Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, March 07, 1864, Image 2

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    pait g Etiefaf)
General Cr is..vslinrd-The Pennsylva
nia Reserie .
We have alreadfrefe - fii - airthe'Viiiit - Of-Zieri.
Crawford, of tliePein:: s tS4lv i anialleserve
* S
the State Capital,AW.4ay. ,This gallanta9l
- was receiyeiY4 l the arithoritieg'ifitl&he
honor Which is his due. It is understood that
Gen. Crawford came to Harris)urqp .
with the authoritieS here, - ; r eference to"the
prospects, present and future, of the corps
which he i's . in command-a
which now cluster the affections
and thein
terest of the people of the, - XeyStotie l s e tate.
The War Department, for reasons of course
known only to the Aecretaridif-Wari,"iiiiiinn
nounced the purpose, and actually carried into
effect, an order to divide anti scatter
ferent regiments Of-thelteserve Corps, thus
placing the men in 'still:lige commands—and
what is more g - rievons to these briivaifelltiws,
separating them, destroying the prestige of
their organization, diminishing ithe gloryw.hich
they cherish as belonging to their association
beneath the same flag, anciblotting them out, as,
i.t Were, cm the page of history ! Our friends of
the Reserve Corps 'have. for some time been
writing to us on this 'subject, antteipating and
deploring the division of the corps to which
we allude. written to us since
this division has commenced, by detailing and`'
ordering off .for service in other divisions of
the anny, two of the regiments of the Re
serves ; and if but half is true that our cor
respondents communicate, theeffeellias
to demoralize as brave and as-gallant a Set of
men as ever rallied to the appeals . of, horair,or
went into battle to defend a glorious. cause
The men of the Pennsylvania Reserve ar . 6 al
ready disheartened, if they are )zot rend ered
for service by the ruthless'brealcing ap of, their
organization.' .
It is hoped that the orders for the 'divisice i
of the Reserve Corps Will be . re-Considered.
There is something too glorious, toe: - .4ble,
too dear; clustering around this organization,
to have it broken up 13.0 W, when its reputation
has become so sacred to the great:State of
Pennsylvania. It 'muet be remembered, .that
this corps was organized independent of •the
orders of the War Departmentthat it was
the result of a policy to protect the borders of
the State—and that in, tlip darkest hour of the
Republic it, the ReserVe7Corps, niarelied at an
opportune moment to the rescue of tlie Govern
ment when its most Sang-dine 'frieridd 'iiiia
gined that its doom of destruction had arrived.
Surely these facts deserve some considera
=lt is understood that Gov. Curtin is now
in correspondence with the War !Deliartment
on this subject. We trust that he : will suc
ceed in securing ' a continuance' of. Jhe :un
broken organization of the Reserve• Cops:
The City Election. , ' ,
The election for ,citypfficers, councilmen,
school directors, and Other offiehdi, is foati'ap-
preaching. The politicians - Ap i arti''aous
to make capital out of a "Deinopiakirc,vietern"
are busily engaged in arrangingAheirlplans,
and in most of the yards have nominated can
didates for theSe:POSitidiii.` "We ask the peo
ple without dintinefion.of party, impartially to..
investigate . the merits and the ' ability cf;the
men thus put forth for.their support: -We ask
the intelligent •portion' of the citizens of each
ward, who,haVe children to"educate, who have
taxes to, pay—and who have,the vital,interests
of the city at heart—carefully to ekainine.the
reputation, past and present, of the men who
are selected as' candidatel"to t. take charge of
the city government for• the coming year.
After they have' done, this, - we4esatir4o that
the decent, intelligent portion of. the com
munity will set about an eanmt , iilfort toile
'feat the'men thilinoininateif liy E - CruTnTthe.
eleetiOn.'of competent,:4esileetabie citizens to
take charge of the education of our children'
and the operation of 'the bitYgq*iiment.
—The people of: - each :ward, 'ivitl6rittais
tinction of party, should stance organi.zeand
select men for council,,schoWdir'aCtiirs; and'
other officers, who are liniOvit !Or their Anali
ficatiens and "integrity. The.grO,6):46iii the'
prosperity of Harrisburg leave always been too
much , retarded-by-the - comisels Which prevail.
in the • city tovernment 7 `,l7 the. faertielii,and
arbitrary course of thete • whew: ridiculous
vanity in pow has subtected to the,
ridicule and contempt of our neighbors. we
can get men of progress.— r ineri of brain Sand
not a set of petty - ,7ard :politicians ! , who are
' the to6ls of the laders -of faptienlve may
hope-to see Harrisburg-soon =occupy the Posi
tion which heiriOacnirceS*ALd geographical ad
-vantage entitle her,: of , rbeing thethir city in
the Commonrealth.'in - Point:cif populati 3 On and
prosperity. Let ushaveVnion ticketsin every
ward—tickets forincid' of geed men- 7 either
our intelligent thechantes•orjelpeptable me*
chants—and the result tixi , orga.nization
of a city government of 7hittlLvr , May all
feel proud.
PersoiLarlind Political
The Scranton Republican. :sfiTs' that
alty has cropped out among the commission-
ers of Luzern county. The people of Wilkes
barre assembled at the court house :on_Wed
nesday,e-iirening, the 24th ult., for the purpose
of adopting some plan to avoid the draft by
paying.bolintiei tiiiNblunteers.. A comniittee
Was appointid to-:Circulate petitions. anfr ob
tain signatuies thereto; Asking the Legisla
ture to authorize' the county commissioners
to paya bounty.. of three :hundred dollars.
This committee lust: on,the - followAng — day,
and appointed a sub-committee to:-wait ., ,ipon,
- the commissioners and ascertain-what action
they were Prepared .. to talteztoiik*fing
- 2 bounties to - volunteers. The -sub-Conninttee
t Ai . ,,xlitit4telY-PrOC'ended - to the pert 4aT s e otJ
the duty of their appointment, and reported
..as folloWs: "That Nathan Kocher and. Ste-
phen Davenport, two of the vmmissiolkes,
were' to act under any.ylw passeeby
thAergihistlitr&W9W49sl th6 - 4eye autlier
ized bYjav to lqiiiitowkoneyibiAhe purPose
of payirigpounty Gririnctiti
the other:6onimissithiei e , stated;thfif.he *al's
Democrat ; that=he was opposed to the .war ;
that he would soiiiikprii the three hundred dol
lars for each volunteer to stay at home, and fui
ther that he did not believe the North could
"-- -
The following figures exhibit the result at
the charter elections in New York, as far as
tiCe = ietarns - have - been:received: - The vote
shows great„gaiiis . fot' .. theVnion ticket.:
Counties.'.'.. Dcm.: •.U. Gain. D. Gain
8r00me... - . .. .. - 2' 2
P h ei autauqua. ~. ,P.„ . 5 .
~kins • •
6 1. -
• •
Cortland .. 10 - 5
Delaware 'll
•' 7 1
i anklin 12 fit,. r - 7,6
Kerkimer 12. 7 • •
defferion . :?.
Onkiditta - 7
Otsego— .7!,7:71.-=: 12
13 . •
Richtpond-: .. .. t
St. laiirreAie:.".-..:28
Soholuvier.o : • ;,•••-• i•.; ..-. - A 2 , 39.1 F; :; • • • •
Schbylef;.)...t....!. '_ '4_l 3 f..t , 1
Steuben... .....;; 4 L 1
.21 11 4 ..-
•Tiiidit'..:..l.:: . •".. 3 7 g; : C - ,2. - y. ._" -2 I .
11 .;.
Wyoming 1.1 5 2 j..
Yates .. ..
,',l - ititial: , i . , "•27 — t.;ii..1 7 8 . 6'.', ~*;7423..t.t1-4
ZebulenNig,gin, gs9 . .,.postumster at Strat,
ham; N.'11:; after an illhead of' a Week, died on
the Ist inst.,; aged 77 yeari.; - ;. - Upon the estab
lishment pf, ._a fr post
ary, 1822; 'Dlr. wah-appointefl-post
master,:torid: retainedttlfece±ll4(guider all Ad
ministrations of the Government more than
to.Ahe people,. ana', , satisiae:torily tOthe
'Department. - Efe 'probably` the 'Oldest
postmaster in the Unitect-gtated: He wati c an
admirer of General ,Jackson,
Democrat, but was SuPPOrfer l of • the
Governmeint,_ and always,loyal.
A general understanding is said to prevail,
if not art organization the neg,roeit of
Richmond, to aid the 'Union refugees and
priabneii to talre'tlideitfin ease.bf an attack.
GeneralSrowts.and Dourmnoex,have testi
fied that aft 6 the first day's fighting; at:Get-'
tyaburg;f4;lh . bz issued an order to fall :bnck
seventeen *Des' 40 but for ,A4aci; la threat
would have been ordered. z{ , '" I
Two German paperts. in St. Louis haie.
hoisted the name. of Crell. FREMONT for the
r .
Presidency. " —". '
Highly - Interesting" froni tlie
Richmond Dates to Mareh
The Flufter Caused by Raid.
Reported Great Destrae tiop
of Property
::).,101H • •
- .
•r• 4 t
Narrove - lititlie tif - - - JOeilaitt tory 4.•.410,
- • i
41(itliAge' Oil
We lieeedv6dlaif night fro& bur special cor
respondent at Vortress lgonroe_the Richmond
Whig -45f.stiarch" . 2d,'"froxii ttiketlie
following concerning Kilpatrick's great raid
THE TAHTmv HAM .114:1H1H9,24P,:THEE-&-TEHID-
L mu=,gniwbats,L.,j=aa, A u.=A
.t).ktA.aS.;.. '-i:..;,-s'.;t.
. _
Our last notice of the movements of the
enemy closed 'Ctli their , appestat:oe_ tit 'Fred
' eilers Hall, pti, th§ Qtuk#Bl;ndllOad;,and the
•ap.proachinglof •Einothevanmn.tonrard Char
lottesville: , The riAlparni:Weie
,our cnialry, - "- Colonel' . CaSitie, anere
pnistid.;;:At.VederiCla-Eall,theY.tore apt the
.track for. a considerable distance,, andi•Lit is
reliably reporfekleapftwol :;axida . lirOughtloff
several of qM. ofad lie
a th
filfery stationere, sides . doing consid
tiribleldamage to.there ain'der by-destroying
the etuti.4o wis
§thid'qther'e rer46,tig ittmfit
for itiniiiidiate:Csi- : 11'
. .
Laving ,- .Frederick's Ran. Monday,- they
crossed the Central -Railiciadarld•dividedixtto
two detachinents, one'moving in the , direoaoll
of 4ames.liver Canal, and the Otherr. towards
Ashland; where it apent-Mondayvight The
former column penetrated , yesterday, morning
_to the, farm of . HOn-Ilames:X.f,Sedden, tkre
tary_ . of War, ..in ,Gooddioi,d .county. , : They
burned his barn and stable; and 4V-is reported
by an.'escaped _prisoner' that his th,tar N t
he_use.Fas. 4LifialaiSs
They, also burned all the flour and:sawmill
including the Dover flour mills, the barns and
mill Ofidessie. Stitriard-1-11feidaii; destroyed
a number of freight, and other boats in the
canal, and did 4cousiderable'damage •to the
iron wok at D3eaa sin-
done thq. '4ll4,lseildektliii.:444.4*.ttiqa of
the-boats,---.WitS:"..the . cutting! oft Ithe.llock. at
iile on
:siist 7:sourni-laW, faiin.:"aljoins
that of 'Secretary•Seddon,,ytitftorturiately,•be
caMe apprised- r q thair - aOredoh'-ii to'
espaps. arrivedin_this - 04' yes-
. .
The' . - Oher detachmeht that caine to,:Ash
land, 'was acCOrepardid. with' a , bitterY...o-ar
tillery; -and'appea,red on the Brooke Turnpike;
aboht.sii miles norest of the eity; yeater
ditY.X9Yll3-94,' They were promptly net
kept Cheek,- and: finally hindsomely . re
pulsed by. 41:portion -or•-theen eii
and C 4 -711
.. StePlienS, Who inann.S':few
sections' . of light -extilloty, A 4401: ensued,
and shots were exchanged for about two
hours. The enemy then withdrew in the di
rection of Mechanicsville, burning the trestle
work of the CentrnlrailreSdspross,the Chicks
hominyriver intheir retreat Our loss filth&
fik=it -032,.phe Brooke -road' was-one - 'killed and
spa. or 19-Yea wounded;: but weave ~.been un
ablia.to Neitheithedbrce
choi , tluyticiss of- th&•enemylis,-yet ascertained,
t d"tl sir dean iirnd'weitaligo with'
Aeli_...Q.:Pligloi t ed:itift:gritkg£LCTie
committed to the Libby prison. 4 ,44 ;
D t iring the retreat of this column they
threw two or three shells at the dwelling of
Hon. Xinriee L ris , whiw exploded in c2A. detachment sent to destroy the bridge
yetit, 'without &Linage. They stopped the aboVe Ashland Station returned unsuccessful,
cft. age of Mr.• John Ballard, took both having encountered several thousand rebel
tghorses, and cEorriK o ff the horses of 3,lr:' troops.
Groddin. The latest ' have from this' Leaving. Ashland to the right, they puhed
retreating 'minim► isthet.they had halted five on, crossing .the Chickahominy, and striking
or' six:Miles from , the c ity-"to take some thedriooke turnpike, moved upon Richmond,
freshinerit. Tiitly4tre probably encleivoribg ..The ;fortifications, five miles from the city,
to make their escape by way of the' White Weresnon,reeihed, and the force there speed-
House. We omitted to mention -ii 'report,: By Overcoats. Pushing on, they advanced to
that they saluted Camp Lee with a few'shells 'Within two miles of the city, where a rebel
but this lacks confirmation. .brigade, .stationed behind the fortifications,
The detachment that went to .Gooeldaud, met them witha sharp fire.
tikkirdlittlietiatzifi:•eit‘ofen eacaped - prfi- " Distnounthag a Portion oflliglbreo a charge
one,rianeludecl a. large body of negroes mount- was made on foot, abut a• destructive fire of
ed miefilimed. They seized and brought with' musketry forced them to retire.
them a-- peindderable number_ of negroes as. - Gen. -Kilpatrick. then withdrew to Meadow
they passed , through the country, as well as a Bridge, - where heencamped, but was soorraf
large nuMber horsed.; WhiCh were brought ter shelled from this position, and destroying
into requisition whenever others were ex- the bridge and =railroad, he moved to Old.
hausted and - gave 'Ont. - before leaving the Church, where he wasjoined by a. portion of
I Central railroad, they. impressed into service Col. Dahlgren's command. From thence to
a negro guide, to pilot-them to the vicinity of Mechanicsville, White and New Kent Court
this-city,'-where they 'intended and expected House, where they - met General Butler's
• to' arrite last night'to effect a jruaction-prOba- forces.
blY: : with the coluran ;:frOm the direction 'of Bann_nons, March .7.—Our Fortress Mon
- Ashland. : The xiegre,:however, intentionally roe letter says that COL Dahlgren iS safe
or ignorantlypiloted them in the wrong di
rection, and they landed'' Goochland; as
'abOve — stated, about aiylight-,yesterday, for
which they hung him yesterday afternoon.
It•is-reported that a• detaelutient from this
Ooltirini went to the tive:r at Xanakin's Ferry,
it is believed,, with' the intention of crossing,
if practicable; and: coming down on the south
side.t ,, Wliether they suoceded ofnot we ha k ve
notlearned..: SOMe,ortlielorivates expresred
regret at the. buridiig,of liOnses,;biit said they
acted under orders. A..negro belonging. to
Mr:•Stinard 'Was eaptured„ and after being
.with thentalLday, feigried sickness, tuadbeing
sent off rider;- gmrd . ,•ithreskof our pickets
galloped u p . and eripturedlrie Yankee and re
ileased the negro: • •;" • • -
About three•o'clookiyesterclay afternoon the
enemy advanced towardithe city by the West,
ham or river road, 'evidently' the , same Home
'that,Went,to..Goochliind - :, They formed' into
line of hattle,not fir above the city, and from
the brisk_firink.tif, uariektry heard in that di
rectipii ,alieut,dary . it iS suppOSed a fi ght ,oc
`turred. TheeneMY,Wore afterwards reported
to have been repulsed. Several prisoners
were bronglit in abouheiglat o'clock last night.
Up to the late hour. nf writing this, we learned
no particulami r .
The body ofraiders is vunder the command
of General Xiipatrick„ celebrated in cornice
:don with the raid-of last spring over very much
the identical route. Besides. the,general de
#truction of pr . optirty, chie 'of , the Prmcipal ob
•Jects of the road was evidently the release. of
'•thelprisoners in , this city;' hut the- plan nue- .
eti ! bylhe:ireadliely or ignorence of their
negro guide.' It is nocto be supposed that
it would have been successful - •had it been
otherwise. The whole force is estimated at
about two large brigades, 'mad, whateirer the ob;
ject, they; have won:a' title . to considerable`
boldness, bi'stiY th'least of it,
3 '.+.1.x"3
.s: ~:~i
.:'ll. - •:',)ifT.:7;:trd
; DasteNaltt,,a3)94 , alaqter h ! fowll &clock,
afflalleryhtng .w..as.heardm the direction
of 2iteadox-I?•rjdge, or :Mechanicsville, which
continued.balfinlibur.' It Prbdeeded, doubt.
lets; ft unlpe,polnmn , that-retreated inr.that
direction . _.• t 4
It was reported that; a:skirmish occurred
earlier in .theatight, on the Westhfun road; in
which/81e- erceny ehirgbeHnrleY's *battalion
83 1 0. 1 4 , ._ 2 804:YtigipiaTegir4enti 'Who were in
.advanee iof the main body, and.vere repulied:
We'heard•Of imuniaMes: • • '
flii 'official , e.
granhupeahon received last
opinion that treadkis ad
vanaing.againnt Lee. The same opinion,.we
learn, is entertained in a highofficial'cknaer.
If Meade means fight,,it; may begin J.4-day,
"the - weather ~.pernadhslg: though...it :may,: be
only a demonstrationl in favor-of 'the raid on
the city.
Goanoaxevimm, Marelt 1-. The 'raiders are
falling2haelr: from Charlkittesville,. Over the
road they . eanie. Thefliurnt
mill; six miles from Charlottesville, ?yester
'Of 'the_ enemy which went to
Frederick's Hall captureci% at that point Col.
H. P. Jneds, 'Capts. 'bemerit; 'Garber, Chan
ning, Page, Watson and two lieutenants.
,They did us very little damage ; at ; ederiek's
,V.id/: IR6ll:kis still falling.i i
p.ACOND ..1),1824CE;•
OaAiraz-domq .11ouszesMarch I.—The one-
WS raiding tiaity tiit."*ithin two miles of
Pfu2Clutd,tisavilifiTesferdaY , evening; V o llen
:BeekiiiriOrhorse.a_rtillery , sintbarajor lia r ' son,
with a body of dismounted and furloughed
men, ,met Ar#l,43xckve , ,,thein bank across the
; 13,nygama riyer. ~Their..eamp: f useeLwere visible
four miles from Charlottesville last night.
..T4e,party which went. to El'adariak's Hall
tore` Ai), aca. 'not eateli the train,
"whibli -was signalled in time to return4O-Gor
donsyille. The enemy Are also making de
mimstratitms in our'jfiOnt. .Stich arrange
ments haviteo Mideli s d 'Ought to insure the
capture of the sphailettasville raiders.
339 'ereorapf).
HO:Arri t ves. at Fortress Monroe
liitln.oo Of His
Nzw Yozz, March 7.
The eLlflaillounces
the 'safe arrival at. Fortfess Monroe of Col.
Dahlgren and one hundred. of his men;
.114. Z. -L•Thtr , Preseden re
l'ortreas Monroe - this
afternoon statir,gr,ctbak, GoI. Dahlgien w ith
his hundreVnien, Mid arllTed within, our
lines. The Colonel.was aCraktkess Aonroe.
The President and Secretary Stanton
'diately Admiral Dahlgren, to
convey the glad bald congratulate ,him
upon the safety of,his gallant .son: •• '
~N6,-lua.ye,treen7 pitbled to glean. the follow
ing addition - if d'etails'of,General Rilpatrick's
, raid: " Floth - Sfasytvi.iala Conit-Hohse the
' main body 'proceeded to Newmarket, and
thence to Childahurg, where a detachment,
was dispetohectlZ, :destroy the bridge on the
Itichmend i .:lnd....Vre;derloksliarg Railroad,
which dene';'-...'Cilritinifing their march,
they crossed the North-Anna at Beaver Dam,
tearing up the track of the Virginia Central
Railroad; bliiiving up :Onlverts, birning the
station-house, a• number , of cars, twenty army
wagons, several warehouses containing grain,
and destroying
, the• :Water-tanks, telegraph
F ines,etc." • •
Wile engaged in this_work, a train filled
wit,h 7 SiiildiersaptAftiched‘frorn Riehinbra, and
our nibn were •atii - onee•.lambushed. -But , the
conductor was warned, and the train stopped.
!The rebeli tfien-thiew-4iut 'sitirmlehers r and
shots : : Tiel-Wrggct ei44B O ,,IPPon :the
train, caused 7a. hasty, viithdrawal,, and ;nefur
.ther molestation occurred at that point.
Froin thelic - p - tlikYprodiedeil Taylorsville,
halting,at the' Senette'liina" river to refresh
a to '' ' l . Cr
CH: ' 4 1 er .: : E 4 : 13 ,-- 113 . .. -- - °h31 4,1
~ Their pickets were given in; but
eral attack was made.
Arrival of the City of New York.
The Rani Seizure .in the 1.10.ug IA Commons.
t:11 7 12 .1 4
Conference Between Austria and
r - -4kgFeed IrPon•
Anticipated Revolution Jn Germany.
;Con,fli:e'ting Report s
Destruction of a Ship by tbc Alabama
.'The stetUner City of Witsw, York arrived at
this .port morning, with later advices
The steamship Hibernia arrived out on the
21. st ult., an. 4. the America at, Southampton
on kth.ult: •
England has proposed a conference on the
Danish `t On' a "n,ew Aus
'tria' and - PrUssia hai , e given their assent,ta
The Times hopes that a perfect solution of
the question will be arrived at.
The House of'Commons has debated the
question of the Mersey rams. A motion for
'the production of the papers was rejected by
25'majoiity far the government
The Morning Poses city article says flip re
ports froin Pi.VS•nre still more:. ,Positive ' that
dr4ileriti4,444tiationsAre progressing be
tiiaen .Eranea and. England, for a joint:m(3og
nitiow of the' confederates,' and if England re
. fusetr"Fitsiei'Oill act alone.
~ , .
' The ro.sf decli _ nes to vouch for these re
hi the Route of Come:ions Mr. Fitzgerald
denounced the Government . for seizing Laird's
rams, and asserted that the action was in con
travention of the law. In moving for all the
correspondence on the subject, he said he
should deplore a war with America, but should
rather go to warthan that the law of. England
should be infringed, in consequence of the
threats of foreign ambassadors. -
The Attorney General defended the Gov
einment and explained the legality of their
action., He claimed for the Government the
merit-Of acting from a sense of justice and no
other inottiVe.., • ' ' .
Several`speakers. denormecd .the .course of
the: Government, and charged it with
lattinity. Finallythe motion was rejected
by a Tote 178 against .11.3 ; —a majority,. of
GOverninent. . •
. .
The announcement of the votewas received
with loud cheers froth the ministerial side.
Layard • rsiifd that it was, ; true that, with
the consentOf the British and•Ameriean Gov
ernments, tobacco, had been passed through,
the blockade froraltichniond for the Austrian:
and French Governments. England hadinade
no similar application for cotton,.bedause the
case:was altogether different. -
An: immense meeting- tielDlibliti to prcites
againit erection 'of. the Albert memorial on
College - Green, was broken. upby•riotous pro
ceedingi;ind,the Fenian Brotherhood. A
desperate"fight took place, but resulted hi
nothing serious. It is asserted that some of
the combatants wore the American uniform.
The clonfederateloan has declined to 52C)
54. The rate of diseount of the Bank of
land has beenTeduced to six per cent:
fro*Portland, arrived out on the
24th.. - n •
Affairs in Sobledwig are wichanged. The
report.is confirmed that'Austria and Prussia
have agreed 'to' Conference in London, but
they will not discontinue hostilities. In the
meantime the Danish Minister of Foreign Af
fairs, in a speech, distinctly • asserts that not
until the former state'of -things is reinstated
in Schleswig, will the Danish Government
renew its
.efforts' for ternaipating, by means of
uegotifillimS,. the conflict with. the.: Germans.
The London limes.tb inks it probablethatthe
spring will a revolution in Germany. -
T4a•Liverpool Markets are generally:quiet
but _steady. Lbndon consols 94991/ for
Additional particulars of the Pirtslcian're
pulse, at Duppell, are conflicting. One ac
count looks disastrous for the Prussians, but
the Prussian official accou.nt, is • the reyerse
only admitting three killed and , :twenty
• wounded. • . ,
• It is asserted that the'entente - damticabctween
France ard - Frigland is no Ringer
. doubtfuL
The-Empexor agrees to co-operate: , •
The folloWitig, is l a.' synopsis - of the news
sent - o':piktle SidiiAbri,the,27th:
, The ship. destroyed by the Alabama was:: the
Faults • • - -
LivEsroari -Cotrox 115..uurrr.—Feb. 24:
Sales of cotti*fiir the last -two.days nine thou-.
sand bares;:market dull; quotations. barely
• maintained.' BreadstUffs dull; „flour 'still de ,
dieing; proMiiele quiet axas.teady.
Loppe/T, : February 25.,C0pa01e for _Money
Private William Boyle ' of the let New York'
3,Touuted convicted of the murder. of
his SuPertur.offiper, and sentenced"to.bo.shot,
had his. sentence commuted by Preaident
Lincoln to imprisoninent for . - life at hard
labor. Private Thomas Abrahams, 139th N.
Y. who guarded Boyle. at, William*mrs, let
him escape and desert to the enemy. -'=
--It was threfigh thii UorUtch that :the iebels
in Richmond were v tiiprised of - the - movement
of Genertdßutlerito :release,: our captives in
Libby Prisonliti(d.oirßelleTsle, twelve hours
before hi' s=coops reached, Bottom's Bridge,
7 hich they found Mimed. For this crime
P r enerelq‘utlex had bra He has
ileac edikvicted and sentenced to-le-shot, arieid
the President has approved of this act of jus
NKW Toxic Maroh,7
Sentenced to be Shot.
Rebels on the = Chesapeale,
They Cap4l;tre Three Boats.
A Captain Compelled to Give Bonds.
lie is Sibsequently Robbed of $l.lOO.
Amplouz, March 7
• There are exciting rumors in the streets to
day; "of an extensive 444 raid on the Chess
peakelltha trio lionisiana of ,
folk line, had been captured by a party of
rebels while on her downward way to Fortress
Monroe, and had been taken into one of the
rivers of the western shore of Virginia.
It was Stated the rebels were in armed
tugs. As far as can beasotirtained this rumor
is false.el l W ll r=e other small boats have been
captured;one of them the side wheel steamer
S. P. Thomas, Capt. Webster, employed as a
dispateh steamer between Fortress. Monroe
and Cherry Stone Inlet. - The" other two were
tugs employed between the same points.
The party making the capture were, in
a schooner supposed to have come out ofthe
Rappahamiock, boarded' the steamer, and
compelled Capt. Webster to give bonds to the
amount, of $20,000, and they released him.
They'd Ole eleven thousand dollars from the
Information was yesterday received at the
military headquarters in this city that the
wires were, cut by raiders on Saturday morn
ing, which was doubting done by the same
party who made the captures.
News front East Tennessee.
Yuguivn.LE, Tenn.,. March 6.
Scouts report that Longstreet has sent his
wagons to Riclunond by railroad, and is
mounting his men.upon the horses and mules
thus released, and is pressing into the service
all the aninudslbat can be found.
The rebel 'cavalry is still scouring -the
count - y east of us. Martin's cavalry appeared
yesterday on the French Broad river, near the
mouth of the Big Pigeon. Some apprehen
sion is felt of a raid by Morgan upon our rail
road communications with Chattanooga.
At Pittsburg, on the Ist inst., of paralysis and effUslon
upon the brain, EMMA E. Passe, wife. of S. S. Carrier,
Esq., and dauchter of Benjamin Parke, LL. D., of Sus;
quehanna county, Pa., aged 28 years.
The deceased was for :several, yeats a communicant of
the Episcopal Church in this, her native city—from
whence, in 3.882, she removed to Pittsburg. There she
was soon called to pert with a dearly beloved child, which
sad overt tited-her attention more vividly'upon eternal
realities. „3Vithin the past ycar She seemed to have a pre..
monition that her Master 'would soon call for her. Her
affections were loosened Vim earth;)mid her care given to
have her lamp trimmed and burning. All intimate with
her enjoy the assurance gut. her disease, which six days
before her death arrested her consciousness, though a
shock to hei friends, was no surprise to her. Coss
NEW ADTERTisrmv.Vrs.
- • Notice to Gat Caloranters.
4 consumers of gas are notified thit all
bills not paid on or before the 10th Inst., the flow of
gas,will be oat off By order of the Board of Directors.
mar7,d3t 1: GRAY, Superintendent.
. BUILDING, to be taken off of the gronnd by the
first of April next. Per particulars Inquire of
mari-d4t Corner Fifth and Iferket•sts.
Proposals for Mules.
• • OFFICE of emir Qtwrriitticinsi,-
Direawnestrr WEErOrittenvta,
OCIIIIERLAND, MD, March; 2d,: 11301.
SEALED PROPOSALS will lie' received - at
0113 office until Monday, the 14th day of March,
1864, at 12 o'clock, st., for furnishing the Government
and:to Conform to the following
ALL to be sound, well developed animals, in full health,
free from any blemishes or defects which would unlit
them.focsoveremork, and in good flesh.
ALL to be over three and under nine years of age.
ALL to be fourteen liands or over in height. '
The full name and post-office address of the holder
must appear in the proposal.
If' the bid,is Made in.the name of a firm, the. name. of
all the Outlet must appear, or the bid will be considered
as the individualproposals of the party signior it -
Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered,:
and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi
tion. _ . .
Bidders must state at which of the above named points
they propose to make deliveries
. ProPesals must he addvessosl to the undersigned, at
Cumberland, and: should be marked, :'proposals for
NO tor Oty: : muiai and upwards will . be-. re
The ability of the ibidder WAS :the contract,- should it
be awarded to him, musk be gharanteed by- two reeponsi,
ti.e persons, whose signatures must -be appended to the
guarantee. -
The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown
by the official certificate of a United States District Judge
Attorney, Collector of Customs, or other Government
official, or some responsible person known to this office.
Bidders must be present in perion when their bids are
opened, or their proposals will not be considered.
- Bonds equal in amount to half the- sum to be received
on the- =tract, signed by the contractor and both his
• guarantor, will be required. of the successful bidder,
uponsigning the contract.
As. the bonaonst be ammimanied by the' contract, it
neceSharrfor. the bidders to haie their bondsmen
with them, or to have bonds signed in• anticipation, and
ready to be produced when the contract is signed_
Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application be
ing castle at thiseffica, etther . peniomdly, by-lotter or tel
Fq4.11 OF GuArtAxTEE.
and of the county of --, and State
of ,'do hereby' guarantee that, able to
fulfill a contract irracatydanco with, the, terms of his:pro
positioni and that, ahoidd his propsallloir be' accepted, he
will at once triter into a contract in accordance'therewith.
Should the contract be awardledyilitz% we;areploppared
to become bissttreties.
. _
(To this:guarantee mast be appendtutthe , ofjjoigi.certig_
cute above tnentloned.)
mines. a:V:raged fer 3uulir v thls advertisement' wfil
be subjected t o .4t rinid busssctiononnd those a:l:conform
ing to the specifications will be rejected.
The mules must all be delivered at the. several points
named within fifteen (1.5)' days from date slgning the con
Payment to he , made as soon after the oompletket of
eatkaOstratlkaatthe underaigned..may be in fnnda• Any
9,UnaltlYthlhe bid or non-contbrinance wi th the terms
okini:enverhionnent, will ineurethe rejeCdon the pro
.- The gadersigied, reserves to himself the right:Ae Meet
anyor aLthe bldg that he may. deem too
ki alr ,and Mier Qpartermaster P.apt.Wescruena.
ma ik
:• 1r :... ...-F F i elt.t.- I .Wq - .2ild earldo
S'‘ITE:EaSTAND on Ridge Road. Ap
et* Eared street, bereretat State and 'Walnut.
wiiiiikOni.e and Convenient Sub.
stitute far Yeast.
_l2a nit serve to impregnate the doneh. ,
carbonic acid, which by its expansion in
daces levity - whiteness and digestibility. w,-1,,
nating a single nutritive element, or addluz Ti„
thing which the system does not con , t
They enable a cook to make the most
sweetest and lightest cakes without a nee;:. t.
Warranted to give satisfaction, or no sales. Prii .
sold, wholesale and retail, by.
118 Market street. Han,.
maT tf
Proposals for Coal.
rir...I.3b2LFAXIA STATE Lra'axrc
March 7. 154'4.
13110POSAIS will be received until 6 r. ` }
± Of Thursday. March 31. 1864, for slpplyn.:-.
Hospital with Six HVEDRED TONS of A No. IBrukttz
of the best quality and free from slate and other .
The coal to be delivered on the wharf of the H.
on the Pennsylvania canal, the weight so be
by the wrier lock at Banishing. PropesaL;
marl-td JOl CURWEN. S. , apenn., •
The attention of tax-payers is hereby ral;,.! z..) I
visions of the United States Excise Law re:..lt.v.
assessment of annual taxes
By the sixth section or the act or July I.
made the duty of an persotta, partnersh:ps,
Mims, or corporations, lowde liable to any ,unca
liCenSe i or tax, ox oa Mt= ras Firm MOs DAT t l / 4 v : 1 / 4 1
or SAGA TEAR, to make a list or return to
Assessor of the District where located or no m.our._
annual income, the articles or objects mcat. 4 ,,t „.
special tax, and the business or occupation latt t., I
any license.
Every person *he shall fail to make sari r ,l / 4 7urit 1 / 41 / 4
day specified-will be liable to be assessed by the
according to the best information which be ea t s
and in such case the Assessor is required to add Lt.,-
cent= to the amount of the items of such
_ .
livery person who shall deliver to an Aneser a:,,
or fraudulent list or Watement, with intent to ev...
valuation or enumeration required by law, is
fine of five hundred dollars; and in such case the I -
be made out by the Armor or Assistant A..-iFe
hum the valuation and enumeration so made tLer.
De no appeal.
Payment of the annual tax• - ., except those for ; xc
will not be demanded until the thirtieth day ofJcno.
The appropriate blanks on which to make returr,
all necessary information will be furnished by Bee.
F. Rendig, Asseceior for the First Division.
office in Middletown, and Win. H. Gas - low, Assistant
aessor for the Second Division, at his office in Harrisbte
Returns Should be delivered to the assistant of the divist
in which the person so required resides, on or before i!
first Monday in May, at his office.
mar74131.] U. S. Assessor 14th District. Sliddlei.w
the West Chester Academy - and Military
will give public drills in Harrisoutg, on WEDNESDAY
the 9th Just, at 4% o'clock, I" X., and ou THURSDAY
9 Wein*, A N. His Excellency, Governor Cur1:11, ,
review the Cadets, on Wednesdey at 5 o'clock.
Inar3-4t - WFN. WYERS. A. M..
$5 it3CWARD.
_OSTBetween Third and Walnut Ntrcr:
the,dischlige papers of HENRY AURRA.'II.
tery N, Ist Pa .Artillery, and a furlough for so
having re-enlisted. The above reward will be I
its return to (mar 5.301 • THIS 0111 I.
APLOT of Ground, fronting on Clie,v:::
street 62 feet 0 inchee, running along
alley 210 feet to Cherry alley, with 4 frame hvi- s.
quire of [mar6-dtf] 'WY C. wy.II)I.EN
LOTS for sale on the corner of Third an
Broad streets. Enquire of WM. C. McFADLEN
- - - - For Rent.
TWO FRAME HUMBS.—Eng - dire of MI
MURRAY, corner of Second and Pine.
A.T'rOII,NIE - Y - AT - -LAW
LL business pertaining to the profess: , _
11 WOl !ammo Us prompt amteraerta attention
Dscsmacß, 11, 1363
No. L
AGREEABLY to General Order
war Department, A. G. 0., Jan. 12th, 1•.6 tho
dendgned hereby. emamci command of this 1' an
saes the following . orders, for the fan:motion .us
ante of all concerned.
L All (Mims on duty at this Post RN
port tci these Headquarters their rank, regtruent.
. of dritY, and number and date of order p1.e.1,,,;
on such duty.
rcOfficers arrivint wilt report as specified
Officers on being nUevid:ltiim :duty, will
viral= to their departure, by what authority they
lieved t leaving a copy: of the orders at these
lIL Officers having soldiers under their char
paired, in addition to the aboite, to make a "mtrt
port" by 9A. it., each day,
J. V. BOMFORD, Lt. Col., 16th V. S. I ,
• Commanding l' ,
Orrcux.:—E. L Baimics, Ist Lt., U L C., Post
tant. mar3-d.
Recruiting Agency.
FFICE-in the rear of Herr's Hotel, Ila n
tto rem - MM. COMMITTEES from districts and sa
trtcta in the State will be promptly famished with Y
to fill QUOTAS, by applying to
111 TRACTORS. The undersigned commuter r.•
Paxton Fire Company invite proposals for the
and completion of an ' Engine House, two-story hr. .
be located in Second street near Vine. For
specificatiorus call upon DANIEL E. WILT, at la-
ogee, foot of Second street. Bids will be recelvr:
10th day of March, 18431. DANIEL E.
Building CMDM Lt
Collation of Ponnions, Bounties, Back Pa
and War Claims.
Taundersigned, having been in the
mest ef the 'Unite"' Statua during Umlaut eigly
months, as. Clerk in tba, Mustering and, Disbursing
and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Bert!,
Pennsylvania, respectfully informs the public Una
opened an °Skein the MILT TELEGRAPH Building ri r
purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay
War Claims ; also, making out Mem' Pay Balls, .-
Rolls and Recruiting Adcounta.
All'ordens by =0 attended to promptly.
novl,dif , SULLIVAN 5. CFIIII
mittraislei siring... Beds con's - 0114
Pabn.Leaf Cotton Top Antrum&
Odin Husk Mattresses.
Patent Spring, Slat Beds.
Feather Pillows and '
Cotton Comforts and Spreads.
Ladies' Willow Work Stands.
Carpet Camp Stools.
, Door Itigs, Carpet Ha:
Bedsteads di
pattern s,
N. 11.—Sofas, Lounges, Cushionse Chairs and. ,
'spared. Hair and Spring Mattrasses made to '
1® Market street, Harrisburg, Pa.
vans will meet in PHILADELPHIA, on
and continue in - session at least eight days, to rs
inßiaatirfor—*o—ffitinentss-as-Amistant Sur-:-
Pentantranist Regiments. The eject is to pruc - 14r
conaleein the redrafted regimens which may req.:' ,
Monet Aseistant Sameens.
tik iped health, famishing satisfactory
montalit o their Industry sobriety and ,k
-adanixed to the-nramination.
The rooms in which the examination will be
irldimiectirk die city papers on the day of
By order of the Goer:axon.
JAS. KM, Surgeon uer ,