'. . -. • . , i ".---------_:-.=---:=_- - . - K _ s - - - ~..-::- -- - - - -- -- - ------- -•— -t , ' - " 1. 14\: - ' * -, ..\_ \ 'c . %-•• :It _• ~ • ~ 4- , .. ,-.- -...•-. - - • '. 1 V.O-- - ;:',. ~• - •:-.• -::;-• ' 4. Illik,A ' - V - t t it --- , -.. z.--• 7 k l / 4... lk I, t - 1- , t• , 4 „... r_, ~,... _.. . - _ ~.,.. _. t . :„.... ,• : • , i , -X• •,.# I.= __-.. V v z -.' v,- , - . . ,-. ---.-., '-',-• , - 1-r.• _ ,'•,- N _ •• • • liJ t• = • • -1--.-- 4 - -•', ' 4' ' - - , ... 4 4- . .t.t. .. s . 't--,... , 4 ..,_ • • v-- c _ viv ill k. '' k 4.- - .`• - A 't - lIP ~- 4 4 -4... _.,-- ---- - _...-- .--- ~....., ~,..."-: .07:1-... ....:-.., ..: r. ,„, _ _ • „...,..-- : ....... - k ..,.:.. ts -,=-_-_. --. ,14,,, \ 1 11 a , ' e or ... , AP ,•-• -0. 51 ' : s -- _- - __---. - -;;_ - --- -_.-- t ‘.. \ '\ IR tit._ - - ~,..,- - ,i, - • _ - i • . _ , --__-_,-_---_l__ - =1- --;-....-=; _____---=------- 46 ' . ak - - - • • BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAM, PUBLIBEIED - Martlf.l:lN ,AND EVEN.DT, BY. GEORGE 11ERWNEB. ()Friar TEI7IID ST. NEAR' TYAL.ZieT. TER3tROF SUBSCRIPTION SEWLE SUBSCREPTION. • ' TS_Stlanz TMLEGRAPH is served to subscribers lahhe city - at, 8 cents • per week. Yearly subscribers will -be eliarged gb 00 in actrasce. Those ,per Sons who neglect to pay in advance Wilt be charged $BlXt. ••. , - . IVI6WiLY I'ELEGRAPFi Tr.a.GRAPIIIS alsirpublished weekly, and is ft:nisi:ion ,o subscribers at the following cash rates: ' • Single_copies, weekly 50. Three copies to one Past Office ...... . CM, fen copies to one Post Office 10 00' NO'FICE TO AiIITEFIT.I.SEILS:—AII sements;' Business 1 1 4 k t -ices, lifirilates,, Deaths, Src—.;.. 4 5 0 secure ,Inker,t44:A*;tAke . riIELEGRAPHi must invariably be Mid - 6=st panied with th0:245X1,,, Adrertisementa ordered ; In . the . regular Evening Edition lin ingareluserted...lnPae Edition without ex.tro. charge: . ,VDVERTISVG RAM--PAIITY TREWAAP)EtIs' The following arc the rates for advertising *fhe.kis- GRAM. These having advertising to do Still-And -icton ,pnienifOT reference. Four lines or less dere felts or More than. four eonsi FOR A MALY ISIQUARE..• One day $ 30 Two days 50 Fes' .1.25 8 00.; . 4 50 . 5 50 . .-8.00 .15 00 'One_week. . . 2 .25 6:00 Two4nontbs.; . 9 09 Tirreo - m0nth5....... 11 00 Six. month 15 00 Ono year .. 25 00 FORA QUARTER COLUMN. One-day $ 5 50 Two ,days 525 5 9 I Tilm.lll's _7 00 One c00k.:.. One mouth.. Two mouths. Three ninths Six months.. t Olt TWO SQU.A.IIISS. Onn day '$ I'2o Two days 200 Pb ce days 4 00 EZZEI 9+oo` 12 00 One month Pro do :15 CH) 20 00 l'hrec (le Six do One year 36 00 One year - Srscmr. NOTICES, Tann:rims - or RiSPZCir Bassomrinnis, & - e., and communication6:or ionnoltaceiniiMsniliWta tentien to matters of individual interest,• S cont 6 per line for each insertion. ' Noticos MarZiage Not Wee.-- Audlio: 4 o - Notietai Funeral grnti 3 Ocvenehhisertion..... gar Business notices inserted in the Local Cohann, or befdre Marriages and. Deaths, EIGHT. CENT% Prarthi for each Insertion. As an advertising medium theTmenttarn has no equal., its large circulation, among business men and families, in city and codn!i and along the llama' the cartons Rail roads, having established AGrNCIRS IN NEARLY fIFTY TOWNS,. placing it tioyondconipetition. ` MISVAL.' A. P, - TkURS'„Ek" I - E A- CH E -111.-U. &IX= Orr:cm AT WA.RD'ii6i&STO 12 N Third Street Residence • • Third great above North: '`ELODEONS AND. PA- 1 41:NT , T ORGANS. . FERST PR 11Y A"'" TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, 'ewer wombijiitr4lTelPiat.% of this 01 , 7L'ir GOLD MEDAL S twn awantoll to • - • - cla. " bas ••""Ct INSTRUMENTS. MASON Lt HAMLIN . . Isepta always on band A full assortment of .03ese :qs* Solo Agent, at ' ' - Vrflutocz - Market street. jo-1-2tawly] - „„ HENRY C.420•RT.: 1 ME:Nei:MR OF TICE - PIANO, MELO-L. ED t IdT 11 AND VIOLIN.-Terms reasonable 16 Third sti, betw,een Market and. Chestnut streets. • • • Ja43re GROCERIES. NEAY, GROCERY AND inOVISIR- , BIOIIF BOYER tz KOERPER, w.ao - LEskliz .A:RD RETAIL __ARAggits _ It 0C ER E Queen's and Glass_ Ware, AND ALL =IS OF COILI4TRY,P.RODITCr, nAVE just opened a large and well selected stoeirof goods at their stand; N0..3 ifarketSquare, l:inrrisburg, Pa, , to which thorinvito the attention of the public generally. nolo-41n JOHN. IVIAE ..• TltutD STREET NEAR * - AINUT lusivraw, WHOLESALE AND RET:ai:LDRALERIN ' CONFECTIONERY - FRUITS, s .&C., ,Injube Paste, • „Cltroas,. . • Moss Paste, Fig Paste, .Pruncs, , ' • Marsh Willow Guns Drops , .Alnilands,Walnuts; : • Creltint'Clioeblate . Drops, • Plairticautiles, &e. Cream hu4; Cinn;; ; -es'ind Lem — ons, Ground Nuts,' • Canned Fruits, Pectin Nais Jellies, Cocoa Nuts, , • • Teas and Spices, all kinds, . .65Miberties t Paper Bags, . • - , s omigy an Rahn a Cider. Vinegar, " Cakes and Cragera, ... Fresh end - Salt Tish in sea: Sweet and Irish l'olatoe:py, SOU.- -Green and. Dried F,raltaii Vegetables in season, A nd' COutitis , Prodica . in Raisins, season. Currants, rImPo k s OF - g -AND tIQUOitS: LAITMAN, SAT LAME ' 3.2 sounryarair:STßED, , nErvramq t.4o,ais6. ANICIVI&Litic ;', iLAbz G. M. 7.,AUM.A17, A. IL SALLADE, ByTTG. ' ' • .• • -- A LARGE ENTVOICE OF ITF,w • 'bum - urns. PRUNES, ...FGS, &C.. D°C-K,JR,-6,,,C0. At [no2o] QTYPEBIOR 17 dositEN 158. TOLE :CTOE, dezi. received at CrOX BOOKS ; GAMES, • ito;-4:7.01:40.•,iih, sortment of TOy Books, Onwees*o.linst cacetca4ln nol9 SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Earriobnrg. NTENV BOOKA —TEM SHOULDER I.I,IISTRas • , A VPL.F.,S.-200 barrels of New York , SW. -4Ck. :0014 ir a choice vitriol', init . ' received, arid sot lot, Oct 'any ciaiintifies, to 'kit purChasere, at the-'n. I;gitagary, or ' Eden .. ' BOYER eIMERPEIt.' 11.0 i.LPILES PICKLES! 1— .By the Half Barrel, Jar or p.i.T„:o_ con ,- DOM, Js., di . titute oily-half Square. Eight itute a square. FOR ONE SQUARW , Ono da - 1 ..$1 BO Two days ..' 100 ThroC • ays IEI One • Yi °° . ift 130 2B• 00 Ono month.. Two 'months. Throc( months Six, months.. 30 00 , O . 00 EMI 1.5 0 'Married persons, or Yo Mon conteraplatitig marrfige; "lettigtornre"of plikabitAliregkloitiniedebillty;siefor. !pities ; 45r.e.,, speedily-pin:dr - . He lege prams iffinialEutidee °Ube J. may re. ugicandreezittdeittilis - lietiat - aa - a -- gautleartary-and T. 001.- :, (1 91 1 44Ar. 1, P 0 !1 , 4 M. l l.as4q4YOciall ' si ThimedfatelytArefyand fdllmfgor restoked. - ." • 'J._ YPbis" Ntsholhttifhicitiieeders lifertMemable and penalty lip the vlo: thapampronar. indulgence. Yountpersons are too api, tetaitifia x'i,etkidikThinivzionftortrif of -11ti .:dregdll2l es that mag ",:fOrdbf, stands the subjeafstvill-pretentiny-thavthie pew* of procreation Is lost sooner-by-those falling into im,. er habiti-t-han'br th4PfddenErallletddeettieliig '-depriVed the libleauttieotheidthyy:talfpritignhei. mOslusettowitatiel; de ..striletivo.ao4ooom) 60th:..tiotly>t , 'arid .:Thelstatiellybeconteadereligetr,' , the4hyslital landLmentat ditabtiolesireeloened, lons sof Trodreative power;.:MervdtM liiitabillW#ripepsla,"olp,tation'otthe heart; tridikent9n; conlitittiltentil debility, a wasting of the frame, comfy oam antepthitq-der,ay and death. i El Left baud. side going- from, 341 . ttmore street, a lbw doom frOM the corner • not to observe name and,nomber, • • '-' , .Letteris must bettaldiied"b:mtehtAtitiZOotir'a ME College of Surgeons, Londottgaid htember.oll.the Rogat:2 , r eminent colleges In.ttte , nited nate:from-one of the sae:, .t-or whose lira:. haarl.been States, and- the greater...part .- Nutt, -Philadelphia-and-else; in the,howitals, of. Itood2o,r : 000 fit' aft 4 / 818 414 ,13 1 1 Fe1f whei*"his- &tooted some-of the •. irlth rlnglng 1p the that. - werezever known'; many trouhi; head and ears lichen asleep Croak. alarmed at sudden sounds, , ;pm bleshing„ , atteiidiid:Sami3thnes with dete i VigMar k - • . were cured immediately. • -• • • ' - These sir some of the inetnoWY kets tiro duced by earlfbabha Of youth; , iik::*Cakness of the back and Moira; paleell the liced; dlmnMs of eight y ; lose of meschlet totter, paipliatienof thfi'-abttfei Ayemeie; net . volts teritaifilltfcsynapteats VP'contaim - ptNNIto. llierkairli:—TlOleitifiireftlikist athe 'minor are mach sititrabif , pfesbibb. ornitritkevii ToreisodingCiAinsioiillo7spcitij,i aelf:dletfusisikive of siiltOitdb, tvoine.oP tbeevitgprOctlioed. - ' • 'Who bare .th,jure4t-themselves by a. certain 'practice in dulged in:when alone !habit Ykanientlrleanied from etriketespankins; or'.‘at school; the ..elreOttr Ott , whioh 7 are 'ltienlYlelt:even.when , asleep; .and If ziet'4ured.lensitke nirriage'lryossible, arid ditstroys.tiotttmlnd , tand'body, shonith. 'AB mediatel3r. • :What plc :t•hat a yitanglnan,:the helmet' bielebutary", the darling oCihialiarents; stkoebittFO'Jstuiteled.nliOne. all prospecheandArojoyments•or Illey:byitteeiconteigttetit.e.:of ttetialtag:fromi thetikithleet- tnattireibin.l ttattaghteto a °attain' seettit bithit.!'rStieh pees,eiie atin#,.beetn i odnetenZ• -• : i JOHN' WM. • ,110.11311A0 Reflect that a soundlilied body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial bappiratißis. , : Indeed . ;_udtib,- out.these,!tho journey' throughitiktiediMititpL grlumeTtifelrciatiettlfinif - WATiriWto 413e r ozar,Dh e - niindJbeemites -ivlthithee :melatichelY reflection tbat:tbiviliatkpriiess ofianothef-be comes blighted with:our:ovin. - .: ' " ' When,tholnispgaed-and-kmpriident Vetery of pleeente finds be has imbibed the seeds ofthts pairirihldbeale; it too often happens thittrearlitinteeestiee of thnirt, dread of /Magee) 7 - deters - Uwe from applying to-those who fmm edlleatkiw 1*illfo , !.httil)4 11 111 - ian 'alone beftiinid MAL ilefalln into the•hanlis ofrignorairtitineilialteingid ere, - who,-incapahle ,, of •Catirlini;lllth:'hiej Pedubistr:siihr stance; keep him triffttiglinentWafterintont as loftgas thwanaanest-tela can be743invdespeir lestrehlm with rulneitheilthlo.isigh - Oveff ganinigdkaPPAltukenti brine die of ehe , deadly , pOisen..lfe,.tutsteit' the conatitutiotudisyMptdnisorthisterffthi lseoil sichititatiec tionsf'Of thee-Seatk—Throak.-Nols,7Bltlit,.ate.Air4firiefug -with -frightful - ragritt Ant ..deith—puter a period!tolis dresdftillageringtr •b7 , 6b*ling . -khhilai *ftatididool r ied co aktiry fronrVierice ietiuzi,thj• .-' - , , The many thousanda•pnred at this instliatioh yearhiter . , year!kindLthe , humitroonLhii p eir ibmokut,Dif, 7obtior4 teportehtike -thilucia*lper7sn't ' l [ ll 94 ll n l3 _wtnkiiswiciimiceetpreinth ,trinevapirsalegehhced.ghteleiheitemetate:.publiki . Aoldeu ' 040th e s ok guitylhinehirrecteit akir:nwpp n e,. ehatilefeurewatithelto the affiretethru .t. • %XDISP A PIS SP - KM:Ea Otnint . - Ati.WWSHODDYI . , ; :CY irred•rack stre.t. k4u. lONE ME M~DIC;A JOHNSON, IRE BAI:TIMOKJE l!MIII LOCK HOSPITAL, fAS discovered 6 mOS certain, speedy. and effectual remedies In the world for DISEASVpS OF 12;EPRUVEgOR RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS.. maidußy.ox NOXIODi3 OROGS. , A, Oure TfrarranteCor 2Vo aorge,:in-friiirr One td Two Days. Weakness 0f,.. the R.sak, - AffebtiOttE 4 Of the Arid .Dladdpi r lnvolmitary ,Dlscharges, Inipcitettp7,_ftesalpt- Witty, 'Nervousness, - ifysponsia, Leaguer, Le* Opleis, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of thet.Heatt; Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head; Throaty Nose or Sidn, Affections of the, Liver, Lump; CStandach" or !MO - welsbite terrible . - disorders arising:from the Solitary of Yonth—those secret nod•Olitart pnictiCeeinore"fitaLto their victims than the son iirSirene , td hi3pes.orentliipatiohnLiceaderinErnuandage, 4 ,0 21imP0t 3 q 1 4 0 . • i_ Sr . _ YOUNG KEN . . Especially, who' havebeCome the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadfuland:dectivoliabitiatichluninallyeweeps to nnlintimely.grave.thousands -of:Young -Men, of., the most exalted intellect, who nalght otherwise have entratiaerfaißing Senates with the than. , dent& eloquence.ormakeltaectasy_ the living tyre, may call, with run confidence, . ,11A2RUG.1?, ORGANIC. WEAXNESS Orrrqx No. 't, '5617r1i FFSIAILICIE &Rm, DR. JOHNSON, , TAME Ikh,RTlCltAili..NotldE. YOIIIdG,:MEN iiinAOß OF Wit'OlkffO.E #it . CAPPI;MAT Ol d . =es kLMS. DMIOERS, .Or TIE . _LWER -BITTERS, ,-Tti( GREAT., STRNOTHitittig,-TONIC: • B ; - SSE itte'rs - heNre pe muted more pures; 1. have and do give better satisfaction; have more timony; have_more respectable people to vouch for them than any. othm article in the, market. • Weileft lifirorfe td ; edniradietthis assertion; and will pay 31;000;to any:mid thal,Wlltyroduce a certificate pub lished by us thin is not genuine. ReSend's German Bit ters, will clire'eddrY - citescirChionl& - - or-Nervous Debility. Diseases.ofthe:Eidneksimididitteaseti arisfitilrenVa; ordered stormed', tObsorvis tbe. fOloyringli..VOlPtomo6re suiting from the iiitoidein of the' 'digettive Organs: is stipation, Inward Piles -- Fullness - of Blood to the head, Acidity of thei Btoiruicll.Nausea,s, Heartburn,' Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations; Striking or fluttming at tlielrit of the stomach, Swimming _of the,head;jUurried andzdithoult breathing, ,F at the heart, -, Olhokink or„sullectitingisensattons when,in,a lyingisisture,.m o rAssor,tisioic Dots or Webs 'bible' the -sight, Fever and dull pant httho'heiti; , DedciiineY b r .f : Perlt• piration, Yellowness ottheltkin and ayas;Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &q._Sudden .gusheit of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant nations of evil, and groat de , pression of spirits:' " ,• Itemember. that. Ibis. Bitters is not alooholicyxontains+no [pm or vlaisky, A and-caR l ilexiklOrdsl,-40 the bat , Tonid 1n -. Front' ' ''the Re v!. 6 .. W - a : : ttbOk,liiitii.l - H 01 l the Baptist Ohurch,.Pemberterc . N: ;T:, fortnerly Zit:the:North . Iteptlst Church, Philadelphia. . . _. , -,.„ 1 .• ; ~;...,.„,.. , ~: :. .. , i'bryti:khown lioolland's GerntairßitterS.friverabfy . for 4..mileiber of-yeans. , ' , have Used them in my orna'fitilly and'havabeen_so:pleasattrith.thelr.offectrthat I.irsis in, ducal to fecommead them to•tclutyotbursjeadkuovohat - they hate' operated - in a the m .„.heriellefal, matmer, • r take plea sure grea c In thus Oubt.tOW,trealri_ .ttg" this 1103c:end; "Ihisiettatlifebfithblie WA -WM the ldistudiel fe OlsAiltirtercerceadmettdarto...thestralib• , ters. klOWltigirete4oofiotipeftbeVaycrecommendatloti ta be auttat.: KVOldlt'..:zuta- OllirStd-rll-44.- 1 1/I.ii.iiiiirliteri liiittlittamte.beneilefilie. am* - "itinf' is "not arum drink." Yours truly. ./....• i ,-. -,....,' I, .. c . ..^.±i:iff'r" , '.1:::..1 - Agla . Ilk, Agclf.- 1 ti , ' , ir.; 4 If - E ..: 1 c yclopedlrkf t,„ I rdo 4 W . a - l e i d g D e I iid - Mtrent- cle Philadelphia. Although not dtsposed t , favor or roeommend Patent .hcellcinist in general, throbghidLstitilt ofitholt i Maltehts 'hild'etitieCe, I yer know , ' 'era sutffelent releons *f a men tday not testify:to-thellamtlta he believes himself to have received from atirsiih"Pleliniparition, in the hope that he may thus contribuke, to the benefit of others. .I do, this the_ more readilyin..,Vgarti to ,lioolitetto43e iiikaitteret-byrtir. Wat...rracksoti; of/thiss ty, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, underthe-impression - thatthey were chiefly an, alcoholic ,migrare, •r latir iedebted , te gip fitendi Ifirtbprt.,ShOepr lierf-Ese,"-foiAlv Nit - over of *thlS pleduttfee bir_Yreper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from ,great Rig long - continued debility,, The use-.of ..g...:lbot . P.Sof th*O.V 3 lttAkiletithelbegharting of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora ,.tion to a degree of bodily-and mental vigor which I hail net,fepa4 montits,hefgru,,and had almost despaired of regs) trin4,' T. therefortanftk God =OAT friend for di :reetibme to -the erthem.-> e- it , ~ ~.. ;-•;•:. ili.Ll ;.: -....',.... .i._ . ..;. .1,;),..7r. 1.:i . ..11A+1 ilerOMßßOWN,chliadir: . ' -Frogs. ,Iter. Warren olphijrastor 1 oti ; ;Baptist bhereh Ge - rvai4tiAt, F L '. : • ~. 4 ..... s . .. - .- au l . Dp. 6 L 'll:'4olpint,•=ll9iP • Siii 2 - 2 1"iii0tiCiii*iiiiice le.nribliiiiiiiilia• say tlihtliff4rd'thelGlibiraiizritittera; pre !PltreAl:b.P. YO;ae.kiniziat.tg. s ecilent .medkine,ry. Irreasee. of 1 . severe cold and.Pootal fteq#.oAtkir 43 .9.,gresv..: - , flited'hythe - tuie - ,Orilie - Byte , trd origt:".prit. they will liniiltioeiltitilaeeffietaqUisbeterg." — -" '''_' •-'-'• - - - pea : truly: ,:::. - ..:.:I9 7 . .ItAIsTDOLPIT,' - J .: t, . ; 1 ; , , L ... iii.i:r LOOnElantOWts, Fa. .. • , • From R e y J. 11, Turner Pastor Of Ridding M. 'E. chureb:Plillat.. 4lollll: Sir:—Hivinglused• Tour Ger than-Bat:eh iuwYfizialrfre4e.ently..lam pretereat, to say ti. d adtakialiaewok:grea,t_service-Aiavet:that,JA most Am:P:4'ot Etugra4st_bll49.. Xt . (tECEttiiliarest - aad .o " , sairo , ran ysy 10/cii." y ott rbi.: ,h E.H., , VURNFA—; inepenkoreei Frourtbe Rev. .I. ,M. formerly .I.utir of-the Columbus (N J.) ttitdM 2 49eteriPtil Beptist" o / 0 4 1 thes• Dr. .0.41. :Diolcaor6 l :-DearbirV-1 , feelltqc pleasure ;Ma t of ray osiiirecoril(to:bear 14o..1 1 0tot?t i the tlertalekßPW7rShthlPlelthf 109 A tip Ythr hPlef"`` . resales." t &pipe o areal& palisoihr reamed by Uutreftsierdalgillidlatei azulikramtlusiet from ',lthaicAtttgeting49o l o l .oo l . tie/Vitt! tr t yalaa. In cases of general debility; 1 W ,irt. a tonic tbat cannot be surpeesed., • .Fronalie Rev Thomas Vint* pastor of RosborOugh Bstint 1 3BBOL.; - . • ' • ;•.,11•T•2110mthai—Dattr:Sir . to youreieel tont-fflepridlon, Roodand. - Derman.`"Bißera,lo add my testimony to the difierfed:-reiktatitin it has 43htened• I. have for yeartVis Bubb; becalm:bled with ittnat:diserder in my Ateed• 4ll3 4: llo M l 4 , EYSta*:' was a4ViAed, bY friend:to *tile:4o;l,e;your GoSman Bitters,odid'ab; and hive 'experieneed gra.4 andiunerneeted-rellef;•I nir health beenArea#*.ateritillfbinielltteng I:confidently Meese imend the ahicie.irlinte 11 , Mee) with pump raemilimlto my own, and hare been assured hy many of their good : Sects - Revectfullr Ibursj: •• ' - •WlNTER;••Roxbekonehi er Ps. from 'Rev. S. S. _tikatnikik or ; the ; Berman Reformed Qtrardi, Kl4ztßNvug, Berkegouety [P '!'' • Dr. O. mk. Jaram:7-Itespeeiad i 4tr:- 2 .1" have. been. *Waled with DYsnepsia - ifeaty fire years, and have Bever used 'any•medielneViet did sdo •as ..as Hoodand's Bitters. I ant.vetY•nMeh: iniPrerd.it? after haTing Ankqtrfirk bottles. • , • Xelive.withmeefeet;; rxl ES • ..Large t4?.?iss ' . ..... .... smans*.4..Tb (*Player ,) aItIEVitAPWMCOUNT.E.BII3IIEU:,.c.; 7.) C'?;it he „Tuck!' ER ilrrywria woffe• do 'yoptiapireirt: Poi''have .plifpf4,hwintomkakthindipusuSoas Pi!! tom MbPft.icepP).l6).;.PN...PnikelteNri n MU4 / 2 ..- - rearm- . Iddputedpgry, - " 1 14 . 4X - 4$ 61 2 ikItiC4PEPTIZtE --- . _ S. L,PIMADELPJUA.v: bilike • Vi3itedltates; f."*.A , 94.61 ,1 7 aanshil) . ettaxm v.tat ; roanJuotainsvoi) .doithr ,x+31861". : ISM HARRISBURG,' PA., PO - AY 'EVENIWVICV 41, MEDICAL. T'S DISEASES !Epi:TEAMOJIROM ANDORGANS, ABE, 'Oink= .137', - FKA D MEI Rtni WHO"MS SO ME EMS I= - -. I ME P4PF.F.!Sib &44 . -*LEQiiilCrifir• firolvDEßFuz, - -railwznr-2ND" :ElFrospr' RpEr .t. REAVItTB'.:. • : • ';geiteral * ?*an i d d ffi r e ei t e isetiB e Vin Y -3wirti: miler„tbet , he. has , opened- en office .in South : .ff ecorid. street, Chestnut, liarrlabArx, Pa. where he, will COILI ore, In acdOrdOidewittt 'Me araleiciiitscovered quid' ffeught . ' by ' Prot - C..8011e.4,;0f Philadelphia,' ;with: *hose: testitotion.iie hea b(NthiTeoti ,liewlie4; whont kre:ta)mjfgespre.:l4 - Agffrriovthia public for laformition w - , IAFFF L pect,-,to his acc." 7 . 3 ~i 45•9- trolling ' ” " . . ' No drugginktheiystem. withialacertainnionioau clients. Affperforicedly.lfagriestenii.Gaiiimisst and-dater mOdtnrariona fflectrietty x spffieut:lticekii. :IWY pleasaut ileitsa.lons r titter an .fiiietricallpfkiosis g l .oo l2 .ice will be evert; fedeslr,id:l43bttlixifiept.'''ibr, rather: itylotminiitt i3e.mliblet, which- con-1 _hundred:cot cartificates,frciin. medicakaestvad ens praying systi3m.cq .prictke Vre'r all 9t,hcri, orridtatioti free. : OftWO .1:#05 9 to 12 A. - at.; 1 towtoi tO'Vr.' ' feb3-d3taw2to- to-th-sit. DR. BITE'S Y E If' . 7 -W A. Pl 5 W .131 E FOR_ HORSES. • URINO:a pritotite of ,many. - years in this ooninkunity, DkElTErhasiatinfled htineelf thattble ,Pcly4Fls e y , .9.pepwl,nnnEptker uncle in aso Fatkur.Elpußpor , YELLOW` And. is,9l. great service to Hcirsea that Alamo ost their , • . APPETITE.. , HIDEBODICD FO7DERBD, PrS - TRIPEWPIn• Also, Matti. will prevent GIANDERS, CDLIC - 4ED: I THE BOTS, When faithfallitinia' two or thriie'iinies a week,,Anviga. rating and fattening,... ' ' - For imppying the 9,:ufaition of :e Horse , he asserts there is.no better medicine,, as it 'will strengthen tile stomach ansi 'asaist*.digestion, - eleanse'the'hdestines of *offensive linitter,lintlregebige-the boweli • when , otative, purify the _blood sad Phimbte.(digestion—latus the skin Is kept loose, the Pores, art. opened 1 40 a!eaPE beeoPo B " 1641E1c(zgl qt Y, al'he Powder ramie 11Sed . farCalife,''jhnop and Hogi*k !goal effect:. _ . . : - - Directions with package. PREZAIMD._ ONLY larn souk. AT ...13ELLEWS,DRUG STORE, No. 9 / i/PErP*Streetp.34474*.lll. jf. l / 1 4g. ::NEWy E isEM j IwrS • 7. --- EAVAT§ON 4 MASTIC InErfaIDAPT ....ibunTAGromeß ; - •- • „BEFIABED to-finrnisiiZgand , ookt-the Asiltax; vdth tbik .149T1,0 C.fitraiT i on a 11 16 .1 ' M 1111 4 8 P 4621 41 t4 t 4114 Y 1 04* rcmente •'V ore, an he o' f" . imperishable coating forontelde - nrotit' lfixed - fifth Ito:, Iper.proportions - eflpure Linseeirollitlfonnsa -hie adheitv.eness to „Brick or Stone Wallarmaking -a, beau tiful, fine water proof,aurface mist finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired.-- '— Anion otheragor i whorra have applied the Mastic Ce nient Irate - to - ttrefolleuiliag goagernan: • - "-"J. diem% aliefaaeo„ponx strdet, - Pittsb4 J. D. If 'con; ACZAI-3 'sc: 4,33 .lAkTiniMger - Nitdence . , 'lircwrimixtvire. .1 i A. Hoevefer, " James Wciuntlass, - -" - Allegheny city.. • k -i" Tithe strbey : pittatiiig. JamincWorod;_osmeifit-CtiarlesfilettiLP • B'arrr fir, Milken Ripa„likaigim?ust,- 1 _ ,1 IllwachßuilelAlga l r • Yoliia`B. , itt6l4 Hard - 3601 'Pa. A. J. Jones, 4 .1 11.,15 4,1 . .140ilatliddreSS • Atl - iWATSO N.t feblB dß` . 13.,80t-I.3o6lPittsbuti 7' ' P m - ur, clam WAS. burg. a. =, At T iejtii i xt • . .0. OND 11 1 .1". N. ED, '1 .7 1t0 rR S S. • MIR DZIATICENTA ...CATAIL Yr 11 , ,CIREArId 1 'ol4lo.eiumeca , Quarcaaatter Ea; W t ssatemx, D. C. Feb.-19;1884. Unix he. * stilil at';`-R4, hide.`,lll4:toil,r to the ' hes t bidder, at the plaices' and dates named be At .(1 '• Mifflin,' Penna., 31)0 Horses , iday , 4tlt , iamb: • At Williamsport Peram. 300 -Heine r TnesditY Sth March. At Alkmina, Panda: * Ifersess &day llgatarch. • New -itrunswic.l4 - 11 Horsesitneg4tiy.loth March. -: : At:Eastott, Pepna., 800:11bries,.Friditt18th hlarcit* .At,liewark;K..T., 300 Horses, fensday, 22d ?Web. • -At Lebanon,: Tanna.i..33olionicki, Prhiak 25thhfircti. At Willcosbarre;:, Brati.t. 8001-IcotabScytueSchti;, March. bt;'-tit • These Horses have .boilnf-tondenined 'as unfit for the Cavalry sorvico of tho United Stattw.Army. Foideai aniffarralampesias loud bargains may be had. • " ' • ' ' - Horses will be said ' - Sales begin at I.o'll' ar.,"and 'continue daily, till `au' are sold.' ••• tirrnS.Caslt, in Umted States ,Notes milk. • • JAMES . A. Cider Otrieinuipter;.Canlty Bureau. .% JULE 44„ . . f.n. , 07. wm. bock; & Co., ..- TIRATAIRS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE- A, RIES opposite the Coin Hous,..have on bandafine selection of '= BRANDIES, of different vintages. I _ , F/Wid..4/1 D COMIfON WAWA Of ary WHISKY'S.M - Descrykon. , OZD BOURBON, NOll 7 oNG.„4.7lLefa t , - FIA T AIRTSH AND-MAWR, Whisky's. The bee, ever.hronght to this market. OLD WHEAT, 'FA MILT" NECTAR, And the cent:waled GROVTOVRISKY. ,N - F.; WINES. saLM JogamEro , 8002CFP,AND IRISH ALES. • • LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, ° PLOINMON • WlqW" /M U G 2 1 . 7 1 .1 t P• With a rt P u p*te. o3 Ch pr; 41.43;• AIXE =GAN Pi-Pr•tr And Comuments of every deacriptioti now In theinarket, and at • Z. 11414.1 2242 Elas OUG: l lll34ofiall:qualifies, suitable for famil 4- I . l nathdming -tiss =caved andlariiiiie •: . • ' 04 :x74}11.., qQ- , • It:'. • • •• •• 1 " ra. X . . T. 4 1 4116 ` - - i7MM0de..**11.14,03,e% :14444",,yery ,_71. 10 i 0 i4i4 1 . 1 44 .0 4 4 1 414ing grovnlivrjnipidir or 'l#lo74 ar iumiguri Eng, Ilth,llll2' SW•I tr o tl Pr.') Amtid . 1,3111 aoq , ' bail itiara OR. Imuros-cawan. • „ NawYoax, March 10. The Post publishes:the following letter: WASECI2443TON, March- 10; 3 1864:lify ,- Dear Sir: In reply to Anfrienttar,,Aoirit..you, **SW , thratinfefly, iitot'irmli - -ago; iabout ;UAL otriihes 4xprassed byanaily That my naMemight, {be fagrably:regarded dirttkurpeoplain,theth Watt , !-tolibice , =of -a ..President, and closed by sayirilt,sJthat i , lshordrl::: our: . friends.. in .014dO:' manifest piefereuwabr iflslanzld isedept . thisiimiththe'ryciailY 'alnalescerica;(htetitothicribeen ready trusted, tha Itonoteda liy - thera :*tyond merit or expectation. The recant, alitiou'of. the,Urtion my : tubers, ou_r_Legislahrre -.fru* such liriefereiace L tittrit - becomes` my a'privilega than' tx:duty,' to.askctharnoluctlier consirlera-. :49) 1 t94 11 4.3/ 1 2M01N.-• ; It was. never, more unpstant than now j&A all" our effort - kor:ran' *s:ptr erieigieC -1 1 11 Qttlomb deitoted to thet suippression 7 hi': the -rebellion audit° the - xeistoration. , oft ordertandSproaperiti an;, ,14re—foytnda,tiose . of freedom and irgiftitil justice. and 1. now *oseearnestly' - unis*ery - man with 'whom 34 Counsels Taay-hfate Weight: TO allow- noth i -. 1 tOidivide thOre:whil,esthislirreek comparison , with which persons , end> even I parties artillotrilrEg, remains Unhcooniiilished, Cordially.your'Nerut in • • .- - , •-. • 'CHASE. To Hon: Jas. C.; afalliffSehliti - Chamber, Columbus, Ohio „. • N 4,B llll3;rxf, Ilarebt 7 .• GeneralSimith, comnianding • the- laU4aav airy expedition. fromilideraphisltlfrougaight. Orie4P4' rt4eRT.l: here TesteraV• mg particulars. reliat4: , The main purpose . of-the - expeditrxh , even thonsand 'strong,. was to destroy nulrosthr and army. _stores. - 7:lt was not r_eaaenl44l, A Aß. , loin Sherman,. although -desirable. nt,:ftedi tion was delayed - teridayS by heavy eta. The Mississippi, State forces. under .G eneral' Ghblebri, - repoyted at 11,000 - stiong, began to stiironnd -us in a region traversed by. vast swamps, and General Smith/deterininad to He fell hack slogy, egiireacad,b4the,,,p* suing rebels. The Fourili'llOgaao routed &rebel:brigade Okilinia. • At a heavy skirmish - at Zife htrza;•Co'l. Forrest, hrotber oflGenrYorrestr.Vglzilled,:AtzttiPs l ..severely w00p.144. • The, rebelg. were Ooreplelely routed.; Our iehLiiii:was de, liberate. •: , -Tlk •'rebel loge iii:lianous erikage-.. 'meats was not leaetbarkaXl.' - ; Gar loss *Lsrot over ly:),,ehis tl y stragglers' Gen Griersun ,hililipomMended for his The id - bage,''Cliil.`Heliburn, cons pOsed of lowa and ois •clivaft guished itself. The:expedition :Was vebr". de-, cided success, ; though it, did rot accomplish' 'all 'that Nes deeired., The dianage done to' 'the enemy's railrciads is Irrephirithle, 'this detitrtfction of Government stores very great. , • : f, ' The c 4• 5991) 9 4re Pirates. , •,• , .. . -ST., 413:Nsi . N. p., Attach 10. .4*Akice - A.Pliel; this 'morning, gave - judg-• • ment on lifoeeeclings in thti ease of the'Obes- .apeake pridouerei -brought before; him brwrit, of: 11 41)eas• corPPs, : - •' • - _:- : : The judge went very fully into the- matter, occupying about tvahours in the delivery of his opinion.. .110„uttAwA, the- release of the' prisoner 4 otlie, fcillownic . g*oicidic: Because:', there was no proper recpufution by t t he au fthOrities elf•the 'l:hilted Stales , for their fendW i ticin, .avithoutz: ~Mehl ell.••stibseiplent:-itrit- - . ; ceedings ..were .4, • no„ legal ! eff • ect, -hese ntln., 1 the offenCe;illige - d; ~Rlraey _against the Taw , of nations, and- iit, being •,ain i tluit . t4e, `,„Emma. charged 31 7 49 i,x3 97 0n 1.3 49 miy, des after *Pk gWi . 0 ! 1 ' - 4traqt** 6 3 l z 4 ' !li - Ici*sPIPPPAt4 ;i t i:fisycAßVAß ” the Offiiloor 49 0•4 1 %4 1 :. mO44 l tA: . . le prp•iiiiee, - and it ,ts. 49,‘, t4eTefbre. inAh ' offence: timid! the, `treaty boiiiiiitteir id& YE." •rigdictilinl al the .u trilited'lStittelqttisVitlalen= title the lJnited.States Government to.itegnire 1 th9ir s ,, 1?4,448 gelivor4.Wr b.Nausvits „pie pre-_ Ontadygod, ,13,0 4 ' the tudlitajigiikaiatif it s I 41.41 LE i 1 .. 2 1 . 1 1 T•'•! • In. - . p: Arm _ =a l r-vit„ * 3 '40 . " mittazoiciPrr =3 ax,-Marelt 10, 1864._ . The, Senate Afeaseem.blgd. atA 3 P. at., Mr. , Speaker` T'‘AnnrilictlCtithain Alaige Aura - bet -or ttifiate - bilis were eoit -sidered. A • ' Mr. ,ST. CLAIEt offere4lthe following reso hitien, which - wis'tikice read, considered-and 'adiptedt " • Wes, it is alleged by the' parties in jured,'that certain military', officers in the vol unteer, service of the United. States have prac-". tided. extensive fiends uPen the-Men of,their fiesPOtive conunands; by withholairtg 'a large, portion. of the:',lobal bounties paid .1),,y the in-: thorities of divers , localitiesin thia:State, .andj - ttppriipriated the nioneStiftlitis - Witblield to.the use of the afficers And whereas, It is We duty of the:Legisla ture to see" that ~ juiticeineted'ont tti the Private soldier, whose ..have . been this ahlfsed, as well as' to 'extend' to the. officers implicated .an opportunity of viniiicathig themselVes if these charges prove unfounded ; Thcreore. 6e it resolvect by the Senate, That .a committee of 'three Senators be appointed to act in conjunction with a' similar committee from the House, (if , the Mouse shall appoint Such committee,) with power'Co send for per, sous;anol..papers - , and . tO take such other stepd as they:May, deem right and . „Propin. in the premited in order to'bring to light the guilo parties, and to repoft to the - Legislature at the earliest practicable clay. , , That- Messrs. Sr. 01,413, hf!Cann rfuss and Siirs'be the committee on the part of the - Benitte. 'Adjourned. . _ 339 TeregrapQ. THE NEXT PRESIDE.N'oir `LE.TTOrf RQM Iifik`PIVON•P , HAS Ills Withdrawal ffoni:',the -Ceritest Results of -Spith ; S r Cavalry Expeditien 'h1 . 406 UWE DOWTo',Tica BM toui - - um - offence fin Which" the prikutitraiifn Enggrolal- i lukdlieeu made out agutustAltia:Re sPottA:ktgge4 liti4Mezt: Wad ilQ,jurisdiction either'as s eate 3 of aaajustiee of the peace, to-bike txgrialandatitthe matter, but that pro eeedinganndeutheGovernor's wanton should have.-been ,Were an officer haying jurisdiction over the 'Offence of piracy. Because, if M. Gilbertrhad such jurisdiction, the - inixrant he issued for the , commitnient:of the prisoners, under which Ahoy are now detained, In bad on its ace Ufict . ii*Ecleiit - in, aw to -warrant de- . . _ . . . NoaNstron, ,CoNsx.mxcur March 1.0. , A holler - connected with the extensive axe handle znalitifiatorY