iCinto of (Iratibtotioltranoportatiol, SHORTIZST TIME /11411 k. MOST „i1,14.42ii E ROU AMP IS nd Tilt P0V41411/41APIPRAh R.R. DAMDBIN AND AMBOY, OR NEW BRUNS WZCiL a. "ARE $4490 IMBII ,OMNIBUS PARE THEOUGH PHILADEL • FRIA INCLUDED. _° . kiABENCIERB : leaving 'ltarr'' iiiAirg via IllsannYhhinla Central:TWA., Arrive In New York as ws, _els : LICAVING HARRISBURG by FAST ;LINE at.2.3041:W., artlailiritArAiltbc . txpßofigmaiN gas* Aveirmig: i i l t.,.lo P. i. 2 2 . li by. RAIL ; TR A IN MIMI) lOC arrive In eel _York at 10.00 e. sr. ..' o , , W-Fley.Ads woute make close connections at pf r, , , tkl ~ , was plivnegea fie mop . el Pialiadelpida and MOM; journey at pleasure. 4 ... '' 4 4 ' ' " lag ‘' 4. Nast. ‘ l l4 )tiv. RC = 9 . ! A. ' i. l 1 Ht tr CtrfoT- 1. 4* &V -rd• II it ' - Witte; 'ROAD Roust= A '' PROM. ItAillt18111:11iG ' ' :4...; ~ t• i'' .. I W : . ; . i Vi N Y a itit Lebanon Valley, Eaeii Pennsylvania, leldgb Valley and Unbind Ittivr Jerv7iltail Roads. ham,. g sa battr b ri o lrefluF, Allfirw l n 4 Elethle• ltirdiikt:bitlietin'tikitriA)kri hi New York • vir aux $4400. , I= PIII3B4I6iBRR TR.AINH3 leave Etarriaburidaily Omaha 'Espied) at 8 A. 11., reach Reading at 10 A. , leave at /2110011,10d14rAfe at Ner • Torklit 7Pi • • AFTERNOON TRAIN leaves' Hitirlibiut at 2.46 P. M., := 111 4 1 4011 at 6P. M. ledges there, leaves next Mit A.:11.; end arrlires at'Near York af 12'noon. etts „ , ve' New L.k Yo at. 11.45 noon, and "cluff111("4 .c r eetk)llB With all the above Roads, rune iheill Sat 8.26 directly t-rottit to ,Ilarriaburg, arr iving muck GEPTIGIERTS, apply , iathe I Repot' ei the . Lebanon Valle Anil Read In Rarristnug. • lel Itaigee ty ;• ;' J/11.1ERB:11.001tRt. ; ..angPidtr ,Built, But Pems'a. Rail. Road. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE • ,ON THE i a Idi t - it ; Il!A 'RAIL ROAD chs,, AND • AUER MONDAX; APRIL ‘,"1110; 18119, itiiiPiimenget Trains oil - tbo tenusylva, ula Railroad will arrive at cut 4 ieava Harrisburg as fol owl; . -: t , , .* lll IS 1r WA,RD. PAST LINT; arrives at 2.22 A. M., and leaves at 9.30 A. . Anharabtateps Middlelowni - Xliwibettitown, Joy, Isomater,Lemon Parkeburg , Downingtown, I AIM Ittrthestittalitelphis att6 401,.. M. , THROUGH REIM TRAIN arrives at 6.10 A. It., sN. 0106. 11/, Mope aelliddletitimAlivabethkiwn; Joy Lancaster , Lemon Place, Parksburg, _Downing 'aneWls' t' KV& at Phillidelphia. 9,66.,A4T I. JON ACOOMMODATION TRAIN via H. and L. R. •li t wait I0I&.11.,s WWpp s4 01111 the way stations,,tinu. P with the, LANCASTER TRAIN which arrives al &LIMY. RAW via the Harrbiburiand Lancaster Road, ati 66'P:d4, Malted 111.10 'P. M., illogt at Middletown, hMsabetown, - Ht. Joy, tencester, Lemon ii .11116ieParltsburg; Downingtown, and ell regular Stations ';rest of Dwanizigtovrn, and arrives at PlitiAdelphla at •rM 6 : ORO ; ACCOMMODATION TRAIN via Abe , leases steps.at Al the wily Mations and arrives at Philadelphia •at 9.06 P. M. /biIatOI)6II43XPINEIEV leaves 11 P. M., 141311.4 t Warrtiburg At 2:18 A. M., IeiRRI at ,3.10 4 . tiv4anaWiktes at liitblitreat 12.66 P.M. via C_ ol eMbla, leaves Phikidalpitia at 7.26 . tow at inanUlburt at 12.20 P. ag leo at 19,49LP._11., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 midni ppL Witr.ADCOMiestrATioN Mum legit-air l 0 .A. arr 12 1 1 61., arrives at ii....,:ganiaburg at 8,45 P. M., leave' at 3.60 P. M., arrives at ✓ plilebegg *42.30 A. M. HARNAM: •M AOIXIMMODATION TRAIN leaves While ..• dektibuito 2.40 P. M., arrives at. 8.10 P. U. • • r AL L. ROIIMPORT. ..„ . ...1994 Rail Divine* P:stnadianist Railroad. 14.5441 "IMO. 1859. e vvrh -Central &Away I st f ittk ; c . ` T.IVE , 0 IMAISIDENNPMEEDULE. ' I#. - ' ....4. 's!l , -./ 1, ~ l -7 ,, Y 2, r lit ' er z 7 IL ~,,i r.„4;,,, Centra '"! - —l l save •. ar •at : ' ,T, - f o ll ow , ; .14 4. 4111" 2% . s i lik i gende 4 Irksas ' . - 0 * From Baltimore. Ammo t+ A. A.7l.tulip, Baltimore 3.00 pi a Anita faßithliWetlet.a. rAlrfve In flarrisb'g7.2sr.r. MOW ICEPRIM. „i t o tFrom Baltimore. _.....**loxxisbdry LlAaveliallinigre..6.oo r x. Arrive in [Arrive inHarle4l.o.4o.x. .•••''' 3 •.•'• • ILUL ta s lohliqixdiketti Bataxinv ii • •ea Milia li ttfMxt Ata l iagt e .t.:. ° be 111.111111Mlimlig „Or me Sunday will be tYe rAu--- • 14 ' Irn '4,• 4 IMO ;. _ Jim Ifigaswion• LOW, Narli3llllrg 12.46 vii. t ELeaveWlUtaigsports.au#.3g. .16.00rx: 'Arrive thlritilabli2.soP-mi 1.4-I.wia44'l* Burr D Nuumr..CBIRPESS. 11 4 - paie-.„. , .• 1 -From'lrt l iliamajort• h ~ I irA 4 .ll , . MitA der A IWOREYeelit Sdik a itiliWie;* P 116 1 1 w . mos, JUU - giii'Ai! -- ,? - 4 - VIEI I A . RattilikiiievalliatitiA 0 A D . _twa irimmkit : AitiAtiGEMENT, VP4191Mi11,.1 . X=o - ha - K 4 1 14 64 .1 1°59. '. Alg A l f dit P ma iiteita Lfiliri iIARRISHIIRO tatletdadiyat &OD Al -11., 1 -and 2.45 P. liail pr iv at ;4.50 noon and 151 ,4 . • • , LEAFI4I2SIILADELPSIIA. at 7.30 A. II M. . P vc a i r v lTlng at Fharlaborg at 12.40 noon San — U t Vifalig, No,/ CAM $ 3 - 2 5 ; No- 2 Ok AWitlii . —. 4TW : liaspiL(lo and um. H,.. Mrgalv , lolL pr Potts Ile, Miners -, ~ - . . • 1,,.., 1 : J.A4ySt,if.FADING FOR PHILAINtL; , ttib i etem.) ~,., 6 - , A,;11 , ., 1013 A I L, ' 12.50 noon and ..aii.lgtit pati . i4PMEAVING at 7.30 A. M. 34 - ''. ' Viltiryriiii;bs and,, 51.45. ' • , O I P II HARRISBURG OON It , ,f i , IN WC , MR villilV-istittahilio*:l4llltekbarro, 'iFik- - , ..awsiwarmarairm to ,- -1,1 0 , 1 J. tidj RI, 49ext. Savo z . , . 41iun., "• ••• ''' 1; .. i• . i uiteadbigt 042110 4% SW '•'• ' • l '''El dl .........-i- 0 MU til. .Ir4r4 'IC) • . o,mila= Ridi ro i t id ~ , 4 , 4" .i, • . ' 1 v ; 0 1 •1i, arYOLLS_ tIN IRON ORE. 4 11 'A - : 4 1 / 2 11_ , .„ 4 ff MAX 16, 1859, the ;0 . 4 ..,,, i rr . qpi a dulled per Ton of 2,00 a ibs. r, , .7'i. 4 : — ' W6O us ligli , I, fieiff-1,, . ~05„8 0 E1i1,e4,, 72 cents. r 4111/414 141 *9l X2.,p di i ~, i ~:. .._45 4, ~,,.. 1: ...t....,,,,,, r 46. ci Too 4, '. 41111 1 / 4 1 ' M Stali i i: " c . A. Immo, ,:otivsk ire aseti., ..,,,a Gourd al - • "- '',611 pennspluania 111ailp qiettgrapl), tuesban Afterllooll., eeptembcr 27 1859 Groceries, &r. EBY & KUNKEL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, OPPOSITE-,TUE PENN'A DEPOT, Xtelavr.isslcm. 3r g , Pa.., Beg leat) to eayto Aterottantwanct itotel Keepers, that they have recently increased their facilities fot getting GOODS FROM NEW YORK% PHILADELPHIA END BALTIMORE, And would hereby call the attention of ail purchasers to their IatIROF LfisADING.,-01100, lIRGOH THEY AZII SEVEI,IIIb AT :dlTif ORICES! ADDING FRNIONT. Orders for the following ,goods will bei promptly filled : Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, 1 1 4iliacco, Cigars, Soaps, Candles, Fluids, Cheeski, likes, Starch, Bacon, Usuns,'oll, Tar, Cement, Phatilir; PI-PVTRiT MM TIMOTHY AND CLOVER BEED, IRON, NAILS, &c., &c., &e. • ,A 0 EARRISBURG, Fe bruary 26- ; - , 1;:3F4i0- , Ult , a, R,4 CAE RY AND PROVISION STORE I . i 51041.14 .MARKIT ,STRET. 114.1iRLSBURIi. THE SUBSCRIBER havlig now corn .", plated his arrangements for a constant supply el Fleur, SiAtlouts Bills, Double Extra Flout; one of the beathr 'dew manu factured In the United Stales ,Likeirlee • Smitten: ObiO Star grand, a very One article. These brands It e made of the very best White wheat to the country, and may be relied on as a superior FAISILY AtStlimitekteetrilitira White Wheat Family Flour, a :middArticlo.-: Also; gone of the best of Superfine Dauphin :Dimity Brands, all , of which will be Irk as low as can be done and warranted to be Whit they are represented. Btotill.ntardhlea l lt very pure 111 4 dud ar ticle ;Corn cal , always 'freer', Mill Feed, Stc., Cork and 'OMB, bythe bufthei, or small measure.; PROVISIONS.—Hams, Dried. Beef, a superior iirticle, liniguem Balognas, • • 4 . lllollT3.—Green Apple:4'l.6moms, dm. Dried Fruite, WON. Peaches. pared, a line•mtiele mimed, Dried Ap• plea, Cherries, Elderberries, Blackberries, Currants, Maisons, Figs, Prunes; die., &c. • IfIYIB.--Batell-barks, Groundnuts, > Walnuts, aligliab %Walnuts. , •POTATOES, Country Soap beat quality, Lard, Deane, Hominy boat quality Vinegar, _Oak 001 Hickory ttushel and halt Bushel, and Market Baskets, Broome, Sic., p s t uriy.tprms, era rash, vilth t th ei lnettO “Smallytents , 1051 . kalePtl th§pe it( vet sitlaractionitd &phyla luarAillorme with a call an purchase In any ot. business. , jan2l-dtr aA. KEPNER. NEW FIRM, NENV, GOODS 4 OMIT PRICES ! 9 1 11.8 .41.11BSORIBEItil having succeeded to the WHOLESALE AND hv,TAIL GROCERY Bum. Nl4t4-1/APRM , IO#OO3. *nitro,. at ; WALNUT STEW rWffANY would reapeetthne-Ltuthounee to the Open or Harrliurg, and vloinjty, nto,,t they ai l pie • paw si.oifiefor e'aisige aidcoomldatekaArtiesit, of °Tr!' ea r 4 C r i t e t,i' grid% FlOuZ, k t. 11 -• „ J AIL gratzariety ; lalieenswite, mu* ; Cement, are &e. 04,44rvt4inniftlfrOO& .191404 0 d in rhiladekbla an 4 New, Tork, an now , arriTinik kis beau selected end trlli prelieni groat''lnducinnenlf to close buyerS.• • • • • • -We delisudgya keep ; VIRST-CLatijkAtafkand WILL NOT Blt ONOMSOLD,"staI 1100 byleitefeißle dealing o I merit end•reeelvo i share or pateensge. nutr24iittA. ROBINSON &CA?. , . , ° M A %URN:, W4l T 0 I F:2 111 Fulton St. and 50 Ann St., til - VA A I , t Silevi ,ibttk: WHITICAAMDp ZINO iPAINTS AND COLORS Li s i 0118 i 'VARNISHES; EnglishVPrinch wad Ofettnan Artiabe Miterials EtRERMLORRAIIiiOIL AliErt WATER, vaigket irswrtaPitak & QAHE COLORS. 111 r . r7771Je DaAmmuilum's Ilantumerni, rapAlvite AND TRACING PAM. ..8toirooko" ,Atgeoseclige• Yiew ETC. WO ETC., RTC ETC. : The 'Partinlar attention bfPainters, Dealers and °therm aftited.thAtieneW,TAteut. Method of putting up Lead and Zinc Paints, in MVTALIC,,CANS, of' whiCh Daunt & Warm* are the - Il6l9Prdpildtors. These Can are intended by the-Inventor to obviate the dilffonity.limptofors, existing in the putting up or Lead and Zinc in kegs. All "consumers or palate are aware that- th e tes t en Lead 'dad Zinc put rip Os mall *-B )l Yralk isfragAMP,,teW epit,tand in many cas m re, nub uf unrabsorptibir of the oil, and • tre ,:-.,,K4414... - -14411.15bardriphopaintorgehremt the wood to say nothihr of the-iddrlforilnuortheil libOtrolitilred to mix paint ready thr •use, atter It has become hard in the, keg. The 1W ciftaeky, top, II Ansidaratiou which s‘ould net belM, eight oMe Pedetti flan. no Miry obliates thhile **title), but •tuldigontheretorlerr4shes the con sumer WM a strong and Mint lat, out 01, which to usereterpaine, Which fs alone worth more . .than the diftbramee of cost between-the Can and kegs. The Outs are packed in . sawdust, in song mums or ;horse, which contain 20080 each, that is 25 lb Quie t err 4 60 15 Nei, and thei May' lie Bulgy Chipped by t ridiroad or,otberwise to_an,y part oe' the Unituffitatee. ' aAeratir, °Me with full alisseripdon, sent by mall , on application. . , jun2B-dgme LOOK TO IIITKRESTSI ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY, BY HAYING ALL YOUR • , PLAIN AND PANCY-*BINDING' TOlNitat -tho_STATFLUPITAL BIN D ALA BR, I` 6 1% Marko, streettlrsoverwrrass. than 'Net York or - lade ) a Vieth, which VII be shoo& by giving pt call. best of stoekfelid 'work maoshiNguarautoed. • ~.7 . .fflifs 11Xth AMPrThef I 1 TERI superior BLANK BOOKS, with ":9i . ' Without printed headirimfiegedade to order et 44 Ktrlnn . etieet, Harrisburg; . 1%. 'Hudea d , UT moo or tiliterryinel mach more trO dental *b! arty mo - -A- Mir Wilts No ..‘'..' FullAsettiine~goitrentbed4 -Peer...' Molar attend ten ta all- Itholl 44 . 0simigitorlr... Or Ad felt imeeedi pike Illied: - " It 1 Crt ~ EIN DIC. JOHNSON, Baltimore Lock tiospltal, Hl .lis a !:o t ve i rtd o t ,i l v ie .n u t i b o o s . t o c r e ld rta rw iu, spestry DISEASES OF I.IIFRUMNC MIRY IN 813 40 143.1.5 . 1 BOUIIB VO Mercury or Noxious Drugs. &Br d Clial WARRaRTRD, OR ND eIIARCS, I PROM MR 10 Two DAss.-fila Weakness of the Back or 'Limbs, Strictures, Pubis In the Lobos, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow. ere, DySpepilla Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling's, Dimness el l:gbt or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach Affections of the Read , Throat, Nose or Shin — abode terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddestructive practice's whIOIS produce emastltutions I debility, render marriage Impossible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which imafially 'sweeps to an untimely grew elhousands of y dun/ men of the most exakeittalent and brilliant intellectiWbc. might otherwise layeeutrauced listening Senates with the thunders ofeloqh.euch, or Waked to muktisiy thnliwingtyre, . rho call with full cOnfldonce. Married persona, Or these contemplate g marrlage,being 'aware of phyakaa weaJineas;ahould iiimedlately anneal Dr. J., and be reatered , te perfect - - ORGANIC W/ARREilli. fiumedialdy Curet audfuli Vigor Restored He who places himself under the rare of may religiously confide in !dishonor as a geatleman, and cenn doutly rely upon his skill as a physician.? Oilice No. . 7 South Fri's:Wick streekyaltimore, on the leftlisind aide going froin Baltimore street, 7 dome from the coiner. Be particular In Observing , tbe name and mcia r bor, onyotowillanistake the place. lie particular, for Igtgarassi, SWAM* Queicks, with Mae names, or Part ifuratmg ,Cerdifiostat, attracted by the reputation of Air. Johinton, lurk near: , 11 hittertnnuWeaintehr 6.PdistigelltiMp;to useoe>th e reply. DR. JOH:N*OI4 DR. rolummge member t,lwßoyel College of Surgeon Loaded, ' gradb*AfiliiiotafW,,,_ dmOdlibilMintCollegeael the U. Rates, and the greater part of whose life has been spout the licuipitals of ,london, Pails. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has ittit some of the mist oistodishttig cures 'that were ever kninrn. Hans troubled with ringing iu,Abe ears and head when asleep, great nervousness. Icing alarmed. at, sudden ,sounds, bashfulness., with fretuted blushlig4d 'etenidel ntailed with dbitigereedt‘of mind were ouredlminediately TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. l'adartalei aft those' who having ilibrco them selves by pnvato and improper indulgences, that Beare and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, or biting them for either bagmen orsociety.. .These are some or. the sad and melaneholyellbeie pro Milied - by earlY habits :of yuella; via :.Wealuioss al Abe Back and Limbi,.k.elds :in. the "AM, Danes!! of I..ight, Loss of Muscular Power;Pandtatlint b the Heart, Dyspel sla, Nerve's! irritability, Derangement of the DigesUrre Functions; *nand Debßity, Symptoms of' Constimp tkm, gentak;tho fearnil °dents ou the )nt u d alkaintillii'Co be ;headed ;—Loss Memory, Confinkii of &leak Mire- SiOn of Splits, EVII Forebodings, Aversion to Seitietwelf distrust, Love of Solitude , Timidity, &c:, are wide of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages, can nowindge what Is the cause °Tiber declining health, lasing their - vigor, bo coming,.weak, plle, nervous and emaciated, have a singu lar appehiance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of consurninion: ft k YoUIjekLMEN who hate Injured thednielved by a certain Practice, iu duiged In when alone-a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even- when , aaleep, and if inot cured, renders marriage Impotodble.atid destroys both mind ital , taidy should apply immediately. What a pity that a ypneg men, the hope of blackout:, the darling of his pOeuts, should bo snatched from al prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences o deviating tram tip path Of nature, and indulging in a certain secret halitt. Haab persons must, belloremorifem plating , ' • ' ot;r. 11ARRIantr, Whitt that sound. mind: tort body are me most sees sa_ry 011111%mote connubial ha pineal. Indeed withou e at - Irtirtary. pil pecadliely. the view the mind becameaahadowed with dospa#, and, tilled with A Pl be ehinghol7 relleatiaa that . the H?tfigll titOr,ortliother becoiries bliglted with our own. . DR. JORNGTON'S /NVIGOILWXNA_ REMEDY, OI ORGANIC WEARiteßds By this great. and Important rentedy,-,,Weakness of the Organs are speedily mired, and MI vigor restored. Thousands of the titorA ;nervous ged debilitated - who, hiullordi all hope,. have' been immediately relieved. All hasped Imenteje Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifi cation Nervous_ Trembling, Westkeefui or Rrhanation the nioaßtsulful • • • , STRANOM The many lhoudandit cured &fills losthution`wititin the last 'twelve years, and the numerous importitutlfurgir.a" • Operationly performed by Dr. J. witnessed' by the re 'Porton6l r theleipenvi; and Many`ether persedif, boticts o IrEf.4 • *Rd/ Mar b!tAil• iitirstatraka. gentlebant qrcwamer and re 50,407.44,;111 10011clent,guarguo tp Ae,aplibted InSEMIt ON IMPRODM4-10tee the and 'lmiltudent bt 'pleasure ,tines' be' bar imhiblal the woos of thislisinflillaiiissMit ton often happens that a ih-timed senile of Aherne or dread of diaeovert deters him% from applying tai those who; from education and re.' spectability can alone befriend aim, delaying till conallutlonal symptoms of this horrid disease make vow appearance; ittreetteg' the head, throat; now, skin, at e: , progressing on 'with: feightlhl rapidity, till death puts k period to his dreadlul eilderings by sending him to “that beelike from 'whence no traveller retdrns." It is a melee choly fact that themands fall stoke:W . lo. this terrible - Ma. „ease, oaring to the unskilfulness of ignointilipretendirsi ptbo ' M,iitrangersi,The Dfichkaspipl:toss hang In his edits. ,MiltAatters,mwt cantata aMtatop to as on the yeply, Sir Ite)hedleiliedeby Malt a No. 1 south Frederick aired, Baltimore- q. WERS.•: . 111 0 1 " . Lirfft - litarsiouthirittal the attention of mothers, her . 'SOOTHING 1 ; SICRif .p,, th : , riii,r , Jr:iiiii . idirtlei , Tie'. ikig which greatly facilitates UM process or teething ? it y y soft ening the ge mst, redebing all ildiannnallon--wi II al ALL PAIN, and spasmedie action, and Is -, • SURE TO nEOULATt TILE 130 W , Depend • IMOD. It, mothera, it will give, rest to y elves, . AND, ItELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR , INFA No We have put up and sold this article for ,o ten haved artr e w r t. vi zDzivu 'viz hat" 0 1 , le ft • likt "' intSr 'ffrly J:t edi clue—NS Y H; HAS .AT r„,.FAII4KIN IN ASPIC IN STANON TO _EFE)^.,A P"' PPM, etterk thnely. Wed. 1 . Keifer did ifeltdbw in Tio- Mauve cor by any one who used it.,..9,n_thfi ,caldraryr all aa•-t lighted withiliftipbre r",,and speak in term hightst comm . Mahon °Pin Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak an this matter i'wurr, wu DO um w 4; sitarist:ll - ears' , 4 ,, experience, Aim maxis • ca' mCP/.... o. nik :two-. rounwswr- OP. WHAT WE 'Wren idustsn jnifimostjet exe_ryinstoce shoreline' Infant issal alj e..llftgwkatteoo, rclietxUl be cosed, An er,,..yrputy,,mtputes alter WO syrup tiadmtHslidf - -'' , Thw 'rateable reliant tion'heittik kriginipqin eitAn _one tf the .ttnost ERI la ENCED and SILIL LFUL 0 NlMEElltia New En and, an has been Used with, , ,(rmvsa raphre so dn. THOUSANDS OF Cala ...,'"'" ; is It not only relieves the child from. pate b in. Morales ihe stomanb au+ _ boytels, *Fright' lit y, and givea tone and energy r d 'to the whole sys . It wilLalmest lashmtly , re. - Bove GRIM I, THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and, everco e con fa v FiTs lon s, which if n 0 .... speedily remedied, end in ,death. We believe it the ago soar and assn wv Annoy . us mat *must, in all cities A oh Dleftliti TIC ft V AND DIARRHOIA ; I N •GDR 0* - EDI; witlether, ii, I r a froth teething or from aity bi t other anise. 'We uld say to 'every mother who' tat a chill nattering EU my of the foregoing _hen- ...._'-' plaints-LoiLbs utr IGOR IrRNISIDICIS, NOR TREPAN, At- IX DICRS OF _stand bo- Finial your suffering ged and the rel will be EHRE—yes, ABSOLUU- Y d SURE4b) "folio*** , 1:4 eih. meaeumiza.t . t i n * ? wi t ", „soli dim ' for Wag will arklew'c i - edblfbettlb. None, geunipeetmlensp the Ince ell_ le oft9LIRTIS & pAiit. ICINS,IQW' York:Ts on The ti .. a. wrapper. I Esold by Drat git s lir t ii= uttim weria. . Piinclipal !O ff ice, e,.13 - ' ', Nita Writ .1 . Fru...only 25 1 0ents •peral aug4-dawly .aailit)..) ,91:g ottle. , 1 14 i ' RtittaIEWIMICRIVINI lON DROGSAIttIPPA.NCY GOODS! JUST tmirdatig '; ptfßeaksEryFtlß'CASH WILL DS BOLD YOR CAM AT LOW Papal I BRar DISPLAY OF,FANOY QODDS Tim • . . . 'UNRIVALLID ABSORTURNT'OPTOIL* MITIOLss • Willing to maintain thin 'but unveil' T n .g. f ) l )d A hd O r4b l d . t li r ot*i ' tel , feelaseOwtthat we are I 'every thing in our line as ch and as any i n „ 91 oetp- MEI I;aiE&. MENTALLY X6l. ID. Gross & QlO. ix ,• D.t-. , 0. - -:__,- -- 0 IR CI _ ... PP D. W. GROSS & CO., WIRDLICSALIG AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 19 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG,. fENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, S TORE- KEEPEDS AND CONSIJMERS, We aro dailiadding to oar assortment of goods all finch articles as are desirable, and would reepecitUlly call your attention to the argent and beat aelectad at-ocirof DRUGS,, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, 011s,.Vvellabes ana Glues; Dr!-Elludrll4 CUSS and Put* Atttit polars and• Too nice., horning PlllO,lll and Alcohol, hard, Sperm and Pine Oils,' lintilea, Vials and Lamp Globes, Sotps, Sponges and Calm &0.. &a. &co 4r4169 AV ilk a.meral variety, PERM:ORE & 'TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the befit 'Manufacturers and Perfumers of Europe' and this country. Being very large dealers in Paints, Whits Lead,, Linseed Oil, 'Yore&lies, Window Glass, Artists Colors, Paint and Artist's' Brushes in all their varieties, Colors and , Brown of kinds, We reat fully invite a call, feeling confi dent tha ne can supply the *ants of all on terms to their satisfaction TEETH-I TEETH 1 1 .T0 : 1019, WHITE & MTURDIPS PORCILAIN TEM3 PATENT MEDICINES AilD' HAIR RESTORATIVES 0i all kinds; direct frOm ite Proprietors BAPONEFIIa AND CONCIINTRATRB LYE Wholesale Agenia,forSappniOtl,whieli yrs Belisle low' as it can be ,pnrobased,in,tlie IM!! EINE QIJERU'S ,FLAVORED , COD-LI VEIt.OdIL JEIAA containing 85 per cent. of Oil, it„has the advantage over theoil of being palatable and not nauscating to thdmiist delicate stomach - • Physiciahs who faior'the progress of the Reience.of Medicine, we invite yptir tion to t• 4 1 ,, .. irumeEtiii MEDICALPLVID p4tRACTs i believing a trial OT them will establish their :opprionty,. ; 69f131 yotty RfeMrenee or, and•ccinfidence th them.. Those .of youv who /lava:mot. given. our solting 'and C.AtTtit *Fuld; atrial " , 7 know not their superiority; auctihe advan tage they aretin keepiiirilOreee and Cattle healthy'. and hi good condition. , Thousands ban ‘testify . to the profit they ; have gerivnd `from- tho nee of .oar.,oattle 'Powder by the increasing qnantity." and quality•quality< of mkillw , besides improving the gene. eel he4thi 4 i apposyinee of 4144 Cattle. • ' I .0r; long.; experienee..,fn '.the 4. l thiniss gives ~ u s the advantage of a thllirough, knowledge, of the trade, . and , opr arranger. Tnikliticin the cittea ye lush that *Sean FE , a very short time` fntuiah anithing:4lo . per ; -, to,n t nir d i Da" of tergni. ).1 i rPalikPirfor' l 4i!' I iOP / I4 P 411943 i citified' . 6i, otir 'hence; we hiipa•by 'strict 1 attentiiaito ',quinces, a careful iiige ori'df .P tilt E.: , ,, i o:lttrA,S4 : 1, . at faiiiiioite,;.aiiii the' deri;elo iigaie 444' ..v: --41111 f to merit-ortootimpotet.-of ' 1 3 sit, ..• • t...vt-, • -I.i A :int il 14 .6. %.:,11 1 1 tkinriadrirtizig pnblift ..- 4 - LS. *4 ''' Dewing Machines. TO THE LADIES OP HARRISBURG THE GRONiER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE CO., HAVING ESTABLISHED AN OFFICE AT VIE Corner of Market Square and Market Street, IN TUB ROOMS OCCUYIRD BY SMITH'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, WOULD particulaily call the atteutic,n of the Ladies and citizens generally to their Mt/- RIVALLED SEWING MACHINES, varying in price from $5O $125. REASONS WHY THE DROVER & BAKER MACHINE IS UNIVERSALLY "PREFERRED TO ALL MUM Ist. It is more simple and easier kept in order than any other achine, having never to be taken apart to oil or clean. 2nd. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel even when every third stitch Is cut. 3rd. It sews front two ordinary spools, thus avoiding all trouble of winding We thread„while by a mere change of spools the machine may be adapted to all kinds of work. 41h. The . same machine runs silk. linen thread, and common spool c o tton with equal facility. 6th. The seem IS as elartleati the most elastic fabric, and is, therefore. free frotMalLEMaty to break in wash. leg, ironing or otherwise. Oth. The stitch la more beautiful than any made by any other machine, or by band. THE GROVER it BAKER STLItli is patented and owned by the Company, and Is ter superior .to the "Coat Since or the worthless "QWs Se rat." for all thin fab - rim, and resembles the beet Mitch midi with the com mon needle. ;Tbs. GROVES. E-EdMIOL MACIIINP 1 0 11 4 9 the Sewing cheaper and bailer kir a Mindy than a seam stress. oven though she arra to work for ONE CENT AN ROM- ills lupe**, tre any and every Miser ma- chine for FAMILY SKIVING. Ofler 26.000 Amu kiready been Sol r, mid are recomMendedby the and competeht Judges, by the Press, by. the Clew and others, as the trey bed Machine for all Limit of Waii • We do DOI hesitate to iramnh her -Mahlon) in every respect. A lade always In littopdance. Cali and see them before purchasing any othei,'SMlth's Photograph Gallery, cornerafliarkettiquare and Market Street, en- Market Square., Muni mm ginerwi, in id!' Its various brunches, cm:Ceded r ilithi neatness aid -dispatch , by thoroughly competent persons, at half OM usual prices. Merchants, I/amities atui ethers, should bear thhr fact in mind. Orders fripsl the country promptly attended to. Thom who prefer' Mak, heavy fabrics sowed with the Shenk+ or Lock Saab, whicinhas the same appearance on both can have their work done on THE SHUTTLE of CHlNE'"tet the 'Harman la Blum (Wingert, whit% Is lb every respect superior to many other, Machines fur that kind of work, but for all light, thin fabrici that require frequent washing ,tthd troMag, .I'ns OROTSR & Beans Smca" kar etemperior. Pomona shoidd remember this fact, and not be de ceiVid lid the itipearance of the ithelieri teth shim, for .it is in appearance only. . , . _ Ladies are respectfully Invited to rail and receive a cir 'eliltthalid epoch:6ol'ot seeriugralreet copy of The Grover & Raker Company's hook enWhoi "lirAures andlAymen fOithe Little troika." Entranee on Market Square, Mond door from Market, Smith's Photograph.thillery. A. C. MOTH, /gent 'fbr Central Pennsylmuda. mylo-dly tzspiNerprezaa AGENCY POE ;WHEELER &WILSON'S, FAMILY- SEWING MACHINE 4. GREAT 11.1CDUOT1014.,IN .211,10.11. • ow iDwftreer .ociober lat Inst., the RF.16.11. Pitloss of ,earHIWING,ILACIEEINI will be as fellows : NEW 4 3TYLB MACHINE ' $5O I,IYDIUM, on , Phtin l'ablo.l . ...... 575 00 " Hatreds° .... 80 0 0 " mar also, Mahogany en: itliUlc 85 00 Fqll Case. . 4 . 100 00 1, Full (be e , ;1 * ' •176 00 SMALL MACHIN .. ... ' 76 00 LARNE MACHIN'S.OO liEldfdEßff, (extra)... .. , 6 00 The unanimous favor wbionbillitOPOOSl Lae 1 . 10, 1L1C 1 , 106 , et WHIBLIR & WDSOKNI FAMILY Slime Iliosma, la semen% evidence of its excellence. iris needless now to say, that this esehtllnstrumentis becoming. a Skimostio tostitution the' lact is re:regal:id' by its itithOelnirdi MIS IS 'thou 'sands of llamUlas. in every rank .:TO thorn who have hitherto refrained from availing themselves .el RD , advantages, It may not bit amiss te soy, ltiatits uttlityl -riot ,apeobleni to bo solved,b macaw& atreadyssallied. The . blithest testimony In constantly 'o ff ered, coullintlas the:millet which has given tbladestromentait widikand enviable mutates/. - - phis lifabbihe' is conceived ort a priiiefinrCiwnaitra OZIOIDAL, being specialltand admirably quieted to the moat 'perfect work on every kind , of materil4 and, having, been subjected to a three years' test of the , most cearching charactee Fru:oink and% varkentbrilehell of Iliumfactore,with d'aittagolahelflinointleA .tgbeht yid that, hi all the great points , requisite to a complete and practical SeWhieliach*e it cantotbh approached eV: • 1t.04 lACS vrircEt. .Among the undoubted advantages it possesses overa others, may he named the . following :, elmplielty of etandrubldonoand eonseeuenafree dom from derangement and need of repairs. 2. Its unexampled rapidity and ogee df operation S. Its *Ageless movement. . . 4. The great variety of purposes to which it can be*. plied, which can he achieved by no. othera inhalants& means— And, . , , - '11: TheVe-eminerki =sure - and iirotatutirr of the work Fu instruction. for.opending holgachipo Is given to purchasers gratuitously at the sales rooms- When the Machine is sent sottg distance, stikliarperhonal instrun Uon is incensenient, , A card of directions is sent, wiech ar7 sunk:lent guide. The intichenhim, however. is ea slut , and the arraugementtio easy, that lib need occur. Many ladies have the Machine sent Opel/ residences after having received abaft htnix'd hiMiuction Any future digiculties,arb' readily wirmounted. and then practice-alone 'hakes' perfect tbewisevorthisas anyl thing else. Do . ffics and childre n of tatielveyears of age readily bechnla'proncient In its' mai: • Our-rneels`remevett ttiMr...lllilTVilagnerreauliooni O s, corner of Third and Market streets, where the machines cati be'inien In operation.- - 1! . Liss ork~ie PraParedP Ip narhlPOaewlag.,fg who'wlsh lt, slid at the s a me time ehew the machines.l - EMI For ftrlberltitormatloci lipplq to = Ifatrtgbirg. Maich . 22,i659 Zwll.°ll;clc9;..Ao°` i `tnneet tneobanioal akW, eit' ll: kinds of goods, from the Lighteat Fabric fatal:ll6%ra .Meniar, we would call the attention of our Sewing Machine. It has been menoracturcd far Family Use. and, has met fits from *IL It tied as to render It alnibellto ble to get on or derange ha operation*, eed it is so as to astonish one i that BO smalls place or nissnams 111 sew. Below we ghm a•description of the Mere as of Moyeea Patent. No. 1, Is a very convenient style, which ca be worked by hand or foot, On or cdrits own table. For con venience Qt shipping, and also r large mantitacknies i where it is necessary to place 'a number orlhaeldnes into a long bench, making ono table answer fur them all Price $9O. No. A NithNaloutnr Mahogany Table, either with d - witlibut - Box Top, which loclof doten: Price 3'loo and ill& 110..3, Same also its No..2,ibut ,sithe with a bell,: and at a macb higher rate of Speed.. This kind is well adapt `nd to triatuflichiring Clothing or Leather work. • • this 18 realty ihesboapeat M a c hine la the markeklaa theree is no work done on a Sewing Machine that it will not do. it to einitidintty iseerted , lhat this Weenie runs. colder than an machilknow in use. Pose No. 4, Ttih; Machine has a long arte,'M rdna;av-in lights* ;rate t 4 a inns easily, and- Is, :without a doubt.- the petlhhip . for Tailors' nee, over btrered'to the lit is - An poduir.; , . fllted.for iihtetetion WOrk,,akii.le,yery AltliSie' substantial and • durable, with but Awe Senility to go ent'of rdider. Price $120: 5, This Is a new and cheaper Sillo..antta SPerol fayoitteTor Fetidly, Light ealber; and - egreit Variety ci =work:!! 'Chas been mittens* loth, refiimmto til Socnishing, a ‘ strong and dorakle, yet light 41; jest,: Machine; at it tees pr,eh 'than either orthe'above..-'ll. r ) ty s r 55551.9,. land inaPrintnitnedbik.tke!,belekinapli.leet. in'arket,tor *BO. '' , 115b! ) 5, This ie silillaehlnn getup On In lesittiedy,nwer principle, dorm frconmythiggLever twqr Altered to. w the hile, inCire'houNdbutly - JOWL 1881 My use' At hornet ewer/unit 1. his werriiidit ve4l Isatifety, is ai most noiseless in Ss ,on pn4 peg A 'I:I2ANINT iitAhditintriWlN to 2 W . stisHy ,timostable for Aito de* SittfloNi.ilAt ,1 111 ASIMitan sides and, carried a large supply 'or 'three - 0 on - the tinder lipoid;Alle motiOnizaro gait edliy isliovitnidl mon kir p,t nog% without ppreektiltde noise. I tees threads are worked itt ktiCh a tniiiinkr rut diver le" bat "Altatltio" Wine thrieiwad consignentlyvlittis liable,tmi break: The 71" 4 dix br eak in wihv owy ithear t i nuttinegDOW.intantS 4 lttdisli k iNes Allki.oottolloSf with Se $5O. iii e et rdiallied.gratie 419 I*43its' ARMS WAHNIIIS y 110 t-rit C KNT it AL WE. D' ~' WNAT ~ ElAriptal E . . gained the coalldpnee who Use them, qua d Gee of the most aside, inventions of the Ahoy gee a Shuttle, 5 the Leek. Stitch on . 1I OM, clothillke, Jusuranct (Eompaill C 9 1) I , : ANVA It E ‘j SAFETY lIISVELAN i; A S. S enrne:-. of Third c.n. , Pii 1 h_All DEL Pill INCORPORATE' ) M ARINM INSURANCES tru t,. Cargo and Preigbt total parts ur the p , INLAND /?itSDHANCES ou Goods; by lakes and Carriages to all ports o IRE INSURAN'UES on Iderclundue Stores, Dwelling Houses, AMIENS OP THE tXsISPAN V, NtAUlf,i,r $898,80 4 70. .• tiOren.ibet 1 The Board of Directors have this day tircitte,i dead of SIX Pint MKT. In Cash. ou thr Capital laud Six PKR CKNT. on the Snip of tho ( able on and after lat the proximo. They have abso declared a Senn L 111,141.1. 1 0: Iv, r FIVE FDA CUNT. on the Drama! :4... t, .1., Bareest Premiums for the year coding (i.m.i...,- _ 1 1 ., . Certificates for which will Ito issued u. the p.m, . . titled to the same. on and after lbe first of I. , 0 ,,, . sir Preamble and Resobitnut a.hvend by tit, o .., Wlttillimi, the increased 1:110111/1 of the t owi„„, lkont• Prokte, and which will be darned 11 . 0 0 ; 1 ,. " creased Capital Stock under the late anwl..lnet. 1 Act of incorporation, render the Parther I ~I lit, 0, - the Onarantee Qtpital °nutter:wary, therefore t'o .1,-.. Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital I,e .., and the Notes representing the mine ift , iiil.l• : the makers thereof; as soon ea the Rita tat - , 1, .1., L , -sand embraced in raid NOW shall bare dt-b rib , l wink= Oo ß t ° o l :Ha lL el, Wtlllatut ;.I, Joseph B. Seat, eo. Paulding, James TaL-L fraltound A. Sender, Dr. R. M. Huston, J. it h'l,,, .., kokin O. Davis, ugh Craig, trio C. 1. -.' t ' ll Hobart Burton, & hillvaln, Shon.k,, 1,, - - Jobe It.. Pawnee, Charles Heller, Joihul l' • ''' GeorgeO.Letpar, Samuel& Stokes, Jac,i. i JthWerd Ilerthigton„ Henry Sloan, J.T.1.K.,,,. B. Jones Brooke, muss Traquale, D S. 'hr. : , JP. -I. Penitittni, !J. B. &E. 4.. WILLIAM 11A.REIN, Preaideut MONAD O. HAND, like l'retitkt aIIINKY LYLDOILN. Bemetery, a% on V i t m l trersigned, as agent for the above c.-. tc p, '- , trintake inalararicre on all de.ericik . piety on the Most liberal terms. Jarfittdarwly • WILLIAM DiIi:HUE Sa.v.T.N"ca- Prowl), RATION*L SeRTIV TRUST t OM P CHARTERED BY ARE STATE OF PENNSIA',I RULES. 1. Money Is received every day, au,i i u argo or mall. 2. FIVE PER CENT. le paid for alone:. iron, put In. 3. The money is always paid bark 1.11 It N called Ibr, add without notice. .Money 14 received from 14eratorr, Aurae,;.. . °tardier's and olltrs who desire to La% it perfect Surety, and s here interest ran be lhe.soonvy received how dopnein.r. NEAL ESTATI, liOltTGAillaa, (I t.tit.' ti ff H Such other first class securities as the 6.. Mica Huura—Every day Iron' 11 till 5 L. on Mondays mud Thursdays till S 11 . 1.10,k in ifir , 'Mid old and well established BAVINfI IL I . calved more than TEN 11114.10 NS or dollar: thirty thousaLd depitors. • N. BENET L.I3O , INER, EOXICET SELFRIDGE, Vice l't WM. J. Pia, Secretary. DIRROTORS Mary L Kenner, Edward L. airier, Robert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton, C. Landreth *nuns, OFFICE : Walnut Wed, 8. W. Cor. Third strut PHILADELPHIA. aptBitawly COIIIIIOI/WRALTII INKIRANCi :Company , Union nuHales/pa, Third St., Harrisburg ' (CHARTERED CAPITAL-000.0(k &mare buildings and °Wei properly against lueh , ago li Fire. Abli, Willa the Pares 0 1 at SCS, Wend Nam,: .. INTRRICST. PAID FOR MON ii:l and Iramportaiten, bnutel'ons. sim on °g i mcrack., Goo. IBeygner, W. F. laurra, OW. 11.'biuman, Biaditinin Parka. F. K. Boas . William Dock, , Wm. Lt. Kepner, J. IL Derr ) Lt.. XII Biller, A. a. Wawa rd, Jno. B. F. g , J. B. Boyd, • 1 . . .. . . . OFFICItitP. g N, prole/lent. Vice PresaleaL Secretary. 'SIMON cum .BUNJ. OATIBUR. RE:t01 1 ! - READ ! READ ESENWEIN'S AROMATIC 'BALSAM yeineily belie be excelled for th. lier and curio(' these maladies %Meat mer Season, viz: - tiIARItHORA t DTHENTERS- LIEOLREA OR CHI , Li . IIOREUS VOMITING ACIDITY tiF THE SToti.t, Hs excellent Carminative 'poWers, pit-suet soothinginnuence, readmit it a valuable . ninth% diseases, peculiar to the Second Sumo.. Cholera Inhintnm, etc, It has a reinvigorating c. 21Oluence on the , aystem,Allsying ionamation u. exist* in tbe stomach and bowels--end on trail irriond ludiaperisabhr to the well being of every lA,. It will be round as well adapted to Adults es 'Try it. PrePated only by A. Y It WEIN , Di/gaming Chem.: N. W Car. Ninth tr.P pier dm., Pnlia.w; PIIICK2S CENTS PER s o ld by g. K. Keller, Wm. Loeiner, 'fir. Y. ' l4.' Herr, Columbia and by all bruge;-!.. Storelkeepera generally. tuy c. PVC ATTERTON' ,DOUBLE THRE AD FAMILY SEWING MACHINE PRIOR rjralki Ck .inpi eoubt!' tion r durabloand not tlablo to get out u l es the thread frOko spoolB, lber. aWayAilth 11,001111114. tr re-winding, and -L i zet eft s l a Y ti.ineee POS tithum ,. respedt el barg Ually m i ty Cl io ll. vitThedosetoi 1e B2 TECTIIAL 'VERMIN POW1)1,1 wlien blown or usted eYeYieia Inteated With mite, Roaches, sue=. I, a _ rwill =tratfle. sad effectually dettNY If yetti - wettens arid bedding, sod = 443 " _I Ard.Vilte. ..11, Is death tool! luau . tn m h r r or g : = l,. h_winap, race. Sold, truly alaiertlaYqoantlty, by the ono. ,I, ;SYOjl'B C WANDER, also uue meet Amend Or Ule MOO pl/Ip3Ersj 19 put up iu 1. 0 iters, and , abkl ittls cads; at ORLd iY/ 9 •di 91 ttaiiet MACHINERY. 'LIVERY : iieficription of Iron or ayillkohleary built la the beat raano9r Peons'. R. Road, abase stau . 4011 2241900.-01 y. 1... ;.,. G:~iTffIDUC6, ..4CON OAST' N UJ LL' 4ron . Castings made JOIL ;tar t or. tbe v.v. best stock, and all t to' remove the tutti..l and scale. We have the moat exusaitmaitottineut of Pulley rattans totelphitt. Apply at the Oolas 'Pethin. R. Road, above :Aat , :Radldelltultß. 49,11.23,.1869 'THE' ATTENTION OF IJ,kI )I F , rtealleit fe the fine ateortmentd I /I b ildttelr''aii 4 Neill Paper, Enamelled en nimee, VJ z adg a gr sale al 800 , 4 0' Market stre,i, F. Carroll Br,. Joseph B. U.l )antis Lee. Joseph Yerkts Beery racket., MIME