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L. i • • ----_-_------- _ 7_l_-- - = - - 7-.• - - .7 .. . '',::. • • - .. .------=_--_---..-.._,----- i 7 i- , • . . . ~ • ' BY GB@RGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK - HOSPITAL, XiAS discovered the most. certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SU.' TO :TWELVE NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS A Care Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Days Vealatesr , of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder,_lnvoluntary Discharges, Impote,pcy, General De bility, ::s.ervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation. of the Heart, Validity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &a., Impossible. , . YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive-habit , which annually sweeps to no untimely' grave thousands of Young Men of. the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the . thun , dere of eloquence or waked to ectesy the living lyre, may call with fall confidence,. MARRIAGE tilavied persots, Ydung Men contemplating. marriage, being aware of philikia. weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily otrod. He who places himself Wider the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill-as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible--is the penalty paid . by the c t imrof improper indulgence. . Young persons are he apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that..-under stands the subject will pretend to deny, that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling. Into. improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and tnind arias. The system becomes deranged, the physical and ''mental functions weakened 7 loss of procreative pciwer, ,nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cc‘igh, con sumption, decay and ddath. OFFICE No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET,, Tileftauccd side going from Baltimore street, a few. doors from thehorner. Fail not to observe name andxtumber. Letters haust be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's ,Diplomas Jiang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, 'Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United &lima and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris.„Philadelphia and else where, has effected esme of the - most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing-in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed 'at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Thase.are some of the sad and melancholy effects. pro .duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in .the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, O. MECFALLY.—The fearful effeCts on the mind are much io be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas,.., de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG 'IA;,EN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned frog& evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when alleep, and if not aired renders marriage .a jos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should tj Hq, mmediately. What t het a young man, the hopeof his.coutury, the darling of his perentS, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging a certain' secret habit sUch persons limn, before contens- MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sauud mind and body arc the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed,with out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pd.* grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair and.filled with the melancholy reflection that•the happiness of another ,be comes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IM:PRIJDENCE misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands he has iinbibeil the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that. an 'Minted sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters Min from applying to those who frora education and respectability, can alonobefriendhina. He falls into - the hands of ignorant and designing pretend ers, who; inCapable of curing, filch his pecuniary' sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and 'hi despair leave him With ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, 111%, by the use of the deadly potion, Mercury, hasten the coustitatioualsymptomsof this terrible diseafie,such as affeo- U°n ß Of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc; progressin,g .with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his 'Areadful ''' uff erings by sending him to that undiscovered country from Whence no traveler returns. DTDOIISFAIRNT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important mirgibil opeiVicuis :performed by Dr. Adm.:on, Witnessed by the.rertortors of the Sum, Clipper, and many other papers, notices of *blab have apPsalnd again and again before the pnbrin:hairdea his standing as a gentleman of character and bility, is a sufaolent guarantee to the ametett. ;SM DISEASES SPEEDILYCII Onice - Tiro. 7 South Frederich Street. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, M=MM=gBMUMII= DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS; HaOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, MSE Bitters have performed more cures; e and do give better ,satisfactieri; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them tnan any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay, $4000"to any one thatwill produce a:: certificate-pub lished by us that is not genuine. Honand's Gorman Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous - Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising frdm a dis ordered stomach_ Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from the disoin, ars of the' - . digestive organs: Con stipation, - InwardPiles - Funnekrof Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at•the pit of the stomach, Swimming, of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, nuttering at the heart, Choking, or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain Iri the - head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, -Pain in theside, back, chcicti limbs, i&c., Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the nasty - Constant imaginations of evil, and great de pression of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is notalcoholic, contains no ruin or Whisk?, and can't Make druincards, but is the bestlonie in the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. .Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. * * * * * * * * * I have known Hoeiland's German Bitters favorably for a number of yearn I have used them in my own - family and have been so" pleased with their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many oqters, and know that they hate (mended it,strikingly beneffclol- *rm, take great pleasure hi thus publi: . ly, Aroolaim this Met, and calling the atteritlonOrthbse. &filleted with the diseases for which they are recommended to these Bit ters, knowing from experience that my riicommendation will be sustained. r do this more cheerfully as Hoof land's Bitters is intended to benefit, the afflicted, and is "not a rum drink.'_' Yours truly. . ' . G. BIM. =1 From Rev. S. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia-of Ttelffiions Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philahelphia.. Although not disposed to favor or reeommend Patent isibldeineSin general,' through distrust of -theiringredients - and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why, a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself o have received from any simple preparation,• in the hope • that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to' Hooftand , s Ger-• man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. N. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for tlio removal of this prejudice by proper tests, anfffor encouragement to try thetn When suffering from gtent and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters at. thebeginning of the present year, was followed by OVidellt relief WI reshot's tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 4. bed not for six months before, and had almost • - d&paired of regaining. I therefore 'thank God anti rny.fliend • for di recting me to the ned bf them. • • • J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Churoh, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. X Jacirson:—Dear Sin—Personal experience enables me to say - that I rnitrdlhe German Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most extellent medicine., In cases of severe cold and general debility . I I* . ie hoer') greatly: benn.- fitted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on °than. _YeurS truly WARRhN.RANDOLPHI. Germantown, a. From Rev. J. R. Turner, Pastor of. Redding M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. C. M. Jackson:.—Dear Sir:-Having used, your Ger.n man Bitters in my family frequently I:4 preparedjto say that it has boon of great =rice. rbeiteite ;that in Most cases of general debility of the system it is the Safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. , Yours; respectfully J. H. TURNER, No. 72.6 N. Nineteenth street. From th o Rev. J. M. Lyons, fonierly Pastor of ilia Columbus (N. J.) ondlfilostowu (Pi.) Baptist, Clituilies. Nsw Roarettx, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I feel it a pleas* thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German.Bittera. Some years since being much af flicted with Dyspepsia,l used them with 'very beaencial results. "I have often recommended them to '.person. en feebled by that tormenting disease,'and have heard from there'the most flattering testimonials as to their great value. In cases of general ,debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed.' J. N. rroNs. From the Rot - Thomas Winter, Pastor - of Roxborough Baptist Churae. ' Dr. .Tacksou ;—DearStir:-.-11 - felt lt due to your excel lent preparation, Hoeßand Gentian ,Bitters, to add, : my testimony to the deSerVed reputation it has obtained. I hate for years, at times, been troUbled with great disorder in my head and nervous syitem. I was advised by ' a Medd to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced great. and "unexpected relief; my health has been very materially bonefitted.• I confidently recom mend the article wOem I meet with enspo similar to rilY own, and have been assured by many of Asir oak ef fects. Respectfully yours, • 2. wpaga, iii.owtorough, Fa. From Rev. J. S. Herman, -of the German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berko county. Pa. ' Dr. C. M. Jacksoni—Respeeted Sir; • l have , been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years; and • have never used any medicine that did me as. much good as Zloollaild's Bitters. lam very mach improved'in health, after having taken five bottbas Tours with respect, T. S. HERMAN. Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,) $1 00 per bottle—half doz $5 00 Smallm Size:4s cents per bottle—half doi. 4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! ' See that tho signature of ‘‘C. M. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER of each bottle Should your nearestdruggist noebaye 'the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating that may be offered in its place, but-send to xi.% and we will forward, securely packed, by express. t- - -`' ilincipal Office and Manufactory, 0. -- 03 : 1: - "A.M. GM' T THIIAA.D.W . III:eLr • & f stigtewo..l6o.4f. .TaolFsbnif- Co. . • _., • •rxtoruip* Vor - sale by oruggista and 11441C1S fit every townirt the United'Mates. 110944174 ARV CORED BY , PRICES HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1864. PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL liISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. M. CREAMER would respectfully D infbrm the public in general and the diseased in particular, that he has opened an office in South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisiburg, Pa., where he will treat all diseases entrusted to his care, in accordance with the system discovered and taught by Prof. G Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has been con nected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the Public for information with respect to his success in con trolling disease. No drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnotiam, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee will be given, If desired by the patient. For further information call and get a pamphlet which con *Phundreds of certificates from medical men and oth roving the superiority of this system of ..practice over all others. Consultation free. Office hours 9to 12 A. N.,ltosand7to9P.x. • • DR. J. MELTON CREAMER. feb3-d3taw2m- to-th-sa DR. J. VITE9S YELLOW WATER POWDER FOR HORSES. DTIRIN a practice of many. years in this community, DR. RITE has satisfied himself that this Powder is . vastly superior to any other article in use FOR THE CURB OF YELLOW WATER, And is of great service, to . Horses that have ost their APPETITE az& ems HIDEBOUND, FOUNDERED, DISTEDIP . LIVED. Also, that it Will prevent GLANDERS, COLIC AND THE.BOTS, When faithfully used two or three times a week—invigo rating and 'fattening. . . For improvink the condition of a Horse, he asserts there is no better medicine, as it will strengthen the stomach and assist. digestion, cleanse the intestines of Offensive matter, and regulate the bowels when costive, purify the blood and premote . digestion—thus the skin is kept loose, the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Horse becomes fat and comely: - ' The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs with good effect. , - - Directions with package. • PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD AT SELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market Street, Harrisburg. Jan 14 NtIV ADVERTISEMENTS. T.F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT • MANTI:FACTUREIt, roIrrriSVIEVETELG-, Pct., PREPARED to himish and coat the ex,' tenor of'Butbil ' With'the=lo. °Waft on at n s l om ifwooar.l-''4llol Strom 1! eithbr:CetnentsV4.l fiefehillire,and . Is the,. only - reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions - of pure tinsesed Oil it forms a solid, dum.., ble adhesiveneis to Brick or Stone Walls, - making' a beau tlful,,tine water rubor sniface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to - the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. A. If!Cord, " J. H. Shoenberger residence , Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveler, - James M'Candless, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, Owner St, Charles Hotel, " William Vohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, <4 Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1306, Pittsburg, Pa., or, House, Harrisburg, Pa. feblB-dem AIUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DSPARTmkiIT, CAVALRY BUREAU', OPPIOI 6 OF CRIER QUARTERMASTER, trismsoToN, D. C., Feb. 19, 1864. AVM be sold at Anetion, to the highest bidder, at the places and dates named be . low, viz: At Mifflin, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday, 4th March. At Williamsport Penna., 300 Horses, Tuesday Bth March. At Altoona, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday, 11th March. At New Brunswick, N. J., 300 Horsw, Tuesday, 15th March. At.Easton, Penna., 300 Horses; Friday, 18th. March: At Newark, po Horses, Tuesday, 22d March. At Lebanon, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday 85th March. .At Wilkesbarre,. Penna., 800 Horses, Tiesday, 29th March. Those Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A. M., and continue daily till all are sold. Terms Cash, in United States Treasury Notes only. JAMES A. ESIN, feb2o-dtin29 Chief quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. . I . FINE LIQUORS. WM . D JB, , &. C 0. , DEALERS IN . FINE . FAMILY GROCE RIES opposite the elourt House, have on hands flee selection of ' . BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COONON WINES; Of Every DescriPtim WITISKYS. OLD Boußsorp, .- - .HONON&AHELA , - . ... 1 ... FINN IRISH AND SCOTCH Whisky& The best evE brought to this market. .., OL,D WREAT, FAIIIT,Y NECTAR "Aud i the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE APHIRKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SEWER JOHARNERRURG, CLARET SCOTCH Al4'D IRISH ALES. LONDOIC BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION WIGWAM TONIC . BITTERS. With 4 complete stook: of ENGBISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every desicription now in the market, and at - . . . TIP? 1411 Y ;ST RATES Lisa 0 pGAILS, of all qualities, suitable for family ;Or roittiufauturillir uses, Just received and for isle by fel vat tear, JR. & CO. Norway Maple. HIS tree resembles-the Sugar Maple very slawltinAtia awlSoltage, bat :bars transploraluS be ter and gro*Hatorplappy. For oak a% Keystcalegfur eery, JAQOII NISH. Etlegrap4 FROM WASHINGTON. Gen. Grant Receives His Com mission as Lieut. General. I=l Speeches of President Lincoln and Gen. Grant. _____..- fASECIN GTON, March 9 The President of the Uneted States, this p. M., formallyi presented to Maj. Gen. Grant his commission as Lieutenant General, - The ceremony took place in the. Cabinet Chamber, in the presence of the entire cabinet Gen eral Ealleck, Representative Lovejoy, General Rawlins, and . Colonel Comstead, of General Grant's Staff; the son of General Grant and Mr. licOlay, private Secretary of the -Presi dent. General Grant haying entered the room, the President addressed him thus: GEN. GRANT. —The nation's appreciation of what you have done, and its reliance upon you for what remains to do in the existing struggle, are now presented with this com mission, constituting you Lieutenant General in the army of the United,States. With this' high honor devolves upon you, also, a corres-' ponding responsibility, As the country here entrusts you, so, under God, it will sustain you. I scarcely need to add that ;with what. 4 f. here speak for the- nation, goes my own' hearty.personal 'concurrence. To which General Grant replied as follows; M. PRESIDENT :-I accept this commission., with gratitude for the high honor conferred.) With the aid of the noble armies that have! fought on so many fields for our common country, it will be my honest endeavor nal°. disappoint your expectations. I feel the hill; weight of the responsibilities now devolvidg on me,,tand I know that if thepare met it wills t. 41 be due to those armies, and above all to e favor of that Providence which leads fo nations and men. ," The Prefident then introduced the Gene `al i i do all the members of the Cabinet, after whi a h the company were seated, and about half n hour was spent in pleasant social conve • tion. FROM FORTRESS MONROE Arrival of Exchanged.. Prison,ers. w 'aq'Tjrrnm4K,N NEWS. Foir Marton, March!. Tlie flag of truce steamer`New York krivecl here 'this evening from City Point with 700 Union prisoners, who were exchanged for an equal - number taken up. • The. Richmond Sentinel of March 8, con tains the following dispatch: HEIMAN, March B.—Sherman was at Can ton last-Wednesday; our pavalry are fighting him on all sides. There was heavy cannonading at Canton all day on Wednesday. Sherman had taken a large number' of negroes. He leaves the country perfectly impoverished wherever he has been. A blockade steamer was sunk off Cape Fear yesterday. Cluar..awrov, March-G.—Two hundred and five shells have been fired at the city since the last report. There ismothing else new. The Richmond Whig, of. the 7th says, eight hundred. and sixty-one prisoners arrived here yestefday, under charge* of Major Mulford, to be exchanged under the stipulation of the cartel: It is hoped that the regular exchanges will be resumed for the future. The bdy of Col. Dahlgren was brouaht to this city' on Monday. The Capture of the Titan. WASHINGTON, ]ffiH'ell 9 The Star has the following: The steamer Paltimore arrived here yesterday from Plank stank, whither she went on Saturday to head off, if possible, the tug Titan, captured near Cherrystone Point. The Titan, in amp of a Confederate raid ing party, vras discovered about 4 o'clock on Saturday afterpon ktlowly hugging the shore, but on reaching the mouth of the Piankataxik she increased her speed and traveled up the stream. One of the federal gunboats, the Tulip, was immediately dispatched after her, but she escaped, as the Tulip, on account of shallow water, was not able to follow her. The Titan was taken to a place called Free- . port, where she was burned by the rebels on Idonday morning, after her machinery had been taken out. The goods were removed to this place on Monday, and some of her captors were about to have an auction sale, but the gunboats making their appearance the goods were hast ily removedirdand. The officers of the Baltimore learned in the Fiankatank tliat the raiders were led by Lieu tenants Maxwell and Fitz Hugh, formerly of OUT navy. • .. For the same reason that the Tulip was un able to overhaul the Titan, the boats of the expedition failed to ascend as fax as Free port. Union Victories in New Jersey. BM=NGTON, March 9 The election for township officers in this county took place yesterday. The Board of chosen Freeholders is Union by a large ma. jorit3r. In Burlington township, the whole Union _ticket is elected by an average majority of 1991. Le,st spring the Democrats had 75 ma jority. This fact shows the effect of the "sober second thought" of the people. Captare of a Blackade•Banner. The British blockade runner Don - was cap tured on the 4th of March by the gunboat Pequot off Wilmington, and was brought to Beaufort on the night of the 3cl. A white-colored blockade runner went - on shore twenty-five miles south of Beaufort. Three of our cruisers went in search of her. Exchange of a Brave Soldier. WASHINGTON, March 9. Lient. Israel Leadlow, of the artillery, who remained by his guns almbst alone at Chicka mauga until wounded and taken prisoner, has been exchanged and. arrivedlit Fortress Mon roe. Later from Europe. -AFFAIRS,'' IN SCHLESWIG UNCHANGED. The'Conferenee Question. The steamship Nova Scotian, from Liver pool on tlie 25th and Londonderry on the 26th ult., arrived at this port at 7.30 this morning. Affairs in Schleswig are unchanged. Lotd - Palmerston had announced that orders were sent to the Cape of Good Hope to release the privateer - Tuscaloosa, international law not justifying her detention. Lrizapoor. Msasnrs.—Cotton is dull and 4d. laver for American, and 4®4.1. lower for other . sorts. The sales of the week amount to 34;000 bales. The sales of Friday are esti mated- a 6,000 bales, the market closing quiet at the decline above noted. Middling Orleans is quoted at 274 d., and - Upland at 261. Bread stuffi,are dull and tending downward. Pro *" - are steady. 1 - ..i.T Mows Mmirter.—Consols are quo te • 914®911 for money; Illinois Central .. 20018 per cent. discount; Erie shares, .; ... The bullion in the Bank of England • • licreasaki $236,000. t is repTrted upon good authority that ..Ditark has accented the proposition of a qo e -..1. nce, and the Dresden Journal annorin ., lies qt.§ acceptance by France. - • .Lrvintroor. BREAnsiut/s Manarr.—Feb. 26. - 7 -41readstuffs are dull and easier. Wheat id oi l er. Corn 3d lower. Flour unchanged a nominal. . 4 CrATIAND, March 9.—The mails by the Noirit Scotian go forward by the morning 1 indir- Nkw Youx, March 9. - -The steamer Bavaria arriired this morning. Her advices have been anticipated. • The London Morning Advertiser states that not ;only has the channel squadron been re ,called from Lisbon, but the Admiral is under ,orders to proceed forthwith to the Baltic, in ;order to be prepared not only for possible, "but probable eventualities. ThelAduertiser further states that the Gov ernment has resolved that rather than that Denmys proper shall suffer the loss of any territories, to employ the logic of our naval force to any extent which circumstances may render necessary.. The Post says the language of Lord Pal merston last night, in reference to a peace be tween the present belligerents, is a remote contingency, while war is a certainty. The Post thinks the prospect of assembling a conference, psndinghostilities, is one which, ':ven _Lt„..tealized, can never be productive of satisfactOry results. Lowooic 26.—Thr Paris Constitutional-re lative to the proposed conference, says France would gladly hope for success, but it is doubt ful if the Denmark and German confederation will accede. The article of -the London Post says, private advices from Paris, upon which we believe _reliance can be placed, again allude to the negotiation now in progress prepara tory to the recognition of .the Confederate States by the French government, although any official acknowledgement of the fact would at this moment be thought premature and undesirable. 'A steam ram, nearly as large as the Hector, built for the Danish Government, has been launched on the Clyde. The Times city article says the applications at the Bank yesterday at the reduced rate, were still of moderate amount, although more numerous than those of Wednesday. - At present the tendency in the supply of money seems towards .a further fall, but there are apparently more who- are so sanguine as to to expect, under any circumstances, that the rate can go permanently below five per cent., even supposing that the harvest prospects for the year should again prove favorable. NEW TORII, March 9. FORTId.N'D, March 9 ,It is estimated that nine hundred persons were killed by the explosion of a powder magazine at Morocco: Dispatch from. Gen. Butler. WASIELNGTON March 9 The Republican publishes the following official dispatch which was received last night: FOIVERESS Masson March 8. Hon. R. 11. Stanton, Secretary of War: • The flag of truce boat has arrived with 48 officers and over 600 privates delivered for exchange. . The Richmond papers give accounts of Col. Dahlg,ren's death and of the capture of Cook. The Richmond papers of this morning say that on the 6th of March Sherman was at Canton, on the Mississippi Central railroad, and that he had taken a large number of ne groes and leaves the country impoverished. There is no further news of importance, save that the Richmond papers state that the Confederates have ordered all of Kilpatrick's officers they have captured to be put in irons. (Signed) B. F. BUTLER, Maj. Gera-Commanding. From Californian and Oregon. Sax Frtexcisco, March 8 The steamer America, from Panama, arrived at Monterey to-day, and will be due here to night. Sailed . ship Lydia Schofield, for Cal lao. Flour and wheat are rapidly advancing. The latter brings 24c. per pound, with large transactions. Butter has an upward tendency. Sugar unsettled. Telegraphic communication is completed between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, and the line will be continued northward to British Columbia. A severe rain storm has prevailed throughout Oregon for the past three days, notwithstanding which, the river steam boats, for the mines, are crowded with passen gers and freight. Five hundred persons sailed from Portland in one day. Great Fire in Meriden, Conn NEw HAMM, March 9. A. disastrous fire broke out in Meriden, be tween twelve and one o'clock this morning, in the drug store of Harts & Foote, near the Depot. It consumed two or three blocks of buildings. Amongst the properties destroyed' are the First National Bank, the West Meri den Hotel, the Post Office, the grocery store of EL T. Wilcox, the law office of Hon. 0. IL Platt, the dwelling and dry goods store of W. EL Butler, and the stores of D. H. Southwick and J. Butler & Co., boot and shoe dealers. A man named 'Edgerton was killed, and New ton F. Hart was seriously injured by felling bricks. Rim Yoluf, March 9 Cotton is quiet at 78. Flour has an ad vancing, tendency; sales of 8,500 bbls. Wheat; advancitig; sales of 61,000- bushels at $1 62® 1 64 for :Chicago spring, $1,64 for tailWattee PRICE TWO CENTS. club, $1 71@1 73 forred. Corn quiet, sales of 26,000 btshels, at $1 66. Pork buoyant, sales at $2,350 Lard buoyant at 134@14. Whisky dull, but the prices are firmer. Steamer Astaire. YEW Thai, March 9 The Steamer Australasian, from Liverpool, is ashore on the point of Sandy Hook, but will come off at high water. • Philadelphia Stock Aleirket. PEMtDELPECtA, March 9 Stocks excited; Penna. s's, 98; Reading Railroad, 71. i; Morris Canal, 73; Long Island, 46.2; Penna. Railroad, 754; Gold, 1714; Ex change on New York, par. 4, XXXVifith Congress—First Session. WASEDIGTON, 14rch 9. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House passed the Senate bill, constitu ting Parkesburg, West Virginia, a port of de livMre. - ry. Kernan (N. Y.) offered a preamble set ting forth that Whereas, Th 9. law exempts United . States bonds from taxation, thus enabling corpora tion% and individuals to withdraw a. large amount of personal estate from taxation, and escaping the first share of burdens, which are thrown chiefly on real estate; therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed to inquire into the expe diency of so changing the law as not to ex empt such bonds from State and municipal taxation. , The resolution was adopted. The House passed the bill to regulate dis missals of officers from military and naval service, the bill for protection of overland emigrants, and bill to establish a bureau of military justice. House went into connnitte of the whole on the legislative appropriation Mr. M'Clurg (Missouri) defended himself. Mr. M'Clurg, in reviewing his colleagues, King and Blair, said their attacks upon him self and other radicals were unprovoked, ma licious, and supported only by falsehood. He also spoke of them as renegades and turn coats., The committee proceeded to consider the Mr. Farnsworth, e 115.,) from the Commit-. tee on Military Affairs, reported back sundry memorials and resolutions to reimburse soldiers for the clothing lost or de stroyed, while on the march or in bat tle, and asked to be discharged from their consideration, on the ground that the law of July, 1862, authorizes the Secretary of War to furnish clothing to trio sick and wound ed and other soldiers, who have lost the same by the casualties of war, and therefore no fur ther legislation was necessary. The report was recommitted to the Com mittee on Military Affairs. Mr. Garfield, (Ohio,) from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back, with an amendment, the Senate joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. Thomas and the offi cers and men under him for their bravery and courage displayed 'at Chickamauga, and re questing the President to communicate this resolution in suitable terms to the General. The amendment provides for thanks jointly to Gen. Rosecrans and Gen. Thomas, and in that form was passed. , - PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IR7'ING & CO., 510 MINOR STRN.M, PHILADELPHIA, PA, MANUFACTURERS of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE MF.DIUM, CAP AND CROWN NIAIIIT.TA, on hand or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or small quantl marl-d3m Steam , Saw Mill for Sale or Rent. MBE undertigped offers for sale a desirable _L MILL PROPERTY, situated on the Susquehanna river, at Duncan's Island, fifteen miles west of Harris burg. This - Property has the advantage of a Timber Market, and is accessible by canal or railway. The mill is geared m the most improved style, with a good (Morris & o.) engine, which drives two Gate Saws, one with forty and the other with eighty feet of carriage; also, three circular saws for the manufacture- of Shingles, Lath and Pickett.% The above property for sale or rent on reasonable terms. For particulars addreg by mail, or call in person, on JOSEPH SMITH, Duncan's Island, Beavenue P. 0.. Pa. mars-dim MEDICAL BOARD. HEADQUARTERS PRIESTELTANLA. Mims, HOSPITAL DEPART/MIT HARRISBURG, PA., March 1, 1e6.1., BE STATE MEDICAL BOARD of Penn sylvaniaa will meet in PHILADELPHIA, on ' THURSDAY, THE 10th OF MARCH, fl ST., and continue in session at limit eight days, to examine candidates for appointments as AK-lstant Surgeons in Pennsylvania Regiments.' The oject is to provide for va cancies in the recruited regiments which may require ad ditional Assistant Surgeons. Physiciansin good health, furnishing satisfactory testi monials o 1 theft industry sobriety and loyalty will be admitted to the examination. The rooms in which the examination will be held will be indicated in the city papers on the day of meeting By order of the DOVEREOR• JAS. KING, Surgeon General, Pennsylvania marl-dtd First National Bank of Harrisburg, Capital $lOO,OOO, with the privilege of increas ing it to $300,000. The Slate Capital Bank having organized under the act to provide a National currency, under the above title, respectfully offers its services for the collection of Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, receive money on deposit, and buy and sell exchange on alt parts of the country. The businese will be conducted at the corner of Second and Walnut streets, by the following named diiectors and officers: • DIRECTORS , Josh H. Bar` . J. R. Mir, Samos CA -113W41. JAMES Yoewc, WELLIAX «n;DA,r,- Gso. F. Mama, J. D. 'CAMERON. JOHN. IL BRIGGS, yresl. GRO. sBALL, Cashier.. jan29-d2m NATIVE 'WINE FINE BLACKBERRYand ELDERBERRY WM.— Warranted pure. For sale at ___ jan2s 4n BOXES ORANGES, in pod order ; k 7 .Iso, 100 Barrels of CHOICE APPLE for sale at • JOHN VISE Fruit Store: TAITREEAM MIISTAR,p, the best imported, Just received arid for side by febl WEL, DOCK, JR., & CO. O ORANGES !—A large-lot.of kJ superior Oranies, and Sicily ffavana, for sale in any quantity at talt29] BOY' ER . Bz 11.01CRPP:R. LELF LARD.—Fifty kegs prime Lest Lard for sale by [20291w1 EBY Zr ICIINSLE El w. DOCK, 3a., & CO.