iiiiasfirfavti $4 Transportatim, • CHANGE CF SCHEDULE ' ON THY . tW iIII MPAMP I I M I L PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! O!'',l4,,g,trien. 4 t) O , N AY., !APRIL nia Railroad wilt arrive at a nd Lea veF f l i ct u r t rt e bu P r e g arpha ow. :_... ~,. E ASTWARD. FAST LINE arrives rigli,22. A. M., tind leaves at 2.30 A. 1I Mho Train stole arldlittiletown 'Elizabethtown, Ht. Jog, Lancaster, Lemon Place,Parkaburg, Downingtown, and inriAte at Phltadeillbla.dri 5 04. 1 1. ' ' THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN arrives at. 6.60 A. M., ttierditat CM A. Al., steps at: Mtddle to wn, El isab *Maw; Mt. Joy, Lancaster, Lemon Place, Parksburg, 'Downing town, Andiarrives sa Philadelphia at 0.66 A. 51. - MT. JOT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN via H. and L R. 11.., Leaves at '1.60 A. ki.,stops at all the.ax stagollß, On puts Ith the LANCASTER - TRAIN , whip arrives at Mimi 1412.40 P: IL , i ' . . : man, IN via the Harrisburg and Lancaster Road, arrieleif t 12.55 r. I. .le4x.A. it.t.io ) 11 .111.Mcgis at 3 5 Middletown, ElizabetoWn, Mt. Jay, latiorister, , Lemon .glaes. Flensburg, Downingtowni and ail regular Stations `rest of Downingtown . , aid ittriveis At Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M • i .. HARRISBURG A MMODATION TRAIN via the Branch Road, *vim at 5,50 P., M., stops * all the tray statione and arrives at Philadelphia it 0.06 P. M. 1 116 aii 71 1 /0 11 .44011 . 1) '',, ': • • IRRGIMMI,XXPRMS leaves Philadelphia at 11 .p. M., milting. it Harrisburg at 2.58 A. 11., leaves at 3.10 A. Wilt;O at PittabOrg at A TRAI N via uplumbia, leaves Philadelphia at 7.26 A. -, M., arrivee,at Harrisberg at 12.20 P. X., leaves at 12.40 P. M., add arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. lAIT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves LANCAS MUM 10.82 A. IlL; arrives at 12.30 P. M. no LINK leaves Philadelphia at. 12 IL, , arrives at Ilarrist e et at 0.46 F. IL, leaves at P. 6) P.M... arrives Lt Pittsburg al t tsl A. 0.- 4 , ? ' , HARM!' G ACCOMMODATION•TRAINIeaVirs Phila delphia at 2.40 P,,M., arrives, at,13.10 P. M. ~..., A. IL'ROUMFORT. a S illf Ogg.. inat Manion Pertesslvanio Railroad. pr 18fig. 1850. It, 11,114 - it Ceitral• Railway I NOTICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, (IN AND AFTER . MONDAY, MAY 2, 1,71869, tbe Passenger Trains on the Northern Centre Railway s wilt leave and arrive at Harrisburg as roPpwa : SOIITII. BUFFALO AND NIAGARA =PUBS. From Harrisburg.. From Baltimore. Leave Harrisburg 2.45 A. r, I Leave Baltimore 8.00 F. M. Arrive in Balthnore 7.16 A.m. Arrive In ilorriab'g7.26r.m. NIGHT =PROS.. hem ilarnalmrg. From Baltimore. Maya gar lnbu r g 16 A. n.: Leave Baltimore.. 6.00 r. r. Arrive I P.N. Arrive inlitirrisblimor.m, LAM TRAIN. .1 rem IlarrtabMg.From Baltimore. Leave Harrisburg 1.201'. N. L eave Baltimore-7 1f .30A. . Arr ive I 6.20r.m. Arrive InHarrlsb'gll.6o.t.m. rie only train leaving for altimore on Benda) , will be tittptlfes. rt. i lq OM TH. HAIL, TRAIN. From Harrisburg. Awn' "Williamsport . leave Harrisburg 12.46 rat. LeaveWilliatrusport 8.80 Aar,. Arr's bfWilliamsp'l.6.oo P.N. I ArrivetnHarristegl2.6opar. BUFFALO AND NIAGARA . FXRPESS. . Front Harrisburg. From Williamsport. LegrialarrißbUrg.7.4o P. M.,' 144),WWICLUISport 10.00 rat. A ran WalimomMila.l.4 A.Y. I, Arrivein Hat risb'g2.ls For Nether Information ~ply at the Mice. 14y order of • ' . A. B.,WARFORD, General superintendent. JOHN W. HALL, Agetit. .errisbu g, Hay 2, 1869.—apleiltf P,TAILADEI.,PH . _ AND UADING ItAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 18, 1859. PAMENIUR TRAINS LEAVE ,HARRisetiao unix, (Sanditys excepted) at s.cb e. it., and 2.46 P. for Philadelphia, arriving,there at 12A0 noon and 7;70F. M. aM PHILADELPERAM., o.utt.P. ~ arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and $.26.P. Y. my FA ,) Vo Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, 83.25 ; No. 2 On train 412.70. FARIS Reading, 81.60 and 111.80. At Reading, connect with trains fOr Pottsville, Miners- Ville, Tamaqua, Catawissa, &o. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL. PIMA DAILY, at BA. N., 10.18 A M , 1 2,80 noon and tr,oB F. M. 4,1/AVE PIitADELPHIA FOR READING at 7.80 A. M., 2 1:80 , _le., . IL, and 4.45 P. M. FARIS :;.—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1,46. illtOlar 'RAIN FROM ITARRISBURG CON NEOIB -AT leidinitt , tratir for Wilkesharro, Pl REPPgr a ind Ctier,4fdlitia 4. r app TDIpM to 2:.42L, apl6-dif General Agent. -VVMMOUI -omd* Raading land Lebanon Val igt Babb Railroad, REDEOPEION - OF TOLLS ON IRON ORE. InqN AND AFTER MAY 16, 1809, the ~, follOring To% will be charged per Ton 012,000 l. sate Cars I. , s'wdlis, 21 awls. : For 80 wiles, 72 cents. 10 " 88 i , 36 " 80 "• • 30 . _I ' S '4l .11 . ' 40 ,it . 85 11 ..ofaZt nestitifte D .- BRUNON'S CONCENTRATED 'REMEDIES. - FOR DELICATE DISEASES. , *lot—TUX GREAT itentrat.—Speedily liadlcates al I (lie evil effecte or Self Abuse, such as general debility, loss of memory, wasting away , of the organs, or any corisittutionki derangernerats as impoteney, and weaksiess of the sexual organs, brought on by the unrestrained In dulgence of the passions. Pries one dollar • • Noe 2.-4132 CONCENTRATED BALL—WiII mini In eight day., any C 41430 of gonorrhoea, is without taste or smell and Mains norestriction of diet, Price (modeller. No. B.—OUNCEN7'RATED, TETLEB.—The use of this 'remedy will Mire Oleet in * abort thne; and I can show Csattillftteli of mire slfacted . alter all others bave failed ; this is also tasteless and 1M out smell. Price one dollar. No. 4.--CONCENTRAM • TIINITER.—Is the only remedy, known that will positively cure strictures of. the melba, no matter or how long Standing or neglected Me case may be. • Price one dollar. . 31°41, _—ANTIXERCURI.4,L persons who have Med tluirllrethital dreg (triertnuy,):(ishieh remains to the system for years, causing so many chronic. dis 'Ow)) should use these Pills, which will entirely counter. lot the efiechrand remove it from the system price $l., No. O.—ORIENTAL PA Is a certain .cure for male irregularities, orsupwasion of tbe menstruation. ~ d r iee two Wars. No. 7.—THE CONCENTRATED AMAREC—Cures L the ishites, fulling ofjthe woomb, nervousness, painful men struation. Price one dollar. No: 11.,,-TBELSOLDTDR—Ii a remedy that has never ~ topyliown to tall coring Gravel, and all affeoUene of tha and bladder. Price one dollar. 7=r.di Ole above remedies will be sent by mill to any partArdhe United States, on receipt of the pricb an. acsed;'- Olretdara Containing Dill particulars may be own*. by swell:al:4 one Pow Stamp. Address . - DR. FELIX BRUNONI e i ted •-• ,' . ... `, 'r. . Post Mee Box 99, Ph il adelphia, . N. 13.--Tke Doctor may be consulted. In camp Oda by letter or personally, but only such lett. will be wixwered anntalp • reasonable tee. orrICIA, Old York Road & adlowhM St. _ . . , Al I I gP, AR" LI R All ! I I. e. r - . . m 5 .lO TW.ra.t .. N ' S Alt iMPATIASAMINCIis A ma , ira rildicilkkto ha: excelled for 'the re ed and o re dr iie InaisilieS inclamit to the Sum- INERBWONA, biIIENTIIIErf a CHOLERA 4311. CHOLERA HCHHHE, VONMEG, Acitcwy . oF THE STOMACH, eto Its nioallent Carminative "vets, pleasant tale and _ ma w s hattroute, _renders ska. !Viable remedy In in fanti dAton v e..ll Na lM ar "I theillt ad Summer, via:— Choler le a mannum, eta; E. Eel i. rem waling and iodic' Influence on the system, Mil Gag to canon whore it 0" lowidomaon and bowels--ilnit trial w,IIIA. Nue inals*sabato the well or y Daiii.... It will be found as Well adapted in Adults' Nildlien..— Irry 11. Prepare& only Mr , - ' i ft. MBENWELY,INspenehip, 0. • - • N. W Car. NinitakJPoplarHts • . ar PRICE RS O PER Barmy,. "" mr.sekt by C K. Keller, Wm. Loeffler Harris .. Writril: iiiwr i lklb l zg 111 . 1 ' lq a "7 tit 0 ...........)bi 1 1,7 Business flubs. GEORGE W ACCALL IVAWII- MAKER ANNEWELLER MARKET STREET, ,• HARRISBURG, OelNSte JO?iE • MOUSY. fIONSTAN . TLY ve baud ery of ki CLOCKS AND IVAVUEIM, and alarge and elegant ammetinentol JEWELRY and SILVER W ARE ,at reasona ble prices. Repairing done promptly and in the boat etyle. mye.dly. PROF. ADOLPH P..TEUPSER W,OULQ respectfully inform his old piitroin, and tho public generally, that he eL continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LOGEON VIOLIN end titan fu tho Science of THOROUGH RAM. lie will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hoot desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, iu Fourth. street, above Walnut. decib•dtf DR. J. W. MOFFIT OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST rAEFICE and residence No. 19 SoutL tur 2diond street, one door below Hatter's Hardware store, and opposite the Presbyterian Church, manufac lures teeth expressly for each particular case. AU ills eases or the mouth carefully' treated. .Every operation warranted. Charges moderate: Office hours from 4110 12 A. M., and from rto 6 P. If. novlcb,'6B dly 1111 1 fI ikjiaTtAPRVAPIT. ••V • • - N - . L - Alt OBERT R. BARR begs leave most re spectenty tq inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Harrisburg, and Strangers visiting the Capital, that he has opened a NEW DAGUERREAN GALLERY In BRANT'S CITY MALL, where. Likenesses in every style will be taken,pt :pt es to suit the times. Photographs on Enamelled Metal, an entirely new style of pictures. They can be readily sent.by mall without esinepoetage Cheap truthful and unfailing Chastnuispreeents Please call at the Temple orArt. R R. HARR, dechda Proprietor and Antis. NEW aE. ItM, NEW OODS • NEW pawns s THE OUBBCRIBERB having succeeded; to the WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL GRORERY,RUSI- N ESE of Messrs. GROSS &' KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREW WHARF, 'would respectfully . - announce to the, citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pee, p a red to Mar for sale)" large and complete assortment of Groceries; Provisions, Pish . , Salt, `Grain," 'Flour, . ~ Roles, in great variety, . . . uemerware, Paints , . ' Gib; ' Fund, , -,, Glass, Nails,! - Cement,, &e.f• &C Our Large SPRING STOOK, purchased in Philadelphli and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with much care, and will present great Inducements to close buyers. We Intend to keep FIRST•CLeLSS GOODS, and WIL D NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a share of patronage. mar24.dtr. . A. ROBINSON & CO. STONEWARE MANUFACTORY 'HARRISBURG PENNA. HIS well-known Stoneware Manniitoto. ry, lately. conducted by John Young & Co., ha passed tato the hands of the undersigned, who will con tinue to manufacture and keep , on band a hill amort ment of This Ware has lately been very much imprOved.la the body and glazing, and is warranted nmarici , material Quality and Arita moony .keneware Inanufachtred in lei State, and not surpassed by any made is the United States. I.eurodasetthemselres horny the judges. Much al, car process Is not known to other roentudeturere, 'which givens a "decided advantage. Our clayn are all obtained In New JerSey and vccilgty are seleitod `by a careful agent and chemically peerared, (by one of the oldest Potters Uinta country,) so as to form ajfint body. The glaze Is Iteltirttel alipel 3ollo oii fir; being ComPased common Salt and Clay. There is nothi n g la the glazing hat cps Were Otie,_apple butter or anything elan may be kept In It with perfect safety, as there's no poison bappia skthere nain4be common red; eartnentgare.4- AOC iKdthatier keep mach.better in thismitorralihe it does in earthen. It dean not absorb any part of what may be put into IC All.merchants wishing to keep on bad a raperior articled Stonowarewillsene their orders los Harrisburg, and,we will warrant it as above.,. Al argue Will be vet** Ailed And forwarded: for =4 glop& hilbnnation,or pried ot the Ware address suer-der MOVER.. - WM. STEW, • - AJLETA..IiT2 It AND JO BBE A i CORNER WALNUT' AND IRONY S2REETR A OBBING of allAinde done at abo# el notice, in good style;aud teasonable tame.- DR. F. J. S. GORGA.K; DENTIST. ACENBEII OP SHE. P4OI7LTY OP BALTIMOILit .00.r.L.E04.9,F t usszez .7fIRORRY. DURINa the.mouthe of November, De comber, dalluarY4id .rebruary, Dr: GOROAS is absent from Hitrriibu attending-to his duties at the Baldmore Dental College.• • All°l4lo year, besides the above named menthe, Dr. G. can be found An his Mike In Harrisburg, on Thfrd Street, nearly opposite the Daily TYLIVRAPII Printing Office mar3b.dtf TORN -F., WELDER, CHERRY ALLEY, (between Second and Third Streets' s ) ithiribiberg,. liatnit returned from thd city'of ThUdelPhia, where tie Select& a Sidendid Stock of GooA e heas.leaye to inform the public that he - is now _pre d Joigadture, lUMBRELIAB AND gAltasots, of the wit style `and ht „ 'trio Make Woik. manlike Agleam, ; Aik also, to execute aB kinds of ie. pairing' At ttle' abode% nOt*e. Ate_ therettire soliciteA i share of public patronage... ; , apr9-deca - 46 " 96 ; ,60 " 1.00 4, U. A- pticpus, (iimierallasperintendent. NEW SPRINt GOODS AT s. - • GEORGE CUNKLE'S MERCHANT CLOTHING AN , Fiitivimegm44 itszz*le rcp 56 AfdiflCAT ,SM.F.XT,,attitgig7TßO THE Subscriber returns thanks for -th e liberal patronage through the season just c lo sing." and desires to call the attention of Citizens, Members of the Legisiaturis and Stedinnws,to his NEW SPRING arynr of Goods, which win be made unto order in short wince and in the beat manner', A full and' codumphde assort ment of GENTG 4 FURIIISHING• GOOL9, Winchester & Cols.A. Celebfrated Shirtiiind Collate, ate. 1,30, an asportuient , Of well Made CLOTHING or his own manufactire.i aprl-dtf arm. U. alsaayaziL. WU. H. aCKELS • .siotitiraiL4 4 ECKELBi, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , : PHt undersigned 'having entered into go-partnersbip in the practice of Law. will give prompt adtiontion to all busintss intrusted totlielr cbarge OFFICE: Walnut titreet, between Second and Third streets, Hurisburg. , . JNO. B. tBERRYRILL, • all4dlr Witt. IL EMUS. VANILLA .BEAN! . VANILLA, BEN! VILLA BEAN! ij,E4 4NP . S ! CHEAP 'AND SVPIErO4II ICE CREAM DRAMS. will Sad It to their advaitage Whelk examine the bean` stud get prices. -- Sold wboleeald-at oily prices, it Harrisburg by - - CB. RULER, . ' 91 Market Street, " lien door below Fourth Street. 0c1.2,t11y OCII.OQL 800K5.,-ALL THE SCHOOL K. 3 Hooke used by the_various schools in town, together wtat DA ithstsor &.hoolStalkonery, for sale att. -----B it ERGNER'S CHEAP HoHics•M - Art," al' Market street. ' MACHINERY. EVERY descr4ptlon, of iron or Wood Machinery built in the beat manner at the EAGLE WORKS, Penna. R. Road, above State street. Harristrurg, April 22 , 1859.411. y; Ell_UM INKSTANDS . , _GUM PENS, GUM Itjr Rulers it'd Ruin Pencils; fbr sale at' _ lifiRGN RR, CIIRAPIOOKbauItR, 51 Markel street. DOCKET CUTLERY. - LARGE IN idlditir P =:A. POCKET KNIVES, comprising all sizes and priomootTUßßESTMamnincture pmt received and for sale at WOW'S . 11001 WORM; tklifarkat steed. • „ , lacnitsPluailia Dail D atftgraph; Saturday Afternoon, siiitein - ref,, -1554. STONEWARE. filistellimtons EBY & KUNKEL, WHOLESALE ;GROCERS, OPpOSITE PENdA DIMOT, ra - Evirriscla - 12.2-a, Beg leave to Fitly to Merchants and Hot Keepers, that they have reconpy increased heir facilities for getting GOODS FROM 'NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIbfOREr, And would hereby. cidl the attention .oi ly. all purobaserat , - ARGE' STOCK 8F ARTICLEi I : ErEY SE L LING AT --CITY 'PRICE • . • D flift I G 1,4 T Orders for the following goods Will be promptly filled Coffee, Sugar, no'sakes, Teas, Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, Candles, IFluids, Cheese, Spices, Starch, Huron, Hann, Oil, Tar, Fish, Sall, Cement, Plaster 4 FLOUR, TIMOtHT AND ' OLOVtt IRON, NAILS, &e., &c. HARRISBURG, Februang:264f... FLOUR GROtERT' AND PROIU STOBE ! I pro. toiskAlthafaziastr; - -FLTU2LSIMEG fl'E having now corn plefed lila arrangements for a constant** di Flour, Sand Louis Mills, Double Extra Flour, one 9f the beat brands now inanulbctured to tho United Shltfie., Likewise Southern Ohio Star Braud, a very lino article Nhese brands are ms4e of the very beet white wheat itr the country, and maybe relied on as a superior RAWL! FIODR. ALSO,.HostetterN BilraNtilte Wheat Family Moor, a. good article. Alwnsume or thebast Supertlde Dauphin County. Brands, altar which with& soldtke levels can he done,and warranted:WWl whatthey.are.„ Buckwheat Beal, a very pure and Ilnipar. 8010 ; Corn Meal, always fresh, .11111 Feed, Sto.,. -Corn and Oats, by the bushel, or small measure. PROVISIONS.—Hama, Dried Beer, a superior arils's, Tongues, Baloguas, Sc. • FROM.—Qremi Apples, Lemons, So. -Dried ..ltrulte; Dried Peaches pared, a-toe article *Sired,=l,- ples, Cherries Elderberries, Blackberries,. le, Ratans, Figs Pretes t . lac., &a. • nDTS.--Serell-barke, Ground.uuts, Walnuts English Wuts. P i cTINI, Country Soap beet quality, tank , Be beet qualarVtnegar: — Oak suxl Hickory USW ho jieshelral4WB*.ket As in? leans' are caft,'"wlik strelnotocor "Sanal - Priths and Quick Sales" I hope to givellatisractkai,to all who limy Divot me with a call and purchase In Any ltpe pi t k noesa. jean-de, D. Al SNP Wt. 1.;10010-TOIY01111411.1=1WAS! ENCOURAGE HOME .INDUSpiy, BY RAVING ALL :YOUR PLAIN AND FANCY BINDING DONE at the STATEµ CAPITAL .13IND ERY, 84 Market etreet,".. - 4.240 PZ/IVENT. LESS New York or Philadelphia priceit;'whieh will be bhown by giving ue a call. The best oratOck add work . . , inanehlp guaranteed. ABUSINESS M EN,TTENTIONI.I ~.... VERY superior BLANK BOOKS, With or without prlniel he Paged. nutilEttO order-at Kli4rtkareeVlOßW l . 1 . 8 07 1 .1.31ffe °r porton; _ ,mu .., 11, 1 wow sw.;. Ir. A Air - tile] is gilicl • . — tu 1 satlstation 'guaranteed: . Par ticuiar attention given, to aliktodit of (Amory work. Or. deli by mill pkomp Wed.' ' • • AVllTNaktificured4thiti *tie TAtt o c t .yo "oftS §prom tzategaltm,i - 4, rh&o re ce ire ei freak inv ice of thirfeleiWtog verlißes, Uhl can sell at. city prices, wbolftstoe.or,r,etail:_ GRAHAM 888.5.8, " • " sOIBTBB cli4.OkBRS, • mon% ptecirmas, TOAST BISCIUT, WINE BISCUIT, NILE mmmnaT, • •soMA IBCIIIT. wm. DOCK, °pimple the Courtlionee. JOSEPH CASEY. JOHN W. BROWN CASEY *- BROWN -11,AftR_IB131JRCI, PENN''. ; in - A WWI: aeeoeiated together the in i jack() of thatLatirjerill attend &May and promptly to all professional businesintuktorekst to their tare. office in Thul; Ittreftlhree deem/from Market N. B. 0401,titions'id • mer23;dikliirr ;„; T Q H HERRING t 14--J3ireot from. ..EN .Amsterdam, nu Moro aull for Halo by Wig DOOki JR., BOsTON CLOCKS. T UST received la new invoic6 of Howard tJ & We., CLOCKS, among theta a heaufithltherch Gallery Marble Mir. 'Call and-eee them at the JunV-2ul ILIMIK-3110111103; IVORY AND PEAR, 4.1 4 A1 - .241. :1-- 'per Camerae various stirsa; NKR , heap Booligtore, 51. Markstrettess. ID. in vbrooo 8c to. ~. \ . 0 0 . .....:. -.141 la .., 0 0 14 0 g 01 P D. W. GROSS & CO., wooLgsatiar, AND RETAIL DRI;OGGI.STS, No. 19 vVII - MA.tAtET STREET, HARRISBURO, PEWN'A. DRUGGISTS,"PHYSICIANS, 4 1 1111, B - XEF:P ERS 'ANV MoNSUMERS, We are xiaily adding to our-assortment of . =EI 1004 idiasuchArtioles apidesirable • and • would respectfully oall : iroin atiot.itipu to the largest and best selected rack of DRUGS, CIIEWAXD & PAINTS, oils, Vans,likes and Glues, flye-StiUft, , Glawiandlilufnie • • !Melia,. Capra aued. Ts, Banning Fluid and Aleadkol, Lard, Spasm and Pine Mk,' Bo . ttles, Vials and . Lamp globes, ibsurtan Soil* Stionten find Calm, 4 "..0 4.104 & + q.. 4C.. 414., of With a general variety of PEIIFWEERY & ARTICLIS, selected from -the , beit manufacturers and Perfumers of Eirope and this country. Being very lirge - dealeis in Paints, White Lead, ,:! Linseed Oil, Vainishee, Window plea, Artists 'Artist's 'Britain in all iiteir vatkties, Colors and Bronzes 'of all kinds) We reapoMfully invite ,a cen t - feeling eon& dent that 7 . e. oaa_sepply the weete of all op terms to their satisfaction. TEETS I TEETS t I JONES, WHITE lIICUREY'S PORCELAIN TEETH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct trope the Proprietors. I§ABRIEFIEI Wholesale . Aienidfor'Sai)bnifieiiwhieli we sell ae . tew j eau' he ptirehased in 'the cities. ,' QV 1117'S FL' AT9REp COD. LI VElt 0 J',IELLi containing - 85 `Per cent- 'cif Oar,* hei.tiab advantage 9bl:111;611i fialatalii and ,potnapeenting to theltwoet delicate stomach. Plysiciani3 wholaviirtlie prakreiiirot the Science of lifellielfie,:iwe invite your atten tion to' irilat VAR'S 3 tiMiChtial*VlD 'EXTRACTS, believing 8441 og.thern willestatoliph their superiority; •In& seduce lour preference FARIPS, AND GRAZIERO; Those of you 'who, have , not given our MOVE and CATTLE POWDERS a trial -know not their superiority, and the adieu tags they are•in keeping House and Cattle he,lshy and irigotiticonditiOn: Thousands Gaff testify to the profit they have derived from the 1114‘ipotir Cattle Powler" 4 . ' ttie increasing, 4iiantity and qualitl of besides :improving the general.*health appearance of their Vattle. tiir len experienee.4l the Imehteea givsaigl.,the advantage_ of a thorough knoWledge of itlni . ttade,'aid - ‘our arrange- mania in,the cities are such that .we can in a very shortAinuk furnish -anything apper taining tb outline 'cifbusiness, on-the best of tsim ThankfuLfori the. liberal patronage bel stowed on oar'-Uesei'we hope', by strict , itteittionto brisiriess a careful sellotion of PURE, •DRUGS, .1.„, , Attur,Rtom, , ,ul , o 4 8 . .4319) to plasma4ll, merit ifkitrtiuitsinct alike huntnig oi a i • dircttmu • ptilihes Poke around Spioco, App3, Pain 4 12E1 lso MaliLal. DR. *JOHNSON, Baltimore Jock Hospital, Hde reui discovered reme t a h v e in i te s vr t =Trip speedy DIRMASIMB OF.IMPRUDENCR MIND IN NIX /1:1 TWELVN HOUMA. No Mercury or Nozsau Drugs. sir A CORN WAAmorrico, OR NO CHARON, IN FROM MN TO Two Data., Weaknrais or the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in ate Leine, Affectation of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow - ets, 'Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confuaion of Ideas palpitation of the Bean, Tremblings Dimness ol light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach A dbctions of the:Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin--Mose terrible disorders hiding from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth-- those dfeadhil anddestructive practical which produce constitutional debility, render marriage Impossible, and destioy both body and mind. YOUNG USN. Ye meth especially who have become the victims Cl What , , that dreadful and destructive habit which atelleelklettingitO an antlthely gray 614~4 °timing men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, wilt atightiptherwisehave entranced listentigSeusies with the Atilidarirof elogiughos,„,or waltedtpe*i theilvingtyrr, vial call - wi th full confidence. • , ILOUttaftlit.- -liarried - iteratelo, or UthelletateePhahla marriage, toellV swera of physical weakness, shosid immediately conspit or. S., and be restored to ?let health. • 4 OBGANAO Mkt , liessediniely Oared andfidi Restored Es who - pieces himself under : tae _ norkof_Dr..l., ;nay religiously confide it/ his honor as a esikman, end 'OOO- nadir Vey spoil 11is skill as a . • Agar Mee N0..-74604tlarederialjairen‘Saittapore, on the lent/and aide going from Naltiminnitreet, 7 doers frog the corner.-,appertionlir liwelosenviag the same and amber, or you will mistake thOplithe. 4epartbaular, for*Arierant: Trilling Quacks, with hiNe ninths, or Par) threstag CerOdsta, attracted, by lith.risscon of Dr. Alwatoo, lurk near. a ru An Utters moat contain a PosigaltAhlakiilo) *thou the reply. Dte Joameroa member of the Royalikiplieze of Burgeon Lauda, graduate Min onh &the intl4tMbenteollegesol :the D.ghtias it iind Umpireship-part of whose life Lags® b• spat in the alkali of London, Parim Philadelphia and eWwheto; has Ottnoted 501114 *Me mohtiimoixishing owes Abat were over known. Many trouhledorlth ringing In the and head When asleep, grist nervousness.' tieing ilirmdd tt sodden eoundsobashfoluale f 'with frequent bluabing, attended nometimes'wlth derangement of mind were mired im audio tow TAKE PARl l lanat Nafiic Or. - J.' dreentm all Ukase who hamar hooped them aaMea by private Ilia improper' IndulgOneeS, that Isms end:solitary habit which ratite both body and mind, on AUDIS Warn Owl:ether busload or society. These aro some of the soul and melancholy eirects pro duced by early habits of 'youth, viz litekanetuf of the Back and Liniber, Patna' in the Read, DhllllttSa of- filed, lons of Muscular Power, Palpitation of thalleart, Dm° sia, Nervous Irritability ; Derangement of Ufa Digestive Youctiona, general Debility, Symptoms of Consump lieu, ate. " • MENTALLY: Mastally, the theirtntetreeta on the mind are mnab to be dreaded ;—Loaa of Memory, Conlbsioh of Mere, &myna• ton ollipirita, , NotiForeboatage, Avereitni to Bedew, holt distrilat, line; et, SOlitude, Timidity , &0., are 14 , 7010 Cit the I„Thouaanda of peva= of ail ages, can Rovrjudge what is Me cause °titan' declining health, losing their vigor bo- Corning, *mac, bale, nervous and emaciated, hive a alligu• litr appagaitrei abotit the eyteh cough, mid aymploma of tionantrintion. • a a YOUNG MEN „who-Lave: in „tbeniaalves by a ogedstu practice, to &aged, in when alone—a habit hequentirlearned Cram evil eompaniena, or at siohool,the Gents` of which . ' are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible and destrivs' both mind amfbody ebbuld apply immediately* • . What a pity that kyoung Man, the hope of his country the darling of his parents, shoulalbe_snatibed from al prospects and of life by theconsequences o deviating from the path or nature. the indallft is a certaln secret habit. Ruch persona moat, before contain Platbig afiRRIAOR. effect that a wand Mind and body are the most woe saryeMidtesko pientoterammubbil hopedneee. indeed withoutMoiliase At es a , wairn ' lk, rieW the mind iniallani despidrond wee nab* the melancholy reflection that the happiness or another becomes blighted %Rh our own. -le DM JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMIT FOR ORGUNIOwskERsse • . By thidgreat and importantramedy, Weakness of Ike Organs are speedily cured, and , inn vigor mato/ed. Thousands of tke, most neives "and debOltated w had iced nape, have been ImMeestelyralieved. Impediments to Marilee°, PhYklcal or HMls' Dimmable , cation Nervous Trembling, Weilmess - pr Vinadirtion al the most SNOW glad, smelly essvae. „ Tb sPEANGERe c4 '" • The many thousands awed at Oils itutton within the last twelve years, and the numerouttikiptirlant Surglca Operations peribrmed. by Dr. J.,. witumend by the re porters of the papers, and many otherpersows, notices o which Made appeared again and again Were the public, besides his standing as a maideataa G e.,aa ri der and re apcnnhatiy, is a suilicient guaranto Ote afflicted DIEIFASB OP IMPRIMENCE.—WhenthiI Miagulded and imprudent votary of-pleasure Dade he has 'imbibed the sante of this !shift] disease, It tooMeng happens that an 111-timed sense of shathe or dread of diavvery deters him from applying to those who, from educati and re.; apectability can alone befriend pira, de Utak cousputioual ansgaoms Otitis horrid -. 0 their appearance, atUtipg the head, Ow • ;skin, ko.; progressing on with frightfidrapidityoill oath puts a period to his dreadtui - Sge by sending him to "that bourneifroah.Wheace no traveller retutne.'. it,teat)nelen. choly fact that thousands fall victims .t 6 this terrible dla eue;owing to thelantildithinesa of ignonnit pretesitiens, {who, by , the use ,of d e ad MElMniik the constitution and mike the residue e et m ute • - lb stramaiss—TheDoctorls Diploinaahand In +beanie°. . igir Letters, ) lust contain a Stamp 1111 reply. go- lime - dies shut by l ar No.: 'Mouth Woderick street, Daltimarc • mar2l-4/kvily MA C ,111 XX s Have gainedthe. ce etheth , Wall uto Ml tondillA moved one of. th e. 7aluablo inveigles? of th ' age. ihey , use k - Shtittlo, - making the Lock ten on both . sides of the eFelike, -4 - palled out. , highest mechanical skill, well on all kinds of goods; from the Lightest Fabric to Heavyv losalletilikpartlcadar,., we would call the .sttention of all to VW Family Sewli4 Machine: It has t&e= mantilketured- 'expressly 'foie Taild)Y PM. and has met rayr ol tarAl,,,,,Skia SO siMPli• Ileifas to render it almost ito eioTg: anent order, or derange' lie Operations, I nd e ed till ,idinsle as sik astonish one,thatso smalta piece of isectimilgujrilj sew. Below, we give a des&iption br the ' dine:Mit laYles 01 the Weed Patent. : ~ ,il._, No. 1, Is a very convenient style, which can he worked by hand or fOO4, on or owinfowstnws,„, Per CM verdence of shipping, and also tor large .maxmlimetoriee, where it Isneceseary.to pla a Munber Or:l4achlskei into a long bench, tasking one table uersrer for them all. Price 390. .N 0.311 With Walnut on Mahogany Table, eilbeailth or Shout Box Top, which lor.ks down. Price fillp an ,fillOr No. 3, San* gni as Mo.ll, but runs 'with a , and at a mucgt higher rate of Speed. This kiind Is wellldapt- Ibis ed to man Clothing or leathertirork. a 3 m*ol2B'oo2l. Machine i¢ : }he = marked as there Is no work done on a Sewing Machine that it will not do. It IS confidently asserted that this Machine runs easier-than any. machine now In pap. , Price $lOO. No. 4, Thls Machine has a long arm, to accommOdate arge wor k. It runs at a higher rate of •speed,- runs sully, and le, without a doubt. the best Machine for Tailors , use, ever Offered to the public. It • is also pecu liarly. fitted for plantation work, as It Is very simple ye, substantial and derable, with but little .liability to ge,, ont'of order: Price $1.20. • - • No. 5, This is a new and cheaper style, and a general favorite for Family, Light „Leather, and • a great.variety of work. It has been gotten up With refeelbeetis furnishing a strong and durable, yet fight' and tasty Machine, at a ites,prlce, than either of the above. It runs very easy] rapidly, and is• pronounced the beet machine now in market, for $BO. No. B, This Is a Minnie gc4isp On ezitrely principle, difibiMit from anything. ewer before. Warn* to the public, and We confidently assert duo, for familyhae Elias - nit an equal. It is very light and tasty, runs very =, almostnoiselese in-14 .cparation i . IWO uses A GUT NEEDLE.. It ISM arranged as to s ,,,be utterly impotistle for it to - miss stitches: •It has a tension on both eiders and ; carries a large , supply. ,of L thrwid oti the undir spool, The Motions are sexed Vier° email cranks that run Withoutpareeritlbla Tbe.two•thzueusa are letwirew in such a manner as never to both, pall at the salhe - time, end Consequently; little liable breide: The mutts very :P/luillo, and the thread does 49,11Ateak in washing. It w il l do coarse - work .better Dian any cheap machine now in market, as Buses silk, coitopi ot, Imes with equal facility. Price 650. /kecrinuire Oirculara furnished grafts' ' i 4 • • , OFFICE 477 , IifiIOADWAY,•/lEW YORK. - WERIT,,Mry & ON, Prepriedors,- air A' ''.**M' Inyfill‘dierem , FSSEN.OI23 of. la 10We At, Dawn 14',81 SAFETY INSURANCE COEPA y S. K. Corner of Third and Walna: :.; PR ILADELPHIA. INCORPORATEL) MARINk INSURANCES uli Quito and Freight wall hexte at the Wt.: 1.1 INLAND INSURANCES uu (101.4x1 toy I:k s t - Lakes and Land Carriages to all 'girt. 01 tic IRS INSURANCES on Merchandise ober:al y , Stores, Dwelling Rouses, Ste. ASS OF THE COMPANY, November $69£1,804 November lu, The Board of Directors have this day declared a dirt deed of SLY. PER CENT. In (Nish, on the eapitsi and SIX PER CENT. on the Strip of the Com ps y, 14, ) able on and after let the prozhno. They have also declared &Scrip Dividend ofTM FIVE PER CENT. on the Original Rock, mod .1., U., Earnest Premiums fir the year ending October 31. Certificates lir which stilt be issued to the panic, titled to the saint, on and after the first of Decerul ~r. Lir Predesl i e and Resolution adopted by the Bodo Waaazas, increased means of the COdipauy from Profits, and which will be derived item t h, I ,` creased Capital Slack nyder the late amendment; to the Act of Incorporation, render the further ruut , ii,..lL, the Guarantee Capital unnecessary, therefore th. , d- . Resolved, That the Committee ekipltal be dis:out,i,L,..l and the Noise representing the same be delivered t p I the makers thereof, as ram as the Risks taken dun lei eriod embraced in vatd Notes shall have determ,.,.,, DIRECTORS. Union Buildings, Third St., Ilarrisburg, N. (CHARTERED CAPITAL—S3OO.OOO.I Insure buildings and °lbw property /18/11113it IOSE. Or Jo I ---.‘Aso, - egratmaine Perils o) the Sea, inland Natva,t INTEREST PAID FOR MONEY and iiansportatier... DIRECTORS. *mon Cameron, Bee. Bergner, W. 1. Slum.) 0110. M. lawman, Benjamin Para.. F. K. Boa.. William Dock,. Wm. H. Reimer, J. IL BerryLti - 2111111*; A... 8. Wage rd, .lno. B. la, . 1. •% 1 L, OFFICIRS. iiiLEON CAMERON, President. REM. PARER, Vice Preshiont SAGIARIPS, Secretary MAEPURY & .WRITON 11.1ThItiqi old 50 Aim Bt.. . 'NEW YORK, WEEDir. PA T T SEWA'di inettrancr gompatues, DELAWARE M UTUAL Dr. William Martin SAM 0. Eland, , Willlainliy re,J: /06epii 11. Beal: . Panldhig, 'Junes Teec...i iblintind A. Snider, Dr. R. 11...1in5t0n,..i. B. hi'larlat.i, Jobn O. Davis, Rues Craig, 'Wm. C. Lnd Robert Burton , B. D'Uvain, iTbrinta f H.E...1 John R. Penrose, ChariesKelley, Joshua I' i Nona a ti Ver SantelD.Btokes ,Jaec.l, Y. Jci„ . Ifidward ngion, Henry Sloan, J.T. Loon. Pir. , U. Jonas Brooke, James Tniquair, D. T. korgai., J. jr. Penistou, J. B. fierai.i:, WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C. RAND, Vice Preakiect MISSY LYLBURN. Secretary. The undersigned, as agent Rw the above C0n4.14 Prepared.to mate instwancoa an all dearripUoos party on the moat liberal forme. jantli.darwly WILT:Teti iliumbusg, 111118.173[217Cr NAT/ONAL SAFEVF TRUST CON PA NI HARTEHEII BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA • • RULES. .3. Money Is received every day, auJ in any an.w. w arge or entail. 2. FIVE f R CENT. 18 !ski for runnel I r,•. rt., nut. in. 3. The money is always 'add back in (4Wlt. L au ,,., It Walled for, and without notice. t. Mosey is received from isechforr, elmair Guardums and others who desire to haven in a 114•. t. perfect safety, and where lntelcat cau he c.bunt...l 1.1 6. The money received from deptiailors i:l , lt 1 REAL &TATE, MORTGAGES, (MOUND kr,v, ~,; such other first class tecuritles as the C 11.1111. - (filo I, O. Odlco Hours Eeryday front 9 WI 5 nt'rioirk. on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 ri'ensi. in the vi.enin.. TWs Old and well established LzAVING solved more than TIM SMILLIGNEt lir dollars trrn, o„,'' thirty tbcrumuid depositors. CION. HENRY L. rtiao:lli/C, Prennteni ROBEIMNIKIMIII)011, Vice President Wm. J. 119 VD, socrevary. ' DIIIECTORS. Henry L. Hanoi; Edward L. lit or., Robert RelftEtte, Haznuel K. Astituu, C.Landra* !tunas, OFFICE: Want street, 8. W. Cor. Third street PHILADELPHIA. aprti-oorlY COMMONWEALTH INBUILANCA Company, A NEW ARRIVAL OF 'DRUGS AND FANCY G 00116! JUST RETURNED FROM THE CITY ! PURCHASED FOR CASH Wax DB 8011/ FOR CAM AT Low Palms! • BMW DDIPLAT or FANCY GOODS IN Tuw I/Mir/ALM ASPODTioNT or Tour ARTICLE:it Willing ,to maintain fair prices, but unw ll ling to be undersold by any parties ! We feelassured that we are able to sell eVtil thing twour. line as °heap and as good as aDy other establishment in the place I KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market street, ILUOCIPAOSONYIIa OY WHITE ,LEAD; ZINC PAINV AND CODAA, OILS,; VARNISHES, ETC. English, Frehoh and German Artists' klatetial: FINE COLORS - IN OIL AND WATER WINSOIE & NII*IOIOI3 TUBE & CARE COLOR :_, BRUSHES, . . M - TRItETICAi & tillAUGHTSilliell Taarau xi:, 7.: "" 1311ANVING4NTP I PRACENG PAPER. "Steniecia6citicesi 'Stereoscopic Vievu .!.......-ww.,;IDTC. * ETC.,ETC., ETC. ~ Tha , Rwriloyar attention of Paters, aolers at d cit.: , lecalledlotinfnetv Patent * Method of putting up 1 , - , and Una Paine in./iEtabiC GANS, of which liA.chl & Warm pre the P.ole Proprietors. • • These*Cade are`intendedliyo the Inventor io obi /.11P IL . difficulty heretofore Waling In the putting up tit h-d and Zino in small kegs. All consumers ci lemi., ... aware ndit the lola ow dead asid.Zirie yid up ," ''+:-.wooden packager, it frog jive to twe 2:e.r cad., bud ,L, mu, cases much more, owing to th e' lbsorptiou of ibe (0. a , the oonaequeut hardening albs Mat against the ~ ~,,,,l- to to say nothing otabe.additioaal labor required to 1.. > f*Loippidy (onus,', after it . ew, bird in the k Tbe tap or Pt ktg, too; is a consideration which th... , botbOloat'alght of. 'Me Patent Can 'but only 0bv,,,..... , lidgeoltiea, but in,addinotithereto curuoLe., the t - S Wi th a strong arid coavealetrV'priht pot. "` w bilasailbe paint, which .is iiirea ge wurui litGro a.. , ai e . theidltkrenao or coati) etweeu the ailk and keit _ (be Claw are pricked . le sawdmet, in su ring catc , bozo,. which contain WU each , that MI a 25 lb Lan , 4 50 b Cans, and they may botafely snipped by r.,1: or otherwise to any paver the /ated Suites. . arculate, containing cots with full deicriphou, ~ht ~ malt on application. . jun. 2.9,1,::... . MEW SOUTHERN WHEAT FlAti,r. ../..11 - Telly tine' juattaceived and for sale ea the Fi .' add P-I.oNnian*road', D. A. f..P.1 , 1 ,11 . . jyll N 0.106 'Marla 'AD , . MM ERF-ECTUAL.VIIN POWDER. . THIS article when blown or dusted U.: _L crevices 'Misted iorlui Ants, Roaches, Rugs a vermin, will route anCeltectually destroy tboo. lr Ods In Necking year welleasand bedding, and is cushions. Sofas, SIC , RC. It is death to all ius , Li- , tatrmless• to the Mahan race. Sold, only at "lII' DRUMS' R, end hi te/y, Visuatity, by the ounce er LYON'S MAGNETIC POW, DER Is also one beet articles for the utile porposesi is pat up in I, li t erSi-a l l 4 Nowa 26 cent; at . KFLLFIXR DRUO =-1 1 - 44 91 Market Strtm, tyle.dy. AUGUST AND 'SEPTEMBER A RE' recommended by most writer: framable months tot transplanting HEVERGREENS AND STRAWBERRIES. flab eawrtmentmayltrietuid at the Key-1,1 , e eery, at very moderate pikes. . 311 S a t.LL EVERGREENS - Trim 10 'to . 2 -feet: truititble fur ornaur.; . iteriensamthedges 6 —sarlieglArly for Cemetery clucHreAr¢or Vitm;Norway Ffl balsam I r, Er , rtf'' Prifht-Wree Botigne tunt , lrith Yew, To .) 4907 ta HUTSblaeoialY - 2 6 2 3-850--40.4 tr HA. Iii:311 F. dursoll Eh e.met Joseph B. Barry, Vrauete Lee. Joseph Yerkes Scull Diffetido PECLEBIE