Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 03, 1859, Image 2

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    def. Then, when the sun had gone down,
and the father had Leon up to the third
heavens, he would release the little fellow,
and, taking him on his knee, tell him of that
blessed, eternal state, of which the day of
rest is but a foretaste,—all the while the .
son thought but of one eternal—leg-tied.
giait g Celtgrapt.
Saturday Afternoon, September 3.
aidon'W *fist Marty, the
outoimAiloic, within the .delivery in
the Post °Mee, or any Paper, Bally oil
Weekly, publlelael. In Ude place,
- -
are offered for sale at this Office, at low
rates and on accommodating terms. The presses
have been and are still used in printing the
Daily end. eekly TgLiaRAPIc but:the increas
ing circulation of our paper compels us to use
7 6 0T o it .t 2 w 9h o e r M i e u v p ea ,
20. They are both in excellent order, and
adapted to st r eam or man power. For a country
office they would answer all the purposes
desired. For particulars address, -
COMPANY.—As this case has
made dontiitierable noise in the Legisla
, tore„Jut well as in the community gernar
'aryl it' may be -interesting to our readers
to litye a correct history of it. This Corn
ping was incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania by Act of General Assem-
Jl4 l approved April 13th, 1846. p jf lie,22
section of the said act of loaf:hitt:imago it
*provided that " all tonnage, ' of .what
slaver clesoription, except` ordinary 'bag
gage of passengers, loaded or received at
Ifertiptturg or Pittsburg and carried over
sold lead more than twenty miles, between .
the 10th day of March and Ist day of De each and every year, shall be
..nubjeot to a toll or duty, at the rate.of five
trills pet mile for each two thousand .
PROW' , tte.
fty a Supplement- approved the.same
day, t it is provided that if the said 'Com
pany shall at any time fail to pay- the tell
er clasp en 4ollnige, &AL, the same shall
and,:fithisin'a do the properly of
said Company, and shall have precedence
over all other Heti! oritieterisbniniis Am;
tty '4 4 - AA approved 27th
March,.AB4B, the abase -tax of five
roguif tier -01 per mile, ihmflhe 10th o
*atilt to the Ist et, Deisemher in ,elifth
1644 vats elittard tb---three mills pertosi
r ar, with I
that withittitwo Years alter said road was I
ed, if 'the three Mills per ton per mile I
W 9 14 P44oi,kamtkagiAto gye mills '
ion per idle, then the Legislature may
inastefs' the charge of five mills per ten per.
splices in the original act of incerpera-•
lies. • The said tax Was paid regularly till
the '2lst j ef *July, 1858, when the Com
pany. refused to pay further. The ac
lonaltaht departments settled au account
fp* the 21st of July, 1858, -
- up to the let of. December, 1858, amount
incto .87,875 22. Fromk this the Com
panyappealed. The case was tried this
week before Judge Pearson, and resulted
fa ejtidgment for the Commonwealth for
debt eittinterest. A. few, days since the
atieontlf ! itat departments settled another
steeoltnt frem the Ist of December 1858,
tb -19th of July, 1859, for tax or tonnage
title b iai r ,d Company, amounting
to $159i8 68. The.prinoiple being the
amen in both cases--the result of one will
decide* other.
When the Pennsylvania RailroadConit
014_ bought the State Road and ',Main
was proiidad that said dompetty,"
brpoiying 111,50%000 higher than anir,
other? bidder , should be ever after eXerilpt
faidek , Tantinge Ti.a, The .plunderius who
• histfittened on the Public. Werke at.the
egimemptef the taxpayers pppotkal this ; and
*net MoTrithen4 -CanslCommiasioner,
tioot iglu!) 'of stock in - the Ilailinad
Wigan) , -and . applied je
,thp )Iqpreme
Court to settbe aet of eale.aside sb/firr as`
they could. The Cut did respond to
*brayer of its friend Mott, and did set
the isle aside so far tut the11,500;000 ex
irttgaiett and the Tonnage Tax were eon-
WM- therewith. Were it not for amth •
delpeiete attempts 'to retain poplesshin of
Abe Public Works, this whole subject
might have been -pleasantly adjusted to
ther,Aututual adeautage of both parties.
Nowithinks to- Mr. MOTT and his hungry
crew, all is out at - sea. When, if ever,
tho State will realises ;the:Omsk of this
tax, time alone - trill tell .
-410440 , •
`f i nance IN ITTill.—The Gentiles"
,ii, tah,have held a convention. and re
aolifed against polygamyk. the union of
dwelt and State, and othelonstitudons
of MOrmonism. They made th4allowing
normiut done
delfriate,to Coggress, Dr. Garlanctlia r t ;
for the Letslstufe c cohneilmen. Wm. IL
j akillO wa hn owe ldtil a gr ad : nit ro. o=ol4 .
et 4.
P. Thome.
Our friends in old Union he* t heir
County Convention last Mondiky, in which
awe they ,nominated the following tiekAt:
For Assentbly—Thomas Hayes.
Prothonotary—John Bilger.
Commissioner —Samuel Marshall.
Treasurer—Robert H. Laird:
District Attorney—John B Linn, Esq.
County Surveyor—.Courad Sheekler.
Auditor--Samuel C. Wilt.
We learn that the ticket is a strong one,
and that it,will be elected without doubt
The resolutions breathe the right Spirit,
•,,a jwileious• tariffpin
opposition to the re-opening of the African
slave trade, and rejoice that the adminis.
tration of James Buchanan is drawing
It close. We eopy those refer
ring to our neighbor, Gen. CAMERON,
State Treasurer SLIDER, and the State
ti4eg They read as fo4ows
Resolved, That Gen. SIMON CAMERON has ably
represented hie,eopetituents in the councils of
Abe nation ; that be has ,al ways stood up firm
and 'unwavering to the interests of Pennsylva
nia ; in him we recognize a man in every way
well qualified to hold the helm of our national
government ; be is moderate A ln his views, but
firm to the interests of the wbole country
Resolved, That ll
°Aem:los our first choice
for the Pr e sidency of these United States, be
4ieving- that he would- manage the affairs of
the nation with economy, restore prosperity
-thrdughtibt the country, and dispel the dark
cloud whiohJiati'beeh hoSetingaavertrui.
Resolved, That if Gen. Cautatos should be
placed in nomination for the Presidency by our
.party, we firmly believe that, he "poled- carry
the Keystone, in JB6O, by an ovMwheiming
Resolved; That whilst we regret tint enormous
national debt inflicted on our eouthy4lirough
the administratiofi Preildentßactiat we
rejoice that the liiitncee of our own b yed
Commonwealth are in a prosperous conditioM;
under the management of our able and'ellident,
,State Treasurer, lion. Ku Bruns, the State debt'
is Vey rapidly reduced. May higher honors
await . ' him.
/fueled, That we have full confidence In the
tilutaphant election en
.the second Tueada'y
Osikther, i f Thomas E. Coonsiut,:iik- i of York
to to office of Auditor Gene's), and Gen. Wm
H. - Ketn, of Berke, as Surveyor General, and
alai:, ill carrying a handsome majority in limb
branches of the Legislature.
One of our New York exchanges says
that the specie movement of the year 1859
is one of the extraordinary features of the
times. The foreign export of specie from
e i(ew York since the let - of January last
la the elosaof lest week, was $47,498,000,
- - to the end of July, was
•$4,448,000 gregate of $51,-
, 949,091), cir at the rele — dt- . . •. • 'ups
for the year.:_Oompart.d with other years
the expo* *4 ) es,follAs
Front I .l o teri York, From Horton,
to 204 Aural. 7 =Wks. 7101.
51,805,000 $18,072,000
..... 13 4 412,000. 2,791,000 .16,149,000
22,284000 - 3,749,000 20,080,000
... 20,584,000 2,757,0410 30,323,000
22,838,000 0,497,000 29,185,000
. 31,827,009. b;652,000 37,479,000
17,081,1210 2,201,000 19,262,000
47,4911,490 4,4/3,000 61,949,000
$38,905,00G • $228,945,000
The export fok leielt months is at the
Akt eriAtitattee nu a Zols
per annum, a much large; stun than has
been realized in , any one year from Cali
fornia. The receipts from California are
ditlacishingtas the export from that State
to foreign ports is increasing yearly, par-
Aicularly to England and China, A pro
per regulation Of . the currency and of the
tariff would `have saved ., one-half of the
tigove two hUn ed and twenty-eight mil
lions to thn 0414. 'Ode hundrock and
fourteen millions distributed among the
people.would have given a wide impulse
to the productive powers of the country.
The furnaces of 'Pennsylvania,' Ohio and
New. York would' have been busy in the
ninth:a of iron manufactures, woolen and
cotton goOda, &e,, and our people would
hqe reaped Abe profits instead of the Eu
ropean capitalists. We pay fifty to eighty
millions annually to &rope, , when a
large portionsopla be,prpfitably einployed
44utzpv, Atissopwi eTUDO
IT 4 lagq4a it9P 4,cetAtlY Wetited
at- Keytepvil,le, Chariton county, fen a
charge of having been one of the party
who brolta open the county safe, about , a
year and half_ •ago, and robbed it of tome
$5,060,. The, Grand Jury of that county
indicted him for grand larceny and bur
glary, and ha was required to give bail to
the amount 0f42,000. This case attracts
ra great Agar of public attention, partly
from the fact that the accused is a man o
considerableireakh, and at the time the
Aims, vac i cpmotlittestheWlll3oyte of the
Judges of bOuOiy Court
TEE' STATi ' I'Aii.-4fon: Frederick
Watts, of Carlisle, has consented to de
liver the address'liefore the State Agricul
tural Society, on the Friday of ttle 'week
dming i lvhich 'the State Fair is held at
Nwelifp. A better choice than this
could, not wade ; for Judge Watts is
a practical farm , besides being an mom-
vs 4 Q ..
compose a Representative District. The
Republiem nominees tirp Hiram Butler of
Crawford Co unty, and H. R. Route of
Warren'Untmty—gentlemen of 'clatneter
and ft4 -- qtattlifications. Both Counties .
!zieinitilepitblidarti` their election is confi
Pennopluania Malty 4elegraptt, itiaturitag 'Afternoon, September 3, 1859.
of the Third Judicial Distriet lola,
has decided; in a suit instituted on apromis
sory note endoraed to the Bank of,Teka
ma, Nebraska Territory, that all ?twerp
rated Banks in that Territory are &gal,
and aft business transacted by them,- at
corporation; is in violation of law. The
decision is given under the act of Con
gress of 1856.
- A
General Houston's 'icing_ in...a#44
even more sweeping Alitin c wae at first re
ported. Of one hundred counties, from
Whidh returns had been rOceivad owthe
16th instant, ,ho had wajor4eitlxj- # but
twenty pne,and it was belitivpdAnif
majority might reach twelve ihopsalid.
SPEC - 7441 - tiiklPAl 4 4l.lolt
TRUE DAYS IiATIR n0ic,6401.64N1A
pv:iirEst of„Dov. ,pcivinAs.
Masada Perritar' Provisional Gov
ornament Organised.
The overland mall has arrited -;with San
Francisco dates to the 12th ultimo, .thiea darts
later than previque advices. Thekpapkre furnish
Victoria dates tithe 6&t►sitimo.
~. Th0'61404,4 San Juan, hawse?, Vitnahaver'e
Leland and themain land, which Is Mainted by
the U. S. Go i vernment, has been tallsepßosses
alma of, nod* the orders of Gen. llsksisy, by
, .
• S. troops, as part of Vaehingtert- ter
ritory. •.
Governor Donghts, • • .. .
issued a protest claiming the Wand,- for. .
British crown, and has. diepatched some iiimed
vessels, with two hured sappers and miners.
The U. S. vessels husetts, Jefferson
Davis, Shubrick and ;e, and the British
atr igac
vessels of war Tribune,, ,. z • , and Planip b
'and 'either anchored ofd the ._. •dor in the
immediate vicinity. It was • . ~ •
lat Victoria tilakthu, . " . ' • ',pc ) .
ibise4 by it',Piint occupancy of the Island uultli
the British and U. S, troepacould be advisedof
the existieg state of affid A rs • G 441491 i W*
expected to arrive on L e island O f San - Juitt oil
the fifth of Atigilist. ' '
punter River~paver
Wad at timu i sind dollars
had reached. Victoria within the previoils fort
Advices from -. Oregon state that the Polaea
Indians Averiiintrupting Lieut. Mulben's wagon
road eipedittonotiistroting all the mile posts
and lippitig c all the-vass at the camping
The Lpa Angeloa Viireiard, of the loth ult.,
gives ani•coount of a battle b q ween fifty U.
S. troop" under ma). Armistead, and four hiiii
dred Mojavelladiana, crii,the which
about tiftiOndifirui irt#e killed.
Pir:P. Wilkins, the District Attorney of Sulk ,
ter County, and a candidate for the Legislature,
wasshot on the 9th ult. by luikte lbw of ;rumba
County, whose daughter Wilkiciliad' iiiidneed•
Mr. Broderiek addressed the httgast meeting
ever assembled in Sacramento, On'the 9th ult.,
and made a full expose of theallisaishin &Algae
arrangements at thkla i st Senatcark4 elag
itievada Territopt r• -
The Convention in session in ilsiveta-'falley„
had framed a cobstitption for a Prptdaional
government, declaring Carson' Vallefindepen
dent of Mob, and gives the name of Igeiadit to
the proposed territory.
Commarcial Intelligegire
SAN FiANCISOO, August 12.—Budnveopmtin
ues !inactive, and prices are unchanged;"
SarrHaws.—Arrived at San lerauciSco ship ,
Onward from Melbourne, ship Lucy L. Hale
from Bangkok: Sailed-ship Clitillebgi; for
Hong song, ship Hebe'for Surinam add- MeV
bourne. ,
A terrible catastrophe hapoeued yeitarday
afternoon at aqo. 106 &wink street, at about
four o'clock. A steam heifer lecated'en
premises alluded' td, which was avoided boy
John Roach as an iron foundry, ettanded,
completely demolishing the bulking, and bury
ing all hands employed in it---sotkwfonrtean in
the ruins. By some 'fortunate,.
circumstance, however, but one man, named
James Shaw, was killed:; while five others were
more or lem injuired. ate natues of the "Mum].
ed men are Edward Roach, Edwarl Petrie,
Wm. Bernard, James Taffel and Alin gewart.
The concussion caused by the explosion 'Was kit
for a considerable distance, and the - pettple ity
the vicinity el the ' _ building were efiltettilly
excited. _ A r
An_Euglish Defallter /draft
• BOW9lti t Sept. .
An-Englishman imrr t cl titriphrei,
who, it s is alleged, is a;def . ,gnltet thei T ainp
of £40,000, haab sen arrested here: --- ti , ! ,
is Ow clergyman who el6ried ad , Oth
man's wife from England, asilreadyin
.•' : •
News by 4veriaid
Trouble About San Juan blind.
Y 0 DEMENTS OF WAR 11,88.115.
Indian Tioubles in Oregon.
T. LOV;ft; August 3
Terrible Catastrophe in Noir
New YORK, Septeupr 8
The Music Teacher Swindling ASO.--
The Swlndloratrreakil al,Wasadutioni
• :*wouir e row &Ant 41 0 -
The gar . kirrht‘ f
PhlYtdels 6 4,4„ . .. °lfewl.4 4414;3 4 401 4
the pretence of taking them down south
as school and music teachers, and then robbed
nusta of their uumeibstat Luggage, waa.arresteci
here by Chief of Police Goddard and Lieuten
ant of Police .itictienry. pi was recognised as
Hiram P. Leslie, heretofore temporarily employ
ed as a laborer in the Patent Office.
Bowl of our pew eitizeps had bean alleged
:14 , fill =His vgUse rontaided a largo tamthet
of lettersfrtrionsparts of the countr
ihe coast - Aiid some of ' which show that he
has traveled with, and - wale. *xtensively emir
gaged in Illshonest schema. He has a wills
' I
Two large travelling trunks olalme4,,Athik
: 1 4t* at the flGiregig, .office,; ON! are SUPPIO dq
contahiAza es belongisig to hie s tkunio.
Helms been. itadle fln‘ nett*
• a
sition of the Governor offlew"Vark.
Leslie bsOnb'person with 'bun when arrested.
He took - lodgings last bight with lir, wits at
her insfdenee. There-loco probability that any
of his vietiros came south with him. -
Weigigfrom alikießtier 3
The e
ileP 041414161 iAtateiseafipeennfficially in'
fdintest of the mi . :ideation, by Nicaragua, of the
tamarAtoluden Treaty, after the omission of
obnoxious provisions objected to by thie Qo
ernruent: ' t .4 Vi
mks . e x pitteaced nor te rabil
Physician; hit a Se/AOC syrup Di&
which greatly facilitates the procannotteething by soft
ening thetunni, reducing all allay all
paha, And jig ours to mill* the bowels. Depth=
mothers, will give test to youtsalves, and
health to your infants. PerfecUy safe In all 'chaos. "See
dvertisoineut in another column. au gi •dawly
Sillte4l4l/11111LA.—ll1s tropical root has a reputation wide
es the . world for curing one class or the ft orde r s that
afflict mankind—a reputation too which it deserves se
the best antidoto we possess for scrofulous complaints.
put to be brought into use,•its virtues mustbe concentra
ted and combined with other medicines that Increase its
power Übe: Midge NOMPotind Ofithis. character Is
numb noedod in tip community. Resit tho advertise*
'hest or D. itial inuir Colonise, And We
know, it needs no tuloomiutn from us to give our citizen,
confidence, In what he Wpm. °roue, Syracute,N. 174
Padthivirsta, Suet 13,1807.
Mehra. PfnV Dm* & '.tots.Be&ls.—Por more than a
year I was afflicted withationblasome cough, attended
with a yellowish frothy. expectoration, and great ema
ciation rationed. Whattud it was a liver or lung rough
I tnow not, but there wathidinceimitt tickling sensattioli
In my chest. Calling ode day at the Mlles • of thoatatail
Ftatos Journal of this citymneof thaproprietors grads*
recommended me to try your Pam Hiller. 'lt sent and
got the article, and was helped fausedfattly, and am now
well. This was last march. r withhold my address as
my family and myself are averse to notoriety. That
what I have written is solemn truth, is welt known
the proprietors of the Journal. I Write under the induenihr
of grateful feeling. Your truly, MUCUS.,
The stela on lfueu, lima the we of the Pate Kitlolo4
ovddlY removed by Waddeg in alcohol. ,
tnn ENOueu Batsiniatelletn/a8
Clarke's Cekdtrated ikorode Protiered * 4n ar
*minden of Mr J. Glatke,ll. D., P pectin' Extraordi Ty
to the Queen.
Ttds wen known-medicine do imposiliktk,-kstt a
and safe remedy For female Ditlicokiles and'tmaxpottons
from any cause whatever; apd although s•ylowertlal
remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution,
ulkirly_sulted. It wiji, in ilitipart-44my Iniug on
aoll wet MN MOWN SO PIM If V
oggonose ON TOR Yazd Pada Or num= ass
Par particulars, get a pamphlet, free, Of the agent
N. 8.--$1 and 6 postege stamps unclosed to any au
thorised matt , will intrire,botth4eoontnining over 60
Pt Is by rectos:wail G, 44CA4guirr, ageakfor Marro!
burg, Pa., T.difr'4 l l.o.. ANStultr, wiloletilde agents
Phllagelphla inde-dawiyi
To the Beanned and Monad Minix
You are overran with a deluge of the vilest compounds
Iti SS," f Situ or "Aloshalle Dri" that oval *maws
41 ,
tr Imre soolitti,l4l;row Mils.' Tilt 4 , 41
,41 1 142V01 1 1W'orratir, to you as a
aad hi r (also the end Jame.
-01M4611"r i aM tl ia, frigaer,, 41 Agog,
sar DS v.z": " wa Y , Noir York
,Is offiggitper, ; by Aeir, , pa n t ,
BOWINI4O Vint BA , MARLita *hlbldk
NO `2lfttne' Mink.
--; , -v , ..------- - A ,, , ,, t-ii.,..!-y-----.----,
, . ,_
: gb the quivih t aitlcomplaint. but it
.. , .:1.• . i= r toreenaat,Nwheo tan u atore
7 P ,
__lff lb** and buy the Lb
AN r - ' VAR AirAMMlN. L poiliarit BRA
N WIAILAJIME, abdomen, ru d _,
clea at '. "- vlicAbli • Aroma j fill
• clrk.
01 1= 11 4)_ .. ,,
a; . .
,wedilitirl7 `', .
N OLD 001# came!, - ; 13 of the
alederalgoed ataheihmt since. -*it le of a brown
color,lbears kap harm, with a wilita stripe across the
ehou)delts• Ipapot weft ter is requested to come,
p pay ehameeand take her &key'
delapt animal) pviN liedistatatt of eel the
41recti. _ • - JACOB WM'
'.843-d.St snequehanna Townsb
KEGS OF NAILS 4a forale at
e re
) dared prices, by
viwoo.AL for sairicheop, by '
at d 2 t * MBY & HiJI L;
.01111101 STWOOlike COMPAN4.
'AVE established a Depot iii New Yorlc,
f ' tor the supply of •
• Stereoscope! and Stsreoseefic Pistons. `
1 4
i t, zs. 3el the aei th d ar tthe , i, ,„ they the
j g extent and varlet", v- ta e me t e 4l
for b. Importers Nos a* that theytbe
No York Depot, at the' lathe' paces charged at head
querto hl London. Ornate_ executed, or parcel!! of
of f o t roto ib '
I s Mi= 1 0 0 . f i , nt
c arlCOPe_ X , p c, P ~ „Traded
l [
• ~ Z . g.
-",12° ,, . Lagssatj
lir the L. IL Co's Depot,
110.21tate ' . atig nacuswas, N. P. -
te, . .
P. it.
- Os
F L,
.._...,,. crill„.,_s .....„... 4 4
fib v Of an WM ot thtrutallns'
cantor Dauphin county, will be exposed Public
Sale, on Sehaday, the Silk day of Sepketter nerd, at I
o'clock in tire afternoon, at the unit Kill on the prises,
the Ribs ielng PerprmOable-litutheflaihitt bite the estate
of Leonard uesmny,,,deeeered, situate partly in the town
of •liiiiippire continued," and partly in the township of
row* Sdatilirs, hi Oat cemity of Dauphin, to wit :
LOT numbered In the plan of the town of "Highspire
continued" with the number One Hundred and Twenty.
Seven, (127.) containing lii front on Second street one
hundred and thirty-two feet, and extending in depth one
Wrand eigaiy.five feet, to a fifteen feet alley, upon
l i l s erected a large Two and a Halt leafy STONE
GRIST MILL, with two 'pairs of burr 11111 Stinnes. Also,
1 , ~i.„,,,,,5w ri, F ume j aw plowed HO ( OHO
-. 9lirdratirikell i wars • ' ' wht-oren
furnished and in gouersorlder ;, with Wadi, Smoke
Hones, garden and ilitiXrater ; also, a good Sized
Prairie Stable, Carriage and hog stables.
iiii k a i l ae nth th Lot of Growth, situate in the said town s
6/1610 1 Ldiq munkehrec the
Cthe paid. to -.tad ei ghbor One Bendred and
htydits, 026,) contaliliteleht Mot on aid und
threetlW.y feetnd extees=detith one hu~, and
eighty ave foet ton fifteen , ' •
.Also, a eertaim piece GOV,* norLthd, benedwitbY
hurls tiolt s or but of Joithlrether, Jacob (loop, Sr., by
Itaceutreenin thongs! town itk.“ll6ghapire continued,"
„by wifteert Net alltsUs d le sidd townreal by lands of
theheirs of thannel , dessaing ; oothaining THIBr
TM AGUE AItDONS4thLT, bethewinsethore.orther.
Also, about OHS Abiltrtheall Cilia -OF LAND, ad
joining the above Mal property, "
. Mottle Wetool,
, the Widow Light, and the P -.Conall,, upon
1 which said above dee= the said above tlw
scribed Grist. NUI, g Hater hid odor
together with the*ratat. *t.4 4l V
the said G Hillidesidled• ant, bu -‘..
Also,' at and berooginyto the:meta
tallirlifill 'ter ter-take andiF il s o rmatth of "Hurd
Hun ' and to audit pelt' a race dime'
of Jaarib Hoop, Sr., tothersobr the purpose
of conveyieg.the water of the , isibt . raw. -through, along
minter the same, to thess=iitste4 and mill. AR
Of the above described. pram iLbepoid itHelbef-
Tbe abovadencribed inmate in and near the
town of Highapire, in a fly gelled,. highly cultivated
and fertile country, about lift miles from the borough of
Harrisburg, and about throb .bibles boat the borough of
Middletown. The liarOsbart *Sit Middletown Turnpike
Road, the Pennsylvaide.thinid, and the Harrisburg and
Lancaster Railroad peas throogh the said premies,to all
40*dr...haters is swath convenient access, to and from
the said Odd AWL Pothention of the whole or the above
described prevalsen will be-delivered. to the purchaser or
purchasers thereof, me theist day of April, IMO, upon
Ws filly complying walithe terms and conditl'us of rale.
Attendance will Wryest, and 00-ethane of salo made
known by Prancise Holler, Trustee, appointed by the
Orphann'Oourt of lutephin county to make gate of the
above described *remises, es the estate of the said
Leonard Deathly, deceased.
_ . . . . .
Parma Innate, -Clerk O. tt—sug26 doawis
Amity Wanted in every County in
Pennsylvania and New York. '
. D.O COMPOUND, for coloring and meter
ing soiled and'fsded garments to their original brilliancy.
It gives fact colors ar One bistro VI Coms, Pants, Velma,
Hats, CAP, 'Shawls, Merinoes, 'Sark •Gloves &c. It is
easily applied with a common brush, and will not crack
or injure the cloth. Perilous wishing to engage Ina pay.
ing bush/me with a small capital, ran do so by applying
to the undersigned at
Dressing Over Clothes.
2 doors abovo Hoffman's Hotel, Harrisburg.
Otanumnlcatioss directed to Harrisburg or Chambers
bin, Pa sep2-41.9m
A I'ItICATIDIA w1)1 be received' b 3i the
Alai : undersigned , until MOMMAY,•SePtenber It, at 12
= Lool e re s tr au cendi t erwo Weatinantea4alse
, Tera
ife y itilie r tro g Dat , ,p4l. ~,,0:- A grIculierai
sepl-qt - E C. WILLIAMS, Superintendent.
SIT iiitt^iN G P o.§ pi v. 1141
id ea
P. i 4 0 0 ' tinsinyzo, -,"
' Ur" .. . " ..... .
soellial#kcAlLai r X l
gaistualitaalt&aut ' #
Or this place, sail illatio
Oittes ,,, tr Baltlathit aild 1101 . 401014- , - T: , ,,
i''' . tHaltit--4411litity;' g' ' tr
1 , . , 12th iDd t,stko sac
Parade-and Plonks is , !ay. on , tho . ,
' ids of the ' -," '%,' , Idiot.. -:
Bap on Tuesday..Evonlmo# It .81Asii' /AIM* o?
. . ___, .• . ' -,,, ~ _
iser; Admission to rt'gg e ~, _ , aht;'
444344990d00r. **1 1 04: 4, 011k —: .- . 400
`-‘-'- T ''' • 44:14/4- -GA
, 1 . g"X`DAT Aim , - . AX . 1
L E A 3 l4 6 4 Ottrjt It GI •
4illis' , i . .
F-O •I44SHING" 1 * 4l
OOR AANERD Alfatif 't:c ", t' •
WILCOX & signori ; • , ,
• _ - -2 x - . lekelunFlE• •
8 ,
stock.:— ibii
'Pri,7 - •
-•11,0 Illasares of =banal ,
e •1.5 .fi al Inc 4
.10,,bat, la
.. ,
. .
•• , :
H . u,.
..i4 : .‘
rx SIVA TWp M ri" FRAME BA SR,. ailk.aao
ila also has. Frail vinA: ma* not: : . f -,
wise miet4 tbategiabt. . ~
• C. 0. ZOllll/0111104
sug3l Ott No, 03 Sootia SecoorroOL
LOVa tioor
max W. G . . ..-,;.
MI/LemicOlasurkt.T. - ' 2
, A y ? .
it JUS T . .
......)Pt" t
. Vi r ll , mitiMitap ti V i s: u d e N a •
neaatilul mylas ol CLOTHS 3 . 1..41N aid FANCY
„,...,uk,..4,thi.... 0 Marseilles ESTDMIS,
sqd al reaSotudds pliees, and made up to
;t7XlFilapwi style.
Gazinamszre KISNAglmg GOODS, eglaisting of the
latest Mks of Shirts, CollaNSandlcerehttei„ Suspenders,
Seek May tcp. Call and see. marle-rd aug3l
Al 3 Ibis is the seastwAraiiiis said Fever,
Ada& with r bank:Preto/ember tbat the
regatable Ibnie Mature, ea. 4gue K il ter, is acertain and
speedfture for thostr'grousiokome
safe ilia reliable inedlelnd. 'Pry it toinplaits. It Is a
Prepared and sold only atthe Drug Store of •
aug3olllw* J. MARTIN LUTZ.
11HTER OF ARRANGIMENTS, and olberollicers of
rnpalu °panty Agricultural Hegisty,-are- requested
1041,1Wi1ei4010.06 074011Streel
Widnetddy /lipid 31, one'dEidlearfille a ,
'ltd` OHN H. ilift, &reg.
~...QIIERIPB COD LP7ER OTLJELLYA-11hconlysweenine,
NM Reproved by the New York Academy of MedicineEr...mtttrl—arl by teehbvettlzalwi—
viingoLD, paitKIR&NOWEIt, Agents, New• York.
eurbrp;,w. ,arpaa & ed., and by all Druggima
sate-dllw • t
kbOrtitia Brats. T‘.
HE subscribers respectfully, anneucee
that th ey will fornith and pet on SLATE ROOPINO
with Slate trona the ceiontted Lancaster County Quo'.
rtee, which Is inunirimeeed by other Sla in the mar
led. — Orti•work will be done by the most te
workmen; and warranted to igve uthataction.
mys-tt • - E. BURS dt CO.
Cif ter And . Wine Mill and Pre
IMlll3' darling machine, which (Dail
.2. 7 Mug WElNeveral yews has proved Itself alaper,, r
=rsr aimplidtgE t illlciencyte aerating lu L„
ig rkerleadr hirvest of 16e.
It le Matte,U Wattershalt weer, at
there anek ariera do well Li L. ,
InalmhictOWearly Ow II drainer. -.0"
ISGT( MIA than one hundred Silver - Medals a 1,,! fep ,
man have MIJOISIIYeII tyoothle2till within the bast totar ).
law theptoiaeogin 'bag hot and e '4
that it is the belt one in tbei Market (au the
n grind the easiest, fastest, awl iu ti.c ,
2d. The Prete is the shunted and moat pow,t., „ 1
ukstest handled. It Is not hampered up wai l
01 screws and cog-wheels, which create alanovia
to destroy ita 'utility. It is well made stud ,tta dl.,r
_sir rho NM occupies about two soda halt
three feet, and is lour feet high, Weighing ;;;11
every way portable and couvealeut.
Daring the fast winter I had sevvrA
apples to niahe into cider, and procured ~,, ,
PORTABLE CIDER /11.11.1. S," anti found that, ultli ni .1
I amid snake eight and aloe barrels of ridrr n .1.,
MOB only working by day tight in the yh, I
winter. The 111111 hot only pertbrtned in the
and satisfactory manner f dint worked wi,l, r eu ,,,k,
ease and with a small amount, of power. I
portable Mills, bet awe that worked with ball it.,
speed of Hickok's Ksistforke Cider Mill ; an] I
recommeld it id prelbrenre to all others .
Harrisburg, Juno 16th, 1869. C11.11111. , i It
• Mr. Cbaffee.of Broome couoty, New York, wi IL,
be, with one bend, went from farm to farm wilt
these Mills, and made Oyer one thousand Id tr, I
in the fill of 1168.
Alanufectuntel exclusively, by the
EAGLE Wofili.. l
Send For a Circular
A. M. Binip&? & Co
No. 338 BROADWAY. N-
uniancterig Toxic,
especially desieed bilk use of the
pleasesilaialsekitieditsitt... l proper
and Dineetie) which belong to
:au Ma IndLijni.EGlN. The busi
ness of rmanufioturtim p i rirjous gins, and
.A q in itt 4, as leveesigee, ender OR
(sated," etc., hats become so common, that
the public arejtenlly 'suspicious of nearly
avorything that isuoffered under similar
forms, and lbe Wide has thus been brought
into disrepine. = It has remained for our
house (established in 1778) to supply the
pressing popular need,' and to inaugurate
a new'ra in the .hist_of the Trade.
We In* th at 4gitt ,eithefl reputation
---foupled lApop_ 'ears of experi
encer—itimndantly vindiettes our claim to
public isonfidenbe.
418 t
comostieetvir,,rpliddget'a Old London
Dock Gin ". wipt 40)!Am% boating Va* named,
artli.eampitook NeinipeilitriCt, sad make Mkte,
' intao% tohnecessary.
PtAt. op In QUART BOTTLES, in Cased
Of ones and two dozen each, and sold
yughout the world by Druggists, 6 ro
1 .
~4 7 ,
, 1 !te•
ugdist'§ and tllealer,
r• r with
Unn le
Direct from United States Bond
e4k Warehouse.
or .114 X ageliL la, by Cu. 4 A
Baaimraim and-Inoff Znaziot.
1410441kiank '
a' 0 -zz.-E-vir 10 RK •
E atim
, wo tibilti Irately, iikitt Pennsyl va li 1 3
alt r y
Ind Cantina New Jene, litit Re.,
b Lebanon, Raiding, iiiieut. NN LI ['Oil C
. and Rilzabethport.
graim Ilkirougb,'bettottmo Harrisburg sea :...,,e, yor ,
.' . air'otitat. gsmo, -64
am" . ,ur g dio t s.d.ii
• )14 B.4.4lL,veliatiiboa rt
10 .
31. A u .Ira
ea I
D°llite aad " VAIN leaves Ilan gat 45 r i. ,
reaiktemtv 6 ,p. 4., Jokliggp thed, le . S ,
morelg . gied arrival al Few 1.414 at i. a—
RETURN64O., leaves .Now York. at 11.45 at...a ~..'
making clo sipiapeliemisissogigtypttneabogo, Hoada, r--''
directly through to gaftiabsitg, arriving there at.
P. M.
FOR Tampac apply at the Ikj
a' Harrisburg.
JAMES 11 , ''"
Gait r Apt Penn'a. Rail .K.O
111 no t55,40,T• 1-0136ISIINIERS 01'
vTeoit owing to the large quantity 01
on band, but to the continued and Jos.! '
eilmotehtbe nibt or:oaat,
Tl ol llEtrallliEkinetelefortt, and will deliver a at
OUCe of atig,aeire. We have MI haul
LY/15492- - —OB 4 , 0 Pk ,
'NEB' ti 3uo
t er 51.1
"ft 2 00
Wilireabarre Brolun "
"- - cumin :" :1
‘4 Nut;,:: 2 au
.1-sell the real l,ykena Valley Coal, and Iwt.
.*nataln•fbnLylletesValleY N 'as is done In many last ,
All Coal from my Yore can be relied open
toidlor. i•2l4olEd3szq F. BYt
, P_WECTFULLY offers his profrs!..i.;
l io n idottokeitiarns'of Ilarrisburv ,
• AKI - °Mali the "Patriot and nutoo " Budd
troot.e,bove r ANA [Ask
WM. pociz.
OR COAL OIL, for 6alc
MIL' 4 '