The ffrologra4332. ys PUDLISHED EVERY DAY, [IFINDATP EXCIPTID, I i3l( GEORGE BERGNER & CO., TEL 5t:880111710Y. The 11A7LY TIMEGsAIIi is served to subscribers in the Borough at 61t coots per weeig. Yearly subscribers wil Je charged $4.00 Wang's AND Sillll.WailitLY TIM:MAP% lbe Intsonaru is also published twice a week during the session of Ole Legislature, and weekly during the re. mainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, viz : Single Subscribers per year S 2.00 seven 12.00 Teu 10.00 Ai r ctergymen and School Teachers supplied with the Tel d isArn at SI. M 60 in advance. t LAW OP NEWSPAPWWL 11 subscribers order the discontinuance of their news. mom the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are pall II subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa perS front the office to which there directed, they are respeuelble until they have settledy a the bills end ordered boil discontinued. IDrig slifiaabo, &c. 1a59 FIRST OPENING OF SPRIN% 1859 AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ! I ~ ,, ,,, ,, 2 0. 0z orc i o r a, ....i t a.. f .ty. v c G ei recei ving g w a ti n ir d h opening n s Quality mid Prices 1 fool confident Ivan offer INSUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS, UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE. Plain Dress Silks, Fancy Dress Silks of every style, Rich Lustred Black Silks Delanes, lihallie, Ducals, Jayelituc Ginghains, FoUlurils, Brilliants, &C., Bic. Mourning Goods. Thu only full md complete sroou to be found In 'TOWN. ,Shaw]:, Of every Style, Quality and Color, vary o; lake from $1 GO to s'lo 00.; Needle Work. ildaddolue Sae, Collars and Sleeves, Very Rich French Work Cullen's, Embroidered Ffdkfs., 03mbric VAgbige, Cambric lusertings, Swiss " * Swiss Edgings, Reckon Collars. Maltese Collars, Flbndcinga White Goods. Frenrh English Brilliants, Jackonets and Nainsooks, Canabriai and Hulls, — Dotted %whit, stripes fey Sleeve,— Taletons, Dlrnitys, &o. Hosiery and Gloves- urocir is the largest and us coinplet as possible. Kid elo - ves. JOUVINS, Ladies Ana Gentlemen, imported expressly for my own uau. Domestic's. Unbleached Einslins, Bleached klusline, Tkkinge, Linens, Jeans, &c., Ste MY GOODS ARE BOUGHT 'OF MANITFACTURgr2 AND .J9BBEll'4l, I Ail ANABLAD TO BELL AT Palms THAT DEFY COMPETITIO (121Lh and EXAMINE my STOC, before PURCHASLIG elsewhere. WILLIAM X.. OATIIC4It ! NO. 14 MAR= WARE, NETT DuOill TO Till HABITISMIRO Basic warn. i •NEW MEDIC A L 1341-10% me INFLAMMATORY' Dnmethics biar: DLINTi iI. ft tl m t dl 2 l°ll 7eNfa seedy for 114, Las rum alut,'sind accomplishes but olio thing to wit : Subdues lullamtnatory, *Stelae ' Whatever be its r lone or locality .' TRW it dam bt equalizing the Lll circulation, thereby removing e solo Cause of., lilainmation. 1.4 4 rhe oma hem ' Nearsglet t ,ttit tbe*lL las, Colds, Fevers, billteimidh * and liver, female Dseases,grysipakte,B a renc o4 Plumley, donbcria,,'Dyspepsia, Venereal/ r"N flout, Scrofula, Walter cud all. other forma of 7 L oa f Ilaiummion are easily subdued by the Now Med 1,....4 UM Sait . ' Aliiite New Medical Salt Sc ISO nu .1. all but dealt's( what itvhilmato do-no int* uo less--equalises the cireulailoh by removing pz4 from Me system all arterial and venous °bathes. loud, ill Mulitlituaie have tried the vlrhuun_ the New Medical Salt, though but lately dis covered. Witness the tostimanWis mad cat` IS tea 1.. of cure. ALL wig have weed it aoknowl e rot it a baulk from it. Au acquaintance et, ours was cured of a severe case of Neuralgia th less 1 ;Z; than a vusek.-Norwag (Me.) Advertiser Viotti - lallralliiiible MlRWCilltl is - itaiiiir 1 fula g rg, to my case, all the promN i vhich you unk tbr it. A lbw dads alito tel my mother a rush of blood to the bend. r an _ ) 3. P. GILLINGRAII, POOL. i ,7- 4 1 itilasuilsra - nary Ithetausitithilia vkitit - saii 1 complaint. The lint package did the work oductually, as not a vestige of Rheumatism Is left. Ii H. DUNCAN, New York I 'Glom; -1111- i r rittites - tiasteilirein, it fo r r e i rr v o i [U g h! l a i u n d a ll e y: already I s e l l v i o l n o l w b e t r n y e i g S. LIMO, Readier,. I Tried ft tor neteartueseorahe Aladthia• .I. mat Aorta. In ten days the Wu was godo T. W. vralmozO: , Id D., Phila. t,;& ----•-• WI. *peek by the hook. W. leave tried a. It has anupleto sonirol aver idtiam cb =aloe - Jacksonville ,(Vts.) New Era. r lic breiiichi tt t tt t tttttttt t litheustuatisna and Li Neuralgia have beau cared by lt.-s-Jelerioss. ...... 1_ .1.2.41.: .1 ...a..... Le . ,!,..__ .. , .oTa. 4 * (:) li any wore would- ryirobeessewr 111. Descriptive Circulars, with testhinoidide my r") be ohtalued from any Druggist wbb hasithts refuel aimar his meiliclue for sale. • DR. C01(18 L` A ANTXPECLOGISTIC SALT. Price $l. Chronic package 02.50• D. C. TAYLOR CO, Gourd Again, 202 Dock Steel, Philadelphia. The New Medical Seal, fin , wiske illpa raburg by J.ll. Lust y D. a. hang & am, 0 an a Co., C. K. Kollar, E. A. Buttock, sad.* ill entorpria i Ig Oruitaiste wherever the meilepiphn blit i Al t t us but • patent medicine, but the p tolz,ot an *unwept phyel_ _ i ota° no one ehould lidi y too • 'NEW MEDICAL UM" Ifir bur 7 at.d. l!reotions sop droder. — ta020411 . -- - • m• . .. ... ._____ .. .: ..,_ _ Acc. ii, If/ ir/ .. .• ! . . : .. .1 : . . ' \\ \\ Vlf /11, - Vt>' 7 /...,V . WY, . ~ i Tr.'; it - t', ll ''"•l- - : l !") 4 . ..-... - . _ . r ., . ...... -. v-.- --.,‹,-- - - - - . • , , _ . 0. L .)-cat_,_riii,_l ! _ '4 115 ", ..., '. -_-.. • -,.-T. - --_ - -::::: . VOL. IX; ~iLebical AYBR'S SARSAPARILLA kcompound remedy, in which we have lobbyist telfesuccame most efteatual alterative that can be made. It is a Oshoentratatt Wren of kora Sarsa parilla, so combined with other substances of sun greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla, is reputed to cure. It Is believed that such a remedy is wanted•by those who suffer from animals complidutoond that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service toelits Clara of our afflicted fellow How compietely thisoont. pound will do It has been proven by experlineuttoo many of the Worst mutes to be found of the ronourbagr com plaints SceoemLA map .'smet out CONTLAMTS, 'EsterTiose .A2lO Meerut , * Daum; Vi ma, - A u tU% Ittormise, Tenon, SALT Rimy, some 01.11),Astreremarrm AMC , none MYROMBIAL IeriZAZI; DerAmerr, NreimILGLA Doutourans, Danny; Dirseterma•aso Ismemoxist, 4firrir terrain, ROW OR EITL 4 43BTBOXY-'l5 FM, and indeed. whole complaint...rising. from haw= or turßsoon. This compound-will be4oinid a groak promoter o health, when taken- 1 the spring, to expel the Simi Am more which fester Sherblood at that season of the year By the timely expubionsoltdiem many rankling dlsorder are [lisped in the bad. Multitudes can, by the aid ol this. ..medy, spare ttamseivest from the endurance ol foul eruptions and adirerotts sores, through which the system will strive Welt 4 itself plc corruptions, if not as. ail to 'de . this through than/mural channels of MO body by an alterative laMiloble. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you Ind its imperilAes bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptioim Sores; cleanite wiont you find it Is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse It whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Ryan where no particular disorder fe felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life Is disordered or over thrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously , deceived ;by twMarationa 4 It, 'pertly be. cause the drug aloud bas Mot all the vlittil s ial Itf claimed for it, but more because many Prepare , pretending to be concentrated extracts of It, contain ut little dt the virtue of Sarsaparilla, Crafty thing else. Dur'ng late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending th give a quart of Extract of Salsa partite for onvittlitut., Most of twee have been frauds. upon the sfek, ihetheVnot 'only contalnlittle, If any Sarsaparilla, but oiled no curative Preis:Sties .wbatever thence, bitter and painful disappointment has follot Ileum of the varietni extracts of Sarsaparilla whiith hod the market, until the name itseltts justly despised, an has become synoqytuous with imposition and clued- Still we call this °cannoned Sarsaparilla, and Intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name trout the load of obloquy that rests Upon IL And we think we have ground fur believing it has virtues which are Irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it Is intended to cure. In order to complete eradieation from the system, the reme dy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL,,MASSAGOUSETTS Price; sl`per Bottle; Sit Bottles for $5. kyer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown fur the cure of every vertety or Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unneeeSeartfOrMS to reboillit the evkleke or It 9 firtues, uthereverli:gas Weed SniplOyed. As , it big long been in illo - 14mghout this .section, wo need not du morepthe - • •It ever hes beeLted that It may be relied Cu to do sql It ever been round 10.4 e. • ... , , Ciatlukrtic Pills, . .. . . Boa TUN CURZ• OF _ . • .C.iiiivenal, Jatt i d,,DYlPPlia / 114 /(W0 0 0 . Dysentery, Ewa Stbnia4,. pela.t_ .•//rahohei Nal .140tMalitet, Itruplforti and ' lt Diefatet,. Liege Ctoltpialio4 Dropsy. Seer, alemem Eld Salt Won; frorms„,o ,out Neuralgia, as a thigruerlaill, and for Pursigimg Me Rood. They are sugar•ebatekse that the mcUmps,ltlve me Mire them pigametlyorma - ther are the••, aporisit in the world fer ail the' argcu um of a huully physic. Price M 5 pet hex; Piro 'loxes for $l.OO. Groat numbers ut t brumes, .rhysiclane, %Memnon, and eminent pawners, hare loot their names to certify the usefulneag of th e remedies, but our space here will not permit Alho , of them` Tha'Affellts „below named furnish our AVIZFUGLX ALMANAC in Which they are given'; fall disciriptiumi'OrGui Above complaints, and the treatment that should be Milowed ter heir t fib n pitt of by unprincipled dealers with other props they make Otero profit on. Demand Ante's, and, . o TkolifiCk want the beet aid fort h ail should hsvoit. A or Mimed! are tbr sale Toy C. A. Has:even nr• ris ;H. O. Wurrmax, Halifax ; Dr. Mama, diners b gau d by all Drygglsts,and by the principal•Merolults a ,111-davOlm - - FISHING TACKLE ! R.TOarlait TACKLE, MS' ' HING TACKIIEI CAVES! CANES!! CA NES!!! ~ tiPIESI C KN-gS!!' 0A1 4 11.18111 CAPTISSI'OANES!!,CANESI II /AT , . , AT: , . AT ; AT AT :'AT lAT Al`''' "ift AT ILLEWS S S! KELLERII- KHMER!!! ' LLEWSI ILELLEW.SiticELLIKR'S 11 ! i R'S! 'IIEgLLERII 1`01,148: .1.1 91- 91i ' 1 . , A 11 • lat 1...,, ..'.2;;: ija _ Slav, . r- L -=•Lett St: Mar ket'St. -Market St; Nirwr 800 S. DAVENIXTDDIIN,V_DIias. Lever—conk. t•lete in t *W. *Prieell)etr.. THE .HARP OF ItIOO 4 .I2iTitINGS: lb 1R tery—truuistrously illustrated: Prici 25. THE CHESS PLAYER:ft INSTRUCTOR,' or Guide to Beginners, by Charles, H. Stanley; Price Nets. ANECDOTES OF LOVE, by Lola ?Smiths:— Price: 1d OW, , . THE PILLAR OF MX, 4hiabr 1k:o in e,. by Rev. If. ing_raltiine, linker tlie , AP de of the House of David." TRIAL OF DANIEL E. SICKLES, tot lA, 11.'Key Waribington—illuskitid i &r, naneronit-01 1 Etlivialle- Price 26cta. II" For risfe.At. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOIPOTIE, 51 M ar , et street. ASTRONOMICAL °LOOK, JEWELLERS, Railroad Superintandeuta Ilea the pet& ara hiVltela to 011 and see E. HOWARD G.'S /Lateen In kid and other:Clucks-at the' • tul3.dly. EAGLE ORKS ' ' ARDS 01? 30,010 STRAWBERRY PLANTS have already been engaged from the giIiSIONS Noma; for the present neasou's pbutting. MORE THAN 200,000, • •Embraclug all the finest, largest and best varieties, yet fur sale, The subscriber has thiryear raised, inAuauti ty, berries measuring 44. FROM FOUR 1O - SIX-INORIDEV Iu circumference, and will sell plants of the same va rieties at'lower, prices than they can be-bought ehtewhere In the United States, with a guaranty cd* purity and lkfelity to name. Plants very few by the thousand or larger ettlealltY• Air Strawberries planted. lit August or September, it the weather Is favorable, will produce a good crop of fruit neat season. .11. A. Harrisburg, July 28, 1869.—jy28-dtf SILKS; ALarge lot of superior makes of Black Bdas—warriadad. - IEANCY BILKS, AnIIIT PlllOl, PLAIN EILLICS, tc nouns rums= num. Vary cheap, and a goo* variety at styles. , W. A. OATEICAR4 "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS - EIARRISHURG, PA., _SATURDAY AFTERNOON; ; 'SEPTEMBER 3, 1859 Parasols -& Umbrellas, O. MARKET SQUARE, 6f. .I;IARRISBUR43-. riiiiEsubseliber respectfully informi the public that he has established a Manufactory or tAIitEDIELLAS. PARASOLS, WALKING CANBS AND RIDING WHIPS, at the abitive address. AAfter rnaiwyears' experience ,in . the business as a practical man he can with confidence state that orders for any of the above mentioned , golds intrusted--to him will Meet With such attention as will give satisfaction to his patrons. Fancy Goodlii repained & always on hand, (As wen as' what he produces` - himself.) Philadelphia, New-York, English, French and German Goods. • 5t..13. LEE, Yioprieter.: N. fi,—Particuktr and prompt attention given to the re pairing and covering of UMbrellad and Pa:runts. soccasson TO Itr S. tam., Plumber & Brass Founder , 105 MO i rket Street, tarrlsburg. friltASS Castings of .every description rmade to order. American manufactured load and run Pipes el all sizes. Hydrants of every descripliOn made arid repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Sboiter Baths, Water Closets, Caters. Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work of every description, done at timebortest no tice, on tho most reasonable terms. Factory and Begin* Work in general. All, orders tbankfhlly received and punctually attended to. • -' The highest cash price . irl - ven for old Copper, Brass, Lead and Speller. - my 2 tf . rs T A..131:4.1 S NT. subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and Vicinity,• that ha has commenced the COACH „NAILING 1313:4141, in all its' branches, at his shop hi irior emcee , Assn FOITETH. Having secured the services-of the best mechanics in each of the department* an&glving his own personal attention to all work done at his shop, ho feels safe in saying that his work will compare favorably with that of any of the large cities. Particular attention paid to the wanufactering of Wheels. REPAIRING ;neatly and snit dtautially dose, and at the time promised. apr23.dly JOSEPH SA YFORD. VXHIBITION OF THE DAUPHIN LA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 7b be held at klarrisburg on Wednesday, the 2181, Thursday, the 22d, and Friday, .the 23d of September, 1859. . The place of esnibition is fixed at the grounds of the " PARK ASSOCIATION," where every arrangement and convenience for ihe displa¢ of Stoelc,.Protlimeofthe Soil, and Agricultural Implements is now in course of prepar. ation. The. Book of Entries will he opened at the office of the Peunsylvania Slate Agricultural Society, on Seconctstreat, - near Locust, in Harrisburg, where one of the officers will be found at all times, avant Taa weer ov SEPIEMBER. , All Exhibitors must heroine members of the. society, Membership, $1 , Memberairlp:6s: , mission will be (Brutal' r - p . aniber, and by the Traits's mi., at his Mee on tho Exhibition Ground, during the Exhibition. A Yearly or Life Membership- Tidal admits a gentleman and fatly, wdh any of their OWS FAMILY wider 13 years V Proper "provision bas been made against inclement weather in the erection of PIITIMANENT snionivosi and chtiv• vans warm which will accommodate 2,000 persons The Commate or Arreugelnentswill be ready to receive art4cles fur athlhilion'AXl the flair= Grounds, on llitindipt. mortilugoSeptinnber 4091,1 a Which timetbay wlll have parsons employed with taunt to deliverarthiliest of every. , bind,' and also have persons upon the Fair Orouuds to , mango articles For, exhibitiou. Exhibitors -will please have their articles upon the Ground, If possible, on that and the next day, in order that thermay be properly or ranged by Wednesday. ' Tue Premium list is ono of thelMost liberal lamed by any county Society in the State ; and for good articles or animals, offers good' ensilniumt. • , 114111 be read' for dis tribution early In August. The membership fee will be paid to JOHN W. COWDItN, Treasurer,-Harrisburg. JOHNEH. pm:apt . ,„, fYi4• e' seeretary. ESVAI3-LISEIBD` 'lBO7. .{. I T W . 42 CELEBRATED AND - RELIABLE • PAINTS, COLORS,. ZIIWS, WEETX LEADS, and. VANNIS may be . obtained trynt 'the Pribcinal , 1 1 2.1%1r3 and Paint Dealers throughout the United States, Canaftand Welt Indies or of the. Itanufselnier -if D. F, =HANN •F‘ CO. , A 12tWilliam Street, NEW YRH. .1; French Liguld Dryer, N!' • a . Gcoeye, Fawn Zinc Whites, American Zino ' iv ' , Inbld ,Walb Slue iur 4adudry Ptirposes. Pr , YeredWong, Chrome Udow, Colors in , •Wateri ks, Chinese, Yellows and Vermlllions,..Paris Green, , rmanent Emerale Greens for c da, and a general stock of Paints both dry and d in Oil PA Wlllll4ll Street, New York. 27-dbut .. . • KEYST.ONX_NURSERY. RARVSAURG • PENN' A. 10,000 •BUDDED PEACH TREES, TNOLOING all of the• moat choice riAtett Price per 100 (atcept Griffith) $12.‘,..; remit, 16 cents. Griffith per.loosl6.oo; retail, <0 cents. - APPLE TREBEL All the boa carleties 4 and of good otiztt. Peat 15 to 20 cents. iiiisettlantous WM. PARKHILL, FI;YT . 7IVrV4I -7 rel FOR FALL OP 1859 PEAR TREES DwartandA4l99:9c6o coop er , : . 94 aver dozen. caERRY TREF,S. i Dwarf panfiefd, 90 ti) b 0 ettitieidlia kat per , • to. i ' , aryl's,* belling Nees 15 rents to SLesio i li l • APRICOTS, iLIIIiik ALMON - et - Grapes of different - Varieties, Raspberries, Ourratith, Cooseilirries &b., &c., st , tureal prices. , SHADE . TREE ; 0. . t t '4 . - • . • Including American and illountida Ash, Elm', Lindens, Sugar'and Shyer Maples; Horse Chestnut, Catalpa, Tulip tree, Magno Re., /co. n - !MENTAL' SHRUBS Or ox mei irleUee t among theta , Cydonia Jiipouica, White Fringe. Purple Fringe or Mist tree, Maborder. aqui toile, Treeboi, Magnolia, Honey Sticeles, - bc.e6„ .., . EVERcLREEN TREES. ''- . Austrian, Scotch, ',way, Balsam, Doubbi _White American and Silver Fir' Imericari 3 Ohiiiese iutti Norway arbor vita:, English andlrish Yew, Et , Ex. . . STRAWBERRIES About 60 of the most desirable varieties, a fiat many others having been rejected after having found "he of value. Prices low by 4the thousand or larger quantity. LAWTON BLACKBERMEtIi r* A t 51.50 per dozen, $lO per-100- CATAWI , SSA RASPBERRIES. Au everbearing variety, $2 per dozen; Wltilirvarieties; including Brinckles Orange, Red luidi White Alitwerp, Lhstoll &c., at'il to $1.50 per dozen. ; o Besides the above a great many other articles canto found in the Nursery :j Jaw- Persons will rind ii to their advantage to purchase Trees and Plante frogs.filuaerles IlieVlWWWleriglibor hood,'lnidead of dapehding npoa travelinkluidaters with whom they are unamuainted. ' Address or ariplOo H. kylutia. Harrisburg. July 25,tilf WOOD TURNING AND.BOROUL SAW ING.—The best plitoe to get Serbll - Eawing and ood Turning dobb Is at the aprpv wa ORTFOLIOS, WRITIN G OASBI3, DESK p. 914, VariotusTriooB and size% forintle . 4 MGNElleg GEERAP MOLU=. NEUTRAL TN NONE . " Sewhig Illartiiitto TO THE LAMB OF HARRISBURG THE GROVER &< BAKER SEWING:MA HINE CO., HAVING ISTABLIBEIED AN OFFICR AT THE `Ctirnir or Market Sqnare and 111nrket Street IN THE BOONS OCCUPIED BY SMITH'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, UTPULD particularly call the attentic,ii T i f of the Ladies and citizens generally to their US RIVALLED SRWINO NAVIIINES, varying In price from $5O 31125. REASONS WHY THE GROVER & BAKER MACHINE IllarkߧALL'i ‘PIaNiERIiED TO ALL OTHERS lei. It is more simpleatid easier kept in order than any ether a acltioe,taviog,never to ho taken apart to oil or cloan god. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel even when every third stitch is cut. • Seg. It Beret fYom Airvo ordinarya4tools, thus avoiding all trouble of winding the thread, while by a mere change of spools tae machine may be adapted to all kinds of work. • alp: Thrh•itrai r einiachlno ivistr.altlc. Attest thread, and common spool cotton with equal facility. 6th. The seam is - as elastic as the most elastic fabric, and . is, therefore; free trim all liability to bgeak lu wash ing, Ironing or otherwise. 6th. The s6tch Is more beautiful 'than any made by any othereniehine,_or by hand. THR DROVER & HAIRE - STITCH' is patented and Owned 4y.tbci ccmigtuy; and is far superior to the "Lock Suns" or the vggrthless lemma Srigat." for all thin fab rics, and reettalthis theldicklitltcb Made with the coat, -mon needle. The GROVER. &MAKER MACHINE will do the Sewing cheaper and better for a bunny them a seam stress. even thdagh she were to work for ONR CENT AN HOVE It 14 impeder to any and every other ma chine for SEWING. Over 26,000 hare already Wen r 014,. and are recommended by the - moat competent fudges, by the kress, by the Clergy and others, as• the very tat Nach2fik for all Lind} irWorik , We do not:hesitate' to *arrant out •MaohineS- iu evegy respect. A lady always ho attendance. Call and see them.before-giercbasing any other,4frolthin Abotogropb Gralk*kcoslier of Market Some and Market Street,, en- ; trance on,ahirliet S quare. ..atactuteitOssroth, Wail its various• branches, rxeotitad tettLpitspess and dispatch. by tiwjoughly competent peranl;'it half (ha' usual pitces." Merchtuatt; Families antiptheratshottld hear, this fackinaniqd. Orders from the country promptly tittstal—"— lilt the Shutgo me appearance on both t ork done on THg SRI:MITI II - 4. or the: GROVER iS. BAK= 0011MSY, welch is n reepect superior to malty other 'Machines for th t Alla oftVork fluff* all light, tlith fatdics 'that requilv frequent ifaaping and _trophy, "Taw GRovett & 1441311 ~ - . STlTak!' had no superior. : , Persons should' remember ibis fact, and mot tie de ceiyetthy the appearance of the stitch on both tildes for is Id appoinutce only. t .. 1 - 11 4elfilird reaPecifiallY 41Yilmikto Pall and. roeblve a dr 'color ea specimen of cowinx also a copy of The,Orovhi '&laker Ortnapany+e-book &Allied "Pictures and Itti=nl ' l / 4 bl Aia , 4,jewatutcacdatarian.citinam i n (L. ' A srnidei Phetokraph Galleey. -- ' . " --. "A. C.-61111f8,- - ./pent for Central PounsylvattlaJ who prefer thick, heavy Cabe !,. r°lll diylo4ly OENTRAL , ;- . PRIItRAYIVAIFIA AGENCY FOR WHEELER 8 WILSON'S FAMILY. SEWINt - MACHINE - - otterltiourtior IN PRICE Onland after October lst inst., the It AIL PRICES,:of oar &EWING MACHINgS will be as tifilows NEW STYLE MACHINE $5O MEDIUM, on Plata Table $75 00 " Half Case Panel 80 00 " Half Case, Mahogany or Black WalnuL4 85 00 Full Case, ".........100 00 Full Case, Rosewood 115 00 SMALL MACHINE,... - 75 00 LARGE MACHINE.... 00 HEMMERS, (extra) •5 00 The unanimous favor which hasattended the introduction Of Wes&Ltß& WiLSON'S FAMILY SkWINCIIAcUINS , ie Stlfkletli esidenceof its excellence. his-needless now misty, that this usefußnstrument is becoming a demesnc institution the lea 'is recognized by its sureessful use 'ln' thou sands of Families in every rank in life. To 'Mae who havellitherto refrained from availing themselves' a Its advantages, It may not be amiss to say, that ItS uttlityi 8 not a problem to be solved,bei success already realized. The highest testimony 12 constantly olibred; Confirming the verdielcwnkikshas glean this instrudirut so wide and eustablaa rejiutation.- • This Machine concei ved ou a pi-lactate aarrutsfar cdumsAk.being - specially. and adrairatity adapted. twat° met, perfect work Jim every -kind , of material ; and, haying'been subjected to a three years' test of the most Isearching clutracder by Eamtlisq,.akalaysrions bcapohee of Manufacture,with didinguished,sus, It is believed, that, In all - the •.great points requiMto to' a complete ',and al Sowing Ihte44fte, Incaution be approached M ex. THE LOCK SITTER SEI .400 Mt the Aidthatted advantage!! It pms muss os oral others, may he named the follawing , • Its' eimplteity , of , etemtimetion, and consequent free itota from ttertingemeM stonmee.d of repairs. 2. Its unexampled rapfaity and ease of operation Ite noiseless moveMent. 4. The great, variety of purposes to which it can be ap plied, which can be' achieved by no other inedhauleal . means. And,. b. A. The pre-eminent maim and DuaaNurr of the work:. Full instruction- , for operating t heltachine Is given to purchasers gratuitously at, the sales rooms. When the liachine is sent wove distance, so that personal instruc tffin Is IneOnveeimt, a card of directions Is sent, whiCh are a sufficient guide. The mechanism,, however, is so simple;iind s tl's arrange - Went easyohat no difficulty need occur..-Many ladies have the hbadline sent to their, residences after having received *half hour's instruction Aby hiture difficulties are vladily sormOtinted, and then practice alone makes perfect in ,the use. of, this as any thing - 00 . 4: Domestics' awl children of twelve years of age readily becomo:prdficient.- ils_use. _ . Oar Wheels removed to E.F.lrsDageerrearrßooms, 'carat* of Marketitreets, where the machines cam be aeon in operation. Mhe Burke is prepared bad° mteblue sewing for all who !habit, Red at thd semi) timd show the / machines: For further information apply to . . W. 0. HICKOK, Agent _ , arristetr... h 22 , AP ,- dewt l , BLACKEBRRY HOOT at IXEPFLBR,T, Fourth and.Marlcet Sti . lIOEIO.IR. S - totWativs, Foul ifi and Utica SIB, Ofo.errA COCOAjg at . _ !. .4.101711F5,Fm Ifeuih and k tSts illitittilantous DAUPHIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ! ItEecglaye Committee of this Society have appointed the following officers for the biticm al WEDNESDAY, sqe.. THURSDAY, 244 - privrokie Sept: `i3d, 11859; Superintended and Chief /honks! e GIN. E. C. WILLIA49.• N Comalee if Arrangements and Arai Lei Mariaal.--MJ. DAvin atenstacJa" Megan. !Mutant G: Kamm. JACOB G. Etonaeauait and BENJAMIN G. Pimps. The above officers are charged %lilt the reception and arloluient or space and pasniou tor all] artiCire Intended for exhibition, and with the good ordt of 'visitors and exhibitors. , vAisistaitt Seeidary WILLIAM. D. SOAK, Whose office for • trashes' will be- at the MOM of the St tte SocietnSecond street above. Wathut t . Harrisburg; where premiums lists sad list of Judges will befurniehed entries made and other business or tbeSocitiitAnseeteri On and after the Ist of September, until the day ibr opening the Exhibitiou, whoa tbe office will be,removett to , the•Grouols of thopirk. TUE FOLLOWING fiIICOUTATIONS HAIM ALSO BEEF. ADOPTED t- l. Every persou wishing to be enrolled as a member of the satitetyonast apply omor before thellrat day or each annual Fair, and ou payment °lons dollar to the Tredsurer, shall receive -a certificate of membership, the name of the applicant, and endorsed by the Secretary ; but no suck cerkficale aka admit any per son tnto t he exibition. Persons acting as Judges are ex pected to become members. 2. Every person becoming a member, as above, by the payment of one dollar, shall receive with his certifi cate of membership FIVE tickets, each of whieb - shan admit one person to the Fair once, and must he Oben up to the Barkeeper at each time of entering. 3. Each life merhber of the Soclitv shall receive, an• utudly, a family admission ticket. 4. No megibers' certideates shall :be issued after the first day of lbe Fair butany, personmay purchase four ticketsfor dollar al any time, and as often as he may please durinithe continuauee of the Fiat. - 5. The price of separate single admission tickCis shall be twenty live cents each. And-no person, except the officers of the Society,, and employees of the Society, all or whom shall be dmigualed on the roll, shall be permit. ted to enter withbuLgiving,hp t ticket at the door. • 6. thiffirelui,der twelve yehia - ririgh Will be admitted gratuitously when In charge of adults all over, that age must be provided with tickets. 7. Ilthibitoreof Stock will befurnlshedpassperta for personale charge of the game, which Will entitle the hearer to gustation at, tim Stock Alp entrance .only and any such passports transferred for the purpose of admitting others than those actually, in,charge of.Slock t shall be declared forailcd, anti the Exhibitor, whose tut. ployee has, thus transgressed, shalt be deprived Droll privileges under this rule. 8, CMS'llcattsi will be torisitibed by the T•rcasurei r .tik I the office -in ITarrtaburg, at any time aria.. rue Inter, •Seenritexls, and lttibis•blllee r l °stifle )•••'. -- . • " d, according to mgulationAlrat. 'l' L . 7 :', .I .IP? s t,Onibe in. iremot to be given •. - , • - - - • r - • -. . 9.- Annual ~ • • -.. p0...i.-)0.A..4ire...m..bp.bi0, . .•.#4atitU t pce card, .Price,Twatmr.encesr, will •00 for sale' id Ihe 11111•81., tin thwertninils,,, oe'WMcfeaday, the Rat of September. ' - • • , 11. Carriages - Will be allowed fu eater the stiCloinz We Fayment of twenty-five cants fur single horse ; r i Of 110113416, fi ft y cents . Each pakeengar 0111NR- THAN , I HERS AND THElR'FAXitifis, to pay tittenty-n re ceins: Public conveyances wilt not be pertrontailft&euter. • •: - -.12. ADS person to when. a premium of 1201 lest' the . ft . ; Ilse dollars has been awarded; lefty elect to , receive la' certificate otLife Membership. 114-and Sonic wilt be Int•Uos. ed'aiumsibr all alltitate entered for premieres, end grain will be provided it' L. price for thole-who &elm telpewthase. • "" - &I The Superintendent will , teknevery .precaution In , power for the safety of stock - and - articles ou exhibit , ; viteriketrattriont~sl will not be responsible foetal* , jos s or damage that in occur.. The Society diaires - exhialtia•to:give f *Use . 1 , attenthill to their articles attil quinglft, aittl at,theslose , f the Pair to attend-to-hash , resociimfoitrlticeSoclity tsidant take further care of them. . The 'fleeing Match' w il l iake 5 plii3) { iii . thilitSDAY, JOFfN W. COWDEN, Req, •TreaSeihi, *lll` be r found at the business office .amint . the are' sbr soialmnber- Exeunt's Ootanailae.--David IluWtna, Jr., . Jahn IV Rutherford, Anthony W.l.oonsts, Henry. pert,. Jeremiah. Rohrer. . ..• • A: BOYD: HAMILTON, Fran:dolt , JOHN H. ZIEGLER, Xem4tary. •,y! All the ' newpgapera fu•'tha County, and German, will please Insert till kchlbnlou and rend accounts to the Treasurer. ahlie close im...the rair., • aug22•dto . , . CARLISLE VIHITE..,SIikeHUR SIVOiSt• • °I:INBARLAND "CO., PA, r - = TS` favorite and laahidnabio'iVatoring. Place. Weasantly located-Agit the _base er ilieptur Mountain, ibur from open for -visitors on tlm 20th or. Anne. Tbie."44 l ll of Riese *lining art highly impregnated with minerals, and for drinking and bathing; are Rot.syrpeesed by. any Suiphor.'Springs in the country. The buildings are well +=Mated and' .are mirrounded by: 'l2OO reef of balconies.. lbeaconery. is of the grandest hind, and the accommodations for OK' ' recreation; health and comftirt isevisltbrirate andiceetien able., Good fare, pleasant drives, tine „music, howling Saloon and other gattnis,innfrall the aiiitsbeifiehts usually, found at Watering places can be enjoyed, &ere.— Vhdtote leaving Philadelphia et v galtlitere In the therniug. train, arrive at tho Springs. at 3, o'clock, P. 31. Daily - Board frdin 117 to&B per wneki For further lifer.. -milieu address ,OWEN, OLENDENIN & CO., • earlilln *wings, Pa. MORRIS'OWEN, r • ' , ` JAMES . CLENDENIN, - J. - Rarsertc33.•:-lohn.C. &Costa Esq.; Win. A. Maim, Faq., Thomas C. Percival, Esq., Alex. Kirk land, Faq., R. S. Rollins, Balthaore pillicoli - Gideon, Esq., Richard Wallack,Esq.t-Mashlngtonrilin. • my26.131n-r4Jy26 nIU INSP'E "S iiimblir.RS NO. ' JsE.COfflpebieit'composing the' Brigade 6th 16v. Pa. Vol., will meet for Baltalled Parade and IhsPerAlow,-on Prickry,litetotx day. of &2Nem -5er,059, st Fialharville, Dauphin opunty..Pa • Tho Copimiurding Of of the Regiment will form the:. line at 3i) o'cloely A. SI ~ p reCiseir ' • " Also, the uniform 'companies knowli as the Lykons galley Cavalry, American Guards, GpiontoWn lorantry; Gratz Rifle and Witiliingtod Rifle, 'compcL=ing The First Regiment, shalt at the wile dine : and gads pa sitinvii Stated, elec t eec anitilite Derwin For Colonel and one per. sod lor : I.Iajor cf:said:Reginaent„..o plsee of : Wm. 0. he d floury E.:Welker. resigned. The Amer lean Guards. willslept one ;period , BeolieCiiiiistenalit, instead of John 1.. Long, resigned. The- ihdialiou will :bd rerreSrud lb; :Brig: Ace. - E. C. Williams and Staff. ,16NAS.XA1JOIINSGBI` AMER, .Brigade.laspeolor w 3d Brig. 6th Div,. Pa. V ol . Ilsuosni IssescroWs Orskos, '4 4. ;;- , I . G. ate, Aug. 16,/.859.--dawld • : 011 - rpm' TO:co I SPRING ;. ; . SC - iIiTV.WiItiIjI e ...SUASQ,UEHANNA RA1.L.,•4.0 1 AD.- • _FOR THE A.OOO,MI4()DATION OF -.Pie . NICSANO .SHLECT 'PARTIES . WHO vial - Flo. yisit. C 015.1 Spring during , the Stingier Seaton, an ;EXCURSION TRAIN will:be, run upon any !lay selected, leaving Harrisburg it 7A. ann"retuilning at 7 "In H Regular -EXCIIIiSION TIMMS wilt borsoidat HALF THE USILAI. RATESylien sanietinit uninbers apply to justify-the running of a tvAle, say or.un'irn - pereone. Ecl. . . 6E6. 89141 etaittrElnta, ' .: . . 1 7. 1 04 4914 .§9Kiiebillinii Rill HAW. DR. GEO. F. MISH. Office in" - lcit - Viit 'Street, Two doori from the post ce. Jy2s-dif • • ANOTHER' LOT :i34O4AVS; tORLABAVED, 'GOLD PENS, in Goldaud Stlyar Cases, iestreceived, coin; pr all' ate different adzes and yilees. ,P #i sold r 411 Pena so are warranted, which is a aullbideat guarantee [tuft TEST SEE acoob. Call and try 'Weald . EIIEGIIERM OBEtdPair t! STEAM PRINTING Offitt. Having procured Two Adams Power Presses, we ai e prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING 01 every description, cheaper than it - Carr be done other 03tabiiAlinelithl the C,,Urity. ear Four lines or less constitute otte-half square. Eta lanes or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day S. one week one month three months.... six months one year One Square, one day one week " 0rke.1110141., 4 three mentnal. Adz menthe. one year gar Busioese notices inserted to the Local cobane, o. before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINE for eaati Insertion. NO. 91. jar Marriages aid Deaths to bs charged as regular advertlardnehtp. Must Ibe left forgotten tie diWt, Whemfate Welding lots the Must Naturi , 's voice, to man alone unjust, though doomed to 1)011810MA/ icavVi Is It for this.fair virtue oft must 'drive With disappointment, penury, and pain? ?tot heaven's eternal spring shall yet arrive, And man's majestic beauty bloom again, Bright through the eternal year. of love's triumphant reign. ,CHILDREN KEEPING NU 81211011. • "Oh ! I know something," said Emma NVatrilif, as shoran along home from school, Saturday_ noon, swinging her satchel as she went. "I gueae.l know what it is; you are go ing to see Katy Wellman or Hattio.JaCkson, this ,afternoon," said one of her school mates. • "No indeed I am not; mother says Saturday afternoon is not a good• time to go • visiting; and now I'll just tell'. you what I am pleased about—and it is because •to-morrow is Sabbath I" • • . "Pleased because to-morrow is Sabbath repeated Mary in astonishment. "t am sure I wish there was no such day in all the week." "Then you, do not have so good. a time as I do, for 1 like it best of all. Now; you tell Me what you do on Elabbatbs, and I will tell you *hat I do." , "Well, then, the first thing we do.after breakfast is to have a toss ; for Bridget wants to do her work up before she gets _dinner, and Mother says she shall help - dress us top) to , church So she gets cross, iaulthen we get cross, and then it hell-w -ry ! Hurry I' Hurry!' alt - the time; and then father scolds because he says be l cep't read his newspaper. Then I do not care to move, for fear I should spoil my best 'clothes—and .tlion , the minister preaches so thatiAtersuot understand, only when he -sari ,pf, and but, and the, and a' few Such wordil." . . "But does not yourifather or mother sit down and talk with you about the, sermon, after you come ,horne from meeting . ?" in terrupted Bmine. . "No I I never heard of such a thing I I ggo,rigl4 rill up stairs and tape off, my Ins( thinka: and lit down and leirYttinii, end read ITT library book until supperii steady. ~A(tetteup,per father reads in the Bible and grays mother asks him . sonietiMei tb' read m'the morning, but he eayi there is itoo ghtinh i confusion,' and. he will not o: 'aim I have, or make believe read, until it ifi . bine t9go to bed. Father and mother linnentirlrhir the evimint; 4 l - datinot laugh or bilk a load word bafore„they go, for:mother jiayp it is wicked,. and,if I do ncfCrenimilber thb Sabbath day triteep it ,holy, L cannot go_to heaven ; for f/us tit is Sabath.. day. . al We quit?, ,I.fut _don't knOw nal care Mach about goeii; I should not like to 'stay for mei ' virtiett could not langli, nor hardly breathe. Now tell.what you do. I sulipose you play if . you want "P/ay !no indeed -1 and I think myfikth ar and mother : are anybody, and we do have a good time, too. Mother has not any ' gi rl h ow , because Ellett' is thirteen years ol dasid,:ahe toilearn how to work: . E i very Saturday mother cooks some „thing good for Sabbath—she 'wentiifli z r est lin that day, she says. In the afternoon, Ellen itaketcout onr clothes, ready for us to put on in the Morning, and, we are wash ed - before we go toted: Wer-eiy.lessons for the Sabbath School, and_mother ys te steep almost In thomorning, father sees to 'sissy,' while mother and, I get breakfast—l can set the table; yoli know. Then breakfast comes, and we_all read in the, Bible. afterwards; Ellen plays for us, affd. WO before 'fithetprays . When we get home at night we read mid sing, and then go out in_ the gardep,-autl,;walk around. Mother says she knows, we.get tired keeping so much"itilki - than we do tither; dept.', Solite/Maks hither gees to the third-trifteting,, andAf. ho,doss,inother tells us about the aermon sonic pleasant 'story, and wif'do bete' a good time; dow, oer,laui• _We ain't any soberer than Any other day,, and you know father :is OW eye angling” - May not the - isVell-meaning but:- mistaken :'parent here receiv,e ji hint !, with reerd to the observance of holy time? 'Feeling, as eo~tiOhrigtiati hoW , • milich -d e -4nmding% for time and eternity, ution,keep ing , the Sabbath aright„ ongli i t the little ones' be ovet-looked, 'to si-htim thb day' be comes a 'weariness hecimee no effort is -made to shave it, o therwise? . The ,young child can neither join .iu the praises or prayers which. asc'end' from the temple of Jehovah ; nor oat it be profited. ' , directly by the instructions there given. Is it not, then, a duty for the., fa th er and mother to practise selfdenial, if need be, , -to surround the hallosved day with_pleasantaiktar.cofita ble associations? Is it not a fact, that in .many firofesseilly Christian:l6re is an absence of everything that approach ;ea to: cheerful _ intercourse, and the buoy ,atit heart' of childhood seeks in vain for ility'manifestatien of that sprat' 'of peace, and the rest, which'. it: halo beeiretaught -,are its attendant blessings? The story is .riot a, new one which Mr. Hunt,lhe'temperance - lecturer, ; ntiedle re peat, years agO.,,Allout thelktiontt Scotch man. The Sal.e- mr ph•lb was to.hipi a delight, holy of the Lord anct lionorablt. ,On that sacred day, his soul, arising ottani wings Of prayer and praise, seemed ,, tio tinter into that-litiptu - saileteary„ "where collar goons as , „erceivak-us, • ""' Wuerefabblitittailaidtnd.ii •• his, good man. had one iton; , a,ene little 4it ;boy of six years, and that he might not go out upon the lawn , or in any' other way sviokeitly . break" the Sab bath, his father ineed:49 ti * to ,tliO 4 beillost, in the r , P•higt.the.o,,throtigh the RATES OF ADVCRTISING ohitolr 4.41141 g Iniatiß.TA LITZ BY MARY .MONTAGIIR. so 25 I I—l 2 00 3 00 400 - 5 00 SOr .•.... 6 00 800 10 00