9ailp Ettzgrapb 13ARRIBBURC Saturday Afternoon, September 3 *TATS OF THE THERMOMETER. ElOLi WORii9, Rarrithurg, September 3, 1.9. ,I, A. I. 4, •. r. 7, A. II .12, mos 2, P. 2. ____--- ----- --, ---- --- 49 40 60 73 79 I 11. 72 at 7 o' los VANOMIRIR ALL TUE LATE WEEKLY PAPKBE, Ilagazines and popular publications are for sale* 1311SONER'EL cheap Bookstore, 61 Market street., A Taut. or THU Burma Esarsallill take place in Market Square this evening at five o'clock, when setae "tall equirtirag" maybe expected. .........r.rme A thorn Morns° of the Citizen Fire Corn pany will be held at the Engine house on Mon day evening at the usual hour. I==l TAKEN TO PUILADILPHIA. — The mot, lie fauver arrested at Carlisle a few days ago, for robbing thh mall, has been taken to Philadel- , phia for trial In the United States Court. Das Rios's Crams is afloat and will reach here shortly. Dan is &decided favorite in Har risburg, and will bo largely patronized by the play-goert -..,-..-.- Faun CANII,—The beet and most reliable self• sealing fruit preserving cans, glass and tin, in the market, Cell be bad at L. Gusset's Tinware Manufactory; Market street. 41 I= Tu■ Winra HALL RRSTAIJRANT BILL Or FARM will compare with anything iu Turtle, Clam, Corn & Oyster Soupe : Pried Broiled and Salt Oysters; Spring Cbicken,Young Pigeon, Tripe, Pies, bard broiled Eggs, Sar dines, &c. Call and luxuriate, -...---. PRINDYTIIRIAN Swim* (0. S.)=-Rev. W. W, lloward will. preach tu the Hall of the House of Representatives, to Morrow (Sunday) morn log ,at ten o'clock, acid ,in the evening it This is thelaa Sabbath of Mr. Howaare tem porary engagement with the Harrisburg church. =non Eurromi Pram—Our young friend Jones, of the Jersey Shore Nat West Vedette, la now on a visit to the OspiMl, and honored , our sanctum with his tptetwoce., Brother Jopes le f< modest did unassuming, but intelligent young mad, and pubilebbssltteadablepaper, wellororthy the support of our political frlende in old Lycomini. A Ram s& .Mstruio tese been ip progress in the new Methodist Church at Millersburg tit tikii County, since the close of the camp meet ing at *lap**. From ten to imam. peni tents are nightly &Atm altar, for pra3ler ; and a respectable number have already given satis factory evidence of a change of heart and lg. The work is Jactesullati in Interest. MANGUM IN TOI - 111.-A number of strangers era now snjoqrning here, and they spaik terms of high commendation of on, handsome town and its romantic surroundings. Olio gen tleman informs us that the scenery in this 4. dotty is equal ,to soy he has met with itt hie travels through the different States. Viread mire his good taste. I=l=l Tam Eburnatum who recently indulged in s plenum() trip along the Susquehanna, vialt4xt Shelly's Island, below Middletown, wham they, found ono hundred and elgty : seven Indian stone arrow-heads, sod a stone hatchet pr torus hawk. This is the largest number of these relics ever picked up at one time and place In our region of country. I===l SCHOOL OPSNIIIO.—The feu term of the Paro chial School will commence- ortNiondhgrgext. This inelitution has, thug far, met with en couraging success. AU the branches of learn ing, from the elementary to and including those necessary to St the pupil Tor entering the Freshman or l Sophomore classes'of College, are taught by a corps of competent teachers. The' public schools of the North Ward will• also re open on Monday. CLOS' 01 11111 WM.-With this ere , hese of the TILIPMAPII, terminates the labor another week, and "Silver „ Saturday” draft rapidly to a close. Saturday night 1 Iforresillie come to the mass of civilised beings—b none is it bailed with more quiet; yet esquialto delight, than by the eons and daughters of toll, whose arduous duties are faithfully performed, sweetened and strengthened by the hope* which centre in the week's close, and the an ticipations of the "Golden Sabbath's" 'quiet, holy rest from labor I "Welcome I sweet , day of rest I" Elautzta - Parrivera.—The one hundredth an. nivertully of the great German poet's birtitialis on the of November, and 90 giiltiin* threughouV,he United States are emdfljtig . en thusiasticAwaparatione to celebratn , thility.— They will, of course, have the sympathy of thousands of students and admirerseof German literature, and especially of Schiller, among our own countrymen. The Germans of Harrisburg are not lees patriotic than their counkYmen elsewhere, and we presume arrangement's will be made fora celebration here in memory of the great scholar and poet who wee an honor to the land that gave him birth: On ON TUB "FANCY" ON A lilez.nacm.—A fashionably dressed young blood—mid to bail trona Carlisle— sporting an immense amnia of jewelry and a pair of fancy kid gloves, prome naded the public streets last evening, in com- pany with a well known prostitute arrayed % expansive crinoline and, so the ladies "flounced to the waist." the fellow was de cidedly drunk—too much so, to realize the fact that be was making a foolof himself. lie had' the appearance of *gentleman, but his conduct wee that of a blackguard. If not lost to 41 shame, he must have hang his bead and blushed this morniml, when informed of tie ridiculous and disgusting part he pinyed hat evening. We advise him to go home to his mother, and remain there I To pm CUILDLZSS. —A respectable gentleman desires to placable daughter, now eight years old, under the guardianship of a respectable family, who will either adoitt her as their own child, or bring her up to , wormurhood. For further particulars enquire it ibis office. • Poucs Arirstes.—Aopreessit business in the police department is tonfasnally dolt. The con- stables are in danger of "epiling" for want of something to do, and the magistrates have am ple time to rusticate. During the past week not even the usual number of "drunks" turned up to 611 up thekime and the prison. Nriv FALL A MR DIMS Goole.— WO have just received born New York auction 1600 yards of b mlacome Fall - Detainee . for 12414.48.; 3 doz. of beautiful Shawls at $3 60(41,54 60, and SO_ pieces of the boat yard wide muslin 124 c., worth 16c; also a Iguelsossie assortmebt of Swiss and Cam bric Collareflitlitaouirof those good Linen Linen Pocket . Tfandkerttlefs fdr cts. invite the tidies to toll and see. Lzwgr & Baotou, No. 11 •Market street, between Second and Front. ssw MECO IMEM Prelim Totortue.—Puncture them slightly with a pohited inetrument the size of a straw ; then All a* wilcb!titernato layerii bf tomatoes and salt ; apfl let Oem stand for several days. Then toe k eallon of tomatoes ad 'tiro bottles of powder ricli pil`nursterd, four ounces of cloves, and sir lit*ma ilieed. Put thaw in layers throughililktorictoes ; -then cover the whole , with stronrvinW Nowa.,Amisitur i tysa.—We find the fol lowing pars 'gloating about loos?' on the surface of 60h:changes, and re-produce It for the purpose of saying that it is seldom a greater amount of truth is Compressed Into wisaialLA space "Public men and politicians affect to think sHghtly of 4wernalism its a profession, and of journaliate as chum . Yet these are the per sons who look to editors for support in their troubles, aims and ambitions, and are made and unmade by the pen. How many leading men in this country and abroad, have been writers for the press t" • WHIPPING tit - &nrom..—He is a poor teacher who cannot manage a school without the rod. From beginning to end, the practice of whir. ,ping is brutal. • Old fogies mutter stale aphor isms abetesparing....the iril4 end epoling the child; but wi ate uo} to be ruled, in these times, by ttgyison. The rod makes a cunning and a dull child—the cat hardens all that is bad in a man. Etter) , blow given to a_ child is an act of cowardice-1s an outrage to the sanctity of its weakness, for weakness is sacred in the eyes of all good and chivalrous men. Cacaos Suatataa.z:There is truth in the fol.: lowing meeting-house melody, entitled "Pew Talk and Church Scandal," We give it a place In the columns of the TO:LI:GRAPH, regarding it as peculiarly applicable to this locality : That taltleting fellow's here to day. I .c wonder what's his name P Do locdt atSally Dame I Who Is that lady droned In green II It can't be Mrs. Leach ; There's Mr. Jeasek.with Dna= GUIS — I wander If he'll preach f /..4441X)13 Is so warm,. We',DoM 'AU sit We d Ifoerbitoomesidow Alllll— tare* Do look at Nancy !Roper's veil I Ws fah abroad& soo wide— .! wonder It Sacanaah /tyres • , . , .40ears to•day a bride , 4 " 0, what a voice Jaw Eke has got I m Z it , how that mon roars I I'm d we've left the Magma' seats., herd Mies Johnson snores. • . What ugly who are those In front I . Did you observe Ann Wild? . liar imicatrawbennet. , s trimmed with black, - I vied she'ajost a child. • , ';.Aillgiliralletifr-that Mr. Jcneo, 'n ma sermons are so long ; ' • Threattlktioon we'llalley at home, '• - '• And ykittice thold Misr boos,. Lena. CORRISPONIiI2I7I.—We desire to add to' theiaterest of the Tsummewhi giving a larger amount of local nevre, and to accomplish this "minuet have...livid correspondents in various Motions of the county. Whoever, therefore, has got a »fact which it is interesting lo the public to know, we hope, will form& it to us. lkymts . the eye of any toy or girl, Whib la idllfatto give us the items of his or her neighborhood, drop us a line. We offer "Young AsnowlM" a chance, Ind Wintry if we cannot kiln up a corps of cotresperldents who will make tbio'Temmairn what vitrileelre It' e be— ,he star LOCAL paper in the State. Come, boys, Li a fine chance to improveyomrselves. and at the same time inmate yoir OBetuidees.— ►t up your pens, young •Misaes—fill up your inkstands. Your sex has the reputation of be ing fond of - gossip--we will give you several thousand Imarers instead of half a dozen. We do not want spy "highfalutin" writing. We simply watztthe neighborhood news, just as you would Ove it to a friend who had dropped in td" see you after a long absence. Who will be the first of our corps of juvenile correspond ants? Wepause forA reply. Mamma Viernt.—We noticed a miserable *ChiNil of humanity on the street, last even ing, trembling nom the effects of premoniVr3r alwaptgrui of delirium tremens- Hansa a ekariffar ap_d en &Oct of pity. Judging Om the poor falaw's , conditiciw, we havesko doubt that before morning he aa*snakes and' all sorts of "mon sters of hideous talon ." The victims of this ter rible disease are fearfullyon the Increaser in every community where turpentine brandy, "tangle foot" whisky, and other drugged liquors are sold. And'this is not all—men become mad dened under the Influence of these poisonous liquids, and commit offences of whiCh they would not be guilty, when in their sober senses. The rapid increase of crime is attributable, in a great measure, to the same cause. Theiecords of the various prisons throughout the country show that fully.two-thirds of all the' inmates were brongbk to that condition by crimes corn *tied when rendered" insane and reckless by strongdflue Years ago, when the art of adul terating and drugging liquors was little finder- stood,` cases of mania-potu were "few . and far between." Now, they are of &illy occurrence.; and yet men, knowing the poisonous nature of 1 the modern liquors sold b 7 the lowemarika. of taverna, continue to indulge in thenWritil, with shattered nerves and rained cinkis, they beceme complete-moral wrecksorthigrentask of humanity Isoa" et them drink on ! pennopluania Mailp ar elegr ap , 4 atutiiii; ____.~.s'~_ ...,......---. • Rix. MR. Kakrr, German Lutheran minister, of Baltimore, will preach to-morrow morning at hal f- past ten o'clock iu the Germau Lutheran church of this place. THE MAN WITH THE "BIG HAT" arrived here yesterday, from the rural districts of old Mother Cumberland. Last . night he perambulated the town on a "sight-seeing" expedition, and we presume got the worth of his money. MarnomsT Stamm- I MA camp mestingwill not interfere with the regular Methodist ser vices here to-morrow. Preaching May be petted, as usual, in the Loo' treet cb and teistilou.cluipa,le.. PENNSYLVANIA BD3u:Socierv.Z—There are now eight hundred and thirty members .belonging to this Society, located in ahnostifeiy county In the State. By the accounts foodgd, the interests of the society are rapidly advancing. Posemo.—This morning, in the lower. mar ket bouge, a beautiful young'lady presented a gentleman friend with a blushing peach, to which be naively replied : '"Yea have a,peach'e velvet elleeh l * And he you not peach's hee.ri? ' INTEBESTIRGItILLICIPAR3 SIMPICIB.--41i0 "De' II:10 tions of the 'Forty Hours" will commence to morro* , the' Catholle chritch: at ten o'clock, and continue for three days.. The t.erviccs will be of-a very solemn anti impressive ebaraete . Severe) emineat eleritysen frc9 abroad will t l f f . in aitenthinee'to must Rev. Mr. Mager, the regular pastor of the church. Biwa° IttitleX.VClutkomN• leave that: there are low grog shops in various localities,' at whiCh liquor is soltlto•children'who are sent for it by drunken parents. Tho den kept by Hess on Ridge Road—where Tennyson died In a drunken fit on Thursday exedirig , -"is said , to. be one of this character. All such ruinous in stitutions should be crushed out, and their keepers properly punished., I===l .Axovnaa Eirsmkx ov,IIoRTHFIIN LIGHTS coma menced last evening between eight and fling o'clock % the north-west, At times it was ex ceedingly brilliant and waving. It seemed as though unseen miiiits of the air were sliiking a canopy of silver lyf i sr the face ; . of the earl o b. This is the third electrical display sines SUriday evening last,,all .of them magnificent beyond decription. Tea VITNATHICII.—CAIIP MIIITINGB.—The wea ther, since theradvent of Autumn, has been de lightful, and highly favorable for camp meet ing purposes, ic,number„ of, that° ;gstihitri nge are now in progress throughout the country, but whether the good-effectedrwiiloverbalance the evil committed, is a debatable question. lit our opiniciti 'the iieeissitgi for - camp meetings no longer exists in this „country. We .havis an abundance of - elegant chrirches, spacious enough for the comfortable scrotum:Kisttoo of, all sOrt desire to unite in religious wOni,hip.„ litany' telligent professors of religion, who have hitti erto been the advocates of these gatherings io the wilderness, now. baileys end say that the cause of Christianity woulithe =Named by the abandOnnrent 0f,4, cuidA4 pstallisho in the earlier history of the country when churches were "few and far bettveett." Then 4he ' was a necessity for camp meetings, and they Were unattended by. the -drunkenneter,-- rOW dyism sad Sabbath desecration which character • Ist many modein gatherings otthe kind. -It is our setAled f epto l lidit?P ilkat-fitEilikiroetiolgli are humbags. Whlleefew fairy inlli wilderness to,worshin God, thousands repair thither for kind of jollification, and the sin committed' vastly exceeds tater good do,fteantitiChwakeions. .--4..---. MITBODIST CAMP MISTING. --The tsuzip meet ing which commenced yesterday in Xipniap's woods, 'liar heidierdstOwn, attendsll by, the Methalishi of Carlbde,, Mechanicsburg and this place. .The circle of tents is quite lirge, comprising two or three extensive htsir4-. lag tents for the accommodation in which : exceibmt mealsftre, served up, and comfortable liodgini provided. Should. the ritthor farilreile it hrriFor, i 5 arntici pated that thousands ot *4l'4 ivdthrong the grove,among number many frsiolouf.oivn town. Omnibuses will leave here in the morn- ing, and'return at an earry hour in this effinhig, for the 'acconnitodathm of those whoirlsh'to . spend but one day -in- map. ; 4 77 .111" 7 - r . HARRISBURG AND LANGMUIR RAILROAD.—As ?MAI. RICKiRT.—ELECTION OV Ornosas.—The an• anal meeting of -the atookbolders of the Har risburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad Company was held at , the Gtonipany'S office in Philadelphia. yesterday. From the annual report submitted we learn that the, Receipts from passengers, sot from or to the RJ R ?SaII.A I, s, Wer . 199,066 Front nassengers to alidtrein . ft: • 61,129 From Freight from all sources 20,643 From Adams , Kapreso, emigrant passengers,443..' 11 144 From rents and mail 16666 : • Total receipts for the year The expipzelitures were ler the yeeripe , Wee power and' teertiptireiticin . _ ..$ll9 644 Rers of . Sala pai ries of ottioerh, oonditetois . 9 , ,b10 Tax on dividends, freight arid property—, .... r . 19,673 Rent, Insurance; &o 1 . „, ..; 3,188 Interest on bonds, &a 36,880 Two b per Otint: , . nividetids a.I r.f. 108,710 5 400 1 . 6/4411 r$S + 5 1 13, 84 7 Skowing a . surplus of slo,2l4oosuut 'The number of passengers call* `ovet• the whole road was 146,219. The relotw,t States-that the sterling bonds of the Company.thitkinloontion January, 1858, have all been paid anol47)ncen ed. Of the dollar bonds, maturing at the sumo time in Philadelphiti; theie still' remain out standing but $l,OOO. 'The b0ad9101044 COM-, puny loaned to the Pitteburg, Fort : Wayne and Chicago Ilailruad Company have .all been re turned. The road and bridges are, reported in excellefit condition, • Newish • bildges 'having been rebuilt during,tbe past year. This is one of the most successful roads conietilno , with this place. Tt has for many years been ituder toe aloes anpeevision.lif Hilda Presiaint, Jos. Yeageb Aec§asel. It9tl who ie now BuOcoeded In office by the election yesterday of UT. Michael V. Baker. The following ill a list of the Direct ors aliuk .elehtetNi-Wm..rFutdij Algernon S. Roberts, John s ill:kinks% M. D., Janam Magee, - Longatietb, Imes Maltankr John ii Towne, Janlinalif Lippincott, James Yoong (Midd letown), id:. ..ward F. Gay, Menial' StiaMis. ;:- r==l 'Uteri elan, 003tember 3, 1859. •r. Sod Jonen.CAssi., out town, is announced to adth•essmprinut :epuhlican meetings at Mercerstur* A Frafiklici county, on the 12th and 18th of is month. Mr. Casey is a gentleman of diai . gnished ability, a pleasing anti. AttreCti verigierd4r, and will make a good impression in old Fjanklin. Cootruca Powais.--How few cooks know how to fry potator. There is nothing so easy to get and yet so palatable ("1. breakfast, with a titiek, tende'e keel-steak, dr a Mutton chop o l ing from the grid iron. To fry raw potatoes loperly, they should be pared, cut lengthwise Into aitces an eighth of an inch in thicknees, drotiOnd into* pin over tiny fire, containing hot beef drippings, turned frequently, nicely browned all over but never burned. The ad dition of a little salt atitpepper, while in the pan, find a little flour drelged over them, is an improvement. awitiouWa Rstrris - arrrirs.—This article is put bows M 91016110 with tlioxreatest confidence asUeCeSil. It Is Intended tb restore Gray flair to its original color, arid to promote Its growth. Persons whose hair Is Tailing JIM will find that It Will remedy the evil in a very few applicationil. In all cases go according to directions, and you may rely omits,stolessibi ;var. It cot put outbid* tong in Iwo, its; coring Sosid Head, Teller, Rtmlfortni or any o r Skln diseases, hutruerely far the Growth andglistsingion or the Hair. llapufabtnred by ' SPifltllkt, Druggist, Chimbersburg Pa. sEprptdqby D. IC.4lmets at CO, and 0. K. Keller. 7,M , 474:441-flt9ly r PA OC~ IAL s din L RD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. CYRUS Y. MAYS, A. M., Principal dtriobt; icbNsirrrk R. F. Mauna:, D. W. GRoss,! A. J. lERnis,. . . .oipoßqg - -ilgittlat P. Wissiiiko. ACILE-apdYSIKA[AE Pupils of the age. 4 . 111., of tilue years and upwards received on application to any of the committee. The.Sehgel rimyis diyidethhato Two Term!, viz : • Mott It:no—From the Oral timidity or September to the , .ud Monday of February. Second Thein--Nrutu lbeaulcand Mondaror February 10 - the second Monday in July. Prices per Mlle, Wilma any extra charges whatever: shit Gain Third Ciao. ...... $l2 PeconaCiass $l4 I Fourth Class.... $lO The Rail term of this Institute will commence with the Itret Itqlbliw of Roptembar, 18f4. !ChM meL`wlth encouraging success during the short time It has been oitablished,for which the committee beg leave to returelbeir sismerp thanks, and, they would re apeetteligeolleit tlne c6niititiod pairomigt 6r the public. Parents and guardiaas may rest assured that every attn. Asa will lie given by the PrluelUal as well its the Cum mlttee, to , thp pupils oomolittedlto their charge,- abd ing tell undone which may contribute to make the Khali. worthy of their entire confidence. All the branches of learning from the elementary to nod inchldlug those limes earg,to lit the pupil Ibr entering the, tereahmen or Sopho more ehu*sepr ColiKe,aretaught In ,thls school, - Jar Commenimilleen by , mail may be• nth/teased to Rud. F. Kelker, Chairnitin of the Committee. GAS XOBT.. -FOR T-11E , CITY OR COUNTRY. rffirtißVidUablo Patent Portable Gas Light lA. is aged to the piddle In fun confidence over every I!Aber Glas.Liglit itilizistence, for Simplicity, Safety. fillionomy anstßrillimmy of Light in auy temperature ; it is devoid of any smell or smoke, giving a steady, cheap, and brillhqitleat Light, and It sequlrat 'no trimming.— , Tfeislight b meter complete control, being regulated by Ate • row so*, to attredeeed from a full blase to a small . • •is suitable lbr a night lamp, and is quickly "soared to - incitillootposay. ltilivadreirebly adapted for Minim Storat r —Hotios, Dwellings, - feature Booms, Halls,..Plctories, (Heal Boats and Railroad , Care, or Artairevera gced lighfr is desired. Parties desirous of se curing the right of Territory for this valuable Invention, lellkleallilee4 , elf, con:44-0 kti milling at-No. 12 =rem% betiding, where they will be on on an Tor Bala fur a few days only, consisting of Chandeliers, Brackets, Harps and Stand Lamps, each one R being perfect Gas works in miniature. Give us a cal. Opettdurieg.the day Bali evening. WITTEI Select 901sools for Boys and Girls. • PROM STREET ABOVE. LOCUST. T ' term of ROBERT Iif'ELWEE'S ftbool for boys, will open on the last Monday In August. The room is well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and . in every respect well itdajited for school purposes. • ' • CA.TBAKINit 11'.14.WEE'S School for atria, located in m e , ' ' 0 efinliPto fi llfiifig, Open Ihr the fall te at the acme The room eau elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to pro the health and comfort of scholars. augl6-dtf - ;.. . ~ PENN'A: FEMALE' COLLEGE, AT HA'RIVISBUIra • REV. B. R. TANA. A. Al., PRWTCIPAL. 111 H E Seve4ti*Annual Session begins 1. Thursday, September' Ist. Educational advantages and locality unsurpass o % Boarding Pupils surrounded by all the Influences o a Christian home. ' Circulars containlngilill Information can be obtained at the College. aug2s d2w ~..., SBEET , id" . -11001 MUSICa PI O FORTES. ORQAN 4N SARMONIUMS AND . -11011tE;LO •DE O.N-Si. ITMLliiii, OXIITAES;' FLUTES,' &e ., , MUSICAL. MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL. No-92 Market Street. WIEWM.•KNOCHE. . , . .COLE AGENT.for the sated Schomacker & Co's-, celebrated, Pianos and ,Neson St, Hamlin's eons and Organ Harmoniums, by special appoint ' Ow ' New Pianos and - Melodeons always on hand. Second baud instruments taken as part payment for dine ones. Sheet Music or kinds from a leading publishing 'House in Philadelphia. ' Citizens and others desiring Instruments, Shoot or &Mt linsiomroieapectrully invited to call kt N 0.92 ?darnel Mita, ~or tbeywill be witiOd Upon Sly making their wishes knownADV.. it - Nocat. - All orders, by mall or otherwise will be prompt ly at tattled to. ntar24lly-rdjun27 NEVir MUSIC STORE: No. 93 Hertel Street, Harrisburg. 1:11EET MUSIC Instruction Books. MISICIAL. MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. ':P`IA.NOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS ' VIOLINS, FLUTES, ACCORDEONS, &0., _ O. C. B. CARTFAL Jonlb-dtf MAX lIICIMODT'S CITY RESTAURANT, FOURTH STARLET NEAR CHNSTACT. ABilperior article of LAGER BEER and Wan always on hand. Lovers oPthe3o beverages . are respectfully Invited to call. augl2-dlt G y 1 1 .1 4 ,T FRAMES.—OvaI, square, plain, or . . vrnamental, made to order. Samples may be seen at?, R' S .PANCT TURNING SHOP, corner of Third and Walnut Weide, or at my Auction Store. - . 113r#.11 4 - — W. BARR:: I ! - 1, --Another large ; and, very anrstrior 94 ply just received by.. • * *MT . ... . 28 .. . ' WY. DOH, JR. • WINSLOW, • Ao experienced Nurse and Fematentysicion s presents to the uneaten of mothers. her SOOTBING t , SYRUP , For :men Which greatly facilitates %Nu tn*. of teething by Witt ening the guma,reducirig all alley 41. PAIN, and apasmodlc station, and ta, SURE TO REGULATE THE ItOWELS.' Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourseives AND, RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have pat up and sold ibis "articia• for Kiver-ifen yearB, anti CAS SAY, 1N CON- . Mean% AND TROTH, what: we have never been able lo any of any other medi ciao—N EVER HAS IT FAILED, IN ASIN tin IN STANCE: TO—WAN' = A CUREt-141000theleAlltod- Never did weknow an -014,44 4 ,c0, or dissatisfaction by any ono *lnc used it.. CM the 'contrary, all are de lighted with its operations, 1 " .and - meek In terms of highest .commendation of.FM ;ifs -nee - teal ' edits and medidal virtues. We speak In this matter uwtur wR DO' KM W,l, alter ten yettra' { i i . eXperlenee, AND PLED/1R OON RePOTAIION AIR 11/R Alumina OF Alin W I nasa DIOLAR& In almost sin every tostaccerlebere the InOuttissufferiutfrom pain b... and exhaustion, relief will be found in tlfteeu or p., twenty minutes after the yrup is administered. e's This valuable prepara tion la the presoripton of &S ono of the most EXPERI ENCED and d K IL LFUL 0 NUTISIAS in New England, and has been used with, Nam ridusa SWUM in THOUSANDS I OF,OAS&R. • • It not noir relieves them *lf froni but the atomach Null' hinirels; ctirt - acidity, aud gives time andeuergy pip to Nip whole system. It will almost instantly th-., Dean , IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND pt COLIC and overcomet vuislou which If net `tfpeedily reteedied;::e death. we believe it the vo liner and somas. T IN The WORLD, In all casesF.a of DT S E NTH Rlf AND DIARRHEA IN COLD-no REN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. We would say to every mettle' two has mohild fr om any of th e foregoing COM- 011411 A— S, mot on voila reenlnces, NOR MR , be tween your suffering child and Ufe'reliet V will be SURE—yes, —ABSOLOTR- SOlLle=to follow the use of title rnedieltie, It ... I 'Um* used. - "Full direct. none for Seng will tinhorn. *efl lordly ini4b bottle.. None genuine niO_ess the .fes- mile. ptournslii PER. MNS, Ni* York,.is en the ow - butside wrapper. , Sold by . Di ugg eta throtigtiout tfeVierld. • Principal (Nike, No. 13 Cedar New York. Price only r 25 , 4Nouts per Bottle , aug4.lawly SANFO LIVE* INVIGORATOR . . NEVER DEBILITATEg. • IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and-bas become an established tact a clairdniard' laedl dull, ro no wn o an r d e gi approved PI Wl:rel i t:fa drgeinundttl dissesse for which it le re- 0 Commended. " It has cured thousandsivlthin„,the last two years who had gieenup all hopes Wiener,. as the numerous unsolicited certidcates in , my possession shoe. The dose Must beads)* ed to the temperament Of i lbe iudtvidual taking it,aud used in such quantities as to act gently on the bowels. Let the.dlctates of you . judgment guide you lu the use of the LIVER INVIOO- RATOR, and .11,,wi1l , cure LIVER CAMPLUNTS, IMMO ATTACKS, DYSEEPSIA,CIIMIN. lOUSAMMOSA, AMMER CON- 4 M ' IMS, DYSENTERY DROP sr SOUR. STORACH L HABIT- MAL., CMITIVSNISS, 1:110110, CUOLIMA MORBUS CHOLSRA INFANIUSI, FLA TULR 11 OR, JAUNDICI, FINA 4 , WARR- , NUMB, and may be used Successfully as AU °MONA- /a RY FAMILY MID/CINII. It will cureSICE HEADACH (as thoasinds can testify) IN MINTY MINUTIA, IP TIE R MASS TRJAPOONFUL9 AIM TAKEN at commeugement o snack. . l . ~, ji, ALL WitErMIS IT ARM -mY a their teethuouLjh Its favor -, a ier mi. Water In t be. month with the In• alginates., and swallow bath together.. to&on PRIOR ON DOLLAR PER pains •SANFORD'S FAMILY - CATHARTIC PILLS PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PUT UP IN GLASS °ABM, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The active FA Cathartic which the . - Ti pto C prietor i lut i r t . used th in l lat ertine 114... iprabdce Moro than' twenty'' , a years. , , The constantly 'nerves- , lug demandfrom those who have long used the PILLS NI and the satisfaction which all express in; 'regard - to their use, has induced me to place them within th reieb of all. The Profession well 'know pULOOPirent Catharpes act on di ff erent portions of the bowels. The FAMILY CATHAR- TIC PILL has, with due re terence Wails well erstAto 4 ractomen compoun ded from a variety of the est Neigetable Extracts, which act alike on every ~,r phrtof the alimentary ca nal, and are good and safe IN la all -caSes where a ca thartic is ,needed,,sueb as i d Peongmaeole of Stomach, Siewirrew, Pains in the -", Back and Loins, Costiveness Pain and Bonnets over the igl bo4,ResUostness, Headache or weight in the /toad, ail ... TOamstaiary Dsseases, Worm,. in Children or Ad- rt, offs, Rhoorantisss, a great Purifier of the Bloat, and a t many diseases to which flesh la heir, too flamer° -- 1 to mention in this adver ,Usement. Doss, Ito S. 0 PRICE 30 CENTS. THR LIVER INVIGORATOR AND FADUI.T CATHAR 'IC Plus are retailed by Droggiats generally,and sold wholesale by , the Trade la all the large 4owps - -; S. T. IV, .SANFORD, It. Manufacturer and Proprietor., je7-dawyi] 336 Broadway ) New York. SHORTEST TIME MOST RELI . ABIAE ROUTE To NEW 'WORK PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. CAMDEN AND AMBOY, OR NEW BRIMS- FARE $4. WO OMNIBUS FARE THROUGH -IPHIL&DEL PHIA - INCLUDED. IDASSENGERS leaving Hurrieburg via -penosylvanta Central arriv New' Yolk as follows, viz : LEAVING HARRISBURG' by' YAW . LINE at 2.30 a. 8., arrive In Nogg York at'l.2o P. Y. LEAVING HARRISBURG by EXPRESS TRAIN at 0.06 A. B. arrive In New York at 3.10 P. at. LEAVING HARRISBURG ty NAIL TRAIN at 1:10 P. arrive in New York at 10.00 e. x. ALL TRAINS by thin route make close connections* PASSENGERS privileged to STOP in Philadelphia and meanie their journey: at pleasure,, ___,_ , . .... . , A. L. P.OthLF4pg, n vTup't. East. Div. Penn'a. R. _ '.• ' IRViN J. CRAM, 27.c/cd:Agant• aniliklterd-anglia . ' ' - —Ai t so— COMPOUNDED PROM IS irlA TKE WICK- R. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIMGE A. WIZ) LIVER PILLS. W E beg leaare-tctsall the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu - tar remedies now before the publiL. We refer to Dr. Chas. ll'Llae's Ctlebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their Tune purports, viz.: • THAI AiillaitliffßUG-E, For expelling- Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to, Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LEVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SlC' ' kIEATACHE, &c. In cases of EVER AND AGUE, 'preparatory to or A fte„ r ttking Qui nine, they 'almost invaitably make a• speedy and pernidnent cure As specifics for the above met tioned diseases, they are Unrivaied, and never knoWn to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING:. I?!IiOTHERS, PITTSBURGH,,PA tcydispOgeof their Drug bugmess, in whieh they have been success fully engagqd for the last Twenty Ycars, and they will now give their undivided time .and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele bratbz: Yotiiifugt apd shall continue to occupy the high position they now' hold among tile great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the,Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEEING BIOS. Pittiburkb, Pa. P.Y. Dealers and Physicians ordering hum others thou Fleming liras., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and lake wens Litt Dr. APLattes, prepared by -Fleming BrOS. Ritailrgh Pa. To those wishing to glie them n trial, we will forward per mall, poet paid, to any feta - of rho United States, one box of Pills for twelve tits, eat postage stamps, or ono vial of Verodfoge for rolo leen threa-ornt etrupp". All others Pirelli Canada must be accompanied by twenty cents extra, .FOR SALK KY ALL DRUGGISTS. ape saw iiiloMkkkk DR, HOOPLARIM GERMAN BITTERS, DM 'DR. MODFIsANIES BALSAMIC CORDIAL,. greet standard medicines of /he present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac 'lion is rendered by them in all cases; and the people have pronounced themioorthy. Liver Complaint, DyspePsia, Jaindice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseasei of the' Kidneys, . • . and all diseases ariiing Irani 'ce disordered liver or'weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and pernianently'leured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a ' reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. re wild cure, WITHOUT FAIL, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness; Bronchitis, Ht nuanna, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Conimmptio!!). and has performed the most astonishing ores ever known of Confirmed Conmmption. A few doses will aleo at once check and cure Me most were Dianhaea proceeding limn COLD IN THE BOWELS. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., NO. 418 Arch. Street, Phila delphia, Po., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called EVERYBODY ' S ALIIANAC, you' will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts if the coustry.‘Nrhese Almanacs are given away by all our vents FOR SALE BY ALL MN:GISTS. [sp4l3 - MOURBFUTO GC4O , alats," A new assortment opened this m o r ni ng GINGHAM&f CHAIM GIGWADRIES, LA W NS. CREPE MAIILZ. Black and White Grenadine Finished. Two Teri Wide BerewAr Shawls; with a full stock or all kind in MOURNING GOODS. W. A. CATHCART, Next to the Harrisburg Bank. • -' NNW BOOKS. 2Z/O , by Kiss Marryatt. r, (L. Amour) from the French or !fichelet. cow DomridiVa Dammam. How To Aor, Children's Clotho. Marlintosm, ADVReililan of Peter Glancy. Together,with all the new Books published, for Sala at BERGNER'S Cheap Begbatore, Mllarket strePt. 1111 - ABL9 AND CIGARS, "iiittoked and Un lawkird,) fer eale by A. M HINSON & =I