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BERGNER., THE TELEGRAPH • Is PUBTI SHED ' • :3fORY.T.YG A.A7rE'Ttifta, BY GEORGE BEIR.:ON;'I!.r.^ oFErc.r, MIA Tkr;,i4,l7-Mr T EIVIVES F SUBS ()RIFT I 0 N , ENGLE taCetri . PT/017, TUE Watt - Pm:GRAPE bfrrtrred to subscribers in the dty at. 8 cents per week. Yearlisnbseribers Aria .be ,harged $5 00 in advance. Thosepersons who neglectto pay in advance will be cbintad 01 00. WEEKLY I'ELEGR.47II! THE TstasitA mils iridis tarnished io subscribers at the following °pit Tate)) r r so:gi, copies, weekly Three coples•to one PrisVOlnce r:;1 4-00 Teu copies to one - PostiOfnce,...r. .. 01'ICJ TO ArtmittUr.itk:lLAnAdVer:' tiseinents,s. 4soutuess.i Notices, .lOrarritsges, Deitih4,.&e:i; to secure' inseitioti TELE QX invariably be aceOliO:, paatiedwitliilthe CASH. Atir aptissineuts titrdered the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Horn ing Eiliitkort lalthent'estra charge.. RATES4=7;I4,t TF.FFGhIitC - 4 Tliefollowing.are.tho rates for...admertisingi incthkßtilt-7, satArSi. Those having advertising .to. venient for reference. (x.r Four lines or less on Imes or more than four cons FOR A RALF. SQUARE., s'• One $ 30 Two days..,. ..... 50 Three-days. 75 One week........ . ... 25 One 3 .00 Two 50 Three m0tdh5......... 5 50 Six months 8 00 One year 15 00 FOR TWO SQUARES. .• One day._ $ 120 Two days " .2 - d0 Threodays ' ' 2 50 One week - - 4 00 One miSqN", '9 00 12 OD Three do-' ' ' 15 00 Three m0nth5....... 30 Q 0 stx do ' • • ^0 00 Six Months X6:.00 Ono . 38• 00• .thne year... . 76.00;' Sexual: IceaiUzs; Trunurts Os - 11gsral ' ligsniffrcalc .ke., and communications of 3101buncement calling, at, tention to matters of individi fal - interest, 8 cents:per lino for cacb Insertion: ' " ' " Admitijetratiott Negces, Ilarriagb Notices Audltor's Notlaw.;, Funeral.Nottess eaCli insertion Bnsinees•notities inserted ia•the load. :ColetariPcirl before fairriages tuid'ineathivEtana, Csrrs LIM •for ,each insertion-- • As an axtieriiairig._incidlurh the TELEGRAPH has no equal, As large otreulatioryainorg'business men and families, in city andlcalutry; and along the lines of the VELTIODA roads, having established-AGENCIES-INNEARLY.FIFTY. MLTSf(A .s^ TF . ;:trks.; T E A n OF I'SJG p mm .,,T : t4RD.9 . . rkixd fitrcel.,:. - Residence: Third street,,above.Nqrth, W,ODEONS AND OABDT.EiT TWENTY-SLK - FLEtST - kItESEtoItS, - T W - MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (1:y0 iiitstnaripto i 4 this . - - '..61 . 1 - * ha bdcriCityrddtcd . W .- . „j MASON .4- AA WIN'S TENTSTAASEFAVit • . 7 1 . A full ass9rtgoptstf them instrumgAts 1117 W 9Tauxia3l at W. KNOCHE'S,'BOI,3 fo4-2trimly] • - -93 Market street • ' - MEACILEII - 0F UNIEHRIAITOMALCIDEONr 444314 , 101.11 i...4 -Terms. re4onable.-:• - 15 Thirirsti-eeti botweenchiaiiipt 41:14,Chestnut. sCreoti; •' - ja:44txt- aIIOCEREES. ATEw GROCERY AdNIRBOYISIOU-KTO-likr. BOYER KOVMPF;I4,-, WHopm:sAi,F,, D Sit • , DEALEkS' nr C-, R , - ;0 ,' CAE , ' R-: I Fi; W-4-1, 6.ass Wa'.re _ • • , ••• AND .ALL ; 0' 0 "Cr- ; N o i•Er • • • 'L AVE *4 - .'perted a large. ari.ciVel:l seleeteat a stack at got/ti - At their stand, No. 3 MaiketSquate, sarrtsburg, to:which they - Invite the attention ofrtl4B." , I"43:ll.*N:'Wl'Sß,s..ra'f' TEM' ertnt I AlrirA.loM. " • NVIOLESALE AND RirAIL DEALER IN' CONFECTIONEK Jujube Paste, Moss Paste, Marsh Up:4935 , GAirryiXoP•%i. Crean:l.oll%oW props, Plain Candles, &c. Oratiges.inni Unnonsi. (limed Fruits, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Hags,• Cider Vinegar,,. Fresh and..Balt F 1 II in sera; Citron Flgs, West Ppitles;:,!. a 'l.• it\lXt 9.44siW4 l 4uts, Cream 'Nuts, Grout* •Ziut.sr • —* Pecan Nuts, •Owea: Nuts, - —.- Cranberries, Anin7l l .o., l 3Pals, - .C3l.49s,mtkackers, 741Teet. and Trisli'Votateei; 01.gen,axid Dried Fruittv , r -And Country Produie .1:19.a#9n. 504. Vegetalkeiin c 1 ' -..-..,,....::: , ::::.........:.vz . t !' , c-. if_.:•.r •.:9bltrisT:trz4trill IM:POILTERSI .11 WINES ANT,• -- xixtru9Rs - . - c ., LA.Mpai, $All4.l* NO. 1.29• SOUTH Iy7NTH St . RET t -' gerrtmo wAircr, L .AA) ELPHIA_ G. M. LAUMAN, . J. D. 131M:G. nog-dam] _ . 11 ORGE : 11 , 47131 eZ OF - NEW . • is R&I9EisTS, ' ' CITRON, C I T R S t[Npr k . , FiGS At &-CO. spoosigmt, Just ree,sivia:4 TOY 130QU.436-t. t iice4l,---a, ~ sortment of Top Books Gailloafjugrnotssifilt non senrkEl.v.pr:Bo.o NE Nv B 0 - 0 It s.-T)EF,'S.EMFIXW fk , 'N'D MitlV:Wriat - satzEsziall Jnsitree . APPLES.—.O 1 34'1'4- of-IReVIO'i Apples, of a dioscavatuty,:j4:-601€4,4 low, to any.„,quantittes,. to. met porehitsert,_-V, grocery or, (444.1 BOYER k AK)) ICTETRIE 1 T1,911.,1,E11—8y the.l Busse#t* :titute,one-haltsquare..Xight: itute . a aquare..re One day $ 00, Two days ....... 100 -Three days . One 3;40 On Two months , Three months Six months 15 . 00- ...... .. 25 00 oomram..' Ono.day Two days '• • ' '' • - - "...V46 Three days. ....... 00, One week . 71.0(001 - , 11 . ' . :I Ilec(f. ixtdi ~.t3, - '3U.-: .•.f.] -.A'A:i fi, ;',.'iV - bf-ther , Beek, reiraltiatiCor4lte Nidileys sad tinVa.v.o_ri - Pitkhttitaitmmitiort, , Gmemid Pe" t. ,Aeroumtess, mapeeLaguer,..,l4er Aliinte, p stifklir Mat Palpiratide - or the' tow—, , IttenititYy blinks, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the - ea Throat, Nose or Skin, rAffections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach _or, „ItotTsis—„Jhose tarribto _ disorders from Chef Solitary -REM of Nbuth—thos - it-seeket d Solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the on of Syrons to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their Mos brilliant hopes or anticipation; rendering marriage, ,-Sio., i impossible. ri i Jitipecially wbriArlive bitiezte the victims otaits*' "Tice. Miatddreadinl an4.:dfatifehaye habiligrhicheinittagi --, to aii untimeir,grive ' _ iit 'Vow** Men 7 - a exalted talents ' ~ f' ititiglike t S ntin".... .... • .. rwlso have °Mum' , - _ ttk thinner. *- - of eloquence or vratefrAirotty,lt4 Itivily?VineY 2 1. loa.Wwith hill conedence. ' --- - -,---- - .: !. .1- I 1 Ono bidritlC. Two Innntris: s'ob $24 • ,f . .."; - . - rr fv ..., 1 4 r,..." , I tried pi3MOll9, or d ung Yliel contemplatamarrtage, .bo/ i g, aware of 1) ' 1 orgazorad ty;sdefor , . 11111. ea &c., speedily cured. ~. ' " e who places him...self anderaeLeero j of.pr.-J. may re -41 aely,conildein hie lidrioi' ii . . ge'ritle anditcofk. A Ey Mt upiinthii tapViti4i4grOcitni: -'-- .-- • _ _ ~,, - j - r.% at.t.i.),yl .4 . 2;.,1 :14...... - ,inia - •::i.1-kr ,9.110::::,: :1;.:.1 ? : - ;. • it L - 5" 7ar.:.vg.1.'4.t1v,1ie.r. , :i E,.^:c .1 5w. , ,..; i :J:.. , ..i ....,y-.., uf,i. -am.-,915 4 wabrivirsionings.. ~-..:ziaLlA, -) -ii.; v:si.,_ nt. • ,kaar..i.: , .it.f., ,, -;‘4,7i .._ .', • !MBMI . . . ..„..... 1: ~, 5 1 .,-:- , : i.:„ . . T.: -..... , ,,, ii :.„, ,... ,,- t . 131 1 ::: , : .e , .... 7.4, .. 3 .%.: , ,i , ANBJEWSMONit. AI R O OD" VVV irt, M a tlt% tans{ marriage imposertilet-d :4 ,, ... .. , ..... -,...„ of in:tpr , z2per , itidtq ...,, __ '• . , I.ol),ktpc .. tj to o oitt u tinTex o eaaft t7-frpda , R2atellt . A . , 19% , 064,11 1 0 ti0.100 =- . *ill 141 11 .:PP t g h le :Yr , TAR tea POTIr St P re ignm 1,0 ea !ADM* by,. # l ,fil it n.Q 4PPPl i ct 4 44 ha itlittraVti theltdant. •- t- deetiAl del/ Ivor - Ole ple ' VairtiellUiViiiitteiretp.the - Inbee_legotepezeetw %t ettee iki3;ll4 ( Ang 19. :,11 0 0:;b 4 adYliAiKt :40. 1 1/11 -41 1 11 ti , * ,Th Ingle% M il lir d, l.P e I Tp 9l PA Pr , l• l isti I'S m e ea: l l6 - eproefeat e Refare9 z no oils it billeß '1 I:4o4iiilp*OoietrOliattliAkeititm,e co tibrticmatAdbility t latriatimeeethe frame i Nxingti-;cork=d - pOO4,Aeca.E.R4 4 1 .1 411, , , t- Bu t '' 'i ' "'"0- — 4*" s '7'. aq ui f i rrli -- ' 4' • ''''• --; '''.• 1,1 l iireittla giVii2.l4 l frbilitAgiiitlifili; ; l36lilit i is iiii - lesiii • , trcirarilA 'derilik: : I Fall4iiktobbiaii , e nariiioMiti , iiiMbei. j ~...'."- Lettemarmat tie mid ae&bentahi ietamAt-abe...01/oe2l r Di 4 .ll : 39 ..4oariginiliagatc4N • i , , ~ . 14., ••,• • * ,: „bp - •„,,,0.. • ,:—• e • 1 .1. ••• ' • t• , • “, - 4 . j ' •-'-= • .1 17 tV,± giJ t i tAl* I , : ' : r, ' 1: :::- :;:: t i If; r i 5 ; ,,,, si ri• . 1 &;. 4 , ~• i ...a.x., • „a, • , i, ~,,,t; ~.:•`,.! M M.l4‘r OAP? . , firkA .. t,,,SprAeors, X..end9p, gmd- , uaiedtVone orflie - Most eminenvcoffekcs 'in the - Unit& Stittiei, aiePthe kiiiiiithlipMi . I cif;Nihose liftillir lieter-spetitt Mithe)bixrplials.olt Isozulowthula, Xhiladelpbia ianclitlseli w4 ,0 1'964 8 4n h _ F9 l 99•Pri IS ,3 rst , :ilt 4 m lP hikk cl- - qhat.werp eve r 63% ; Aign i tpslci wl4l . ri ngiNg !li th e ' heed `and iaS4' en'agemr ' iwrvitromete; being" Alfirnitir-attiuditerAiandA•.: bitanesid witii ,, tifeqztetw , bi4shirig;tattladoAcknotigio with, dirangement 9e„itung. .wore-clul l 9t4ltq:Lq . . • 2 , . .. i , •?,r . ; ::-;-. ... _. . ,L t, .....71 1. - ..m . '.. ' , nit I.t:u.. ' .1.. ~., ...I .. - 1....“•,.:: :' 1....17,g dl.sqe:v ' -,„ ', T . Art • l e iPttEr •• eirtki Pro titiegt-N-earlytilhfti oPYoddi, : nitilttealk artlie 'mak aridlihnbgipahlglin.theigh'eliVdtquiesig, isfevight;ulosetial 110 4 13 colvEKOV4tottiaPttatiOworS10- lismS .#7. 8 1 05 1: LaiNinor-A to!tßatieitifett Noah iSMilielikorfs iScOtakioeirlitirds,: pieeatenotapthtapewitrtorob 19.11402:$0.141 1 4. 8 ,4th4JIARYidfPLIFtofatf l ie Ml4 0 • , . I vhi „... trut r a ., . , IN.g4W4 dillgetiln k *UTlAdOiKe•habit-tteviiintltterganiotiltretie] eyILOCCRWIZIOIIEII Ott AtilliChoOle.thC.faThait AfhWarlh nigtlVelt v emmyheft, ateez arida not Wed EW4C423,.. ixtarrlage . .1593sibterAli - I ,howd. yi f iiArtaid 3 iv iWhatif r; kl'ha liWoutifpnut*tliirholloof;htletioitub!ry; h li f .PlECoth;s*o ll akdighttaibitlol 7 4o4l, , ptokkitats,,ana oi4p,ynmiSfi 4, 1 1,N Att TIBR I STA dhinxitbk frog. MUD U. Wort Asa : Ind cart aecref~abit ' S'ilielpporsolick** . eirtEd* teifii;/ plating • • , .111 MEI uth . f , tet.l c‘-*//ect thal. .§l49* •lASY lO4PaAullYd ak t ttl49 Ni v h ,Y . , grometeconeMets.t wn Jiitifek *n 4il§A•# - ‘447 l ago c•e:PtiPebArbigalitiiFt) , 46viiiritth€ 7rrn :the: igbui e org fitA.Atßel.r;qtrde*trl4.T ls _ ,;; • 0.. :1..1 . lIMI Or il Mltlittir et ' ''-'' ' ", , .J.... f . ,)(i4 IA i k ..1:..-i ,I, -.--, is 1....i.Per.v.t.A•t;i,,,„ 1 b i , i wtoitcyboliitiaaliiict-Ini` 144 - 1 1 44 1 f= . ' rizanstirk - 1 tiniteakatat'lttilld4ate%iiseedailiotattif - viiiesuikilt: tioalhflkn444.ohhighttNt IntltheAthrask. - 0;1401=4:4.g* drefdooKmy de Im# o 4arptgosf.rlo. .fchiAergiontic4• - 3llity:l4llo:eknd - Mit iNTOILVIDd - theliuiivoNiOiintoildAftelg , tiniipietendh (r2,-1,11.0 3 , - incapable) of. cZag it ellcki tbi.i.,4lemliktylk , itib-,1 stiMe-XiMP 1 4* P.iiibag' ,11 4 e . 'larW-14.9 1 4/4 + o 4as.bauglisi 1,141 smallest.fee, can_ fie nect,anAlin,aeirpatcliaie lam Titliihigiii'lilidthlid' tligh oveitiktidling ctia4rplitildien; cul,tiy thiNajzittlithidaillY ' Palm/laic . Wi'taisitiililAbi' e p iastivat ibnalsyinptagagethigtimibledise@RAYAW44B3trecw tOns of the Heim; :_,T4r9, Sct.sei:.. & in a E .PrizM i with frightful raphilt:11111 'lleihtli , rhos a Reitift4.: s clrefulful sufferinks bk.' iiieltairtell*teihillt f ati . riatry;frhat •talthate, 4o itraybkit *Lorns; : a : , '., 4 ilf.-i'. E _ ,•,, ::jiii, 1 ..t-i-41Q0.11,SPNEENT OF, -71311 , TRESaii ' "... ' The many thousands cured at thistasaltution 3rear,after: aqmitt*,. 44 e v , l " 4 / T tma 3 itrtfuiderlal. tritto9pmmom „e a. *:.„.... 1 . 4 . , ,Ixtelse4 y , emtlxll4 . mt.& • jr ,t!eil• i"othok - tiotteturbr lifitoh tuiiiiatp ' Igetit 4l aliailnuerdte , pablia,tstiv a , hissiihnhk....APPlßkqinKOtkbara otvc admit.ttramirt- PillYsirlTVM.,ls)..tAgi ° AA,: 4 .;,i.,-T r 4 .4 •Itit slf SK EASES SPEEDILY ODitiAr Office lip. 7 Sou& Fredmitakitt. .4.ll4ri!..mtuasttu KEDWAL, "DR; JOHNSON, BALTIMORE L•OCK:'OS4 I -• 'I `AL; , , ...,::. , .0 - f: .1-.:';.‘ • •:.”..: •• . Ais (UsP.oTeNO,: i the: most, Witaila, .4 ) ,e.cc11 : i li i gadffeicliiiiieraediciiii die; iicitld ca.' - " •. *1 DISV - tl- *,'Og W.4.1/PENO*,: , • . - . . -. ) . i" - : ' ' " . • ' . . .. . - . . RELrEfaisr.ki...Toqr*BilvE maul:a I. , • lig ..1 12 ,1 1 94 Y; 01. t l' lo 49Tis Kt:l3'gs., , „ z.g.du, re Watßiiited; - or 'filcif Vilaege, yfoni 'On4 3 3 t. -r4.,,, 7.'t P'[ -• . , ~ T 1 ,29 Days. ME .gt..~.fr .__ ,YOl7 NIG" MEN 'D! cA . AARTA, 'o4j: !'.4 ft ii7l?Ti.;:j ' -Jr 1 ...., , a 1 =3 ELECTRICITY: '' • WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. TAR. Id: °BEAKER watild—rospectfaily _Ex Infbrm the public in general and the disease& an particular, that he has opened an office in Smith Second Street, - Below Chestuut, Harrisburg, Tn., where he will, treat tlirdiseaseS'entrusted to his eare;in ancoidanCe — with the system discoitered and taught by Prof, C. Bigles, of Philadelphia, with whose Anstitutffin he ..„,,h.e.,..been•con nected, and to whom he.taltaa _pleasure in- I referEhl i g t 49 public for, information with respect to hLs success , • trollinedidearie.' • - , " 11 No a Fogging the syeteM with iinoertain medlealsigents.., 711 cures.performediby Magnettem, Galvanism,and ok4er. ma:11110,4one of glectricitg, Irpligut,,shocka or, any, ,un pleasant . after an ElatriCal" Dingraisig, a 'guarantee will be akin, deFilied r For. further •Information Mat getii„ pamphletiwhiehi cant titans hundredg of ourthicateS.frum mpnapd oth,- pra I proving the superMrity of this , system o f. prek,tice otrq all others. Commtiatiori, free. ? . Office hoitts'9l6l2 .. IE4I to 5 and 7 tog W3r. • ,1 • • ••••,.,' 0 : : • .11Re..1.q.111.20N" ORPAILER .. to - t4 4 .u. ir • - MEE ! , l l. SE E .0 Ar• '''• ' - - ~;., . ",,•• l' - - _ 4- ' s in,o33* -''• '• ". practice :many -5w • - • URING a'pra .. c nr tic p e E bas., Of .. 1.10. t. 04 :4l,l l, .ffwig::::. El o,l t . this 'll-I.c °444lll itY'p''.iii-p4y other tu ' --1 Powder:lltaigy , 5uperi0r L. ,, , ..„ ....4..... . 0‘...n ~.:1 .c.,_. iY.9II_,IVE-V'm" i x ft -.— WA. , .. ,-.0, • IC k L L9 -W'i , - - 4 ipave. , qt their il '''' ‘ 'loe.. to' ../ElrTsaigi..9A..; • . -,?"' • Aid 1.3.0 f; Ere* 69171-,-AppET E =a = = - r - HIDEBOIII4.IV . FOISIIDEttIID, • ; . -2, , rt4R - r1 , P4.ti • • SA , XakIft:PELB , E,2I)I,7II " that It °`' 661.1bViND'vRE-mrs; r- I'ol - ihiedi,*d'er three stiraosneareek-g•invlgot rating and fattenin&jl,lo It C.' it , ii For improving thespnelitisin of.n.gopso, hp a*A:ithere is no bot,tor medicine, ha - ft 4tilfe , stienkdidii thn - stonittcli and , abalaV dienfoniocieliiike ef-litthissiile matteillia. , regulate the bowels:nation:L. cOative,.purifrihe: blood and promote digestion—thusAhetkin bareWlogpit the pores, are opened and a lean, slnt , b , ,V .. .liir , r.peccen?e. fat and'coniely. ' •"' • The-Waßeetain%le listed ihicealtlei 'Weep and , Bogwith) good eflketnci t 7; tri) DirtclifEtP,P9l - L W 10: 0 PREPARED DELE44 ) 1 . 74.47.1 • -• .XcßikkklPPriAllfhiVlCANl4 ro4 91 MARY.4lt_s4.94l.**eq)Z.cra, RH jan 1 , - D; Liam D11.2' np.. 7 Lad52';0.0.2?..1 1 1.141kr 4* 21 -- 1. AlfEikt . Oftleilfial , RlNOlitO ft r Mttni l PlV,, r an k stritt.attent” idr,c„tal;:ze-t. tar3i s,` prekariatizt 411.vide eretil. s..ukt ;2, -Lt ':':ti: e icon? tio92.2w.ca e. NYC{ky:// . 4 1 ,LiistoiaP7Jll: la 94 e .. `S% - a" oimoossitio sca i j = fre Neard4 ll fletikuwlitSani l etAtlTAlNTENTS•Toillfe , iipp i toftwatiume_totturibintor 72 4ichness ag.4444 eo tlt- • •• •X 144 rtt SenMxieta4 l ,Volubyfiorprot - Writeril„ 3219ggn mrteibpet, Bpierrod‘ Owns ces dentlit Ettaiiith 3 ealitediittita 1 :11.6 c1413.1.'.. riv_. BEREINBRISCRILMBOONMRatou ,r) ... SHIRTS call and get your measures taken at'V.Hg' iHITNER'S Shirt Store; on-Walnultstreet, opposite the Ex sahange, where he_oimtkvgdli t lyatpAlip.pil. kilarge sup . • yr, of ready- made nitlEtterial: All kinds , of STITCHING cknielirtilizi Best tyle on short notice. s . • 1 ; gErilaliGY , OBT• • All JC(:) , 3 l l`. 44416 , maziem . 1 , signed is now_selling oftlitinstooktfliFAßlCo3oollsl at Fost, as he desires to elosaim.,his gesiat stool:y.4 ll ,2Ft : ife 40, make some new Improvements rn lli t, % tt.te. robm., Th goods must be sold berths tliilst"olletrithiltaf , the's "au he will 11nd bargains by Gaffing at once'ats ..1"-• i . 't ~, _ . ! • SQL BROWNDLP, ..,... , - reibS•dtr corner Market clomp, opposlogons.s.ll , .e.. Notice to 4e-ititi.V4o4. 63 •4 „ 34th t itip OO • 13 q • t p a sO . • g cielited thelikpliiitoan - ifteSt ke Qe• xeptrllfffiltivic"elseiltbroftvpra= uptake'Sots: Aiert ogn A rmatt y insto ,, 9q i savehhair and by, evOl.bre :the lscath mr ottaty.to htc& I.hey nom be,clV.itti4l, al'Ang :the credited to ilia totality : they 'inky prefer;nrer •apidying for the collection of the bountnavtftiii'ellabfC ; Isom agency of .--.)---:,,E,1JGR,13E, SNYDER, 0 . /2. . I32 I t°r WOI I 4YSe T NIAL I AT ee iht 34I 7-r b •Kg.,r a .' , t ~ : arns urg:. ettm, J. . • 1 ,. 1.4 .0: , v...0.: , i,....*,3 6 -. 7 , t a.: : . F: .....r t: i T45 D . 7 t r " :. sYl r e* P tt 'Val s gtilea li tria 'lian i al i : the . ...„. , . 7 Afilurl, b. tbuielgititi alth, 4n: any nanktity; bye: the ;s1 o 'barlialiilltdri 'loader . 9Vnighol , of .'w ,burel , As% • Amil ~green oorll,p3no‘ and . food„or .4y#l,7,dellitir ,- ' • '..• prigars )Aft. Wee - Grocery, Stofd of go „Bak aft: . Tog!' dr-5..1.1: aiiil t haulm, atiiiiga, , ii`P . Ft' -Vriiionst li(otOl,Lite,likffkovatriet, oat the idols ;atoll:LT(' DmEglei, nu tW,Ridge , ..P.Oadj:Viil lie minpgyiguanded to.: ~.. ... [•' def.2e.-- "Bow*. • ' . 1.87 g. ETYPEft- 1 I" atrid PROTOIVONS4OO useful 4o . ; soothe ,, a - V.iii:r‘laotighit 8114 onloklinvart •the'l Thrloaa;_to. enema •: COM* *ma :3112roat t , i A.T.J,inkey., contain 'icoltsfixit, Horehound, Ipecacuanha, Senelpt awl qufl .(Ule most reliable expectorants known,) are the 'cldaf . litiiidtastlititiiits, so blended with Gum , iltrabio arid 13ugitc. Via( inadi isiii.nge.4ontaing•kinlhuana*try,lileassuA doh •bDlll_4lo.uf94.:lol* -194.1AZ1 , 8 4. B 4 9t i. 1 1 441./ ;09 eßgigit .1g Malt.e:Lßtr!vit;lrithisP4: Afr 3 S:: • CODETelk,or , ).theL . ,I..bratedl fit. 4.George. bawd, 4uattaeceivoil.. . 1- • - .Lifer * 'slaty )301111444,&.CM,41 I E Eill 13liaKtVitile'ti;ibuST PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just receividf' atidlor mile by WM. lIE CELEBRATED.ZINIA .OIL 0 AIX, and Day & Mgtiit's - Cidan Blacking, just re tied and for' wEnfifictrericr• no JP.4 I &CO 1 A PPIX4I - n %!!-150 bbls. of Yor ..tuo Stat.. st-t Vektitidt6lsstblittsiltittixioEsl .._,24 the most pokiiir %id the iictride iv* °tat* td' tile public, Just received and • for sale by - . • '' ii,,p... .. was Toms ait: za.oo. , vt.A . ' . °ON* at . UAW O.R.ANGEsz I.O.IIANGFAI boxes:An 'prime:orcler, -4 - gst yed gook*, gug Aldan. / • fqb2 , " DTVCAIRri BUTTERI BUTTER4=— . 1000 pounds; New York Matsilutter,Asivi e nti,And fcs.4l4epythe ol . 'Patilt, if the new_ Ty of - • • dec47,7 . r- BOYER & EDERPER. A TATRIOTIO , ,GIET BOWL. OUR UoNsrriuTWlGAlrtit,,xiMpi Gpvernmenr, ' ae exfOsitlthiWt l he , CollAitation; 46. 3 for popular use. -,, BY'lit.-lielfusitar.:: Prlee 4, E 3. ''For eakEat :t ; ..t jalitiNEßll.l3o.ol=oll.o • Bwi:LEIAT ! BUCKWIItA 4 1 1 4.6111. lot but superior quality' Itttelrwheat, 'direct trots Towaudai,P*4l9; salOgitlUilkicS.ritibitrtySit. jan29„ „ , BOYER & KOERPEB. vrnaEs,e r4 ro tz e to h*g.sitzA , 4tit skl; - idt . le b [ibbl] ' CO: 40f 1391 -V13 °4474.° 4.lblftEWlStiritrita3torig. ItONCANO ',MARRY, , liiiierdiliat".3.te . Aoiteilitiailiff&V glieltir"Ntub 4a =this country. ForsalcAt-- .4 .,,,,axiLwcz e j ß ., & CO. feb2 - ,• N, rviThrE Dittafikkatc - moNs for sale at 4.ltAlighinsMalrfaittalfmkut.fg. ,41k wor tittOFESSIONAL,. 1 . .1 • •!' ti O , W.DrE I= e F ..••••• t• .• .."; • "(1.1114 Ok, P ter 41.voiliti ;Eifiropeir WAR _,QILT:JESTI97I4I:. i t t,3,, ..;',,, (4.. , .ygtET SI6ITINGI IN! VIIINHAGEN'' • . ,„ _ i :. • „:.; ~,.......„..„,_,, .. ~...;:!-.,,,, .ro €,,,,ii , t: . A T . ',W.tr pg4,T.:. - . -;:t I -• ' . ' ' '''" " '.' " .'''' • --• ' • .•;74 !ma, 5 . .Ir.i, ...Li .::...1 /alit, . • .. . +1 1tiv0ry , 9 , ,g; .. 70,1 . 24.p--,7 iv , , .. i ,:The .04 1 ‘40:6*,t44X(c .40 4 4.'' H f •- e • d ; wit Liverpobl Elites iinhe'llt ' in4l)g,wg': one i d4Y 1 0• PT. 9.4 1 P., those 1314 ;1 1 04 . r PT -Plf:, •Hee 11:: . ' . : .1.! ~ .61, 1 r. :4ilner,gibso,n, said• that, experzments l •htitile,i roade,.:73th.a u N 7.0 - bf:establialfilig •106' iffl,49.9zi..iO4:altactft4.l**6:43o•Al per not very encouraging. -- ~,,„; .;,:. ; ;0 : 1 „. ; .1 n' ;. Baxton'e,resolution denouncing ; - still tion of - Ki4O'sirea,' after a debate, *aor, 32, 1 t •Itistiby 164 to. 84.. -. . . •• . .r... , ''' EL ri.:Al 2 oq4l .9 : 143 . ~ ..T-to. i4,itaiiiie*O....4. 1 bOth made explanations relative tiithey, ' ilifeation,. denying the. right of Austria; ' Ilrul3sia to abrograte the treaty of '52. t ,i,.:1 -e-Tho :rumored revolution.= Copenhagen. : ,.is . ,J !itti# l24 i, bit Bc.aPiA:Welit , ci4 3 4#.43-: 4.4X.,loE+Aiii . 1011 : 17, •. • . _,- ri,_ •!... t• , c2lll , ).' 2/ ,' C ' ' Wl' , `:1 -''' ' th Housss of the Keigsrad have adopted ; '. Yek lutions exhorting7the people to, tranquility sa" ' order and pledging itself tottke,..e:sellpti ) l rdef nwof,the .country, and EM.kk44lvessAoge, 'R - g was voted. .:, •'''' e:Austrion, headquarters on the ; 9th ;wers at roodP alcl,4fOsiWuaftiMicAt PePAOillifit'' • 1 k _ e giAlsmioltiliikve,:Ale.d4l..)tsh-..r4q4.3i-AA ' ' `eausitl4 , ..!i , ' • .5 . ,ii..:t.,.i' .' 3 f.:_i.. .."1: _ i i. U'_.' : ._.,i I :ri l ', jaaniiVt44...tbAtr,4l4. 4 i. lEi.i . gkW Ltitt19.44.1 "the rl ,3 4 au9st at DOPPA. - 5 .Q.9K LI Pi 33 .:41k . :, 1- Siil4 is unknown. 7.-7.3 - aolf. - .- - 4,','.1/Ef:;•,:ft.?' iJ if. 1 ' etDtPlai!ilirgrefa'!AVablirf3 • I .4.YO,reliek4_, Al n. i . . ~ ~ he,..Pako:Fzederiekhas ,):10en tPrOclaimed; At leiairral}wg.ri e.th. , -,•• 4, i :.-,1...:_. .•.1. -,:-.:3...i..r0.: ',. .i , 1• -4, javrapPZlAo ,- .that:=Po- 1 44rirehas•Wftp.fift*g4.: .::t opean Congress relatiVe to l aelilesviv icrf . ; I , is - - asserted: that .. tha Austrisit -- - NriP•Vi*.i, v'le'i resolved that the London Protocol can no. • en,lXe .pleServed as a basis of .negotia n i • 9fi , .7,i.ils z . f . z, -r,/ .• wile q n 4 on2i ;: ssB ; it A e. i ..ii,,„:l,4 i ° itgrYthing in Schleswig eXo4l#4 o Lcli ii./1111 he - .;:tlforaidg T.Peatt•R4Mtite.•iSituAtillsl"4tt iTki , °dont.i.ttlatt &time hao:atrivsa fc..t..gkkA.sig, 'iii rangenaentiAwboidingasuck:l. le. , ,;J;: i., - , -.s. - "j l'fJti '.... -494•4116e04.41...i.A7:-.?...i.r.aL; • E LOSS OF THE BOHEMIAN:: t rai ;'• 1 tP-i: SA: IQZ: ;.7i: i").; i .:.t l irt2- -.•::;:, - ,-.: • - f( • -t.twe., person ..,irif• f f. -,z.f.,4 1,..... L.. pit or s not yet' Heard FifigZ '''..' i xliffir...f . ,::::_f: :.: :•-• ~..:-..-.:- ;1. Tr_43.•-• if ref ~-.I cli• 1i.. - ,f.' 1,1 f PoraTTAXD &Lb: 14 ‘:` The-following. named,Pasaerigellik ili , a.tft - q : stealohivAateagart bay.e...itotanthefg6 .. . ; hekit from: jam S. sahaelviSA - M1.44.1443941414eik oflNew- . ..1c#; Pitt:Fligrigivilltn&.: CoNTIAR and ;I:laughter, Margaret.,,,,:.l44.ol...*Act...l4fArtk ;glien Flaherty, Ann Corhaly,ptiddy.,3_,lrpou n ,. Etl, Piday,Nfealy,and two :;children,;);{;gl,l,igf , tiL „ciwuttlyiyiktiry,,Coplican, i mid ,/kfary 31.1)ow, ' cnigh 4 4:3 1 070stoilil.:Rot .U - oopfxr,liorrittcWsP.,l* Mnnia,litinithil ,Mary., Ansi Margaret .'.59,446: ria Conpelly, and Austin and Kate Cop t , rainy. ofr.Nr i FYark..... , . ' • ,,. ' -p, , ; ~ . „ I .: -. 1 - .i.i IlhemoW :J ~ W Y;. 01 1 7 i.. , Fair fi elsi,: ita.xixigiliciti deford; picked up, twet,miletti.ueavastAA: :Itich.mond',lslaad;lasimight aboutaylo'cipciw. Aebodiesibt e WoMani.three;:ohAtirtire .and ,boy. The woman is•gopposed :to. belong' IA the,: ; M Doriough .faraily.4llcoston,- _or.. IS olfachfasui; ; ,! ' ••Xew York. The body of the boy has.. not.- • i en.-reeognizedJ . • !•1 .-.'.. f. ' ,',....... ' • 'q! :11, FRO? FORTREMIONIIO4; E.titt Nx*K ~ , GEN.Ett_4(;;;,.',":B,HERMAYr:„.:O)IOIPfrt: Peirlitalittg 4121^101/ng ' ' 3 o/F I Rknel lieOrgiPi . 1.17 . 14A Hangings in North CarOlinni. • : Fonalizsilkdb it Vels'.'2'3: l LßiOiiiic;Atijltil' Viers ' PROM MCEISISSIPPI I , , • Hp to the 19th l'an•hgrit was co mm azeit of the fleet at Grant's Pail, liiitVivab'sisNuidt as rbugli Seas ''` a: " Sherman has called a halt and become raft: Aerioni. Perliai3s flanking %Gin; John;, BtOtt,lffeßefi ., • wirodz.pnz dAnon'o6iktitOn!rcr:deitotaati:' , Theltichmond 20,'Sityk: J. S. Brock, William Haddock, O. Hof:Ea:Mr; Steidle)? Jones, A. J. Orittan, W. man,. IN'. D. Jones, Joseph BrOotckS:0: 01. : - oioiell;'"Vere;allhanged•at 11 , ENA:stan',1t tre iind•seirekwerelbffid thp 13th,—all for deserting to the enemy, and !tkki hag lip arms on the enemy's side.' l , They,all received the ordinance of baptis - M, ac c ording to their _own dictates. ••"' : ... 0 , , -- diliirosamr's tack •VINIT4 I II% : ° T h '4° P ll r ig t ' ).1:- '' 4 ' on 4.4 ing i t it t y,,,..1.... v •,,19, e, ai , -o.• 8 =le g s o o f Another lore° is._ , . Yawing via_ :Watver's Mills. —_ "nu. itszn D ~ asx r.t FLOICIZA. The. Savannah ifikub — /Pni, - OfFebruaryl.4th, says the fight at La eity,:filit with the en emy's advance, conik,F . iied oreavalry entirely. - We lest bur, niv- :the Camp Finnegan surprise, Whicl 'fO L have l?een. a .oig ,gnideful'afTait on thrisaife our toirl&ers. -" So. thoroughly, were theY'aiiri 4dd ihie resistance .was. Varbdle* . ?l"nnr men (taiga ss DFAPP . ..fiA 7 O gPFTto - A.cf. The - 3 DnUy %Colt/Me:kale, sa-ys ; t, f 'on . the,49t - inst. 1,025 bales of cotton werez,delitpoyed:by., fire in Wilmington.- 'Losa 5700;000..:; Oli'e~►hlte`baee." ST. 'JOHN's, N,_B.; Feb.:.s4 . The police-magistrate.. delivered jndgment to.-dayniAto:theo li wa ra4cDae sz d enpg _ti n t the prisoners be committed- to _jail for sur render to.the "United-Rtateazethoi9s. said that the evidence., fog , theP*Oadt°r dis closed that thekaitisoners and other parties Capturedf,the:istesaner Chesapeake. _was themaricef colivardikapd Itillainti,w„lize ram .41%. &ilsl air of i- -,,lrcf.e••akietio,>AitzEc 1864. ter or it yess,l,,rrsusliitcya finfette ' authority Obe - dience fronalria eleVtufallastAngerEf: - `' The `evidediee: tralirepatt- of I tlia,defelvee. 'discloses theFfact : that:,theinis Alerribluefyij, lifer; raOng,in,Jhe:trnited :Staley. The only Authority given for die . aMitire - . - Of Criella-. fieake larthittliven:l4 . :John: . :_tplaileer; i Let . TO no 'Poifer give :-oonUnisitiensio other •••.. . . • Ther.e.was no authority . litteg of marine to power to another. He thennagfatrate,twouhllindma itistificatibn for tile,seimp.Of44lChesoipe4A. - Xt. wr i ts -mini& furande. neujifilo el~i r lt wasp , *acy„,robbery and .riiiirder: ableJiy thelinitid - Stitta wifittg-hthl'kiwi - AppliCation will be ..tna4efor,ait of,hci6eas terpys, so as to bring the "eitiebeibre the 4u,, , preine Court. „ 1 • ibl A gattii fointyr. , tv Idiere. Fired . on—by COppirhead;ifurderer, The Soidtas ThTeaten to --Destroy ;' Itlie:MAttwP . • I' ' ' " " , The.tinfortunate collisiohlietween mere )erS led the 17th Ohio Regiment and citizen of 'Lancaster, Ohio, proves to have been a seri -'ous: affair. The circumstances are briefly 'these:, The soldiers .were-assembling ; ii Lan-- 'caster p,reparatorctkleevhis for.qamp-Demii 'son. 'The conversation tlid - Wir; dritiiik 'which: the loyalty did' disloyalty of certain citizens !were • prytty freely ventilated.: "An olcl. man named. Zee,..th . .4eepex.sif a ea ' !loon,,seated himself at a window where he could hear'theeonverliiti4k;liaving Previonaly I 'armed hiyoßelf with a revolver.-"About:'11) o'clock in the evening a soldier, by the name, "of Little, timed. to Zee'R son - and remarked, -"GeOrge, rimA s ersfiffid . yotftaYebe&orne . erh'ead." "Th 4 yi:iung. man rekent&l :this,ann. turning:sharply , upcsor.Littlepthe,,latter. thrust 'him aside withrhis pfit, wertuppi. ,Ze9 d,re,w revolver and Etiot I{ittle, th i rbigt the heart: The - sahrreri''inimetThitel? Wblrieticd 'Around their *Heirs 'comma; 4-whezi , old: Zee- Again ftted4aislvev_elYer the: - shot taking effect in the hip s:lg e young man JaiUned Michael, who died an Sunday A l ter: ThtinknXdPren.Madd4, ..5949P 13re.-, Wen. l esaspoAted at the mar er o r , pep. corm e, 'the town: , ClelohelloilrlibtrWard,'"their mOdiaroffiger, ulth tr partially. disabled, byllgemoundedrarin. rwihed•AftlnPng,h-is iii fmaalfidinwinOleltded withand_cortunanded them to desist ' from illeefitirpls l Ae? 'deeded phrtiallyin Ithi.:Eiftbrbv , •but•Nths'isol.' diirs demolished the-saloon, and , scattered in „search of old Zee and kis son , scouring the fOivn and vicinity. Aiiout twoWelook on - StnialLytaoluing.they fo4nd young Zeerhailibuyin;:the outskirts of the Own, and , brought- him , into Market Ildruse,Sguare: Where they' . and.beat him Znao.st rushed ilitcglittiOcr'ottashdPitabued•Zee front the eoldiers , and had hinntaken to the house of a surgeon„Axia stpod guardmfir hill while his 'wounds were being dressed: Speech to the soldiSri , Cbl. theralfe was iiiflirniedlthat.persozis-of Boone county,, an-eutirely.eoppeirhead bad arulc.4 Oi h emsPi.Y.V4,RA WPrPzecsling. into Lan-- daster•,.w ereiipon the sotniers - rusneci . Co `the armory for . gin* WA" litieseseliiii of th:p cotirt: housccand"tiarridadei *lint nodal* qame 'the rumor,. • . . r lt ya t ti A ickirit• l AiallusaNDE-AT'rkarlizo maim szcoirD • f • rr.—ml43l34ortirWrin cl&Teu?qcr• ' ,•••,•%, WASE I'QNF,b. :Yesterday moraing;•about e 11 • 0',91pcf,..a.,1:a detae:tunent.of the SecondWassachusettesay- Ary i under Captain' J_. had been gdciuting "e4ledltibil;•-w&ei.tettiining toWlirds:Drsisisvillvont, the Ivey to ;Vienna; • they,were. Attarled Sip.,4 l ,,A,Dr4neVille. Pike,- :about two miles froii . i . „As letter , :place,.tiy gang of guerrillas, wipiosea. fOr'be under the command of •concealed in the pines,. ;;340..c1etitea 11 9..e14.9-t tb,eo Consisted of . Apt 150 . Mei; while llitoifebY Rik 'it . leapt beivibeil l 2oolind 301 • !The eavalryfwere.fireelattport from-the dense i mods, eprSDraineavgifle, e4ci,retzeateci.• • "terwmd i s r eight Of our meriwere . found:dead aiid"seiren w,iulidgcr4ftWelf sdPV6se'd air& leitst"Wo - r*Venttvewere tatremprismi.; erg., ~ .At-leta.sk.-.,50l many are missingi„though o , as scattering ope._s r are coming in.from . #l.3le fo r time, the nuMber will Oulitle4s - ,trie constdrir T ably reatiVed. ti tape' Iteectithre cOwnsucler;ot Aetart l eacm.t r ,,,ds: 4lB. ,,sho, through the., Amy,s..ap.d. died, a...fejo . „.mosamrite . ..after being wounded. its bodY has' been. brought to this cityr,midrwill be embalmed by ors. Brown and- ..A.boiander, mid thence will ibe,sent North,tft-.14.4.Mite, 1010.1i,icee .432 Dor, chester; _ MosebY beat a re,- tr6at. ''TiliOkeiirefiCheone6 h§ntlir'piiistit of' the 64riinh 4 ,'biitI4 9 pftisit#repv.r '6t begirCheardff..4.: • • f•-• EIM) XXXMet , Coitare*44iirst Sessio4:, ifil=ll it • .On motion ofiliEr., Poyrell,Vtat,2l resolved that- the Secretary. ,of • *at be xequested:to transmit, to:the, ...Senata:theo, evidence and re- Port:lot tbn Indlitatyocornmiasion,of Majoy-Genend-Irwin,doDowelL w,aa,:presi dent,Ao inquike into .:cottord and Atha: &peat". lations on the part of certain officers of the army. - : Grixoes , iddressed: the Senate on the Lientenant,Generalthip 0;41 oat..length,. op tioillgrth.PalPiecll-1A4r0124013-Mq t4e4 o .TuA9.f... 13AP4EStli—Ww14s, • lac ~:moved to 2...nerea.o tpL . e ItpprOprititLoefor the 6ortetriiaioh - tiOcl repair` of liessel.o" - leoriatArenty-Nre" millioua ` ei Zit hamdyed.: thousand, 'tonere,. to twenty-six zea l; Bops. kal-Teet/14..thotWd 49.4a4• • Y ht, *t.ltiPe the 1 1 eq.9s..)br,f9r a iiviotiketioo; - literidetttorlif'statgif tli pU s Villastir*o l liltti* : irm-xliatingivessehaqittatattate f ow it® :tamtrA isrl/at priflot.rdAti g4timtv*PW:F9,*cqAl • teVolgOirifti.. - ighttEgesiaxisitei 144;0000300cfOl.thci-}kityPlinfithd--,, OrgigagaPlageallikhatif redutedAhenttB4o.,'l IMIE2 k• 4 !t, =IBM a ,;. , ; {,r..: MEM talitmt==ffl :I 4 - Wmucweviox,treb...2 - 4,. . ~ ::t.'~.;ii ~. oit,v MIMI , - - 000, I I I, believing that Whila.Sil.ol4 krednetion Wed not cripple the. Nary, some Qf tie. ili.:' 4ects .f,the. apPyopriation could be postponed till i l tare time. , - , t Itite - Olthess4 differed- &Ora the gentle- I Wait Pild Elailtitr)Vas impossible.. for.. the. Navy ~ .4. , : 1 " - .P.R. , '''ent. to. faill its diAties - unless. Co_ngress . giy,the means, for that purpose. a Iticeiiiiniendnierit was agreed to, yeas - - 14 oordebEtte then •took. place..on. - .the item . IA 4 30„0(X)..f0r the purchase . of, sy , o lots, ad -1 jgqing the Boston navy yard. - --1 friiffeetnaf Makin VAS mote to Strike it rithout 'coming tis s-conclusien - on the alio „genunitifee . rose. at ~5 . o'clock, and !copop. adrjoarted. '6i* ilia .tbie, ii 4 liOti f et PciteiilQar Mitiiiiii. KW, Feb. 22.