W l 6;>/eifErigiHE:a3. DAY, ISS,7EFIF.I),J 'V 6E,GI!; BERGNER & CO., PA : LCIfIFfI - • :s• az:verd to sv.t...eribers in the F.. ale; cat, per wrok. Yeaely sabectibere .1' AND Fkat.Wralen" Toscasne. :salsa publiabed twice. a n'Lkae datiag Lure. and weekly during the re .. (...3r, a4dfurbiaile4 to au Wen word kt tbo 6 2.60 , 12.60 and &had Dachas anppliat with 1110 • in advanet. t!rz un , OP IfISIMPAPF.,!P. i'O.re per year. ♦f if ord,r tha nineantinuaneo of their news , Lha , „hi seer my continue to send them until ~r e 014. ~.,,,oriber; neglect or refuse to take their iteweca• tewn to which.they aro &Tem), they are ,:,r^nithey.araaotUUd the bills and ordered Din Goobs, sct: 9 r orrNIN ()F . orR-ou iaaa AXI) sUIIiER,DEtY O.OD S ES El NciTioNst lam now cattattintly rtmAiving and. opeming A th.n cwrtahliht, of .N . F: d GOOD 3, which Su and 1 , ;:c0.4 Real ccoilknt Icon otter IYIWCEMPNT3 TO PURCIIASEItfI, EY ANY OTEIEri nousr Dr Silks, rt:ttt-tt; evcrg kyle 3 LiAtlrri ,• P Utile Ch 1111,, slaveDas, ( ifG. me, 1 rnl 111, GlAntal, kr. Mot - inning Goods. The only full and complete STC,Is to bi ft. p ':ounil in TQW:4. V 1 t kihaWlS, E Of every Style, Quality and Color, vary-, ng priee from $1 50 to $2.0 00. j Noodle Work.. flambome Set,., Collard and Sleeves, k Very Inch Preach Work Collars, Embroidered. Cambric Edgings, Cambric Inserlings, Swiss " B wtaa Edalogp, flonitoa Collars, Alitlteao Collars, Flowlcir.gs. White Goods, Front Brilliants, Engßah Brilliants, Jakonota and Diaitwookg, Cambric's and Malta, Dotted, Swiss, - Stripes . for Steelies t :Mittens, - Dimitya, Sce Hosiexv,cuxclGloves: My srocx is theshirost, and as complete a As possible. Hid. Gloves. tr. Jouvos,Ladies and Gentlemen, imported 'expressly for my own osn. Domestics. Unbleached nu..3this, likliclied Drillings, S .t I Ticki 11;44 W..' Lluons, Jesus, &c., &c MT UOOO3 ARE BOUGU or g • c MAN C FACTU REES AND JOBBERS, I ASI ENAIILLIVJ SUL AT NUM, !" THAT —DF7,1 1.-- COMPETITION. (i.. 41 ,L a^ 2EXAIIIN4 I my TO 04 Le , PURGILAJ ING elsewhere. Wit:LIAM A. CATHCART, NO. I 4 MARKET RC/DARE, Nr Doon To TUE. HARRISBURG) BASE. tuaa'2;?.. ii r. 2, NEW lid ETIC L SALT, L -- 1 I.VILIJIMATORY D15E4,4114 ONLY. 1.4 %c a r erb Nevnttil ct Lllll Dt uaat oga reuieoirui :: 4( 1 0”e al tit, and nctornia.ttes not non thing to vitt, iullAtunutt,ry, 01-eaue whatever be Its tuna or locality. That It amid T by Orkualizlog the 1.0.1 tune thereby removing the 6010 cause Of 11,1 1.1mumall. i me 43l u 41a4a41.144, Nedra 'gait, Headache. h Wide, Femora, ballaumied Throat, LUuga , . 0 04 414 d Liver, Fellatio Ilisease.V.rysipolse t hrotioniti., Pkt t ley, Asthma, Dyspepd,i,, Diseases, r coat, Scrofula, Canker mud all other forma of la. NioW Limitation are easily subdued by the Sew Medi. cal auk, TriVNViv bled. aralt is no cure , 121 all but does just wbal it el .Ims tu do—no more, uo lows-.41q11411343 Me circulation by removing ; .z i 4 from tto system all arterial and venous Waitron. lone. "... 11 altitudes have tried the virtue,. uT al. the New itettical Salt, though but lately ahl: ....: r coverod; 'Witness the testimonials and certittoatell of cure /1 4 t=frtrit!V d ae l :. " = " J e4 0 1 tt pill Mei woe cured of a severe case of Neuralgia la lesa than a week.—None our (LAdaextiser V oviir &Vara - Me alnelicine is nobly t 4.1 . totalling, In my cute, sit the promises which DO made for it. A few doses aloe relieved my mother of a rush of blood to the head. . J. P. UILLINCHIA.H. Pins 40,) iltaballllllio.sy itlairiainattatirAffaa any complaint. The flat package dll the work 4.llecuLdly, as not a veetlae of Rlmotoatism la lon* .4 It DUNCAN, New York • Komi , ft Is good for , Itbettunatlem, it removiog it la a low hours. I ant new trying for retch' and have already received berketli. B. Lussio., Rending. iraall a toe Aocurbou orate Alltd r Ossi• aorta. In too bye ajo vain was gone. T. W. Fl 1.1 D • .iina. LODby tile uoOtt ttoVO it tne,i it It had complete coutro . l over ingatu mailon ( Va.) New Era. liatetttlintaftil and :‘,irai t oL twr, o eeu cared by lt.—Jejerion. , (14ii.) 41e PI , VTtI, CIPP Al u b"?.:c"ri l 't/70174: 1 1 1 1 1 : 4 1r:7„iit r uYiettimluocufatarzji i 4. 0) 1 , 1/ tattled fr om Dr u gg ist who bita thls rain bL s; Itic.ai,iaa for 61110. OUGG'6WELL'S rvo . ANTIPELtotat6tIC SALT. rilco $l. Chronic paektgo 32.50. D. C. TAYLOR 6; CO., Oenerd Agents, 202 Deck Street, Phiktdelphta. The Now Medical San is for sale is Bar. J. r4L.nr,, , tyy L0 u, 4 .; rtaillnu &Co., C. K. Koller, F. A. a wl Aolti ‘,.. canerprin• ng DroLiata whom& the "/Glograpb")o Md. AS it 4 not• patent mothoine, but too _ 4orirtlon r n;NEW emtuout n 14101.1111 ono ahontil *A to try ttl 1431)1L, ,rft• for teutliotilati algtl 41notioug act k;irctilN 4011444.1 g Ili / . .. . , - ... ._ \ N ,/i -• I A. ' :i2 4 4. ~... ;.: .= —.., :• : ... I, 1 \ \ ASV v ...,_,..40r.......... ~..........4.,....,._, .......,, , • la : . V t ~...„ ...„......:,,, t 4 a ... • .. ...".„,........,„ ~..k.,. . • . • _....... ........„ _,..,,..„............. • ATEN.S. - 1344taa.P , - • A compound r:+. - d9 .- .., in Which we i aVO ,rl,„ labored to prodtftititimmt effectual altera a that eats be ,made. It is ibrimevaitited extra tof Para sa p partlia, sO coOthln illi ottitip.anbetenneS Of still ti Saler' Cdtetll'lVe power aftk , til aim elective antidote tho diseases Bars& s reptited to cure. It is 3 ved . that such a y erautedlity those who attire* from Strnmous co Mur k . tad tbateitme which will accoMPlititi A their curt:4oostor Itrugierio service to this clap/Poi Alrlf afilictelthll - izev. aOtit completely this corn priood a watao r , n p experiment roVea by experiment on my le . ..04 . tgoorot a 4 to oft fortatt or the follociagaim _,.. Z,IIiNTLI ASA tfitOlM ill"s•CotrPtsmist, Eitonto. alb WWl:firs presat*'etrtuts, rttirtss, Itunemat, its,. Sara Roma, *rem ne tn. SYPertii Am" Sytaltrrm 41 c• noxs, MingeririAL DitanAst - Maraca N* YAMS Offerie Doctor Deaatrrx, Dv - _cm .Lariosserrs, Myr , 4' 4• ' ' ~ '' • Y and Jta rb t* whole co at t , air • ~ • .a fur /nil Or Tgle 'llos compoitti.l wili i•e found is„ great preinottrV health, when ta}ten in the Sys lug, to expel the awl hit more. which rester in the blood at that action of the year Ity the timely expubdou of Mem luany rankling disordtd* ere nippeet in.tbe bud. Multitivirta eau, Ay the aid of this r , inedy, spare themselves from the **durance 01 foul eruptions nod ulcerous sores, through "Mich the e 7 ...1,,e, will strive to rid •t,elf of corraptiona, it rot as RiSt(2(l to 110 tic+ through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you lind its impurities bursting through the skin is pimples, eruptions or sores ; cleanse it when you hod it in obstructed and sluggish is the VOIDS; de anSe it whenever-it is fetal, and your feelings will tejl you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, People enjoy better health. a n d /lye longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with thin patmlirm of life disordered, there,cap be no lasting health Avner or titer something musego wrong, and the great machinery of life Li disordered or Over thrown. Militants, 4:e., &c Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, 114 riodation of accomplishing these r 1143. But the workt Las been egregiously dereivbd by- preparations of it, partly be cause the drusalnno has not all the virtue that Is maimed fag. lustrnare hoe man4pfeliSlNip bo nS, pretending to tit doMimtrated e oxigacts o contain t little of the virtue or SersaparigialTh'y itg . I>tti.tiginte years f pub& oittre.beea utifts4 by large boulos ' pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sorsa parillitfor one dollar. Most of these have beet frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain:llA, if any , Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever 'thence, biitsr and painful disappointment has .follow !tense of the various (=trains of dar6ap3Hlla which Mood the.roarket, until this,patise ['Moir is Justly despised, an' has became synonyineus with linpotiltien and cheat. Still we eall.this compound awmtparilla, and Intend to supply anal a remedy as shall rescue the name trom the load, of obletpif that, 'MIS upon it And we think we have grontid for heiterintit has virtues which are IrresisUble by the ordinary ru aOf the dMe mes it is intended to cure. • To order to completer eradication from the eysteiu, the roma dy should beJudlelouSittairen according to direction on the bottle. t PREPARED BY . DR. -J. C. AYER.% CO MASSACHUSETTS, Price, $1 per Bottle; $ll Bottles for $3. Aiieesi7Olityxsbv. l .Pecto - ral, .hats won. for Itself such a renown for tin:tours of every -variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it. Is entirely unnecessary for us to reooent the evidence of its virtues, wherever Ittlas boon eusployed. As' It has•loug been In constant Use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality Is kept up to the Ilea It over has bees, and that it may , bolaied on to do their roller all It has ever been found ke do. AVM. - IS Cathatr tie • Pi/1$ iriwaxig mixt. Collimates, J'aiata , oo, Dopooty:a, lad yasPecia Dysentery, Foul Stmaarit, ,ffatatithe, .filtewitatisin, Ereptemt and. Skin Discataw, ideep Colopleiot, Dropsy, Hhtler Tumors and .1112 Mane, Warm, boat, iVeurcagia, as a Diftner Pitt, and for Purifying the Blood. They uro sugar-coated, so flop the most sensitive CAD take them pleasantly, and they al- the beat aparkht In the World for ell the purpOdcs of a fetidly, phy.lo. Prim SO eta, per ilowl _Five 8001 for $ l .OO. Grip 11001*(201 Statesmen, .and teetiseir personage'', stave lent Mei/Amato to certify the neentineeta of these rexpedlei, bat oar space bore will not permit the inagrtion or t am, The Agouti betoic named thrnich_gratts ear Antaitm.tl Aretaxac in which they are given • with also rail delerlpikam pr the above complaitte, and toe treatment thatidloald be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they mato more profit on. . Demand Armes, and take nil others. Tho sck want dta beet aid there to to. them, and they should have It. - AU oar Raineedee tee (ortolan C. A.IIANNYART, liar. rlebort; H 0. Warrttew, Halifax ; Dr. hi''''ts , Di lump !Antonia by all Drufighte,and by the principal bferchants n the country. , plq.d sweat CANES! CANES!! CANES!!! CANSI_A3-ANES!! CANES!!! GANE • S! OiEN ES!! CANES!!! AT ." r ?'"' AT AT • AT AT AT AT AT AT KELLER'S! KELLER'S I.! KELLER'S ! I I KE LLEWS 1 KELLER'S 11 KELLER'S I I! il kiLLER - 1 KELLER'S 1.1. /PLLER'S 1 ! ! 91 - - 91 91 91 91 91 91 . 91 91 ' Market St. Market'St. Market St. DAVENPORT DUNN, by Chas. Lever—com- Vete in 1 vol. Price 60cts. THE HARP OF 1000 STRINOS, by R. P. - - rery—numerously- illustrated. Price $1 25. VIE o' CHEM PLAYEItIi INSTRUCTOR, or Guido , Beginners, by chsaliti 11. Stanley.— Prioe 88ots. ANECDOTES OF LOVE, by Lola 116 n tea.— Price $1 ZOO. TUN PILLAR OF FIRE, or Israel in Bondage, by Rev. J. H. Ingraham, author of tho s "Prince of the Muse of David." TRIAL OF DANIEL E. SICKLES, for shoot ing P. B. Key at Washington—illustrated by numerous engravings. Price 25cts. JEWELLERS, Railroad Superintendenta and the pub*. are Invited to all and Ree E. Ilowann e.'a datron in lcal and other Clocks at the a 'pr22l:dly - - It'AOLE WORKS QTR - AWBERRY PLANTS hive already bech engaged from the Kirrmosi Nrimmty, for the rroserit-beasoins planting. • Embracing an tho finest; largest and best varieties, yet for Sal% ' The submriDer bas Ws year raised, In quanti ty, berries measuring FROM FOUR TO SIX INCHES - - „ In eircurrabrence, and will sell" Plante or the same vs rietles at lower prices than they can be bought elsewhere In the rWtCV 4 Fwlth a guaranty or purity and Monty to bum haute ve4 sar strawberries planted In August or 2eptomber, it the weather Ls favorable, will produce a good orop of fruit newt season. ' •' H. A. MM. Harrisburg, July '2B, 1859.-0284 f . _ or ',, , ,1 „.,. "INDEPEN'DENT IN ALL - -VIIINGE ---- .NEDrl'itA.L .IN NONE." VOL. 1419 • ..71c. tat FISI/ING TACKLE 1 FISHING TACKLE FISHING,TACK.LE,I NEW BOOKS, For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61-Market street. ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK. UPWARDS UF 30,000 MOSE-THAN 200,000, - ALargo lot of)Operior makes of Black anks—warratM FJYH EU" EVERT MEM, , MAW , . • :mom tuorsocosion: thest 4tA o got* variety or 'lilies. • PG c4R it 4 lIARRISBITRG, PA., AIONDAYAARIILKIGON, , •AUGUST • 29, 1859. inistellaneous. Parasols & Umbrellas , MARKET SQUARE, n'AIIRISBI3 - RG lila subscriber respectfully informi pubila'Ahn ha .hag egabllshod a arkaanfact UMBRELIA.3.• r0RA.301. 1 3, WALKING_ cAsss RIVING WIMPS, at the above addre3o: Alter nitin' -41%0Elenon In Abs busioDsa as gh.,,,pradleat Tan with ennflacticm statath orstinatiAnk of tl tattnitnnetr g 0 ,48 itartElted tolifrn meet W4/1 00.teutionlia will gWo.aatiatnetion to his palms..., ,Wancy.(ooB-Aropaired & ki,waypsio . " (As- well as Aeg,at he produce, hirssel delphio, Nevi York, B!iglish, F-7 MI f. N'. B.—Particular an 4 tirompt aruK i rete .11sariugand eorealag at' Umbra!' ainA Padrasols. un{-tily WM. PARKHILL, 0 Prumbe ßu r ces E ß ß s ;a n : sss."fibu.iider, 108Ilittirket Sireet, Harrisburg. Tß ßASS Cli . stingti Lof every description .made to artier. Alllerjelitimanufnctured Load and MIT ripen of all slim. hydrant; of every, ilcieripf ion made entl.ropalred. ..1101. And Cold Water Bativ.,Bhovver Bathe, \Voter Closets, (:s tern rutnps,.Lead Lkibitia , and Lead Wyk. Of every 'docripiiiiii, iltine at 'the shortest no t Use, on the most reasonable terms.: Factory and. Engine Work in general. All orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. . The highest wanlep, .ror. old. Copper. Dra!e,. Lead anti Speller. " Ins" 2 ti COACH MAKING. EST 4BEISI4I\ . I.ENT. 'THE subscriber respectfully informsth-. lei..ts;istqffirristntrir that he ha's commenced the Cu4Cif MAKING. RUA-NE in all its branches, at Ids shop in trat.yer STREET, NEAR FOrRTII. [laving swayed toe servicos of the best mechatdist in; each of the departments, anti giving his own personal attention to all work dotte;at his shop, ho feels safe in saying that his work wall compare favorably whb that Of any of thelarge Particular intention paid to the manufacturing of Itrheels. REPAIRING neatly and mb stantially done, and at the Unto promised. - ,-- apr23411.y ;, mh, JOSEPH SAYFORIi. (Yr . THE DAUPHIN COUNTY AttRiCULTIMAL To 'be kehi aE llorfisbury on 'Want - eddy,. the 2131 f Thursday, the 22d, and Iriday, the 23d op September, 1850. • The place of clhibillcm le Itt.oct at the grounds of the " PARK AS-' , 3OCIATION," where every aiTitegenteot and mOVeutenue fartlta display of st,lck, Proinee pi the Soil, and Agricultcral Imploweuta is now , is cour.te of pritliart atloh. . The Book of Entries will bs opened at Oil °Bloc of` the fenusylvania State Agriellturat:iociety, ou Sedond street,. hear Loeust, in Harrisburg, where Gee of themlicers will be found at all titnes_Augg,..Edi vmv,,o&SaPreminier.. fN e kterWciniFf ii,c ) man — nnti unbar too Soclofy. Iteasi•slot ;• Life•Voinbership, $3. Tickets of al mis,izm will be furnished at the oillee, le Harrisburg, at any time after the first of September 411(lb:cilia . Trea-m. nor, at his Wilco on tha F.shittitien bliouttli; during the eatibjtion. A Yearly or Life nekd admit,: a gen.knian anti Igtiy, maltitY ( fliatir 0114 raVi•Ta44‘icr`P. Yeafe'e ae. Proper p - ovialon hag been mi,d3 against. lholoment weather in tieVrec.tiCPTl of start/ - ANlN•fseithisrei, and c..ot v_ts.ti Terse which will acconintodata 2Jgiti preps , The Worm isle of Arrangements will be ready to receive" ertlzlos lbr exhibition on the Fair Grounds on Idnoday morning, September 10th, at which time they win have persons employed With triune to deliver articles of every kind, end also hare persona upon the Fair Grounds, to arrange articles for exhibition. Ekhibitere will; please ,taro their ~rticles upon tile Qiound, li peasiblp, on that . and the nest: day, In order that they tray be properly ar ranged b. Wednesday. Franilonli.eris,one of the moat liberal 1 - ..z00d by. any county Society In the State ; and for good-artcles or animals, offers gote yretnictros...lt will be retdy for dii trihation early. in Ahltuat.• - • meinberhlp fOe will be peLl to JOHN W. COWDEN, FE Tibaiurer, Harrisburg. JOIN H. ZEIGLER, jp4 • • ESTABLISHED 1007. TI IZE.A .N" 7 S CELEBRATED A.ND RELIABLE PAINTS, COLORS, ZINCB, WHITE LEADS, Mid VALRNISAES; may be , olAalned from the Principal DRCOGISTS and Paint De.,lers througlioukthe United ..ttatoe, Canadas and West indleJ or of the Ilanor.icturor D. F. I'IEMASIN & CO., iu William Street, NEIY YORK. French liqul,l Pryer, Chrome Greene, French Zinc Mutes, American Zino WhuLea, Solu Wash Stun far Ladndry Purposes. Prnssi.in Blues, Vermlllions, Cllronw Yellow, Colors in Water, tilaesm, Chinese, Yellows and Vertiginous, Parts Green, Permanent Excrete Grecus far Blinds, and a general stock of hats brill dry and ground In (Al &.reet t Now yolk. Jun27-dim FOR FALL OF 1859• KEYSTONE - NURSERY. 11.1.4121ZISBURG,` 10,000 BUDDED PEACII 7:IIEES, TNCLUDING 'all of the most eh oico va riette3. Price per 100(except Grimm) S 12.00; retail, 15 eeele. critem per lee $15.50'. retail, '.O APPLE TREES. All the best rarletle; and of good alto. Prtco 13 to 20 PEAR. TREES; Dwarf and Standard, ISO couto each, $3 pot do CFIF.PRY TREES. Da - hrtanttStatutard, 40 to 50 Cents each ; to $5 per dozen. Very large twain.; trees 75 cents to St ' APRICOTS, PLUMS, ALMONDS Grapes of unrerant rnnetke, ILuld4erries, enrrsuts, u - ben .te., at usual pries. SEIADE Amertetku and Mountain. Ash, Elm -, Lindens, leer Itaplos, Ltursa Chestnut, Catalpa, Tulip trO,&c. , . ORNAMENTAL .SHRUBS Of many variebell, among nolo Cydonia Japonica, White Fringe, Purple Fringe or Mist. tree, Mahout 'Lyn • Culla, Tree box, Magnolia, Honey SuckleP, EVPittOREEZ4 TRF,FS Austrian, 'Scotch, Norway, Baliam, Donbio Mine American and aver Flra,Amertean.Ohinese and Norway arbor Me, F.ogitsh ann.lriA Yew. &u. STRAWBERRIES About 60 of the most desirable verietlesea great many others having been rglectea after haring found them Of but ItlQe vain! : Prices very lo* by the theasand or larger quauti.Y. LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. At t 1.50 per dczrn. no per 103. CATAWIA RASPBERREDI Ao everbearing variety, 2.2 per dozen; Other varlet'es, including iirinelries ()range, Red and White Antwerp; Pasta; Wc.,'at El to 51.60 per dozen. Bcsi.les the above a g - reat many other articles, Can be found in the Nursery. alay- Persona will Lind it to their advantagelo purchase Trees and Plants from Nurseries in their own neighbor hood, instead of depending upon traveling potidlere With whom they aro unaelftuilthed. Address or apply to U. A. 31/Sli• IlarrlAlutrg, July far -dtf • WUOD TURNING AND BCItOLL SAW- , INo.—Tho best place to got Scroll 4wing Cod ood ningtkg_dOtie LS tho •• • • 41•E211. UOIMOLIVS, WRITING LASES DA$/i. 4Atilgralsitrk . ailow Orieethinci toiatir CtiarVeMTORK, s:twitig LADIES OP GICOVE a & BAILER 1 61, 11ACIII . N 2 E CO, 11AVING ESTAMIRIRD AN Off ICE At THR toiner ot Market Sipanre and Ilforker Street, • IN ?HC BOOMS ocdrinn, 911- 7 . w. S.MITITS PIIOTOGItAFU GALLERY,. WOULII pOrtienlarir Call tho attention of the D.die:,and CititAii generally to tin Ir RI rALI.F.:I) SE,IIISGMAG II IFES, varjhig fruin 150 $125 . " REASONS WHY THY. GROVER, it BAKER MAGHINE IS UNIVERSALLY - PREFERRED TO_ ALL OTIIERS - -Ist. It le morn elutpleaud easier kept is artier than Italy. *flier machine) having never t 3 be takelvepiirt to oil 'r clean . It inaltla a seam which will not rip or ravel even when every tOrd 14 eat. rd. It Ebvit i from two ordinary rrool 3, thus avonling all friable of 13111'4,i:the thread, while hy a more change or stools toe niaeblae maybe adainatkall kinds or work. 4tll. Enuo ipachwe. runs slit:. linen thread, and common spool imtlon with:equal facility. I ff .tah. The,seam i ls 01a.9* li3 the mast plastic fabric, and is, therefore, free from all liability to break in wadi.' fug, ironing or otherwise. • . . Oth., The stitch LS more beautiful 'than any made by atfy'Ottlarintatildne, or-by hand. ' 171 E GROVA'R d .11AK Eli NVTI7,a Is patented :ma owned by the company,. and is fur superior to the "I nos Snrcti" ortlie Worthless iTirifs Si - nvat," for alit thin fab rics, and reset/Mies the hack stitch made with • the com mon needle. ,The GROVEM MacHINE will du IdipSowing cheaper- cud better fbr a family then n S.eitim stress. even atough she were to work for OSE CRAW' AN 110 Ult 'lt IS 'superierto any and every other ma chine for FAMILY SEWING. peer zrogo lkape, &flatly been soli, and are recommended by the mot competent ititigti, by the Itess, by the Clergy and others, ns the inry bail Machine for all kinds or Wolk. We do not hesitate to warrant etc Machines in every respect.* ,st, Italia always iu attends.nce, Catt autt see them before purchasing any other, SMitit's Phntogrthih Gallery, , corner of Market Stitutre and Market. Street, cu• trance oa Market Square. • • s MittlaturShwivo, In all its varloris branr.dies, tisecuteti ,with pastimes - and dispatch, by -thoroughly,empeteut .1 0 ersons, M. half the ttsual price?.. Merchants, Families and others, should boar this feat i Mind, tho country, promptly attended to.. Those bo prefer thick, heavy fabrics eewed with the Shuttle •or Lock Stitch, .which Mtn the same appearance cut both: sides, con have their wo.k.denc on Tai SrutiTTLE SIA CHINS of the Garman dDatum 'Ociairivictr;•vrillch is in every respect superior to many other Machines for that kind of work p 5. Cie altlight s .thin fabrics that requiret -frequent-isinishlog and Ironing, iorns • GnoVari e/TIVEV? hos nesugerisr, , , , • Persons obtain roittember this riot, ulna hot be .de ceirol by the appearance of thosiatch robots sides,. ra it Is in appearance °AV.,- I adios are respeiAlteinvited to cat; and rceolva'amir , etv . ingi flisnh ai GreerPAter rapanYis book entiVol "Piuturei and libymes for the Little Yolks " Entratico'on Markiq Square, scoond door from Market, alulth's litetagraph Gallery. • . a slurs, mylh•ttly /gent for Central Peuusylvahia. PENNNSYLVANIA AGENCY FM ,wiLEELEIL & WILSON'S FAME: WINO . MACHINE Pala. On'and after Ortrber 1.. d t., .11 , 1 ;IL of our kIIitIWIAI IIdCHINF.--' will h. ai : NEW STYLE 51.ke11115.:1 7 T. 50 111.1111:.11, nn Mtn Tahla e" 09 " Half Case l'anci.... R 0 00 " Half Ilalmesay ,•r Else't Walost,„ S 00 " .. •• „ ~•• ..... 1.00 00 " Full eat.t., fto:ieterm,l 115 00 &MAIL MACI - 11N - F...., 76 00 latEtiE NIACIIIN 100 00 tIFIIIUERB, (extra) li On - 'rho unanimous favor which hasatteuded the introduction 01 Wussum k A4II.SON'EaI.III.Y Macacie,le au111,)lont evidence of Its excellence. It is needle,:: now to say, that thiattiefailostrinneutts becoming a domestic institution the tact Is recognized by Its sm:cessful use in thou sands or IV - Mites .lu every rank to lire, Ta those who hare hitherto refrained from avaiSag lassa.. , elyea el its advantages, It may not he anti's to say, that tin utlEty not a problem to be solved,b e. a success alreadyyealisod. The, highest,testlmony is conatatitly offered, confirming themordict.which has given Oda Instrument so .wido and haelable a reputation. Vila Machine is conceived on a principle E l / 4 -flastLT onionou., being specially and admirably adapted to the moat perfect work on every kind, or material ; and, having been subjected to a three ears' test or the noiit xearchigg character by Famiikl. and to yarieus liratteaes of Manuracture,whirdittittmuisited suersaa. It Is bellerel, that, titan the great %imam requisite to complete and practical Sewing Mat.hiliie p it cannot be approadnal iu ox. salience. ' Ameng the undoubted advantages it possemos °yarnl elberei may be named tbe•lollowing 7.- - .. . I. Its aiMplicity of canadrautiou, and consequent free dom from derangeinent and need Of repafrs. - . 2.'lta unexampled rapidity and ease of operation. 3. Its noiseless movement. ' 4. The greet variety of purposes to which it ran beep plied, which can be , achieved by no other mechanical means. And, The pre.mniuent ItrAWIT and nrm.taurry of the work. Full instruction for operating t hellachine Is given to purchasers gratuitously at the sales rooms. When the Ilachlriels sent soisc distance, go that personal Manic lionffi innonvenient, a card or directions is sent, wltiob ere a sufficient guide: .The,anechanism, however, is go simple, and the arrangement so easy, that no dill enlty enett occur.'" Many ladles have die Machine sent to [twit residences after having received tkhalf hour's instruction Any future difficulties era readily surmounted, and then practice alone makes perfect in the use of this as any thing else, ,IVmmtics end chileren o9welve years ul ago readily become proficient in its use. Our Office is removed to Mr. SIiJT Daverrean Rooms, corner of Third and Market streets, where the machines can be seen in operation. Ilia Burke Is prepared to do machine sewing for ail who *lst' It; and at the same tine show the machines. For further iliforniation apply rto W. O. HICKOK, Agent Ilarristiurg, 211,1859 -dawtf ' SIRUP OF BLACKIIRRY ROUT at ; • ••• 11,(EFFLERPS, Poutth mud Miirket Std, encioNst • • ‘11.w1.0.111 1 / I sHiWortatrth and• -43t ;xgl. EMM= a trooolCeffid. l'Abl-edensitviivirok.oflit* -1/ I •041.1 T AL THE LOCK STITCET at4-acticincAVF, TELE :15.103T CO.AP.LETR ,ASSORTMENT ",tOI.LE.I',4ILTAtLE. I 43 LS:NOW ON EXLIII3ITION - . AT . . KELLER'S- -DRITG'• STOLE , , . .. T_T ATI; s. , Til jukst, rikelYed it Urge add i t iari ) x...t0 in-i:airendix:varldtt .Stoelic re 'IVJ et . awl Fd 1, , y articles, Le will Fell tlig aanioat 4 .ftir price fur a fair ailleb.r , : ; ,-- 1.31 1 an tl. % Prize Modal or Crratal Poinivie---;tir Ve' - foilati'mg: per -1 Duiletri . ) ;'. • - -. , ' ' ' a - ptt Briar., , . - 111€nnott. i , i•• :. Camila/. . „t 1 - - - meet (Inver. Corttiti)zlitarretznr oleaglttdl t3 lC re, eempaiLob. , of Puritnallta4robzjit4t I at 'I.. New . ItoiNlitay - . . (j.n ti titel_ isrom . , 'Barrel Pnowo itzifilturror , e 1 titou.r6v. • •• , .Clyeertrie az Situuilltr SeFilitalliblervinz 4;1 4 01,11ml pantie—Peacblinmart Scrap': Ornnitue4, Palm. Sunflower; linnet AViatisor, ~Fraluiu atiza,' 'Monster, Ponrine, .-.'itad, pro and a immber ut - miter-line Soapa. -..- • Blunter F'raitelpannLiollet.Water. Ukitill'a Lia*Latatralo for tile Bair. - - ' Bazin's Meen ii:n &dig. Ratiitl§ go=o Tip Halm. . Ada Cloche D'or—Lazonder 11"..ter, (imported.) ' Ais Cliltile irtar—Tomit Powder, (imported ) t range newer WaW, -(tuiported ) -POarl and Jettttitin and Wriethanq Litik. Tortoi.otiltell Pocket, Silo. DrOtiug null Turk Combs. A variety ut Ceut'a Wuikta ana - Ladies Wire Porte " Wally newl , tyles of shawl rini'. A stock of 11.11 r Br:lstion on turilaßSCA In vitriety. style: qualitranil prime. - ra , lket Knives, Havana Cigara awl all artinies trim sly round in a ilretmleas Drug anti Fanny sore. ~ Call awl examine , you eantioVflill to be sailed of . - BP.I.LCR'S.. WI Marki.o4o-o , t. • 19 GBOAI4E' BLANK BOOKv.sLook__ MARUFAOTPER Ti IgUNDIE, No bril;iilitt (rCe), 11 . arri,4,rg, Po, BLANK BOOKS ! BLANK BOOn ! lIE very flattOrilig Oncoill'ltio#mnrwh' . 4 1 we have - re,leivoil ihr4o:g . the my(yytr het; ranted VA , fn 'en'argitt . oar eArarilt , hibetit nivi we aro ' now preparat! with greater over.,-11 - tci lit iies which tuthot be sortsts3ed in the city—to tirtnnfdetard I i . ardor all irinde of ‘to Books,,,,witfit or with Out irinted, henctinEs for State, County,' Corunatly, • Mercantile or, . - • indlrldu airUst; 4inuer whitai eatqlot. 'First silos wore irlper Ira id altnlank lluolsotad whon desired prat/drip arid.pirdaly.poied.. . • tieing - ett.thitut to compd.) :with city nunifftduFetts, . (.I)II:4ILRY.Taati.F. bosavollial i a(cdy micas: "Orders reipectfully solicited. Orders by mail affilressAi , . 64'lLitricct street, EAP t i S Ally ; THE ftillowinz Gau away by had et EWIGN . P,II' bo51: &ore, by tho feu& copy, oc whcn parson. 3 desire it. we will Hatt.* any ' Or nil or thorn at their rdsidenees, yuck- and send by roan, or :forward trraUroad•to *golds' on,. the mloo Tmall towns in the yicilsityOrlblrztilifil. ho Lod oor, e— - Forney's Press,. =IN Eveni.pgHain, Daily Telegraph, `IIAI Sun, • - „. :Clipper: New Yofir ITerhld,Times. 7 ' ,! • - - • - . Ilartht, 184 PAM.% GAIIDNEa'S. SOAP VAN BE .BOUGHT AT KELL.E.IX'S ST( ,),RE. MEW' 'and beautiful styles of Ladies .11 Rollin WIN Purthionnaiw Gm bo bought :At KELLER'S DRUG Milt:, A N assortment of Flower and Carden. • Seedm - ' NELLF.NB DRUG sALRE, Market fillieet• PARFUM d.'ANTOUIt OR, SKIN' ITE AVTIFIER. - ERADIUATES PAN AND FRECKLE 6, soft - old siFIWItiSSIIS Lilo Skii4 4114 tott.).tro to It ddo figural rot grsiro‘: J JC3 udog toilet rsotir,t .rd Will 11041 this artistepr Euportor apti ostior to I:s th.to IA!). Whae. ror sale Dy C. A. DANN VAl:l', _Phdrio,soutiesi ttsou,t. SKELETON SKIRTS. fr HE finest assortment of diffororit inalti , .. . ' !Wan OF FVFON vrg,... t I.,,inic;' FF:V.:TWS ROYAL .%•1:OIT... ..... V'EFF OF DIA MOM:, 3g1`.tr,... A " 0•1:.1/ " • '. 31..,76re . -0 ItOCOLAS AND SIIF.OVIrJOT SKIRTS. Aug evory 'Aber nixie 9r goodkitpl3y gold at tilt. VuTy lOwehl, pri:ws. W. A. Cain(:t L', , . - .1 , :n.1.4 Market, Sqtihri...: U I BRELLAS ! PARASOLS ! 31tit 11k 1.1.112241.3.9 EVgia raid; =MEZZO OENTP 811 A LIaTIRELIAS OP EVERT DJZE, IlLifiES PARASOLS, - , S'ateRS 4 PARASOIS, 1117 T ATTU AND C4LOR. A large slob 1: Rt. very low prlooA. Call at W. A. "oATHCAP.T'S, . . , Next to thellarrlsburg ----7- LADIES' - ATTENTION - ISVARTICOL TtLY ASKED TO TILE AS sORTMENT. OF OPAQUE AND - PLAIN EITVELDPEB, LF.TtER. AND DOLTIG.F.TI.IIC): NyIUTING,,A,ND NOTE NAI.Rit, VISITING, CARDS, 10., LC., LC., - Foriale at BERGN.EIt. , B cIU BODINTOI7, M. Market 'Siredt. N. tr. Vialtlag and Weddlaa C'ai.ds written to or ier• 3.50,001 (IN HAND ceiveit fro We LARGMT, Bt trolight:to Harris AT. IVEAV AVVP 1300KVP sortmeat it wire, 61*ft-et STEM! OFFICE. Haying prs-zured Two Ada.ros Pct.:en Prey es, we are prepared to exeoute JOB and BOOS PRINTING of every description, cheaper than it eau to done at ab;• ether establishment in the county.. • r- Aliv,EvitaNG : llujorior leo CJllS.tltcfp#29.4.l3..equar, rig L 11n. nor more than failf cow:aute a E;' c, 11.01 Spare, one day vie week - • one month three atentil.; isix mouthy..... tt one year ate prert; one , .ano week .. " .46=e thnnth three meat - lee, " SIX months. one year CI /kr Business natlC46 inserted in the LAW rot., bek,Te litarrlaggs-atd Deathx,TlVE CIZTB PER II N r. `‘ r earls haixtlon. ---fitirMarriagea-alid Dautbs Lo ba Ithargatt as rtg-tst ttdvertizeule43.4. NO. SG. Qli~:illaucA~~~ lir.alin Mondtit Crossei the Niagara River with a Cook Stole. and Cons an Omels,t. 'rite crowd gathered at the Falls yesterday tt witness another of Biondi:l'a performance) upon the tope; altbouglt 14.; "-IT and ou m b e ria, tozny thousands. - warritatnewitat •titta clatallocle, westuzel4 : ,afty, that hercl-yo.l.een collected, an:l hardly more titan two-Thirds as rr,trat H 4 that of thus -last lloadia's perform:me," woula. have bean tseinapntel ill the onset these exhibitions a trarrellOns one; bat star the grate; otriirshartowing and unsuencl-t.cltd:, feat "Vitt week, it could not 504141 very nova.- e s hi n , nor -.oatope atty,i•t 4 rr tbtl th g degreft _ 44s0etatDis.Gc 1141F4iTaC.;11-.46 40-niany. ,_sztitkno,re fir* and ai d ~I,hazt an aNCIIII3g - cne, mi,r4it ,lrerfetrettto (It 'terribly great Verfertni;rie 1,144 Vid9pkitlay. first eroisseel front the A mei lean the Canadian ... - sitore in manacles collar tO• iteck--)t eliaiu pendant to his arms I j two others from his twists to hi 3 nnklas. 'f t. • fetters'Werernut t-ery, 'weighty, Mal could :.• z thatctiajly', interfered nigh hie. : ruairesor adile , l very greatly to the fatigue I -the jeiti.ney. - Dining the passage he perihr I,.most of ,the feet; preYionsly ted, F it , ig . up.m h a Ilia bet, and liaug';ing heauatil i • rope, swingin^* 'his hotly' end( r iT, tail wai ,austaineil,hy ITi l e mins with . the ethoirg. bent. Sze., and (bairn t and ihning in lire ext nm., bUt byGlondin himself made do:nuion' pl 1 nerd Sio)ple. (the-return performartee was tlu • Most interesting. Aftst a stay of i ti4ete l'iticatY emit* npon thd Canadian hilblT, 11.• j3kltltOtt bad , . ‘ V W . a-cook story sailing upon back ; the oulioary appurtenances thereto, (Oh t " SIS tng o sancepan:dulle, sundry dldiesand pair of hallows, s-cetrely- - fastened upon tore a . uvatit, not be imirined that. tlicrstov, ' itpcn his back was a full size , t cyst la: "Nrictor," neither must it lie fancied a mini.: - 111-b 'alTair,—it disguised spirit lamp ehatiinz 'lf Was a geo,lly-siz•iil, properly-t4shiwiei coking , iircve, ?wide of lluaaa sheet lion, a'., of a smoke pipe a'-,out two hat hi leelg•hr. Arrlvcd at the cent.e of the rope, tgicured .his an.l proceeded AV 11;1. non.chiilitticesto make preparations fur "camp ing." lluslingincr his stove ho Jilaccil it upon the tope 'before him, sat elditit,' Mal with son:.: % pitchy, oomteastiltle materie.!, built -hie fire, ix . Aim it Olt the bellows, ,aral aoott Wised a. smoke which proved the genuineness of ti-, pteparations fur cooking. 'll, - 1 1 ( ri a , Tyto/pdr gree, of, heat litut been attained he produced P''''s.. l .lll4kt3 them into his. dish and threw tho shells into the -liver. The omelet was prepared tyith all.the skill of a abr./de Clidine, and when it tya,scirepleted he lowered it to the dirk of tit°. "Abeittof the Alia," where, we doubt nut, _ it was.dlvidati into the ranallvot possible alias , and eagerly trerts . orcd by the .passenzers. :Gathering tip his "hotel" Illendip e rendinsted it upon' his 'hack., and geirekly hii»c , .l,. tail it ' lll/Jll WO Americane bhore, amid the hal L elidefs'or throng. • [From Mo Rotheiter tuirm, Aug 21 A eon d Crossing or the Gennesee 'Folk .by lie Lave. _Shortly after the hour of noon yeakrday, crewds of citizens and strangers began to sytiti,t their way tetvards, the Groat Falls, Ao witties., , the se performanCe of M. Del Ave upon lila tigh One. The sun's rays came down - NS it k sco intig,effeet, butia great degree of relief Wit I a pled bv a still' braes .which had prevailed a Atty. • When we'entered Fairs Field, at ',i: 1 clock; it is aide ta any that the number to any estimates:ran over thirty, ,bat none les; r eopie buns:atm to witness the Wail lien O:t t e rope Was not far' from siveNtyfiee'Wesar.,?..-- Urn twenty. Every available spot along th,s h gli banks, the roofs and windows otbuildings, along the brink of the Falls in Parson's einarr) - . on the hirge island nearly under this rope, tin der the banks and along the-margin of Itict wa ter—in short, 911 almost• every availaUS spri t , above and below, and on each side, whe - te a fttethold conk' be obtained, there people, with bumps- of curiosity largely developed In their craniums, were to be, found. The rope this time was in perhaps better con • dition than on the occasion of the first walk-• bring dry. ; but, although several guys had itceit added 4 they were imperfectly tightened nn.l permitted a great deal of away. At about four o'clock M. DeLave appeared at the Falls Fieli I end of the rope, attired an before, except that, at his back hung _the "garters," about thrait feet in length. wed by rope perfortners in their exhibition. Withont 'tiny' delay he seized bit balancing pole and rapidly walked out I:,port hi t perilous journey. Arriving about :a idway ca the rope he dropped to a sittir4 posture, and there gave the most darir4 and thrillhg per formance ever wilnm,ed oh th e ro p e , or rather nnder it, lie :Ira stretched' hltusolf in all tio• reclining positions, possible. _Then taking the, garters from his back he fastened one 'end ci, each - to the rope, and the other ends about u::. ankles; dropping down-keltd foremost, se - ingin,; his body and arms, he tnii:,.., . - •••••.ie seconds,' his feet three feet from the-rope abase, with the it ightful abyss and, cataract yawnin,; and reining list lea tlt curl beside him. Ilegai:i. ing the tope with cat like niMbleness, the gar ters were changed, and he I,zung.susp9ndm by one leg and arm, and by one leg alone. Al;,: going through various other minor feats, he It: himself down with the gartms,about hia, Wflit.i and thus hung suspended beneath the rope ant iii many feared he had not sufdelent -Strength to regain his-txtsitiont He was, however, lip in a jiffy,cand, after sitting a brief petioi - i, jumped teilthe rope - and - proceeded - fa tho lii7;t, side Milid vociferous shouts of applause front the admiring throng. A horse woe there in remit neis,and, leaping into the ittildl9, M. DeLarit -rode down under the Falls, it is said to recei ,-o such reward of those who were enjoyi;,g -0 1 ,, sights gratis as they inig,ht see fie to give, but with what success we have notlirarned. After the lapV of some ftlteen minutes lie ap peared on the,.west side for the return trip. -- Walking ontlo ahont the centre he stopped to make goocyhis promise to stand upon his head. This he did twice, - faeltig ' Cad and west, and then,mlithont polnariany sort of balance, stood ..1' upon his _feet. Turning two or ilir,• mutts aroifild the rope, he returned tit Field, tramping his ropo I n such a careless ollicking style as to convince all that ho terfeetly - at home. • lie was again greeted rnpturous applause and.retired- - -DeLave.w.444mpear again on Wednesday At.wtsek,,witerolle,,perfornaarre will be Jed and equay wonderful and -exciting. " size ♦3n CoLon EL;r10;11°116;p117-PriCAN 9041LV4 1, iII fiat iiracg. d%M 9 "'Old Judy," a eatnirki In l iatAtlitkehr.ealig 40fetil. k'rgm_Ub puTato Express or Tlau:tr r TIMIS aorz, St X4l 1... 1 ..