnaiidangrous dlsistates toerldoit the [exude
coustitdtion bliont)ted:" If nibßeratilsail mesa and ra
moves all obstructions and a Itipee" tly core Indy be
relied on.
it le pccullor/y-auilad. /t will, In a abort -Mus t bring on
thetoonthlf Ferlhd
Each bottle, price One Dob llsr , bears-the Geeertuneat
Stamp or Greet Britain, to-prevent itounts;;Mdtia
- Woe -1 Us Amid ma k takeir bj; /seeks derby alie
FIRST THREE INO.NTEISqf Pranaucy,al Ma amuse
to briny on itisccaraage, but at any othertiatathey are
littll polka of,llmlona and B,lnal4thegall, Pala in
lielcia linlbe 'b i valve On alight exertlan, Palpita
tion or the Beentollpitake and Whites, theer-PlEa will
erectra,attre whim all other means have Aped ; and al.
• -21-nalv mss, 4;e4mlnceetallatNen, calomel,
enVmony, or aay thing buttfai to the conatitelloo.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
n blob should be carefully preserved.
N. B.—St.oo and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing EA) Pills,
by return mail.
For sale by C. A. Ramtvant.
To PBRRY DAVIs & SON :—Dear Sirs—l feel
happy to adiLone mere testimonial or the value of your
Palu Killer to the thonsmids tent you from nearly all
parts of the -world. An the Bth of this month 1 fell from
a second story doorway to the pavements, striking on
my ftet, and bruising them severely; also straining the
ligaments of the ankles. When carried home my feet
wore black and swollen, and the pain so intense as to
cause fainting. I immediately applied your Pain Killer,
and continued to do so atintervals of about ten minutes.
The second day the appearance was a greenish yellow,
with title or no pain, and I can walk with ease to
my store. Yours Respectitilly,
I. SUGGITT, High Street.
Providence, Kay 121 b, 1887.
" Sete by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers
throughout he United States and Canadas.
The stain on linen rrom the nae or the Pain Killer la
easily removed by Anything -814-1 m
ErWn call the attention of our readers to an
article advertised In another column, called BLOOD FOOD
It la an entirety new discovery, and mast not be oos found
ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the
day. It fa food ter the blood, already prepared for ail
sorption; pleasant. to the taste and natural in action, and
whet one gales be +•'tacos. Let all those, then, who are
suffering from poverty. Impurity or deficiency of Wool,
and couseqUenUy w., h some chronic disease or ailment,
tai aof this &mon Ft, •n and be restored to health. We
notice that our Druggiau have received a supply of this
article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Earon's De.
menu CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It
-is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind
whatever, and of course mast beinvaluable for all then
tile complaints. It Is also said that it will allay all pain,
and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the
same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
n urges, who have endured anxious days and sleepless
nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved.
jga-See advertisement. au2-tfebB
From Frank Leslie's Mustrated Newspaper, New York
July 3), 1859.
PIIKNOMI) Give.—This admirable addition to our stand
ard household economies will be held by all good home
wives as a boon long wished for. but hitherto unattained.
Spalding's Prepared Glue is perfectly adapted far those
timely repairs to household walla, furniture, crockery
and for fancy work, that is almost daily demanded by
the experience of -every every housekeeper. It, Is chemically
held in solution; will withstand the action at climate and
time, read as its full strength, and is put up in a snug
convenient bottle, with a brush, all fbr twenty-five
cents. Ou being applied, the chemicals readily evapo
rate and the glue becomes Arm quickly, and adheres
with the tenacity of the best cabinet-maker's glue. For
wood, bather, or other articles where glue is ever used,
it is Jost the thing. We have tiled it, and speak by the
card. In the country it will be invaluthie, end nobody
in the city will think of doing without 14 II" Mr. Spalding
desires to become a candidate tor the Presidency, and
his friends stick like his glue, he will be sure of an elec
tion. a2l-1m
How To Pszsznyll Bratrfif.--NOthing is more
becoming to a man or woman than a luxuriant head of
hair, and k woman's beauty;ls certainly incomplete with
out a fair complexion, and she or be wbo neglects these
great and important adornments of nature must expect
to suffer the Mortification of premature baldness, and a
wrinkled face and a sallow akin. Nothing is necessary
to preserve these essential attractions but the use of
Prof. Wood's Resto:ative.—Leuisviffe Tones.
PROP. Wow's HAIR itairosaters —We have had oc
casion to use this famous preparation of Prof. Wood's
and alter thoroughly testing its qualities, we find that
where the hair is thin it will thicken it, if gray It will re
store it to its original color ; likewise, It gives agloisy
appearance, as Well as keeps the hair from falling off--
This invaluable Ingredient is for West “Ohinarnan's Tea
Store," south-east corner Frederick and Baltimore Ste.,
by Mr. C. Giveu.---Ballintore Clipper.
Sold by all good Druggists,
the established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold,
Induct a 9, Hoarseness, and all irritations of the mucous
membrane et the throat, palate and note, is endorsed by
physicians, and ail who hive used tt, as a preparation
that has no rival in:the field. Yrioa 26 cents. Sold by
George egner.
X:4 lot al In good .oendlilon, for We by
soyrr WM. DOCK JR. k CO.
Special Nntitts.
P. K.
Ti ror sale by G. A. Bannvart, pole agent, Harrisburg, Pa
Preparedi by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.,
THE combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the result of a tong and extensive practice.
They arc mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Paintdi atensiruations, removing all ob •
etructions, whether from cold or ottitruise, headache,
pain in the side. palpitation of the heart, %Wise, all ner
eousaffectiotis,bysterica, fatigue, pain in the back and
limb% &C., disturbed sleep, Winch arise from interruption
of nature.
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they %111 b rill
on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who hare
been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the
utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all tLat
they represent to do ,
There is one condition of the ranee greens in *Web tee
Pats cannot be taken leethout producem a PICULLAR
RESULT. the condition referral to is PRXG NANCY—
the rani; MISCd RRLAGP. Each is the tre . esistzt/c
fendeaq of the tnedvine raiare he acebai Anthems 1,,
normal condition, :hat me* the svprodnettee parr at
.stews =mot rat i
Wgitianted rarely vegetable, and freefrom an 3 thing
injurious. Dzolicit diseetione, whiolbrehould be read, ao
company each boa. Price ht. Sent
$1 oaryoyaag
to DC Consume I. Onssa, Doi PaggOalco,
Neer York Qty.
Sold bran° Druggiatte ev
Itery town in St Awl
s iger„,arAtlitt r ,ior th e Elated 844 ea,
14 Broadway,: New tofetalt TOfter
ordae abotibi be addr-tcyi.
'burg b 7 D.,,A„„Dassrvastx.
2b whom an
Sold In :
MOnThatic t .r:" • • THIS.—Tho following is au
extmet fronts • writtan by the pastor of a Baptist
oholiCia to thilit • • _ and Diessenger," Cincinnati,
Woo, and maim • Minkin favor of that worid-ro-
Downed medient*Airs. Window's B°clthi bgFruP fir
"Wo. Ma an oavertisement rn _
SOCollang syrup, Now we nev(r nie.44,3-
lawir of a patent medicine before in our life, bat we
sei.aompeged to say to our readers, that this is no hum.
• ,trMa.4l, and know to be aft it claims. It
, ,Ontr'of the most succemenl modicines of the
do* invialit one of the best. And those of your
retdess who have babies can't do better than to lay
a MARP4r.n. au22.
Jr P. JAB. McClawrimes PECTORAL SintuP.
Atfi t y,, hinge week? Does a long breath give you pain?
liiMS *Aaciting cough? Do you expectorate hard, th ur 1' Are you wasted with night sweitls ADA
sleep? If so, Baas st TOSS =YEW. It will as
tiZ g lis ir pst . b . , ly arms you. P 40.5100. Sold by SsoROZ
_ Mar7-diw4in
"Fr is compounded entirely from Gums,
_l_ laid has become an established fact, a Standard Medi
cine, known and approvi r :dr by all that have used tt,
and is now resorted to 1.4_ with confidence in all the
diseE t for which it is GI commended.
f :. pare& thousands pe within the last two years
w Irvela up all hopita — of relief, as the nurnerone
unsolkited certificates In ' my possession show.
The dose moat be adapt-,. ed to the temperament of
MitA me.
takinglkand . need In such quantities ar
onthotrowels. f
.1,41010 l ,i of your '' Judgment guide you In the.
'MA ttf Ant '1107410- BATOR, and it wilt curs
Linn Coemiturts, Banc , p AnAces, Drowsu,Cascui
iolidka Coon-PAWS,m DIBLITIERY ' DROP.
IT am Siaird Rath- iii
Ctamaik Noma, Caotau toraanny 4? SA TO t KNOX,
James, VIOLA= Wean- el., sad may be used
sucelsetilbny as an Oaltum• ge SY FAWN litamcim. It
will cureSICIIIIBADAZHE (as *Mande can testify)
IS TWISZY iitSVISS, ti TWO ORM= YRJAPOnirrottis as
TAINS at commencement o ' Week.
AIL win marl ASS am t, 'their testimony in Its
Omar • r`•
ilarNts Water hi the month with th. lan
Vigoraton, and invallow both together.
num cant DOLLAZ not awns.
The FAMILY OXMAN- • T IC PILL is a get tie be
active Cathartic which th proprietor bas used to big
practice - more than twenty years.
The constantly !tierces- . ins demand from throe who
have lung used the PILLS INI and the eatisfaction which
ell esprms in regard to 1 1 -1 their usethas induced me
to place them within the a, reach of all.
The Prot.:salon well know ''' that dillideint Cathartics act
on different portions of the ~.., tmwels.
The FAMILY OATHS& ts, TIC FILL tuts, with due re
fereuee to this well ruttish- tit lisped fact, been componn.
ded from a variety of the &I purest Vegetable extracts,
which act alike on every .„, part el the alimentary ea
nrd, and are good and cafe Mt Is all caves where a ca
thartic is needed, such le . i i nerandvacats of Stinach,
Seer:new, Pains in fNA ..1 Sack and Loins, timiteeness
Pam and &mai over tto 111 Mdy, Restlessness, ilautachi
or weight in the head, all 2 /n/Litinntatory Dii t 4 S ei,
Warms in ChUdren or dd- en sea, Rheumatism, a great
Plirtfier of the Blood, and A many diseases to which
dealt is heir, too numerous -4 to mention in this e Ivor
tmement. Dosa, Ito 3. 0
ra FILLS are retailed by Druggists generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large
Jy9 da wly
R. T. W. SANFORD, M. D.,
Manufacturer and Propriety
je2o dawyt] 835 Broadway. New York
No. 120 North Second Street, above Arch,
el a very large assortment of TOYS of every descrip
tion. Also, FANCY BASKETS, WORK BOXES, Tob,ceo
Boxes, Spear C. 1963, Pipes, Canes and Fancy ArUctis of
a larawcAriety. All befog imported direct groin the
manufacturers enables me to sell at very low prices.
SE-Please call and examine my stock. s.O d3a/
THE UNDERSIGNED having purchased
ii a very fine Hearte, w;th Double Sett or Trimmings,
for Children and Adults, reepectfully solicits the ratron
age of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity
Beady made coffins always on hand
88015 dlm
AIARGE authorized Pamphlet edition
or the LIFE OF LINCOLN can he had at
Price ten cents. seta/
in the Berough of DAUPHIN, 1:4-phIn county
Teachers of middle age preferred. Schad.; will be
orened after the October Examination CO the
24th September. ISAAC RACE, President.
Gents' and ladies' Porimonneties, Funs, &e., at all
prices, just reef teed and for sale at -
sett 51 Mart et Street.
THE undersigned has re•copmenced the
livery, liminess in his NE and SI'ACI3US STA
loaated m above, with a large •nd varied stock of
HORSES, •CARRIAGES and 0 Cid IMES. which he will
hire iitisnosletneeatcs. $. SWARTZ
sorip2B di y
THE undersigned , DOCTOR OF DENTAL
SURGERY, has •returned and rosume.l /ix y.sottee
In State slreet opposite the .11riny House," weer. be
wEI be pleased IP attend to lel who may dezio his Fer-
OM. [sep2ll B. Y. GILDEA, D. D. B.