(0011ITINULD nom MIST PAGE.) had amid before we had. Fort Sumter was attebked and taken by a rebetarmy. We. bad ,pb army in tbe held 'that time; we had SeaTTIY Democratic treachery un- Ai er - 4 wea- - occhansni bad stripped our navy rds,-and. sent every available war vessel far . beyond reach ; Aid the man whose name ' is . upon this pamphlet, John B. Floyd, trusted by James , Bnoliaruni - - Secretary of War, stripped the northern States of arme. Almost every thing with . whi6h the war web begun on the • tOf !the rebels, was taken from the United States Govertnret• - sir, what was, he position. of affairs at Washington? There was a man, inaugurated legally, after being legally elected, and he found himself confronted by a rebellion. What Wields duty under the DobstitUtionf Was It to submit- and let those rebellious States go? We all recollect *O I IM i that jat cture, the Democratic PartYol.lmOst in a mass, went, against ! ncercion. xf,:lJosmettion",4as the, - cry: ered es well as - tha.rights of property. 'There exist did st a natiop,;:and there •never will, where imblic timer& can at all times be controlled by tbe,lawg. When, the public sense' of propriety,' of hencii, and patriotism la. out-. raged, public ; sentiment is very apt to got: highly tudignantAnd to do whatever is in o . mg . k . ed by'thwimpulse of the moment. I diU.,itof defend mob law; not a(01; because a mob' laity just as well he oaths one side set litiiiher; and if a mob of Republica& majOgro and tear out a DemocratiA_ newspaper; another mob may . go and . tearout. 6publican newspaper. ,is .as broad'as itis long. I believe in obeying-the laws; but when men reek coniPensation at onr hands for the deitruction their; newspaper establishments; ,they mint'coMe' with a Clear record to shoW that they diiknot provuke the outrage. • Some of the gentlemen in the - ceerso of this debate, have either scooted - the Weird loyalty -altogether, Or they haiiibeen hi - it sort of fog as to what it meant. Now, sir, all this comes' from the fact of. the word-having been usF4l in Europe to mean allegiance to a monarch.. It does.not mean - anything, of the kind 'yak) , is simply ' fidelity. 'Fide* to what? . Why, there cannot be &nation carried on succeisfully from century'to century without some serf of loyalty 7 -loyaltitta the nation—loyalty to -tbe government- which Is the . custodian of , the National integriffand booty—loyalty to the fig—loyalty to aßthat Opretiehts the nation —fidelity to it—that is what - loyalty, is.— Do you mean to say that when we ask you to bo loyal, we are asking you to do something that wonid disgrace a man's- character ? -We , do not ask you to be loyal to Abraham Lincoln, but we ask you to be loyal to the Constitution of the United StAtesi and , then- .lou- cannot sepa rate the two--and Ciento the Ovetertiont which is charged with the enforceonient of that Con stitulion, Now . , eli , at is ail moonshine to talk about fidelity to the Constitution; but no fidel ity, to the Government You cannot separate , the two. '"TheCoustitution IS simply the char ter of our liberties; the Government is the machine created by that Constitution The two are inseparalgte. If you undertake to, be faithful to the 'Constitution without being faithfUl to the Government, you will find your self mistaken; is cannot be done. Sir, the Government may err; it does err at times very : greatly, hut there is no way in „which_ a man can standup to his duty to the Constitution, without supporting-that Government !The t'me will come when, if , you.have a just cause of complaint against the Government, you May go to the polls and signify that, you are dissatis fied with,it, and if the people sympathize wi.h you the Government vril be changed. ' 'Wet is the beauty of republicenitaittientiores.,.• But, to dispute loyalty to theVoveAtment, and say that you areloyal to the Constitution, is an absurd ity. It cannotbe. •" • Now, sir, all the disloyalty, which has ex- Wed in the Democratic party has. not. been of a very harmless character. It hlig culminated in a terrible, bloody and disastrous riotin. the city of New York, extending ,over .two three days, when, .for a time,tatores were plun- , dered, and no man could -ventures into :.the streets without endangering his. life. .Thataiot wag fomented. by_ incendiary politicians in I the city of New York, connected with' •thec-Demoi., antic! party. It was one of the foufeet graces to our national character: • No Republi can was engaged in that riot; no Republican newspaper sympathised with those riotere, but there were Democratic newspapers there that palliated the ontragee of those , rioters, and there were Democratic politicians who patted those fellows on the shoulder,, and' commended them as - doing right. • a We arhat was the cause • of that - riot in city of New York r Why,' theNntiatial eminent had enacted a - lair cella conicrip tion ad', for the ntiti)oBe , of obtaining- soldiers Why? ILlcause they did not waiattlie'-Admin btration of Abraham Liao°ln to` have any con trol over the plaie States. They , wished Ito patoh up, or try to patch up, some kind of a truce, or agreement with ; the rel3ele, and' agree to forma new Constitution.. Why, men. In Philadelphia, leading, Deinocrate':earlw, declare ~ that they thought the :Montgomery amatitution was a pretty good. Constitution; thay.could not see any, otkjection:. , theNeW York Herald defended it day ifcerday; declaring that it wag good enough, and • that we'could:_reptganize under it. The object was to gaCristof the Republican -Adminiatiation. Well, e4r,,,sious, of-us at this lime -believed-the man called "Old Abe!' to be the statesman he has •• to riap4,c9 t tohe. -..Re,Yon =thie Ooverr.- meat= confronted by_e_ terrible rebellion; he found.the treasury empty,,, he found our armies scattered to the arint4, anduontifleetsaiitilie. e But, elr, he has found, money,-morei•l rubney thau 41/}body either in'Europe or AntOilo - Sier believettwe could rale* by ,loan. Ike; credit of the-United States Goferriment never . 'stood - as high as it daes-nowr Its revenues. never- were better attended•to; it 'never-had at any time an army so well organised, well led, well as-. ciplined. Inaclauch an army, and no country inEnrOkeevililiad. People talk some times abcintthet greatlevy which was made by. the French Republic, when . - Ibeßppyb.4 o wa s . declared bit to in danger. TheY4ndertook: to.lesy, one.Mtillon hundaett.thomand, -menvituri they hid Mote people to getitbot force' from than we; but they never had at ,any ; . dine one million two' htuolred thousand ; meta in, the fled. It was one of:the cheats which the. French Direc tory practiced upon the petipla.- Tter imier had at any time more-than eighthondred thousand; and we here placed in'the . a...tar:44ton of men; there is no.ticteaticia about..itz.. : - This is what this Administration has,done. It has redeemed. the 'prerr*of the:Republic; it has vindicated the nationali , honor; . it hati - put the national credit ; higher •OltiA wee; it has given this Reptblio ,over_the world, for glory and strength; which no nation in Europe will dare to,questen; it has made nit a mighty people; it haa.coognercd-one half of the Louth; it has almost aaeptawayslavery by the mere progress of •the Now Is this work creditable or discreditable? Does not this. flovernMent, this Aritninistration,Afeerva well, of tilietanntry 7 Why. sir;-it seemato me that any 'American who feebaitshameenfrViliat this•Govermient has done in_ this waF-7:-WhO looks with regret,upon,the history of this wee —ought to Bing - his head iti shame for himself; that hereci little underatandit the.- institetiOna under tiblek ikri*, - ,and that he has studie s so little purpose , of 'ithe , war and the history of hittaanntty. 81r, .the day will came when these tipacl, rpplendent with the acts of this 'ARM:Paistratibn wilt be looked; upon as an era classic. to. ftjtare'agbff... I tell. you; sir,'•the men ifi . the'Cabitiet and lit'OCA- 1 grate who have organized this .mighty viten, who hitialmixied na safely so far,- wilthelook el back-to With envy. as the most illustrious in; She whole history of the Repubilo.- - Sir, I regret at all times to have personal disputes i and do not Intend to engage in any Ca1h 114 4 0 . 1 2: •;: to charges here and there in gentlemen's speeches; and therifore in these rernatks I hive left unnoticed .mBO things to which I might expected to allude. I desire . to be on gcod `terms with gentlemen on both sides What I say, I say from principle. I believe In this cause; my heart is in it. It pains me ex. ceedingly to hear anybody on. the other aide of the House making- speeches which have a tendency'-to -create in the minds of the people dissatisfaction. -iith the Grivernmeht; and all I havektO , Sarkipert this floor is simply lutendecttn:diseilmiage this ,rsiirit. I have no wish to.deny hithe,Dernocratio party the right to traverse the actionsof the Government freely. I think they have that iight tinder the Constitu tion, anti,l am perfectly willing. that :they Shall discuss all the measures•of the Gaiernment; -link sir; While:they do that _ I think the Gov ertunentlirtaWright-tr_idiiiiand of thein,as loyal Meri t * 'faithful men,Anen who to be called , patriottythst,-While - the war is going on, theyshOuld: give' credit where'bredit is due ; Idittaic sir, that from the very 'beginning, theYlitve:refruxdevery_partiole of-dtdit to the Government, • - , ; - Mr..3l:!ealret;lWould b e-go on longer; but my . strength is somewhat exhausted, and Wlll : therliltire hike my seat. - ItAILROADS. Pennsiylvanla Rail ' o ßoati r _WINTER TIME , TABLE. DAtY TO AND FOUR FROAL PRILADEDRIXHIA. - ' MORDA3f*v. - 16th 1868. • - MHZ Pauewer , Trains of the Perossylvania _L Railroad Company will depart, from and arrive at Rat= risburg and Philadelphia as follows: , . E A B.T W * 'A D . THROUGH R1E.1111120 TRMN leaves 'Harrisburg , daily at 2.45 A.:ar.; andarrivesiatWeat Philadelphia at 8.55 A. at • rAsr.t.wE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Nondiy) - at: 0.60 a. at.;. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. sr. Passelets take. breakfaid at Lancaster. .ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, leaves Harris. burg at't49l.,"*, ,and arrives at West Philadelphia at „.. 1128 r. , • • PAST "MAIL" TRAIN letries Harrisburg daily (except' Sunday) ruTOCI P. M. and . arvives at West Philadelphia at ailutroulta iccoIaIODATION TRAIN, via Gahm• bia, ieaves Irarriabarg a &Xi r. at., and arrives at West 'Philadelphia at 10.58 r. •re WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS MAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 •. ar. ; Altoona, 8.00 A. a., take breakfast, andartivei at Pittsburg at 1.00 p. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN learnt. Harrisbuig. daily at 1120 Ass • Altoeuratl..4ol. at., take breakfast; and arrives at:Pittsburg at 1.30 r. ar, MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L4O e. at. ; at 1.55 P. at, take sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg at LIO A R. . rAsT LlNE.leares Harrisburg at 4.15 r. x ; Altoona at takes supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at /.40 HAHRISHURG At3CQHMoDATION TRAIN leaves *eat PbiladelkitiaAt 2445 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8:10 `HOHiTiIIO,4.O66SHtiODATIOH` le:artis Lancaster at arrives at Harrisburg at 1.40 P. BL ' v e. But. Middle . AMU Pki. DA.Y7?'s Harrittnarg, ,Npir.,18,1862.-dtf Northern, Central Railway WINTER TIME TABLE. .THREE - 411 *k„'-i::.-*',44i . :.o.',ii'E WASHINGTON CITY' Connections made pith trains on Pennsylianiti Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO TRAINS:WIWI° and "from the-Noith and West Itianelt:•Susgueharine, ;llhni.*:atia all' of Maim= Now ONand after MONDAY; 71sTO,VEDEBER16th, :1863, the - Passempir Trains alba' NoilVern Cen tral Railway will arrive at and dqaqp:oti,,tarriebura and Baltimore as follow; .vja: , iSOIITBWARD MAIL :TRAIN , 'eater ; Sunbury dally (except • • ' %. • .. . . A. sr. leariosNarrisburg. - /AO inriiiresnt .... 5:40 P. N. E.IIIIItESSTRAIN leaves S unbury - daily ( except - Sunday) 11.42 P. Y. '1441ve4 .Heirisbiat (except L. Monday) . 2.60 J . sr. • a arrives a Baltimore daily • (except:Monday) , .1.00 A. N. RARRISBITRQ ACCOMMODATION' leaves Bar. . . • ; 7.001. m. NOAT D MAIL TRAIN leaves - Baltlirsire daily (except, • - Sunday leavea Har) 9:201. tr. rlsburg 1.45 P. N. it arriyas at Sunbury 4_30 P. sr. RXPRERS TRAM - lee/es Baltimore daily . 9.30 r. x. - :66 : arrives at Hanlablirg....... 2.00 A. I leaves Harrisbehr • • cept MondaYr &25 t rt. 'nfitew, iitSurffinry 6.2.5 X. Tuatiatrßq, AIIOOI3fODATION loaves Bat- • ' ••. • _timbre .daily (except Sun . -- dal) 4.00 P. X. ! . 1 11 (iYel'ataitsriiiliurk '7 60 P. X.' For further Information apply at the Office, in Penasyl .sl"*„... „,.Rattroakitrtipt.: J. DtriUNNY; .arnsourg, oy. 7.Buu,dtt :- • - Gen. Supt. , . PHILADELPHIA AND. , 4IIIDINg - RAtiaoAD, Lebanon _ltalbwßrailel4, • (IN.,.. I ,4I4gtiOLONDAY,AjEi3EitiBER 344 t, ACCOMMODATION PASSENGRA millsr wlll bertialetween-Rablig pad - garrisb - urg, adatt i teni to this other Prizaenger Trointilow running on the Lelienbn. Valley Railroad. - • P - • Leaving. Reading 7.15 A. la.; :pasilint Leabaridn-at1344; M.; ancrainiviiig Hairisblug 514/0 , imaying,Herrisbitygrat 5 mil., passing Lpabanouit , sls, : ontatinivinicatXeading at -7,967.* ---- ; 5t. 1 77, at oil gesaenteiStistions/ L nLe 7 Aaln, Istetna , Readittatlll:o7 A. wiil stip a .atNiidsdortihf,yersitow Lebanon memo Palmyra Orid-Ruirunetistown--- All raosengers will,nrodisie_GailtiAiea hidereenteri?sg the Traria An extra diorite liernAde on.all tesree paht--tri the Gns. . G. A. NICOLL% , . - - t General thiporraeki, ;11/Stn& Dee. 1&384,4G.4tial terid • , 111 =GI 1863 --- wiNTIIR 1864 ARRANGEMENT _ RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after,Mon day, November 17,1263, Passenger trellis will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted* POR CHAMBERSBUIP AND HARRISAWZG: 1. 11. EA .7.0 Q 2.46 1 .7.3 T 8.1161 Leave Thaaerstown Greencastle....fP Clumbeisbarg... 8.29 .12.55 Lee.vee. Shippensburg 9.00 128 " Nawville 9.22 2.00 " Caribile 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg • .10.42 2.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 1115 3.40 FOR OZZA.K.BERSBORG AND HAGER4TOWN: Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.55 "'Mechanicsburg ' 8.41 2.15 " Carlisle 9.27 _ 265 . .‘‘ Nlikr7ilie ' ' " " ' 10.02 4.29 ..Bhippenstairg . 10.33. ..4,00' . Arrive at Onambenburg 11.00 . 4.30- Leave Chambersburg 11.10 t4o' " Greenesilller . - ,_ ..1155 5.80 Arrive 4Haterstottm.;.:'.. .I, ..: '.. ~, .., -12185 8.10 rali.• hfakingAm'cinutectiorisAtiHarrisburg with trains for Phifidelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; andl 'th trains for all points West.. , 0. N. LULL., grg7t. , It.; R. Mee, Chambersburg, Nov. 17, 1882-ly READING RAILROAD. WINTER , ARRANGEMENT CIREAT. TRUNK LINE .FRON MI NORM and Northwest ferPhiladalphia,NeWYork, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Alleuglwn,Diston,&e,.lso. Trains leave-H a rri s burg for Phllitdelphia, New York, Reading,iintb.all• Intermediate stations, at; 8:00 and-. 2.90 • -New York 3ftprass:leaves Harrisburg at n airiVing at New York at 1:,4$ Uri same` day. . • IlireEttrornHarrisbnrgiloliew York, $5 15; to Phila ;4lelphbvs3 35 and $3.00„ Baggage checked through. iteturning:leave New York at' 0 A. N. ,12 noon, and 7 x.,SPittaburg Illipreas.) Leave Philadelphia at 81St. `X, ah 8.80 r. - x. ' ' ' sleeping cumin the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburg without change. . . Passengers . by the .Calawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 4,14, and 246 P. 2L for Pliilidelphia Now York, and all war points.. - Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 i, m., and 2.30 P. a. , for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An accortunodationfasseogor train loaves Reading at 6.ooA:'r. and ratan:4lloin: Philadelphia at 6.00 P. x isr AU the above tralris rtm dilly; Sunday oxeripted. Senday train leaves Pottsville at .7.80 A. M. anti Phil adelphia at 3.16 P. . , Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion Sokoto at reduced rates to and trona all points. _ ,Novembar 14,1863-7.7dikwlt THE UNITED STATES MEL, HARRISBURG, PA. covEnzir .& 11.171 1 401111g01if, liriopriet„ors. .1111311114 ; w441 known I(oiel is now. in a condi tion to accommodate the, travelmg public, affording .the most ample cenvenleices anise for the transient guest •and - the permanent boarder. ' ' THEtIINITEDVATESICOTISTA has been entirely retit led throughout, and new has accommodations equal. in extent, comfort andluxt . try to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittabury;. I ts cation I the test in the State pital t heing in easy seam tb alUtheragroad depote i and is Giese proximityto - an the public Mesa and business lo calitlya,of the city, It „haSJIOW all the'convenionece of • , ..4.1 . 11{5T CL. 11ASS,,0TEL, and the Praprietorsare determined to spare neither ex. macs time or labor to ensure the comfort of, the guests. The, patronagoef the traveling ptiblicis respectfully Boll • jel.tatr STATE. CAPITAL' HOTEL, CORNER' or Timp Alin WALNUT STREEN, nAiqu.sauxec f , PWITIVA. . TBOtitidersigned,t(aitingrittholuisiad known house Ms'edged and thorooghlYratioyated M. The room's' have beenTeTt4tedand paperediand the eatimeatallshment _elegantly returnished.-Melngiplea simply and eligibly located, and provided with everteon. Violence, it offers to UM public all the comforts and luxu ries of a first class bota 'Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar {well stocked with choice liquors is tittachSAkilie esniblishment. de24-0/1' WO. THOMPSON, Pidririefor.. ONT ." H . OUSE, Corner of Market 'iatritet 'l,iof,arket Square, 11A RISIT47-12:0 : 7 2 2 k.217:2F.A. . * 7 CHAS:' iioa-dte Proprietor. • • - NEW- BAKERY Broad' Street, .between :Second and 'Third Third, ; ;;.• HARHLTRZEO. R . ' . , MEE Underkgatiat.has °penis& a new 8A..- j: RERY:in'theiglithwara,.where he Is• .propared to supply BRHAD AND OAKES at..a:lreaaonable rate; .He wartanisiatlatintlakto allwho will give him a 'call. will sou his broad at the rate of 2a/. 1.112 r. 45lit/ITO N'PER POUND, and fall weight, gnaiiiiitood. JOHN ALCORN., jan6-dtt' .SAFES.. CIIILiEP AND `WROUGHT IRON. - • Z• PA glag••• CUT--Slioviine the Net Work • if Wrought Iron Bare. ; • attention of business, men. generally incitedis to the supertor advantages of this :Safe tr -18 over ell others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities,. They are all secured by a Combination Lock, without-key or keyhole, and the Whole outside. of the. Safe ie CHILLED IRON, (from 1X inches to 2 inches thick,) and is proof against the punch or drill and. the use of powder, as fre• quently employed by burglars in their operations. De scriptive circulars pirnished by. . • OEO. W. PARSONS. 110 Market street, Harrisberi e Agent for Central Penna. • 110..W.E1 STANDARD; _SCALES, Every deastiption - of 'HOrimitit •and Portable Plafforet Scales, Hay, Coal : and St o ck. Seal*, Railroad - Depot. and Track Scale; Furnace Charging. *My, Spates .and Counter Scales • These lloalerrhave several IMPORTANT-AHVANTAGEH. They receive the wear and friohon always' on chilled iron Ws under the platfOrM, instead•cif remising it tram the knife pivots and dulling them. No jarring of the plat form affeete the working of , the Rage ,- no check rods io,oonfine the platfori& Will weigh When out of level. large scales require no deep , pit and coat lass for foundation, ke, than any ' th& seldom. • Full information furnished—by the subscriber, who ia agent ter Central Tennsylvanla; :and,. sells at rai‘ufai s , toter s price s GEcv PAltsOis felni m .110_Harket street, Harriabc- G WEDDIENTG :fir_ 3 NriSITF.F. .41AND AT HOME CARDS.--Bra special lizrugement 1 one of the beet engravers ; in. the • eor 4gr . any 'description will be executed' in the 14.4,17 at s i t of gt.r.t.rixonfonabie,with the latest Wahl* and aupplled liromidly; at:lower. prices tban aro charged by'the station: ors In New York or rbiladernsEaiNpatFor,s'eamßooplosx st4andaxplioei, 'call at mchadtf 'r! - • • rrant-01Q'T - DfitS * IfIWE EIRAT. -A ,fresh kit juo, teceic e d, uu.. kid for sude by [de4j, BO YER kICOARIT.R. IairAVAIsTA. ORANGES; jilt receiv e d a t 44. nciat , ' ~lDo~►`ja; aid; . _ . ' RAILROADS. lArrive, at 817 . &20 Leave et, G.£ NICOLLS, Genera, Superintendent OTELS. MEDICAL. " - aJ 111111 •b ; 1o rt. 4 tit C'n rA • P! 1)R: JOHN 1,. LYOFS FRENCH PERIODICAL ROPE tHE ORKAT FEMALE REGULATOR, • 'Are the only known remedy that Will successtuny and Invariablr restore and regulatatherentalesyelonn, rerooT log all Irregularities, and• producing health, Tigor 'and strength. LYON'S, PERIODICAL DRQPI3 Aro a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered Jo this , country, and acts directly .on the pinta affected, whilst pills and powders can otdy: reach. them as they work throokrirlipithy, totat.ricit at all -dirixlt and positive. , • 7 • Are yonatiffering frod a constant anxiety for tha regu lar retura.of nature's prescribed laws? Afro yourself ao an for Lyoa's Periodic)! liwng, If taken a day or two before the expected veriod, - wil) post- Lively and invariably regulate its coming, ,ea sure as effect follows ea as isrrteln esdaylight follows darknen. Aro you sick, enfeebled by ines% or table to ninths labor and diumer of lading . , LYON'S PratIODICAIi i/ROPS Come to you m a blaming, for la not prevention better than: cure ? If regularly taken, it la oirtithi prerrentiva, and adil save you much peril and many hours:of to".' • Have you been Maimed for many years with complaints incident toithe sasohat have bead Ike skill of phial clans, and are haivin yotkottlo an early gray, / LYONS 'PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most.rellable regulator eyitr known; Nei ewe, like meEtq all Moil' ) *retrulailties t M liarithilled the doolorie Will ton'waste away with sallbrin , fkontLeacorrhae, krolapawDysmenorthase, and alkali:land . other dialed dee, ad summed up under the ',name or mu p ed'and obstructed Wire, when an inVestat - intiitone do in . LYON'S PERIQDp3AL, DROPS ==! . Do not ore the dropa when forbidden in the direction; for although a positive cure, and "liidadeits at all `other , time; Wynne so poneWflil and Indy Waddled : to sidjust and govern,the functions of tho sexual otwainini4hot, taken at ilnilt,9* MO"; thoX woo l 4•Joirod ooo laanita tow llarT to nato 3 l . .l4eng Align. in; pirihnitlesly those Who would reprodUcel• cpsfullirgu.ard. ; ' : • LYOWI3, - P,iffttiplOLl; DROPS Cannot harm the moat delicate !fionatitatlon at anytime: yet the Prelirieterit .„_Wiab. to guard against its ; toisusc hoping that a thousand bOttietrwill be used Tor poso where mitt lisidlorhh,llllittizivitiVone.--• LYON'S PETUODIOAL DROPS, the never-failing 'Female Regulator,. Is for side by, every Druggist, in the , oityand emantrY; , aziedo not, if you value your health and wish_for a reliable _medicine, .buy any other. Take no other, but if the -Oreggist, mlNtiom you apply has not got It, make himead it get for , yott, , . send C. G. CLARK & Pzu.3vP"l: _icid3m4 El , by JOHATON HOLLOWLY 0WD.16, 23 North SLIYI . , w o:° 2 bf MI 0 14a O , C ! t 4 ma Pit DRITOGISTS, CM 0 , M 4 ti mu he purchased In the fatties dement to close lavers. Coal 011 I t ozopo of ote most improved pattorlve, . very cheap. All Walla of lamPa chanipai ta burn coat ou. • TLETOWDHEIS tazialliznowpot thelr traperteetty, and the advant4lhey ate in keeping Horses and °little healthy and In a good conditlon. Tho Module Can testify-to 'the profit they bore - vat from the use of our O u ttle.rowdera,,by • sty and quelttrbt Milk, Weldor health a n d one:l=om Lige of a tir ..:0., iii •1L id Air_ the Albin:al patronage to4nrood 'on our holm, lino hope by' strict attention to Iniainear; a metal satiation ot rlr,lt IF" DRUGS fairo o o; totd Um &lOW .to pleimi a, to merit a 00n *Woe, of tliikiiror i'diooricolikotineputaio. New Haven, Conn. ,A 0.- VETS; Attorney . -a-raw, Third .141.• totioito*tiopowit - ro. An bulimia eottootod to Llm wm be,prompgrAtoodeditix- _Pensions Ind l!nalc Pay ottadlains collected. BE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PORT.Notaest PORT FOtio3l C/ 624311V7 ZACKGAXMON BOARDEi ! Rteeived at • - ' - -:scirmezwe Dooaaioaa CINGU E ' II dial: DAXRi, "a lrOßitiran Ornumac. pr4l, 0 4.1 F _ . . 'I3IROXLES! ' pioirrasi r • , j_ pi the berm; baN barrel, jar.or at ~.ILa gg ,B 0 A% A .FREINEL supply of Miolienees Celebra - jda... Boor Oured.ffuos awl Diied Bait, at . Waled 7' .. ' 1 BOYER kKO Ml= WWI. : . • CHOICE' LOT At • - Ettelel.l:... • _DOM AL, &DO: IV' lOU Mishap Roa.!Geld Pen? , BA% " 41144 t4AWWW 11 .. Bld° WON* ,aldn D. W. GROSS & CO ESE D. W. GRASS & CO.l WHOLES AL'E AND rAIL NO. 19 MARKET STREET, - .4.12 / it UR 6 1 , PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSVAOR?S. We are daily adding to our anertment of goods all such article@ as m deidrable, and would »spectrally can your attention to the loved and Wit asleeted sot in thia Of . • DRUGS, CMICALS AND PAINTS, Oda, Tannabes and Gluen, DrAttila!, Miss sad Pasty, Artist's Colors and Tools, ihtntleg Plata andAkWu:tl! Lard, Spann and Pine 01 MI - Bogies, Fiala and lamp Glo bes, Castile Soap, Sponges aMd Corks, &e., &0., With a &mat variety or I'ERFINMERVAED TOILET ARTICLES, selected Trim the beet mananteturers and Perfumers of .Ikropo and this country. Being very large dealers In 161n71 LEAD, LJNSIND•OIL, TARIV73RIC3, WINDOW GLASS, .A.R.TLST3 Autrisrs =yams IN ALL THEIR TARDITIES, ffILOS3 AND iIIONZIW We respectfully invite a as/1, feeling etealdent that we can' supply - the wants of all on tams to salisato- 'rEETRI TEETH ! TONER AND WRITE'S PORCELAIN TWITS, PATENT MEDICINES, etIVD Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors AND CONMZMUTIFD LW, Whole Silo Agent for Smicsater, which we, mall as low rirAme , ,s mialreAL FL= ,RITIL4O7B. COAL OIL! CARBON OIL! Helot birga4nrchasern in tficno Oils we oaR OMF in- FMMMMI AND'GBAZIEBS. Timm of y9n who bays ..notztvfn our HOBSS AHD . CAT- Our /on exPedir ..iatr cattle. —WO In thehtiehuete gives tut the edven- .413ur t h n icncitiledge: . Of: the trade, 'lad oar ar- ,emeeta te,the cities are sash-that we ma, In a very . _ 111°11";41..hirnieh anYthlng OPPertabibit to our tglitittato ° A PI bit of bums. BERG-N.ER 3 s Book and Stationery St ore, Embracing every new and Improved 94 - ? e, POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIM POCKET BOOKS, BIICKSKM PURSES. POKTMONICAIES, sc at prkos to suit all cimanstances POCKET CiITLERY, Consisting of a One assortment of Westealm:in'. Pocket Knives. From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Er-In d witk a guarantee. ?Mg FOLIOS, WEriva7G ROSEWOOD DgSpApES, ETE Together with every article usually found in a first C34,-, Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2] BERGNER'S, 51 Market strett LINE DAILY LINE BirarvirEßN PHILA_DELPIIIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Short, Williamsport, lai ty, Uniontown, Watsoutown, Lewisburg . ; Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. • drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor , through with each train to attend to the safe daveri of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 Market sr. Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock P. Y., will be delivered :a E L i Tilburg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Oth er Lino. JOB. MONTGOMERY & Philadelphia and Reading Depot. Foot of Market street. Ramsaurz BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-lIAND SEAMLESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY EL A G S , FLOUR AM "SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & No. 113, North Front St., Philadtipliia. feb264:l3nr Pure Ground Spites, COFFEE', SUGAR,. AND MILK. PEBSONS making up boxes to send to their friends hi he army, will find this an elegant arnr:.‘; one box making forty cups of coffee, equal to any Jal - , coffee, and with little labor. For sale at no 94 ' WM. DOCK, jR,„ & M'CLINTOCI'S PECTORAL SYRUP. MBES. INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en -1 Mealy vegetable in lig composition has boon era played with wonderful stomoss for many tears in the cat , of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For au form of the dtseaso, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the TIBBOAT,SPITHNG OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATHING —IIRAJWIII3:.I LOSS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS. Lt., sae will be attended with the happiest results. It s of the best and safest medicines for all forms of PRO CHM and CONSUMPTION. No /andamoo or pre-par,: Ken of Opium in any shape inikis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGH. EFL'S Cheap Book Store. COLORS, PAINT AZIII DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Lizike, respectfultrl forms the public that this Old Daily Trampi„, Line, (the only Wallower line now ha existence in tht; eity,) is in sucoessful operation and prepared to carry R as low as any other individual line betweirePhda delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport. Jersey Shwa, Lock Haven and all other points on tha Northern Central, Philadelphia tutdErie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. OF.ALL MM).4. DANIEL A. MIIENCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pena's_ goods sent to the WarehOnse of Messrs. Peacock, ZeL k Hinetnnan, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above ht, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r, tr., will arrive at Harm. burg, ready for delivery, next morning. [ap3o-rdmyl ILLTR zarraturnms, DOLMA YOU WILL DO WELL BY CALLING SUBLEFFER'S BOOKSTORE SIGN OF THE "AMERICAN FLAG," And purity* your NOTE PAN/NAND ENVELOPES, 'WIVE% BOOVI SM PRlMY :aleAltif ALBtr 2110TOGAPHS Made of the very be& material, s G dibr ado it IC on prim Remember the lane t , t n IeFFEBOO 4 jap29 Sign or the ~,. .terieark Fla WS g, Harriabarg, _ _ MUST BEt SOLD! --- • WALL ! PA_PER BC!;RDEItS. • Han to be . removed on the first of April - SCIIEFFIR'S 110071870104 of Wall Paper mast • be mina. 'next His stock sold at very lo* p r i m .. mu , ed, and will therefore, , I , ' . still going op, p erm ,4 s , o , . .ough price of Wall Paper will do well toexasolise) , * -43M of Papering their Rosati, 'memb er 1 , 1862. 0 • . assortment and prices. air Flys Cents 9 ,. THEO. F. SCHEFFEH pound. Old Book, ..th paid for clear mixed Rage yr wanted for-cash. Ile3 GUM e Er . irORALS are useful to soothe a loarsen es , , allay Tickling in the Throat, to reler2 comb o * Catarrh, Sore Throat,. &c. They cono.c (tho w o Horehound, Ipacacuanba, Senega and Squal, tft• -42 " reliable oxPectontrita known,) are the chief SA: constanente, an blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, eath lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dose. Idanntactured sohdy by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., jan2T Apothecaries, 118 Market street., Ban - istur?. _MORTON'S GOLD PENS. • Another lot oritorton's UNRIVALLED COLD PENS, Jost °scoffed at Scheirer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. mprcnrhag the general FOR SALE.—A good small IRON SAFE .11: nearly new, can be purchased cheap by calling on W. STURGEON WREYNoLDS, F. C. A. SCHEFFER, Trustees of Dauphin Lodge No. 160, L O. 0. F. Harrisburg, February 23, 1864.-41tf p lIBLIC SCHOOLS: 07.31.00 L SLATES of different sizes, Willson's eat eileLt series of Spellers and Readers, published by Harper t .Brothers, together with all other School Books and Wr.t lug Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at decT . SCHEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. OBTON''S GOLD PENS. M itnother lot of Norton'a Unrivalled Gold- Pens for s.x.r . at SCHEMEPS BOOKSTORE All pens warranted for one year. f des WNGLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CHEESRI BOYER & EOERTER. DOCKET BOOKS. BUCKSKIN PURSES .I_,PORTEMONNAM3, and a general variety of LEA =ER GOODS, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. ALMANACS! ALMANACS ! itIiA2V;ILANCARTER ALMANACS, Jest received and for sale at 111. A. ' AL' :1.10 V, just rem"- •at ■ . J 102- : • • : • 1,000 OLI3S. C DFISH, of the cele brated St, George brand, jest recei7c - .t an ct for ode by [farl] - WY. DOCK, JR., & CO. (IBOSSE & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH IL/ PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just receLved mad - or sale by- [eDl] 'WH. DOCK, Jx_, & CO. BUOLVI;fi&T.I. BIIMWHEAT small lot but Towandailil4 for ads by the sack or vim; at of Buckwhest, direct from AOC:, BOM & UMW. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED, AT GOLD PENS, oct2l if PORE CONCENTRATED Look Here wt [io2s] IS BOOKSTORE.