pailg itekgrapb. HARRIBBURG• Monday AftikaOon, August 89,1859. STATE OF TEES TIELEIE44I4OMIDTICIL. gaols Wow, Harrisburg, August 29, 1, A. X, 4, 4. X. 7, A. X. 1.2., Noon 2, P. X. b 2 49 66 64 68 BASONITZR al 7 o'clock A K. 29 872 2 o'clock P.M. 29.814 ALL TES LATE WIZILLI PAPERS, Magazines and popular publications are for sale at BIMANXII7II cheap Bookstore, 61 Market street. AONNT AT MIDDLSTOWN.—Geo. H. Lenhart is our regular authorized agent for Middletown and Portsmouth, at which place the TILTGRAPH can be had every afternoon about four o'clock. I= THB ELNTRACHT Smarr will sing in Capitol Park this evening, as usual. These free con certs have been well attended heretofore, and the weather being pleasant we expect to see a large crowd of music -loving citizens out to-night.. -••_tTiw was another false fire FALSE Autax.---liaere alarm betweeh an and eleven o'clock on Sat urday night, which startled many of our citi zens. The alarm was occasioned by an attempt on the part of one company to draw out a rival company for a "run," but the effort failed. A Ciacv Karroo, under the management of the "Church of God," is now in progress near Mechanicsburg, having commenced last week. We learn that an immense crowd of people visited the camp yesterday, and that a com• mendable degree of good order was observed. EXAMINATION OF TNAOLI6RB. —The county su perintendent, Samuel D. Ingram, BK., is now engaged in examining teachers in various parts of the county. lie visited Middletown for that purpose on Saturday last. The duty is a la borious one, and will occupy the time of the Superintendent fox several weeks. .-.....• Puss Upson is a great desideratum just now, when the country is flooded with "villainous compounds" of dr9gged whisky, brandy, Meet. era. For purity and excellent flavor, we think the Catawba Brandy manufactured in Ohio from the pure grape, is unequalled. It is sold for medicinal purposes by Mr. 0. A. l3annvart, sole egent for this county, and every family should keep it on baud. Plarramorr PIC:NM—The arrangements for the Eintracht Picnic are nearly completed. It will take place on the grounds of the Park Assoola- Soo, on Monday the 12th of September, and be participated An by the "Mannorchoir" of Baltimore, one of the best German musical associations in that city. Distinguished musdaos from other cities are also expected to attend. A large turn out, and grand musical demonstra tion, may be anticipated. G= FIGHT sr rna 15spor.—A light occurred of the depot, on Saturday evening, between two ool ored pugilists, which attracted a large crowd and afforded considerable amusement. One of the combatants had an eye shrouded in mourn ing, and the other lost a shirt by the operation. We noticed a police officer in the vicinity, but no attempt was made to arrest the disorderly parties. -...---.. Limner Holum AT MIDDLITOWN.-A meeting of the stockholders of the new Market House was held at Union Hall on Saturday evening last, John Monigaa in tho chair, and Jeremiah Rohrer acting as Secretary. The stock was fixed at $1,600, and shares to the amount of $905 immediptier laken. Committees were appointed to select a location, and to receive plans and proposals for the erection of the house, which Is to'he an enclosed one. Another meeting will be held next Saturday afternoon. I=== Tim Marnomer CAMP bizarr:43 near Shepherds town will commence next Friday, and a large attendance from this and Cumberland counties is anticipated. Arrangements are making for the comfortable accommodation of all who may visit the meeting during its progress. No doubt Harrisburg will be largely represented next Sabbath. By reference to our advertising col umns, it will be seen that arrangements can be made with Ur. Erastus J, Jones, of this place, for boarding by the week or day. ' VISITING CLEIKITMIN.—The pulpits of some of our churches were yesterday filled by clergy men from abroad. Rev. Dr. Hodgson. Presid ing Elder of this district, preached in the Vine street Methodist chapel in the morning. Rev. Mr. Rakeitraw of Dauphin, preached in the Locust street Methodist church at six o'clock in the evening, and ih the Vine street chapel at eight o'clock, in both instances delivering ex cellent sermons. So far as we know the pulpit* of the other churches were filled by their re spective pastors. INSULTING FaMAIJOL—EXCrUNG DXMONSTRA TION.—QuIte an excitement was occasioned in Market street the other night, growing out of a charge made against a young man (whose name we withold for the present) for insulting ladies. He denied Abe _impeachment, but being con fronted by the ladies in question, both exclaimed "thou art the man 1" The husband and broth er of the women was in a high state of excite ment, and would have chastised the offending individual had he not taken refuge in his "rxes tle." If the particulars, as we heard them, are correct, the fellow deserves a severe personal castigation. VISITING Fnumits. —A delegation of the West Philadelphia Engine Company visited Harris burg on Saturday, with a view of engaging quarters for the accommodation of their coat_ pang, who design' participating in the grand Parade to take place here on the occasion of dedicating the Friendship House, now in pro gress of erection. Yesterday the Strangers, tinder the escort of members of ourfire depart ment, visited the various engine houses, end iq every instance were kindly received and hospita bly entertained. The company will quarter either at Herr's Hotel or the Jones HOMO. ON TOM RlM—Lest night there 'Wall • rise of about four inches in the river. Fanpronup Fine CO3IPARY.-A stated meet. Log of the Friendship, Flre,fompany will be held at their Engine louse. on Monday eve ning, August 29th. By order. Coot.—The weather,=,.haa been delight fully cool, causing se . abandonment of linens and a resort to woolen clothing. We are about entering upon the delightful Autumn season. The "fall of the leaf," with the fall fashions, Is at hand. 1 . Hon. Joan W..DavniAf Indiana, whose re- . cent death, at the agisigty r was , announced by telegraph, was a native of Cumberland county, and has a number of mdatives now living in Harrisburg. He was an active Democratic poii tician, and served in my important public positions, State and NatfiSnal. -.11p,,-.... Sox' PLux.—We were presented, this morn ing, with a Golden Drop Plum, taken from a tree in the garden of Mr. George W. Boyd, of our town,which weighs four owes and measures eight inches in circumference I The tree bore about one hundred and fifty, nearly all of the same size 1 If any body can produce larger or more delicious plums, let us see some of them. ==== Boleo* • PaufguAlchrilitiiitb l 44;. Orvices. SrP held regularly every Sabbath id' our county prison, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. Yesterday an:appro priate discourse was delivered to the inmates of the prison by Rev. B. R. Waugh, and a fervent prayer offered up in their behalf by A. J. Herr, Esq. The exercises generally consist of exhor tation, singing and prayer ; and we have no doubt the "labor of love" of those engaged in the work will be abundantly blessed. I== 0111817 AL lucsurtambl.—The most extensive and brilliant display of the Aurora Borealis, or "not them lights," eves witnessed in this region took place last night, commencing about seven o'clock and continuing until one or two in the morning fri at which tiapvthe heavens presented an appearance magnithOnt beyond description. For several hours the 'town was as light as if illuminated by a full moon, and hundreds of promenaders gazed admiringly upon the gor geous pyrotechnic display. Tio:pilaw:Err Troicke-&The rumor about an "independent ticket" - As• all gammon. The American-Republicans, so far as we are familiar with public sentiment, are well satisfied with their candidates, and will not only vote for but elect the whole ticket. - Me doubt whether there is a single man in the party ranks insane enough to engage in any such silly movement as the getting up of an "Independent ticket." The idea originated 'with a few "outsiders" who would like to distract and divide the Op position, and is simply ridiculous. ....H11,......,. The FlReleiNte PeRAD.II, on the occasion of dedicating the new house of the Friendship Company, will take place on Tuesday the first of November. All the companies of our town, except the Citizen, will participate, and several companies- from abroad *re expected—among others the West Philadelphia Engine Company, accompanied by Beck's Brass Band ; the Empire Rook and Ladder Company of the same city, a company from Mechanicsburg and one from Carlisle. The parade will be the most attractive one of the kind that has been witnessed here for many years. -.40.---. NIMPAPIR QUARRIFLB.—The editors of the rival Locoftico " orgabs" in our town are en gaged in a very exciting personal quarrel, just now. The New York limes has an article on the subject of newspaper quarrels which we copy for their benefit : 44 "If editors choose to exiiibit themselves in the character of game cocks, they may be al ways sure of a certain amount of admiring attention from a clasQf • people of whom the Scriptures assure us that their nature cannot be expelled from them even by braying them in mortar. But the mass of the readers neither know or care anything about the merits of such controversies as these, and regard every line that is spent upon the rivalries, and petty jealousies, and imbecile quarrels of she journal istic world as a tacit Itisuit to their own good sense, avid:a downrigialfaud upon theltpurses and their patience." -.-- Hose-mans Walla.—lf families who are bane fitted by the use of wine would only learn to make their own, instead of paying enormous prices for weaned foidgn brands, they would have a much more wholesome article, at com paratively little expense. We give the recipe for making Tomato Wine, which is said to equal the best "sparkling champagne." Take small ripe tomatoes, pick off the stems, put them into a tub, wash them clean, and then strain them through a linen bag. (One bushel will make five gallons of pure wine.) Add two and a half to three pounds of loaf sugar to each gallon, then Rut into apple and, ferment s , and ycsido iaspberri Sine. Iftwo of water be added to the five gallons onifice, it will still make a very nice wine. Brow sugar may be used instead of loaf, but thene is much more sparking when loaf angel' is used. Palermo Awas.—Beautiful August,the last sum mer month of the year Is nearly , at a dose. In a few daya,more we can say, "the harvest is past and the summer is ended." Soon will the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall to the ground. How, deaf /eider, have you enjoyed the warm summer months that are passed and gone? We have spent a happy season. We are perfectly satisfied with the pleasures and sports we have witnessed and participated in, and, we think, when pri nter has no room for complaint, no person Waling. How thankful we all should be for the bountiful harvest we have been favored with. Soon autumn, with all its varied changes, will be upon us. How we love the autumn; how we admire the bean tiful aspect it preseor 6 '. I:he green foliage of to-day will then'rani:imaged to a fascinating yellow. But it is not our intention to deliver a sermon on the beautiful season near at hand, so we will close, quoting a few lines from , Bryant, who exclaithsT, 41 0 h, Autumn I why so soon Depart the hues thlf wake thy threat glad Thy Footle wind and thy fair sunny noon, And leavedhea wild and sad Aid 'a tars a lut too blest - - - for taw Islay ooloed shads, betray, Atoid the kisses of the sat southwest, To push and dream clay& ftnnsiguania Aionban afternoon, 'august 29, 1859. THE CAMERON dIJARD will meet at the Ex change this evening, for the transaction of Important business. A full turn out of the members is desired . OFFICER Bins= has returned from an official visit to Philadelphia, bringing with him an individual said to have been guilty of some dishonest practices. As_ the case will undergo legal investigation we suppress the name and particulars for the present, &Boon Coroisacamr.—The public schools of the South Ward, and most of the select schools, were re-opened to day for the fall and winter term. Speaking of Schools, somebody says : When one sees a family of children going to school in clean, well-mended clothing, clean faces, etc., it tells a great deal in favor of the mother at homei. One might vouch that those children learn some valuable lessons at home, whatever they may be taught at school. This is the real, true " primary school"—the school teacher is - only an assistant. How many know all this ? How many practice accordingly ? We go in for "fireside education" as a primary ! " What's a' the jargon of your schools, Their Latin names for horns and s, cola 1' A GMAT LAW Sure will come before our Court this week, between the Pennsylvania Railroad, Company and the Commonwealth, under an appeal of the Company from the settement of the Anditor'eeneral and State Treasurer. The question raised by the com pany is, "whether the State law levying a tax upon tonnage passing from other States through this, or from this to other States, is not in con 4ict with the provision of the United States COnstitution ?" The case will bu argued by Edwin Staunton, Theodore Cuyler and John C. Kunkel, Esqrs, for the Company, and St. George Tucker Campbell, Win. A. Porter and Attorney General Knox for the. Commonwealth. THZ WAY THI MONIIY Goss. A lady newspa per writer corrects the current notion that la dies attire is really expenifire and often ruinous to pater famgias. She says : "Indeed, sir, the costliest part of a woman, often, is not our "goods," but our "bads," if I may so express myself. Teeth for example, cost more than all my flounces and my frocks. My laces are not half so expensive as some people's hair dye. My paints even (I admit I paint a little) cost me-mere than my crinoline. Besides, it cost me years of study, and of edu cation, know how to get myself up,—but when once the investment is made, it is made, for my life. My sister Alias has an eye that cost more than all my clothes,—it is so well done ; and my other easter, Emily, has a cork len so admirably got up that nobody will ever find it out, unless she gets married; My own defects, sir, if I have any, no mortal man can ever see,--but I can't have any, though if I had, they would be the most expensive part of my fit out. You should know something then, sir, of what you are . talking about, and not impute to me, "the price of flour," or the loss of gold and silver. MRS, WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female PhY3lclan, has a. Soothing,Sgeoplor..eltildren • • Which greatly facilitates tuevrocess of teething by soft ening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay all pato, and Is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your Infants. Perfectly sae in all cased. See dvertlaement in another column. aug44lAwly SAIISAPAIULLA.—This tropical root has a reputation wide as the world, for curing one class of the disorders that afflict mankind—a reputation3oo which it deserves as the best antidote we possess fbr scrofnlons complaints. But to be brought into use, its virtues muatbe concentra ted and combined with other medicines that increase its power Some reliable compound of this character Is much needed in the community. Read the advertise ment of Da. Avait's SaraaparUla hi our columas, and we know it needs no encomium from us to give our citizens oonfidence inyrhat he offers. Organ, Bracers, N. P. aug2s-davilm Gavre:—Having used, and witnessed the beneficial ef fects of Perry Davie' Pain Hiller, I take great pleasure In recommending it to the publio as the very best family medicine with which lam acquainted. In this establish ment are employed nearly 100 persons, and your Pain Hiller has been used - with the most astonishing results-- For route TUBB not a single severe case of chollc, sum mer complaint, ordysentery,:but has yielded like magic to the curative powers Of the " SlUer ;" and for cutd, bruises, etc., it is in almost daily use, and with like good effects. JOHN TANNER, Foreman of Wrightson's & Co's Printing Establishment. The stain on linen, from the use of the Pain Biller, is *sally removed by washing in alcohol. Sold by druggists, grocers and medicine dealers generally. augla-daw2w 173Erli7Iiir 3300313.1191 FOR SALE AT BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market Street, ♦ L/111 FOR A LIFE, by the author of John Halifax, Gent. LOVE ME LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG, by Chas. Reade. MRS. PARTTINGTON'S KNITTING WORK. ADAM BEADE, Geo. Eliot. MATRIMONIAL ADVIiNTURES of Peter Glancy. MOSAICS,' by the author of "Salad lbr the Social." LOVE, (L'Amour) from the French of IL J.helet. And all the late Paltßeatlons, (ma soon as. MiW,) for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, El Market street. QUERU'S COD LIVER OIL JFILY.—The only gen .. nine, and approved by the NewMork Academy of Medi cine. One of the most motet- discoveries of the age— enabling the most delicate stourtm to retain and digest this valuable remedy PWFOLD, PARKER & MOWER, Agents, New York. For sale by D. W. Grass dito., and by all Druggists sug264llw ROOFING SLATE. E subscribers respectfully announce e ; wui `the r e urnist and put on SLATS ROOFING ri uniturpassed r 4 ted any other STatii o County t Qusr m mar: keg: rk will be done by the motif experienced ' warranted to give satisfaction my24f . R. BYERS & CO. Select Schools for Boys and Girls. FRONT &WWI. ABOVE LOWER THE Fall tent' of ROBERT APELWEES School for boys, will open on the last Monday in August. The room •is well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and in every respect well adapted - for school purposes. . CATHARINE WELWEE'S School for girls, located in the same building, will opeUi for the fall - teeth at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to promote the health and comfort of scholffriC augl64ltf PENN'A. FEMALE COLLEGE, - • AT 'HARRISBURG.' REV. B. It. WAUGH. A. .41.,%1V11+7C1PAL. pH E 'Seventh Annual Session begins Thursday, Eeptember lit. Educational advantages an locality unsurpassed. Boarding Pup& surrounded by influences of the Christian home. s containing full infilrmat.on ran be obtained ¢t ~tCtrllege . ' aug26 dilw C/TT RESTAURANT, ..........11,.-,- - I=l P. K. "WCINNA.II6 Ohio, July 4,1867, BrIVAItE OP IMITATIONS. W:T7i)j7W 7 l: FOURTH STREET NEAR CHESTNUT. ASaperiorartiole of LILGER BEER and WING always on hand. I s toviiii of thew beverages are respectfully theited to ea& --augl2-dtr LIOR 'RENT- 77 A Swtll Direlling Peron - given Immediately. nagElkile Enquire et.JONES , STORE , THE , GR4A,T ENGLISH REMEDY r James Clarke's CeleUrriiil Female prepared from a pre scription of Sk „Clarke, IL. D., Physician RetraordinarY to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for female Difficulties and Obstructions from any cause whatever ; and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. - TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort thee, bring on the monthly period with regularity. satin. For tall particulars, get a pamphlet, free, or the agent N. 8.-51 and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized agent, , will insure a bottle, containing over 60 NM, by return mail. C. A. Sanaysirr, agent for Harrm burg, Pa., T. W. Dyott & Sons, wholesale agents Philadelphia_ innl3-lowly To the Ile:ffragged and Poisoned Citizens VP PENNSYLVANIA You are overrun with a deluge of the vilest compounds in the Item of "Alcoholic Drinks" that ever emanated from that pest or society, the Lamm Mixea. They are sold to you as aluxury, or they are dispensed to you as a Medicine and in either case the effect is the name. There s bat one way to escape, and that is to use, as a luxury or a medicament, a sate and reliable stimulant, sold under Mum and seal, which renders It certain that It has not heed tampered with. Such an article is CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN, which is distilled under inspection of the British Govern ment, is delicately flavored (unlike any other Gin) with some of the most valuable restoratives of the Vegetable Kingdom, and is by far the moat he ithy beverage extant. TIAN MOST =NWT PHYSICIANS or Boum AND Ammucut not. only recommend its ode by the bale and hearty but prescribe it as a medicine where a stimulant is required. Ina FEMALE sax will find it not only a pleasant Cordial, beta certain relief in sufferings of a periodical character. Aztatrricuir. Camera or ALL Ratan pronounce it perk featly pure. and its restorative merits incomparable. Sold in quart and pint bottles by all Danmark Gnomon, an—For. -Harrisburg by D. W. °ROM & Co., No. AS Market street. WILING C, CHARLES, General Agent, aprNi-dawly- r' Depot No. 80 Broadway. New York MRS. wrirsLow, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the goms,reducieg all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and to SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, AND, RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN BAY, ill . PIDCNCE ARV TRITER, what wo have never been able A 4 to say of any other medl clue—N EVER DAB IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE TO EFFECT Awo CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an in- stauceof dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On, the contrary, all are de lighted with its operations, and speak in terms of highest commendation of fp its magical effects and medical 'AMOS. We speak in this matter ..wma we no,Nstow,; tiger ten years 0 .. experience,. AND Flamm OUR RePOTATM FOR"11111"'" PoLimMion , OP WHAT MN HERR DINNARI. In almost 114 every instance where the inlluit is suffering from pain 1.4 and exhaustion, relief will be found "in fifteen ortwenty minutes after the 0 , 4 syrup is administered. Pl This valuable prepara tion is the presciipton of Pe one of the most EXPERI ENCED and SKIL LF UL p NURSES in New England, and has been used with " ealize MUM BUXOM in THOUSANDS OF OAfl . Itnot only. relieves. the Child from..paln, 'but in vigorates the stomAch and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to to the whole systems -- It will almost instantly re- Bove GRIPING IN THE B 0 WEL S , AND WIND it COLIC, and overcome nee vuisions, which if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it the ' , VP ROT and NORM =MT IN TNT won°, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRH(EA IN CHILD- go REN, whether it arises from teething or from any b e other cause. We would say to every ,mother who has a child suffering from any of the Mregoing corn- plaints—no NoT ITT TOUR PRRTIONCIS, NOR TRY PRIMO , it DICIS OP (MIR% stand be tween your suffering child and the reilet that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTE- LY SORE—to follow the use of this medicine, tt timely used. Full direc tions foc using win accom- Ca pany each bottle. None owe lodes the fee- pi simile of cumin & PER. KINB, Now York, is on thel.. outsid e wrapper. Bold by Dr uggi s ts PI throughout the werld.-i. Principal Office, No. 18 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Cents per Bottle augd-dawly HICKOK'S PATENT PORTABLE Cider and Wine Mill and Press. THIS sterling machine, which from the test of several years has proved itself superier in point of simplicity and efficiency to anything in the mar ket, is now ready for the apple harvest of 1859. It is made, if possible, better than ever, and where there are no agents, farmers will do well to send to the manufactory early for a circular. iffir More than one hundred Silver Medals and Diplo mas have been gives to tills Mill within the last four years. 'lbis Mill has been the tiloneer in that line, and we claim that it Is the best one In the Market on the following points :- Ist. It win grind the easiest, fastest,and in the most perfect manner. 2d. The Press is the simplest and most powerful, and quickest handled. It is not hampered up with a number et screws and eog-wbeele, which create enough Motiou to destroy its utility. It is well made and Sold at a fair price. Spr The Mill occupies about two and•a-hall feet by three feet, and is tour feet high, weighing 870 pounds, is every way portable and convenient. RECOMMENDATION During the past winter I bad several boat loads of apples to make into cider, and procured one of 4 .Hiczok , s PoirrAins CIDER Altus," and found that, with two bands, I could make eight and nine barrels of cider a day—the men only working by day light in the short days of winter. The bill' not only performed In the most perfect and satisfactory manner, but worked with remarkable ease and with a small amount of power. I tried other portable Mills, but none that worked with half the ease or speed of Hiekok's Keystone Cider NW; and I can safely recommend it iiipreiteenee to all others. Harrisburg, Jima 16th, 1869. CHARLES TCNE3. Mr. Chaffee of Broome county, New Tork,-writes that he, with one hand, went from farm to farm with one of these Mills, and made over one Nevutand bands of cider In the DM of-1868. Manufactured exclusively by the Send far s Circular SHORT ST TIME A.ND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE TO NEW TORE • ~.. VLi 27131 PENNSYLVANIA 'CENTRAL R..R. AND CAMDEN AND' AfilßOY, OR NEW BRUNS— " WICK R. R. 01114.11314 ; FARE THROUGH PHILADEL PHIA PJCIAIJDF. PASSENGERS leaving Harrisburg via Pennsylvania Caitlin' R. R., arrive in New Itnik t ie follnwoola LEAVING HARRISBURG by PAST LINE at 2.80 A. u., arrive in New York at 1 20 r. N. LEAVING HARRISBURG by EXP RESS TRAIN at 6.05 nrArrive•in New York at MO r. N. LEAVING HARRISBURG by NAIL TRAIN at 1.10 r. N. arrive In New York at 10.00 P. N. • ALL TRAINS by this route make elope connections at Philadelpbia. PASSENOM privileged to STOP In Philadelphia and mingle their journey at pleasure. A..L. MIMEOS; . . • Sir" lag. Die. "Hari's. S B. . 'IRVIN J. CRANE, %net Agent. seglO-dtf-rd-augg3 . A PAROCHIAL SCHOOL! THIRD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, HARRIBBIMO, PA. CYRUS V. MAYS, A. M., Principal MALE and FEMALE Pupils of the age of nine years and upwards received on application to any of the committee. The School Year is divided into Two Terms, via : Ars! Ravi—From the first Monday of Septembers° the Second Monday of February. Second Mova—Prom the second Monday of February to the second Monday in July. Priasper Ares, soithont any entre charges udlateeer : First Clam . . ... 316 Third Claw ...: $l2 Second Ca I Class $l4 Fourth Class.... Ste The fall term of Oils /esthete will commence with the first Monday of September, 1869. It has met with encouraging success during the short time It has been established, for which the committee beg leave to return their sinoere thanks, end they would re speothilly Solicit the continued patronage of the public. Parents and guardians may rest assured that every snai l/on will be given by the Principal as well as the Oom =Mee, to the pupils committed to their charge, and noth ing left undone which may contribute tomake the whom worthy of their entire confidence. All tho branches of learning from the elementary to and Includlogthose neces sary to lit the pupil fbr entering the Freshman or Sopho more classes of Collage are taught in this school. Ja - Communications by mail may be addressed to Rod. F. /Center, Chairman of the Committee. 019 dfime LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE, THIRD STREET BELOW matmarr. I. AVING purchased the interest of J. Q ADAXEI In the establishment, and made large additions to the stock, the undersigned is prepared to accommodate the public with Stirtnucw: Houses for saddle or carriage purposes,and with every variety of VEHICLES of the latest and most approved &lies, on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES will be buses at short notice CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES FOR FUNERAL 00CA SIONS will be farniabod, accompanied by careful aid obliging drivels He invitee an inspection of hie Stook setts fled that It iiqq folly equal to that of any other estabillannent of the itiW in , town. FRANK A. MURRAY. 1, BRANCH -STABLE The imdersigne4 has opened a branch or:his "LIVERY and RECHARGE STABLE," la the buildings lately ocepi pled by A. W. Barr, in Fourth street opposite tbi Bet h where he is prepared to accommodate the public with HORSES and MUHL'S, at all those, on reasonable terms. His stock Is large and varied, and will recommend itself. inarEl dU-rdangll FRANK A. HURRAY. EXCURSIOREI TO COLD 'SPRING- SCHUYLKILL & SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF PIC NICS AND SELECT PARTIES WHO wish to visit Cold Spring digli the Summer .9eason, an EXCURSION' run upon any day selected, leaving Harrisburg at 7A. M., and returning at 7P. Id Regular EXCURSION TIMETS will be sold at RALF THE USUAL RATES, when sufficient numbers apply to justify the runidngof It train, say 56 or more persons. CEO. GARVERICII, Agent, augS-dtf Schuylk il l and Susquehanna Rail Rout. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded - entirely' from Gums, and has become an established tact, • Standard Medi cine, known and approv , - , A ; by all that have used it, and is now resorted Pt_ with confidence In all the diseases for which it is re- commended. It has cured thousands E 4 within the last two years who bad given up allbopesg of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in my possession show. The dose must he adapt- ed to the temperament of the individual taking Nand • used in snob- quantities u to act genUy eel the bowels. Let the dictates of your t" ludgment guide you In the use of the LIVES. INVIGO- M, BATOR, and It will cure Trutt Commutate, BI'LLICKII3 p Arcanum, DIIEPZISLAAIRCd- JO Ikaaanoss, Swum Cox. BY Sous Snows, Mom CHOLERA MORIIIIII, CHOLUA J. 1173010; FAMALII WE/LE successfully NI AD ORMILI: Will cure SICK HEADACHE vs TWZYTT IF TWO TAKEN at oommenaement o ALL WHO 71817 r ARK OW favor /orbits. Water In the month with the lans r, and swallow both together. CATHARTIC PILLS PURE VEGETABLE EXTIIACTI3, AND PDT UP IN GJ.A RLS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY OATHAR- • TIC PILL is a gentle be active eatharUe which the proprietor has used in his practice more than twenty years. The constantly increas• Ing demand from those who have long used the PILLS and the satisfaction which all express iii, regard to Ng thew use, has induced me to place theat'within the a. reach of all. The Profession well know •-• that difibrent Cathartics act on different portions of the towels. The FAIIIIN OATH AR- TIC PILL bas, with due re fenince to thhi well WO h.ti Halted fact, been compoun ded front a variety of the E. l . purest Vegetable Retracts, which act alike on every A y! par t of the alimentary ca nal, and are good and sqf MI In- ail cases where a, cit; fluidic is needed, such as di Detwknosiits . qf &testae*, Sleepinews, Pains in . „--• Back and Loins, Cbstieeness Pain and Barmen Ow xib ad Rafienness, Headache or weight in the head,,, I Direst es, Worm in Children or dd- ri nits, /Metastatic*, a great Purifier of as Blood, and i i ii many diseases to which flesh is heir, too ntunero - '1 to mention in this adver- Usenamt. Does, Ito 8. PRICE tO CENTS. EAGLE WORKS. Harrisburg, Ps. - - -aug2B ((swim Tsi LIVIN INVIGORATOR AND FAMILY CATRAR IC Plus are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all -the large towns. Manufacturer and Propriet4r, je7-dkwyt] 886 Broadway, New York. IMPORTANT TO CONSIIMELS OF - - COAL L ' - QT owing to the large quantity of Coal OR hand, but to the catated and-great demand, I ve reduced the Price of Coal FIFTY CENTS ON TWE TON t Less than sold heretofore, and will delver It 14,04 notice to any part of the town: - We have °aimed the Lykena Valley Broken at $6 00 per ten; mss -ti 300 . 4 tt it Stone sr 260 t/ N u t t, ci ' Wiltelharre Brok e n " - 00 4 . "- - Os: ola 800 a Nut . " .. 2 ,to I sail Um nal I.yimma , Valley OMI, and not the short.' Mountain for Lyken's Vandy, as is done in many instanom.: All Coal from my Yard -can be relied upon as being what t in sold for. Ejyl9.llBml E. BYERS. MOM G. G. EVAN'S' ORIGINAL GIFT STO 489 vinceirsirr sTREIBT, MAY be had at the Limos Hou: , :argiffarket street, near Third, for a few da , 'Srindsotius Vita - of Jewelry, WARRANTED GEN r 'genes& to the purohaser of esolibook. In ease phalli" not salt. it will be exchanged for myth' - eofdiame treble. sir Boots bi catalogue, 4121 d 'and, win be or dered and delivered in twenty-f lauggs-stse SCHOOL COINITTSS D. W. Gioes,t Games Zunr, Ginßaz P. Wawa. E. F. ErAuxtt, A. J. Max, PRANK A. • - (&iecevror to Wm. Pada72,) PLUMS, DITILICZERY, PROP EL/1. 00811M1118, CHOU; DITAN7OII, FL•TIIL INCE, mama, and may be m ad RY'AXILT Mums& ri - (a 8 thotisands can leattry)l ORIERII3 WEVOON7III2I*: I [1 attack. last their testimony in its PRIOZ ONZ DOZIAR PZR porns. ALSO SANFORD'S FAMILY COMPOUNDED FROM' S. T. W. SAMFORD, M. D GIP T,_B_o,ol{.S DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leaye to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the *ountry, , to two of the. most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. 11Platies Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz. : • THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. --- THE •%L.W.F.llbh -PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariab e it a speedy and permanent As specifics for the abo - tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. with Omni- Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FtEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for , the last Twenty Years, and they ;will now give their undivided time and attention to thealanufacture. And being de termlYed that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEXING BIOL Pittsburgh, Pa. P.s, Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to writ* their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. /noses, ,repot by Fleming B rat: Ptllsourpft, AA To those wishing t t o 111 ,, re them part ol tete4l7l:itr: forward per e = rlls Pa kt twelst • n l bre partage s atom:, ol n o::e vial i g n l= l accompanied by twenty cents extra. FOR SALE BY ALL DRI GOIAS% 1 1 10{iii499“ DL HOOFLANVB GERMAN BITTERS, DB. 1100 FL AIDDIS BMJUIN:IC The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through yams of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by their in all cases; and the people have pronounced than worthy. Liter Compinint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, amid all diseases arising frost a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are spew* andpermanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic) Cordial has acquired a reputation nopasting that of any sitndarpre paragon extant. It mill cure, WITHOUT TAIL, the moat severe and long-standing Cone), Cold, or Koarsonoss, Bronclthla, Imo flUnu, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Cciunueption, and tun - perforate, an fawn astoxiating ewes ever known of Confirmed Consumption. A few dour will deo at once check and cure the most severs Diarlicaa proceeding from COLD El THE Bowsr.a. These medicines are prepared by Dr, C. M. JACKSON & co., No. 418 Arch Street, Pht7a &Ohio, Pa., and are sold by imagist* and dealers is medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. ' The signature of C. M. JAMMU will be on the outside wrapper of eadt bottle. In the .dinsanae published arameally by the proprietors, failed EVIRYBODY'II ALIIIA/LeC, you will find teviimony , and -comsisorlatory isrotices from . all parte .qf tke l eaunfoy...,‘ Those „...Almeueacs, armgimmlyry by aid ay agents FOR SALE EY ALL; 4308UGG18173. 4ap4ly M017011INGt : C . i 1 00, DS. A new esseitmeneepenti.l this hihtnlng. GINGHAM& 1 SILK CHALLIS. .1 GRENADINPS. LAWN I CREPE M A LI I MEM. Slack White Geinisititus Ploistied. Two-Yard Wide Ber r abaer MOB ie, with sSIM s W tock CATHCART of ou kind of MO G M. . A. , Next to the Hartieburg !Mt. NEW BOOZE. Tama, by Wm Marryatt: • Lova; (L. Amour) from the French oS Dmoott Doormat% Dimaslmes. • " Haw so Aar, Children's Clothes. 111411211110111 AL Awmarroass of Poter,Glaucy, Together with all the new Books pnB111101; for salo at •-• BFABIS . Cheap Bookstore, -.kforkai LTA htB AN I CHIAAS, okedand smoksd," for'aide by. • A. R) EINSON k CU, A. N D apt dim CORDIAL,