pail D Ceitgra4 BARRISBURG, PA. Thursday Afternoon, August 23, 1880. BIWA PROIENTATION. —The ladies of Millers burg will present a handsome Bible to the Odd Fellows' Lodge of that place next Saturday. EIAIITS3'S MAGAZINIC for September, Just re ceived and for sale at Ilergner's Cheap Book store, 61 Market street. Price 20 cents. —.4, Norms Tire.—All the late daily and weekly Papers, Magazines, the publications and new books, are for sale at Bergner's Cheap Book store, No. 51 Market street. THE LABGEIT LoT of fine oval gilt Picture Frames on hand and for sale cheap at W. Knoche's Music Store, 92 Market street, wee! side. t Tai OLD BOLDISIta meet again tomorrow evening, at the office of David Harris, Esq., to complete their atrangements for attending the York encampment, which commences on the third of next month. Conmiananca.—One of the rules for the gov ernment of the Wide Awake club prohibits the members from drinking intoxicating liquor when on parade. This is a good idea, and worthy of adoption by all political clubs. A Mass Magma of the friends of Lincoln and Curtin will be held at Stimler's tavern on Ridge Road, in the sixth ward, to night, to be addressed by some gentlemen of our city. Let there be a grand rally of the fifth and sixth wards, and of the Republicans generally throughout the city. Tim PSOPLE'S Conousssrom Cosssassta for this district meets at Georgetown to-morrow afternoon. The Dauphin conferees are Wm. Colder, Jr., Philip Irwin and J. B. Musser. A mass meeting will be held in the evening under the auspices of the Georgetown Lincoln Club. Mr. Kintner and other gentlemen are an nounced to speak. MALICIOUS Mrsonits.—This morning com plaint was made before the Mayor against Mrs. Sullivan, a resident of the sixth ward, for maiming a tame duck belonging to Mr. Peter Forrest, and threatening to kill any poultry of his that came in bet way. A warrant was is sued for her arrest, and it bearing of the case will take place this evening. ..*1 CONSPIRACY TO EXTORT MOM/Y.—The fellow Williams, arrested yesterday for burglary, was some months since concerned in a conspiracy with Mrs. Weldy to extort money from a re spectable citizen of Harrisburg. The scheme failed,however, and Williams, fearing exposure and arrest, left the city. He returned a few weeks ago. From all accounts he is an infa mous scoundrel and went too long unpunished, .--..........-.. Batumi Asozerstos.—The [tope Fire Company deeming it inexpedient to make any arrange ment with the balloonist, Prof. Wilson, that gentleman hes determined to make a public ascension from Market Square on Saturday eve ning, provided our citizens contribute sufficient funds to defray expenses. Two or three gentle men are now soliciting contributions, and we have no doubt they will be successful. 1=:=1 Itt PURSUIT OF A FOEollR.—Last evening the Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank arrived here in pursuit of a man who recently passed a forged check on that Bank. About midnight the Chief of Police, in company with the Cashier, yisited the quarters of the suspected individual, but be proved to be the wrong man. The Hagerstown gentleman left for home this morning, having utterly failed in the accomplishment of his mission. ••••••101.....• Goon NOMINATION. --The People's convention of Huntingdon county nominated Brice X. Blair, Esq., for Assembly. We regard this as an excellent selection. No man in the county possesses in a more eminent degree the qualifi cations to make a useful and popular legislator. Of course we shall have the pleasure of meeting Mr. Blair here next winter in a legislativn ca padty, and we predict that he will do credit to himself and honor to his constituents. HOI4ORABIT DIBOIIAROSID.—Last evening Mr. Emanuel Mader, arrested on suspicion of hav ing been a participant in the robbery of Mrs. Brenizer's store, had a hearing before Alderman Maglauchlin, and was honorably discharged, not a particle of evidence being elicited to im plicate him. The stranger, Stevens, was also discharged. Williams and kir& Welty are fully committed for trial, and from the develop ments already made there can be no doubt of their guilt. Court meets next week, when the case will probably be disposed of. Kmum.—The other day an intoxicated Irishman was killed near the Muncy station on the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, by the passen ger train coming south. While walking on the track the cow catcher struck him, and he RV Instantly killed. On his person was found a Catholic "ilanuel of Prayer, on the fly-leaf of which was written the following : "In God's name I commence my dreary journey in this uncultivated esu n t r y . ,, • Novn Thu somaramou.—A few evenings ago one hundred and fifty Republican yohng men of WiMamsport, just arrived at the age'of vo ters, assembled on the common, formed a pro cession, each man armed with a rail, and-head ed by a brass band matched into town, taking the citizens by surprise, and creating quite a mention. A carriage was drawn by a fine span of horses, on which was a huge log being dressed "for the cabin," as the procession moved along. The "boys" carried a number of banners, transparencies, flags Ike., and march ed through the principal streets constantly re ceiving accessions as they panted along. Halt ing in front of Doebler's hotel, an impromptu meeting was organized and brief speeches de livered by several gentlemen. The meeting le said to have been the most spirited and eutint• elastic ever held in that place. Bali. Ma. LEACOCK, of Harrisburg, held Epis copal service in the Lutheran church at Ly kenstown, on Tuesday evening last. Arrange ments have been made for service regularly once a month for the benefit of the Episcopal= lane in that vicinity. _-_.~.~ Hut Coanrrrox.—The numerous friends of Mr. Moorhead, clerk in the Auditor General's office, will regret to learn that he is still in a euffering condition from the effects of paralysis, with which be was suddenly struck down last week. He is confined to his room at Herr's hotel. 11=== fiwuvr AWAY.—The rapid rise in the Swatara on Tuesday night, caused considerable trouble to Middletown lumbermen. Notwitbetanding the exertions of Messrs. Zimerman & Lescuie to save theirs, over two rafts were carried away by the current and lodged about a mile below town. I= FALL or A Bamoa.—The Middletown Journal says the Slit span of the aqueduct bridge, over the Swatara at that place, fell on Monday night, with a craith that was heard for a considerable distance: 'the bridge has been in a bad condi. Son for over a year. The County Commission ers appointed viewers to examine it, upon the complaint of numerous citizens, and they re. ported It in an unsafe c o ndition several weeks ago. We learn that it is the intention of the Commesionen to erect a new bridge, as soon as the Court grants them authority. AMERICAN TRA.C2 SOOMITIG- PRENEELVANIA Bairrcn.—The quarterly report of H. N. This sell, the Superintendent of this Branch, em bodies the details of the personal labors, - sales, and grants of ninety-one colporteurs on this field; showing that in the quarter ending June Ist, Ina ading sales at the depository, they circu lated over $11,400 worth of publications ; ad dressed six hundred and seventy-seven public meetings ; made forty-two thousand two hun dred and fcirty-one family visits ; united in prayer or held religions conversation with twen ty seven thousand three hundred and sixteen of those families, five thousand nine hundred and twenty-four of which, embracing nearly thirty thousand souls, habitually neglect the hearse of God on the Sabbath, and two thousand three hundred and nineteen had no Bible. One col porteur, who hut' labored fourteen years, had visited nearly every family in Blair and Hunt ingdon counties, and many of them repeatedly; and in this time had furnished them by sale with one hundred and twelve thousand volumes, or $14,000 worth, and distributed tuitimsly seven million pages. His chcrila , lahad an nually Increased, and the list quarter it ex ceeded' any quarter since he began his work. Another, who had visited three hundred and eighty-four families, and conversed and prayed with two hundred and ninety-six of them dur ing the quarter, relates an account of the con version of an intelligent gentleman by the blessing of God on the reading of the American Messenger. Another, describing the destitution of his field, says religious books would never go into some parts of it unless carried by the colporteur. Persons had shown him tracts and books which he sold them three or four years ago, Which had been the means of their conver sion. Some--had been active in promoting Sabbath schools. e Seven colporteurs, during their connection with the Society, report the organisation of one hi:m(6d and twenty-five schools. Many other cheering facts might be enumerated, if onr limits would permit. Dur ing the months of May, june and July, the Committee have commissioned one hundred and twenty oolporteurs, including seventy-four students, to proseezte this work in twenty three States. Will not all who appreciate the Gospel as the means of salvation give this work their prayers and efficient co-operation ? -.4--- "EXPECT= Daystdpittavrs.—From the folloW ing correspondence it will be seen that corrup tion has been carried on in some quarters. We reserve all expreisibu of opinion until we ob tain further light on the subject. In the mean time we hope the person who wrote the letter to the District Attorney will give that officer such information as will lead to the dete'ction and punishment of all concerned in the infa mous attemptlO shield the worst class of men in community: HABZIEBURG, Auguat 22, 1860. Ma. Haan :—WoUld you alow us to ask you a few questions ? lat. Ras a Magistrate legal power to settle a case when an information has been made - be- fore him against a party: of Gamblers ? 2d. Has the Magistrate a right to give parties a hearing in the case ? Bd. What is the penalty for a Magistrate to make return of the case to Court, or is the Magistrate bound to make any return to Court or not? 4th. Cannot the person who made information be compelled to appear before Court? sth. What id the penalty in case an officer re fuses to serve the warrant? We would be much obliged to you for infor mation in the case. Many Calms. DISTRICT Arroway's August 23d, 1860. MR. EDITOR : —The above communication I received this morning through the. Post Office; and although it is contrary to my rule to pay any attention to anonymous letters, yet as the questions propounded in this one may be of im portance to the public, I have concluded to<re ply to them. But before doing so, I would say that if the writers of the abovehave any know. ledge of any officer having done what their inter• rogatories plainly imply was done, it is their duty as good citizens to give the information in a reliable form to the District Attorney, so that proper steps may be taken to bring the guilty parties to justice. Ist. To the first question I answer that no Mag istrate has power to settle, arrange or com promise a charge against a party of gamblers, and if he should do so, he is guilty of a mis demeanor in - office. ' 2dr, Mehra a-right to give the parties a hear- big is, the witnesses for,the Common ,srealth can be heard in the presence of the accused, but in no event can thefiitnesies for the defendants be heard. This is all' that the law allows in any case, when it spealui of 'a "hearing." - • ' Bd. The Magistrate is bound to , return the complaint to Court for trial; and a conviction subjects the parties to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and imprisonment not exceeding one year. 4th. If the case be returned, the person giving the information can ba compelled to appear and testify in Court. btb. It is a high misdemeanor for an officer to Wow or to neglect to eirionke a - warrant; and.twatt :conviction he could be fined• five hundred doliata and imptiaoaod_ two Sara ' • 4, Pima; penutgeania aailt tipatiolav , 24tectwon, august sa, 1660. LAND Sraus.—This morning a land slide oc curred on the Reading Railroad near Phoenix ville, obstructing the road to such an extent as to prevent the passage of the train from Phila delphia. It is expected that the track will be cleared this afternoon, and that the train from Philadelphia due here to-night at eight o'clock will arrive as usual. A SPECIAL Mamma of the Wide Awake Club will be held this evening for drill, and also to make arrangements tot? the parade next Mon day night. An invitation is to be extended to the Wide Awakes of Lancatter to visit our city on, that oc asion, and our information is that it will be accepted. A splendid display may, therefore, be anticipated. Smarr OF THR Peaoa.—Tnia morning two white girls, daughters of Mr. Radabaugh, were arrested, charged before - Justice Beader with annoying and abusing the female members of a colored family Me parties all reside in the classic locality known as Cherry alley. The wbitu girls were bound over to keep the peace towards the complainants and the colored deni zens of Cherry alley generally. Fos. COLD SPRING.—The New Cumberland Sunday School, under the . Superintendence of Mr. Gardner, numbering about seventy five teachers and scholars, will make an excursion to Cold Spring next' Saturday. Thine of our citizens who may desire to accompany the par ty, and spend a day pleasantly among the mountains, will be accommodated with excur sion tickets for that purpose. The train will leave here at seven o'clock in the morning. TOMATO Wors.—The following recipe for making an excellent article of tomato wine, is communicated to an agricultural, paper by a, gentleman who tried it successfully last season : "To a bushel of sound, ripe tomatoes cot, add four gallons of water. Let the mixture stand in an open tub three days, stirring two or three times each day; then strain through a sieVe. To each gallon of the clear liquid add three pounds of brown sugar, stir until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved, after which it is not to be disturbed for three days, except to take off the scum as it rises Then strain the liquor through muslin or flannel bags, and put It, in a cask, filled to the top of the bung hole. There must be a surplus of the liquor to replace what fermentation throws off, as the cask is to be kept full. As soon as fermentation becomes feeble, (which is usually at the end of a week from the time the cask. is filled,) dissolve half an oz. best isinglass in a portion of the liquor, put it in the cask and bung tightly. Half an oz. of isinglass is sufficient for ten gallons.— Place the cask in the cellar, with the spigot in, so that the wine can be drawn off foi bottling, without disturbing the sediment. The proper time for bottling is the following May. The wine is good when a year old, but improve for several years. Two and 'a half bushels of tomatos will make ten gallons of excellent wine. GREAT BUSMEN PLAOL—We learn from the Williamsport papers that within four miles of that flourishing town there are twenty-five steam saw-mills, containing in the aggregate about one thousand saws, with a capacity for cutting at least one hundred and fifty million feet of boards yearly. The largest of the mills recently out seven hundred thonsanfl feet of lumber in five days: In Itddition...tor-ehetw there are four planing mills, two saw manufap tories, three machine shops, fire newspaper and job printing offices, a brass foundry, an agricul tural implement manufactory, a woolen facto ry, stores equal to the very best in our city, and large and elegant hotels that cannot be ex celled anywhere. Williamsport is decidedly a "great place," and bids fair in every few years to become one of the most populous, wealthy and important inland arras in the State. That it is the handsomest town in the northern sec tion of Pennsylvania is universally conceded. The "everlasting state" was the home of our boyhood, still remembered and fondly cherish ed ; and it is a source of sincere pleasure 'to as to note the rapid growth of the town in popu lation, business, intelligence and wealth. Caere, AND Usszua.—Along the borders of ponds and streams, and in moist sand all'over the country, grows a little hollow-stemmed, leafless plant, ten to twenty inchai high, and an eigth of an inch in diameter which is known, generally, under the approPriate name of "scouring rush," though another name seems quite as appropriate, "vegetable file." Its outside is fluted, and the edges serrated, so that its effect when drawn across any substance is somewhat like that of a rat-tall file, and when used in a mass—that is a dozen or two doubled and tied in a bunch—it works like a wet sponge dipped in sand, and is one of the best things a housewife can use for scouring the inside of a churn, butter-bowl, and ladle, or kitchen table ; or in short, any kind of wooden utensils ; and, when well worn upon wood, is good for tinware. These rushes are both cheap and useful, and their .use should be better known to all who live in regions wheie they are indigenous to the locality. And where they are not now growing, it is worthy of a thought whether they may not be planted and grown to a profit, not only for home use, but for the use of others. Every one who hes ever known their usefulness, will always bear them in remembrance. Tim Cass or Hann.—Sraormsa Sem nt Jo ax Boom.—The Grand Jury of .Lebanon county yesterday returned a true bill against B. B. Hall, charged with forgery and attempting to pass a forged check on the Lebanon flank. The indictment against him for horse stealing was ignored. A singular occurrence took place in. the room while the Jurors were deliberating upon the latter bill. A - gentleman appeared before them in regard to the theft, stating that he would be able to recognize the thief if he could see him. Some member of the Grand Jury then asked the witness to look around and state whether the suspected thief was present. He carefully examined every countenance in the room, and swore positively that ; the horse thief was sitting behind the table, pointing toe respectable member of the Jury. The Jurors, knowing the high character for integrity sus tained by the gentleman pointed out, who is a respectable and estimable citizen of Lebanon, after recovering from their astonishment at once discharged the witness and ignored the bill against Hall. ,Thiiiiibagtilarittfaii: caused con siderable ~ ammerttent among the people: .. Lebanon,-at tho evil= of the 1110 gentleman who was $414610.14*A1* =r2=:s I= FOUND. —A silk handkerchief was left at this office, to day, by some gentleman. The owner can have it by calling. A brass key, found on Second street near Locust, can also be obtained by the owner at this office. No MAIL 111015 PHILADELPICIA.—The usual Philadelphia mail which is brought here by the Pennsylvania Railroad at ten minutes; be fore one o'clock, failed to arrive to-day. This is not the first failure: It is time there should be a change in the Philadelphia post-office.---- Those in charge had better attend to business, and let politics alone. Old Abe will make a clean sweep after the fourth of March next. I=l Rsosrvan from auction 16 dozen of Hem stitched Handkerchiefs; a lot of White Cambric, JaCconett, Nansuks, Plain Swiss; 10 pieces of Grey Goods for Traveling Dresses, a lot of Bleached Muslin; a lot of new Calicos; several pieces of Blue and BrowwFignred India Silk, nearly a yasd wide, at 50 cents. The best Calico I sell for 10 cents, warranted fast colors. For cheap goods call at larwr's, at the old stand of John Rhoads, Esq., deceased. norms Faaras made to order at the shortest notice and at.the most reasonable prices, at W. Knoche's.giusic Store, 92. Market street. -I- Notius. WI(18 1--WIGSI 1-WIGS 11 I BATCILEWE'd WEIB AEOTOUPIESS surpass all. may are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to .a charm—no turning up behind—no shrink ug off the headi indeed, this is the only Establishment where these thiogs are properly understood and made in Bond street, New York. marl2-dewly, PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S LOS PIUS AN) PIPMX .BITTERN.— free frost all Mineral Poisons.--Irt cases of Scrofula, Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly ,astoniehing, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, riles, and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties. No family should be without them, as by their timely use mash suffering and expense may be saved. Prepared by WK. B. MOFFAF, N. D., New York, and for sale by all Druggists. . nova-wly Davis' Pam Kimmt.—l Witte used the medi cine known as Perry Davis's fain Baler in my family for the last twelve months, and have great pleasure in testi; tying in favor of its very valuable prlpertles. I would not on any account be without it. During the existence of the cholera last-year, I.,rtsed no medicine of any sort but the Pain Killer, although myself and several teem berSof my family were attacked by It severely, and am happy to say that the Pain Killer was equal to every emergency—it was both`a preventive and a certain cure. I consider I should not be doing my duty to the commu nity did I not say this much. It I were attacked by cholera to-day the Pain Killer should be the only remedy I would use. I have thoroughly tested it and know it can be relied on. F. E. BERGINCEND, Galena, 11l all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers brougbout he United Statos and Canadas, The stain Ori linen from the use of the Pain Biller ie easily removed by washing in alcohol. al4-I.m MANY gums of T02:110 ARE ADVERTISED that we are assured will strengthen the hair and prevent its falling out, but none that we have seen used does ail that it promises, save that of Professor 0. J. Wood. This we know is geed from having tried it, and witnessed in seve ral oases Its truly beneficial effects. Dr. Wood was kind enough to send us a couple or bottles, and after finding that it prevented our hair from falling out, we presented a bottle to a friend who had been bald for at least thirty years ; it has restored his hair entirely, and it le now as thi 6k and glossy as when he waft twenty-five. This w .wryin all sincerity, sild , we shall be Via to have our Mends try it fdr theitatelvel ilwebelleve it is Met what" It professes to be. For real wortb,Wood's Hair Restore-, five 13 undoubtedly the best preparation now in use fo r" restoring hair on bald heads, changing graylairs to their; original color, and Tor a cosmetic. or cure • for pimples, it Is fast taking the place of other preparations. No - tenet now-a-days is complete without It. any one should what in ottiopinton, ar rived at by an impartial teat, was the best and most honest'compound remedy for preserving and beautifying the hair, and restoring gray hair to its original color, and the locks to Abe' bald - headed, we should without hesitation say Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative. See advertlrementin another column.—Louisrodle Journal. Bold by all Druggists. • jy2l-Im GALL 0 HE R' S CELEBRATED ELIXIR• THE INFALLIBLE. CUBE OF Colds, Cough, COllliMnption, Hoarseness, Pains and Weakness in the . Chest, Liver Couipliiints, Dyspepsia, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, tilninseyand General Debility, for Purifying of the Blood. This mesticlue has acquired a justcelebrity Pa' Mecum of all diseases arising from severe colds; and its efficacy has been atteoted and spin oved by hundreds of our most respectable citizens. In every hisUture ZIOXISDIMI BXLIO,ItAB Pox =rat Many hive been IMBED OF. CONSUMPTION, and bun. dreds of references can be given in various parts of the country; who'speak. the medicine inthil highest terms. It should be kept onhand by every family. It is plea sant and vert good for children. READ THE FOLLOyillia, CERTIFICATES. We, the undersigned, do -ceftiry that we have used GALLOILCEPS PREPARATION for. Consumption, Colds, Diseases' Of the Longs; Liver, ice :' and having experienced. immediate relief therefrom, wo uld recom "tend it to all afflicted in Unit way : William Ctilder, Sr., Cyrus I Reese, Wm. Mitchell, Pronth'y, Kirk Few, Sr., Rev. B. R. Waugh, .F. - Mulinith. Willlanaennlngs, Prof. Wm. Knoche, Jacob R. Eby, ' O. U. Matthews, Mr. John Miller Mrs.'Coleman, Mrs. A. Zimm erman, ' David Herr, Rev. Mr. Cole, 0. Zimmerman. MANUFACTURED, AND BOLD BY J. GALLOHBR, Sole.ProPrietor, .tiarrisburg. For sale by the manufacturer at his residence No. 16 Chestnut street; and at Hanscann GROCERY STOICS, No. 59 Market street, Sole Agent for this city. All orders front, a Abstaecie :promptly filled and the medicine ibrwarded by Express to any part of the State. jylfldtf BUY TED BEAST. - NORTON'S C 1 X I\T leit IQ' IV SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERMAPI,INTLY OIIRES SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA; SCALD HEAD, FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, BAR BERS' ITCH, AND - ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THTI SKIN, This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay el her ex ternal remedy at present before the world. The modeo its operation is peculiar. It penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its very source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the skin on the surface. Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum, ho,(eta dins driving the disorder inwards, and o ocoasioning terribler internal maladies. Noiswnes Otruesr, on the contrary, throws the poison of the disease upward; and every particle of it is dis charged throe Wore& Thus the cures It effects is complete. • Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions yemoved—tho swellings re duced—bit the seeds of the diseasesre expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relarse. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without relief, here Is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. • Ingle' box Will satisfy you of the truth 01 all that is here gated. Once its Bret introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested in the moatobstinate oases—cases hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country, and linen Vitt& the meat celebrated heeling springs pro daettd .4109. in everyjnstance with every , ens , in Larei pm,* rospik„ NORTON,' , t _I • • .Special Nntites. DR. MCCLINTOCK'S COLD AND COUGH MIXTURE, the established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold, Influenza, Hoarseness, and all irritations of the mucous membrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by physicians, and all who have used it, as a preparation that has no rival in the Held. Price 2b cents. Sold by George Bergner. 020 g DR. JAS. MCCISNTOCR'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Are y lungs weak? Does a long breath give you pain? Have you a hacking cough? Do you expectorate hard, ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and want of sleep? It so, Sues Is roux miaow. It will an questionably save you. Price $1 00. Sold by GEoßas BERoxv.a. mar7•daw4m HOLLOWAY'S ODTTIIKNT IS A MIGHTHY ELSAISa. The angry wounds and inflamed and irritating ulcerethat cause continuous agony to the sufferer are removed, and the pain assuaged, by the application of this great healing remedy t It eradicates the poisonous particles from the flesh, and effects a perfect and permanent cure. Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Malden Lane, New Tors, and by all Druggists, at 25c., 680., and 81 per pot. Jy27-dwasw-ly • BRYAN'S TASTELESS VERMIFITGE. To quiet - The riot Of worms—the vile scourges The Vermifoge give, And, as awe as yon live, They'll get their discharges. What is Bitratee Vasa:owe Simply a pare and tasteless Vegetable Curative. NO child can be harmed by it, no worm can survive it , no mother shotad be without it, no words can express its value. Price 25 cents. Sold by Geo. BZEIGNICR. JY2O From Ike New Yorker, Jaly 30, 1859 AMostk cleanable articles, we may Mane as foremost - Me want of a, useful glue, easy or use, and of general and universal application to the repair of furni ture, crockery, shell-work and other serviceable and or namental purposes. The prime qualities of a good glue are immediate readiness for use at all times and reliabil- Ity as a bold-fast. At d this is the article which• Mr. 0. Spalding has bran so fortunate as to introduce. In convenient bottles with a bandy brush ; Spalding's Pre pared Glue requires no day's preparatory softening In water ; no heating for use, and no tedious delays to se • cure Its junction and cohesion—belts held in solution chemically, and capable of being applied instantly, and to every variety or work and requirement. Spalding's Glue, thus proves itself to be a true Household Friend, and will be welcomed heartily in all parts of the country. We have given it atrial, and we have found it quick as hunger in taking hold, and firm as death in holding fast. THE GMT EVOLDIHIdIIDY.—Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a pre scription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary la the Queen. This well known medicine is no Imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for female Difficulties and Obstructions from any cause whatever; and although a powerthl remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution TO MARRIED LAMS It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Taws PIRA arni NEVER RIM =own' TO Pm, mono Tee DIREGGONEI ON TEE 2ND PAGE OP mem= ARE WELL OW SEINED For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. 8.--51 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. C. A. Bazumarr, agent for Harris; burg, Pa., T. W. Dyott 8c Sons, wnoleiale agents in ohiladelpitia unl. dawn frWE call the attentionof our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and mustnot be confound ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the 'day. It is food for the blood, already prepared for ab. sorption; pleasant to the taste ana natural in action, and what one gains he retinue. Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty, Impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this &con FoOD and bo restored to health. We notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Earori's lie. Fun= Contast., which every mother should have. It Is said to contain - no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must beturaluable for all intim- Me complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften tho gums in process of teething, end at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have. endured cubes days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. , goi-See adviaLisement. ant-lfelss Ferule by 17,-A- Bannvezy isle agent,Barrtsburg,Pa Pneraot -Asp arm Duman= axe the result of impure blood. Tifeblood biomes thick and clogged.— The skin is dot able to cast of the Impurities BO import ant to health. How many young men and women we see with their faces covered with pimples and blotches, who are endeavoring to remove them by the use of soaps and washes or various kinds. This is very dangerous and should never be practleed , by , persons desirous of good health. Mothers who have children afflicted with sores and eruptions, should never dry them up by external ap plications, for in this way they will drive in the humors and produce ill health for the child during its whole Mb time. There is no mother that likes to see her children Billeted with feeble health. VJUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS are prepared ex pressly for the cure of eruptions of the skin, such as Pim ples, Blotches, Sores, &o. They cleanse the blood of all impurities, producing ribeautiftd, clear and healthyskin, so much admired by all people of taste and refinement,, ,q- Sold by all'Medicine Dealers. jyls-lm 1 . Ciell 4'4:i§: Eli 4104 :0 :fA EitiVci WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! The Original and Best In the World! A LL others are mere imitations, and should be avoldW, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, or lIMT' Y HAM DYED instantly to a ,beautiful and RED}_ Brown or Black, withoutlnpny to the Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS bave been award ed to Wx. A. Itsuanott since 1889, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons o his famous dye. ...WM. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color' tiOtto be distinguished from nature, and is wAiminnan not to Injure in the least, however long it may be con tinued; *Lied the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye. Sold iv all cities and towns of the. United. States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ,The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of WILLIAM. A. BATCHELOR, 18 Bond street, New'York. marl2-d&wly - • FEMALE HEALTH ! Fuux.a HEAL= !—Thons- Awe of females suffer from derangements peculiar to the sex. First, andiriest common among these is, Fe stale Weakness or Whites, or •Leucorrhea., with its con. Stant attendants, Lassitude, Proatrati on, Lame or Weak Back, and Ceaeral Debility. No one can bo entirely welt whckthnesulfers, and ist.hundreds of cases health la utter ly uridermined. Old-school medicines and drugs do but little good—often much injury; but HUMPHREYS' SPE CIFIC HOHEOPATIIIO PILLS are jest the thing, relieving promptly, and curing permanently. A dollar's worth will do more, good than. quarts of nostrums, or six months' attendance on a doctor. Six boxes for $l. :Sin gie boxes 25 cents. N. B.—A full set of ' , Humphreys' Homeopathic Spool. dos," with Becket Directions, and twenty different reme dies, In large vials, moroccocase, $5.; ditto, in Vain case, $4; case of fifteen boxes, and Book, $2. Single boxes 26, cents and 50 cents. . . . These Remedies, by the single box or case,are sent by mail or express , free of ieharge, to any ad ress, on re celp tof the price. Addrees DB. F. - 1111111FRRBYR & CO No. 562 Broadway, New fork Wholesale and Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity . C. R. Keller. Also sold by Theodore F. Beheffer, ana Druggists and stores generally. aufil•daylm IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CR EESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW- YORK CITY EM combination of ingredients in these T Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain incorreeting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation; removing all ob structions, whether from• cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whiter!, all ner vous affections; hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, are„ disturbed sleep, which arise from utterruptkat of nature. Ta MARRIED LAMES,. Dr. CheeSeman's Pills are invatnable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesemaes Pals doing all that they represent to do NOTICE There is one condition of the female system in tokiek the Pills cannot be taken wattund producing a PECULIAR RESI7LT. The oor.dition referral to is PREGNANCY= the malt, NISMISRIdaII. Suck is the snout:die tendency of the taeduirse, to 'ranee helm/a Anglian to a normal condition, ;:kas sans the reprobative power of nature cannot raid G. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything legurious. Baplicit directions, which should be read, aa company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Ds. COWL= L. Otarnanuar, Box 4,531, Pawl Office, Now York Qty. Sold by one Droggistin every town In the United Staten E. B. HIMBINGG, General Agent for tbeUnited State; • • - 14 Broadway, Beg/jerk, lb whoa ari Wheletale orders sbadd be addr , Ikgil lw.Efsnisburg by C.- "A;.llmnii , Vrt. UOV2944Wii illiottllantous. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established tact, a Standard Medi cine, known and approved; a by all that have used it, and is now resorted be with confidence In all the diseases for which it is re -I0 commended It has cured thousands E 4 within the last two years who bad given up all hopes .„.4 of relief, es the numerous unsolicited certificates in `'e my possession show. The dose must be adapt- 04 ed to the temperament of the individual taking %and re used in such quantities as to act gently on the bowels. a: Let the dictates of your le7 use of the LIVER INVISO- Imes COMPIAMIS, =MOM pi. JO DiARRHOU, BOXII3II COY- er Soya SUMACH, MEM 01101,1 at M 01031314 CROLELL JII73DICa Fsxeze WEAN anceessfully as an °MU- 14 will cure SICK /MADAME ni R rosy[ Ifortrraa, revwe TABUN at commencement of ALL 'rya unit ass um Orrorr, v. - . - waltz Water in tne month with the lite Irtgorator, and swallow both together, - MUOI ONE DOLLAR PER MILL ALSO--,1 SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND P 132 UP IN GLASS CASEB, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY CATEfAII- • active Cathartic which the CO practice more than twenty a The constantly Soirees have long used the PILLS all express In regard Jo to place them within the a, The Profession well know '" on diflbrent portions of the The FAMILY MATHAR- 1 14 Terence to this well estab- 1.4 dad from a variety of the El which act alike on every oft nal, and are pond and cafe PM thanks is needed, such ‘s „ I d stevinett, Pains in f‘e. l Pam and Somas ow WA or weight in the head, an Worms in Children or Ad- el Purifier of the Blood, and A t flesh Is heir, too numerous — I Idsement, Doss y l. to 3. C) ' EWE 80 P CENTS, THN Liss INVXOORATO AND FAILLE! CATHai• ID FMB are retailed by Druggiste generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o•d.kwyi] 335 Broadway, New York. Li - ELM BOLD'S EXTRACT B U CHU 1 For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, &c.. RELldßOLD'Slxl.ract Buchu for Secret and Delloito Dbseases. BELIIBOLD'S Extract of Bache for Nervous and De Winded enterers. HELHBOLD'S Extract of Buchn for Less of Memory, Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muscular system. HELMBOLD'S Extract of Becht) for all distressing ail ments—Obstructions, Irregularities, Bacons in married life, or early indiscretions, &c., and all diseases of the sexual organs, whether existing in Halsor Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of bow long standing. HELMBOLD'S EXTEUOT BUCIIU is pleasant in Me taste and odor, and immediate in its action. Price per bottle, or six for $6. Delivered to our address, accom panied by reliable certificates. Sold by all !nonfat& au2l-3m Depot. 104 South Tenth St. Philadelphia. NEW ARRANGEMENT. DR. GEORGEW. REILY will continue the DRUG BUSINESS at N 0.6 S. Market square, and having just received a fresh supply of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy articles, solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore extended to the establishment. Choice brands of Segars, such MI IGLESIAS, SOBRINAS,- °INTO DE ORION, FLORFINAS, LA FLOR DEIVIGO. PURE LIQUOR?, for medicinal purposes, &c. mys.Bmd NOTICE. A PAROCHIAL RESIDENCE being about to be erected in connection with St. Patrick , . church, Rev, P. Maher offers for sale the place In which he resides. Application to Rey. P. Maher, or Major Brady. P. MAHER. iley3d, 1860. tf DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. PERFUMERY. PFBFUMEBY. PERFUMERY. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. FANCY AND TOILET ARLICLES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. We endeavor to buy and sell the very best of every thing in our line, and always have a good assortment in store hom which ousdomers may choose. And selling at fair prices we do command a fair share of patronage. C. K. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, NO. 91 Market street. EXTRACTS ! EXTRACTS! ! WO OD SWOR TH & B UNI\TEL' S Superior Flavoring Extracts OR BriTEtt ALMOND, NECTARINE, PINE APPLE, STAWBERRY, ROSE, LEMON and VANILLA. ins t: received and for Bale by je2ll WM. DOCK. JR., !I: CO. TO CONSUMERS OF COAL• WE THE UNDERSIGNED, having ex aligned the process of weighing coal by MARTIN'S SELF-WEIGHING CART, late!y introduced into this city by IMES M. Winuirsa, do not hesitate to recommend It as a -valuable Invention, and of great' importance to all concealers of coal. Every purchaser can ascertain 'to a certainty, tbo exact weight on the cart, at his own door ; it completely prevents fraud upon the purchaser, as a. single pound will turn the scale. . W. H. Brown, - John Wallower & Son, H. Omit, James P. Espy, Jr., James IL Benford, William Dock, Jr., W. W. Boyer, T. J. Burnett, Edwin Mager,. Thos. J. Rehrer, H. Gilbert, George Bergner, James S.Espey, S. Hunteberger, 0. Barrett, Samuel Denning, George Welt Buehler, A. Hamilton, Louis Do Carlton, John McGrenaglia n, C. 84 Davis, A. K. Fahoestock, Anthony King, John W. Glover, IL A. Reiner, Josiah S. Royal, Lyman Gilbert, Geo. W. Parsons, Charles E. Roumfort, James Templar, - Geo. C. Bitinitz, Hitter & Arnold. Harrisburg, July 9. Irii idep_endent Candidate for Slv LiT THE SOLICIT.A.TION of by friends . I cffer myself ta.the voters of 'Dauphin coantY, as au independent candidate for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing election. sleeted I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the pffice with fidelity and impartiality. jyl7-dte JACOB B. BOAS' JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE, EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS OF NEWTON'S(formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the brat in material. the 'fined pointed, most durable. and a i eteap CO any is tasvlret,lbr sale, with a variety. or Geld and Silver Cases a yartous sizesand prices, at BSEGBER'S 1300ICSTORE, bl Market street. = lodgment guide you in the BATOR, and it will ours Amore, Inspirpore,Cweox mum, themarna", Ump ire", Connvinacc, Cam; Innerrum, rI. ATV LII If M. MIMI; and may be used ItT FAMILY Simecnii. It (as thousands can testify) On THREE Tzeironnos Am attack. nas their testimony In Its TIC PILL is a gentle be proprietor has used in big years. tug demandfrom thcsewbo and the Ban:tandoori whit* their use, has induced me reach of all. that different Cathartics ant bowels. TIC PILL has, with dna re lished fact, been compoun purest Vegetable Em racist, part of the alimentary oa in all cases where a ca- Derangements of Manna, Back and Loins, Costiveness body,Rosansnen, Headache Wonsndory Disease:, WU, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to which to mention In this adver-
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