The Telegraph IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, RIIINDATS MUM,' Y GEORGE BERGNER & CO., TERMS --Si!ma Strieweirrins. The DAILY TrLEtIRAPn is served to subscriber, in the tiorough at e cents per week lie oily sill,- rbers will be chars , d 54.00. Wuers AND 1 I aLEGRAPH The 'IV/GRAPH [salsa published twice a week luring /BO sesslou of the Legislature, acid n cd ily during the re mainder of the year, and furnished t. stl bacribere at the following rates, viz : Single Subscribers per year. 5 2.00 Rica • . ........ . 12.00 Ten " .......... 15.00 u Clergymen and School Teachers supplied with the fI63GRAPH at 31.50 In ad vance. lall LAW OP NEWSPAPERS. lf subscribers order the discontinuaace of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearagee are paid. if subscribers neglectt or refuse to take their newspa pers from the WHIM to which they are directed, thy are responsible until they have stalled the bills and or e dered them discontinued filisullantano HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHUI HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUGHII, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, HELMBOLD'S 13. TRACT BUCHU, A podtive and specific remedy for diseaseetot the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Bladder, Kidneys,Gravel, Dropsy', Bladder, liddrrys Gravel, Dropsy, Bladder, Xidaays, Gravel; /::letePslr, Bladder, Obeys, Gravel, Dropsy, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEARTES. AND AIL DISEASES OF THE Sexual Omn i , Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Orono; Sexual Organ; Sexual Organs, Strusdp i e, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Mang s, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organ; Weal pi e, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, arising from excesses, early indiscretion, exposures and imprudeneles, and removing all improper discharges, whether milting in Male or Female, Male or Female, Nolo or Female, dale or Female, Nab:or Female, Male or Female, It Is a tact long since established, that persons suffers ing with any diseases of these organ arc affected in bodily health and mental powers; add experience many alarming symptom', smonewtdoltwlllis Stand : position to Exretitib, Lose of Memory, Difficulty of BreMhing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Wear. Plerffi , Trelobilug, Horror of Death, Night Sweatt, Wald het, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, ihtivensal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Motor: mous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Coun tenance and Bruptions on the ram, Pains In the Back, Heaviness of the Byelide, frequently black smote flying before the eyes, with temporary suffusion and lass of Sight, Want of Attention, Greatfilobility, • ,Itestlenness.— These symptonis; ft alfowed to go on, which this medi ' eine Invariably removes, soon follows—Los of Power, Illauity and Epileptic no. Who can say that those excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, INSANITY and CON SUMPTION. The records of the Insane Asylum:mond the melancholy deaths by ConsumpOon, bear ample wit. uses of the troth of this assertion. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCHU Is a certain, safe, and speedy cure, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of How Long Standing, How Long Standing, How Long Standing, How Long Standing, How Long Standing How Long Standing, It is taken without Hlliarlinee from Business, and llt tle, 'lrony, change of diet. Is pleasant In its taste and odor, • And Immediate in its action. If.your are mitering with my of the aborts distressing ailment; PROCURE THE REMEDY AT ONCE, 1° CURE THE REMEDY AT ONCE, PROCURE. THE REMEDY AT ONCE, HELMROLD'S =Mgr BUCHIL As a medicine which must benefit everybody, from the limply donate to the confined and despairing Invalid, ND ...tpligrz!BlAl.Fltri2.' No- Ant 4Pt IiZIOWS*" '-' hue St per bottle,' tor Sfi ; delivered to suiy ad. dress. Prepared by H. T. REILidIiOLD, Depot 104 Boo th 1 0th street, below Chestnut, Phila. Describe symptoms In all communications. REWAILII OF OOMITERFRITO AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "or their own" and "other" ar— ticles on the reputation obtained by Belmbold's Genuine Preparations, Extract Ruche, 16 " Sarsaparilla, . Improved Rose Wash, Sold by D GROSS & 00., and all Druggists every where. ASK FOR HELMEOLD'S.' TAKE NO OTHER. Cat opt the advertisement and seed for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. rani:4lom. s BE SOLD AT COST AS WE HAVE ON HAND a large as • eortment of Fancy Silks of all prices and qualities we will close out the lot atria? COST. persons wishing aLoy thing of the kind can And bargains at CATHCART & IfhOTHIRS, Next to the Harrisburg Bank. Plain Black - Dress Bilks, Black Figured Bilks, English Rep. Mourning Bilks, Plain Colored Dress Bilks, Black and Wbite Dress Bilks, Purple and Black Dress Silks. A large aesortinont of each kind at different low prices and or the very best rotates—Warranted. CATHCART & BROTHER, No. 14 Market Square. FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS FANS 1 4 10. 14 MARKET SQUARE. UTE HAVE and are now receiving large additions to each branch of our stock, SHAWLS at any price, SILKS of evert kind and quality, DELAINES, all prices, LAWNS, every style, price and quality, CHALLIES, from the lowest to the hihest pric. CALICOS, from g 61 cents p e er yard to 124, BLEU:KED MUSLINS, do UNBLEACHXD MUSLINS, do We think we have everything our Customers may want in our line, and feel confident the prices are right. CATHCART & BROTHRii, ati27 Next to the Harrisburg Bank. NOVELTIES ! R IVRIVID THIS HORNING At KELLER'S DRUG STORE, Dl Market Street OZARK'S INDELI,IEL 4 V PEN IA For Mar .11:42tUL LS' PINE king CUTClothleg., A Substitute for Tobacco. JAPANESE BOOT 4ND SHOE POLISH, A complete Substitute for Blackleg I Drip is vane Ninnies! Preserves the Leather I I PROP. NORRIS' EUCEPHALOS, m 29 For Diseases of the Nervous System . Select Schools tor Boys and Girt% PROM STRUT ABOVE LOCUST' THE Fall term of ROBERT AVELVEE'S School for boys, will open on the last Monday in tom The room is Well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and In Purposes. every rape* well • adapted for school CaTHARIKS Id'XLWIE'S School for girls, located In the Ma e building will open for the fall term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to promote the health and comfort of sobokus. eugle.dtf ORANGES AND LEMONS. ORTY BOXES in prime order just re. astral and to sale by DOCK JR. k CO. WEBSTER'S QUARTO DlOTloilittir for sale at MAGNER'S MEM' BOORSTOBIR 51 arket Aive ti assortmenkof A IS, or all unfTB l e r em yOur w e;7 4 4 l =s k il mi n be un i c;ati ....... ,___. slus T" B ' =ROHM'S OW BOOltaxww. , 61 Market Street. _. \ / • .9 A !I Fit, tl=; .\ V \ .o --- .. ---.---= .--- c - ---wgi. _ . . 131 - VOL. XII: littbical DR . - JOHNSON 9 MALLITIIVEC,XLM LOCK HOSPITAL. 101 as diseovered the inoateertain; speedy tut_ and effectual remedy in the wo S rld W for Elpiff4ll l llll3 OF MUM:II KM= IX Sa SO twietrat 1101110. 11 . 0 Nadi ri , /restous Drugs. ser • Cue W.untatnno, 01 1110 Mum, trt 110* Om re TV; DOR...Ss Weidman or the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Leine, Aibilious ofjbe Kidneys and Bladder, Organto Wesloges, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physleal Pow ers, Dyspepela Languor, Loa SWIM, Ocaftition of Ideas IM>u of the Heart, 'Thaidity, Trembling,, Direness id GiddinewoDinesse ofthe Stomach, Atilbetione of the Head, Throat , Dose or Skin—those terrible cneordent arising from the buillicretiou or Solitary Habits of Youth— apse dreadful anddestrocifire praclicee which produce oolostitutlonal debility, reader marriage impossible, and destroy beef body an d mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victim, of *Mary Vice, that dreadfhl and destructive habit which formstly sweeps to an untimety gravelhousandsefrung nu* of the moat exalted talent and Wheat lateßoo *ho wfghtottwrwise have entranced listenbagfignater with the antaders ofelognmce,.3Ywshedtoemiticy theilivlnglyre, mag i call with foll confidence. • MARRIAGE Welled persons, or thoseeentemplatingstarriage, ben koraite of physical wad:hoes, should Immediately constft Dr. .1.; awl be restored to peribta health. OMANI° WEATCN)IB3. hatatiately Cured orukfun Vigo; &gored He whophiots himself under the care of Dr a 4.,Aeoil_ relhgleply MOO Ili El Unit ,enA cong dentlyirely updsi his skill es agalmolcian. sraffillce Ifd. 7 SRA rieddifiiketreef, .` on theJeftband side gobegfrosil Baltimore rarest, drs - from thecorner. Be particular in observing the na ie iindnusigoor t ce ;wenn mistakethe pima. Be particular, for Jpirermst,,Bratiip Oradea-with thiseemmes, or Peatri likabug 44Plijleats, attracted by tho reputation of Dr. Johnston, leek near. illl letteessotet potato a Postage ittamp, to use on , the DR. JOHNSTON. Da. Jou von manner of the Royal College of Sur eon Londui, graduate from one of the in es teminent Co ' 0 the U. Stan , , and thergreaterpart pf has eon spent in the Hospitals of London; Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has erected some ofahe mostastoslehhig owes that were over known. Many troubled with ringtngin the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness. being alarmed—atAindden -sounds, -bashltilnese k with frequent binahing, attended swinging* With derangement of mind were onrydlllanediatolY • - MOM PARTICULAR NOMA , Dr. J. Wireless all those who baying inpiredthent wives by private and improper indulgenallii, that seem and solitary kalgt whisk *ruins both body and mind, un Alai:tithe:oi be either business or society. These ate some of the sad and melancholy enecle pro •duced by early habits of youth, viz : Womb** •or the Back and matte, Prins in the Read, Dimas* of' Bight, Log of Kasoular Power, Palpitation of the Resit, DYIPeII• slit, **room loritabilley, Derangement or the _Alan** Ponetionit. Baden* Debility, Symptoms of UNlsuaip. VT, gle. Meek to be (trended ;—Lost otAlfen, Confuaftel or Idoen, &Tres. Mon of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to society, Self distrust, Love of Solittide;limidity, Sm., are some MU e evil offsets. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge whatit the cause ortholr declining health, losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a Mugu. lar apphonnee about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of oenscunntion. YOUNG XIIN who have „injured themselves by a certain practice, In &aged in when alone—a habit frequentlVearned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly-filtrerven-when asleep, and if not ouredirenders marriage impossible,and destroys both mind and body h cold apply immediately. • What a parthat a young man, the hope of his country the darling of his parents, should be snatched from-all. prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain ileorek habit. Buoh persons must, before ccmtem plating MARRIAGE. . end. that a sound mind and body are the m oat new vary requisites to promoteconnubial happiness. Indeed withoutthese, thejournertivoughre becomes a weary pilgrimage ; tho prospect hourly darkens to the. view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and illledWith the melancholy retlectionthat the - happen tisr of another becomeliblighted Noniron own. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORLITNO RRMRDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the are speedily cured, and fall vigor restored. Organs Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who bad lost all hope; have been immediatelyrelleved; -- At Impediments to -Marriage, PhysiCal or Mental Dhilliuditt cation NerVous Trembling, Weakness of Memestion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured; ~ 'VYI . e ;v; . The many thousands cured at this Matolion within the last twelve years, and the numeronathlPortant Surgica Operations peril:wined by Dr. J. withesseli by tbh re porters of the papers and many other persons, nolices which have app eared again and again befbrelkitpublic, betides his do fug as a MANN= of clutracter and rei eponatDlSEASE lify, is a suMclent tmarantee to the Balloted. OF INFRUDENOE.—When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure flnda he has imbibe& the seeds of this palatal disease, it. too often happenathat ab ilt4imed sense of shame or dread of dinovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone befriend him, delaying-tilt the canstiutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, &acting, the head, throat, nose, skin, he., progressing on with. frightftdraPiditY, till death puts a period r 3 his dreadhanufferings by sending him' to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." It is a mitten• choly fact thattheasands fail victim to this terrible dlit ease owing to the ansidifolness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the of that dead/yr:dam, mercury ruin the' constitution atublipke the rondo° of =miserable Th..;-,Sitelectoros Diplomas hang Or his office. ar Lethal altfitemitain a Stamp true oh the telt% sa- Remedies aipt by Mail. egy- No. I Smith Frederick street, -Baltimore aprlading-1., N :EI 'w' FAMILY DRUG STORE. UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drng and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Bulking, No. 128 Market street, lately, °coupled by Mr. Eby, wehre can be found an entire new stock of Fresh and,Pure.Drugs, Ferluinery, Soaps, COAL OIL, COAL OIL" LAMPS„Enrning Fluid, Akebol, Patent Illookines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &0.,100. Wo have the agency for the sale of Ellne's Celebrated Arti liclal Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we respectfully ask a share Of Public Patronage. G. W. MILES. N. B.—Prime Havana Bogus and Tobacco constantly on band. apre.dlr PRANK A. MURRAY, (Successor to Wm. Parks/4) LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE, THlRD'snuarrznowinumEr lIATINO purchased the interest of J. Q. Anossln the establishment, and made large addition! toll MAkelci the undersigned is prepared to accommodate thbrblia with Summit Homots for saddle or carriage loirowii,and.with every variety of VEHICLES of the Latest and most approved styles, on reasonable terms. YLRETRR PARTIES will be accommodated with Omni buses at ort notice. CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES FOR FUNERAL OOOA• MONS will be Itaniabed, accompanied by wend and obliging driven. He invites an inspection of his Stash, solthilled that is fully equal to that of any other eatabliahmentef theitlnd in town. FRANK A. lIDERAY. BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a branch of his "LIVERY and EX , STABLE," in the buildings! lately cc= led • r, in Fourth street oppoidte the Bethel, here ed to accommodate the puhlks wttii OSS t., at alldmiSk On remenabletenne. is stook Tided, and will recommend itself. r 28- d isill iRANSA.MIIRRAYj "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING-S - NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 26, 1860. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC IN VIIIORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine hat ,been used by the pub*. *for siv years with incre favor. IL is recommended to Ours • ervousness,Haarb.Burn, Colic Pain; in ihrStonsach, or Pains wiis Headaehe, Preinsiness, Co% plaints. qoup byMtifs , Delirium • Tremens, intemperance. dT S Tamura' .101.4.initOgucaRATes, tor mulliierlstoxiciors ORgrumr. S A MEDICINE it is quick and effgatu al, curing the meet aggravating cases of Dysplit, idney Complaints, and ali other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner It will instantly revive the meet. melancholy and drooping spirits, and +eater° the Neal; nervous and sick. ly to health, strength hied vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, Luce become dejected, .and_their nervous systems sbatt:red, constitutions broken down, and subject to that, horrible curse to hnoranlty, the 3:ertutrast Traxisa, will, almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigNefilinir efficacy of Hr. Ham's Invigorating' rid • ' WHAT IT WAD DO. . Doss.—One wine 04011 as Accessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Hbart.hurn. - Three doses will cure Indigestion. , One dose will give you a Good...appetite, One dose will stop the disfressing pains of bispt e 4a. One dose will remove the distressing and disagr • effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach 'receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load end all painful f*ltilawill be removed. One dose . vtreinove the most distressing pains of Colic, either In theattmach or bowels. A few doses . willrentovealt obstructions in the.iirdney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. - Persons who aro seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a Ooial or we, and a radlcaleure by the use of one or two bittqw. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION': Persona who, from dissipallogtta: muehOy . onfilike r se feel the evil effects of polsonOult Naom i hi.viale% head aches, skinless at stontack Weakness, &Bite% lka., Will one dose will Hamra all bad feelings. eak and slokly-emtatituticum r should ta)ce (he Invigorating Spirit three times athqcq ABlrmake them Wrong, healthy sinClialMy r removelell oillauctioms and irregularities from the monstrua) ormus, and..rgogerianse blodut of health acd beauty tdrths• eftwegnglotili 74 During pregnancy it will imbleund itivaloalle tine to remove disagreeable sentattigns at the stomatltt. All the proprietor asks is a trial, sidle Induce this ,11 has put up the Invtgomtirig,Spirlt is pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts Si. , General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. TOW, & efielind for sale In Harrisburg-by 0.A.. Hammett p:lfylfitroaerl . .. Co. and C. K. Keller, And. 010 avirl*ned- jel4-dawly IN pursuance ofan - arderulliprOrphatrs Court of Dauphin county, will be expebed to sale, on utv, June 29,1880, at the public he1 1 :474 Roffman, in the city of Hereabout at 'el , .s ~ one Two-story Frame Rouse mullet of g . tot is ereeied a ittstilenuir shop, having a good garden at Cached, &e. Situate In said city on West avenue of the Reservoir, lot No. 2, as laid out by John Cunkle. Late the estate of Caroline Hoopla, deceased., . Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by JONAS LOUDIgNSCHLAGER, Administrator of raid deceased Pam Huntrst, Clerk, 0. C. Apit 2e, 3.860.-ts M. ATRESSES IVIATREBBEBI JT. 14 - ARNITZ respectfully informs gler • public that he can be found at all Mites at No. NM Market street, between Fourth and Fifth, where be keeps constantly on band SUPERIOR RUSK and COTTON TGIP IdATRE , NFR, cheap for cash, to which he respeCtfUlly Invites your attention. The best quality of HAIR and SPRING RATREJSB3 made to order at City Prices, and warranted to give sails. faction. SOFAS, LOUNGES, MATHEW.% CHAIRS and CUSH lONS repaired and improved on reasonablatenns. mmnr4B•d A. H. GA L C o Take great pleasure In inviting the attention of Artiste Amateurs and the Public generally, to their New Scale Overstrung, ken Frame Piano Fortes, Just introduced. The growing demand for Piano-Fortes, of more than ordinary power and brilliancy of tone, di rected our energies to the production of such an instru ment. We submit the result without fear of competition. Our Pianos are manufactured out of the best well seasoned *materials, under our Immediate supervision; and aro guaranteed tilt - give entire satisfaCtion whither ordered frens us direct, or sold by any of our . agents throughout , the country. We solicit :a continuance of that patronage which we have enjoyed for the last 25 years. A. H. tiAl.r. & O aplOdSm 107 .East 12th street,,N. it, 4 NOT THE. . FIRST ARRIVALY BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE. SOLD AT ..REDUCED PRICES, LYKES S VALI.EY SIOVE COAL, $8,60 per ton. NUT ~ .,..110.00 Also constantly on bend, LYKBN'S i'Sra.PY BROOIh. EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILRISBARRE BRORBM,;" No. 8 and 4, • NOT, Blacksmith! Cofills 4 1 ?8benY_ and Broad, Top. Also, Hickory, Oak andylne Wood. E. BYERS. &pl 4 No. ' 162 Chestnut street. Different styles of Pomades, Oils, 6iLp a and Dressing for the Hair now In store 12 9 - Different styles of Extracts and manufacture of 'Perfumes for the Handker• chief, now in store. 2.8 Different styles of Colognes and Toilet Waters now in More. 2 0 Plff: r ri en n tjC in inis r eToiletand Nursery 12 Different kinds of preparations for cleaning the Teeth now In store. In connection with an unrivalled aSsortment of Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, and all other articles pertaining to the Toilet. Reader you will ace by the above pats that you can get almost anything in this line, by going at once to GOODS-HARD TO FIND A FULL STOCK Children' Unbleached - and - White - Hoeg! .- Misses , Wl:lite and Unbleached Hose,; ••• ' Ladles' Gpen Worked Hose, • ' , ladies' in all colors, sire, quality and make, Hens' Hose in anything wished,. Misses' Gloves, Ladies , Gauntletts and, Gloves, Gents , Gloves and Gauntletts, Misses' Merino Undershirts. In the! above goods we have folly repleplabeii - stur stock. OARlVallft . ROT Next to the Harrisiiirgi Bank. ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Fancy IDyeiag Establishment. , J. & W. JONES,:, No. 432 North Front Street, above Cal- Jowhill, Philadelphia. . TATE SILKS, WOOLEN AND FANCY' JIL/ GOODS of every description. ‘Tibir superior style. et dyeing - ladles' and gentlemen's Garments b widely klown. Crape and Merino. Shawls dyed , the meal, beiggrirrei- more plini - abts:,. 44 • Crape and Merino.Slawls clamed to jock like pew..— lAlse, gentl e men's apparel, Curtains ti., Cleaned OF re ~ II • dyed. • Call and look at our WoirksllekUre going eisawbere. • , JAL W. JONI& -.11 :1 .t mar2-dam.2 '% ..o the Harriab —e, i nk I _ J o I inisullantouo. PUBLIC SALE. PIANO PORES, SELLER'S DRUG STORE, No 91 Marketatreet, oue door east of Fourth, south side. =I Inistellantoug. SOLE AGENCY FOR MASON ' & HAMLIN'S BOSTON PREMIUM MELODEONS AND zscakaamccomrcrimis. 23 First Prendums Received , since.lBsB; . „ . k l`. -- I ' - / DELLIEWargan Manic ...,4 ..• - ' 1,. moms isvesecelved the Mtn V".."...1r0r •-.) 0 ' AN ON LY. k ' : v 4 ej ,L -I \ GOLD MEDAL . ever tit"Pat7), awarded to reed instruments in LODEONS " , the CbdutrY titLAND'Y is . ',...k . ,. Prices varying 4 .,. 1m :full assortment always on . T , 11_01.1_ 0 4,v ' hand at 413•N'''' WH. KNOCHE'S ng Market strait. Catalogues rur nished gratis. apl9 GRANVILLE STOKES' GITT*OLO I I I BING EIdIORITIN OMB PRICE' AND NO ABEttEMENTv No. - ,607 Chestnut Street. qttANviLLE STOKES would return thanks,Wthepnbllc for their appreciation of his ef for to please, and' their liberal patronage. , In order to keep up this 'kindly feeling, he bas : yielded' to the solicitations of many of his friendsiand inatigura. ted a NEN SYSTEM, of GIFTS ,Wlls EACH GANMENT SOLD. To h is choice selection of line Fabrics and made up Clothing he invites the scrutiny df the 'nubile as well as to his new mode of doing business. Each article is warranted to be, in irabric, Style and Make, equal to any gotten up MUM city, and ONE - PRICE, Cheerer thsp. thelowest,) marked on the ticket. . . Each edible gold, di , mdiatired• for, le atcoMPaniedhy a Ott, varying in value. Nein ET to 1100. N B.—None but the Most Designers„Cuttersv and Workmen employed; and satisfaction in -Fit, Fashion, Fabric, Price and Gift, guaranteed at STOICSS , . One Price Gift Clothing Emporium, roylo-6md No. 607 Chestnut street. THE LORETTA SPRINGS CASTEIRLA COUNTY, PA. WILL BE OPEN FOR.THE RECEPTION OF vierg7 ORS ON THE 20th DAY OF. krN.E7INST. MHIS NEW - AN-D—DELIGHTFUL RE _l_SOltT, for those seeking eithechesith or pleasur% situated one Mile from the village of Loretta; anditair - Mlles from Cresson Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Raliroad,-4ront which - to Loretto, there is a will.con struOtedMlanie road. The Springs ire 'about 2,650 Sid above, ti,de-water, and Me; Mr Is always bractagand.ln vigoriting;lhif therrattneter stldom 2004, nitovin . 75 degrees m Efinitner:* The hetiit Watets ()title 84qttehitt& no and - Oleareekt abound: in trent, end Alss. ottittitn ranges are filled.with gam* alkardiimAaaspert to those who are fend of such amusements. the btdidingi eiinitrtietett 'with respect to room and ventilation, and the whole fitted up with every aPpllance that can contribute, to the comfort and convenience 'or the guestsßill:4llley, Billterd-Tablas, Baths ; &e.i&e4 The watcrsiof th ine, Settnis neje been.analyeed by se vertd eminent the chi:lroned to cot( in large prciportiOns riPttnistoigeedialnetal Pioliartles ter which the Springs of this spurof the Allegheny have: long "been celebrated. W A-T E-R, 0 II R.E . 1n conneCtion with the - Springs Is a Water Cure Elsa.- Ilshment, chartered by the State end Under the charge of the celetrated'Hydrapitthlephyitchui; Ifr: S. Freese, of •Plttabarg; Pa., .whiPWlll 7 gPre his entire attention to the Cure of all Diseteam.. TERM, 510 per weelt.per patient. Cowettrrer,mw Ticteirre to Loretta Spitilgs,iivlll be bladed from .Phibidelphia; Pittsburg,ind all the way Stations on the Routi. : • .. " • A Daily Hail leaves Loretta for akrifirts of the Union. On the arrival' oryisitors at CrenOri, coaches will be in readiness to convey them to the Springs. ,q -Those visiting the Watenttre should he provAtea with packing, covering, &c. jeB.dtjyl JOHN BRADY. A F . R., FA,. PiTr GARDEN, FIELD, HERB AND FLOWER SEEDS LARGE AND SMALL PACKAGES.. NELGEWS DRUG-STORE, • 91 Market Streets BATIK:LIN COUNTY HOUSE . Garner of Third and. Walnut Streets, . • . HARRISBURG CITY. rpAE -UNDERSIGNED, late of Middle :" town,bavtng leased the public house formerly known as "Military Hall,” and fitted it op in good style for the, accommodation of the public, respectfully solicits a share of patronage, His TABLE and BAR will" always be sup. plied with the best the market afibrds, apl3.3md if. GRIME. . . _ . 'NEW ARRANGEMIT.. PR. GEORGE W. REILY will continue the DRUG BUSINESS at No.B S. Market square, and R JR% received alresh supply of Drugs, Cliennoakil and Fancy articles, solicits a continuance of the patron age het eleihre extended to the establishment. Choice brands of &gars, such as.. 1,4114E8.1.4b, • - BOBBIN" OENTO DE ORION,_ FLOBEENAS, • LA FLOE DE VIGO. PURR i.IQUOES, for medicinal purposes, ate. myB.3md FOR - RALE. • ONE TEAMSTER'S WAGON, TWO COAL CARTS,. ONE LARGE CART, suitable for farming Purposes..:Apply to. -- myrtJAME M. WHErlari... STATE: - 0 - ANTAL - BANK., CAMERON, tOLDER, EBY & coRNER BECOM) AND Ma nsc, HAR R IS BURG.; _PERS. ", HAVANA . 'SEG:UM T WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of SMOHNEIS to the followitig brands of HavalutSegars: FIGARO, BIRD, FIRE FLY, LA. SIIIZA, JARAGOZANA, NECTAR CUBANA. Just received, and for sale by , JOHN H. =GLEN, 024 ' 73 Market street.' A FRESH- STOCK - 'Of 'Vaallla Beans, Ileekais! Farina , Perfamery and kattcy Soaps, at KILNS , DREG STORE, MI Markel street, ?glow FIQh, Rairisparg, la. AIVIEY L - EMER'S -GALLERY, W.Y.E'TIPiii-IiALL, 40 C 0 'DOOR , TO. 'PIE CQURT ROUSE, 'Onicoiseepa, smar.,) 13.t0 o NY SIZE OR ItRIDi XNEY 'Li 'S NOT r;,PlialjZ oF DEOEt& nkeilii COPIED AND ENLARGED OR COLORED . WisceUai iw. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE! WEML.IO/,if `POCKET PISTOL, • A COLLECTIRN OF Facts, Opinions, atilt .Arguinents • _TrAggli... E.4II #J,Y VW/G 111 )*"4. tobsiees pu At itlilyuringtbe,'Onniadkii, menoia ' g rode 6th: ti 36 Pages 3)3m - o.• Price 6 Cents. The Aka of this Weft Wird be to preient, in the most concise form practicable, the principles and alms of the RePublican - Party;thh tssueir involved in 'hi contest with the Slave Potter and itspemmiratiOAlliesi".o.9Bo.ll6mmts or the leading Statesmen of ' the country , past and ores eta, in reference to those issues.; and Such ether. matters 'of interest as may be evolved in the progress of the po litical stroggiamoon which we cave entered; what every . waking ltepublican will desire, io the way of fact, argn • ment., and opinion 'for himself, and for his' neighbors, to inform'theignortmt, convinee the prejudiced, araLst4lll- late tbolaltd•warm, will be given in this Pocket Pistol: series, in a format once compact, neat, and convenient; and at a price which will enable our Republican Clubs-to. Pu t t a cOPY or,it, into the hands of every voter whit'. can nu Rumour Pourer kissei teal be published on the sth. of even , silo td/r.during the easupaign. Bin& copies ef any numver sea be sent by MO4 vole& paid, on the receipt of 6 chits. FDR 24 CamS WILL Dr. 'YAWED TO afaleataßlTH Dintir#o MI CAMPAIGN; 5 irordul 10 Junkuss, $l.OO. l~aeunsw qua sseteiusup innithre au PAN= Dl' TIM COUNTRY WILL mesa mammrss in HAKE HP CLUES sea Thi POCKET' PIIMMA jP WH.L Aim von A COMM= pffillf OF non AND smelliness was WHICH To ODD= THII WAY DEMOCRACY; Addreßs, • • H. DAYTON, N. Publisher 'Sel6-9tdeo l daStw , , SO Howard Street,Y.. .RALLY -BOYS, RALLY I The 4:ppiAbhean. Campaagn SeApter,, ' EDITED BY WM. A. BUBLEIGH, 72' PAGES, 12mo. PRICE 10 QTS.. ' Mr. Burleigh is well known to the public, and his name Is a sufficient' guaranty - flint - hie work Is well - done. NO Itticumtroik O.Lui CAN AFFORD TO DO .WITHOUT • IT. SENT BT MAIL{ . POSTAGE PATE', ON RECEIPT OF , • 10 ems. - ItfaimiLicrxm . . • OLuBS- SUPPLIED ' • - LIBERAL TERMS: ; • , . • I •. 10,000 Agents wit the sorigtto. Address , DAY , Publisher, • . Howard ;&,,. I§i, . _ REPUBLICAN.,-;DOPURVVe• - THE ATTEENTIO &EIIDITI9III ! THE Life 'and 's,pee'claiii.s'' XiiLftj4M ,LINO,OLN; W. BARIUM Washington correspondol 4 .„ 6l " 11/111 Post, and Independent, end - tnirwen:kliuwn . Atitholof of Lady, Juno Modern Agitatersel /to: . One large 12 mo, vol. wits Wipe Steel . Piarsi tirilosaint.OldAlus...Erlee $l. Pamphlet 4tiftion, soithont_stmthae. ~Ptise 25 Qat& ' Agents Please :to Itoad This. • You can make niorVinonei in selling Bartlett's _Lite, ;than any other edilioninthU k tea bed ft is authen tic and Reliable, and, will be considered as Standard Ads thorny during- the campaign; 2d, It is a..large and Heist- Tirol - Bock for the price, and will be Punished to Agents . as low, if rupt-lower; than (air other editten - Planetcd•-* yam! N0ne0,,..A BAMPLB, COPY VP aserurres UM OF one. , eta* wan lie mum BY sum, roman P.AID, ON Pidgin OF 81.00;M4 /LAMM oF ma PAXI • MXZEDMON, for 25 Mants. • Send for a sample, and then Irvin. wish to migage in the sale ef, the work we will send yon our terms to r Agents,„ Which eannotlhil to gee - satistaction. Address H. DAYTON, Publisher, , ' 36 Howard Street, N. Y. 11:FITLIPASS01011:OF' motrremigG 'droops: 6-4 All Wool Delaines, Ta mmatans' Cloths, Lupin's Superior Bomlbaiiines, - I All Wool Delaines, Lupine' Black Lnstrea, (all prices,) Superior English Crovellas, Brocade Lustres, . Tarmartine Lnatres, Balzarines, Debeges. ;UPERIOR CREPE MAREIZ, FRENCIEMMWOLOTHEI, ENGLISH GINGHAM% • PLAIN MADONNA CLOTHS; `SUPERIOR CREPE deESPAGNE, EXCELLENT DELAINIA 121} cents, • SUPERIOR DELAINES,-26 cents, FRENCH 'GINGIIAMS, riT APT BLACK FOULARDS; UPERIOR CHEM BEREGE, PURE ITALIAN` GIENATENA, _*'CREPE. FA3LAR CLOTHS,. DOMMTI.O GINGHAM, . 7-4 =BRET FOR 'SHAWLS, SILK FOR BINDING SHAMS, BEST ENGIATSIT ,c9BulTrzES.. Biareges, Dress Crepes, Begushvourningaiik, 41-4 . bite shawl Berege, .4 Lai Bbtok Shawl Berege, Black rid-39131te Fouhrd Bilks, Black and Terple Foulard VERITIIING DESIRABLE ,AND NEW. French Crepes, ' English-Crepatk . Love Veils, _ English Veils , Handkerchiefs, White Collars, Mourning Collars, Gloves, White Sleeves,. Mintpaßibhons, . Holsery,' Flannel Bina. Thoymoye to a pvrt itsc , or themeW., tope we have:: ed'eived sad now open, We can llil any order from e Smallest to tholausatitein in Mmunulg or second ourolog goods. CATACART3, . aPP v , acct rrielmre %mt. I 'N . .E; - .-X% •DAV sPrarialisgrAwza Ist K CEIVED THIS - MQII - ,K . Nti AT CA.T3ECC".Mo. ENGLISH , CHA.41.1,.et neat Po lard paterap, very desirable TR AVELLINAD-RES O. GOMIS& a ill.) flu aoi went, of every styliread quality revived today by CATIWART' & BRQTIOIk... - • - Nekt to . tbellitirieburg Bank. ,FOUI4RD SILKS, of vary neat style and good ;Ji. lick ASSORTMENTOF Dams* Goon!! of dllfererd itindßotl2%:conts peryard. Far. bai,idng call at . . CATHCART'S. • ;TABLE. LINENS at all prices. iTossur.timsasi igiii***74thid..: • ' COIINTERPAINES, a large stock. , • Th. eau r allpda, hi If . aligifiViittit the Klee. S in every quality atui 1 patiera. ono s szass , .. , r si ETcif alt -- motc:; - 2 !lIMMIOW !WM 7 114;1 1 4 We have every arSole wiahod of 1, rnishing. OA CART & BEM& Nut to the Barri/MI ghat tinting fib. Having procured Two Adams Power Presses, we are Prepared to execute JOB and ROOK PRINTING 01 er," description, cheaper than it can be done at ep (Abe, establishment in the county. RATES OF ADVERTISING : sire oi.i lines or less constitute one-half i , quai.e. Eigh t lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Squire, one day 44 one week one month.. three months. 6, • six month's -44 one year thiejSquare, one day....... one week .. one month.. .. three mont hs .. ' 44 six months...; 44 one year... • • Mr Ruthless notices Inserted in the Local cohann, or before Marriages and Deaths, Mk MNTS PER LINE, for eichtuertion. NO. 40. . . adverlailetelaties.lind Deaths toi be charged as regular Tea, Coffee and Cocoa for the Sick Tbo much ie said against tea by wise people, and too much of tea is given to the pick by foolish people. When ybir see the natural and almost universal craving in I"nglish sick for their "tea, you cannot but feel that nature knows what she is about. But a little tea or coffee restores them quite ae.rnueh as a great deal, and a of tea, and weoially of coffee, repairs thh...little power of digestion they here, Yet the nurse, because she sees how one or. twa : caws of tea or coffee re stores her patient, thinks t hat three or four will do twice-as much. This is not the case it all; it is, however, certain, there is 'loth ing yet discovered which is a eubsitute to the English patient fer his cup of tea; he can take it when he can take nothing else, and hetften can't take anything else if he has it net. I should be very glad if one of the.abusers of tea would point out what to give an English patient after a sleepless night - instead of tea. If you give it at five' or six o'clock in the morning, he.may even sometimes fall asleep after it, and get, per haps, his only two or three hours' sleep during the twenty-four. At the same time, you never should give, tea or coffee to the kick, as a rule, after five o'clock in the afternoon. Sleeplessness in the' early part of the night is from excitement, generally, and is increased by tea or coffee; sleepless ness, which continues to the early morning, is from exaustion often, and is relieved by 'tea. Thg. only English patients I have ever knownvefuse tea have been typhus cases, and the first sign of their getting better was their craving again for tea. In general the dry • and dirty tongue always prefers tea to - toffee, and will quite decline milk, unless with tea. Coffee is a better restore tive than tea; but a greater impairer of the digestion.. Let the patient's taste decide. You will'etty that in caste of great thirst, lithe Pritient's-cravitig decides that it will ,drink a great deal of tea, and that you can `not help it. But in these cases be sure that.the.patient requires diluents for quite } other purposes than quenching the thirst; .he wants a good deal of some "drink, not `Wily of tea, and the doctor will order that ',he la to have barley water and milk, as the case may, be. Lehman, quoted by Dr. I Christisori, says that among the well and 'actit , e, "the infusion of an ounce of coffee daily will diminish the waste" going on .in liody ' 'by On e-four th ;" and Dr. Christi 'Neil adds that teahas the name 'property.— 'Now, this is. the actual' experiment. Leh. !Man weighs the man and finds the fact ,from ezeight. It is not deduced from any ''''analyeds"-of food. 7 All 'experience - among itheaickehavis the,same thing, Cocoa is ; Often recohimxied to the sick in lieu of tea ortoffee. But independent of the fact that 'English sick very generally dislike cocoa, -it has quite a different effect from tea or coffee. It is an oily, starchy nut, having ' no restorative power at all, hut simply in creasing fat. It is a pure mockery of the sick, therefore, to call it a substitute for tpa. For any 'renovating stimulus it has, You might justas well offer them chesnuts instead of tea. An almost universal error among nurses is the bulk of the food, and especially the drinks they offer to their patients. .Suppolie a patient ordered four ounces .of brandy during the day, how is ne to take it if you make it into four pints by diluting it? The same with tea and beef $B,, with arrow ;mot milk, etc. You have hot increased the moriehment, you have not increased the renVatiugpower of those articles, by increasing theirlutk; yon have very 3ikety direiniabed both by giving the patient's digestion more to do; and most •likely °tall; the patient will leave half of what holies been ordered to take, because tie could not swallow the bulk with which yloa have been pleased to invest it. It re quires very nice observation and care, (and meets with hardly any,) to determine what Will not be too thick or strong for the patient to take, while giving him no more than the bulk which be is able to swallow. i-Flor ence Nightingale. Bargy§ mears, an ardent yOung man $ 19, attempted' to end his troubles in zi. aeuse, last Monday, bytaking laudanum, ,because a widow of AO, who rejoices in the Honors of grandmotherhood, towards whom h i e had a "passional attraction," had taken lip a new affinity and deserted him. He left-behind him a "thrilling narrative" to til a placed in the hands of the printers, and I himself down to die. The narrative f into the hands of the lady who kept the arding-house, who alarmed the neigh b rs, and they coming in and searching the .b d-room of the ardent "loveyer," discov e ed his condition in time. to save his life: WHY PERSONS ARE BORN , BEMR.--"D043- f r ,"said an old lady, the other day, to h=r family physician, "kin you toll me hoW iris that some folks are 'born dumb?" • "Why, hem; why certainly, madame; i is owing to the fact that they come into t, e world without the power of speeCh." l "la, no,":.' said the old lady, "now`jist see what it is to have a physical education. I'r,ve asked my old man morn .a ,hundred tinfoil that are same thing, and all I could e" er get out of him was, "kase they is." ell, I'm glad I asked you, .for I never could a' died satisfied ivithinit koowin' it." L-Some people in Milwaukee met at a private house, pyeparatorylO starting on a p icn ic. . Two. of thegentlemen got to guar niling about , one of the ladies, and finally fought in gooa earnest. The ladies also pitched-fix , and;nandwitchei3 and doughnuts wize hurled , in ,profusiou at antagonistic h;ds. ;BOnnets were smash and white d Asir ruinea,' ittid- flieter w ‘,':f r t - • general :wreaking, of 'Eparing labilimenthen tiexcitemewfwas. oyer, it was Ocided to ()urn thi pie-nie, a fight and a pleasure ply tieing considered rather too much for one day, f andAtat: day the ,Babketh. I "angivenl2 .iwaY erid t e ir no w e t th 4l a n t egr his ° n%sie 94 on lucendo by cohabiting *ilk a white woman. But the people of 'kin . prairie laud, led a h i atr c p u , i s • .21:111.1” e 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 .... 3 (0 .... 5 00 .... 8 00 ....10 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers