THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (stisoAn RICKITKP,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO• TERMS.—Sprats Sasscsamos. The DArtv TEINGRAPH It sorved to subscribers in the dorough at By bouts per week. Yearly subscribers will be charge;) $4.00. 14NNNLY AND SRNDWEEKLY TnNORAPII. The isr iror.ies is also published twice a week during no nc ,,,,, n r r s the Legislature, and weekly durrog the re minder of the year, and furnished La subscribers at the allowing rites, viz: mingle Subscribers per year S 2.00 saes 12.00 fen 11. .. . 15.00 THU LAW 01 NAIWIPAPERS. erabl order the discontinuance ot their news.. p , the publisher may Continue to send them until all ail oarages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa. are from the office to which they are directed, they are ,esponsible until they hav^ settled the bills and ordered thaw discontinued filebical. DR. JOHNSON, 73,43LITIAMCIOELNII LOCK HOSPITAL. ali n,e discovered nri t o he in ro th o e s w t o c r e ld ria for iu, opendy j[j DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Rum 114 SIX 10 TULSA ROM No Mercury Or Noanotu Drugs. shr A CM WirseßrlD, 014210 Cll6lOl, IN /RON 031 10 Two DAY(' li* Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Palms le the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Tremblinge, Dimness al light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach Affections of the Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth-r those dreadful anddestructive practices which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impassible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. „ . Young mewespecially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousand!, of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, wise might otherwise have entranced Releasing Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy tholl visit lyre, may call with full confidMAßßlAGEence. married persons, or those contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Ur. .5., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNMS. lasmadialety Oared and/0 Vigor RalOYea Be who places himself under the care of Dr. may religiously confide in his honor as a ge.Litleman, and mg dently rely upon his skill as a physician. ikir Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, d., on the left hand aide going from Baltimore street, 7 d re from the corner. Be particular in observing the na and number, or you will mistake the place. B e portionla: for Ignorant, Triglitip Quacks, with fao names or Pl& /lambus Certates, attracted by the ls reputation of a Dr Johnston, lurk near. All lettere must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON Ds. Josyston member of the Royal College of Surgeon London, graduate from one of the most embientCollegeso the States, and the greater part of whose life has beet spent In the Hospitaht of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has abated some of the most astonishing curet that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of trap were cured immediately TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Gr. J. addresses all those erne having injureatnem MOO by private and improper indulgences, that setae and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or aociety. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pi. duced by early habits of youth. via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Road, Dimness of Bight, Loss of !Macular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep• Nervona Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions General Debility, Symptoms of Cousunip tlen4lie. MENTALLY Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be entailed ;—Lou of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Aversion to Society, Self distrust, lave of Solitude, Timidity, ago., are some of tb e evil elects. Mound* of persona et aY ages, can nocriudge w Walt 1110 CAWit 01 their deoltuing health, losing their vigor,e cooling, weak, pale, nervous aml emaciated, have a ainiu, lar appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of coolummath YOUNG MEN who nave 103111.60 themselves by a certain practiooon dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not oared, rending marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body h ould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from ad rasp:obi and enjoyments of life by the consequence* cl deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In a odelain secret habit. Such persons must, before con em plating MARRIAGE. Millet that a sound mind and body are the most nue silty requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed' wMiout these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. JORNSTOWS INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS dy into great and Important remedy, Weakness or the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousand& of the moat nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Al IMpedimeuta to arriage, Physical or Mental SlativlEß oMloa Nervous rem bling, Weakness or Exhalation 01 the most fearful hind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. the many thousands eared at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous Important Miegica Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices ot which have appeared again and again before the puhlia, besides ki it y s standing as a gentleman of character and re- Is sporuthil, a artflit-::mt guarantee to the afflicted , DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided anti Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed the mods of this painful disease, It too oftini - hitimeinithat. an lit-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery date* him Rom applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone befriend nun, delaying till the conatiuticloat symptoms of this horrid disease make their .appearanCe, affecting the head, throat, nose, &Indio., Avogressing on with frightful rapidity, till death pts a .period v Ms dreadful mdfedings by sending him to "that 'lnterne from whence uo traveller returns." it is a molah sholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible dig. sase, owing to the unaklithhiess of Ignorant pretenders, who, by the ace of that deadlypoisua, mercury ruin the constitution sod make the residue of life miserable • fh Sweepers —The Doctor's Diploloas hang in .Ida Woe /a- Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply. ,wr Remedies sent by Mail. Ifir No. t South Frederick Street, Baltlmor... anrind&w.l.• Al MI 11;47 . FAMILY DRUG STORE.. irThlIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, t a Iron Front Bulinlog, No. 123 Market streetdately, occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre °an be found an °nil renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs Perlumery, OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ale hot Patent lieolcium, Stationery, Fancy Articles, ko., &c.. We have the agent y for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti- Seim TeoZN 10 winch we would invite the attention of Naha& By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. HELM S. B.—Prime Havana Segue and Tobacco ounotantly ou hand. aproilly - FRANIC A. IiffIRRAT, (Successor to Wm. Parkell,) ' LIVERY & EXCHANGEME, . THIRD STREET BELOW 4AVING purchased the interest of J, Q. muse in the establishment, and made' large ad ions to the stock, the undersigned is prepared to ucommodate the public with SIMICRIOR HOMO for saddle or carriage purposea,and with every variety of VEHICLE{ at the latest and most approved styles, on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES will be accommodated with Omni buses at short notice. CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUS= FOR FUNERAL OCCA. 'SIGNS will be furnished, accompanied by careful and obliging drivers. lie Invite s bb blillection of his Stook, satiaged that ft is Ailly equal to that of any other establishment of the kind ta town. --- FRANK A. MURRAY. BRANCH STABLE The U ndersigned MS opened a branch of h 1 ""LIVERY and EXCHANGE STABLE," in the buildings lately maw led by A. %. Harr, in Fourth street opposite el" here be is prepared to accommodate the p ub lic with ORSEH and %F.GlClkii, et all limas, on reaminablcso__ram Is sleet is large and.varled,,and will reconunand totem 211.titt.rdaitall SHANK A—AIIIREAY i jj I , • tk 1 I ' , Al-_,... Z"