6 filtbital. DR. JOHNSON, SALTxMc I LOCK HOSPITAL. flse discovered the most certain, speedy and officinal meets , In the world for DISEAHIEB OF IMPBODENE Smarr nt atr ro twamn naval. No &raw, or libonetts Drttp. mir • COY WARIUNTRD, OR NO CRONUS, 121 FROM Oki TO TWO GAM • Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Paine la the Lima, Arections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Paw nee, Dyilpepsht Languor. Low Spirits, Confuiskm of Ideas CiPtiation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings DIOR= of ti or Giddiness. Disease of the Stoma ~Rt+Oflasi4 O) the "lresd; Throat, Nose or skin t —those terriblerdinorthife arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Toutk— Was dreadful odds:inactive precticesmhick nee =l,l6itel debility, render marriage 10, and both body and mind. - YOUNG HEN. Dung men especially who have become the Victims of soßtery Vice, that . dreadful and dibstradive habit-which Numny sweeps to an untimely"grave thomeands etyma; men of the most exalted Went alit! brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have mitre - lad Ninnies Senates with the thineders of eloiptembe, Or'wake4toeestaoy theltelaglype, may call with allege= GS Harried petimris t er thine Contemidettag marriage, being aware of physical Weekeess, &mad immediately cement Dr...., are be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. _ hairedkartyChired ----- and ---- fell Vigor Itestored He whop's** hhurielf under the care of Dr. J. may regigkruely confident-hie honor au a giuitlenuin, and confi dently rely upon hie skill as a physkian. sir omco No. 7 Borah Frerteriokstreet,fialthaOre, an the left bend Weaving from Baltimore atreet,,7 d leek tkinOrner. Be particular In tileserfing arid number, or you will mistake the plies. re partleidar for Ignorcuit, *mkt, with fuse =mot, or Pally Ittradag Deriffleala, attracted by the reputation of Dr lifilitilto6, lurk hear. *Metiers mom contain a Postage stamp, to au mi the DR. JOBI4IBTaN Joasams member or the Royal College of Surgeon Lanata i graduate from woof the meat eminent Co ego Ike L. States, and the greater par Lel whose life has eel. apentin the Hospitals of London, Paria,philadelphia and elararhere, haa erected some of the mostaatonkbft eume Quilt vreie ever known. Many troubled With ringing in the IWO and, head when asleep, great nervomnewr, being dinned it. Midden, sounds, beabfelness, with frequent hinging, attended sometimes with derawteMent of agar Mtrhourediminothetetv TAKE PARTICULAR Notfal • . Dr. J. Addresses all than 14110 having nosuredthent ardyes by private and Improper . lidoIgoe" Wet mire and solitary habit %chid' ruin* bOth • body aridinindi or Attikgrhentles.anner , bruilunis olooalety. . These tiresome of,the sad and melancholy effects pro dosed by early habits of youth. via: irmfteni o the' Boa and Limbs, Pains in the Read, Dims-el Heart; s of Sight, Loss of IfuscularPower, Palpitation Of the lYyropep. els, Nervous Irritability, .ingeneent, of, she' Digestive linnethins almplems of -Consumr hien. poi. = ifondily, the Multi atom on the mind era mueh to oe trended }—Lou or Memory, Conthbton of Ideas, NON , deli of Spirits, Evil ForebodNge, Averalmito Society, Sell: distrust, Love of Solitude; Tlniftlity, ire., are. Bois e evit odbote. V3012012d8 of persons of all ages, can now judge "alma the dalsee athelr declining health, hang their Vigor, be sensing, weak, pale, nervous and audited, have a sing* farappihnulee about the eyes, anigh, and 'Tapioca! of sossnmaan. YOUNG MN , " who Olive Wend themselves by a certain practice, In dodged in when alone—a habit tragutiuttriearned freer nil companions, or at school, the Greets Of width are nightly felt, even when asleep, tnd if mot cured, tenders marriage impossible, And degtreys both 'mind iintd body h °did. apply Itamediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of hie country, the, darling of his parents, should be snatched from ad prestnicts and enjoyments' of life by the oonnequences at deviating tram the path fof nature, and indulging in certain secratbabit. Arch persona nano, benne contem KARRLAMI. net that a sousan wind and bedy ere the most hem serreirthrltes to iiromOtetionnobtai happiness. Indeed without Oleo:, theliinrneY thiongh Aro' becomes a weary pilarnoitao Mite. prospect, hourly darkens to the vim; tini:thintebinitimeashadowed with despair, and filledwatk the Menu:lonely follestion that the happiness of another bitumen bllghted's:lth our own. tat. JonlisTolvE INVIGORATING.. REMEDY • FOR thaANic iiumiNaa tha great and Important remedy, Week:nem of the Oman are splegliptittelkand ranwrgc3.l.4s4l. Thousands df teiddCheriekt'anirdebMiled who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. AI hapediments to arriage,Pl pitidal or Mental Dkqualill OttleitffilsvPou Prenthinitg,Vieattnapir or .lkhatudiell, of ' thelbeitibirfu I hinltipitodalf cured:' O 'OTPANDSRS The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last kw** rani Dad ibt onmeroos Important Surgica Operation 'performot , by Dr. J., Withessed by the re porters of the papers, qnd. many other pemona, notices ol which have appeared &gab add' bdtbre the public, ; tri a DIEF.APE ter ildplll DintiCE.—Wheo the . miegolded - and taproom:it rotor, of .pleasuie duds he tbis imbibed the seategti liplaintw disease, top biggest thitst inidixidd WO er W or shame or tirit-tad Ofoften dis c artery I a fik friterismiying , to these who, nom education and to spatinthility ten Akins befriend Sim, .delaying till the corndlitionai ty'Wtotaft,of'Ois horrid tkilmserrnstke their appearance, ainktitit rhe'beao, tirtiat'lttlio, skin, ha, Fang. with frightinlrapidity, till death punt a s dreadful imikrings by sending him to "that ante from whence no traveller returns." it is a malan. choly foot that thousandi fall victims to this terrible dis ease, °lstituto the 'uetiltilletheeitof ighorsetprnenders, who, by the Sae or this de.tatispoison, eleven( ride 414 eonstitution and mare the residue-of life miserable 2b Straws —The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his oMee. egfietbettera must oolatiseh ft Stamp to us on the reply: lieuedieti Bent by . Squib Frederick ;treat, haltimore moiald&W-P• _ • , 'NAT FAMILY DRIJO -STORE 11 h. UNDIES' UN ED At) OPEIIEp. I . h Vi belesale end Fetal! 1 rps and Prim:4obn Btoru; in the Ir , ti Front In-liustig, ;•••o:3—a 'Market street, inttly °coattail ttrldr.4.by t . wenre cathite found at entire t.OO tuck of' Irma and Pare IttuOtipertatneyr; a. 1.1 .41 OIL, COAL OIL LAmps, 4lturnlngt Fluid; Ale . tint Patent ittitloaery,• =tansy Artleks, hc., he. We have - the ages y for the Fide of Elise's Celebrated Artb thtinTeatb, LO whloh WO would invite the attention of Dental% titettect attention to business, &mike to titleatter; wo respeaUldly ask a share of Public. Patrovage.. ft, h.—Prime Havana ,Segars and: Tobacco csaudantly es hand. aprn dly FRANK A. MURRAY, • Vgiemeser to Wm. Parkifi,) LIVERY WORNI,E. SURE ! TIS4.4WA. t MA • •XI pizrohased the interest of J. Q eitstia to the - easablLstiment„ mid made large a Wets Moat, the Vaidedlegneet le prepared tc assommudate the pabbe with Su for addle ar, PerPOINIA9,4 I 4 I b 6 4YRYMO 4 47 ,0111 9EinehNS et the West and 111914 approved MIN, on reasoeable terms. PLUM:kitbeactiontinixhihnl with Own bases at short notioa , FS £NI oiwrimBE4rolt maw. OM& ob b dtiveo Arnisibeth StiCOfRPSOWI by Wald and tar. an inspetitlon of bat 1134 nu 0 a ttlt k illOillhat, It Is tally equal to that at any other est* tot the Idiot Ia Sown. - 1 1 ' A.'lll.lBltAlf. BILOCIJISTABIA Illebrairtnried has opened a branoh - Of hia "LIMY sad Blawlecarowill the biantigaintely owl fed Ly a. S. Ben s In If ourth street opposite the Bethel, be * pisparel td.Reenintuodata the', eh* With witm,i,nn*hiaits, it all Ulm, on leastinatdeteilatl, Nievii-tit eh* vette*Land.will rioommead Knelt "P tro.0 1 1 1 4.1". , FRANK 4_ UV*. A - = - IMPORTANT 1 10 ; 11ABEES. I:3U Iib'ORIBERB Offer at private A. lisle a certain Muck. Mgr ODOM SfillMllS ti ta on on the Lebanon Valley ll oad,in.tbetewtaltdP ol Derry,*the county of D Dauphin. The stock is composed of DRY 0000130, ILtRDWAItH, QtRILNIFIWAIiIIf EARTH EN WARlkcllDielf,,tte. The stock is 'mond order ltd all the *aft article* of trade oitAlad. We *ill sell the *hole stock or part, to suit purchasers. the location is a rind inti'aild in a wealthy fireiing settlement. Ware , liouse and Store Room can be leased tor a number of years wed on remonabletermi. The only alore - iwthe place and a I °potation of two hundred citizens; and SO Moro within two an a half miles or the place. , For flanker particulars address Derry church Daupbbreountyi ; :..;, : H. W. KETYRRING '£4ItUEL HENRY :14111104NN 0(9. 74,11erEhey. Beni ChgraDdille /41-.189.0,080 _ N...., , AN.00861 12 4 1 1044 TAU pt. altk rikY Ali, and a ItavittgAtalpo wUI preseakiktm, Aett t lemot. LebeginOgiottr)er" Wert 3 mutas suut 440 buj y a . itiutely tObir ace for tmlleetton. Itiebical. HELM B OLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Bladder. BELmßours BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S BUclifr for the Gravel. BELMBOLD'S BIICTID for the Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Ferrousness.j DELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Lees of licmol.l HELMBOLD'S BIICEIII for Dironesi 01 Tkon. UELMBOLD'S.BUCUU for Difficult Brtath:ng. BELSIBOLD'S BIXIII7 for Weak Nerves. HICIAIBOLD'S BUCHU IhrHeberal Debility ELLUBOLViI BUCHU for Universal lassitude. - KELititOLD'S BUCHII for Horror of Moose. HBLIBOLIPS BUCHU for Night Sweats: " BELMBOLD'S BMW for Wakeinluess.. - , • 111L111301.EPS Buctiu for Dryoeaa of the Skin BELMBODIiO3 BUOtIll for Eruptions - , • ItZLISBOLDI3 BMW lot Pain Mthe Book. • BEidittOLD'd BUCKET for ileavitono of the Eyelide;with - Temporary Stiffest= and losa-of Eight. BBLMBOLD'S MEW for litobEity and Besthmtnent,, with Wantlof Attention sumilforior Of Society. ffirELMBOLDII AMER, for. Obstruolloss.; - . EBLIIDOLVE MICKEY for .treeisel arising from InOls -ebretion; diseases-eV - - [ rgm.A.tx,s .FE•m f airs, • PIMALEW, PIMA'P& pgileigs, '14.8.3 - 110 .41108 E PTL• , ' TAKE .NO MORE PILLS, THEY Aim r APRIL. ,rTYhY AItir b F PALL OseillailigOLDSSlTßAOTllllofrafthtillailiplaNts hmiderit to thesex. • - •s• No nuqigy Sha'ald Be:Wilkoitt TAKE NO MOREB4L9A.Norlnfutions and Unpleasant /true:72o enklint. Alalgeneln Diseases. : ae . NYTBACT an Yin' i . Excesses arlahn; from babkhdit M lgedin • - • Byirinank and 04, And d•r dheasee arleingEraintfablbill'DWipitha — s. It re. moves allimproper_ dleernerek•andlrill fatale the pa: tienfin anifrt tithe to a state alkali!' and Purity. Use BELISBOLD'S /MUM BMW for Diseases'Od AdeetiOnsi3Ott4- xnektNidatainsingAiractar.- 114.101d1Whbl3-RXTRACT .11MBU for dll?A.dtadana aiddlkedittlfihe • _ Urinary Organs, Whether pisth3if . 3tale'or Female from whatever came originating, and no matter of Ribty-koaglitandkng.- • Atof the;ehtive `dlieage and admit- of , the mine treatment, and may originlnate from the same came. READ! READ IRRAI7-1 READ ! RELSBOLD'S SIKHS Sa. safe, arid pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally, anpeared before me„ an 4derman of the. City Philadelpliifa,'ll. T. Iferatbtdd;Cbemist, who be ing duly Avers, dries Say;-"that bla preparation contahui no Nara,tie,-Iteisur.Y.,,,or injurious drug, but is-purely: Vegetable. *EU(BOD, Sole Manaftuanrer. . Sworn and subscribed before me, thlsr2Bd - defy 'Of No *comber, 1864. ' W/d. P. 213..N50D, alderman. Pt ice Sl.per bottle, or six .for $6, delivered.to any ad dress. A Trial Costa but a Dollar—Try At,,, and be convinced or itself/mei. And If b 3 accompanied by:rellable and respiratible nerflfinaten' from PrOfernme oi- aergymen and others. - Prepared by lIENECtLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, "104 south Tenth Street, belay Chestnut, - Philadelphia.. , " Nieuwe= ~ , Carniou.—ahould unprincipled Dealers try to paha oranother artlole o which pays a batter moth arid . isyriess. • `ARE POR BBLMBOID'S Budiku. TAKE .NO OTHER. • • CONSBCD. . Sold by D. W. Gri.ts CA:, aid all Druggists every where. . • Cut this out,- 7 sond or call RI _it, and avoid Taproot° and _ aull-dawBm .1111LCIP.W.N"ALTPIX WE PILLS AISE'PHOENIE lUMEEL THESE .11HDICHCEB have.now been .be fore the public id raperiod'of THIRTY YEARS, and dot ingithat time have maintain, El a high character in al most every part of the Glebe, Or their extraordinary and-insniedlate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering . under nearly ever, kind of disease to which the human ftirae la he follirriiig areamongihe 41*.essing variety of hu man diseases in wbich the , . VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are welficnowi to be infallible.. DyffigkilP,All,!, by thoroughly cleansing the firstund secuail ittothaoher and creating- a flow'of pare; healthy bile, instead' of the stale and acrid FL4IIII-. laralelk ; Loss ill' Appetite, Herittharn,lleadache, Bast teal:mese; 111-Temper, , Anntety, Utopia and MelanohOly, which ore the geeetat syhoteme.otyyspepete, .Ish, as'n. sitnral conieguande'of lit core:* 'COSTIVICR*BIS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestine( with a solvent trceess, and withourvio lence,ull violet t purges leave the bowel costbre,within two days. of all kind!, bY reitoring Abe bleed to a retailer- clibiiiiitibn;tbiough the process of.respi%tfon In Stohca and , the-theroggh solution or all intestinal ob. etraegaiite-other!. • • The tam -MEDICINES have -been known to cute RlSMAllitelYsr• DE 'permanently in three weeks" and GOVT In half that lime, by removing land Innammatlon , fnlarithe maseleei aatt ligammt/P6Pthejoints. - - ' MgavnliLlts t.f ell kinds, by-trecing and streimihew' Intilie4 Jitneys and bladder; they operate most delight ful!" On these- rpiportant -oriane, and hence ha* ever bean found a - eei min - remedy- tor` the - worst- hates of Also VVOILISIS, by dislodging from the turnings el the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere: SCURVY, 'ULCERS; and INVETERATE, SORBS, by the :perfect purity whicithitstal.F,E BEItI• MOM give to the bloixl. and ail - the htlmerit.' SCORBUTIC IRRUPTIONS and Bi.D.COM PLAT 10 their unarms crfeut .upen, the huids that the skin, and. the 'Morbid state cir - :all eruptive complaints, sallow,Moudy, and other disagree. able comPlexions. The nee of these Pills for a very short time will adept. • mi entire cure of and a striking im .proventent in the clearnetur of thwskin. - ccemittow ccapp ace t'Lutut,z4.y, 111 alaaya be cured:b nee arse, or by two in, the worst cases. PILISS:—The inigMae - peoprietor of thosemedicirieiii:' Wee mired of Piles, tit 361 ears guiding by the ace of thl LIFE SLEDlClNirdilimb. - i• FEVllfeki. Azvp AVOlfe For this scourge. ot-lhe Wettete'eouCtii., these Medic i nes pill beauel, a tud e ,. speedy, and certain ersedy. Other ' Mediat t es hairs thd systatteuttlea ton return thedisease--aeureby these' Al, dickies warp s tattetfe.71.4.14,k1241: BII,IOIUM PIiiMERS !IRD, J.MPER Cali Dasuriv, Loini:oy dproorrin, and fe Milos ea a—the. ileelkines Inive been uped with - Ike most b entighlaireindniin cotes . of this ilesceni lion ;--Mlium Evil and Maotbee, in Its - worst fOrmrsyleids to the Mild yet powerful action of thee. remarkable Medi, nines. lUgLt awaits, herve.tp._Debility, ...Nervous Com plahtni-of kind?, Nair tattoo of the - Heart; ISAlntera' OUcj ate.speedily cured. 0441. DISEASES.—Persona whose ccouttitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of kfetcury, s di dud these a.edicines aperient Mire, as they-lone 1.41 to eracicato -from 'the system; all , this effects of Mercury, Infinitely soccer then the west power, ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep UM and sOld'hy W. B. MMOMMilapi; IMEißrOlidiay, New- ork. Ferule by all Drlitatatit. Jy2o-dowly NOT 'IHR FIRST A.RRIVAir BUT ABBIYEa);TB — DUB 'IIIIIB TO BE SOLD AT 3111)11011D -PRIORS, Also constantly on hand, LYNXIyB VAUNT .DR % ONiN, 113 CUPOLA AND kNAINEKIAT tt:OAL, ftinna 4, Blacksmith Coal bi t e ilositima, aid Bread MtelSey inekory, Oak and` Wood. ygp pit ' No. 10Srebetilitastreet. FOE STATE SENATOR. - 10FP.gli myself as an Independent Om elidetelcr the,altloe EIiENATOR to tit...voters - . of anolvend Dolphin oeuntiemat the o=ft - Ootabor tbdon. JONATHAN =BB.. llkaotfordeum..ftwitll,llllllo. , , . . . IirEtITE-- -RAUL - ALOADENM. . . • NRAII .11.41111188URG,-.P4 THE TWENTIETH SEMI-ANNUAL. & MON -will= commenoennliONDAY, the. 114, - November: 'The Principal iedetarndoedte•rilerit t andlie hopes he will continue to receive, a liberal Share of the publicivpatronage, The extensive experieneewhichbe boo bad as a teach er, anti she peculiar eironinitaidies under width he is &cad, enables him to give -owlet facilities Se ;Dung Tan or Jingled means, abider to eduotaii theatuailves "TM aVentioa of parents and guardians having sons and. Vara to witicote *also invited to Chsradvilditages Which' the Imatition affords. • Tifi6atb ,,,4 Bootdinir,Wooldngond4 'Mims 15Wsegektit Of 31-weekofsOC. For d calmly sfyiottull pirgelogheow. dreee , - D. PANLlNenaPrirolPsi, sepl9-w3t - •Aburisburg, Pa. "DOR PIi.RIIMELYUIG 441 0K superior ar .2: taorpaomatoodiorooieallk oap t^, ptttneplvania 19ailp Saturbag 'afternoon, ,Stpttmber 29, 1860. BowefOonitdidnia;Pability, Inward Milne* Cwilkhrt- : "..o , Yerand Aguei Liver C 0,1 400* :o:ddd; Female Cfampjakda,LoWnsaa 194eisMissasses, - rife* ; !TIMIS, • Indigeathwb . ; land. ir re s 4 Dyspialista,` Wang, 'enaftryn.p. Disayhmt, hatimizuulon, tome. .prop , p rom , * -S • • , eltuar, ,4.." re= - kreiple&vaine Ali ih6uld ne4r be ;Mimi these, They purify the blood. remove Oluitnanions of all kind. , cleanse ' the skin ofall pimples and bkeedra, Willing the ribh•oolor of health thezpale rhea, Asa' The Planta taut Herbs of which thews Pillsitre made, were diecovered ins very surprising way among . the Tepuctans,,a. tribe of.Atunigmes in. Ilearge„ 12st the Almelo/tit or Our Agent, slid yen will te-ad with tietixbt, the very interesting account it contains of the' • tWtet Wreteeshio Qf theArXeca. Heubtlii Herb Pills are piat hp Beautiful Wrapper, Ranh box oreilidatr 40 Vile Ind Re tail at 26 gents per box. All genuine, have the 'signature of B. L. JOH6ON & CO., on each box. ATTBNTION- OF. THE .14AD/103, la repeated to the YEW and Milt= Wee of 4, lfititlitOtiiiattTs TWell PAp t llitl. NO ,91/41, , S -arthsle-to -OM there COM be". no objection made: AIL 81ZE.4 mining In 1809. •22, k 7, 30; 05,40,15.5u1d 50 Serino:, Fir ode ONLY at - - - • • cATHCAIrr • beit doortigerikAtiVaidi r -- ,B,SALE:--a. lionse and Lot situate • on Ow* Street, in the city of Harrisburg eon atesd.fatuaraC For)ternutiuid catidUjoarap 40 : , , sepH3 7 tHr _ , MOS. 4. Jen z • - 2- . ' - AttUrsereitpLaw. Valsottigaik t . rANTED Two .o= MALE Thi4332118 - „woo !mix* or DitlPlftlf,Dialildevaiii4 - 1 Tt • * Mlle et after Strife . ( a ft , / tintakive • - ` 1 "'": 1 7 4111 - .• MZI Stizidlcmtous. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Me Medicine has been used by the public for its years, with increasing favor. Bis recommended to Cure Dyspep Itia, No VAINIen, Heart Burn, Cafe/Wins, Wind isprhe 'naiads or Pains in theltome Headache, Erase, Oen, Midair Wit plaint*, .Lou 4 Spirits Ahriant Thoner.s, Intemperance. saterAlse, lia Ildßathe, INV GOILLUIS, PLY WII L WOlllthilethe on VIM, . ..As, A MEDICINE it is girl& and efectu al, curing Calmest aggrevating case o flap testa , idney Complaints, `and all 'other derange eats or the Stomach and Bowels, to a - speedy manner -• - It will instantly revive the most mt lamb:oy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous; and sick ly to heilth, strength and 'flew. Persons who, froarthe Kindle-ions Weti,ol Ikplesak bay* become dejected, and their nervous - syStems Blistered, emetittitions broketrdiseni, and subject to thatheiribie corm to huinetnity, the Mamma Tessuyer;will,almost • Immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating efficacy ef Dr. Ram's Invigorating Sphita ..... WHAVIT :W.ILL DO .: : : Dogs.—One wine glass lull rutvitiald aemorsary.. One dose will remove ill , liedßpltits. , -.. One dose will sure Neart-tinnt. - Three doses will cure Itidigietion. ig geosti One dose will give you a,C A le. • . One dace will stop, the., d _01144.0f Dyspepsia. One dove will remove the rerArg 'end dilegreeable effects of Wind or Elatultmolkind, as soon - so the 1 receives the Inc igoriting Spirit r the distressh3g load and all painful feelings will be removed. - - • One dose will remove the matt distressing, pains of Colin, either in the stomach or boviele IA few doses will remove all ohstrnellons in the Kidney, 1 Bladder-orlFrinary,Or, ~giate,... .7.-: Persons who are Maimedy• Winded with any-Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two Inane& 1 '•:. ' .NIGEITLY DIESIPATION. .' ' • Persons who, from dieeloatlngloomuch over night, and feel the evil effects otpeliOnems II isms, in Thorn head ache4_siehrtient•at eleniach, , _ ; giddiffetitehm., will End one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly obrestftallons, should take , the Invigorating Spirit three times a day ; it will•Makithem strong, healtby and happy,. remove all obstructions and irreipihilities•troin.tbe menstrual tarpirs,Wnd restore the bloom, f•bealth end beautty to the careworn &op. IhrringliKzuenoy is Will be fowl an invaluable mall. ohm to removioAtiongreenblecensationtr at the stomach. All, he proprietor asks is a•trial, and to induce this, he hast:lesrnp the Invigorating Sprilvia - pint bottles, at 50 cents, quarks $l. • General Depot, 48 Water street,.ll. Y. and for Agent; Philadelphia; It 701 W & CO. and for sale in,Harrbburg by . C. A. Itgarrart, D. W.,GrOBB & Co. and C. IC: Baler, end by allliritthite everywhere. NOTICE TO; SPECULATORS: • • VALUABLE . liIIILDEVG LOTS IVA :SAL h. A NUMBER OF LARGE-SIZED BUILD ING LOTS adjoining:the Roned_Holise and . W ork Stale of the 'Penna. Railroad Conitany,-irill he told low ant on reasonable terms. •Applpto • • aay3D . Bm JOHN W. HALL. 14fiVt:14:0:URS11/8 7 ':$WDS-1 - • CATHCART & BROTHER, Have now open a largo assortment of MOURNING and SECOND MOURNING DEEM 'GOODS • - SHAWLS, - • BILKS; COLLARS ; SLEEVES, HAIII.D.KgROELEFS, V:ELLS, and All Qatar:goods 4estrable, for Fall and Winter wear'. " " ' No. f 4 Markin Si. Aire, 312 tletiatitiirbt Bank. o• UMMUM AIN BANKING, STOCK, - BILL AND . , COLLECTION OFFICE, , No. 28 Sop* Scionii Stollankblirg. , BONDS AAII b 9 Kb.ATOR 3or 4,000 flarrisblut Bonds. 80 Shims of Hafziobarg Bridgefe , omPonY. 70 ." " Qllll 40. " " Bonk . _ • . 11.1) 5.0'14 inventor and inantigettinir aost. , a Mountathilerb Pftlept. has *pang .pae. /mow 'part of Ida Whin *Me il ing, hayirit*lted nearl„ y country them ~ or/il H6spentrover pettillaon the Rocky Mountains aad of Mexico, mid,ltwas thus-tbat the eildotistantßann PILLS" *ere . dfacriiired. "A very . inte•refthlsoOcOnat 444 win/tone tbsre,fgotraill thid in our Almanac and Pamphlet. rt Is aMestiblishad-facit, thatkill titstrasee artseroze Meuitill, BLOOM The blood is the life f and when any, foreign or nn., healthy nuttlitsgettrmiletheithatAlt is oneedistrbthed to Avery organ of .the body. Everyiterve feels „the poison, and All the Vital organs tptic.iily templain. The stomach will„-not. digest 'the Seed tflerfeetir, The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bibs, The notion of the heart is weaketied, and alittileal:rimlaildtillifehble: The hinge be come, clogged with the poloonews matter ;, hence .a cough —and all from a slight impurity'of the tountairi-head or Ilie,theßlood.l .As if youliad thrown some earth, tbr instance, in a pure spring, from which ran a tiny, rivulet- . ..in cleft* initiate* the Whole - course of tlier 'tallith be, 'comadllsturbed mid digeolored. Asgently. doesitopure • blood ey to airy pan, aid leave its sting behind. All the,siessagembeconieobstresfell; and unless thikkbeirtio tient is removed, the lamp of life imtro dies„,ont. Tilde Pills net only - porie blond; bin regenerate all the.theretimus,of the body; they are; therefore, unrivalled • itlltit Fißitttil4ol7B . DlVEttffe ,LiveiCouiptein t MCI iTeadache, ffia: Tina anti-bilion, .tgedichte-AxpedaSromilienlaod :the hidden ileedSof dis ease, and renders ally the Bald* and serzeikmAyiumend Onehigelearilig and - resuscinitingtbe'vital orgies:. theateut4hdettd;. is it tzlts, gig we 'are - abletatilitee with*: your reach, a medicine like the "bionstran Lbw Path? , Wit eitafatillireetiit lathe afflicted plunthlikotigh 'the bicodentpluidtkof the body; and Caen the ORM to brighten with the limb of bOak.9 and health. , . Aidse n 'e 81 1 ;114 me ilteit - est l 67164 .'iri exist ence for eke following Complaints: - ' B. L. JUDSON 41[Ca, R•olle Proprietors ::No. 50 7 Oxnard iNtreet, • -/OW ryas. AiroW;*ik .(l Act" ii _" reblo-47 •SI .9 ?S ~t o Ark. %do S A TONIC, DI UR EtiC, -4 1 DYlPtiv witißgait CORDIAL - T 6. gie Oitisens of 11'6v Xerliey and ;Pennsylvania; and Wiille's Pure Cognac Uranciir. Wedikha Bkorry and Pork ne. elfe's Pure Jasoniest andlit. Crain Rana; Micelle's: Pare 'liatetchaned Edith Whisky. ALL IN /10,1 TLION. I beg logvetelfillitte attention dr the citizens of the United Staten to the above Wittletentlnailosa,: imported by 114610116 Wolfe, New York , 'idiot* name Is fami liar in every part of this coasty fa the purity Of his celebrated lIMMIDAN Etairarrii. Br. Wolfe, in his letter to me,speddecor the purity..dide WHMB-and imps* says : T Rill state my repotationes a mut, my stand mg as a merchamt of thirty years' reredeneein the City of New-York; that all the Desna and Winnewhicha bottle are pmb sieltuyorted, and of tingles& quality, and can berelted upon breirerY puiebaser.” Beery bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax a nd a fec simile elan signatdra oh the certific a te:" 'T he public sre amtfolly invited:to call and examine for Memselves.— For sale at Retell by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Ehilutelphie: - 01101tGalli. ASHTON, No. 882 Berta St , Shiled&lphia. Pole dgent tbri Philadelphia. Reed the followiog from the New York Wu ler :f Fraginous Beesinessime don New YORE are happy to inform our fel owsettinen Oat utefe4ll, one place in our city where the plodding, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and.purchsee mire Wines- We Liquors, as pure es imported, and of the hest quality. do not Wend tootle an elaborate description of this manhunt 'extensive bailouts, although it will well xe , pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex.: tensiee Warehouse, 0 arid r 2 Beaver greet, and Nee. 17. 19 and 21, llarietfteld street disitecitot , Schnapps on hand reedy for'shipment could not have .been lengthen thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of Mil to 1856, anti ten. thousand cum of lindens, Sherry and Port Wine Scotch end Irish Whisky, Jamaicaend fit Croix Rum, some very old andoqual to any ih.thle country. lie bad three large cellars, Sited with.Brandv, Wine, ac,,, casks,•undetr • exit House key, ready ler bottling. Kr. Vfolfiea mks of .lichnapps hut year amounted to one huodrtd and eighty tittemaud and we hmt in big 'Mao two years he maybe ettelly• sidtessful With his &radial and Wines. . • - His Wildness mains the pennant) of every loess otitis specie& bleat. famines" Pare Whee'sind Liquors for : medical use should send, their °Mesa divot to Mr. Wolfe, nal every'Apistittifiry in the land make up their Wads to discard the pelaonoce Id' trona their, • tthelvie aid replace it with Molded pure Wane and We understand Mr. Wolfe, for- the _atstainitiodatkat ;of, smelt dealenriti the ocitiary; puts up sseortul twee of Wines and Liquors. Su6h a man, and anotr-amerchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op. ponents in the ,tFnKed States, who-sail nothing but MOO tione, ruinous alike to health and human „happinisf. tepilitavrthitt • C. K. Keller, Market street, sole agentfor Independent Candidate for BIWA& T T.IIE. SOLICITATION of manyiriends 23 I t ffer myself to the vatera ot.naapbiu county, aa au in depcndent candidate for thq.offlae of Sheriff .at tha enaaing &dation: If elected I pledge. Tarter la drecharge :the daties . af the Aloe Jyl7:Clte - JACOB D...40/44 , ~„„ „ . _ SALPURE-11111GIANDAIHEMI11 PERFZEIERY & ARTICLES 7 OICE.BRAN D B ot Hari Hail, Fabrhuar,....ift I Hideo, Sari r • et • l'ermenla4 Wine, wan purajibie Ofthe Catawba Gra.ll 4, :aftda tO. tottetrentiikkvitallitu—, PrfF 4 giptionld?mmrlittiii*ntwit at301.4 1 .1n :44*.Misurteilkequgre.-,;.2 H-ER It oir LL NEWLY REFIT t.. T"' U.ND.M.4191 , 1ED htteingt.:jeatted. this well' known and popular hotel in.thecity of Harrisburg is'nder refltUrg the 'seine with NEW 'BUIIHITTIBJC in the very beat.modertantyle. _ It is located, in the most ixt] part of the city, with A short 'distance artlie , dipoll; :of 'viler ciderent railroad and also near the State Ca pita buildings. Thelma° is large and" the sleeping amtitmentt . are welkeentilated. . . The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable arti cles - This city is well known throughout the State as having the bestmarket outsidenfthe Atlantic and; consequently no complaints shall be made on that score. She BAR has WO undergone changes and will tiik.-Pf stocked with the best and punkt Liquors in the oountry '-- No exertion will be spared to matte the trace - e'er and sojourner comfortable in every reapect. ,,, A.bontinttimes of the patronage of the old customers together with new, Additions is respeotrtilly soli shed . - - • a. H. , HENEOWar.O3 Harrisburg; August. 28-tf Select - School - 6' 101 Boys and Girls. FROBi' BtREE2'ABOVE :LOCUST HL Fallterm of. ROBERT - fii'ELW BE'S' „A. &bop/ for hove r :01i open on ,thee.instAdundny ie august The 'room is well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and in every respect wt.!) adapiid purposes. _ , - CAT,I4RINE APBLWINS Sctoollor lopavdoß ,the stuin 'Will open for - the fall term at 010 sari° ume., put rouragraa- been elAraritly fitted up during the c , acitton, to promote the bealth and comfort, of scholars aug.l6-dif • LATEST - - NEWSIII.. TONIC D R W le(111 .? - FEVER - Ni)A .AGlrk WILL CURE 140 Arto6tl3biltillitTek'fiAses• • V. 12/ TIVIATY.79IIII. B 0133110; 1418 abzofil. prevent , . ive [bench is ate liable ttrikeiltseage" TONIC ,romoyee -naturism:oy Meows 4he Purifies Blood, eves tdoem.theD . I, , Teetlee Organs, sett Eide agent torah -IAV amt Deopoom t ly Loeffler, eprodzilediu me. . cAI4I VAtiSED RAMS of a *iv superior j , p.opy*ltinid BOOK FOR - TeaTRE AND - Fp ' THE TIOPZIL!' cIUNINEY A ki u Governinetit, or Conapational llanuay , Vein. the ooasStiettotf of the Cbuetitotion of the United Mates, as deterodtkedv Judicial decisions orderivalnen itandaid E willeirie For sate by the author, at. Harrisburg, Pa., and atthe bookatoteO oetall . PRICAV at jytiklalor _ MAC :WETLY • _ L'lVERl'deoctittot of IYon or Wood Machitery built inthelbeskiiiihkeirittthe From WORKS, , Peona.lL-Roa4,Abovekairstrem : : thirrhstiory AvriIO2DISD.--d1" . - - ENTERPRISE AM) LilartjsuG LINES, NTQw brin,ltho N.Y. DAILY HERALD, ; *go WbUN are Z i b t l l s l 4° HirriSbur Luyli g4olb, prompt 4mi:tem Subscribers will be regi#lty ,served with them, by leering their addirait at - ~... CHEAP BOOIUM - I=o ORAtENT ,A Twottory - NiuritVELbutil ,eituato sw k et, diy .or,airsisburg, 3.1 %lord, between 4th cud t4h Etreetsc, Apply to O. 1 . 1 e. ,-, 2111611AN, No . 28 .Sougo*e.qooll areas e k 4 0. 1 / 1 4 CAAIL! 4:K)AILI !-I ‘. • • • • ,THE SUBSCRIB,ER iirePared- at all Imesto deliiwr tee eltizerui of Harrisburg, the erens- lande , and•waae - LifliaH 7 B.v.ALLgy, OggrifE and WHAHHHIARRE.CHAL,„weighed on the d Weigh cart a# the consumers doer, and run Weight guar inteed, frlooe wideweunawarry•ie)pdallen* bre& city Orders left, pt his Cakt, earner 4th and ltatket st or dropped in ilsel'isa Ogles, will be promptly sildnd tot'DAVID INTORatter, a- , • p corm :' , Ufwg7 4 0, /440,ju0t DIMW 11111111M1= illiarttlanenus. A SUPERLATIVE OAT Busintss (Eartts PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that he will continuo to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. He will with pleasure walt upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, is Third street, a few doors below the German Bottomed Church. declS-dtt AUGUSTINE L. CHAVNE. CARPENTER - AND BUILDER. N.0N0., 27 North„ &ant StreeL WING 411 EiIDED TO. • IVIDOL , BOOKS - 'AND SCHOOL' .STATIONERY. A _L - the Sehoel Books and Stationery in 'XL ut e the PO% and Meet rchixds of our clizylll be fowl in' tale ut MIAMI PRICES, at GNIARM CHEAP BOOKEMZE,.. 51 liarket street , IRON CASTINGS . . . •ALL kinds'Of Iron Caiitin made to or der- ,'of the' very beat Meg, anCllCastlapplakied to remove the sand pad male. We have UM bee Mild most extensive amertment of Pulley pates this eidiel Phil adelphia. Apply at the MOLE WOW, Pampa. le. Road, above State Welt. 'Barriabore, April a 1.859 7-itto GrWORGE ATTORNEY Ai LAW. (VMS hie professional services to all IL/ persons having begrimes -1;o:•be , Transacted in the several Courts vfltaupbth twenty, the •land Repastmens of nib' male , of belbrelbe Board 6T Property. *An been ustootsted in the practice of theriaw, With hishidh ; or, pm; AMMER, be promises lege* wad Wend at , entloo to all professional business entreated to them Mee corner Of Etriond and Locust sireets;lopposito to the Peon Ivania Hones) naryisburg. W. HAYS, ATTO_ iiNEY-A1 1 ;-LAW. Mee Walnut St; between fleoond and ar4p daw T hird , Harrisburg, Pa. --- DR., T..:1 31 8, SURGBON I,FFERS his servicsiv to the iiitiiens of %." Barrioburs 'IS its 'dein*. ne 8010144 Ilhate of the 'public patronage, and gives asadrinide tbid his beat endeavor* shall be given AO rendersadisfaMon in his pro [onion., Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels Wein inviting - the publid generally to call on him, Rauh* them pat, they, will not bwdiesatlidiedwith siamovioss Olikiit No. 198 Market street, In the how former On -copied bydrAlanob E. Eby, near the United Elates oteV Hattistawg, ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER,- ,ortilm t :TarED ang47,, minus Raj lito mArtram , 12ailletic`O, Ches - emit Streit izear ou . OM OP HARRLSBUita, PERN'A. AMEY & _LEMER'S GALLERY nis he To ow SMALL PICTURES OF DECEASED FRIENDS COPIED =END.ENLARGED OR -COLORED. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HARRISBURG; PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PRO :MB. 0 • The alt , ye well kaolin lief established Hf.tel to :eer AustlitglilateW tiler °Ugh% loti , Ind - beteg ia 'a great degree newly furnished...under the prop,rietorship of Mr. Glailios Itottetti,"Whesibhercien inmate of the how, ter the. larkthree, years, and .18 well ltatrfra to Kneads% Theakfel for the 11 Veral i Pfaiisera-*ifiar 3!°bY eta (bred, I cheerfully cmcceco lir. Bolton to the pnblie Ali; or, .. 1 .; .• 4_., ATORITS WM: , - JOAN. 11 , 4 lilu)WS• - 1 CASEY 65., BROWS - , 4TTosintytvutiat-zackw .11 - A4t•ftlt•l3 B-tr , ft ; 4 4 6 7114 N LTA VINQ • associated-, togvitherAter4htir XX practice tlem.tw,4avent Ada .guAr l y.), promptly to all pvt al !asa entrastall to (Khoo in Third streat three doors from Market N. B. Coosomitioas SO . English and German. SILVER PLATE,D WART • BY HARVEY F]LLEY, No.l.222.Market Street, Pnn.sniturins, Manufacturer of fine - NICKEL alum, .nd . snyEß PLATER of FORKS; SPUONS, LACKM, BUITBR KNIVES,. cAsToeS; TEA'SETS, URNA,IT.LTII.,EB, weans ; 4.II7TIERIMARB, , ICR-PIYCNERS, CAKE lIASKET4 0011.11UMON WARK„ CUPS,' IROGS,`GORLETS, With a gonerol assortinenti conirprising SOW betkate Ess quality, mode of tho bin iisitei*Ls an heauffyyla4, cut, atituting them a • • - Servioeattie Bud durabte P4P Aoisr • - 11648 , !limns ,rquint. ' air OW 'Ware reldasedll3 thiaristioinita;; ,, - feb7 411 4.106 qY , . , , - S - TATE-t)A_PITAL SANK. CAbiE,ROI4, COLDER; 'CO CORNER MOND A:ND WA:LNi72.;51.5., 'H . AR BIS B , P:6 NN. A FRESH STOCK 3-or- Vanilla Beans, Henke's! 'Farina; Parfaistey Fancy. Sups, at RA' DRUG inir 'Menet street, below Finn, Hairiqbur:, ea , ORANGES" Er'LEMONS.' Y 'BOMBSm prime 'order jest re bsived.oind4o7-sale • - 6.dta AVM, DOIX ,•14.; CQ CELESSItEN, . Checkp jk ardESjk;nlin?Sj C l ite # TB ),Diee "n4t1108.B0:1(0% The hii•gistln*frinleht the noouroaEl. 61 , m0k1,t street, Birrietnul.ra m 124 VOR — Vanilla Balms and au excellent Va. nwaFaEtidot, to 'lol:Usat's . DitUe mac, sr BERBESI - 111118 LARGEST, ASSORTURNIT: THE tjt. 1 11 4TY,14111 t pams tri)4•SL2b-liES2b doilarteach r 4 id 1,110 - diffeleutk Lyles ik bitidbitiorilie at BERGNM'S . CRIINEJBOOKSTOB.Fr i - ,aa4 Aligket 4reet.. SURGEON: MID RESMEN ro ..41:1442i CtE ., THUD .I§IBA. NORTH E 1: m, =zosar • • WHEELER:* MEI P.V.O.EMBortake4l4# ,U HUMS ot:a11. Plc* wg ‘ inake sr.:tatis op#IO.STMAS faersarlidrtilftd4iiiF - birraun4 at ' ' . -13NRON:liWettle 1300401Q104 .0 , s t . rod • . . . . TOYS, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS! N' DOLL • , NO. 120 Mir % trecond Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA, lIST RECEIVED at hie NEW, STORE OFa very large mearithent of TOYS of every ilesarip- Von. ~tlao,ZilliCl BORST& WO= UMW, Tea= Bores, Sear cages, Pipe% Canes and Poppy hreeles of large variety. sinning hiporked direct from the men ofacturers cab wee me to sot ag very low : prim% .. sap;Please nag and examine my stoat. CPTY LIQUOR RARRELfi eI -4, junidi Oat ecoalioo for Bakal - sflp•W - espinms *t!l7 " awiariors*-n. :`4l4inii# Daglikak lbeftw THE TRIBUNE FOR 1 , , i THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAr c ., PROSPECTUS THB XX th Volume of I'll t. IC . 1. 1„ TRIBUNE commenced on the Ist or . , - to the President/id Election, now but a which I. to result, we trust, in a Repo , .• through the choice of LINCOLN and 1 3,111.. • give our utmost energies, and all roteihle ,1 that result. Other topics must wait, or be . narrowest dimensions, until the eventful bar. After that time, but more especiCly of nest January, we shall be able to fore,,,. cussion almost entirely for months ii not -• „ devote nearly all ear columns to subjects , bat more abiding interest. Among the:, „ , • psi ••, elspecialliteiltiod ZIOUGASION.--The whole sublect of -Vardar and General, will be disctased n . 1 tlernegleoill USlS'year'llell, and we hope • - dMoo setae ef the profoundest tbic,, algal Wftvetors in our conntry. It is si ~, • , and our resolve that the cause °IBM/cati o n , ,an lon tat from the eiestiOlia of THE • , . /babalf daring the year lea. amwmgg„....We hare been rem, strict our elooklatlons of this great Inter. anik andaball •endeamr to atone there,- Whatever discovery, deduction, demonic lated to render the reward of labor derotot • _ more ample of more curtain, shall rea6, „. ME attention. EL MANEEACTURIE, &c.—We hail er. r enterprise whereby American Capital ar. i I an I, - tracted to and advantageously employed meat of Mannikotaring or lileoltanical hot,- tr• • contrihation to the Public Weal, insuring dier, nictrts convenient, more renumerat,l, 7 thelhirmer, isith fuller enjoyMent and b. tl. 7 the Laborer. The Prop= of Vining, Ir , r c Shoemaking, Chilli:looming, ha., hc., in our the world shall be washed and reported t. e earnest sad activesympsety. IV. FOREIGN AFFAME —We employ 1... respondents In London, Paris, Turin, European capitals to transmit us early and s vices of the great changes there silently i t preparing. In ap le of the pressure of our Kemar.oin tie Old World is now var,t : but we shell have to render it more , ~. per • , ervettelittYearillst before us. V. Xlbilik-AIMPL—We employ regular , , pm.dants InCalibrate, at the isthmus of Paskyr - Ifeantain Gold Region. and wheivv , •• seem.requisite. From the more accessib Our Mtn Oceuttry, we derive our Inform t• ftOm the Muldiferleult corvespondena or 1. pretWomougegehaugee, and the melt, late slit EtfWa' 11th to print the eh • rat nompoper, with** name and moat wary of taieful intelligence, that is anywh, re Hoping io ' , make each day a critic on th, print a bettor and better mporfrom year to y,,.; , insane are sotadltyWird through th e - operatiOleof am Many w withers, we sole:: &labor to_delsarre: ;oonAl=of public Ltv,), DAILY 'ERIBIDIT ICI haute per finnan.' ‘.. siciamtisity (i 0 44 .. ) ... mm. (82 ED el.l3Blte4seswitranits, two copies for - 4.11)‘; ten boples tO one addreen for $2O, an !, a atwoberalltat letter ra i t i tor a dab of form. THE DAILY . TBIEDE one year. Unman eras cookie .116 i eight conic. f- - any larger number at the rate of Si 20 per in paper en be addreeead to eachattbeoriber. TwesoAoplat,ra aear.uuanaaa for $l.O, svul to him-whit-loads us the Whib For each ev Dulidred4 as-rtamy-Tius* wilt be rent ; 1 " , year. Psyment always lnadvan - Address, TUB TIUB 0. 154 Nae,“, New York, Red. I I: FOR THE BEST FA MIL Y ING MACHINE CALL AT THE OFFICE OF TEL: CENTRAL PERNNSTLITANIA AGENCY E WHEELER & WILSON'S .FAMILY SEWING MACRE Prif“il from PO up, Thts.aerlieg Nimble° makee the eclat:n.4.-4 LOCK Kt /IVEI. Aineigibennagobiedadvanniges it possesses ottani, my be Rained the following: -1. Its empties?, of sonetroalim, sod oonsegne ot door S. from w& and niSdi6f r eining. enty and tees ofoperatior soi rwvegnekt._ 4. Ith Web wale) , orporpooss to wbtch tt can r.• • • • -wine it oan• be achieved- by no other mech. 41.12 t amen sod numtrarr of the • EAT THE EL&LE WORK Jaw DA4ITSER24I.I ROOMS, Th liatliet Wherciefedy Is In coiatant aueudalice io the Oporation;of the machines, give Instructions t. 4=nand do ail desert:omi of family ,ra .1 s Wring-It. RECOMMENDATI ( ) N The underalitned,with a knowledge der:vel is• of Wheeler & Whean's Sewing Machines In dor - cheerfully certify to the gteat me. , exoellentiste. Those in our raves.... L. with laclUty, have given decided satisfeen„.: , very highly prized, and as we believe ti,„t r bawl:tone better than Wheeler 'Wilson's :a r. We rffieetoeseed theta wttb confidence. A 1, • . ed purchaatiig from 11.1 r. W. 0. kuk. I the sale of them inliarrisburg, as be is givesissit instructions awl assistance as ed in the use of the machines, and mak., • tpenalido font their satisfactory operation Daniel Panook, D. W. Gross, J. C. Bunkel, John Corwen, 3. R. _ ,RhY Peary Gilbert. W. A.. , Tialieberton, W.R. Tracy pkigtmikei, • W.eitiman Ford. , risp, Isaac G. Whin. . George Batley - Emanuel M. KeN. r bgold hawing Itactdop will last your life 1..- iY bilA. . ~,7 brforßles.4lbrowlion applyA° W. O. H.CK‘ Banlobar,. Urn* I 7: l&W -dly WE - OFfrER TO CUSTOMER , : NEW LOT. OF LApiEs , oelreaitifolistyles, - soislaotisHy mad.. A oploadid'assocantint of GENTLEMENB' WALLET:- ' iiiew and Elegant Parttime, KNIGHTS' .TEMPLAR'S BOQ (Put up in Out Glass Engraved I:, - A complete assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFIT , :OP rintlintr MANUFAC2U,RE A very Handscrme Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES KELLER'S DRUG STOEO: 91 Market iY 3 O BIBLES BIBLES '• A Dirge andAboroughly etkapkteettoejt of BIBLES. 0314 PRISING EVERY vARIE Frain the Smallest Pocket to the largest sited 'D , FAMILY BIBLES, Hu jag beim piretueetil and received from - Thule Salm Having Purobased these at Ellerittraniax— LOW RATES, theyors man advance. Please Ball due v the stock. at RElhatemil CHEAP B005:-"iH. 1- 61 bfario.! -IPOSt SALE REV-EN ACRES DP LAND fronting Penurylvaolo Avenue and the Asylum artioubtra enifoire or GEO. W r.TI - - 2 2 ' gEs THE "Priir ..COMMITTEE" o f Preebyterker church of Harrisburg," ail; an church eerier of Third and Pine streets, on SerA . ,,_ oo / 18 Or WEDNALWAY and SAlljß DAY ,a b tile - tirstdayrif next month, between the 2 mid &tech*, to accommodate perame rho !TAT to buy lir ient pews in mid church. dpi. l also be< made to theundersumed. ell CPAS. C. RAWN, Chairman or Comte'_..— UNDERTAKER! 49r127PSERWIT BATMEEN SECOND AND 11 6: 111 E UNDERSIGNED having purchaFt - J or alarkeklielth -Double Beit of Tnrorru , i . .: url aadAdalmtopeotranyoohcits the ~ ..go 'itatiztaitair fferistprg and vicinity .--aaliradßAncadiyaltgbiamatbactil d C. 134.6EF EMI Liakt 41.4.W.1.44 different brands a V Jut s4ll3Ziumsale by IL IS Marge 9' Illisttllaneaus
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers