• • . , • , - ..' • ..-..---.-- -- - =- - - -- 7 ~ „ ......., _. . . i --......._____-__-_, .. • :7 ' ''' 2. A' 1. . . . ..... ' .....-- ...- .........„, , . . . . M. ..- - . . .... ..... ...... .. PC . - - . & :•••• . k I tr s) '.::: r.l ... a . . _. , \ , ... ~, _ • -t,... •,--- - , w ~, k \.... r • 4 i ~.. , •,,,,, ..,..,.. . ~. _ , _ „..„. . N_ k,' -.. ..,- .. 1... , ,, : ~,_,„_ .._.: 4 : ,4 ::: . , .i I4I , gi% „ . . f 41 - ~...---- : - 4- • .. ) ( . • . &•,- $ -.. :-.... .. ~.. - - - - rd..L Ai- • • > .„, r. •,. # -,. 4 -7... 4 , t-.: -4 - .e. ,- .• '4 ' C 4 ' ' 4 - k " ' '-•"'-'' --":'-'• --- 4 ''''' - ,-, .. 1- - - - --- '- - Wir ,-A: . _ s,-. - --._ - ..q' _ k e ° i r .d e . 'i-' -.1 • ' _ . %,. .. ~ ~.z . _....... -..,.- • ...„,.• . •,-, . 7 „1 , 4 -- --_ . ,-,' - # 4 -.. ik. iiiii ,-... , :&. . - 7 - -.• • 4 - ‘... - - _ --- -••:,.- . : ... _....4.. _,O . • ~........ „...,... - „ ~.. , • - „...•-s.• ..,._ ~.....1 \ 4441441000 . 4 - - .1, . g -4 , e t* : ~. .... Alf •,....._ .........---- --" "....." :7... - ..w ' -- - i I. i "E - ~) 41 • ---......- v.. . , ~,,, 5,,, ..*. • tk , -4 -- • . "k - - . . .4- --__;-_--,i,,,.. . , : - ..:i-,.... " . _ .... . ----: -=:__L- '`. -- -- 4 - ; - .• .. I; "..7 - : • :` • • • - -------:--__—_-,_—_:_" " ' , . . . .. . - . . . .. BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSPE P..S DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER': AND DIGESTIVE OHMS, ARE CURED BY HOOD LAND,S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONII, frILESE Bitters have performed inord-enres; I. have and do give better satisfaction; have more:.inir r ;limey; have more respectable people to. vouclit,forrthein Lean any other article in the market. ; , ; i. We defy any one to contradict, this .assertiou„, and„ will pay $l,OOO to any one that wilt produce a-certidcate.pub liAied hv no that is not genuine. Holland's . Doman. ,Dit tem will cure every case of Chronic or. Nervous . Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising i from . it dis ordered stomach. Observe the following. syrriptonisi i re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the ; head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Fond, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming till of the head, Hurried and :difficult breathing, ...fluttb at the heart, Choking or SUENCRtiIIg sensations , when i a tying posture. Dimness of vision, Dots qr webs hefere: he sight, Fever and dull•piiin in the head, Deficiency Of, pain ,pinition, Yellowness of the skin endues, Pain. in 11. a 4.Pifip, Lack, chest, limbs, Be., Sudden flushes of heat, .Sming in the flesh, Constant, imaginations of evil, .and greet, de pression of spirits. ,• . ' , • „ , . . , Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic contains no rum or whisky, and can't: drunkards, but is the best Tonic in the world.' ' ' ".: READ WHO SAS SO Prom the Rev. Levi O. Beck,. Pastor ,of .the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. 3., formerly ;or, the Noith :Baptis t Church, Philadelphia. * * * !MEI I have known Hoofland's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. fl. have used'thein is my and have been so pleased with their effects That I was in duced to recommend them to many others, and.know:that they hare operated In a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly. prochtimingythis fact, and calling the Munition of lbw of willi.the diseases for which they are moommended to tilde ',..Bit. tars, knowing from experienee that my radointheridatian will be sustained, .I do this more 'cheerfully as Hoof -land's hitters is intended to benefit the -alfliCtoci; "and is "not a rum drink." Yours truly. , , 'a - is ,t '1 ` ' '''LEfi Q. B K.' • . . . , From Soy. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of.the En. eyclopedittof Religious Knowledge antl;Ghtlsqatt ; .014111.- cle Philaheiphia. • Although. ot disposed to favor or, Jecommen - elkiiiint Mehiclues In general, through cliStrust of thiiiringfedypits and . offecta, I yet know of no . sufficient rbkinceut, Why; a man may uoi, testify to the beneflis htiliellevai hiriiself to have received from any simple preparation, ;in the, Vein!, that he may thus contribute to. the beieti of. othOrs; I do this, the more readily in . :regard to, Efeeflances 'Ger- Man Bitters, prepared lig - Dr. C. M. , Jiteksoh,. Of this city because I was prejudiced against them forwmany ' years, ander the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shama bill Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by :proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. Thec,nse of_ three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of - thei ad present year, was folloWed by evident' relief tuid.`sel ra tionto a degree of bodily_and mental vigor which a not for six months before, and had tamest duipair of regaining. I therefore thank God andsmy friend-foi_ di recting me to the, use of them-. '. ' ."; ' ;.'• ,11}' . J. NRWTON rin.o*N, Philada. From nor. 'Warren Ihmitolpli, '' Pastor of Baptist Church Germantown, Penn. , • ~ , - . Dr. C. .31. Jacksou:—Dear Sir:—Personal experiende enables me to sarthat I regard the Gentile Bitters, pre pared by you, as,amost excellent- niedMute. ;In cases of severe cold and general debility T have btettlieatly hene. fitted by the 1180 of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly WARARN RANDOLPB -t • Germantown, Pa. ' . . . • ' , ." '....i1.i.;..! ... . 4_ ... ..,1 , 1 From Rev.' J. IL Turner Pastor of Ifedding E. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. C. AL Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Having used. your Ge rman Bitters In my family frequently lan prepared:to say,. that it has been of great service . I believe that most; cases of general debility of the - systeinitli the 5,.1 f;and most valuable remedy of which . ' hayp sny know tt 6.• ' .Yonrs, respectfully . ' " J.H. TURNER" No. 726'N. Nineteenth. attOt. . . From the Rev. J. M. Lyons,..'formerly Past& of **- Columbus (14. J.) and If ilestowli (I'LL) Ilapti4,,ClAttrehtts. ROratitusra , Y. Dr. C. 3L Jackson : , --Dear,Sit:-4 feel It afileisure thus, of my own accord, to beitttpabliony;tp, tAcqeellence of the German Bitters. SOrne,yoirs sinct. - tiel#cnitiCh af flicted with. Dyspepsia, _fused:them ivilbLveryt_ti.CppfiCial origin I have reepfutpendedillrnt.p e .fir,sOnn en feebled'by that tormenting dLeOaSe, tad liaveheaidrrom them the most flattering testimonials-a s s to their.lgreat value. In cases of "general debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot. be,gurPneeen• J. M. LYONS. ~. From the Rev Thomas Winter; 'Pasibit e M{fartictrbrigh . Baptist Church. - • ' ",/ ;-", ..../e-k "- Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l. felt it due „Au: y‘eftodixtel lent preparation, - Dootiand German -Etitters,-to- add my umv. p o testimony' to the delseividlYciputation ifilitik@ • d: I have for years,. at times, been troalSed r ettrim :110.1 rder in. my head and nervous system. I .ixasrsi ~,py r itl friend to trre - bottle of your German Bit j -no, Mg, have experienced great antFurierpeeted_WlPT_;,Vi# : hasbeen very materially benefltu* , lAontlcltutt - ilk mend the article where I meet witliAsqll;73(milg.,- 11 4: .attil,Tand have been assured by many of thCiaid g-- rects: - - Respectfully yours, "._ 1,. • -.--• • • T.'NVlNTRR;;ROxlo4iglial'a. From Rev. J. S. Berman,.n .of the'bermakftitsymsa' Church; KutztOwsilterkscounty, .Pa.. - _: ....:, ....--• - _.; Dr. C. 111.'"iJdoktten:—Respeeted; Sir:—l havelbeeti troubled With h - Dilpepsia nearly twenty veers,my- havenever used any medicine that, did meu. as much good ei Roollanirs Bitters. lam very much improved Is health, after having takeit live bottles, ,- - '.. .-.... ,'. , e Tours with respect, ...- .., . J. SZEIERI4 4 O.q. - PRIC,F!•.P.. Large Size (holding nearly double quautijy,) $1.,00 ;60 , per bottle—half doz. .. .. . ................ . . 4 lipjl Small Size -75 cents per. bottl . BEWARE OF CODICERFEITat See that the signature of "C. Id. JACKSON" the WRAPPER of each bottle. , Should your nearest druggist not have -thecle do not be put off by any or the Intozitatiultditeileillr,.t ,"bat may be offered us place, but send; fbrward, securely packed, by ezerenB ' Princlpal Office end - Manufactory l -- 821 Alt cu. :s . R.AELE)43: PHILADELPIII4. - . JONES & -. EV . Successors to. C 10t,7097094 . 109* Pot sale by Dru , ggists andealers in every, ve,n in t he .gaited States, I') r,..14 J3ci itelerapt. HIGHLY IMPORTANT_ NEWS GENERAL * kILPATifIOK - 'KARR FROM, GEN. BUTalt .00 7 040,1N1l WITH MN. Junction of ' the ',Forces at 'White Ho 'se , R,IdEIMOND CARTURi OF AAEBELtOIkCE Distinction of their . (lamp And Army Stores. : 1 1149-tif4rnoores Btar says we havvlate and itteeriatiilg-information from the , front, to the effect that Gen. HilPatrick; with aa= f6ree 'of pitkod - cavalryinemarrived'atthe 'White House, and formed - with a force sent up by Gen. Butler from the Peninsula. These stateinents arkbaged•rution" r -the fact that,-two—of—Gen—Ziiplitrickla—Scoiltiehaye come lirtek — and-made - Iliet shove reports': The report Verieved'in We' Army' Of the P.o,toinaothet Kilpatrick is thus within, a few IrLT ea Of Itiolinuind, and as Gen. BUtle.ii, co operating with him we may expect toheat:Of o Startling news from that quarter in ,a day or On his mite to the White ItouSe, Gen, Kil patrielr,i having orders so to do, avoided meet-, ing anylarge force Vflhe rebels. • • After he had igt the frimt, another party of 80f) ; ; picked , ,were . 1 sent, out s to ,com- Ilitin l 9 4 ll4 - hire. They t` hOrq , ver .4111 a were force, and as , -their "'orders were not to fight, if _a battle could "be avoided, they moved tovraYd'the east, and the Gomni'arider nob atrikin the diieet road, came upoii'itr',4part3r, of rebels near „Fredericksbi(ig, and criPttired theta, anB:'de stroYed 4'44 111 14W ;(if ,!OttatlW., a-y 14 111 , 11 Y stores , aid then proeqededon. their ®ay to Join .141- paftick: ' - .1 From -Washington.. WASII2 . NRTON,,; March 3.. The Star says that last evening the steamer Harvest Moon, Acting Volunteer Lieut. J. D. Warren, afrived' ; 'at 'the Navy 'Yard from Chariestdn'bina; ligying.lefethore on. Saturday 1 . might,' bringing ,up , , Adiniral Dahlgren and ‘Staffli?: the blith-Atlantic Squadron. - • ISPaen'tli.* ''left the bar ex:ea-y - 441w . ..was quiet, with't e exception of some toxeltainent about torpedoi;,noneUte ho*ever been seen since tligHousatonie-iwas blown up, but as a I ) .t . qo l iih 6 li#9. measure, fenders:, ar.q. put .around the . different , vetislei-nightly. .g: ,- ' " Wherifthellailest Mnonstrived in the Po .tcknag'Yegeida Y, 'torn was .234 pilot f 4 -hand 'idenial•Dablgren.3444t6o.4B,:fqr the ~.. n . - d_ _u# and ato9k.ilkis: position. in the.- pilot oose, ''hiiiii;' , g, Itlief'shiliaafely up to . the navy yard. Corn ; i andeiZovniii was left in command of tliii fleet. CIII3 Later front Europe'. MVO 1... OF:THE:FRAN. --Recognition QpestiOn. (Y, = . 'Th'e 4 1 / 4 1416 ,- -Stipg ' ; #11 Denwarkw .1{ Triv,...,JFpTr t ,m)cp-,;!T r „ - rT: 7 I . i7 TIIE,-VirgILMANS I . ItEl'• • VIASED • • ON TILE 18th.- : ,• . 4 •,' .., .' Ti'V a l i *Xl M,VeliP• TbtB steamer Causaphaa,arrivedjsconiviiv erpool, with dates to theilOth , ult.-, = , an&fele. It/ITN° diefttighes . 4 4 . *! -2 : 1 , 11 4i , Thee Australasia n arrived out on the 19th. The rebel steamer Georgia has left Bred. There was a vague rumor . that - F7rinet; iil-; letiag Efociiito fetbgnYz6 the. Stgitiiett ; 64:#Lfe& - - eracy..) L .: ,•- ._ The German :fortes have: entere Ju tla nd. . ,The Paris bourse was flat , .; rentei:pollsc. ::T1.4.0, - 4.ichdnlo.: li4Lit.iStillian - Will visit,,. the' .conits_cd.nressebi,:Paris iind . Vi r indigi;,:hefore leaving for Mexico. ' '''Os4sOle. l- clOsedi,on Satu.rday. at 9Cik' '. The • fall ;i4 'We ...iiiii4Sj.-Wair kiVihg to the tone of Lord Pahnersion'a speech Ain - 4, idaYt evening, and incressing.fears of further complications 1 arising.' oat: - The channel the, eq{2l44o,nosii . ,lii, T 444,. is 1 ot,detedtd return to*.Eriglal4 and assemble in 'T'ififtlaiiilitiads, and await further orders. .„ ' .kcabiiiet Council was held in tkinitin on., Saturday. - -It, had -been-hastily sturundned the ; previoWiliard.r.... rtt:,ti V: 't ‘,- ;r : t. • 1-%lFheaVenchliblicytappectra - 16 - ,beltetAing in !faiWcoUtDoinirial-Vatildaone: . ,of3. the journals_ utter warnings f#WgiCi*. l ':j' - ,:.;:,,,. ~ ; !,-'::.. • : ..! _LATER: -.- , ~, ;_-.:: :-..,_ Ithiindit; February 2o. —The Paris- eorres p i •Feiticup.of ithe Tipte,i f eftys that, liappleon wills ndelfailu ta ' iiMprdireti any cOppoty given: limltomctirehiXreßelk4,c9PP.JVAlle 1t1 1 .4 31 N . ' 5. - ::F , laittle credenoals :at tached: _to thexeikated: . iiiitentitift er , r-Fritilde tevredognitre Donfed, "AtfAY: ) -.;ti1Lii45 . 0 37 .491r plivulf:l9th :nanicottsesijienOtEi.a-a.C4ef. _ .1:* Oißv#4s? ), t of the :Germans?. the Danes:von:: compelled to. evi(eknykk t .~rt Jutlend;., , ',lt:CEVifttiry en -1 geWenient" firibietirleiiitlY' tOok'pliicithottc, Tvoiv . e:kostrinn:men=oi4ar ATO: or liere4 to p - et ct'tie :German m ere antmen. - -Lerd-lQiierston -.on -Tuesday!'ind . 'Friday ilighfsYokirifiolakbi ifs toC.ithanktigttrati and, Prussian . - invasionef SolilesitWaiiducllY-, elieered,: •Helleclined 5tdiiiy,:. 4 4.114V 1 40* 013 4 i do if the Geimens",niWeil4lo44.:'•,, ;"• Ifi. , : - hr-nitr fdrinerly Brit i sh consul . at, -NeW l' Orleans; hied recently iti;;Englan&- :' "" . 1 ~,• ; ThkGrernialis were rePillsed - on the ' 18th in, tvgenendssttack:on the whole line of the Dan ish. positikett -:.,-: ,r, ,d; 06LA* - arrived with her. machinery. :sliil*- -1 4:iirabled by an accident' when. two 1 days from port. She haS , Adpalseng - vs for ,tlt w.144c, - po int ~ she will be Idne. ow. I ,444aW, la l giv " licALlthii ,- .25410 . 01.e , Aug. s ic joatittl.Onini , . l Avsti: 4 * ll .` :--:.::'-:':`,.::: - I )*EDatiislif frligatetin the: Engiiiiii:, 6bA n iiiiii' Ipal ciiiiiiiiiileitp.jai&ipliibek t of i vesselm.o, ~,..: -,- ~..,.., ....... ..-.-, ....,..,:::.-,, ..,-.., ~ .-A - . ,;=• :,-,: -4.M.S.fitaiLE I' : ,':', of :101AC:1:,W060. ...41;;' , 1,417.411 ,'121;.111: - .. .:i ..i, ' L ag:P.l4 ...,! . ...44,, 1 Eon ESE / ; Wegarxmox; YOA 7 - 5 a ,r-v HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, =Gil .4!:':1864:. Celtgrapij Pentisyiv'ania . Legislature: REPOTRED ZEZRESSLIT FOR THE TELEGRAM. SENATE. AFTEANOQ I N SESSION. 1111 S , nate asseriabled at 8 ofblikki, N. ate liras ` called to ordpi by -Mr. POLEMINdi Spc,kerpre! tem ' ' - ersag.sa Off Via BENATIL , 'lie SP VAXEli.pro j letri alsind-ttiat *ben: "qm Solve adjourned a moi,iuri.iyai , catd.to kko, , ,Alonaidermtionnt ffkrosoldtiort vidlug lor.a.jArfiontii.f4tOK for Stieitlfer t and thaLttro.oetkdop.,w,iild ryor. motion., , . .The gefetiou _itejn& tnlsen, agrted to ,11. • • ';'• The queatioa then o on the reiolution, that the 80n , ,tte,pscce . o teen ty n L fo'r ' ! • Mr. LOWRY move& •to postpone the far tho.: of = ,the, rce•dition kocyfir -— 1 • j., On the rnottod, f_L The: 151*1 aart, tearkiware_, mph:EA I:lnbir: KINSEY and Ur Sl.KAlf,.ar.d were is follow, v,z : , YKAB=biessia. Chaufpneys,DouneliDunlap, Graham. Hoge, Householder, Johnson, Lowry, ikl'eandleas, Nichols, Ridgy/ ty, St Clair, Tur Wi ',Vorthington asid tem '- 1 -16. • - • • . RAYS —Mutat?: '434t . dolea c tlikbar; Dono.vati, Gioia Hopkint; ' Loiicautton,.. ILtitta, 11 berry,. Montgomery', N'4llly, , Stfark, Stein' and . W.111:63'=1 te i§o themoifln w laAgiteetlf A1)DITIONAI; NOTAiItS PITOIIO ni'parrap EA: gr.) CO HNET.I. moved .Ahlt 1-#lO, SeaMe-rEi enme the conshiei atlon of bill, [Sett. 'NO, titled An act te authorize the appointment of tlona I notar i les l plibliq ; t o o- city, gf 'Philadelphia! " P Oa the motion, lyeak i and rieys,-were rrvired i by„,- gr. KINSEY an d Mi.: s et-I;4A and .wirieftt• , dtiainpney- , ,Connell, Duni iv, 'Grahrini V'ff , ge, Householder,. Job inion24?)_tery, 'llt.'Candterts;',lTiChols,lßidgitarf.St:lClrdr-t4di. rell; , " tOitr sod. 'Flan) i torike i bi. ';" Bucher, Donovan, , Hopkinit I ..Ktiisay.-I.amberton,:itlAffit, M'Stiirry, Montgoineir, 'Stark, SteirCrind `. SrPth•Finottok•was4reoftel - t , f The question_ then . heiog transeribiegftlie! 'bill - fori.alliritict-readligc . , . - _I The' yet& 4‘b d rally ttrt warehrt4nirellilty STEIN''ArAIi-MrbBEARDSLE.E,F andcWere atr.rol "„Tittal-,LlicesartifiCluirreprieYs; Connell. Dunlap, Giiihrint,nll%4it-Houselfolder, Jc..hnsori,iLovrr.y, SitgilleitiiiNitiVdis-Illdriay.Rt.Clate; Wilton, Worthialgton4odl Speaker rs ITars.:- . lilefifistillardeneF.l3uater, Donovan, Wats, Hopkins, Kitgapy, Lamberton, Latta, M'Sht‘rry,..,Montgomery,, Reilly, Smith, Stark, tin add 9Vallacit--16P So tbe qurstirn was-determined in the merit's , The bl,ll,,(,tlteicAttdovet - -ort third reading .!, LlGstitaktpl)TileiNpiik , Mr WORTHINGTON moved-tbrattlie Senate proceed to the isonaidkation of JA11,411. R• No. 57, rentltled Sn acti riuthqrizing. thei:commis stoners of Chester county to borrosi.tioney.to pay bounttes to, volunteers. - - 13,3 r d o .tiore„ - • ' Tlielrgas , ,end , nays were required by Mr. eirk KONTP(4 I. 4ELY,, aud , were as rya:: • lltAiv-nbleeets Cliamtinfio,,Colmej), Graham,; •llckge,-Rtaxsebolder,,JoAnirtn, Di*ry,' .111Matidlitts; Rtchols,',l4,lgwa t y,._ St; Clitri WilsortzWorthingl9u,Speaker :pro tent.--,-.16:: , • • • NAYS --fityssrs: Ileardslee, Bucher,,Donovan, 'Gaeta,. Bonkins, Lauther.tion„ Latta, lil'6kerryalloktgoni97 l , .89xiths:Stac k, Stelnland , Watlaco. 7 •l:s., ,; ; , MEI Fo the Tal>4lollMait siSTPA • j z. Ta coaimitteelgt Moj whple_tMr. _Arum( In itheichalr)-the9l;:wstap - aed tgrand;ili) report- fired toithe Smate , 4, , • Mt. WORTH.,II , IGTOX:moyad that the Senate procet d to a second raiding of the'bill. On Au,. yeas t and. , nays were yequilred i by Mr. LA.MBERTON (JAI Mr: BHOHEIVand Were as follow, viz: liertais -NtsartglittAlrent, Graham, Hoge; HOuseholder, Stihtisein,"Tiowry, 61'Candless, NienOle?,`ltlagway, St. Clair. Tar riil WI I ;hi; Worthingtomand Elensing c• Speaker pro ten. -16 N,tv,y-Messys iissrdslee, Bucher, Donovan, Lamberton,, Latta, , 1;teltly;- Smith, Stark. i ( 14 5 _ 1 7 .41 14 41 fr• •', • 4114 PikAlafi: l ,WitlVX l. oeti to: The illit,,ifatiOnet•the - ,bill was read. On"tre - Sicti " • - • The' nays were-Prequired by Mr t :STBIN-aridIMr.:WALIACE, MtMare as • ' " :.•Yeas.4-Messre.l"iGhemPliqs, Connell, Pan far.. Graham, • :"Eirge,„ „Johnson , letyzyi,..,l4l.Vandiess;al ~ chalNll.t.d.g. IM , st , :CleirV.•iTurrrll;6WiLloyt,„ ~-Waythingtort .Fteralng,:.Speaker; tralet6-1.7. I ~. imas-ildfsaraz.:l3antisktol•ilttater,•l l :?DaYan, ..4Ellatz,-.Hopkiins i catneey, l ,.l,a_mhext,* Latts, M'Sherry, Montgomery, Reilly, Sreith,,Stark; Stein and: allaGe - i6: 1 .. So the.ehtlitetilvits•Agreettti, ~ .:;:i n ieLseednitstAtiOnl4.lh.aabilkifaa l'Prfu* thesteotiOn; .;4 I k,,. 1 • The yeas and nays were reqntred. by Mr. WALLACE andrlir. STARK, and were as foli C0t*9,11, - PunlaP , gplhamiillfigge„l4ouseho'dcr„ . lk,gan t tlill,b,lifetails,.'Eiltivay,l,o;' as% Turf• - ?r9 11 .,ti ~WAs9lol l4 o.d.l4o:4l,iindll l e)iiiii,,fgtear er P. l 7 o teqg. - • -••44 , P 1 , ri" #k_ZPrl'• 7 P4iddirc ' GIMP, 11 . 6 24 12 4,*•4/ 1 1fI PliiAcoktoni', l 4ffir ontivniery:•, - Itsdly,,STitti; '84,4,:§1 M 41n and Wallace 74 ' i * • So the''' se4tienwas agoid to•- The''''''' '''''' ''' ''''''''''''''''''d` lhe 3frai and Wde "Yelluf4 AuggE4 ) . and,,gr, t1,181;[F,T3,L , 441 were vaaP, Graliam,llige:lfenieholderJolin'sdnjOwrPol A'tQartAttlis Nichols d idgwsy St. , Slid 41.“. w z• asTt TiillNDAT.:.Matoti--.3,- 7844. , Wottilingtwn it lad. i'lern In pro tern 6 _ . NAYS 7 14feeirs: , ;11.3arcislee, Bucher, Glair., Hopkins, - Lainbertein',liatts ?dont: ixt goery.-Refily; Smitb,.Biliik, Belo and 7 iFtilv lac ••• - `•-• ' • - • e section WaS. agreed to. The filtitth seet•On of the bill was rPad , arid greedlto.' The title Was 'agreed to. Oa p - (Orink the bill for a third.eltling ' TO e yeas 'and h4ce.!'riere required, by Mr. BI'EIN ata 'li.trlll, and were follow, Chanopit eys, Onnnell, Daniap, GratititnAfeare, HonielioTder, blouson, Lowry, M'Candlees,Nichols,lticigiogaY, St. Clair, Tnirell, Willson, _Wc4thingttii and Fleming, ' .. 8,64r pro • ' • • lkl'ays-LL:tdesers. Reardslec,. Bac her, tionpvtin, , (Mita, fropitios, Dombeiton, Latta M'Sberryi Mantgontirk„ Reilly, 'Smith, Stark, Stein and Wall§ceK4?- Wag oi L dCittyl to be prepared. Mr CIIt:NREL tnovid ) that the Sena 4 pro ceefl to the Consideratlon of bill; "1/1 R. NO: 1,1 entitled' Ail qt.& fiaribecli,ief Clerk, assistant clerk 4 arid,ltithettatifing..officere 'of:the Senate anti Ilona° 'ijiMapiestiotai) yea.• • - The first section 0( llie bill was lead:" Mr. KINSEY salit'that,-in hill , forleorhilin3s were tiot liberal enongh. Ei&deirlied tidttj6ificti• shololid be done to '-the men who had discharged their duties:o,l)Blore pi the SenattNiatbile the body'was andetticiring to effikt, Alf ornanitation. ' ~ He therefore moved that the bill be reborn:- inaitterlleathe committee' with ihitinctions to increase-the Oar of the officers named therein: Mr. HtIPKINS. I think' it highly probable that ah/east; some Senators here are.not aware as to Aktat section this -bill. proposes; to rL peal. section, ,understand it, iu the en :wopriatiou bill Of last year. I remernbar to have had' arms .agency. in hav, a ng that section incorporated believing. as I did, that Afiras,justttodproper. NoW,f air, d*logithesessfineflSS2and I B 6S, we hart , I believe, in the other ireauch ;o(ith' -Legislature, a subordinate officer - for every ,mainber-..Of li that „braneh. In • order that th is _great Anse.might be , corrects' d, I ; prepared Actiorthe one whichit; is Iproposa.to reriesi—limiting the , nuraher i:l,enho;rdinate officers, in the two litianchekof the "Trigialiture. 'There are, comF:loranch, of :the Lei/lila tore4iliere Were last year, and, this is a,propri to• CouttOrte "the same ; nuMber—E be lieve, sixteen or ;eighteen pasteis and folders; I think,,, five. transcribing clerke, foir, assistant „thassengeirse !Our (waster] t,,,d00r- keepers, four caagistant sergesnt-at arms; I think, ,4etn, or twelve "pazes, Svc., So • Now, I bAleyel . it was , prcpsrito incorporate the section In-the appro kutatiop so.that It wonid,ba,a ) warubogrto li„was , loot ; then 'known whit, .Arty. li psinltl: have the..,sicendaOcy ho either branch of the Legislature at the.:prctiertteelialon; au 1 deemed it highlypr,opir to have. the see tionll9*Prat:i(l in the: KiPi4gifitiCeaStikr "that it might serve as a wititicatienito,rilirparl ties mot ofpsot that this ,loOrdp of;pffice hold ers wou l d; , be.o . iptiatteeat enstaingkelons., j„,f,we j anr,,ilotinow,iible'iii. thia; item of ap propriation, when shall ivia bo able to do •It ia,„.caprptroutr,..that such. a oumber of, men should be empi4ed. Why, Sif t , they,are in tioc i ,,srey pfpperaroother. I ventureto say that tketlinK7iiftif:9rttietit were on duty , one time f •• • • •: :]',throw out theso suggeitions • in ,order that tho g nilemetx who have it in their rsitweFtl3l,Y, -i f they, see fi t,save the State from unnecessary ' • • • itfr CIONEtt. distretci.ask the - Senator . . , a ou?ation- 7 whither he made ,any attempt at the cumin.nceoaint - the seision-, of, 1863, when his party had the'Poiverin thelieuse, to jieerease the expense. T - replied { that'athe-coinniencc ,Ment of the 5ei36104,a, 1863: When the Officers elect appeared foie the i 4 pealier + a desk. lie,rib jected to their hr:!ing . ,surpra ,ln„brtt ,was ever , ruled. Mr. CONNEI i Ii eald that the iecllon. proposed to be rep,tialed limited the iittather.of. tranaprib ers to three. 1114 nuMber.waa not suip,Oleot iojclo: the work which haci'acoupp)ited on the • hands - of ; th e tjettate , au d. which al we:occupy the atfeetiori, or "'the ti;;dy:ior. the ;melt, si=ty oi,nirretyolaya Theronly*.difficulti was likre garcfto thenambei,of,,dnoc-her•Pern,,bitt these. .officere i bad,One three iltneias much work'frr the IS , `Mociatic side:of -the %nate as for the membe son the opposite side; • , .1 • lir, - 11 ,t.I.SEY said AbAt Abe rema rks of the gentlemen , who . precerEd - him: with refer ence r tu.th. anitinntLat: work aOnelly PA:door- - keepets for the Denicicratie `meniliers of the Senate was incorrect. Ho had seen more 439m: - rheas sent off hy 'one inenitierr on the' other side thari 'had been • altokether by the' Democratic Members. He 'did'not had fault :whol i t s 11 - 0 ,8 , 88 tesiioB.4 that those officers wholaftdisobarzed their duty shoirld receive proper cdmPetisation. WILSON .: Iliad the honor:of being,pne, of .the couiutrtt, a that asi . eed to the resolution now , before the chamber, and, vslillat L would be very gentlemenlY in,acoorithodating" my friend, the,S;3lalol' in making the sum, larger, (f.ir as laro it is, rthiiii enointb,)y et I think I airetched: ;nay cijilfo4llCB 8146.4188t4 in ha - Visg - ii•miide as largip.is it is, - I think it is", defog' these; per- - aons - biit fair j Ustic:e x-, allow tifemAtie amount , hive nattiest., al:rd I ,thinii; it Whirld he doing, plem:griiiiiilDj..lstire . to keep*thealrereltithout irrceivlng pay, when is' rcalty. very easyfor us to name thepay 884,3*t the men go, :hems; to;tb;,ir families. *;, ; • In fiusWer to the'Serat4 - frOMWairjan . gton (11/ r.lcelipsey ani t ilad 10 see thet, - )ip ip inn - feircii of a ' "r, feint. . ] that Senators .!who ; have. been ; ,',fillijnister ing: for ;the Tsai ',two months egainet , all. the , taws of t a he Ligishifare, *but rek I soil, or abider( of rettlon;,, ;and detain ing the , brisicetti - . of •thie- chamber al'auch *I Inert:66(mi OiPenie L;fre are 'here ineurring, are not the.orreslti..Pros - c . b . reform I have lit:ittcl 0 . 4' 47 3. 41 IPPnletifat Vile , frileatifine brit thepareble: Mr. IltYWitY: I'Weri4likel&,fote with the , Senatcrr from. Washiogton, for itifoinii' bit in asmuch' ge'tlialtVOwed object is to' Send ; thebill beck' to the committee for the purPose Of tgking . , a larger amount of nioney'Arem the Stide Trett iriry, I wilt vo - 9 no. Mr., kIi?? . H.INC . I will vote no with the. Squiter froin:Eritrott the propogitiOn: On the motion st(Mr. Mr. KINSCY, The , yeas, and nays were rooked by Mr. KI SIY" and;: Mr. STEIN; and 'were as WV< —rfnaar-41eisrs:43.rdslee Litt ; 11 N...A.Tecese , :re.ll4rell„ChirriramyS;Lmitn(!i tr Donoi Duh an," liGrAiarii`; Hoge, Hiphine, ImulArton A -Lowit IVA.9'."ife, l 3evgli' l #ryr WillgonaerY,"Seilbr, ~21:i1(1. 1 11f.L'aail iiii , ,-7 .:.; Ridg ;say, Stark:. Stein, St. Clair Mike , 1 te, Wetttrialinn--- - Fleinicg )..51iinkkr pie -- • ".• ; :So thaimoticinmas notragreed to. , Doting Ike : call. . • • . lEARbSEIE`Aa'tEts quet(tlaii :Volyes z ti atti3r queitioir 1141A'beee4aisect hemtitian =be AlliirritiAo aay th cue of the,Seoateragal thle.:oltier Bl 4o.P•id me „the other, afternoon,. that he bad just,sent ten' dollars ivOrthot - d.Jeardentd to htirtis!ople. bTow, order thativeiliart havive' shilhitent: nutaharof pattentandfoldersi for the.iporpote s .. 'lvoteGP.. ,r. .! Mr. Sl'ElN.eaid: Being iu favor of r etrench- - meat and refers:l; I vote no. ' •• ' ' The regidt of-the - Irons was atititiuniied at be. 4! fore.atsted. • • I • . ..z ...The first Retina ef=the.l:4ll.was then r X.r.DONOV . AN ,declared himself williag to p4'all"thd offici-re were required : to be present avtlie,comtneneemerrt OUttie Seatibn, or whb :were - in any manner entitled: .trr payi. but' be obj ctedtto,the,•expeuditure.of.money to pay. men who had.,l,•e!orned to seek a `re-nomination; to tkieir ixtatt; litid*bo hati'b6n defeatiod. tlowtimie yrkent it'.Traa.Prartosed tollay trad,4retruited without k4vckbeep.. di- rested to do so. • „ 1:10NOVAT replied t hat' it l ass to that one-eiception he objected. =•On'tiaemotion, . • • , • The yeaa and naya were. , required by. ,ldr. CQSNELT and Mr. CELaMPNEYS, ana l Were as fliltbw, via.: - - Yees--lifeeers. Cliainpneys, Connell, Iluixhip, &wham; Noge, llouablrolfilPriATohesen. - 1 - 401 71 ArPkindlle3,,Nicholp t Iliclgway: St. Clalr, Ter. rell Wdrtikingtaii Fleining, Speak nee'tem •- • .13.01trdelte.-liusher,:Dmmvan, ilopkbas, Lambertop,, ,I.,ltta,VBherry; .goolgomety, Stilly., Smith, Stark, Strii and WallacaL-14: • '•-• • ''So the luAion waifigree to. •The seeondiwctitmcwas•rearl. • • - • On. the. section; • • The yet i an And nays were retinireg by in , . L/TTA•iindlir: STA.HII, and were . es follow; vii: • • '• - • Yeas- -Messrs. Oharapnem:.(Jonnell,' Dun lip, . Graham; Hoge, Householder,. Johnson, Lowry, M'Gandless - .llldgivaY. St. Clair, Tarrell Wilson,Voithlogtpri and-Flem ing, Speaker pro tem:!- - 113: ' - NAYS—Mesas. Bucher. Donovan, cllatz. AAMber•to% , • "BC=lterrY. montkoragry is. litellly,, Splth, ',.i.ark,S`felik and Wallace-A.4. - ' •- - .86.the-rectiori writs agreed:lo. , r.l The' title.wes;read and nigtegd to. , alte bill was then laid over on third read Mr. GRILHAhI moved to discharge theeko _mittee op the, Judiciary from the,,Airtler c,ou idderatiorNni bill; Dr lilt 140 e dein tit s r V it, iice View litit'atid the town'-tifttWrinkeVille,‘,:italeghinseconiitKilato bon! 1144 1 „and ,Aat the Senate proceed to conaider the sauce" toiroici motibn •„; • • i.. ri; The-yearand nayti required. hy,„ '•[AMBER:I'OS and, :M!,4 3 9VPNAiii . , A l d . were se ,follow, Yetis est . Chu t -ye, onnell Dua&P r Graham,Hoge; Householder, JohnsorirLowty, Ilreandless, Nichols, Ridgway,.'S.treiaininTur cell, • Wilson,. Worthington and Firnieg ; - Siaiehriro tett " " --r-gooliei. gooliei. 'l>i/c -yan' 7. :(1 - latz, 'Hopkins,' Klixkly. , ..,.LamhAtOn, .le6herryoldont Stark, stela and Wall .c,-45"." So the motion wri . e agreed to. • In committee of whole, [Mr. Ll'akiin lam ; tbe:nbair,) the bill vias.agriti34lto_and ,ao.repoltad tO,-tha Retilkle• , • : • i liheseveal sections , the blll,,Were then ,readlied cgreed' to; ;end laid . . over = On third readin y w .I; Mr. tONNELL:moved.thati_the :Senate:pro ceed to consider 4111, : [Ei,,1t. lS,], entitled An.-act.soaricorooralfotij - Q(Sclihyllriltutnpike doinAtny. ihritihn iwitsiaireatO. passed.to third reading and laid oyer. Adri..IIF I III.I)ZLF.F. moved,that the Seente do now. adjourn. , Oo the inotiopy ; The ,y, le a and . J une • ware require.: by Mr. smtrft *O'd!')/irlirSpElittY, anti-were as fol , lbw, viz: " " " Yana tear s lo,lee, Donovan. Matz, EfivkineilKinfg-y, lemberto n L".tta. Sherry; Mont g odiery ; .1314isii,Laiith ; 'Stark, Stein andrAtilleee--15., ',NA:irEillereasii/iCht:tnipneye; Connell; Dunlap, Giahainjloge,lifiruseholdiftp Adineon, Lawry, jAVOandleee; "tic.nl3lair,- -tureen ; Wilson.: , -and Worthington —l4 So the , inotion to adjourraliravagreedltir; and the Serrate Adjourned: asesoirkyroii , vorre , ory THI :Buz, rtairrolizonn; nueor.ortoas - Aetna- oonosensito aim,' *Ala*. itices,onvo las PA , P l 'q7 7 1.""iVAri9rAxi; MD R= ~ . - d ommi*onD thd''atifnalift f ;the Enaitikhet , -rtionsonaiwhith. con t mir *ate th*miartink l o.4 %hal oint resottfßinlAii re:00d: tsltlittroasink -the -Pay of oritliildielis iu the fall- :/- •-•ti p e ,ffatlin; rccolketed" r prcsent, t hat ; ,: : ii,the einitt6llnrili 'J01 . 11107 Initt,Attv,ral. atinitifes wara - ei t tide, bir_B44 - ford on the ;other side of the cliatiiherlii;hayeendregoiti- f dons considered, alfot:Which'filtecr - bg a lie vote. votiti - g against - those bills and reso lutions, I di] so not because Of' :eat Opposi tion, to the pubjMatter, embraced - theta, - but "i net"lreffer that : it was coo 3 etfat to pate;:any . ,:tili'diiiink. the , aliments:4 ahve §tenate. This` ie my tc,sikis;":tol,7 stances have changett - .'ttint outnumbered in vothigi:liltiifft tianceive it to b e 'my fintylo 'adhato;tailtie i Corkiltitutlon Jattvoatime(r to :siipire,4,.fp the L od' OtWeate hava,guided the',Aretione of those 'Whti haYG gone 'hafort'irX t tfOr' 'an un, interrupted period .of soveroselre;'aiiif t 6 Witty my:**':lti'all - tiOte6;'fhiewhieh, I 3)e- . to: bp7, - it l:plibli,c`nititicitfitioti Tai,w-r;' warrantedineither:hy:the'tenatitittlob, the law,% or pfecedent; lint r ioniter' distetaid of them .141. ,It, proof were warding, tp Auatitinmik 'AO*: jt - intniihtid 7tbefect'ttit whop . thielbady 'met orrt e etTaesfay of - .TAM:44, • it dee - Wed - 6f a'arienaagoas VOW' t iq,ntiocai'd to the, election of Speaket"—iftsi!Sevrgitninp :j ceeiftti balioaitat that diy,the t34thar4itdjOttrried. On two or, three subsequent - the - either prode(digtOle:Plitel 3 ' with tagenflAhitmti ilnsr,Tea tOt- 1 f t e'oe f fu•Spterer.. lt r riah dEc ara_* lictll 'bate iven-prOPerto electft stietilierA*3 eat:: mit - Whether it %ilia/ . iitti p be sa t more, is 111 0a" - • aeon' achgtemr' tied -44; n. a 4", thina9xofzia . A.iiiae theft' iirii - insintlie'Beiuttoi"from' i Aler PRICE 1 ,1Tr 4 1 tjA44l hemy, if you pletwo--who has her the cash. They could not before, as' )-* an equal number . of votes. In view, therefore, of , all -these clrcarnstancee„ if the refusal Lo go intrran. election:fort Speaker now bollsatskt.".- d. in„ upon. take heads chow who thus pre vest tale 'orgailizttidri• Or the Senate be the riapensibllltY of whatevar embarrassment may ba - thrown in thruway , oflegislatits For my self, I say here that however meritorious a bill or resolution may he,,(69d I confem to have 'voted againat a number. such 6i003 we met,) I shall continue iti-*oteino' Wit *lll now do on this ha Iti'eenclusion, I *Mite pot, it on record, : for the information of:all, both here 'and ebtailere, .information the time shall come dur ing theltsdrar when' I din I reglad tbe 'Senate . as sn , bigatilzed - body, I will motit-chierfully vole for such legislation as will do imp* in*: Lice, to,onr brave solders and their familia?. I think it highly proliable'Aliat gOie far hi airs direntiott - tsiviTit&iie Wboareto lend* and sofconstantly boasting.of ;their.ifrienditpp, fot mmltorionwolang of pur nitistais So,: too, I:ay remark in tegard to the Vittoria resolutions that have been offered in•fairOr of - hawing tlie Malone 00441 cwith prifier: will.hot ray that thetas resolutions ytve uffecell in mockery,. fJr-that would bewuparliamentaxv, nor, a 1-1...1 -say that den; to "eni kirtasit any Senatore, for that woulditienim pugaing :motives, .butam. jaatifie:l - In saying that they were (4.o : with the distinct understanding that they. nould not poseln "the then state Of airs Sena'n? it the proper" time I Wiltbe forititNeady to r vote:fer , reifettiliter of' tlibrotui'ractgr,ahhdtodamote--trixote -fur compensating the ; ministate i for their eerriciee but imtil theo, so far es.my vote is concerned, we must do ear own priiyingL'end I talppoieihat thitexereise vr)aid not do any of tailarna.,:. ._; Very . rerpect f :yours. . ; -WILLI Mil HOPIIIM4. The Constituilon creates the Senate of Penn . iryteartitt a perpetual' bcdy, and a - Speaker. whose place' cannot be vomited dal thwtheifFiat - atoial: term except by, his denthprreOgnatk at; oriy;the election of another Speaker to ell his place /ow P was dely efec'edSPeale er nf'the Senate 'Sidi de el: of the session of 1868, itndj upon theltist , Tuesday of January, 1864, his Senatort,l term of: office. n having expired, he called the Senate tit Order aid ad ministered the - oath to thexiewlf-kiected meiti- bars, and stdisequeittlyiitidniinistered the Oath -of :office to Govbrncr ;Ourtio on the occeeitto of his.secund inahitnet t ion, his authority, to do, the li saMelviti been ric gutted by`the eve....--Or, the Secretary of the Commiinietaith, thetat- Lterneylleneraland 'other heads lief• the Stater arpartmeet aelltoo-?rflitOtte tltooPh of Abe lA .gislai,nre, and the people CT thc Setrattiffer District' Alva • ieriognii : anther- Up • ; order-- a special =election ;to. 7 fill the vacancy _in..:the Senate cittctudoned by the resignation of Harry White, by holding their. ,electlen In pursuance of said' Order. hold all of - the' acta of Speaker Maher were =laWfal 'and E proper, that :he t was our .Spetikerich, the ,fitatjneaday At ,Jatttpny,,and that.a oar Speaker now ; : and that the lio• *es_ opposition on • the of the minority • erhich has succeeded' iibstrtietfri; legislation - for: Info -Menthe is re:icint iontriyin 4taitaruillncy, and should...receive thei,conctermn . kfinnA every loyal. anon. _ - - The2crldis thrdugh•whech "tee- ilive wined has Froion'thaethitt2ieceral! lariveronient- and-the *ate Getierontenti powers nethiro thennaelxca_a /Arent:: peteer never I - before- devo!PRA ..The Governs:oat of the people and the panty of the Tinton 1100 orligclent strait gth ititakelettreiidall the enetnietinf the , Government, both without •iitid within . • • . , • Fre= Fart Monies: • • Toze-Mowaoz, • March 2. inarew Aineworthliiia been appointed Cap tain of the Port of . Gl4 Point by Major General Butler.• T • • ' The Russian. frigate now here'fired a salute to-day at noon, in honor of the , anniversari Of the APSEdn' Prelfri- The salute , was re sponded-to by the water . Battery 'the Fort ress, and the I;tritisn'triseteliing in trankptint '• MajorE. 'Pritner i conunander of the Mil itary Prison at Iltichmorkki,-reports the nimes pf the Vrisonerg captured at Sibithfieht,' rehri*V - I.st, Ufa 'of the killed (Ina wburidett'its follows: ' Capt. F.,A..itoWir, 99th New York, S. Harris, 3dPennsylvania,both wounded; Wrn. Chartiberii; Capt. Commanding the Sniith 'Briggs; Andrew Eopkins;" Chief ISngineer, liable vessel; Adjutant A. terundi, Twenty-fast Connectiont; private. .. 14 4Ew 4 .4. 2 41tk New York Cavaliy, nriTate J. Birk 3d 'enria: Artallery; privateJ Vaugn 20th . New York Cavalrjr, all iiraidided. 1 - Irfvtitea Charles Dertnisitharleallderner and Mike Clarke. of 40. 3 d•Reiltka.: Artillery ~were ki11ed....; C===M Thee it - -truVlittia , ciernand for row and it Mimes! slowly. at WOW. - SO_t_Mllqll. dem and .for 41 dor flour and only,woo,bbb. Boast S NIT 37 fcti'ei,,tinfiungt and ;:; s B' for Ifriney. - "Ilye tniiihna'deetinect tol6`. l :'ln - eriiii idea' riliere iiiinnthing , idcong . 1 .- '-' , Fat- - '-'.dsattud":s* Ltirlteat and: 6,oooltain7! sea sold . sdr , S,l; 6or e efouth - FA.,,* $ 1.63. onAit, wb,ilk , $l, 75 1, 00... "Itye ,o(nru . MM4l4 . $ r p 2. - - Ceitilai - asqui46(ll Allow held - at $1 i§.- - : Oitif-rilafir'vftly iit.B46ssc. 4325 , iiinaaid sells 3 60 and flaxseed at $3 25. No change.:44ltovi- Mona or groceries;,.- crude _petroleum sells steadily. at : OM; - .410.? 1 4.4 ill:h4geiskat 46e. and. tree.at. a . INlnakx..lo4 500 22 4 I %la. sold 4:f• • 13e.:,...-tbe Warrieldiajje,e Imar:: , .r : ~ :L. __ ... ..,....,,.., :..7-.-.., , ,...:1!)- - I s L.. GI NEW:JADVERTI. Harrisburg S 1 / 4 , Ta : 1 A-- A Pa:io -XX 1 : 0 • frOgi anbs° Fi l i e F L ,4 1 /4atX9F., ,to any ut Of the miy groan - 4;4' ftuis Emily - hair; intarrele otory. 'Anew e : aingie barrel,• balf, quarter eighth or a l urr . 41r, fresh ground'ebrn meef,=thialiAn • .-• Ch:den t.hgCsk the 8 411 3 ragoor -Ba, our. ner of Seondx „ _men e, reters' -Farmera' Hotekliillart4tsa -store of Dr:Egio, on the. be prow tly, Wendel to. dec2B-2methia - ' • - MEC HOFFER. POE-Aikt4-11io eau% and toccupied tokJeeePh 44. 4 3.4314fiddletevire,. . The Store Itocntile lifted p_coropletO dtc., =AU the delliatftrocerim at-Wife/I _ proth tof4**MEW Is andeete *Ow* or.tivioftgaeogrpoon dwea.. 1 " 1; 1 47 . - ,4 win heeol4l4 l4 V= , c ipd4etelF4 D9r-14.. t.;l -,itr at )2 'Fara :17ADNE 014MGREimathIataliniertartale at -,„%PnIPM.4 act A:YA,Annaind altialLogruilt&WreibiA_, 1 5111" 'Alt IX) 11€1,1, ;qq.rtri t Vans 5.d1 zoA W.2,l4Vlzilai s 3 Perlb sal ns.dw MEI OMB inTrra mokßow : B.,Lowky !)k:u; lihca 3.