yA , _ . , ~.,,. . . . .. ..:.., , . ri.,..,....._ it i• --- )p....4 ..., ~,..„.... ... •._. k N. '• 4 : 4 4 .. . l it ;:. irt •A , 'N 4 • ( 1.111°111 . ' : , .. .......:i . "_-.,_. • T \ , ' 1 .... -... - , e‘ ..." - N- • --....7";:::......." . , ,-________,„ A4P` , . . „„ • • • -N.:v at - . ,::: ..,...,. . .4. • ••,‘,. pp* 4 .. .- • ~ . ,____•,.._,__ ... ~,::-. ..7.,:„....--1,„--.-t:_.-_,........,- ,-.......„,...-- - )A.„. ...... :: _.,-" -- ,i fi..... ... „ _- - 7 -- -._ -- 7_ - , 4- -.6- •• -* t --,-7,. .." ..-- --.- ~--..,„..+. ~.. -. . ‘... ....-v ..., - ......; t 4) .:..*. 4- ..„ .k a • •••- ' ~t, - • - -I% -,'•---- ';-... ' -, "- . _ f.-„ - E-_—_- - -- - 11:-.. , ' .:-.----%." , ' -'''''''' , millit' ;,:,. • - • • . . . ... .-,.,,,,, . ‘ '.1 .. ... — :.,,,,1 ;,,,,.' ,_,,_,;-.-.,'''..).. ." . t ---',7-. 7 1,„5:,, .. , f. I'\ - ,::=mowva), ‘ - . . _ . • .. . . • • . . . . . -...'. -- --__ BY GEORGE BERGNER. AMUSEMENTS. SANFORD'S HALL. REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL Iti el only place in the State, except Pitts burg, who pay a REVENUE to give THEATRICAL, OPERA PERFORMANCES GO SEE Trite GO SEE THE GO SEE THE GO SEE THE GO SEE THE TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. TICKET-Or-LEAVE MAN. as performed by SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFOIID AND TROITMO. SANFOTCD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. SANFORD AND TROUPE. THE BEST COMPANY .EXISTENIQE. Rend the Opinion of the Press, who hare pronounced TICKET-OE-LEAVE MAN es written by SANFORD, to be one or the most endive preseptations introduced 33Y 111 I IV 71" Er.s SANFORD'S TROUPE ARE ACTORS. SANFORD'S TROUPE ARE ACTORS. SANFORD'S TROUPE ARS ACTORS: DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THEM MESA TBPIR VARIETIES The ORCHESTRA the most SCIENTIFIC ever offered In this city. Prof. HAAS at the Piano, Prof. .A.SCHE at the Cornett, Prof. SCUAEPER as Leader, Prof. SIV.A_BDE, Double Bass, Prof. CARL, VioliniA togt. Nther with the aid of the Comic make t h e - best Instrumental talent ever new- elated in th.'s country. Go 23 EAR THEM. 40 HE,k.R THEM GO HEAR THEM. GO HEAR, THLNM GO HEAR TEEM: In preparation. by Sanford, to be performe.i/ 4 hi 3 g ai l , a Burlesque on the 41 IERICXN Co R/ AMERICAN COUSIN. AMERICAN COUSIN. 4iIERICAN COVSIN. AMERICA.N COUSIN. AMERICAN COUSIN. AAIERICAN Mark the price to SANFORD'S HALL. Orchestra Chairs. • - Parquette • - 507centa Private Boxes 25 "; $5 00 Single Seats eoloiNKl eallery 1 007 ( - ~. 4 - . • 15 !..,.. paily gtit*apl XXX V illth Congress---Firit Session. HOUSE OF EEPRESENTfrivES. Weertzercw, Feb. 27. , Mr. Harding ( Ky.)'argued! against the President's plan of reconstructitA character izing the scheme asmapped outiv the master builder 'with a pencil dipped in blood. He (Mr. Harding) assumed thatthetsecession or dinances were void, and in the termination of the rebellion the revolting State have a right e to return, with all their privileges under the Constitution. ...-- .i. Mr. Denning (Coml.) mai l that though the President's plan i not beyond cavil, it as as complete and mprehensive as the intricacies of the subjecti will permit, and possesses the rare merit of 'the justice of the Government to the insurgeht States and tcithe slave. - t. and 'MINSTREL FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Foirrxims Mormiat, Feb. 26. The staainerViiiginia, - from New York, re ports that in passing .Cedar Island, yesterday, at 2P. la., saw a full rigged brig sunk off the southerly point of the Island, her upper decks out of water and sails furled. Last evening, while the steamer City of Richmond was lying at anchq in Hampton Roads, the steamer Admiral Dupont run into her, both receiving some damage. The City of Richmond had her bowsprifi carried away. Several soldiers were lmozked dverboard from the Dupont, but it is believed ;ell were saved. 'The steamer S. R. Spaulding, arrived this afternoon from Beaufort 4 N, C. with forty rebel prisoners, including a Captain, two Lieu tenants and their whole command, recently captured near Newbern, N. C. 4 . John Kenny, Daniel MattheWs and William Nicholson were arrested yestlrday, charged with munity on bi)aia the ;United States steamer Cossack NEW ADVERTLS MENTS. • TIF,AIVES AND SHOULDERS.—Four hup,- dred thousand pounds Sugar; Cured Hams and Bnoulders, for sole by [fe29-Iwl EdEtY,A.K.UNKLE. LEAF LARD.—Fifty kegs grime Leaf Lard for solo by [feb29lw*] & KUNKLE. ' TOBACCO AND • CIGARS.: 100 BOXES CONGRESS AND N;ANY TOBACCO. 100,000 FINE CIGARS. 100,000 COMMON CIGARS. For sale by., , [reb29,lwn °LOVER SEED,—One hui+ l :lred and Fifty tUI Bushels prime Ohio Clever See or sale by feb29-Iw* 3 Y do KUNKLE. Trutancutr Darearaiourr , 1 QFPICE or COXPTROLLYII pl? 6 1101 annum; WAsunvirrotr, Van. 18 1884- ~_bjrsatisfacto evidence, pre iy Sided to the undersigned, It as been • maillitoap. pear that the'First National- Hank r Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin,and, State of. Pe lyania, has been duly organized, under and .accordin to the requireMents of the act of Congress, entineit "An , act to provide a Na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved February 25th, IsB3, and has complied with all the provisions of said act, r aired to be complied with before commencing the basin of banking: W Now, therefore; I, Hugh Cull Comptroller of the 4 ., Currency; do hereby certify that th , First National Bank of Harrisburg, county of Dauphin arsl State of Peiinvlva nia, is authorized to commence thif bu.siness of banking under the act aforesaid. i ft- al In testimony whereof, witness my head and seal of office, this 17th day of January 164. af.T locuLLoorc Jan 19-2 m Comptrol rof the Currency. . 'SILAS W RD . . • DEALER IN , PIANO FORTES, MELODEON i SWEET MUSIC!, "VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitar .% Banjos, Strings, V Drums, Fifes, and all kinds o Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Photograph Cards and Albums, Ambrotype Geniis, Engravipgs, Pictures, /ko., &c. Itememoer the place, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music Store this side of the great ci les. jan2S-dtf FOR BENT—The storelroom, cellar and warehouse long occupied by osepli Ross, dec'd, In the borough of Ifiddletotim, Pa. l l The Store Room is fitted up complete for dry goods, thc., and the cellar for groceries. It is 01l located for a profit able business. 7 T • A good opportunity is, offered, 113 an energetic lien to do a large and.safe business, or theiwhole property, dwel ling and store; will be sold. Inquity.to be made of JOHN T. z A Acting Executor. Middletown, Doc. 11. 4.11-.l2taw3m R ' .• NEW B Y A 3 Broad. Street, between Second ' and Third, - H.AII.I2,ISBUia. • BA- T undersigned has cipened a new BA ± SERI; In the Sixthwird; where - he is prepared to supply BREAD AND CAM'S at, in. reasonable rate. He mutants satisfaction to all who will give him a call. He will sell his broad at the rate of ! . P.' viz CENTS PER POUND, and full weight guaranteed ; JOHN ALCORN: jand-dif . . VALENTINES ! VALENTINES ( - lONE And see the Large and New Assort mein of • VALENTINES that hasjust been received at BOOKSTORE, ' Hanish4 rg, ra. Wholesale and Retail. jan26-dtr. ABOX containing ivbxiildees level came in my possession some time since. The owner is re quested to come Popirard, duly_prove property pay charges and take it away. 1F P. 'HENRY, Feb. 20th, 1884-doaw3w Rockville, Pa. NOTICE. • . ; ' Persons wanting Venetian Bllnds, or having Old Blinds to repair, will Please callat No 28 South Second street, a few doors below the Market] Houses, where they will find an assortment of ready made Blinds on hand. Per sons in want of Blinds out Of "the city will please send the size of their windows with-their order for new Blinds. All work warmrdedlo give*isfaction... jal3.tioaw3m] A. R: SHARP, Harrisburg, Pa. 16,TORFOLK OYSTERS—ReaI Salts, under the. Jones Abuse. York itiver Oysters, a fine article, under, the Jones House. , ' Also, Terrapins, which will be served up in fine style at short notice under the Jones House, by no 30 . JOSEPH SHIVELY. F OR SALE-100 saes of Unseated land, situate in Manisa) township, Dau- Phln county, Pennsylvania. The tract is brine vicinity and near the Summit Branch Railroad Company. Heavily 'covered with timber. Title indisputable. ALSO, 172 acres of unseated timber land in Jackson town ship, Dauphin county. , Title indisputable. ALSO,Awo-thirds of 400 acres ,of unseated timber land In „Taco= township, Danpinn county. Title indis putable. ' F. B. BOAS, Attorney-at-Law, Third street near Market, Barrisharg . Peinaaylinnia. feb7.o-2tan'tim CANS Fre* Peaches, 600 Cane V Temadois t 290 Cane Green... Corn, 100 G r i e D t up by the mast celebrated Taut n • - ‘ ",„,..6 to d IA give satisfaction, for C alm wz orayand eYerYlettn -- "T • DOOS,'Jr-, & Co. sale at feb2 HON. P. FRAZEE, SMITE, • - O F C ICE eT E H,, Delivered in the )(louse , of Represents tives,-Febrttary 12, 7 1884, on the itesoin.• tion proposing to requiraproofkof ley alty front persons maiming. payment for damaged bythe rebel raids. Mr. Sp aker, my,regret that the gyr.tlernan from Northumberlabd (Mr. ninny) is not pres• ent, is modified by the fabt that 'whatever may be said here tomight,. Lt-_y time during his absence, by any one, will b.e'faithfulfy convey cd to him by the record of the rroceedlugs f this body. That record, Or, of what has passe in this discussion ccinfirmloy.recolleotiOn - 44 •to the correttna=s of the Atni t qfiiiiii from Ditlkwire, (Mr. Paws) when herkaid, that writhing in this discussion which has given it a Oarty aspect arose enii ely frorulhe remarks of the gentle man from Northuraberiand. When the gentle man from Clearfield (Mr. BoYszt) 'Very properly rraLde the inquiry hci.v the standard of loyalty was to he ascertained, he said noiltiO about party, but left the*eation open, whether this applicatV.on of 'a test ,of loyalty referred' to Re publicans or Demograts. No sooner, however,- bad the gentleman Northumberland stood upon his feet, than he assumed that all the res olutions of the geriileman from Washington, were a direct attack up.m the Democratic Party. Without 133113 g able to chooie as good words as the gentleman trim WashingtOn, I -mill say that men who exclisia' theriaseives before they are assailed, are their own accusers. What is there, 'in this refrolatkin' or this preamble: WIIIREAS, Theta is — rea . son to believe that the rebel invasions of Pennsylvania-were, in 4 great measure, brought about through the con nivance. and ,by the - encortfegtinent- of dislo) al persons in our prop State: T. , `i.* ~ `, "And whereas, Claims for damages done during those invasions are now being'vresented to this Legislature; therefore,;. Resolved, Th 4 the select commit* to ivh.la are referred all Inattfia -id= relaiblVto ciaise arising out of alleged losses...from tha rebel raids of 18E2 andt.A6B3, bs,instructed to report as pert of their iteeir itioiert clause requiring tile partles'preeenting claims to furnish eatiafectoyy - proofsnf their loyalty." la there anyttlng said here about DemoCracy or Republicanis#t ? The citiettion presented is a great, a gloiions qtfestion, •pdt to' every man, and every man oughtto meet It, under any circums'augp. • , , • The gentlemen from Franklin (11r. Sumter) gave us a reason, Why this reirolirtiOn thoelti not be inlet,' ed,lhat a very largeyproportirin of the claimants' vr, ould be Peepublicans. Whcre you . find, lir. Speaker - , a Republican here; in person or by his reptesentstive, ealmieg te tte treed from this test? Whi ra foe'flud any man clarmit,g to he fr4ed from this test who is a loyal man? There is no such mac--nolpyal man feari th e'. test No loyal man Willbcsi: tate to cone up end meet the testivehitCwill establish his royalty so far ail With 'PioinietY and Consiatently with the*.rulesof - law, wrote!: estaidish it. Z " Now, sir,-y u4nd:tio each dithis resolution Of 111111 preamble :' It applfes :to every man without reference to party. Ism prepared to meet it', and gentleman on the other, aide, I doubt not, are prepared to meet it the g,entlernan from n'abklin doubtless'pre p aryd to me t it, hoWever .and whenevry it comes. I have met ft When I have_gone down to that' sad'peninsula with 'a bleeding heart, to reach, as'l suppose.d, the dead body of one who Was dearer to me than myself—l - met it - there before I could reach the epot . l. cOng,lit, and so with hundreds of loyal rifer-=as good men •as the .gebtlemart from Northumberland el . , any whom be represents •:-Vrtio stood up the.ie to take that solemn oath of allegiance, expressive of tlieir 'eve 'of' their country and their deter minatien to stand by it. Why should we not meet it, sir? We met it when W 3 first stood up as legislators sere; , we meet, it when we enter upon any priblieoffice; and when wepropose now —seeing tbe perjury which- has manifestett itself in , the halls of our National Legislature, and which:has been develoPed th ougbont the whole laud, through these who have takeijthe same oath as ourselves, as legislators, as" 1 . 14- yen, or in any position they may meetly in the land--wheri, by reason " - ilthat, we propose now to 'go furtherinto detail, and .to ask: man to support the Constitution of his State, and,, above his State, of his.nation, why-should we be met by gentlemen saying, "you "Mean us?". Let us meet the queition, and let us act together as One man, throwing aside all. these questions of party, when we come to consider a question paramount, allTarty,, to life. and. to, everything but cur accountability to Him Who formed us as a nation. Sir, one test of loyalty that I would, put, would bo that a man should be desirous to re-' pel the invaders froth our own State: 'I spelk of our own State just at this moment, but I say that far above the State is the nation. Yet how was it whenthese men who were the' cause' .of this great idea.' who inflicted this injury Upon the citizens of the great Cumberland valley how was It lirtbiiivery . town, and in these very halls, when this mighty army, which had rav aged its own country, proposed, as it witesaid • by the Governor of this Commonwealth but a short time since, to breathe for awhile the free' 'air of Pennsylvania, such:alms - they had never breathed-before ? All around this hall, tat that time, and in this' hall—l speak that which I do know—men were sneering atthe efforts of the Executive of the State and the Executive of the nation .to repel. the invasion. „Theard with my. DV/nears Men who, if in 'their - place?, WolliallOW be within the sound of my voice, members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, sneering at these efforts to repel iavasion t and speaking of it, as if no invasion existed. Had they wanted but a few days they would haie found that there was hardly, house in all this State With out its 'mourners,. became of those who died upon the battle-field of Gettysburg to repel that invasion. Shame upon such' men and upon those who sustain them ! lam happy here to say that one of there men, a member cf the Legislature of liennsyl- Mtia i WaS rebuked by a gentleman, now a mem ber of this Honse—wbom I do not :see in his seat, but who does not belong to this side of the House. Honor be to that man wherever he is. I speak'of him only. I doubt - not that there are many more like him. Such, I say, is one test of a won't' loyalty. BY* KU NKLE With tome of the senti.nents which were uttered by the gentleman - froth Northumber land I can agree. I can agreelhat true - Damoc• racy and losalty We convertible terms. I can agree that the Democracy upon Which the in stitutions Of, this cone+ ry are based; the prin ciple which Is to be foetid in every:trite man/ whether h calls himself Republican oe Whig, or Federal, er Demohritt—Pean-agree that that Democracy, is a oonvertible Withloyalty. But what do you unde.rstand by Democracy? DO you understand that-you -shall adhere to HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 29, 1864 SPEECH OF the r;pinions of thbse whom, 'as an organized . party, you folleti—mert synch as thee° who da nounced..Jockson, and ,Je.ffdlson., and &hunk? If that is a te.st of Democracy, it Is, not the De mme:icy that 1 follow', Mid have followed for years. What I taketo be the true Dmnocracy is that Which recogaiaeS the will of ..the people,' exprcsaid by the majority through the forme which they.have adopted, and. carried, into. gotez„. cation by the power of the people, through the officers who i ltaveheen,C4liell.by *tem accord ing tp yettcolnicap to . that ,Deirtibelier; yon *11113430 ft dhatifasEair leg their dower went bAause a man has beim choien to oandudt its affairs, whom they did not assitt tikput into - atithority: -Yeti will fled moo , coralng t gpto ,sustain the Government un4riajliAticitoilioa* inith l ichAt May fts placed, and esp&lllty ddiin of such a rebellion as we are now-witnessing—a rob-llion;,wtoh, was MirePtv,eslA for us alone, of all the inha Ihinti - thittr Mire - dwelt upon the feep,,of the earth, to witnerant-This is the De mocracy.:ollWashingtonpthleis the, Democracy of Jackson, and of that old man now tottering to his gt , ave, Lewis Cass, antl'bf Douglas, who fibril:J.llls same ,platform of Democrat, —a platform .. ppon which he rallied so .many of _the' t t rue - ,,citlzens of hie countrY. .:l ' Now, I say here—and lam willing to have chill brought, lipok upon me at any time—that a man who cannot, comnup to thbv‘Deilideier.3l and loyalty, who cannot comegm- to this teat beano loyalty about Atm.. I will not make any, applications.;:every moan make the ap : plication,for himself ;"tiut r:ai s ert4 an d I am prepared to tneetdt„at.anyitimi.—:that ne.. - mocracy and. my le§alti, and the hitalty which emanates from principits like theio, that. which puts the Governmoat of the 'United' States above every government that is formed , under it, that makes it Fupreme, that recog ia'ses no pestilent heresy of State rights, which would lettd Ekto4ll fßeay, "HY 8.444e/ills upon . meta do so, am therefore a loyal man, whilst I am obeying that — State, although she may be rebelling ageiroit the Government of the nation." Oct upon such leyaltyl lost up never hear of that in' halls. Oh, that we 104 never,heard.lt in 0110 country! and. those ifirerspi bleOci,Which•fieve keen potaring down over every hillside and • ihto the ,licantlful streams, of our country, would never have marred their beatify, and thii broken heart? . which are now to'remalii broken and worn, the' weeping eyes whose teare are never tribsetafed upou this earth—those,..tetam,,auysr, would. have been skednthose.hearttrrypx would have *xi broken: 'A noPyit'thii gent ttnisitt 7 frciaa , delbhia to-ntht has undertaken to say that the Administration of Mid great nation is die loyal, end be has charged this-blood, and these tears,l and thild .deishlatiOA;f add ttb sorrow;nPinel it; when that Administrnioni,witk. thesis` Who ;sustain it , stood up te, mateal a Var"ftational :existence; atil t beggelSer thwugh . , the £nauguinl now prat ' ,'="biat .nriccid att (time it was hued—when throughlill that our • Presidephaa t done, in,,,almost,every,pahlicpa7 per itariletbs'isinEkiliertainePtonb , observed—in the Yatii °Pall that; tkit i , itegtle _man charges disloyalty upon him, &cause, in the 'exercise pf,the.power that was given him - under the Oi?rktitation, and in, pursuance of his oath, he has endeavored to • stiPrfress , att,mpt,to destroy this nation and to , 'retard the Chariot:, of freedom, Ifeavert only 'knows how lohg. Let us have righ, views, upon this subject.' Let us noktest oar loyalty by any such' scheme as' that ofAhose men who have arisen in the South, anti hive poisoned the nitada as well as the hearts of many in, the North with the belief that this great nation, - feinted by the people, was' a mere eotripect of States. 'Why, when as boys we read our. Constitution, those. of us whose heads are now :grey, we ,never looked upon the' - government:Witte nited States as a compact of States. We read,lfthere as plain is A, 11, p;• that "We;thepeople,"*.frin this great government; and we read there, too,' that we gave to this great "government, as a' 'peotle, certain rights and powers Or its preser 'vation; and that in the exercise of;Mode poWeis and the maintenance of these rights this goy. err:meat of the United States was supreMe; that when the .government, enacted laws; throigh our constituted nrithorities and ",throngh the forms which the people deputed, those Ism 7ere supreme, and the man wane traitor and a scoundrel—(those were our sentiments then, and they are mine uow)--who deliber ately says, that any State" has rights which will put, it above the goveittinerit of the United States, andthet we; as citizens of this State or any other Siete, should obey the behests of our Stet) to the overturning of the . government of the United States. Now, sir, I say, as a result. of these prima pies, that, .coming up to this standard in aUch a time as this no loyal man will stop to inquire what are the causes of the war.,., There is a war; there is aneffort to detroy _ the e cOuntry;" there is an effort to bring men who ' have hid no heart for freedom as long ,aathey have been men, to relgtr , .over ns, Yea{ I use . .the word reign, for , they look to a monarchy", if not to despotic power. I say that they look to bring ing men of that kind to reign,over no under those circumstance& I say a man has no loy alty who betrays his heartlessness to his coun try, by alleging as an excuse forthat heartiest nem and disloyalty, that sectionalisni brought •on this war. Suppose it,did. Why, there has. 'been sectionalism in : this sountry since 1820, and we at the North then, under the protest of the same base hearts and base. minds in the country, yielded' to .. .that sectionalism. We met it again about 1832, '3 or '4, and we yielded.egain. And the gentleman who says that that seetionallim was developed by the free. States, of the North has not. read history aright; he has read it with a worse than jaun diced eye, with a perverted judgment. It is not,for mehere to say what other .principles might have been operating upon him when he thus Interpreted history as saying that section alisrn arose at the North, or was . carried into effect there... Nor will a man who has any loTalty, when we are standing up here against all the power of rebellion, dishonest, thieving rebellion, sneer at the efforts that our Govern ment in her wonderful throes is using Air the purpose of sustaining liezaelf. - The gentleman from, Northumberltuni in dulged in a great deal of wit:l suipCtiel--I do not know that it was not wit—about the taxes and the lictemes•which are laid upon tlB. Why, is that not Institutional I Is it not constitu tional for the Government , to impose such a tax 1 It may be hard that a tax 6hould be im posed for the.purpese of raising monev to sup port the armies, tolepel invasion, and to crush the rebellion. I can •understand the feelings of those who do not Want the rebellion crashed. I can unde , atand thatst,man who desires that this rebellion may, succeed.,shonl.d.. feel very much annoyed, and expend iiiiiarcieirms and all his wit upon the action of the Government in raising. revenue i m an who sifaiegoial atheartorho learti*.desired to put nown.this Irobelifou, Wou4t vnut, / think, sneer at the means which have . Win used - ---constitu- Donal meats, VA itqurniottallanied—to cre.sh the treason: - . - - -HoYaltywall.not throw discredit upon thi ,currency 9f theconntry l , Why, what a sight have we here . /L nation drtiggedinio a war whin she had to give One ikßlar for fifty cents outietjlitiving carried on this war with ltinidredsi,of tlituteitidcoLseen--fightleg di . buedred e of thousands of traitors, and • indirectlyr the great of France and England—and at tbis diftlaving gone to work and rated money upon such a system that she liss-lirought &raiz per seni r .loans tip,foseven oekight per ceut. n in advanceof theirpar value; SO atilt we ' fi od •Men'-who'sneer at'the cur unity of the conitiy,itodifititrthat yd . -will be bankrupt I Why, a "roan, at can get seven or eight, per cent. above pay fpr his obligations lireht Set esteemed to behanicrcipt. But, sup posing so:---snplio3itig that this currency was ad tilibWiidiby . the men who have been "rifitgrie tto-by frieed„frein Wathington, and who traversed the StAte r anterior to the elec tipn and denounc. d is that to the sal vation of the muintiyl "How was it with our revnlntionary ancestors 1. , .They resigted to the death the payment of one cent impcsed upon them by a Legislature In which they:. h a d, no r epresentation, and tit "took joyfully the roofing of their goods" by their' own-people, and forl the defence of t their own liberties.-How many beautiful farms in the eastern pad of this State have been swept'away frottetheir owners; who gaiie them . up and who had nothing to `supp ort themselves_ but the Conti nental currency' And yet we hear of a gen tleman upouthie Hoer, the floor where sits the chair once occupiedby the great leader of the Signets of the-Vieclatation of Independence, venturing without_ &Mush 'to boast—yea, to boast of • his Damc.cocy and his loyalty ; and with a sneer &devoting, so fat as he has it in hia:poiver,indivldilally and from his' racial position, to bring discredit upon-the very means whichnthe rebellion is to be put down. Now, Pilo not say that the gentlem an does _not want to have the rebellion, ; daiVii, hut" Ido say that I cannot interpret' his . language in any other way. 'lie mayboro.bleto dot it, bull can not: Thera are nthcrpetuta in this question, sir, Which I tiavd fluted !IWO, but I cannot en= large upon them` Mitt tbrie. Loyal men will not dkcourageveitlisttxtents.:, Ido not say .that his hasbee, tt done by t : I)e gentleman from, 4orthumberlarni, tint do ,s ? x , thit you And such men- : -men'tiho ifie 'tithing 'about their deeire:sl4s fuotfOrt'the' Constitution— about. th - ete:loyaltiy, and at the• tame time discouraging and ~dishoartening those , heroes who are now shedding their blood for their 'cOuntri. 'You will find them Prating, about the Censtittition', when every act stiowa; that they ire inf,iiympattly;:if not in ectoperation, with those :who rare.,aseailing it with armed findbends ' hem "glorying in the' de feat ot l itur armies, and yon'will find them re jnis.ing when our adversary succeeds, mourn log when he fails --- No iv; air, witth to pat a ,q,uestion just here, and I want to call the'itteit , VOn- orevery gen tleman dn'thitaidniait Iteicand Task Members to antiwar it, iodic meekthe facts tmon which the quAgation iff based. Flow is It, I ask, that you lOok in vain in the class' of Papers which the gentleman from Northumberland enumer ated here the other day, for any commendation of loyal men whose praise is in, the month tof the whole countayt Yon do not find it there. Yon inn find plenty of strong articles upon the •subjea of the maintenance'ofthe Constitution. If we do not tinderstandwhat the Constitution means according, to these teachings, we are very dull indeed, hecauea we }lave had lectures and lectures upon it, both' uPOrt the hustiogs and in these papers; but • when.:you finti"any praise.of .men who - lave stood before the nation, and before the world as the defenders of the Constitution and the detention of the, eonntry, you do 'flint find it' in those Papers or in those speeches) . It has -beau said ..somewhere 7 --I ,think by ,13lacketone—that yon can judge' the character of a people by their Poetry. Now, in the Bev olution'w. had the goal olVaong of "Yankee Doodle,'! , as part of the national poetry, and our hearts, thrill to-day when we hear it. When thedrumgoes along with the sound of ''Yankee Doodle;" it htings tears to my eyes, when I' see thattfiat dram before a band marching on to the battle field to.defend.my fireside, or when I find them returning with their thinned ranks, and , see the widoWs : of those who have been left behind—standing and'looking in vain, and knewing•theyarelooking in vain for their husbands ; 'and the mother coming and look ing for her dear boy, knowing that she shall' .never see him again on this aide of the Jordan. "Yankee Poodle" then goes to my heart. In the war of 1612,10yal men had .the glo rious "Star Spargled Banner," and we rejoice in it again. Now the .loyal men have intro duced another song, to an old nursery `rhyme. It was corded, I believe, from that loyal paper, the New York Day Book ; and that it might not be lost to ne benighte&Pennsylvanians, it is found to-d by in that loyal ' piper , the Patriot and Union. Laces a nen Wan& I will read it: "Sing a song of greenback., Pockets fall of trash ' ,•, Over head arid ears in . debt, And out of - reedy:cash. Heaps of ,tax-collectore"---. I think the gmitleman from Norihumberlatad must hare read this before he made his speech. "Heaps of tax-collectors, 'As busy as'a bee ' Ain't we in a pretty fix, With gold, at fifry.thres? Abe in the White House, Proclamations writing, Meade on the Rapichn, ' Afraid to do the fightini." Meade afraid to do the fighting ! Publish that within fifty miles of Gettysburg ! Send it throughout this town and perhaps to Gettys burg itself, and call men out upon Cemetery Hill to read that Meade was afraid to do the fighting! ,that have mercy upon us if Meade had been afraid .to do• the fighting! Where would' have been your capital this day if Meade had been afraid to do the fighting ? And yet is not this confirming what I said a moment ago, that you will , look in vain in the pipers of which I have spoken to find prafee of our great men ? - Meade afraid to do the fighting Why, it could only have been worse if it had . been said that our Reynolds was afraid to do the fight: ing—that great , man who fell at the first on alanght and saved the , Rate. Afeade; .who commanded that great army put into his bands. the'very houraimPat.that he was -called into the fight- 7 -Meade afraid to do the - fighting I " Seward inlhe cabinet, arronuded 14`14-kregi PRICE TWO CENTS. Halleck-with the telegraph Busy forging lies. Chase in the Treasury, Waking worthless notes; durtin at Harrisburg, Making shoddy coats. Gilmore at Charleston, Lost in a fog;"— If Gilmore is hidden in a fog, it is the tog that be has made himself by those cannon whose bulletithe has poured upon Sumter,shoot lug down the dirty rag that so many men even here in Pennsylvania love better than the s'ars and stripes. But it Is down, and they may run it up once more, and it will go down ag ain Gilmore, who took Fort Wauner, IoA in afog No, there Is no fog about Gilmore We see him plainly here, though we have never set our eyes upon him. We know him here, standing up for the country atAl those of the brave men that have been under him. Neither he nor they have been lost in a fog; and the day will come when they will stand out in the sheen of a clear sun when the great firmanent of this nation is cleared of the fog of rebellion. Bat that is not all: "Forney under Abe's chair, Barking like a dog. Schenck down at Baltimore, Doing dirty work, Boiler at Norfolk. As savage as a Turk." Well, sow, upon this Turk question, I sup pose tliey would use the language of their •friends South of Mason and Dixon's line, who are endeavoring'to overthrow our government, and would call Butler a beast, only it would not make rhyme; hut I suppose Turk will do as well as beast- I want just such Turks as Butler—the kind of Turks who, when am an pulls down the flag of my country, will bang him. [Applause.] And if a man is a Turk for that, let Ifs have a few' more' Turks, and let those Turks go to work, not merely at New Orleans. or at Fortress Monroe, or at Southern, but let them go to work in Pennsylvania, may hap at Harrisburg. There is a little more yet. "Sprague in Rhode Island, Eating apple sass;" Now, I must say that this shows a great deal bf venom, thouuh perhaps it was made to fin ttirthe rhyme Why, out of his own pocket Sprague defrayed the expenses of an entire regiment. and started them off in April, 1861, to' protect the Capital; therefore be ought to be sneered at by men who desired its fill. What has hedone ? Ells State, which, according to their theory, is above the government, has sent him there to represent her in the Congress of therUnited Stag; and what has he ever done that should - call down the sneers of any man, unless it . vras that he defended his coun try ? I agree that in their eyes that is mgt ... _ cient cause. " Everetkal Gettysburg, Talking like an ass. Banks out in Texas, Trying to cut a figure." He is cutting a pretty handsome figure, un ites lam mistaken. He has got into Texas, and he has cut a piece out of territory formerly held by the rebels; he bas put there the.army of the United States, which in due time will match throes& Texas, and that State will be lobg to the Union agate. ' I doubt not we shall soon bear that he is cutting a figure at 'Mobile also. . " Beecher in 'Brooklyn, Howling for the nigger Lots of abolitionists, • Kicking up•a yell; • - In.comet Parma Brownie% And sends them all to hell. Burnside at Knoxville, - Ina kind of a fix;—" - Is not Burnside in a fix? I reckon he fixed Loogstreet. I reckon he, and Grant, and Thomas, and Hooker, did some little fixing out there a short time ago; and that fixing, I want you to bear in mini, is the occasion of all this kind of poetry, and of alt such speeches as we hain heard in this Hone from the gentleman from Northumberland. - Novi, they have left the last great man for the last. We will see what they sung about him. • . "Dahlgreen at Sumter, Pounding at the bricks; Grant at Chattanooga, Trying Brag.g to thrash; Is it any wonder The Union's gone to smash ?" Grant I Oh ! could they not have spared that great man? Could they not have felt that they were trespassing too much upon the pa tience-or the.people of this country, assailing Grant in this way ? Did they know that one-half of them are anxious that Grant should be their candidate for the Presidency ? And will they say that Grant%a great victory of Chattanooga is a atop toward bringing the Union to smash Had the gentleman from Philadelphia read this before he made his speech tc-night, and talked about the Government of this country continuing this war for the -sake of continu tug themselves in power ? Are Grant's actions lik.e the continuance of the war? Keep Grant there, and 'I tell you that the war is soon to close. I have dwelt upon this longer than I ex pected, but I wrshed to show just wtat is the sentiment of those people who stand up here in this and other States of the North, and accuse those who are sustaining the .Gl..vernment of disloyalty, whilst' every day that they are epeakittg they issue from their accredited of such trashy articles and doggerel rhymes as MILL I agree again with my friend from Washington in saying that this does not belong to the mass of the people oflhis country. The hearts of the mass of those who belong to the great Democratic organization, as they now term it, aro with their country. But they have fallen, I know not how • they - have fallen into the bands of thel'hilidues; end men who have been assailing them for yearn and years, now assume to lead them, and they lead them to, their destruction_ The gentleman. froth Northumberland, when he referred to the destnietlon of his newspaper, asked who disapproved of that. Well, now. t will atk a question .before answering that. Who disapproved of running the Tories away in the times of the Revolution? Who "disap proved of the Committee of Safety that OtH fathers got.up in the Revolution? It was not theloyal men of that day; it was not .the men who went out and fought for their rOuntry:hnt it was the men whose sympathieiwere with Greg Britain that dissapproved of is. Who Wasp_ proved of the husar g of,Amiro Just the men who wanted Arnold's , treason carried out. (001ittinsiii i OViaR PACIII