lanes of -411103 d 41ransportatimi CHANGE OF SCHEDULE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL 'ROAD - I PN AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL Uth, IU9 the Passenger ltialne on the Penneylva- Railroad will'arrive at and leave Ilarriepurg aa fix- EASTWARD. , lllift LLNlarrives at 2.22 A. it., and leaves at 2.80 A. IL.' Tribe Mope at Mlddleteern, ElizabeDßOW; Joy, Lmcester, Lemon Place, Parksbarg, Downingtown, stMattaltbiladelptits at 5 WAAL , eli EXPRESS TRAIN arrives at . 6 . 50 A. X., leati utr'&o6A.L M kt3pr atLlddtetoiran, Mt. Joy, Laminator, Lemon Plane, Parkeback Dowidng- Mph and &trivia at Philadelphia at 2.55' JOT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN via H. 'wad L. B. R., lumen at .M. 031 at all the War.illatitila, COW weds `Web the LANCASTER TRAIN which actives at Pi nefl i ttl i tvia "th r elitibablicieta , 'Amster ioia, arrive& It 12.80 PaCt *Ma P. r 5 t atopemt itittakitown, Enzabetown, Mt. .1 Lanfteter . Lemon naaa:PatitabarE, DoWnlngtown, a nd all regular Stations Mast Of Downingtown, and arrival at Philadelphia at BARRIRKTRO ACROMMODATION TRAIN via the Branch Boa ß s 'Batt 8t 8.60 P. If. , atepot at ail the way station and artiVee atillahalelphiw at 0.06 V. M. ' - :WESTWARD. - TifitEarn "Mass leaves phikideviaa at ILP. IL, an= at Marrieborg at 2.68 A. N. 001161111 at. 8.10 A. M. l arrives st Pittsburg at 12:66.P. - - man. TRAIN via Columbia, leaves Philadelphia at 'US A. arrives 'Weirs at 12,20 LIM., MallikaB 12.401: M., an ' Pittsburg at 12.00 miardirbC MT. JOY ACIXI DAMN TRAM( -leaves 1,,AN41.14 , TER it 10.82 A. M. arrives at 12.80 P. M. Fan LINT %Wed Philadelphian at 12 If., **lves at Harrisburg st &40 P. N., leaves at LSO P. ll y arrives at Pittsbos 14124 0 • EARRMURG AOUOMMODATION TRAIN leavespoi. delphiaAt 2,40 P. 14 anions at 8.10 P. M. _ A. L. BALIMFORT. Efif4 AVOW, 47.Muyitfamks Railroad. 18594: • • '1859. tiaith.oru Conti-Al RiilWay I OTII3O, CHANGE OF SOHEDOIi. ~ . • roi. AND ,AFTER sMONDAY, ,MAY .2, ILA 1889,-tne Passenger Trains on the Northern Central DaUWay wililersve and arrive at. Harrisburg as .Ibilows setts. _ • iiintito Grin rruelis impects: • ikons anyisburk Front Bade: Lea. Yo Boma urn 2.415 N. heave Baltizioie.3.oo P. m. AMTCAMIUtinpre7.ISt.N. I ArrizetuganielOg _ - • ironslitmigisvq. Ilatimore. Lowe thatiebare7ls-A. I.Leave ltalftore.. 0.00 P. u. ,rrlvalsllaltlm eLRl6an. Arrive Inßanlat4lo.4or.K. MVO jgAnrriadnrg • • irors.„Batimore. Thirrlob - urg 1. . x2or. . Llo l irft Baltimore. :7.30 A. IL JL mtffilgmore 8.20 P. Arrioodni(aarianvi.}.soaaa OnlYayain bats* for Simon on Sunday InU De • ICOATII: MAIL TRAINS , . ;:- ita74. . a ny iraiiasr. LaiteltarrObOrti2A6P.m. I LwreWiDiamsport t: - AreslAWllliasespl6.oor.x. I ArriveinHarriebll2. ti1712A102 AND NIAGI EXRPRIS. AVM zterrigari "rapt raduport, Lowe Narrhibure. .41) P. It. IheWililemaport 10 n .00?.x. A 4.2021Di0n5t0t,12.12 A.X. I AiTivOsi lot Outlier Information aiply at the Mice. ly order of • • , 411 B. IVANFORD; Gene r al supernmenaent. - ZORN W..DALL, Amt. arrobarg, Nay 2. 1869.—apladtt P HTLADE 1.41 3 111 A READING' RAIL ROAD a SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, • AprillB, 1859. Two) tiamon. TRAINS 'ISM* HARRISBURG DAILY, (Swidays excepted,) at. 8.00 A. M., and, la E. Pbiladelphto, arrirtog there ‘it 12.60 noon and RH a, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA" 'at 7.801. 37, and 0.80,F. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12 . 40 noon and ttidt'F. M. • FA M t'—ro Philadelphia, No. I 0047 1 , $8.25 ; No. a (In same train,) 1114 nue Raiding, sl^.oo AM 81.80. , At Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners villes•Tesbeque, °lamina, FOUR TRAMJS LRAVX MARINO FOR PHILADRI,- PELL MAILY, at 84. M., 10.18 A. M., 1,2.80 noon and B.OBP, M.. • LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING ` at 7.80 A. M., LOOP, and 4 . 45 P. M. Una pee ritffad4Oldal $1.78 SW $1.45. LEE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON NataS AT READING with up train for Ifpkeenarre, Pittetonesd &pintos, - For through ttekonsAnd ether hiliA‘seibillitti , J.J. CLUB, tipThoMf , Gm/Fa 94 DR. BRUNON'S CONCENTRATED REMEDIES. SOR- DELICATE DISEASES. N07:0 4 / 1 410 9REAT REVlV E R.—Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of Self Abuse, such as general debility, lest-Of memory, Wasting away of the organs,.. or any constitutional derangements AS impotency, and weakness of the sexual Organs brought on by the unrestrained dti z illonc. of the Paeeions. Price one dollar. coscamwan Ber;m.—win cure eight days, any ratte o 4 senor/t Ja withput taAlte or smell and requires no restriction of diet. Pride one dollar. No. /I. — COM:WM . " I IM YOWL—The we of this remedy will' curw'Olief la a short time, and 'I can show etwatiostee of core eafter all ethers have failed thitis Waco tasteless an g tlioat ambit. Price one &liar . $O4 41 .-CIPSJINTRATBCI PutnaTll.--4, Ale ,only remedy known Mat will positively cure sub:Mire's of the angle, namether, of how king atandiag or neglected the cone may be. Price one dollar.. No. b.—ANTDIEROUBLIL P1141,8,-All .perthnit'Who havpNilathiadr,e, ROA drug Zoleccuri9 (which romans in the system for years, causing so-'many 'chronic ills easetashotild'.use tbese,Pills, which will entirety counter set 1)110 dams and remove it from ths system Price - SI. :yßor 8 =ORIDINTAII PASTILI2—Is= a ossittio cure for male irregnlarttleas m eilPi'Slation, of Ms iti r rrtiatlen. . rice two dollars. ..thpATIED . the Wbftes, hatiog,ot the.wowt, nervonaneea, Manful-Men striuttiow. • Pricoone 'dollar. • - - 1 ,1 8-'4 ' rt. • 110 - 14DYSENTIERY, _Clitiiißi OR '0 .. v*l. .0 VOMiTINO, ACID LY OF T.UR STOlAreli, . l etc t t. , * excellent Carminative powerstaileesent taste and ~ influence, renders it a valuable remedy nib. e6N ' ' ' a mesa, peculiar 6) the Second Summer, Ito— , Intantum, etc. It has a reinvigorating mitt main -,* • ce on the system, 44 lull hilisulalkin wiXiit Aid SIAM. Stoma= and bovrels..4o4 on trier 6 ok mrspemiable to the well being of every fauilly.-- ER I N %aid as well adapted to Adults as Cbilirren. i . it. Prepared A. lam'on yoy • , , , , • ITANN Dirpcseng Obentisi t N. W Cor. 'Ninth di Poplar SM. Pniladelppa. ." ', ' Piticie 26 aims PER Don t& ‘' . St ~ . ' Boutty oK. Keller, Wm. ineMer. Malawi; It edwi t or L o ffers, Colorable •ipd by all 4lrSilglaM and sonarallyi w . wr264ty • N . . _ r.l.*Z\v AIN'S '3,A.LSAM, teetted for there s.,t,...te Maiden& to the flum. Business (Farb's. GEORGE W ZWCALLA, WATCH MAKER ANDJEWELLER tioMARKET STREET, • muunsin nia, ADNEik . omens nix AMili not*, . CONSTANTLY on hand,every variety of CLOCKS AND WAS - and a large-and elegant" assortment erJEWELRY and SILVER W AIM at reasona ble Woe& Repairing done promptly and. In the beat style. MOP. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, • TITUULD repeotfully inform his old 'T T , patron' andihe public - plurally, that he wit continue to give instruction& on the PIA NO. FORTE, Id& LODEON VIOLIN and also In tha science of TE101013611 assts. .he win setn,,gesinre waw awn m rs lit homes avim desired, aired, or 1011803* be even at hie residence, in Weinntstreet, three doorsheloW Fourth. decli•de J. W 0 - F F I OPERATIVE AND 'II 7 IOIIANICAL DENTIST nEFICE tied reiidence No: 19 South Seoond street, one door below relker's Hardware store, and opposM) , the PreebYterlan IMMO, manuftto lures teeth enraged.? Jairtletdir ease. All dis eases of the mouth eareta7 treated. Every operation warranted. Carps moderate. Odloe hours from 6to 12 A. L. andli t bin l 1,04!".")1.‘ - i0v25,684ty • GREAT ATTRACTION NEW ,TEDI.P.I;Er - OF— ART. OBERT K. BARR begs_ leave most re - wi l y spectrally to Inform the Ladles Mid (kattemen Harrisburg, end. Ittrangia= rig the Capital, that he' bail opened a NEW DAG GALLEEYIn BRANT'S CITY .RATA where Lalremeike in - every: Made will he taken at . prides to suit the these. Photographs 'on Enamellist 'Retaken entirellacri atyle of,,picturee. They tan be readily sent by mall without extra postage Cheap truthful and unffictiggibriatmas presents new - call at the Temple of Art. R .8, SBA deee.dif ' 'Proprleter. and.Artia. NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES THE SUBSCRIBERS having anebeeded to the WROLIMAT R AND RETAIL GROCERY RUE& NSW of Ideturs. GROSS k 'KUNKEL, , at WALNUT STREET WHARF, _would reapeouillly announce, to the (Miens of nairfeberg aid vicinity, that they aie,'pre pared to ollbr for sale a large and complete eesortment of Groceries, PTOVillio/18) Fish, • • 'Gram, Flour, • - Ropes, • -in great variety, itilintrware, Pnintis, Oils, • und, Nails, '''*•• Cement, Aike. Our LareiGPRING STOCK; Outdated In Philadelphia and New York, and now arrivingi. haa been selected with much care, end will Present great inducements to Mole - buyers. - • We (maid to kdeP FIREiT-CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD,. and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a`share or patronage. • ruar244ltt A. ROBINSON CO. 6TONEWARE:ENUFACTORf • HARRISBURG PENI4.A.. lell-known:Stoneware Manufaoto. lately conducted by. John Young SA Co.,lit passed - into the bands of the undersigned, who will c on. Wm to manufacture- a ibll amairt . tontor ST,Q,NEWARE . This Ware has lately been, very much improved injhe lisc i n a lkand glazing, andib warranted supertior in 'notarial yorrdpakk Many Ssieware masufured is the tate, and not Surpassed ' by any xnade ti t he - United Matra.. Porr,hasers Ouserelses brim thejudges. Much of our precepts not knowe to othermanuiacturers, which give us ft decided 'Our clays are all obtained in.,New, Jersey and ,vicinity age y.a. selected b carotid agent and chairdcallf:prettgeti; . (by one,or the Oldest Potteri in this country,' so as to form afibit body. The glaze is free from all.pohnmous matter, being compelled common gait and Clay . Thereto nothing in,tha glazing hat can , injure., any one, butter or anything else may be kept in it with a% seety, as there's no poison about it as there is in e common red earthenware.— Milk and butter keep much better Wilds material than it does in earthen. it does not absorb any part of what may be put All merchants wishing to keep on hand a superior article of Stoneware will send their orders LO Hartiaturgi. and we will. warrant It as 'Moja. 'AI orders Will be n promptly : oml and forwarded: for addl. "lomat information, or price -lists OCAS Ware &dare's. auglidtt WM. MOYER. NEW SPRING - GOODE AT LEArars CLOTHING FURNISITI 14G HALL 9 COB. THIRD AND MARKET STS. irmrs MOCK COATS f 1131511 . $ 5.00 to $15.00. OPIUM 013. " 3.00 "10.00. " ItLACSE DAL PANTS from 3.00 " TAO. " FANCY '" " SW) " 6.00. ,PLAIN. AND FANCY BILIE USA ' 2.00 " p.OO. 11212111 lAMTS AB LOW As ' 3.00 ittMla fina ' aefit a BOYS' CLUTfI G. W.M. 3. STEES, G-ARPENI'ER AND iTO,R - E;ER, comma W4LNtr2t.illplfliONTAßKlffEk JOBBING of all kindli - done at short notice, in good style, and on reasonable terms. ITOECN, mr. GLOVER, adEea•ol3.4staat WYETE'S BUILDING, MARKET. STREET, la - AS . 11 15 . 1: 3 10EIVED FROM , NEW AA. York. and n •„,ar large and varied tgleels ot sPRINgI MISS Thilt, "comprising new sett, beatititul styles of (liana PI 411111' and PANOY OASSIMOUN3, and Sallikaind ',hinnies MUNN, - which be sold at reasonable, prices, and made up to order in. the best ttola . • • • merle • IpBN F. FEEDER, CHERBY ALLEY, (betwedn Second and' . Third aweate,) Harrisburg, haVing returned froM the' city of Viitiadelpbtai , where be indented a Splendid stock of Goode, begs leave td unbrat the public that he id now prepared to manufacture laMia: • BLIAS AND PATtaBO.CH, .of the Wait style'And in tile most work manlike manner ; and also, to execute all kinds of re. Pairing at the "harlot notice. Ho therefore solicits a share of Public patronage. apriklent INT Elir-STATII4- Go-o-D -GIEQRVIE cUNKLE'S- • NIERROMANT TAILORING, CLOTHING . AND - FIURNISUINER .. - NO •66 AILLEERT STREET HAARlsliwitG, Pd. BE Subscriber retuhts .thanks for the 4, liberal patronage throughlhe Ascalon ',lust closing, and desires to call the attention WOG:lois, Members of the Legislature and Strangers, to his NEW ioEPEINO =LC of Goods, which will be made op to order`ln short st notice and in the bad manner. A full and oommplete assort ment of GENTS FUENISEING (loops, . Winchester & Co.'s Celebr e ted Abuts anctGollszs, Ste: ALSO,,an assortment of well made GLOWING of his own manufacture. axo. B. BSNRIEI4I.I.. WM. IL liClrldLi. BERRYHILL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. TIRE undersigned - having entered into co-partnership in the practice of law. will give of attention to all Main, as intrusted to their charge TOE C alnut street, between Second and Tbird arriaberg. \ JNO. 1 1..BERRYIELLL, H: EMIL& 1 1 I . ANILLA BEAN! N/1,44 SEAN! E ux: , .. .11 4 11 A. BEAN CHEAP . I) , OR I D' SUPERIOR! 'ioadl, examine "A:, advantage s. . 131 0 Wh ° l6l34l° get prices. ; • wirriaburg by Nextd 110. ` 91 Market Street, in 'Clk: I :WAN • . • Street. itidere-altdlWIL3 GUM • _ • • 'lntrOltE, iptunoptinutia Oak' ectit g rapt i , fitionban afternoon, ,31IR 'IS, WM. WHOLESALE. GROCERS, .1134 - sii*z•beillitZri Pa,.• Beg leave to nay to Merobanta and Hotel Beepers, that they haveleoently inerecaleit their faeililies for . getitpg GOODS FROM NEW YORK, plth.AlimpHa AND BALTIMODB, - w And would hereby call the attention of all purchasers to their . . . . LARGE STOCK - }=LE ADING ARTICLES! SELLING ,Kr• - crry PRIMES! Orders fOr the follosting goods will be. Cottiee, SugaCrOiolasses, ' Telm, Tobacco, PLO u ke„ Gaz,ATivi Ab p. TIMOTHY AND . CLOVER . IRON, NAILS; Bce., eco., &c. PROInSIOrq Sll'OBE .NO. 108 MAREII2 , 82SRENT, HARRIMIURa' THE SIII3BCRIBE.T3- having , now , corn_ plated bin: arrangements; for a constant supply of Vpur v llatat Louie Mita, Double Extra Flour, one of .the. now manufactured in the United .11td7.... ee. Like obio Star Brand, a very Snit artiole. O These brtuids ha very best white wheat in the try, end may be Perim. FAMILY FLE, AlSO;llOdetier , a Brim White inceat good article. Also,some of the best of OuptreneDeriphht County Breads, all of which will be sold as low as can be done, and warranted to be what they are represented. ISECIEWBIE: , Buckwheat hied, a very pure and , fthe ar: tide ; Corn Meal, altra,yti fresh, 11111 Feed, &0., Corn and Oats, by the bushel, or small measure. FROVEIONB.—Hains, Dried. Beef, a superior article, Tongues, Babnpetut, do. . - FRDITS.—Green : Apples , Lemons; he. Dried. ?Mtn,. •Dried Peaches , ' pared, a fine article levered; Dried Art. Wes, cherries, Elderberries,, Blackberries, Currants, Raise y% Figs, Prunes, dc.,.do. , NM—Shell-barks, Ground-nuts, Weimar, English POTATOES, Country Soap best quality. Lard, Deana, Hominy, bet quality Vinegar. Oak and Ehekoly Buahal and half Sahel, and' Market Baskets; Brooms, dio., AM As my terms are mob, with theadotto'oP"Small Profits and Quick Sales," I hope to give satishuitkni to all who may favor me with a calland,,pnrishase Die of business.. 4 -de; D..‘ , ICEPNES. , . . Ezienormarr. 8450 li m e a g n ei th t it f, 4l24 ex itle t e 36 4l l wn ad ;u7d county in the United Stated to engage; in a respoOtabte and easy business, by which the above prellts may be realized. Par farther Wheelers . address DR. J. HENRY WARNER, 'cdroeiof Broadway and Twelfth streets, New York:City, enclosing one Postage,Stamp. apr4.dawBrn --LoOK-40 -UDR INTRER,EBTB 1 ENCOIIIWIS .11.0,51 E INDUSTRY, BY HAVING ALL . YOUR • - '11.1410 4kTO'PANCY. - EINDIO3 DONE - at 'the STATE CAPITAL EINE BRY;I696 Market street, AT :40 PER CENT. L&SS than New York , or Philadelphia prioes, which will he by us ik 131 , 4, The bestof storkiod work- 11812131813 ATTRITTADN 1 ! LRY K b001t13 . , 'With or y mitbout:ptintpd 4ea4i4ge, paged, Made Worder,at fialdarifat: adroit, gitnisburg, Pa. ' Made to any sha or patterny and much more substiatiat than 'city wort:. A fair trial is solicited. Fall satisfaction guaranteed. Par ticular attention 'gbien to all itiads of Ootilitt work. Or. ders by mall promptly tilled._ AVING Bemired , the sole Agen cyo BOND'S 4 g.B.EVICN CRAQIERIV lutVelins re ceived freeh•involee of the following varieties, Which" can mill at city prices, wholesale or retail : OYSTER CRLOKORS; BOSTON DRAOSE.B2, TOAST BISCIIIT • WINE BISCUIT,' atiiirjszecorr, 4 SODA 'BIScUIT. WM. DOM JR., opposite the Court Hove: JOSEPH• OSSET. - JQHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BRO WN ,. HARRII3I3I - IRG IiCrAVING associated together in the practise of the law ' will attend rental:o', and promptly-to all professional business entrusted to Welk care. Mee in Third street three doors from Market. - N. B. Conandationrrag* andgienruin. , TNIT.ZOR: HEIRRING"I - 11i--Direot from itiatartml,m store and tbr sale by aOOK, JR. Ktottllc=no. FRY & _KUNKEL, orrosns Titik PINNIA AVIIICEW ritzy Azi Annitto Ireardztr. promialy : Soaps, Candles, ds,, , Cheese, Ilpices, Bacon, Hams, Oil, Tar, Fish, Bal4Centent, Plaster, Healtismtql, F!lbruaTy, 6ztf. - FLOU ° R= GIVOCERY W. il3. cross $; 4go. , 0 .4:fi-n• LII2 P CR Wiiorilyag p A K, 1 21 0 P Ric r1:n .'17,1 - - ti_ PI UR Ci kA p •,• " ' im D. W. GROSS & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR — UG - Q - IST - ge; No. NEARIKE!i STREET, HARRISBURG, I,IENIPA. DRUGGISTS, .PR7BICIIqt9, STOR E KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goedit all each articles as are desirable,' and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected_ stock of tRUGS, CIRMPALS & PAINT% oils; v.. 1. 1 61 4 44 oid ein", 1:04-StairsOialasi 'anti Arad Chaim and Took, Pews Ground !Pleat IkenM4; Flidd guild iiloxdkol. .Lard, Sperm madLPhae ."‘'htb suiittUguip plow Castile Jilitapi, flpongen •nd Clarks, dat 4 dap., With a general variety of-' - 2234141 . 11 Y , & 11 4 1 0. 4 4t i ffelThil; selectediron the hest manufaCtivere and Perfnmara of Eutape• and tbia county. INtthg d*;alers in kainta, Wtuts earl, Linseed MI, Vim&hes, Itindostr (Mai, Aitbdai Odors, /Will aid Artist's Bind* in ail their varieties, Colors and Bronzes of all kinds, We respectfully invite a call, feeling COI* dent thit we can supply - the' wants of all on toms to -. t,keir;fiatlifaltiOn. TEETH t TiETIE JONAS, Wilt 1; WCURD'PS rowasuurr Tszra. PATENT MEDICINES AND NAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kin - as, direct from the Proprietors. SAPONIFIER AND CONCENTRATED LYE. Wholesale Agents for Saponifier,whieh Belles low as it can be pirchasea in the Cities.' WIMPS FLAVORED 1- COD LIVER SOIL JELLY, containing 85 per cent. of, Oil, it has the advantage - over the oitoLbeing palatable and not nauseating to theistirdelicate stomach. Filyeinians•whC favor the pivgreas of the Sciencqgf Medicine, we invite your atten tion to • iilikniiAtviimt)lllXitßAcTs, helieiring atrial of them will eatablieh•their superiority, and - mute your preference for, and ocinfidence in them. FARMERS Al9lO GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE and CATTLE POWDERS atrial know not , their superiority, and „the advan tage they are in keeping Hotsek and Cattle healthy and ngood conditio Thousands can testify to the profit they have, derived from the use of our Cattle Powder_' by the increasing quantity and quality of •milk, besides improving the general health and appearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in givei 'adVantage Of a' thorough knowledge of the !rade, and our arrange raents in the oities-are such that we'can in a very short time furnish anything apper taining to our line of business, on the test of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage be. - stowed on our •house ; we hope by strict attentionto bnsiness, a careful selection of P U R.E. DRU 082 at faii: wipes, and the deaire to pleaae .0? 1 a c F ltil ” l 4iee 9f - thefikironsof a discciadnating public Mental. DR. JOHNSON, Baltimore Look Hosp . * u. discovered the most certain, speedy 11 and Cattail remedy in the world for MUSES OF IMPIO3DIENCZ 18a To Twirimi karma. No Mercwry or Noonan Drbips. on_ No Caage, w non On Ito ACou W TwO DATILIOII !Mobutu or tbe Back or limbs, Entrictmosi Panes in the Loins, Aillbotioas of the Kidneys sad Bladder, Neatness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confab:in of ideas paiptstion of tbeNectra, TWeldity, Tremblings, Dimness of Opt or Giddinees, Disease of the Stomach, AMON mi of the Head, Throat, Nose or Snlca—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Salary Habits of:Toalb— MP* dreadful anddastruntice praftm which nee orokolawional debility', render mania& Is Is, sad destroy both body and mind. YOU,NG Yomtgmbndefaxgallyirhohaveboooine the viethuirot solitary Vicsa,,that dratuitui and .destraclive Wait which . aannally a Wiwi* to airlintiniely manila:km& oryoung Wei Of *meat united talent hail inilltaniffeelteht, who wightotherwtse have entranced listening Sena= with the thunders ofeloqsanoo, - or waked toasting . , the libing lyte, may,oo with fall confidence. - ...; , Marlied persons, or thosqooritemplatlngiiiirriage,behip ewers' of phyaleal *cabbala, *Wald immediately eiximelt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect heal% - - • _ 'aeitediattely Oared motion ra(Mr.Bettond mmaa Be who places himself trader the me or Dr. J., • rellgloasty emillde in his honor as a geetleman, and man- Ileattialraea bia &physician. •• - sir ofnao 0. 7 South Frederick street, IlidthisoreAlld., on the mrt d aide going frolt Baltimore street, 7 doom front the eoradr.. Be particular in 'oblierving the *Mae mot. muaber, or you will mistake the place. Bojarticular o fir'Wuxi, TrOthittafiabki, ot CariVadeo r ittesusted by the nmutaikk of pr., Johnstaa, lurk near. Allletteta Data gaunt a postage iliamp f lo use Oa the rePlir DR: meat ow. • .ToMame member olthrßoyafaofere ergonomist- Londfkigraustefrom one a the mostendnent,Coliegesps the U. States, .staithe greater part , mbeed We hail been spent in theditespluda of-London, Pula. Philadelpbbritid elsewhat has egeotediento of themoefestenhdling cures that were ever kticeini.'loiitiedbled*ltle ringing in the ears. and. asisap, grass nervousness , being slimmed, at Madden_ amide, bashfulness, with frequent bloshhigjittinidad'atimetimosmitt derangement Af Pad were euredimMedielegy ' , - • •,• TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE • . Dr., ,Lintaresees ill these . who hamogAitleureall them salves ilia , write 'ant feritfter 'indu/genfte, that Imre and solitary habit which rultuilioth - -boay and mind, on iittingthem fir either business or society. These are some of the sad and melancholy vattaits pro. dneed -by early habits of youth. viat eatspes •01440 Rack arid limbs, Pains in the Head, MISIAOB6 Lose or 'Mscular Pelee?, Palstithin of the rielart" L ßArtqf. emNervous Irtitability, t of the iNgedtimi otions, General Dabiliti, Odes of tkinsemp don, An: „ %e telly, the Serfal otteces onthemind are , to be dreaded ¢- Memory , Coulludon2of Ideal, Septet. Mon e ofSpirila,AvilForeirodingu,Avertilmi to Siriekfin i ft., dietrust, Lave' of Solitude, Timidity, to., are some c Thecsandent persons of all Agee ten noerjudimwhat le e o thmit °Mali deettulnk health losing 'their Akin be. commtorealwe i nervans and emoiatedtbATlJllVW tamp about the twee, cough, ant symptoms et YOUNG NEN Who . nave tilpinsa thtenselvee by a cornea rireattoiV lli Andipitiin‘reeir.alone—a quently.leirned Vvil.companlona. or, Cl school, the abets of which are nightly felt, (*eh when ask**, and if not t eireiT,'iliders marritgeirepossibl wndthiGroys.:hoth ;mind ingl body should applylnlY.• Whit nifty thiti inking man, the hoPeotbli Monti% Underling ,of- his parents, should . . be snatched y promal l 'proinects and enJoymenti of life by the donamtenies 4 I deviating from -the path of nainre„,indingtvog In a certain secret habit. Ruch persons MUM, Draws coctem pl c evict that=d promote o m' wit tie nion-mink,„ rigootthese, thejourney through IlL 'a ocul f•ecomes a weary 'pilgrlidige ;The - `prospect hourly -darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Ailed with the melancholy reflection that , the happiness of another becomes blighted *lth oufoint. . DR. JOHNSTON'S. nivreournro REMEDY FOE "ORGANIC IVRABENZB3 Ity this great and important remedy, Wealmees of the Orpna ere speedily,onrod. and hill vigor restored.. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who M d'lost sill hope, have been 'lnntediatety rellefeel. All Impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Inequall cation Wervons TreMbling, Weakness or Eshanstion of the moat fearful kind, speedily cured. SFRANGERB The many thousandi cured at this Iffstitation within the lian-thitifrot years, and: the mirmirousthiptirtant rlutgfoa Operations perfirmak by, Dr. J. wit:named thy. ..the re. pdrthnrof the pipers` ' end litany other' person's, notloce of which b a veappeaked again,„ Again before thaptiblie, beiidet Ms *Boding at a pesAmwt of slam der and re spordwAity, mawathloient kwtrantee to adlicted , Dottl F-DIPRDDENDE.--When the misguided and Votaiy - pleiteltre finds` be 'hag imbibed the seeds of thiepothful disease, it Jo° o ft takhappene th at an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of dinevery deters hihi from applying to those who, from education and . re. epectability can alone befriend MIL, delaying till the oonatiutional symptonis of this terrid diesel. makti - their appearance, affecting the head, throat, homy elan, be., progressing on' With frightfil rapidity, till death pets a Period, to his dreadful sufferings;by sending Ideate "that. bourne from wbegne no traveller returns." It is a melan choiy feet that thousands fall Victims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the upthilfainess of ignorant PkidiMl l who, by the use of that deadlypoiton, .stenoury ruin the coanitutionand make the residue of life ioiserable. 1b gergegere Doctor% Diplomas hang in his office. an- Letters must ednfain a Stamp to us on the reply. /tar Beinedips sent by Mall. . Jar No. 7 South Frederick street, lialthiore io - -nutill.d&wl3/ - • - ' 4 PATE,MT. SEWING MACHINES Ilaye gained theponfidenee of all who use them; aid proved one of ihsi =meet valuable !motions of the age: " Thar use 'a Shuttle, making the - lAcit laitah on both Wee oftheolothalike, or polledout. _Le high* meclnutical shill, and all warranted to work well on ail kindiof geode from the Lightest Fabric to Ileavy . Leattier,ln paw , , we would call the attention of all to oor Family Sewing Machine. It has been " Man Mastered 'ealireltity Ibt Family Use, and, has met favor fteM all,, It is an simpli fied as to render it almost impossible to get Out of order, or derange its operations, indeed It so 'simple - as to astonish one,that so small a piece of meolnudgm will sew, Ilolow we givti a deteiripdon of different Styles of the Weed Patent. No. 1 , Is a very convenient style, which can be worked by hand °riot, on or off its own table. Air con venience of shipping, and also for large mannfaeteries, where it Is necessary to place ahumber or Machines into a long -hem*, making one table answer fer them Q. Price $9O No: a With Walnut or Mabotant Table, either with o without Box Top, which locks, down. Price $lOO and $llO. No. 3, Same size as No. 2, but runs with a belt, and at a much higher MAW Speed. Thisitind la well adapt ed to manufacturing Clothing or Leather work. This is really the cheapest Machine in the markit, as Owe is no .work,, done on a, dewin g Machine that it will not do. it is 'confidently asserted ` that. this Machine runs milder thanatiylneelniSPhint bruae. Price:Bloo4 No. 4. Tlais.Macl*ie s has a longtum, to accommodate arse work. It mina at a. higher rate of Booed, runs easily, and is, without', a •doubt, the best Machine for Tailorsruse, ever Offered to the public. It is also Pecu liarly Sited for plait/Wan work,la it is Nary simple ye sobstantlal and durable, with. bu t little liability to get out of iirdei. Price $l2O. • No. 5, This 113 a new and cheaper stile,andaterteral favorite for Family Light Leather, and a great variety of work. It bus been gotten up with reference to furnishing a strong and fiumble, yet hot and tasty Machine, at a kiss pr co than either of theabOto. 11,„ runs very easy rapidly, and AS .pronounoed -the- best • machNl-now in market, for 480. No. 6, This is a Machine; tat up on an-:entirely new principle, different from anything, ever liefore offered to the public, and we conildentlY amert. for family' use ittas not equal: It is %very light and tastyruns very raplilly, , is almost noiseless in its operation, and am A STRAIGHT.NEEDLE.' 'lt is Ott arranged as to be Utterly impoSpiblelor it to Mite eta:chap...„hap_a tension on both sides, and carries a large supply of dread on the under-spool The motions _ are-gaiyed two:timed minks that run wit hout perceptible noise. The two threads are Worked In such a manner as wirer - to both- pull UtO same time, rad consequently, little liable to break. The seam is very elastic, and the thread doe 4 not break in washing. It will do coarse werin..betterlhan any cheap machine now is market, as it uses silk, cotton, or . linen with canal facility. Price $6O. Descriptive Cireularsibruished gratis. WIVE 477 BROADWAY ' NEW, YORK. - WHITNEY Proprieli As4waIVANI,XD. my2o.d. E SSENCES of all' kinds' at LOWLIER'S, Fourth ar; DELAWARE MUTII EM MY INSURANCE B. L Corner of Vaisyland Waist INCORPORATED 1885. AffARINE INSURANCI on Vessels , cargosadlrreight toad pets of the World. INLAND INSIRANCSS 012 Okada lir Rivers, Quiab Laken and Land Cirriagee to all parts of the Union. ' tRN MURANO= on merebaninze Mmerally, and on Stamas nng bee Houses, fa. OP TECit MPANY, November hit, 1858, WWI TO. November 10 1858. The Boa of Masters have this day declare d • divi dend of BIX PDS OBfNT. inellesh, on therClapltal Reek and SEEM IMT. on the Orly of the Chenpany, pay. able on and after let the ntecchsa. . They Wave sdeo declared a &sip Dhidaud ofTWENTY SIVE' PPR OINT. oat the Original Stook, and oo the Damps Prostitute, far the year ending October Si, 1868, Oertilicatei for which will bit limed to the yanks en. titled to the same, on and after the Ann of December. sir Preamble soul Resolution adopted by Os Board. W the bewailed means of the Oompany arising from Pro and which trill be derived ftin the In creased Stock under the late amendments to the ActOflaoorporatlon, render the further continuance of the; uarantenCapital onneseMup, thereto, be 11— Plesoistd, Tile& the Giarantea qtpltal bs diaconUnuee, and the Notes representing the same bedelivered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Bads taken during the Period embraced in laid Notes shalthave determined. DIRBOTORti. wi L atem HERS= Nartth, ernes C. Hand,. Williankßyse4r. Joseph H. Beth, .Pauldft,- armee Teweent, Edmund L. Bonder, Dr. B. M. ilie.u, .11.1rierland, Jahn O. Das* lin& Craig, sr. O. Ludwig, Robert Burten, R. Wllvirin tos„ C. Hand, John R. Penmen, Maritsa - , alma R. Eyre, OrsergeG.Lelpert• amb P. Jena, Ed rd Darftgieri, Henry Elnan, .T.Login,Pitt'a O. Jones Brooke, amee Traqualr, D. T. *enemy J. F. Penbston, - . .B. Semple, • )JAB IN dent. UMW O. HANDowies Preiddent. HENRY LYLINHIN. Seerstary. The undersigned, as argent du the above Company, le =to make inanranans on all desidiptionr of pro the ~ most liberal tenni. JeraB:4lbrelt WYMAN .EUSELER., Harrisburg. Fa. MAL . . 171 - 1 41 1tCla• *M - 9:71V3:). NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount argo or amalL 2, nu FEE CENT. is paid for money Item the day it put hi. S.,,ArkssidwaY Is slwa,Sl paid back In GOLD, whenever It is Willed . ON, and Without notice M6n itredetved from ~ A ireesders, dastinistradars. Geardtattothers who desire to have it In a place of perfeet ouids here interest can be obtained for it, IE-The money recedved from depositors Is Invested in REAL ESTATF,. MORTGAGES, GhOUND REM, and such other Ant classitecuiitias as the Charter directs. B. Mee Hours—Every day from 9 till 6 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays_ WI 8 o'clock in the evening. This old and well established SAVING FUND has re calved more thiarlEN MILLIONS of dollars from nearly thirty thousand depositors. lION;BENRY L. i 311141.111114 President. 110)310(T 81121ritiMill, Vice President. . Ww. J. Imo, Secretary. DI R TDB'S . Hairy L. Winner, F.; Carroll .11mtaner, Sdward L. Jak B. Bum, Stibertletele garter, IN - • leranel ob ii lee. Sateina t tettgatlN Joffultlterkear., 0. Lan Menu, Henry Thilitserstar. OFFICE: Walnut street, 8. W. Mr. Third street, PHILADELPHIA. COXIIONWEALTH .INSIIRLICS • Company . = , tinlon laud's) Third SUN i garll " sl4 " . ..(c, CAP iTAL—S a - • - - .Baßoknag„%eilaio..eregainai Magee dane me of, Bine. Also, against the Arras o fat &a, faked NOttpiolhet maINTEREST PAID FOR MONEY. ma franaperi. _ DIBIWTORS. . . , le Simon Ormeren, eo. Bergner, W. X Mew s Geo. M. letuansa, Benjamin Parks. .8. Bow • Witham Doak, Wm. il. Uglier, .I. B. Iterrygn4 111 Mite A. B. Warn rd, inn. B. Packer, J. 13. Bold, oFFICRRII. ECM& CANIIMON, President. VICKI, NENE, Vide Preadeni. • B, B. BABBIBB, Secretary. r n .,,,L„ WU nANTHARIDAL N is P as a siStairsca reaterause venUalyetw lte9plpg lig it of ealidnric and re• eittiy, and yigor, *hare not destroyed, and lin and Javnigu2ce which We guarantee entire at the low Price oftweity third cheaper than end we Leal wenwed-tha trlaitaitar irblob Woe of bdme industry Iniiiuntotaind and ibt by W'EED'S A NEW ARRIVAL OF Mitts' 4itro rArrar Goons! JUST RETURNED =OM TEE crfir PURCHASED POE CASH Wzra. tin Bow zow.Cesit ea Low Plums I • Ain DisnitT OrYANOT GOODS Eti Tow Dituntaran ASBORTIGMT oF Torts'' , Asylum Willing to-maintain fair priees,, but nuwii ling.tobe undersold by any parties I WAWA assured that we are able to sell everj thinetzt our line as cheap and'atriorld as apt other establishment-in thwplace IC in J liars DRUG nom s 1 market street, Patent Air. .Tioskt *ass .Covers, F 0117111: stiankTe JAMS, Manufactuied by rittiV`ew atent Process. THEN -F, and Covers being composed df Glask,"priment. to the consideranin ot punduiters, tan followint advantages (maxi oilier Jam. Mgt —1 ay require no Content, and are tightened in • inomentity aniight turn of the cover,, M O l XOW•rrreseliting a quritice of gnus o n all stdea, nirlitathir hole Mali Wit thadonitattimity otintain, acquirqmopsoi gomonookilnut,uo Tama, whiatt ris ) m ottos and othara have made so serious ha obJeo ion to the use of all Jars with Metal Cdvers. Tkiltl).„They can . be opened by a Onto. turn of the Lid, and the contents taken oat in lesa than one ham the tints rettuirtall bybther Jars. - ,pealars. and families desiring to prnedrea yrutts, VegittabAs, nc.itrill find theullannem Jas,” so Lacuna. Wadd L ed natiMittrepOse .sellterMat everY.Pulionart that a single Arial will ' make tketa tut indispensable articYe, In eirm . Y twittalhold Direestkins for use *mom- For side by WM. Di. CB, Ja. itiole opposite the Conriliouse. CtiNGRIMBi WAWA 1 : 18 / CONE - WATER DRUG STORE, CONGIEVISMITZR at 140 - 9 / CONGRUB WAWA MARKET ST: .13R9ww_groti Kyrt.Tll BROWN STOUT DRUG actegrin BROWN STOUT at 30 • - r" - ••• Am* ""5 11 11PIt n0w .... 77 ... irer ,.....r.ven..the Zoel l er ot • . Leda VWO Story floUs AUX I --4nd other out-hattitho.-" ' / For partioul,"lre of • - O. 0: Zni o ntiaufAN, 2*Rt it2titaltoOffices IA - init..: for ~,--.IOOIITHEM WHEAT 7 i e yiebß FL he sale tha t. .1 2. L1te.4 at A nirtilik so. 108 sa** etraii- insuranu lUMPCIIttz, PHILADELPHIA iR REGENERA- Act aimed to thO public lb", as a certain pro- on is •••4 =0 AsXhniont,fre•- stating IS ;Ms cnighal the dtehVic or row roots le Wag to It, a Odious cannot be excelled. wudiwkd4 a ,We it Ape resit' par bad* brie. Woods or fm. ;,lairtk it cannot but command. a 0 1 141 40411thi eooh Ma hi 844*W/ftle aid retail O. A. SAVIT*AIT, Row, 11..rchiburg„ Pa HARTELL'S 23Eltit c0y26 , -thf Q 01 101 D INI i=l