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' . 4 ,- - 4 t. *,- -,.1: 4.r --- 4.1- - . -., -.... ~ •"t .4- a —.,. *. 1 si. ••, t • .. •-& . - ---- --. • -••••••''''' ..."•:.- ..s. , •••• 4 .:-..:-. ....--:-...-- , :...., , _ - __ - _---,-_-___ - --,-.7. , „----- - 7- ; -: 12 . -.--;`,. ---- 1.- ' , ••• 11 111, Nit im i l4 . • _z---:-- - -_ - :-_:--- --;-__-_,•_.-- 7 _ , _ - .. •-- • - Itili - - f; .i.J. i • , . _...______-- .-- - --'' T -.1- - ... ----_-- ',., a ft , ... _ . -:- . , - ...- ~ . ....... BY. GEORGE BERGNER THE TELEGIaPiI is YinggfETTO • ,4- MOB.Nnyti,A4l3) .F 174.1 7 :l7tiG, BY GE,daRGE BER:GNER• OFFIO' Tifite.?? ST., NEAR WALNUT. .TER.AIB.CP SUBSCRIPTION. hi GLE surnkietenW. THE bATLY TsLE,arcern is served to subscribers in the laity at 8 tents per week. Yearly suliscribors will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to pay in advance will be chargedlo 00. - WEREtLYIKLEdRArg. • THE THlEGRAPHlSalsiiptiblished weekly,aud is furnished to subscribers at phodbilowing cash rates: Single copleS, .... , $1 50 Throe copies to one Post Office # 00 Ton Copies to one. Bid. Office. ...... .. . 10 CH) NOTICE TDA_DyED,TiSEES.—AII Adver •o•6o3/.91P11 Business. : Notices; ; Marriages, Deaths, to seetire 'insertion in the mELICGRAITIontst invariably be aec-om .. panted Witli'tlie CASH. Advertisements jidVerilsenients ordered In Muregular Evening 'Edition - are Inserted in thUMOrii ing Edition without extra charge. ADVERTISTNG TELEGRAI 11.. The following are the rates for advertising in the Tam,- anArnt..l Those having adVer.titing to do will Ond It 'cad- titute one-half square. Eight titutO 73quaret FOR ONE SQUARE. - One day... ... ..: .1. .60 Twollays I.6oThroe days ' 1'35 011sireek, .. 3 00 • Ofiesninatir...':. - .:1:: 600 Two inontbs., ........e` -9' oo Three m0nth5....... 11 00 Sis identbs'l '" ' ' 16'00 One year.. ...... 25 00 . ' FORA 'otrewrEa. COLtrALN. One liar $ 3 50 Two days.. , 61 25 Three dayi 'OO One week. 40.100 One m0nth..........18 00 ,Two.roonths • ' '26700 ,Threemonth,s....... 30 00 Six months:. ' '..:.... 45 00 One '7d - Wq r. OF ,REsFsor Rasotarrtens, or 'annottricetnent calling at vidual interest, 8 cents per venient fomreforence........ Four lines or less C.:A lines labieltlarin ton? cons FOR A HALF SQUARE. One day $ Two days .. ' 60'1 Three days 75 One .7eAs._. .. 25 One : 3'oo. Two months 4 GO l'ltree months 5 59 it9in 4110nthei . . '8 00 Ono year __.._ ; ....__.15 00 FOR TWO tiQOATI.F:S.' Ono day Tro-daye -• 2 00 4 1 1114dayst• 2 50 One' leek; 400 One - Month 9 00 Two 'do; • 12. 001 . 'Three do 14,00. Six do - •ilo 00: One year .. 30 00 Braour.„Naripss,- Taistrroi ' &C., it& Communications tention to matters of indi• line for.eachinsertion.• Adrainistratiore:Notices _ Marimge:Nbtices . Auditor's. „Notices— • Funeral Notices each insertion sgi-Business notices Inserted in the Local Column, or .before Marriages and Deaths, Einar OBN'rS rpm. Liss for 'each insertion. • - , As an adVerßsing medium the Tit:SCRAPE{ hos no equal, Its large circulation, among bllsiness men and families, In , ;city and'country, and along, the lines .5f the varioris Rail roads, iiiiving . ostabllifiled AOENCIES . INNtAtti.Y FIFTY TOWS; illaouig it beyniad cOninotition. . MUSICAL: A. P.- TEUP 7 SER., TE A Gil 'ACV'S . OFFICE AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Thinl Street Resiggtor.-ThlTAßtrcw&43oVoNoi T;..cato- - ma, 1-W-ENTY-SIX - PIRST PREMIUMS; •TWAINg S. STENER AfF,DAL.; • ~ - . ;.1 1 ( - 40.NLY OouxbitEClAL lover won by..instruptents his class) has been awarded to, MASON it HAMLIN'S INS'II2,I7NEENTS:" A full assortment Of thbge Instrdhents always on_ band , W. KNOCHE'S, Sole'Agenij 93. Market stfeet. je4-2tawlyi HENRY C: ORTH, • MEAGHER OF VIE PIANO, MELODEON iANDMOLIN.—Terins retisonable. 13 T6l}s/street, between Markevand.Cheatnut streets. • Ja4.-tm .GROGERIESI NEW ~ . GROCERY Mal, PAOVISION 'spo BOYER W Hcy `SA AIL `VO It g .• Queen's and' Wags' Ware, : AND .AJI KRms OF. C' () UN T *.• 13,'9•D IEI. C . E, : AVEI just opened alarge and well selected - stock. of gads at their titand,.lsTo. 3 MartretSglaire, rishurgi Pa.', to which thePletvite'the attention "of•the public generally. -'• •• note-dip - JO *lx w TE±lll5 STREET, NEAR WALNUT,. - • 11.11aBli737ritG,'PA., ' • WI3.OIA:SAI,E.4ND RETAIL PEALgt, „ • COI4 I FCTiONERY; FRUITS, '&C., Jujube Paste, , Moss,Baste, Fig Fiketel. ILarah Mallow Gum Drops, Cl _tanDichocblite •pteps, Men taidiea, dm. Vrini4kl and mnons; Caimecl -Fruits 7 - Jelliew • • • • , Teas and• Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, ader. Vinegar, Fresh and Bah Fish in sea .ymeta,hlosin season; :Ndsins, Qocrants, octl& IX P.-.O:R•TIE OS ':': ' WINES .A.Np LAIIMAN, SALIthiDE, & CO., NQ. 128 SOUZA' Nnywg BTRBT,' ; iltrirPN aims= Am) intuarri . r , 1) 1-1 .1 L ADE.LPHIA.- LAATKAN; A. M. SALIADE, 1.1). BITING noo,ollo, GrONVOICE' OF KEW , BALMS 'CLIREtitTS,_ FRWIES, FIGS, Sze 7 . 7 t t, D,OCK, & CO, At inq2o) QtrPERIOR GOSHEN BU R , TTE _ _ FOR TABLE' U$E, wm. occit, ,TR. & co: just remived at T" -BOOBS,- GAMES, .15 , 0.—A Large as.- .I ; o l . 3rment of Toyar Ramn_4l . s. Just rooelvfid. , at BOOKSTPEN,!ILarruIbur& ENV 13 0 31 S. . 1 4 ci • . . A..P_ ,0(1 4 ° P.*0 .6 / 6 ° t* : o.* :- .t i li - 4: ' ...pp l m:o4_ . OAt: variety, just receim. m ,„arLd ap _ low; lii anyAuingties, _to sun purchase's, at- the-new OriM i grocery °t' ' Neal' i tiT ! ' „ ACOEKR tt K ~. * TFLLES 1 110.1tES11 —By tile ' r ' halt Barrel, JarSoi-Dorent_ - Me ':... .. DC. Kt ilt4 in OCkr OE LOCK HOSPITAL, jr.AS.discovered ,the most certain, speedy and &gaud remedies*" the world for A Otiri 'Warrafiied, or No `Charge, in from One 'Wealtineis of the Back, Affections of the kidlieYs and Aladtek t involuntary Discharges, Impotency Heiners,Pe fbility;lNarsolienbia4; Dyspepein, , Confusion. .Idoas,Palpitation :the Heart; _Timidity, Tienibliiigs, Dimaess-of.Sigttt.onGiddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or -Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or, Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from,the_ Solitary..Habits.of ,youth—those secret and sollttiry ffacticestiorelitilio their victims than the song of Syrens to thelDutiners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, renderMg ytarriage, Egc., impossible• - whci have become the victims of Solitauyice, that dreadful 04d destructive habit .which italatalty.sWeePt td au iiitimely grate . thousands of Young *en of the midst exalhid trAeiits ' dud hate/led, who might otherwise*re en:traric'ed llafehlatigeilattia with the than den of eloutOnee **eked lyre,. may call with fullscenililence. ..:.$2 25 • t 50 REIM 'lltarried - persoll4, oiTciunglianscAktattiplatifig,iadrrAaga, being hivara ot phyait iceaar(eas,, promic d e bility, defor mities, &Q; siieedily red. . - 'lleoivho *antis - httneelflltelei the eare of Dr. J. may re 'ligionsly confide Mills tioffor',as a gantleniaa, and confi dently rely upon his skill airka Physician. Immediately, cured, and bill ;fir restoreit..i. This . olli.Kendere ;life miserable and 'Merriam hawsithilaH,s3he,,penaltY paid by ...the vic tims of imprciiitirlridlikenco. Young persons are too apt ta.Alignit'cleoltAdi fitojt....iitit, hiring aware of the dreadful, 'Emisoquencos,that, may ; ,mega . . .:Now, who that tauter stands the Subject will preond, tc,ileny, that the power Of ,Pitereation ta lost stio,mir..hY AtieSch , Into, impropey *hablisihau'brthe - Vindont. -,.Beslcies being, deprived the : pleasures of healthy' offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes; deranged, - the physical and mental functions w:elkitened, loss of procreative power,'•nervour ability, Ayr : popes', palpitation or the heart , . indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, dopy and. death. ~,, d15 : 4 . _ . Lefthand side going from Baltimore street, a lbw doors from the . corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and cotttahiastamp: The Tioctor's Diplomas hen in,his office... , Member of the Royal collogo, of Surgeons, London, grad uate from ono of the most eminent colleges in tho United States, and the greater port pf, whose life has been spent in the hospitals , of Londe; • Paris, Philadelphia ,and else where, has effecbstrigaros of the most astonishing:sates that were ever litn; oNisi ; ninny troubled wit - Wringing Other head and , ears , when asleep, great nervotisuctis . bel4g alarmed at Sadden sounds, bashfulness, with freiptent blushing, aMendedsometimes with derangn7 ie4 of mind were cured ithinecliately". Citrons, • ' Figs, Dates, Prunes Almonds, Wabauts, Diarist, Cream Nuts; 'Groniad•Nuts, Pecan, Nuts, - ••• Cocoa Nuts; , Cranberries, Hominy and Beiiis, • 'Cakes and Ctankars, Street grid Irisb Po,taines, ,Greinsand.Dried And Colatr'y Produto: season: , . . Jtim; Wish ME otTLDER, 'Di 17§ OP. 411QADT, v .4i MEDIAL. D. 11: JOHNSON, BALTIMORE DISEASES OF. ENEPRT.TDENOE. RELIEF or SIX TO TWELVE HOURS. Nia MERCURY OR YcknOLIS DRUGS. - to Roo Days YOtING MEN • MARRIAGE ORGANIO IVEMM,SS ,; No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, DR. JOHNSON; TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE These are some of-thectect and` melancholy 'efili6ta§ pro duced.by early habitsof YAPP4,1 , 13-:iweakneSe of tlee back and faints - in Jim bead. Oldness, of 8104, lea „of mpsonlsr.power,;palPitalkin efftlin.ileart, !itispepsin; ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumption,.die. ./fsarr.amor.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to Ixdreaded—loss*Wiikieraoiry, tberiftision do 13xession,of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion: too society, self distroVove - of .solitude,.tiiiiidity, strab....of YOUNG' MEN . . .. Viliiilave injured themselves by a certain practice In dulged in when alone, a habit frequently. learned;from evil companions, or at school, the erects of whicliNe nightly, felt, even when asleep, and if no; owed renders irtig"rtUe. - Le.gos Bible, and de4ll.9Ye'lloth mind .and body, Shollltti?Ayl ininediSltely, ..55:14 At r. Ili itrti young Min, 'die liege Of Ailiconntry, 1,,, the'dji' ' 'g, of, l:fdlqiitrents, should be snatched from , all ke3pciC and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deViatibg from the path of nature and_ indulging in a certain secret habit., Such person.s.metrr,,trefere centem 7 . pLating ~ .. ; ~.! , . .. .i.....: • ~. SAGE, Reflect Ala a sotmd mind and body are the movineCessary requisites to promoteconnubialbaPpiness. Indeed ;with out these„thejoainay iliiartgh life 'beconiiiHa. weary pil grimage Ao,prosppstpicirlYfial*ells to Phew; ,fie Mind becomes ihadowed With-deswilr, andfp6d.wltir the melancholy( rellecifon:thiti!itiii'laptiiness of 'another:be comes blighted With onr.eWM•• - • • DISEtASE TIEPRIMWE. When ihe misguided end.imprudent votary of pleasure rindS h haSiuMlbekllos seeds of. this painful disease, it too often happens .that.an illtimed sense:of shame or the dread of discovery, deters himstrom applying to those'who front education-andresyiltity, caeLelpne befriend him. lie falls lMii tafii heeds ba ectsdgn orant and designing pretend ers,Yikch • incapable •AL .Q 1 1 1 '1%1 111 0 1 : XS! Perldnillrr 0.41 11 i• stae, Yeep:lam trifling month alter month,, Ftrns song es the 'smiilleaefeeiiite : tie;•oliteln iiagripAegoxileitve ioEpixotti or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, ha en the oonstitutional SyMptomsofthishuTibledisense,suat °inf fic tions of „the Hood; Tteceat, g • with frightful rapidity: till - death mite - - period-to his A 'reSful-aufferixigs by' sending himte that undiscovered coari!TylrOm whence no traveler retarnk ... • INDORSEMENT OF TEE PRESS , .. .I:me , w iny.th.ouwids pored at this Metal/Una yearifter. 'yeti, - 4ii4tVe - , Illiii 3 ir2lo 4°P9rtarit , qufteaL .operations ib er 711: t t: 3 4Y 4 ? vi r anoirO by the reporters of thyt . - , , 3 ,14., .F 10 492g other Mar; ziotoes_ot which I*s agm - and again before -the% j"bile v „b es ides .11 16* - ag e. gentleman-of chaiacteir - and- IrpOnsi• I PX blO a' BlAT9ielk!. gYieß4.P. 4° . t 4 e .4tgieteia. .- - ... siukißtitmsta SPEEDILY CURED. isf Get.E.l .;117, I , lw, r, Once No. 7 flenth:Fiederita Straot: ir HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, -FEBRUARY A . 1864; MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS E L Til , ll 0 L - 110 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, BELMP,OLD EXTRACZ' 4,Buatrui, Ir*Lhi',OlO' . .EYT.RA CT 'A'2fIZS_4PARILLA, 71Bi.11 : 110LD /MPIJOVED IiOSE IVA;SIL 'ATM OLD S aENITINE PREPARATIONS. ME 'H'IGHLY CONOENMA.TtD" commuND FLUID ) F I X'IR.A.T ~F!UP-ItU3 A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC . REMEDY , FOR DISEASES. OF TICS BLADDER, EIDNETB, -:OrRAVEL AND DiPPSICA_D SIVELLINGS.. MediCine irier,ep:Ses the pErwef Of Di-. ,geiticroland exeiteO the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, 4,lr'erliiett the, WATERY .oi; .GALOEROI3I3 Mons, and all UNNATURAL ENLAB.REMENTS. aro :re duced, es well as pam,and inflammation, and ;is good Tor MEN, WOMEN-or , CHILDItEN. • ';•• • , • : •_ l; . ; •,. , .11EL1VEROLD'S EI.T.R APT: row WEAKNESSES f,;,l;r, Ansidg from Excesses, HabitX of 'Diisipstion, Earfy In - discretion' or Abuse; ' ' " ♦ &MENDED4II7A THEE 'VOLLOWIN(# . .() • indispositien to Exertion , • Dryness,of the Skin, Loss or IfeinorY, ' ' USA of Power, , , Weak NerNsi Difficulty . of Breathing; Horror of 'Disease, Trembling, 'Zikmness,of , ;Wakefulness, Universal Lassitude of • ihePain in tho Back, - Afascb.lar SOtem ; F,Mbliing or the Body, Hot Hands, • • , •-• xvEruptions on the Face,' .l'allidWohritenac% .1 " These symptorris, if B.l.lcnved to go on,,which,this Medi- CACIC Ini•ariably Temoves;lsoonlollow . IMPOTENCY, F . ATIIII`Y, EPLLEIIIQ 014 oncifictithd patieht nifty exitire: Who eat} my that they are not frequently . _ followed py . ' . ttiose . "direful INSIUNTIIT AND CONSIMUION. Many are aware of. the eauso of their ' , , ut iazi th Will °Confess. -The reeerda Of theinaakke asYlumituuk the melancholy .d.eathA by , Coasemjt3on,l bear ' nwit ° !4t4Tutit- 01 :tiMVP- 4 9 6 ftif1X ,, , , t c . THE CONSTITUTIONIt . ONOE AFFECTED WPIIIOI{GANIO WEAKNESS, fieq ui es the aid of rµo ice o,sirengdifin and, iu'vjgarate, theeivstera;::cvlitch Mudhu - Invariably' dos: cdniine.fribe mostfsbaptibal.. • ... ~ . .. ... . , , , .'.'l4ra,./3,7, -TED:I4O - 1 - 08-- 71 - YE MAI-XS, OLD AMC - 612TSIGI, PERM, 'MARRIED, :OV'CORTEM 1- '•• r ' " '• pt A-1/INGILkGt -.'• - 1 , '` i ,j, ...In rriany Oceans peculiarto , ,feanalea Lho Extract ba cilli is unequll4o . by, ally ether rom94Y, ,o, ll lProsir UTegularity; Tainfuldese, or, lupprosshfai of the Customary tracurtgbak - Uldetathil. ofSehirront *state of the Uteirus i fLeaccirrhea.or nhiteii; Sterility; gat far eren _plaints it!eiclpptlp,tl4cree.,%, Ayllether,arisliN trim. •Ililliaere- Alen, lElabila of bissipatiou or in the •, • ; IMOLIPTE"OR CHANGE OF LIFE NO FAADLY SH.OI4sD 4 ,BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Holston; Mercury, or dt i tiani the for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases ICEILMHOLD'S EXTRACT BITCH° . Cures Secret Diseases`in aff.their•stages; at, little expense; Attie onno,changein diet; no inconvenience undo, expo sure. It, causes frequent desire, and gives• strength to - Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the'Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequent:in Dos class of diseases, and expelling Potsonons,,Disp tied, and Wornout Mattel., ITbouSands upon ihou,lands who have hem the of wick; and who have paid heavy fees - to be curedin a short tldte a have found they were deceived, and that the "POLSOn" has by the use of I !PeWerftil nritringents," been dned' up lin the .(3yStem,, to brealnout an aggravated form, and perhaps ate' m atirriage. Use BBI2dBOLIVSEXTRACT BUCHU for all Affections and : Diseases of theilrmary Organs, 'whether existing in. Maim; Female, froinwhatever cause originating,' and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of theae r Orgtins require the aid of a Diuretic. Hili.MBed.SPS HiMiACT BUCHU , is the great Diuretic, and it-is eertant ~to hare the desired °fwd. in all Diseases .for which it is nxxon- I3Jood—Blood— * Blood. • Helraboldts HlghlyMoneentra hid 'Compound FLUID EXTRACTS.A.HSASTP.H I- This is an affection of ihe :Staid , and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the ..Nose'fßars,!Enroat, Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance to the form of Ulcers. Helnibfild , s Ebriract Sarsaparilla pu rifies the Blood, and removes-all Scaly BropMens df the Skin, giving to ttua,Complexiona Clean and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for Oats elas.s of, coMplaints, its Blood-P,arifyingProperties are preserved to a greater extent than any otherpreparationof Sarsaparila. H_ELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH An excellent:Lotion for diseases of &Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection: in diseases of .the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation,. used in connection with the Estractsllluchu and 'Sarstiptuilla;, in siish - diseases as recommended. Evldence!ef tbe most responsible and re liable character will accompirtY the - Medicines CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from .. .eiglikk ,to twenty years standing, with names kfibw - ii — a Welke and Fame. For Medical Properties or Buchu, xemDitiPenisry ef the 'United States. See ,Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic See remarks 'Made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICK,' Philadelpbbi. • Res imagist made by Dr. .E111.10:111 bIeDOWE.LI,, a celebrated physician andmem ber ;if po'RoyarCOltege of Stitg•eons; and pUblished totpe Transactions , of. the -King's and 'Queen's :Ter n& . See IdecliomOtdrurgitalßevlew,publishedby BENJI.THAVERS, , Fellow of the : 10,3* Collegelof Surgeons., The Mast of the )ate etailaini-woriES on Medicine. -Extract of Buchu, 41- 09,'per ',bottle; or, siiliottlei "for 00, • EXtraet of - $l. 00 Per , bottle, or Six fbr ss'oo. RIL - proved Roo Wash, 6.0 Outs Vet' bottle, or ilk • for $2 or half.a. doime.steh fob . sl2 t oo, wtildh be totinotent to cure' the moskOlistinate cases, if directions are adhered 'to. -Delivetel to' any address, securely' Mira ob servation. Describe symptoms in all communications: Cures guaranteed. Advice 'Arcata'. AFFLDAiZT. , Peinonallyd r bOfore me in Alderman of the city loth Heliabold, who, being duly.:sworn, .doth say, his.preparation contain no - narcotic, ne ixter- MO, or other. loprious Opp, and ae, purely vektable. Sworn and-subscribed-Niforerme;this-Vid day of No. vei*er,f4irr 4 - ;WM. P. HIBBARD, %Mclennan, Ninth street, ab. Race, Phde. it.ddreiti letfers for.inforinatienin Confidence. li ; ":1 r r.. !' H: T. RELI&BOLD; Chemist. it.P.e.lo4o4S;nith iOthetreet, - telo:tv !Chestnut, Philadel phia, LEDY2ilie . ;: Pemisfival'sUti. ItEPO4TED . - ,*A".Pp..ESIgrAr, 11:18 2 . TEE IMMORAPIf EVIUSWOF aEPRESENTATIVIa. Twasznalr; l'ebniary ig; 11384. EVENING SPSSiON. 'dock ^ , The Heiiise.'nie't at 71, epliNik, and , was. en-_ ga4 6 d dis'eliss. l 9n Tcv•T•l'vv% resointipn, ..relattve to. pon-psylnent.. of aniakesto`diAnycil _citizens. 1 Spenc* s,arge 3z44.4o•Xessra.kkitalligFoLUtY,slllZEt, "(Chester,)..:SMlTH, O .4Va and /WOK: The discussion will be reguiied n'extevening. • Tuesday . Tarsurp op.Rispam!,—Att, &special meeting: „of the Citizen Fire eccupany, lieldln theirlall, .on Wednesday. evening, -February 17thi-18664, the death of our. late .fellow members ; , 41 , :1d.'. and E. W. • Shell, lvaa. announced; livhereapob: the, following-,resolutionswere , -unanimo usly 4cpted:, • •11.-1 i Wherese, By the.ixu3crutibledecree. of-,}ll - kg, vine Rroyiclence., , we am calledunn to moor .the. losanf „two of nu , lata.. , inembera; there-. fore,- be it : ;. . . t. , ...... • ,!: ~ -• , 1 Rao/bed, That our DAPartraentliaaloattwio of its most , active oteMbereu . !- .... i:.•t : . :• I.' t L i .ResoivedwThat the tehillingrhattict of .dea . has not ealy.Seveted the bondof xnemberidd , , but edso4be.more hallowed.tic:of -ffiendahi , 1 which the :many .virtlies 4 oft,"thesdematted- , - woven aroundlur affections:- ''. . hem .:.:.... i - .BeStaltied,,Thatow-bilizt!we give utterance .to . . 011 CiPi.et - weiittiuld donflele. with!. tharelativas .ot-oulideeeaSedtassoeiates for ..the. loss whichthey, too, have, Bustained..J .• :. ', i • Rao/verb That the '.'apparatus"•be draped in' .Mourning•for the spacecoft thirty days: .:... Rao/bed,: .That.: the .preamblei • kind .reisolu, itions be signed by the:committee sad Officers, :of our. association, and he' iniblishialinstlie` :13 , ailY:PaPcPv 1 .. s, ;VV - hEILAMBBNOB,': , , , , . .:.., „:-, • Gointaittle. 1‘ X*: tte , s trh - 04414 14 Fr. JEFFERSON, Fr.a., Feb.-4, 1864. • Me. -Burros :—Since my arrival here .I have been trying to write you a description of our' but r .l;alever;got.it Waned. Fort; Jefferson, as a, great many of your readers. 16iow, the • Island of Tortugas, (commonly.ealled , DrY Tortuga%) and,ll one ; Uncle ,Sam's prisons.,...lncluding the ~moat,-. it occupies 13 acrea.of ground, and is next to.. the largest fort iii - ,they. S. garrisoned, 'ski:Weak. bys CA . :4ll6l'es ' Kkey 'and col. G..W.4l.4oo.e.t,'4llo4'4lz i ,obbitiitincis te: IYo:.`lizigt;bf our regiment i s Key. 'IO a. 'At:present; iiOnentlbes e fern24 l 3r . Pe.* y t9ttrlM,peri so you can forts' 'f,d64,bf`Wlifitp.e. hate - UP' A theatre lhas. been stetted here, for the. iumu.,s,ement ..of, those ' who • Want to pail's an ,:evening ; but aS I:have note visited.it.l ca root say, what itga ; • • c The: .scenery. here Lk= noti:aa Varied , ' as: it might be We have :some: , twenty 'dr:twenty, : five houses, a le*, treesilaiid:an..iirnmense amount 'of Waterito look at.: • . - On Sunday evening,. abOut mine or, half past. niner.we heard- -the-report-, of: a' caumearrand,' on going on the rampartusw a rock: 4 : our,. bluelighttt In a 115 , ....."7..nd5 i IheteavisAndttiur. sbot. ed:from • el. sittiErfs l'etrestiZs4e ed'ffom E'fo the - 07'S. schoaller Matchless was sent:to- het aid. But.. ,qapy g9t., out they found. nethiligtindug,; andtwhen:askeil. the ulaning ; of the firing so often, one man said Uncle - Sam has plenty Ofyi&de'r. It is supposed here" tall ion alfraliii.i'lThead men should be reprimande,d..inaome way, that they; would be,pareful not, o, tr,y. f it Stkitild'auititiiii intinieht uill fau let you hear of it,; ; Troliding it is not contra-:, band. BeipectfUlly, SIGMA. KIE =I . 13 , ~.... T .:, '''-' ' .'' '' 'L . C . Ir . ' tip ...: ... ~.. i IT.-.... - ' •••:- - : :I - ••', ' . . . Great Fire at. Gloucester, Iscass. 77 -.-Spiver‘tr- , ' Five stamina's GreoPPEFFKa , •igasal, roos. ~broke out - M`Saliter'e Block at 3' O''clock thiSn'ilarning„and.„,it estimated that - Severity-fadhuildings have helm It has swept;P:633l. street both saes, aqid still : raging; f4493.4..Y. ,$q 2211 9 eight Or ten buildings have been bloyfu up to arrest the progress. The, engines-:eartilgt- be Worked in consequence. of-the cold and.. the firemen are, used up, :Among the. bAicupgs deitroyedii the Telegraph iszcolin P*PATCEO-, • .s.-The-fire: .eonsinerMtioti. , 'threelf "WS mcP3iiket.4P4is zAging with unabated violence.. , A. atem3k.fige T engine has arrived from Salem and.. commenced playing on the games:; lies mes: About.seventy, bind ings hayesthis far 'been deetrgyed,; including ;the Cape Inn bank, thecop,tents of, which were saved. vessel was. slap legwrio . . The,flalries spread _east .An4:lsweatb - taking their path even. : down, to the ws,F ! s and 4f : almost .:imposs4l.4 to?-179rit.. Cage -4h4 streets are full of inp‘seables j , and.,,the scene is one incredible' confusion., There are but very few more weederaililfliiigs. left to burn,, and it is confidently 4. 0 1 1 411 W the 11 ;a 3 *a will be got under .091Itt'd before they reach thehrick •dwellings No 'eStimate , kLas yet been made of the loss. afctucit2 l : Fob, 18, 'lO ,o'eloek, A. li•^The,fisines have rteitzly Fifty stior,e,O.Nr_eK burned,! together with, the 'officetof.theAkitlrtiSqr, the TWA Clerlanffiee, - tl? geggetip ,TelegMhtBtfi9e,--.1-ivid threikjew-. ifir's - th 9 Free islaSsin3l l odgeToorni fifteen d.wo,llinge • • ' _ ~f. FoAyAgrOjept f .arii. made houseless,by. the eiilamiV. The gcgt Offioe.and Cuktoirehouse iniiiding stayed the fire in one direction and prevenpild ( the Ituther, pr_ogress.ot theftnes. It is iliffionit,to estimate the- loss,LwhiclVAtui not fall short„Of a 00,000.:. The thwerville, Home, Hartford.; ( Springfield ::and. numerous other insurance offines..are sufferers. • Pwingtothe a i bilence of,vtistuds at tlrie time thQ losi-ofshippingmas billing. _Li The litriNal of QV. AS= Are engine froze. StiPut_vas- most : o Pfi4gt - Re..f. • ..5 ..illurtPePilgaPh lines are beingtogiated frpm high/htg QvarlPokinsithe.ruins,:whiekoyfer 4flifTof. 414(34 0 1 1 .710ippi streets .and wharsreo..of thate4m* MI MEM ' . 1 -(- : r , • raql•e.F o Ya , Seetkik XsPgislataTe • .F eb. ' TheyprOoegdpga ,of thn Legislagtri; thus faf,' hays behre'iary rinitipoittnit." Laist nven-; ing Mr. BOUrindlllo+ed , frir'the piesautation• of. Isll, doctrinal& r tha Ghesapeakn, ease. lie coipplaine4 that the . i onfe4nrates " had bean3injusilyahat ont fro m the _pil,ifil*e - of iiiertiligvict suPPOiting rifflifs; and tfusta sPeciallmatisenger who was disPfktohnd to Itietanbrid had: not iietiarned;iandom :the. nuantime the,il - 11.44had-clelimerpil, a Baal hree' in the case. ',null Ooireriunint . that all 6knirliinnicaticnattiforn the Ingierial fin thorities waif atristly aaffidential• rand cad* hot be prottneed." :Nh.tqlteittians'were as to why,the , Okesamka.was all,owad,to *t rate the,rewinne: liiwapt'sger i sr qf Vie, ports theirprOvince. ' '''• - .1. . •." •' _ • f- . •.1:! !dirI'AMI3ITWIBYI TIYLEintA.PO.. • •1k•hI8., I_3ntAttle movement. in'flour,inn4 no egsen fal.Phazge., .The. export demand extremely Thite CiaPsoo . MA's' family, at VW' 50, and iiiiniiitaii4 l at . s9ig,lo: Sinall sales:of . * flour at's6 25. LCoin Meal At ss::stkr; Wheat firm; sales of good red at $1 : 650 A, ,08i'vrigte at $1 80@1 . 90. „I:4A. ,moves slowly; Penna. ' commands ;$l,BO.- veorn. in good request, but ; not much cur forivnrd;, Bales m9(l 01E . 41 yellow at $1,1111.12.. 2,900 bush.. oats'at 86c: Coffee, anger and mo ' es ratio held fuvaly Mess pork ' Sells , at $22g28. 500.tieices:hams di:Tickle at - $l3ll, and shoul ders iu salt at 9.1(410c. Petroleum_held firmly; I,ooo.refined,in bonil sold at 46, and free at 'S3' S 4"" 'itt •Virhihicy ligher.;.'sales'tif• 300 Ohio at 92®94, and drudge =BE : XXVllltiv=-VolgrOss-- - First tssion.. HOUSE; OP RERRESENTIaIIitS • rywAgtisq?' o N , The Hojke passed a bill providing that: the ClCiveininent Shall ' obtifti possession of pro rtyitit liliiioisgrom the brivners thereof; ;for the purpose of erecting an arsenal, as heretofore,provided by law. , , Mr. 13entivell (Mass„) ftbm the Conimittee on the Judicilu:y, reported which Was passed, giving authority to the guardians or committees -having charge `of lunatics in the several States, or forelgn;countries, to act within the District i of Coltunhia, "On 'the earnest ePpeld. 'of Air.' Fernand o: Wo Wo od, N. `9 1 1;) he 'preceedid"to'llie cionsideration of the TesoliatiOn , of the.: floin mittneen WaYa and Means authorizing„ the Secretary of the Treasury ,to sell the gold -in theTteas'ury at such terms es he may deem Mr =Harper ; (Siasst;) l .in explanatioili said thatAligMOn-Vitt o f gP, ll 4,o4,hand *..tnrdaY was nearly miaqz,en miWens. The ,estimates, shbiiiThitettia,arptilif the &We thirty-seien rhilliOns. The re . quir' etments ifdrigoldtronio now, till - Julys tb, ugike,44o,kaygentsqf_tlie intoregkon ho I dsyt, will be ;less, than t3ienV,ltiuz. Eo'ns, af,tepitze bf lkoni ieniti,tWgve faillionk-whicliliharbe Sold.'" • Mr. Pendieton , (Oldo,) aws meniberiCettl:l3, l Q94.unigae on WAWA and.,,34PanaKelfreaf, the views of the committee. ,T,l.le:eraountltb be'l'•ealized, said,;-would be small aria' af 'ford but little relief; The Secretary ha's pourer; now ,to! :buy; gold. and:lier. would ,noti - ,trust - IPY. 4 44 ,aer'w#h ithCki 29NYPr, Vida VMS giving him the oppertuniti to rake or depress the 'market in that phttretilar: - • Iffallifiry,' ) - annonneed the fact that the Becretary, of -the Teems:my had mot:Asked for this power.„ a „,, Mx.'Pendletoß i said;:in four mthiths, we will lave to pay an interest` of - thore - 01E014 amountiof gold on hand: ; Mx.,...8r001es said: Bythe public record gold' solemnly. pledged: pay _interests ; .on the public debt. It. cannot be diverted without a! vielatibri:of faittt. it , fi:restiedy, relieving: the Treastay of surpluittold, let the July, interest on the.. public, debt- be:f.antici- - pitted. The President has the sword; and• through .the ,Secretary; of PIP ,Treasure the > purse,. He stands the impersonation Of de4-, potistn; - 4- he cliooseil"tci exercise the powei. He appealed -to gentlemen to stand by the specie AZr Garfield advocated the , resolution,: se&- ingoccording to ,his estimates,, thero ;Jae :On the first of - Stay nest fifty Millions in gold 'biel'And above Whet' we are required to •pay laalnterests on public: debt Mad /their Parpo- RE Eie*; • 4r. Stebbins said. if the Secretary of the Treasury did fink piOnose" tbia • bill,: it might have been"bacanse hrigl'ittpriosed ' the 'House iionla•apltreciate its importance. H- sug gested:to this friends that when they opportunity_to sti,eniOnn-the__present Snag- Anal sYstemp; theY oegbt.•to;dckit.to - .; i Mr. Alpntsvoll svggentedf and, aupported an imendment he dewed. to Ofer„ authorizing the Seaidebitk - of "anticipate papaw:Wm gold, Of 'interest on-public debt, Mr. R . Wood said.the. resolutim . k , Was,:' .only for a temporag,purpope, , and lte,,*3 opposedto it foithe reason '' - atiold - iiras reiltured.lte liaili3l6 GBvaiiinent: He argued rio nation could live-`-by borrovri'- ing; en&w,bereithe cealtenditiereal Tweed: , the income,,the rearilt IvpnAdhe-binkrnptcy, rain and re ' „ , . • • MY. i ,mOnt thid.*) Opp:mod - the ''resolifieci "becitts4 he believed it involved a..iviattion :the public faith. - • L Mr.,Coa advocated an amendment that the sale of gold shall lieby bidS;ia at,lefive day's notice being given.' - , -"" ''• Mr. - Kasson ed) that. the :raolutibn. only : proposed to. appropriate the itlizlllcullg9)4 beyond, the wants of the GovenAmpt, and did not etterid.beyOndthe'finiactrecinired"uffiw to-pieServethe'imbliC faith; whit it was tine that• the resolution - gayer discretion 46 the this ;was ,abklgintAlY. Pec.etrArY• Hitt° one could pny, that the, SecretarY of the. Tress; 'dry has not observed his - obligations. ' On motionofliv Stsiens, the regolution and pending amendments'ewerexaconimitted to the Committee Ways and Means to. be reported back tomorrow. , '.otel;enithy 'debitte,,Mr. Steiansl3;aid - he not exped the- diktissiOn would la.' all He -lonnd that. - the, me,rehant-s.o.f. New York did not desire rel,lek and that aecordApg to their representatives, they would rtfakf ground between the upper ,- 0114. - nether - . mn* Important;mendments: had; bben - oared, which it might be proper to ineozpii,p l e_ L in the resolution in—soave‘shape, and therefore he miaved..to.reLuouttidet tbearefautictiuxit4 leave,lo x;9pprt i l2imozerw, •TAP . 3-ivrpreelito ,: The H,buse passed a_taliiOrii:priathig:tqt(- ote payiirkes on erCiVelmhentbands in the .wew, _ st •fi .1117".„u- :f The House then resume&theLco.o#9Thtio4 PRICE Tito of; the bbl to :establish the freidiiitueli b : ground: Mr. claeu, tram the Committee cilsfilittup 'Affairs, - .reported a joint resolution explana tory ofzeertaitinets of- Congress. He- said many patitioas bad: been _sent hither from several ,of the;States, .and wader instruction of the 'CoiiiihAtee'dn MilaarY Affairs, he had. re portedths" thus - strengthening the tuitional inn tot climb: the'rebellion. Withqati_gthAr.Preeeqclinfit's; the HOuse at Ibelf.Pait:Searaflieurned: rAQuoRO. F. .I .1 4 4 - E Ot r , WM. DOG-L s •Jlt & CO•, r rGROCE 1, RIGS' opOnsiteitheDitud , Bonne r tlearean hada fine selection _ , lIRA.NEMIDES - of different vintages' • , FINE AND COMMON *TYES, ' • •• • • OLD BOTTRBO = ' • • MONON64IIEL • • • • • .1 1 , 4 ,FLArIF frIRB d D SCOVH Whisky& The p!gi , !ever.tor9llot. to t„ket, IS 'EA tvit;leit , Anjr,the;Celebtatted .11 I ME . CE FF SM E I 7; GR° V . W .APP i V Pj ] [4 l A P , 4V! P l .-E,S . SHI.OSS JOiLIMESBITRO . SCO'rell AITIPIRISIE ALES' UNI)01% ZROVIrIstiSTOUT4 WILD CHERRY, p • I • , VhEAVAIVTEMC' HITrERS. With, a oompOtasstodk :of• , . 84• 43 t, 1 1.WWANP. -4 •XP It tic AI !i•PWI CI .A N L I AnddConoiments of aTery desorption noir in, the market, ai{d at LOTTAST • •!' LAB "PHOTOGRAPTIS:'' PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS!! •BURNI.TEd . WELDON, • • Eowartior OF RIDGE ROAD,. ~/ ID ES/tail:MIN inform the citizens of Hanisbaig that - they hare - model their place` of 'business item. Ridgejtoacl to. N0.,110 streetv.bo tween Fourth andFtfth where they have fittol up a new PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, with all the niodbrn biripnive .ments, where they are prepared to do :Apt class work., We gbararitee perfect stitisfietlon to SW 'who favor tie with a co/1J .1 .11011.531 n -1 ' = 'PiIIYT R'APTE E 01JGGlitS0g TO BuItATE L 'iWiLI4HSN') ra: `' ::Rdicni Roan; •-; • WOULD respectfully inform their old customers that he has purchased the e,iffireffyturcs of 'Messrs. Burette & Weldon, ineludliii all or fife e OLD NEGATMEE,.,spiho,alt , who pave hail their negatives taketoby that.'"flan cart Bait Alleir Victifies executed as heforikat gamily R,EDGGED PRICES, PER DOZEN. Rating: related t e Rhoms, they arb Tiow,cqual to any „tame, and k r &miaow predated to execute' - RAFE§,tki t , CARTE DE"VIRCE3I3., .; , 14ND ROTSTES, Wigth for softneiti of tone and.flatting effects, ininhi4 be excelled. I guainhtee satisfactlorko all Whoinniot=twvor me with a call. - - - - B. G. FLOWERS iloy2B-d3mosiMv,titntas Z Treszsdirst - Durlwrittartr OvzlMtor CertgraOnLmtor CroduraPrlt Wzanoproz, Jan. 10 1.861. 'AXTBEREAS, - briinta&ettitirotridenw, pre :,:.`ll LaeidtaLto thettridersigned,dt hati.been made toap pear that the First National . Bank- of Harrisburg, in the Lccrantyldflta'4slfrtmd Mite -of Pdinisylvarda, has been duly organized, under K . and according the ; requirements Of the act of Congress, entitled € l .An act to provide a Na tional currency, secured by a pledge Of :United-States stocks, and to provide Witte circulation and redemption 'th6reof," Repo:Wed VetiridtrY 25th, 1883, and laaitemplied ,151511112 the prokisions Of said ruck, inquired tojae, complied with before commencing The busineesof tanking • r'.Now, thereibre, Hugh!MlCdneoh4ortiptroller of. the Currency , do hereby certify that thd National Bank - diatairishurg,ounty'of Dauphin'itdd eof Penrltylva .tarkiii authorized to, commcdaz :the fitteinesdorbaniing under the act aforesaid. 81 - In testimony whereof,-witness` fitittdm .- band and'iteal sztrAtcei 04 17 4 1 69 . Y lgtltunqtrYL. l 4 64 ._.. - alt Comptroller of the-Carrency: Jan 1f)-.2m 'S'IL A S'" R • . 'fIiINOTORTES3 - MEIODBIRS SKEET HNC, NTNefirm-s; Bd.njos, Strings, V -Ikon* Piths, and all kinds ()Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looping Glasses, Photograph Cards. and Albums; Ambrotype Gems, Eagrm-ings, PicthreS, kc. Re - mambo - 0e: place., Na 12' ,'third afoot, : the. latest Music Store this side of the great„ cities. , jan2S-dtf, LOOK. - , olielete, SQL RS, Y,QIT FEll ciIJAIIG sx "6" 4 AJEFFEIL I SIIooKsToitt, OFTHE it AritilefiN FL-AG : " And,jourclutio your Min' PAPER AND ENVZLOPES, PORTFOLI • YALE PPC NCea S INXSTANDS, PROTOG ALBUMS, • -4PHOPOGRAPHSfr Made of the very best •materad, fcw,mde at very low prices. Rememb4 the ii S t aIAITER'S BOOKSTOM iI. jan29 Sign of the American Flag, Harrisburg, rQQ l : l2 si COW- .arid Wrinhouse Jong ee.,6pial. by Joseph Rosi v deol, in Alie-bdough otlfiddlethivii; ' .The.,State Room is Sited - np con Mete rorsiltrYFAVEStp and tGe foi iroderies: It is well located a Aro t = . . aldeMnahiesa - - •'• A good opportunity is offered to an energetic. man to do a large and safe business, or the whole pioniarit; and store, willbe sold-,lnsg4VgAo bade of • JOIAN - T. ROSS Acting:Execntor. • 'Middletown, Dec.ll. , dl44ll2tiel3m • PVIrE deiribmarritivisErk 6 ''" COFPt - k ( - Sty - CAN. - ANIEVMII. -, K. PERSONS mall 4) boxes Osexattiiheix thie hien& 4 , leintierlirlD find thi4sin. - one.bo. making forty"ca A pc,c(t1rc5.05 . 41 . 4.y) any Java coffee ; and Rrith Mite labor , ' eale at: • • WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. 24 VAtENTINT. VALENTINES 00317. aril seellie r -rargellthd New Assort ment of i,UIYLA- , ,RTINE S that has just been received at WSBOOKSTORE, BarrisM. `,.2.Wholesale and Retail. NOltEgjr: OYSI:T.OS -1 4 3 14_ „_ 1 41143,„.. -under . the Tones HOU9e, York ItiverOysterp,a fineartiele, , lidder the Jones Ileum , ~ .1.., - -' , .t. short :Also, Tblrrapiat whichl v i a _ be sert4lggitt lbw. styletat notice under the Jones nou.se, by no ao ..- -, ,- -- I ,la-zarc iI::JOSEPItESIVXLY. ~-14- 0 11 T ON'§ j.ll_ Another 19t. or Mpion.'s. - lINR,Ir * AIiI.E2) !TOLD PRNS Jas i ft effiiir Mahe ilkoolifica•.' ' * r t( V a C iZt '' ::a4444WRIVIAW/41-41,"P;A0,4;.. 4 `.2 =IE3 r , .1! II PA!!!! MB -cL. ) 4lkur •,6.1