%ratio ILlcolefjprigiljgbil. PUBLISEIED _EVERY DAY, [ssrinmpi Irteximenj BY GEORGE lIIIRONER & CO., 8riem,.. 7 13.0% The DAM' , TgacuirAntLi Orval W. untanaltnenelialtbe ',ouch of 6,q 0H ce11141141'.1180k4 TWIT 111111 1 6OMMIllil I hargeJWlC UO REFf airD ' earr•wirmt Terunnuira. 11 le sled pabilithed twice s iireek ie Leoiature, and weekly daring el l ; Tear, and thrzialled fa aultaeribere at the J, viz: • !obtainers per yea* - $ too 19.00 • MOO 14 • •1. 4 and School Swain voided with the A - 1411.5 0 to airtime" tar LAN OP an urderolle didonfOlinana• their news ] =.11114 Ro b y th mod shoo mow rues t .• • t ,fibers rehdle tolithrthetr Isairapa - mplchbb OW are PW, tad,' are flarthiniQed tie bOh and entered iDry .013pbq, &c. f 69 FI*ST OPENINU QF,i3PRING 1869 UMNEEDRY GOODS , AND loNH s am now ca tautly receivint And opening itse lute GOODS*Akar .841 e, IV an tl , Vonedeekrosoi oirer IspeOglarre TO rtraousains, isUBALSKEB BY AB Y °THU HOUSE. Plain Dress Silks, 454E00y ' 4 L 4 I C PAIRS Bilks of every style, 3 Etch Lustred Black Silks. MI Delano, Ducats, as O 1 4111011, Foulard', I Writ% )311111exite,' &a.; &O. 14 6 1 1,011Pli1ilg GOOds.' The only.fdil and complete !HOOK to be laid la tont. , jaw a ` ShAtNvls, ' OttirriStylti, ty - and Cidor,'esl4- from el 66 re $2O 'oo,i' Needle Work. Handsome Sets, ellen and Sleevee, Very Bleb Prenoh Work'Ogliere, • Embrordered &mimic Ildbinge, ' ol loifie nbottblifi *O ll B. . • awls au.acritArtillaajwa • • =ll 111 MEM Mil pions, 4, 4 : 4° F.o l f . ant.'iloeutoit Aika /10[!CARgs(0. ~„!fItNLIVAOTUBRIBVtaINEi JOBBERS, , lAN atiiinp , TO MAU AT -Mat 1 I F IAT , DEFY COMPETITION. LL and EXAM NE my STOCK afore P R CEASING elsewhere. ILLIAM A: OAT,HCART, No. 14 mißsicriWuAlisi NUT Dooa wean EARIUSAIIMG /WIC. tilt NEW IDIc AL E• ALT, FOli LAIL& AMATORY DZSNASKS ONLY. -- • Ir. ColiiiPlWeilq Nov Illedteal Nalt, .111 stead of ,bolig a, remedy for all lb, has but one aim, and accestollabas Mabee. • Wog to wit ilabauca hatatamfatwy lasealie, whatever be Ha rr, ionn or locality. ahtilt doe, by equallteig the .44 etri.uhilloll, thereby ran:writ' the solo woe or inflammation. . 1. 4 heuwaldstay IVeuratigla, Headache J 1 1' a, Cokla r ravore, Intlamozed Throat, LUnds ' and Liver, Yeruale hisesees,Er i ysipades, abide, Aathola, I) YePelaiht. Venereal Gout, scrofula, Cooker owl all other urns or /a: offal inaaatioa are easily subdued tqf the Sow,lietu wt. • hew Medias* Salt. Is no maze. alt but daft just +slug, li obliguklAsdis--nu wore, taws—aquanses 1114 curenhatou by ratnovhig e aystank all arterial soul Yowls obstruo. tlttto ifiraes hove tried the virtues to New Salt, though but cuve.sd. Wh Medicalam the teaUalaubth and cerl latuly Olcatue uf cura A L vs • • • ems mod aohistOwl, I 11 but& from h. An ieNualutaiiee of Our* wile cured of, a severe case of Neuralgia is has thau a week..-Neroosf . Adoereiser Ytale, the you shule ;sr raw data alai realm' my wallet *(a, rush or hued. vinuNsao., uukio,y4uut Na Winn pay 4 1 .LotAvinint. The itent Plinit4oo eld• thit iron ( eliminor, no not a vozitlgo or Itnoumatintll le. H DUNVAN, New York Itittwor , - N. , Man.. 1' tirai4y In ten 'l4* the win T. W. I.ll2lllltiNet, W Visa& p.. tu • tried it:-]t h complete COMM utet Went villiev — Jacksonville (Va.) Areksiks. 4 yams, • w Oddll lived by EMI t such a ay's toll, ouly thing wor EDI Javelin, - I 4- t, • L MEM 1 'V A , ; s, GM now trying 1 amiellt. ' Di Ihrwubals buy Itliathis I VOL. indlicat AYES SAMILILIPARILLAL A. compsilind remedy; in which we hskire labored to pisidtme the matt effbetind alterititte that can be mada.,lt is a concentrated extract of Parwidarsa =l:so combined with other substances of still greater 1 se poler as to afford an effective autidoto for the diseasee HerssParilla 14 reputed to care. It Is believed that such a remedy is wasted by MOSS who suffer from Stroamis eoMplatottoild that one which will accomplish their core must prove of immense service to this class of oar 'Mimed tallow chases. How completely this com pound will do it has been4tErven by experiment on many of the worst cases tuba found of the following Mom ;moots &ROMA AND &MOM Dee COMPLALITII, BROVTIONO AND lieurrirs Inamese, Biome, •PUITLIN, Iluirenne, .. Tenon, Smalihrox, , HUD, SYPHILIS AND &NIL= AMMO ININt.N..7I, .11w..4* g l e Do •Dfairerillowl aim Dris - Rai eirmas, OR fit Alessosv's Fuss and Mak lits *balk emmaimass ive lpeg Dtin umworr sr THlBmion. o ~ ThR Calpiito be flip s nd a great promfter health, *Miff fir tikepring, to expel the Mai be wore which Mier In the blood at that season of the year. By the tinnily expulsion of them - many rankling disorders ere , . 14 ,. Ay bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of '' this -1, .i . spare themaelvai from the endurance or, fon ... , , • • .... . and tilcerolls sorts, through which the Wive to rid i*elt . of oortuAlone, if not as ted&to Mils threalr tbe natural &maids of the Dllam• alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated er you Mini" inwim il len building through e -pthiples, ealioitkros Or bees ; cleanse it when iit It br *harmed andslogglah la thervelos; cleanse It whawor it is lbui,• and your feelings wilt tell you when., Moen where no particular Obtorder is AA people enjoy better heal arth t ilia longer, for clemsdng the bloodVineft Wel Mt n andnit le welli hot - witIrMIM liabuluell l `disordtired; ' there dan hem atald A , h 3 tw..,=.ll,r4nruzmizg:rwrvis: _ thr 3 perm has, and deserves much, the reputation etlifahhillif then ends. But the word has been egr y, deceived by _ preparations of It, partly be• dr* itimit has Dolan Das viiitio that leciVreliat, ii, bat more because many preparationa, pretending Ebelpecntrated Mime; of It, contain lob little of the virtuanf eareapartila. or any thing else. Duri:g late yeari the paillifelieve.bema raided by large I=tri e lwellieelht to give a quark of Swirled of 414116. Pas One dollar. Most of these have been trends upon slap Dar they net only Modabi little, ft any, harsagiullik_but Often n 0 curative propertiskwhedever 11=0,1%W and palatial disappoinlaxiefat Wm followed the one of the various extracts otSariiparilla which flood We nista ek itself, Is ~Ilastty despised, mad, g th a y6d - titth impoelhod alid cheat. Stilt Gail . tartaparilla, add bitend•tostipaly (14601,1111 *AU romp, the•oefue fret! the tAd elf bloqurthit *ON dlamilt• 4,hd we think we have similes for believing Midis TUNA* whietwusi irresistible by the or ~.• or the diseassadhla• Wan_ dad. No- CUM: hed. er....ifessraMeatiest DentlllellYaft4i=e. • 1t1;, ,, 0 , .'.1gi• Y,lc ' - ri.i: - 4A.."1f0.5101F .4 - 0 , 1 kietfikrt - SiliAtMeil Atri -1-=• (711. rry k 2• •or.O. 'no - pc .• . • Crrklp;er. , .. FueL P it. 4,14 c, ay' • q,•( • , 111 • ' •. : 4.1 At. tt4 101 ur to , G::.:' ; At. ~. a 1`..e.. 7.~,.. ~.. ~:mow.. , )11. , ). ' " , , r)`• - • .4)) • tae r •Ar ! i,tho uterrks..- , 4 , 4,1 r .)p•ilk• A,1434. 1 4 '41'411.1x64 v,.. tvc , A:"Ar "fr Tywyntan:Pshyalliliw 'rt., r WI4IO *Axel ; 'oil ry.34 , -- , • '•1.• ran nqt. •;)41. li.ser um, 411: i 4 21 , 147', .44 7 'bac. . . complaints, and the treatment that slf&ld be followed tor thdkr .. , . . Do not be Vitt off by unprincipled dealers with other Prapuottors MI make more milt, on. Peumnd Arse% and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is foi them, and they should have It. A/I our Amodio@ are fOr tale by 9. bellAtriTAlrr, Har risburg H. 0. Warncstr, Halifax.; Dr. litmus, Millers. bdrs, and by all , ant by the principal-Merchants n the country- rasarso. TAcitua I FD3.13,1214* TALCIELE ! 178811ffif IT*OItLE I CANES! OAN 811 04k4114,0:11.1 CANES! CANS,JUI OANSWITI. 4 ii4531.04,0-41pft0A4B5111 , , AT: AT • AT . AT. * AT , A.T KELLER'S! BELT ERSi I KELLER'S 1 I I. KELLER! KELLER'S 1 1 KELLER'S I 1 ! TAUR i p lotrAr.l.laWRIP/CELLER'S 1 1 ! ' 91 91 - ' • 1, 11 - . • • 191 al - Itadattlit;' Nadi* Bt. moorCONNTAITIONEEY. Atixr tut Ap o . . - waigg mops, cHOCOLOM tidit :=Dil(sl4, son "imi sow; a 40; follOhottlayera : W, 11Naker stRA L11, mum " , . . . .. , BASPBERRY, . , . 1 ORANA Li, • : V ALX 4 metal vaill(t~tiwilosediee Ott . SANKT/AIMS Deurillore.- - OOM& ... ..` • 1 DAMPOWIIVAI.N R _I ily gyag,,Lever—com- NM 4 " t hi ni ' ll l - si gatk,fr 10 0 0 ' 0R216 & P2l eery—nunierously illustrated.' gum 81 2k' THE CHESS PLAYER'S INSTRUCTOR; of Guide to lioginnens, by Mules H. IStanley:---. Price 88ots. s .. ANECDOTES OF LOVE, by Lola Itontez.— Prime Si 00. TRIITILLAR OF VIRE, hrigtnel in: Rot - Wage, by:Rev. J. IL Ingraham : author, of the "Prince of the House of Davie TRia OFOOP R. BIC •-•"•'*-&-r ,-ftg , 811 . 4 * ing P. 8. al Wishiwto 4- - ifcti by numerousi t vings. Price: ' 'IL 'r. - -- Fur molest ..... , *WEER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. - - 61 Market WAIL ST' of. Black teal, "INDSPEND-ENT IN ALL THINGS ---.NEITTRAL, LIAARISBITEG; PA., MONDAY Air= iNIEKILA. 0-41 . i.tcPW ,-; ,V.Parasols. itUmbrellis; 6i. MARKET SQtl449, 6 HARRISBURG tier reapsdfnily informs the InCiblethat he has establtabed atac yor LAS. PARASOLS, WALKING OZINErAND AIDING WHIPS, at the above addrpm. After many yen' experience in th e boldness as a practical man he can witjt coitlldeoce state that _ order* tor any of the above i t i ,t i tto t h ed aittlir giv in e tr a t r i Sot t ront a lrpa l =. Iv4 " ugh - 4404/148411Paffild & slimy' on ("is well as what he produces himself.) Philadelphia, New York,..legibkingwit Gennvi Goode. M. H. LEE, Proprietor. !ir.w.alar and prompt Petition given to there. 4, • tooLiooverfog of Umbrel las sod Parasols. r'4A s t l T V VEY ! I 1 %),3, MINCE FEIZM 3 f'! =MI (1..41 iNa T. , I:4i, F"lht 2,;. 1 0174331111 ) - is '&+ laSs F ounder, 108 Market. invert. Mueriabung. P. . . . . .. BRASS Caltintery: descr i ption made to order. mantel:Notated Lead and n Pipes lit 'all' siseartAldy ' or every deroirlittiggi 4 1 41, made and replies& ~ Not and Odd. ater Tilkt, iirwitir Baths, Water:Closets, Cistern Paw , Lead Mos age Lead work of every description; 0 t the short.* ro deo; sheeniest reasonable terms. tory and Engine Work In general. All orders th received nnd prinotriallymtlended to. ' The highest each, price given Ibe.oldUopper, Thaw, Lead and Speller: . . EST 4.13L•1S H. AX.E N T. rasubscriber respectfUlly ieforres the ises of liiarriat?ung and vicinity that ht has out:untamed the (Mal MAKING BITSII 4 Ik*V 3 n ail ha Wenches, at ble shop in Wm.= scum, shak num— gaming secured the services of the twit ris'banks In each of , the depututentli, and giving his men personal attention to ail work done et its shop, be fasts safe In may that b wOtk " will,comParefavoriily with that of pay or the large Utiles: ?nr.lar attention pad to the manufacturing of Wheels. „ttiIYAIRING neatly and =b anal/0V done, and at thethrio 'promised. , JOSEPH SAYFOItD. CARLISLE .WHITUSIILNUR SPRINGS, .. VIPMBROJAptt - CO., PA. . ' B"tfaviiriie aiddathibikable Watering rMeeplace,pleasantiflocated , dear the base of the Blue an. 4 11 " tour milohlismitArthde, Pa., will be op . anAr riillOratift the 20th of Mine. Ile warn of these wings are bißbbringetegutaliiil ad* minerals, and for drinking and bathing are lint by any Sulphur Springs In the country. -Tbe. buildings. are well :ventilated and are surrounded by Mt teermt balconies. The scenery Lt of the grandest kliddy..and the atwommodations for the rwireadomblialth and maid of visitors are onexerptl en able. Good farts pleaaant drivee, line mute, lbgliarde, bowitogiudoon and other gimes, and all the amusements mually Lend at Watering places can be enjoyed her..— . MANI leffingnillittiiiphta or Baltimore fa the morning Win 'arrive at the SPrhets IA I o'clock, P. Ti• /NW mail. For further information address -, ' . OWEN, MINDENIN k CO., Ciatbas Springs, P . a. ItsimMom.4.6lolm O. De.00ma....ft., Wm. K. Ell 0 KWI; Ttlik e Mich a Parr4 l .4 EsWiTilaildelpliln Alex. K land, a - Hollins, Baltimore ; Janob Gideon, lau Richard ' Eq., Wiabinglenir, A C • mix•agm L . , ' gue essofttnent of ItgßSGEff.-- A full sue* of the emige st vent kW: mew. • 'C.A. 01111114.6; U ifurketequare. C. 0. ZEMMERMELN, 'PAX COLLECTOR.. EXCHANGB OFFICE; - gs troiliktli-Secdiid Street, 18 HARRISBII_RI, PA. • - 'dr A STRONOirran'CLOCK. TENVELLERS:Rabroad Btdierintendents til iiad ate public are invited to call ant see Z. Howaun & SirJUOMICia and other Cluckset the . a p y EAGLE WOREN. ANOTHER. LOT 01' BAGLEY* GELEBATBD GO ,cN?Eike, in Gold and Raver Canes, just received, wiling all the different thee end prices. it Ili r All fogs sold are warranted_ , which is -' f.. 1 guarantee that 20111 r Asa 000 D. 01114 71314 tr - „ 1. MAGNUM UMW 110... P tlifeLG - - c , , ORAN eE : - '' I , '' ' . • -4'..----- mat re- BOILS RI P ' V . - , ;.11•1:alvi --7 ' bA, kart sad for ••• v" DOCK Ja. ' .. . --, C DESK *K alr sale .4,41M0RS _ Mistilictnions. <- • TED MYSELF IN ,rth street, near Market, the clt;zens (4 Harris aish HORSES, single or 'JGGLItS; EACCI3, &Gym •••• 3in Demos. . te, &e., with ibis rates. unladen, and Horses kept ztr AUT. W. BARR. COACEC raasnipti, A VERY CELEXygrixer op, • rnMURID MAYNE, ,01142.1. NM LAWNS, • LAWN -ROBE soLEIE1. 11 , 1 : ; : eL JAcCEN. . , .0 Zninitg TO TEE LODE OP HARRIMIIe. tEttriiiitOlialfßAlClEN 00., oho of 01; 'i , ISTASImMID Ali 0/710111 AT THS • - Market Square and Marker Street, 1 e ra Tna Room arrento BY . 4 ': : 'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, r l r LTD particularly call the attention ~,o f the Ladles add citizens generallllllo their Mt ' "ALLED - 11611 , 7N0 AfaIMTSRS, varying in price . ' 1411 0 1$ 11 *- , REASONS WHY THE ''llkovrat & BAKER MACHINE iftertilitiMALLY PrObitinsti TO ALL OTHERS`: 11 le more simple and easier kept in order than any machine, baying never to be taken apart to oil or 011 , W. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel even thirl6 l4' n ' t Sawa f c r i el t e lt 2 le apt spools, thus avoiding all *noble of winding the ° ;read, while by a mere change of sweets toe 011161110 may be adapted to all kinds of work. diltk , The same machine runs silk. linen thread, and comma* spool oaten with equal facility. ME The seam Is 4 Wic as the Most elastic iabrits, M M' iN,therefore, free from all liability to break In wash ingCZ: otherwise. au - Mach is more beantiftil than any made by ady nine, or by hand... IT fiROVER if. BAUM STE= is patented and oyded by the Companntaid is fez SePertor to the "Last ..I=' , or the worthless n(laus Brims." lbr 111 thin fah rsw, add resembles the:back stitch mide with the coin: lams needle. The GROVER k BAKU MACH= will do thliakreting cheaper and Witt. Pr a'family than a seem *• even though she were to work for ONE CENT AN'IIVIIIt. hls superior'to any and every other mi. Atka for FAMILY SSWING. Ooer 25,000 have already. himoily, and are recommended by the most competent 1n.11015 - -,by 01 Prase, by the Clergy. and Worth es'ffe al lea Madam for all kind's of Work. ' tie aos haettaki to warrant our Machines in 'very E.ba A ladv always in attendance. Only and see n% purchasing any other; Smith's Photograph .. ~ , pia* _ _ ~.„. "'`' ll lrulitilitill." - - calved* the appearance the on ,_ , r it Is in appearance only. , • ' ... Ladies are respeonWlY invited tocall and receive a cir cular and specimen ofirewillgjilsoa..cepr of The Grover ik Baker company's book entitled “It ;farm and Rhymes air the LittaYalks:o MannicisonMirkoraquiore, iisoond' door fkom Market, flodth's rhotoirniirM Giallerl inTri tt. a - !gent forContral Pennsylvania.. mylo43y PErmainvAims. .1:00TOT, WHEELER It WlLSOtiki, FAMILY SEWING tifMt- NE MEAT BADOCTI.O4 IN PRIM Wand after October lstinst., tho RE'l AIL TRICI8:0T our SIOW.OIG lIACHINgS will be as fellows : ~ NM STYLI MACHINE $6O 'NM on Plain Table - ........ ...... STS 00 Ralf Case Pauel 80 00 " Half Case, Mahogany or Black Walnut.. 86 00 " roll case ~ .....•,. .i. St 100.00 14 , Case, iilk;11.WC;1;d:. . 1.15 00 MA 70 75 00 ''WE lii - AcWii ••• • oo ThMLTSRB, (extra)..............6 00 e tanantmemetvor othlabasaltruiledtiluodoo Of WIECILEI 1120101ent evidence of Its excellence. Ma needless now tasty, that this usefulinatra ie becoming a domestic inatitutlort the Met V reoo6nee4 _ by fie snotemflal use In Mon; wets of yarnMeis in every rank In 11th. le Mem wit(' haoo hitherto refrained from availing thittlfthell :ales atrantageklt may net he amen to my, thatlte htiUtpis not a problem to belebred,bot a wom oi realis TIM highest teettment conataildi ldready = ed. e. 134/ the verdictiehich has Clean this no an enelabAeputittao, +: ffe: M seneeived on a .t;mXsti, Gang apelinairacroamiratoapit r t il o a • rti , t n n t e - Meet. perfect work on every kind of Material ; ' lB4 big heen onfdanied4o ethreo4oariktega or the searching character by _.llipi k Oso, as in Tarim br of ibinurootaroodth dillogillitted mimeo, it it thi% ht all the .arem xviedaiteep • e •41 Sowing " fk cannot . LOOK eine rv--rrinnetenr-, 4fratthe inffitabliffialagett it pet. ... maY beenmed the •toW : . lin stmplicdty ter oonstruotkm, end cam dent from derangement and need erretwirs. 2. its unexampled rapidity and sans of raper. IL Its noiseless movement.. ~ 4. The great_rarietyfALPertitheis to w hich Ito. plied, which can ,be... &thieved by no other met means. And, 5. The pro-eminent EMMY and nottatuurr or . Full' Instruction for operating t ImMachluir XII purchasers gratuitously at led sales roc ' /Whet ffiachhiels sent some distance. so tbat al lards lion is theturrealeoL, a card of dine . •Is sent, *hi ; are a sualcient guide. The , hOtrever, far • ; simple, ; and the arrangement ilk y, that Ito ffirdoull& k e need occur. Many ladles ha v e Machine sffite wi toX red, deucea after having V galf hour% ine . Any future difficulties are 'I, I2MTIa." teds_wiL---- - practice alone, makwyeatit Area ot ° trIADIS thing else. Donior in he use S readily hamar. Mr./LE/VS rtment of 1 Oar Office is.r.e. ket street% ether oiled and Plain 61 Market street. corner or mo„,orailo_ Li- ......, at ca p be eee , ,4l prePerblt IMIAO,EIIIOhine Bdoldniong „ Mu )4:4 and at th e dame time show - lho ;14ther infintAtion applytto . ~k , „,, • W. o. 1. - THE. SOW AtrarrAsburn, Watch 22,1869.-dawn heels In town, :ik k aux Y for attle.at , ?'Four ... P BOOKSTOR BOOKSTORE, r % ~ 61 Market streel 1 Aftectr(znent..of - lAthipqtniaserwlit el p and aVV3 4 4InB I 2 . L . 11C , t . .., a. 1859. SLR JP OF 13L4c) QIIPERIOR COrketrNS ah 1.3 LaTrlzays, Pow !!LIN For 12M .~ i f ~.€ .. • - i .. • . . Ea - 14 .1- 4 w ' , . CENTRAL #"`~~ WEIS =I 1 ..1,.1t, - !.: 7 ;' : , 1:.; .1 7 , - I.i 'f. tO 1, , .11,1' Ar. • )'' , 7 ‘,,S EMI • L ; . . 8 F itym tow alr t 4 '111.016 1 4 $ • . , • • a m p, ox marrow or %sewn ii.bmarop eiluiPPNI of Psuleinfigiovr rnd HavelAmtVil. New own. ilartamadum. Galatia - B*li Maas l'oniantia Harrel Roman= or Beef Marrow. Glytairkie . or - anaphor Soi6-411111Milif lb* 1316oripad: ,Etand alpitand Onirdb*Panzi, Smdbwer honey, - , Vs4llo-- panni, llonatar, B onin ; Sind, lala a 4.," aP4l4dabtql. oda* finegoapa. . - t - Irrangtplund TAA 7llater, 'Masa% Van landtadelbr tharnatn, • , fiats Metairran Balls. ' • Biddn't Edge Lip 8110. A.X4Cambe D'or.4aven&n , Water •id.) AIA Coate Wor—Tollei, POwder Chnpru y tamtßiftwn.wtter„frottfri,) Pearl and - JOS mai and Hatband Lana. Toned oil( Pogkit, Dravnagiuld Tacit coaaink. . A variety of Gaits Wallets and tidies *lie Pa* liftman . . Many new grow of Snail Pins. A AttiOltof MaktßtosheltinkarjwaSk IthvarbAy r itYlo, quality mid price. . tocketifikves, Havana Crowe 'anti& =Melee ma* Nand in a firskilasa Driig and Fanny Store. HaM andel:amine, younaikkafatt to-be Wowing . MILLER'SOI Market Street. GEoßiiiii A. BEtoOlcs BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOK BINDER wo. 64 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. EMLEE 1100813 !.BLANK MPH r very flattering enctouragement which i li t l e!have received dnift the peat year hen 'war ae ranted ns,>b enlarging our establishment, and we are , now prepared within:a/4r Wanks then ever—htelltier I,e which cam be summed lathe ci ty.-to - manniketore..to • ten °Aerial thids of 8iani830 1 7 6 ‘,...„„.t 4 Ar .• • -war Cyan°, whit Nampo, itn"irror"' 1 and about to set r conimander kindl7 nomil r i LY schooner und a ft w) as standing on' estesuatHe , u se ' three ' idles deathbed in 1.1 Ina manner wbkh cannot lie nreelkid. Illret•ebtea wort Anenpaper pet In i flanklitiete,and horded a V when desired properly add idataly • • • • ; Blanchard Won enabled to „neap* with 2, nnungioterers, . lir COVNI"ItYTRADE wilt beisupplied aunty pricer. L7' r• vv, • iu Orders . respectaillyaolicheL Cetera by nail address to age, &PM% ' GEO: A. BROOKS, , lip ee Market atns/4. HHii• / EiNt ,AiD 1 RE AD I could nof HE following Daily rapers can atwayi . 31 " 4 " Ti corium be had at Roprzempig Cheap Hook Store, by the singlecopy, or,when personb-41111. *we will serniony or all of thefla Weir ,reeld,peou and send by not al mall, or ftware by ralhaid im the VOWS th an small towaiin ale Two of Bahia . btUis ly fr The Led i feri - e , ger Torney'eTroes * --- Evening Bulletin* NAY Tlge/PP_ho Balti2llol9 Mint - 43 mn, Nei! York Beridd, - Tribune, : 'rune& Harrisburg, 4800 41Ael patent 401 inttkle 1x4.4 PROF.-GrAILDNEIVS ,4,594 z . worßL.BUVagx A . toltT it VG.S IO -4 • lo'BW and beautiful,.: atYles Betas wire P!ilimatiassa e.n ue lorg ov : i. aaaoitatient Ofllo4krek and 'Oardln A.Sea* siti- a iStrtrii ridot i'A.AP"UIVI d.'411 , 1. - CoAT i' - - OR, SKIN NIGAIMPIKIL =I gaRADICATES TAN AND. nizoKum. softens and wnitens.tho silo out Imparts to It a de. ul fragrance. Lams using toilet Pcittlites will flue tkis article tar superior andwuder,in na. Wion than Lily Willie. 'For sale by - CL A. Pear .. tegfil 5E: 6 4ET0N. 13 4. 1 3101 3 . . .1. ritHE finest assortment of . differeat nipl ..1_ Offered. MINN OP MAT 811,1 $ 'IAM' llaNalft lOW. MIT. I.': OZER Or IOW) MEL u " . ' *Anna Ank *Wee. everr. to?' mat,. r Mil V.. =I MEI MEC if, IMM=3II ol • ;-,r, ma . --~~ ME WO 4. • ' Nil RINTIN6 'OB an 4 , than cal be done ak NE, „v„„Ly. OF ADVIIIIMNO a constitute one.halfequare. 11$111 r constitute a Mate. - ,k. ith II a ‘ glitak .. p .... • • • •• • • •• • • * a a t •_ • tv be. - s. ' 5 arik t i . Jo 2 Go - Tt...:-.:..„. .. .... . .. . ... I 0 • . iii: ••.• " up_ sawmill biL tb. , -4 , • 401111Ing 0,, ''',l 4'• , . . ~. . 4 tit*, tArafiktell .• - ' • . 8 Sia"uing; : .1, >,;•'• =IEM I= i n. dO, WI Tell 1 ' i " `Blesseklms be absent, lett lA' establishment, wl • fine opportnult, 4 ' I. but little trouble the name of the , cheeks he snow in math, - and. lei ' schooserlientag ell went owswim who no doubt w • kin the 81100988 of . . herzlement. Me turned to t he tilt; robbed '"of a larg could not_exactlj •cc ) ing missing, snsp..s.up ...." ..,44;-,, -.,,-- 1 ted on him. V --1. - _.: After making • inquiries, _Blaney foudd that he (Blanchard) had left on -the abote named sohboner for Ravenna some days previous, and determined to follow ; 'Si; aooompanied'by another gentiemin of our city, took - passage on astounds; for Ifavans ' and having, arrived there, found ' that .;be had outsaded the schooner, as she had not yet reached that point. Proaeding at once to the Oaptain General, be obtain . his permte - sion to stop the vessel,. 41 .. she should tot be under the guns of ? Moro. The law in such cases, w , is, that the vessel Ennj I -nes fror ...my Men visited the U. B. sloops! i-war Cyane, which was in the 'Barber, and about to set Sall for Pensaisala. The conimander kindly offered to intereePt•tikis • schooner a few hours after the Vol* was standing out for sea. When some tro or three miles from land, the vessel 4fie deschbed in Aid distance and alicirtly afar borded by a boat from the ship. . . Blanchard was discovered on deck, sad. Mr. W., Mr. Blessey's compagnon de , age, sOqdfectually frightened.'' gave up all the money i- - s4bo6. His wife, who . could Mt' be induced Messrs.,-8.. and W. the' , commander of the Cyan and search her, but he r sot allow him to touch .) than threalewes from ly further pprauit was _ gentlemen returned to Four years since tl , 2. Above have rk Bed. Mr. Blettapy i tt nearly stol - gotten ad" etratuaatan' - robbery,' and had never heal 4 again - cif Blanchard," when a few days sinew he *- caved a note from& person who sighed himself B*** l ? 4 ,and requesting him to 4s , at thb Bt. Charles at' a cart • - "` - ' , Wa*ri he could W0;10101'6 on 4 lowing ~da would do. He a - • . • that he't ) hid wron - - • wished to make amends. , Mr. Meow was ,at the hc , -,,- time, ga no one appeared ; lip-Lrof c.c4 hOweVer,"that the writer was , ' ;,.. 4 .,,, '', and -that wherr thetmoment ant . , ~. --- .. the confession, his cot:crap. ~‘„ 4 • him. -., .., Yesterday morning lg .Jr ay. huo.w*Blellohlo When in . E. Blessey,, went into Mi. B , t house on business ; `and each ' book.keepev, an ;Blanchard - Mr, 8.. of he fact, who i edelait(Blanchtird'fil - Mk Barkei stA a letter 0f,‘,..... Barker • iiii„t =II the' ~at bomb _ • brilliant tata of apaoa. ‘ in-, - . Again. the Aa ron us; hung for short coo balloon and , the eafth,,, 4teappeared, as if its part o ' ...uomposed and floated "away.' ma c=allwas g inxernat round, and a splendid panor - It beneath us, the yellow woods --Aches, an ►. I= ... NM ES bit more IMO ME ITO at 75 asti JAchilaic tmiftf*Pigie. dayo," 41. "Ottarii cf nmseM>Thei - i akar emu. 481'8- rap4l, G G ZE;IIV7Z TNTY, . t t e receptiop - iinftik . Liu bead ' ' — 2. tiL LesveliV4 see 8 miles ow 40 ,v In easy coaches, wisna . • . . Jr, $ 8 ;ly .4wotcati VI 28,par day. =.ylva ' 742 0144 Prarria. new ND SCROLL 5c.1141 2"ft** IS 44 , 3*.