Two Telegraph IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, CSONDAYS raccrnotj BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO., TERMS —*max SuhscitipnOar. The PAR T6I24IILAPH is served to subscribers in the Borough al 6i. cents per week. Yearly subscribers wil be charied S 4 00 Witinca AND SIXFWNIKLT TSLIGRAPH. Th, is also published twice a week during at,,slon of the Legislature, and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, via: SUbscribers per , year 2.00 12.00 Seven it 16.00 Clergymen Jo. Clergymen and School Teachers supplie d with the Truoutern at $l.OO tA in advance. VIZ WOr arwsparnest. Stibscribers order the discontinuanee of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to talte their newer*. pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bilis and ordered hem discontinued, Org Qbtitars, &t. 1859 FIRST OPENING OF SPRING 1859 AND SIDIAIER DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ! a a t i l . now co urn ta eo n r t N ug a tng w a h n i o ip i f eM .paraoesta colii4lo 0 141 144§C.--. .--. I DIIOSMICNTS TO PIIRCILASERO, UNSUBPASBED BY ANY OM= HOUSE. Plain Drefiplks, a !,!1 Fanny Dress Silks of every style, o Rich Luatred Black Saks. Delanee, Ghats, Dneale, Jayelles, Gingham, Foulards, Chinks, Brilliants, U., Mourning Goods. The only full and complete STOCK to be found in Tows. Shawls, Of every Style, Quality and Color, vary ing price from $1 50 to $2O 00.1 Needle Work. Handsome Sets, Collars and Sleeves, 'Miry Rich French Work Collars, Embroidered Hdkfs., Cambric Edgings, Cansbrie Wettings. Swiss " Swims Edgings, Moulton Collars, Maltese Collars, Flouncings. • White Goods. Praia. English &Man* —..---- Jaekorrete and Nainsooks, Cambria) and Mulls, • Dotted Swiss, Stripes for Sleeves. Dimity', &o. Hosiery and Gloves. My atom le the largest and as complete' as possible. Kid. Gloves. Jouvrers,Ladies and Gentlemen, imported expressly for my own use. Domestics. linbleached Muslins, Bleached Muslin', Drillings, Tiakinge, Linens, Jeans, Sul., &a. MY GOODS ARM BOUGHT OP MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS, I AM =AHMED TO BELL AT MONO THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL and EXAMINE my STOOK before PURCHASING eigetelaire. WILLIAM A. CATHCART, NO, 14 MARKET SQUARE, NUT DOOR TO TILII HARRISBURG BARK. 1nar23,1 it L' NEW s A L BALT. FOR nozammamer Dagaiss ONLY. 0.4 Dr io C a urr i ;V e r n ia g ' e ll N r s e: !O r el: ortl i Salty t t n e ; one situ, and accomplishes but one thing to alt Subdues inflammatory Meanie whatever be he rr,, turn' or locality. This IF aloes b cquoillaieg the Vtat CirCUlutiOU, therobjr removing tO e sole cause of intitimmadon. littrat s , a Aera pl , • =lirie l' d Trros ei r,=, and Liver, Female Dlaeasee,M7alpelea,kirmacitilui, Pleurisy, Aatbuis, llyopepeut, Venereal 1.111411111 e, r Gout, Scrofula, Water sod all other forma of hi naninadon are easily subdued by the New Medi cal Sao, to hew e leak - alt le MO envo i all but does just what it claims to do—no more, P . "lnu leab—equalises the atreulatlon by removing Wltem the system all arterial and venous obatruo tom. 1,1 Wait udaa have tried. the IT , lrituee 11l the New Medical Balt, though but lately Ms , L , covered. Winless the testimonials and turttOomes -- , -m of cure LL who lu"rla "kunrf:AabaneifterL tr Awas cured Of a severe Gass of Neat/dem in lags than a week.—Norway Jae.) Advertiser ~, your I..valualble Medicine is nobly L fuitliiitut, lu my ease, alt the promises Which r""1 you made for it. A few donee aleo relieved my Mother of a rush of blood to the head. J. P. IiII.LINWEIAN, Mini, M e , 1 idaaumantory lallaetuillmloNaa WM my ).4a complaint. The tint package did the work otilmtuauy, ea not a vestige of Rheumatism is left. G 11 DUNCAN, New York 1 7g, T Know tt ill good for "Abomination', removing it in a low boors. lam now trying it for Scrofula mid have already received impost. S. LIMO, Reading. t:Z illtal6dierta".l°ln A tau n rAyT i tt i s pat " a lk was T. W. FITZIMONP, DD. g one. Phaa. (tIOD Wto NWltAtit , by the *souk. We tatty., tried it. It has complete control over Whoa. minion --Jackie/Wile ( Va.) Nato Bra. rtstushatta, Usickeir s Rheumatism sand Neuralgli have been cured by it.—Jearsolv Denacrat -R a 2cZ o iti r lr e e 71 4) re ll .at i nf 4 1116 .3 :4:111 " = " ; - `1 ab uguaa from any Druggist who has thin value await:tag for sal.). DR. CULT' IibWELL'S ANTIPRLOGISTIC SALT. Gene Price $l. Chronic package $2.50. D. C. TAYLOR eit T h° tuial Agents, 202 Dock Streit, Phaadelphkt. teAlear Medical Salt is for sale As it Ira Uy .1. al. Lute, u, natatan au ultnott. Keller, F. A. Deuc., and t. all 'enterpris- NEW MIAs wherever the ' , telegraph" sa read. air vuuat a paUnit ittedblb3o, but, the t_ gibetO N•ltiliCLl •tnt physiollui uo one ahead. tali to tlfc 'Rat R4O " watimouLls and directions see cironkx I / \.,x l vaiii i / ,x,lf-' coital, • .., V l / 4 g/ ) 13 it VOL. IX; .ffittical AYER'S' SARBELPAMIBLA A compound remedy, in which we have labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can-be made. It iti a concentrated extract of Para Santa wills, so combined with.other substances of still graden alterative power ash) afford an (Active antidote for the Mamma Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is belletred that such a remedy is wanted by those vrbo suffer from dirnmene emnpribits,snd that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of linmenskpervice to this class oft our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely 41 while ttlfiltilfealflitottehlo4.lll 6l ‘ oll o ll P7 of the worst cases to be moodier f rollowing wok plaints Stitortme men Sesovoteos Collthanrlll, lIRDPZIONO AND 'Worms DIZZARRI% lhaM, Pumas, Btxtranes,- • La, Benoit, !Matt alt&O, 30r=m Aso linguistic •ab.. news, lilnoowL Disuse, Doom, NWPRALOLk ea Tic Dotrummsoz, DYIOIIIOOIA AND INDIGRERIOR.MI7 - SWUM, Roes OR Sr . darrillgrea Fah, and indetd,th whole complaints arising from 11101:10M woes ItLectir ibis compound will be found agreat promoter 0 health, when taken In the - spring. to expel the Sint be more which fester in the blood ut that. Weasea of the year arenipped timely thenexlsion of them many rankling disorder are nipped in bud. Knithildoi can, by the aid of thisrelnedy, spare themselves from the endurance Of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, ibroulh which ihe system will strive to rid itself of ,corroph it not as allied to do We -through the /lateral .tUnnels of the body by an alterative medicine. Maio out the vitiated' blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through the skin is pimples, eruptions or ROM ;. cleanse It when you Ond his obsumoted and sluggish IS the veins; cleanse it whenever it is, foul, and your feelings will tellyou when. Even ',hero no particular disorder is felt, people eajorbetter health, and live longer, for cleansing' the blood. Keep the blood healthy; and all is well ; but with thia pabulum of life disordered, there can be no Wain' inialth Sooner or later something mango wrong, and fhb great machinery of life is diltordered or over thrown: Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deeelved by preparations ol it,rirtly be. cause the drag alone has not all the virtue that. *metaled for It, but more because many tireparations, pretending to be conoentrithed extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of flathaparilla, or any thing else. Paring late years the public have been Milled by birge metmdtog . to love a quart of Extract of farm parille for one dollar. Meet of these have been Minds upon the flick, for they not only contain Mlle, If any ilantaparilla,..but often no curattve properties whatevere thence, Miter and painful disappohitment has follow Renee of the curious extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself 13 justly despised, au has become eyueuraeus with imposition and attest. Still we cell OM aompound.Suureeferille, and Intend to euW7 Inch a rebbidi ea dull reseith the name hem the load of *blow tbdt, reefs upon it. AntLwathhik we hero ground for believing lkhu,vlrtuee which are irredetible by the_ ordinary run Of thelikeelltee Iris' intended to cure. In order tecomplets eraiihmthip ft=be eYitteln the reme• dy should be pthielonsly takeif twig to ottoottons on the bottle. PREPARIOD 1,7 0 DR. J. C. AWED & LOWELL. ILLSSIMEMEusErrs: - Price, $1 per Bottle; Biz Bottles for $5. • Ayer's Cherry - Peotoral, bas won for Mien such a renown ftw„the cure of every variety of Throat mad Lung Omiphtint, that it Is entirely unnecemary , tor tut to recount the evidence of its virtues, constant RettrthegtriVidegie Vele constant use letro%m I. Alumina we It do' more than assure the people Its quality le kept up to the beet It ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do Ow their relief all it Lim-ever been found to do. Aver's Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CURB OF aistivateits, Jaundice, Dyspqrtio bdimeton Dysnuery, /out Stomack Brystpdas, Head:sae, Pea, Rheumatism, Broil/ions anti - Skits Macaw, Liver anttplaint, Biopsy, Omer, Time aturSaft Rheum, Warms , Gout .Nturelpa, as a Mauer Pal, and for Pyrsfying Bkod. They are segamoated, so that the moat sensitive can take them philaantly, and they are the beat aperient in the world for all the pnyposes of a family phytta. PielocAli ati. per Box.;.PLveßoxeiribir •00. aped ritunhers ot (lorgymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not ,permit the hthertion ofLnetn The Agents, below, named furnish gratis our. AZIRICIAN ALMLABIAO, le-which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be Dewed for their cure. Do not be put of by 'unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aviest , s, and take no others. The aka want the best aid there is Dm them, and they should have IL All opr Remedies are flu sale by C. A. "(muter, liar- Milberg ; 0. WIIITMAS, HARM ; Dr. Ittirunt, idDlera • borg,and by all Droggista t and by the principal Merchants n the country. aple-damem rnmanck 'TACKLE ! PISEELNG TACILLE! risarrio TACKLE I CANES! CANES!! CANES!! CANES! CANES!! CUES!! CANES! CANESRPANESII AT AT AT AT AT ' AT - AT AT Al KEW4ER'S 1 ICRI'LNIVS! I V P,LTSR'S 1 I KELLER'S! KELLER'S I•I IT-ItILLIM'S 1 I KELLER'S! }CRUMB'S I I SELLER'S ! I, 91 91 91 91 91 9 911 9 9 1 1 Market St. larketlit. Market Bd. NEW BOOKS. DAVENPORT VITEN, by Chas. Lever—corn idett-in I.vol. .-Prios.6octs. THE HARP OF 1000 STRINGS, by 8. P. tery—numerously illustrated. Price $1 26. THE CHESS PLAYER'S INSTRUCTOR, or Guide to Beginners, by Charles H. Stanley.— Price 88ate. AN1041)011113 OF LAVE, by Lola Montes.— Price El 00. THE PILLAR OF FIRE, or Israel in Bondage, by Rev. J. H. Ingraham, author of the "Prince of the House of Nvid." TRIAL OF DANIEL B. SICKLES, for shoot ing P. B. Key,nt Washington—illustrated by numerous engravings. Price 26cta. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market street. , ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK. TEWELLERS, Railroad Superintendents and the public are invited to gall and awl E. How.ten u.'a antral laical and other Clocks at the a pr2B4ly EAGLE WORKS WARDS 0 80,000- STRAWBERRY PLANTS hare already been enp,ged from the Unions NIIIBIIII, ror the prevent ;seamen inanticg. WEE THAN 200,000, Embracing all the finest, largest and beat varieties, yet tbr sale. The subscriber has this year raised, in quanti ty, berries measuring FROM. FOUR W SIX INCHES n ohntinderenoe, and will sell plants of the same va rieties a lower prices than they can be bought elsewhere In the United States, with a guaranty of purity and Edelity to name. Plants eery low by the thousand or larger quantity. for Strawberries planted in August or September, it the weather is tavorabla, will produce a mi go crop of fruit next season. • A. KIM Harrisburg, July 28,1869. -7y26-dl( .KS. A Large w lz r a of superior makes of Black ?MY 11=1, ATM mat, FWD SUM, " DOURLY nova= KUM Very asap, and s good variety of swim. W. A. OATEICAIti, "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS - NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 23, 1869. Inizttllantotto. O Parasols & Umbrellas, 6i. MARKET SQUARE, 61. HARRISBURG'. THE subsCriber respectfully infornis the public that be has established ft manutactovi or MORELLA% PARASOLS, WALKING CANES AND RIDING WHIPS, at the above address. Alter many years' exPertillS_kh_o_tesinoss aa a practical wan he can with• eitc‘itlarthariiiiters or any_ of the above mentioned , go,da intrusted to him will meet With finch attention as will give eatiaraction to his patrons. Fancy Goad& cepidred di always on hand, (As well as what he produces himself.) , Phibidelphi4lifew-York,EngbakErench NA :Gelman Goods. M. H. LEE, Proprietor. N. 111PartIttoot whpt attention given to the re pairing and coming or.Umbreilas and Paranoia. owtirty W PARMULL I succassoa H. S. LUIZ, Plumber &. Brass Founder, 108 Market Street, Harrisburg. ton 'PIP& of all slum' Hydrants Of every daicrialon males* remelted. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, - Water Closets, (Warn Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work of every desd4tion, dOne at the shortest no tice, on,the most reasonetblestorms.—Foctory and Elaine Work in &mist All ordain thanktnily received and punctually attended to. The Wheel, cash price given for old Copper, Brass, 'lend fiord -tt _ _ COACH MAKING ' ES'T & LTS u PTIHE subscriber respectfully hiforthe the .11_ omega or liarrisburg and. vidnity, that he has commenced the COACH NAILING BUSN "M,= In all ha branches, ettls shop in WAtittrr Mind, matt Founts.— Allaying, secured llte serviced of the best mechanics in each of the departments, and giving his own personal altilintlott4oi all work dote *Alga-shop, her feels safe in saying that his work will compare favorably with that of any of the large cities. Particular attention paid to, the manuftetttrbsg of Wheels. REPAIRING neatly and sub stantially done, and at the time promised. aprltkily MAWR SAYFORD. 'VXHIBITION OF THE Eitt/F.11.1 N JUCCOUNTT •AGIOCULTURAL SOCIETY', /b be held .04 ilarrisburs, on Wainieday, the 21st, Tbsos(key s Me 22el and iriday , Me 28e1 of _ :Septeme 859. Montan' of exbreition is tiled at the grounds of th .!.4 PARK AEMOCIATION," where every arrangement convenience for • • and • layanneata is nOW In course of prepar. Mien._ The Book of Marisa will be opened at tho offiee of the -Panosylvasia State Agrioniturat Society, on Second atree neat Locust, in Harrisburg, where one of theafficers w be found at all times, Alyea THE FIEF Orfidrffiginisß. All Exhibitors mint beeetne members of the society. ifenibertibip, ; lan Membership, 1n.., Ilakets ad• mission will be furibM ,-- Od attbiAillett, , hiburg, at any time after the first of September, audby the Treasu rer, at his office on the Exhibition Ground, during the Exhibition. ',Yearly or Life Menbaship Ticket admits a gentleman and lady, with any of their owe FAMILY udder 13 years f Proper provision has been made against inclement weather in the erection of PERNAMINT scannas, and CAN. VMS Tans which will accommodate 2,000 persons Tbe Committee? Arrangements will be ready to receive estates for exhibition on the Fair Grounds on Monday atorning, September 19th, at which time , they will have persons employed with teams to deliver articles of every Sind, and alsoinve persons upon the Fair Grounds to arrange articles for exhibition. Exhibitors will please have their articles upon the Ground, if possible, on that and the next day, in order tbatthey may be properly ar ranged by Wednesday. , Tue Premium list is one of the mostilberal issued b any county Society in the State ; and for good articles or animals, Were good premiums. It will be ready for dis tribution early in August. The membership fee will be paid to JOITS W. COWDEN, listv, Treasurer, Harrisburg. JOHN JYII. " • Sooretary.• ESTABLISHED 1807. T I "E IVE A. S CELEBRATED AND WEI.TARLE PAINTS, COLORS. • ZINCS.WHITS LEADS, and VAB,NISEES, may be obtained from the Principal BR/MISTS and Paint Dwaers throughout the United Yates, , Canadas and West Indica or of the .ifanutecturer D._ F. TIEMANN & CO., 128 William Street, NEW YORK. French Liquid Dryer, Chrome Greene, French Tine Whites, American Mao Whites, Soluble Wash Bluelbr Laundry Purposes. Prussian , Shies, Vermillions, Chrome Yellow, -Colors - in Watbri-Blitoss, %Mate, Yellows and Vermillion, Paris Green, Permanent Einerale Greene for Blinds, and a general stock of Paints both dry and ground In Oil 128 Witham Street, New York. iun274l6m FOR FALL OF 1859• KEYSTONE:NURSERY. LURRISEVII4 PENN'A . 11} ; (1GILIITIDDED PEACH TREES -- INCLUDING all dt. the most choice va rialtos.:. rrioe per 160 (except Griffith) 612.00; ratan 16 660115. Griffi th per ovum: rats% 2.0 cents. APPLE TREES. All the brat varieties, and of good size. him 16 to 20 PEAR TREES. Dwarf and Standard, 60 cents each, $5 per dozen. CHERRY TREES. i s a Dwarf , Standard, 41) to 50 cents o r ;s4to $ 5 par dozen. , ktrgo bearing ps..:•, it `to to 51. each. --=Z or cars, ' 4 _, ONDS. Growl of different varier . pberries, Ourrauts, Gtooseberries Sto., &c., at usual prima. SHADE TEE, Including American and Mountain Ash, Env, Lindens, Sugar and Silver Megan, Huree Ohdatnnt, attains, Tulip tree, Magnolias, ko., &o. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS Of many varieties, among them Cydonia Japonica , White Fringe, Purple Fringe or Mist wee, litationia aqui' folia, Tree box, Magnolia, Honey Buckles, &c., dm. EVERGREEN TREES Austrian, &cob, Norway, Balsam, Double White American and Sliver Firs,American,Cadneee and Norway arbor vitals English and Irish Yew, &o &o. STRAWBERRIES About 60 of the most desirable varieties, a great many others baying been Neaps alter having round them or but little value. Pricer very low by tho thousand or larger quauthy. . . _ .. . LAWTON BLACNBERRIES. At $1.50 per dozen. $lO per 100. CAT'AWISSA RASPBERRIES. An everbearing variety, $2 per dozen; other varieties, including Beauties Orange, Bed and White Antwerp, ROAN, &c., at $1 to $1.50 per dozen. Besides the above& great many other articles can be ibund in the Nursery. Jayr Persons will and it to their advantage to purchase Trees andTiants from Nurseries in their own neighbor hood, instead of depending upon traveling peddlers with whom they areunacqualted. Addreea or appl H. It y . H to IM. Harrisburg, July 25-dtt" WOOD TURNING AND-SCROLL , ISA W ING.—The beet place W pt. Scroll Sawing and nod Turning done brat the- ' aprViro le - 00R:ITOLRA3, W BITING CASM, PE6K j„, AND pew, or various prices and sins, fig. sale at BBRGNNW r I OMR& BOOK O= Staling llltarbintz. TO THE Lamm or namilstmutt .THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE CO., El riAlLeva F . :44l,piRnED AN oxywF AT T*i Cameral' Spurlitet Sinare and Marker, Street, SMITH'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, VIVOULD particularly call the attention v of the Wiest and , eittzene generally. to Their U.. 1 7. RIVALLBD 0.61VEN9 MACEIZNAT, v.uping in price from SSO $125. REASCOH WHY THE GRAVER &BALKER MACHINE m UNDITRSALLY-•PREYERRED TO ALL -OTHERS : la. It ts more simpleand eaaler.kepp M order than any Ither machine, laying never to be taken apart to ell or Wake' • 2nd. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel even when every third stitch is cut. lird. It sews from two ordintu7 spools, thus avoiding aft trloblearednding the thread, while by a mere change of:ratikels toe mach - Tee drayboadapied to all,kinds of work. !With' e same•machine runs athr.-bnehthreed, and comincianpool cotton wittrequal facility. • ' - sth. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, and is, therefore, free from all liability to break in wash ing, ironing or othertitse. lith. The stitch Is more beautiful than any made by any other nutchine„or by band. THE GROVER c* RARER Marva is patented and owned by the CoMpany, and is far superior to the "Lona Same or the worthless ~C tunt Smog." for all thin fab rics, and tesembles the back stitch made with the cont. mat needle. The GROVER,St BARAN MACHINE will do the Sewing cheaper and better fora family than a &BM iiressi;evon though she were to work for ONE CENT Alf HOUR It is supetiorlo any and every other ma chine for FAMILY SEWING. Over 25,000 haws already bees soli, and are recommended by , the most competent ledges, by the Press, by the Clergy and others, ,as,Lbr earyfatt Rae-Use& all, kinds of War*. We do not hesitate to warrant nitr4VAninee In every 'respect A lads el . ..trayeuter-sof quance- Carland see thbefo - 14, any other, Smith's Photograph Idarket Square and Market Street, an on Market Square. ltscamra Soma, in all. Its Talkies +branches, Melted with neatness and dispatch, by thoroughly competent pollens, at half the. natal prises:. Merchants, Rambles anduthers, should bear this fact in mind. Orders from the riountry protoptily-wttended-to; T 1 ese who prefer thitit, heavy &briar. sewed with the Shuttle or Lock Stitoh, which , has. the same appearance on both Mean have their ,work .done ow THE glll:Prra Mi ler the °ROSIER it 'Bum 00110 ANT, which te in everyirespeet superior to many other Machines for that kind-of work, but for all light; thin fabrics that require frequent washing and ironing, "'fax Gaossa k bursa amen" has so sisperior. Persons should remember- this fact, and not be de ceived by the appearance of the stitch'on both aides, for Jt is in appearance only. . • Ladles are respectibily call and receive a cir cular and specimen of hewing, also a copy of The 9 - rover & Baker Company's book entitled "Pictures and Rhymes for the LittleitiMts.' Mottoes:. on Market Square, second door from Market, Smith's Photograph Gallery. Agent for Central Pennaylvania. mylo-dly IMMEIYLVAIatt AGENCY FOR WHEELER &- WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ealua gmilxondff IN num Deland after October lat inst., the RETAIL PRICEIrof oar SEWING MACHINES will be as follows : mov STYLE MACHINE $5O ii&DlOlit, on Plate Table. ......... ........ ...... 375 00 Half Case Panel SO 00 " Hall Case, Mahogany or slack Walnut.. 85 00 " Full Case , "...." ".... ..... /00 00 n ' " Fall Case, ..e Re:wood la 00 SMALL MACHINE 75 00 LARGE MACHINE 100 00 HffithillßS, (extra) 6 00 The unanimous hives which has attended the introduction of Wausau & WirsoreeFAMlT SEWING Itactuez,la sufficient evidence of its excellence. It is needless now toasty, that thiStusefulinstrument is becoming a domestic institution the -tact is recognized by its successful use in thou sands of /Wales in every rank in life. To those who have hitherto refrained from availing theMaelves of Its athintagee, it may not be amiss to Ray, that its utility i s not it problem to be solved,be; a success already realized. The highest testimony Is constantly offered, confirming the verdict which has given this instrument so wide and enviable a reputation. This Machine is conceived on a principle Milficizt ORMINAL, bung specially and admirably adapted to the most -perfeM work on every kind of materiel and, having been subjected to a three years' test of the most searching character by Families, and in various branches of Manufactare,with distinguished success, it is believed, that, in all the great points requisite to a complete and practical Sewing Machine, it cannot be approached in ex. colkanoe. Among the undoubted advantages it possesses overa others, may be named the following : 17t1+ simplicity of construction, and consequent free dein front derangement andleed of repairs. 2. ha untmainpled rapidity and ease of operation. 8. Its noiseless movement. The great variety of purposes to which it can be ap plied, which can be achieved by no other mechanical means. "And, ft. The pre-eminent mama and tonternurr of the work. Full Instruction for operating t. beldlobitut la given to purchasers gratuitously at the Sales rooms. When the Machine is sent some distance, so that personal instruo lion Is inconvenient, a card of directions ie sent, which are a aullioient guide. The mechanism; however, is so Simple, and the arrangement so easy, that no difficulty need ewer. Many ladies have the Machine sent to their residences after having received shalt hour's instruction Any future difficulties are readily surmounted, and then practice alone' makes perfect in the use of this as any thing else. Domestics and children of twelve years of age readily beconte proficient in its use. Ouv Office IS removed to Mr. BRIM Daguerrean Rooms, corner of Third and Market streets, where the machines can be seen in operation. Mimi Burka is isrepared to do machine sewing for all Who mishit, and at the same time show the machines. For further Information apply to W. O. HICKOK, Agent Harrisburg, limb 22,1659 -dawtt QIRILP OF BLAOKEBRRY ROOT at lABFFEBR'S, Fourth aad Market, Sta. SIIPERIOR (*LOONS at - I.42FFLERI3, Fourth and varret eta. arazzl 'S COCOAAN at wmE*oB,ronith and . Mook taa TOR ROOMS 000IIPIED BY CENTRAL yo:s4o:W4:4 l o4kroJ: itlistrilanums. TEE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT TOILET . 493. T ECLES IN NOW ON mommiix KELLER'S DRUG STORE HAVING just received a large addition to his already ; varied Stook of Toilet and Fancy articles, he wi ll_ rail the same at “ fa ir price for a fair artkile." _ Prize Medal or Crystal Peotade—of the teueiving ter rorise : Sweet Wier. Ilignonett. Sweatt:lover. 1 4 1 4 Popidnaok. Comp. Cz Marrow or °longhrns mixture, ~mad of AMUled Marrow and Hazelnut 011: New Mown Hay Pomatcon. Genuine Bears Grow Pomatinm Barrel Potaatuur or Beef Marrow. Glycerine or Camphor Soap—infallible lbr Clopped Hinds—Peach Almond Soap. otheibna,2alm, SandOwer Wiudaat., Prang!. pans,Monster, Pontine, Sand, Rose and a number of other fine Soaps. BastrOr Frangipani Toilet Water. Bash's Eat' Ltiatrale for the hair. Bazin'a Keen Feb Bails. Basin's Rose Lip Balm. A. La Cloche Wor-rLavender Water, (Imported.) A La Cloche D'or--Toilet Powder, (Imported.) range Flower Water, (bnported.) Pearl and 'Jet Studs and. Wristband Links. Tortoise Shell Pocket, Side, Dressing and Tuck Combs. A. variety of Gent's Wallets and Ladles Wire Porte Monales. Many new styles of Shawl Phis. - ..A stook of Heir Brushes unsurpassed in variety, style, irnality and price. 'locket Mares, Havana Qgars and all articles usually found in a first-abide Drug and Panay Store. Lail and akamine, you cannot fail to be suited at RELTAWB, 91 Market Street. GEORGE A. BROOKS , BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER - BO OK BtINDIEW, • No. 64 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa • BLANK. BOOKS 1 BLANK. BOOKI3II THE very flattering SIM uragem ant tithich ww nave received during the past year izeit war ranted ns in enlarging our establishment, and we are now prepared with greater Whiles than eyer—hwilities which oanot be surpasisal In the city—to mawiLinture to order all kinds of Blank Bookar, with or without printed headings, for State County, Conipunnor, Ateronistile or InAlviduas in a manner which cannot, be excelled. Firstolass wove linen paiet put in all Blank BOOlti s and when desired properly and plainly paged. antabkld trowenipets with eity TRADE viii be supplied at city. prioss. Orders respectfUlly solicited. Orders by mail whims to GEO. A. BROOKS, =aria 84 Market street. BEAD! READ! HE fellowing Daily Papers can always T _ be had at BERGNERII Cheap hook Store, by the single copy, or when persona desire it we will serve any or all of them at Moir reeltienoes, pack and send by mall, or forward by railroad to armis w the various small towns in the vicinity of Harrisburg, The Leger, News, . _ New Yost Herald, Tribune,Tma. Harrisburg, IMO PROF. GARDNER'S SOAP CAN BE BOUGHT AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE. NEW and beautiful styles of Ladies Berlin Wire Partmonnaies can be bought, at ETTA n'S DRUG STORE, A N assortment of Flower and Garden 11; Roods at RILLEyiI DRUG STORE, Market Street. PAR,FUNI. d'A.M 0 IT It OR, SKIN BEAUTIFIER.:. ERADIGATES TAN AND FRECKLES, Ratans and White= the akin and imparts to it a de. Nihau' fragrahes. Lama using toilet powders will and thir article far superior and easier in lie application than Lilly White. Por sale by C. AL tIehINTART Pharmaceutical Chemist. . . SKELETON EINIR TS. frillE finest assortment of different makes J. tamed. moss of MOM MP, waexammas HOTEL sane.' , " Qom( or in./DODD Matl r • it 001 D , " • a ..,1 1 DOUGLJJ3 BRIMINOOD ME M. And every other make or goodkinds, sold it the very lowest prime. " W.A. CATHCART, N 0.14 Market Square. lIMBRELLASI PARASOLS I zscw,o4„towoopitor raw% LAWN' sax " " sill IND COLOR, GPM sax totarsius OP wriarrizo; - ARM PARASOLS, ii.DOLS' PARASOLS, IVIRY arsru AND *SLOB. A large stook it very- low prices. tall at w. A— CATHCART'S, Next to the treariaborg Bank. O N ceb the LLItGI broiled* ENw lan' pou BOY more, 6 NO. 81. Fornere Press, Evening Bulletin, Daily Telegraph, Baltimore Bun, " Clipper. STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Having procured Two Adams Power Presies, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING er eve r y description, cheaper than it can be done at any O th er establishment In the county. RATES OF ADVERTIEING.: nfirFour lines or less constitute onehalf square. Eig ha lineS or more than four constitute a square, Ralf Square, one day one week. one month three months. gm six months One year One !quare, one day Me week .......... ......... . 2 00 we moth. . SOP if three .......... 00 OM year 10 00 tar Madness nowise inserted to the Lecatoshisen, before Marriages and Deaths, AVE CtINTS PEE for each insertion. _ _ _ lir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as mules advertisements. Bank Ilitations NOTICE .. 11111- OTICE is hereby given, that applica tion will be made to the next Legislature of Penn ey yenta, to alter the charter of the CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK, located In the borough of Carlisle Cumberland county, so as to confer upon said Bank the rights and privilegee of a Bank of Issue, and to change the name to the CARLISLE BANK. ; also to increase the capital of said Bank (which is at present Seventy-Two Thousand Dollars, with the priced/a of increasing the same under Its present charter to One Hundred Thousand Dollars,) to TWo Hundred and Fifty Thnustand Dollars. Aelljertin' . r ... , EN,fkiskur . • - . 7 BASIC Milt undersigned °Wiens cif Lancaster IL county give nonee that they Intend to apply to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at, its nextsession , for the itioritiOn of a corporate body with banking privileges, to be located in the Qty of Lancaster 'and to be called the CONESTOGA BANK, with a capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. Thaddeus Stevens,Christian Kegler, Myriad Reilly, John W. nobly, 0. S. Dickey, Chrbtlau Gast, John H Pausal,' David King, James Black John F. Huber, John J eochran, Henry Tromgardner, G.Taylor Save, J.getchata Lancaster, June 27, 1269.—jnu29Avem . BANK NOTICE. PHECOLUMBIA BANK, at Columbia, Lancaster county, .and State of Pennsylvania, will apply at the next session of the Legislature of said State. for a renewal and extension of I a Charter and Banking privileges, with the capital Or Five Hundred Theermad Dollars as at present authorized, and with the same name, style and location. SALLISSI, 811.0011, Maur of Cdttatasa Bank. June 28, 1859.—jutt29-idim NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that applies eon will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, at Its next session, for the passage of an act to in corporate the "LACKAWANNA SAVIVGS BANK," t 0 be located at Scranton, in the county of Demme, for the purpose of receiving deposits of money, to be safely In. vested for the beaelit of depositors. Jos. H. Scranton, Chia. Fuller, Thos. leokson, C. Di Rockwell, lames Arabia% Joieph Chase, H L. Marvin, James Phloney Geo. W Scranton, J. 0. Platt. Scranton. June 18,1869 —lenee-artim NOTICE Ihereby given that applioation-vill-ha made to the tilliture for the incorporation of a Bank of tame, litmount and depoett, with the mutat privileges of Banks, under th e name and title or the " BANK OF lIINBRSVIL6FA," to be located in the borough of Minersville, Salleyo;Al county, Pennsylvania, with emlial a liehdred Thousan d Dollars, and the privi • tare .to lootease 'the same to Two Hundred nomad Dollars. Mmuttoitut, Juno 3, 1859. jeB.Bm/avtd NOTICE. AIC application will ' be made at the next Peron of the Isghi . lature of Pennsylvania, for the leetarporation of a Dank with general banking privilege*, wiab ceipllal of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to be styled the EttlftlEfElla , and DROWNS , BANK, and to located in the ally of Philadelphia. jtur29-41ewein NOTICE. • N application will be made at the next XX, session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the intorporation of a 13ank with general banking privileges, with a capital of The Hundred Thousand Dollars,. to be styled the MAI and LEATHER DEALERS BAR, and to b located In tkosithy of gidladelphiew , jun 2 9. dem N OW* hi Wetly given, that an arPheation will be Motto to the Leillelature or P nap la at Its n est list for the Incorporation of a ° frank of issue, withdis countand deposit privileges, to tie located In the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., to be called THE BANK OF Canulst,S, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase the same to three hundred thousand dollars. William Ker, John B. Fearer, Thos. PErtonjohn Noble, Beni Girls r Jr., Enoch Young, Richard Woods, Christian &Oman,' q , ttltamßentsi,'JOhn 8. Sterrett, A. B. Sharpe, Wm. W. Russell, John C. Dun Itp,Joseph D. Halbert, toil et Given, John Duulap , James Hoffer, Robert More, a A. Sturgeon, Robert Wilson, Samuel Grerson, Geo. W. Sheeler, Jacob K. Nelsley, Ran. Nettley.--junge destine NOTICE TS hereby given.tbat a number of citizens of this Commonwealth, residing in Delaware county, will teakO &Rhaetian to the neat Legislature for theore- Mien of a Bank, by the mime and style of "THE MMUS. BANK OF DELAWARE COUNTY to be located at Meths, in said county, with general banking privileges, with a capital of Ona linadred Thousand Dollars. }uuso•dawem NOTICE TS hereby given that a Ember of citizens of ltda Commonwealth, residing in Delaware county, will make application to the next Leglsliiture for the ore ation of a Bank, by the name and style of "THE IkIEDIA BANS. OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT," to be located at Media, In said county, with such privileges as num be necessary to carry out a bank of Discount and Deposit and with a capital not exceeding One Hundred Ttloasam Dollars. junBo daitlita NOTICE. I S hereby given, that, an application will be made at the next session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. for the Incorporation of a Bank, to be called the "filteproliD 9DUNTrnANZ, ,, with*wet priiilegas of issue, discourit nodd deposit, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the right to in crease the capital sock 'to Four Hundred Thonsand Dollars, and to be located, in the borough of Towanda, In the county of Bradford. ' Towanda, June 27, 111159.-lun29•dawlim NOTICE TShereby gives, that the undersigned teed making application at the next masks _of the Legislature, for-the moorporation of a bank or tame with generardiscOunting privileges, to be loomed in the Bor ough of Clarion in Clarion county, Pa., under the name And style or "Tint CLARION CO U NTY BANK," with- a ,capital 0i,k1.00,000 and privilege of increasing the same to shoo ono, G. W. Arnold, Jame* Campbell , Samuel Duff, Wm. 1.. Corbett, eattnuell Wilson, D. B. Carl!, Hugh Craig, Jaunts W. Coulter, John Kestley, B. J. Bashi, J. 2. Printer, Jacob Black. tmogit-daveku NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made at the next seslikin of the Legislature or Pennsylvania, for an act of Incorporation for a: Bank or Issue and Discount, to be boated in the vicinity of Market mid Fourth streets. in the city of Philadelphia, for, tee Accommosataxr or Farmers, Drovers, Butchers and Produce dealati, with a capital of 000,000, to be called the ,( 111ABTERN MAR KET BANK." NOTICE TS hereby Liven, that application Wilt be made to tlie gislature of Pennsylvania Id lta next session, fora Bank of Issue, Dieveunt *O4 DOpQrit, to be located at P:ttsburg, with a capital of Three Hundred Th usand Dollars. to be called the A.II.I9IIIFPA BANK OF PITTSBURG , . jyldassom NOTICE / TS. he r eby given, that almber ol l titizeue Dauphin county, ,I,ogialdturo for the ore tad inyie of .`THE 'STAIR tied at Harrisburg, in said orisollegesOwith it 'Capital trs, aa,d the privilege to Ited - Thousand Dollars. ILL 'en.7hii P i4PPlie ati°ll' _4Littora Of'Pentos=6" woo> orait act to I VINGSBANS,to be?oOrte d . krpoge •or recidilog DO. otestod tbr the bettoti,tOt 20 25 1 co . 2 00 4 00 ....... ..... 5 00 M El=l2 11%. -, ...- yeti the,' • ul, u . d „,,,,, .IA Ai ..1....,,:queED lin act lELD 00 71 4 s vllT agateld re, with =and d 0, lasaclabs„ ..i...„ 13091111dd; IL . Y. Wu, Jaweii,;skil ti; 101-4132 mesasL POIL Taos LOU Walton, IL Gilkland, Rob e rts, Samuel Duo: " -024*.wep