THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (st - mmv. EX('HITEP,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS —SmoLz SviisCßirriori PAILT TELEGRAPH i serve U) subscribers in the Goreseh at 6 . 34 cents [Per week Yearly eubscribora a in be ,:btrtted $4.00. ViSTULLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, NI. IKI WRAFFI is also published trainee a week during of the Legislature, mud weekly during the re of the year, sod furnished to subscribers at the „oar= rates, viz: ~ orlo Sub: emitters per year :;even E=l=ll .1 subscribers order the discontinuance of their news gapers, the publisher may continue to send them until 411 arroarages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa sirs from the office to which they are directed, they are , esooosible until they hay - settled the bills and ordered them discontinued laltbical. DR . JOHNSON, 13.43Zer13,10.1EL17 LOCK HOSPITAL Bas discovered the 11.108 t, certain, speedy trot effectual remedy In the world for INSEAM OF IMPRUDENCE fIELIZ/ IN EX 10 IWILVII UOO3O No Mercury or Nomotu Drugs. sr A Uzi WARRANIniD, ON NO Cumin, 101 MON OMB TO TWO DAYS Weasonsa of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pales In ;no Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay or the Physical POP. era, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness ce light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach Affections of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habita of Youth— thcee dreadful anddestructive practices which produce oonstitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Voting men especially who have become the victims el military Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, whc might otherwisehave entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or wakedtoeestacy thell ring lyre,. may call with f all confidence. MARRIAGE Yarned persons, or tilos o contemplating marriage', beta,' aware of physical weakness, should Immediately consult tin. and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNM'a. Immediately aired andfu/i Vigor Resiorett de who places himself under the care of Dr. 0. may religiously confide in his honor as a geatlemar, and ..onfl dently rely upon his skill as a physician. , sir Wilco No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, on the lefthand side going from Baltimore street, 7 d a from the corner. Be particular in observing the, nu e and number, or you will mistake the place. !Wiwi:cuter, for 4/noratn, 711//ing Quacks, with false imam" 'Paltry Humbug Certifteater, attracted by the reputation or Dr Johnston, lurk near. LllTi DR. JOHNSTON De. imams member of the Royal College ol surge, n ondea, graduate from one of the mosteminent Connate) the States, and the greater part of whose life hall bees spent in the Hospitaki of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has erected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringingiin the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness„ being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnese, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement or, cello were cured I meiedistely tuts PARTICULAR NOTICE _ . Dr. A t addressee all those woo having I toreatitem valves by private and improper indulgences, thalsecre and solitary habit which ruins both body tal d, us dding them for either business or society. These are some of the sad and melanohely elfect,it pru !tuned by curly habits of youth. viz : Weakness I the Back and Limbs, Pains to the Head, Dimness of m ight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, D spell lila, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Drl:tive 'unctions General Debility, Symptoms of Con na ided, die. = itestaity, , ens tearful effects on the mind are muchl to oe dreaded i—lsot or Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dapres ziati or Spirits, Evil ForebWinge, Averalou to Society, Solt itiateust, Love Of Solitude, Timidity, am, are some of tb e (WO affects. I humane.. vi etutions °tali ages our nowjudge Clllll3t. of their declining health, toeing their vigor, be alataig, weak, pale, nerving 1041 emaciated, have a appearance *bout the eyes , cough, and symptdme ol cOnautnottim YOUNG NSW lb nu area injured themselves by a certain pracron &lilted in when alone—a habit freqitently *rue frem evil companions, or at school, the effects of whlqb are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, rOders marriage impossible and destreyll both mind and body ould apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country the darling of his parents, should he stiebthed from ail prospects and enjoyments of life by thecOnsequences 41 deilating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Pooh parsons must, before content plating MARRIAGE. effect that a sound mind and bell are the meet note /my requisites to promote counsel happiness: Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes • Weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the iSew ; the mind lick:ranee shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melauelady reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY IiOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS dy this areal and la:Martini remedy, Weakness or the organs are speedily eared, and full vigor restored. ' Thousrants of the most nervous and debilitated; w ta t mid lost all hope, have beenimMedlately relieved; Impedimeute to arriage, Physical or Mental Disucutlia adieu Nervous rumbling, Weakness or Exhaustion ol the moat fearful kind, speedily cured. , 10 hie many thou/lands curST RANGRREed at this institution wit . ; the last twelve years, and the Humorous important S rights. Operations performed. by Dr. J., witnessed by re porters of tho papers, and many other persona, not; of which have appeared again and again before the bills, besU:les his standing a.l a genamtaa of chamieter re. mistsdraity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afilloted MEAS.& OF 111PRIMENCE.—Whoa the udeguld and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has tallith the seeds of tlos vandal disease, It too often happeras tas Ili-timed cones of shame or dread of dlssweary deter s him from applying to those who, from edutational re peatability On alone befriend aim, delaying t the Oraistiutioual symptom,' of this horrid disease make' their sppearasee, affecting the head, throat, nose, ati, kia., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death pod s a r period' i his dreadful sufferings by sending him to Val bourne from whence no travelle returns." , it Is aelan oholy feet that thousands fall victims to this terrib l e dis ease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretedere, who, by the use of that deadly poison , titeretcry r n the u i constitution and make the 'endue of life miserable to Strangers —The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisofficio. Mir Letters 111 ust conta.4l. a Stamp to us on the reply. AP Remedios sent by Mall. ig i g- No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprl&latw-1.• lacr FAMILY DRUG STORE • UNDERSIGNED RAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Priscription Store, In e Iron Front Bulining, N 0.128 Market Street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wobre can be found an entl ifenew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs Perlumery, u h ;tutt. OIL, COALOIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ala vheS Patent Maclellan, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &c., &c. a We have the agency for 00 sale of Rline's Celebrated Arta_ total Teeth, to which we would invite the 'tenon of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, Ke respectfully ask a share Of Public cartilage. N. B.—Prime Havana Stearn and Tob G aolo . 01 14111211 ms&uotly' , Ju head, PR ./trim A. MURRAY s (SUccessor to Wm. Pariallj- LIVERY 84 EXCHANGE STABLE" THIRD STRUT BELOW MARXIRS ud PING purchased the interest ofJ. additionsQ fosses s in the establishmeni t and m ad e lar g e to the tock, the anderaissed Is prepared to secommodale the public with Suristiost one far saddle or carriage purposes,and with every variety of VERICLUI of the latest and most approved , styles, on reasonable terms. PLOSSURS PART= will be a ooo mmodated witty:omni buses at abort notice. EARRLIGhB AND OMNIBUS= FOR FUNERAL o=- 310= will be furnished, accompanied by Careful and obliging drivers. Be invitee an inspection of hie Stook, saUstleal that it Is roily equal to that of any other establishmenser the kind la lowa. FRANK A. MURRAY. BRANCH STABLE The unoennszted has opened a branch of his .fluviral. and EXCHANGE STABLE," in the building' lately Qom led by A. U Barr, In Fourth street opposite the Elathel, here 115 la prepared tO accommodate the public wild OBBED AAA NiiiilCLES, at all limes, on ressonabie terms le sue* bie lletudi.earied„and win reoorweend 211411-rdoliall SUN& MURRAY • . . I -- ---- I , • • 13 •••••...... V ... ,ii ii i „ & " 4, ,•:... 111411 11111111111111111, •••-., -, ,•:- ' , ..'_'' • ---------- , • i . ----_, ka‘ •' • j - : - , ,- L--- • . . • 4 _....... ...-: - e1,,,, af ...0- __ a •—•—•---, -,--:,•••• $ 2.00 12.00 15.00 VOL.* XIII HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION, HELMBOLDrii BUCHU for the Bladder. HRLAIBOU'S BUCHU for the Kidneys. lILIABOLD'S BUCHU tor the GrAvel. HOLKBOLD ss BUCHIEI for the Di °pay. HaLHROLD'S. RUCHE, for Nervousness. HELHBULLPS BUGHU for Lost of Memory. HRLSIBOtesS. BUCHU for Dimness 01 HELMBOLIYS'BUCHU for Difficult Breathing. HELM BOLD'. BUCHU for Wait Nerves. „HILDIBuLD'S BUCHO for General Debility. agfilißOLD'd BUM for Universal Lassitude. „BUClill for ,Horror of Disease. titAMBOLD'S 13UCHII for 'Night Sweats: .; HELilisoLDPa BUCHU for Wakefulness. JELKLMBOLD'S BUCHU for Dryness of the Skim IiBLHBOLD'SHUOHU tbf"Eraptiorm. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Pabiin thaßack. HBIALBOLD'S BUGIII.I for Hoariness of the Eyeli ds, . with Temporary d LO3B Bight. • HELIiBuLD'S =CHU for MObility and Restlessness, witti,Want ofAtteption and. Horror of Society. B ELM BOLD'S Min fo7 , Obetrhiclioas. BELIiBOLDI BUCHU for Excesses arising from India (ration, sad all diseases of . pciteLrs, FEMALES FEMAiES , FEMALES', FEMALE% FEMALES, .TAME NO MORE PILLS, TAKE NO MORN ' ARE'OF NO A VAIL. ' THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. Use HRLIABOLD'SEXTRACTBUCHU for all complaints incident tb tub No Faintly Should Be linglisilatit I ' Tiligho MORE MUM! or Injuriormand Unpleasant Medlin= for Unpleasant and Dangerons Diseases. Use EIELIIgOLDI.9 =TRAM BUDEU for Excesses arising from habits indulged in By Young anti And far Meanie arising from Habits Of Dialipatlon. It re. moves all tinproper discharges, and Will restore the pa tient In a short time to a state of Health and Purity. Use nzionolirp,ExurAcr MEW for Inleages and AffectiOns of themdatDistrewing Character. Vie EigLittlioLD'S =THAT BMW for all Affections and diseases orthe 'urinary Organs, Whether existing in Male or Female; frcm whatever mune originating, and no matter of How Long Standing. All of the aim e diseases and symptoms admit of the same treatment, sae may origintnate front the Sallie Cause. READI,READJEE.AD! READ! 11XLMEuLIPEL =CHU is safe, and, ph*stint in taste and odoy, but immediate in its atiihng - Pereonally appeared , before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T. Ilelmbold, Cnemist, who be ing duty swern,--does say, that his preparation contains no NarsotlO, Itareury, or injurious drug, but Is purely Vegetable. H. T. fiELIIROD, • Sole Manafacturer. Swum and subscribed before me, this Sint day of No ven.ber, 1864. WM. B . HIBBARD, alderman. nice $1 per bottle, or six for $5, delivered to any'ad. dross.— A Trtal Cosis kurr.a :It, and be convinced (Wits efficacy. And it la accoMpankd by reliable and responsible corUfloates. from professors or Medical Colleges, Clergymen and:others. Prepared by g, gEtumg, Practlc..l and Afialytical Chemist, 101 South Tenth Street, below Cbealnut, 2110011141 - unprincipled Dealers try to palm off' another article, which pays a bettor profit and is worthless. ASK, FOR. BELMBOLVS EXTRACT BLICHU TAILS tiu °TREK. CURBS CIJARANTRXD. • Sold by D. W. Gram; & Co., and all Druggists every where. Cut this out—send or call for It, and avoid exposure and Imposnlon. •aull-dawam 21411.0.1E 1 M 1 A."/"Ig LIFE PILLS AND'PHORNIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the piatklie for a period of THIRTY YEARS, and dur Ingthat time have maintain , d a high Clutriacter In al most every part of the tilobe, for their extraordinary and immeoiate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind et disease to which the human frame is liable; The following aresteobg the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. - DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the , stale and acrid kind.,AeliATU -I...ENCY, Loss Appeute, lleratburn,linatiacis, Best. lessuese, ill-Temper, Anxiety, languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van lab, as a natural consequence of its cure. „elLlls'E/YEALEfifI, by cleansing tild.Whole length bi the intestine's with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. REVERS of all kinds; by restoring the blood to a regular circu.ation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The LIFE kIiFICINIS ha _ vo been known to cure RICEDDIATIsIit permithently'in three weeks end otpwr tit half that time, by remoiringlocalinflatrunatiott from the mustilettand Itgatnetts of thajoints. D15DP41.1146 of allkinds, by freeing and strengthen ing, the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully run these-important organs, and hence have ever been-founds certain remedy tor the worst ,cases of .• Also WOBBIS, by disledglng from the tannings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY; ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORICS, by the perfect purity whiclethese LIFE MEDI. CINES give to the hlood, did alt thahumors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BaD COMPLEX. I 0 S, by thelk . alterale NIES open the fluids that feed the skin, and themorbld state of which occasions aalLLl eruptive complaints, dello*, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. • . lute of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cursor RlEtinglltt; and'astrAingim- Revelment in the clearness of tint skin. .COEROB COLDS and INFLUENZA will `always be &wed by one des!, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.-cThe original proprietor of those medicines, was oared of Pile* or 35 Oars standing bY Ihe elle or the _ LIPS SWUM stone. 1 0 111.8. ANDI AGUE —For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain , reniedy. Other Mediaines have Me, system subject to a return of the disease--a cure by these Meditihres is permanent—TßY TBBM , BB SATInFIED, AND 'BB CURED. ' - BILIOUS 'FEVERS AND LIVER COB PLAINTS.—Gsrutskr. Manus; Loss of Ewan* and 1* sums ce. Fmkus—the Medicines have beim; need with theniciet beneficial results to cases of this descrill- Don :—Kings Evitawid Scrota's, in its worst tomer, yields to the mild YOBbirewful action of these remarkabki Medi cines. Nignt Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com• plaints of all Made, Talp.tauen of the , Boort, Fainters' Colic are speedily cured. Allnitt/11111.A.1. RISES SEN.—Persons whose cousins loos have become Impaired by the Injudicious use of Mercury, will find these liedlommt a rerreet cure, as they 'meta L.ll to eradicate from the system, all the strocutof Mercury, infinitely sooner than the mostpower- Ptlpregandlons of lierwaretrilla. Prep hired and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 835 Broadway, New York. Formic by all Druggists. ".' „ ' jy2o-dawly NOT 'IILE • FIRST ARRIVAL , BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT it.DUCED PRIORS, Limn it VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,63 per ton. " NOT ' ""! Mao'onikintly on badd,l. LYX VALLEY " " EGG, CUPOLA AND BMW:IOAT COAL, HALEIBBAZIEN-11BOKEN, .No. 3 and 4, NOT Blacksmith Coal, Anegheoy and Broad Top. Alio, Hickory, Oak andl'ina,Wood- • _ E. BYARS. • p l 4 1:0 7ilidaggwhtreat. gre-1 1 4 2 k3 602bn:icing all the eirviitiqpity z blitami a and qualitteC,Jukk romped and r 'Bide by j . ' . inriA Wli. DOCK, m., aicol "INDEPENDENT•IN ALL THINGS - NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 13, IMO-. UtDual. .taistellantotts, Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DAR}US HAM'S AROMATIC INVIOORATThie SPIRIT. Vas Medicine has been used by the public for six years. with Increasing favor. It is recommended to (hire Dy Nervousness, Heart Bum Cribtoltrinr, Wind In the Stomach, or 1 ans in the Bowels Headache, Drowsiness, Xidney eters plaints, Low Spirits, Delirium - Tremens, Intemperance. STINISLATES, BIRILARAINS, INVIGORATES, BUT WILL NOT IaTORWATR OR &men AB A MEDICINE it is quick and effectu al, curing tne most aggravating cases of Dyspepsia, dney Complaints, and all other derangements°, the. Stomach and BoweLi, in a speedy manner . It will Instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sick ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the Injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Demers 'lnsairns, will, almost immediately, fell the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's invigorating Spirit WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—One wine glass full as often as necessary . One dose will remote all Bad Spirits One dose will sure Heiu t bur n Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. ' One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia One dose will remove the distressing and iii-rtirresable erects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the Stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, lhe distressing load and all patient feelings will be removed . One dbse will remOVe the most distressing pains of Collo, either in the stomach or bowels . A few deem will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. ?emus who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complainta are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles . NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipallogtoo mew over night., and feel the evil Miceli' of pollionons liquors, in violent head aches, sickness atortomaqh, weakness, giddiness, &c will find one dose will remove all bad eclipse I &dies of weak gild sickly deinstit ntions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a dal a ll• it will make these strong, healthy and happy, remove obstructions and irregularities trom the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health oud beauty to the careworn farm MMus pregnancy itmin be tumid an inVallable medi cine lb remove disagreeable seer:rations at the stomach. the' proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 50 cents, quarts $l . General Depot, 98 Water street, N. Y, Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, !OTT, &CO mid for sale in Harrisburg by C. a. Bannvart, D. W. Gross Co and ` C K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere .4 i jel4-41awlYt r e z' ;s 416% m im e Z 7 ECONOMY 6 4 a nispito. .„ Save the Pi ds aceic*s will hamen, crew itlis very desirable to have some cheap apd convenient . way for rep el Toys„Crockery, SPAWNGI3:I I ,II,NPABED GLUE meets all such Liergenotes, a:nd no household can" afford to be without IL It is always ready and up to the stick. log point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers„ beadles toys and broken cradles. It Is just the artiolejor cone. spell ono other ornrmental work, so popular with ladles of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing" all the qualities of the best cabinetmakers' Glue. limey be used in. the place of ordinary mucilage, being iaitly more adhesive: "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUS.E." N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25 cis: Wholesale Depot, N 0.46 Cedar street, New York. • Address HENRY C. BPALDECO th CO., - Box No. 8,600 3 -New York , . Put op fcr Dealerii in ttases eontaiaing Four, Eight and Twelve Ficzeg- r a beautiful Litbograthia Sboweard ac compaayinipeach package. • ifaTA sibgle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will saveten tunes its coat annually to eyery bousehold. Sold by all proreinent Stati4ers, DitikgistsiHardware and Furniture Dealers, Groceri and Fa::cy,Stbres. Country raercbants should ineko of SPALDING'S PIMA RED QLUE, when road; op their list It will stand any climate rabl7 partly GRANVILLE STONES' . DIET CLOTHI N G EMPORIUM ONE , PRICE AND NO -ABATEMENT, NO. 607 - Chestnut Sti-eet• -STOKEFIt would return . • ILX thanks to the public for their alba forts to please, and their Illierallationage. - In order to keertirthis kindly feeling, he has yielded to the selicitatitna et many elf Lia friftda and-inaugura 'led a NEW friTfßhf, GInS vnTuTACH OIHNENT, SOLD. To bls choice selection of Abe Fabriois and made, OPlciothing; Mends UM scrutiny of the public as well as to his new mode of doing business. .alich article , Is warranted to be, in iabripattyle and take, signal to any gotten up in the city, and ONE Mal i (lower than the lowest) marked on the ticket: -• Each article sold, or measured for sodempaided by a Gifi ti varY Lug in Value ham Si to 11100.. N, None but the most skillful Designers, Cutters' and Workmen empleYed; and athirst:lion Elhpashion, Fabric, Price and GIG, guaranteed at GRANVILLE STORES' One Price Gift Clothing limporitap, mylo-emd No. 001 Chestnut street. TOBE,-SOLD -AT , COST Aa S WE 11AVEi ON .HAND a large 7 - ohment opflancy S li ts condi prices and qualities e will algae dut the lot at Mgr PAT. Persons wishing any thing °tale kiksit can find bargains at ' . • CalßeisitT' & MOTHERS ' Next to the Harrisburg Bank. Plain Blaok..Dreastilks, Black .Izigured-Bilks, Eglish.Rej.Mourning Silks : Plitin - Colikid - Dress Silks, "Black and White Dress Bilks, Purple and - Black Dress Silks. A large assortmea of each kind at different low prices and of the very best makes--Warranted. CATHCART & BROTHER; No. 14 Markotßquaro. FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS . ENTERPRISE AND LIGHTNING NOW brin g s the N. 1. DAILY HERALD,. TRIBUNE, TIMFB and SUN to'Hiribiburg, at one o'clock P. M., and are distributed DOUCCILLIMLY afterward by prompt carriers. Subscribers will be regularly, warred with them, by leaving their address at BERGNER'S UMEAP DUOZSTORE, • - SI Market street. .L.,Aii.tilii -08-4.rtaie-nt ot ALKUIdS, of a ll prleee, wbral will male suitable CHR IST M AS .15 for year latly- friends: wilt be flame ail s - , - BERGS OM- COM , .BOOKSTOfiII, • • to liarkiet.Str est - MRS: worsLow, Au experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly-faclUtates the, prociees or teething, by soft Aping the g tun B,reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and epumnotlic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend, upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves AND. RELIEF' AND HEALTH TO YOUR 'INFANTS. • We have put' up and sold this article for over ten years, and cameo', IN amirmsercs AND. TRUTH, what we have never, been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EllenCT A CORE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of,dissatisfaction by any one who used It. On the, contrary, all are deighted with its opera. tions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of Its magical effects and medical virtues. We sp eak in this matter " weer Do row , , alter ten years 'expe rience, AND Reds olra ikeentextos POSMIN muumuu or weer. sifts DECLAIM. In almost every Instance where the infant in suffering frompehi and exhaustion, re— liefwill found in fifteen or twenty minutes idler the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation I the preseripton of one of the meal EXPERIDICED and SHILVAL"NIigtSIII9 in New &O lt&M, and has been used with ttivtut Fauna abbona THOUSANDS OR CASES, , It not only relleves.the child from- pain, but Invig orates the stomach and boweht o corzeuts,tusidity, and gives Lode andtniergy to the whole aystexe. It will al most 'natant L , relieve GRIPING THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and event) convulsions, which if not speedily reme died, end 1 - . We believe it the aim and BORRIST amens "*ORID, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND MARRED . IN CHISOLDREN, whether it arises from teethiagf- from any other cause. We would say to every er who has a child suffering from any of the rOreg g coniphilzits=no Nor tzr sous nummtues, non TEflt•m®OF MEW, stand between you sod your cuffg child and the relied that will be SURE—yea, SO i ICY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, it /Cis , need.. Full dtrectkuts ear using will accompany bottle. Nene genuine unless the fac-simile of mg. • 7. te PRRICINS,New York, is 'on the outside wrapper. 1d by Druggists throughout the werld. ririncipal Oftlee,-No. 18 cedar St., NeWYork. Price only 25 Cents per Mottle. ger For BRIO In Harrisburg. by D. W. Grose & Co., pio 19 Market 'street, .1. Martin Lutz, No. 22 Market street a H. 136116.; No: 91 Market street, below Fourth, • and G. W Milis,l29 Market street. . aug22 dawly • ' 1A IN( 13ATTLEGEOUND " leer WilkenUrre Luzeine Co Pa fE Conmittee of _Arrangements take pleasure in announcing that in accordance_ with the .ders of the Baccuttve Committee, the arrangements er'laildhig - the meat State Filr on the Wyoming Battle Ground; near. Wilitesbarre, haiir bten commenced and will be completed at the time appointed. The exhibitien will open on Tuesday, and will continue feru. day • SEPTEMBER 25th, .2.6th,:27th; and 913th' The, grounds. which are ,most, beautifully located, are not only large, but remarkably well adapted to the pur poses of the exhibition. They contain seventy-two acres. The Buildings, Ebeddinrs, , Pens i Arc., are not only coin modlous, but remarkably convenient, and such additions' will be made to them at an early day as found necessary. There is also a doe Track for Horses, as well as every other convenience' necessary to the comfort and safety both of Exhibitors and the Animals and Articles they-wisk to exhibit. The mosteomplete arrangements have tieminiade *Rh the different Railroad Companies for the transportation of the animals and articles intended for exhibition, Free of 'Charge BOth' Ways. • Vi sitars to the Exhibition will Bed most ample accom modatioce; at moderate prices:, The dllZerearltailroad Companies will bine EXCIIREON TRISH'S, and extra trains will be run upon the different roads dtiting the exhibition, to allow 'visitors an opportunity of examining the inagnlSeent Scenery, Coanilnee, etc., for which the Valley of the Wyoming is sojustly celebrated. • Lists of premiums, Jimges, 'Regulations, isc., can be bad at all the principal Agrlrultural Waretiousea, and . at the office of the "Farmer and. Gardner,” Or on applice r i tion until September Ist, to the Secretary, at Harrisburg. After . that time the. Secretary's Office will he torliVelie Pittston, Luzertincounti. COIdiPETITION OPEN TO ALlelps , • '4 J. S. HALDBlSlAN;Pritslifent. A. 0. Husain, Secretary. .aug2o•lawil.wteept2s' • • HERB'S' 4PIIEL! NEWLY REFITTED! - TUE UNDERSIGNED having leased Shia well known and popular hotel, in the city' of Harrisburg Is now rektirg and furnishing the same with NNW "I'IIRNITURRIn the very "InStlnellein,styleit It hi located inthe numteenteid Tail of the city; within a short. distanra z of,gie depots 01 four c ((kraut_ rallread and also near the State Cs pitol buildings... , • . ' VlietiOnte lglarte and' tile *sloePing apartments are' u elk ventilated. - .• ' , The TARLEA.wen provided with. alliseimouable ard cles This city is well known•thrmighoin the Bfetelis having the bekt market, otitside aSe eonsequentlylio complaints shall be ma'd'e bn at Score. ' The BAR has - also undergone changes ana Will be kept stocked with the best mid purest Apititiors in the country No.exertion ba4iated .roake.thwtraveler and sojourner comfortable MI every reepeet. : - )Ctootiousuice of the , patronage of the quaternary, together, with new; additions kr respect kolk Red: - - - Harrisburg, August 2345 . . . Select Schools for Boys.und G irls.. • • FRON2 STREET ABOVE . LOOMS. — . „ 'FBI: Fall term of ROBERT ill'Ef.e*EFß A Scheel , thr boys, will - open the . last MOnday in 'August ; The • room la Well - ventilated, ormtertablyrar 411ehecl, and in every respect well" adiptell for school - I CATHARINE WEIMER'S Rchool for girls, located-in thkaame building, will open for the fall term at theswine time. The room-has been elegaatly titled upduring the vieet, ll to promote the health and comfort of scholar . LATEST NEWS! 1! DR. SWO..I?E!S TONIC FOR FOR FEVER ARO AGUE ILL CURE the West bbstutate cases .`l2l TWZNiT-Foqr, notuts.7 It IS,llattO a prevent , ive for such as are liabletOthleldisbase. This celebnited TONIC removes . alt Flatulency, regfflates `the Bowels, Purities the Blood, givelt tone to tlielagestnre Orgium, and creates an appetite. Sole agent for this city and Dauphin county is Wm. Loeffler, appointed by We. • BR.-SWOPS.. au9 d4m • • . FOR. STATE SENATOR:. i' - OFFER myself - ani - xi - liicreil4ndeni Can for the Mee of SENATOR to the Totem •of anon and Dauphin counties at the ensiling Dctobin electioni. 1 JONATHAN' ZEREIE. ~Mitefferstoton, Auguttn, 1880. CANVASSED HAMS of a very superior quality, just a., °dived and Ibr sale by WM. DOCK JR., A BOOK FOB: TAB TIM MS ;AND FOR TKE PEOPLE ! it/roKINICEMIIIk "Our °oven:uncut; 9r Constltstlotial,” giving the construction of tba Constluition s or the VAited States ! as determined by JOOtetaf deartons or doily 00m iftsT4 , o writers. For sale bj the einbior, at Harriabirg;, 1%. arift atthe bookstores generally. PRICE $1 O. iylOaawir ifilisaffantous. CHILDREN PENNSYLVA - .NIA. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY }MTH ANN)JAL Exami*w- J. H. BEmi.oRD & co Business (tart's. PROF. ADOLPH . P. TEIIPSER. WOULD , respectfully inform his old Patrons and the public generally, that he 'will continue to glee instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of 'THOROUGH, BARB. He will Wth pleasure wait upon pupils at their homed at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, la Third etreet,.a few= doors below the German Reformed Church. declfKitt AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER 'AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 Sera Second &red. N. 13—JOBBING AITENDICD TO: b 28411 SCHOOL BOORS AND SCHOOL. STATIONERY. ALL the School Books and Stationery in use in the public and select schools of our oily will be toned tor sale ateaßemar PRICES, at BERGNIR'd onEap BOOKSTORE, niylB 61 Ilarket street.. IRON CASTINGS A LL kinds of Iron Castings made to or• der, of the very beet stock, and aU Castings pickled 1,,t0 remove the sand and scale. We have the best and most extensive assortment of Pulley patterns this site of Phil adelphia. Apply at the EAGLE WORKS, Penna. It, Road, above State street. Harrisburg, April 22. 1869 --,nv DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND ()OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET roar2l-dAw BITER-LER HOUSE, MARKET S141)411;E', PEWN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. C A. It D The above well known and - long established ,Hctel new undergoing a thorough ' renovation, and being in a great degree newly ternhthed, under the proprietorship of Mr. Oscalos J. BOLTON, who,haa been Animate of the bow% for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. • Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en— Guyed , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public fa or. Eleft flawtfl 'WILLIAM .BIIEHLEk. JOSEPH QABEIt. JOHN W. 4311091rei : • CASEY & BROWN ATTORNEYSAT-LAW HARRISBURG, PENN'A. HAVING 'Associated; -togetiter in the practice or the Lew, will attend fatten:illy - and promptly to -all professionalhardness entrusted tO thell eare. ()Ike in; Third attest three doors from-Marlon N. H. Consudations In English and (Armen. - • - o v : * I'ISH:ER., -A. 0 le FEES hiEfprofessional services to. all Dermas having heathen be • be Manacled in the several Courts of Dauphin county, the "said Departinent of this State, or before the Board or Property. Baying been associated In practice of the Law, with his rath er, AKIN a. klhil.Elt, he promises diligent and careful at entioa to all profession' business entrusted to teem Offloccorner of geond and• Locust streets, (opposite to tile Pens .ylvania Rouse,) , Harrisburg. ' . --ap26- W W. RAYS, ATTO.WINAV494--LAW. Office Walnut St.,. between Second and , Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p dawt NEE,Ea SURGEON DENTIST, his services .to the citizens of 0 F Iar ERS SURGEON and tts vicinity, Re 'solicits a share of the public miming° And sties assurance that his best endeavors shill be given to rendecastkifacgen in his pro fession. ,Being an o d.,well,..he feels safe in inviting the public 'generally to call on him, assuring Mena that they will not be dissatisfied With hts services' --When NoilsB Market street, in the housefortherly oe °epics! by, Jactoba. - Xby,, near the United-illtates Harrisburg, Pa, „, - . mys-diy . . A TiDBILI§AN . HONEY PEFFER, STRER*(SHELLtS ROW,) NEAR HARKER .* Residence, Chestnut Areet near. Fourth. OITY OF, E 4 RISBURQ, PRNIY 4 i. myit-ittf SrLALtII , 'PLATED WARE BAR,VI"/ TILLEY, . N 0.1222 Market , BMlS, ppol.4.ow.pme, Manuacturer of ROO . I NICKERt Had ill:9111PUIER of• :gorelig,43POoNl4 LK3. BUSIER KNIVES,. URI': ORS, TEAsersixdals;whinaxs,. wArlets, Bunn magew, •Icz /wean% CAKE - BASKETS COMMUNION WARR, • CUPM;MUCS; GotturrB, ate. , With a general assoioneam, , somplising UM but At bes quality, mad", of the'boitoand heavaTTioioa, con - etituling 09m a . 1 Renzi blo and durable article . FOP HOTELS, to 4WD" FRIVATI _ _ Eg- Old Woe celdaind in the pat Mannar. feb2o4lAttly ' - LENtER's GALLERY; IB THE PLAOR TO ONT Sbi A LT. PICTURES OF DECEASED FRIENDS COKED .C.ND ENLARGED OR COLORED. SMOKED ; SALMON. AFRESH end very superior lot of - 811.0Kkif SAI.MO2h' just received and.tor sale by lug , W.M.DQCK, JR ,4 00. STATE .OAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER, EBY Sr. , CORNER SECOND: 4WD ,WALATUI 878., H BIS WURG, PENN..` 4 E m . g • sTOCI Ot - lcans,neck—,,io. Perfumery and n PuaYSnaPS'at 7:7Rttimß4 aysmarket street, }ifhßaraburg. Pa " ORANGES AND LEMONS: FORTY BOXES-in prime order jut, re craved audior .. sal e . by bdat wm. DOCK at. ,t Co CHESSMEN, Checker Boards, Dominos, Cbeckcirs,,Blen and Bleu:Boxes. The largest assortment in tbe city, for sale at all prices. BIaBBNER43 (111B4P BOOKSTORE, , riV 24 61,,Matket street, Harrisburg, Pa. - LIM Vanilla Beans and an excellent Va- J-7 nal *ltractE o -RELLER'S DRIRI STORE, my2s k..lmreet. DAILY ',331334E8 . . . . rriHE LABGEBT Assbit i rmENT - IN Tat J CITY, at all'icloes fiont'24.- 25 to 225 dollars each; in all the different sqles or binding, for sale at t CEICA2 11001/:.,TORE, 1 AO • . 61 Meltet..,2lreet. ; = _Bf A cERTE L HE - E lr ak iß aoh Y llier ' 'y d:e buti l%c t in i n i g?t il est o n f iamier ' ra lt : xx la. 4 7 6 .: Harrisbur g Apri l l . 22 1.869."--a14 t. ;ir4t.Ckrafi ktramtinting firm Having procured Steam Power Presses, we at prepared to execute JOB and BOOK RENTING , or ever de.cription, cheaper that it can be done at any other et tablishment In the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. .113rFour lines or less constitute one half square. Ugh lin 3.6 or more than four constitute a square. HallP.quare, one day...... one week.... one month... it three months six months... one year..... (../neSguare, ode nay 61 one week .... ............. 2 00 " ono month._ . g 00 three months.... ........... 5 Ofi six months.... 8 00 one year 10 CO si-Busieees notices inserted in the Local colum. bet°, e Marriages and .Lksaths, FIVE CEIBIB PER I.INI for each insertion. NO. 7. Marriage 3 and Deaths to be charged as reg, lay advert,isementS. A. cAprrAL cAmPAIGN SONG. There's right and wrong in politich And the rigbt is on our Bide; So we've harnessed up the wagon, boys, To lot the nation ride. The Union is our wagon, And it isn't any shame, For Ws crowded with the people, .;And its driver's Abraham. Cnowea--Walt fir the wagon, Wait for the wagcn, Walt for the wagon, ' For the driver's Abraham This wagon is a noble one, 'Twos made In seventy-six, *l'vras driven by gene Washington Throuda stormy,poiltics; With - Northern eak and Eastern pine And Western ash 'tia bound— Palmetto, Cyprus, cotton wood In every wheel are found. Wait for the wagon, &c. The mill-boy of the slashes, boys, Kentucky's Harry Clay, Once sat upon this wagon As we're sitting here today; He drove the road of Compromise By Constitution charts, And held the reins of Union All around the people's hearts. Wait for the wagon, &c. In this our famous wagon, With the people at its hack, Through all the tronblons elements Our LucOhl keeps the track; And when the'hand of Webster shcok The band of proud Calhoun, 'Twee hereupon this wagon box They sat in close commune. Walt for the wagon, &c lgo Jump into the wagon, boys, The people are ita - a twinge, We're romans on the Union course, And Lincoln holds the strange. The Union is our wagon, And 11 Isn't any sham, For it's Crowded with the people, And the driver's Abraham. Wait for the wagon, 11143 Infiu.enoe of Singing upon Physical One of the first benefits arising from vocal instruction is improvement in speaking. It has been justly asserted that singing is the most effective means of improving the organs, if naturally good, and of correcting any defect in the Speech, such as stammering, hissing, or a nassal enunciation. We therefore act in di rect opposition to the purpose, and , diminish the utility of vocal Instruction if, as frequent ly done, we exclude from it those children whO have defects in the organs of speech. Such natural impediments, if made known at first may be entirely overcome, provided the master apply earnest care to their removal, and the pupil attend with persevering patience Tnstruction in singing serves to develope and cultivate the sense of hearing, the organs of which, like, those of the voice, are not equally perfect in every individual. A great error will therefore be committed in depriving those chil dren of singing lessons who do not in the first instance evince a decidedly musical disposition, or,what isipopularly termed a musical ear.-- That quality, or faculty, is, developed much more slowly in some persons than in other.; there are some indeed, in whom it seems totally deficient; but its absence often proceeds from their seldom or never having heard singing, and from their consequently not having had the opportunity of imitating the tones of oth ers. By listening to singing, we learn to d is .tioguish the relative position of the notes ut tered by one' voice; our ear thus becomes prac tised, and able to convey the nicest distinction of. tone -to the seat of perception. Thus, by endeavoring gradually to imitate others we succeed in rendering the organs of voice capa ble of reproducing the sounds which the ear has received. 'We come now to consider the influence of 'tinging on the health of children. One of the prejudices most obstinately maintained against teaching children to sing, arises from an opin .ion frequently broached, thatsinging, if prac ticed at a tender age, may have a baneful influ eitce - on the health, tad may ocessioespittlng of blood and other pulmonary affections. It is not long since this idea prevailed in Germany also; but the Most minute investigations, made by governments as *ell as parents, have proved it to be quite erroneous From the many thonsand instances of contrary results, the Ger • man people•have lastlearnt the utter fallacy of this notion, and have not only ceased todread Singing as being itijurioue to - health, but go so far as to one , of the most efficacious means for giving strength and vigor to all the physical organs it- calls into action. Nothing is better calcalated than the practice of singing to produce the power of free and lengthened respuition: In confirmation of this we may safely refer to all who have cultivated their voices, and who have been able to compare the results of their first with those of their subse q,uent leeslons. At the commencement, to take a long breath, as If is familiarly expressed, is very •annoying to-the learner; he finds it dilE -cult ••to. hold even a quarter note [crotchet], and several quarters in succession entirely ex heists his breath; but in a short ihne the pupil gains so much facility, that he finds it less fatiguing to sing several quarters with one breath at each note. Be acquires by degrees the power of singing two, three, four quarters; then two, three, four halves [minims] consecu• lively of a quicker or slower movement. It often occurs that it would be. beyond the cepa .bilb yof an untrained adult sing that which the lungs of a child execute with ease. -Never theless,in this case as in z every other , excess would beeome injinions, and it Weald be as dangerous. to fatigue the mil by prolonged exercise, as it would be.unjust to ascribe every plinnimary complaint by which he may be affected, to the practice Qf singing. • On the whole, then, we are convinced that singing, or as it may be termed, tbo art of bjeathing, is one of the best preventitiVes of, and surest remedies for, general weakness of 'the - chest; and that its use, provided' always it be proportioned to the other phgaiett poirers of the singer, is calculated .to i exert almost favora ble influence on delicate' wilkittitliins, to im part vigor to thex!rginsi :connected with the lungs, and thus to conduceo a • healthy state o f all parts of the bbdy.-4titinser's Sifiging for C he Million:- AWFUL.- rn - Crawfot'd county; 'Pennayl vania,an-awiful adaident occurred on Fri• 4101e,VAAiNig,Nyttich,usulted in the death of tAai4gltter of . Mr. Robert Harrington, who Velure taw=miH and lath-machine near the imeductin Meadville. The ,lath-machice leas under full headway, when •t,h,e father obaerved " irregularitY, ' Move ddwn belowAhkr mill he 'foeMitto Aorror that his chikl,had been caught by her olothes upon a revolying hori zontal shaft, and was whirling round it at $0 25 100 2 00 4 00 00 REFITBLICAN WAGON Eduiation,