.fines of (Travel 84 arransportatiol, SHORT RST :TIME'. AND MOST IkELI.ABLE ,ROUTE ig TO NEW WORK Is VIA TIIA' PENNSYLVANIA _CENTRAL: R.ll. AND CAMDEN AND MICBOY, OR NEW Baupis . WICK K. R, ",... .41' ; 1 I F FARE $4.90 OMNIBUS FARE THROUGH. raiI:ADEL FRIA INCLUDED. ASS NGERS leaving ..Harrislokrg. via Pennsylvania bentral R. R., arrive in New York aS of <Wows viz: LNA.V,ING HARRISBURG b F.AST l iilli at 2 : 60 1.W., arrive in New!erk it 120;1 ' 4:41: it i; i.-:i :{v , LUNING HARRISTRO by EXPRESS TRAIN at 6.05 A.W. err* in Sew jr riiatritin P.A.; i i c' { , itt , , LEAVING HA R= EiRG - by AIVYR.AiN 1:10 P. Y. arrive in New iYork 41,10.00 r. w., .• ~ AMTNAiNillartkin route make ' close-bonnedtiOns at Phlladelpkia., _ , , ~ ; PASSMIr.: NU privileged to STOP in Pldladelpbta and resume tkeirjoniney . at i pleasurv. ' •' ' ! - " 1• • ! A:L. aotrmFopr, . r OWL, Mut. Div. Donee R. R. MIN ibßiallE; Nolt.o /heat. . • • , • 0411. rd • nr2B , : , . . . . RO4.D , ROUTE ;, FRU . HARRISBURG Mico , NEW YORK. Y Lebanon Valley, goat Pennsylvania, g ll i f i th ig ailb an 4o Fi e ,Zdt7 teit hem, kaston and Ellzabefhport. Fare Through , between Harrisburg and Now York WILY *COO. qixt PASSENGER TRAINS leave Harrisburg daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 A. H., reach Reading at 10 A. M., leave at 12 ucon,faid arrive at NeW York at 7 P. 11. AnkMNIXIN TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.41 P. M., taldVe Beading *aura: M., lodges thew,' lotrves next morning at 6 A. M. and arrives at Now York at 12 noon. aIITURNING, leaves New York at 11.45 noon, and making cloitecOnnectlone *ith all the above .Itoltds; rang (Woolly through to #nrrlaburg arriving there at 5.25 , FOR THROVOICTICKETg apply at the Depot of the baba lllngn 3 9"4"ilailar!IBI TttliS "g l iiitt 6 4 3 - SifFt. Penn'a• Rai Road. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON TNH PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAN lAN . AND AFTIKR - MONDAY, APRIL 111 h, 1859, the Passenger Trains on the Pennsylva. eta Railroad wilt arrive at nnd leave Reirisburg as rol . ows , E i&ICT , WA RD. • FAST WE arrives at 2.22 A. IL, and leaves at 2.80 A. M. ` ZidiTrain stops at Middletown " izabethtown, Mt. Jon ter Lemon Haw, Parksburg, Downing. and Mayas at Philadelphia at 6 50 A. IL 'teaIRMI WRESVPRAIN arrives at ' t 6.06 A. 11. MOOS at Middletown, Minh 141..503% 3 7 attaaster, Irm a Place, Parkaburg, Own, slut arrives at hiladelphlS it 9.55 A. M. _ JAE. ACCOIAMODATION .TRAIN via H. R.', Wiles at 7.110 M.,stops at all the way eIF ;LOT a r / the A 4 0 11 A R MAIN which i 64114MAIMAriaMte Harrisburg and Lancnsi Orilla, at 12.66 P. M., loaves at 1.10 P. M. .Nteliftb .1014abetown Mt. Joy, lAncaatc r erksouitg; Downin gtown, and all regul W5l-.4-1/Swtdoctown, and arrives at Phili axo rni. • • ,31;54111,01MO -ACCOMMODATION TRAP chilhad, leaves at 3.50 P. M., stops at teffitOts apot wives atphila.delphia at 9.05 P. WESTWARD. TffßoUcts ixPRF23 leaves Philadelphia al Italytag sit, Harrisburg at 2.58 A. 61., leaves r 11., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.56 P. M. 41141ILAILAIN via Columbia, leaves Philadeli L. IC, arrives at Erarriaburg at 12.20 P. M. 12.40 P. M., an sixrtvea at Pittsburg at 12.0 1 Mr. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave, TM/10tt WM A. M., arrives at 12.30 P. M. PAST LINE loaves Philadelphia at 12 Al., tilirtiabarg at 3.45 P. M., leaves at 3.50 P. M., Pittsburg at 12.80 A. IL BARRISBUIU) ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lez. ',alpha' at 2.40 P. M., graves at 8.10 P. N. A. L. ROUMI Supt. Sett Division Pennadvania ' atall-dtt AND RF4ADING" -RAM ROA D . BUMMER. ARRANGEMENT, April 18, 1859. :PEW° 11ASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAN4T . ,.(B6ndays excepted,) at 8.00 A. Y., and 2.45 P. sll, — ior Philadelphia; arriving there at 12.50 noon and 1+49 P4M._ EllirCENcefi, LEAVE PHILAPRLPHIA at 7.30 A. N. Olt 8.80 P. 11 , arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon an d 8a8.3'. M. FlRtB - So Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25 ; No. 2 (In dame WA) 5240. PARER Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. At Reading ; connect with trains for Pottsville, (liners. Ville, ramaqua, Catawissa, YOUR mews LEAVN REAM() FOR PHILADEL. Pala DAILY, at 6 A. Y., 10.18 A M., 1 230 noon and 6.06 P. M. LEAVE PRFULDELPRIA FOR READING at 7.30 A. M., 1.30 P 31., 8.30 P. IL, and 4.45 P. M. FARIS :—Reading to PhUadelphia, 01.75 and $1.45. MEL MOANING - TRAIN FP.GE RARRISBUEG CON MELTS AT READING with up train for Wilkosbarro littAßEitsolSatand3A. - - rar,abfrOktiolteta and other information apply to J. J. CLIMB, apibiltf Ostend, MakilOU and. Beading and La , -4, 7.1/147:;41.94-41111road &ADVCFPIQPTIW_____I(4_,k49,QS IRON ORE. AND .ii4T.1.6, 859, the .fo4ovoing Tolls will be aliargklyer So n of 2,000 lbs. in vats Cass : 'Fur Al.ndlny. 21 cents. • FbrBo.wiles, 72 cents. 1." a,. 88 .s' . 85 0 80 .". 16 " .466, - , 40 "" V 1 .13EL " 26f f .W If volB4er EB Y &. K ITN - KE i , WHOLESALE GROCERS, .13a,zeistesbou. g, Beg leave to say to Merchants and Hotel Keepers, that .hey have recently increased their facilities for getting • GOODS FROM NEW • YORK • 1 4 11ILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE, CoHee, sugar, Molasses, Seas, Tobacco, Cigars, FLOUR A_l: IRON, NAILS, ece., &c., &c. HARRISBURG, February 26-tf ;ceded Y BUSL 'ALNUT ~ d t!ce ;W ale pared to offer for sale a hug; . ..I:r.%piet:lhasseYortuoielroel Groceries, Provisions, Fisk, Grain,' Ropes, in great variety, Utteensware, , Painta,: Oils, . Glass, Nails, Cement,. dr,o, oft Our Large SPRING STOCK, purchased In Ptilladelpli c. ia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with much care, and will present grout ltidneiments to close buyers. We Intend to keep FIRST•CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by, honorable dealing to merit and receive a share of patronage. =OM LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS • . PNCOURAGE HOME, INKISTRY, BY: HAIThitV I,l4L'AlAti 1 ' Ii I PLADT,AND FANCY BINDING' TIONE at the k ATE CAPITAL BINTI: Mlll'ttir:krzaltat t r 2 ap tifilllPC gmtiatt o w Fri iiheert"Mqfd •i ;11, :4:: 11` f l, VERT koßerip.r.Bl4X. ; Or lor%/14040ectiomikiiir a s 4601rden 64 Market' street, Harriaburg, a. Made to any !gaol° InaM I ATIM i ta s SM traMNat. tioltlar at • , to or- . .45( 96 60 " 100 it 1" d. NICOji49, Gisural theeri9o94/94 Otmisviunnia Di# Zitegt-40), VW6iyft, IZiki:rittnber 21, 1859 Groceries, 8.7 t pig-POBITE TLIE PENN'A DEPOT, the attention of to their ADING ARTICLES! kA E TY PRICES! RIOH T. Lg goods will be led : Soaps, Catidigs; Cheese, Spices, Starch, Bacon, Dams, 0111, Tar, Fish, Salt r Cetneist, Plaster, TIMOTHY' AND CLOVER SEED, FLOUR GROCERY AND A. ROBINSON & CO DR. JOHNSON, Baltimore Lock itospdal ie hait speo,6 nl j e i :e r c ° tu V aT d aneli i v tu n i l l ° le Ste world-for I DISRASES IMPRUIVI4CM, I 2 BIS i 0 TWKLVB ROIOR6 , Yu Mercury or iyortous Drugs, sir A CURB W AP.KAYYFT, ' IIIt NO eliAitUß, it FRON ' 6SI TO • Two iteve.-akie Weakness of the Buck or Limbs, Strictures, rains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervoos . Debility, Decay , of the yhysisal PoWt , ere; Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Bleat palpttatibn of the Heart, Timidity; Treitiblingaillinumint of ifgh[cr Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Allecticnit of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those tbrrible diseiders arising from the indiscretion br Solitary [titbits bf Ybuth— those dreadful unddestructive, practices which produce constitutional debility, rend& marriage Ireplissible, and destroy both banly and mind. . . YOUNG I.I.E'N 4 . „- • YOung men especially who have bcobiiie ihe victims of solitary Vice, that areadfal and destructife habit whick annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of th 4 most exalted - talent and brilliant, Intellect, whi mightottterwlse nave entranced listening Senales with Abe thunders of eloquence, or wakedto ec tacpthalivinglyre, may call with full confidence. • •• • - Harried persons, or those eontemplaling marriaohboln norare of physical weakness. shooldlmToedistely conSul Dr. J., and.be restored to Tier : feet &ann.! .- • •, i • • • • OR6ANES wEARNESSI ; • Xmatedialely Oured, - toutfult-Vitttr.Beaterea Av. /10 who places himself under the Pare of. Dr. religiously confide lu his'h6nor as a liedailatall, and Polid• dently biAkin as a phyaleltire.* - ' • Sr Mee Nolll Booth FreaerickaLreeti Biltimotp; lid., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be par,tigelor opserying„thp hams endnuliabnr;Or yon'trillAigake tllp plit.e'partieular, for iffiUnVini, Triftinit-Qtianks wi th Wan y es; or Patin Fiumbug Centro:atm, attranted the reputation oP Dr. iphostoo, hirk.eo af'• • ' , All lettere must conta in a Postage stamp, to lumen, the • - DR. JOHNSTON , . • lontirrnin niaitiberiaf'the Royal College burgeon Landes., graduate from bile of the mosteminent,CollegatiOl the L. States, aildltiogreatqr pact of whose life has bees spent in the llosiatala of London, Paris, ndladelphia and elsewhere, has ellbctednoine of tho nnistiiistonisliing cures that ware ever knewn.t Many troubled with ringmg in the ears and head when aeieop, great, newyousneaa. being alarmed at sudden, aoundo, bashfulness, with fiegnont blushing, attendetT sbnietimcs'with derangement of mind wertscurcd Iminedistely • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE ' Dr. J. addresses all those woo having injured them 'selves by private and improper Mdulgquims, quit socre and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, en' fitting them ibrenber bushiest; Orsoblety. These are some of the sad andmilimeholy Minas pro dueed by early. habits of; youth,vis Weakness ol the 444 and J.inibf, Nos in .the, Dunness of, ifight, 'Coss of Ifpseolar Power;Palpttahlhiforthe'lleart, Dyspep sia, NerVons Of the Menthe Ponetiona i Dendral Debility , Dymptetna •ofi Consump- Am; _ . • 14.1fiNTALLY . • ! Mentally, the TehrlnleiThotti on 41:ail. ate muse 10 be divaded ;—Losar or Mehoory; Confdsion of Ideas, Deprea slop of Spirits, Evil Forebodings; dverafon to Soelety,-Sell-: distrust, Love some of the oviieltecte. Thousands of peraons ofill'afies, cab novijiidge whitt la the cauSehrthelr declining health, losing their vigor, be coming, weak, pale, bervous and emaciated; have a Mugu * affearanettAo9lo the oYonino,nfitii anti symptoms, or eOnsumelion. ' . ' "' 'YOUNG • who have Injured themselves bffei certain practice, In &aged in when alone—a habii.kagnently learned' from companions orat asleep, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asliep, arid ft' not mired, raiders marriage impossible and delareya 'both - mind and body should apply immediately. Eft "COM apply of a of the 'fates.— article. fot In L'Y What a pity thata young num,the bopo of his country the darling of hie parents, should be snatched (NM al pfospeets and enjoYmentS*of dfe by thecOnsapfences o deviating train the path Aof nature, and indulging in d certain eacretbabit. Such persons must, behirehonttuni plating MARRIAGE.. effect that a sound mind' and' body.are the roost sary requisites to promote ebenmgai bappinesel t WNW , without these,,thelourney through lifo, becomes a weary' pilgrimage ; the prospect , hourly darkens. to the• view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Oiled Wi th the melancholy rellectied tbitt the happiness of shaker becalms blilt.ted wish our own: .1011 r, latiphin can be nn ar- Arc.— DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATLNO REMEDY! FOR; ORGANIC WEAKNESS * By this great. and , important. remedy, :fiVoaltheas Organs are speedily ciied;end full vigor reatlired. ' Then/ands Of the most nervosa antbdebUltateil Nike had lost all-hope, have ...been,touneniatelly raieved. :'4ll Impedlinents to Narriatte ‘ Phynieal Of Mental Dtstualifit cation Nervous Trembling, Weatimas or ,lipakiusUoi of the most fearful kind, speedily cured. • ID &TRANORM ' i " • article, Fruits, ied Ap rrauts, Deans Bashel , I P rofits ill who Ilue of 'N _l`)S Tbo ninny thousands oured.at this Institution within the last twelve years; aud",the numerous important Surtirlt Operations performel. by. Dg. J., witnessed by the re porters of the Ill l Pgyll, #d * ninny other persons ' notices o which havolippettred *On and again before the public, betides hit ,landing as a gadleman of chorea/stand re tponsibility, is a suMelent guarantee to the afflicted DISEASE' OFTMPRUDRNCE.—=Whorethe nibiguided and imprudent.vOtary• et pleasure finds he has imhilmat the seeds of this painful disease, it. too often happens that as in-timed sense 61 Shame me - dread of detioverrdetoWhlm from applying to those who,, Rout education and re spectability can . itione befriend nem; doliying till the constiational symptoms of ttifi horrid disesie Make their •appearaace, affecting the! head 4, throat, nose, Skin Stei progressing on with frightfal,raptdity, thl death I ,P ) ?ts a dreadful teals dreaul sufferings by sending ig to 'that bourne from whittles tin traveller'retsinh."' W rAelas , choly ihetthat thimitandsfall yictims- 10. thiLterrible Wit ease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenderti, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury ruin the constitution, and make the residueofFe miserable Yb &rangers .—'l'tto Doitor's 011 Ice , gir Lettere Emig eoata+ii aQthYop tiS lig on the reillY: Agr Itentilltessent. try' ay. No. 1 Bestir Prederickulreet,lBsitlmore- • mar2l-dikw,ly MRS. WIN LOW, An expo ritieCOd Nurse eerVemaleihysician, presents to tt3eatteution of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP;. For Children- • ' which' greatlitticilititea the; Tiibieitritir' by soft quingtkeplOsrfltilleing_4444 lll ll ,l l49)lnWiliAleY. PAIN, and spa smodic action, awl Is SITtiE TO REGULATE 4 1}1E' . . DOISDEReu - y s ctukci4, • AND, EELIER,ANDiDEALT,BYYptiDijkI PANTS. We hero put up endue/a . this ,artiele fgr over ten years, and WI sem, tabling.* 'Pmsateti`iino kwumilwhat .we have ,pevor been able a *may of any.Mpterkmedl-. elno—N EVB tt HAS' IT FAILED, IN A Mani IN STANCEI,Tir EFFECT' A 8-'1 CONE; whim gmobstnied. Never did we know an in- IA stance of dlssalisfactionhy any one who used it. On the contrary, all Ire de lighted with/tit PPeraltmlasTZ land, •SPeakl i t terms' sif higher. 'comiaendation of its magice effects and meiiieal virties. We speak us this. .mutter' 4wtrax DO attow,f,,alter, tan years I". arprieni - 41, AND {.LEDGE OUR REPOTATiON'AIe.TUDI/DLFILiONT OF WILLT WE =RV Dicalaza4l , Ia ahwist 01,,exery,iostazAt_ whore the IRTAnt is lingering frotepainm, and exhaustion, relief will, be' fouled - In &teed '0644v/est? inlnutft 'after the' syrup is administered. OM This valuable, mentally tion le the prescriptna .01E-4 one of the mokt 'MED and SKIT, LAPIJLci,34IIRSIIS In Newitiikland, and, bag been u t n la i lf #l4lt r 9q m F-Pu7P auccisia, in THOPAANDS OF It not only relieves tato:M:o4K • ream • pain ' ' het in-. vigoretw. the stemarth ,liewels, corrects acidity, and given tond and Were ra to the whole tsyetein. Itt will almost. tnatelpity, - ,been GRWRIG IN THE aowELA, 4ND WIND Pit COW, tind overcome con- vuls b, - which if not ""-- speedily remedied, end in. death- ,Vro believe ' it the 0 um and SURRST REMEDY ni me' wok.* in allhades44 of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHEA IN CRIMP i>Q REN, whether it arises from tPeiltiditer. frank any h. e .• ethcr, „cause. • . W , u mould say to ,every nuditer wbobas a child suLliitang (roan , any of , the' Icildeatig , edth- • 1 " 24 ,_ phildte-L4m , NOT A. TW PRENDKI3OI,OII.,TBD PREJU-S, DIGO OP, OTITIS, stand tweet' yotir sailbring child and the ieliet that be •ABSDLUTB- LY !fellow Ate use of UDR medicine v it timely used. Full direc thins for using will ewer& W Any' 'eatit`bottle.'. Nbid genuine, unless, the, fee- simitct,og cumrAs & PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by.D r Druggists ggt i e throughout the Principal °dice, „140.13 Cedar Et.,,Neer York. aul ediw Pri6e only 25 CentlißerAtiot4l. • ly -• ' • • • . • ENV AR,lttkirAL o f DRUGS ANII VA.NCT: 0 DII! RNED,VAINCTIEW %KY 1 , , ;L PuRcIWTIXQR; 0.4511 WILL ;BE iSQLD,FORCASII.AT I L9Vir t PIIIOESII Bra rAsgwr , 19.1? EA49'4 Psinao IP WO , UNRIVALLED ASSORTMENT OP TOILET ARTICLES! Willing to u j iaintall ' • ,wi ling tb lie bnde I pa tigstitedltb" n e inthrtnij# l o l 4S9nt t,..4% , "KELLER'S / ..:. MI .Igub'tia. At , .. . . !: 4 4 3 j . :`. .6r,cifits . . . . .., , ~. D R i. I i: . 4 - si : 2l. - v. 0 Ix W. GROSS & CO., WUOLESALE. AHD, RETAIL DRUG GI STS, No. 19 MArtkET STREET, MARIZISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS',' PHYSICIANS, BTOREI ; KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS; ,Wearadaily.adding to our, assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would roopectfully ' call yourattention to the largest as& best selected stook of DRUGS ORRNICALS & PAINTS. One; VarklAiicir and Glues, 1:44.-stufla, Ginza and Patty, Artist Colors TOols, Lire Ground Spices, ddrniag Fluid avid Alcabol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 011 a, 'Bottles,' Vials and Lap Globes, GaliUk Strip; Sponges aka Corks, Stv., ac.; fie.. With a general variety of & TOILET ; ARTICLES selected frog& th,e lieet manufactnrera and Perfumers of Europe and. this, country Being very large dealers in White LfNid, Linseed 031, yoznisliee, Window Glass, Artists - Colors, Paint and Artut's`'Efsbes in all their earieties, ntas Of all kind', We respectfully invite a call, feeling con& dent that Ave can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. `TEETH I TEETH I JONES, WHITE & STURDY'S PORCELAIN TEETH PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES tif - all kinds, direct from the Proprietors AND CONCENTILiTED LYB i i#hOledaie Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low ;as it can be purchased in the QU,ERP',3;.FLANORED COI) LIVER OIL JELLY , ra .44 papjwipi 0 per cent. of " Oil, it , has the adVitiftnife ever the oil of being-palatable : and not nanseating to the moat delicate stomach Pkysiciane wholavOr the, Rrogrese of the Science of Medicine; we invite your alien tion to rt/A AigkicALF , LilinkExTitAcrs, believing , a trial of therntvilleatiblish their meKiogity,i,aud' secure your , - preference for,-and: confidence in them. .. ir to ' i ! ir Ef lt— 1,4 /111) . 0-** /1/ .• 8, Tfrioaeloft,yout who have not given our peigi /Ad 'OA*, LE PPWD,. :BIL, M a trial not their superiority, and the advan they ate in keeping Horses and Cattle . . healthy and in good 'condttion. A' Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use -of our Cattle Powder by, the increasing quantity and quality-of milk, imaides improving the general health and 'appearance of their Cattle. 'Qui' long 'experienee in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trado, and . ourerrange zuVitts in the are,auchthat ,we can in faiverk short tiine furnish anythinrapper • tainindto leer litre of tnoininni, On . tinkbest of torn& ' ' Thankful for the liberal patronage be *towed; on .Olor bonne, 34.11.1 hopo by 460 atiooouto 13!isinesii &malaria lEierection o I fairpriciiii- intfJthetilitsire to please all, /merit a continuance of the favors of li public, 41- 5 f ruing Illacl)ineo TO THE LADIES OF HARRISBURG THE GROVER & BAKER SEWINCMACIIINF , CO., ,As - t LIATDIG ZSTABUSIIED All OFFICE AT TUB . . Corner of Market Square and Market Street, IN THICROOMN OCBITPIRD BY SMITH'S PHOTO GR APH GALLERY, 1v OW - tic,n of RIVALLI , t ire from $l5O ORO IS SNP. lat. It If other a ael C Can 2nd. It wB4 •n et t'l 3rd. It all would of spools 4th. II common Sih. and la, IL iug, ironn lith. Th any Other THE G' owned by Smell" 01 Ms, and mon nee the Sewiug cheaper and better Mr a homily that, a PRlM stress. even though she were to wcrk for ONE CENT AN ROUE It is out erlor to any and every other ma chine for FAMILY iI WlVft. Oyer '26,000 hare &reedy brew soli, and arc recommended by the ma- t competent ludges, by the Pre..-a, by the Clergy and others, as the env best ifacaine for all kinds of Werk. Vfe do not hesitate le warrant our Machines in every respect. A lade always in attendance. Gill and see them before purchasing any other, Smith's PhoOgraph Gallery, corner of Market :quern and Market Street, en trance on Market Square. Matins SEWING, In alt its various branches, Xetated with neatness and dispatch. by thoroughly competent persons, at half the usual prices. Merchants, Families and others, shoulabear this fact In mind. Orders from the country promptly attendee! to. Those who prefer thick, heavy fabrics sewed with the Shuttle or Lock Stitch, which has the same appearance on both sides, can have their work done on THE SHITITLE MA CHIN2 of the OlteValt It Balla COlthle*:*hietf ti to every respect superior to many other Machines for that kind of work, but for all light, thin fabrics flat require frequent washing anti Ironing, "Tow 'German & Beaten Banat" harm Persons slio=rnember this fact, and not he de ceived by the appearance of the stitch on both sides, for it is in appearance only. Ladies are respectfully invited Id call and receive a cir cular and specimen of * swing, also a copy of The Grover & Baker Company's book entitled "Pictures and Rhymes . _ lEDIUNI, On I'l,n Talde , 4 ...4••• • • r 5 00 llalf l'ano P.m.! SO 00 . 4 Halt Malingany or Pt rk Walnut.. 85 00 44 Foll ".... ..... 100 00 Full Case, 115 00 SMALL MAVHIXE.... 76 00 LARGE MACHINE' ....100 00 HEMMERS, (extra) ........ ..... 5 00 The unanimous fawn' which bas attended the introduction of Weer:UM& Wii SON'S FAMILY SEWING MECHINOI 8 UMCiellt eirldeliCeul its excellence. It is needless now to say, that this usefolinstrument is becoming a domestic institution. the tact Is recognized by its successful use in thou sands of Families in every rank in life. To those who have hitherto refrained from availing taselves of its advantages, it may not be amiss to say, ' its utility is not a problem lobe solved,bm a succes's dy realized. The highest testimony is coosinntly offeittd, warming' the verdict which has given this instrument so Wide and: enviable a repntatlim. ' • . • This Machine is conceived ou a principle xxvisztv ORWILVAL, being specially and admirably adapted to the most perfect work 'on every kind of material ; and, having been eubjected•to a three years' test , of the most searching character by Families, and in various branches nP Manufactme;iiitib distinguished success; it igbelleved, that, in all the great points requisite to a complete and practical Sewing Beeline, It cannot be ippioached fn ex 6 sensate. 00 , THE LOCK SATC4T. Among the undoubted advantages it possesses overal others, may bo , named, the following : I': Its simplicity of --- coon - dem from deranger' , 2. Its unexam , Its noisel 4. The great plied, which t means. And, 6. The pre. Full instru purchasers gi Machine is se tion is incouv are a outfield simple, and need occur. residences at Any Suture di practice Slaw thing else. 1 ago readily b, Our Office; corner of Thi. can be seen in operation. Miss Burke is prepared to do machine . Bowing for all who wish it, and at the same Limo show the machines. For further Informatem apply to _ • w. o. mow, A g eto Harrisburg, March 22, 18+59 -ilawtl CHATTERTON'S DOUBLE TEI READ FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Plllth AMR) Construe ticm, unblelnd *liable to get out'of order. It. !uses Hie USW Wadi Sip :original spank, thereby dot* alaysiritMlyemoic - ty re-wiuding, and sews light br 611 1 ' VMS KUM' • Those *liming a Sewiog Machina ' ea to etai o ket street, Harrisburg. tr • figroingi Have glow.; n of ail vdindide 111,, 1, I IVO 7bry n •,• toikiniz ti, 10, both 14 lild which cannot be ne r.,tl lled or pnll, - 4 out. They arc nil tondo with the hi, h. and all warranted to stork w, Il on 311 kn.!, from the Light.,t F,,1 in to !kat . ) . I rani, r. wo would rail the httoidic.n of all to am Machine. It Mts 1 'Non mar.of I turn! 1 Family and has t fat or fi.mi all. It , tied as to render it altunq iniprrsible to its , or d era nge int operations, itut.,4l it Ls ,-da astonish one,that art t mall a pitreol .„ Below, we give a description of the ddiennt the Weed Patent. No. I, Is a very convenient style, worked by hand or toot, on or off its own hdoe, 1, venting* of shipping, and alto lOr large in where it is necessary to piers a numb,' t.l into a long bench, making one table an-,vet for L, Price $9O. No. With Walnut nr Mahogany Table, cat, r without Box Top, which locks uowii. Price Sir., al . I No. 3, Same size as No, 2, but runs wit d L at a much higher rate of Spa:J. This kiwi ]: ed to manufacturing Clothing nr Leather work. This is really the cheapest Machine in the ad,rl,..r there is no work done ou a Sewing Machine that ant do. It is unindently asserted that this 11— I. , • easier than any machine now in use. Price No. 4,, Tills Machine has a long:arm, 1., ergo work: It runs 'at a hither rate of • easily, and L', Without a doubt, the beet Tailors' use, over offered to the pulite.. It liarly fitted for plantation work, no it Is very > look sub.4aLtiJl and durable, with but bilk i„,l out el order. Price $1•10. No. 6. This to a new and cheaper rltir. ;dm favorite for Family, tight Leatiwr, and a ; work. It has been gotten up with rekrel.. , o. a strong And durable, yet twat and tasty 11, I, r.. ,• ,ass pr ce than either of .the above. It run T ., „ rapidly, and is pronounced the best marl 1,•• market, for $BO. No. 0, This is a Machine got tip no an principle, different from anything ever brfere , the public, and we contitleulty assert that. foif„, it has oaten equal. • Ills very light and tidy. rut. .„ rapidly, is almost noL4ctess is its operatusi, STRAIGHT NEEDLE, It is so arranged as 0, b. , ,m,.- Unpusisble for it to miss atittilad. It hot i• both sides, and cantles a large supply of 11., under spnol, Tho 'notions are raked by two :stool that run without perceptible mile. The to , . • .• worked in such a manner as never to bosh 1., • same time, an'l consequently, little hable to seam Is very elitallc.,auil the thread doe- of waahlog. It will do coarse work be tier t machine now In market, as it tees silk, „ with equal Licillty. Price $5O. Descriptive Circulars furnishe4 gratis OFFICR 477 BROADWAY, NFW WUITNET Preto to, far AGONY'S' - if ANTED. thy.s-,•.1 ire? .06C, N and Lout fah. insurance aompanics, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY. INSURANCE COMPAN' S. E. Corner of Third and Walnut PHILADELPIII.4. INCORPORATED .18;_r, INSURANCES on Vezo-'1 tditeifin Wall ports or the Wo: Id. IRRN $i uu Goods by Rlct.r-. Carriages to all parts of tbe Ono. ,NCIN on Merehatullze geuerally, Houses,. &c. THK COMPANY, November I.t, November 10, 186: Directors have this day deelared %It CENT. In Cash, on the Capital Ito CENT. on the Scrip of the Company, p fter let the proximo. Loo declared a Scrip Dividend ofTWFN I iNT. on the Original Flock, end on 1.. ems for the year maling . frostier 31, In. , which will he Issued td the partly, ... kt., on and after the lest of December. and Resolution Salviat by the Board . increased means °t i the Company nr,niii and which will be derived from the .. ' Stock under the late amendments 10 ii ration, render the .further continuum,. thpital unnecessary, therefore be it— at the Guarantee Capital he (16eoniiiiii representing the same Undelivered up t ITO, as !ARM 149 the Risks tukieu during in said Notes shall have detcriiiiite. it DIRECTORS. , JlM:lett O. !hind, .WilliamErrv.ir Theo. Paulding, 'James Tenn. ,t . 'der, Dr. It. M. Iluston,'J. It.lll'Farlsi. I Hugh Oralg, 'Wm. C. hada.; S.Thomas C. I Lit, i. ramose, abarleaßeirey, Joshua P, F!. r 0: 0 11 , 0•LelPeri nelE.Etones, Jacob I'. Edward Darlington, luny Sloan, H. Jame Brooke, sales Traquitir, D. T. Morgan, J. F. Penisten, .1. D. Setut.l,, ' WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O.HAND, Vire President. HENRY LILBURN. Secretary. The nridersigned, as agent foe the above Company..- prepared tomake imam:lees on all descriptieur 01 party on the most Ilbenil terms. jeulßotentrly WILLIAM BURMA:H. Itarrinburg, PI rorrlVD, NATIONAL, SA Ann. TRUST COMP.% NI CHARTERED BY. THE STATE OF PENNSyLVANiA RULES. 3.. Money Is received every day, and In any tens ergo or small. 2. FIVE CENT. is paid for mosey nom the dayi put n. a.' 'the intitiey is always paid bitch in 11(11.11, wln ht it is called for, and without notice. , 4. Mosey li received from Raecutors, dilll,llri f:.! > Otaardunu and cadre who desire to have it io perfect safety, and where interest can be ohi.ui,rLi a. The money . received 'from depositors i , MEAL ESTATF, MORTOACkB, such other first class securities as the (Lith r dir 8. Office Hours—Evet y day trout 9 till 5 on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'cliK ie II t • Thleold and , wall. established SAVISti k celved more than TEN M3LLIoNi ol' thdlar, thirty' thoueand depositors. - • HON. HENRY L BENNER, Pres, , lci ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice 1tr•,1... , Wu .J. limm, , Flecretary. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Edward.L. Otrter, ' Joseph B. Buy BuhertBeHrblige, Francis 1.0,. Samuel R. Ashton Joseph Yerke-. C: Landreth Manes, Henry flint uJerili , r OFFICE: Valnut street S. W. Cor. Third street. apirfl-ciawar COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE Company, Union Bultdlngs,Thlrd St., Harrisburg , (CHARTERED CAPITAL—S3OO. OOO . insure buildings and otter property agalnEl age I.y tire. Also, against the Paris al the Sea, Island Narua INTEREST PAID FOR hIONEI and I ransporiatier.. DIRECTORS. Simon Cameron, : co. Bergner, IW. F. /1 ""'' Gee. If. Lauman, Benjamin Parke. F. D.,. William noCir, ' Wm. M..Repner, H. K.ro hW pc B. Warr, rd, Jnu. I:. Ls a J. B. Boyd; OVVICIER2. SIMON CAMERON, President. BRNJ. PARKE, Vice President, B. S. CARRIER; Secretary. READ ! ! READ 1!! READ ESENWEIN'S 'AROMATIC BALSAM . , . I$ ii . rernedrnot to be excelled for the r 11 ef and cure of those maladies incident E., 11.0 :•••• • mer Soma viz : DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA OR .WORBUS, vourrtNG, ACIDITY of THE tali 1M Ai II e .11s extellent Carminative powers, pleasm,i it r soot/dng influence, renders it a valuable le:.. ; fintrkt diseases, peculiar to the Second Suolowr, Cholotalnfantout, etc. It has a reltivisorablig al, I 1 Influence on the system, allaying infbanztioe exists in lho atm:ma suid.bowels—, and on rrwl round indispensable to the well belng of every It will be found'as well 'adapted to Adults as Chadr`' - .Try it, PrePa.,ruilwally A. 191.4. WEIN, Dispeneing Cie N. W &Poplar Su., rincidcipi a • giar PRICE 25,CENT3 Rim BoTTI,E ilrk fold by C . ' IC.'Keller; Wm' 'Loeffler, Harri4hru!.-, Dr. B. B. Herr, Columb)a. Abe by ell Drugg,-.i .L- Storekeepers generally, ' my=, ti MEI WEED'S PATLN SEWING MACHIN E;~ MI fraar7.l ,l k: c
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