lints of travel $ Qtranoportatiol. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THY alimmemappo PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 11th, 1859, th e Passenger Trains on the Pennsylva• nia Railroad will arrive at and leave Ilarriaburg ae fol own :-- EASTWARD. FAST LINE arrives at 2.22 A. IL, and leaves at 2.80 A. lil This Train stops at Middletown, Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy, Lancaster, Lemon Place, Parksburg, Downingtown, and al rives at Philadelphia at 6 50 A. M. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN arrives at 6.50 A. IL, leaven At 0.06 A. M., stops at Middletown, Rlizabetblown, Mt. Jet, Thricaster, Lenten Place, Parksbuig, Downing. eaWW, and arrive ai Phdadelptda at 9.66 A. M. JOY •ACCOMMODATION TRAIN via H. and L, It. IL, leaves at 1.50 A. 11.,stops at all the way stations, con aid the LANCASTER. TRAIN which arrives at PhAladelphi.. at 12.40 P. M. • 11A,1L TRAIN via theliarrisbdrg and Lancaster Road, arrives at 12.56 P. M., leaves at 1.10 P. It, stops at Middletown Ellwilietown, ML Joy, Lancaster, Lemon Plum Pat k l fg,llo.34lolngtown, and all regular Stations East , or ; add arrives :at Philadelphia at 5.00 P. IL HARRISBURG; M.:COMMODATION TRAIN via the Brandt Road, leaves at 9.50 P. M., stops at alt the way alatioall and arrives at Philadelphia 149.00 P. M. .WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves 11 P. M., gritthag at Harrisburg at 2.68 A. M., leave"' at 8.10 A. H. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.66 P. N. MAIL TRAIN via Columbia, 'saves Philadelphia at T. 28 A. •N . arrives at Harrisburg at 12.20 P. N., leaves at 12.40 P. M., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves LANCAS lER at 10.82 A. 11., arrives at 12.80 P. IL PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12 N., arrives at Harrisburg at 8.46 P. IL, leaves at 8.60 P. 11, arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Plala &Aphis at 2.40 P. M., arrives at 8.10 P. M. ROUNFORT Supt. Mart Division Permsvivania Railroad. .ril•dtt 1859. 1859. N3rthern Central Railway I NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 2, BQIBSO, the Passenger Trains on the Northern Contra a way will leave and arrive at Harrisburg as follows : 11101UTH. BUFFALO 'AND NIAGARA =PREIS. From Harrisburg. From Baltimore. Leave Harrisburg 2.45 A. N. I LOaire Baltimore 8.00 P. Y. Arrive in Baltimore7.lsA.x. Arrive Harrisb , g7.26r.x. NIGHT EXPREIS/3. Prom ilarrtsbrarg. From 4altimore. Leave Harrisburg 7.15 a. x.Leave Baltimore.. 8.00 P. N. Arrive in fialtim' FA. I Arrive hillarrilib , glo.4or.x. YAM TRAIN. kelt Berrisimq. From Baltimore. Maim Harrisburg 1.20 P. x. Il Lctive Baltimore.. 7.80 A. N. Arrive in Baltimore 6.2or.x.Arrive InHarrisb , gll.so4.x. lila only train leaving for ia ltimore on Sunday will be tie Tab e.ll. WORTH. • MAIL TRAIN. From Rairiaburg. _Rom Williamsport. Leave Harrisburg 12.45 P.M.LeavoWilliamspott 8.80 A.m. AreeinWilliamspls.oo p.m. I Arrive inHarrisb , gl2.lsorat. BUFFALO AND NIAGLIA. FARMS. Prom Harrisburg. Prom Williamsport. Leave Harrisburg 7.40 P. x. . VveWilliamsport 10.00 rat. A Wllliamspq 12.14 A.M. I Arrive in Harrisb'g2.lsA.x.. For farther information apply at the Office. Hy Order of A. B. WARFORD, Genet al Superintendent. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. arriaborg, May 2, 1869.--apladtf PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL R 0 A D SUMMER ARRANGEMEaT, AprillB, 1859. TWO PASSIM= TRAINS LEAVE BARRISBIIIIO DAlLY,fflandaye excepted) at 8.00 A. M., and 2.45 P. K. la Philadelphia, arriving there at 12.50 noon and 1. , 10 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PllNADszrztuk at 7.30 4. M. 808 3 . 80 P. IL.,._•ertling at Harrisburg at 19,10 noon BZd -04110 FARIS :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cara, 23.25 ; No. 2 On dame train,) $2.30. FARMS :—To Reading, $1.60 and $l.BO. At Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners. Tamaqua, Catawiesa, etc. FOUR TRAINS LEAVR READING FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6A. IL, 10.18 A M., 12.30 noon and 6.06 P. M. AUFAVHIMHAHRLPHIA FOR READING at 7.30 A. M., Ittk and 4.45 P. M. ARIZ •.--Reading toPhiladelpbia $1.75 and $1.45. THE MORNING '(RAIN FF.OII 'HARRISBURG OON NIXXS AT RRADING with up train for Vfilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. apl6-dif Philadelphia and Reading and Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad, REDUCTION OF TOLLS ON IRON ORE. QN AND AFTER MAY 16, 1859, the following Tolls will be charged per Ton 0(2,000 lbs. tn. vats Cars : For 6 miles, 21. cents. For 30 tones, 72 cents. 10 4 . 38 .4 86 BO " " 48 " • 40 11 86 if 20 II 68 14 45 ‘• 95 " 66 44 87 66 60 " 100 " fL A. NICOLLS, General Supsriniewlent. mylB-dtt DR. BRUNON'S CONCENTRATED 'REMEDIES. FOR DELICATE DISEASES No I.—TILE GREAT REVIVER.--Speedily eradicates ail ffie Dull effects of Self Abuse, suck as general debility, lees of memory, wasting away of tho organs, or any constitutional derangements as impotency, and weakness of the sexual organs brought on by the unrestrained in deute or the passions. Price one dollar No. 2.—THE CONCENTRATED BALM.—WiII cure In eight days, any case of gonorrhoea, is without taste or smell and requires no restriction cf diet, Price one dollar. Re. B.—CONCENTRATED TERM—The use of this remedy will cure Gleet in a short time, and I can show certificates of cure effected alter all others have failed ; , ROAR S a o tastelewsund without smell. Price one dollar. C. 'C=43' ONCENTRATEO PUNITER.—Is the only remedy known that will positively cure strictures of the teethe, no matter of bow long standing or neglected the ease May be. Price one dollar. lio. 6.—ANTIMERCURIAL persons who have used this dreadtbl drug (mercury,) (which remains in the system for years, causing so many chronic die eases,) should use these Pills, which will entirely counter act the effects and remove it from the system Price ET. No. 6.—ORIENTAL PASTILLS—Is a certain cure for male Irregularities, or supression of the menstruation. dice two dollars. , NO. T.—THE CONCENTRATED AIIARIN.--Cures the 'ebitee, falling of the woomb, nervousness, painful mon 'Striation. Prise one dollar. 111.—Tfral soruTOß—ls s remedy that has never berm known to fall coring Gravel, and all affections of the kidneys and bladder. Price one dollar. Either of the above remedies will be sent by mail to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price an nexed. Circulars containing fall particulars may be obtained by enclosing ono Post Stamp. Addrem Sta. FELIX BRUNON, Post (Mice Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. N • nolbe - Notori be consulted In complicated casee'byl Der'olPetictnallY, but only such letters will be answered as Contain a reasonable fee. Dings, - Id 4. .c owbill St, oct2-dly RSAD 1 , 40111k1/4 1 ! &WAD ! ! ! EttNVtrEIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, S a remedy not to be excelled for the re. I hot mkt cure of those maladies tech:jai to the sum. Jeer Speen, via r DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY CHOLERA OR CHOLERA MEWS, VOMITING, ACIDITY OF THE SIDMACH, etc. Re' excellent Carminative powers, pleasant mete and ,ssuudii Isdlueno, renders it a valuable remedy in In- Ihnillerdleireges, paibilketo.thallecond Bummer, viz : Chalets Innaiturri, etc. lit linen reinvimminnii a nd t on i c Influence on the ayalem, angina intimation where it an Hi thu ems* and bowels—and ori trial will be teund indlopepsable to Sne well being of every Wang.— IA will be found as well adaptid to AdsHbit 18 Children.— Try It. Prepared only by - d. BISENWEIN, Direiniv Mani 4 . N. W Cur. Ninth is Poplar dia., Philadelphia. air PRICE 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE /fir Sold by C K. Keller, Wm. Loeffler, Rarrhborg Dr. B. B. Herr , Columbia and by all Druggists and inclokoopeto igenerailyj my26-iity pennovluaniatp 'lctc,grapl),' Zuesbau Afternoon, September 6, 1859 Bus in ess (garbs. GEORGE W M'CALLA, WATCH MAKER ANDJEWELLER AL MARKET STREET, • HARRISBURG, 4 R3IN!Rie orpielit JONIC, HOCae, CONSTANTLY on hand every variety of CLOCKS AND WATCHES', and a large and elegant assortment el JEWELRY and SILVER WARE, at reasona ble prima. Repairing done promptly and in the best style. my. 6-dly. PROF ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, wOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that be eh continue to give instructions on the PIANO FuRTE, ME. I.OOEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. lie will Wilt pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour di sired, or lessons will be given al Ms residence, In Fourth. street, above Walnut. Ater 15-dti DR. J. W. MOFFIT OPERATIVE AND MICHANICAL DENTISI OEFICE and residence No. 19 South Second street, one door below Kelimes Hardware store, and opposite the Presbyterian Church, manuthe tures teeth eassly for each particular case. MI din eases of !Int trearffiffily treated. 'Every operation warranted: ges moderate. Office hours from Sto 12 A. H.; and IVoin 'lto b P. H. n0v'45,141 dly GR E AT ATTRACTION. N EM TEMPLE OF ART. p OBERT R. BARR begs legve most re oectioiratitWorm the. Lidla and Gentlemen of Hurrhiburtk 'vbsitini the Capital, that be has OpellettlenWldAd ItAl4 eALLERY in BRANT'S CITY sArrr whim. -LikenesSes iri 'ovary style Will be. taken at prices to suit the times. Photographs on Enamelled Metal, an entirely new 'style of pictures. They can be reddilYbeht by mall without extra postage Cheap truthful an Christmas presents Plessi call al It the Temple . BARR, dif -,,,, Proprietor and Ards. NEW RM, NEW ODDS NEW PRICES ! 91UB 6IIBSCRIBERS having succeeded 1. to the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY BUS'. NESS of Messrs. GROSS & KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREET WHARF, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared to offer for sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, Grain, Flour, Rives, in great variety, uneensware, Paints, Fund, Glass, Cement, &e., &c. Our Largo SPRING STOCK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and new arriving, has been selected with much care, and will 'present great Inducements to close buyers. We intend to keep FIRST CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a share of patronage. , tuarPol-de A. ROBINSON & STONEWARE MANUFACTORY HARRISBURG, PENNA. THIS well-known Stoneware Manufacto. ry, lately conducted by John Young & Co., ha passed Into the hands or the undersigned, who will con tinue to moonakoture-and keep on band a hill assort ment of aro If EMT A R E . , , ... This Wareham lately been very much improved in the mull andgliiPlag, and is warranted superior in atoterial quality =JAW" to any Stoneware manufactured in the Mate, antrint mrpossed by any made in the United States. Parehemen themselves being thojedges. Much of our proessifissineknown to other manuhmterers, which give us ea decided advantage. Our clays are all obtained In New Jersey and vicinity are seleetedihy a careful agent and chemlcelly pre-ared, (by one of the oldest Potters in tlide.oeturtry) so as to forma AM body. The glaze is free fronactilloisonotes matter,4MW , composed Il i common Nog il Clay. There ie mottling in the glazing hat can Weyer - one, butter or , panything else may be kept ht. .with eet Way, as th aWile no poison about it as Min e common rest:earthenware.— hillir and indtebbsiep much hatter is thisimaterial than it does In strew - 4 lt does not absorb oily part of what aaLbe put into t. All merchants wishing to keep on hand a superiorlirticle of Stmewsre will send their orders le liarriebtiri t and we will warrant it las above.. Al orders will'heZ mptly filled and fbraittpdad: for tional In on, or price -lists of the Ware address angb•dir - WM. MOYER. J. STENS, • . , OARI'ENTER AND JOBBER 0016 0411 - 2' ,AND PRON:r 41REE7S. OBBING of all kinds done at short nodes, in good style, and on reasonable terms. awe-di( DR. F. J.. S. GORGAS, DENTIST. MEMBER OF ME FACULTY OF BAL7LEORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY. . , . . TIIIRING the months of November, De cember, January and February, Dr. GORGAB is atment from Harrisburg attending to his duties at the Baltimore Dental College. All of the year, besides the above named months, Dr. G. can be found in his Mike in Harrisburg, on Third street, nearly opposite the Daily TELEGRAPH Printing Office mar3O-dtf • • JOHN F. ?ELDER, CHERRY ALLEY, (bettveen Second and Third straets,) Harrisburg, having returned from thu city of Philadelphia, where he selected a Splendid Stock of Goods, begs leave to inform the , public that he is now prepared to manufacture UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, of the latest style and In the moat work manlike manner ; and also, to execute all kinds of re pairing at the shortest notice. He therefore solicits a share of public patronage. apriklem NEW . SPRING GOODS AT GEORGE CUNKLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING, CLOTHING' ...,..,,,,. AND ~ PIEFRNIXIIING BAZZAR, . . No 416, MAREET 3=11E4 ILLERISFURG, PA. . i ii )3E . "bseriber returns thanks for the 1 1 net. yrnnage through the season just closing, an desir ' the attention of Citizens, Members of the Legisla . nd Strangers,to his NEW SPRING STYLE of Goodato will be made up to order in short notice and in tbe, t manner: Atoll and conimplete assort ment of G FURNISHING GOODS, 'Winchester & Co.'s Celebrosata„Shirts and Collars, &o. ALSO, an assortment of well made CLOTHING of his ownmantditoture.,aprl-dtf . . JNO. 'muumuu. " Wit. H. ECTICELS. .416RRYHILL & ECKEL% AT'T'ORNEYS-AT-LAW.. unaeraigned having entered ...Why _i_ co-partnership in the practice of Law , will give prompt attention to all Main. es intrusted to their charge OFFICE : '‘‘ Maul street, between second and Third streets, Harrisburg. JNO. H. BERRYHILL, aprB.dtf WK. H. ECWRIR. VANILLA BEAN! VANILLA BEAN! VANILLA BEAN ! CHEAP AND SUPERIOR! CHEAP AND SUPERIOR! ICE (MUM DEALERS will find it to their advantage to call, examine the bean and get prices. Sold wholesale at city prices, in Harrisburg by C K. KELLKLI, No. 91 Market Street, Nett door below rourth'Etreet. QUILUOL BOOKS.-ALL TELE 801100 L Books used by the various schools In town, together with all kinds of school Stationery, for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORR, 51 Market street MACHINERY. yaVERY description of Iron or Wood Machinery built in the best manner at tho EAGLE WORKS, Penna. R. Road, above State street. -Harrisburg, April 2; 1859.--dly. GII M INKSTANDS, GUM PENS, GUM Rulers and Gum Pendia, for sale at )fiRGNER' CUBAF BOOKSTORE, 61 Market. street - - , DOCKET CIITLERY,--AijaAROE IN .I. voice of POCKERKSIVES, comprising all Wes aid prices, of THE ihmufaotare list received and for aide at BOOKSTORE, gklfarket street. Mimitannin EBY & KTJNKEL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, OPPOSITE TIIE PENN'A DEPOT, Minnie risillorti g, Pet., Beg leave to say to Merchants and Hotel Keepers, that they have recently increased their facilities fot getting GOODS FROM NEW NORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, And would hereby call the attention of all purchasers to their LARGE STOCK OF LEADING ARTICLES' WHICH THEY 4 - SEL LING..!AT CITY -PFI-4C£Ol ADDING FREIGILT Orders for . the - following 'odds' wilt he promptly filled CoMee, Sugar, MoisisseS, Teas, Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, Candles, -inulds, Cheese, Spices, Starch, Bacon, Hams, 08, Tar, Fish, Salt, Cemeut„ Plaster, FLOUR,. GRALN~ TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED, IRON, NAILS, &c., &0., &c. Rauursuum February 261 f FLOUR. GROCEiIY exn 'PROVISION STO E ! ! 1 ~ , Oleo. 106 MARKET STREET. Oit , o riHE SUBSCRIBER having w coin. pleted his arrangements for a cons nt supply of lour, Saint Louis Mills; Double Extra Flo , one of the best brands now manuractured In the II ed States.— Likewise Southern Ohio Star Brand, a y fine artioltr. These brands are made of the very best hitewhesSin the country, and may be relied on as a s rior FAMILY FLOM" I ALPO, Hostetter's Hairs White Wheat/WantilySiour, a good article. Also, some or the best or FiliperlineDauphln County Brands, all of Which will be softies low as can be done, and warranted to be what they are represented. MEWED!, BUckWheal Heal, a yerypure and One ar ticle; Corn Heal, always fresh, 11111 Feed, he.; Corn and Oats, by the brishel,'or small measure. PROVISIONS.—Hams, Dried Beef, a super* article Tentrues, Balognas, &d. FRIIITS.—Green Apples, LeT ipples, Lemons, ke. Dried - Fruits, Dried Neches pared, a fine article unpared, Med4l.p• pies, Cherries ; Elderberries , Blackberries, ilarcadM, Haiseoe FIRS, Orunes, &c., &d. Nlol6.—Sliell-batke; GA Wants; &OA Walnuts. POTATOES, Country Soap best Limy 4143112114 Hominy, bast quality Vinegar.. I)lkik AD4-1110ko* Bushel eta bait' Bushel, and market Bibiajtl, Drama; !W., tee. As my terms are cash, Atli the motto of “Small Profits and Quitk Sales," I hope to give satisfaction to all who may favor me with a call and purchase in my line of hostages. - • jan.2l-dtf D. A. KEPNBit. HAVINH, - G secured the sole Agen eye BOND'S ”BCGTON catscszite," Ihave just re ceived afresh invoice of the following varieties, iivichl can sell at city pricesiwholesale or retail : GRAHAM DREAD, OYSTER CRACKERS, BOSTON CRACEDED, TOAST BISCIUT, WINE BISCUIT, MILK BISCUIT, SODA BISCUIT. WE. DOCK,, opposite the Court Ho.use JOSEPH CABRY. JOHN W. BROWN, CASEY &BROWN, - HARRISBURG, PENN'A. ITAVING associated - together in the practice of. the Law, will attend fdithfaily and • promptly to all professional bushman entrusted to their care. office in Third street three doors from market - N. B. Consndatioas in English and German. mar23-dilialf 4 Du pH HERRING I 1--I)irecf. from Amsierdam, in store and OF sate by _ , WM DOCK,. J. BOnOlsi OLOVKS. TIIBT 'received a new inmoice. , of ',Howard Co ' . , L 0 C B , among theta - alerauttrttlAtpich Malldriqtarble Cock. • Call and•iteiuttiesat Our JOU-2m • 'WORKS, VORY AND PEARLFOLDEHH, and Pa _it_ per Cutters of various styles, for silo at BERGNER ph eap Bookstore, 51 Market street. ems & aci a, \GK r !aLizi,j , „ •••0:a, D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 19 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as t are desirabla, and would respectfully dial your attention to the largest and best seieeted stook of DRUGS, ' CHEMICALS Si „PAINTS, Vattliiilbei and Glues, Oye-Iltialt, Glass said Patty, Artist Color■ arid Tools, Pare Ground Spices, I:laughinglu and Alcohol, Lanai, Sperm end Pine 011 i, flottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, COSMO Bongs, Sponges and Corks, ac., &e., &e., &e.. &e., &a., With a general variety of PREIEUXERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Perrfumers of Europe and this country. Beingjery large dealers in Pithits, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Window Glass, Artists Cobra, Paint and Artist's Brushes in all their varbitiee, Colors and gimlet; of all kinds, " • liespoatraHrtifirrite a Call, feeling cot& 4ent that we can supply the wants of all on terms ,to their satisfaction. TEETH TEETH ! ! JONES, WHITE & wcuanrs PORMAIN TEETH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. SAIOXIFINIt AND CONCENTRATED LYE. Wholesale Agents for Saponifier a whieh we Belles low as it can be purchased in the cities. - QUAD'S FLAVORED COD LIVER OIL JELLY, containing 85 per cent. of Oil, it has the advantage over the oil of being palatable and not nauseating to the most delicate stomach. Physicians who favor the progress of the. SciaOe of Medicine, we invite your atten tion.lo TFIATICW'S MEDICAL FLIIIDIRXTRWTS, believing a trial of them will establish their superiority, and secure your preference for, and confidence in them. . • • , FARNEERS APH•g, Those . of you who have not given our HORSE and-CATTLE POWDE.EB a trial kiwi not their sukeriority l and the advan tage they'are in lopping Ropes and Cattle healthy and in good condition. • Thousands can testify to the profit they /Ave•derived from the use of our Cattle Powder by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and appearance of their Cattle. "Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrange ments in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything apper taining to our line of business, on the best of terns", Thankful for the liberal patronage- be 'stowed on our house, we ..hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of -.,P u E fJ Cl - ft Itt'fair prices, and the aisiire to' please all; to merit a oontinnauccV of the favors of a disothnhating public. iliebicat DR. JOHNSON, Ba Lock Hospital, H as 4 diS tr eS i ve i red e t. d l v i n u :ILO:I=I*( 4 %3 , IS , pmealy DLSR.OEvq OF IMPRUDENCE ULM IX erl 10 TWELVE MOORE ..5 , 0 Mercury or Noxious Drugs• Sir A CURS WARRLNTRD, OR NO CHARGE, IN mom tows 713 Two Dairs.-iaa Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Palma in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Contagion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tramblings, Dimness of light or Oiddinesi3,l3iisease of the Stomach A ff ections 01 the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin-'-those terrible disordem arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadlul auddastructive practices which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impsesible, sad destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young meu especially who have become the vletima al solitary Vice, that drmdful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent Oh m. it intellect, who inlghtotherwise have entranced - Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or watteittnalishierthell wing lyre, may call with full confidence. • MARK AGt Married persona, or titOadieolliaMideding Marriage, baba, a*are or physical weakness. shenbllimmetliately consult Dr. J., anti be restored to perfect health. OSOANIC WEAKNESS. feunettahly Ottred undien viapeAngeng Be who piwoot hinutett. under ‘ the A elmwAtilbr. J., stay religiously confldifn lthrhonotarlititildisikluid cone dandy rely upon•hfasklllaa a physician. AS:' Office No. 7 South Fretlarleketreetandthwore, Md., on the left hand aide golug from Balithiwee area% 7 doors from the coiner. Be particular in etisent the name Ind number, or you will mistake =An particular, Trifl for Vitorant, ing Quacks, with stwidut, or Patin ifianbug Orritilcater, attracted by IWO' putatke of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. All tatters must contain a Pottage etwitp,to anon the reply. DR. JOHNIMN. Ms. Joasirron member of the Royal college of Surgeon Landau, graduate from one of the moat eminent thillegesol the D. States, and the greater put or whose life has bees spent in the Hospitals of Landon, Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears and bead when asleep, great nervousness. being alarmed at sudden eounda,„baahfulnese, with frequent blushing, attended sometinieffwith derangement of mind wore cured immediately TARE PARTICULAR NOTICR Dr. J. addresses all those woo having Kissed them 'elves by private and improper indulgences, that sacra and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, no Stang them lb, enter business or society. These aro some of the sad and melancholy Mots pro dimed by early habits of youth. viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of thelleart, Dyspep sia, Nervous Irritability, lkuungement of the Dlgestlve Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, he. AIENTALLY. Yenfatiy, the fearful effects ou the mend are mush to be dreaded ;—Loss or Memory, Conbutton of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self distrust, Love or Solitude, Timidity, am., are some of the evil effects. , Thousands of persona or all ages, can norijudge what le the cause orthelr declining health, letting their vigor, be coming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singu lar appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of onnaumntion. YOUNG NEN who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, in gigged in when alone—a hab#,_fraq neatly learned from evil companion, or at school, „. hilts or which are nightly felt, oven when asleep; and 115,aut cured, render. marriage impossibie anildeetrupOilqt' „Mud and body should apply inimbitely. ' - • What a pity that a young man, thollagia Of bbl Country the darling or his parents, should be snatched nem al prospects and enjoyments of llfe theotonstpasucea o deviating tram the path of nidureoptif tadulgipg bt a certain secret habit. 1%63 persona await, 'before Wuhan plating ~, - ~ effect MA a !loud mind and =wren maul nee nary resukdtes to promote coon !ililignihissis„ itideed' withouttlesse, the Journey through 1120 becomes • wa r pilgrimage Oka prospect hourly elsriatis: to the View the mind *looms shadowed with ggigtahr, and , 1 iriaiii in V . the m ~ 7 reflection that tbo ,nOOO or au • beco led with ourown. - ' 7 ' ' • '' '., . ~.. . ~ DR. STOWS INTICK „a M s REMEDY yost • cawaNic. • .. By this great and important .. . . eats. •Ortidi Organs ars speedily =ea, inicr , . 1-, bad 1081 an _......----a e ,er th e most met , — •"d debilitat who 110 Pc. have been ._,, , suav e _ . . Ali ImpOdiments to Marriage, Ph • ~ 7 1 Air Mental.mtspiegg. cation Nervous Trembling, Weakness . . or Exhaustion el the Most Nadal kind, speedily cordd. - 4 10 STBANGgIar -, ' l ' - • • The many thousands cured at thbajtaithiallen within the last twelve years, and the numertansinvortint &MOM Operations performed by Dr. 3., eiNsithsed by the re porters of the papers, and many etbspersens, notices o which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentle:saw of character and re sponsibility , Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted Diet' tqW OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an lii-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters hint from applying to those who, from education and re. apoctabllity can alone befriend nim, delaying till the constiutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, note, skin, &a., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadiul sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." It is a Mail& choly foot that thousands fall victims to this terrible M amie, owing to the unskilfulness of - ignerant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadlypoiron, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable lb Strangers —The Doctor's Diplomas bang In his taloa is Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply. sir Remedies sent by Mall. raw- No. T South Frederick street, Itahlmort mar2l.d&wly PATEN T "SEWING - 51 C E Have gained thweentidenoo -of all who use Ahem, and proved one Or the moat valuable inventions of the age. They use a Sttutho, making the Lock Stitch on bdtb lutes of the cloth mike, I or pqedlltut. the bigheakinechanical skill, and ail Warranted to work weI g ct) ,kinds of goods, from the Lightest Fabric to Heavy Kin wheeler, we would call the :attention of tilthrmir. jumpy Sewing Machine. It has boon martalliciareg 'eggiressly for Family Uso. and has met faver'from‘all. Ills to simpli fied as to render it almost imposaible to get - eater order, or derange its operations, Indeed , it sOMMpIo as to astonish ono,tbat ao sm e ll a platen( tagagmatete will sew. Below, we give a dessormhee ;4,34 digerati styles of the Weed Patinae No. 5, Is a very convenient — Wyk, wild; our be worked by hand or loot, on or offlts own table, For sea valiance of shipping, and also for large mantifisetories, where It is necessary to place a number of Machines into a long bench, making one table answer fin those all. Price $9O. Ne. SI With Walnut or Mahogany Table, either with or without Box Top, which locks down. Price $lOO and *llO. No. 3, Same size as No. 2, but runs with a belt, and at a much higher rate of Speed. This kind is well adapt ed to manufacturing Clothing or Leather work. 'lbis is really the cheapest Machine in the market, as there is no work done on a Sewing Machine that it will not do. It is confidently asserted that this Machine runs easier than any machine now le use. Price $lOO. No. 4, Ibis-Machine has a long um, to aiscoramodate ergo work'. It runs at a higher rate of speed, runs easily, and fe, without a doubt, the best Machine for Tailors' use ever offered to the public. - It is also pecu liarly Sttedfer plantation work, as it in very simple ye, substantial and durable, with but little liability to gi out of orde Price $l2O. No. 5, , his is a new and cheaper style, and a general favorite fo Family, Light Leather, and a great vartety-of work. It ,as been gotten up with Marius to furnishing a strong mid durable, yet light and tasty Machine, at a ...„ (MS pr.ce ban either of the above. It runs veal mai rapidly, a d pronounced the beat machine now in market, fo $BO. I No. 8, his is a Machine got up on an entirely new principle, erent from anything ever before offered to the public, dwe conildenUy assert that, for bmlly use it has not opal. it le very light and tasty, runs vary rapidlyyte wet noiseless in its operation, and uses STRAIGHT LB. It is so arranged as to be utterly impostable rrit to miss stitches: It has a tension on both sides tut carries a large supply of Miread on the under s . glie inothina are gained by twoMnall cranks that ran perospdble noise. The two - threads are worked in uch a manner as never to ,both pall at the "same time nd. , consequently, Italia to break. The seam is v w tstio r end the thread does . not break In wishing. t dricoarte work better than any cheap mothingin is. market ; SS s uses silk, tin, or linen with,. equal ' . Pece SUL DAM atettliltiflittglared'grails 0 477 0120.ADWA'Y, NSW Wink. & Proprietors. *ANTED. my26.dawim dBEWOMti *l—Ao of all kindcat UAW lIRPS Awl*o*.pliceta DELAWARE M UTUAI SAFETY INSURANCE CO AL Atv S. L . Corner of Third and Wal,44i PRILADELPILIA. INCORPORATED IVIAIUNE IM-AIHANcE6 \ Cargo and Freight to all iwrt, or the INLAND INSURANCES ou o.c .s by I{l lAtes and Land thiriages to all parts of ILe • IRE INSURANCES on Merchandise getioltlly Stores, Dwelling Houses, &e. AWEIS OF THE WIIPANY, Noverither l,t Wessel O. November 10, 1.4. The Baud of Directore have this dey declared n ,i;sl dead of SIX PNIt CENT. in Cash, on the Capital and SIX Plgit CYST. on the Scrip of the Company, able on antriffter let the proximo. They have also declared a Scrip itividelid ,d7ii FIVE PINt CHNT. on the Original Rork, aml Earnest Premiums fur the year eliding October . Certificates for which wilt be Issued to titled to the Mane. on and after the first of I ,r7-Framable and Resolution adopted by the Waist:is, the Increased means of the COMpau) from Profits, and which will be derived Irom 1 1,. creased Capital Stack under the late ainendniebk Act of IncOrporallon, reader We further emu., „ , , the Guarantee Capltal unnecessary, therefOre be ROO bat, That the Guarantee Capital be and the Notes representing the same be deliver: the makers thereof, as soon as the Risks taken die erlud embraced In said Notes shall have deb rro.:., : Willlam Merlin. James O. Uand, WllllemEyr,„! Joao!) U. Seal, Theo. Paulding, 'halve TelAhr.l.l Rdnuand A. Bonder, DP. R. U. Huston, J. R. Jolla 0. Da vi% Ilugh Ors*, {Wm. C. Lu.i.lg Robert Ruston, B. SPllvalio, !Theme,. t: lan R. Penrose, Arles Kelley, Beolgeo. Wiper, nu:AM./Motes, ;Jletli, Rdward Darlington, Henry Sloan,— J.T.I. rn ,Pill U. Jones krona*, awes Tragnair, D. T. J. F. Penislon, J. B. W All MARTIN, Presido THOMAS 0. RAND, Vice Prroideid EMERY LYLDIJR.N. Secretary. The sunterslgned, as agent fee the above 0 ,- .114,r,y mond to make immune* on all deftripticu.,4 It petty on the most liberal terms. WILLIAM htf jenlll4llrerly Ilarmbt,r,,,, IMIAVICTI2C43I- Frt7.lV NATIONAL SMARTY TRUST COMP.% N 1 CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSMANIA RULES. 1. Money is received every diky, and in any argo Or Mall. 2. FIVE FES CENT. is paid for mono from ii„. put in. 8. The money is always paid back in G 01.1), s It is called for, and without notice. 1. Money is received from Execsitort, Guardians and others who desire to hare it it . perfect safety, and a bare interest can be chum, 6. The money received from depositors REAL FSTATP, BIORTOAO Ed , GROUND Rio . such other first elate securities as the Charter dirk ;- 8. Mee Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock Intle This old and well established SAVING II , ceived more than TRN 113/ of datlars lb thirty thousand depositors. RON.,FIENRY L BENNKR, Nest& LI :ROBERT SRLFRIDOB, Vice Presulcu Wm. J. RIM, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Bre., Edward L. tarter, .- Joseph B. Barr , Robert Selfridge, Francis Letc. Samuel R. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Menus, Henry Dinenderiler OFFICE : Walnut street, S. W. Car. Third street aprB- dewly H PILADELPHIA. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE Company, U.don Buildings, Third St., Harrlaburi, (CTIILTATERED CAPITAL—SBOO.OOO.I IPIUN buildings and Mos property against lass or a.. age by Th e. 4iagoinsi las o Ike Sea, inland INTEREST PAID FOR MONEY * and 2ntalsorlatien. `""' ' - DIRECTORS. mpEpameron Geo. Boma W. F. Murray Go. W. Lawman, Benjamin Parke. F. K. Boas. Wil Dock, Win- B. Kepner, J. B. Berrytun A. B. War[( rd, Jno. B. Packer. B. Boyd, OFFICHRS. SALON CAURRON, Preoident. RZN.T. PARKS, Vice President B,K. OARRIER, Secretary.. f mar 2.5,1 t: DRUGS AMID FANCY GOODsi JUST RETURNED FROM THE CITY ! PURCHASED FOR CA:- r 1 WILL BR BOLD FOR CASE AY Low Plums ! BUT DISPLAY OF FAROS (loom IN T(r6 UNRIVALLED ASSORTMENT OF TOILET ARTICLL: Willing to maintain fair prices, but in ling to be undersold by any parties ! We feel assured that we are able to sell cv, thing In our line as cheap and as good ab : other establishment in the place I KELLER'S DRUG STORE, MASURY & 171THITOW 111 Patton St., and 60 Ann St., NEW YORK, WEED IS mAximacttrasva OF WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS AND ( OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. English, French and German Artists' Maki , FINE COLORS IN OIL AND M'A lEi WINSOR & NEWTON'S TUBE & CAKE BRUSHES, MAMTHRATICAL & DRAUGHTSMEN'S iNhiltl 511 DRAWING AND TRACING PAPE!: Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic Viosi ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC., The particular attention of Painters, Deal, is called to thenew Patent Method of putta.,.. and Zinc Paints irtMETALIC CANS, of wl i 11. -, Walton are the Sole Proprietors. These Cana are intended by the Inventor difficulty heretofore existing in the piiiin4 op and Zinc in small kegs. MI cowmen, '- aware that tho lesson Lead and Zinc rut wocidespackagesi,isfronsfire go ten pi , more. owing to the all.i.t.rpholl the cansequent hardening of the palut to say nothing of the additional labor paint ready for use, after It has become n The loss of the km too, is a consideration u h notbo lost sight of. 'The Patent Can not out ' these dillicultks, but in addition thereto sumer with a strong and conveuieul gran p t which tame the paint, which is alone writ U. the difference of cost between the cans aed .- The Cans are packed in sawdust, iu atrn¢g boxes, which contain 2001 ts each, *bat is h ' 450 OREM, and they may be safely ablw or otherivise to any part or the United Stew: Circulars, obutaining cute with full deer mail en application. NEW SOUTHERN WHEAT FL , very One, Just received and fur =.ali. and Provision Store of 11 A I.F‘ 1711 No. log; M • • EFFECTUAL VERMIN POIVPE I 117 HIS article when, blown or (I crevices infested with Ants, Roaches. vermin, will rout* and effectually decant) tt" file In Packing your wollens and bedding. et.. ounttione. 20fits, U., arc. It is death to wincielel the human race. Sold, only at hFI. DRUG and in any quantity, by the uunt.e r LYOI4MGNkIIG PO WDEB. te also one of best articles for Um game Purposes; is put up '0 tars, and sold at 2b cents, at KFLLER'S Dial; 91 .tf.anet et:: 1719-dy AUGUST AND SEPTIIII I3 E I.: A TIE recommended by most writs' XL favorable months for transplanting EVER EKNS AND STRAWBERRII --. O #ne assortment may be found at the .: eery; at very - moderate prime. SMALL EVBROBRRNS °um:* 10 leekee to . 2 feet, 43 ttitable screens and bedgm—_particularly for Cemet2rY eluding Arbor Wee 'Norway Fir, B a l sam 1 i r . Privet, Tree Box, inglish and Irish Yew, C. ‘. , by the bundred. Apply to Harrisburg, July 28, 1869.,—.13,28-dtr Insuranct e0111)3t111106, DIRNOTORB A NEW ARRIVAL OF 91 Market str,