, oorramao agog mot peaa. inton'berii.of Corigreks,. anti • .perform other •simi lar frauds and abominations, as they are In- sttunted from Washington. - , this is the position'of the Damocratic party upon this question of loyalty, in that section of the countiy, so fir as that party is represented by the gentleman from Northumberland. He has no word of cheer for the brave men who have gone out from his borne and from-tot - LT homes jo fight the battles of our °wintry. In looking over' the columns of his paper t you car, not find one word of encouragement to—the brave men who are sacrificing: thelr,livea and their all, nor one word of cheer and comfort to their families in their delialite finites:A:int you will find.that the Sonthetn, ; oligarchy, this despotic government(iff it can hexane& a.gov ernment) that ex.bibi,hi the Southern States of this Union, has received his sore and itbsorbing attention. Why, whentie makes any refer ence at all, even at thilday, to the Chief Mag istrate of our owifeettkitty—, if filename of the President appears it all in his coluritne, Or if the acts of the Government under which we live are at all •refir:ed to, it is -in language something like this, which is also taken from that paper: _ "Lino3ln has cost hilmountry three' thousand millions of dollars.and a- million of lives; and the end is not yet. What a scourge Co litiniaiiity that he was ever , bedn,l" _ Besides that, Mr, Speaher, we find that he recognizes Jefferson Davis as the President of an established ClOverisment. We find, him publishing the klicts i the proclathationis, or whatever else may issue from that arch traitor, and giving them to the letuiers of that paper, who, by the way, -live in: a country which em braces seven_ 80001 dietric's that , haVe :'.never yet accepted the common school law of this Commonwealth. • ' • ,; Now, Mr. Speaker, this same-paper:to,tioritith I have neferred contains an:enr.tract from:Sopin ' Danecratic paper in some northern county': or State—referred, to approvingly liY..lthe gentle man from NorthAniberlanti—ba which the wri ter expresses a regret ;that; C. Breckin ridge, the rebel and.the traitor,.was not elected President of these United States, Instead of Abraham Lincoln ! Now, Mr. SPeaker, the gentleman complains father, and charges upon the Republiban:Party of this. State; and Bays it is a shame that will forever blister upon our faces, Ghat. we ri cog.: Was mob law and violence. .I.say, sir, that the' gentleman from Northumberland has, himself, in his publication, conneelled violence and mob law of the most atrocious Charactir. I say, sir, that he counselled the taking:of the life of a member of this House, if he should see fit to separate himself from the party of Jeff Da vis, and refuse to obey the hatiests.of his lead ers. .T. r,ler to the gentleman's paper of De cember 19; 1862. _ This gentleman stands up here in his place and arraigns the_ Republican party of this State and of this nation as the party encouraging "mob law and violence. He has told us that the destruction of his' paper (and the trifling dimes's which was done.to his establishment at that time, I'am infornied 'by a credible authority, would have been covered perhaps by thirty-five or forty dollars) —he says that the destruction of his office was ap proved of and • applauded by the Republican party in that section of the country. I say, sir; that ho misrepresents the feelings and the opinions of the Republican party In his neigh borhood. when he makcs that , assertion. Mob law and violence are corniemneci by all law abiding citirens; and I do not know of a sin gle instance in.hich_ an individual, or any part of the community, approved 'in the least de gree of such conduct, or did any,one act, or ut tered any one word Irian which such an infer ence amid be,drawn I ' ,say;,.air,s instead of it being the fact that the prirty whiahlS Sustain , ing the Government in these perilous 'times— instead of it being - the fact, that the Union party of this country encourages mob law and violence—such proceedings _Are the necessary result, the legitimate - fruit of the teachings and the doctrines of the Democratic party. Ido not desire, Mr. Speaker; at . Aria:late hour; unneceesarily to protractmyfremarks.- I have already referred to the position and intel ligence Of the community which is represented by the gentleman from Northumberland. Now, sir, if gentlemen will turn to .their , c ommon school reports for this year, they -will Hind by the report of the Stiperintenderit',of liorthum baland county that thete ,are in thtt county seven districts which have adopted Ate common school epitenr;, AMU they will look at the election returns oflaist fall they will find that the vote which sent that getitlernan to this House comes_ from thoge severLdratlicts. They will-find that the i yote which he received w in those districtsailarg'er than - the majority which he received in that county. Now, sir; I have the gratification- to khOw many of the people of" that county who we're presented here by the gentleman to Whom' I have referred. I say, sir, that these peopledis approve as much, and regret its much, 'the course that is pursued and, the ideas, that , are expressed, and the policir,ttatts,ailvegatid by these gentlemen as any - of us can do. The peo r t - ple ohat section of the - Cothfry a, gen erialifting, enterprising, law-abiding, loving people. I say that the great mass of the Democratic-party, in that section of the country is as intensely loyal eis,any gentleman on this ,floor dare.expreeet,hitriaelf.to be; and. it is not the truth that tire positions-. and .doctrines ,an flounced on the other side of this- Horne ems common to the Democratic party of this State. I say, sir, that , these gentlemen have seized upon. this opportunity for the purpose (I do tot desire to impugn their motives; I will not say they have Wrong motives in the matter)—but for the, purPose of repeating old campaign speeches and - sending - .them abroad again through this Commonwealth: , INow,, sir, ,as these:things seem•to be loreign to the issue—as these matters do not seem to bear directly upon the' question be'ore this House, and as ithas already been stated by the gentleman front Chester, as.wall as by, the gen tleman from Delaware, Otir.,-Parca,y • how • this discuasion assumed kb.* shape, it Id haidly ne celiary to make any' 'fruitier reference to this subjpct. It-is known that the gentlemen on the other side of •the House assumcd that this reeolutioa was a direct thmst at them, I say it was not Wended fee. any such purpose; it is notintendell as a party issue; but if they will proclaim to-the-world 'that they will be ex cluded fremihe beinefit,,Of.this appropriation, if the test is applied, let. the consequences rest with themselves. I hope this House will adopt this resolution, and now and forever de clare that no, man:who, by-his conduct, either as the editor of a disloyal paper or as the ad vocate of the Southern. _Confederacy' in any shape or form, has exhibited his sympathies with the rebellion, shrill ever receive one dol lar from the honest tax-payers of Pennsylva nia for property destroyed or lost in conge. queues of his own misconduct. VALENTINES ! VALENTINES: COMEip.d'seo the Large and:- Nevr--Assort rdio of VALENTINES that has just been received at SOKEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg, Pa jan26-dtf. Wholesale and Retail NORFOLK OYSTER Real Salts, undsr the Jones HOMO. York Elver Oysters, affue article, - toad& the,lOneti House. ALPO; Terrapins, which will be served up in fine style at short' notice under the Jones ROW*, by no 80 JOSEPH SNIVELY. MORON'S.GOLD PENS. „ M orton 's :luofher lot .A " • Nll ,V 41.14 R. GOLD PEi~?Sq~ Aisi:rieiifiyeaidAsieskeezooketere. • Alt pens fiats &teller one year. ." EZi KM E 531 1863' WINTER • 1864 AVRANGVAMNIt!-- CUMBERLAND' VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAILROADS. CHANGE OF HOCMS.—On and after Mon day,ki November 17, 1863,_ Passenger ,ttahis wilEr9i2 daily,as follows, Oundays excepted;) `FOR , C74A.MBERSBIMG ' A IYD HARRISBURG: A. ar..- , r. M. 7.00' - . 2.451 ,7.37 3:35 .8.17 4.20 Leave ilmerstotm. " Greencastle Arrive at lteave at Chambersburg Loaves Shippensburg.. Newville " c , ....geekiapjaaburg Arrive at flarrisburg.. - - FOR CHAMBERVIURG AND EAGERSTOWN: 41. N. P. It. Leave Harrisburg 8.05_ 1.35. 44 ' Mechanicsbarg.......• .. . ... 8.47 2.15 " Carlisle • 927 2.55 Newrille' - .10.02 3.29 " 5hippen5burg.........10.33 4.00 Arrive at Chambersburg 'll.OO 4.30 Leave Chamberebmg..... . .. , 4.40 r Greencastle +5,39 Arrive at Hagerstown - .12.35 6.10 Sir Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains Hir Philadelphia, New • York 'and - Pittsburg and with trains for all.points We.st. 0. N.. LULL, Supt. R: R.: Oillee, Charnbersburg; Nov. 17; 1882-1 V READING RAILROAD. WINTER : TRUNK LINE YR OM THE -NORTH-aid •NorthWeBt for Philalielphia, - NeW York, Reading, Pottsville ,1.-ebanoti., Allentown, Easton, &c. • 3rains. leave : Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Redding; Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. M. , and 2.00 v. u. ~NOW York Express leaves Harrisburg at 0.30.4.. N., arriving at New York at 1.45. the Mir day,. , . • Fares from Harrisburg': To New Yor, $5 'l5; triThila-• delphla $3 35 find $3 00. Rag'gage checked through: Returning, leave New York at 8 A. M. ,12 noon, and 7 r. m., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 815 A. M., and 3.30 P. X. Sleeping cars in the New York Expreas Trelna,through to and from Pittsburg without change. - Passengers by the Catawtssa Railroad, leave-Tamaqua at 8.50 nr., and tl's" r. tor 'Philadelphia, New York, and all way points. Trains leavoyottsville at 9.154. and• 2,30 .r. u., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York.. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. at., and ientrus from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Sir All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville.at. 7.30 s. at., and Phil adelphiii at 315 P. ' r ' Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets reduced rates to enti.from all points. Nev . ertib6r 14, I.B63L—awtf rioTrcE. Philadelphia and Readinglailitad Company. : ItEsrusq, Nov. 28th, 1863. THE public is" kespectfaliyinformed that on and after , MtlNDAY,DErnortnta 14th, all Passengers who do not purolfaie their tickets before enteringtfie Oars will be charged 26 cents' extra:On each tieket purchased on the train, for which they will obtain from tho 'Con. ductor a check receipt This receipt will bo redodiched, and 26_ cents paid therefor;in- cask, upon its preontation at day-lllcketthEce of the Company. da4-d2rn NICOLTS, General THE 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, 1 1 A-ItRiS" 'WAG!' PA/ COVERLY 8e lIUTCHISON, Propriotors. 'well. known Hotel is now in a oinuii- J. tion to.accommodate the . traveling public, &Shrift the *most amplocenveniencoi . alike for the transient guest and the pormanenthoarden • • . • • , • THE UNITED STATE:BIICTRL has been entirely refit ed throughout, and now :had • accommodations equal= in 'erten; oomfort andlOrtiry to day hotel betiveeriThiladel phis-and Pittsburg. , Itslo(ation.ls the beet' In ' the:ttate Capital, being in easy access to all the.rattroad dep.:its; Ind itt closa.proximitk to all thespublie officoe and business lo calities of the city. It has now all the convenienoes.of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL,', and the Proprietors aro determined to spare neither :ex pense, time or lal)or to ensure the,comfort of the guests The patronage of the traveling public is resneetfitlly soli- STATE CAPITA' CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREIttR HARRISBUR.Gr, PENN'A. THE tuidetdigined having ptirchaseclthht ;4411 1. known house,has enlarged and thoroughlyrencrrated it. The rooms lac% been re-paintediind'Papered,alitifthe entire-estilishment elegantly, re-furiiiabed. Beingfilea santly and eligibly, located ;. and provided with.tiverye,on venience; otters tOlbe public all the 'comfortS and luxu ries of a that class hotel. 'Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. 'A - bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment , • de2l3-dIY• W. G.,THOITSON, rrcifirietor. :CONK Al) 110 U SIF P ELIE LIP;SBURG, ,COUNTY:PA T H' TRAVVIANG - 0031 •11ils a first class HouSe. The table is - always sap• plied with the delietiqiet of, tho season, and the 'bar well stocked with the hest brands of liquors Good Stabling _attached. to_ the HoteL noll-d3m JONES 110 USE Corner of Market'street and: MargefSq4dre El A R -- 11 S G „ PENNA. . CHAS: H. MAPTN, roprie or. .n.06-dte 14MIGIVW . SAFESp' OBILLtD: - AND.V-ROUGHT._ IRON P=l 117 - CUT—Showing the Net • . ef Wrought Iron Bars. Ml : fr.attention of business Men generally . generally is invited to the supertor adva4tages of .thia -safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Prbof quilitiba — They, are all secured - by a Combination Lock, without,key or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe id..:CHILLE.D Strom I,K inche,e to 2 liachfs .thick,)!andita ',proof, again Bah Punch . or drill and the. use.of per, pr`fre-: quently deployed by berglara thefr acriptive-eircidare furnished by .. - • • ' 110 1111.19 t. street , '-. • ' • . . Agent for Oditrid pentia, STANDAIII)7-SRIfILS EN'eri description of Dormant and - 1 -l ortable''Pl;itrorin Scales, Hay,....c0al and Stock _Dcalcs, Railrogg .JaPot.and Track Sefu . .% Furnace Charging , Scalps, , .4.ny i Scalps-and Portnter , • - • These.SmilesliaVe ssyeraI.IDPOSTANT`ADVANTAIES, They recit7.4 the weir , anilfrieticin ahiutyW on . c7itWetViron balls under the , platform; instead of receiving it upon the kiiife piVota and dulling, them.. No Jarring of the plat form areasj.FFWOrking of the scale. . Have no, check. rods confine the 'platfoihi, VIDA (it of, level . Largo scales requiro go-deep pit and cost less -for . ,foundationi &ct -- .•,4tat .raaryinner scales: - ' *the sdbsoriberr litho' is agent for gerttrai Pennsylvania, and- sells at anantidat turees piicen • ' GEO. W. PARSONS;'; 3TIMPS, of exica gaality wad at low prites juat received and,foregle by OX'S taiet- best cl.mSAUfsiti*Jl.lorotefied'and for sale by, & WAL DOCK, JR CO • *- • NM= RAILROADS. 8.20 12.55 .9.00 .1.28 ..9.82 : 2.00 .10.10 /42 r. 11.15 3.40 NIGOLLS, Gonoral Suporintendont, JIOTELS. JAMBS H. GAYLER, PROPRIETOR i feb9 dBm 110 Matket;atreety : FyrrishU - mutacAL • vd- PP.• POw ~ =MEI =IMRE . . DR. jOHN L. - LYON'S FRifirf.PIRODUAI:.....DROPS 1M 13 f 1 I ME GREAT FEMALE IiEGULATOR, Are the`only known remedy that Mill' iMeotastnny And invariably restore and regulatothetentileaysteroy.remov leg all irregularities, and - prodncing health, vigor and strength. . , LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the, only true. one of the kind ever discovered in this country, : tuttlatoAdirectly on the parts affected, whilst pills and po,Wile*ctur only reach them as they work through syrapstbY;inat not at all direct and positive. Are you guttering from & constant anxiety for the regu lar return of nature's presoribed T: Give Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon'e'reriodical Drops, if taken a day or two before,tha espectodperiod, post. Lively and invarlablyregulate its coming, as sure as effect follows cause, as certain as dayli g ht-follows darlinerk. Are yod sick, enfeebled lii:dittEMSQ, or unahle to bear the labor and danger or increase, LYON'S PERIODIDAI DROPS Como to you as a blessing, forisffot prevention better than If regularly taken; it is 'a certain preventive, end, will sayd:you niricrperil and many hours of suffering. • Have yotrbeen afflicted for many years with complaints Incident. to the sex, that have baffled the skill of physl• clans, and are hurrying you on to an early grave 1, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS. Are the most reliable regalator ever khown and cure, like idr these Irregularitiesihitt have deletid the doctor's Will you waste away with suffering from LiMcorrhina, Prolapaus, Dyirmenorrhrea; and a thousand Other ties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an Inveatnient of one dollaFin ... ~, tiyoN's PERIODICAL DROPS will surely sate you. Do not use the drops-when forbidden in the directions, foralthough -tt positive:mue,and barmiest . all other times, they.areampowerful andlinely calculabskto adjust amtgovem:llurfunotiontrotthe:.:sersal.ergsaism, that, if taken.atcimproper times, they;weitild.produceresults eon trary to nature,digainst which all v particularly those who - would reptoduce r ahould'earefully iunut LYON'S - PERIODIOAIs DROPS • Cannot harm the most. delicate constitution at any time; yet-the propileters wish to guard agalthat its misuse, h4itkiiiThat a thousand bottles:oat:be used-for-a goodliur lime where one•ii•used-for itn-Illegitimete.oner• - Et E LYON'S PERI - ODICAL DROPS, the . never:facting_ remale_Xttfgri*r is for sale by eiory Dreggiat; is-the city and country,-and do notlif you value your health and wish for a ;reliable medicine, buy, any. other.- - Take:ho' ether; hilt if the' Druggist to whenf you apply bits:r,lot got . lt, make hinfsend and. get It for you. , G CLARJ& CO tTICiSTOk ITOT4L 0*A -1 4;4V PP:WiTi, 23 North SIALh Siiiatr, , Ptaiaagaptija, Pa ;,t4 BEM ES s?;) 4 ,:I‘, ~•, ,.. ;4, ..!4' -- E - C'''' ~,._ ~ _. .. ~:. GC> - = ME :Pzokawroßs, Nero Haven, Conn. 'At.W . holesal6,dby ~?.?1"t; `.+u:. . -- ;~ ~, " ~'. r~ mebicmE. DR. WISHART S S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is the Vital Principle of the Pine Tree, OBTAINED by a peculiar process in the -distillation of the tar, by which its highest medicinal properties are - retained. 'lt is the medicine that cures when all others have failed. A GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPI7O27. I am constantly receiving such certificates as the: fol lowing. READ IT DR. Wrsitsar—Dear Sir had a very dreadful cough and sore:threat for one - year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but, thank God, my daughter.in.law would not rest until she went to your stere, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar. Cordial, and commenced to use it, and in one Week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well; a wonder to all my Mends, for they all pronounced me vest cure. Publish my case If you think proper.. - - REBECCA RAIMMON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. TAR CORDIAL. AN INFALLIBLE CURE FOR BRONCHITIS. MR. WARD, says: DR. Wisir.pr, Sir:—l had the Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Ltaige, Shortneis of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several eminent physicians .in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I haddesPaired of ever being restored to health. I was truly on the carved' the:pave. Your Pine ,Tree Cordial was highly recom mended to me bya friend; I tried it, and am thankful to sap that, after using four large and one small.bottle, - I was .restored to perfect health. • You can give reference to my hem* No. 068. N. Second street,,or. at my office of Re ceiver of Taxes, from .9 a. 1f to 2 P. Y,, corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. BFREIDING OF I'ILE LUNGS. ARAD :as FOLLOWO4I Mr. WISH ART, Sir return you my grateful thanks for the discovery yotiluive made in making a medicine that will entn,lrdiammation of the Lungs and Liver Com-. plaint. When I commenced to use, your Pine Tree Tar Cdrdial I was, to all appearances, near my grave. I had beiliifor a length of time spitting blood, and would at times vomit IL My physicians (for I employed two)Apro nouneed me pest cure; but my sister had oted your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which did her so much good that she prevailed on me, as a last resort, to try It; and, thank God. I commenced to use it. I have taken twelve bottles and am perfectly cured, and am ready and willing that 'any pervem that is slok should call on me, and I will tell them what:your cordliltuss done for me. All my Mends and 'neighbors were utterly astonished at my speedy return to health; for they had seen,mo vomit blood in a clotted state frequently Publish my ease, for I want every person that is suffering as I was to know of your invaluable medi cine. Respectfully, . JOlOl PERRIN, Crease street, six doors above Richmond street Pltiladel. Phis.- • _,, • The.rine Tree Tar C,ordird win curo Coughs, Sore Throat, and lireast,l3ronchitis, dsittina, Croup, 'Keeping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the Kidneys, and female complaints.. - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Tho genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious Mita lions • . Flues -Fiery CENTS AND On Docp.a. PER Borris. Pre pared only by the proprietor. DR. 1.. Q. C. No. 10 North Second St.; Philadelphia, Pa: For sold by all Aruggista., . • deBd&w3wm•tiow KUpi . KELIS CELEBRATE,D BITTER WINE OF. IRON, BITTER WINE or ram Brrrao-,intsor IRO N! _, BITTER'WRYN . OF IRON, - THE GII.E4I'. 0, TECE, GRXk'r TUE GlASai r 'lll3 N 10: ForDyspepsiwarmilatigestiou; For Dyspepeiaandludliplaraon• For Dyspepsia ind IraiiipPetAon; For Dyspepsia Snit Dulfgestion ; For Weak Stomachs asidGeneral Debility; For Weak Stomachs and General Detillity;.= For Weak stoinigia and'ainte WSW; For WealcStomaohs and Gene at Walk, ; Reliable:and Sure to'do Good, Reliable'and We to,do Good, Reliable and Sure to do,Good, Reliable and Sire to dO'Good, It Costs but Little and-Burilles the Blood. It Costs but Little and } Purifles the Blood. It Costs but Little and Purifies the Blood. It Costs but 1.414.1 e add Purifies the:Blood. Of this Valuabiti litidichte; Of this Valuable Medicine, Of this 'Valuable Medicine, Of this Valuable Medicine, _ _ . . , 014 Seventy-five and Ode Whir per Beittkt: Only Seventy-five and One Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy , llviAirtOne Dollar per Bottle: Only Seventy-llye and Que Dollar per Bottle. CO turi,iiirenFE.l BEWARE OF ;. 'CAA km:M.'S Brims. WISE OF IRON is the 'only sure and effectual remedy knOwn in the world for the permanent cure of ...Dyspepsia awl Debility, and as there are. a number .Of imitations offered to the public, .we would caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by . S. A- Byrom, and has .his stmaPerithe top of the cork of every bottle.. The Very fact that others'are attempting to imitate this:valuable -remoy, proves its. ,worth and speaksvoltimigi in Its fever. , . L. - The BITTER WM/ OF NOW is put up ht 75 cent MIT 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable Druggists throughout the country.: Be particular that every bottlebears thefac ensile of the -proprietor's simutture. • . B. A.:KUNKEL & BEG., General DepOt'l.to. 118 Market r33t lientsburg, Pa. YOH.B BY . all lespeetable &eters throughout the wintry. “THERE IS NO SUCH WOE]) AS FAIL:” T/MUN . . T'S COMPOUND EXTRACT; CligEBS AND CORAMA This .preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt aratcertain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ;ORGANS, ETC. • It may be relied o n asthe best mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes,- to'which they are-applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by, its concentmtioh, tho.ldose is mireh reduced. If, )3.—Palthaifird are .Itavised to silk tor rkiiiiiikrit ocompoOND' EKPIL9.OT CITBEBS ANV."OOI9SBA; and takemothing else, .118 imitatious and'woilithee prepa. rations,. under 811 . 1 1 1 41 r crilllnisti are in - ~Price 00.. on. recei pt Lured & Vitrllirsenwich street, ikrAez , of s waiion strooti r NeViora, fadkjoi 'ale auciests generally. oetadly D. W. GROSS ik CO.l WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET, DRUGGISTS., PBTSICIANS, STORE- We are dally adding to ouraseortment,ot gouda all speft articles as are desirable, and would respectfully "all your attention to the lancet and beet selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, CMPECALS . AND PAINTP, Oils, Varnishes and Glues, Duchy; Fluid and Alcohol, PREFITMERY • AND TOILET' AI MOLES, selecd from the best manufkatarere an& PArfimers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, Aarzsrs 1112rrsHIAT We slinieitfally Invite a cali, feeling confident that, we . can supply the wants of all . on terms to their aatialko- TONES' AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, Wholesale Agents cer,Saponifier, which we ,siill es low as it can be parclnised to the cities And Coifing do Harm. And Caitlin. do Hann. -And Cannot do Ham. And Cannot do Hann. Being large purchasers in these Oils;w.e ; Can offer in ducements to