Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 25, 1859, Image 2

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Eeltgra 12.
Tuesday Afternoon, October 25, 1559.
LARGESV, tiI.RCITLATION::-.4ty ieeent de.
eision Of .the Harrisburg Post , Master, tin
ClRCifia i rloliT, within the delivery. al
the Post O ffi ce , of any Paper, Daily or
Published In this place
-- _. ..... _
The result, 6f theion in Penn
sylvania shows what position 'can
do when thoroughoconsolidated and act
ing in union and harmony, We went in
to the contest not as Republicans, or
Americans,:or Old-line Whigs, but as ,a
consolidated "People's Party," enlisted
under the seine banner, occupying a don= .
mon platform, and making a united war
against a common enemy—and the result
was a total route of the sham Democracy
It is to be regretted that the same policy
has not been piirsued in the Empire State;
where,the Opposition are dividedand dis
tracted; instead of presenting a solid front
to their enemies. The Buffalo , COmmer
cial Advertiser, an American paper, bout
menting upon the Pennsylvania elention,
holds, the following language : , _ '
A word about Pennsylvania. The strength
01 the Opposition 'there, its uniform harmony
of action, its, brilliant, triumphs, are dire: to a
unity of purppse which pervades all the ele•
meute of the Union. They have a representa
tive man in, Senator Cannuson, whose personal
popularity and identification with all the, great
material interests of the State, enables them to
rally around him with a hearty consent and
without those deep Seated personal animosities
which exist' in this State, and which are justi
fied and sanctified, made dear to the hearts of
scores Of thousands'of Opposition men, by •the
insults and wrongs of a decade of years. These
cannot be forgotten ,or - Pushed. aside .for the
mere sake of political expediew,:y. Self respect,
the vindication of an honOrable manhood,,
demand:that,the struggle sh,oald'befOu,ght out
to the end.' And these are the reasons that we
have no People's Party, no united,Opposition in'
New York, while in Pennsylvania the course 'of
her distinguished Senator 'has' been' such'ai-to
conciliate and concentrate all thediverse ele
ments of the Opposition and: march them in
solid column against the DemocracY. InYenn-.
sylvania there has , been patriotism ; in , New.
York selfishness. Senator . ; Qaistsiteri has been,
the high : priest of a Broad Church, welcoming
with filendly hand- and lionorabie . treatment
the American or anti Leconipton Donfecrat.—'
Senatoi SEI;PARD has been the. eiponent s Of ex
the one Sute Demodacy is
routedibeyond redemption ; 'in the-latter only
the calm .atriotisM of Americans j their stung.
rom an'
forbearance, as a matter of grace, andateindica q
tive of their b feeling toward the, Republican
masses, they propose to give to the Republicans
the control of the Canal Board while as:a re.
buke bYth r e profligacy the 'leader's they will
withhold the Contracting Board and pass it
over to the Derimerats. ' The man is blind who
canna see - tire 'gocl redid .whiali must sprlng
from such.-• a. policy. •:It will iplace New York
where Pennsylvania - and New Jersey: now stand,
strong,in a consolidated Opposition, a dead the Presidential campaign. for, any
such da ndida te 88 Cims:RON, 'BATES, CRITTENDEN,
or Rums. There it will end. Americans have
sufficient intelligence to recognize it, and those
who count upon any noticeable defection from
our vote this fall - insult the patriotism . of
American `ma - 4ses. •
Mrs B,roderick - stood side by side with
Mr. neughts,in every trouble, but it ap
pears sitice.his death some of the Douglas
organs are dis Posed to speak disparagtagly
of him, The Chicago Times says: -
"The personal assbeiationsOf S enator Th•n•le.r...-
ksk ware .not of the best. -- Iniearly life he had
not the•advantages Orrefiried training, and he
fell raphily,into the company of, roughs and
;nvedies. - . ~! • !
The Chicago Tribune`copies the above
end makes the following: bittei
whether just or unjust'we know'not
"PerhaFis triicifnfek's., carly, wociatiens
were not of the most select, but the people of
knowlhat'they-could never have been,
lower or'filore'disrepntible s thhh those of Doe-
alas, Ask thoswwho kneW, Douglis before' he'
first ran for Congreis' the Springfield Dis
trict. Ask. those who furnished him rum :on
credit,' abouk those times ; and never got -their
money. Ask the gentleman who threatehedito
put him out of,`A hotel at Jonesboro',( for dill's
reput4ble practices, as late as 1856. Ask the
citizens of'Chicago whb - sawliim in a drunken.
brawl on the'Niitional Fairgrounds, four weeks
Tom old " Ossawattomie Brown" is'no
a ~
mora-=4hat sto say , 4 will saOA . gik
.. We should sooner have. ouo.of . a-thousand
chances in a rate for a ' 'galvanized wateh
than'old„Tir.own'.s chance for long.
Virginia and the General Government
have7itenAuarreling for, the handl . . of
vutti#g -a,krope round his nook. the
4 i ffioulty ,,: his.4een" , compromised in this
way try him and haig.
dim foramurder, and Mr: Buohanan will
afterivards":trihim-aad hligtim far ire'a
son. *"OssawattOmie," 'before hp shall
get through with BuehanaL. and .wi se ;
will Eertiiiiilrbe .i.etty`effeattitirpi
Federo Govekninent 'was' nearHai,
Perryoind'weein , haricle Trittlifutto th e °oriel,.
tutiontitionond Artitt" ir*e. •
Why did not Mr. Floyd aet upon, that
anonymous letter, then ? The sending of
that note to `the. , Superinteildent of the
ArtnorY 3 at i gliriei'k i FerV,,'Nfoald t hive
prev,9l4:l Ahe whole Affair— , Mr. Floyd
owestit to himself'to explaih'hii'oourie:
t, • 4 , , ;
Reolo tink: •
.1 Soi 01,
.li-,1 4, 4-
T-7 1 , 4 4 , 4 44.14.,44
•A tP itit TY# Y B°II A4NP.4kMA
4.lthnineoitntifis of .Califosniat
have expressed their desire by a large ma. , .
jorityit9leinonatitated .into a tTerritoiy:
The people in the. .n.orthorn,onrt of the
'State dislike thlisdheme.
Ho. 17:=-"Sitoat i HOIiNS. • _r"
To the President of the - Dauphin County .ifylicui
turd Society:
The Committee on •b.ort, Horns respectfully
report that they have with great pleasure ex
amined the short horn or Durham cattle on
exhibition, and are of opinion that this county
could not produce (for blood and bone) a bet
ter exhibited. Your committee are pleased to
note the great improvement in the character of
the cattle exhibited, and hail it as an evidence'
that the farmers of Dauphin county are alive
tcrtheir true interests in the rearing , ot• stock.
Your committee have awarded first premium
AO Glenroy, the property.of At B. Handlton;
aged three years... , $5.00
Tho second prerrAtin to Philip Oiewine,
for Durham Bull, three years old 3.00
To- J. P. Rutherford, for Bull, Duke of
York, two years old, first premium 5.00
Second premium, no competitiOn..
Best Bull, between one and • two, :King
Joshua, property of A. B. HamUton,
;first premium- • - 3.00
Tie' J. S. 'Haldeman, for Bull - Calf; eight I
months old,'first premium - • • 1.00
Bust Cow three years and 'upward, to An
nie; proPdrty of J,. 'S. Haldenian 5:00
To,Mis,g Mofiel, , property of J. S. Halide , -
To .Philip Oldweiler, , of Lancaster cOtinty;'
for Heifer, two years' d
Old; first Pr
- 6.00
To Rose And, ;the property of Jim% S
Haldenian, two years• 4314,, the second
premium...... • . • ... ,••••.••••••
To - Philip Oldweiler, for best Heifer be
' iweeLone and.two years, first, premium 3.00
To J. S. Haldeman, for, Heifer, Cherry,
second premium.. 2.00
To A. B: Hamilton, for best Heifer Calf, .
Tulip; under ten months old, first pre
. inium• ......... . . ... . ... , . .... • 1.00
To J. 1.9. Haldeman; for best:Bull, Duke of
Athol; -font' years old; a diploma. This
very. fine anima took the first premiuM
of this society in 1858, and is in every
point a remarkably superiOr One, both
in blood - and breeding. • '
To D. D. Boas, for a fine Cow; a-diploma. -
To Wm. Aietzgar, for th.ree Durham Heif- •
ers and a Bull, which, being without '
authenticated pedigrees,the committee
'award a diploma, with the remark that' .
the animals are good, and 'show them- '
selves to be well bro.
To GeOrge Reel Air a Durham Heifer' a -
. . .
To John Heel for a Durham Cow, . a di
All of which is respectfully submitted.
- , . • W.. LOMIS, •
. • • . ELDER.,,,,,.;,
No. - .
,To,the President •• and Directors ,of , the Dauphin
county Society.:::., • , •
GENTLEMEN Thenndersigned, the.corainit
fteO appointed to examine cattle under class
No. 2, Devon, •Alderney, lierefOrd; Ayrshirep
and Rolstien, respectfully, report that they have
Carefully: examined .the stock coming under
114 class,' and-'congratulate ' ihe, docietY , 'upon
the'vorAriar.e andihandsome display of Davous
ith a ge
ere no erefor. Ayrshire,'or lo -t en , Cal
'On ihe grounds. The competitionn - in Devoe
was so close that the cbmiriittee had Mitch dil4-
culty in determining the aWards particularly;
as the . authentio pedigrees required by the rules'
of the society were not furnish@dNearl y i
of the animals were very good, aza; seine of
them were very superior.
,The committee Fake"
the following *Wards
. ,
Best Bull, ihree years old and upwards, first ;
premium to Samuel . T.. Jones, for Massaagit,
, - $5.00
Second best, to Jonas Millar for his-Bu
Bests Bull, between two and threa years,
first premium .to John .. 5.001
Best Bull, between one and two years, .
first premium to. John H. ...... 3.00
Bull Calf under ten months, first premium
to Samuel T. Jones for Super.... 1.00
The committee would make specialnotio%
-of a fine Bull Calf ten months old, ex
hibited by Jim: Myer's.
Best Devon Cow, three years old and up
-wards; first • premium to Samuel: T.
Second Henry Hoffman for
Kate Kearny .........
Bestliiiifer between two and three
first premium to S. r7drin.7.---
Second 13est between two and' three Years,
S. T. Jones.... ... ........ 8:00
Best Heifer, between one and, tWo, Jeers,
first premium to S. T,lones 3.00
Secend best 4,13 J. S.,Otstot 2.09
Beat Heifer,calf under ten months, first
P rem *m Wu"/OzgaT . ' 1.00
S T. Jones exhibited a, very fineßeifer Calf.
The committee riould , make :honorable men
tion 'of the -fine Delon cows • exhibited. by Jonas
Miller, -Henry Herr, and, Henry •W. Hoffman.
William Stephens exhibited a fine Bull,,and
•Cow, and Calf; and John Myers a fine thorough
bred Bull Calf.
For best.'Bull, Chao ` years ° old and' up
wards, firet'premium to Jas.
Best, Cow, three years old and upward's, ' '
=first premium, to. Jacob S. •Haldemaii:..'
Sepond premium to Jas. Cameron - 3.00'
.Best Heifer between two cincl three years, .
Seat premium to Philip ~ .... 6.00 1
Second preiniuta, B. J. Unger
Best Heifer between one and
first premium to S. T. ~. .. 3OO
Second premium, S. T.jonek, ' ' ,2.00
But tiim*Agnmoilths:lhret
prenduni,toJipob S. HAideman..:......1.. 1.00,
W. Stephenseihibited, a fine Alderney. Cow
with Calf:four months old. • ;
•All of which : is respectfully submitted. •
: • • w M.! SPANGLER:
• S,---GuAus OistrAtiu TAT
T o emssa
the President of the Dauphin 'Conn& agOietd
• tural Society ' ' -
the undersigned,Committee on Gradi
Oxen and Tat' cattle, report-the stuck ' of Ithie
description on e.xhilution was very AR and
many very fine, and would award the wemiums
as follows
Ntiet Bull, Elise Alarverich,tito years and .'
'-owards • ' ' $4. 0 0
Seeenl. beßt, David H:epford, two, ears and
pwaqs:. .. .. - .
Best MilcA, Cow,
.. 6:00
Second best, Ton Young •., . .. 3.00 ,
2 B e e e s o t n e ci o l, W 4
Thi rd h4i't kltoo
' 3.00'
t, S. T. Jo tef i x ; j .
. 1.00
Ikelt rat Row; P: Zuthetford. .... '2.00 1
Mast - Heifer between twe‘ksid three years'
...IA .Tno. A. Ruthelifoid..: : 1 -
...... ......
Almond best between -two a?icri4e'e years - j '
David llepford.:.:v: . .. :; . 1:00,
.Best Beller between one: and *), g iv -
.Ssoond'best,lletwein 'One'it.tid 'lWe `',3%ineh t
eld,-S . ,
.... tdd
Tie fair Fat Steers, Wm. Meow ......... 6410
Best yoke Oxen, Wm. Metzger 3.00
Best Fat SteetVacob S. Haldeman 3.00
Beat Heifer Ca.lf under ten months, Jno. Young
Mr. Rutherford was not present at the de
termining of the premium on his cow.
Abner Rutherford, Sivatara, fot best Mule
for single draft.
Sam. Mumma. Lower Swatara, for second
best Mule for single draft
' W. P. SMELL, -
• J. B. NISSLEY: '"
*lt is due to Mr: .
, Itifittfil
j ford, to say
that he withdrew from'the; aolainittee while it
awarded this V l, 1 vit.
- ,
To the:Treildeitt- of itasepAin tL'o my doh
Your CommitteelOn*Herlof Caltle?report
that they haife attenctea:. 4 to Ire - dut - yr assigned
them,, and;have Atrfarddct proinitins: as follows :
TO Col. acob S.l:l4leman, for next best,
First premintni ..... ... . ...... . • ' $15.00
To A. Boyd Ifkunilton, for nestg
in, sec
and prenainra . .
!to Samtiel 'l'. Jones, forsiabest-heifers
. .
„first prerniuth ' ' " ...... 6.00
Xhere,,w.pre,..several .41)6N,Ikerdp exhibited
that was-fiery' fine aninialslttaonktitirtirf
committee regretted that the premium list was
so limited allow ;them to, award some
thing to, nl),worthy,of,A premium. ;, .
very superior hpAd ownesi by Mr. Philip
Oldweiler;by some, missicipAvits . .netintered s in.
our book for coutpetilloir. ;
* Prorti-the number arid character 'of the aril
reels exhibited; is evident ;that much' atten
tion hns been given . by the. farmern this vi
cinity to the impravement ofs stock. If .the.
fundS, of the Society will "admit of it,ive would
Augges l i:-A" 'larger'prerniuni . Skin' the future,
farmers generally may be
on'or tibia rivalry to excel in the exhibition of.
this interesting and profitable branch,of Agri
The Committee,on:Stallions and Mares •re
port as follolis :,; , , , •
Philip. Linn—Stallion BOAa!kop l 4 years and
upwiirds - $lO.OO
Mare Black Bess 5.00
Stallionßolt e 6.00
q 101,4 B. Care Yearling P,remil4 ol t• •••• •
Jamei fteed—Canadian • Stallion, Rough
• • , and Ready—diploma.
Clifton • =
BroOci Mare and
• ' ploma.
C. P. Mueneh—Brood Mare with foal at
i _ . foot ' •
' Colt One 'year'ofd-Lill- •
'Colt twtlyears`dict.:...'.4 8.00
Colt three.yoaTs
plain. • -
• • •
premium ....... „ - .2;00
Jabob Koons—Mare .and Colt
' •• old 8.00
.• t.
Colt oneiVirinia.
Wnr. AttichflaoltigiYeColt.tar.4o4ll%. ll l"
old 3.00
J. •Washington Cassel-LBaj Colt Sitleen
' ditiKlB ateiM931 6 1 4
.4. 3 1 . 10
, Sin
cial !Reiman .
' rde , gle—'l3rod Mareandk C01t1... /164 A,
Darle Bay.. Canadian,"
)lay Colt one yi*olal 8:00
Jacob Nielt—Mare witlifoatat foot—diploma
Acm Bates—Stallion Colt Defiance, one
year old—diploma.
Mare with foal, diploma..
Bogner--Colt one year 01d.:....
George . Garverich--Brown Mare..
Michael •Meisenhelter--Bay. Stallion
three years old ' 2.00
John .Ptifeg—Mae pok, two fearsial
JohiL Bilignv—StallionganAisa Lion... 2.00
Sikoluel S. Rratherford—Grade Colt two
years old.
Jacob Whitznyer=.Ditrk Sorrel "Colt two
years - old. 2.00
George McCoy--Black Colt one year old • 2.00
Bina Cameron 7 ---Shatland ,Pony,; Black
Daas_and her COlt Minnie —diploma.
,diploma. s —7 Tef-7t-.
Isaac Garman—lslack-stpiiima.
johil Myers= Draught=Colt=tiro and a
, heilrrocirs
. : ; c Supking;Colt;44diplaina.
AndrewSweigart—Mare Quick Draught
Li W. SwooierParroing Mittli±diplo r
•Jacbb S. Sheif=-Stalltin Rocki n gham,
' .•sixyearsol -,•-•dtp o
• -• Colt One year old
. ploma.
Sharp—Mare Minnie' fiver years
Id • 3 00
4 ••••••••,••• •• -• • . • • .. •. •
, IMare Rhchel six y ears
old--diploma. „
Is ate Vance—Stallion Colt two years four '
'Months old. 3.00
'Daniolßamsey-Stallion seven yeari old
4-American Blood and quick draught. 2.00
Cociver & Hyde—Mare quick draught '
diploma ,
Robert Catheait—Black Can'ailiati
Wm. Thimin'el-Stieking Colt, special pre -
imium ' - -2.5 Q
Blessing—DapPle Grey StallimiL-111-
- , • r
Jacob 13 - rove Stallion Heavy Draught. ' 3.00
John Shewick—Mare Heavy. Draught. •.1
" . - , ---diploma.
-Samuel Houston7.--=Clifton Stallionl.Colt
three years 01d...
'J.' 0. Saiten-r-Brown Mare.- , two and a
'half rare oltl 7 -diploma.,
RICHARD nix:: •
The undersigned committee on draugh tlorses
and ; pairs, respectfully -report" that they
,To) Col. J. S. Haldems;n,. for best Six-Horse
Team and -Turnout... —... .... . ........
- laig4A.le! 4 %
Teilienry Brown, recommend e, diploma
" *nd ..... .... .. . .. . ....
Fok best 'Single Draught Horse, . 1- 10 n .k
' '
o seeditil'brisugiteHaise,
1A4 4 1
... 3.00
For__Vai mit , Pair Alateh -Hoirses,-,RenrY
1 .1.1..... 6.00
Oop ft.tegond. 'best
,I!airlMatch :lifdrsea,-
Robert bert We
'For best pnir match 4ares 4 = Loo
For beit"Geldini'fOr Saddle, .Tohn .Ho
No. ' S—HORSES:'
.... - 0.09
For second best Gelding for Saddle,
Robert F.... 3.QO'
For best Gelding for Harpels,
Smith , 5.00
For second best Gelding for .1:10;ine0s, D.
Diger. .. . ..... ...... ..... ....... -
For-best Family Horse, George Ree 1.....
For second best Family Horse, William
For beet Saddle Mare, Charles. F
For second best Saddle mare, Conrad -
All of which is submitted.
No. 7—Mur
A. B. Halm:reit, Esq, Pre.sicient Agricultural
Sm: The committee to - wlifeb!was entrusted
Hie examination of Jacks and. Mules, have the
toner to report, that after a careful perform
ance of the•duty assigned them, they award
as foilows:
To Henry Gross, Londonderry, for Maltese
.Jack "Bolivar," the first premium $5.00
To Jonas Whir, of Derry township, for
Maltese Jack, second premium
Jno. B. Rutherford*, of Swatara, for the
beet pair, of Mules, five years old, first
Wm. S. Finney, of Hanover, for second
best pair of mules, secondpremiun:..: 3.00 4
John Whitrooyer, Swatarla, fbi a pair of
"Mules—diploma. • •
Sam. Mumma, Lower Swatara, for pair of
;Mules—diploma. . ,
Abner Rutherford, Swatara, for pair of
Trio. A. Rutherford, Swatara, for the
best pair of Mules raised in Pennsyl
" vania,
No. 8.--HousEs
To A. B. HAMILTON, ESQ., President of Dau
phin. Cettiihr Agricultural Society :
" The committe,.appointed torexamine and
award preniludes fdr ttiortugh bred heisea and
trotters t respectfully report "that Dr. *Alder,
teihibited a 'Gelding claimed to be thortnigh
hred; but yeur committee. was not furnished
with a satisfactory statement of pedigree or
'Certificate of importation. This was the only
animal on exhibition in this class, and your
cOmmittee recommend a diploma for the owner
of the horse. He was symmetrical in figure,
and haTmany indication§ of purity of blood.
The committee award' the first premium of
l'en dollars for best Trotting Horse to Eby
Byers, and the second of five dollars to C. Jo
yoleman, for his, trotting . horse "Torii nor-.
ence." The speed of these animals was tested
In a very beautiful and exciting trot—ihe hest
two out of three one mile heats round the track.
The former horse won two straight heats, ma
king them respectively in 2.52 and 2;54.
,Mr. Byer's horse is a light bay, about six-
Yeen'hands.bigh, young: of elegant form, and
`gentle in disposition. His trotting is clean
land spirited; arid gives promise ' with proper
'training; of muoh greater speed than was dis
played in the'match.
The' horse "Tom Flor,ence" has speed and
endurance, going steadily and manifesting ex
porieneed handling: •
With the .twa abOte mentioned 'horses, an
!other was ex.b,ibitekby:Wm.
speed, action.
, ithai best Parr of vtrotting. 'heroes , ycni4 ; ,'"' 1 t• urray. This pair: ofihorses,
though notpliiintaviv matches, except in
spied, trotted their mile - ni i our minutes, were
kind,.tracticablo, and of fitriVon.
iThe.premium of five dollars fo . " ' • •
41e horse wasawarded to R. F. Noble for one
of the most 'beautiful single footed sackers
the confitry. This hoise goodilii, stithri•
limier, and exceedingly active. Heseeined
kind, and thornughly broke - nil) his work.
The first premium of five dollars for beet
horse was awarded to B. F. Peters. The'
second premitun to Edward'Stover of two dol
Your committee regretki there were not more
entries of trotting horses, especially as there
are many in the neighborhood, and many were
wthi,bited on the track, though not regular
'entered.. B.EIirtYHILL,
'4.2A41 ,7 f." !I -VT
MR. Pansrumer—DEAß, Siii.L—We the 'under
sikned'committer for Claim No 9, (sheep • - and'
wool,) would respectfully report that we hive
carefully examined the articles entered for
competition in said -class, and have awarded
Premiurn of two dollars for'the best bock over
l'foUr years old, long or all'ort wool., to Jacob&
The,preihium,of_two_dolhas for the best buck
- 1 between two a%d four 'long or 'short
wciol;to - Jacob B. Haldeman " -
,The7premium of two dollarlifOr — ftrbest
-I ling buck, long or'short wool, to Di. 'Jblin
Your Committe, would fitrther say that all'of
the sheep entered in said class are meritorious'
and worthy, of notice,
especially the six, fat
Wethers exhibited by Jacob S. Haldeman, the
two Bncks• of .mixed-breed exhibited b, Caleb
Brinton, theDishler 'Buck Adare'
!Cox, and the two* Bakewell exhibited by D.
Heyford. There were also-a- three year old
South down Buell, and lour; Southdown Ewes
exhibited by Dr. John Curwin, which are fine
specimens, And entitlect , to special notice.
Yours ireipeCttully.,'
, Pl°'`, l( l — PRMIE;
- To the President of t h e Dauphin } Count A arc
cultural Society.
,The, Committee , on hogs the
Davidllnger-Two .Sow pigs, four months old,
filittr f ,en4u 10 :••••••••••••;.: $l lO 9
T. H. Ostat—One Chester county. Sow, • and
- ten pigs diploma
One Boar, thirteen months
• ,
• Six stook Hogs:, - • 11..06
Caleb Brinton—One Chester county Boar; '
eighteen months old, first premium 2.00
Renryßrown—One Boariig, nixie months
old, secondpremitun LOU
One Sow and nine pigs— ;'•
Mr) Ketsoar-=:One white Chester.county
Boar„ two years:old 2.00
One Sow, fifteen- months ;
. . • ..,
Pour Pigs, seven=oid. 2.00
Elias Garverich—One Chester county
Boar • 8.00
- , One Chester: county
• Sow, three• years.
• • Nine pigs, six . wbeke
. B.OQ
W. Hummel—Fire fattening 11 - ogs. 4.00
J. M. Shiok- r -Lone
_ One lot Pigs-- 1.00
Brua Cameron—two' Pigs 1.00
George Reel --- foß y eNcklloge,•r t di, 'ploma
• -''
To A. Boyd Hamilton, President Dauphin County
Agrietdtural Society :
*0 I=9iEEr.
After a . careful examination of the stock of
Pengion respect.Mli o submit.
tfie'follAsving.Keplitt ;-
linger we alikardffor Gate , olterone
... ........ sl*
D. J:;ltnger, for Swan Geese.. 1100
F. Miller, one cage Rabbits—diploma.
Jacob Shaffner, one cage Bantums
/neat ShaiEner, one'cage Ducks. : :
lacoh ahalreeet; one_ ces....._Rakihitx—di-
Win. Hummel, one cage Guinea Fowls
Wm. Hummel, one cage Ducks—diploma.
Jacob Sleek, one cage Poland Fowls 1.00
J. N. lanhorn; best lot owned by exbibr
H. W. Hoffman, one cage Black Turkeys
diploma. — '
Major Brßa-Can u ilt , 99e P 9 O Einfqur
Major Brua Cameron, mil cage Muscovy
Ducks. 1.00
plajor i ßrua Cameron, sae cage Sumatra
H. Browne, one cage White.Turlitya—di-
H. Browne, one cage White Ducks
C. Carson, one.pme.White Shanghai—di
D. D.-Boas; one nage Game Fowk—diplo-
•R. W. Gross, one cage Grey'Shanghai..:.. 1.00
F. Haehnlen, one cage Hong Kong Geese. 1.00 .
J. Haehnlen, two cages Bantams—diplo
ma. • .
Mr. Felix, one cage Shanghai.
Mr. Felix, one cap Itirtunas
- Mr. Felix, One;•cage Seabright..
Mr. Felix; one cage Cross Brama Guilder
land 1.00
Mr. Felix, , largest miscellaneous collec
tion ' : 2.00
Mr. Felix, for best Game uhder one year. 1:00
Susan Crowly, one cage Guinea Pigs—di
A. Boyd Hamilton, one cage Rowen Ducks. 1 00
James M. Wh,eler, best collection s t uffed
W. 'l.OO
D. M. Barr, one Maracabo
All of which is respectfully submitted.
eitineiiin Was not...present when
the award on. his entry was made.
No. 12.—PL0UGHS.
The Committe.on Plows and Plowing award
the premiums as follows . • .
First premium forbestPlow, to J. and E. : Ruth,
..diploma and..... ..... . 0.0 0
Second best Plow, to Wm. Jenning5.......:.1.00
Third best Plow, top. jfaynes— diploma.
Fourthflast Plow, to' W. 0. Hickock—di
Best single horse Plow,[to D. Haynes—di
ploma, and -
Best sub soil Plow, to D. •Haynes---41i
plomti, and
Best Corn Plow, to D. Hayies 7 diploma,
Bee • • 1 'Plow, to D. Haynes—di
- ploini, 'arid
Best: Harrow, -to Jr O.:Gingrich. diplcum,
and—. .. EOO
Second Best narrow ,, to- D. Haynes 1.00
FirsePretilittli IfestPlobiltiartu, / to -t Elfts*
Books. 2.00
First Premium tootest Plough Boy under
eighteen years to' John ZOO'
o `diplo
mittee - wordd recomm end ` 9.init to
Respectfully submitted -
• i
No. 18—Rowans. 4
To the ,Bresicknt Officer. of the Damp
County Agiiculttead 'Society.
The judges or Committee on Rollers $
report that we.have examined the articles
implements, described in the list submitted
us, and after a careful examination do awi
the following premiums :
To David Hain, for one Wood Cultivator
T —diploma
To John MunalY; for one Wed eciltiva-
tor, second best ' 1
go D AT id - 11sin,ib r beet Contezdttytitoil
I 'for 'general istirposes;-=diplomisi
To Jelin Winebrenner, for .C 134 Crusher et
and Scarifier
To David Hain, for,bast Seed Flutter,
(Ruggle's patent):d(Plonia, 8.
To John Murphy,• for , best seed Grain
drill, (Willoughby •!.; Blaltes paten . 9 7-
diploma, and ... . ..,...... 8.
To Henry B. Stoner, for second best Seed"
Gram Drill, (Willoughby & Makes
_T. F. Boyer, for best-Broad Cast
Seed - Lturer-lkplommand 4
To Deka 11 - Ul4ler - best BroiittesSi Corsi " • t
(Billing's improved)—iliplo
ma and ...... 8.00
To David littliii,"foi• t/eittigad_ beat broad
Cast Corn Planter, (Wolf's)
To David Hein, best Eilte Section Roller
of irl°lll-41.1 " °31 .0 .
No. 10-rF,asx,•,
To the President of the Dauphin County Agries/-
tarn/ Society.
For the , ibsst .display ;of Agricniltbral impli
ments, in this class , the s .-award is made to_
David " ' 'slo.oo
To Henry Shenk for the beit Thieshing
Machine, four horse power—Diploma, •
and B.OO
To David Haynetiiiiitill'bestTlitelhing
; • , Idachine•- 2 -411ploma.,
second ••best •Hay. and
i • • II;
straw 'Cutter (Mu- :=
." • • !, •
, • I • .
heat Vegetable Cutter
beit - H mitt Power Corn
Sheller, - diploma ,+
' •
' Coin Crushef_di-' '
Onus. •
Churndiploma. ,
6 SythesindSnath; '
6 Itakes , ---diPloma..;
6 Spades—diploma,
6 Corn Hoes—di
/ 6? Wain • alleithii`i t s 4 ••
• *Coin Ristats—di
• .2k:lN:odd&
1 'PO**
Ox _To
.14,0 4 62 -
1 0tha.
Cris fox Grabs4l f
tri cs 4t . ..
F i t o6l `. 4l) P s • t* JT a3v lß4 l44 X e t i lltrnt
di '1 . ..
To ; aw Miribi, best. •
Stall' o ,s l .tter and- grasl;elPg.lo',HOrseak
Tomfm: RegualibiAsittainniNodll/411,-
Plows and •
To M. Shrenier, second best Fannin
Mill diT , lO4lll ............
. ... ". f.
' e Qi. . ai
To Henry K. Stoner, second best Fanning
To Anthony King, best Hay and Grain
To Anthony King, best Digging, Manure,
and Coal Forks—diploma
To Michael Bamberger, best Corn Sheller
by hand—diploma and...
To Benjamin Hummel, second best Corn
Sheller, by hand—diplomc,, and
To David Haynes, best Corn Sheller and
Cleaner, horse power—diploma, and 6.00
To M. P. Dill & Son, Sausage Cutter,
The. committee would respaceln=eit
countuntd. diploma, as they co .
it very worthy of notice.
_Toßarr& Pyne, Corn Plante diploma. .-.
Bigler & Wilt, bee. Shingle and Steam_
Cutter. The committeewoadrelPett
fully recommend a special premium of 26.0%
and diploma of the society. • t „.
• En."
No. 16.--Raorsas.
The Committee tat Reaping and MowitigMe.,-...
chines award the following premiums: -
To H. C. Parson, for the Manny Machine, first
, premium-diploma and.. s6.oe
To John Murphy, for Buckeye Mower,
firlrtAireminm—diploina and 6.0(1
To David Haynes, for Clover Huller, first
To Seidl°, Ebeily lir Co., for Double Re'
veiling Rake, first premium—diploma
To David Haynes, for Iron Road Sara
,To T. H. Wilson. Si Co.; for: Cider
!- first premium—diploma and . 6.00
To Henry Sholers, for Washing M
,asiiiires,: I --
.first premium—diploma and 4oo
To J. M. Connel, for Washing Machine;=
To Wm. Parkhill,. for Wire. Pumps—di-
.. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
To George. Palmer, ior,PumP for Wells •
and. Engines---dipl6ma. , ,
To T. F. Boyer r for best Portable Grist
Mill, - first premium—diploma and 2.00
To Morpky, ngent, for best Corn Cobb
fill. -diploma. .
To J. R. Miller, for Miniature High-
Pressure. Steam Efigine—diplpma.
To J: to. Le:ndis, 'Miniature Lair;
Pressure Engine---diploma.
'l6". A. FRANTZ, ,
' ,
Lisirma, same, so.
For best boots - and gaiters, J. F. Snipe, a
Noma and 42 DO.
Best carriage harnass, John Wise, a DING-
BestSpanis SrsA rAoma.
Beetrsterilinilings, D. '. Macke; a
I Worn& and 51.00.... = - •
, Beat wax ripper, D. P. Locher,
_a •Dilonat.
Beet use ladies shoes, Wm. Oman, a Dipicfr
Best fly note, WO:on k Poly, a Diploma. •
Best shoe uppers, Richard Jackson, a tapla-
Best Preach calf Skips, J. J. Ball, a Waal*
'and $lOO.
Mast ladies shoes, J. P. Knipe, a Dlidositand
Plitintatigt: • .
t To J. B. Ostot forth, hest spechnos of but
ter, Diploma wok/64*W
WOO Smith, ••fte setkmal bait eipintnentef
butter, Diploma and $2,00. ,
'Miss Kate lifandn, for the lamest of
wieetPl:4l , oo. •
• ig
Breo a
Id -
a, ,
b Rittt,ord- beet nu
hope, s l,uu- ,
clover seed ,
D. 3.
rich' bes*
p_rv e
man aiin
To William M. Byer, for the beat half peck
Isabella grapes, a premirun of $2 00.
To Josiah Baurtt, for the beat fopr bmichtfol
Isabella Orapes,, a premiumOf $1 00.
lb Ileorg'e - Rodfong, for the best half Peck of
Catawixt grapes; a premium of $22`00.
To Getrge Rodfong, foikkhe bett.collecthil of
,foreigncgrapes, a premium.of $8 00. •
~ George Bodfong, for the best collectida of
nativeTrapeeb. ikemhitu•of" $BOO. .
D. W. Grose,for the, beat new, hardy yarlety,
superior to the Isabella Oreataiibti gripe., pre
mium. of .$1 00.
Jacob 8. Nissley, for the best four bunches Of
Black Hamburg grapee,•prefifiumfof $lOO.
W. Gross; best Summer and Fall - yarleties
of. Pears,
premium of .$2 00.
D. V. Gross, bestp,and largest collection of
Pears, a Diploma and $2 00. •••
F. Haehnlen, best German prunes, a pre
miu,n2 of $1 00,
D. J. Unger, best Tomatoes, 24 in number,
‘ ' 4
Jacob Shade, best half peck green knalfd
,lama Beans, premiLtmaf V. sl.4a f - 1 ta
.J. W. Vanhorn,pept egg plants, preltitim gf
si 00- . ... .... . ~... ..,
John'Olowineybest three hugmtiwidaermelow
prembim of Sl 00. -, •. ' a
if. W.
Hoirmatioo.abe4 vegiptipsiopfpnelons, •
Premiuorst . . 7 - •
— A: Bair, best greenfitea6intinaffe, PreaukraC
of 161 00- " ,_"- - = :or: i , +.• =
John M. Sheek,hjstogleption of 0 0 - 14wPIP.
fsl 913... • .a.,
Cleekner, beet -Mx varieties ' of
(ma) diectr i amltun of Si 09,
.41. 4 1ptp ., • - -pesebiktaplom*, ,
Charke•Ca , Jor-of lemon- mug pa s si m
impionsk • ' - ‘ - A .t. i - 'L.
t, w i i . Ru mme l, tot .of entsakinthataippiches,
Diploma. '' ' ' ' -
Wth. - flumnrl, it , kot-nrikirkilett -Pears,
apiorits. . - -
LafeW..Tordan, lot.of late 4,diarp me g ii
Diploma. • . .
thanilleTeA gi- 1 -! 11 . 8) , Iel o t c l !. r i ter 1 1 f ) 1 1 7 . •
DaYpia. "' ti ,
tr_ , gl*.2 :4444 ,40.14Ulkiii
*OO4 l
isenerstesplomali < c Aatl= -34 ' t 4
! 'ff,:r.4'.l(fsh, lot of orenge-Witowill. I,=-942Z
bliss Mien Fenn, for ` a baeltet of
6. 0