Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, March 09, 1864, Image 1

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TUESDAY, March 8,11864.
The Senate re-assembled at 3 o'clock, P. K.,
Mr. PIZINEY, Speaker, in the chair..
There not being a crioruka. of. Senators
Mr. NICHOLS moved that the Senatei take
a recess until four-and-a-half 1.. ni., which
was agreed to.
acitra-AND-A.-nilz P. M.
The Senate re-assembled at four-and-a-half
P. M.
The SPRA KRR-ordered a call of the Senate,
which resulted as follows: •
Paassmr—Messrs. Champuep,., .Dunlap,
Fleming, Graham, Hoge, Householder,
Johnson, Lowry; M'Candless, Nichols,. Ridg
way, Si. Clair, Turrell, Wilson, Worthington
and Penney, Speaker-16.
Assawr—Messrs. Beardalpe, 'Ruehei, Cly
mer, Connell, Donovan, Glatz, Hopkins,
Kinsey, Lamberton, Latta, M'Sherry, Mont.
gomery, Reilly, Smith, Stark, Stein and Wal
Mr. NICHOLS moved to adjourn.
Mr. LOWRY desired to amend the. motion
so as to provide for a Session,this evening..
The SPEAKER. Less then a
.quoivin be
ing present, the Chair is of opinion that. the
rules for the time of meeting cannot be al
tered. No motion is in order but that of ad
Mr. LOWRY gave notice of his intention
to introduce to-morrow. IL ris' iiltition' tor the
appointment of a committee, who shouldpre
pare a statement of the: facts in connection
with the present position of affairs . : ge
declared his intention to bring in . 4 : ,measure
for an adjournment sine die, in view Dt-eXiSt
lug circumstances.
Mr. NICHOLt suggested that, in - case of
the absence of the Senator from Philadelphia
(Mr. Couunta,) on to-morrow, there would be
no opportunity to introduce a bill of any char
The SPEAKER. The Chair has only to say
on that subject that the responsibility rests
with the members who see proper to ab,sent
themselves from the ,Senate. '.The ,Cisnstitu
tion says that less than a quorum cannot 4o
The motion of Mr. _Memo's was then agreed
to, and the Senate Adjourned. ,
33,1 Teregrapo.
Death of Colonel Dahlgren:
The Whisky Bill Signed by the
The Republican of this evening has the fol
lowing :
In our first edition of yesterday we cipubted
the statement that Col Dahlgren hadlitiaclied
our lines in safety. We did so because .we
knew at the time that the Richmond Sentinel,
of Saturday morning last, a copy rof which
reached Gen. Meade's camp on Sunday-even
ing, announced that CoL Dahlgremwasitilled
in a skirmish at Bing and Queen Court House,
on the Mattaponas river, on Friday last.
The fact was telegraphed to the, President
late on Sunday night, 8' or 9 hourivalter Gen.
1 7 4 2tler's dispatch of Sunday was received, an
nounu -
iug the safety of Col. Dalgren, which
was bomi Lerticated• by the President to the
Colonel's father: - Admiral T-)al g ren '
The news of the death of the Colonel was
not made known to hisi t t h m er until this morn
ing. There was a iingeril z, hope that there
'• the report in
might be some mistake au .
the Sentinel, consequently we =RP- ess
In the
publication of the fact yesterday.. - the
meantime Gen. Butler was requested by
President to make such investigation relative
to the Sunday report that Col. Dahlgren was
safe, as would postively settle the question'
one way or the other. Gint - Xilpatliek Was.
also telegraphed to fix a time when CoL .Dahl
gren was last heard from.
late last night General Butler telegraphed
that he had received information concerning.
the announcement in the Sentinel that Dahl-1
gren was killed at Ring and Queen. Court
House, and General -Kilpatrick telegraPhed
that the last positive information lie had
of him was that he was seen there on
Thursday. The skirmish took place car- the
day after, in which the Colonel was killed. • -
The P resident becoming .fully satisfied.that.
there was no longer any good reason to doubt;
the report of Col. Daidgren's death, detained
it his duty this morning to couunnnienta the
fact to Admiral Dahlgren, which he at :cure
did. The latter has left for Fortress lifinune
to take such other steps in the matter as may.
be deemed proper under the circumstances.
Wastancyrinr, March 8. ;The Piigident hay
ing signed the Wiiiky bill, it is therefore a
The Gold bill, has bean passed by,',l,he
We learn that there has been, - for the pis t
two days, considerable excitemetzt is Predor
ick and Washington cOmitier6l3Towing-out_ of
rebel movements oirthe Virginia side of th
Totomac, which are supposed to be P1** 43 , 33 i
tory of a cavalry raid through the.4pper
ties of Maryland. The farmers are-said tcrli e:
sending their cattle to places of safety and •-•a,
$' meral removal of valuableihas taken place ;
, zrdlitary authorities in the /116831#111111
the alert, and every preparation is being .
133adel'or any emergency thatamay arise. We
' ‘owever, whether it is more luau a..
mereruw such as are constentlyAfloat .. gong
the border.
• •
Itz, c tirah'B.---Reports are in
latiou i n this 04.-3 % - oxid /lave probably beam tekk
graphed from here, of an invasion of Mary
land by rebel raiders. It may -confidently be
stated that the only foundation for these ru
mors is the fact of :a small rebel :ibis's having
been seen in London county.
From New York.
Nzw Yon; March 8.
The price of gold sidvariced to: 184; on the
report of the defeat 'of the Stebbins'-gold bill.
Supervisor Booth, of Brooklyn, who just
returned from :Washington, has_olficially in
formed the,board of supervisors that a call for
200,008 more men Will
_soon be made, and
that the draft would.be enforced. Ne was so
informed by Secretary Stanton;. Who" advised
him to keep on rwnatimi, v is overplus
would be credited to the county in the` forth
coming draft. • - •
More pxjtorrires by - ,lthe irate A-
I • • ..tiblinsit.
' • - ' . N.Ew roux : , March 8
The 'Commercial Advertiser says, advises
have been received in this.city, from Bombay
to the 28th of January, - which state that it is
feared that two dr three in:terican ships, the
Southern Rights and Naples, have fallen vic
tims to the
,pirete Alabama. These ships
both left - Bombay foi Maulmain about - the
middle of January.
Rioi at B a lti more.
Baanpcons,..3l.arch 8. •
Cobsiderable : excitenterd4occurred the
western limits otthe cityNd, night, occasioned
Mportions. of =a .
,CorneatLegln and he Furst
arYland oavillry" pistols
and rifles were freely used, and severlAotihe
Connecticut cavalry regiment, werfdly
wounded. The fight commenced kabbut-mid
night. Atone time regtflar vollies were fired,
and the hooting and,stiouting of tke_contest
ants kept:the resiAeitts of the xipiiktty; *Fon
stint 'skint
$$ V~lllth Congress=-First S4Io
-i" • , • SENATE.
• 4 , Watis*aios, March
Mr. Wilson (Mass.) 'introduced - a' bill for
the better orgapization - of 110.,qinotcrnia,ster.
department. Eaferred to the Coni4tteti on-
Military Alairs
Mr. Powell (Ky - .) called up the . , jolut.
lution requesting the Secretary cif - War to,
transmit the'roport and:lsvidenee of, the
tart' commission of actk:-N [11) 05rall; whowas
Mr. Wilson opposed the call for these pa
pers, as they were necessary to be, withheld,
that they might be used:in the proseMition of
officers whoiwc;re cUlpable, - •
Mr. Kasson presented the resolutions of the,
lowa Legislature in- favor of soldiers who have
been diseharged - ineiiiisequence of wounds or
:Ibeing.:employeil in sitriations•
which the a e foompotent e•tbiafili e tilicacthe
FedararGoverniXtent'and heartily' endorsing=
the policy of. soldiersvaticVatilorieoT
African •descent-thisame amount as is given
to white S9ldieinkfcrlidinilar.servioe.
The resolutions • were referred to the Mill
taxi Committee:
The House went into committee of • the
-*hole dnthe f Onate amendments' to the Defi
ciency bill, and agreed to the amendment dis
cussed yeaterdaY, for medicines and medical.
attendance for negro refugees, commonly
called contrabands, for 433;000, and rejected
the pending amendment thereto, restricting
the expenditure to those 4111141, be
actually in the' ierrice. ' •
The House resumed. the consideration of
'the gold'bill. The Bontivellhill was amended
so asio'aithoriie the. Hecretary of the Trea
sury to anticipate the payment - 141M interest
on public d ebt frOm timie . to tinie, 'either : with
or without rebate of interes‘ as )m may deem
expedient The gold bill, as 14 , 0 y d -explained,
Vag passed by 90 to 34. • '
Mr. Schneok reported, from the Military
Committee drop unemployed Major
and Brigadier Generals. Mr. *Schnock advo
cated and lir. , Cox oppbsed - the- present con
sideration of the bill. '
` Mr. Cox remarked that there was some
thing of a personal and partisan charitatdr in
this bill. He hoped 'his colleague was so gal
lant as not to strike' at a brother officer. The
House should - have an opportunity - of seeing ,
whether there was 'any, 'back-hand stroke at
.any general offiber who iii-nteniPlciied.
Mr: Schenck.desired his colleague to use
plain language,and not, deal in .i _nsinuations'.
• ere_
wag; nothing concealed in this bill. He
ai c° ,: il lai ct o ;,,,,7;, t ` .. li n- P "'"C.- 11326 —n d s, e c' r •w mi as ch in t3 trnde ic d i914 and! o w r oUl ick d e
riotrePly a: k anch uatio.ns
mr..cox. Yon . . n_qr . rePIY• to any main.
I don% :know
nation -Unfit one is in {-e •
whether the bill strikes
.at Fremont or DrOlel-,.
tan, or any other &Leer.
&hands replied neither r both: '
Mr. Cox sail[ he Wanted to toe, :ho _was to
bo hurt by the bill Wes Viers ;to akAnYlltiVr'
ing fro the Goverienexit; or'ara Totbirsjo be
'oPliointed -to the plades of thosiiAtto are
struck do wn? -He did not deal - in insintiatiOna.
He knew 31rOlellin did notnsk favoia orgen-,
tlernev on the other side Of the Home.
Clellait had lost in 'the public .service every
dollar le had "earned' asn civilian. •• It might
be the purpose to strike at his Pay.
The bill was, made:the order 'for Tuesday
next. Adjourned:
_, Markets by Telegraph.
rittisio*Plae, March 8
The &Maass noted in flour lox some time past
still eonthmes, p . iices are diopping•under
the unfavorable advices from idiroa ff al small
2ples of superfine at 564@6 25; extra at $,050®7
and extra fain* at $7 25®7.75; Rye flour
dull at.s6. - .'--11r . there nO 'Wu .4or
ing. Theri‘is less wfietit - Offeitlgi B*l is held
.firmly; sales of 3,000 bus. red at' sl'6ool 69
and white lirm -- at ;$l. 75®A - 95. - Stead" '
at $l-33: ': Corn is in-good req uest, but sup
plies come forward-slowly; sales of 5,000 bus.
Yell:Tat 21.adoat. Rath 10wer;.4,000 bus:
...oinsylvtuaia , sold;at.B9o. Petroleruu firmer;
.sues of orode'At 2,Blo29i;orefinekin bbls. at
47®4.9 arld•free•at: 5:4®51,3 ~.-11 x 'avisio11kilrm
a 42A.50; mess pork ; A341@1.40.1- tor ibants •in
1401 - and 140 for lard. . ° 300 bbls. reAusyl-
Tio?Yb „ O h io sad at 9.3095 e,
Stooiq:# 2 :ro; Peaiisylvsnia fives 97; Reading
railrOad. l 74; . : Morris Caual 73; Pennsylvania:
r ial.ruad l 744;. - sold $164, exchange. e n N ew
YPrkr, PM. . , . •. •
B A ravaenra, March very dull aud
%N*, oßper - 1 1 , 676;'•'11 , 9,in
•Noraue, .bitt.theLiciarkeiis.gmet; corivilrriCand
• ac tive et: sllV)sWhiskir dull and : quiet at 95
Az i otre i, f ,:ja • • •
; -
Delivered in the Rouse of Representatives, March
3, 1864,
.on the hill to provide compensa ion for.losses
eustctino from the rebel raids, sie._, • . -
Mr. Speaker, the °Arse which this dhotis
sten has taken has been somewhat eccentric;
and in rising to speak on the question, lam
under the • necessity of going back a little to
answer remarks made: during the first part of
the discussion,'when the debate: was entirely
with, reference to the resoltitien of. the gentle
man from Washington (Mr. KiIINItY.Y This
bill et", the gentleman. from Franklin i(Hr.
&says) struck e. very favorably nt ,flret; and
my impressiOnwas that I should support; it
believe that the, arguments , which. the gentle
man.adduced in hit appeal to ths .. House ought
to carry weight iidth them .-I z do not believe.
in repudiating any claim which any loyal man,
frau] Franklin. county or any other county of"
the southern biatder, has against the State
Government for damages 'done tO Lie-property
during "the investor/Ad the 4 . 41, the .reheig,
But, the'bill*bioti is, before
.us seems to be
imperfect in some - •respects,, and to
. eritablish a
.rcexte of doing this -
thing not altogether-trust
worthy. ' For this reason, sir, whilst I hold
myself ready , to vote for a proper bill to reim
burse these' citizens far • the . damagee,which
they have sustained, I shall feel myself free t).
vote ,to refer this bill to the gorondttee on Fed-
Aral Relatioris,:tir any other committee, to per,,
When my colleague of the Second district of
Phi adelphia (tr. ' flAilegn) wee on the floor,.
during the discussion upon the
„resolution of
the gEtitleman frem Washington ) he toolcocca
sten to makers. personal r.ference .to i myself;
which seems to call for some reply. thatl.
rday dolim no injustice, I
m will . , read the por
tide of his rearka.to whit.l I refer. ,
If "The gentleman Who received ' the 'nonalea - -
- Lion for the Legialatnre—his , oPponenr—waB
- Captain James C. Whalley, -who
,enlisted'ln the
army'of the United ,Statiss ea e s Asrive'e; arid
fought his way through seventeephattlee to g a;
captitiicy. Hawes upon the ,bloxlY, tilde of.
the, Peninsula and In 'the Army of die Pdtornac;
and he came' home with the honour 31'iiia regi
ment -:-He was nominatei.Lby hie party.for l a
seat upon the floor of tic„4,La House; and r alr, hel
I s
jwau dlc t uorolpsci Ilk geLnPemen Mi. Phila-.
,disirilfla4iiid,loy - th glrhilftumplitlithil strict
Withidinigliirlektfehrhtioff, as eii,;(lopak sad,'
a 'defter,' and a 'disloyal man.' '4-
Now, Kr; Speaker, when I entered upon the!
canvass ;in, Air fdleArict, wsa-trwareithat.my,
'opponent` hild'be'en a , :soldier and had A er,VO d
his country well'44tnd -faithfully. 1 sent' for
OaptakJaynes O. Witidley to come etitlifee me,
and we had a cordial and frank understanding,.
that there should' - be no personal references.
wilattv . : ' made oil
canvass. 137 'far f . - cialhiii4g denounced him or.
any other soldier c ai a "copperhead,';l6-.
stained fund
through the entire.canvass ; and the day after
tho h eleadfta, ig hen • d • r:.
judges fdthe Fifth ward, .'tome w
me, thanking .me , ..for-baving kept my pledku
and not buying-add a single word derogatory Of,
his character. I never did.say that theigentle-
Man` was; a .iipoßperheid i " . and, I have,, upon
fromh`eginnolk of tits war, ab
stained froin saying anything WhateVer against
any man who had tried - to Berra his country
in the' tfield' Being a civilian, sir, I thought
I had no right to tki"so, It had been
a keildler,'l'should fuive felt perfectly - free to
canvass; his principles. I would have said , then
just Whatever I believed. I do not helieye
that Captain Whalley is ceiperbead, and;
tharafora I never could haie:said it... Bat, sir,;
I represent a district which , been - phereto :
fore, Democratic. ' Why did not that district,
vfiloh.4o, previousti 03etesi; sec
cessfireLterms a Democrat, elect likes (1. ,
thh fie - roof, aeyentoen battles r- Ts it
any reflection, eir t upon the men of Tatty ?
Is any Affection Upon ,the patriotism , of my
party f It was Democratic Jistrict, and 1
carried it. The reasoning of the geatleman
goes against himself,- because, this being a
Democratic diettict and this: pindidate being a
man who had served his country In seventeen
battles - of this war, who had beenprompted
to a captaincy for his:services,: they ought to
be ashamed o,,themselveafor defeating him—
for he' was tifortulted.'hir the 'mien`of his own
), But; Edr,Ahls matter of rioiniiiitleghitilitary
candidstes covers a broader ground than merely
this single instance. Whenever : petty opposes
ilictillepu bi le a:War, it . ' finds' out `very Boon,
sir, that the heart of this people is right and
loyal and true;. that this ,peopleadttetes•to the
National Constikition and the Union. Such a
party alivays finds out that it has made a great
. Mistake; and to: cover up its tracks it takes to
nominating military capdidateri,„ • Now,.sir, the
DentOOratio : party oorol9o* a cantildite for
Congress iu the,Oliestsir.,dlatript t . Hewas a
hero .t 0 0 74 Mac Ao, hatt.comnianded.ihe
Perinsylvardaßeserves in hatifie; and
.why , did
'not' t.is 13 i4 P4O !AltVd . :bK:.. l o. l 4l.:to _that int
trint f Why air he met wiAh- ta +gores defeat
than any natiii`Whenver rau L there ja3,fore ~ His
own Paitrvoittlid'against, him, iAti,il,-gn it is,
sir, all over the country. This party, la ,pick- .
,ing up soldier.,candid4,tee to take off the odium
it hae„incniked:.,innonakquentie, of its disloyal
.course fo.thil,war. For this reason, it.ppts up'
General„.W.ditilian as its Apice for the Presi
dency; • and If it cannot see Its. way to elect
general. bl'ebdjan, perhaps it cart,Lind some
other soldier. may be . mjstaken, -hot the
:leviers of that party do .not • seem a to me to
have any confidence in the.people. Theis pol
iticians of the,DeMOOrottOPFLY.. (IA not seem to
have: ny, other idea of flits: _ war than. that our
country is going to be Plunged into a "military
diapotierre!! , That : whatthpy, tell
you everywhere. Now, how are we
going to be 1 into 6 . "military
it'nlasiiViaricieriPpbrtlug +Military
candidates, and defeating every civilian who,
runs-against a ziallltarmandidate? ,That is the
- very' way td male a" i'milltirf darpotislo."
These politicians who undertake to say to every
civilian like mysejfirho runs as a candidate for
office, ayiou have no right to call this — man
because yon - lite 'a civilian and he has
been a ;soldiers? fall :tc*ppreciatot the proper
position, of the-country in ,this war, for this rata
son: you will 'find gentlemen always ready to
bring - up vii Opferafret iesolatiOnete do impoz
_table things for the soldiers; ,and'uthertayar a
'gentleman on (Mr' side of the:amiss has . the
,fillionees ray thrit.lbeile propositions im
'practicable; they sag, "yon are:lons against
the soldiers." Therthinkl.thatthty'wili
that berme our constituents; and!wh4,soldiera
wili•votengainist - us. - But, perfectly
williugtd rem the risk. Slime of`thei.oildiers
who came home to, vote, by perrilision Ot the
• Wittutarthient, voted thelle.inoCiatic 'ticaMtj
, - - --
a treat many therevotetrthekepa fcan ticket
Theyhive a rightl6 vote ' j cat its• dief choose,,
I. will never court the,votas of;,--the'so,ld le* `or ;
any othey',:ellteetif althahht., -...1fY, 03 raut4 sir, -
shall •be:Straightfortta* aritirii , hani thiiik;
imPilmtioatile:preMition is intrcdueirli*,Ws
for the pureose of making . capital a!Roogi t.Ya.
tildiets, I wiittake,Cocasionle, say so. , ; ' .
c Now, Mr. Speaker, let me PIM on to ' this
tit:motion of loyeityand.disfoyalty, for, that is
tee thirtwhich.lies it`the bottom (if , dila die-'
&union. •It was that word loyalty ' whiCh
caused this discussion in the first piece. : Wiien
the gentleman, from. Washington effered Ile..
'resolution, it' was itennied iminedlately that
,__we were going to, arraign. • men • bir,,treris,...
le6w,-eir, is disloyalty, sytionoinona. with :tree- ,
son? • I nikthat question of. every :rtfiatitiCie
man. I cannot soe'thak*; two term arc °Y
. nonyineus. Treationlke crime nunishabreary
1 atittnte; but illtdVigtjr - does.rtot:,lop2y : ,
becatie treason requires - 6a, - *, INA4 : ',sh - d
commit tho overt act of `.,!adheningte-,the tte::'
my, giving hintatid and eoinfort.' Mudd; tish
„"ftheilbit.the OM3titution'Of - the tinlfedEtatet
to he -the only ti4atut .:44itist, thi.,;4taii7,,
ernment. Well, sir, nen"we - ,not"conitatve - it
possible that there should 'be a feeling -of
dissatisfaction prevailieg onsbeg ,a large- clam
of people in the - country- 7 4 feeling of ranOreint
diesatiefictibit with the war and with.tbe GoV
ernment,4t` feeling rafeyinpathyWth ' the xete.
els—can's:ire not conceive. of, : ,that, and yet see
:that theist, min have not co mmitted 'the _evert
act? That is a plain proposition, sir::: I never
charged any, such thing eti!treasen ,ttnee ; the
`Democratic party, nor upon any fragment idfit:
of a reepectable character. Nit Ido ley, J sir;
that, horn. the nommencenient ef' this: war„ the.
biome purstiod by Democratic politicians ihae,
been disloyal; and 'I think that it requires; us
but to look at the subject patiently, and to fn
firestigate the facts, to , arrive : at the concl us ion •
thatlthis patty: himrin many ways:l:leen ids ,
When the war broke out, sir, many efforts'
were made by leading men of the *publican
party to sink Mr Oliticaf d:ifferems,-in order
that-witifsihetiar 'was going on, ,we might
have one, united people in the . NortheinStatea; ,
standing by the Government, in the. War.; Al.l
int:et...lll'l4ms can Cell to mind theiMlnftsmade!
41 this;:direction ff hew we even dropped' four,
name and iteked people.to go in with es - to:form
a Union party . Sir, it was of : no use. , There
'vins am ong the DeMocratic party as a;Mast no
Icisktibit thbNOth - thenld be nutted. Wh en we
•ranfirniiih tiekets,ttiore was alitays al:oerneleratfa
ticket against usi thei c therts;hatt:tgiedfrom the
very begjnning 'of if Wjtr. ' What-, eccatilOn'
itratittgere- for =Mat f! corii:nof these re
:bognitie llor.•initoiti , that fhb = 'R epublic west in
fdatitiV.tii.tV,itA,'callied uponANFlty man who
`foledihis cottittr tit drop, ical r t,he time biting,
his party affiliations, and rally round the flag
of the kiittillu ?-1 thinktheA might have been
ealSeffirthliM`r'" BitUere was htr i ppsethik
itrorgetatug the-DeinckiatiePar%4lB.ll' EitlitYr,
to unite with us and to sink pcifitioal differ
., •
,14W t aihielr,4 ihtneeireistini;:t miO4m ii gh- b wh hstomiulildN'Ablicunquilii%
ti4l*W wheatriihatiiiidtbeeomi le._ eno
igatker;covirage nicirerogiti
heridiewytanliistltliegetteriitnent k V. town
to town, and from newspaper toiturersOioi, and
from political' meeting • . meet- .
ing, .;.the.: thin r Went and :gathered:
strength, until noW-ibinen 'of', the high
est respectability the Illremoratic party
will get titieverYwhere and preactithat. this 11
an Abolition warz•-that-it is , notrarigrarifor. the'
POlervation of the IBermblic,• . but ei~apiy an.
Abolition war to get rid of slaverY.
sir, J.:should be very glad if it were, - Fault is
continually. found with-the' National Adminie
tration lon lacmutit: of 4ki- ett the abbfect
ofislavery. :Naafi Speitker When we went
into this war, the &ass of theligiublicareParty
in ;Congress were verrniisahopposed to making
the. issue. for or against; slavery; and When,: in.
Congress;'a resolution offered " declaring
simply that the wariras made 'ilium preserve-,
tion of the Union *alone, the Republicans voted
for it.. Bat, sir„ the: war went on. A wise
Provider 4 cvenuled everything . * ithe best.'
The war went pn, l and,struggled Stun:State to
State, anti battle 'field to battle.field; 'and .
whi3rever it Went, ,out:
and by degrees the hewtt wf the netionrose wp
and said: "This'institution,:'which is A:waging
this monstrous war—thie instlthtiou, which
has stained our laud with: blood, which: le slay,
ing our hicltliers pnc..fatherir ands dons
this for which this war:taw . ..buen .
waged by the Soullh rt must. perish. .And be
eausethe ipeoPleiOf North have::come to'
this aqui President Lineeln.
PAciegnatim of. Emancipation,
we are met' with tlo_..cry that ft .is.alf "Abel.
litionwar." ,
• ,
• Why; sii i confesiLikatl:ivien thaVpicic'
matiOn: of emancipation waivisitied; I had-very
little hope that it would , be -at, innch - adt , an : -
tage; inst .wits, mistaken: ,"It was" like the
dove senhont - from 'Noah's Atk. • That Procla
mation led the viitY; and freedom 11011 is'snre.
The proclamation has the approval Of .eVery ,
rational man in--the North: Mat mama'.
tion.of Aberty, Carries with" it the whole prd
pramme_offthe future. - • •
• „
ow, err, let the'ae cry " Abolltien I" That
is the cuckoo note they have alwitys bounded.
When there was nothing better -to drumillPaN
they have always set, to work and. 02/maw
upon the 'dry ; - pld , hide 'of ''Abolition. The
United States baiik;, sir; used to be their fancy
cry. Whenever they felt at "a kiss fOr a subject
to talk about, the. United ,States bank was
always selected. The United . States bank
having digakieared, Abolitkiitakes its,placti
in .the programme, of the;Deininettie party as
their-Gorgon korrot with Which to, affright the
people, Bdt, 'sir, what is this thing Abolition?
What is it that is so dreadfitt,Ao theiggintle
man from Luiaine (Mr. Miks) and.tike gentle-.
mall- E frain aalleabliat: (Kr-
Batulsa,)'and Other gentleerien....who,have
tPbkjin cinthei:othei - aide of =the Ntinae. •Abo-
Iltkon 1 it. titeitithbsg whick: c menacii ;the
AIMS' atid•the'Aoteretita :the ,peoPle of the
North?, Fs it•icimething which. would subvert
this GoveininsMt andlikei away: men's, rights ?
WhY, eir; i itit the abolition of the vilest; the
the most ahominable• loatitutiao that the sun
ever shone tipoti,the :abolition of . NI 44atita
tkei Whicli"cariles‘tilth it crimes of eyery, grade
and hue. •
1111 tto 'tie by •
have era a pemp e a
g'frietd in the War.,R:PariMPO at..vffkaPmg
ttin,which''wati .foittid; in one; • the piggton
holes' there; at glia:it reminiscence Of, the, past.
It ircalled ' "Letters to the peopieof theNotth
ern States,", and has -written npon the cover ,
"Hon. B. Floyd; with *armed regard s
of Albert Now,:here.fit o.,papohlet
arfritt4l l Va * L a t iwhg , lP AOWVlAtal,if t ry
anttiYek-A thia:rattps-109. 10
'slbtv~boiiler~'himself; :> iliarlilrkt !i .'Ol l in
• unt.'.4 4 l ,44114:1444...j.
i '
tho'Brutb k :und basfoughtiggainskthei Gfoieni.
I,meni--fought for .wlitynty... itielf 7 -this-. man
follows in .regarti.tO slavery
• not deny, - I say ifgaio;ltie evils
slavery. liecesseily it-.gives tpower that 4nay
...41?13481; .:,Nor underrate- abansta. It
involves frefteni sepgraiiase - of 4 - 1 here
and Ogre previA larthiolei4ilAsitt of aigivid and in
kited that*Telse , perhaps, riiiil'theofthe white man,
if it: werefici:ta aipand;-• r• ittirriag e itoei riot create
m 044016 bond- /I gieszereatimAtpro
dive toiht. ill_ his. Aife,fOr mere clothing, ;
shelter'andloitkflifid `lhe ;bah.ie r heard sqme
- dines inn Alit, • Finite-fon; 'arid; in raieiasea,
.otuhlttstepunialtabjerhy otlieuboaute piiiiiterted , v
. That ia, ,the,Anittitution, ythift thirettiorgen
horror ibc 4 itiait Is to a*ll4c-mitu, 412§guition
in 'regard 4OnWhiailhn Marii4xiiidertakdo to
:defehd it; and , to r niatitah that itralliliMing i
admits Out. ke.invl)ltesioriginamriiith . d:wilb not
No1o; sir, I nm i " ree tray that I can look
bitiiktnithe ifiria i wiiiiirTalirank from the idea
born jota *Abolitionist. It seemed to be
_ fitt*hing*lch_wf_frighted every-mau of con
torvaqvg views,. Who wished the_ Unton to
' itid`fittrhatits zuf feelings might still
be the same if this lebellion lied nothappited.
But, looking, aslAcnitipon:threit years of War,
unprecedented in modern annals for: bloody
strife—looking, as Ao,wt, the
_immense debt
which'thia war bits% heitrist `upon' the country
—I cannot - mike up , nif. -
tion,•so horrible in, itgeharacter, so tdlsgracefal
to the country,. and disgractfnl the nation,
shall Survive this'wai. say, sir, that -if: we
dolnot crush slaiiiirY we shall be forever dis
graced. a • -
• The NationalGoVeminent dirinot make war
for abolition; the-, National Government de
fended itself when threatened by the enemy.
.Wai Wee made "againit nein the 'lateral of
alavelir, and the National Ckivernnierit hoe gone
along with the country. If luta reload 'armies
to defend itt capital,. and as ,the wan- .-has ;gone
orialaieillaii been seen to be -the
,eatise of it,
and'ilio`peoide have made op their In intim; and
theiGtqemment has made 'up its' mind that
this, netltution mast Vetishiwithrthe war:
No w, ;tar,. it I
_had tinut taiiind.extracts— as I
.very seldom do in, any; speeph- 7 -Iwonld,likei to
lead" something from the addresses of the
Dembeiatie'State 'Commit of - Pennsyliratia.
When? anybodYl ()ample - Ina of 'us for 'refer
ring.. to that, •,•dialoyalty which...fitters in
DoprAtio patty ,,, we need oply paint
tic the' Democratic State Conniittee's addrisi
of. 1,862, yint• -Hughes. If
that-1640t. it.defencelt the rebellion,l do not
know, what catt-boa (Mance of tbe
It *at milM as awymmk. has . NI go,
Writhed being; hrtiested - Aix . .giving aid and coin
to the euerny ;' - Why,.ttir, that addtess (as
most of the members of this Houle; hatre4ead
it, I need not cite,oxtraits from it)-113.341,wery,
addresereilamitied that the Abolition agitation
Wasithe sole ekes& of the -- War; that it; had
hioughtithe ism upoiskui,land• that tbe'only
pladibisiststi reatiwithwilhion
was tot o tk i ewp i tiimpAplition i.,licr t aa tonere
66ilair ileslviir.hosardl4 Vrink thMe eves
, altredrieman w]io+woald ' ztake sand a"`
talthisj,that with ..andnuitenins'anny tit :rebels=
iL ca • 1- Agoi AMU gar
, reneniy=-vAth etiebid,thins 'stain; * a
!Europe altimatittady itkognise thieeouthern
.confederacy. ; an, independent nation-we
-must stonmaking war upon ,the , rebels, and
Malie upon Abolition ? -Now, if ;that,
needislciyaltY, Ido 'not 'know what c a n,
disloyalty. was nottingeen;• there was no'
overt act;i : but if it watt :hot. disloyalty,-.1 'eau
.not undertake,ta say. wiPkt.disiftValty-18. :- And
*44 tte ladia. put forth by-Oolonel Biddle,
Oheirniiii - bVthe'Dentonratle Kate enininittee
during the list eampalgo, went 'ov:fr. - Pretty
much the same ground.
There have been Aimee in the course of this
wariptt.4 o fight ithat,:perhaps these men
to arrested ; I thought that there
ought to be a'limit to" what is called the free
dom ot the prole and "Of speech.--lhat when
the country was Involved itt.Vrar, it did become
every_ man
,to talk ; loyally , ,and that ne man
had aright
,to' .preach" treas o n .tbrough .the
newspapers or in public sPeeches. But, is*, I
thought ovor the matter again; and I made tip
my mind that it was better.to let this thing go
on; it was Utter to follow out the policy of
• Thoinss irt-ff4ion, - when lie said :that "error of
opinion "maysafely be tolerated where troth is
Jett free.totrtmiltat it." -Well, sir, the arrests
were Str-Yl4l noWl.i.PaPsta. - .Wam.left..free to
PublielC,everything they , chpse to , print , ;.and se
-they'gti-tenow. But the sense of the people
'has..lrightedithe Gdirerntnerit.' -Mast fall a year
the .electigpit went against us.; has - n 0..; &mar
wetethe arrests.stopped; no„ sooner were- these
men left free to:preach treason, than the .elec
-lions went againtreihem. The mural: sentiment
of the. .People rose up in indignation against
them and, rebuked them, . - -;
TO Show, sir, that j ;do ,noinjuetice; to r ihs, l
Democratic press ; want torpid a shorturtiele,
published irl the. Philadelphia Ail of tat.
urday. It.publishis the addresslotThe'rettring
members of the rebeLsongress on the ontetlei
and then says of it editorially what
.I am about.
Cepfidma to A4drass"• ,;( yon . "will oh-
Serve• these pMbi always style` out enemies
-"the . confederatesr 'they never , speak of them
as the rebels:l _ _ ,
"Tun Comostaly Aunsatis.L,The ftuvwell •
address of **Members , the Squthern Con
gress to 7 onnstitients, s an interesting
contribritied to •the hildory of -the times. The
Round Table In`aii ventured t he opinion that the
only good songfrthat hive Welk written , eince
the war began, were two whichappeared In the
Richmond jeninals, and that - these which have
been produced by oar poet l asters•hasa all
sounded Very 'pinch as , if inspired - )mtklhope of
winning a five hundred dollar Transmit, or
still worse, as if i*l.Oided'iby,4heilugtes of a
Before going tdr,ilatninttorimkonieinark
in respect trt.that: .1 took up.sinatispaper the
other day which contabidda diapidyeeridver
tisement of a book called 4 .l.t.yrida of,thhWar;"
and having read, that oirticle hktherleatend Tabk,
I thought I would 's* whniweidthe'atithers of
these "Lyrics of:3111e Warn observe
that this writer callitheit-MildefsastereV The'
authors embraced':fsrth; hirer - if as Henr;
Longfellow;i Gorge( H John 1 24. whit -
tier, and everyfleading,Toei that bur...teirutry
can boast. Now,,these.arnlffpoetaittireyr be:
, cause they yrite loyally. They cannot .suit the
delicate tastes of these gentlemen. PerhiPti the
elegant extract read4bY.mi- friend from Chester
the other evening,was better ,sfited tor their
taste. Thacti the kind of poetiyilitif suite
'there but the: productions' of lhift - riutbiu: of
•:"Evisigeline do: net- tMit
tle e algPSl em lPlS tk , f 4 44erl iskofitheZ •
onse r
ace eg .. 2A7lmßW9,ol7BPstain
tlYe Government mitteWar;,t_atisjthi - reai
offence: t
mil :•• t , .;; 1.1
zhu - .7 .s.,:zauzzai
But, air, I will continue the 'of this
article :
'A like criticism may be made upon-Are pont
final Manifestoe s which have been putforth
from' 'Washin,gton, whereas—nnfortunatilly for
'us —the documents which have emanattidfrom
NOlmiouri have, . almost without exception,
possessed the daogerous quality of earneatnese.
This' address, which we publish this morning,
remit-certainly as' ff it Carrie from men whoae
minds 'era _made up, .and who are willing to
bear • the consequences of their decision. Its
out-spoken frinkoess is another characteristic
from which we do not derive the same,comfort
:ea do ouriotal contemporaries. EVBI2 WASH
;moron did not deirotOrtusersitchcairdorin his
communications in the time of the Revolution,
and we very much fear that no one, will lay
this addrem down eller reading it, without a
lurking lippreherudte..‘,ll4; ithateVet may be
the th 'hiclitione, the and
spirit of tho-ifacMciehellion" icAehot bro
ken yet.-- We hive ; airfferpd _ 'MO already
from the aasiranceCtif:Jir:;£l6*dinad Mends
as to the speedy; lone of the'ufar; hit" It to be
worth our Whiletii lortgeribrit ealr . 'etetto facts,
however distasteful they nakr-bik'- .‘ -
That is the way, air, that every . e paper put
forth during this rebellion haob eeir_spoiren of by
certain newspapers in the Northion - Stateo- 818
thestnulgest thing in the worichitimt_ nobody
connected:Witiathe Government, nobody con
nectitl With di . Republican party,* able to
write an addretaf,,a Memago- or .a State paper
of any kind, which ismOisfaefory - to these very
loyal - Deniognalci Oditore. Why,' the, ablest
men, sir, country are this Government
and in Congress aw representatives of the Re
publican party; and the other side of the House
may be challenged 10-Produce statesmen who
can compare with Charles Sumner aad William
H. Seward. It -.does not:admit of a question,
thatin point,of intellect:the stehaamen of the
Republican party compare: favorably, at least,
with any Mania the Tienoimatie party'. And
yet, they ,cannot at any time write a State
paper, or deliver a speech Coogan which
is consideredcreditablely. the men who-write
for the Dethocratio-newitiPaKm..
Now, sir, this. paper, is • published in the
city of Philadelphia .'brit:yer bt
, They had twO meta from
York• colitty' to start that Japer. That
is a specimen of thef,lottaft' of Which men
boast as flourishing - chitin in that region. When
.that paper was started,-it-began with an editor
whg was really a loyal Derhocrat—a man of
iiighly . cultivated mind—a man sixty years of
age, - Who had represented. our country in
Enrol:l6in a diplomatic Capacity. He began
his comae .as Aber editor of .that paper,-deter
mined, as , he told hiends of mine; to 'Simko-it a
loYil DemOcratic newspaper. Well, sir; he
did not'stay there long. He *as not allowed
to 'metro-that loyal Democratic paper, and _he
.left Ho.jOined the Republican party; and
,deliv i ered an address before the •Union
- riMgitli,* - attiring why be had left that
parer—that the assreatic.ns which there around
him wereauch atrifelhlat numprightto-tolerate,
and he Wort% 'Vet stali them. A6a sir, the
editolot a Democratic paper hero-in Harrisburg
:West outdo-this same way. 3 • -
kar,nobod,ycam regret tuore.thin I
sac thingo-as this should
;'. •i :laiiiie - tipuTl do, for
the sake of the craft to w' 04 Ito-nor
_to-belong, that there.o-re publighotairover-our
country,. :newspapers like that, 3n. , seer, Tittle
hamlet as well as in ei4ry. city; which aro-Info
letuling the 'peophi, 'which are 'inculcating the
idea that this GoVernnient is engaged '"hi a
mere crusade against Southern slavery—Wool
datinglhe idea that the Government is a mill
tart despotism, and that the peopletmght not
to suatairi -
lir. Speaker, when gentlemen may =come
here and talk about their newspapers:being
mobbed by soldiers, they must bear in mind
- the provocation the soldiers haire" had,; ;they
mind bear in: •mind the .long-suffering of this
people; they must bear in, mind the doctrines
Out forth in a certain clam of-netespapers. And
I fell yen' sir, public sentiment must he comdd
more rapidly than- ty- Volunteering: - I would
have been very gladifthe-system %aunt, rated
by denaral Catneron,when.hawas.Secretaty of
War,- had been continued; but this .was a law
decided to be donstitullonalliy eminent jurists,
and when it went into force In the city of New
York, the.. Democratic newspapers and politi
cians, _from day day, ledthe Democrats in
the city of. New. York to believe that,the_aev
ernment was cheating_them---that the govern-
Went teas carrying on this thing in an improper
.manner-thatit waegoing te rake themeway
by, force and:leave the Republicans at 'home
- Noir, this is the sortof mischief in which
the leaders ofthisDemOcratic party hi f ftelieen
engaged: eincethis-War•lieglie. - : Their - thine
has not ::been • barmiest., :They `have entirely
debauched the minds of a large class of
in the Northeni States. In` out own State we
have seen in What such practices culminated.
The troubles litchtly . blearlY came ' fiom
this sort of imitation. Illtose men in &hut lkill
county who have, i
been guilty of,acts.of outrage
were misled by Democratc ,politiciansand news
papers.'uThere is no question about. ...Talk
-about no disloyalty: in Tennsylvenia! Why,
sir, we:can all call toininctinstances, occurring
generally in Democratic districts ; where_deeert
eis arrested. by the military. authorities . were
-rescued bYteobs: Now, willtufty Man tell me
. thatispercal Pf-liepublinans would have rescued
a deetkrtea • Yet that has been done all over
Pennsylvania; and some lives have been lost in
the skifirdahes Coriserinent upon it.
Again; eir, in the-city of New York, where
Ithis dreadful riot occurred, a large Mess nieet
ing.feas held—said to have beetOttrieLtiflhe
largesteyeripld in that city4-etzirldeli stlekul
,Ikeinocraltic politici a ns now -nortember t of
Congress; made a speech, (and camp, of, the
mune party made speeches also, thiiiigh - he led
.the way,), urging a treaty - of peace--41trging
that this war mast be stopped--_-_Apt, stopped
when it had succeeded; not lhat , the,Pesballion
'hould be put down ; not thit: r ilih' enpretnacy
of the Coristitutionlitid thelaWitihinild helm
forced at the point :of„bayomelfttPia lh tr'-the
war should be atoppmkapi i mw kma d a ._ iwere
there any lleptitdisAwtherel _lf there were,
I never heard, of,them.„Thetruthia, it was a
Democratic metnTled - oir the ex-mayor
-of New York,Oneitf 'tile/Wet Potftitil De l * °-
cratainliiiviYork - Cltyj 1. -
- .PEtt,t4azlitote,r4shitilseingAind I lettim , this
n9lC4crOrt4e-ARW3aAlefer to some of th e
acttrof - the ckniptimentlfself, and.to give
views troncteritinglffraii •
' This-rmar t , - sir; ate I Bald, waspreeipitafilinflon
113'•• Akiginally itwas a warof seltdefehilet7yikas
on- When Ahtlthantlaneola
110,4 war of aggress,
WatielectedPresidentof the ljaitew a t aii....wine
eight States rebelledi theirld#resentritlyee re
tired from Congreis,ffer dehverffig farewell
addresses, and-thoseditsielcrmitialied.allovern
meat) et , . I .4ioEoPtetni irt7idabartml:::;They
started, tihq tke,Y , ezAt4A9M-1 oThey
tis* *Mita