The Tole greLlE;ilk fS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, [SUNDA T 4 SICIPTID, BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO., TF,P.MS —SiNta.e Susscarrnosi. The DAILY TELEGRAPH IS served to subscribers In the Borough at cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 51 00 WERKLY AND SICID-WWOHLT TILIROZAPIL The oftArti is also published twice a week during the sesslen ,f the Legislature and weekly during the re. ma i u der the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, viz: Single Subscribers per year 2.00 12.00 Seven 1$ 16.00 Clergymen sa- clergymen and School Markers supplied with the Tamura M $1.50 in advance. TAX LAW or HILWEIPAPIDOL. sobscribers order the discontimanos Of their news pagers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. I( subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newer p as from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered hero discontinue.'" girg 'boob, skt. 1859 - illik - 6PENING OF :SPRING- 1859 AND SUMMER D A II, , Y GOODS NOTIONS ! lamnowconitatVieivggandogegnf afinemsortmeormroiwhteh i, Quality and Prices I fool confident 'loan otter INDUCEMENTS TO PUROMASERS, UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE. Plain Dress Bilks, Fancy " Dress Bilks of every style, Bich Luatred Black Bilks. Delano, Glutllis, Dumb, Javelin, Ginghame, Foulards,. Ohintra, &c., &c. Mourning Goods. The only full and complete moos to be found in TOWN. Shawls, Of every Style, Quality and Color, vat"- tug price from $1 60 to $2O 00.1 Needle Work. Handsome Bets, Collars and Sleeves, Very Bich French Work Collars, Embroidered Hdbis., Cambric Edgings, Cambric Inserting., Swim . 41 SWAB Edgings, Hannon Collars, Maltese Collars, Flouncing.. White Goods. Froth Brilliants, EigUsh.Brilliante, DechOneer and Neinsooks, Cambria; and Nulls, Dotted Swiss, Stripes for Sleeves, Teletorus, DimitYl• tie• Hosierv.and-eloves.-- My erica is the largest mid anaomplet as possible. Kid (410 - Ve36l. Jouvum,Ledies and Gentlemen, imported expressly for my own cm Domestics. Unbleached Medina, Bleached Muslin., Drillings, Ticking', Linens, Jeans, Bco., &a. MY GOODS ARM BOUGHT OP MANDFAOTUREBB AND JOBBER§ , p I AM IMULULISD TQ BELL A PRIMO THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL and EXAMINE my STOCK before PURCHASING elsewhere. WILLIAM A. ()ATHWART, NO. I 4 MARKBT SQUAW, NEXT DOOR TO TRI .11AISUBIla4 mar2a-dir • NEW MEDIC A L FOB I.I , IILAMMAIORT DaBlBllB ONLY. 1.4 "nr.CousivelPs. Saw Manua Salt, in.. .11 soma of Wag a remedy far all 111% has tat t „ it d i one aim, and accomplishes bat one thing to wit tiubdumi inflammatory obawate, yllatovar e * ran form or locality. This it doea by squalid %.f.‘4 e in iu nant ia m " a o t i lk thereby renlaVin g di. sots k, heuinathusl4 bleltrallagle, Ureaebiellite„ .1% iita, Colds, Fame, billitafined Throat, LUDp and Uvee, realailde DillOgnrylipplakßritonbliti, Plet , riay, Astlima, llyspe Ire/ areal tissues, r-, Gout, &rattle, Maker mut other forma el 1n %.../ Dalmatian are sully subdued by the New Me& i,..,./ cal salt ' t ,...,, I plan Now MAWS& Salt a. 180 011Urtt. k... 1 i Ali but does ,last what It claims to do—ao more, r---i from leae...equallaes the otreabolom or remortog p .T 4 from the system all arterial sad venous abstruo• lons. llulutudee have tried the virtues id IX the New Medical Balt, though but hala l iliti i,covered. Witness th e teaUntaulds end car r h z of cure. ac : acknowled ge oatutsuas ous ...p. ALaLliewiler frocu v it e . An Wwas cured of a severe owe of Neuralgia in lees than a week.-Norwey (Me.) Advertiser zYorritraZkviru m ° A Z= 4l l4ii .sa ___larliat you made LUC It. A lbw . dinno she ...........nray mother of a ruah of blood to the had. . .1. P. GILLINGHAM. Pb!" „CP 1 an vell J. story • thhatuaatleee e 4 compud., . Th e anti.i....."“ -414,10 1.4 effectually, u not a veeliscrot umumatiem i s ( H. DUNCAN, Nair York - 1 - 2,now It is good Sae Iltbetuaii, ;T1.1.J. removing it in a Gnu boom lem Do* Itlinll It for ScrefUlu and have already received bonen 8. LION. Ihn Blll ll , i. teal aztvoirn toe 4 1 r o t= ea' the madoork. T. W. F 1121110 4 1. 1 , 1 1( D , 11 Mta. we With:lP:ll h b as y nootete=ll w ei= over Lb anthill -Jacktormilis ( Va.) New dra• zprenchitts, Clutter, Ilhetaatattsaa and .11 Neuralgic have been mat by it.--Afferiew (tea) Geneorat, ~ T wyoury. MI .M.allrr e a . with iwithiwwww....._,,,,„ l mi7 be oblainelfe V oin any sat who ham woo .—Wv• bld medicine for sale. • IR. cue sa 41 ANTIPELOGIST/C SALT. Price 1 11. Chronic package 112•50 D• C. 'column. cc CO., Gencrat Agents, 202 Dock Street, Philadek pito New Medical -knit for sale in Bar. 1, ro:burg by J. Lutz, D. W. , .irois & w., etAmeu & Om, C. n, netier, F. A. Hutton, aid by i 1 enterprise mg Drug ts gists wherever tile elegraph" tv reed. ee nut • patent medicine, but the r outuout ptinuchin up one should tad to tr are !saw itELictl saL+ y stir tor teatimontali ant +licentious reeoircuta di Wri:l4) . . ._. • Nio Ps- u- I*: ,gumbid ---- . .---..---- r ___.,4 . . _ „..i,,,... ----, s. , , _ taii, ~... _,,,,,e,„..,..............,__ _ Y VOL. IX: Ilitbical AYER'S SARSAPARILLA A compound remedy, in which we have 2a. _ labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Same posilla, so oombinsd with other substances of still greater alterWlVe power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla ill incited to cure. It is believed that such a rem is gained by those who safer from Strumolis comp that one which will acerimplish that their cure must p immense eerviee to this class of oar of fellow ._ Harr completely this coin poutntwill do It has beta Worth by experiment on many of the worst Cain tribe found of the following com plaints :•••• Scaorcma AND Beitcomtope ComeLAterut, gron•riONS ADD Niturrron Duataelet, tt Pumas, ih.orctrea, Tyson SALT lIMMX, SCALD HUD, AlfD thrIMILII7O AVM : Time, MIROMUAL MMUS; DRAM, NsTRALOIA ox TIC DOTTLOMURIZ, DIIIMITT, DTEIPIDDIA AND INDIGMEITION, Ear emus, Ross on Sr. Airreorers Fisx, and indeed tit whole complaints arising from haunts or The Rom This compound will be found a great promoter o health. When taken in the spriog, to expel the tut hu mere erhich festetill the blood'st ttrat season of thrlyear By the timely expulsion of them many rankling diserder are nipped in the tiud. Multitudes can, by the kid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the Efainrwill strive to rid Itself of oorruptlons, If not as to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you dud its impurities bursting through the thin In pimples, eruptions or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and Sluggish in the veins; cleanse It whenever It is foul; and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no parUcular.dlsorder is felt, people ogler better health, and live longer, for . daunting the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health Sooner or later something must go wrong, t and the great machinery of life is disordered or over Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing theme end". bit :the world has been egregiously *deceived by preparations of it, partly be• cense thedrogettomallban the rvirtuethahlireialmed fbr It, bit to be concentrated extracts of it, contain hut UM of the virtue or Elaidiperflia: Weir eh* else.. Ding lale3iedrb publlohaire be melon by large bottles, pretending to stmenquart of Extract of Musa Meet or these.havel. been 'wide. t=e for *my not only oontain litilo;4tany thmuipuills, but otkm no curative Propertlee whatever thence, bitter and dlimpprdntitient has fellotv Ileums of the , variou s . ot thirsigiarillawbish flood the market, until the nirmieltself IS jue tdsed, sit hes booms synostyndms with imposition and oheat. 11411 we Mil thlii aompoustt derseparilia, add Intood to /JAW). snob' a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load or adapt that mats titbit!. :bikini think.we blieti ground for believing It hativiiinee Which are irresistible by the ordinal"' run of tub dimities i4ls Intended to etire. Ih order to complete etaiikiMien Ned the eYetell, the retie' dy should bejudialotudy taken imoording to directions on TREPABED, BY DR, J. Q. AY *..411r. co., LO I ,iVELL,3M . ?3SkOIf I JBETTS, Mrlce, 41-per BOttle; Biz. Bottles for $5. Aver's Cherry . Pectoral, has won Sw Itself 'seek a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lang Complaint, that it is entirely Unnecessary for as to recount the evidenneof ittvirtnes, wherever k has beasemployed.. As %his long-been in mutant use throughout this section, we need not do imore than wisoni the people he Auslitils ke =up to the best it OWN hail been, and the! , lt. may be on to 00 int theltdVlKAakilill.OTATPOM 4 4lo4 . . AViar'S Cathartic tbilis, IPOLTRI OM Or COOlkwitemi lemeedMost De • hschketikeit Deseestere. r ll o .Bl l o4 4ckarigkteleadegke, Pan, Rhetiatatfore; Ortepterwat and abbe atoms, Liver iitplokst, Dropsy, Mar, reeteis RA , Warms, Gout, Netwargrie, teDhsow , P4l, sal* ~Meg Ai Mood. • They are sugaveostedoxi thee the moot, aeasktee ean take Mem pleaaatilly, PO they are the beet aperient in theourerldfotall theparposes at a Wray physic. Ersioeißilkotat par Box; Mare Boxes the xl.OO. Oroanumbereat-C*mem Physlabuse, lilbsteemen ; and eminent personag es, lenttheir names to meaty the unenduese of these remedies, but our ewe here Will not permit the -Ineertlen of teem, The Agents below maned landidt gestln'our AIIgRIOAN Ammo in -width they are given ; withilso fuD deitoriptlens Or the above oompbdola ; mad the trothemnit thetehould be ibilowed for their Ours. • Do we b 6 pot off ' by utprbidpliai .deitleie with othei preparationa they make more profit on. Doman& ATER% and take eit Other!. The Met Want the belt ald there is * them, aad they eliould have • '.All.oaritemedias are tensile by 0. A. Burawarer;liat , ?Mum ; H. 0. Wanium • Halifet ; Dr. linamer Millers burcitad by all Druahers,and by the prima* Marobants the anti try., . „apteArereja PISEING , TACZtaji PIMERGI. mcgialt TA,Cliaair CANES! OAN:ES-11 0 A.N.ESQI CANES•! CANES!! CARES!!! CANES! CANES!! CANER!!! AT AT AT kL E_ ATAT AT KELLEwst ritT.TAIRSI I KELLER'S.' =ll KBLIZ2I3I VILLEVS ! 1 SELLER'S! 1 I if! -KATAZIVI3I limiila I I EikfALBR I S I II 81.' - ' er ff ' . S I ___' , _ __ _ I__ __ -9 _ Irsitatt.' Nbrlat St. NEW BOOK& 143112 T PORT DUNN, by Chas. Lovw—ooln pletebal:Wl: `Pitoolaots." - - TM HARP OF 1000 STRINGS, by S. P. mor*--Enousertously 111custraleci. Prkws $1 26. TM OHMS PLAYER'S INSTRUCTOR, or Guide to Beginners, by Obtuleo H. Stowley.-- Price nobt. ' ' ANECDOTES OF LOVE, by Lola. Montes.— Price $1 00. Tepurt,oFF_TlA. or Israel in Bondage, by ' i'. L . . read. author of the "'prince ot tbe .of David." TRIAL N. SICKLES, for shoot• big, g. 3...1E Or Weehington—Mustrated by ,uuruce' s e,re eagutviop. Price Sticta For sate at BERGI4IIIrB OHBAP B001113:10RE. 51 Market street. ' NOMIOAL °LOOS. TE" Ttailroad Superintendents 4,11 - and the papa iteinvited to eall add** S. HOWARD o.h Astrou'revichnia other Cloche at the • raVitlY - 4 4 4 TAKIECIVORIA 'UPWARDS (.4 801)04k c t r tuitßintiar PLANA hiie alieady been fromOasts:anon* Numm/X, fOr the promot ,tliehhhg• *ORE TEAN ,200,000, tbohliosst, brgsgand bestyartettes,,yet. formals. Tim sobsaitibir Ikea thin.year raised, quenll - herd.* ritOM POUR TO SIX IMODES In olstatuntbrentw, and will sell plants of tbe seine Pa. rietiles m lower pries% than they can be bought elsewhere in the tinned MANN with -a. gairauty of purity . and lidelfty to name. Plants wry low by the thousand or larger quantity. zir &raw berries planted to August or neptember, ii the needier to latrorable, will produce a good crop of Ala. I fruit neat season. Harrisburg, July 28, 1869.—jy26811 11. A. !AMU. SILKS• A Large lot of superior makes of Black Bliki—warranted. FANCY 13111 L; VERY PRIM, PLAIS atuta, " nem= ?my atop, sad a good verkeq of styles. W. A. CATEICAR., "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS - NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG,: - PA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON; AUGUST 27, 1859. OParasols & Umbiellas 6*. MARKET SQUARE, 6i. HARRISBURG. THE subscriber 'respectfully , informs the public that he has eetabliabod a manufactory of UMBRELLAS. reRASOLS, WALKING GARBS AND RIDING WHIPS, at the above address. After many years' experience iu the business as a practical man he can with confidence state that orders for any of . the above! mentioned goods Intrusted to him will meet with thich attention as will give see : Action to his Patrons. rano . . Oben repaired h always on hand, (As well as what he produces hynielt). Philadelphia, New. York, Vnglish, French and-German Goods. M.H. TRE l ylme gl e tor . N. B.—Particular and prompt attention given to thl re pairing and covering of Umbrellas and Parasols. unCdly ITOOCUISSOK TO H. O. LUTZ, Plumber & Brass Founder , 108 Market Street, Harrisburg. BRASS Castings of every description made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of alt sista. Hydrants of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Bathe, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead Wort of every deaeription, done at the ohorteet no tice, on the moat reasonable terms. Factory and Engine Work in general. All orders , thankfully received and punctually attended to. . The higheat cash prise given for old Oopper, Bien, CQACJI MAIUNcI." • E S riEtitft, i'§ t3IVET T. Tm subscriber respectfully informs the. ot 'ffirriburg and vicinity, Thai' he has oommenced tho COACH, MAKING „lIIVINJZS, In all lie -branohes, at hie shop In WAN* ems?, NOM POORIIii.— Awing assured the services of, the bst aneohanlcs in elob of the 'departments, had giving hia own' eraonal 'attention' to all wort done at Ida shop, he rods sere In *dog that hie work will oomptielnirorahly with that of any of the large elate. Particular attention paid to the niettofeeterlug'Of, Wheels. REPAIRING uglily and aub ahunially done, and'at the dinepromised. aPr 2341 7 .10:34P11 S&ItFORD. About 60 of the meat deakable varieties, a great many. -ethers having beim rigeoteil after' having found them of flint little value. Prim' very low by the thowmad or Urger quonthy. ' EMI inietellatteano. WM. PARKHILL, VIEOBITION OF THE DAUPHIN ALA tOUNTrAGRICULTURAL Soarer, 21, be held at Harrisburg on Wednesday, the 214 Thiwiday, the 22d, and Friday, the 28d of , 189. The place of exhltt i Thxed at the grounds or Ike $ 1 PAM ASSCKEATION," where every arrangement and °veva:Apnoea:lr the display if Stock, errodwie or the Soil, Agricultural implements is now In couVaa or prepar ation. • The Book,..e&antriairldlibEASPldattearriatarOrilo Penurryivania State Agificuluirattiociety,,on Second street, near Locust, in Harrisburg, where one of the officers will be found at all dines, 'ASTIR Me wear or Seminar. All Sildbitors must become members of the society. Membership, it ; We Membership, ie. Tickets of ad mission will be thedshed at the oMoe, In Marftsbarg, at any time after the Ant of September, and by the Treasu rer at ids office on the Regtdtlon tratutentos Cinv. /Yearly or ifs Meantership 2lckeimindir a yet awl half oath any of their ova eaomirwider LB years V Propen provision. has been *nada logaind bodement weather In the erection of ion once,, and MN. vim IMMO Which will accommodate 2,000 persons The Commit!. of Arrangements will be ready to receive artioles fer exhibidon on the Pair Grounds on Monday morning,Satamber 191 h, at arhietHime they wl ll .have =am yed with team to dearer &Mies of every d turVa persons upon tha ihar Grounds to arrange article, tor exhibition. litchibltora will plume have their articles upon the Ground, if possible, on that and the nezedw, inorder that they amyl* properly ar . ranged by Wednesday. - - - • - Tue Premium list is one of the most liberal issued by any countrEloolety In the &Me; andlatgoed articles or animals, offers good gremlnmg. It Witildiready for dis tribution early in August. ' The tnemberabip fee willbe paid tOJQRSW; COWINT, Esq., Treasurer, Harrisburg. JOBB E. MOLES, 014 • • - Seoretary. lantAnzaskiin• ONILEBILUED AND ImurARLIC PAINTS, doLows. ZINGS, IniMA =Ws,: • and VARIESAMS. may be obtained from the Principal DIMIGOISTS and Pant lambus throughout tin United States, Oniattaa and West Indies or of the Manufactory D. F. =MANN 4.00., • Ishi wow NWVAL. Munch Liquid Dryer, Chrome Gismo, Bunch 2kka Whites, American Zino Whites, Sobisie Wash Blue Ibr Lauds) , l'orposca. Prussian Blises,'Vermillions„ Chrome Yellow„ Colors Water, :Mance, Chinese, Yellouand . - nlinallutik Potts Great, %minutia Sme•Nrient ior Minds, , and a moral stock' of Paints both dry and ground in 011 I,NOMllliain Street, New Yoit. PinVil • FOR FALL OF 1859. KEYSTONE NURSERY. RARRESIIVAG, P.ENN 7 10,000 BUDDED PEACH TREES, INCLUDING all of the most choice vo owes. prim per 100 (except a niat/Q lll2 •Mire" l / 1 lb 01E04 °WM per 10011540; retell, VD mots. APPM n=. All the best varletteg, and, of good Rae. Price 26 to Fs PEAR 'TREES. DOBAI and Elbraided, 10 coils each, U per doiett. CHERRY TREES. Dwarf and Standard, 40 to 60 Gents ear& ; $4 to if* &sea. Very large bearing trees 714oeate to St each. AtmMU, PLUMS, ALMONDS. i I Gi t varieties, Raspberries, Ouriaata, .bo., at usual pram. '''' • - - 'SHADE THEW _ laohaling and Menials' Ash, Elm=, L 11112119211, eager and Saver Maples, Horse Mutant, ctalpa, Tulip tree, Repoli's, he., &o. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS 'Of many vark , l 4 24ong gmu eydouta Iva**, Vhtto Wham O.> ar-Ms use d Mahout& aqui lbha, Tree box, Ila, Honey Mathieu, ko., 80. BOSGREEN MMES . . , Austrian, Scotch; Norte DiDegui i Double ifteetioax-andINI Ph* Chuitelkd Norval 'etber kln g Z r ead ei; &c &o . STRAW I RTFI3.. LAWTON' BLACKBERRIES. At $1.50 per desen, _ :lo par 103. °MAMMA RABITIBMIIIE. , An.tworbearuMvariety, par dozen; other varieties, including lirinekles Orange, Red and White Alltaiiirp, Ftistelf, tre., at 711 to $1.50 per dozen. Besides the - above& great many other artieliti - osn be found to the Nareery. Jar Persons will find it to their advantage to purchase , Trees and Planta from Nutteriee in their own neighbor hood, Instead of depending upon traveling peddlers with whom they are uuaequainiod. Address or apply to H. A. MIRE Harrisburg, July 25.dtf OOD TURNING AND SCROLL SAW DIG.—The best plane to get Scroll &mpg an# nod Turning done is at the ar ago tv "akar. wo DORT MOB, WEI rIN II CARES, DESK 1. AND PADS, of various prices and sizes, for sale at B3i:KlNNie s DIMLY BUOKSIDEL t 3 t. . ettuittg • glacljints.•,'- a . , TO Tie.. X.AIgES..OF HARWSE ply* THEGROVER & BAKER 'SEW' or* 6 7-9 % RAVING ISTABLISHXD Alf OPTICS AT THII Corner or Market Square and Market Street, IN THY BOOMS °COUPLED BY SMITH'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ITOULD particularly call the attention TT, of the Ladies and citizens generally to their UN RIVALLED SEWING MACHINES, varying in price from 00 $125. REASONS WHY THE GROPER a BASER ATAGMM IS UNIVERSALLY PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS lat. It 1 more simple and easier kept In ordeethailkny other otaohlnelarrharnever to - be - taken-apart to oil or `Ant. It Mak - nett iitatio which Will 'not 'rip or ravel even whin eitetylardadttchla cut. 3rd. mews, from two. ordinary spools, thus avoiding - all trouble orirhiding the thread, while by a mere change .orepoolsklexasetdae way be adapted towlk Idadaot work. 4th. The same machine runs silk. linen thread, and ' Othirnon Viol OSUMI , pith equal btb. rThe seam. w ia nt. elastic as the most j elastio &brit, therSfore, free Aron ' all liability to break in wash ling, ironing drotherertee. 6th. The stitch is more heantifkl pan any made by iinyy other machine, or by hand. , OROPIR .EBAXER STMT. Is paketed and owned by the Company * and ls far, superior to the "Loos Surcars or the worthlesse"..Crum Smog." torrll thin-fab- TUN-and resembles-the back stitah made with tbo nom mommeedle. The GROVER its BAKER MACHINE will do 1 the Sewttirehtliper glid better fer a faidll3r r then a seam ' skim, sun though she were to wart for CNE CENT 4N HOUR It, is superior to any and every other ma date 'Air FAMILY" SEWING. ' Over 26,000 Awe 'already been soli, And are recommended by the most competent ledges, the Press, by the Clergy and othere,' as the very bog JIG . MIO4Ii' sjlor kentis of Work. We do not hesitate hi warrant oar Machines in every respect. A lidio 'Watt Ih attendance. Call and ' . -sae -them barrel purchasing any other, Sinithiaryttotograph Gallery, corner of Market Square and Market Street, en . Imam on Market ; awn' all its vicious beapottee,',eaeonied ens mind diapatch. by thoioughly competent persons at halt the' tonal prices . • Maiehantaiiihunilles and oth4a r ahonld bear-thin fact in mind. Orders *era the copotry promptly attended to. Those whopredri thick; Heavy fabrice `setied with the Shuttle or Leak Stitch, which has the same appearance on both side; can have their work done on THE SHOTritE 41A CW.M, of the , Greivott do Basso Goorsirr, widcb is to oTeStrVilield totem* -to many other .Ifachtine for' that dueanmt thinrtibria rth ed moire tior and heologi ..Ton Owens , & err AOllllO neyerfor. Persons should remember this fact, `and not be de. erdowl by !be appearance of the stitch on both sides, for it la leinmerinimori only.- • ladles are rationality Invited to call and receive a &U -enter and specimith of r awing, also a copy of The Grover *Baker Compare book entitled “Pictorovand Rhymes Tor the Little Yolks." Romance on Market Square, second door hero Market, Smith's Photograph Galler6 m . • A. C. Agent On Central Pennsylvania. my 10411 3, CENTRAL PRIMOTIVALIthi AGENCY FOR WIMLER. & FAMILY= SEWING MACHINE glow ithiltrorwir IN Otlisnd after October kiting., the MALMO= of Oar SEWING MAcEITNR3 will be as fellows : NEW .STYLI IdAOBINE $6O MEDITYSI, oa Plain Table.. ........ ........ ...... $75 $0 -450 f OenePahel " Half Case, Mahogany or Blank Walnut., 86 00 K. Fun (lase .". ..... ".... .... aob oe u Fur One, MOBOWOOOI. ....... ..... 115 00 MALL MILCMINE.... - - 76 00 LAMtaNAMMIND 100 00 Efitillgtifiklextra) • . 5 00 1 118 tiasithiloilitinvorwifich hatiaitincieirtheintiOdtiction of Winning fitWnsonlis Faux: Sswrose Matantnate sufficient OridebtoOf its eteellenite. It Is needlena new lousy, that llTlthstrUment is becoming a domestic institution 'the Is recognised by its successful use in thou Imo of Families in every stink in life. ToMiose who have hitherto refrained from availing themselves of its advantages.itmay not be amiss to say, that its utility I s not &problem to beeolved,bet a antscests already reallsoct. The highest testimony 18 constantly offered, confirming the verdict which has given this instrument so wide and enviable& reptdation. - Tlide Macbine in voneenreat on a principle sawn .Y osooltam, bent specdally and admirably to* most parfait orlt on every kind of material,: and, having been anti Meted ton Aimee years' test of the Died searching oUtrer byretvlnes, and in various branches orldanninotanib dielumilidied success, it is believed., thytaz a tl i the Airesd *Points requisite to a complete and wing *ChM % it cannot be approached In ei• . • THE LOOK SEMI!. ME'Z3EEMiiMIJ 1. Ite simplicity of conmamoleorkandenneeqfient, free. dam from derangemeM ad need dr repairs. L Its unexampled'raiddity and ease of operation. an, noiseless movement. 4,The great Variety of purposes to Which it can be so plie‘vehich can be achieved' by no other Mebbatikal means. And, 6. The pre.eminent IMAM and mottrunev of the work. Full inslawffilon for operating t halLakhine - given to purchasers gratuitously at the sales rooms. When the Machine is sent some distance, so that personal Warne UDlEliftillOOOVeldol4, a card of directions is sent, which are a auftletent guide. The mechanism, however,. is so simple, and the arrangement M easy, that no ilifficadty David:weer. Many ladles have the Machine sent to their veldnucce after having reildved shall hones instruction Anfrutive difficulties are readily surmounted:and then mractice alone makes perfect in the me of thls as any .ffilatalse. Domestics and children or, twelve years of age readily become proficient in use. ' - Our Meals removed to Mr. RElT'SDagnerrean Room; corner of Third and Market [streets, where the machines tan be bean in operation. . . Miss Burke is prepared to do inaeldne sewing ibr all who wish It, and at the same time show the' machines. War farther information apply to W. 0. HICKOK, Agent , Harrisburg, March 22,1869 -dawtt , CCIRUP OF IILACKERERY. BOOT at LOCKEFLHEM Fourth and MAMA Sts SUPERIOR COLOGNE at LCITFLUIPS, Fonith and ::IligintakEts. DuRNETT'S CINOLIN at . 114v_ tEWLEWS, sb 7 Bo xi s • THE MOST• COMPLETE ASSORTMENT TOILET ARTICLES IS NOW ON EZEEMMTION. % p s A 0. KELLER'S DRUG STORE 11:11 7 ,A.V1N,G jest. received a lame ,addition 1l to bin already varied Stook of Tdiet and Abney articles, .he Will sell the 'same at "flitcyrfee lir It fah Article." „ • Prise MAW or (kraal l'Oltade...Of the 111116111114 fames owelS., ' Camelia. Sweet Gofer. • • PoPidliatilct • _- Comp. .0x Matrow Olesighioas )11xliarefeompolies of o*ltaillarrow and Efasoinut OiL Mho = , L • Genuine Bears Cresco Pommel Bezrel Pothittita or'Beef-ifirrow. Glyverlie or Camphor Soap—hitalllble for Chopped Hands=Pafteb Almond Soap. • Omnibus, Siddhawer, Honey, lirintisciri /kepi . paced, Motwter, cane, 'Rose and a numberOf Miler Ike Soaps. _ Trangipanni Toilet Water. - Datin'ifling landiele for the hair. Basin's Mean Fun Mills. Basle's Rose Lip Balm. A La Cloche Mr—lavender Water (imported.) ALa Cloche TRW—Toilet Powder, ( Imported.) . tvezike'FrOvier - Water; Poarl and Jet Studs and Wittigfaltd Liftlec, Tortoise Shell Pocket., Side, Dressing and Tuck Combs. A variety of Gent's WIWI and Ladies Wire Porte Weals& tv i a l k.- 4" - to ' Ming new ntyleo of Shawl Pins. A Accra Hair Brnahes nnisurpansed in variety, style, quedity and'price. Feast Knives, Havana Qgars and aU articles usually fauna In a tliat-class Drag AO Piney Store. Ha and C.Vintine, yon cannot Call to be suited at HELLER'S, 91 Market Street. a:torts:Am A:sitoozs, BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER AND B 0 O.K BUN DIE . . _ . . No. 64 Mariet StreOt, .Harrloborg, Pa. BLAHS BOOKSI :BLANK BOOKS! I rims very flatteringeteouregement which love redelied 'during the past year 'has War ranted u in enlarging our eetabhstimenl, and we 'alb now preriartsbwith greater fliellitles , than ever—tionistili which cant be surpassedie. the eity,,to. manufacture to eider nil of Blank Bo oks, with or Withaiitr Orbital histillegl i for State I ..0-unds COMP4 I . I IYI NtelMMltlic,Pr , . , liooThriduatiroo, In a tatinner which cannot be excelled. _ _ • rirst.class_nomlitietkpaper put, In alutlank Books,and when ,destred,properly gill' plainly paged. enabled-SD •compete' With .o tnantithettniers, MUMMY ~ rims willbe a& otty_prinea. ',COW L 01 =win • ' ..;:At Margit street. READ! READ!. THE foltoviing Daily Itaportia can aiviaya - 1 be had at :BSRGNildt'll Cheap Scion. Store, "by the elnglenopy, or when persona. deign It ire will-serve any or all of them at their' reeldenoceoack and Meld by mall, or , forward by railroad to, agents on the various email towns in the vicinity of Harrisburg' ' . - The Ledger, News, • Porney's - Preas; Evening Deily Telegraph, Baltimore Bun, • Clipper. • New York Herald, Tribune Bird:burg, 1859 PROF. GARDNER'S SOAP CAN BE BOUGRT AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE. ••bi-Ew and beautiful styles of Ladies Bean Wire Porbionuates can be bought at R'S DRUG STORE, AN assortment of Flower and Garden Seeds at KELLER'S DRUG STORE, fe. Market Street. -PARF UISI d'A'M OU R, OR, SKIN BEAUTINTAISIL gRADIOATES TAN AND FRECKLES, Batons and mittens the Ada and imparte to it a de. ghtfußragrenee. Lama using toilet powder!' will And thfr article La BuperjOr and easier in its: application than Lilly White. iltir sale by C. 4. BANNVART Pbeemaimaticel Chemist. - 8000 SKELETO/C SKIRTS. . rE tlneSt assortment of different makes eared. 163111:13 OP SPIRT eXIA LADIES' MaiaiositsoVAL 170,12111.07 DIAMOND " "manatie H . notkaus AlrD SHZRWOOD SURIS. And every other make or goodkinda, sold at the very lowest prices. W. A. CATHCART, N 0.14 Market Square. UMBRELLAS I PARASOLS I I annux DIEBRIPLUA 07 MILT MOE, LADINO Rasa MID COLOR; EMI= talaaaar4 ll Or Mar !Mt P. ts A4131/13 Mani rAustAA,Rvar arm An cows. A Imp door. lW ieri r ,MU prl o er.Wl at w. ♦ CATHCART'S, N 90 . 0 . 31 46 HarrAtburg Badly . Al. Pocket Air meaty Particular a. Ruled and Print OAI N 14K eithrit4 theIMIST, brought, to P EW I` Urge 00... 4 ot r NO. 85. Sliettilant.otto. STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Having procured Two Adams Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper than it can be done at scy oth er establishment in the county. RAMS OF ADVERTISING arirFour lines or lees (meditate 000. half square. Zig bit Ones or more than four constitute a aquaria Half Square, one day one week one month three months as six months. one year one month.... r• three months... as sth al ene year-- ,'Business lioness inserted in the Local whom, or before Mirriatet and Deaths; FIVE CENTS PER LINE tot each insertion. Marriages amid Deaths to ba charged u nodal , •dvertteementa. Suntrap ittabing. A VOICE OP THE DEPARTED I shine in the light of God ; Sts likeness stone my brew ; Through the valley of death my feet have trod, And I reign in glory now. No breaking heart la here, No keen and thrilllog pain, No wasted eheek, where the frequent tear Rath rolled, and left ita stale. I have rushed the joys of heaven ; I am one of the sainted band ; To rayAnnut a mown of gold in grvan, An; sharp Is in my hand. I have learned the song they sire Whom Jesus bath set tree, Anid thd glorious walls ca . hear= stilt flag With my, tolw horfa alelo4. NO sin, no grief, ne pain ; Safe in my tappy home, ' My leers 411.1184, My doubt* sal slain, My hour of triumph's come. Oh, friends or mortal years, The trusted and the true, Yott are walthatiatM lb the valley of teen, But. I wait* weloome you. Do I iorget P Oh no ; For memory , ' golden chain Shall blnd ity heart to the hearts below, TM they meet to touch: again. Each link is strong and bright ; And loveNtnclectrlo Dame Flows 'freely down, like a river alight, lo:the world from whence It Mae. Do you mourn when another star ghinee out in the glittering sky Dolan:weep when the raglan yahoo of war And the Norma of conflict, die f Then why do your there rho down? Why your hearts so sorely riven? For another gets 7 a the &Moues crown Andenothnr soul in:hciv,en "THY WILL BE DONE." The voice of warning pierces through life's fold, toady almost, with a peal. Do we;hped it? It comes upon us, speaks to us timid pleasure and selfish pursuit and heated contest, and eager striving to guide to: save. Do we obey it ? Alas! too often is that voice heard only as the passing wind that sweeps by us I And yet there breathes' not the being who does not long to follow it, who does not feel as if he inset obey it, who does not resolve to be guided by it. Let it be's°. For none of us can there be hope or' happiness unless we do AligAgie r ucniteut we iianAK. be one. The following pic ture is no fiction, and thoughtless youth, and sober age, may gaze upon it and learn something of the"sterner realities of life, and know, too, ' the only mouse by which its hard trials may be met, ur its seducing lures overcome. "THY WILL BE DONE." A mother was kneeling in the soft light of the dying diy, by the side of her suf fering babe i the sweet, low-breathed ac cents of the father went up in.supplication as, if to the very ear of the Eternal :—"i:11 Thou who didst :weep at the grace on Laza -rue, and dost note every pulsation of the heart, look down in thy compassion of our helpless child. 0 save him for thy-mer cy's take! Whatever else thou withhold est, give us'the'life of our sweet babe." "Arneu" responded the trembling voice of the heart-stricken mother; as she 'wiped away the cold sweat from his pale fore head. "01 William, I cannot give him up," she added, "he is so lovely, and then he is our only one; surely your petition will be granted." The unconscious infant lay motionless in its cradle ; its little bosom heaved with the faint breath of life its tiny fingers were half hid beneath its golden hair, .while the sweet &MIS that idayed around its fe vered lips, seemed to respond to the whis pering of angels as if they were already welcoming the free spirit to the land of light. ' The *her' and mother gazed upon it with an-intershity thattione but a parent's heart can feel. 4radually the smile relax ed—the hand fell upon its bosom—the throbbing of the heart became more tran quil---a moisture diffused itself over the skin. and a sweet sleep fell upon it, cloth ing it as with a Mantle. Long and quietly it slumbered ; and when the eye opened .apd the lip moved, cherub fl.cos seemed, irradiated with un ea-Italy intelligefica and purity. Day after day, and night after night the father and mother watched their. boy, as he was slow ly restored to health and activity. God spared him, and he grew up in loveliness, the pride of his parents. Pestilence stalk ed abroad. Death laid low , the young and - the' beautiful. Still their child, as if by some talisinanic-spell yaw preserved, and. , the fond mother fhaUked &Ain - herheart; that he had live 4 to comfort her. * * * * * * * Time INTteed.on. Again the mother bent over limp—a - hlighh)d" blasted being . The cherub smilb of ifilantine iiinoceee bad - -n vlr -;h .11025 . 1 00 . 2 00 . 100 . 400 . 500 30 300 ...... 800 10 00