RALLROM/S. Pennsylvania Rail- Road ! WINTER TIALE' TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND ROlpR FROM PHILADEDELPHIA. ON AND AFTER , MONDAY, Nov. I.6tb, 1863. MEM Passenger Trains of the Perlissylvani" Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Ear risnurg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.155 a. at.: FAST UNE leaves Harrisburg dally4except - Monday)-a%; 6.00 A. N., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 a. rit. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster._. WAY ACCONHODATION, DA* Joys leaves , burg at 7.2(1A. 'K., suit- arrives atj Wept- at;', FAST 2a.rL TRAIN imries 'lLarrisbnrg . daily ,(exce'pt Sunday) at 1:00 p. ?4, aha'arrivw at'Wea Philadelphia at HARHISBIHM A.HCOMMODATIOIi tRAUT, vig. Colt= bia s Immes Harrisburg at 5.80 r. 24.. v 44 itirrive . Wes Philadelphia at 10.60 r. at •. W E W A , 11.0. • BALTLYORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily' (except Monday) at 2.20-A. 11.4 - Altoona,vB. 00 A.' take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 100 P. at, - p4jr; DELP/ILS. EXPRESS.TRAIN leaves! Harriaburg• daily at 3.20 A. M. ; Altoona et 8.40- A. ah, -, tako , lgettkruStc and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 hp.: ' MAIL ,TRAlNileaveallarrisburg at 140 P. at..; Altoona at 7.55 iv ar.i take supper, add arnvesiat"Pittaburrail)lo: A. is, FART LINE leaves liairisburg at 4.15 r:-/K.; Altoona at' O.lO`P. M. , tdkes supper, and arrives at Pitebufg . ar1.40 A.ar.. L HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAlKlleaYfraresl.2 philadeitifibx at 2.45 p. at , and arrives at Rarrisbigg-At.8:1,0 • P. M.- _ MOUNT JOY ACCOMNODATIQN..Ieaves >Lancaatex •Itt 11.38 A.ac,arrives at Harrisba... rtaf3(49..P. • . 4)0: 1 4 1 . ila=riabth'4 Nov. 2N150:7110.;',. THREE T AIN : ✓ D A, /,111,•_. TO .4:165.5 . palm B ---- A: L - gr revo-ILiEJ 1.) VV. S N et I' • Connections made with train; on PenneylraniaSallitel,": to and from Pittabmg and•the:Weet LooK TWO IsIcAINSIDAILY. to'ainilhim , tile Milli Liihiflreit' Branch Sanqudhannai ' . Ea.tro4.imst ',et Tartlfera' if&cs' Nand , 11,ftAltAIONDAY, NONWAITIREAfith; - IL, 1883, the Passenger Trains of theiNurthern Can. toil Railway will arrive at anti depart fron Harrisburg and Balthipore as follows, viz: „ . • ' S 0 L'" T )1 D JIAIL TRAIN _leaves Sanbilty • ttaily - 'fb.xcept . . :• • . Sunday):... L.. „L .... - leaves ,Harfisburg . . " arrives at ; Baltitnoro... 5:411.1..-.g. ; c Exilty.sa TRAIN Sunday) ic,aVers Harrisburg ~ (ox.copt. . . . Mon d ay)'.. . .. • iirti'ves at Baltliiicitd"dally — " (except Monday) . 7.00 .t. 'at.' HARRLSBURG ABCO.IIIIODATION Ipayot-.gar. . • b . 1117. ; .. ... 1:04 NOATHWAR'D. sfilL TRAIN leaves Baltimoro daily (except Sunday) 0.20 4. a. leaves Harrialaurg. .1,45 r. arrives at' Sunbury 4..30 P. X. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y...... 9.30 p. arrives at Harrisburg. 2.00 2.L.' leaves Hanisburg. :ougy - (e±:- eept IteadaW. ...... it. 15P2.5",a, UARRLSIITYRG ACCOMMODATION. loaves thruire:.daily.(eampt , San---. 1 in" . day)... , arrives atHarrietum. For further information applYiattbe Office hi Penniy.l - Railroad-Depot. .. J. N. DaDARRY, • Harrisburg, Nov. 16, 1863.-dtf Gen. Snpt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK AND - PIIIL ADELPHIA?: Q N AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1863, the Passenger Trains will leave the Phila d.e phis and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburo for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz :- . i.' EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 a. ar.;," on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 1.45 Lx. .B:sletitng tar, is attached 'tn. the train through from Pittsburg lrithout , change MAIL TRAIN leztves Harrisburg at 8.09 A. ffi., arriving In New York at 6.30 P. x. l and Philadelphia at 1.50 r. N. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. X., arrivingiu- New York at 10.25 P u., and Philadelphia at 7.00 r. - K: WESTWARD. FAST LINE leayes New Yorlr. at; 6.00 A. 41., and , phila-. delphleat 8.15 A. X. 7 arriving at HarrisUu* at 1.15 MAIL TRAIN leaves Now :York. at 12400 suit Philadelphia at 3.30 r. arriving:at MuTisburg..atrB.2o EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New. York at 7.00.. r. At., .RT-1 riving at. Harrisburg at 2001.., and conneettrigwith, the Pennsylvania - ETpress Train for - Pittsburg.- A SiCepttattlX , is also.attached.to this train. •, ; 1 it • . . Connections-are made at, Harrisburg - Mau. trains on.-.thei Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland:. Valley. railroads, -and at Reading for:Pltiladelphia;..Pottsville,. Wllkesbarre, Allentown, Eastori: , ..k.o. Baggage ehooked-Ahrough. l are between New York and Harrisburg -$5 15 ;-between Harrisburg and Philadel phis, S 3 36 in No. 1 cars, and s3in No. - 2. Nor tickets or other information Apply to . nol.d-dtt . . J. J. CLYDE, Collura Agent, Harrisburg. 1863. = Phi:l4delphitt and _grie , -Mailw ROMIL THIS great line.. trataersen • the .N'orblieVe dal] Northwest counties of •ForaisylVanint friAlito“olly dig Erie, on Lake Erie. /- It been leased by - the'PENNSYLVANIA RAIE.A.OAD Cox- PANT," and'under - theirausplces - ls, - being' -rapitUropenetl throughout its entire length.' L It is now in use for Passenger_ and Freight businesw' from HaWsbuzgto_Etuporinin (195 Mlles) o.ll:thortastern. Division, and from Sheffield, to: Erie (78 miles) omiba , Western,Diyision...„ ~ • , TINE.OF4ABSENGIIR-TRAINS AT - Wft . LSßUltfk- Mail Train leavenlgerth- .f ' airrtz:' EFllcess -Train leaFea Ninth ; .eat Cars na/„ . thitaugh wrzgoarina — thas both %wain these trains between l'hiladelphU.and .Losk HAren, and be tween.l3altimore and.Leolf..DAYo.P.,_.fct Elegant Sleeping cars nuf..EV....Keigk no*. tween Williamsport and Spidtimore, and Williamsport For, Inforn*tion slim:Dug 'seAgetintaigiiisit' the S. E. Corner nth a.ncemarics made And for Freight business of the Agental., D. Kingston, Jr..-corner-1.24h4ud- Market- ikeeter Philadelphia. . OIL J.'W. Reynolds, ' ' tj J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. ft. - • - Gtneraz Fixiout Argitt,frki.c4., Lzwis 1.. - :aouPr General Tierce/ JOS. D. PoTTS, ,Geacrad lifartagErr n0164d: pffm . J EWA REARING 11110140 1:4031g09.4i . V.l•ll:_ey BraAcii ; OAT aiid 'itfier moNDA.V.IYETEMBER 1863, .ACCOWIODATiON PASSENGER TRAIN' will be ran_between , tiino and Ti inirg.,--in_addiiirui to the other Pawenger Trsin9 . now running on the I r enFion. Talley Railroad. . ' - _ Leaving Reading at .7.1.5..i...x.,41trtrte 1-RaltartotaatB.44. A. It., and arriving at liaraiabgrLat Altai LeavinirHarrisbiarg at •5 1. la — Vassal ,Leatiarren at alt. and arriviegat•lteading 7:35'x. ar' • Stosp_lisr_at,oP*onger Stations. The beat . No Train, leaving Reading-4gal ; W stop only at IVOIXICISdOrr, 31- yelStpvitt, -Lobs' tion ' TWO'' , Palmyra and HummegioselL. . All Passengens n7il p.rocare their . rtekets-tietoWenterini the Trains.- An. extra charge is made on all Fares paidki , the Cara G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pe., Dec. U., 180.-414;j81 1863 CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS: CHANGE 'OF HOITEa - -Ozt'azid aftetbion day, Novembor,l7 ; 1803, Passenger - trains will run daily, as folloyirs; (3irladay3 exceptpsi:)- - • • FOR CS4ziessno illW zwpisiarnta: 1 Learo Hagerst wn..... .. .. .. :.7.00 ' /46 . " 7 44artivEbbktui• - - , 7 7 37 - '4.36 I '' i` ~111 li'• , Arrive at - 1311 4.20 - Chamberitirtril.l'..' ;,;'1 .. • "i 4"; i' r - 1...) , :. Leave at.......:18.20' , 2 , 12.66 , :Leaves Sbippensburg ............ • .9-00 •r 1.561 " Newville :r, -...... ..i aa , %op' • . " Carlisle .. '• '' .. . .12.4/ .., " Mechanios-k ,uni......... ~........1042 3.12 I Arrive at Harrisbiirt.il/. 1 .:..'. 7 .7.t.'•;...,11.16 3.40 FOR #lllitßE.t.s23V Ral:ilin , lIAOSIZSTOWN: Leave Harrisburg i- " Mechanicsburg ...1,1 .. ;... 6.47 2J1.5 • • ~ cgtrysie --- , —...• ••y • • t • e i .0 I* 4.•• • ••••1 70,7 -1 1 . " Newviiis. P fin .; .4 .........i"se.o2 ...s.a ',..,.. slifypifsbigg• - - '- ' .:i.o.3e' ' - '4OO Arrive at 3,,nataber5kurg,,.......... - .... .. ...11.40. . 4.30_ Leave Chrubbersburet. ..° ..:..'. 7 .;%'; : . ... 7 .1.1 . 1.4111' 4:40k " Greencastl6l -- .3%.*1.•.:.;:1.;;T.1 . . - .5.c. , 1.55.5Z , 15.30 Ariire at Hagerstown - - .12:36 8.10 , -- ay. I k talcreg V. 0130 cpnneutions at Harriebinrwigt trains ler Philadelphia 7 Nevi York. Iglit Plifstiurgt add 'Wittt tralns for all points West, 7 - , -, 7 0. N. LTJLL, Spilt. R.,ft.iotlfies CbsiniSersburtilkFlty t 'l7, 18 - 62-11 , k; - : • READING R.V.LROAD._ AV IN TER_ARRVT,WE,IVIJE,N_T. REAT P. 1; ( 11 : 47.7,W1TED.:"1 1 Q-Ur;LaTC, E: NORTH and Northwest for. - 111allstphia, New York, . Reading, Pottsville LeVaiiiiii,"Allen aill;ELLltoll,Bcc.,Atc.. Trains leiße Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, atzB.oo'o, e. , and 2:410 f4=-itit., T - 41,"; - acs New York - Effrcss -- le4 - eslfarrliburg at "d. 3"0 A. at. I arriving at New,York-1,1t 7 1.45 a-san day .-: L. ,l • t Fares from llalrSturgiirti,FeW.Yerc,46,. ,elpfil - a - trg '35 Pagigo blocked. ). RetnrMng, leave Now XoriF.. 4 4,tt.-4:IAL , P. M., (Pittsburg . itstiteais.)..-Xsavar hiladelphia at it AS a. • At.. and. 3.30 P. 44, 4laal 1 / 2 1 Sleeping cars in the New York E44.l:_caVrtAtits,tlmoititiN t , to and from Piltabtmg avithoutehange,, , , Pasieldert - i fEeeitakissh — gailroad - leave Tamaqua . ; t at 6,60&, at • d.. 2,16 P. K., for .-Thlladelphia Nge Yorki r Trai hA. ii.,:44.1 1 14. t'#. 'Philadelphia, Harrisburg Yerk. . , An Acceinnuidation Pahaengett - trath'tea*lengdink at ' 4100 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 6.00 at. gli-E.SII. the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted.-- A. Sunday traiu leaype Pottsville x., and Phil ltdelphia at 3.15 P. Dr: • • c,ommittation,.lflleage,,Season and ilitatursionlickets at reduced rate to and frpra-M/P9i ll ol • General Superintendent NocCll4.c L 186- n. _- f gi 31101DT ailtoad :111.'i Lira aPtIRMTPAY,ZBAriI B63 . T HE public. is ...reskrinlizinforniell thnt on - icor 41ter'11b$15A1. , gadsEs").,4ll; ‘ll - I ) 4Setwo*. whey : As Votil.OrclifiVecthiitri itkeiii , betore , enterirte mount wilt' tio , tilidl4tl , 2s ants - Sitittkin , cittcliAtpket , patallasaft - an thetrziiitrefor Which.; they 'otitsiti from the.lcon:: ductor a s abscr•tisaitptv-:.111ts" .reeeipt , !, be t•ladoetaiiii, acd' cd. t . egtirpallikSrefinidt•tasit,llp6ll Inosteaentattr. at any. utoliet:olllda de4-d2m- 1 .• 4skiner.al. .. :;~. .xo~~~ s::,,,:~ ". 'THE..ITNITED STANES:,IIOTEL • -ELtiritigittrito . rA:,• CR:VERLIC & HUTCH_ISON, TiWell known fibtel is now tiTio.accomraodateLthe :trarelgig, .11004 o; Wording. the most.ample.conveniencos alike for the transient guest , and the permanent boarder.- :f „ TUE :TINITEff STATE 3 HOTEL bar: bben entirely :refft:Ti tad thronghout,.anCriow. hatt,lteetiazimedations ,emlal:ln. extent, comfort and luxury Id anphotel between Ptdladel, - phis and Pittsburg. Its locationislhe beat In the , State Capital, ,being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and, lx close proximity.to all the p.ublis offices and business 10- celities of the city. It has now all, the conveniences of . h A FIRST . .and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither • ex.' Pens 9, time or labor to en:stire the comfort of tlti3l.lM. The patrtmagiyof the traveling pUbliei is respectfully-86111 cited. , 'L •, " • .‘-• • • STATE VAPITAL.: 31-ITElir dmilkat,or.l3=l, , AVD *austisnuttig; HARRISIIT.YRGyPENN'ii. FTV.W.I ,undetsignaitti*igptii•Chaied thig weik . L lalown.kouse bas 'enlarged, and thotOughlfratiosated it. 'The rooms hate been re-panted and papered, itridltio entire estalisbment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea.: gently and eligibly located, and provided with everycon ,yenionee, it offers to the public all the comforts and , luxu ries of a first class betel; Trusty and obliging servants always fir attendance:. A par well, stocked With 'choice liquors is attached to the establishment. de26.411 , ,' 111102,IPSON, Proprleter. , . .. • ,1,:::.;.p0n. - A1:611011:SE PRILLIPSBURG, C.E.LVERE COUNTY; PA. • • JAMES H. GAYLER, ittorsterott TRA.VELINGM CMXITZ:viII find MR a first, glasEs ablAke. always sup piiod delica t oies of, the,efol f4 tril : Ilto. bar_ wo# stocked bapbilitila of gond GiSocf - Stabling attached to thh HOW` lidit:4Bl4 tO E.B 11"o"tr ; Corner of Market street and Mark.et 5T18413, lid'Rlt.reeß~RG ; ~P &INN A. - • .7 IA : Proprietor. nots-dttc : -1 86 3. CHILLED AND WAOUGET MMIMM.RffI ^41.....- !OPT CIPT-4-iSh2w.turiho Ned..w,ora - II Writ.t4tdit4Pit:P.4ol ,L,. ~.... : ::: ,: , ,,1.:.. irilintittleMiitt_sf_b_LtettkesS inen_geliiikally: 1.3 ;is imyited4 the, oppertor:, adVailtNes—or .this At% sivettill - 4ters, to 7114'ittrd' Durgiai:Prtiot . grialitime..TbOy . ' are all seentednbra Combination' LOdire without Ploy or Icayholo, anittlib whole. outside .of the Safe is CHILIAD IRON, Ifrora.l.%: inches' to 2inclios thick,) and is -proof lagainst the punch or drill int the ,use of powder, • as fie . obutly employed by bolglariciti:Pl'Ott'ePetUletls D.E_!* . toiikevolcitchliradurtashed-b3t'UL'L .....y-10.1 II.) .11 i 2 1 ' .. ..: a.r.l:. ~. . t -. '.... . -,:GEO47.,PARSCHIS.:: .I_ ,_ , -....— __ .. . - :.......ll4:llllarketatreat4tarrisbur'. : 1 t, ! _ _ Agent.foreentrab.Poilk . P ' ; 110\ITS SIANDARD- Sekl, - - ,_,. ES. El7ory,desaription cif' -Dormant and-,Roqable ..1',1446:94- i, - C . 111 . 4.7-Ha4:rnal,arill St4l‘ :Map, ,li;allt_ qad . D.epqtAitrir , isrpck'Scales; mate Charging .7.4!4n - : ' ll dY , c"1! 6 1 111 d'; cainter Scales. ' ' • „!- These Serdealifite. scv oral IIiII'ORTANT ADVANTAGZS. i!raliev receive the wear anit 3 friptiopilrays on chilled iron ,I',.'inzp:s under the platform; instead of receiving it open the knife-pivots and dulling them .:. lio jarring -of :She: •plst! ; form affeinallinivorking:bf Life: sWe.:. :Eater ALM ClidelV 4 .:2 * C4S to enutrarthe'platirmin'. - Will weigh - 7ton - ont - Or Ilevel. Large scales regiiikelqiii deep 'pit , iindcost lees for ~11°padatiort _lpo, num A LIA., ott t risenlea. - ,. .ri.11, i.,,,Q; ji I Fiiirlifo ' rmalloniniiiihila bir„,;(ltelanKiirlbor, •A',"°,s i l ;gent for - Central, Pennsylvaiita, - eira Sells - ittAttiaft . tureria-iiiid- - . - , , G.1.0._W-PARSCI. - - feh94l.Bm .:,.11513larltak5tm s Harrisburg. YRUPS, Jilt_ extra :tpialityillidlat,lo3C . ll4oo4 ' I sinnt . .ircoolitod and for sale 0..... 't , ,--..;'• -,. i -', POINTS ,te.: , ...:...,d .: .L.:, -, .., ..103if:./JOOK:litt,..sr 1.*.. , 1 ,_ ClOri j " manufactured, kitr-L , ust iN r itil - ved G an E d r T aiie ,: l. 'el WM. DOCK, JR., & CO it'w'RoADi:; MEE j , WINTER ' MEDICAZ. 1864 `.t t!; ' ' ' , , • IiENERIESIE -- • - ";:: • .:121XJ.2:TY IRENOII- 5 1 ROPBi , • . • (..-% ::THIS 4 . _ ; rEMX:LIDAECEGULATO* = . ' Ale Ina only knowirremadylbat anonewaindy .Intartably restpre l and ragukatetbetomAlemtept, remor- Aig all irrctularitleny ditd prialating bun, and ,;:: •.,;: , z.:4; DROPS AO a fluid preparation, the only truo ono of the kind - ever' discovered in this country,-anditota direotty-on-the parts sikied, , wid ll 4.l. lll 4 4o 4 l ± 0 0 .0*1 1 ,14dr. onirresellf thetu a nd they work through sympatkv;hut,l4.„at - 10. direa . Are yuti,rerf4l i frorn fof-t4erogu l jar return 4 tattire4.***bedfa:i t t.._. • %yell& rpolt*lryytosTo - r.47cossi iiiiiitsgurittos, • irkoken.A day or 'th• :**4.4lltOta tireVen4 invariably rtlifils.tejiti,ixatiliii.osnro'ne °Tea ! foUiteiti &use; as certain Are Yottelcir i .enfeetPled,hy filefiie, or Unable to beer the labor aad:ilualor of hureilio , • PgRIODIOAL DitiAs petite to you as a ble,silng,, for itt not preltitaNt tretter than cure ? p regularly Mimi; it-is it -certain roventive,- , and will save you - lave mu lave you Wear:4ooA ttoi zany yeire with complaints ;incident to the sar;that'hettelatllad the skill of pbysi cans, AAA are heiTylnk you: otito as early grave 7 =I LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS : • ' Aie the most rellablelregulaticiever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctor's aklll. • 31111 u iiTiWainip:Attroring -from Leucorrhcea, "N01ifix 1 1 3 017.... aborrhaNo kkiitiphd. other ditllmil tles,.a. smtultmd, ,tinder ihe - natoe suppressed and olintitoted &mire; vitai'aiiinvestinedvot one dollar -kL"'' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Will surely sivelreili iDo:not,usa:tlußnismsoa6idden in the directions, fat. although:* paithwianto,htutEltarbtleasat all other timea„tatey ammo powerful and hailirtiklaited to adjust mid govern the functions of the sensirnrgaulam, that, if Miceli at improper Ulna, they would produce results con trary to natuptimptinskwhichzall, partioularly those who would reproduceishould carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ... i ••• - Canaptlaur tlakusuLL 4,9 I,ieti ,*ituttou at any, timer yet trai o.o.Metbra: Mehl toAgoard : Against its 'man* balk - 411e, alikkumitliottles, millbausitd fora good pur pose whirr, onela used fir an illegitimate one. LYON'S 141t1 . 61)10 DROPS, • . . . tho iievestailing4reenale Regniator r haor sale by ivory Muggist, in the city and country, and do:not, if you value t - yqur health and wish for a reliable: mliticine, buy any other. Take no other, but itthe Druggist to whom you 'apply has not got it,rmake him send and get It for you. EdE C. _CLARK C 0.,. - ;741 - Wholeisitlei:by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, -•-" - 'North - 11in' Street,''' 'Philadelphia, Pa MEI , Id_ .• . bct .r4` an - : = .... cim *•. PO. 41:) • g', . , . eTh Iffl BENIN MEM ME ME El • f'IiQPItiBTOES, - ...New Haven, Coca MEDICAL. =II DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE • • TA R C.ORDIA L Is the Vital Principle of the Pine Tree, '0 BtARTED 13 Y, : a peculiar ,process in ihe distillation of4ke tar, by which its higlidtMefficlnal Properties are retained. It is the medicine that cures when all others have --•• • • ~ Race you a cough? Efave, you Sore Throat ? Hare you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal dis ease, _Oonsumptient?.: , • ,‘ _ Thole. tv'ho should Be warned by these simptoms gener ally think lightly then! untalt , is too late. 'Prom this fact, perhaps moreithan any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of dieease Which sweeps to the graVe at c'Rrastleitoritige of , Pedit's vletbriC What are its.systrostrf - - It usually begiris - with a short 410'. cough, soon Becomes habitual, but for some ttmemothing , is niise d• exj cola a frothy mucus. The breathing is somewhat difficult, and, upon slight exercise much hurried..aop#e of: tisikt ness and .oPpresriort at tilt; Chest Is'orten felt. As the -dis ease advances:the:patient , *mites thin 1 n tlesh is • edict ed with, toss of. appetite; reat languor„indplerice,,and do •jection• of Spirits and' lung this State 'fOr considerable length of thus, t,lattfit is 'IMP rendlir.4l)ciell ~by,sliet,dpostne nr fatigue. If those occur, , the cough. ,hecobaris more titriablesnme, and ii:attenda With et*tii littion,iwhich r iVtalteopieuS and free very. early ia the !morning: "Inh'somelline'S streaked' with 'bleak'.At; this: staigeMighl t asettits,usally-itei in; Mur itisotrus. ,. a‘pro:•,• fuse bleeding of the luna.ranw else occur.;- , Pain Age some part of the etre& ".IS' felt; and 'Often a cifffibulty in` lying' upon one or the other side, without severe fits of cough dng or.k sataSklif inkiness or , suffitcation, is experienced. Abe pulse becomes hard 'end frequcirt, the beetle - trusiftingeathecthedirk and:thd'dire Milady fast hag.: - tinting to. Hp close. • . , Fr: Yintinew ask"ls fhoe a cure - r' A AAA A • COW t Whit* , /sal been nest - can, be coin& by die use ofroy.: TAit. Comn4t, oven In apparently hopeless cases, This as, : sertibill-realre . with = therabillty-to-prennhe Most: yilete,evideincrkotthe truth.- Space will not admit-of: my .4teitigthii Oaten - is Orthe Many tho - usinda'of feithnomals been', aria:are quceiving.'rroih: ,men and Arolpeng„ltmuostionaliltilyetth ,aid reputation. r 1106 dir niftterofilieiercertlffeates printed-in circa. jler Cora .1,414c1r , 1 mi ll ; seed' ylog,, free on , .,applicatiorq, WhethOr you now determine to try• tie. medicine or not, and ;for-the irr , Afteniyaiwn of •ntudY and expert . • ;i te m., Letreolgs.tkorp'ink. , ,lnilieybag AU*, he Alio,bets remedy for all pu,/enenag.and:/YrortchiO/, die ease& r„ i lf you, cantion:4 befi s ed tkitiV the tine or the Titt'Coabdicr.ba= lieve you are beyond all earthly aid. Yet if there are bet-- ,ter curate agents, I earnestly advise their use. The beat listeedin iho 'B - best ctins, are. eeded by those afflicted 39,th ' thildisease. eCause bah:WO this to be' dui best, - I ask' • . : Many. not ogy,of the ...pie, 'bat physicians of. Beheaded pradied,' tire y asking' me; ' "What' isitot ..ethleilikerieNini.ooYkutisuctera the treatnient - rteinionary.qopsuotp(ionr My ans wer is this:. . . Theittep"OrdililOtkli'd 'di gestlviii- orgarki-the strength: erring of the‘debilitated system-=the 'lntrijtedion and, .ca . ridimeat Oahe bleed, must expel from .the *item' 'the corrinliti*ittildh seraffia liireada , •%Whdo: this isidabeted, -by the , • powerful- alterative (chap. from di'e''A health) prcPertidedf theTarcdrdlST . - SS hailing and Mari., rating mintßiplads:alsoianting,ujxm :the initated surfaces i ofthelunirs and tided, penetrating, to each chewed part, nalicryfrig.pain, stibduing•inflimmatien; and restoring a ~ healthful tendency. Lot this two-fold power, the. healing 'bud eti ' engtGoiiitig , continuo to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the. patient As saved, if helms not too long delayed a resort to the inearti of cure: ; The Tess Tan ,Cortimat. mill cure coughs, Sore Throat annlidoest,, Bronchitis Asthma, Croup, Hoiciplng Cough,lllptheila; and fa alio lilt eipellenFremedy _tar dis eases of-thei hidneyit end &Mal& complaint:a- - • iII3IIWARP. OF COUNTERFEITS:, The genulue,has the mune of tho proprietor and a pine , tree:blown In ' the bottle. All others arc. speriolus Unita- " * Pains Ain' CMrrs In) Osir Doi LAti rye* 'pared oily by the Proprietor. DR. L. by. C.-WISH.Aarr, No 19, North second stred,,Pintridelphia, Pa. For sale by alkpragrintit. , .. I KuNREt'S •cvE'.LiEigIZATEI) FAI6N; ■ Mf:43IMiR tWUISY.OFIRON:; 7 - BMW/ VIM OF . WS"' arrilta WINE OF MOO' • ostl For nrapopalii,.. • dig For Drapisplia.ana - inctlgOldlinr; - For Dyspepsia and indigestiOre-,:::.• For,Dyspopedn andandigemidt : For Weal - Stnai* and Chineral For Weak Stomach iLlid'Oanetrid ty 'For Wadi Stomachic and General Deblll l 7l For Weak Sttenaelor and General Debility; I AilLabKaAd aim9.4 o-1 2004- :-..• ItellableandSuto to do Botha& and'Sure te do.Gabd, Itig t isitdii and Sure to do. Good, :" =a It Goes Wit tittle "Aild-rtititlos;tbe It Costs butlAttle Pildileithotßkvat . • It Costs ts;t Little &IA ;Foam tba p .lood. It Casts but Little, anCl'ufttleititiißlfot Of this-Velcutble Afeditine,n Of this Valuable.Medleble i Of ibis,Vskipthis WEUPIELN... Of gas Valuable *d' mei. > • ,-, 11 only Seventy five aiid Only siviinty-iti'e.tuia , thkii liei-Beittle: Orly Seventy-five and One Dollar per Bottle.. Only. SniTOYAlle and 940914/RPF 800 e. .'6OI,IIIOVIC-R'PEOPitS Cei&stasstEtz. - 1."-ICtrusings WROS OF Nor, - is the..only "tatre_ , Mtd.*:efroaual s 'remedy known in the world for theoveennanenteuronCDrepepsia dint ilechaitY, and as i ttro t, are a number of Imitations offered tie red tolptibli oratU caution the community to purclurainotte brtiVi lifthinfire article; manirfactured by 8. A. Xusics l .4 abiz_heatAVV:shonP,OX the ton of the co* . of every bottle. The very fact that otheraara Attempting. to ;rotate this valuable remedy ' , proves ita4wOr.th'stior speak . ; volumes in ite-fairft - - ••• Thditriisp t 5713 - 8 or Lacs is tut up in 76`&mt.amelltilllk botAerh - entiLseldireeLmetable tit ton_ the country. Itiart that ever' Itosle l bears thefac r imize of the propr'ietor's stdnature • - . "". U ; . _ S. '& General Doitot No. 118 . .Mirket r 3) all respes.table dealers througheut the egutitri jos4 "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS' FAIL T'S CODIPOM) TXTBAOT 'OP! CUBEftS This preparation is ParDeplerly, recommended . to ,tlie MEDICAL PROFESSION - arta - the PUBLIC for tbe prompt arid certain cure of'DMEASIDS OF TILF, MADDED, XID NEys, URDIADY ODGANS, An/ .• R they Wielled on as the best mode for the administra tion of theseremedies in the large class of diseases of both segos, to which they are — appliebble.-- It never interferes with the digestionc:and.britklchboentrathin, the , dose is much reduced Tili ttf ti N:D• rst'rti'greatt 3 gatO ask - for TAARANT'S COBIPODNIP ralTtAtT OF :GIIBEBS AND 'COPArBk . artd,takepothittEleiter.ltiblinitations and Wortlddsidprepa yasets, under !Wen liitti4eS man, the„ m4rket., Price $1 00. Beaty- espreee On reCettirof pH* leanufao tuked only ittlr PARRANDIc- 01; No:. • 278 Greenwich jilted, corner of Warren street, New York, and' for.sak.. Tkfilliel 011 E4 4 oct22rdly Fo al e by S. A. KIINICLE & BRO., and by Draggiats istte. =I THE GREAT TONIC, ` THE GREAT TONIC, THE GREAT 'TONIC; THE GREAT TONIC, Amd , Catinot - do AAA Cannot !19;ifs.tin, - Aikct (Ituinot 4oritartri, - Arict,c9l#6l-40' Hum: 'WB nOW Onlr Anicn Trial - Lilre n o w ClegrAsir Trial • We:now Only; Ask a Trial . 110 - Only dek a Trial • ~':.... nardsburi; PL = D.W. - GROSS & CO. • D. W. •GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICI:GGISTS; NO. 19 ,Ti M A R'K E T S T-RE EV) HASRIi'BITEG, PHYSIOIAATS,' - STORE MESE EMPEkg -AND • We are daily adding to. our assortment : , : goods an such articles - nitre (imitable; and'i Olild'reßpe Ufly call Atli attention to ther:lagent and ben selected7atock; to -this DRUGS, CHEMIGALS-AND.PAINTS-- (MU,: TarntsluA and Ottim, • = • Dye-SOAK Giess vindiPe* "' ci ' -ICrties Colors end Twill', *nrning Fluid and Alcohol, Lavd t •Sperm arid Pillo-Oits Bottles; lirtals and Lamp, Globes, Castile Soap , Sponges and Corlai, With a general variety of PRIWIIKERY AND. TOILET . ARTICLES, 'selected. trait% the best- tottbutheturers and Perfenterti ot EcirOpe cnd'this country Being vniy.birgn ilealnra in .PAINTS, TVIIITE-LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARRISHES WIND - OW grass, Alinsr,g ARTIST'S BRUSIIRS IN ALL THEIR reilmwm, .We reepoctfifily !mite a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wants Of all on terms to their satisfac, tion, TEETH ! < TEETH ! ! JONES' AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDIOLTES,AIV) Of all kinds, diroct from the Proprietor* SAf'CeilM'M A.Nao CONcM , IOL4M LYE. EEG lifilesnio agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low . • •.. itta4 be puzahased in the Chien- TEA rEir,4 'MEDICAL' FLUID EXTRACTS. "' COAL OIL!.CARBON Being lArget,purclutsers, in Oesq ,Tp•lcat;i,olDlT 'dnqesaents to close buyers - Coal Oil Lamps,j3f %kb most . - . ,improved pattorns ,-vory cheap. All kinds of laniits 'cl/s;iged to barn Coal Oil. FATi.MFR.S AND GRAZIERS. 'Mein otyck Who havi not given our HORSE AND CAT -174 POWDERS trial know not their superiority, and tie 'advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy And lin a goodlCipiclitfo#:_. 'flus*vpr ; ceua *Mry-to thq i ptotit they have derived frpia the use . of our Cattle Powders, by the indreased ty and fina lit y m il k, .bestdes imp rovi ng the general • •.. - • • • ._ healtiennd agpearanekof . 'Our long experience in the gives us the advan: t i glitAf thoretigit inggylpdge of, the ,triide,- and our ar- Xtitigemiutlit tidbit cities_ such that we can, in a very aft. - -114c1A-pu.tei , lambi stwariug appertaiipkte our business, , - op, the bes Cot terms. Thankm:for• the lltairil , patrenagn bedewed on, our hone, we hope by strict attention to huainess t a Careful aelection of - . . P Tr G S at fairprioa cn tthe dpit . Wttplease r -itkl6:ntetit-a CO/1- tinuNitier4the fivor•of,a thaealtatititb)gttublici": k • C.. Wall; Attordey=iit,Law; third oirot, liartbAiaig„lti."Ait - tisitieWentritsieit tQ attended to. - - - • • rtountioe.l!eizoiono andlaticlo PO of office= colleted: &010 A.-F WE a MAC Citiltrol.l63 , oiIIMI4PBACKGAMMOICBOARDSj tecmved a - r SCItATENB 11410MORK Exp l Ligt - DAElg i ce -- • • 'Cr 1 364 0 E cT!BlitiablORVB811:::: , ~,Ar'14741.1-03ARSADA klMillir"ahad°llelkai ft'" Ilvw r • --••• • • ,„ _ "P '1'1.4.741-14 --- 4 Web • 4 3 4 13 ..k.*Offf i # 3 *. 0,14 , 110 Beer, at _ . ' ''• Bo KOEp.PER.4 RDIOKED ririt :India' LOT ItieW "•:. W. DOCK, Js , &Oa O YOl3 wish a good Gold Pea 2 so, sr all at smarm= Bookstore, liarstsbarg. DIM IME =I Putk OfOund Spices; &a., &s, COLORS, PAINT AND COLOR I I AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS. zwn .12EswiLtm2a, ; riscELLAnws. - NEW GOODS---EST OPENED I BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, cALF . aspr:rocirgr BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONNAT — g, it prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CIVLMMY, Cons sting of a fine assortment of .Westenhoimrs Superior Pocket Ksives. GOLD PEAS, 'From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Rump IL•et so with a 9uarcniter_. PORT_ FOLIOS, WRTMCG CASES, ROSEWOOD DT' PAPETERIM, &o IZogother irlth every : article usually found En a first class . . Book antißtationery establishment, at myl2) BERGNER'S, 61 Market street PEIPHER'W DAILY LINE Tioct4T',ll-Ba,_EtrlinieTWEnel4'titeorSewlr:-Slvr town, Milton, letiabura . . Northumberland, Snit bury; Trererton, Georgetown, . Lykenstown, Millersburg, -. 1 lifax, Dauphin, • ' AND HARRISBURG. The,Rhiladelphitt -,Depot being centrally located, the drayage mill beat the lowest rate s _ The Conductor goes - through each -trail to attend - to tbe safe delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of. FREED, WARD & FREED, Sll Market street. Phlkidelphia, by 5 O'clOck e. IL, will be 'delivered in Ear: riabucgthe necamorning. /frail4sl4 : Alvy",l aa : Lotr as by Any Other JOSENTGommty S ca, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, ' 00214 f Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS. MUSTER ROLLS AND .RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OUT riallinndersigned, having been in the en)- ." Edoymentottlia United States during the lust eighteen months, as ffierkin the Mustering and Disbursing O ffi ce and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfully informs the public that ho has opened an office in the DAILY TELISMAPII Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions t Bounties, Rick Pay and War Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolla and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by man attended to promptly. novl-dtf SULLIVAN' S. CHILI). lAQUID EXTRACT OP T.A.la A. X A_ C IT M. The Concentrated Juice Of the Fresh Root. A SLIGHTLY TONIC, DIURETIC AND 171. APERIENT. It has a specific action upon the MYER, :melting it, when languid, to secretions, and re solving the CHRONIC engorgemente. It has been much Qmployed In Germany and is a popular remedy with our practitioners In this country. The diseases to which it is especially applicable are three connected with the Liver, and of the digestive organs generally. It is the b.t pre paration ever offered to the public for that disease, and every person that is troubled with that disease should procure a bottle immediately. Prite 50 cents per bombs. Made in our own laboratory from the fresh root dug in October, (the'keriod of Its greatest activity.) S. d. KUNKEL & BRO., Jant7 118 Market street" Sarrisbarit - .11PCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP. TaINVA.LUARLE SYRUP, which is en tTely vegetable in its composition has been em ployed With wonderful success for many tears in theatre of diseases for the Alit PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease, such as COUGH, 'TICKLING of tb, THROAT SPirriNG-OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BRE'_4THING. Homtte:Ess, LMS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, use will be attended with the happiest results. It is or., of the .best and safest medicines for all forms or EP.DN CHITf3 and CONSUMPTION, IVo laudanum or prepara tion of Option *yaw shape #this syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERG,NBR'S Cheap Book Store. DANIEL A..MUENCH AGENT OF` - the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that, this Old natty Traosportaix:. Line, (the only Wallower Line-pow In existence In city,) is in suenessful- - operation - and prepared to car height as IoW as sin,' other !edit' Wind line between delphilyliarrisbvirg, Snnbitry, Lowlsborg, Williarropert Jersey Shore, Lock Raven and all other points on t!.. Northern Central, Philkdelphia and Erie and William ~ ,rt and Elmira Railroads, DANIEL 1.. MCMCCII, Agent . ' Harrisburg, Penn'st. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zeii & Hinchrnan; Nos. SOS and SID Market street, above 6th, Philadelphia, by 4' o'clock, r, x.., will arrive at Harris burg, ready for delivery, neatonerning. [ap3o.rdrnyl . Look Here • BOOMS, YOII WILL BO WILL BY CALLISC SCIIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, SIGN OF • THE “AMERICAN FLAG:" And purchase your .wars PAPER AND. ENVELOPES. PORTFOLIOS, MGM' BOOKS, - ' POCKET HiR.STA/z Do, VALHI:MTH PHOTOGRAPH aLBC22 , , PHOTOGRAPH.% Made of the very beat material, and for sale at seri iv, pricca. .Remember the 7.F. BO O KS TO RE, -jsrL29 Sign of the American Flag, Harrisburg, II $ _ T B-E SOLD! WALL PAPER, BORDERS. • SOREPPEKS BOOKSTORE, Has to be removed on the first of April next. His Stec!: of Wall Paper must be reduced, and. will, therefore, ea sold at very low prices although price of Wall Papers h.. - still going up, Persons desirous of : Papering their Houses, will do well to examine his assortment and prices_ December 1,1883. TtlEo. F. SCREFFER. Aar Five cents cash paid for clear mixed Rags per .pound. Old Roam wanted for—casiL (deg pUBLIC SCHOOLS. . MIOOVSLATES or diferetd sizes, Willson's eau elki,t 4erlet of. Spellers and Readers, published by Harper Sr Brothers „together.witlall other School Books and Wet lug Materials are offered - cwholesale and retail, at dec7 :, . :11rOBTON'S GOLD PENS Another tot of Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pens for at SIXERFER% BOOKSTORE .411 pens. ruxa.nted. Am one, year. [deg, IiGLISH DAIRY and At [ncdsl DOCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKLN PURSES PORTEMONNATES, and a general variety of LEA TEM GOODS, Plat received at . BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. A LMANACS! ALMANACS!'! 11 EAR'S ANCASTER ALMANACS ,Ittst received and fainde at nol9 • IiOrAVANA ORANGES, just recieved . : 'BOYER & KOERPEIL PERM CALNDLES, first quality, all sire',- nCE h lot just ressiveJ d for lii*tki• getritoYEß & IZOF:FtPER. MO 31 , b7c.ceTsior lizons, of this sea ca eon's m' Ant recogiced and for sale by • &alb W. DOCK, Ja., & CO a - VANA. ORANGES, just received IA V ace VALDOCL receiv ed , & C 4) NEW YORK STATE CHEUE BOYER & BOER SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE