Limo of travel & tranofortatioh NEW Alit LINEROUTE TO NEW YORK ! SHORTEST IN DISTANCE 4ND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES • OF NEW YORK AND I..4OLI=2,IZIS3FICIR,G- I VIA READING ALLENTOWN AND • ~EASTON. MORNING OIPILIQ9, , Vest, leaves New York at 6 A. M., nkriting atHarrisburg at 12.96 noon, only 6% heurs betiveisithe two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar Harrisburg at 8.30 P.M. Mt:WTI:NG MAIL LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.0441,.. N., arriving at New York at 4.80 P.M. , z 4klialtNOON MIEN LINE, East, leaves Har, is burg at 1.16 P. If.. arriving at New York at O.OOP. M. , 9Mriections are made et Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with thtl i littipapger Trains in each direction on the Penneylva• rda, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. trains connect at Reedits with train_ for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Etraten,,are. Neiehange of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New IfoOnd Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A M. Line from New Yorls.or the. 1.15 P. M. rem Harrisburg. ' , Febertety of scenery, and speed, comfort and accent. madat o n, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fred between New York and Harrisburg rat. DOL. LARIL Fer tickets an. other informal apply in mBl J. J. .0 ...zalAgnbflarrisb ars PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, N AND AFTER MONDAY, JENE 25th, 1860, the Passenger Trains on the Penn ey Railroad will depart from and arrive at Phila delphia and Harrisburg as follows EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves at 1.15 a. ra and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in. FART LINE leaves at 6.20 a. in., arrives at West Pldlaselphia at 10.10 a. NAIL TRAIN loaves at 1.00 p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in. -These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAII4T, No. 1, leaves at 6.60 a. m., Mt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at 8.60 with Lancaster Train, arriving at West Philadelphia at 12.10 p. m. RAMIMURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at 5.60 p. m. i Columbia at 5.15, and arrives at West Phila delphia at 9.05 p. m. MT, JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves at 4.09, p. W. , Mt. Joy at 5.11, amnesia with Harrisburg Accommodation Train East, at Dillerville at 6.40, arriving at• West Philadelphia at 906 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH FXPRISS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p m , arrives at Harrisburg U 2ao p. MAIL TRAM leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., ar rives at Harrisburg at 12.60 p. m. MT LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.50 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 4.00 p. m. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Lancaster, on arrival of Mall Train West, at 11.04 a. in., loam MI. Jay at 11.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at LOO p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., Columbia at 6.10, and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.85 p. m. Ml'. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Latroaater, on arrival or Lancaster Train Woe; at 7.54 p. 11:1., Mt. Joy at 8.80, and arrives at Harriaburg at 9.42. P assenting leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., on Lan cuter iradn, connect at Lanetister with Mt. Joy Aceom'- measlier .Train No. 2, at 7.64, and arrive atEar, isburg at 9.42 p. SAMETEIL D. YOUNG, /Mpg. Nag Diaision,.Vennsuivanict Railroad. o; 1860. • 1860. Northern Central Railway 1 NOTICE. • • CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. LIN AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY IL) 27th, 1860, the Passenger Trains on the Northern Deniml timid ay will leave Harrisburg is follows r.-• GOING SOUTH. BXI'UIITA TRAIN will leave - at...... __LAW A. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leaie at.. 7.30 A. AL, MAIL TRAIN Will leave . . ... P. M. _NORTH. NAIL TRAIN will leave at 1,.0 . P. 31. ,xpitpAlm TRAIN willleava at. P. DI The eplY Trains leaving Harrisburg pu :Randay will be the EXPIUM.TRALN at 1.40 A. going South, and the =PRESS TRAIN at 0.32 P. M. going North. I or thither information apply at the Moe, in Penn'a Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. w0.—ms20•1111 B. rt h g PHILADELPHIA AND .READING RAIL It 0A D . ARRANGEMENT: _ - ON AND AFTER NAY 28th 1860. TWO PA...g.1413211. TRAIN S LEAN". .11ARRISAIRO DAILY, (dunduys excepted,) at 8.0 Al IL, and 1.16 P. AL tor Philadelphia,• arriving there at 1 26 P. 81., and 8.111 PAL RETURNINO,.LRAVE PRILADIELPI3LI at 5.00 A. Id; and 8.80 P. IL, arriving at Harriabrrg at 12.45 noon and 8.80 P.M. PAM Phihutelphia, No. 1 NW% 88.25 ; No. 2 On emu train s ) 82.70. FAWN r-To Reading, CM and $l.BO. Ai lhadhig, oonnedt with Wahl!' for Martine, Inner& 2 49 0 willaratiawbuia• 210 . FOUR POLON LEAVI9 RIADING FOR MILANI:L. PaiA DAILY, at OA. 21., 10.95 A 19., 12.8dnoon and 8.48 P. hi. - Mtn PNLADRIPFILL FOR READING at 8.00 A. M. 1.00 P. M., 8.30 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. torblladelphia, $1.75 and UAL MORMING MAIN FROM MARIUSBURG CON h nt,Td AT RNADING with up train for Wilkosbarre Pittston and Scranton. For through SWIM and other Information apply to J. J. cultist, General Agent. in723-dtt PHILADELPHIA mApixo- .134.W.41QAP.• tuuu'lluN OF PA SSENGER FARES. On. and after MONDAY, APRIL:SKI, 1860. at: COMMUTATION TICKETS UTITH 26 COUpOtte, will be issuedbo w:wool-any points desired, good for the holder or any - oniqberot his family, In any Passenger train, and at any tinte.-at 25 per cent. below the =maxi rte, Mali" balthlg 001311140/1 to use the Road trequentlk on bnidinsis'or pleasure, will 2nd the above arrangement °unveil:oo4nd eocwomioal ; as 'Four - Passenger ' m i na run daily each way between Reading and FhlladeapW and Two Trains May between lleadlng Pottsville and Harrisburg.. On Snide" only one morn ing train down, and one anernoon.train up, runs between Pottsville and =M aid n os o d ! a ssenger train on the Lebanon lar. gill shove Tiegets, or any information reditllit thereto, apply to S. Bradford, Rte., TreesurentlifhOgr .pble,ldlbeitespeetive Ticket Agentsoan the line, or to O. A. NICOL'S in , ariidtt Gang Supt. Pennspivania Oatlll attegrapli o (111ittrobap 7tfternnon, lugust 23, 1860. lEirp Efootars, &c. IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS DRY GOODS. SPRING OF 1860. SPRING OF 1860. WE HAVE JUST OPENED, AND have ready for inspection and sale, ono of the largest and finest assortments of every article in our line, amon which will be found Bleached Muslims. White Flannels. Unbleached lineline, Colored Flannels,' Bleached Drillings, Corset Jeans, Unbleached Drillings, Ketucky Jeans, Colored Drillings, Satinette, Canton Flannels, Velvet Cords, Tickings, Cotton Table Diaper, Hickory, Cotton Table Cloths, Bed Checks, Crash Towellnge, Shirting Checks, . Counterpainee, Linen Table Diaper, Linen Table Cloths, and everything in the DO C.IINE of all QUALITIES and PRUNE. MERE' WEAR. CLOTHS, GLOVS3, SUSPENDERS, OASSIMERES, CRAVATS, SCARES, VESTINGS BMWS., KID GLOVE-8, UNDER SHIRTS, COLLARS, BOYS' UNDER SMITS, DRAWERS, SHIRT PRONTS,BOYS DRAWERS, HOSIERY, SATIN STOCKS, NECK TIES. In this BRANCH we have eve' ything of all STYLES and PRICES. LADIES' D.EI',ARTMENT. Black Silk; Fancy Silks, Plain Silks, Mourning Silks, Second Mourning Silks, Foulard Silks, Grenadines, Tissues, Beregeg; Challis, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Brilliants, Chintzes, Traveling Goods, Lusters, Mohair Cloths Lavella Cloths, Madonna Cloths, Ducale r - Calicos, Plaids, Poplins, Valencias, And everything tobe found among the numerous text ures, styles and qualities, from aMx and a quarter cent Calico to the most expensive Silk. • MOURNING GOODS. The only complete and full stock to be found In town, of the very best styles and shades. SHAWLS. EVERYTHING NEW AND DESIRABLE. WHITE GOODS, EXBROIDEEMS, &o. NAINSOOKS FRENCH MOUSELAINIS, OAMBRI TABLETON, JAOKUNLTTS, CAMBRIC LINENS, SWLFS BOOK =SUNS, umis, VICTORIA LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, BOBINNETTS, CORDS, BLONDS, DIMITYS MULLS. andxs SKIRTING STRIA:3, LINING S, BINDINGS, FRINGES, LACES CAMBRIC EDGING; SWISS EDGINGS, SWISS INSERTINGS, CAMBRIC INSKILTINGS, SWISS AND CAMBRIC FLOUNCING; FRENCH WORKED HANDKERCHIEFS, FRENCH WORKED COLLARS AND SLEEVES, INFANT BODIES AND DRESSES, DIMITY; We aro satisfied that In the above Goods we have every thing to meet the demands of any customer. GLOVES, HOSIERY, GAIMILETTI3, VEILS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, AND EVERY THING IN THE NOTION LINE. SKELETON SKIRTS. A annular article always on hand. KID GLOVES For Ladies and Gentlemen, imported by our ourselves, the best article manufactured. Particular attention is paid to each different branch of our business; and we hope by strict attention and rea sonable Profits, to merit our heretofore liberal patronage and greatly enlarge our business. • CATHCART dr. BROTHEIR. Red Front Store, . Next to the Heniaburg Bank. . vv, A. CATHCART. 3 1: TA. CATHCART; Jr A FULLASSORTAIEBT— OF . `MOURNINGGOODS. •• 6-4 All WoorDelaines, 'farnmatans' Cloths, Lupin's. Superior Bombazines, All Wool Delaines, Lupins' Black ,Lustres, (all prices,) Superior English Crovellas, Brocade Lustres, Tarmaridne Lustres, Balzarines, Debeges. _ . _ SUPERIOR CREPE MAME, FRENCH LA VFI . 3.A CLOTHS, ENGLISH GINGHAMS, P7.ATN MADONNA CLOTHS, _ SUPERIOR CREPE de-ESPAGNE, EXCELLENT DELAINES, 12i cents, SUPERIOR DELAINES, 2& cents, FRENCH GINGHAMS, PLAIN BLACK FOULARDS, SUPERIOR OHENE BEREGE, PURE ITALIAN GRENADINES, t CREPE FAMAR CLOTHS, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, 7-4 THIBBET FOR SHAWLS, • SILK FOR BINDING SHAWLS, BEST ENGJJSTI Bereges, Dress Crepes, English Mourning Bilk, 41.4 White übawlu bawl Berege, 4 3-4 Black Shawl Berege Black And White Foul ad Bilks, Black and Purple 'foulard Silks. EVERYTHING DESIRABLE AND NEW. French Crepes, English Crepes, Love Veils, English Crepe Veils. Handkerchiefs, White Collars, Mourning Collars, Gloves, White Sleeves, Mantuaßibbons, Hoiseryi Flannel:Binding. The above is a part list of the new goods we have received and . now open. We can till any order from the smallest to the largest item in Mourning or second • cirningtoodll, ' CATHCART:), tp2o • nexi to the HAniebnrg Ronk, 7 GOODS TO SUIT THE SEASON. A. Large Stock of Plain and Fancy Bereges, A Fine Assortment of Lawns. Any quality of Traveling Goods. Lice Mitts of all Styles and. Qualities. 8-4 White and Black Berege, for Shawls and Mantles. Different Qualities Pillow Case Linen. Linen Sheetings best makes. A full assortment of Dry Goods at very low prices at CATHCART'S, Nest to the Harrisburg bank. GEN.TIS' WEAR . • Under Cl thing, all kinds. Lisle Thread Undershirts, something nice L . Excellent article of ilnenfor Drawers. A fine lot of Marseilles Vealings. • A nice stock of rant Linens, silk Undershirts, a nice article. With a full stook of Botdery, Gloves, at CATHCART & BRO., jam Next to the Harrisburg Bank :A NEW LOT OF SPRING SNAWLS RECEIVED- THIS MORNING AT caamsaca EILPL9C'ES. p. ROWSE( CHALLIS, of neat Foulard paterns, y desirable goads. TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS, a flue assort. meta, of every style and quality, received to-day by CATHCART & BROTHER, Next to the Barrsburg Bank. i, • • 14ULARD SILKS, of very neat style and good • • A ,INE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Of at OATH different kinds, Cl Igig cents per yard. Nor bargains uall CARTS. ~, , --- • 1 1 4 1 . 1 - fg , LINENS at all prices. ~ . DINGS of every kind. ICOUNTERPAINES, a large stook. These goods in' Idu , 'seilles and Allendale are much below the usual NAPKINS bievery,o4ty andiattern. I CRUM*, curium Ity.the yard. . LINEN IlgitalliNGS all widths tarnishing. Pil ' lo CASWL 1 4*. 411 0 0 arScl% , We have ay, article.. ,of SW kind In time . CIATHCjANT & BROTHEC ~. . '' . Next to the Harrisburg Bank. JUttl. HUM PEI REY'S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR THE PEOPLE. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersigned her ing used Prcfesor HIIIMIGirS SPECIFIC 110M(F.FATECICREMRDIMS in our families with the Most satisfactory results, and having full confidence In their genuineness, purity and elilcacy, cheerfully re commend them them to all persona who wish , to have safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies at hand tor private or domestic use. The Rev. Win. Reamer, editor of "The Northern lode: pendent," Auburn, 14. Y.; the Rev. E. H. Cressy, D., Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn. N. Y.; the Rev. B. 1. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev. Spencer N. Rice, Rector, Nevelledtbrd, Has.; the Rev. Allen Steele, New York Conference ; the Bev. Samuel Nichols, Fast Genesee Conference, N.Y.; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt.; the Rem. John N. Roble, Buffalo; A. C. Hart, Esq., Utica, N. Y., the Eqn,Neal Dow, Portland, Me.; the lion. Schuyler Colfai, South Bend, Ind., - the Hon. George Humphreys,N. Y.; Henry D. Cook, EM-i editor of the Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio; the lion. R. H. Graham, Moline, 111:; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, titles, N. Y. Wm. Bristol, Esq., litic N. Y.; A. S. Pond, Esq., Gtlea, N. Y.; James Plunkett, Big:, Nashville, Tenn. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. I.—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. B.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of infants. No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infitistum, and Summer Complaints No. s.—For Colic, Griping', Dysentery, or - Bloody Flux: No. 6.—ForCholera, Cholera Morims, Vomiting. - No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds,lnfluenza anti Sore Throat. No. B.—For Toothache, Facp-aohe„ and Neuralgia. No. o.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat 'and Fullness of the Head. No. 10 —Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged Sto mach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11.—ForFemale Irregularities, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12.—For Leucorrhoai Profuse Menses, and Bearing Down of Females. ' ' No.lB.—For Croup, Hoarse Muth, Bad Breathing. No. 14.—Salt Rheum Pills—For M•yepelas, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face. No. Ms.—Rheumatic Pi‘lMFor Pain, lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back, Titans , or Limbs. A.—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever; Diimb Ague, Old Mismanaged Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External o.—For :Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Failing, Weak, orßlurred Sight. o.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. o.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. -In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and in all such Oaste - the specifics act hke a charm. The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in all cases the violence of the attack is medentted, the disease shortened, and rendered lest dangerous. Coughs and Golds, which are of such. frequent' occur rence, and which se often lay the foundation of, diseased lungs, bronchitis And consumption, may all be at once • red by the" Fever and Cough In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Sto mach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female De bility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyea, Catarrh Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper application will Mei a cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as. Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weakness, haa more than paid for the case ten times over. PRIOE Owe of 20 viale complete, in morocco, and 800 k...... .36 Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book ' 2 Case of 6 boxee, numbered, and Book 1 'Single numbered boxes, with directions... : . .. .26 cents Single lettere d boxes, with directions.... 60 cents large case of 2oz. vials, ler planters and physicians.. $l5 • ALSO SPECIFICS. FOR ASTHMA OR PirTHDact.—Oppressed, Difficult, Labor ed Bre.ithing, attended with Cough and Erpsotoration Price, 60 cents per box. FOR EAR DSKTIAROZHARD DiArNESS..-DISChiligCS from the Par, the resultot Seerlet Fever, Measles or Mercuri al". For Noise& In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, and Rar.ache. Price, 60 cents per ' Fos licstormA.—Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indura ted Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, toroftdous of Children. Price, 50 cents per box. Non Omateet. Diarther.—Physlcal or Nervous Weak nen. Either the result of Sickness Extends . " Medica tion, or Brlumatiog Discharges . litdoey 4 6o califs psi box. Fos Ditorsy.Fluid Accumulation, Tumid Swellk44 B l with Scanty Secretions'. Price, fib centsper box. .. • FOR Elsa- Si csents.—Deathly Sickness, Vertigo. Nausea, - Vomiting. Sickness Orom riding or motion. Price, 60 cents per box. Fos URINARY Disstsxs.—For Gravel, Renal Calculi, DER cult, painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 60 cents per boa. _ FOR SEXCILti ERLlSlONl.—bwOhltaity Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad 'Results of Evil Habits. The moat successful and -es , tremedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with hall direr lions, El per bra. Persons who wish in place themselves under the pro. fession. I Vire, Or to seek advice of Prof. innemorrs, can do so, at his - dike 662 daily from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., or by letter. ' • OUR nEmsong3 .BY AWL Look over the Ib3C; make by stogie Of hatkind `you' `choose and toolosetheamount ina Gertentnote or stamps by mail to our address, at No. 6e2 Broadway, New York, and'the medicine will be duly "returned by •mall er ex press, free of charge. - AGENTS' WANTRD.--IVe dealri. 'an active, eglolent Agent for itfa'mleird. our Beariedlea in every orcom munity in the United State..., Address • aprlB.dawly •N0.„12621tit Asewit,:ltair Toss. Wholeitile and Retail agent filillantiburg and vicinity C. Also sold tiY , Theodore F. Habefibr, and Bruggi.ste and stores generally. THE ONLY PREPARATION HAYING -- ,PROOFS, SO STRONG AND DIENOT AS TO EXPEL THE DOUBTS. OPAL' L. ' • - FOE BTATESPLKN, JUDGES, • EDITORS, 'PHYSICIANS oftbe oldest sonoola as well as new, give in 'their unqualified sanction; and recommend it total cases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp and Drain'; 'lnn all who have used it, unite, In testifYing that preserve the hair from being grey, and from falling to Buy age, as as restore. Read the hollowing OAK GROV; L 0., June SIM 1859: PROF. 0. J. Wean : Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restorative Is rapidly - pining popularity in this community. I hive bad occasion to lay prejudice aside, and give your .Hair Reiterative a 'perfect test During the year 1854, Ewes so unfortunate as to be thrown from my sulky against a rook near the roadside, from which my bead received a moat terrible blow; causing a great deal of irritation, which oommunkated to the brain and external surface of the had, the ef recta of which my hair was finally destroy over thee& tire surface of the head, From tha %vie I dist discovered its dropping, however, up to the thee of its total (Reap: pearance, I employed everything I could think of, being a professional manmyself,n Rik as I thought, understand ing the nature of the disease, , hue was finally defeated in every prescriptioUedvinced. These ad no ot heroh circonistanCalnduced me to re sort te your worth ar Ratcridive, which I have every rearm to belive prod • Tort IIoPPY Remit; two months alter the first application, I had as beautiful a head of young hair as I ever saw, for, which I certainly owe you my most sincere thanks... Rest assured, dear sir, I shall recommend your reMedF3 to all Wearers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which '1 flatter my- Settle say, is , not a little. Yon can publish this if :you think proper. Yours very respectfully ' H. J. WRIGHT. D Omer or me JZIPEROONIAN, Philipgd, Va., Dect. 12. 185Eij Dana Sia :—I feel it my duty as well' as my pleasure, to state to you the following circumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentleman of this place, (a lawyer,) has been bald ever since his early youth ; so much so, that he was compelled to wear a wig: He'was induced io use a bottle of your“Ltair Rrietorative," which he liked very much; and after using some two or three bottles hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and he now bee a handsome head of hair. the gentlemen's name is Bradfbrd, and he is very Well known in our , adjoining counties, many persons can teettly,la the truth of this statement; I givtrit to you'at the request efliir. Biatilord. You can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative this and the adjoining empties gym haVe the proper agents. Yours, an., THOMPSON SONGENOR. DR. WOOD : Dear Sir :—Parmit me to express the obli gations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color ; about the time of my arrival in the 'United States, it was rapidly becoming gray but upon the application of your ..Halt Restorative" it soon re. covered Its original hue. I Consider your Restorative as a very w o nderful invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable... , ' S. MAUNA°. The Reatorative is put In bottles of ' three sizes, viz large, medium and small; the small holds ,ti a pint, and retails tor. one dollar per, bottle ; the medium Wilds at least twenty per cent, mote In propOrtlonthan the sMall, retails for two dollars per bottle ; thelarge Molds annart, 40 per cent. more In prophition, and rota% SW • WOOD & CO., Proprietors,"44.l"BroidwW, Ntvg 'York, antlll4 Market stree B t. Loui s, Mo. And sold by 41 gnosl, Itancy.Moods . . . BOW - 4144: 1 4110:00,1 A URGatitd - Ti4piaporioripxikipejust moved and , lbr solo low by " • •:•••• 14)1/ WM. DOCK, Jr MEM fitetical THE ORIGINAL AND 041IIINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMFOUND'EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, IS The Great Ilenovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR EHUPTIO.NS OF THE SKIN, ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS There complaints can be speedily sad 4 no-malty cured by the use of this WORLD RENOWNED SAE SAPARILL A . Thousands have experienced its salutary ellecte and tens of thousands have witnwsed it, until it tea ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com munity. When the 'Blood becomestifeiess and stagnant, either from the erects of Spring weather, change of climate, want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Retract of Sarsaparilla, will Resew the BLOOD, carry off the putrid humors, exams thenrostee, REGULATE THE BOWELS, And impart a Tone of Vigor to the " Whole BodY: TO THE PIII3LIC.' The public are hereby notified that the preparation ex tenevely known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound Es: tract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured under my di rection and superyteon, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that it is corupos ed of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT MERCURY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously compounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. • . JAME 3 R. CHILION, M.D., Chemist. Dr. S.P. TOWNSEND'S Coatroom) leznuer or Sant- PARILIA ; has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for., . ItenoyatingilandlY Purifyioglihot BLOOD which science bas ever offered to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. ; It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill Whichthe refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine Is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its tee creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order , C A .1.1 T 1.0 N. To avoid Imposition it will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P. Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's also, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist In this city. apBo.4lStaw DR. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF 111,0iN. Ax aperient and Stomachic preparation of MON puri fied of Oxygen and Cerium by combustion in hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, oath in Europe and the United cruise. at d prescribed in their practice. The exporlooce of thousands daily proves that no pre pliration of lion can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vita/ energy, pale and other wise sickly . complexions indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable cue. Innoxious in - all maladies in which it has been tried, it Lea proved absolutely cura tive In each of the following complaints, viz : In Debility, - Nervous Affections, Eitotnelpst non, Costatiptotton,.plarrhoea, Dy.entery, Incipient Consuniptioan,'Serurnions ciaosts,:' 'Salt Rheims, Illtirtnenoroninon, UT-Iki_Lea,—.Chlarqsatit ; Liver Coroptoitits, Chro life tatiaanclited, itAtuonattaxo; I nte,'inittent Peverip,lttmples.oh. the Face. etc.. In case of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease or of the' continued diminctitm of ner vous and muscular energy front chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful 'to an ex tent-which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invtalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suds denly re-appeared in the busy world as if just returned from protraoted travel M a distant land. Some **try signal instances of this kind are attested of female suf ferers, emaciated victimf.of apparent mammies, san- Joh:moue exhaustion, critical changes, and that complica tion of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exer cise for which the physician has no name, In Nervous Affections' of all kinds, and for rea sons familiar to medical men, the operation of this pre paxation of Iron must necessarily bo selutary,for unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being ex citing and overheating, and. gently, regularly apenentir even in the most obstinate cases ot costiveness, without. ever being a gastric puntative, or inillelinge disagreeable sensation. It is this latter:property, among-ethers, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy lbr Piles, upon which it also apPears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a sines box of these Chalybeatel'ills hew , often sufficed - for the most habitual , eases, including the attendant Copernmetn. In' uncheckedMacithoen, even when advanced to Drientery, - contirmed, emaciating, and apparently - ma. ligruint, the effects have been equally decisive and mi lli the , less of flesh and. strength, feting cough, ' aud remittent hectic, which , generally indi cate Incipient Constinciption, • this remedy has Myedthe alarm of friends. and physicians, in several very ggrratifying and interesting instances. In Secondment Tutteirentadsi this medicated iron has had far more than toe good of the most cautiously balaticed•preparatiens of iodine, without any of their well known-liabilities. lite attention of females cannot be too confidently in vited to' thfs Oeniedy and restorative, in the cases pecodiar ly affecting them. • In Rhenntaturni, both chronid and inflammatory-- in the latter, flowerer, more decidedly-•-it has beim in variably won maned, both as alleviating pain and re ducing thetwelgs and stiffneatt of the pined muscles. In anteranlatenr. Fevera It must necessarily be a great remedy, and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new s ettlement of the west, w ill probably be one of high renown and wseftilnass.. No remedy has ever been diservered, in the whole his tory of medicine, which' exerts such' prompt, happy and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete diges tion, rapid acquisition of strength; with an unusual dis position for active nod cheerful exercise, immediately tollow its use. Put up' in neat • Sat -meted boxes containini 50 pilb3, price 50 cents per box; for sale by Druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt alba price.— All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to • It. B. WOKE .41: CO General Agents, Apo-dtf '339 Broadway, New York. (4 - 1 OLD DR. HEATH'S ROOK"ga" I h ifor 'Travels and great discoVerlsi of the Tapan-W use and East Medicines, with fall directions for the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Oolds, Catarrh dathma,lrevera, Heart Disease, Scrofula, 'Cancer, Dye poppia, Liver Complaint, GraNal and Urinary Deposita, Female Complaints, ass. - illustrated- with hundreds cN certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose o' rescuing as many suffering follow-beings as possible front premature death, it will be sent to'any part of the coati. uent, by sending 26 cents to DRS. BEATH, • • -642 Broadway New York City. Sold by C IL Keller, liarr*burg ; Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; Levi Christian Miller, Millersburg; Dr. Geo. - Mesa; Lebanon'; J. C. ditto, Ship panshurg, - ocll3-dawly A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES! .TRAVELLING txn SHOPPING. BAGIS. At an prlces,for sale at • • BERGNMIVS CIISAP BOOKSTORE, . • 51 Market Street GLEANINGS FROM THE , • HARVEST-FIFTT)S OF 'LITERATURE, scrENcE - ANI) ART ! AMelange of Excerida Curious, Humor. gull and Instructive. : Collated bj , O. O. BOISBAUGH, A. /L. IL D. The above InterestitetWork bas just been received at , BElnal.WpS CHEAP - BOOKSTORE. Iron piloß $1 25 BTEES, OA WPIRNIT.N. Br AIN D JO - 888-li t • inT4 4 l/PrigPAJ E SOM AVM= ae)i Of ' all _done_ at, alynt tin gob,' BeitiAia . da'reaaonable tenni. - as ifitilitai. JUDSON'S Mountain Herb Fills. THE inventor and manufacturer of "Jud son% Mountain Herb Pilis," has spent the greater part of his life in travelling, having visited nearly every country In the world He spent over six years amon the Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, and It was thus that the "Mourrecte Haan Prue were discrverett. A very interesting account of his adventures there, you will nod in our Almanac and pamphlet. It is an established fact, that all diseases arise from IMPURE BLOOD! The blood is the life 1 and when any foreign or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, It is once diatrtnated to every organ of the body. !',very nerve feels the poiaon, and all the vital organs quickly complain. Thestomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart is weakened, and so tbe circulation Is feeble. The lungs be come clogged with the poisonous matter ; hence a cough matter —and all from a alight impurity of the tatu-head 111.—the Blood 1 As If you bad thrown some girth, Oar instance, in a pure spring, from which ran a tiny rivulet in a few minutes the whole coulee of the stream be, comes disturbed and discolored. As quickly does Impure blood Sy to every pert, and leave its sting behind. All the passages become obstructed, and unless the obstruc tion Is removed, the lamp 01 life soon dies out. Those pills not only purify' the blood, but regenerateall the secretions of the body, they are, therefbre, unrivalled 718 • CURE FOR imams DOE*EMS • Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, he. This Anti-Mike' Medicine expels from the blood the bidden seeds of dis , ease, and renders all the Saida and secrenlons pure and fluentoslearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we are able to WILCO within your reach, a medicine like the "MoterriMlLtan Pius," that will pas/directly to the afflicted parts,through the blood and Stilds of the body, and Cause the sufferer to brighten with the Huth of beauty and health. Judson's Pzlls ate the Best Remedy in exist ence for the following Complaints: Bowel Complaints, Debrnly, Inward Weeittea, Cot%lw, Heuer and Spits Liver Complaints, Colds, Female Domplaints,Lownost orDpirits, Chest:Diseases, Headaches, Piles, Costiveness, Indigation, Hone, and °mind, torsPePlila, /animal, Second e r y Spry- Diarrbo*, . inflammation, toms. Dropsy, • • a • • • GREAT =KALB DIEDICLINZ I Females who value health. should :1281,1* be without these Phis. They purify the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse The akin of all phnples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to dispels cheek. Jar The Plants and Herbs of which Mum Pills are made, were discovered in a very surprising way omens the Tesucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read, with delight, the very intermitting account it contains of the “Oazaz bixtimum" of the Aztecs. Observe.-LThe Meutain Herb Pills are pet up in a Beautitill Wrapper. Each box contains 40 Olin, and Re tail at 26 Gents per box. All genuine, have the signature of B. L. JUDSON & CO., on each box. B. L. JUDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors No. 50 Leonard Street, NSW YORE. jar Agents wanted always—Address as above. •Wit toblOdeodew BLOOD Foot) The attention of Invalids, Physiolans, Olergywell; , entitle men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of thin ebemical-ProPerstittri Con taining IronAhniphiour and Phosphorus, and which Is Identical In its compealtlen with th a firesudia Globule, or red Mood: In all diseases accoMpanled with Debility • pale countenance and nervous derangement, analyids of the blood show aStieflclency of tbe red globules. Ruddy complexion. and a rosy tint of the skin, la always Indies- nee of health ; while a pale, wax-like skin end 'count* nano,—wttielkevincea a deftcdency of the red globules,— accompanies a diseased organism. Preparations of . Iron have been given for the purpose of supplying the red glandes, but we_contemi thaP /run abiorma-P la lPhur &lame, or Phosphorus alone, wilt not meet the de eigney in every case, but that a judicions mexibination of Al these elements is necessary to restore the blood to ite normal standard. This point, never before attalodid,lms been reached in the Blood Food, and its discovery ranks as one of the meet solentilic and important of the age. Its effects in ' Consumpton are to sOften.tite cough, briee the nerves, streugthen the system, allay theprostrintig night Minds, increitile the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by re storing the lacking, red globules, Moreau) the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the Skeleton' frame with flesh.. The Blear" Iseesd will be found a specific in all Chronic; Dilemma of the Thirona or Lungs, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, dm Publld imeaers and singers will End it of .great , ndlity- In clearing and strengthening the vockl organs: — In Dyspepsia, lien' Coinptaints, Dropsy,EpaspucPanalysis, dcro i fula, Grassi, St. Vitus' Dams, lever and drie r Stc., Its efficacy is marked and instantaneous. 7n no cities of disease, how ever, are the beneficial , ellects of this remedy so con spicuous as in those harrassing . • Female Complaints' to irldCh the gentler sex are liable, and, which tend to wards Consortiption, such suppressed or difficult Menstruation, . Green Sickness, Whiles, , especially when these coniplainterare accompanied with palensits, a.dlugyhati or pallor of the 'skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appe and nervous pros! tration, We have the utmost confidence in - recommend= intthe Blood rood to all.who may be cordeibus of a loss of Vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily powßs are prostrated through ourratie;relther of the mind or body, and,we and it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and TOntaciation, and in, all dis eases of the Kidneys Bladder„ thli preparationiuni a clabn upon the attention of sufferers which cannot he timated. d. faithful trial will he found the mod convinc ing proof in regard to its efficacy - that could be tusked thr. With the above remarks, and with the aumerous testi monials we have in its Sivor,.. we offer the • "Blood Food" to the consideration of the affilcted,knowingthat it will be acknowledged as pre-Sininent over all other preparations, patent or alder; In point of , usefaluess.— arculars giving the Theory uponwhich. this remedy is founded, a/so certificates cf remerkabie :coreili. Will be sent free when desired. We forward the Blood Flood to any part of the United States or Canitdas tiPon receipt of Price—Sl per bcttle, $5 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases ,to have none btit that haying our fee-Winne signature upon the wrapper. None other *genuine. Prepared only by CHI7BICH Bi. DUPONT, No. 409 Breadway, New ''fork. by all reseectable Druggists throughout the For sale by...G. Bannvart, se'e agent, Harrisburg, Pa. fehti-dawly-rd iplordau2 POND'S EXTRACT OF RAMAMELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER, TS one of the few domestic remedies JI; which have come Into general and:raver, without pulling. It is the product of a simple shrub, harndoss,in all eases, and ais a domestic .remedy unequalled. • For BURNS, - CUTS, 'BRUISES,. :"BORENESS, LAMENIME, SPRAWL :RHEUMATISM, BOILS; :ICILCEnzi OLD BORES and WOUNDS, Blum not ,anequal. It - is also used, with great success, for TOOTILACHE, HEADACHE, NEURAL. (HA, BORE THROAT, COLIC, DLUIRHORA,..HOAHOE NESS, and other similar-troublesome inierminfal atrec tiona,,while it promptly:: arrests` HEEMORRHAGEIL— Hundrede of physicians use it daily in their practice, and sive it their unqualified recommendation ? : Sold by our agents and dealers, and by F. HUMPHREYS & CO.i 882 aroadwan Bole Proprietors and Manufacturers. Bold by C. L Heller, Wholesale ands Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity, and Druggists and stores gene rally. apl7-dowly SOFTWERII'S ANNIHILATING POWDER; . ~.: .TS THE • . ONLY .LICNOWW and best arts. , „ , ) cte to exterminate Roach - es, Bed Bugs, Ants; Moths, , , , Flies,Fleas,garden Perms, ' - Vine Bugs, kO.- IT CON ---_,-;,_-_-- - _ ___ - _ TAINS NO. POISON. . ~.........„ - ----_—_, SCHWERIN'S . MILS , • 4 are sure death t) BaTB - 0.--Y/ ,// v ,. ///, , , , ~,,/,,,,:/// / x,„` and NU:91.113 Mr. SCHWERIN received Certificates from Pcaliddent of Girard College, Directors of Deere of ftelbge,".Pennsyl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Philadelphia. B. Jell, Waehingto; IX 0., and Charity Hospital, NeWOrleans,.La. • . The original certifinatoe can be seen at the Wholesale. aid 'Retail Depot,l2l North Second street., Ptdradelphla, and for. sale in Harriabbri byCharles A. Bannvart, D. W. ISM& /0/94 suid. O. IL Xelleri all Druggists and. ' • SC I.L.WHAet aniiritallArdtations. Remember t i 'lll'Aninhilatiog Powder. None Genuine unless signed myl746m N KOHIN, Sewing Stattjulte. FOR TEE BEST FAMILY SIN\ ING MACHINE 'CALL AT TUB MICE 4F THE CENTRAL PENENIMVANIA AGENCY FOB WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Prim from $6O up. This Sterling Machine soles the celebrated LOCK MITCH. Anitog themodeabial estvastages It possesses :or ethers, may be aimed the following.; 1. lts simplicity of construction, and coos*/ se ta arc dom from derangement and need of repairs. 2. Its aneaamp ed rapidity and ease or operation . 8. Its nolsel^r- r‘cpar•ent.. 4. The great variety otpurposee to which It can be plied, which can be achieved by no other mech am , means. And, b. The preeminent Errors and nintaaorri of thew OFFICE AT THE EAGLE WORKS Mao at kkirb DAGITSRRIbaN ROUSIS, )(caret, where a lady is in constant atteudence t sh - the operation of the machines, give instructions is and do all description of family sew , r , 1, Ortßa aldrftlt RECOMMENDATION. The undenslgnedorlth & knowledge duetted from of Wheeler dtVhson's Sewing MlChkitiOil to our resprri e families, cheerfully earth" to the gr eat merit excellent Instruainnte. Thoee to ' , arras:Blkm with facility, have etch &titled ay:Watches:l, very highly prited. and as we believe that for : 3 , Yee newts:4ow than Whet ler & Wason's are roarad".“ ed we recommend them with aridence. Aaittian, gamed by Banibleing tram . Elfilkiik, the na • tfbbrt the sale of them to Belilliebtlett, as be is vet) to give such inateuctlons and assistance ss may r„. efl in the MO of the machines, and make.s spossible for their satishotery B. W. Pollock, D. MT= Dulled D. Boas, J. C. Kunkel, J. IL Bane, John Curvet , J. R. BeT, Henry Gilbert:, Lumberton, W. B. Tracy Geo. B. Kunkel, Waldman Forster, W. T. Iliktrup, luso O. Wflluley, George Balky Emanuel It. Kelker, A good hewing Illacinue will last your life Ili, u. lore buy the best. For further information apply to W. 0. HICK , Age', Harrisburg, March 11.1680- -411 r MENS' FURNISHING GOODS A.XD GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE LARGE AND EXTENSIVLSTOCK FUR Till Or the latest, and most desirable styles, Import,-.1 manufactured expressly fOr the approacho c , sale. C. B. HATCH & CO.. er4o3 BROAD WAY,AII (One door above the oar. of Walker St.,) NEW YORK. Give notice to the Merchants Is all sections of lb° I that their stock of Mans' I VILNISIIING Goose ANIP (lott ,, Mu. &mule Is now ready for exhibition, conspri,n, tall assortment of rfsdirertitt and Drawers, Arland Meta Gloves, P.'o, and 'Amoy Shirts, fifes, Star's. Sleeks, Suspender,. Half Hose, Linen Collars, Robes de C7iambre, Vatieleitc Shamis. Railway Rugs, Cardigan Jackets, Jhtglers, dc. Indluding many new and desirable articles is Nei 14,2 E to be found Is any similar establishment in thig all Shirts made at the GOLDEN MILL SHIM' MA \ FACTOEY,:bear on the back Moho Yoke th 3 . Stamp 1 C.B:H „~, ~rC'~o4. Which Is our trade mark for this article, and wLei parries with it our guarantee as to thiir P=FECTION L 'lvory : particular. • • Them Starts, combining STYLE, DURABILITY, tu. PERPECIION OP FIT, we warrant equal in every rope , ' to may made to order. Parkies not intending to viet New York this Fall, I/13 transmit their orders by mail, an 4 can rely upon hay u. them filled u &Mandy and momlnly as though pre eL; to select themselves. ' C. l ii.aTCH &CV . Jy27-d3m 1403 Broadway, N. 1' WALTER G. WHITEMAN, DEALER IN FINE 'GR'OCERIES, N. W. cmitNICR 17th AND ARCH STS PHILADELPHIA, '• IMPORTER OF CROSS & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH rients AND SAUCES Particular attention paid to selecting PINE TEAK -AND- COFFEES POR. PAD:LILIES. SUGARS always et Refiners' prices. Mice WIM LIQUOR/3.end MARS. of the best brawls alwar, STORAGE, POIR;VNTA_RIDING ma COMMISSION BUSINESS. • rrIHE subserjbers have leased the exten sive Warehouses and Railroad track formerly ea pied by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad as a freighting department, No. 248 North Bross ,cr , and will transact a ORNRRAI STORAGE, FOith',ll , lqN AND COMMISSION BOSINJaeI, in connection aitb u. Porhign and Domestic Shipping and Produce at nut street. They are prepared to receive, ship and fursgt land or by water, all merchandise and produce %ILK , may be offered. storage capacity 26,00‘ barrel:, every Convenience for receiving and discharging. Warehouse receipts will be given for all plorriy 0. storage, with bills of landing for shipment. Consignments of merchandise and produce to our ,l dress will receive prompt attention. FOWLE, 128 Walnut and 248 North Broad sircet Wit/ads/phia, April 2t, 1860. 6md. ST. NIOHOTAR HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. • W EIEN completed, six years ago, the M... Nichol as was universally pronouncou ins no • magnificent, convenientond thoroughly orgams 1 , .tabilshment of the kind MI this continent. Wt bat then it-remains tollay—without a rival in size, la num' tuouaness, and in the general elements of comfort joyment. The Hotel- has accommodations for guests, including 100 complete suites of apartmrliis . families. hundred persons can be t, Seated at the tables of its three public dining 1"1,12ILI'. , nothing that modern art has devised for the cobveni , :.•% and ecadel gratification of the traveling publfr has i. ,, L omitted in its plan,or is neglected in its practical , leta The fatly reputation of the house at home MO derived-from its magnitude, its superb appuirtmeLt• and its home•like comforts and luxuries, has Iw , ti helloed every year lay the unwearied sterna'' , .! proprietors. my22-dBm T BEADWELL , WHITCOMB & NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW, PRICES ! THE• iiIIBSCRIBERS having succeeded ..1-Lto:therWHOLIZAIE AND RETAIL GROCERY BV:1- NEMO of Messrs. GROSiI & RIINKEL, at WALNIT, OTRZET.'WHARF, would respecthilly annoudikid Githeni d er rrieg and vicinity, ttutt they a" P r .• parici co Tor sale a large and complete asseroucla Groceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, Grain, Flour, R 9 , a, in great variety, wneensware, Paints, Oils, DIU& Glass, • hails, &c 1 & C. %Our Largo SPRING BTOOK, Wnnaten in Philadelpin? and New York, and now arriving i .has been selected. ili Withttelinare, and will AurestenC rat 'inducements t, C l i nnt r a klieg &KRA and will NOT BE UNDERSO LD; *Ad)** rikonerable dealing i° merit and receive a almre of pacroner ( ) ; mar2.4itt A. Karam k CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers