THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS F:XCTJTEP,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS .--FMOIII Suielciumols. rile beat ULF:CR/11W Li servod to subscribers in the Boreugh at 0. CClad per week. Yearly subscribers wilt be Charged $4.00. 'Vs'SKIS AND SFAD-W AtilT TinsOnArn. the WISGRAPH is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furbished to subscribers at the following rates, viz : Single Subscribers per year Seven Ten =I a subscribers order the discontinuance ul their Darla papers, the publisher may continue to send them until dl arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or reuse w take their nerircPc , ers from the office to which they are directed, they are r esponsible until they bar settled the bills and ordered them discontinued glebical. DR . JOHNSON, 3B.A.I.AMICAT.CII‘3EI LOCK HOSPITAL 1.1 as discovered the most certain, speedy and oircotaalromedv In thu world toy • DIMAS& OF IMPRUVENCI annir 111 ale ro rwairs Rom No Mercury or /Foram Drugs. or A CUIN WMIRANIVD, on NO CHAIM, IN non On To Two DAYS If. Weakness of the Back or ',nibs, Striotarea, bine in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys slid Inadderr, Organia Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physieal Pow , ers,Dgmuipsia Loaspog i jkolierite, Genhieion of Ideas; palpitston of the Heart, Me ,Tratilinim,Dimr*Mter light or eiddinees Dineen of t e lillossach L Affeetiows el' the Head, Throat, Nese or Skin—thane huvible dhterdersi arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of 'fixith—i those dreadful anddestruathre practices which wanes: constitutional debility, render marriage Impeedble, Ind! destroy both Witty and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims ell solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit Whilld annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of y men of the most exalted talent and brilliant IntOlect, W might otherwise have entranced listening Santee with - thunders of eloquence * or waked to eastacrthellying I may call with full confidence. MARMON " Married persone,or thosecontemplatipg marrhigt aware of physical weakness, should INtmediately Dr. i, , and be rest ORGAMC VEAKNI . i ored to perfect health. ' i IiMS , in tsu di a t i ty rs.vot ...lA/WI Vigor Restorat • sn . , He who places : himself nu4sr. the Vora of Dr. 4 . zoo, religiously confide in his honor awe gecOnanan.and cops, dently rely neon his skill as &physicist'. -. ) - - 4,, ~ifir Mee No. 7 goutlißrotterick street, BM*, tl.. on the left hand aide going frost Baltdmore stir " it ri from the corner. Bo partioukr In obeerylog 'LP* Jul 4 anddumber, or you will thistake the plat:wale pilticular, ffirkrtioarn: Trllifels Qua* wlsh al;ppamta, or Paitrl ilinataw. (AnittaMes, IdIratIOII . bk ikt IMPII )of Dr Johnston, lurk soar. - ,-___..-..,,,, All letters nilteacontain a PectigealsO L TO nation toe eply. , D.H. manna Da. Jomernat member ef the Bre* ,ILIMMeIIe/12 , 11rgeon Lando:, gralMlSta trot ose Of titenfoltaislasitglill•gesol the D . metre, and the greater part of whose a beet ontin the Hospitals of London, P , and elsewhero, has:taste:ltrit •, , i curer that were ever known. MOW , In tbb ears and head whin al great_ , Wag awn* at sudden 4l.queld binehing, attended eomanee r air mind were ouredlmatedlebny.• • ' • . TANS rAmudwricthica - - Dr. J. addresses all tilear woo- tuiviiig selves by private and tmproper indulgencedi,lfiat score and solitary kiibikripiliebirthis both body and mind, on fitting them for either business or society. These are monis of the sad and melancholy effects pro doced by early halite' of youth. viz : Weatoew or the Back and Limbs, Pains' In the Head, DMus= of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep. :as, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive function. General Debility, Symptoms of Oeuremg ties, ka. MENTALLY. MenMU', the tearful effects on the mind are much to Ma dreaded ;—Lou Of Memory, Conihalon of Ideas, Doom- Mon of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Mooiety, Selt ,lletrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Mo., are some of lb evil effects. Thousands of persons °tanager, can am/Judge wheal the cause orlkeir declining hail*, MOW tkedreigor, comas, weak, pale, nervouaand ensaciated.basaa lar appearance about the eyes, nought anthttym=l YOUNG NW who have injured themeelves by a certain practise, In dulged In when alone—a habit frequentlylearned from evil companions, or at school, the Weans of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If col oared, render. marriage Impassable and.destreys both mind and body ould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences el deviating trom the path of nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit. Finch persons mut, before content plaids, MARPJACIL. effect that a sound taind end body are the most mice nary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes I weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the UMW; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING MUDS TOR URGANIO WEAKNESS By Ma great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured, and fail vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who nail lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. Al Impediments to arriage, Physical or Mental Inivivall cation Nervous rambling, Weakness' or mammalian the most fearful kind, spee d cured. STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Institution within the teat twelve years, and the numerous important Surgica. Operations performed by Dr. J., wltneued by the is porters of the papers, and many other persona, notices ot which have appeared again and again belbre the public, beside, his standing as a gentleman ef ohisructsr and re sponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the alllioted DISKO K OF IbirRUDIENCL—When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he halt imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, Ii too often happens that an lb-timed sense at shame or dread of Maas:ivory deters tam from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone befriend nim, delaying tiff the conaUntleual symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, alleeting the head, throat, nose, skin, rte., progressing on with frightful rapidity, thi death pule a period 't his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." It is a widen. choly feet that thousands fall victims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretenders, wr.o, by toe see of that deadlypoison, ruin lb, oecititutieu sad make the residue of life miser& le To Stranger, —The Doctor's Diplomas hang In his °Moo sor Letters must contain a Stamp to us OD the reply. sir Remedial sent by Mail, ear No. 7 South Frederick street, itantmorv aprlSdiew.l.• FAMILY DRUG STORE. V a E UNDERSIGNED DAS OPENED a and Retail Drug and Prescription More, lu IronWholerale Front Banning, No. 128 Market street, lately coupled by Mr. Eby, wehre can be found an entire new k.tocif of Fresh and Pure Drop Perfumery, Si a 'UAL OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Alo tot Patent hleuiclnue, Stationery, Fancy Artiolis, dic, dic. We have the agency for the sale of lidera Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Tih'utiste. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, respectrully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. n hand. mum. N. B.—prime Havana Began and Tobacco constantly apre.dly FRANK A, MURRAY (Successor to Wwl. .Pcwkia,) • LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE, TRIED STRUT ERWIN MARKEIL - 11aViNG plachaeed the. interest of J. Q. Apure in the establishment, and mad, /arge additions to the MOIL the undersigned is p re p ared te accommodate thepublic with Sermon Roans for saddle or carriage par posee,fuld with every variety eIVEILICLES of the taloa sad most approved styles, on reasonable WHIM PLEASURE FARM will be accommodated with Omni buses at short notice. CARRIAGES AND OMIeLBUSES FOR ruNERAL MCA: SIGNS will be furnished, accompanied by careitil Rnp obliging drivers. -- „ Be invites an inspection of hie Stock, satisfied that it Is fully equal to that of any other estabilehment of the bled 1.12 town. FRANK A. MURRAY. BRANCLITSTABL I E itudstligoeil pan opened a branch or his "kV/BY anti LIM:RANGE STABLE," in the buildings lately mew iru oy A. \. Burr, in Fourth street uppcalte the Seidel; berg pi -spared lu..occenWmdap_tha_kithlia—Willikri. soil IkiilCli Spit all times, en I ensemble teriatay !a stook is largosint Weed, liltorlNlU rnui luend 1-ft-ew l 11.ati-rdaueil f ROE 4. SUMBA If • T :\::SA •T 1 r -..., 13 t _i__• l.l-; * lll7:ri r e-11L';14: : -C-774- .: 4 - '-----------;';')::::::- 1 T... ~.- _:- , .. , .-,.., : i i .: i A..,,,-, - ~----,..i.:, -- , .. r.-- ---- 0 ' , 3= _._,.=-- -,-. -..: 1 _,.. - - ...,......... s S.OO 12110 16.00 VOL. XIII; HELMBOLD'S GENIIIITE PREPARATION. HE:amours BUCHU for the Bladder.. aIIt:MBOLDIt BUCHU mr the Kidneys. ' 1111111}OLD'il BUCHU for llikOra*fil. BUGHtr.for the Dropsy. BFLMBOLD'S BUCCgHUfOti Harem:anima BELMBOLD'iI ADDED for Loss of Emory.' EBLEBOLIPS.BUCEIU for Mowed of Vision HELYBOLDI BUCHU for DifScult Mealtime. -BELEBOLD'I MEW Die Week Nerves.t BELMBOLD'd BUCHU for General Debility 14111.111101.WS BUCHU for Universal Lassitude/ HELEBOLDI ItUCEID for Horror off 'setae. HILEBOLIVB BUCHU fOr Hied Sweats., HA,MBOLD'S BUCHU for Wakefulness. 7141EM1Y13 BUCHU for Dryness °filet Skin. . 44 turbo - 9' Lugak caw for Heaelaess of the Eyelids, with firi. rytafthisi at Lois or Nat. HRifitiai, fee 1119billty atxt, ResUessnees, With IPbatbfatiellft - alid Son* bfamitS*. BEIMEGIEEI MEP .obstractioup, • lIMEMICAMPIPBEFaiII tor hmliiiim`iiiblog trcini orpOokftd ludff i-4181. diseases of - irimAzirs litintrAgriSt4Zha iii imAT1MA444,1114,11.44, PlZa r • i pl e ir o lgfp WEN .772181 -, 01" IVO - AVAIL. . . . r,„ ?HAT AR& OF NB ..4VAIL. LD'S ELIMACtrBIVIRI for all complaints 'hiciftellkiP4l/1 ties• . No Family nhoula - kits without It TAIWNOIfoREB4ISAk or lidarttros and Unpleasant - Medicine for Unplcamot and Dengerons Manages. - eat 'ILEVABOLDIR EXTRACT 111:1CRU for Excesices ariainglrom hablla thdctined in . . 1 416 m By Young and 0 , And in. dnikion attslngfront Habits of Ali re. moves all improper dlachargei, and w ,restore the pa tient In Asher& lime to estate of Health Mk Parity. • Use BILLI4IIOI4YS .F.ATRACT BUCEU for Diseases andi Affectkela of the boat' ndreashig Character. Use BIOUIIioLVS EXTRACT BMW for all Affections and tilimiael of the+ • Urinary Organs, Whether extatma in ,• , e oriatoonniis and matter Male or relliale, from whatever can oe no wof ~ /low Long, Standing. Alfot i thil above ilienwee and On/atoms admit of the same treatment; and may `oririninate from tho flame MUM SLID ARAD 1. • READ-1 READ!' ?BIitIIOULD'S SUCHI7 , IIv safe,:sad planet' at in thate and odes, but immedlop Waslismion. Personally 'reared before me, an Alderman of th e City of Tbilisi. a, H. T. Heimbeld, Chemist; who be ing duly avterni does say, tbatliti - preparation contains no blsemitio,•ltercury, or injurious dreg, but is purely Vegetable. , H. T. H2LliiiHD t , ole Manallitnefer. Sworn and subscribed before me, e this 236 day of No vember,4llll44 HU. P. 11113 HARD, alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $6, delivered to any ad. dress. A Trial Coate but a Dollair...Try it, and be convbiced 'of its effkaMy. And it la accompanied by . reliable and responsible ,cerlitlates from Profaners* of Medical Colleges , Clergymen and others. ' • Prepared by 11.„ T. HbiIBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, lea Petah tenth Street, below Manua, Philadelphia. Nauman ; Gancloar.—Should unprincipled Dealers try to.palm olyanotbar article, which pays& bettor profit and ASK FOR asuutoixes .EXTRACI BMW. lib OTHBR. OILILLITIRD. ii...111.-131.0na-liCa; and 01 — Br' °nista- Ovory, where. Cut Ms out-4end or call for It, and avoid exposure and Imposition. null-dawant Mff.C:IN I 3PALWISI LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES . base now been be fore the public Dar &period of That(' YEARS', and during that time have maintatind a high character in a nima every part of the Globe, for their 'extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons eutlbring tinder nearly-every-kind or- dimities: to which the human frame la liable; The followhig nregiong'the digressing varlet* of hu man diseases In which the . . . . VECIE.TABLE LIFE MEDICINES gra well known to be infallible. DYSIPIAPSLA, by-thoroughly cleansing the first and ascend IV:nacho, and creating a Bow of pure„healthy bile, instead of We Male and acrid kind ; XMAT:I7- taeNcy Law of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache" Heat. lemmas, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and liftiliunchofy, which are the amend symptoms of Dyspepsia, will yin lab; sea natural oelizeimenott Mita ewe. COSTIVIC4IOII9,, by clamming the whole length of the isteetinea with g solvent proates, and without vie, bmce, an viol,t purges leave the bowels costive Within two days. FlLltielaß of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circuisdlomthrtaigh the meets:, of respiration; in awl* cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal oh. struellen In others. ' qqhe LIFE SED/OGIRS have been ,known core EBEIJNIATT4M - pertineritly la 'three weeks and . GOUT in half that time, by removing hicalinthimmation from the muscles and ligameets of the joints. _ DROPSIES et all kluds, 'by Ditehig and iltreligthen• ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate meet delight, fully ws.theite Important organs, and titmice have ever been foundktightle remedy , ler the worst_ caw of GRAVAL, Also IitfORSIE, by dislodging rivini es ot the bowels tbe Amy matter to 'which- Ras breatuies adhere. , . • SCUSOM irLVEVID, SORES, by Re perfect purity whichthese LIFE MEDI. CRIES give to blood, mid all the humors. SCORBUTIC, ERUPTIONS and BAD MAURY lONS, by their Aerate effect upon the Mari timt feed the skin, and 'the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, end other dliagree. able .tomplesiems. The two of them, Pllis-for a very short tens wlikeltbct an Atka comet SALT REE7PaIi and a Ml= im provement is the clearness of the skin. CO ON . COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured.b . 7 one wsa ni k irpro in the worst eases. -- P e original proptletorelt Doe wiedicirOs, r o rs !BO 1 O4r*PWAWSIiitIMPII* of th e LIFE MEDI one. FEVER AND AGUE.—Tor this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines wilt be found a We, Speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure. by these Bronchial Is permanent—TßY THEM , OS SATISFIED, AND BS OMR 1311.401718 FEVERS AND LIVER _ COM PLARIPES.--lizerkitst Dimurr, Lon or APPETIIII, and In seism or Frissise—the Medicines have been used with the moat benefkdal results in cases of this descrip tion Evd and Scrofula, in its worst forms,yields to the mild yet powerful action of these rerriarksble Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nertrous plaints of all kiwis, Palp.mition of pi Heart; Painters' 741DEt are DISEASES Pe wh ose o?titu l ons have become Impaired the istiudic meg Mercury, will , find these 111141011:1e8 perfect cure, ey fail to eradicate from OA system, all the eiStota of Mercury, *nasty sooner than the mostpower pa preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, • 835 Broadway, New York. . Ferule by all Druggists. -jy2o-drarly NOT -- THE FIRST ARRIV4] 4 . BUT ABBTVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LYKEN 5 VALLEY STOVE COAL, WM per ton. 46 NOT - ii 401 AM tt Al2o,oonBtaile on band, • murava veuxx, i(0E0, st KG% CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WLLRESSAMBB BROKEN, No.,,S_And 4, Blacksmith NUT, Coal,' Allegheny and Broad Top. • ANY n iek"l. Oak and Pin. Wood. E. BYERS. 4 No. 102 Cbestnut street.' FOR STATE SE.NATOL -- 2 4 OFFER myself as-an liideperfaititCait- - " to ibr the office (COMMA to Mei voters of vas ! &Id Dauphin COMA* at ao th NATHAN e ensuin uns uciotober . 4 ftiloffer "Ougll.lBoo. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRA.L. IN- NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, .00TOBER 6, 1860 - fIR icat. Sdisteliaitious. Dyspepsia, Remedy DRS .DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC. INVI ORATING SPIRIT. TAO' IfedieinS has 'beeat. used by the public for es &e, wits'tistereizeiry ;favor. - it is recommended to Dom ervouttleu, Hear4l3am Colic Pains, . /Paul in ihe Maas &muscly or Pains in the awe t, • • Dro • Kidney Cton wi'n4Fy. . „Vomit, Zan Bpuits /tried& . Tremens, intemperance. 111111.A119, Xxosuassin, Inv a..i ATE WILL NOT LIITOILCASS OH 8.7112:F . AL S A MEDICINE it is quick nd effects rCnallyi'emriantt m arl all r ell e ariteron e go o esZ oer It wil revive . • 11#1" . .. so • ' drooping spirits, and restore the weskaillervous and sick; l to hilidtitetfeelith .; Persons who, from the =Miele= iall of liquors, have become dejected, and their riervollit_systuns shattered, conatitutiOne *Okra doirti, Ind tulleleaMthat horrible curse to 44wobit.Y. that. , Detteicw will, almost heMediatelyObil the Ititifpr'iltd' Invlgoratiag efficacy of Dl r T t is in vast% T • • DONg.r—Olitt Wile On u_sita iislieasseary. One dews vrill regorge sil Bad Ous.dWe- este . I 1:: 1.! Three doses will cure Ind' , Otte dart will glee you mama; One.doce will atop the dlstrorsleLpsins of Dyspepsia. tonedotiewill reprove:the dieteirillbeyind disagreeable effects of Wind or Xlatulence, sad sa soon as the stomach receireallie flavigoratingtffpiril;lhe'fftlitiessing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will retrieve the moat distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will reanovesll obstructiOns in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Perierni who ere setkrusly. afflicted; with - any Kidney Oomulainis arcesurpal speedy relief by a dome or two, knit iik Monti or two bottler. NIGEWLY 2 . . Palmas who, from diesipalleg too much over night, and feel the evil effects of polsouowt Ultima la violent bead aches, sickness. at stomach,, weakness giddiness, &c., Will Undone dale willremove all badleelhigh. , Ladies of weak aad sickly constitutions, should take the hrrigorating Spirit threntimes a das ;Lit:will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities troth the measttelalbrgimt, and restorelhe bloom of, health tird the careworn face. rimitgegiutioy found anlayaluable medi cine to ' remove disagreeable senattiont at the stomach. All the PrOpldeier asks it a-trial, induce ens; he has put up the invigorating Spirit in pint, bottles, at ISO cente,.guarts $1 • , General Depot,'4B;Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Aal, Philadelphia, D.' YOIT, & CO. sad for sale in Harr isburg by C. A. Banovart, O. W. Grees & Co. and C. H. Heller, and by all DruggisM everywhere. Jel4-dewly . . NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. 'VALUABLE EVILDENO'LOTS'FOR SAL?? NUMBER OF LARGE BIZED BUILD- Ii LOTS adjoining the Bound Ronan and Work Bishops " of the Penna. Railroad- Cimpany, - Will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply,to • hugBo 8m JOHN W. BALL; NEW M N 0 GOCOST CATHCART. -& BROTllER; • Have ndw open a large: asatirtfnent ,of :MOURN/NG; and SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS _KEELTEL,s, '' • COLLARS,. SLEEVES, HANDKERCHIEFS,. .VEILS;: And All other goods desirable for Full and Winter wear. 1t0.14 Market Square, al2 Next to the Harrisburg Dank. C. 1.- I.I,MME R-M A N BANKING, -- - .STOOK, t:..81LL.. AND COLLECTION OFFICE No. 2.8 South Second Et, Harrisburg. BONDS` AND,: STOOKS FOR SALE. Bor 4,000 Harrisburgßonds. 80 Shares of Harrisburg Bridge Coral:any. 70 - a G as 40 "_Bank. sep4 JUDSO.ZI'S • Mountain ..Herb UWE inventor and manufacturer of L--`Jud i. son'alfountaln Herb , PlUs,” has weal tile greater pert of his life in travelling, having viated nearly every nonntry in the World Re spent - over six years • ainon the Rochrldountaine and of Mexico, and it was thus that the filtomrsairrfixas Pan" were discovered.," A very inierestrtm account of his adventures there, you win find in our Almanac and Painphlet. It is an established fact, that all diseases arlee from 1:111DURE BLOOD: 'The blood is the fife I. and When any foreign or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, At is once distrbuted to , every organ of the body. Wary servo feels the poison, and all the vital orgasm quickly complain. The stomach will ion, °digest the food 'perfectly. 'The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of. bile. The action Of, the heart is weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. Tdalungs be come clogged with the poisonous matter; henoe,a hesigh —and all from a slight Impurity 'of the lountain-beitt of Rte.—the Blowip As if you had thrown wine earth, for histance,'lnit pare spring, from which ran a day rivulet afew •inioutes, 160 whole , course of tke 'stream be, conies disturbed and dhicolored; "As quickly does impure blood ilyto every part; _and kaoro tls.sting behind: All the passages become obstructed, and unless the obstrim- Volt is removed, the lamp of life soon dies mat. • These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the seorOtlons of the body, they are, therefore, unrivalled BAR CURB FOR BILIOUS DISEASES;•- Lives Complaint, Birk Beadache, tea.. This Anti-Balm Medicine expels from the blood the hidden seeds qf ease, and renders all the' iinids. and secretions pure and litient,elesaing and resuscitating the vital organs. Plaueuitindeed, ht it to -us, that we are able to place within your reach, a medicine like the uldotottsin Hass Pau," that will passdireetiy to the afflicted portsobrough the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the .ulferor to brighten with the feel of beauty and health. Judscm's Pills ,ctie the Best Remedy in mist, • Ellie foe the Allowing' Complain s: Bowel COApioloto, liebillty,- • Inward Wealiiess, Coughs,, Fev,er and Ague, Liver Complaints, - 7 Female Clomplalnto,towneas of SlArlse, Chest Diseases, , Headaches, Piles, Cootivotwo, Indigestion, stone and Gravel, Dyspopsla, latio,wzO, Bewoidari Diarrhloa, Inflammation, toxin. - prom, * • .* • • * , • • r'..7 . _ GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE I Females who value health, should never he without these Pills. Thep purity the blood; remove obstrUptions of ill kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimplesand blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek- Aar The Plants:and• Herbs of which these. Pills are made, were discovered in a very surprising way among therTezucans, a tribe ofAborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the .Slareix itaismes" of the Aztecs. Observe.—The kieutaln Herb Pills are put up in a Beautiful :Wrapper. Each box contains 40 Vila, and Re- - at -4 25 gouts Per-box. All genuine, have the signature of B. L. JUDSON is GO., on each box. B. L. JtrDSOiv & CO•, S 01l e Pro - pow eaors NQ 5() ,Uomrd street,• r C o t gwkta:te4,lorirk•—AaiylnT eulat!ov.e. DELAWARE, MUTUAL SAFETY : COMPAIn B (1911;0 x `of,',7iiil'Old Walnut aireet, INCORPORATED 1886 ALA : RINE- INSURANCES •on Veßaal, • Cargo and Mellen to all parts of the World. ND ThIEUHANWIS on Qoods by ltiverspipab' Lakes and Land Carriages W all parts of the Uni on. • Um Dtsußexcits onliterehandire generally, sad on Storas,DwellingHouses, be. - • Anna - OP THE COMPANY, November 151, 186 S; 5608,804 70. 'November ln, 48$8. ' • The Board of Directors - have this day declared si dirt dead of SIX .0111:01iNT. in Cash, on the Cmilted iitock ' -SIM PER orja, on lam Scrip or troviasiemodipar, '.oll and e.irt— theproadmo. ~ • ~,, cy havb bliftritebtaral a Setif) . nivrdaabrktiony , , . Pll5 - OBltge .on- the .origiast-Stock; ant On the i est vromisantfor the Tear. boding October 81;11868, Illetillcates for Which will be issued to the parties on - u to the Id* on Mid after the !list of December. amble and Berottdion adopted by the Board. a the increased means of the Company arising if pills, and which will be derived from the In. 1177rocranftirtietde:rteltrernotile amendments W ce t t thCfltsloStes Deldtai unnecessary, .thereforehe .it-- Bereired, That thb - Guarantee' Capital be - diactitifiltued, and - the Notes' representing the mini(' be delivered, up to the makers thereof, as sooo.mathe Risks taken during the *dad embraced. None stud/ have determined. DIRIC I PtSI.I3. William Martin ," . Janide O: Sand; . •wnliAmErtyre joseph H. Seal . ; • Theo. Paulding, • James Torment, lidmund A. /louder,. Dr.. B-11. /logien,, John C. Davis,. .. „ fingb Craig,. . , Wm, Q.,..Lodwig, Robert Burton, 13:3PTIVila, Temp.() cud, JOSh B. Pannier, - - • Charles/Caney, • Mang/1...1yre, Boone G.Leiper, • • • SainuelliAttokes, Jaisob 11 .Thoes, atiard Darlingtßib. Usury &la" . J.' 1 %.1.0014Pit VP' 114 Jones Brooke, James Traqusir, D. T. Morgan, J. P. Penisten, J. B. Semple, WILLIAM MARTIN, Prittildent.-- , - THOMAS (LELAND, Vim President. HINRY,I,YLBURN. Secretary. The undeseigned, as agent for the ibbie Coinpiny,ta prepared Of bidinibisurances - on all descriptions of pro party on the most liberal. terms.. • .jetilS•dirwly ... .... W.II4LJAhI ADBBLEH, . . Harrisburg, Pa.' E CEIRHAVEIS WOTLLAND B ITTERS. DYSPEPSIA, DBEASiE - 0F; THE KIDNEYS, MAR' C'OMPLAIAir, WEAKESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the dniioug iiff4ficuis conaeqnent upon a'dbordered STODIACII OR _LIVER, Stich 'as Indigestion, - acidity- or the Stomach; Cdticky Pains, Heartburns, Loss of Appetite, Despondency„Ceisl tiveness, Bier ding tiles: In all Fern is, Rheumatic, and neuralgic Affectunus, it has in numerous Mist/thief iroved hfibly benetlctaVand in - ethers effected decldedicurn 'Ha Is a lkotely - veiets hie compound, prepared - on 'strictly scientide prlpciples, aften,Lhentanner of the eels- Holland litntfessor, Boathave. Itaieputation at home produced ifs introduction „here, the. demand cote mencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the' farm of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value.--lii is stow, Wend to the American sake, knowing that Vei tree/ wonderful Medicinal Milieu must be cicknowreagia. • . - it Is particularly recomniendedlo thosepersons whose constitutions may have seen impaired by - the cantina:ins use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen °tally instantaneous in effect, It nods its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up ,the drooping spirit, and, in fact, biros:rig new health and vigor lathe system. W hoover expects-to find this itheverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak end low spirited. It will prelim a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed, of of singulapremedialpropertleS. ARAD CAREFULLY ..... . . The Genuine hig hly:concentrated Bcerhave's Holland Bitters is put up tu ltalf-piht banes only and retailed• at ONE DOLL AR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVIU DOLLA— The gmtdemand for this truly celebrated Medicin li en. induced•"manydroltations, which the publics should gua ware rd `against purchaalag, .. , •• • • o a t posltiou. See that our name' Is on Go label y h you buy. • • . Sol generally ..' It all be.lotwarlied by Expresitle m hits. ...i,./LOA,E PRO.SRIETOBS, BENJAMIN' PAGE, JR. & CO. Pharmaiiktiate. and Oharniztai PITTSBIIRG, - PA. For sale to the 'city of liairlaburg liy Gaoali Co. sepl.l4ewly • GIN!. &S ASIOII34O.I,••AGENT. 2.1313 DELICI9US. TONIC STIMULANT ESPECIALLY deeiEned for the use of the medical Prqfession and the .Family, having super . ceded the so-called" ....Gins?. • ".Itromatic;" "Cordla," "Medicated," " Schnapps , " etc ., Is now endorsed byiall of the prointnentlibnicitas, chemists and connoiNenra, as possessing ell-e(4hcse intrinsic .medielriaquaißles (tonic a wil die/1004 which Wong to an ow and sons Gin, Put up in -quart bottles an.l sold by all druggists, grocera, _ . A. If. MININGER 8c 00., (Established 1n7.1718.) ' ' Sole Proprietors 4 . . " No. la Broad Street, N. Y. For sale by W. &H. ainithei-French, Richard; & Co., and all of the prominent Wholesale ,Drugglate la Philadelphia. : SoP27-d&W,Bss A SCHOOL' BOOK.-"OURgOtritßii- MENT."—Ann explanitory statement of the sys tem of the government of the country. By M. With proper illetbrioalLnotices. The work eves the construction' of the Constitution Of thitrnitpci and thotie of the 'Stelae, as determined' bxludi cial auttilerfty at dirived tram standar' writerg,;.ancord mg to recreates'', noted. Ii Is designed for Colleges, Academies, and schools, and baa been so_ used= usedtie considerable Wept.: It is,reporamendem for this pur pose by Jarbpiltiesidentzi and Pmfesson For Lsale, at ill:00, by M. Mgr...MIRY, at Harrisburg, - . S - , SOUNDP.OLITIOAL rRINCIptV.KI4Iie COustitutimmtProviamis,ltnd Principles of Govern— ment, In referetme.Mthe political topics of the times ;are .stated and explatped, from .suiliorailve and correct: sources, in IPEttinePs "KM GOVERNMENT". os gm: STITUTIONAL MANUAL For sale; at $1 00 , bilf3l'. KINNEY, at Hmillbtim, Pa.- • - • • -se29 . .. • CNSTITITTION • -OF THE UNITED WATES..-it was designed to be read and under-, stood- kir the peOple. AAtncrerledge of oar btiriljinsiiitu tions,.thoonly.geountof,trua patriotism, is essential ,the:r prolervation and proper results, _An explanaton %ottlib previsions of the Constitution, and of our system o ciorenlmant, as COWed on Judicial authority and de nved'nunt staladardaathoiails given, in a font adapted to comet pae, ia the work. eatalad:"Ont 0 0 Y. 4 40-: . IFINIVatut 'CONSTITUTIONAL %LOUT.," oy 10. Kinney. Iparpall3. at.*l bY.4uta! Bazdit!s. i ng. 4 44 AA& beoUtore?ganesally, ' 11449 : .1 7 - ' .71 lEEE illigtettantous PHILADELPHIA lITH , CIcLIBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ItIIf,BP.AtTAJZINCI Let Him iUunier. . . . The'organs of. Dr. Heck are very anx ious to prove that John Wallower is in favor of the tonbage,tax, Hec k r. answer *tether , he is not committed t 4 ceitaiu parpes inempl o y the of .the Railroad • • sylvania to throw obstacle in _, the way of the repeal of thattax ,Will Di. nßeck answer whether he has not intl. mated that he would vote for . such a re= peal, if elected, the moment that it ret quired hi l s single vote to secure the, tap of ao authorbeitig stul a repeat the Tonnage Taxr:- We ` only ask these questioos forJhe purpose 9t.,having., a full, understanding with all the caodidates. From Mr. Wal lower we have had the most emphatic denials 7 -now. let Pr. Reck answer. We do not charge Dr. Heck,,with having ,an opinion on this or , any other nubject, but let him answer these questions andsatisfy he People, Let Mr., HeOr also explik why it is that be receives moat of the orders for lumber used. by the Pennsylvania Rail % road at the Harrisburg depot, when it it? notorious that suoh lumber rust be,trans ported.sonie six or ten miles, and -at the same itilike:.there are mills immediately pear the said depot where -lumber could be purchased much uheaper-than it cans be furnished by Dr. Hedr ? Is it not fair for the people. to - infer-that for such patronage Dr. Heck Would, if 'elected,. serve the Pennsylvania . Railroad with his voice and his votes ? . • Let Dr. Heck and his organs 'answer these plain questions "satisfactorily., A Lie Nailed to the Forehead of the Liars. As the day of' the election approaches, the desperation of our opponents increases: They are now forced to the most con temptible 'modes of warfare, in Which peisonal traduction and falsehood appear to be the favorite weapons. In these as oaths they select the men who are really among the strongest on the ticket, hoping if they succeed in damaging their info_ mice and popularity, they will effectually decrease the prospects dill our candidates.. Among those most 'bitterly assailed is the Republican candidate' for the Legislature in Dauphin county, but he meets.his secret enemies - and open 'foes with a frankness not anticipated by either. The following letter will prove its own'eitplanation, and 'we recommend it to the peresal of every Candid and fair man in this county`: ilmmeistrad, Sirr:24; 1860: . , Gsztrramsa . :—Your letter of 22d inst., mak ing certain inquiries regarding my position on the tonnage tax ,question was duly received at the Iran& of 'ltichard TeX, Esq., -In reply to. the - interrogatory, I would say that 1 tun , opposed, PerbOltally and: politically,. to the repeal of the tonnage tax, and as the roitp reientative of the people of Dauphin county ; I ,qould not .vote lcr it _trader any circumstances. .1 bold the doarine that no representative has the right to disregird the will of his constitu ents, but that it 1, his duty to carry out the will of the Majority the extent of his ability tiPoii ail- questions affecting• their intereats-- Hoping the above will be. satisfactory and to the point, without any evasion or reeervatiOn, I_subscribe myself, TO= Om. J. Warm:may JaJ . . To W. la. Orth, James Henderson, C. A. Wise, C. A Nissley artP. - C.rEarnst, Commit tee Derry . Wide Awake We novrask, what - more can an intelli gent people demand'? After such nn avowal, plain; emphatic the point, the slanderers of Mr. Wallower shmild forever hold their peace. The people wont no better evidence of integrity and inde ,peedence than the prompt- denial and refutation of , a slander. And for this promptness they will elect John .Wal lower. • THE WIDE AWAKE ORGANIZAAION.-14000F900 lifisszrammersuoiLillids Powerful Republieau organization, which is 'daily increasing in strength and influence to an, extent unparal leled in the political annals of our countrY, is misrepresented, denounced, and held - up as a itideons noire-crow, by the Democratic PresSes, here andelseighere, to move the excitedimiigi nationabf those whO are only too ready to Erin upon any object that will increase suspicion "or distrust, To read some of• the DerumMatte: "sensation 7, papers, one would suppose that they really believed the' Wide A wakes to . be an organized army of John "Browns, thirsting for an opportunity to invade the peaceful homes of I our Southern.friends. sensible man expects to r tindtreasomand rapine under the red.cloalts of the Union iorch-bearers thnt figure so liirgcly at the Bell-Douglas .. ..gatherings in our principal cities east, eontti~a . west Why is it, then, ihitfialatilbh3ilien en other paints, and iii 114 ordinary intorciarou'of life rob:4o Luc erg Vrinting E Having procured Steam Power Presets, RP are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK. PRINTINn r t y description, cheaper that it can be done at an? '.4..r tabliabment in the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. .., 'Four lines or less constitute one half square. Eigl.e lines or more than.four constitute a square. Hall Square one day one week one month.... .. 0 three months it six months li one year One: quern 0110 day .., " ono week 2 CO ............ . " on e month . 3 00 CI three months.... ..... ......... . 5 00 7... six months._ . 8 00 One jell! ... 10 00 arßudness notices inserted in the Local column, or belts* Marriages and Deaths, miry. cm S PPE TINE for each insertion, NO. 27. narliarriamm and Deaths to be charged os regt ' .r advertisements. - • prudent and sagacious, should be so wild and insane over the purposes concealed beneath t black capes and flaming WI of the Wide Awak es ? Our Southren bretLiLn arm themselves with gnus and munitions of war, not disguising their purposes, and the treasonable act goes unrebnked by Democratic presses in this section. A few Northetn young men choose to stay up nights,- with peaceful torches and unwarlike capes, and they are at once denounced as plot ters of treason, conspirators against the govern ment, fanatics and insurrectionists. This at temptto inflame:Abe -public mind is at once shameful iumi insulting: — Shameful, because it misrepmnents -4he 4eatimead7parposes of the mil Who con3pritte the clubs; an& insulting, because it assumes that the public mind is of that callow innocence that is to be moved by a "raw-head and bloody bones," and that it will, with aMd-like credulity, gorge itself with fables and romancings, unable tiodistiteguieb the nature of the joke playd upon it. We can as sure the people, north• and south, and the "sen sation" journals generally, that the Wide- Awakee plot no treason, . and intend no undue interference with the rights of other parties, no invasion, no massacre; They turn out sim ply to elect Anakmut Ltscora ; and whatever result betiatilkltkieinber 6th; theraill thereafter ' , turn in," convert their rails into kindling wood. and their torch-handles into hobby-horses for their children. Th,pir oil will be thrown upon thiztifidbled Witers, and their Pater-proof capes will be laid up against a rainy' day. But we have already, on former occasions, enlightened the readers of the Ts:mown as to the special object of the Wide Awakes. Our purpose in alluding to the sUbjeCt at 'this time is to show the ORIGIN of the organisation, and correct the gross misrepresentations of the Democra(ic press. We find in a leading New York Journal a full ac count of the inauguration and history of the Vide-Awakes, gathered front information de rived from responsible and reliable sources.— It is as follows : ORiGIN 01 TOE WIDE Awaxsti.—New England claims the birthplace of this movement, Hart ford being the Conneticut cradle in which the infant was Nurtured. It originated in accident, like many other events fraught with great por tent; and rapidly assumed its present gigantic proportions. It happened in this wise : On the night of the 25th of February, 1800, the city of Hartford was much moved by the ad. vent of the Hon. Cassius M. Clay, the well known Republican orator, who was to address the worthy citizens of the vicinity. Some en thusiastic young Republicans of the neighbor. hood decided to act as an escort to the distin guished visitor, and in pursuance of this design borrowed from-a fire company hard by some of their firemen's torches. Being of a rather fas tidious turn of mind, and withal inclined to protect their broadcloth from oily innovation, they procured some glazed cloth and cut it in the form of capes to protect their shoulders. A few glazed caps completed the preparations, and thus equipped they started to meet the orator. Their novel half military appearance attracted considerable attention and draw forth ,the. plaudits of the assembled multitude, re- Warding them for their forethought. Oa their return hoine one of the patty was attacked by a sturdy Democrat ;but a blow from the origin- . al Wide• Awake torch stretched him on the ground and Stopped all further disturbance. Before dismissal-a meeting was held, and after expressing their indignation at the attack, they resolved to. form a club numbers, equipped with swinging torches and black capes and caps, to act as an especial escort on occasions of public pamde and be ready at all times for any like duty that might forward the Republican cause. Iniutretumce of these reso httiontka. meeting of young . men was held on the 3d of March following, who resolved to I form a " Wide-Awake" dub of fifty, under the .cornmand of Captain. -James S. Chalker, the -gentleman who felled the pugnacious Democrat on the first parade. A constitution was adopt ed, officers-elected, and all the necessary steps taken. The opposition press of Hartford, lit tle imagining that this was the initiation of a gigsnth Movement, made themselves very merry at.the expense of the Hartford Wide- Awakes. Alluding to Weir uniform, they chirist sued them-the 1, Mantilla Cadets," and assome of the first members wire young men, called them the" Fifty Infants whose mamas didn't know they were out;" asked that a "stick of candy be : presented to each one," &c., St.e. In spite of their jibes and jeers the movement spread like wildfire, and at the next meeting, held only three days after their organization, they were obliged to dispense with the rule limiting their numbers, and immediately en rolled a number of new members. At their fitst parade, held soon after, they counted by ' , hundreds, and their fame noised abroad. In the course of a fortnight clubs were started in Bridgeport, Waterberry, Norwich, Unionville, and in pearly all the towns throughout the State. Men of all ages and occupations foster ed and encouraged the organizAtion. On the 27th of March, at the dedication of a camp in Hartford, over two thousand Wide-Awake., as sembled, parading the streets in torchlight ar ray, and owing to the immense number of torches, making a most brilliant and imposing appearance. The - Republicans of Hartford were overwhelmed with letters from all parts of the Union, asking for information touching their rules, manner of tfianization, drills, 8:c. It was at last foinittnecanary to inaugurate some system by which these letters could bu answer ed, and a notice was inserted in all the Repub lican journals, that Mr. H. T. Sperry, Corres liendingSeeretery of the Hartford Wide-Awakes would give all desired information. In the course of a few 'weeks that. gentlemaii had- re ceived and filed over 800 communications. I Thug the Wide Awake movement was irtaugu rated, rapidly extend)]* its - .rrtailficatinns from Maine t o Missouri.. A WONDERFuI , lissfuoi.-11r. B. P. Woods, late Justice of the Peace, East Birmingham, Pa., says.: "I have been 'afflicted with a disease of the stomaeb,pajpitation vf,the heart and nervous headache, for nearly Afteeri years, and have spent some 'hundreds of dightisio order to of tect,iscittrg, but to no purpose. Alter having used three bottles of 3our 'Tolland Bitters, I feel myself entirely restored. I-can eat and )kleep„well 2 - and attend to my bodiless with pleasure, and would there ore recomulead it to allibeiSe'ihb are similarly elided." so 26 . 1 00 . '2 00 3 00 4 00 . 1 (0