tints of krattl & aransportatim, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON TEN IMIMMIIMIiONIig _ PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD (yl4 t eTEß .ter . ll,22.Y, . APRIL Ms Railroad *lli arrive at and leave Rag; &a wi l lot 01/31 - . - - - - RAS TWARDe atitoii.iiir .. llllearilia 4 t 224; M., Mid leatret atl.ll7A. ri .. 0 0 424 ptinv ii r4i?ortatms. oy, "ter. on lags, r 8 urg, , , Wn, at at ,: 1 4 „,:: 4 7 . 60 41 / - • a . i 60 , t i i . OH arr vein - . A. , . thlitAtll..aire at Whi ar tV,E 6r r.r.r i , I VlAn ig i jo r, on. Place, h , wg. clulVll y . 01(11Arhiladall.f.14 .-; • .. - .11,T. J A mmODAtION =kW vra H. sad L 8.. 8., leaves at 7.60 A. M.,StOpa at tlle way station, eon. weeia-griih tbo LANCASTER. VAIN which arrivea at Philatfelt i t LIAO P. IC' _ ,_:„ .., e. via the Harrisburg and -Lancaster r , toiiii . /..44 . p.m.a „yawl 'At 1.10. P. .66.,, - et :at wn Rialii6 own; It. Joy; liiiestet6r,Lemon ebwerralAsta s , Downingtown, and all regular Stations gait 'of 'Do gtown, and arrhee - at Philadelphia at • " 1 11/.26111:llta ACCOMMODATION ' TRAIN via ' the Branch Raves at 8.60 P. 8., slops at all the way statlobE and arrives at Philadelphbt. at WM P. M. • 1 W A. 13.0 THRDOGII I 111 :641T i l Igqi heves Philadelphia at 11, P. IL, It i leix aft et at 2.68 A. IL, leaves at 8.10 A. Id. . elsg Pi barifs , it IRO P. AIL , - g Colanib leaves Phi at 7-.26 A. 4 vim at, Harriette g 012.20 P. M., leans at 12.40 P. - IL, And *irides at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. MT: Joy ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves LANCAS. 7181 it 10.82 A. IL, arriVett at 12.80 P. M. FAST - LINN leaves Philadelphia at 12 M., arrives at aarrlebur at 8.46 P. M., leaves at am P. 11., arrives at 111: 11.alitri ACCOMMODATION TRAIN kevee Phil a. thiptitsen2.4o P. IL, arrives at 8.10 P.M. - ' -A. 1.:110111IPORT. • ' Rilif, I. Alt Zlivilioß Peirsivissais fiailroad. ',mar - - 1859. 1 ' • 1859. No Central Railway I NOTICE. OEANGE OF SCHEDULE. Iv IND AFTER MONDAY, MAI .2, MC the Peetehitet Tiainto on the Notthein Central Bathyal . will hairy amkarrtve at Itartisburg as follows BOWTH• BHYPALO AND N1A.062# =PREM . Zvng. riffs... Fes, .Beglthnote. Lave Harrisburg 2:415 A. XI Leave Ilaitimore 8.00 P. N. ArriveinHaltimoreSaia.m. I Arrive iiitiarrlib'g7.26g.m. MOST H 383 .. /rem Fi tn;re*rg. :Front Leave Berifeliert 1.15 Leaveleilitiiore r ..6.00r. Y. Arrive In BalUse'ol2.ls Pat; I Arrive inHarriebiglo.4or.x. MAIL TRAIN. • Ifrons'Harrubrirg, - • Nom Baltimore. Leave 1.20 14 Ll: l ave Itinimore..l.3o *Tire_ 10 . 3elesremill.2Ar.x. Arrive InHarrieleg#AoAat. — The Wily train leavieg tor timers on 13enderwill be tte 7.1,5 , n. rt. , NORTH. JuiLTRAni. thin Odstieburg.. /WA TR Jimmied. islvitnirrietargl2.4(vP*. Ilisiovithainspo a..m. orPetniqll4fiunsosloo".x. I Antireintiarilible2l4*.x. Bun= AND - Nisils. =piss. . Pram williamiore. Mower HarAibpg. 7:40 P. n. I LivOrilltazosport 10.00 Pal. Arlin f A 11391011 Harriab'er.l6 'Jae. For NAM, inlbrration 0110 e. • .)• , • ; • • Gone: al Spporbateprient; r , • • • JOIRTIV. NALL, Apati. , 7,iiirbabo , 1,47 2,1859.-4 , 18411 f. . :,0 . H . 1. L A . D_E 3C,.. P i1.,k4 ..grApf - Npr 44.11 .4 _49_41). SUMMER, . ARIIKANGRIYIEST, . . AprillB . 9 1859. 140: PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE . .DARRIDSIthe DATIX, (Sexidaya excepted) at 8.00 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. lor Plodladelph* arriving there at 12.50 noon and 7.410 r. TuavigNutea, UAW: VICILADELPH.Lt at 7.80 A. M. 8.80,p. N., arriving at N.Ortibtßg at 12.40 noon add 8.25 P. R.,. . . FAREBI-47.0 Thlladelphh4 No. 1. Oora; $8.25 ; No. 2 On istr a pi,ys2.7o. Readlikt, SUM and 11.80. RV Nihau*, cowed tritit trains ' for Pottaylite, Ifindra vlBlo, rionanuo,Tldiitirhaa;Ao. • FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL. MI& DAILY, at OA. N.,10.18 A N I 1 2.80 noon and hO6 D. M. • lam FRRADMIPRIA FOR READING at 7.80 A. 11., TAO VOL ; 8.80 P. M.,and 4.46 P: FARM 1-Raiding to Philadelphia, $1.75 add $145. • IRE 14uANING[TRA1N FROM ELARRlssuma CON 14Ras AT 'READING with , up trahi , ftir Wilkatbarre, Prandlaradlon. throdgh Get* and other intortnadon mato ATOM, apls-dtf_ °emeriti Agent. - 111,Radelphis' c. ant.Readiog, a 44 /gamma valley Branch Railroad. REDDOTION OF TOLLS. ON IRON ORE. qti AND AFTER MAY 16, 1869,, the • ollo ate wing Tolle will bo charged per Tenor B p ooo lbs. In Vas : ' • • yor, S 1-0 1 nallea, 21 com a For 80 85 calleo, 18 cents. da. • 0 0 15 " 488 0 “ . 60 41 86 " __ 10 me gg 0 46 4. gg u . 46 " 67 " . ' 6 31 4414, vemou ' - PalWaf. *Pirkfiendad. DR. BRUNO O(tSQ.MTRATED REMEDIES. FOli; DELICATE DISEASES: ` .NOL4:•:IItWGREST RlSVP7ER.—Sposidtlyeradicatce ell the een effects of self Abuse, Ruches gfiAtsFitt debility, lw of memory, westing ittay" of the organs, o any o&atitutional.deringuneabs as impotency; and Ireaknees Of the sexual organs, brought on by the unrestralnod in. dolgentSt'et the PUMOIIII.. 'Prim one dollar CONCEMATED cure in "eight daYs, any nese of gonothmea, is wittiont taste or smell mad replies no reacrictlon of diet. Moe one dollar. No.. 807CONUSTRATED TElll33.The use of this remedy "fir bum. Glad la.a shortthie, and: r mmehow eertigoateforpla affected alba; all otherigluroe failed this silo tastelessand withotit ' Pita - One dollar. No. 41.--CQNLittandfBn NUNN/IR.—ls the only realeady hhowa that will poelthroly care striottirmot the tiblitatter of "hour . long standing` or negkened the cue may La. Price one dollar. Mo. 6 - „,,,NTEItERCIJAW.;. PILLS.—Au persona who have wair4laireatfaltMl gifikatotersr,gahich retadaa ~1111antelat for para,ftasiog eo many _chronic oar owtilm„2_'"! dorsed by the County of the State Capttalt, ,of Pennsylvania; we congratulate Attor ney General Black that he ; succeed so well, and we have no doubt that upon his *Oval home, the old man will welcome him with the plaudit a odand faithful go ~ ~ 9 Jeremiah!" ' / / _____ knnoglvattia IDetitp iirdtgrap4, euttibaß afternoon, august 23, 1959. Busintgs ads. GEORGE W ZEVOALLA, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER ILARICAT MUM, HARRISBURG, 00 411 4 a Li 0117031111 TRIUONIS BOUM IaciONSTANTLY on hand every variety of moms ANDIirdTORIN3,End a large and elegant rtmenief JEWELRY and SILVER WARE, at reagotia• ba. prices: Repairing done promptly a nd In-the bUt itykt. . ' . 111y6417: PROP. L9)OLP.II- TEUPSER, WOULD . respectfully inforp his -old v 'plltrimniiiid the publics generally;' wit continue to give instructions on the- PIANO FORTE, EL LODRON, VIOLIN and also In thilineience of THOROUGH BASS. Be will w'th pleasure wait upon pupilii at Weir homes at any hoar desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, in Walnut street, three doors below Fourth. decsl6-dtf DR. J: W. MOPFIT OFERATINS AND 1111011ANIC4 DEMIST, nEFICE and residence No. 19 South Sectmdetreet, one door below Belker's Hardware store, and opposite the Presbyterian Church, malaise tures teeth expressly for each particular case. All dirt eases of the month carefully treated. Every op:ration warranted. Charges moderate. Office hours from '8 to 12 A. It indfrom to 6P. M. n0v25,,68.d1y GRAAT ATTRACTION... „ NEW TEMPLE OF ART. ROBERT R. BARR begs leave most re spectfully to intim the Ladies and Gentlemen of Harrisburg, out Strangers viaitibg the Capital, that .he has opened a NEW DAGGERREAN GALLERY in BRANT'S CITY HALL, Where likenesses in every style will be taken at prime to snit the times. Photographs on Enamelled Metal, an entirely new style of pictures. They can be readily sent by Mill mithoutertra postage Cheap truthful entlntifading Christman pressing Please call at the Temple of Art. R R. BARE, ' dens-di: Proprietor and Mill. NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS NEW PRICES THE SUBSCRIB ERS .having succeeded 1 to the WHOLESALE AND-RETAIL GROCERY BUSI NESS of Maier& GROSS' & TONKEL, at WALNUT STREET-WHARF , would respectfully , announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre• pared - to offer for sale a large and•coiniffete' assortinent, of Groceries, Provisions, Piidi, Salt, Grain, Flour, . Roe, in great variety, Queenswari, Paints, l OUs, . Pawl, Glass, Nails, . Cement, dko. Our Large SPRING STOCK, purchatled in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with much care, and will present great inducements to close buyers. . , . We intend 'to keep FIRSTMLASB 1300likand WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive eahare of patronize. - ruar24-dtf A. ROBINSON Se CO. BTONEWARE MANUFACTORY HARRISBURG, PENNA. rIIHIS *ell-known Stoneware Mannfacto. ry, lately conducted by JoNu Yawl s . & Co., be passed into the bands of the undersigned, who trill tea dune to manufacture and keep on band a hill escort. meat of STONEWARE: This Ware has, latelybeen very mach unproved in the body and glatting,undbi warranted 'rtrperiOr in staterial quality and finish to any Btonewro manufactured in the Mato, and not .surpassed by any made in the 'United States. Purchasers thotatches beft the judges. Much of our process is not known to other maninacturere, which give us a decided advantage. Our clays are all obtained in New Jersey and vicinity are selected by a careful agent and chemically prepared, (by one of the oldest Potters In this country) so as to form ajfint body. The glaze Is free from, all poisonous' matter, being composed common Salt and Clay. There is nothing in the glazing hat can .injure , spy onepipple butter or anything else may beitept in if withpelect sqfety; as there is no pollen aboutitzs there lain the common red eartzenware.-- Wilt and Witter keep much better in this material than it doed In meat. It does not absorb any part of what marina put into it. All merchants wishing to keep on hand a superior article ofStoneware will send their orders to Harrisburg, and we will warrant it as above. Al orders;will be promptly-filled and forwarded: for addi tional tolbrmatien, or price -lists of the Ware' address stugb , dtf. ' - Wit NOTKR. NEW 'SPRING ODB • LADY'S s OLOTHING AND FURNISHING HALL, CO.R. THIRD AND. MARKET STS. • FINE BLK. FROCK COATS from $5.00 to $15.00. SPRING CAS. . a.OO BUCK CAS. F4S'IE from 3.00 , t 7.00. FANCY 2.00 6.00. PLAIN AND FANCY SILK irEsra, 2.00 0 , 00 SUMMER SUITS AS LOW AS 3.00 4.00. AISO, a fine assortment of BOYS' CLOTHING. aprB-cltf WM. J. STEES, CARPENTER AND 30513E4 CORNER WALNUT AND FIZONe LIME= OBBINU of all kinds done at short lej notice, in good style, and on reasonable team aprS-dtt JOEL W. GLOVEIt, IttlEewczalaztaat: WYETH'S BUILDING MAIUDIT STREW, As JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW H '2lirk and Philadelphia; it largeaiiirvaried'sniek of SPRING DRESS GOODS, comprising new and beautiful styles of 'CLOTHS PI AIN and PaNGINZIASSIMIGIR3, and bilk, Satin and Marseilles VEMINGS, which will be sold at reasonable prices, and made up go order in the best sty re asonable . . merle . - F EEDER , CHERRY ALLEY, (between Second and Third streets,) Harrisburg, having returned from the city of Philadelphia, where he "elected 'a Splendid Stock of Goods, begs leave to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, of the latest style and In the most work manlike manner ; and also, to execute all kinds of re pairing at the shortest notice. He therefbre solicits a share of militia patnontige. • • apr9-dein NEW SPRING' GOODS GEORGE CUNKLE'S AiLo FURNISHING BAZZAR, 66 MARKET mar HaiRRIBPIMG, PA. MEE Subscriber returns .thanks.for the xbastpatronage thrdegh the Season just •closing: and desires to call the attention of •Iltizens, Members of the Legislature arid Strangera , to We NEW SPRING STYLE' of Goods, which will bo made up to order in short notice and in the best manner. A full and commplete assort ment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Winchester & Cols Celebrated Aires and Collars, &is. ALSO, an assortment of well made CLOTHING of his own noutnfactare.. . aprl-dtf JNO. H. BIiIItRYHELL. HY. H. EMUS. BERRYHILL ECKELS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. rpHE undersigned having entered into 1 co-partnership in the practice of Law, will give prompt attention to all busin, as intrusted to their charge OFFICE tt smut street, betweefi Second and Third streets, Harrisburg. JNO. H. BERRYHILL, apre-dir WM. H. ECKELS. VANILLA BEAN! VANILLA BEAN I VANILLA BE 1r CHEAP AND 131TP - 11-R1 oit 1 f":',HEA.P AND SUPERICIIC DRALERs will and it to their a : - *Nexamine the bean andget prices. ^...de at city prices, in Harrisburg by C 8 Emma, • No, 91 Market Street, , Text door below Fourth Street. , whasel DS, DUX PENS, GUM =can, far Bele at RR' Cala BOOID3TORE, a I flab* street story is and iatereart , tire State. filiect.llantons. EBY & KUNKEL, WHOLE SALE GRACE R SI; OPPOSITE TER rranee DEPar, aareirriumblir a, Beg leave to 84 to Merchants and Hotel Keepers, that they have recently hioretuied their facilitiee for getting GOODS FROM NEW kosti4 PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, And would hereby call' the attention of all purehasers to their LARGE STOCK OF LEADING ARTICLES' WHICH TEXT ABB SELLING AT CITY PRICES! ADDING MIGHT* Orders for the following goods will be promptly filled et'Him ) , SUPWs Molasses, Teas, Tobacco, Clgant, Soaps, Candles, Fluids, Ch•wm), Spiess, iMw%elly Bacon, Hams, 911,.Tar, Fish, Salt, Coaa 6 ts tMa des c3-±td TIMOTHY AND SEED, IRON, NAILS, Acc, 4ic., &O. Herramatrao, February 264 f. ' FLOUR GROCERY PROVISION STOkIR I VVO. 100 KLELKICT STREW, ,AUBMIII7I2O.* E SUBSCRIBER having now OfilD• piston hut arrangements Olt a conitant supply of Flour, Saint Lours Ws, Double Extra Plour, one of the beat brafidanow manufactured to mm , Uniad *stem.— Likewise Southern Ohio Star BrandjiaVery . These brands are made of the very hest white *h the country, and may be relied on saa superior FAMILY FLOUR. ALSO, Hostetter% Mxtra White WheatliWly Flour, a good article. Also, some of Metal; or Riperfine County Brands,.all of which will be sokl.atflaw.as can be don and warranted to be what they are.mretiwted: Buckwheat Meal, a very pure andle ar ticle ; Corn Meal, always fresh, Mill Peed, to:, Corn and Oats, by the bushel, or small measure. „ PROVIIONS.—Hams, Dried Beef,- $ enpeilks , article, 'Tongues, Balognas, to. PROWS.—Green Apples, Lemons, to. ihied , 'Prilis, Dried Peaches pared, a fine article tutparedrpriesi plea, Cherries, 'Elderberries, Blackberries, Curium, Balms, Figs, Mateo' ar.o., to. NDTS.—Shell-barks, Ground-nuts, Walnuts, English Walnuts. POTATOES, Country Soap beat quality, latiVigeans, Hominy, beat quality Vinegar. Oak dod Hickory Bushel, ajd half Bushel, and Harketikudietu, Brookes, - lxi.; 4s my terms are cash, with the Motto of cfflusiill Peeing. and Quick Sales" I hope to give satialhation to all who may favor me with a. call and puiciliasecin thy lld of business. jan.2llltf _ KIIIPNRIL .;BUSINESS 1N1N5,..41 c -ION!! VERY superior BIANKBOOKS, with or without printed beadloge. Paireal made to order at 64 Market street, Harrisbeig, ht.. Made no an sloe or pattern, and much more sabstaittlal thin el , t3r 'Work. A fair trial is solicited. Full eallareetke inuntiteed. Per. nodar attention given ball kinds OF Comity work. Or. dere by mail promptly 1111.0. HAVING secured the sole Agen BOND'S “IiCkcITON CRACKERS," I have Just re ceived a fresh invoice Of tho foliciaring varieties, arnioirl can sell al oily prices, wholesale or retail : GRAILSII BREAD, OYSTER ORAORBBS, - BOSTON MACS:mks . . TOAST BISCUIT, IT/218 BISCUIT,. • : - MILE BISCUIT, SODA BISCUIT. WM. D 15014 - J l 4 oppirsitp che 'caul ~Hoase.-. JOSEPH GAMY. JO* W. 11110 ; WIL CASEY & BROW N, HARRIBBII-E.G,• PENN'A. HAYING associated - togetbet- 'lli the. rdactice_nf Alm law ' will attend faithfully and promptly to all professional business entrusted to their care. Office in Third street three doors from Market, N. B. Consudations iµ Mulish and German. mar23-dhwtf TCH HERRING 1 1---Direot from Amsterdam, in store and for sale by WM DOCK, Js. BOsTON 0.400 : S. pl-33Sli r ' d a pew invoice - of Howard &cces:CL I C;CIES, among them a beauMthl March Gallery Marble Clock. Call anct:see them it the junll-2re EAGLE WORas VORY AND PEARLPOLDRRS, and Pa catteii - avartous atyla , for sale at. BARON= iipsoostators, aylttlasitriat. la. W. I:iirogs $L go. .. ,2,,,,,:•, , 0 ''°,,-57Y- p I . - , r7 Olk C1.1F,R.--......,' D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOIMISALIC Aniritamtm DRUG G. I..STS:f No. 19 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STOR E - KEEPERS AND CONSUIdERS, We are doily adding to our assortment of geode all such artioleala are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stook of DRUGS, CHEMICALS 4 PAINTS, Oil, audd Glues, fte46tuffi, Guns ilia putty Artist pidors and Toad; Pure Ground Alpine; Burning Fluid and Alcohol, amid. Phi. Onsil * Bottha L w. auad Louse Glakcis, ~ioyp., ~=ion~er red_ibr~.,. aps., ans., dge.. With a generi4 variety of sie selected fiote' the bilk hiiiintiettirets and Pei utiera of Europe and this country. Being veiny large desk= in Psdnte, „WhiteZead, Linseed 011, liraildsheei awls.Aitists cOlors, Bat std Artisti ti all their vitaieties, COliftrt and. Bronzes of All kinds, We resPwthillY blvite a adit feenng 4ent tliaf we' can seri* the wants of tili on Wilzig to' theiir satisfaction M I T* 1 - TELTEC I aceris; limn as VOMIT'S POROZWIDT TEETH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the: Proprietors. , 1340KIEUR„AlfiD CONCENTItAZIED . . . . Wholesale Agenbl foiSaponifielyarhibb we sell as low aa it can be pnrolgteed in the cities:, - • 9ORRIPIEI FLAVORED O . O, : D . „"Etv, : A.g - 01 i .I, gl.t. y,., containing 85 per cent. of Oil, it has the ad*antage over the oil of being palatable and notnanseating to the most delicate stomach. Phyticianeivhofaver the *pine of the . - Mena° of Medicine, we invite your'atten tion to *HAVER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, believing a trial of them willestablish their superiority, and secure your preference for, and confidence in them. RARXERS- AND GRAtitTOS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE and CATTLE POWD s a trial *now not their superiority, advan. tags they are in keeping Hor d Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powder 'by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and appearance of' their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrange.. meets iu the cities are such that we can in a very short time ftituish anything apper taining to our line of business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage be stowed on our house, we hope by strict attentionto business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS, at fair prioes, and the desire to please all, to. merit a continuum of the favors of a lUtbiLaL DR. JOHNSON, Baltimote Lock Hospital, H al i discover r ed e t d h y e in ag e ist Certand for , speedy DIREMILS OF IMPRUDENCE =LIM IN arc ro rwirra Houma go Amory or Nortows .Drwor. N` A cam miataiarnv, 01 wto cams, la Ism Oss so Two DArs."ll4 Wenthatit of the Back or limbs, Strictures, Piton In the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physital Ori L a t erg, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Conitslon of Ideas palpitation of the Heart,Hisidity, TreMblings, DIMAS. OS right or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach Affections of the Head, Throat, Nage or Skin—those terrible dißardelr' 11 arising from the indrigmetion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful itiddistructfre practices which Produce oonstitutional debility, render 1:111/7111/0 impoindble, destroy both body and Ini.nd. _YOUNG LYN Yang men espethllly Who have bedlame the vkdirth el solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps town untimely grave thousands oryotma meat oldie tnatheillted talent and brilliant intellect who mightotherwise have entranced listening Senate's,' the thunders of eloquemee, or waked to eastasy theliving lyre, may oallwithfullconfdence. akUU3SAGII. Married pensions, or thassothilamigiting nurriage,bekos some of jibrical weakness, sbmild immediately moult Or. J., and be restored to perfect health. DEGANIO WEAKNESS. kawieslialdy Owed asdfsill Vigor Reared He who places himself under the care of Dr. J.,:1 religiously confide in his honor aim patina; and 0 &tally rely upon his skill as a physician. sir Mk* No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the lefthand aide going from BalUmbre stied, 7 doors hem the corner. Be partkrular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place. Be particular, ttir 4ounvott, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or .Polirs Mosby; , lurkarblihmtm, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston near. Ain ettes. waist contain a Postage Stamp, to moon the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Da. JONVITOX member or the Ronal:Mktg° of Sorge= Lor.dsu, grednale from one of the mostemtnentOollesesol the L. at us, and the greater part of whine hu been spent in the Hospitals of London, Perth. Philadelphia end elsewhere, has effected some of the mostitMmiiih cures that were ever known. Many 'ambled with ringing in the ears and bead when asleep, great nervousnees, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashildnees, with frequent bleebiric attended sometimes with derangement{ or mind were cured inunedlatray 14 1 ! , ,V 1 :401.0Pri:Etrpi(..ri addresties all those who have lahlred,theM selves by private and improper indulgences, that more and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, an Oiling them fore:titer 'bUldnes6 dowlMW These are shme of the had and mitienehoiy Mewls pro. dated by early habits 'of• youtlitvis : Weakens of the Book and /Atone, Pains in the Head, hinmess of arlibti boas ofidasonbir Power, Palpitation of the H nysPeP. IM, Nervous Deree of the • renetions, Gleinetal DebilitySomeof Genstuzip ko. M ANTA= Aterstaft, the limultal ethane on the mind are mash to be dreaded , Contagion orldeng; Dopess gion of Spirit!, 11 it Aver/don to °, soil dittraitylove Of Solitude, , are some of the aril effects. - - Thowfundsa, pekoes broil ages, can stowiudge what Is the ofkae-Of tlidr do:Sluing health, hieing theft vigor, be oomkgErreak, sok, nervous ono moulat i ed. have a *go. kr appearance about the eyes, cough, kid symptom of eousunketou. . YOUNG Mci . who have injured' thisaindms by a certain graistlen, in Mited in when sinne—a habit fraquinitlylearled from evil Companion; or at school, the ants of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and It lot eared, renders marriage impcssible s and destroys both mind and hody should apply finmeftitely. What • pity that. a yonng nun, the hope of his country the darling . of his parents, should be snatched from .1 =fed ifidersente life , by Meeonisqueliont`o nom the path or ammo, and Indulging Is a oeitain secret habit. Snob person must, beforeaontem MARIAM Meat Chit a mind Mind and body are the most nerve airy mulattos to promote commbhd happtheee.. Pedeed without those, the journey through life homilies &mew , ~Map ; the prospect hourly darkens to-;he view the mind trauma ehoeleared with despair, and tilled wttb the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be blighted with our own. - - DR, JOHNSTON'S TNTIGORATING BNYIDY TOR ORGANIC WHAIENHIS . _ .11y this great and - important Makedy, Weakneeioithe Orgenupre speedily cured, and full Tiger restored. Thonsisids of the most nervous and debilitated who had hit all hops. have bean Immediately'rolleired; All impedimenta to Mortlide, PhYldeal Air Mental Diasnalid cation Nervous .Trembling,lredinelis Or litthatiallith 01 theanoet fearful kind, speedily cured. _ • . TO STRaNGEfftff e many thousands cured at this Institution witldn the last tware years, and' the numerous Important Surgical Operations tieritormed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices o which have appeared again and again 'bolero the'publie, besides his standing, as a gentleman V character mid re. tponsibility, is a Sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DISEASE OF IMPRDDENGIL—When liternisguided 'and -ft - Oudot votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed.the seeds of this ealutni disease, it too often happens that en th-timed sense shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to 'thine who, from education and, re spectability Caa alone-befriend aim,' delaying till the cons tlutiOlial. symptoms (WOW horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, 80., programing on with frighttni rapidity, till-death. pats a Period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns.' , It is a maim. 0114 , fact thatthemuseds fall victims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the unsidifillness of ignorant predenders, who, by tiltinge of that deadlypeisme, messy ruin the 00Datltifilon and make the residue of life miserable . Ito Stranger; =fee Doctor's Diplomas bang Lu sap letters must contain a Stamp to us outhe reply. ` Remedies sent by Nail. Aar No. 7 Bata Frederick street, Baltimore , WEEP=S PATENT SEWING Have gidamd- the mudidence of all who use them, and proved one of the roost valuable inventions or the age. They use a Shuttle, making the Lock Stitch on both sides ottbaolothalike, I or pulled put. with the highest raechankal skill, no warranted to work well on all kinds of goods, from the lightest Fabric to Heavy Leather: In particular, we would call the attention of all to our Fluidly Pegging Machine. It nes been manufactured expressly gar Family Use. and has mat favor from all. It is ao simpli fied as to reader it almost impoesible to get out of order, or derange its operations, indeed it is so siniple,egsto astonish - one Abut so email a piece of meehanismwill sew. Below, we give a description of the digerent styles of the Weed Patent:- No. 1, Is a very conVenlent style, .whlch. be worked by hand or loot, on or off ha own table. 'For con venience of shipping, and also for large mintitaMories. where it is necessary to place a number or Machines Into a long bench, making one table summer ler theinial. Price $9O No. .2 With Walnut or Mahogany Table, either -witho r without Box Top, which locks down. Price $lOO and 1110. No. 3, Same size as No. 2, bat runs with a belt, and at a much higher rate of Speed. This klnd'is well adapt. tal to manufacturing Clothing. or Leather "Work. 'ibis is realty the cheapest Machine in the market, - as there lamp work done on a Sewing Machine that it will not do. It is confidently asserted that this Machine funs eagle than any machine now in use. Price $lOO. No. 4. This Machine has a longarm, to - accommodate arse work. It runs at a bizher rate of speed, roes easily, and Is, without: a dolibt, the best Machine for Tailors , use, ever offered to the public. It is also pecu liarly 'fitted for Plantation work, as it is very simple ye substantial and durable, 'with but little liability to go out - oil order', Price K 2% No. 5; This ts a new and cheaper .style, and , a general favorite for - Family Light'Leather, and a' reatvariety of work. It has been gotten up with reference to furnishing a strong and durable, yet' light and tasty Machine, Stu Ease pr oa than -slither of the above. It rans.very amyl rapidly, and iii Pronounced the beat machine flosr le mar for Ego. No. 6, This is a. Machine gpt. Up On _all .entiralydlaiw. Principle, diffinein from anything ever before offered to the public, and we confidently assert that, for family use. It h as not en equal. It In Vc.yy light and tasty, runs very rapidly, is almost nolaeltisla its operation, and :uses A STRAIGHT NEEDLE. - It is sonrrauged as to be Utterly imposisble for it to miss Stitches. It has a tension on both sides, and carries a large supply of thread on the under spool, The motions are gained by two small cranks that run without perceptible noise. The two threads arc worked in such a manner as never to both pull at the same time, and consequently, little liable to break. The seam is very elastic, and the thread does not break in washing. It will do coarse work better than any cheap Machine now in market, as it uses silk, cotton, or linen with equal Mellity. Price 150. Descriptive Circulars furnished grails MICE 471 BROADWAY . , NEW YORK , WHITNEYLYON, Proprietors. la- AGENTS WANTED. my*dawarn . E SSENCES of all kinds at 1-INETI ER'S, FoiatEasid , Market St DELAWARE MUTUAL 1 UM= niinntAlffeE COMPANY B. E. Corner of Third and Walesa &veva, PHILADELPIII.4. INCORPORATED 1835. 'MARI NE a LisTBURANCES parts of Me n W V or ld. ssel, Cargoand lerdol. Wall INLAND INSURANCES Co Ocomis by Rivers, Cana: Lakes and Land Cantina; to all parts of the Unt o s, , IRE INSURANCES on Merchandise generally, and ~,,, Stores, Dwelling How, dc . ABMS ON 'THE wsireNT, November Ist, ]r _ S, RIES,BO4 TO. • November 10, 1,5.,58, The Board of 'Directors have this day declared a diyl• deed of SIX PER O&IT. In Clash, Co the Capital Stock • and MX PIE OEM on the strip of the Company, pay. alone and after lit the proximo. They have also declared a &rip Dividend ofTErcry_ FIVE PER CENT. on the Original Stock, and 00 tLe Earnest Premiums fair the year ending October 31, 1.55 Certificates for which will be issued to the parties eel titled to the sante, on and after the first of Deceml Qr. sir- Preamble and Resoistioo' a adopted by the d. Willimia, UM increased MOM 01 th e Company arlt'n from Profits, and which will be derived from the I n. : creased Capital Stock under the late amendments In the . ' Act of Incorporation, render the ftirther continuanc e et the Guarantee Capital omummeary, therefore be tt— Berolved, That the Gerunntee Capital be discontn,uo, and the Notes representing the same be delivered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Risks taken during 'le erlod embraced In DIRECTO R eadd Notes shall have determined. William Martin, amen O. Hand, iWillisinEymlr. Joseph H. Bea, ete.Pauldba,g, James Tennant, Ildsannd A- Reader, .X.IC II .11.IIPParband, John 0. Davis, IlegkOraig, in. C. Ludwig, Robert Burton, . kiMvain Thomas C. li and, John I. Pease" lesKilier i ,Joshua P • 1 - 4 r, Osage 13,1eAsse nall.ilto es, Jacob P. Jur,. I ,Pitri H. Jones Brooke, Trairtair, .T. Morgan, • J. F. Penis on , J. B. Semple, • i E Parling"' "17 151 1iUllt csi4 Tlif, resident gl n THOMAS C. SAND, Vies President HENRY 1,111.131111 N. leporetarp. Tha tosidarsigned, as agent Itir the above Company, is perty prepared o to n to make iOllllll liberal terms.lll3lolllll on all descriptions of pro most janilidiawly WILLIAM BUBBLER, Harrisburg, Pa. , Bike HIVE S inourcaut (Eampantes, 113.A216:1V1MJ431- .V9ZTIV3D, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COJIPA N CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. RULES. I. limey. is received every day, and la any amount arge or await 2. FIVE MR CENT. Is paid for motley from the day .1 put in. 8. The money la ahrays paid back in GOLD, whenever it la called for, and without notice. S. Money received from Ratteutors, dasziwist' rotors. Gwardiana and Warm who desire to have ft in a plate (.1 . Perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained Ira It, ti. MC Middy reallifid Man depositors k invaded ih FANAL =UM, M0M1023, (WOUND Ralik\ aail snob other &stated 7 .m. , ities as the Charter direct,:. 6. Mice norwallirery, day from 9 - till b o'clock, &ea on Mondaye.and Tharadayi till 8 o'clock in the evenini. This old and well ^ est eed WAVING FUND bas re calved more thanes XliN MILLIONS of dollars from nearly thirty Weigan depositors. NM. BIXBY L. BENNER, President. ItODEPIE BfI.PRJDO Vice President. W. J. liazo,-11weratary. DIKEOTORS. Hoary 1« Ilanaiwo 7.Quvell Brewster SilWard , L. Outer, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridge, numb Lee. Samuel IL Ashton, Joseph Yorke., o.Leadresit licans, Henry Dltltedwilbr. OFFICE : Want street, 13. W. Cor. Third street, PH IL.A DELPHIA.. ann./1w Ey uOMELONWPALTR . iasv &Ncs• Company, Polon Braldlnitt Maraidkoorg, (asearrratED.cerrrea.—tactooo.) Inure bOildlata tad octou i prort . yagalta,,looa or dam ' I ;X Jake filmaidid Navigation INTEREST' ..1 ) ,A.1:0 roa ONEY. duut 2niews . rwkz. DINECIOBS. Simon Oameron, .penpyr. W. F. Murray, etio. IL Lawmen, Parke. K. Bair. William DMA, m. B. &few, .B. Berrykill, Bli Etliter, . B.Waltrd , Jno. B. Packer, J. a. Boyd, OPPBEIEL. SIMON CAMERON, Prodding. BENJ. PARKE, Vice President. B. S. A NEW, ARlVitt OF , , DRUGS AND rAnor GOODS! JUST BETIIIIMTI FROM THE CITY IsURCHARRD FOB CASH Wiu n Sum YOS Cunt AT 1.011, PSIS= I REST DISPLAY OP FASITY Goons rs Tows Usinivemarn Awampfiurr e rOILIT' AancLis Willing to tnainiain fair prkw, but unwil ling to be undersold by any pardes I We feel assured that we are able to sell every thing in our line as cheap and as good as any other establbdunent in the place ! wwr.TMEt'S DRUG STORE, 11$ 17#* &.„ WBIT 0 N, 1.11 Stilton Bt., and 50 Ann St., NEW ZANWLIOI=IOI or WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS AND COLORS 0/111, VilpySELO, ETC. . . . English, French an 4 German.Aitists' Materials, FINE COLORS IN . OE. AND WATER, L OWDISOR & IqUIDN'n 1t CASE CO RS. DEUS NE , litusitomicai & DtAniusizatiles Itansumstra , DRAWING AND TRACING PAPER. SterooBoopeg s Stemma:Tie View, The particular attention of Painters, Deaken are t hers 111 called to the new patent manias putting up I cad and Zinc Paints in METALlCedffilk_ of which Malicia s: Warren ere the Sole Proprietori. Them Cane are intended: by the - inventor to obviate the difficulty heretofore ail:stet in glee, gctung up ut need and Zinc to utall 1 004 Alt C4tiltuuers or 'mints are aware that the loss op Lead..4'll4l4m put le y in mat wooden packager, &frost)* to,taia sine coat, and in many easel nin th inure, owingth the absorption of the 01 1 , and the consequent hardenincof the peLlutegainst the wood-- to saY nothing of, the additional Libor required to ma pint Melly for nee, alter it has become bare is the The low of Lite keg, 1m ia a astakleratkm which should netbd . loeVeight The Patted an 'net only obviates these diffithilthni, bi stthadditiorttheretoinraishes the CM enmer with a„strong and cunventent print pot, out of which to use the paint; which is - alone wo, th more thus the difference or Wet between' Cur cans end kegs. The await are peeked In swam, in strong Mee or boxes, which within 20blha each, that. la S 2611 b Cent, or 4 50 ib Cans, end . they now be sanely shipped by railroad or other'wbe to any pike the United &idea. Cirenlece i containing ante.teitittStill - description sent by mail on application. itte29-424n* XTRW. BODTEI _ ERN.- WHEAT F E 12111 - very fa., jiistreastreit and for sale at `" ..r .!.. andPtuvislon I:note Of , ' DA. KR Wit • No. 106 Rork .. . , ,-, EFFEOTUA VERMIN POW f 1:, rHIS article when blown or due -e ~. int 1 crevices intuited - 14lb Ants, Roaches, Runs, or any% vermin. will gouts and effectuallyvermin, destroy them. trio Udnift-Denideg your wollens and bedding, and ht studh, ~____.4 ,00 1 ,01112 . eAllkity &If; &o. it Is death to all Mie ,CtO tr ... rim " 4 -9. 1. 430 She human race. Sold, only at K.E.U.Y..pr DEOGSTOBE, and 10 any quantity, by the ounce or you LYOWBIIIAGITETIC POWDER is also one of the v INA aztioles for the Sadie purpoati; is put up in tin tein, - and sold at 2d cents, at In i 4 SoRILICEIMI3 DEM) STO . 91 Market r ', . 1 1 lyl9-dy AUGUST AND SEPTEAIB ARE recommended by most w favorable months for transplanting al EVERGREENS AND S'IIIAWBEI - b A fine assortment may be found at the li --- 1 'tory, at very moderate prices.. PLORLO. ..,------ SMALL EVERGREENF'? at :raid Ps . , . From 10 inches to 2 feet, suitable m ar k -—i k.? ,,- ' et - screens and hedges—particularly for Cet4l.l chiding Arbb - r Vitae, Norway Fir, Balsam ai „Privet, Tree Box, English and Irish Yew I by the hundred. Apply to oir/ - Harrisburg, July 26, 1869.—jyai•dtr yr' ~. ..1 i raaartiklarwtt El=t2 .N, Office,Brieliurt." ‘ IN